THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ffHUllvSDAY , JUNE 8 , 1893. DAILY BEE COUNClMiLUFFa tfO. 13 PEAUL STKEbT ly cnrrlnr to nny part of the cltj II. W. TILTON , - MANAOEll TELEPHONES \ * TlUtr. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Doston store Juno snle now on. Nllcs paints bugRlcs. 403 Uroadwny. Mlltonlicrgcr Is the hnttcr , 003 Hroadway. Mliis Lou Neal entertained a party of friends at a picnic yesterday afternoon In Falrmount park. Only parties holding Invitations will bo ndmlttcd to the church to witness the OH- vcr-l-'lcct wedding. The Western Union Telegraph company Jiasjust completed another wire between Council I ) luffs andChlc.tgo , Thcro will bo a social thta evening In the parlors of the Congregational church. Sup per will bo served ut 0 p. m. Ten members of the Ganymede Wheel club rode to the now brldgo und back lust even ing , a distance of eight miles. A spring has been discovered in the Klein I ) tract. It furnishes the best of water at the rate of twenty barrels an hour. Unity Guild will have ix special mealing Friday afternoon at Mrs. Harris' , First street. Huslncss of importance. A marriage license was issued yesterday to Sherman S. Green and Cora Ixiwls , both of Ncoln. Their ages arc B4 and 18. The Council Illuffs Gun Hub has decided to hold shooting contests every Tuesday afternoon at tlio grounds west of Keys llros. ' factory. Union Pacinc assembly No. l.ROO , Knights of Labor , will hold their nicotines in Dnncbo hall on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month , commonclne thisovenlnir. The funeral of M. J. Alworth will talto place this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock from his residence on South Seventh street. The services will bo under full control of the Masons. Judge Decmcr overruled a motion for a. . new trial yesterday In the case of C. C. .Tones aralnst the Mutual Accident associa tion of Now York , In which a verdict was rendered not long ago In laver of the plain tiff In the sum or M.UOO. Special communication of Blurt City lodge No. 71 , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , today at 2 p. m. to attend the luncral of our late Brother M. .1. Alworth. A full attend ance is desired. All visiting brethren nra invited. By order of the worshipful master. Plnknoy Mayberry died at 5 o'clock yes terday morning of malaria at the ago of M years. The funeral will o'clock this afternoon from his resi dence , 27130 Third avenue , and the remains will bo taken to 1'alrvlcw cemetery for In terment. Justice Fox decided the case against Kd Middloton yesterday by discharging tno de fendant. The horse which was at the bottom tom of the difficulty has been returned to Its owner , Chircnco Lewis , and MIddlcton an nounces his intention of going out of the dog catching business. L. D. Lopcr , a Northwestern switchman , was confined to his residence , 212'J ! ' Ninth nvcnuo yesterday as the result of a collision with a moving car. HU Head was badly crushed , and ho thinks if ho had been standIng - Ing half an inch nearer the track ho would Iiavo met his death. As it is ho will bo about again in a day or two. A meeting of citizens will bo held this evening at the court house for the purpose of making arrangements for the InU-rstnlo convention of sheriffs , which Is to bo held in this city commencing Juno 14 and lasting two days. Thcro are some very necessary preliminaries to bo gene through with , and the co-operation of all of the citizens is de sired by Sheriff Iluzen. Tno llro department was called out yester day morning at 10 o'clock by an alarm from the residence of N. A. Taylor , ! i. > 2 Scott street. A gasohno steve exploded and Illicit the house with smoke. Some one with moro than the average presence of mind seized the steve and carried it out of the house , saving tlio Hitter from destruction. T.ho damage was slight. J. McYcan , who was arrested Tuesday night on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses , was given a contin uance until this morning , when his case will bo heard in police court. In the meantime ho languishes In jail , unable to furnish the required bond of JISOO. Yesterday ho offered to return the money ho had obtained from W. II. Mather if the ofllcers would atrreo to release him , but his offer was rejected. The following cases of measles were re ported at the oftlco of the city clerk yester day : Mamlo Shubcrt , 2128 Avcnuo B ; Monroe - roe Diamond , 2011 Fourth avenue ; Lizzie Smith , two miles and a half east of the city ; E. C. Gloason , Glen avenue ; J. G. WyattH)3 ) Park avenue : Mrs. Dconics ; Harry Schmlt , 717 Kast Broad way ; K. F. Nelson. 