Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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* llTtrr < iy i \ ciirfter to uny part of the cttr
I nnsltir's Office. . . , . No. 43
S f Np-lit Kdltor . No. 23
aitlf < TWff.
I N. Y. Plumbing Co.
iDoston store Juno sale now on ,
I .Mlltonbcrper Is the batter , K Broadway.
( The board of supervisors will commence
I'l regular Juno session next Monday.
fTho Third rcglmont encampment has been
lilcrod for seven days , commencing July 17.
II o place has not yet been decided upon.
S'Tho Farmers Mutual Protective societies
Hazel Doll and Boomer townships will
. cbrato the Fourth of July by holding a
fskot picnic nt E. Parish's grove ,
I ' Uchctnh Council No. 3 , Daughter * ot
ficahontns will meet this evening In regular
luncll nt the eight run nt their tcepco
Luncr Broadway and Main street.
friary A. , wife of E. 1' , Belong , died of con-
J'lnptlon Thursday night , after on Illness of
| tcr a vcar. The funeral will take place
! > m the residence , 010 Garden street , at
! ( J o'clock this afternoon.
pcclal meeting of Bluff City lodge No. 71 ,
jicicnt Free and Accepted Masons. Satur-
\ ; evening , June 3 , for work in the llrst
. ' ree. All Masters requested to bo prcs-
IJl. By order of the worshipful master ,
, V horse attached to Nelson & Nelson's dc-
cry wngon became frightened whllo on
Buff street yesterday afternoon and ran
fl'ay , breaking the wagon to pieces. In hii
l\jht ho stepped upon n rusty nail , wnlch
\ netratcd his foot for nbout two Inches.
( Arrangements are being made for a con-
Jio concert will bo for the benefit of the
Lcond Presbyterian church , and a program
unusual excellence is assured.
' William Hlgglnson , a former member of
[ 10 Bluffs flro department , left the city a
[ w weeks ago and went to Chicago , Ono
r his friends In this city received a letter
| ty bcform yesterday stating that since his
1-parturo ho met with an accident which
Lsultcd In the loss of both his legs.
I Lottlo Beadle , n young lady who graduated
[ om the Council Bluffs High school a few
f'ars ago and has been living ever since
I'lth nor , parcnts'ncar Quick postofllcc , was
[ ought Into the city yesterday for an ex-
[ iilnntlon before the commissioners of In-
I'nlty. It is said that her mental disability
Kcaused by overwork. She has been acting
ijiry strangely of late and her friends have
'on fearful that she would do herself some
Jrious injury. Not long ago she attempted
ftlcldo. The commissioners will take the
rso in hand this morning.
[ Piles of people have piles , but Oo Witt'
I'ltch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
\-to \ Kieiirslou to I.ulto Mnnnwa Saturday ,
ilium 'tril.
F Tickets given all day at our store bo-
Ivccn 12 and 1 o'clock.
I Startllti"1 bargains.
I Saturday's biff sale. HiR calo Satur-
Ivy evening. Open until 10 p. m.
'Oui1 hijj curtain sale btill in progress ,
f.vor 11,000 pairs of luco curtains bought
ICPH than i manufacturers cost. Liean-
"ful Nottingham lace curtains at 78c ,
JSc , $1.48 and SI.03 pair , worth S1.50 to
-00 pairs of genuine Irish point lace
Curtains at $3. 08 and Sl.'JB pair , not J rcg-
Ijlnr price.
50 pairs chcnillo portiere curtains
( dado and fringe top and bottom , only
ifl.08 and 84.08 pair , worth 87.50 and
Saturday wo olTcr 200 misses'
laud children's line ribbed hose in fast
iblack and tans at only lOo nair. This is
atho best value over offered in hosiery.
E 20 pieces outing flannel , beautiful * de-
jfsigns in stripes and plaids , cmr regular
| 15c quality ; Saturday Oc yard.
50 pieces apron check ginghams , 5c
[ yard.
Saturday we will offer 100 pieces of
| Lonsdalo muslin at only OJc yard. Be on
I'aand early.
Big sale Saturday evening.
Saturday evening from 7 to 10 o'clock
' 'o will olloc 1,000 dress patterns , con
sisting of 10 yards of white India linen ,
jcgular JOc quality , at only 23o entire
Ircss pattern.
\Vo want every lady in Council Bluffs
ID got ono of thcso dress patterns.
Agitators of Low Prices.
liny Land lor Kent.
