Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1893, Image 1

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[ 'Jealousy Causes a Bloody Gritno in a Ne
braska Village.
t,8nttto Crcok tlio Scene of the Dreadful
AflUIr Ilcupcrato KfTorln of tlio
Murderer to Take Hit
x Own I.lfo.
TUTTi.ri CHECK , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Special
iTclcgram to THU Hen. ] Mrs. Fred Sargent
twas shot and killed this morning by her bus-
noand , Fred Sargent. The murder was coin-
BSrnltlcJ about 4 o'clock. Sargent chased his
tvifoout of the house and she ran to the
Rwolllng of W. F. Ucavls. The
rfninlly being asleep did not hear
Ucr until the shots were fired and the woman
pscreamed. The balls took effect , erne In her
l back and ono In the back of the neck , killing
her Instantly.
She was lying on the front stoop ot the
jjlcarls house when Mr. Ucaris opened his
I door.
I'oor .loll of Shooting lllmiclf.
Then Sargent shot himself In tlio head ,
the ball striking his forehead and glancing
| ; upward , not breaking the skull. Sargent
then got the butcher knlfo and cut his
throat. tlo also inado a poor Job
of this , cutting his wlndplpo about half
, In two , but missing the largo veins of the
neck. Ho was found In n ditch near the
house on his hands and knees crawling
around and trying to get up. ilo was taken
1 into the house and there ho tried to get the
| 'butcher knlfo again , but was prevent.
Sargent was Immediately arrested , and Is
know In bed at the hotel under the care of the
doctor and the city marshal.
Jealousy Cnuted It.
The cause of the murder was In part jcal-
jjimsyaud because Mrs. Sargent refused to
t live with her husband. She was the widow
Fof Joseph Dlorks , who died last fall of con
' .sumption. She leaves ono child'a boy 4
years old. The man Sargent was living wltli
l.lho Dicrics family at the time of the deatli
tfof Mr. Dierks and after his death continued
* 'to stay with the widow , and married hci
' about flvo monchs after the deatl ;
the first husband. They hat :
lilivcd together but a short time when trouble
arose between them and Mrs. Sargent drove
t Sargent away and has been trying o :
I'lato to got a dlvorco from bin
7 , nnd telling around among her neigh
; bors that another" party wanted t (
1 make her ills wife. Dargent of coursi
J' heard of it , and this and his summary oust
1 ing from the murdered woman's house drovi
htm to commit the horrible crime of wifi
murder and attempted self-destruction.
of Colored Citizen * Demanded t <
the rullmt Extent.
Ncnr.ASKA CITY , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Specia
Telegram to THE Bun. ] At today's scssioi
of the Afro-American league C. II. J . Tay
lor , ex-minister to Siberia during Clove
rand's first term , delivered an eloquent ad
dress and was endorsed by the league fo
recorder of deeds at Washington. Hcsolu
tions wcro adopted for the enactment o
laws for suitable moral and social practices
to prevent the employment of Plnkertons
to abolish convict labor ; demanding tha
colored teachers bo employed in "publl
schools , and demanding the abolishment o
all conspiracy laws that abridge rights o
American citizens.
The following oftlccrs were elected : Pros
Ident. Dr. O. M. Ulckctts , Omaha ; vie
, president. J. Wlngo , Lincoln ; secretary
i Miss May Moore , Lincoln ; corresponaini
secretary , S. G. Ernest , Lincoln ; trcasnrei
13. Hotts. Nebraska City ; attorney , Siln
i Itodgcrs , Omaha ; executive committee , \V
. Jones. Nebraska City , chairman ; A. AV
I Parker , Omaha ; Mrs. Davis , Lincoln , an
I Key. Mr. Ulnkloy , Beatrice. Lincoln wa
selected as the place for the next meeting.
Stuiirt XmvH Noted.
STUAUT , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Special to Tn
IOEB.J Miss ICstolla Bally , living four mile
Itut of town , took a dose of morphlno Moi
JJay mistaking It for quinine. A physicla
JIVJB hastily summoned uud her lifo wa
| mvcd.