001 East Broadway ; John LatuUtroin , 510 Stutsman street. Mrs. Banish , 5 Grace street , is 111 with diphtheria. Some of the members of the Young Men's Christian association got together the other day and made up a purse of MO , which was sent to Secretary Rose at DCS Molncs as a part payment on the $400 which tlio asso ciation owes him on salary. tr. ) Carter re ceived a telegram from Mrs. Hose yesterday , stating that her husband was At this critical tlmo It is to bo hoped that the association will not try to compromise the claim for 10 cents on tlio dollar , as every cent of the amount is absolutely needed by the worthy secretary and his wife , and it will bo a blot on the naino of the association "that " it will take years to remove , if the claim Is not paid up at once. Piles of people have piles , nut JJo Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. ' Ten Onyx lit I lit ) World1 * Itwill cost you loss than $50.00 , ovory- thinp necessary included. This means homes in private cottage , clean , safe , , cloi < o to grounds and on the bunch oi vLako Michigan. Wrilo to .T. T. Chyno- wotli , Windsor Park , 111. Itcfors to II , W. Tiltonof TUB BEE , or Jacob Sims of Sims & Buinbridgu , Council BlulTtt. i'ruo bhow Trc'liutx. Hero's your uhanco to got a free ticlcol to the Bhow next Friday. With ovori $ f > purchase at llrown'ri C.O.I ) , grocery thin week u free tlekot will bu given foi Cook & Whltby's circus. Another improvement to tlio populai Schubert piano. Swnnson Music Co I'KltSOfi'.ll. VAlt.KIKAI'ilS. Dr. Donald Macrae , jr. , Is In Milwaukee. W. II. Oleiniichcr loft yesterday nftcrnooi for Trenton , Mo. , where ho will engage ii business. Mrs. W. 13. Foster of Omaha was In tin city yesterday , the guest of Mrs. II. A Uallcngor. Frank Trimble returned yesterday morn ing from Davenport , whcro ho attended lli < opening exercises of the Masonlo gram lodge. Albert Metcalf Is In the city , the guest o his brothers , Thomas and George Metcall Ilo has not boon in Council Bluffs for seven teen years before. Dr. and Mrs. Poarso of Mount Yernor Ind , , returned yesterday from Donvor. ac companlcd by Mrs. A. V. Welslngcr. The , will return homo today , G. II. Jackson , W. J. 'Jameson , P. Win and Dr. 1B. . l-iirey are in Davenport a tending the trraud lodge of the Masoniu fn tcrnity for the state of loxva. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Plumor , Mr. ana Mr J , W. Poregoy and Mrs. H. 11. Kirkpatrlc are among the lUunltos who are taking I the sights at the World's f.ilr. For that "out o1 sorts" fooling Tiiko Bromo-Seltzer trial bottle 1C Mannwa trains will run dally from t clay , leaving Broadwuy l > und 11 a. u und every hour from 1 p. m. until U p. i Musio ( OP bulls , parties , picnics , si dials , oto. , by Muuiuiuns Union. , T , 1 Follett , Mgr. , 400 B'way , Council BlulT Nica trimmed hats for 81.00 at Ml IHugsdulo's , 337 Broudwav. Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Jndgo Doomcr Pasaos Upon the Railway Garnishment Gases. DECIDES AGINST \ THE DEFENDANTS III * Drclilon Inter * * ! * tlio I'coplo of Nc- tiriuka nnd lowit .liulRO 1'ox'n DrcUlcin Buitnlncil In Kvrry 1'olnt Two Fronli rinttmnoiith Altorncjs. The most Important Item of business transacted In the district court yesterday was the decision rendered by Judge Dcomer In the 1'lattsmouth railway garnishment cases. Thd decision concerns tlio people of both Iowa and Nebraska , nnd wipes off the court docket fifteen suits at one fell swoop. It will bo remembered that upon the orig inal trial of the suits in Justice Fox's court two attorneys from Plattsmouth wore lined for contempt of court , the contempt consistIng - Ing In an aflldavlt In which they stated under oath that In their belief the court was non compos mentis. This was but an incident In the trial , but when Fox finally heard all of the evidence and decided In favor of the collection agency of Sioux City and against the railway men whoso accounts had been bought up by the agency , It was referred to by the two attorneys as an indi cation that the decision of the court had not been according to lloylc. The case was taken up to the district court upon a motion for a writ of error. Yesterday Judge Deemer decided the case , sustaining Fox in every point of his decision , and mentioning inci dentally that the two Plattsmouth lawyers got no moro medicine than was good for their constitution. TIIItKr. DAYS OP OPKKA. Mutineer Dolmny Cnu Sccurn the Fiimon * AnilrowH Company If SulUclciit Season Tickets ar Kiilisrrlhrd For. For some time Manager Dohany has been negotiating with the Andrews Opera com pany with a view of giving a season of llrst- class grand and cotnlc , opera , Ho tlnds bo can scriiro this company for three nights , commencing Juno " 'J , and for a matinee , but the company's representative declines to place It for so long an engagement unless there Is a guaranty that at least a portion of the extraordinary expense will bo met. While Mr. Dohany believes there is little risk in assuming this obligation , ho proposes to make assurance doubly sure by testing Iho public demand by starting a sub scription sale of commutation books. These commutation books liavo an advantage over the rciruhir season ticket , because they can bo used as desired by the purchaser , A hook consists of six tickets which are gooa detached , and exchangeable at the box ofllco for reserved seats , the first choice of winch is given bookholdcrs. The entire