Hay land for rent in lots of from 20 to
acres. B. Marks , Council Bluffs.
| August Paris will go to Games , Nob. ,
IJay to visit relatives for two weens.
r. and Mrs. C. S. Hawes bf Grecloy.Colo. .
jo visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. C. VanUcrvcor ,
Nlr. and Mrs , C. E. Hatchings and dauchtei
Bakersvillo , Cal. , are visiting Mrs ,
Patchings' sister , Mrs. A. T , Kleo.
ITho Misses Efllo and Elvn Ulchey 01
'rtland , Ore. , uru visiting here , guests 01
family of J. J. Stewart. They arc
lna of Mrs. Stewart.
I.Irs. E. C. Cole and Mrs. II. A. Cole ami
tallies have gone to Chicago to spend the
limner. They will occupy a cottage al
lirvoy , ono of the suburban stations.
Idles of people have piles , but DoWitVs
Ijtehhazol sulvo will cure them.
Ten Dnytf lit thu World's Fair ,
Itwill cost you less than $50.00 , every
Iiing necessary included. This mean :
lomcs in private cottage , clean , bafo
to grounds and on the bench o
| .nko Michigan. Write to .r. T. Chyno
oth , Windbor Park , 111. Refers to ir
IV. Tiltonof Tin : BKI : , or Jacob Sim :
| f Sims & Bainbric'.go , Council Blulls.
Pasturapo for horses aiid cattle 01
lloorgo F. Wright's farm ndjoiiiingo it
EimitH on south ; 500 acres blue grass
tunning water. For terms apply 1 <
IUIUOH Rajih , on farm , or at Carbon Coa ,
[ ompany , 10 Pearl street.
ruuuriil of i : . r. Ilulinm.
The funeral services over the remains o
I'J. F. Holmes wore held yesterday afttt
at the late residcnco of the deceased o :
.Incoln avenue. Jnst about the tlmo for tu
lommcncoment of the exercises thcro cam
p a shower , which doubtless kept mua.
I way who would otherwise have taken aci
intagoof the opportunity of paying tli
lust tribute of respect to the dead , hut ther
Iras still a large attendance , all the men
[ era of thu Union Veteran Lcfion ( , with innn
lif the Uidics' Auxiliary being present. Tli
lorvli'cs were conducted by Hov. G. AN
tnydor , Thcro weroa number of line llort
| tfferings from the Veteran legion.
Piles of pcoplb have piles , out Do Witt'
( Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thunu
Oroonshiolds , Nicholson & Co. hav
[ moved thoit * real estate olllco to GC
J Broadway , opposite postolllco.
Stop at the Ogdcn , Council BlufTs. t
jlcbt $2.00 hoiibu in Iowa.
! MurrI K < >'enooi.
The following marriage licenses w
I Issued yesterday :
Nnino and nddrrss. Ac
1 I Henry \Vct > rs , I'oimoll IllulTg . i
I Mury NIcliolH , Council Hluih . 1
ii O. Culver. Oniulin
I Ida M. Foreman , ( suuoll , la ,
Thu tirrtiul lintel ,
| Council Bluffs. Tlio most elegant i
Iowa. Dining room on seventh llooi
llato , $3.00 and $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark
Williamson & Co. . 100 Mala streei
I largest and best bloyclo stock in city.
Gco , . Davis , prescription druggist.
Awful Fate of the Little Daughter of
Potcr Nehon ,
Flaying with Mntchr * Ilia Little Ono
Her Clothing nnd Itcfore
Help Coulil Itrnch lt r Sli
Was Fntnlljr llutiifil.
A llttlo 2-ycar-olrt daughter of Peter Nel
son , who lives on the "Babbitt placo" on
Kast Washington avenue , was the victim of
a distressing accident yesterday morning.
Mrs. Nelson went ' .o the h.irn to do the
morning milking , but was soon called back
to the liouso by the llttlo one's screams.
During her absence the baby had found some
matches "on the floor and went to playing
with them. Ono of them became Ignited
nnd sot ( Ire to the little ono's clothing , burn
ing It all oft from her body before assistance
could bo rendered. The child's body was
horribly burned , and nil efforts to save her
life were unsuccessful. Her death occurred
ntll o'clock. The funeral will take place
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the resi
dence of Mr. Thomson on Hast Broadway ,
St. Louis has raised the largest entertain
ment fund on record , and Is offering induce-
incuts of the most tempting clurractcr to
tourlstn. All railroads have direct , connec
tion with St. Ix > uls , nnd no matter from
what point the visitor to the World's fair
starts St. Ixmls should bo Included In the
route. Its commercial eminence- and its car
nival and other attractions are so great that
to avoid visiting St. Ixjuis would bo a posi-
tlvo blunder.
