8 THE OMAHA PATLY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 3. 1808 , HELP FOR BOYS AND GIRLS "Hear tbo Children Crying , 0 , My Brotbora , Ere the Borrow Comes with Years. " STATE MEETING OF INTERESTED WORKERS rinnn niictmert tor Baring the Vonth from Vlolonn Allocution * and Providing Them with Mennn for I.o full tie Honeit I.lrei rnpen IMicuiieil. third ftnnunl convention of the Ne braska division of the Boys and Girls Na tional Homo and Employment association Is In session at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation hall yesterday. There Is a satisfactory attendance of delegates , most of whom nro moro or less occupied In the work of reclaim- In ; ; children from vicious associations and providing them with the means to lead an honest life. The discussions yesterday were very Interesting and a remarkable unanimity of opinion was noticeable among tlio speeches. Mr. Cadet Taylor conducted the ex ercises In the absence of the president of the association , A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln. After the opening devotional exercises the Convention was welcomed to the city by Mayor Ucmis , who spolto briefly , dovotlug most of his tlmo to some practical remarks on the work of the association. The re sponse was delivered by Mr. Taylor , nftcr which the llrst discussion was I- opened by Colonel A. Hngcliiml. The sub- r jcct was "What Is the Effect of the Associa tion of the Hoys and Girls with Old and Hardened Criminals in Jails and Prisons ? " Youth'i I'rogrco In 1'rlion. Colonel Ifogelamt salil that the evil effects of placing young , people In the com pany of criminals could not bo over estimated. It placed a stlpmn on them Svhlch could never bo effaced and to a great extent operated against any future reformation. The youth who has learned only his llrst lesson in crlmo was often maclo to occupy the same cell with the vilest and most desperate criminal , and the contaminating Inllucnco of ono year of such Imprisonment was sudlclcnt to change his whole nature. Judges would bo glad to pro vent this state of affairs , but under the present conditions they hail no other recourse. The speaker contended that the subject should bo regulated by state legislation , The discussion was participated In by Miss Nibble Unwell , superintendent of the Homo for the Friendless at Lincoln , Mrs. O. W. Clark , Mayor Qcmis and others. Mrs. Clark referred to the fact that thcso matters were lar bolter regulated in Omaha than ever be fore. Tlio noilco matron took charge of all boys and girls who were arrested and kept them separate from the other prisoners. An effort wns also muclo in most cases to reclaim ( hem and place them in homes where they would luivo an opportunity to do better. lalo HaiuU Find Wlcknil Work. Prof. J. T. Malh'Ucu , secretary of the as- tociation and superintendent of the State Industrial school at Kearney , read a very in teresting paper on the problem of .vouth sav ing. Ho said that organization was ncccs- eary to offset tlio Inllucnco of the street Arab schools or notning could bo expected but overflowing Jails and a marked increase In crime. Over CO par cent of the boys sent to the reform school were idle at the time of their commitment , and a largo per cent were unnhlo to read or write. There were enough children growing up in mendicancy nnd crime to subvert a frco government tm- Jess some restraining Influences were thrown nround them , The situation was a mcr.nco to the future of the country , and it would re- quiru all the energies of the churches and their branches , coupled with the efforts of charitable organizations , to steer clear of thcso breakers. The