fl FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.H. . TWENTY-SECOND . YEA7J. OMAIIA , SUNDAY MORNING , JUNE i , 1893SrXTEEiPAGES. . NUMBER 2 ffUNE SALE UP ALL SUM3VTES , GOODS MUST BE HEDUCED. A CUT ALL ALOUG- THE LINE PROM ROOF TO BASEIVZEIvTT THE LETTING DOWN EXTENDS. foomestics. I'Outing flannels nil down in prices. lee what wo olTor ut 6c , lOc , 12jc and Ho yard , R Ticking Oc , 8c , lOc , 12c } , lee and 20o I'nrd. .Roranant's of pants goods , denims luting llanncls , shirting , etc. IDouble-faced ) cotton llannol IGoyard. I' Cretonne at ICc , worth 2Co. I , Summer skirt patterns only 25c each Sliakor llannol at 5o. Cotton flannel Cc. Colored bunting , double fold , very kino , at lUc , worth Ific. I llayaons' is the place for you to trade ff you want to save money , aa they are citing down the prices. [ Linen Department. You can't afford to pass us on towels. pculnl bargains on our tables ut5c , lOc , pc , 19c and 25c each. , " ! J-4 dinner napkins , full blenched , rill finon , $1 , 81.2T ) , $1.50 , $2 , $2.60 , $3 , $3.50 , $4.50 , $5 , etc. , a dozen. fiO-lnch rod bordered dntnask , worth [ ) c , reduced to 25o yard. I Big bargains in line bleached damask J't 7Cc , 85c and $1 a yard. Remnants of table linens away down. Winghams. Haydons' is the plnco where you get Iho now styles of Anderson Scotch zeph- | rs , this season's style , and the only louse in Omaha where you can find nny $ ping like an assortment to select from ; ll 6c yard. A ? Drees style gingham 5c , 7jc , 8Jc and Oc yard. ( Fine zephyrs at lOc , 12jc , loc , 19c and JV5c yara. Leghorn flats , dress shapes , inottii- itains , cartwheels , and all the styles I of high class snmincr hats at ex- [ trcniely low prices for this week. ( Brandenburg Cloth. f)0 ) pieces just received in light ground , [ the latest stylos. These gooda arc Tory I popular this season at 2oc yard. Ilay- Sdohs' price just one-half , 12ic yard. i White Bed Spreads. Wo mnko fine crochet spreads a spo- | cialty. Wo buy them direct from the ' ( mills'in solid case lots. Compare our spreads at 75c , $1 , $1.25 : \nd$1.50 each. I Bates damask spreads , 11-4 size , now Inly i)5c ) each. i Big line of fine Imported Marseilles fprcuds and colored Mltcliolino quilts. tlankets and Comforts. Great reduction in order to clean up 111 oddp and onils in this lino. [ Bargains in remnants of llnnnols. I Block must bo sold. It will pay you look thGUI over. lloak Dep't. [ Ladies' spring capes in blue and blacl < $2.25 , $2.05 , $3.76. iLadios' spring jackets in gray , tan Id blue at 31.95. ILiulios' fancy spring jackets in gray , to , blue and black with cnpos and sill * lilng worth $12.60 , at $7.60. ( Ladies' Eton suits in blue llanncl , lat It style , worth $0.60 , at $1.60. iLtullcs' wash suits at$1.03,31.75$2.50 t 5 , $3.75. ILadicB1 house wrappers in percale ani Iwn $1.25 , $1.35 , $1.-10 , $1.60,81.05. $1.87 U)0. ) F Ladies' percale waists , 37c , 45c , 60c ( c , 75o , 87c. Ladles' silk waists in plain black IIno and white , figured and gray strlpod orth$3.05 , at $2.25. louse furnishing Goods. Wo have a big bargain in some fin IhIniv. Wo have a lot of it , and w etoing to Boll it cheap. Now if yo lon't got any of It don't blame us. W | ro going to put it on sale Monda , norning and the llrst come the ( Irs lorvcd , Largo decorated potato or sala ( tlslics , lOc , worth 76c. Tea bowls , decorated , 7c , worth 25o. Extra largo Begonia plates or Irui Wishes , 13c , worth $1. [ Pine decorated nups , aaucors nn llntcs , 15o , worth 75c. [ Extra largo bird nest tups and pltol : srs. splendid for ice water , -170 , wort I'.l.CO.Wooilonwaro ' Wooilonwaro has novcr boon so chen i it is now. Wooden pails , 6a No. 3 tubs , 30c : No. 2 tubs. 49c ; No [ tubs , ftc. ) 0-foot hard wood stop ladders , 70a Folding ironing tables , 85o. Wooden bowls , 3e. No , 43 Hurd refrigerator , $0.55. Maglu egg beater , 35c. ' Till8 IB the only place where you CM [ got the Magic ice cream freezer. Tl I Magic is the only freezer in the war ! I that husn revolving wlro whludasho I thereby whipping the cream. OB I froo7.ca. Come in and BOO tlietu oporat Price from $1. 