10-llny .Juno Siilo Now Upon.
Below wo only quote you a few of the
many bargains laid on our counters :
40 pieces IlO-lnch English cashmere ,
were 2oc during Bale , for 12jc a yard ;
only one pattern to n customer. 2o
pieces all wool Scotch mixtures , strlpo
Buttings nnd illuminated ottomansworth
58c and U5c , nil at 42c. }
'M pieces Bedford cords , cotilo Uni
zig zag jaequards and other fancy
weaves worth from 75c to $1.25 , nil
during sale for 6Uc n yard.
yo-inch wool buntings would bo chcayi
at fiOc , for this talc I'.lc ' a yard.
75 pieces 22-inch China silk , black and
navy grounds , beautiful patterns , usually
for C8c and 05c a yard , our pricu for this
8aloi2Jc. ;
2 cabcs 30-inch unbleached muslin 4c o
1 case Oc bleached muslin for 7c.
2 cases ladies' choice and Langdon
bleached muslins , sold always for lOc a
yard , during sale SJc or 12 yards for
20 pieces 0-4 unbleached sheeting , 15c
a yard ; worth 22c. -
50 pieces white India linen , -lc n yard ,
100 dozen extra quality line damasli
towels , 21x18 , usually sold for 50c ; dur
s > ale for 2 , " > c each.
See special bargains offered in white
goods. Goods worth from 25o toJoe all
during .sale for 15c yard.
Gents' extra quality seamless hall
hose , "c a pair ; worth 12jc.
200 dozen ladies' ribbed vests , 7c each
or 4 for 2oc.
50 do/.en gents' outing flannel shirts
luring bale for 2'ic , worth Mo.
50 dozen children's fancy bordcrci
landkerchiels , lo each.
100 pieces dark calicoes , 23c a yard.
200 pieces light chullics , Ic. !
150 pieces Chilian cloth that bold foi
15o , during sale for 5c a vard.
200 pieces moire all bilk ribbons , Noa
i and 7 , for 7o a yard ; Nos. 0 and 12 foi
Uc a yard.
See Daily Nonpareil nnd Globe for !
more complete Ititof bargains.
Lenders and Promoter of Low Prices
Council Bluffs , la.
Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p
m. at the Council Bluffs Medical am
Surgical institute , 2Gth and Broadway
Mubic for balls , parties , picnics , so
jials , etc. , by Mucicians Union. J. E
Follett , Mgr. , 400 B'way , Council Blulls
ACllllosH ! I'ollceiiiiiii.
A patrolman who is supposed to look nftc
Lho safety of the clti/.ciis of Upper Broad
way after night and see that thcro Is n
liquor In sight after 12 o'clock , had an nil
venture Thursday night which ho has wa&tci
n great deal of energy in keeping to hlmscli
While In search of wrongdoers ho wandere
into ono of the poker rooms on Upper Broad
way. that have been aosolntely stamped ou
by the city administration for the past tw
years. Ills llrst motive for entering th
place was simply an official ono , but bofor
lie had been there long he became so intci
ebtcd in a game of poker that was going o
that before ho know what ho was about h
had taken a hand and was busily engaged i
picking up cliips. Some of his friends kep
him posted as to the time , and every hour h
went out to the proper patrol box and mud
his report , returning like a pendulum to th
place from which ho started. It was we
that ho had friends , for before long th
liberal potations ho was supplied with b (
fogged his brain and he was exploding th
mysteries of a wild-eyed toot. Ycstcrda
morning when ho came to himself ho foun
tnat his club was missing. Any infnrmatio
as to its whereabouts may bo left at Tn
Bin : office. It was borrowed from anothc
onlccr. and the Upper Broadway pollccma
is consequently doubly anxious to recover i
The midsummer number of "Tales Froi
Town Topics , " including a f 1,000 pri/o nove
, 'Slx Months in Hades , " is on the ne\\
stands , and is a very lively volume , partici
lurly suited to the season , and a very ei
gaging companion for : ; railroad or stoan
boat Journey. Town Topics , ! H West Thlrt ;
third street , New York.
Pure ice
From Missouri river channel ,
Mulholhind&Co. , Brown building.
Telephone 102.