six tickets may bo used for ono performance , if desired. Two or moro persons may buy a book together , as they have no restrictions upon them , being transferable at pleasure. The Andrews Opera company Is.onc of the strongest and oldest opera organizations in the country. It has been steadily before the public and constantly gaining in popularity for ten years. They have just returned from a very successful southern trip. There are thirty-eight people in the company , a first-class orchestra , ele gant costumes and special scenery. Its principals are artists of national repu tation , among them being Marie Hoe , Flor ence Clayton , .Tesao Andrews , Harriet Hart , V. H. West , Charles Campbell , K. F. Sea- mans , the famous George and ISdward An drews , Fred Clayton and tno celebrated dancing comedian. II. W. Mallen of the Now York Casino , besides others who have occu pied Important positions in metropolitan organizations. Mr. Dohany and Mr. Taylor , the repre sentative of the company , will start the list this morning , and 10(1 ( must be sold to secure the company. The books will bo sold at the low price of 54. Opera season is the fail now in all largo cities , and Council Bluffs should bo on the list. NOW IN ntOUIlISSSi Tlio llostou Store (3rent June Sule Ten DIIJ-H Only. The Boston Store's great Juno sale opened Juno 1 and will eloso Juno 12. Such 11 great shiiujhtoi1 of prices was never before seen in Council BlulTs. Barpaina in every department. Don't miss this great opportunity to gct'dry goods ut prices immensely lower than common. Lot 1. 40 pieces liO-inch English cashmere - more worth 2Se , ( luring sale for 112c } a yard. Only one pattern to a customer. Lot ! J. > pieces all wool Scotch mix tures , stripe suitings and illuminated ottomans , worth 5So and GJC , all at12c } a yard. ULACK GOODS. Lot 1. UO-ineh wool buntings , would bo elieap at f > Uo , for this sale lc ! ) a yard. SILKS. Lot 1. 75 pieces of 22-incli China silks ia black und navy grounds , beautiful patterns , usually sold for OSe and G5c a yard , our price for this sale 32Jc. Lot 2. 20 pieces Persian patterns China silks in line chintz colorings , well worth 7fic u yard , during this sale for 12JC a vurd. DOMKST1CS. Heavy twilled crash toweling n yard , in bleached and unbleached. 2 eases ladies' choice and Langdon blenched muslin , sold always for lOc u yard ; during ealo for 85c , or 12 yards for 81. HOSIERY. 500 dozen line imported Gorman hosiery , all samples , only two or three of a kind , in ladies' nnd gents' nnd chil dren's both in blacks , colors and fancy worth from 2.5c to 75c a pair ; in ono lot for 25o a pair. Gents' extra quality seamless hall hose , 7c u pair ; worth 12jc. UNDERWEAR. 100 dozen misses' ribbed vests 5c each , 200 dozen ladies' ribbed vests 7o each , or1 for 25e ; worth lOc. GENTS' FUHNISHINOS. 50 dozen gents' outing ilannol shirts during sale for 25o , worth It'Jc. 100 dozen gents' outing Ilannol shirts , were 7fio and $1 : during sale 5c ! ) each PARASOLS AND UMIlftEILAS. 50 dozen fast black miteou umbrella ; during sale ( i/io / , CUc , 75o , 800 and $1. HANDKERCHIEFS. 200 dozen ladies white homstltchet and corded border handkerchiefs , 5 < each ; worth lOc.WAHH WAHH GOODS. 150 pieces Chilian cloths and outing llannols , all go during sale for 5c. Thii is certainly tlio best bargain that wll ever bo secured this season. Don' miss it. 100 pieces challics , bengalinos , cropi cloth , Hod ford cords and corded tatTottas were 12c } and 15c , all during this sail for 7Jo ii yard. FOTHE1UNC1UAM , WlIITELAW ft CO. , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices Council BluITu , In. Comuitturriuant nt tlm Inttltutr , The commencement exercises nt the low School for the Deaf will bo held at the lust tutlon chapel on Monday afternoon , June 1 ! nt 2 o'clock , Very neat'Invitations for tli event arc out , and as such occasions ahvaj arouse much Interest In the uubllo at larj there will doubtless bo a lurgo attendance i people from Council Bluffs. There will bo program calculated to exhibit tno work the institution and all who attend may 1 a assured of a good time. The following Is i list of the graduates : Waldo Henry Hot 3- crt , Council HlufTa , Pottawuttatnlu count , William Hurd MoYay , Cascade , Dubu < i' ' county : John Qulllln , Waukon , Allainuk county ; Oscar Duca , Uolaud , Story count Lillu Kditli McGowan. Ochoyedan , Osccc county ; Nellie Pauline Mensch , Rorlngdtt Cedar county ; Anna Elizabeth Fuller , Cot 1 oil Uluff * , PoituvratUialo county ; Ncl May IMcrco , MarshalltownMarshall county ; Grace Kllznboth. Oalt , Tr' . r. Tanrn county ; Minnie Cclestla Thoma , Keola , Pottawalta- mlo county ; Agglo Kllzabcth Jackson , llredn , Carroll county ; Millie Worthlnglon , Mar shalltown , Marshall county ; Alma Ostor- lund , DCS Molncs , Polk county , Piles of people r vo mics , nut Oo Witt's ' Witch Hazel Salve will euro them. The Ornnd llolrl , Council Bluffs. Tlio most elegant in Iowa. Dining room on seventh floor. Rate , 83.00 and So.OO n day. E. F. Clark , Prop. Mctrcur > V