TJIK OMAHA DAILY REEt SATURDAY. JUNE 3. 1893. SPECIAL NOTICES. nVKHTlBKMl'.NTS KOH T1I1SSB COLUMNS will tin tkkon nnttl 11:30 : p. n. for th o cnln I until 8JU p. m. for the morning and hun < l f .Ions ' idTtrllrnri , by rf > qu tlnir A numbered checkcan k , ' their aniwor * addrpoMHl to a numbered Id tter mro or Tile II n : Annvera no nd < l re ed nil I be lunrcd upon prr'cnUtlon Pf the cheek. SITUATIONS WANTED. 1 Men , mo it word flrot Insertion , to n word there- j r. Nothing Ukon for lent Ihantto. -COACHMAN WANTS roSlTlON. ADDIIKSS II4fl , Dee * IW 4 WANTED MALE HELP. , mo n word first Iniortlon , lo a word tlioro er. Nothing taken for Ion llinn 3Jc. . , TIIAVKL1NU SA1 ijoll linking powder. Wo put our goods In glan I'llngplns. lu ) month salary and expanse * , or 35 T cent commission. Send slamp for reply , sago liaklng 1'owdcr Co. , 7C7 Van Huron it. . ; en go. JIM it IK VOU WANT A GOOD I'AriNU JOU WllITK . .Ito Hawks Muracry Co. , Milwaukee , Wli. F M4IO.H' I'TWO ' ACTIVU BALICSMUN , C1TV II ftnxdy employment and well pMd. Apply nt l > ougla . i'-llW 1'AY TO 1.01)0 It OHOANIS'.KllS. ilEST E * < nick and death boneflturdor. Address , Arnerl- f I'rotcellTo I.oaguo , llalllmoro , Md. M 491-5 * . -WANTKIVniAVK.UNOSAl.KSMKNKXl'KIU- Joncod In slock food trndo ; reference ) required ; BIiil tndtioy to good men. Address Wllbnr Heed | y t Co. , Milwaukee , WIs. * - ) , STIIONO BOY IB TO 18 VKAllSOLt ) to loam mechanical trade. Addreis It CO , lloo ee. M33 -PltlNTKH WANTKn ; OOOI ) AM. 'HOUND nan , lion * nnd Job ; write quick ; experience , u of work , wages , references , etc. ; steady job competent man , Nebraska Signal , Fairmont , . Mica t , MVANTKI , AOKNTTOTAK1C OIIDKHS KIIOM 'Jbuilnoss houses for new patent folding Blool. il at room 10. Commercial national bunk build- tCI-l ' , . .VANTK1) 1IY WIIOLKSALK 11OOBK FIIIST- I flansolllco man ; must write good hand nnd ba Itild and acciirnto at figures ; steady nmploymont Ird good position to proper party. Address 1163 , 110 olllc . Mica 4' b-WANTKO.J OOOD COAT MAKKHd. CIIAS | > Aron. Croto. Nob. 670 7 I > WANTUD. BAIjKSM KN TO 8KIIi DIlV HOODS 'to country Irndo Address "Salesman , " 311 nnd | ,3 , Carter lrooI , I'lllladolphln. . Mia33 ) WAN1I5I ) , A I.I VIS KNKIIOKTIC , IIUSINKH8 'nmn lo tnko the ittntn nftonry for n staple nrtlclo 'wonderful merlin. Must bo financially rcnponsl- .0. AdUrcaslICJ , lleo. M&V3 , > -llllllHT UATIlOI.tO MAN IMMKDIATKI.Y to ropronont n rannufnctorr. fnlnry (30 00 per onlli , WrlloJ , 11. Donnelly , 79 Dearborn struct , I'.oiigo. .MKK13 * > -WH WANT AT ONCi : HKI.l.MILl ! MUN ' ' OTcrynrhcro ( local or traveling ) lo ndvorllso nnd . opoursliow cards lacked uu In towns on trees Id fences along public roads. Hlondy work In , > ur own county. 170.10 n month nalnry nnd fJ.CU n r uxpcnson'dopoiltud In your bank when started. 'nnco ( lerman ICIcctro Co. , Ilqx 801 Cincinnati , O. ' MS'W 3' WANTED FEMALE HELP. Clinics IHc n word first Insertion , lo a word there- 'lor. Nothing tnkon for loss than 25c. _ . _ . . , I.ADIKS TO WllITK AT I10SIK. VKnclose slnmpcd ourolope. lilla Worst , Sco. , jiulli llonil , Inil. _ J _ < 38 | 1 MAN AND WIFK , IIO.UO : M MKN , 103 OIIILS , I IJ 00 to II00. Canadian olllco , 1W1.1 Farimni. MWT .IH [ t-WANTKII , I.AUIES FOll I'l.ltASANT. IMIOKI- i table homo work , 1'rof. McLean , Arcade hotel , i and 13th streets. D40 7 * fc-l-WAXTlID , Ollll. FOll OKNKUAI. IIOUSi- 1 work ; best of wages paid. S033 Capital avonuo. 809 fl-WANTED , A COOK AT 1019 CHICAGO fstreet. f . M39J - , A NKAT , OHI > KIltT WOMAN Fort tvVdnlry and housework on small farm adjoining Vountry town. Family consists of owner nnd one ' . 'mini No oblectlon to woman with one child. Ad- I dross II 39 , this olllco. .M3SO 4 * I/-1-WANTKD / - - A NEAT OU1KT FOll OlCNKllAI. | 'w housework Inqulro 3202 Howard street ill 2 1-SKWINU (11111.3 AT 1U11 FAUN AM ST. C-WANTICI ) , AT ONCK , A IlEFINHD AND UK- liable young lady with rnforoncn and experience , in nn tcucronm parlor. Blootsky , 3 < itli and 1' sti. , feouth Uiuaba. 5132 -WANTKI ) , A aooi ) WOMAN COOK. WILL pay good wages. Address 241 N. 7th street , Lin coln , Neb , M634 i * c I WANTED. GOOD COOK. 1510 SIIKHMAN AVE- nuo. Mrs. A tiaundors. M5I34 .n-WANTKIJ , UIIlli FOll O1CM1511AL IIOU8K- V work In small family , 1317 N. Unh. 678 7 * C-WANT1SD , OOOI ) Q1IIL FOll QKNEtlAl , housework , 8507 Hurt. 74 3 -WANTKI ) , NKAT MIDDLK-AOF.I ) OH EIj ly houiokeopcr for widower with 3 children. ( Apply , Mrs. Haley , IOS S. 2'Jth nvo. 673 3 * -WANTIl > AT ONCK ( llllli FOll QENKKAL housework46U So. 21th Avo. 671-4 Sri WAN'IKl ) . KN1SHOKTIO IjADV AUHNTS IN IV/overy locality. Oldcstabllshedhouse. Uuslnoss Cploniaiit nnd profitable. Klngery Mfr , Co. , Clucln [ nail , U. MJ81 3 * FOB , BENT HOUSES. Itatos , lOo a line onch Insertion , tl.60 a line per | month. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. D -FOH hnNT , iioUHBH IN ALL 1'AHTS OF city. ; Tbo O , F , Davlu company , 1605 Farnam st. 440 V-10-HOOM HOUSe , J108 DOUOLAS 8TIIUKT. /ISnquIro of ilorlti Meyer , cor. llith and Farnnm. 441 \ TKN-llOOM MOD1CIIN 1IOU8 ! : , OOOI ) LOOA- /lion ; rout rnoclornto. Jj. H. Uklnncrlt14 ! Farnam. UJ \-7-IlOOJI HOUBIC , UABT FUONT , AM , MOD- /ore , Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Farnim. 445. 1-3 ANI ) > 4-UOOM Al'AllT.MKNTS , VON DOrtN /blockwllh 1108111 ! reforonccs required818S3Jd. ; 447 I-V-FOIt HUNT , 10 IIOOM MODRIIN IIOU8H , I ' niillalilo for roomers nnd boarders , 'X > \ \ Ilnrney root. lO.ruom modern hnuae , 3218 Loavonworth f.roul , only I.'S.OO. homo nloo collages. IL O. Ulnrle V Co. . Hid llarnoy street. Mat \-FOIl HKNT , a-HOOM COTTAUU FOll COIr I ored pooplo. 80S North lath t. M8M _ . -SKIS U. J. KISNDALIj , llltOWN lIUII.lllNd. M1IJ3 JI9 \-FOll HKNT , COTTAdE. JA 111 ] 1C POUCH , /full lot barn. Will and Nicholas , two blocks rom Walnut Hill motor. Inquire at comptroller's . MS'JI V-FOIl HKNT. MODUtlN 11-llOO.U HOt.'SU ' 1719 Chicago it. M877 3 V-FOIl HKNT , MODKHN 0-HUOM 11OUBK , FUll- . 