Manawn trains will run daily from i <
day , leaving Broadway 1) ) and 11 a. in
and every hour from 1 p. m. until U p. n
A Dvlit ol Iliiiiiir.
Advices from the sick bed of Secretai
Itobo arc to the effect that there is no pro
pect of any speedy improvement. At tl
best there Is a long Illness before him. :
view of his condition It Is a matter of rcgr
that the Young Men's Christian assoclatii
of Council IHulTti still owes hitu about ? l
for services rendered us secri'tary. The
should bo no dolav in ralblng and paying th
amount , for Mr. not only needs it ni
needs It now , hut it is money which ho h
moro than earned by his efficiency and so !
sacrifice. Any method adopted by thu ass
elation to prommly incut this debt of lion
should l > 3 bc.irtilv supported by the citizen
and of all the claims against the nssoclatli
It M'cms that this Is the one whoso mori
and necessities should entitle it to immci
ate action.
Piles of people have pncj , out Do Witt
Witch Hiucl Salvo will euro them.
Vnnntta & Sweet , alty ? , Everett bl
E. E * Muyne , having dissolved li
partnofbhip with Messrs' Grecnshiol
& Nicholson , continues to occupy the
oh ] stand. 021 Broadway , and togeth
with C. II. Weldon , has organized tl
Mayno Real Edtato Co.
Great reduction in millinery at Ml
Ragbdulo's , 337 Broadway.
rctltlau Wild Ka Uooil. .
F , O. Glcason , In his contest with J.
Hathaway for the office of alderman of t
Third ward , wui ruled out of court ycsti
clny morning by ft decision of Judge Dcomnr.
The nrgumonU of the attorneys on the ( to-
murror filed by Hnthawny wcro completed
and the demurrer wm submitted , the court
finally holding Hint the objections raised to
Glcason's petition \\ero sound. Ills Attorney
was given tlmo In which to draw up A now
petition remedying the defects , And the cnso
will have to bo fought agnln from the begin
itUNMNu or stoTon TIIAINS.
InTcttl ntlnn of the Coroner1 * Jury Into
tlio Itccont Accident Vet Unfinished.
Another session of thn coroner's Jury was
held yesterday nnd some Interesting evi
dence \vns brought In to show Just how
much responsibility attaches to the motor
company for the death of E. P. llolmos. T.
J. Evans , a former stockholder and director
In the motor company , stated that a rule
was adopted when the trains wcro first oper
ated requiring the conductor to run ahead
Just before crossing of the Burlington
nna Northwestern tracks and not to board
the train again until It had parsed the cross-
In ; ; . Kvcry train liiul to coma to u full stop
before the crossing was reached. This rule ,
he said , was In force for four years , but was
changed by the present superintendent. The
sumo rule was observed all over the country.
Ho considered the present plan of allowing
a largo amount of discretion to the employes
of the company as to whether they should
stop the trains demoralizing In the extreme
nnd dangerous to the public.
Hon. Spencer Smith , formerly a 'ncinbcr
of the Iowa railway commission , was then
put upon the stand and gave the require
ments of the state law with reference to
trains stopping before attempting to make
a crossing. Whether this law- applied to
electric motor lines ho did not know , as ho
had never hoard the point decided. The
railway companies , however , were very
strict In enforcing obedience to the law and
did not allow nnv options on the part of the
railway men. Ho did not thlnlc any train
would bo allowed to make a crossing without
stopping If It went as fast as the electric
motors are in the habit of running. The In
quest then adjourned until Monday evening ,
when further testimony will bo Introduced.
World's 1'ulr llolnl Accommodation * .
Write for rates at the now Hossmoro
hotel , Chicago , and receive beautiful map of
World's fair buildings. Address Hauk &
Leo , proprietors.
Nice- trimmed hats for $1.00 at Misa
Rngsdtilo's , ; ii" : Broadway.
'Metcar & ItHtidlutt'H Ice Crcum.
Try Mot/gar & Rumllott's pure anil
delicious iuo cronms nnd ices and you
will order no other.
Another Improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swnn&on Music Co
Wounded Without Clinic.
A loud and angry roar was made by a local
sheet yesterday morning over the alleged
action of the park commission ! n awarding
the contract for lilltng the now Cochran park
In the western part of the city to an Omaha
firm. There are several little circumstances
which render the roar rather ridiculous. Ono
of these circumstances Is that the contract
was not awarded at all , as stated in the
paper referred to. Another Is that the firm
of Payne it Morrow , to whom it was stated
the contract was lot , is not an Omaha firm ,
but both are Council Bluffs gentlemen. Mr.