speaker believed that lack of parental control was responsible for the greater part of youthful vice. To offset this it was necessary not only to jmt the children Jn homes whoTo they would Do under good Influences but also to continue a super vision which should insure the best results. To M ko Them Good by Ordinance. Ho advocated the passage of anordinanco , in o cry city nnd town In the state , making it a tlrmblo offense for any boy or girl under the age of 10 years to bo on the streets after 0 o'clock at night un less accompanied by their parents or other responsible person. This would , ho believed , result in a marked decrease in crlmo within the next few years. If parents would not keep their children In at night the municipality should take hold of the matter for its own protection if for no other reason. Moro stringent police regula tions for the government of youth were necessary. There was too great a tendency to shadow the criminal and allow the boys to grow up in vico. I'rof. Mallalieu's paper was orilered pub lished , and Dr. Martin of Kearney , Mrs. Phillip Potter , Cadet Taylor and others snoko briefly on the subject. The program tills afternoon is composed of papers and discussions upon topics relating to the work of the association. Hero Is Something Good fur Your Itlieu- mnllo FrlundH. If any of your friends nro troubled with rheumatism have them read this : LiYNCiinuno , Va. , April 18,1893. I desire to say that Clmmberhiiu's Pain Balm has cured ono of our clti/.ens of rheu matism of two years standing. Ono bottle did the work. This gentleman , Mr. H. If. Parnoll , ticket agent of the C. & O. K. H. , cow recommends Pain Uulm to all his friqnds. F. C. Iliama. IN THJE F-EDISRAL COURT. On Trial for the Murder of a Soldier Some Minor Litigation * . The tvlal of Private Bur-well Baxter efFort Fort Nlobrara , charged with manslaughter , is now on trial before Judge Dundy and a jury. The defendant is responsible for the death of Private West , and the killing was flono with a pocket knifo. According to the story told ot the affair , there had been trouble between tlio , two , and Baxter was endeav oring to got away'and avoid any further hostilities. His opponent followed him and was striking him us ho ran , Baxter drew Ills knife and stuiclc backward , but Insists that ho could not sco whuthcr lie struck anyone ono or not. llo did not imagiiio that ho had Btruck a fatal blow , in fact that It had been nny blow at all. llo hurried on to the of ficers quarters and entered complaint against West , asking that ho bo given protection from tlio man whoso threats Against him ho feared \\o\ihl bo carried Into execution. Wlillo there an orderly appeared and placed him under arrest , stating that ho had stabbed a fellow soldier , Tha wound had been Inflicted when Baxter struck back ward , the blade piercing the breast and penetrating two inches , so as to cuter the heart. A number of olllrcrs and private oldlcra from the fort are in attendance to testify at the trial , both prosecution and de fense being represented by witnesses in blue clothes. The trial will -occupy two or thrco flays. Augustus C. Kcclln was brought in yes terday by Deputy United States Majyhal Coggcshall from Knox county to answer to a charge of eohlng liquor to the Indians , as an Indictment was returned against him by the grand Jury , The case against John Kce , a Chinaman charged with selling liquor to the Indians at Ulobrnru , has been dismissed by District Attorney Baker , because the two witnesses gainst the defendant have loft the state nd their evidence cannot bo secured , Pleas of not guilty were received Thursday night from the following