Memorial services held at the opera hnus
IL'uesday word largely attended. Man
people como from tlio surrounding countr ;
Ivblq ad'drcsses wcro delivered bv lov. C. 1
tjliurehlll and Ed A. Walker , captain of itli
lions of Veterans camp at this place.
This locality was visited by a line ra !
Tuesday night. There Is a bright outloo
i or peed crops.
i A largo acreage of chicory Is being plantc
In this vicinity. S. L. Sanders As Co. , i
f'onsldcratlon of a bonus of $2,000 , hav
Signed articles of agreement to erect
lihlcory factory with capacity suftlclcnt 1
j.vork up the product of 1,000 acres.
NOIVH from rrcmont.
FHEMONT , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special to Ti
iBnn.J Tlio heavy rains In the western pa
| of the state the past few days caused tl
[ Platte river to rlso sufllclcnt to take out tl
I foot bridge at this placo. Thu pllo drlvi
[ has boon loaded on a llatboat , us the islai
| where it stood Is overflowed.
O , If. P. Sively , secretary of the N
Ibraska Bindortwlna company , In this ell
I received u telegram from John Erb of Scrl
I Jicr lust night , saying : "Found man in rive
| think it Is Anton Quintuwn. " Qulntma
| who was supposed to bo partially Insane ai
Iliad attempted to take his llfo suvorul time
I disappeared ono night several weeks an
I Coroner Martin went to Scrlbncrtoday to 1
I vcatlgato and If necessary hold an Imjucst.
Plight uf u Tntiiii | ,
GnANii IM.ANP , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Special
I THE UEB , ] Charles White , a tramp , w ,
I found yesterday In a scaled car contalnh
Lcoal for the Union Padflo company at tli
I point. The car has been In the yards he
I three , days. The unfortunate was ju
I strong enough to explain that the last
[ knew of himself ho was working In S ;
Lake City. The car was loaded at Carbo
lWyo. White was at once taicen to the he
pltal. Ho Is no better this morning ai
i fears arc entertained for his recovery.
( leuuriil Tliuyor KntertnlniMt.
Oscnoi-A , Nob. , Juno 2. ( Special to Ti
Br.n. ] A very nlco rccoptloniand ontcrta !
ment was given in honor of General Johu ;
Thaycr at the rosldenco of Judge T. .
Baundcrs Wednesday evening. The genci
has a host of friends hero and always i
colvcs a warm welcome at Osccola. Amo
the number present were Dr. Buckner n
ivife , Dr. Whaloy and wife and Uov. It I'll
Bonand wlfo. Kefroshnu'iits were served a
the crowd dispersed at a late hour. T
general started for his homo at Llncc
I'uneml of Hubert NeUon.
Scrcinon , Neb. , June 2. [ Special to T
DEE. ] The funeral services of Hobert
Nelson , who was a prominent business m
of this city , occurred hero todav. The H
ionic fraternity , of which Mr. Kelson wa :
member , conducted the exercises. All plat
pf business wcro closed. Mr. Nelson Jsa ;
ft wlfo and three sons , t
Smooth Work of Thlevei. ,
HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 'J. [ Special Tc
gram to THE BEB.J This morning the hoi
Of Max Lustlg was entered by burglar * , e
ncntly following In the train of the circi
ind a dlamocd ring slok'u. The rcsiJt-c
of George M. Keen was nlso broken Into
and a satchel taken , along with Its contents.
Ono lady , who had her pocketbook carefully
pinned up In her pocket , was robbed during
the parade. The pocketbook had In It n
check for | S5. Another lady was relieved
of all her money , which she had tied up In
a handkerchief.
Touch VOUIIR Albert Simmon * Is Now
llchlnd the Horn.
. LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special to TUB
Bur. | Alfred Simmons , the young tough
who attempted to kill Ma brother-
in-law , Henry Vannoy , at Wavcrly
and afterwards tried to burn UD
the Jill , was brought up and lodged
in the county jail today , having been held In
? l,000 ball vo district court on the charge of
assault with Intent to commit murder. The
younn fellow had been attending a dance at
Prairie Homo and loaded up with whisky.
In this condition ho announced his Intention
of going to Vannoy's place , setting flro to his
house and killing him , do arrived at tlio
house and beat on the door until Vannoy
tnado his appearance , when ho slashed at
him several times with a razor. Vannoy had
his reveler In his hand and drove Simmons
off the porch. A party of friends had fol
lowed Simmons from the dance and they
came up at this lime and attempted , to in
duce him to go home. He made atone of the
party , Steve Adams , with the razor , but
Adams ran. Simmons throw It after him.
but missed him , whereupon Adams returned
and beat him severely. Ho was then taken
to Jail.
Governor > Crounso today announced the
appointment of the following delegates to
the North and South railway convention to
bo held at Lincoln , Juno 28 , 1893 :
Hon. H. G. Stewart , Crawford ; II. T.
Clarke , Omaha ; J. N. Gaftln , Colon ; W. L.
Wilson , Nebraska City : W. V. Allen , Mad
ison : Ezra 15. Howard , Fairlleld ; D. L.
Pond , Intnan ; Lawsou Sheldon , Nohawka ;
John Jensen , Geneva ; Max Meyer , Omaha ;
Joel Hull , Minden ; C. C. McNish , Wlsncr ;
J. Burrows , Lincoln ; W. S. Hand , Kearney ;
A. J. Sawyer , Lincoln ; C. P. H. Williams ,
Grand Isfand ; William Dysart , Superior ;
B. F. Pratt , Clarks ; Fred G. Shaffer , Lin
coln ; W. F. Dale , Atlanta.
Ncbrnnlci ( irailuatc * .
NEUOII , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special Telegram
to Tuc BEE. ] The closing entertainment of
the fourth annual commencement of the
Nellgh High school was given In the opera
house this evening. The house was 111 led to
overflowing and many failed to secure ad
mission. The graduating class number *
twelve and was the largest over graduated.
Miss Bertha Lcakoidcllvercd tlio salutatory
and MlssJMabel Houscy the valedictory. Hon.
S. D. Thornton presented the diplomas.
STUAIIT , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special to Tun
Biii : . ] The commencement exercises of the
Stuart schools wcro held at the opera house
last evening. The graduates wcro Gcorgo
H. Strohm and Miss Mary Inglis. They
finished I ho course with high honors.
MLUOOK , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special Tolc-
firam to THU BUK. ] The McCook public
schools closed for the year today and this
evening the graduating exercises took place
at the opera houso. The essays and orations
of the graduates , seven In number , showed
that the past years had been profitably
spent and reflected great credit on their
teachers. Prof. William Valentino and the
entire corps of teachers have been engaged
for the coming school year.
LEXINGTON , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.E.l The commencement ex
ercises took plueo hero tonight in the opera
house. The building was jammed to suffoca
tion. The graduates were : Misses McCan ,
Fox , Johnson , McLean , Wcodsum , Hall ,
Griswold. Aler and Shepherd and Messrs.
Hanna , Kennedy , Hosenberg , Smith , Carr ,
Greenfield ana Fox. The subjects were well
chosen and delivered in u pleasing manner ,
rollecting credit upon both pupils and pro
fessors. Ttie Midway orchestra rendered
several selections and Captain McNamai
presented the diplomas. The floral tributes
wcro magnlliccnt.
lleatrlco > 'O\TH Note .
BEATIIICE , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special to THE
BEC.J In thodlstnctcourt yesterday Joseph
Bush was found guilty of larceny , and
Charles Johnson and Albert Edwards .0 !
having burglars' tools in their possession ,
Sentence in both cases was deferred.