Morrow formerly lived In Omaha , lllo
the editor of the paper which makes
the roar , but ho is now engaged in
business in this city Just as truly
us though ho wcro ' publishing n newspaper.
the bulk of whoso'type is sot in Chicago and
delivered to country customers nt 40 cents
per pound. The hid of Messrs Payne &
Morrow was very much lower than any of
the others and if they do the work at the
figures named the city will spend in the
neighborhood of ibOO less than if the con
tract had been given to any of the other
bidders. The following list shows the bid
of each firm that entered the contest :
Payne it Morrow , 27.SI ! cents per yard ;
John Wallace , 34.1 ; John Hardlu , SKl.Pl ;
John C. T.CC , IK ) : C. R. Mitchell , 81 : Fred
Clinc , : K ; Grifllth , 34 ; E. A. Wickham ,
31 % ; Thomas Galvln , r.5.
A meeting of the commissioners was held
last evening at wjilch the question of letting
the contract again came up. W. II. Kncphcr
appeared In behalf of the anti-Payne & Mor
row men. Ho stated that ho was not inter
ested In the action of the commissioners
executing as a pure and patriotic citizen , and
then ho began to threaten to enjoin them
from letting the contract to Payne & Mor
row. Ho received but little encouragement.
Commissioner Graham Informed him that
the board could not consider the idea of let
ting the contract to any but the lowest bid
ders , especially In vinw of the fact that
these lowest bidders were fully $800 below
any of their competitors ; if Payne it Morrow
should bo thrown out there would bo good
grounds for the accusation that the commis
sioners had had a share of the profits. The
other commissioners took Graham's view of
the case , and the contract was let to Payne
& Morrow without further ceremony.
It is reported that ICnophcr's patriotism is
not the only motive that urccs him tc
espouse the side of the bidders , but that he
expected to profit indirectly by the letting
of the contract to the other bidders by sell'
Ing them groceries. It is also currently re
ported that the other bidders were parties
Empkie-Shugai.t Go ,
1OO-111-113-115 Mala Stroot.
Largest stoc'.c ' of
in the city.
Agents ot the ColobriUed
Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators.
Agents for the
Oil Gas Stoves ,
the safest nnd newest steve out.
Wo nro exclusive ngents for the
Genuine Boynton Furnace ,
and nil furnnco work is supervised bi
our Mr. Lnutornassor , who IB ono of tin
best f unmuo mon In the west
Wo curry u full stock o ( Field Socds
City adonis for the Pioneer Implo
inont Co.'b tjoods.
Will give away a beautiful
Admission , lOc , Reserved Seat ) , 20c.
Indispensable in
Every Good Kitchen.
As every good housewife know
the dilToronco botwcon uppotl
in , delicious cooking nnd tl
opposite kind is largely in del
onto Buncos and palattiblo gr
vios. Now , thoBO require
stronp , delicately ilavorod sloe !
and the host Block id
Extract of Bee
to n deal by which , they wcro all to bo equnl
sharers In the jirofliS < The fact thnt seven
of them jmt In fcMi within n fraction of rv
cent of ono nnothcr lontls nmo color to the
report. The dent fell through , however , and
I'n.vno & Morrow will do the work and save
the city several hundred dollars.
Snlooi\l t In Uinicnlty.
A few nights nfrosavernl small boys were
arrested nnd takcfV tb" the city Jail for being
drunk. None of 'tlidrn were over 14 years of
ago , but they wcro laboring under Jags of a
slzo nnd general 'complexion thnt would
have done cirdlvton rounder of the most
pronounced type.Tlio boys' friends de
voted some thought ( tn the question ot what
course should bo pursued in the matter , and
at length decided to commence no
tion ngalnst ithoitsalonn keeper who
sold the liquor , T.hcro Is n state law
that covers Just .such cases as this
and the saloon keeper will very likely llnd
himself in a box in the near futnro which ho
would bo very glad to pot out of. The boys
have made n full confession since their im
prisonment nnd thcro will bo no ulniculty in
convicting the saloonlst.
I'ilcsof pcoplo have plica , ut Dawltt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Protect your homes nguinst destruc
tive storms. W. C. .Iniuoa has the
strongest companies in the world.
Commercial Travoliirii' Meeting ,
Tonight is the regular meeting of the Com
mercial Pilgrims of America. A full attend
ance is requested , as thcro will bo several
candidates for Initiation nnd other important
Bargains in fine tooth brushes ami
coloKiio. wholesale price , only lOo.