'nlihod cotnplolc , forS or 3 months ; good loco- Itioii. ( i. F. iimis 330 H. mil n. S041 \-l-HOOM FLAT , 117 , 0 & 7 IIOOM FLATS , 130. /Opp. Joirorson square. Hoborts , IfllU Chlcauost MAAI3T 2Cth.HOUSKi INQUIUK 1314 -'Nortli 2Cth. 4IC4 * 114ra - \ - . > IIOU8B FOll KENT , ON CAI'I- ( -L/tol HIM , months of July , August and ra - ber , V rooms , largo yard and barn , to small lly only. Address wllu reference. II 47 care lloo.M433 M433 l _ m-FUH HKNTFUUNlHIl HOUSK FOHSUMMKIl 1 oh Cnpltol Hill address 11 6V , lloo. I lS-3 OH 6-IIOOM FLAT. 1IIIICK , 1WJ LKAV15N- I jJworlh slroet. M537 0 * V-ABMAI.I. IIOTICL NBAIl DlCl'OT , MODHI1N /itonvonlpncos , fWOO a month. Address V. I ) . \ Wum. ' . llith and Douglas. MS37 8 i P1-FOH IlKNT , 1U-IIOOM IIODSIC , ALL MODBHN | JL/lniprnTiinionl , IRI Iioilga. Inquire next door or lalB Fornaiu. Bum'l Hurin. 613 a I > -U IIOOM COIlNKIl FLAT. ALI , MOUISHN CON. " reulonotts. 3401 Ixiarenworth st , fill II * 1 pv-8-ltOOM linUBK , MODKIIN , CONVHNIKNT JL/for business or wholesale men. Apply 111 Boulh ItHb street. 4 ithM -FlllllKNT,24-HIXM ) COTrAOBB. I4TII AM ) " Illondo. 7-room rollnga , 'J'.M nnd California "itrcoti. 7-room collage , i'J.N , 2d slreot , Tory de- llrabla. J. M.aimural. aii lloa building. MM 4 * -FOll HK.NT , FUUN1BII1CD IO-110OJI HOUsK , Worllilimlou 1'luca. All moduru , Inaulro Ufownell Hall. 537 0 FOB KENT rUKNIOHED KOOMS ITl-TWO KU11NISIIK1) 1IOOM3 , UKNTLIiMKN only , 2010 UaTBUport st. J -HOOVIb C , 8 , 10 , II , liOAHI ) , 2W N 17. MM4 JJ' [ _ E-LAIUJ K SOUTH IIOOU. HKKMIUNI'KS EX- _ changed. I3U Dodttf slreet. _ 117 _ E-LAUU1 ! SOUTU VllONT IIOOM , 560 ? 1IUNUO _ _ _ MJf.-3J.i4' E-rt'HNISIIEI ) AND UNfUUNISlllII ) , 1C1I CA1 > . Uolovunuo. M871) ) J17 I * _ E-a noous FOII HUUSKKUEIMNO TO MAN and wlf i toot takea In board. 919 N. 17th. E -FIUST-CLA88 , Oil KK8U1TK. ill ! Dod9. 271 6' E-N1CKI.Y yuilNlSUKD UOOMS FOll RENT th yi 7068. 16th st M 4' _ J.1-TUIIKE FOHNIbUJSI ) KOOM8. l.NQUIHK J ui l - * Varuam street. 81U 4' E-J > 1BABANT. _ WKLL rUttNldHHD 4iinr wltli all modsru conYtQltncei. lUb. lOlbsU van rVHMIIUID JIOOH. Mil 01HrT 6' FOR HENT FURNISHED ConUm/td. / E-FOH HUNT , FOUIl OH SIX UOOMfl FOIt honncieoplnsj. pnrlly farnlshotl. llefer nc * required 9420 St , Mary's avcntto. wn-C * T7 WANTKDT11HRK Oil FOUll UKNT1.KMRN Jtoroomln private family ; pleasant ioulh ant rooms , nicely furnished , modern conveniences ; breakfast tf dcilrtd. ell'North 21st street. . & ! FHONT UOOM IN CONVKN1ENT Doardlf dostrod. CTOSo. WSU C'-KUIINISIIKD FRONT rtOOM.OAa AND UATH , Juroforences required. Address II M , Jloo. -FIll.NISIIKI > IIOOM WITH AI-C VJB KOIl gentlemen , modern conveniences , 37) North 23d , M7JO E-FUIINI8IIED FHONT IIOOM 403 NOHTII10TII 6704 * E-N1CKLY FUHNISIIKD IIOOM FOll TWO I'HH- sons , HO month , cot 3. 17th st. 633 4 * FUBNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 17-TUK DOI.AN , 30V AND 311 N. ISflt St. 1' 119 ' -YOUNO WOMEN'S IIOMK. UNDEH pAHM OF Woman's Christian niaociatibn , III 3. Kth st4SO 4SO F--HC ! TA11LK , MODB11ATB UATttS ; Farn iam. C97 ) li' -HILLSIDE , 18 A 1 > 01)UK , HOOMS , DAY 110A Ul ) . Mimuii' , T-UOOMB AND I1OAIIU AT24I3 CAl'lTOI. AVK- -L nue. llefcrcnccs required. MBIJJI9 li * FUIIN8IIUI > HOOMS WITH 110AHI ) . HBF- 1. cronccs. 72J4 Farnam. Md5J 3 * HOOMS Oil KNSU1TB AND 11OAHI ) , 11810 . SW * Ohlcago street. _ _ _ F-FUHNIs'lIKD UOOM8 WITH UOAHD. 2105 Douglas. 610-4' F--IIOOM 3 AND BOA11D. 113 8. 16T1I ST. M72' H DESIHAIlMt FIIIST AND SKCOND FLOOH J- rooms , furnlnhod or unfurnlihod , nt the Frenrer , 1U North 25th street. M5M 7 * -NIOKLY KUHNISHED BOUTHKAST FHONT room , with alcove nnd bay window , nil modern conveniences ; board ; prlrato family , all 8. nth st. 513 t * 17-nEsiiiAni.E BOUTU IIOOM WITII IIOAHO. JL11831 Chicago slrcet. MMO 4 * FOB BENT UNFUBNISHED ROOMS G TllItKK UNFCIKN13I1KD HOOMS , OOOI1 LOcation - cation , C33 South lOtll. 575 4 * FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES ' Itatcs , lOo a line each Insertion. tl.GO a line par ronth. Nothing taken for less than 25a , ON 8. 13TH ST. , LANOi : -Lblock , suitable for meat market , hardware or dry goods storo. Inqulro GOU S. 13th st 451 T-FOH HUNT , THIS 4 STOHY UllICK HUILDINO , J-910 tarnamst The building has a fireproof ce ment bascrnont. complete steam heating fixtures , water on all the floors , gas , oto. Apply at tbo offlco of The Ieo. 'J10 I roil HUNT , CH01CKST SECOND BLOOR business corner In Omaha , Oloba building , 10th and Dodge Globe Loan ATrustCo. 4i3 J CKNTIIALI.V LOCATED , IJ111CIC 8TOIIK building , very cheap to permanent tenant U. F. Uutts,2A ) Ho nth 17th street M397 J13 T-ONK OF TUB LAUOEST VACANT STOIIB buildings In Omaha , slluntel In the wholesale . quarter : Ills 130 feet deep by 3d feet wide , throe or I llvo floors und busouiont ; tlio front Is entirely of plato glass and Iron and sullablo for either whole- Bnlo ormanufnclurlng : will bo rented for reasona ble rent for ntonn of years. Inqulro at Natntorlum , 1313 lUwora ot , IW J31 * r-FOU HENT CIIKAI' , TWO Uri'Kll 1'I.OOUS Land basement , with elevator , at 1315 Douglas st. M49I 6' AGENTS WANTED. Ilatos , lOo n line each Insorllon. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than 23o. JAGBNTSVsELI.OUil AD S imsTNO ClTEJliK to merchants ; 125.00 dally ; visit storm only ; stamp , samples , Are Company , Ilaolno , WIs.M5M M5M 5 T-SUPEIllOIl BOND. 10 CKNTS AND 2 CENT J nlamp brings sample nnd valuable Information by return mall. 300 per cent profit. Superior llond Co. , llox 1031 East 1'opporcll , Mass. M5'JI 3 * WANTED TO BENT. Ilatos. Ike a word llrst Insertion , lo a word there- I after. Nothing taken for less than ! Uc. --WANTKII FOU'OOll FIVIS HOOM DOTf AOB Address II K. lleo olllco. M5J9 3 K "WANTED ; 5-IIOOM HOU3B WITHIN TEN blksof Ueo ofllco. Btale price and location. Address II la. Doo. [ ,451 , * K WANTKD , nr JPLY i , A FURNISHUD 4 or 5-room flat or cottage for man and wlfo , In a desirable locality ; satisfactory references. Ad dress D , llox 647 , Omaha. MMI 4' BENTAIi AGENCIES. LI8T YOUIl HOUSF.S FOll UENT WITH W.B. Jllorry & Co. , 717 N. Y. Life. M895 STORAGE. Ilatos , lOo n line each Insorllon , (1.50 a lln perM month. Nothing taken f or luss than25c. M r 4J3 M -STOHAOH FOn UOUSBIIOLD GOODS ; clean ; and cheap rates. It. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 4M HEATINO STOVES STOHED DDRINC1 SUM- M rocr ; spoalal storage for household Roods. Tel. % 0 , 1207 Douglas. Omaha Steve Uopalr woros. m 487-10' WANTED TO BUY. Ilatos , IHc a word tint Insortlon , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for loss than Me. \r-CA8u FOU FunsrruzK , HOUSEHOLD JLl goods , etc. , or will sell for owner In our auction sales. H. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 454 N FIIIST MOIITRAOE 1'Al'EIla. II. A. All- nold , C05 Hco bldg. M29I \T-WANTKD. TO IIUY , LOW I'llICKD LOT NOT -trover two miles out ; must bo a bargain ; glvo number and price. II 15 , lloooinco. MK14 -I WANT A OOOI ) I'IKOB OV HUSINKBS property on Ixinvonirorth street , oloso In , for cash buyor. I want n good plooo or truckage prop erty close In. I want a bargain right up hero on Knrnam street. I whnt the very host bargain I can got In a homo right down town. I want a liouno and lot near High school grounds. 1 want bargains In any part of the cltr , I can't sell If you don't give roe n chnnoa ; call or send complete description to I. ) man Waterman , room B'Ji Now York Lira building. 600-8 * FOBSAI.E HOBSES WAGONS ETC Hates , l o a word first Insertion , lea word there- i after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. i > -FOH HALK.lNICl : HAY CAIllllAGU TKAM nnd carriage. L. W. Tulteys , 103 1'earl st. Coun cil lllurr.f. 455 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hates , ) { a word llrst lusortlun , lo a word there- Nothing taken for less Ihnn25o. -KSlfHA H."A" m6lMY - . . IT vxtypowrltor , 1U18 Chicago street. MM I 3 * Q-FOH SALK , ITIIOUHOUIIIIUIIKD I'OU 1'UI'- plos , nicely marked and very small. Address box 351 , York , Neb. MJV9 I Q -rOH THK UKST FAMILY HOAllDING llOUhB In city address H 49 Uoo. 4& Q -A 1I11AN NKW KNUYULOl'EUIA IlllITAN .nlca ; latest odltloh ; cloth binding , with stand for sale ; cheaper than dirt for cash. Ad'lrou ' II. 60. lloo .MM 4' MISCELLANEOUS. Hates. IHo * wordflrst Insurllon , lea word there- aflcfT' Nothing takou for less tlian Jio. n 'n'iTNVitirKKa'FoIui N'r. WK CAN rmi. -liuleliyou oltlior a No. 3 or No. & llemlngion lypo- ; writer , InUrslcla's condltloa , on rental. Ulvo ous ncall. Wyckon , Seamans * Uonedlcl , 1111 Farnam slruel , Omaha , Neb. 440 IJ-NISWFIHU. OATW CITY Ul'lIOlISTKIUNO iXCo. , 413 H 15th st. , buooly block , llepalrlng a spoclnltyi 'A ) per cent lest than auy other place. 5 1 6 * OLAIBVOYANTS. C-MUS. NANNIE V. WAHHHN. CI.AIHVdYANT , | Orcllablo business medium ; nflhyearal IIDJ.N 10th S-r > KtiJll. M.LKOHAVK , rilOI'IIKTBSS. DBA I ) trauco clairvoyant and life reader ; lolli your Ufa from cradl9 to grave ; can bo consulted ou nil affairs of llfu ; has the celebrated Kgyptlin breast platu to unite the separated and eauso uurrtagu wltUouo you love. Comoona , come all. and bo convlucod of her rouiarkablo poirors. omoa nd reildonco 4IT B. Illh St. , hours V * . m. to V p. ndm. blrtctllf * chart and pholo of your future wlfa erne husband sent througli mall forli.00 : chart alone , tlW. All letters coutatnlag 4 conU la stamps promptly answered. 4IIJI I' ' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO , Hates , lOo a line each lnsettlou1.60 a Hue per month. Nothing takea for Isss than 250. ril-MAPAUB HMITH. tOl 8. 13TU , 3NO FLOO B X Itoom 9. 11 , vapor , ajeotol , sleamsulphur Ineaadseabsths. m SOUS' rp-MME , CARSON , 1111 DOUQLAb STUKET. SDI -I floor , room7 , wsusii * , alcohol , sulpbur and sea oaths. MtS9 8 * ri\-llUB. MACK 0V CII1CAUO GIVEd IJATHd , 1. uajatllo nod massaga treatmaat. lloooi 8. lee - oed < uor , 111 North 1U strett. Miei 9' PERSONAL. U-MASSAQIt THKATMKNT , RI.XCTIUO-TllHII mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlcnra and chiropodist. Mrs. Post,3l M S. lith , Wllhnoll blk 4M -UATAIIIIII AND HAY FKVKIt TREATED I by tlio month. Tnmors , growths ami oilier doI I fotmltlos of the nosa and throat removed without psln. Dr. J. r. ITo noll.3M llej bldg. MM5 J ' Tiilii K ! A. KEARNSTHACIIEIt OF piano : special attention to rudlmenlal princi ples. Snlto 41) , Midland hotol. ICth and andM3.1U3J - U-AHKWARDOFM WII.T. IIKI'AH ) Foil TUB I arrest and conviction of any person claiming authority to solicit umbrella work for Kd F. rick- firing , 106 8.18th ft 630 6' U DR. WILLIAMS. TIIK DISNTIST. MAKICS IsS 00 sots Of teeth for 1100. Host 110 00 set for 1300 , and warranted. Tooth filled , palnlcusnud durable. 404 N. 10th itrcet it MO 4' ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. Hates , too n line oacl , liKcrtlon. Il&nllno per mbnth , Nolhtng lakon for loss than25o. VAHSTRACTSTHl ! MIDLAND"llTAHANTIU ! v and Trust company , abstracts , conveyancers. Titles perfected nnd guaranteed. Own the only completabstract books In Douglas County. Re moved to room 310 Now York Llfu building. 45) meM MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hates , lOo a line each Insertion , 11.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 310. \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAICHS LOANS i > on real ustato nt lowest market ratus. 1-onns made In small nr largo auras for short or long time. Nose commission Is charged nct the loans are not sold in the east , hut con always bo found nt the bank on tbo corner of 13th and Douglas sts. 401 -LOWEST HATK3. FIDKUTY TRUST COMpany - pany , 170) Farnara street. 103 W CBNTRAbLOAN ATRUSTCO. , 11KU 111,1)0. 4C3 w- . F. UARRISON.OIJ N. Y. LIFE. 4G1 IV-MORTOAOK LOANS LESS TUAN 7 I'ER vt cent. Including nil charges. Charles W. Hnlnoy , Omaha Nat bank bldg. 103 W -WANTKD AT ONCK WANS ON IMI'llOVKD ; Omaha property ; low rates. Fidelity Trust company , 1703 Fnriiatn street , 402 TV-LOANS ON UU'ROVKD AND UNIMl'UOVKI ) ii cltyproporty.W.OW and upwards.1) loimporcont. No delays. W.FarnamSmlth&Co.,16th , and Uarnoy. 1C ' ) -1 AND 2 YKAU LOANS ON CITY AND KAHM mortgages. Hoed & Solby , 311 Uoard of Trudo. 407 W ilONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA AND COUN clt Illufls real estate and Nebraska nnd lown farms at f rom 6M 108H per cent Intorust.wlth no ad ditional charges for commissions or attorneys fees. W.U.Molklo.lstNat'l bank bldfr , Omaha. 4IH \ \ /-MONEY ' TO LOAN AT LOWKST RATI1S. The O. F. Dnvls Co. , 1503 Fnrnam street. 4GJ Ttr ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 If. Y. it LI7o , lends nt low uttps for choice soeurlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. 470 W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved real cslnto , 1 to 6 wW . Fidelity Trust Co. , I'M Farnam. 4M w- LOANS , Q. O. WALLACU , 312 IlllOWN I1LK. 473 Tir FIRST AND SECOND MOUTOAGU LOANS ; ) i low rates. Alex Mooro. 401 Hoc bldg. 474 J. W.SQU1RIS.MOVKD1O2I311EE ULIXJ. 475 WANTED , TO BUYS PERCENT NOTES SE- onrod by morlgagcs Omaha city or Douglas Co. property. KceclAtolby , .1)5 Uoard of Trndo. 