5 up. Handled cups and saucers , lOo par sc Wash l.owl and pitcher , 25u. Plates , 2o , 4o , 60 each. Hukos , beet etool , 15c. Bbovole , 20o and 30c. - HOGS 23o ; opidiug forks 40o. Ctilldron'ui guidon sou 'Joe. Oureoda water fountain is ready. V ' rcako our own flavors from frebh frul nud granulated sugar und use pu A GREAT DROP ON Less Than Half the Old Price , California evaporated poaohos , per pound , lUu. Fine Valencia raisins , 5c. Flno dried apples , 8c. } Columbia evaporated atorllizod croatn , 12c. } Challenge milk , lOo. Soda crackers , 4c. Ginger snaps , 71c. Molasses enko , 7jc. Oat meal crackers , 71o. Milk butter , Vjc. Frosted cream , 7c. Graham crrfclccrs , 7jc. Sujar cookies , 7io. XXX milk crackers , 7jc. Lemon snaps , 7ic. Canned Goods. All Uindn of California 3-pound can of plums , 12fc. 3-pound can California Beaches , loc. 3-pound can California apricots , 15c. Homo made catsup , per bottle , IGo. Silver llako oat meal , oc. Corolino flakes , Otc. California Breakfast food , So. Ainorlcun breakfast cocoa , 35c. Imported maccarcni , 12 Jc. Imported spaghetti , 12Jc. Imuotcd vermicelli , 12c. All kinds of washingpowdor , lOc. Teas and Coffees- This week wo olTor loxvor prices in colTco and tea than over before. Broken Java , 121c , 15c and 19c. Cracked Java una Mocha , 19c , 22o and 2oc. Fancy golden Rio , 25c ; choice , 2 4c ; Santos and Maricolio , 2Se ; our blond Java and Mocha , 3ilc. ; Tea dust. lOc and 15c ; sundriod Japan , 19c , 25c. Wo sell a No. 1 uncolored Japan tea for 25c ; pan fired Japan 35c , 40o ; spider leg Japan , 4So and 68c. Wo carry a full line of choice black tea , Ceylon English breakfast and Oolong , These goods are the boat that money can buy. AND i In this lot will be found al the new French and Americar novelties in fine handles , sucl as Natural Woods , Havilanc China , Dresden China , Wei chel , Cassia , Orange Wood Fancy Celluloids , Sterling Sil ver , Oxydized and Gold Trimmed Sticks , THREE SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN 26-INCH UMBRELLAS FOR MONDAY : Lot I. Price , SI-50 , An olocrant 20-inch sunshade , olegan cassia sticks and paragon frame * Not ono in this lot worth loss tha $2.60. Lot 2. Price , $1.98. Pine 20-inch Milan serge , in all the hit style handles. None worth lo : than $ U.5'J each. Lot 3. Price , $2.50. These are beauties : made from the vet best quality of uillr , mounted erich rich and rare handles. Many In th lot worth as high as $5 each. CARRIAGE PARASOLS To be closed out at less tha cost , CHILDREN'S PARASOLS 150 up to $2.50. Leghorn flats , dress shapes , mom tnins , cartwheels , and all the htyli of high class summer lints at e : trcniely low prices for this week. Curtains. Mill remnants of scrims 2a per yard , Very line open work bcrim 5o to lOc. Sllkalino , 1 yard wide , lOc. Drapery silks , 45o to 05c. Poles and trimmings , and ovorylhii pertaining to a first-class curtain a : drapery stock. The sale will continue a fexv days me on lace curtains. Any price fiom per pair up to the llnost. Some special bargains from $2 to per pair , Carpets. Wo have some now patterns for tl week in very line body hrussels carp at OOo ai.d $1 ; the chcapoat line Q\ ehown In this city , . AUo tupestry brussels 47c and 50o. JETAE/P USUAL JPJRIC&S. Acknowledged by all to be the opportunity of the year. Fully one-half of Omaha's ladies took advantage of our great sale last week , and the other half will all come this week , for never before has such an opportunity to secure fine quality and perfect silks at such low prices. Importers and manufacturers close out entire stocks on hand regardless of cost in order to work on the enormous fall orders they have taken4 We , being the largest handlers of silks , get the first choice , and we pre sent to the ladies this week , in addition to our regular unmatchable - matchable lines , the cream of all such lots at much less than the cost of production. BLACK SILKS. 30-inch Black India Twill Silk , double warp , makes an ele gant summer dross. Our price this week Yard. 10 pieces Black Crystal Bonga- line , the scarcest silks in the market at present time ; other dealers ask $1.75 a yard. Yard. 10 pieces Black Satin Duchess , as stylish a fabric as can bo had. Wo offer a limited quan tity ai the low price of Yifrd. 