Duvis , the druggist , 200 Broadway.
Cook yot" meals this summer on n gas
rango. At cost at tlio Gas company.
Brown's C. O. D. open evenings until
9 p. m.
This li the r.nut liny of tlio Croat Kxlilli'-
tlon nt tlio Collftimm.
Every pleasant evening since the opening
of the exposition the Coliseum building has
been well filled and last night was no excep
tion to the rulo. The afternoon attendance
was light on account of the rain , hut In the
evening the crowd was out In full force and
there was Just room enough loft to admit of
the jicoplo passing back and forth without
Jostling each other too hard. It was a highly
appreciative crowd and many very Haltering
comments on the success of the exposition
wcro heard on every sldo.
A largo crowd appears to put the manu
facturers In good humor , and they never
Bceinod to grow weary of explaining their
exhibits , even going into the details of man
ufacture to satisfy the curiosity of visitors.
All the manufacturers having exhibits were
out looking after them , hesldcs having their
salesmen and clerks on hand , so vis
itors could easily obtain all the information
A band of twenty pieces rendered a
highly entertaining program during the
evening. Music Is a now feature at the
Manufacturers exposition. It has , however ,
proven to bo quite an attraction.
At 100 : ! ! this evcninc the second annual
manufacturers exposition will close its
doors , and the exhibits will be moved out on
Monday , some of them to bo returned to tlio
factories , and others , shipped to Chicago to
occupv a place in the Nebraska building at
the World's fair.
Several thousand Omaha pcoplo have not
ct visited the exposition , and today Is their
ist chance. Among the stay-at-homes are
lany prominent business men and hankers ,
vho have been Wont in the past to lament
he seal-city of factories in Nebraska ,
The exposition has boon n success ,
Hhough the average attcndanco has not
icon anywhere near what was anticipated ,
vhlch is duo no doubt to the unfavorable
weather. Every pleasant evening crowds
ave been the rule , " " and the only trouble
as been that 'therb were not enough
ilcasnnt evenings to bring the attendance up
o what it should have been. The niaiiufac-
urcrs regret that the attendance has not
) cen greater , as the exposition is designed
o be an educator und'tho moro pcoplo that
isit it the greater will bo the good accom-
ilishcd. The money derived from the gate
eceipts , after the payment of expenses , is
ised to carry on the campaign for Nebraska
'actorics so the whole state is interested in
ho success of the exposition.
-NobrunUu Fair Visitors.
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
o THE Bic. : ] Omaha arrivals today at the
'air : W. M. Woodward , M. G. Hibbc ,
Prank Xcrbo , Z. 1C. Warner , W. W. Sawyer ,
R. F. Pagan , Patrick Manning and wife ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Watson. Others include :
F. M. Norton nnd wife , Nebraska City ; C. B.
Doolittle , E. W. Doolittlc , FarnamN. ; II.
"iinitii , Alliance ; L. Gillette , Beatrice ; C.
' . Bennett and wife , Grand Island ; Frank
I. Spauluing and wife , Kearney.
Arrangements have been made for keep-
ng on Illo in the reading room In the Ne
braska building all Nebraska papers whoso
publishers are willing to send copies for that
purpose. Papers should bo addressed to
Heading liooin. Nebraska Building , Jack-
,011 , Park , Chicago , 111. "
And Health is the Royal
Road to Happiness.
Every manner of chronic dlsonso can bo
cured without thu use ot medicine at the
Council Bluffs
Nomntlorliow nearly dlscnurncod you nro ,
or how much you hnvu sull'urod from disease
nnd bnd olTucts of strong nicdlulnnn , you can
bu cured nnd ealn permanent bunollt by thu
new antl-mudlual byatom ot treatment. Dl -
oauett trjilted :
* Anemlii , Apoplexy , Astliinn , llroncliltl * ,
Cntnrrh , CoiiHiimntliin , G'nrvnturo of the
pine , Dygpnpm , Kpilapjy , I.Ivor Coin-
plnlnt , Nourilln , IthauiimtUiii , I'.irul six ,
Constlpntlon , hcrofulu , Kczoum and All
IIluoil IJlHciiBcs , I'omulo Woiikiicm , Doiir-
n s , l.ockjuw , llornla or ItuptiiriIMIca ,
Nervous Alloutloni , Heart UIHOIISO , 1'nlny
Ktc. ,
All treated nnd cured by the
Galvanic Electro Magnetic Battery
for extracting all animal , vo ot.iblo nnd
mineral poisons.