407 " " "MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Kates , lOo n line each Insertion , II.M a line per month. Nothing taken for loss thnt2Sc. -DO V6U WANT MONKY ? THE FIDELITY LOA1S ( JUARANTEE CO. , IIOOM 4 WITHNELL 11 LOCK , 319 > , SOUTH 15TU , CORNER IIAHNEY ST. , WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY BUM \ LAR01J \ Ott \ SMALL ' . FnOM \ TEN yoOLLAim UP. WE MAKE LOANS ON KURNll'lIllK , HOUSES , CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS Oil PER SONAL 1'HOl'KHTY OF ANY KIND. / WILLI /YOU / ONVl OUIl TEKM3 WILL MERIT YOUIl APPROVAL. You can pay tbo money back nt any tlmo nnd In any amount you wish , nnd thus reducethu cost of carrying the loan In proportion to amount youpny. IK YOU ewe a balance on your furniture or other personal property of any kind wo will pay It off for you and carry It as long as yon doslro. YOU < ; AN HAVK YOUK MONEY IN ONE noun FROM THK TIME YOU MAKE AI'PJCATION. No publicity or removal of pioporty , so that you get the usoof both money and property. 476 X CALL AT TUB OFFICE Off OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. ! INCORPORATED. .1 : IF YOU WANT MONEY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CAllRIAQICS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Wo will lend you nny amount from $1(100 ( to 11,000 00 ON THE DAY YOU ASK FOll IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amount you wish , and at any time , and each payment BO made will reduce the cost nf the loan. Kcmombor that you have tbo usoof both the property nnd tbo money , nnd pay for 1 , only as long aa you keep It. Tlioro will bo noexpouso orchargo kept out of the amount wanted , but you will rccelvo the full amount of the loan. Before- borrowing elsewhere call and see us , and you will Und It groully to your advantage. OMAIIA MOIITUAKE LOAN CO. , Mi SOUTH ICTH STREET , llmt tloor above the strcot. TUB OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE. curlty ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 478 X MONEY , 30 , CO , 00 DAYS , CHEAP ( IATKS nnd easy pnymonts. on furniture , pianos , llvo ' stock , etc. . without' delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Dull Green , room 8 , Uarkor block. 4711 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , tl.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than 2c ! "EAST BUN RC iVu'l HO WK'S IN FA L LIIILH Handicapping system nets $15.00 weekly on 1200 00 Investment Soconrl successful year , tinfo. Conservative , I'ractlcil. Proipactus 1891 free. C. D. Howe. L'ox 127 , llrooklyn , N. Y. M19UJ.M' Y-A SNAP FOR SOM13 HOTEL MAN. FOR ealo at a bargain , nearly nor holel fur niture , enough to furnish a lotel of 89 rooms , also largo ofllco , two largo parlors , dining room with twelve large table ) , chairs , aldobonrda , rugs , linen , cut glass and dishes complete , also all necessary bedding for above rooms. This furnl- turu Is all ohorry und oak , and the rooms complete with line carpets , curtains and ovorythlng HUGOS. sary to thoroughly equip n modern hotel ; only n year out of the factory , The above complete hotel furnishings can ba had at a big bargain and must be sold within the next few days. Wrlto or call on J. W , Squire , Council llluBa , la. M9U ' -f-VOll BALE , OOOI ) NEWSPAPER IIU8INKSS LandouttU. Vlpla Davis. Lincoln , Nob. 107 Jt * ' V-l'OR RL'NT OH SALE , A WKLL KSTAI1 J. llshcd restaurant or chop Louse , doing a llrst- elms business , In the Ikuga block on S. 1.1th street , ono of the best locations ID the city. linqulra at Wl S. lltli ! ttroot , up ststrs. Jl. a atS3 FOR BALE , TRADE OR KENT , HOTKL , S3 rooms , all occupied with permanent boarders ; modern Improvements. Hast location la S. Omaha i , Capt .lohn O'Donaboo , 30J N. Itith sL. Omaha , Nob. Ml'JJJftl ib.J8 \rFOll SALE , A MILLINERY STORK AND IHJfl Inoss ; salea from on hundred to llvo hundred prs day , best location In thu city , long loaso. Will lakoono half In uulncuaiburod prouorly or farm laud. Addroaall 17 , Hoe. 24'J b * "V FOIS BALB , A NICE CLEAN STOCK OF DRY i goods and shoes lu a nlco , llvo Nebraska town of 2OUO people ; afluo opening for some one ; best of reasons for selling ) will Involco J..WO. will also oil my rojldonco propurty. Address box 1201 , FalrUold , Neb. HIM 5 * Y-DO YOU WANT TO IIUV , 8KLL OR KX- change a business , real estate or lands ! * Do you want additional capital In your business ? If so sea us. wo can help you. tail or write for our bulletin. Olllct's In all principal cltlji ; Oiuab * branch. In.W | tt w York Ufo bulldliu , MMI9 J20 Y FORBALKORTRADK , NKW ROLLER MILL Address Lock llox iW. Wlnslde , Neb. 609 6' * V FOR 3ALK , CHKAP 1OR CASH , A Bl'LKNDID Jfurnlturo buslnoo and stook. Inqulra of Frank Lonord , Hastings , tii. \ . 654 6 * V-IOU8ALB , HARNBBB STIPP , WITH GOOD Xestablished business , no competition , good > town. Address O. L. bholl , River Ion , la. 6780 * FOB EXCHANGE. Ratas , lOo a Mao each Insertion. 11.60 a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than 25o. r/-i OWN 100 FARMS IN NEUR'ABKA. KANSAS /Jand Dakota. Will sell cheap , or exchange for nidsu.horses and cattle. Add. box70 , FrankfurtInd. _ _ J 481 . rA CLIIAN STOCK OV GKNKUAL MDSK. AJWllltako re l estate and money. 110x295 , Frank fort. . 481 " -4M ' ACRK8 OF CLEAR LAND IN ONEOFTHB best winter wheat districts In Kansas to- exchange change for 10 or 20 acra tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay cash dltfaronco If property Is good. Address , giving prlco and locution , Q H llee. 205. _ V/-FOR KXCHANGI2 , HALF lNTKltiai' IN /Ismail tract of land ( soulb ) for good household . furniture. Good equity la city property for nod farm clear. Will put loiome cash If suited. AO > dress U K 0 e. (47 4 * FOR EXCHANGE. Continued. Z-CLKAH LOT FOR I10K8K AND 8URHKY. Address II 34 , lleo. i * M29I V-CLKAII ; WKSTienN LAND'mi RANCH , von /Jeood equity or Urge house nhU' , Ad- lrc .a H K. ll o. ' ' M343 4 * FOR BALE REALr-ESTATE. , - * \ Ratei , lOe a line each Insertion , tl.M a Una per month. Nothing taken for less than ISc , W UK UK Altn THEY ATI Ask AMES. A Ik A MX * . Ask AMES. WHAT ARR T11EY SKI.l.ING ATI ' 4UO DOLLARS. 40) 1)01,1Alts. ) 400 DOI.l.AUS. TIICY HAVE MOTOR CARS. f.5 DOWN. ll.'i DOWN , i 2S DOWN. | TIIKRE ARn CUURCIIKC AND SCHOOLS. IIC A MONTH. 