parties ; Joscphlno Turner , charged with perjury in securing an BOldavit on which she fraudulently obtained pension money ; frank T. Thunder , larceny of fUS on the Sao reservation ; Henry Schlor- inghausen and ( icorpo A. Geary , selling Hquor to Indians ; Conrad ( lolser , soiling nuor without a government llccuso. The Hclfcnstem cases were up forargu- tnent yesterday. The guaranteed euro for all headache Is Dromo-Seltztr. Trial bottle lOc , Heal Kiitato Uirncri. < The board of directors of the Heal Estate Owners association entertained the real itato bureau of the Commercial club at lunch yesterday In the New York Life building. U'ie object of-tho meeting was to have a Joint discussion on n plan for co-opcrntlon between the two organlrAtlon * relative to real estate Interests. It wax finally decided to recognlio the Heal Estate Owner * n o- clntlon as the central organlratlon for real estate matters , and to co-operate heart ily with that body for the advancement of the realty Interests of Omaha. The Ilcal Ms Into Owners association will also lend a hclpine hand to the Commercial club on the general issues embodied in the incorporation of the latter organization , consisted of Mayor Hcmli , Chris Hartman , O. H. Payne , O. H. Hoggs , A. P. Tukoy , O. C. George. G. N. Hicks. A. U Heed , O. W. layman , Cadet Taylor , D. C. Patterson , 13. A. Benson , .T. T. Cathcrs and P. tt. Pcrrino were together nt the luncheon. IS IT JOE WILLIAMS ? Police Think they Hnvo l.ncntod tlio I.oiiK-Sinteht I'olnonrr. Tlio Dolico have discovered what Is claimed to bo a clew to the whereabouts of Joe Williams , the negro who Is charged with having attempted to poison an entire family some months ago. Hvcry effort was made to apprehend Williams at the tlmo the crlmo was committed , buf ho seemed to have com pletely disappeared. Chief Scavcy oven sent an ofllccr disguised as a miner , who worked In the Iowa coal mines for two weeks , hoping to get some track of the poisoner , but with out success. A negro named Alexander has Informed Sergeant Haze that ho saw Williams nt lloatrico Wednesday. Ho knew Williams well before ho loft Omaha and declares that he Is certain that the mulatto ho saw at Hcntrieo was none other than the mur derer. Alexander says that Williams got off from a box car at Boatrlco nnd asked a section man who was standing near for a chow of tobacco. Alexander was using box car trans portation himself and watched Williams as ho got back on the train until they arrived at Fairbury , where the latter got off again and wont up town. Ho did not say anything about his discovery at the tlmo for fear that he might also bo arrested and held. The Pali-bury authorities have been noti fied of the suspicion that Williams was hiding In their city , but no reply has yet been received. Piles of people nave pi.es , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo wlllcuro them. DISTRICT AND CttlMINAL COURTS Hurry Davis Auks Fifteen Thomnnd of Omnhu'ft Money Other Cnnos. When the section of the district court pre sided over by Judge C. It. Scott was called to order yesterday morning the case of Harry B. Davis against the city of Omaha was placed on trial with the plaintiff seeking to recover $15,000 damages. Last October , HO the plain tiff nvcrs , ho was driving north on Seven teenth street. It was after dark , and about the time wiien ho reached \Vobstcr street , ho drove his team into a pllo of rock that was unprotected with signal lights. As a result ho was thrown to the ground with such force as to dislocate an ankle. Now ho claimc that the city is liable and It must foot the bill. In the case of Walter I. Martin against the Omulm