Itnnilletl'a too Crvuiii , Try Mot/gar & Itnndlolt's pure anil delicious ice creams " and ices nnd you will order no other. Drulli oT .Inmen Toinplcton. Marshal John L. Tcmploton received news last evening of the death of a cousin In Colj j orado. Just as ho received the message the telephone rang nnd ho was informed that a telegram had just arrived announcing the doatii of his brother , James H. Tcmploton , which occurred at San Antonio , Tex. , last Tuesday. The deceased was for quite a number of years a resident of this city , but moved to St. Joseph , Mo. , whcro ho took n position as conductor on the Han nibal & St. Joseph railway. Some tlmo ago ho mot with an accident , falling between two cars and being badly crushed. Ho win given a leave of ubscnco nnd was at San Antonio trying to recover his health when the end came. The funeral will take place Sunday and the remains will be burled In St. Joseph. The deceased was well known to all the old residents of the city. He leaves a wlfo and family. Piles of people have pi.os , ut Dowltt's IVitch Hazel Snlvif will euro them. Pure ice From Missouri rlvor channel. Mulholluml& Co. , Brown building. Telephone 102. Protect your homos against dcstruc- ivo storms. W. C. James has the trongcst companies in the world. Aldttrmun Ihitlmwny Yot. Judge Deemer practically puta quietus on ho aldcrmnnic aspirations of the republicans f tlio Third ward , and especially F. O. jlcason , yesterday morning by n little lecision ho rendered in the case that was 'ommonccd by Glcason to have Alderman J. . Hathaway ousted from the office ho now lolils. The decision was to the effect that ictition had been tiled before Hathaway had .akon his scat as alderman and that , as .hero was no cause of action nt that time , ; ho petition must fail to the ground. C. O. launders , the attorney for Glcason , con- ended that Hathaway's term of ofllce com menced when ho took the oath and filed his Kind , Instead of when ho took his seat on .ho evening when the now council held its llrst meeting , but the court outvoted him ind the defendant's demurrer was sustained. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's iVitch Hazel Salvo will cure them. Grcenshiolds , Nicholson & Co. have novcd their real estate ollice to 000 Broadway , opposite postoilice. Tel. 151. lliiy Lund lur Hunt. Hay land for rent in lots of from 20 to 300 acres. B. Marks , Council Bluffs. GriintiHl HIplomnH. Tlio faculty of the High school and super- .ntcndcnt have made their report of the mines of the students who have completed .heir course of study and the Board of Edu- ation by resolution has granted them diplomas as follows : Classical Ethel Barclay. Grace Bcebo , Florence Carloy , Bertha. Grass , flussio "iloim , Maggie Lindsay , ICnthcrinc Ogdcn , .sabel Patterson , Julia Tulleys , Helen Tyler , Hubert Baldwin. English Mapgio Bradley , Claire Chambcr- -in , Kninkio Dailoy , Clara Flammant , Carrie Grosvcnor. Katie Kolb , Katherine Meyers , Fred Empkio. Business Mamie Gavin. Piles of people have piles , nut DoWltt's ivitchhazcl salve will euro them. Cook yov meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at iho Gus company. Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , 1 10 best $2.00 house in Iowa. No Ono to Prosecute. J. E. McCormick , who stole n typewriter from W. W. Glaze , late manager of the Pos tal Telegraph company and pawned it in Omaha , was to have had a hearing in Jus tice Fox's court yesterday morning , but owing to the unceremonious departure of 3lazo , who filed the information , there was 10 one to prosecute the case and it had to bo contiuued. _ Great reduction in millinery at Miss Rugsdulo's , 337 Broadway. Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , largest and best bicycle stock in city. ironic OF juir.i MASOXS. Olllcorfl lilcctcd Tor tlio ICnsulnc Vcur After u Warm Dcliatn. , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. ] The Iowa Masonic grand lodge continued its deliberations today. The Ccrencau men introduced a resolution for the repeal of the amendment to the cede whereby the Corcneau bodies were some time ago declared illegal and all good Masons forbidden to connect themselves with them. The light centered on the choice of grand master , thecandidatoof the Oercncau faction being M. L. Temple of Osceola nnd of tlio other party Deputy Grand Master L. E. Fellows of Lansing. The latter was elected by a big majority. A. N. Alberson of Wash ington was chosen on the second ballot for senior grand warden , and it required two ballots to givoT. Ii. Lacey of Council Bluffs the oflico of junior grand warden. H. B. Wyman of Sheldon was chosen grand treas urer and T. S. Parvln of Cedar Uaplds , who has been grand secretary for the past fifty years , was re-elected with but slight opposi tion. Judge C. T. Granger was unanimously re-elected custodian for the next six years , To Elect a Illuliuji for Concontln. DUIICQUC , la. , Juno 7. Under Instructions from the prefect ot the propaganda the suf fragan the bishops of the province of St. Louis mot hero