110 A MON'lll. 110 A MONTH. ARE SEVERAL STlORItS No ln"to"re Ulll 110) nro paid. No Intoiosl tljl f 100 are paid. No interest till 1100 are paid. | TUEY'RK lUailT IN TOWN. Ilnlanca t and 3 pears nt 7 par cent. Ilalanco2 nnrt Syearsnt 7 per cent , llaianco 3 and 3 years at 7 per cont. The title I * , porfact. ' 1 ho price Is low. , The lontis nro cnsy. The Investment Is safe. The Increase Is suro. Thcsololswlll bear your closest Inspection , and u comparison wltl > otnor Iota ono nnd two miles further out will convince you Hint no auch loin nro offeied foi twin ) the money wo nsk for them. Tboio loin nro right In town ( not on the prnlrlo nor In thonwanipa ) . Justus beautiful building lots ns could possibly ho without the fancy prlco nt- tachtnouu PRICK 400 DOLLARS. rioo * IM-tlOO ) llOO-flX-lJO-ttM ( ) ( tiuo-iioo nw t25 DOWN. (10 a month Without Interest on first tlOO. Balance 2 nnd 3 years at 7 per cent AMES REAL ESTATE AGENCY. AMKSRKALKSTATK AGENCY , 1507 Farnam. 672 2 BUILD A COTTAGU AND QUIT PAYING RENT WHEN YOU CAN MAKE MONKY BY DOING 801 Wo are offering the bestrosldfinco property for working men tlmtcan bo found around Omaha at about one-half thu prlca lots nro rolling for , the sumo distance out , In any other direction , equally as desirable. ONLY fJM.00 O'NU-TIINTH CASH , ZI4000 payable on or before thrco years . from April 2.1,1603 , and the balsliCQin monthly or quarterly payments at 7 pur cent Intercut. WITH TUESK ADVA'NTAGBS ' : An electric motor line runs t'o this property. The lots nro high ami level and at grade The streets are graded and thogmdlng paid for. The taxes on this proporty'havo been loss than $1.0J per lot , per year. i f .UOOOO WILL UK SPENT 0II13i ! YEAR In Im provements on nnd uround thisproperty. . Several now houses have rpvi-ntly been built In the addition , and others will bo commenced soon. Close lo manufacturing Industries where a largo number of men are elveu coustuq mploymcnt fW 00 PER LOT DISCOUNT to tbo first fifty people who wlt | build houses , thereby making actual cobt of' lot bought and built upon within ono year - , ' only $200.00 It will cost you nothing to Investigate this for yourselves , and It will pay you to do so at onco. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Call nt our office and let us takoyou out and ebow you this property. POTTKK. & GEOHGK COMPANY , Soulhwost corner ICth and Farnam streets. M5S5 AUSTRACTS. THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE and Trust company , abstractors , conveyancers. Titles perfected and guaranteed. Own the only complcto abstract hooky In Douglas county. Ho moved to room J10 Now York Life building. 459 LOT 42 FEET FRONT WITH SEVEN.ROOM house on 25th street , near Casslus ; prlco ? . ' ,200.00 ; monthly payment ! . Reed ii Selby , 331 Roard Trade. M235 AND VIKUINIA AVENUES. HE- Ttwoon Mason nnd Pacific sts. , the tlnest rosldonco location In the city. $50.00 on Georgia nvo and * ? 0 wo on Virginia avo. adjoining property hold iJO.OOto 140 CO per front foot higher. Wo will take (1,000.00 to 1,00000 Omahn property ns part payment In n lot. This Is an opportunity seldom offered. This U good for n short tlsio only , as we want aomo houses started ntonce. Two now under contract. Four sales already mado. Plonsuro lo show euch property as this at nny tlmo. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 1702 Farnam st. 573 INARMS FOll SALE IN CENTRAL NEURASKA. ICO acres , R.OO per acre , easy payments. 160 acres , ? 3 03 per aero , easy payments. ICO acres , tlO.OO per aero , easy payments. 3-0 acres , (12.50 per aero , onsy payments. Thonbovo land la Improved nnd convenient to railroad. Williams Mlttan. Room 313 , MoCnguo building , opposite postofllco. M5IU 4 I7OR SALE CHEAP , I FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE JL nnd 1 seven-room houto and barn nt 2114 and 2413 Dccafjrstreet. Cull or address ISM North 37lh , ftrcot , Omaha , Nob. MSM 8 * \VK HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE PR15T- I' Host six-room cottage In the city , lighted by electricity , having furnace , bath , hot , cold water , mantel , grate , murblo top wash bowl , nawor connuc- tlon , trees , stone walk , paved stroct , etc. Located In Avomlalupark , onorullo from postulllco. Prlco onlyfJ.800. Hdollty Trust Co. , 1701 Farnam slroot. M557Jyl MO IN VESTMENT IS SAFER THAN OMAHA 1 > rcnl estate well locntocl. No Investment In more protllnblo thnn real usluto purchased nt a low fig ure , nnd now Is Just tbo tlmo to make the Invest- mont. asgoodOmubaproporty will never > jo loss thm : what It Is today , Lotus show yon that beau tiful property which wo oltor on Georgia aud Vir ginia uvcnues. Nothing finer In the city for homo or In vestment. Will make special Inducements for spot cash. Fidelity Trust Company , 17W f'arnum Bireot. U7I S' 10EPKL ' PLACB ADDITION. The Newest Addition lo Omahv Located 3X Miles Southwest from PoatOlOoa. Host future rosldonoa part of the City. Wldu streets and wide alloys. Lola are high and sightly. ICIeclrlc Cam run near It. Passenger depot und trackage yards of Omah * . Holt I . 'no Uullroad and Mlmourl Paolllo Railroad within a block of It. U trains dully. Htoros and fnclorlos In Its immodlalo vlolnlly , Hnmosof buslnots mini und mccu.inlcj surround , Klrawooil Park , Now Driving i'arn and Fair Grounds. Platte River Cunal , slroats to bo paved , oxlanslonof olnclrlocar line , urn some of thn tub- etanllul Improvements to Im made luSoulhwest Omaha during the next few montlimi sth Youcanbuy Stoopol Place lots-tor IVWOO each , fW 00 down and thu balance In quarterly puyuignts of only ill 60 , ulth Internal nt 7 pur cont. Do not ratis this npportunllyllalTjuy llvo or ton lots at prices that will onnhlo ypitq. ) make money. i FonlaU and further Information address W. A. WEUbTEHjlloe building. JIU'JJS I , ---VH l01l HALK. 105 FBKT ON LOW1 ! : JC\'HNU1) ) . COIl. 1 nor Hamilton , with brick blocX. , .of two stores nnd llrits above , all modern.1 MP 8-room rust. ' > - 1 nco. all moilurnconvoulonoutvprico I17.WJ ; rouls for 11,600 per year. Also nicely 'fun ISO of U rooms , all modern convonl9 ofc - Call or ud- dri.'B 40-M Hum llton elruot. 1' yl MJ43 3 * AhT FHONT 1.O1'OV 3JTILKff.Ul I > ODUI ! , M3 130 foci , 11,759.00. Addrosi yvuttf G ' lloa- 1 40 ACRES NEAR OMAIIA tTflW. ' " ! I 1 0 acies CoirnrCo. fjOnnacri ; ' ? 3.