Street llailway company , which was on trial before Judge Scott yesterday , the Jury returned a verdict , finding for the plaintiff and assessing his damages. Martin was the victim of an accident something like ono year ago and sued lor $10,000. In the criminal court the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty in the case of the state against Charles Schortow , a saloon man charged with having violated the Sunday law. On the trial the police swore that when they looked into the saloon they saw some liquid in the glasses upon the bar and that it looked Hko beer. The defendant ptoved an alibi for the be 'r by showing that those glasses contained nothing stronger than ginger ale. Piles of people ave piles , Dut Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. To bo cured of rheumatism for $2.00 , or money refunded , ia certainly a fair olTer ; why don't you wear a Kimball anti-rheu matic ring1. Circulars. B. W. Schneider , 941 N. Y ; Life bide. TIII : KIAI.TY JMAKKUT. INSTniWIENTS placed on record Juno 2 , 1803 : WAWIANTY nnunq. A L. Patrick and wife to W II Wright , lot 13. block 10 , Orchard Hill . t 2,250 Baino to same , lot 3 , block 1 , Oreston ndd . 8,000 J M Westrrilold and wife to O 1 Tay lor , lot -7 , block : i , Missouri Avenue park . 1,400 W 11 Cook and wlfo to I A Coirmun , lot 5 , block ! , llanseom I'laco . 8,600 E A Hmi'-oii nnd wlfo to. I A Howard , lots 21 nnd 22. block 23 , llun-on . 2,200 L K Itccd and wlfo to Dolplilna Hholcs , lolb 4 to 11 , block G , Alamo l > ln/a. . . . 1-fiOO Patrick Klipehy and wlfo to MctJavoek 6 U'Keullo cinnpaiiy , lot 4 , block lao , South OmtilKi . 1,100 Mi'duvock & U'KuelVo company to 1'atrlck Shcchy , lot 14. block 2 , JIc- aavock&O'KuofTo'sh , u . 1,000 11 H Nott to Hurry Notl. o 15 foot lot . 1O and w 10 feet nnd o 2.1 fcut lot 11 , block 10 , Slilnn's 1st add . 0,000 MT McDotmld and husb.nd to JO Alien , lots 2D and 20 , block 0 , Alamo I'lazu . : . 0,000 J A Allen to IjS Keed , siuno . 0,000 li1 0 Martins to saino , 22xbO fcut Ins end lot 1 , block 207 , Omaha . 2.DOO II B linker and wlfo to siinie , lot 8 , block 0 , llanseom I'laco . 8,600 I'J linker and husband to I ; It Heed , lot 4 , block 0 , same . 8,700 John Mitchell to Ma 'lo Miller , no and nlnso 0-10-10 , o'/J MI nnd sw so 81-10-10 , lots 0 nnd 7 , block 2 , Har rier's ndd to Valley . 6 J J Curtis and wlfo to W 11 llell , lot 9 , block 7 , Hnnscom I'luco . 2,425 Jacob Kundls and wlfo to Samuel Jncobs , H 80 fcot lot 11 , block GO , Houth Omaha . , . 100 A II Murdock to Vranlfl'lvonkn , lots 7 CTi to 10. block G , Hymllcuto Hill . 1,000 L'runk l'lYonliaml ; wlfo to 1 KHcltzcr , Bumo . 1,300 Lonn Quick and hnsbund to Peter An derson , lot 11 , block -IC'J and 18 > J- 100 Blum-sin Htouo Quarry Hesorvu. all In Ornndvluw . , 1,200 II II Mulford and wlfo to Harmon Hchell , lot ID , block 2 , Kcdlck park , lots 1 to G , block 2 , lot : ) , block 1 , lots 7 to 11 block 2 ' I'laco , , 1'opo . 87,000 QUIT CLAIM iii ) : s. B J Corrlfjnn to William O'lCeeffo , lot 8 , block 10 , Corrlgnu I'laco . 1 I N Watnon ( special master ) to M A UHlesple , administratrix , Iota 14 to 17 , bluck 101 , Uuiuleo I'luco . 1,001 Total tiniouiit of transfers . e 01.4U& IIAYDEN BROS , Several Special Things for Saturday and Saturday Evening , . EACH ONE IS A STAR OFFER There Are Ilooki nnd Stationery , Gloves , Underwear , Umbrellm , llotlorr , Men't and HojV HnU Also Ttro Surprii- Ing ; Silk nnd Drcis UoodiUITert , SILKS. SPECIAL SAL11.FOR SATURDAY. 50 pieces printed China silk go regardless of cost. Silks worth 45c a yard nt 23o yard , Ono pattern only to n customer. All new clean Bilks and choice colors. 