Hov. C. H. Broulllctto has kindly volun
teered to give his popular lecture , ' 'Tickling
the Funny Bono , " for the bcneflt of the
Lend-a-Hand society.
Godfrey & Meals have submitted to the
city council a proposition to further test the
water supply in the Paddock pasture , upor
which action will bo taken at the next/ meet
lug of the hoard.
S. M. Miller of Mason City , la. , has
located hero and will , hcreafJer , maki
Boatrlco his homo.
The regular monthly reception given bj
the Young Men's Christian association las
evening was well attended , the progran
being OHO of the iincst over rendered a
these receptions.
Prepared for tlio Cowboy Knee.
CiurmoN , Neb , , Juno 2. [ Special Tolr
gram to THE BEE. ! The great cowboy raei
starts from Chadron to Chicago on Juno 1 !
at 5 p. m. This was decided upon at a meet
Ing of the committee held today. On ac
count of conflicting reports numerous poopl
have been deceived and the number of er
tries reduced. For this reason the commit
tco has agreed to hold the list of cntrle
opi-n to the day of the starting , thcrob ,
giving all u chance to enter. No other inn
teriiil changes wcro made In the publisher
rules , and they will stand.
I.ooltlne Over the Omul Itotite.
EI.KHOHN , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special Teh
gram to Tun BEK , ] Mr. Fanning , an oxpoi
civil engineer from Minneapolis , togothc
jvith Mi\ Andrew Hosowater and ono othc
gentleman from Omaha , passed through thl
1 city today on a tour of the proposed Platt
river Omaha canal survey. It is undcrstoo
that Mr. Fannln'g report as to the practice
billty of the enterprise will bo favorable t
its construction. Citizens generally hei
feul much ulatud over thu prospects ,
At Soimtor CliirU'n Hlrth Place.
BEU.KVUE , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Special Tcli
gram to THE BEK. ] The sad intelligence e
the sudden death of Senator Charles I
Clarke was received hero , the birth place c
the deceased , this morning with feelings c
profound sorrow ami brought tears to tli
iiycs of many of Ms old friends nnd schoo
mates by whom ho was greatly esteemed.
Will Hpoeillly Itvcnvrr. .
NEIIUASKA CITV , Juno 2 [ Special Telegrai
to THE BEE ] General Van Wyck is stcsdil
Improving. Dr. Whltloy , ono of the phys
clans In charge , instead of inakim ; dally trl |
now goes every other day. Dr. Campbell r
mains constantly there. Everything poln
to his speedy recovery. None but iutimai
friends are allowed to sco him.
Uood Crops Aiitirril.
SAHOEXT , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special to TJI
Br.E. ] A copious rain , lastlnir four hour
fell this afternoon. Whllo the farmers we :
not suffering for rain In this locality , yet
it will do a vast amount of good. It pruci
cally insures an excellent siqall grain crop.
Iliirclur * fientcnceil.
NEUIIASKA. CITV , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Spec !
Telegram to TUB UKE. ] John Knox ai
n John Mullen wcro sentenced to fourtci
months In the penitentiary today t
burglary. They were taken to Lincoln 1
the sheriff this afternoon.
Oullty of Illgliwuy Itobbcry ,
BEATIIICE , Nub. , Juno 2. [ Special Tel
gram to THE BEE. ] The Jury In the case
John Hall , charged with highway robber
brought In u verdict of guilty this aftcrnoo
Hall will probably be sent to the peulte
tlury at an early da to.
North llcnil Btoro Closed.
Noimi BEND , Neb , , Juno 2. [ Special Tel
gram to THE BEB. ] The drug store of A. J
Huah was closed hero this morning on
moi tiragc helu by the Dank of North lisa
Liabilities , $3,000 ; assets , f-.fcTO.
Omaha Federal Building Will Bo Constructed
of the Best Material.