10 pieces Royal Black Armuro Silk , makes n dross that will not split or get shiny. Our price Yard. EVENING SILKS. To attract you attention to the finest stock of evening nhadcs in silks in this city we will soil this week ONE HUNDRED pieces of 24-inch Uabutai Silks , in all the noweat deli cate shades and line quality , for which other houses will ask you $1 per yard. Our price for the week will bo Yard. g o * WQB § * : wa 1:7 3 F g oq & EL W 2 , cf o 3 n * i5 - O rr jn ? T § o * ° M 3 ' Q S n''o f ro O < Sigtq * R RIGHT AND LEFT. We are determined to reduce our immense stock of WOOL Dress Goods before the season closes. You can buy a dress at your own price any day this week , i 4o-inch all wool grey serges and other desirable weaves reduced to 39c. These are among the most popular fabrics for traveling costumes. Do not buy until you see them , 4o-inch whipcords , all wool , reduced to 65c. in two-toned effects allwool reducec 4o-inch whipcords - , * , to 75C. 46-inch satin finish hcnriettas , the best goods made , re duced to 75c. " , 1 t i 4o-inch all wool serges , in ten shades , reduce'd to 45c. The very best quality 46-inch black Thibuet cloths , re duced to 4o-inch satin finish black henrietta cloth reduced to 65c. t. 4onnch all wool hopsacking reduced to 45'6. China Matting. Our stock of China matting must bo closed out at once to mnko room. Prices 12Jc , 18c , 20o to lioc. ud Wall Paper. ire iOo Wo have the largest and most oom- ploto line of wall paper to ha found In S3 the weat. Every grndo from white blank at 4Jo up to the llnost mado. It will pay you to look at ou r stock any prices. ila DtS Leghorn flats , dress shapes , moun 'Of tains , cartwheels , and all the styles of hinh elass summer hats at ex tremely low prices for this week , Gasoline Stoves. Wo have a big stock of stoves of all makes. The Monaroh , the Quick Meal , the Aurora , etc. The lollowing- prices they will bo 4old for : 2-burnor low stova 83.15 , regular price 86.00. 2-burnor high stove 81.80 , regular price $8.03. 3-burner low stave 85.00 , regulai price 97.00. 3-burnor high steve 80.40 , rogulai price 810.00. 3-burnor and stop burner $10,51) ) , regular lar price $2x00. Lawn Mowers. 10 Inch lawn mowers $2.85. 12 inch lawn mowers $4.2 % U inch lawn mowora $ d.2o. Department. Coats CHEAP. YOU WILL WANT ONE Come to HaydenBros TOMORROW. Three lots of this season's Gjoods marked down to sell. The prices are right , BO don't miss it. SEASONABLE SUITS also in this sale at Cut Prices Tomorrow Hayden Bros , in augurate the season with a great bargain sale of Coats for summer wear. They are of different patterns and styles , and just exactly what every body needs now. We will of fer them "in three lots so low that they should sell on sight. We propose to mow down our immense stock , and to do so and continue to popularize , our clothing department shall from time to time give people the benefit of heavy reduction sales on standard goods at the right time. See here : SUMMER GOATS , Lot i. 500 Summer Coats bought to sell ati , go tomor row at 250. Lot 2 , 200 Coats and Vests in fancy stripes and solid col ors , bought to sell at $1.50 , gc tomorrow at 500. Lot 3 , 75 Black Alpaccc Coats , only small sizes , worth $2 , go tomorrow at $ i. Some suits for your consid' eration on Monday : 150 men's suits at $3.50 ; nc bigger bargain was ever showr I in Omaha , Others ask $6 fo the same thing. 80 men's light colored chev iot suits at $4 ; worth double In these we have only sizes 4 5 and 6 , 73 men's $10 suits go fc $7.5 ° . MONDflY ONLY. Hayden's Shoe De partment will sell Ladies $2.50 and $3 Oxford Ties at $1.73. Men's Cordovan $3.00 Shoes at $2.00 Hayden Bros , shoe sales are always interesting because shoes are sold as advertised. How do these prices suit you ? Over 300 pairs of ladies' ' fine $2.50 and $3 oxford ticsv on sale at $1.73 a pair. In order to give everybody a chance at these bargains we put them on two long tables in our shoe department. These are all fine oxfords , worth $2.50 and $3. You take your choice for $1.73 Monday. We give in this sale FREE one bottle ladies' tan dressing with every pair of our ladies' fine tan lace shoes at $3.45 , worth $4.50. One bottle ladies' Gilt Edge dressing with every pair of ladies fine shoes from $2.50 up. In this lot we put over 200 