today to choose candidates for the vacant see of Concordia , Kan. , Arch bishop Keurlck of St. Louis having failed to do so , The meeting was secret und the result Is not yet known. Dvoil of u Doinvntril Woman. CIIAULES CITY , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BEE. ] Mrs , Ed Athorton , tem porarily insane from sickness , slipped out of the house this morning whllo her husband was asleep und drowned herself by plunging headforemost into u barrel of water. llndly AInneled. MifeOK CITY , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE , ] Alexander Liggltt , sr. , a farmer living near Fertile , Worth county , was killed this morning by a runaway team running into his carriage. He was thrown from the carriage and badly mangled. Hrlila | Hurtled. CiiESTON"Ia , , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J A passing engine set lire to u u-ldgo iiTO feet long west of Hastings , la. , on tlio Burlington this afternoon at1 o'clock and the entire bridge was consumed. All .rains are delayed. PITY til 1 i [ (41 "I Councilman Still 'in ( Session When the Ulock StryiGfc Twelve. THE FU L GAS FRANCHISE DISCUSSED < > ' Gun Inipcctor ( lltliVrt , Mukr * n Lengthy Itnport It Cunsr * n DUciuiInn Conn- fllnmn Situnder * iindrnvnm : to ix- : plnlii-A Dlvltfori of Sentiment. The council last evening considered the fuel gas franchise that Is asked for by the Omaha Fuel Gas company. The members listened to the report of Gas Inspector Gil bert , who went to Maysvlllo , Ky. , nnd made a test of the gas manufactured there by the same process It Is proposed to put In here. It was n lengthy communication from the representative of the company , setting forth the beauties of fuel gas , and claiming for It n solution of the fuel question. Coun cilman Saunders , who has given the matter much thought nnd attention and Is enthusi astic In support of the proposition to give the company thp franclso It socks also spoke at length. Notwithstand ing the enlightenment given on the subject , It was nearly midnight when the council ad journed , and the members were as far from reaching a conclusion as they were several hours previous. The trouble was that the Information was not In harmony , nnd that too many conflicting statements were made. Gas Inspcctqr Gilbert and Mr. Saunders failed to agree , nnd the former pronounced the whole thing ns an Impossibility , while the Fifth ward alderman assumed exactly tlio opposite position. Mr. Munro was called to the chair when the council went into the committee of the wholo. A lengthy communication from the 1 company was read giving the history of fuel gas und pointing out the many benefits It would confer upon the people of Omaha If manufactured here. Clerk Groves started In to read tlio ordinance granting a franchise to the company. Ho was interrupted by Mr. Jacobscn , who wanted Information touching the whole matter. Mr. Saundcrs re sponded. Ho had visited tlio Maysvlllo plant nnd had made inquiries there. Every body was pleased wltn the gas and spoke highly of it. One party had Informed him that ho paid $20 for gas for three months for fuel purposes. The result of his Investi gations were perfectly satisfactory , and ho was fully convinced that the gas would solve the fuel question In Omana. In Chicago the natural gas is furnished 15OUO ! consumers at 50 cents per 1,000 cubic feet , the artificial at ? 1 , while the Omaha com pany will make an average charge of10 cents. If the company was willing to accept , the franchise fixing the price of the gas to the consumer , and would invest 200,000 in a plant , tno city had nothing to lose , and would not bo affected in case the gas could not bo furnished at the prices named. If the com pany did cotno It would mean competition in the fuel line , and that certainly was needed in view of the pripo of coal , lie said tlio chief promoters of tlo ) scheme were J. N. Houston , cx-trcasu-cr | , of the United States , of Connersvllle , Ind. , and ex-Congressman W. P. Owen of Logansport. Gas Inspector filbert's report was then read. He had made two tests at Maysville. and the llrst time f > p,000 cubic feet of gas was mado. Figuri'nK lip the air that entered the gas , after allowing 10 per cent for slip on the blower and 0 per cent for the tempera ture of the air , ne" fdilnd that 8'J.OOO feet of air had entered the gas , and that the whole mixture wi's 78 pcrtcClit of air. The second test on 72,000 cubic feet of gas showed that 110 per cent of the mixture was air. in view of the price for pure gas lie could not recom mend that the people of Omaha be called upon to pay for a mixture that contains 80 per cent of air , Mr. Gilbert was requested to explain ver bally more fully tp'tho council regarding the tests , which he did. He then explained how the tests were mado. Also that ho found u harmless looking pipe that carried oil to the generator , but it did not pass through the meter and was used to deceive. It required four times the amount of oil and double the amount of coal to manufacture 1,000 cubic feet of gas than