2oo n yard. LADIES' AND GENTS. ' FURNISH INGS , GLOVES AND UMBRELLAS. Gents' gauze balbrlggan shirts 15o each , worth STic. Gents' ' seamless sox 9c per pair , worth 12Jc. 12Jc.Ladles' Ladles' jersey ribbed vests 5c each , regular price 12jc. Ladles' 20-Inch silk umb'rolla , paragon * frames and elegant handles , only $1.50 onch , worth $2.1)8. ) Special sale of corsets for tomorrow. World's fair souvenir spoons given away at our glove counter with 50c and 75o mitts. 1 case of ladies' fast black cotton hose Oc , worth 2T)0' . Ladies' kid gloves , regular $1.50 qual ity , reduced to $1.00. Ladles' line Swiss aprons 25o each , worth 50c. DRESS GOODS. Special sale Saturday evening. 40-inch all wool albatross in all the pretty evening shades , also black , will go on sale after 7 o'clock Saturday evening nt 33o oor yard. Limit 10 yards to a customer. Special hat sale for Saturday. S2.00 , $2.50 stiff hats $1.00 ; black , brown , nutria. $2.50 Fedora hat OSo ; black and brown. 83.00 , $3.50 Fedora for $1.75 : black , brown , nutria. 83.00 black soft hats , $1.2o. $2.00 fur soft hut , 75c , brown , nutriar 75c men's ' crush hats,48c.blackbrown , , stone. 82.00 , $1.50 men's straw hats , 75c. Sl.OO , $1.25 men's'straw hats , 48c. 75o men's straw hats , 25c. 50o men's straw hats. luc. 35c nnd fiOc children's straw hats , 15c. Call and got our prices before buying. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Our Saturday book , sales having proven so very successful wo will re peat it tomorrow. All our 25c and 35c books only 5c. Our best note paper worth 25c Ib. for lOo Ib. Our finest envelopes worth 15o pkg. for 3c pkg. The best mucilage made 2 bottles for 5c. Lead pencils 3c per doz. Special on leather and cloth bound dictionaries. BUTTER , CHEESE AND MEATS GREATLY REDUCED AT IIAY- DENS' . You don't hnvo to pay 30c and 35c for butter. Wo are selling fresh country butter for lOc , 12c , 15c , and best coun try butter , 17c. Creamery wo have at 19c , 21o nnd 23c , nnd the separator creamery for 2oc. Remember it is no higher. You can get the finest butter you ever atp for 25c. When you try it once you will always como hero for it. CHEESE DEPARTMENT. Here wo are cutting prices. Wisconsin full cream cheese , 5c , 7c , lOc and 12Jc ; finest cream chcebo made , 14 c and ICe ; how is this , young America full cream cheese , 7jc , never sold for losa than l'2\o \ and 15c ; Edam cheese , $1.00 each ; pineapple cheese , 45c' Wo have all sizes in Canadian paragon cUooso at lowest prices , or any kind you may desire. . . Wo are right in it in meats , handling 1 only the select goods of the Cuduhy , Swift and Hammond Packing Cos. . . Sugar cured picnic hams , llo , Cali fornia hams , 12c , strictly sugar cured No. 1 hams , luc , bologna , head cheese and liver sausage , 5c , boneless rump and plato corned beef , 74c , dried beef , lOc , boneless ham , 14c. Try some of our cooked boneless ham , 12ic , it is fine. Rerabor you can got everything at lowest prices hero.IIAYDEN IIAYDEN BROS , Promoters of homo industry. rires lit Now Orleans. NEW ORLEANS , La. , Juno 2. Fire last night destroyed the Homo Brewing com pany's ' plant , a cistern factory and other adjoining buildings. Loss estimated at $120,000. Daniel Talmago Sons & Co. , rico mill burned. Loss estimated at $25,000. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure tlicin. "Tho ' ' hotel 21st Madlsonfainily , ( ) , and Chicago. Transients $2.00 per day Drexel Hotel , 10th & Webster , 1 blk from Mo.Pao. & Elk. depot. Nat. Brown , prop. Raymond & Co. , gravel roofers. 1400 Farnam. . See the celebrated Sohmor piano at Ford & Charlton.Music Co. . 