Vitalized Vapor and O/.onc Haths
Porpurlfyinz thu blood and beautifying the
Vitalized Hca't and Magnetic litli :
For paralysis , dobllltlos and tonlni up the
Vitalized Chemical & Klectric Hath :
Tor removing all cancers and blood poisons
Tlio Eflloacy of'tlnf Above Mnthodi Dall :
Demount luted by
1. M. f. D
119 StuUman &fmt & , Coinsll Dials , h
Hprarlng Tre i.
WaMilnic Wlnilowi ,
And lluitjllei ,
Cleaning Cblckon
wo trail norilc
end epriyvr , barrel c
gaWanUeil Iron wide
cannot corroda or wet
out ; Ura top and tirai
ralTu to tarreli trui
I > lunEer ttli croi" band
and TuUe < of ua
tauneil leather. Worl
auroll and Uittaf lor
HU lilgb priced puiu
Circular * ttao. Agoui
Council JtluU , lo win
When the Nerves Act
Smoothly ,
Paine's Celery Makes
People Well.
It Strengthens , Invigorates ,
and is Food.
Formula No Secret to Physicians in
Good Standing ,
Wo'ro nil crowintr old together.
Not to do honor then to old ngo is to
tear down the house in which wo are to
sleep nt night.
All of us want tollvo forever , butnono
of us wnnt to prow old. The rojison for
this Is that old ago lias long boon asso
ciated with feeble stomach and kidneys ,
gout and rheumatism.
In the inst , weakness and various dis
orders were supposed to bo inevitably
connected with old ago. Little was at-
tomntcd to relieve scnilo fcobloncss.
But in 1803 sickness , whothorin youth
or ago , id considered unnatural.
There is now no reason , say the high
est medical authorities today , why the
nerves should not not as smoothly , and
the blood run as purely , in old ago as
in middle llfo sineo the discovery of
the remedy that makes the sick well.
Edward E Phelps , M. D. , 1L. D. . of
Dartmouth college , earned tin enviable
reputation by his discovery of 1'alno's
celery compound for the euro of nervous
complaints , dyspepsia , rheumatisin , de
According to well known othlcs of
reputable physicians , this prescription
was freely presented to physicians in
good standing , and the formula is gladly
given thorn today. j .
For that reason Paino's colcry com
pound has never boon included among
patent medicines. Coming from so high
a source , and so searchingly tried and
recommended , physicians have long em
ployed it as unhesitatingly as they have
used tliolr ollicimil preparations.
It drives the poison-germs of deep-
seated disease from the blood.
It brings buoyancy of spirit in place
of lassitude and despondency.
It allows the overtaxed sybtoin to start
fairly on the road to health.
It procures the sleep , so.necessary to
brain and nerve centres.
It strcnthons.
Gives now tone to the system.
Makes the blood hoalthy.
Is food for the nerves.
It makes people wclll
Thousands have been bonefitted , thou
sands have boon cured by Pal no's colcry
compound , when everything else has
Try it.
Inelmrzoo the Slstors of Mercy.
Tills renowned Institution Is situated on tli
ilph bin IT s back of nii'l overlooking tlio city ot
Council lIlufTn. Tlio ( .paclous grounds , 11s
high location mid splendid vloxr , make It a
most ploaslns retreat for the nllllctod. A staff
of eminent physicians mid u l.irso corps of ot
pcrlcncod nurses minister tu the comforts ot
the patients , t-poclal cure given to lady pa-
Terms Moderate.
For particulars apply to
Frank Street - Council Bluffs , low
! : . neil younlioiun mil lot on n payment o (
froinllU.VJ tn tiU ) clown nn.l < IIUtonuj
per month , Homo epaolnl tiarji.Uiij In lull. Jolm-
iton A Van I'utton.
1131UAOTS ami loans. Farm nivl city propartr
A bouitbl u4 noil. 1'uiOf It TUonm , Council
HAI.K Clic.lpi toitn blic' < clrlvlru mar.ll
team iiiuloji oil i\on , Imrnon anil tuam ; top
, rotd wa-jon. Carbon Coal Co. . 10 I'o.irl itrojt.
r"OU ; aAl.U TliruuJors3r liullsi axoi , ono woo'x
onu ycnr anil two ruarii nolld color , rczlitoraj
ttock. 7.'i a. l l St.
ull SAl.K Nlcobiy cirrlazo tojm un I oirrUjj
L 1 U W.Tullur * 1UJ 1'aurlSt. . Council llluUi.