the company claimed. Ho said it was impossible to furnish gas of a good quality for ao cents a foot. Ho consid ered that the people who were now seeking the franchise hero had beo.i gulled into buy ing something that is worthless. Mr. Gil bert drew from his pocket an acreement with Harris , the owner of the patent , that created a surprise. Mr. Gilbert is the owner of $200,000 in stock in the Consolidated Gas company , which ho ays is the same as operates the Maysvillo plant. He acquired the stock by surrendering some of his patents on manufacturing of fuel gas. Ho pronounces the Maysvillo plant as being a modification of his patent. While ho is thus pccuniarly interested , yet ho said , ho be lieved it wrong for the company to claim to furnish gas at such a low figure , when it could not do it , and ho denounced the effort as n fraud , Mr. Jacobson wanted no hasty action , and thought that it would bo wlso to wait until the plant the company is putting in at Bur lington Is in operation before the franchise is granted. Mr. Saunders made another strong pita for the granting of the franchise , and thor oughly "roasted" Harris , the patentee , whom ho called a fraud , and assorted that ho had no connection with the Kentucky com pany. Ho also read a lengthy letter from Mr. Owen , a member of the company. He criticised Mr. Gilbert's report , called atten tion to the analysis of the gas by eminent chemists , and claimed everything good for it. Ho said the company would ngreo o have In operation by Juno 1 , 1894 , a y.000,0 0 foot plant , and it shall then bo tested and tf it does not produce 400 heat unit gas it Is not to bo operated , but If It does ten miles of mains shall bo In * operation by the first of October the same year. Mr. Wheeler didn't propose to vote away any moro franchises until ho was convinced it would bo a public benefit. From the in formation ho had it looked very much as if there was fraud. Ho read extracts from u couple of trade journals pronouncing the Harris system a fraud , and in ono the Mays vlllo plant was particularly referred to. Mr. Prince wanted a test made In Omaha , and he was not ready to vote away a fran chise whllo u doubt existed as in this case. By agreement the whole matter was re. forrcd to the committee on Judiciary , with the gas inspector , city engineer and city nt < tornoy for further Investigation and in formation. It Will He Cooler iiiul I.ociil Stornu Will I'rcvull Today In Nebrniuu. WASHINGTON , D , C , , Juno 7. Forecasts for Thursday For Ntjbfoska and the Dakota ; Showers and prpbubly local storms In the cast ; cooler ; winds shifting to westerly. For Iowa Showers and probably loca storms ; warmer fn the cast ; cooler In the west ; southwesterly1 winds. I.nura lailo' liody round , CI.I.NTON , la , , Juno 7. [ Special Tolegran to TUB BEE. ] The , , body of Laura Dado , ro eentl.v employed in 'the ofllco of the Moderi AVoodmen at FultoUj 111. , ns n stenographer was found In the river this afternoon. Shi 'disappeared about' ' a week ago and it wui then thought she hud drowned Herself. Iowa 1'rUonern Hentoiioeil. LB MAIIS , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegrar to THE BEE ] Today Judge Ladd sentencei a I- Ii , o i Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report s a of JOh h- hV V , no L'O lo , in- Ilo Haydcn MoFnrlnnct to twenty yearn In the pcnltcntlarv for the murder of Toncy Wan ner at Strublo In IS'Jl ' , and David Hooves to nlno years and two months for attempted wlfo murder , and Henry Schroedcr to three years for burglary. MANAGER BOYD'B OFFER. Generous rrnpniltlbii In Ilnlinlf of tlio Drnil rirctncn'ft rnnilllm. Thomas F. Boyd , manager of Boyd's now opera house , makes the following generous offer for the benefit of the families of the brave ilrcmcn who were killed at the recent Shlvcrlckflro : OMAHA , Juno 7. To the Editor of TIIK linns The use of lloyd's thi'iiter la hurt'hy tendeicd to any local society di'slroui of nlvliiR an en- tcrtalnniLMit In alcfof the families of tlio tlu- ccnscd and Injured firemen. THOMAS 1' . llnrt ) , Manager. Doubtless this generous proiwsltlon will bo accepted today by some organization Ucslr- ous of paying tribute , In a substantial way , to the memory of the unfortunate firemen who perished at the post of duty. They will also bo doing a haudsomo thing for the families of the firemen injured upon that oacaslon. Dan Crrcilou < ) np ICnit. Manager John D. Hopkins of tlio Trans oceanic Specialty company , pissed thronch the city yesterday from San Francisco cnrouto to the east. With him was Dan Creedon , the middlewclcht champion pugi " 1st of Australia. The champion Is under contract to Mr. Hopkins for a period In America. They go to Chleaeo first , whcro a match will bo made with Alex Grcgglns for a $3,000 purse. 