Senator Vonrliers' Fight for tlio Stone of
1IU Nntlvo State tha Cauta of
oT the Prctcut
BunKxn OP Tnn Bun , \
fil3 FouiiTKCNTU STUEET : ' f
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno' . )
Senator Mandorson had n conference
with Secretary Carlisle and Supervising
Architect -O'Kourko this mornng In the
secretary's ' ofllco concerning the Omaha
public building. The senator said the
Interview was very satisfactory , and ho
thought thd building would bo constructed
of granite. The secretary and Mr. O'Hourko
promised to co over the estimate nfraln care
fully and sco If It is possible to construct the
building within Ihollncs of the old proposals
nnd with the appropriation already made.
Senator Manderson Is now satisfied
that bids will bo rcadvcrtiscd for cover
ing different classes of materials , as the
secretary and supervising architect are de
sirous of leaving no ground for the charge of
favoritism against the department In its
dealings with the promoters of different
building materials.
Senator Manderson saw Senator Voorhecs
l.ito this afternoon , The Indiana senator
hus caused much of the trouble by cham
pioning the fight of the Bedford limestone
quarries of his state.
Waltlnc on Secretory Carlisle.
Supervising Architect O'Rourke said this
evening that nothing new would develop
concerning the Omaha public building be
fore the return of Secretary Carlisle. The
secretary loft tonight on a visit to Senator
Gibson of Maryland. Ho will return cany
next week. Mr. O'Uourko was busy this
afternoon getting the papers regarding the
Omaha building to lay before the secretary
Immediately on his return.
Senator Manderson Is as unyieldlntr as
over in his demand for a granite building ,
but ho will probably preserve his ammuni
tion until the now bids are submitted and
opened , and then bring proof to bear on the
secretary of the treasury to show that gran
ite Is the only available material for the
Omaha building.
Supervising Architect O'Rourko said to
THE BUG correspondent late this afternoon
that the whole trouble and delay over the
Omaha building grew out of the fact that
the original proposals called for granite only ,
and Mr. O'Hourke said that ho thought the
point was well talcen. The original pro
posals were submitted by Supervising Archi
tect Edbroo'.te. When Mr. O'Hourke's at
tention was called to the statement of Sen
ator Manderson yesterday that if ? T > 0,000
extra were nceuled to complete the building
in granite , according to the proposals
already submitted , it could bo secured
through a new appropriation , ho replied :
"That is true , perhaps , but It must bo re
membered that the law will not permit us to
award a contract for an amount which ex
ceeds the appropriation. "
May Go to an Iowa Sinn.
Secretary Morton is expected to return
to Washington Monday. Whllo there Is
much talk abont thu assistant secretary o (
agrisulturo , and though Mr. Wllletts tlio
present assistant is anxious to retire , his
successor will hardly bo named until after
the work in connection with the World's
fair is over. Assistant Secretary Willotts
Is chairman of the government board nnd
his services in that capacity are almost
indispensable at this time. Buchanan ol
Iowa seems to bo the leading candidate.
T. B. Davis of Lincoln filed application
today for appointment as surveyor at Lin >
coin. P. S. H.
Card from Jutin Itoylo.
WASHINGTON , D. C. Juno 1,1803. To the
Editor of THE BEE : Attacks on mo it
Washington correspondence Lincoln Journal
arc malicious and false. Have filed nc
protest In Kearney poslofllco matter m name
of Catholic church. The statement is ot
par with rest of charges made against mo.
Former .Silver Moil Snlil to bo Anxloua fo :
Ihrt ItejiBa ! nf the Hhornuin X aw.