1503 Dodgo. FALCONER J SATURDAY NIGHT PorTwo HonnpFrom 7i30 to 9i30 Ooloolt We'll'Soll 100 Patterns of SUMMER WEIGHT DRESS GOODS At 8I.OB rcrll'AUcrn , Fully Worth 82.00 to S2.r.O Meo' Silk Nooktloi , Vnlu 3Bo tolCOc , Alt nt lOc | Limit , Otto n Cuitonior. MEN'S 4 PLY LINEN COLLARS , 100. SCO dozen men's 4 ply white linen col lars , 20c qualities , for two hours toino1- row night , lOo each : limit , 1 dozen to n customer. 4 ply linen cuffs , Ific to match. PERCALE SHIRTS , -ISC. This is a shirt that cannot bo bought regularly for loss than $1.25 ; they have percale bosoms , white sleeves and bodies , the very latest idea in shirts ; limit , 0 tea a customer at 48c each. BOYS' WAISTS 23C EACH. This is the best value in waists wo liavo yet oiTorcd. Some nro slightly soiled , but nil nro actually worth 50o. Limit six to a customer in our Saturday night sale at 2c ; ! anleeo. PRINTS AT 25C. Ono case of prints , best quality , 10 yards to n customer , at 2Jo per yard. Remnants of ginghams , sateens and all other wash goods at half prices. LADIES' JACKETS $1.00. 60 ladies' jackets $3.75 , S4.CO , $ C.OO and $7.f > 0 jackets , ono to a customer , to night nt $1.00 each. There nro only 50 of thorn , BO bo on tlmo. STATIONERY 7C PER BOX. 0 boxes of iino stationery to a customer tonight at 7c n box , sells every where nt from 15c to 25o per box. All now goods. These are most extraordinary bar gains , especially the dress goods at $1.03 per pattern. They como In a handsome assortment of shades and are selling every day at from $2.00 to $2.50 per pat- torn. torn.At At $1.05 n pattern 100 patterns will not last an hour. Wo will also have three other lots of bettor dress goods in this sale that will bo picked up rapidly. None of these ex traordinary bargains on sale until 7:30 : tonight. N. B. FALCONER. NOTION DEPARTMENT. India silk dress fronts worth 83.50 go at $1.75. Fancy hair pins , black , amber and eholl , worth up to 50c , all go at 15o each. Gilt nnd silver hair pins worth 25o go at 12c. } Baby brushes worth 25c at 15c. Baby brushes worth 35c to 50c go at 25c. 25c.Silk Silk cord ruching , all colors , 20c per six yards in a box.N. N. B. FALCONER. N. B. The weather having inter fered the remnant sale at half price will bo continued all day Saturday. N. B. FALCONER. A snap for Borne hotel man. See J W. Squire's ad , in "Business Chances.1 CRAZED WITH ITCHING Aiid Fain from Eczema. Scratched Until Blood Came. Scales Like a Fish. Cured by Cuticura. I had n very bad casoof Ecrcrnaon my nock It wa&.lust ternblo. At times it Heomed au If It would drlvo tuo cray with Itcliliu nnd pnlu. Through the clny It would Itch. c-utslnR mo to Bcrutcli until the blood would como , nnd dur ing the nlRht It would Hcnb ovorEotlmtl would scrutuh off scales like thosa of n lUh. Dnotorcd with the fninlly physician for ono boubon. Ho piivoino tomiiorury rollof. but my tioublo would como bnuic lit about the sumo tlmo each year. Tbon I bocau usliis UUTICU- IIA HEMBDIKS , which huvo otitlroly cured mo. MlfcS HANNAH M. WILLIAMS , Lanioncovllle , Dearborn Co. , ind. Fine Head of Hair. My liond becnmo very sere and all my hnlr fell out. I spent nil Iconic ] nrnUo In doctorlnx hut nothing helped mo ; bought CUTICUHA ItKMiiDict * , uud In six weeks tlmo my houd was well , mid I then UROI ! the CUTICUHA for my tmlr. I now say that there Is not n liner houd of linlr In northern Inillnnn thnn m'no for only a year's growth. BEULA1I O. STUART , Duller , Indiana. Cuticura Resolvent The now blood und skin purifier , Intcrnnllv. and CUTICUHA. the great suln cure , and GUTI- CUIIA SOAP , the oxQiilslto skin boutitlder , ox- torniilly. Instantly relieve nnd speedily aura every dlsoubo and humor of the