1 JCl.iO It A I-111C It III KM. The dnko of Vorngua and party left Chleaco ixnt night at H o'clock over the 1'cnnsylvnnla railroad for Columbus U. William HUukol , a K.tmulor , and Jotapu K. Iliinhip , editor of the ChleiiKO Kvutilm : DIs- Kitrli , ctiinn to blows last night In the lobby of iho 1'ulmcr house. Walter Gray and Horn Visljy of Orand Han ds , Mich. , wcro funnel detid In the former's room yesterday ninriilnir. H Is supposed to bo ; icasc of murder und sutcldo. It Is ( li'i'ldcd that the Mormon tabernacle jholr of Salt I.uko City , U. T. , V50 ! strnitil , will take part In tlio World 8 fair musical contest nt ChlfnKO In September muter the direction of 1'rof. Eviin Stephens of that city. Luther Tumor , Otto Slovens and daiiRhter and Mrs. Morrow wore drowned yesterday In Humor's Hurln s , Minn. Tlio carrliiRo they were driving In was overturned and tlio entire mrty was precipitated down a ( Icon bank Into ilie springs. The marriage of Miss Tda Ptudohalicr , ilniiKhlar of the late Jacob F. Studcbuker , to ICdward Louis Kuliiis , ex-eoininlsslonor of jinbllc works of Chicago , was nolenml/ed hist ovenliiR In Trinity Episcopal church , Chicago , 111 , , with great ceremony. The Cleveland , O. , 1'roo Trade club pave Its itmiml bamiuet last night at the Wvddull iiinso. The toast , list was not reached until nldtilt-'ht. Among the guostH of the club who ; osHindcd | to toasts wort Honrv Ueorge , Thomas ( ' . Shearman , William Lloyd Garrison und lion , Tom L. Johnson , Samuel Woollier of I'eorln , 111. , yesterday served notice on the Distilling and Cattle I'oedlnj ; company that hereafter ho would re fuse to deliver any spirits on Its orders. There nra S.OOU bu : rnls In the Woollier warehouse , which Mr. Woollier has locked up until the nuestion of possession is settled. Attorney General Maloney has begun , In the circuit court at Chicago , III. , quo warranto proceedings against the Total Abstlnenco Life Association of America. The object of the suit Is to take away the charter of the concern on the grounds of fraud and violation of tlio law under which It was ! organised. About 2,000 physicians are in attendance on the convention of the American Medical asso ciation , now In session at. Milwaukee , Wls. The iininlnatlni ; committee met yesterday and se- lucted James 1' . lllbbard of Ulcbiiiiind , Ind. , for president. The committee also selected San Francisco as the next meeting place. Which n.ituro Is constantly giving in the Fh.ipo of bolls , pltnplos , eruption ? , ulcers , etc. Tliuso show that the blood is contaminated , and BOIUO assistance must ho given to relieve the trouble. In the remedy to force out these poi sons , and enable you to G TT WELL. " I have had for years a humor In my blood , which made mo dread to Bhavc , as pmall bolls or pimples would bo cut , thus causing thu shavincto bo a prcat annoyance. After taking three bottles " my face la all clear and smooth as it Hhorddtiiamictito splendid , Bleep well , and fool like running a foot all from the use ot S. S. S. CHAS. HBATON , 73 Laurel st. Phlla. Treatise on blood andskin diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. . Atlanta. ( Ja. SPECIALIST I'rotlilitnt of NEW ERA ai5SISAL bUIUilCAl , UlSl'UNSAHV. ( Uousultittloii I'Vec. ) fs unsurp.iisod In the treat ment of all Chronic , Private ami Nervous Dlsoa-ios. Write to or consult pa onally , TllKATilliNT lit aiAlLi. - Address with stump for par ticulars , wlilcli will bo sent In O. lioiS OUlcoH 15tli-sP FOR Wa'hlns Windows , And IlutlRles , Clennlnt ; Chicken Coops. Ilns two brats nozzlcn and sprayer , barrel of Kalvunlicd Iron which cannot corrode or wear out ; brasB top and brass valve to burrelj brass lilnngcrwUhcrOKslmndlu and valvci * of oak' tanned leather. Works as well und lasts ns lone IIH a lilRti priced pump Circulars free. Axcuta wanted CBLA.S. SDHCTLTHEIS S , Council ItliiSi , lo \ \ it. IlClllUUVAnd all tti3 train of EV1LS.WEAKNK83IS3 , niSIIILITV.KTC. , tnat ao- company them In men QUICKLY and I'BltMA- NKNTI.Y CUUBU. Full Hl'ItKNCJTH and tons lilren to orerr part of the boitr , I will son I a. curclr pnckoct ) KltlCK to anr sudarjr the prescrip tion that curud mo ot these traubloi. Address , It A , DHAULKV. IIATTI.K CUKEK , MIO.I. We will sind you tlie msrTcjous FreucU Prtr r Uon CAUTIKJQ free , nd Itxkl KtiirtnUr tuiV UALTUOB will Ucitaro your Use Hand fay / l Addra VON MOHL OO. SU I. . . , . .iG TIME TO GET WELL. Don't Let Sickness Follow You Through , the Summer. If one could bo patient ho could nvoiil many troubles. But it is worse than folly to bo patient with nn attack of neuralgia or rheuma tism , or any complaint that arises from disorders of the nervous system. Such patience is not n virtue ; it is ignorance of the great danger that lies in delay when ono is llrst attacked with tv nerv ous disonto. No troubles Hatter tlio patient with such hopes of tecovery as do diseases ot this nature , and diseases of this nature comprise two-thirds the ills that flesh is heir to. Attend to your nervous sya- torn I COUNCIL 3'Jtf3 S STEAM DYE WORK All klmlsof Dyeing nnd Ulnnnln ; ( Itinw In the hUhcst styln oT the art. Kudod and stained fabrics miulo to look as KOO'l ' as new.VurK \ promptly done anu doltvorod In nil parts of the country. So ml for prlcu Mat. A. MACHAN , ProprlotDr. Ilrcudwuv. near NorUi- vostcni