-0 acres Hurt I'o. JOi an acre. ' n 820 blauton CO. (13 an acru. V < 775 acres Nance Co. 117 nn aero. t > \ ) acres Oleo Co. I4ian acre. 6U ) acres Hurt Co , l.3 an aero. 100 acres near Omaha | < ii an act * 157 acres Harpy Co. Ill an noro. 157 acrea York Co. ( U an acre. U. F. llarrlnoo , VU N. Y. Life. 'U t M U8T11K _ BOLD , NICK 6-IIOOM JlOUSK ON Lpsved street , small cash payment. Address " ' J A GOOD IJIPROVKD FARM JN NORTON ioT Kan. . Joins a good railroad town , (00 acres ina body. 1 will veil cheap or trade for workhorses or merchBiidlso , Fred R. Caslla , tlaylon , f.orlon I Co. , Kan. - 677 6' FOR SALK TWO STORY WKLL 11U1LT HOUSK .lot 41x90 to an alloy. Property In first class order , good barn , a very nug nlco house water , sewer co nnection , good brick collar , I'rloen IJ.2M terms ( J50 cash balance monthly If desired , this a bargain , Amei Real E lalel507 Fornam. 682-B 0TH 170R BALK , a LOT3COIINKII UAPLUAND 2iTH ttoefta , < i"1 f e st front , will sell for 11.000 ) 00. ° 'ner HJO.OO. inside lot I1W.08. < m payment of WOOiO cash , balance to suit purcbasur. Tills i la good value for the money. Avos , real estate. ltt)7 i ) i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ConiTniiAt. 1ARM F II SA7.K-IM ACRKS 111ACK SANDY loam , good buildings hoi fAnrev Plenty tlmbar , ovor/thlng In Rood shape ; will sell half of crop and farm tools or Irsde for foulhnrn California land. Call at the farm 8 north of Ashland , NoK W P. James. M5W IS * PASTURES FOR HORSES. K HAVK ICO ACHK3 OF HI.UU ( IHASi PAS turn for horses. Hoard fnnco. Sprint water Harton APnolps , Gllmore , Nob. , ur A , W , I'bclps .V fcon.2J7N. Y. Life Illdt. M 404J ! ) ' DRESSMAKING. M IPS A. M. 8HKKT3. DRRS9MAKKR , CONT1- ncntnl block , room 6. Satisfaction inisruntooj. T AD1KS' AND CHILDRKN'3 DRIC8SM MONO. -LJ also undpraarmonlt lo order ) muslin furnliihed If desired. K07 Mandorson. tAJyl' \ PAWNBROKERS. J 8ONNKN1IKIUI , DIAMOND IIRUKEH , U ) } ' ( Douglas st Inians money on diamonds , walchos , oil . Old gold and silver bought Tot. 15M 415 LOST. LOST-.llETWKEN 80UTII bMAH A SAVINGS bank nnd Q street on tracks eaU slilo of slock ynrds , n bill book contilnlng (131 M nnd jomo valu able papers. Flnilor will bc > awarded (5000. llcturn lo Win , II. Dolph. VJtli and R slrools. 649 2' SHORTHAND AND T YPE WRITING. Hales , lOo n line each Insertion , II 60 a Hue per monlh , .Nothing Inkcn for loss than .130. V OUNfi "LAusAN Dtl 15NTLKMlTN CAN SOON J ncqulroa working knowledge of ahorthnnd nnd typowrttlngat A. C , Van Sant's school of shnrt- luml , 613 N. Y. Life. Typowrltcra to rent. 483 'UNDERTAKERS ' AND EMB ALMERS Rates , I0a a line each Insertion. 11.50 a line per mouth. Nolhtng taken for loss than 25o. Wv I1AKKH ( HUMKliLY WITH JOHN O. , Jacobs , doopnsed , later with M.O , Mnut ) , under- taker nndioinbaimer. 3158. UUh st.'M. 48J WORLD'S FAUt HOTELS & ROOMS Hates loon line each Insertion , 11.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than 2Jo. VV01"9 VMn FURNISHED ROOMS. YOU vi toke no chance nor pay any money Inndvpnac. ( l.UOporday. Ull Farnam St. , Omaha. 653 J.W SECOND-HAND I'YPEWBITEBST ' OYI.ltS A RAlin , DEALERS IN TVIMCWllITKHP. All makes bought , sold , exchanged , routed. C1J N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 558. 454 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Hates , lOo a line each Insertion , (1.51 n line per month , .Nothing taken for less than 'Jtia. GF. OELLEN1IECIC , I1AN.101ST ANDTJCACHEH. .1310 California street. I4 SCALES TVTBWA SECOND-HAND SCALES , ALL KINDS. 1 > Address llordon & Bollock Co. , Lnkost , Chicago. 481 ! Now niul soooiul li.tnd Dnuamoroi , Horn littons ; , CnllKriiphs , Sinlllis , Yosts. UAIT inonds Mnnson . Wrlto for urloi-s ami sir monoy. MKGKATH STAT1ONEUV OO l.'WI Karuiun struct. Largest Typowiitcr House in the Shlo. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building : , Omaha , Neb. 4 years Examiners U. S , Pat. Ofllco. Advlco ( roe No fee until patent is obtained. WHEN YOU CO ABROAD TA1IK AMERICAN EXl'UESS CD'S Traveler's Cheeks. Snlo economical nnd available nt over 20.000 places In Europe , Asia , Africa , aud the United States. NO 'IDCNTIFIOATION REQUIRED. GHRD CHICAGO. IIUKLINUTUN JcQ. I Arrival Omaha Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Onml Leaves 1JUIIMNIJTON A Ma IUVUU. Arrlvoi Omaha Depot 10th and ilaion Sti. Omaha 10.15 a m Denver Kipross , 40J pin 10.15 a m Deadirood Express 400 p ia 4.60 pm Denver Kiprvss , 11.30 am 460 ptn Denver Limited , 112OS am 060 pm . . . .Nebraska LocaldxSun ( ) . . , G.iO p m 8.15 n m . . .Lincoln Local ( BtoeptHun ) . 935 am UHIUAUU. R. L & I'AUIfe'lC. Arrives Omaha. JJnlon Douot 10th A Maroy Sts. Omuho. 10.3 ] a m Atlantic Kiproaj. 6.00 p n. 8.50 pm .Chlo. & Den. , .vostlbulo llmltcM. 300 p m 7.10 p in Night Hi prim 800 am 1.00 n ml . . . . . worm's Fair Limited . . . . . , I .21 am doing 1 CI11CA ( < O , it. 1. .1 I'ACIFU ! . I > ron West. I Union Depot 10th end Maror SH. I Wcs it. 0.10 p in . . . .Lincoln , Fnlrhurjr local | lO.'W u m 2.X : ) p m .Chic. & . Don. , vustlbulo limited , 3.IJ p Ml 2.M nra ; . . . . .World's fulr Limited I..M a m Loavoa Arrivj * Oumha Depot 10th and Mason Sts. Oruahs 0.60 a nil . . . .Kansas City Day Kxpross . . . D.J'i p ui H 45 p ui K. C. Night Exp. vl U. P. Trans U tj a in U.45 p ui | bt. Louis Bxproas C.IO n lu leaves I U.NIO.N P ; Arrlr > > i Omaha I Union Dapot 10th and Marov Sts. Oa th > f.60 am . . . . , . . . .OuuVir tfxprjji , . . . . . . . 40i p m 2.15 pin Ovorlaud Flytir 7.0) ) p m 4.15 pm . .Uoatrlce "citrmibi Krfaxtiunl U U p m fi.40 ] i m Paolllo Kxprait 10 4) n ra CM pm . . . . . . . .Dunvor Vial Mall II u m AJUVOJ | UIllUAdo. MIL. Xrtr PAUU lArrtv Omaha I U. P. depot nnd Marov Ms. I Omi aha ti.M pn. l . Chicago Kxprusi I'J.ll a m lU'Uum l . Chicago U M r u Leaves I F. , K. A.SIO..VALLKV I Arrlvoi Oiuuhaj Depot 15th nnd Webster 8U. Omaha leaves M1SSOUIU I'ACIFIO. lArrlvos Oinahal Depot 18th and Wehitor Sts. I Omaha m m eaves I ( ! . , BT , 1' . , M , , V O , lArrlvus Omahaj Depot lith nnd Wuhittor Sts. I Omaha m m m m Leaves I SIOU.X CITV It I'ACiFiC. ' Onitthal Depot , 10th und Maroy Mts. P'irrlroi IS. IS.m 1."J } ami . . . . .Sioux City I'ussenger , . llO.VOp IS.ui 400 um | L I'aul Ktpross. 110 ( W a mIx s 111m Ix > aios I OMAHA AST. I.OU1H. ( Arrives OmuhalU. I . Depot. 