skin , scalp and blood , with loss of hnlr. from Infancy to URO , from pimples to scrofula , when the best physicians , hospitals and all other remedies fall. _ Sold every wliero. Price , OUTICUHA 50e , SOAI- 2nc , HESOI/VENT II. I'roparod by the I'OTTEII UltUO AND OlIHMtCAD OOnPOUATIlIN , IIO9tOll. t /"How to Ouro Skin Diseases , " 01 puces , CO Illustrations und 100 testimonials , mailed free1. ' , blnokhoads. rod. rouzh , ohnppod Ml'IiKS skin cured by OUTICUUA SOAI- . > . _ _ _ _ l HOW MY SIDE ACHES. Aohlni : Kldos ana Hack , Hip. Kidney and Uterine I'alns. and HhuiimntUm ri'lUnod In iino inliiutn by the Ciitluurik Antl-1'iiln rinntur. Trice , 25 ccnt > . SPECIALIST I'rrftldniit of NEW ERA .lUltl.HJAI , Is unsurpassed In tlio treat ment of all . > Chronic , Prlvnto anil Norvoim DUonsos. Wrlto to or cunmlt pa tinnalir , TIUAT.MINT inr .MAIL. -Address wltli utatnp ( or p.tr- . . tlculara , which will ba eent In . il,0. Uox (21 ( Uiuco lid B. lilh-i STREHGTH.-VITAim , MANHOOD I Wn.PAIIICEIl.M.n.Nn.411uJfliic > .it. , UOWOK , tIjt . , tA ( < / eontultlny phyilclan of tfJ I'KAUODY MBOIOAL INSTITDTK.to nh'1 rral atvardcJ the OOLU ricnAi. by the NATIONAL Uiol'JUZT.KSSAYon KihuutttJ Vitality. MrojvjKtriovttM < \ I'tiyiti at VtMMy , ami olltu , . and ircaAiiru of J/cn. nimfP tka vouiiff , Iho mUJlt-aytJ and oui. l.llrlrX L'onAultatloa in perton ur by letter , UUIILO i'r08pcctu with tcetlraonlale , FKKK. I.nrzo book. SOHINCK OK MM ! , Oil NKLF * J'HKSKUVATION , SCO pp. . 12J invaluable prePress Press your Neck for Spring. D you know how lo do so properly 7 Try the Wide Band , Turn-down Collari. We manufacture a number oi them. Clailt Brand , E6C.I NiUck Wid . Nitllli , Uedlum. Caon A Co. Prand , 20o. A irn , Wld * . Dirbor , Medium. Cluett Coon S Co of clothes made of magnificent all -wool cassimeres resisting all wool homespuns splendid , stylish fancy cheviots toney twill tweeds some worth eight dollars a suit some worth ten dollars and many a one that would cost an even dozen dollars under ordinary circumstances will bo placed on sale on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock no earlier at the one uniform price of a suit. Among these suits are some of the nobbiest light effects shown this season many handsome gray , brown and tan pin , checks stylish fancy mixtures in medium shades twills that are English enough for "Lunnon don-cher-know" double breasted square cuts , that are sporty enough for a "dead game" and sober colors for the most business-like of staid old business men. Not in the entire lot that has an approach to shoddy in its makeup the goods being made of clear , clean wool , every fibre. The making is thorough in every part the linings are of splendid serge and Italian and the trimmings are substantial through out. A year ago last lastnn we did the biggest day's business ever done in one day in the spring by any western clothing concern. All day long from nine in the morning till ten at night , our store was packed to suffoca tion by a dense throng of people , who jammed the aislescrowd ed the counters , packed the stairway and elevator compelling us to close our doors a dozen times during the day and evening , so much greater was the crowd than we could handle. . This sale will be a repetition of the one a year ago , when many a man who came too late , got left. OF ALL KINDS. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES Syringes. Air Pillows. Atomizers. Tubing. Invalid Cushions Rubber Gloves. Walei Bottles. THE ALOE&PENFOLD ( JO , , DEALERS IN Stiryloal Iiifili-iitnontH , 1'Jiyalclant'IIHC/ > Jfn7 Suppl/os , 114 South 15th. St. Next to PobtoUlco. Wo will eiuil you thn miritlouil French Preparation CALTIIOO f fre . ml a lecal Kimrnnuo tlisli CAl/l'IIOS will IU > torc yoiirt 31 altli , NtrttligUi * ud Vigor. Uit Hand fay ifialisfti , Address VON MOHL CO. , fiill iniriiu lnU , CtodnoiU. OUo. I ST. GALLEN A wholOBOmo tonlo. Delicious to tlio ta to. Jfiratt'ful to the hloinach , rurlfjrlnit to Uio ' . ' blood and BtreiiKtheiiliiK to the t > ystein. Unsurpassed UBn preventive or and euro for ( , -IAI.\ICIA , JYNl > ji : NIA. nnd purlieu * , inrly ufllcacluus In canes of weakened dleos- | UTO organs and couipllcatloua urisluf tlicre- < > from. ' 1'ix-pnrcd principally from Herbs , fnuil Jtont. , UIIOMII lot- their nilrulriilile ( K i > r < i ) > orllr to rum dy turi > ldlly or Iho , , liver uud butvcU. ' ABBEY LABORATORY. . . , . 1428 UIESI3SIPPI AVENUE , ST. LOUIS , MO. o 9 Cpon rccolnt of to cents to defray our exa pen c , wo will mall to nny addrrts , postnuo - CP prepaid , a trial bottle , containing fuurouucei , a 9 eocuruly packed In wooden emu. 5 f FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. f " 'Ico 81 per bottlo. 85 lord bottlet , full tire a SJ a " - - - " terms In larger lota. _ PROTECT YOTTITEYES AMU USE Hlrschberg's Spectacles &Q ! Byeglissej , MWW BRO COMPANr , O , .Doctor. The unusually fine engraving on Raymond's "Omaha Souvenir" spoons attracts the visitors eye at once. You should not leave this city without one. A.ND DOUOI , U , OUVtli. 1316 Doug-las Street , Omaha , Neb. Tlio eminent epcclallst In norvoim. chronic , private , blood , skin nn.I urinary ill oi os. A rpjiutar anifl registered Krmlunte In rnccllclno , ni illiilom and cprtltloalui will uliow , | 1 allll tro.itln wllh tliS uroataifl BUCCOSB. cutnrrli.lost innnhood , omliml ojkneii , nljlit IOHOH nnd nil fornii or prlvnto OlHMSOi. N < 7 mercury used. f.ow trc tmont for lom of vital powor. l'arlle miilju | to visit mo mar bo troilod nt uo by corroipomlonco , MoJIcInu ur UiBtriiiuonti unt hr rnnll orojproHa ocuruly packed ! nu inirlci to ndl catu contunti or i > odor. ( Jno personal Interview prufurml ( oruultatlo.i fruu ( . 'orrujponaonco ilrlctl private. Hook ( Mrsterlcs of l.lfo ) aont free. Olllco hours , I ) a m. to U p.m. Sundays , lUo.m.tor PROTECT AfJO EmWH YOU11 S1024T- Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Arc tlie Bast. EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , J. F. Ponder , MR r. OEflflHA OPTiGAL CO , , 222 S. 16th St. ftmW COMMCILTAUf THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTER THAN EVER ! AIiulo ul * tliu llni-Kt iiunllly of Huvnnii ToIniRcci llincann liu.Vontrlil. Kquiil lucicry rrapcrt Killia > tl'iJiorttx-liui-c : , Mnuufucttrodljj'j ; , It , UICUMKUCVtKTlLU CIGAlirAC'iOIlV. St TREATMENT. FOHALb j. Cliroiilo Harm , ? , Private and Special DisaiSH , of both Men and Women. fitnoturo and all other troubles treated at roasonabla charge * CONBUI/i'ATION I'UEIl Uallonor udUros * ) nrr DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAJIA , NEB Opposite Huydcn llros. Teeth extractor In morclni Isuwouei laicrisj r fur oua tame day , 1'orfec. U ( uuteed. ffi Paitou xilao'x. 10th and Farnam Strooti , l T tor ua UtU iH. TelapUuua IUU. UltllSO THIS WITH YOU ui * IKFIOT. : TONn AND AN AKT TURABIIHK. OAIJj AND BXAMINU THId WOUIC II' YOU AUfi TIIINKI.NO OF IIAVINO A I.AHOK 1'IOTUKB MAD11 THIS STYJ.R IN 10x20 KIM : ruAMr : AT s HXTKA WITH EVKUY UO/.IJ.N OA1IINT.T I'HOTOS. HIGH CLASS PHOT05RHPHY , AT POPULAR PRICES , 313-315-UnSoutUirjtU Street. OMAHA. on. McGREW THB OPCCIALIBT. Is uninn > iusc < l la till trcatmout of all PRIVATE DISEASES anil nllWetkniiiiicU and Oleotderi of nun 18 years oiperUmce. Write for clretJi'l ami quuttlon lltt free. 14th mid I'arnatu ( ] ( ,