Depot , Telephone : Ui KNOWLEGE IS POWER And Health is the Royal Road to Happiness. Every nmnm-r of chronic dlsoaso _ can bo cnrud without the use ot mudlclno at the Council Bluffs ANTI-MEDICAL SANITARIUM. I No mnttor how nearly elisionrnaoil yon urn , or how much yon have anfforud from dlsoaao nnd ) ; ( olTocts of stroiic mcdlclnoi , yon can bu cured and gain itormiinunt bcnollt by the new antl-inadlcal system of treatment. Dis eases t Tinted : Anomlu , Apoplexy , Asthma , HronchttlH , Catarrh , Consumption , Curvature of the l > lno , Uydpnpna , [ ] , I.ivur Com plaint , NuuriilRln , ItlieumitUin : , ruralj-sm , Cnnitlpntlon , scrofula , Kczomti anil All Illood Dlsounrs , Fnnialo Wcakncgn , Hour- nous , Looltjiivv , Ilornln or llupturc , l'llo , Nervous Allootlona , llrnrt Ducaso , 1'aUy IJtc. , All treated nnd cured by the Galvanic Electro Magnetic Battery For extracting all animal , vegetable atul mineral poisons. Vitnli/ed Vapor ami O/.onu IJatlis For purlfymz the blood nnd beautifying the complexion. ( Vitali/cd Heat and Magnetic Uaths For paralysis , debilities and tonlii ? up the system. Vitali/ud Chemical & Electric Uaths For removing nil cancers nnd blood poisons Th ° Efllcacy of the Above Methods Dally Demonstrated by , ft. 11 D. , SA-XITAUMIIM , 119 Stutsmii SlMJt , CDttiJll Blalj , Ii CONSULTATION FREE. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , XI. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob. CAPITAL , - $4OOOOO SURPLUS , . . - 865,000 Oniccrs and Directors Henry W. Vale * , presl- dpnt , U. C Custilnv. vlco-proildonti O. is Maurice , W , V. Morbu , JohnS. Collins , J. N. U. 1'atrlckLew- lit S. llocd , cashier. THE IRON BANK. IIuvo you hud the tfrlp ? Do its effects still HngorV Tlion po to tlio ncnrcst tlruo ; store tiiul nsii for n bottle of the roiuctiy that makes people woll. Mr P. J. Leo of Howoll. Mlcli. . wboso portrait is fjlvon nbovo , was left in low health anil weak from the olTcotn of the { Trip. Paino'tj cclory conipoiuul bono- litod him at onco. us it has benefited and cured thousands who were sick. For jjoodiuisi suko don't lot sickness lollow you throu > ; li the suuinior. Tnko Paino's celery compound. l'aino,8 colcry compound makes people - plo woll. In early summer it is the best of tonics for the weak and Empkie-Shupri Go , 109-m-lKt-115 Mniu Stroot. Largest stock of BUILDERS AND GENERAL HARDWARE. in the city. Agents til tlio Celebrated Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators. . Agents for the Oil Gas Stoves , the safest and newest steve out. Wo nro exclusive agents for the Genuine Boynton Furnace , and all furnace work is supervised by- cmMr. . Lautornassar , who is ono of tho. best furnace men in the west. \Vo curry n lull stock oi Field Seeds. . City ngonts for the Plonoor Imple ment Co.'s goods. tpccia. ) rouNm BLUFF ? . UACTS unit lonrn. Farm nn 1 cltr propertr bought and olJ. I'usoy & Cuuaoll llluHa. ' \ SAI.U ThreoJi'rsajr bullns niton , ono vae\ iroit year and two rears ; solid color , rcglstcrol clock. 7258. 1st tit , . ; romovod. c 3iooli. | vaults , clilinnar' GAItllAr.i LM llurka , ul Taylor's crncerr , BU Ilroaitway. 10n SAM ! An uprluht Uvo liorso power bailor. i.1 mil I3M llromltyay. itt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ homo ; all modern convonlcncai ; BKAUTlKUJj anty tarnii. A. J. Mntxtul , C. lllufl * . - will trade my oiniltlofl In ono or two BOMKH-l ( or clour I M. llulanco on lonz lime' . II , J. Ad.nns. 'Jlj 1'orln nvunuo , AIHJAINH-Kor Bale , 79 ty 8W ) foot on Krnnklla avenue. JI.MK ) 00. T ! < i uuron uetwuun tit street nnd Frunltlln nTonu * . liost pluttlni ; property In the city , moxi.OO. Two lotfl upponlto Third Btrt'i'l ncliool , f IWO.00. , ono lot IIIVII oii Termed , tUJUUfl. Tli i oo lots , curnor ilnln ntruet anil Utli avonuo. Hot Kltu fur ImpUimjnt Homo In Ilio city , ST.WW.OO. I.OUKOQ .VTowlo , 24) 1'uarl street. \VASTKI ) . iltuntlon In whulcsnlo or retail dry ' Koodn homo. C'un till anjr ctcpartmoiit ; IB yuari cxporlonco with eastern houses ; can five refer- unccH , Address 1(0 Metropolitan hotel , Council llluCt. homo for ale In most dcslrnb ! * BXAUTlKUIj J-'urdlimnd Wlc rohldonuo. No. lit S. Kill street. All modern conveniences , burn , ota. Dny A Ilasn , uuentu , ANTHII' ) ' rtlc wlth " 11111 o" 11 molmd chTP till to manufacture ami Introduce patented novelties , II , J. Adams , V13 1'erln Avo. , Council Illuffs. .IhO-acro goon. Improved farm In uc. i(7-3J- l Blierl- Uilan Co. , Nub. , for unln nt fl.OJl.UU. Tills If away tolowltavnluo. Johnston A Van ration. man cook nnd a kltchnn girl wanted atone * GOOD bousu , Council Illulls. Cortland Delivery Wagons. Are tup Btronjoat , Most Durable Wagons on the Marltot. Na 54 Three surlnft Heavy bunlneaa wanou. Wu carry many styles of dellvsry wntons. unrt u full lluo of the celebrated CortlauO. Cafrlnitei. turrlei , Uuguloi , Kea Wugons andHprlnu Wflgoua. It will pay you toseo u § before buying olaowherc. Corrojpondeneo soliclttid. UNION OO M 1304.S81O Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ifl I 1