10th and Merer Sts. I Omaha 1.00 p ni | bt. Louis Cannon Hall 113.S5 ham A WEI/Ii MAN OY ME. " HINDOO REMEDY rnouucu TUC ABOVE ItENULTH In BO DAYS. Cure * NcrvoMi ulmases , t'alllne Mtui aptcntoeure or moni-y rtfur ( ! il. Don't lot any ui , principled drugKlit toll j/ua ana kind nf Imitation. In. tl > t on having IMDAPO-nonu other. If lia liui nal jot It. we will end it by mall upon receipt of tirlc& I'antphlet In se&lfid envelope frui * . Addrns llrlcutuj Mudltttl Co. , OS I'ljmoulh 1'lurr , Vhlrago , 111. SOLD by Kuhn & Co. , Cor. istli and Douglas St . , and J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. uth and IouIu ) ( Sts. , OMAHA. MED. ; by Paul C. Schneldrr. ; > i Uroadway and 61'eatl St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , and other ; 's ' Emalsion of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food palatable , easy of assimilation , and an appetizer ; these arc everything to those who are losing flesh and strength , The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil , the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods , with Hypo- phosphites , provides a re markable agent for Quick Flesh Building in all ail ments that are associated with loss of llcsh. I'rf p rnl by Rcntl A flown * , Chrrnlsts , No York. Suld by all druggists. Lived Shams Are these ignorant pretenders who without nny quiuincutions , any ixbil- Ity , nny experience , nny sltlll , claim to possess the power to euro nil the ills of the hiimnn raco. Cut their want of worth soon bocotnos npptxr- nut to their woultl-bo dupes , and thcso conscloncoluss quacUs nro soon conslpnod to the oblivion tlioy so richly morlt. In strange nnd strong contrast wllh thoao uiisorablo boasters is the quiet , dignillod yet courteous demeanor - meaner of these noted leaders of their profession. Who , during the past 27 yoara , have abundantly domonstrateU their abil ity to olTcct speedy , perfect and per- manun t cures in ail the worst forms of these delicate sexual innlad'es ' embraced within the general terms of I 1 NERVOUS , GHRQNiC AND PRIVATE DISEASES. Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thy self. " * Consultation froo. Call upon or address , with stamp , DBS. BETTS & BETTS , I 119 S. 14th Street , Co- . Douglas St * OMAHA , - - - . NEB. TIE PICKET LINES Of henlth should bo doubly R mini oil at this sonscn. Tlio air rucks with chilly moisture ilia wortthor Is cliangoablu mid unuort.ilu. ThoBO conditions nro Terrible DANOER POINTS for the lunzs nnd plpos. tlownrs of tlio eld the cough , tuo chest pain , the 'nllamiiutloon , THE DEADLY PNEUMONIA , tlio roohod Inntlio drorulotl Consumption. Put on duty only the strongest gu.ird , tlio oitlostand most fultlif ul HUnd-Uy , DR , SCHENCK'S PUUONIG SYRUP. IlrorU ; up your cold nt onco. Btop your cnn-'li. Drlvoont tliat Inlliiniinutlon in tlmo , Defy that I'noumonla. Unro Hut , Consump tion. THE PULMIC SYRUP acts quickest nnj surest of nil remindlos on tlio liiiizs. The oldoit nnd host apjirovod stunduid forovury lun , ' tionhlo. nr , KetirncJt'n 1'iacttctil Tieatl.icnon Dtcnriiof J.nntl * . tilumitclt icid Liver. miMeil till 1111 ] ilcanl . Dr. J. II. bchciirhJ : Hun , I'h ( ladcliilda I'a. i no Uroatosi on Sea and Land So nil " cent I poatugo Ntnmp | for it MOO COOK BOOK FREE. I'rlcos low , Furo sumptuous Bales every ilny. BCD your dealer , Ask for jirloos Tnko otlior. 'tTr litnti , g y.j „ ; „ , - - v MILTON ROOEBS & . QOKS , Agta. , Omaha , or Ma J estl c Mfg. Co. . St. Louis. KXCUHSIONH K Via the Walnsli lUllroail. No , 1. For the Epworth league con vention at Cleveland , O. , Juno 21) ) to July > 2. The Wabush , in connection with the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation com pany , will make a rate of 810 for the round trip from Chicago. No. 2. For the Y. P. S. C. E. conven tion at Montreal , July 5 to 9. Only inU8 from Chicago via the Wabash , In addition dition to the regular sleeping earn elegant now tourist cars will bo attached to this train at $1,50 per borth. Foil TICKCTS , tlooplng berths or a tourifit-foldor , giving list of udo | trips [ , with cost of Haiiio , cull at the Wabush olllcoa , 201 Clark Btrcut and Dearborn Btatlon , Chicago ; 1502 Furnam fatroot. Omulm , 01- write O. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha , Neb. MR , BETTS' ' UNIQUE DEFENSE Committed No Orimo if Ho Did Obtain Signatures by Fraud. HE MAY ESCAPE BY A TECHNICALITY IVcnll > r Wonllnc of thn Sortlon of 111 * Htixtutc * llonrliiB on the Ca o Till- tlon llnllovoil to U \Vnll Taken. X.ISCOI.K , Nob. , Juno 3. [ Special to TUB * Hni ! . ] 'I'lio dofcnso In tlio Holts cnso tftiJAy1 ' . sprnnif n Ri-oat bl ( ? surprlao on the | > n > . * cn 't tlon , when r.t the close of the stnto'n CASO i thn attorneys for Holts moved for n nonsuit , j The grotinils on which they b.isod their motion were iiumcrons , hut the jirlnolpal . ones were that when thostato bo.irii nllowwl | Holts' claim tlioy passed on Its validity nml | until their judgment was nut nsMo , no > rrimlnnl chnrRo could t > o m ; liU ; > lnodv nnit * . that prior to tlio nut of 181)1 ) It was no crlnii * | to obtiiln by fr.iud tlio sicnnturo of nny ono i to the voucher nml whllo the offoiwa > ! wns oomuilttcd In Apt II , 1MU , the net itlil not , { go Into crtoot until August of tluvt year. < Another point was Unit the Indlutincnt nllc cs thut Holts obtained the warrant : from Ucnton , whllo the proof was that ho | luul obtiliud ; ; It from the steward of tlio i nsylum. lint this was not well taken. N The section covering this crime. No. 133 , chapter xv , of the Compiled Statute. * , status ttmt "If any person , by false proti'nso or fulso pretenses , slmll obtain from any other parson any money , B0od3 , mcrclmiulUuor of- fectavhutsoovei' , \vltli Intunt to uhotU nnd ilofraud stieh person of the sumo , or shiill > i lease or transfer any void or itrolumloil 5 | ) ; tent rlsht ns ccrtilloato , In a protcmlod coriMiratlon , and talio the promissory iiotoor valnahlo tiling of sncli puruhnscr , or shnll fraudulently nml < o and trunsfor any bond , bill , deed , plft. ( jrant or other convoynnco to defraud his creditors of their Just demands , the sumo shall bo , if the value Is over & ! ! > , ' inmlsbcd with from ono to llvo years ImprU- onnient , or If less than that amount by thirty days In Jail ami $100 line. " U'his was the statute prior to the net of IS',11 , which added tlioso words nftoc the worddonmmts"orkf ho shall obtain