GAIUIAIli : rumovoil , cjs | ioiTi. ruulti , chlnuurj
cleanuil , Kit Uurko , ul Taylor'n trucjry , ill
il'Olt fAI.H An uprliiht live borta pomtr bailer ,
t nil at IS''U Uroudwur.
' , liaiiioi all modern conTonloncoi
BISAUTII'UI en y tormi. A. J. Alnndtil , li , Illnlla
- fnuillr of two. li
WANTlCU-foiiipetentulrlln , : ; j boutli boventl
OMKB-l will trada injr cuultUi In ana 'or live
Koodilwolllnii" fur clfnr lut ) . llalaaoj un lung
tlmo. H , _ J , Aclaim , UIU Turin avonuo.
A.NTKD-K.ii.crlenreJ aaloilaUloi. jloDnl o
llroi , C'fUDcll Illuffa. _
"lArAJ\TKI-airl , ujood cook , US B. 7tU itrcot.
AHUAINH-Kor ule , 7Uty SK ) feet on Krankll
uvvnuo , II.60UUO.
J2H acrei between lit > trrct anil Franklin avcnui
IU > .t plnltlMK iirupertr In tlio cliy , t'M OM W.
Two lot > uppoillo'lliunttri'i't trhool , 11,00000.
I ) no lot In U lUon Terracv. ( U.UUI.
Tbitt ) lol , corner lUlii ttruet anil 12lli aTornn
lle > t illo lor Implement houiu In tlia city. t7U > J.O
ATowlu. Jii I'ttrl Btrvot.
GOOD raan cook anil a kltclmn ylrl wanted atom
at Kuiuiell UOUBU , Couoctl ii\uB \ .
Men's Suits
O in-
Great Special
of Men's
High Cost Suits
Saturday Morning.
* >
Prices :
$8 , $9 , $10 and $12.
Saving ot
from $5.00 to $8.00
on every suit.
See Samples
Show Windows
at the
Boys' Suits
500 Suits ,
Boys1 2-Piece
Cheviot and Cassimera
Suits at $2.50.
Sailor Suits
2'50 Blue Flannel
Sailor Suits at $1,00
On Saturday.
500 Washable
Blouse Suits at $1.8) )
on Saturday
at the
1304-6-8-10 Main St.
Council Bluffs , la ,
ii ) Citaj Works-
c , A. SCHOEOSACK , Prooriotor.
' CiGnning nnd KG Finishing
Council BlulTs ofllco and worki , cor. Avo. A mid 20th St. Telephone .110. Send
for circulars nnd pnco list. Oninhii olllce : 1621 Fnrnnm Tol. 1521.
All Idndsof DyolnR
and Olcunlir { douu In
thn hUhout Btylii of
thu iiru Kadud and
htulnud falirlcH inada
to tool : ua good an
new , Wo IK promptly
done nna delivered
in nil purtH of the
country. BenJ for
prluu lut.
llrcudwuv. near North *
wuatern Depot ,
Telephone tf-2.
A trulr mnrvtloin talc of Today ,
MlOIK ) PII/.H Nntiil in
JUHT our.
In addition to tboprltu utory of 160 p KCS. Ilicro
are 61) racy tliort ilorlea. k ( tclit'i , iiopini uud will-
rltmi from tlio old U uc of TOWN ' 1'oi'iia , thnt fa-
mnu and iplcr N. Y Journal snann wliercvrr ICn-
fllBlilirfuii. No look publlilioil tlil > rear will of-
ford micli dellclaui cnlurlalnaiont for lioun of
( Uiniuor lelturo and trnvol. All newi and book
ttandi. nr lunil price. M coiiti. ( o
TOWN lOl'llih.UI \ B t UI Sr. , MuvVork ,
tlfMI.OO payi tlirce monllii trial tulutrlptlon
tu 'luitNToi'lcg. and you will net nnr bact num.
but ot " 1'alci from ' 1 own Tuplct'11'ltlii : ,
6. Dlll'O HIT OUY , OMAHA , JV M.
C.upl tnl $100,000
Surplus. , $05,000
CrUcerianH Ireotori Honrr W. taloi. ml 111
II. C. CmtitnK. Tlo priiljjau ( X \U4rlo > , .V. /
Uortt Jolm d. tolllm J , N. It I'atrlai ; bjffll i