pairs of Pillsbury Bros. ' fine $3 dongola button shoes at $2.50 , and a bottle of Gilt Edge given with every pair. i box of our French black- ng with every pair of our $2 cordovan shoes , worth $3. i bottle of tan dressing with every pair of men's $3.45 tan shoes , worth § 4.50 , In order to secure a gooc selection of these Monday bargains - gains come early. Extra help secured to wai on all , Attend .the best shoe sale ever held in Omaha for bar gains Monday. Leghorn flats , dress shapes , menu tains , cartwheels , and all the style of high class summer Jiata at ex retncl y low prices fur this week. Butter. You don't have to pay Mo and 35o for , butter. Wo nro celling fresh country butter for lOc , 12jo , loc , and host coun try butter , 17c. Creamery have atk llc ) , 2k : and 2.1c , inul the separator creamery for 2T > c. Itoinoinbor it is no higher. You can got the llnost butter you over nto for 2.C. ) When you try it > ( once you will always come hero for it. > Cheese. Here wo nro cutting prices. Wibconsln full cronm cheese , Go , 71c , lOc and 12Jc ; llnost uroam choose made , 1 le and Hie ; how is this , young America full cream cheese , 7o , never sold for less than 12Jo and loc ; Edam ehcoEo , $1.00 each ; pincnppla cheese , 45c. WB have all bi/.cs in Canadian paragon cheese at lowest prices , or any kind you may desire. Meats. Wo are right in It in moats , handling only the select poods of the Cudahy , Swift and Hammond Packing Cos. Cos.Sugar cured picnic hams , lie , Cali fornia hams , 12c , strictly sugar cured No. 1 hams , Ific , bologna , head cheese and liver t-aiibngc , fie , boneless rump and plate corned beef. 7 c. dried beef , lOo , boneless ham , l4e. Try some of our cooked boneless ham , 1-Je , it is lino. lioinbcr you can got everything at lowubt prices hero. Men's and Children's Hats. $2.00 , $2.fiO stiff hats $1.00 ; black , brown , nutria. $2.50 Fedora hat 9Sc ; black and brown. $3.00 , $3.50 Fedora for $1.75 : black , brown , nutria. $3.00 black soft hats , S1.23. $2.00 fur soft hat , 7oc , brown , nutrJ.l. * 75c men's crush lmts,48c , blackbrown , , stono. $2.00.50 men's straw hats , 75o. J$1.00. SJ.25 men's straw hats , 48c. 75c men's ntraw hatu , 2T > c. 50c men's straw hats. loc. ' Hoc and COc childrcn'a straw hats , ISo. Call and got our prices before buying. Dep't No. 50. Monday is always n rod letter day la this department , but the coming Mon day will make a bright scarlet letter look blue. Red Hot Prices. Best stockinott dress shields , So per pair. 40 pkgs best hair nine for 5o. Linpn thread 2c per spool. Ladies' bolts It each. Fancy border d handkorchlufs lo each. Full width clabt c 2c yard. No. 5 all sill ; rilbous 2e yard. Children'slaco ollars lo each. Flno white and uroam laces 2o per yard. A fancy spot vo 1 for 5c. All silk Windsor licslOo oaoh. Linen collars and cuffd in sots , IfloanJ life sot. Mexican hnmmocl s Goo each. Fancy lunch bubkc B 15c. Ladies' hose suppi rtors 7o pair. 100 yards best BOW it g sillc 4c spool. 10 yards best button hole twist la spool. Fancy dress trirrmings 3o per yard. Pearl buttons 16u ci.id. Dross stays 5c sett. Crochet cotton 4 balls for Cc. Ask for fashion shoot at lace counter. Lcgliorn flats , drcsssluipcs , moun tains , oirt\vhqels ; , and all the styles of liiK" class .suminor lints ut ex tremely low prices for this week. Drug Dept. 3-11 > bars castile soap , white or mot tied , 29c ouch. Copperas , fie lb. , 0 Ib. for 25 < x Chloride of lime , ICe lb. Platt's chloruloti , 4 < ) c bottle. Paris grron , 18o lb. Carbolic acid , 45c pint oottle. IIood'H Barsaparlllu , 75c bottle. Liobig'a Hoof , JroriiuU Wlno , 35o bot. ProBcrlptions filled ut lowoic price * . Rubber Hose. Very good cotton hose 7jo per foot , In eluding couplings. A 1 cotton hose Oc per foot , including couplings. Music Dept. This department has been too busy to get up an adver tisement this week , but we will say this much : YOU FOOL Away your money if you buy a Piano without first getting our prices. We sell the best pianos made. made.We We have the largest assort * ment. ment.We We will save you an even $100 on any piano you buy of us , Come and see our new upright - right piano for $175.00. SOLE AGKNS FOR Chickering Pianos , Sheet music , 70 ,