the sijjna- lure or ctidorsomcnt of nny person to any promissory note , bank chock , draft , bill of pxchaiiRO or any other Instrument In writing fraudulently or by misrepresentation. " The attorneys for the state maintained that the word "effects" in the old siatuto covered the clmrgcs made in this indictment , nnd the court after oxnuilnlng authorities decided that the position of the state was well taken. The most serious objection , In the court's mind , wns that raised ns to whether the action of the State Hoard oC Public Lands mill HuildlnKs claimed by tlio doft-1150 to bo sitting as a court , appeal from the action ot which could bo had to the dis trict court of this county , wna not conclnalva as to the validity of the clnim ; nnd thaE un til that Judgment or claim wns sot nsl to or an adjudication thereon had , In n court of record , such as thu district court , 110 criminal charge could bo maintained. Tlio attorneys for the defense cited a. cnso In the I'JStti Massachusetts , whcro a man who had put In n claim to the oity oC liynn for personal damages sustained by n mil on a sidewalk , made false representations to the city attorney , and thereby induced him to confess Judgment for a stipulated amount , and secured the money thereon , was nfter- wurds arrested for obtaining money on fiilso pretenses , it developing that ho had not licea injured on a detective sidewalk. Ho wits convicted , but the supreme court ro versed the cabo on the ground that the criminal charge could not bo maintained until that judgment had hern set aside on the ground of fraud In oilier words , until n court of record had made adjudication thereof. Judge. Strode Dually decided that he would' not rule on this point untjl M.ondny , but , ' tomorrow ho would hear 'arguments end allow the submission of authorities on the motion. Tlio taking of evidence would meanwhile proceed. The importance of this point will bo soon by the fuct that if it is held well taken by the court the state will bo compelled to Dis miss each and every indictment against IJotts , Lauer , Dorgnn. Ilubb.ird and Sow-ell. This afternoon Dr. liny , superintendent of the asylum , was called and tcstillcil ns to the methods in vogno at the asylum as to checking up supplies received and. what checks were used on contractors. Several Hurllngton railway conductors were called , but their testimony was unim portant. The defense ran out of witness et soon after i ) o'clock , and tlio trial was ad * Journcd until Monday moraine 'it ! ) o'clock. In tlio Supreme Court. The following cases were filed In tlio supreme court today : Western Union Tele graph company vs city of Frcmon t , error from Dodge county , to overcome n juilcrment for $ lr > 0 special liccnso tux ; Juntos E. Murphy vs Maria Virgin , error from t Sowaiil county , whore defendant in error recovered judgment for $413 ! for moneys which slio alleged Murphy obtained from her and. forcibly taking it from her possession , lie being a bondsman for her husb.iml , who was treasurer of the school district rtt TJtfca and being , as alleged by Murphy , short m his accounts some Jl.IiOO ; Ncllio D. Stnrin vs Oscar jJlllon , appeal from Otoo county ; Adam 33rand- hoofer vs E. Huln and George B. Franco , nuptial from York county , to relieve n. home stead of a judgment lien ; Elliott Lowe vs Uharlos K. Vaughn , involving n judgment for 305 ; Nebraska Loan and Trust company * vs Joseph Smassall and U. W. Moslicr , np- ueal from York 'county , in which plaintiff seeks an accounting on a small mortgage and notes involving property In which Moshcr claims an Intei-Cbt on a note for 4-35 and nn accompanying morU'ago , and upon which the court gave Mosher a Judgment and lien for $310. The Otoo county easels ono wherein Nelllo I ) . Sturm seeks to pos sess herself of 1,000 , awarded tier bv the court as alimony , out an inheritance of her lior fornuir husband , fiom whom .slio had r > o- curcaii divorce for desertion and non-sup port. City In llrliif. The funeral of O. .1. Martin of tills city , who died yesterday afternoon nt Bennett , wns hold from the Catholto church tlila morning. Thu deceased was JU years of ago , and settled In Lancaster county in 1804. Ho was nt ono tlmo u loading merchant , nerved two terms ns county commissioner und was later superintendent of the poor fnirn. Hon. J. Sterling Morton , secretary of agri culture , came in last evening from Nebraska City , und was the guest until today of lion. A. J. Sawyer , Ho received n number of local demoorallo lights at the Sawyer resi dence , but was invisible tn most rnllora. The grand Jury made a dospnrato attempt to get together again thin morning , but did not succeed until afternoon. It Is nut be lieved Its deliberations will last much longer. It is stated that the Jury will not indict W. H , Dorgan , othcrwUu known as "Hill , " the old Indictment , the validity nf which Is In question byforo the supreme court , being rolled on for the present. Tbo sheriff nnd his deputies are Inclined to scoff nt the claim of Cleorgo Vf. Hubliull that bo had been robbed of $ .100 by thlnyusvlio entered his house \Vodnosdny niglit. Hub ble but recently returned from Chicago whore ho had taken a load of homes for sale , nnd it Is thought that he lost tlie f X ) in money nnd is now bringing thi * claim of being robbed to satisfy any olalin bisvlfo may have ngalnst him on that score , * ho bavins furnlihud the capital for the enter prise. Hubbcll claimed ho had dr.twn the money out of the First National tank tlio * day before , and It was In three bills of $100 each , but'ttio bank ofllclaU staled that ho nnd not had any money on deposit there ami hud drawn nothing that day. A. J , Klgby was arrested this afternoon by Deputy Shorlrt Otto on n telegram from Syracuse. Ho , s out on ball on the charge of embezzlement , und his bondsmen becom ing nervous telegraphed for hh'niTcst , 1'rof. Ix > lsotto , thn memory ftjiecl&list. whom report credits with having attained great success with his psychological system of memory Improvement and mind wander ing eradication In Omaha tills wcoh , Him. ' nounced to glvo two fren lectures hero on Monday , to bo followed by a coursa of In struction. Many of the students In town talk of taking the course. His not what its proprietors say but nrlmt . Hood's Saroaparllludoei , that tolls the Hood's Karniiurllla cures.