WASUINGTON , D. C. , Juno 2 The Star ha :
this : Information coming from sllvc
sources make It a safe prediction that then
will bo comparatively little trouble to pass i
bill through the house to repeal the Shcrmai
silver law soon after congress meets. Hov
the thing will stand In the senate is anothc
story , but it will probably bo found that th
finance committee , at the head of which i
Senator Voorhces , who has been regarded a
strongly favoring silver , will have a majorit ;
for the repeal of the present law. 1
appears that n number of members of th
house who voted against any action durliij
the last congress have seen a light since , am
they expect to vote the other way when the ,
got at work again. The reason given b ,
some of those who will drop from the rank
of the radical silver men is that In the ligh
of the present financial situation of "the !
people , " without yielding their conviction
on the silver question , are willing that th
Sherman law should bo repealed nt once
leaving the question of future coinage o
silver open. How fur this Is the result c
Judicious distribution or withholding of pal
ronage by Mr. Cleveland may bo left for ii
ferenco , but it Is certain that Mr , Clovclan
has nut lost sight of this issue in dealln
with statesmen who have been making pi
grlmagcs to the white houso.
IlKItlM ! Si/V
It Will Ho Some Time Vet Iluforo tbo Ai
Kiimcntu are Concluded ,
WASIILVOTON , D , C. , Juno 2. Unoftlclal at
vices from members of the American con
mission In Paris in connection with th
Bering sea arbitration do not give any her
of an early termination of the present pn
cccdlngs , besides Sir Charles Husscll , who :
speech has Just closed , Great Britain wi
present four other attorneys , but how muc
time they will require It Is Impossible , i
course , to foretell. After they have llnlshci
Mr. Phelps and Mr. H. W. Blodgett of tl
counsel tor the United States are stl
to bo heard , It Is probable , horrever , tlu
about July 1 some of thu attaches to tl
American commission will bo detached an
return to this country. After the argumei
has been concluded the arbitrators hai
thrco months In which to render their d
clslon. It Is hoped that the final resu
\\ouldborcachcdby October 1 , at whlc
time thu modus vlvendi , at present in rxis
cnce , regulating the legitimate catch (
seals In the Bering sea , will expire l > y tl
terms of the treaty of arbitration.
Ciolil In thu Truuiury.
1 WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 2. The total n <
gold In. the treasury at the close of builne
today was fJiiiO , ' . ' ? ! . This does not tal
Into account the gold engaged at Now Voi
for shipment tomorrow. No advices as
how much was engaged had been received ;
the treasury at the close of business , B
cause of the heavy shipments of gold fro
New York , Secretary Carlisle has orden
gold shipped from three other subtreasurl
to New York to keep up the supply oud th
gold Is now on the way to Now York.
Two UecUlou * by tjocrctiry Smith.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno S. In the cats i
Tnouias A. Holden , Secretary Hoko S = i
today hold that all lands within the HIE !
of the grant to the Oregon Central Hailro ;
company wcro reduced to $1.25 per acre
the forfeiture act of January til , IS55 , ai
that this net did mot except lands falling
within the conflicting limits of the Oregon
Central and the.Northern Pacific roads.
In the case of Thomas U. Urlcdloy ot nl ,
the secretary .todav held that the net
of March 3 , 1875 , } providing for entries of
desert lands In Nnpa county , California , was
reocaled by the act of March ! ) , 1877 , whlen
was general In Its application over the
cntiro state of California and the other
states named In the act ,
WlUlllllRtOtl NotCK ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. ) Juno 2. A committee ,
consisting of Messrs , Bennett and Strait ,
representing the failed Chemical National
bank of Chicago , had a conference with
Comptroller Kck.les today with a view to
the bank resuming business. They wcro
assured that If they could present evidence
Insuring the stability of the bank in the
future they would bo permitted to resume.
It is said at the State department that no
steps , looking to the formal recognition of
the now government at Nicaragua , will betaken
taken by the United States until moro
definite advices shall have been received
from Minister Baker In regard to the terms
of peace upon which It Is based.
The Cherokee Iildlans have not yet nego
tiated their JOO.OOO.OOO bonds , and the com
mittee having the matter In charge will
probably return homo without selling them ,
Mnndornoit InxIMs mi ( Irnnlto.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno ' . ' . Senator Man-
dcrson today had an Interview with Secre
tary Carlisle on the question of the Omaha
public building. . There has been some
trouble in regard to tlio bids for construction
ns to what class of material they called for.
Senator Manderson wishes the building to
bo built of granite .and ho will Insist that this
bo the material used.
Well Known Omulm Mun Suddenly nud
Completely DUnpiiours.
Mr. Ralph K. Gaylord of this city has mys
teriously disappeared. On the 10th of May
ho loft Omaha for El Pnso , Tex. , to meet
his mother , Mrs. Hcubon Gaylord , and to
accompany her homo. At Kansas City , May
17 , Mr. Gaylord wrote a letter to his wife ,
which is the last word received from him.
Mr. Gaylord stated tluvt ho was not feeling
well ; that his head continued to trouble him.
As soon as his friends hero learned that ho
did not reach El Paso nt the appointed tliiic
they became alarmed. His mother was com
municated with , and nt once returned to
Omaha. Unremitting search during the past
ten days has failed to discover any trace of
him. Judge W. C. Ivcs and Mr. George
Patterson went to Kansas City in tlie hope
that they might llnd the missing man In ono
of the hospitals there. They followed every
clew that mightlead to his whereabouts.
Mr. Gaylord is Well known in business
and social circles' . Ho has resided In
Omaluk over thirty years and enjoys the
confidence of the best people hero. About
ten years ago ho suffered a violent attack of
brain fever from which he never fully re
covered. At the time ho was In ttio law
business , but the effects of his illness were
such that ho was compelled to abandon the
practice. About two months ago ho took a
brief outing at the lakes near Omaha and
contracted a severe cold , which brought on
an attack of the grip. Since then ho has
repeatedly complained that his head troubled
him badly. To one of his associates in the
oftlce ho said a few days before ho left that
ono side of his head felt numb and heavy and
that ho was "doing his thinking in ono side
of his head only. "
Mr. Gaylord's-frlonds can'account for his
stra'ngo disappearance ottly on the theory of
mental collapse , yet they are not without
hope that tidlnes of his whereabouts may
yet bo received. Mrs. Gaylord Is prostrated.
The nipntal strain of the past ten days has
been terrible and made it necessary for her
physician to deny all visitors to her.
World's Fair flutes Will lie Opened > cxt
Sunday us Usual.
CIIICAOO , III. , Juno 2. Just before the fed
eral court adjourned today in the World's
fair Sunday closing suit , United
States Attorney Mllcfirist asked that
in the absence of a permanent
decision a restraining order bo issued
for next Sunday. This was refused.
Judge Woods , speaking for the court , said nc
intimation could bo given as to when a dC'
cision might bo expected.
On behalf of the fair it was argued that II
this court should grant the prayer of the
petitioners for an order closing the gates oc
Sunday , the management would have tc
either disobey that order or the order of the
state court holding that the park , being foi
the recreation and enjoyment of the people ,
they could not bo kept out on any day of the
week , The court asked If the logic of this
was that no entrance fee could bo charged ,
The attorney for the fair said no. because ol
the large amount of money spent In building
the improvements the fair directory was entitled
titled to charge a foe. This had already beei
decided in effect.
Attorney .Tamed L. High , for the govern
ment , produced n report of the dculcatlor
exercises of the exposition and read a per
lion of President ; Hlgginootham's address
in which ho formally transferred the enter
prise to the national commission. This Mr
High held , placed the entire exposition it
the hands of the government and investei
the federal representatives with full contro
of the fair.
"What do you think Mayor Htrrlsoi
meant when } io tendered Chicago' :
distinguished guqsts the freedom of tin
city ? " asked Judirp Jenkins , referring to tin
courtesy extended to the duke of Veragua
The question caused a ripple of laughter
which the court crier had to rebuke wltl
his gavel.
'Well , " answered Mr. High , who wa
taken aback at the query , "of course , that 1
for your honors to decide. "
There Is much speculation tonight , no
that the case Is finally In the judges' hand
for a decision , ns to when the decision wi !
bo rendered , Not a few expect tnat the ill
clslon will bo announced tomorrow , but suci
quicl : action is not generally looked for.
DlsnatlHdtiMVorUnien on tliureat Clilcay
Caiml Strllclug mid L'ljfhtlni ; .
LKMONT , 111. , Jiino 2. was a relg
of terror today along the route of the drainage
ago canal between L mont mid Homco. Fou
hundred quarrymen struck for an increas
of wages , and , armed with clubs and re
volvcrs , marched from ono stone quarry t
another , gaining additions to their rank
and stopping at many of the saloons on the
way , until , nltnoat grazed with liquor , the
loft the quarries and rushed upon thoneare ;
camp of contractor ? on the drainage cam
lino. Camp after camp WAS visited and I
each the men wcro driven from their wor
and , where they had ttio temerity to rests
wcro assaulted by tjho strikers. Many rnc
were severely injured , nnd it Is thought th :
one , James Powderly , will die.
cau/.va TO
} Arclibliliop Batolli I. | | < ey ) to Itotura I
Washington from Chicago.
CHICAGO , III. , Juno 2. [ Special Tolcgra
to THS BEE. ] Ills emlnenco Archblsh (
Satolli was seen by TUB BEE correspondei
tonight relative to the -report that ho wou
proceed to Lincoln io > Investigate chargi
against Bishop Boaacum. The papal del
gate was very uncommunicative.
"I have not decided where J shall go , " 1
said , "but I shall remain in Chicago ft
several days. "
Ho would say nothing with rcferonca
the charges against thu Lincoln bishop.
member of the ecclesiastical party suld
J TUB BBU correspondent that the archblstu
y I would bo very likely to raturn to Wushln
u J ton at the conclusion of bis Chicago visit.
What Was Done Yesterday by the Delegates
of the State Organizations ,
Warmly Welcomed to Omnlm Sccretnry's
nnd Troimirur' * IlcpcrU Tempornuco
mill Sabbntli Observance I.Int ot
Tlio Iiongucr * I'roout.
From the lips of several hundred earnest
Epworth leaguers assembled In the Hans-
coin Park Methodist church yesterday morn
ing at 0 o'clock thcro floated the melodious
notes of "My Jesus , I Love Thee , " and other
familiar gospel songs.
It was the devotional hour and with every
passing mlniUo the congregation grow larger
as the delegates continued to arrive.
Hov. D. 1C. Tindall of the Scward Street
Methodist church led the devotional meet
ing , and when it closed President G. W.
Bergo of Lincoln took charge of the proceed
The address of welcome on behalf of the
Epworth leaguers of Otn.iha was delivered
by Hon. Charles A. Goss of this city. Ho
said that ho fully realised the fact that
ho had not been called upon to
extend n welcome to a political
convention. Ho looked into the faces of an
assemblage interested in a work more far
reaching and Important than politics. It de
volved upon ttio young Christians of the
country to shape the moral destinies of the
coming generations , to battle with vice nnd
sin and assist in making Nebraska and the
cntiro United States more thoroughly
In closing he expressed the hope that the
visiting delegates might enjoy the sojourn In
Omaha and return to their homes with re
newed zeal for the work of the league.
Hov. William II. Murray welcomed the
delegates to the city on behalf of the
Epworth leaguers of Hanscom Park church.
Ho believed that Nebraska was ono of the
very best states In the union for young
people to live in.
"It Is all right for your own visiting
brethren and sisters to push toward tin ?
cast until you reach the Missouri river , until
you reach Omaha , but right hero wo would
have you tarry. We would have you break
bread with us and drink the spark
ling waters of the Missouri river [ laughter ]
Later In the season you will have your eyes
turned toward Cleveland , toward tlio Inter
national convention of the Epworth League ,
but bo careful that you are not drawn to
Chicago to vanity fair. Look out for the
snares and the pitfalls that will thcro beset
set for your feet. "
In conclusion the speaker exhorted the
members of the league to live up to the
motto of the league : "Look Up , Lift Up. "
Proud of Omalm'8 Growth.
Rev. A. H. Julian , presiding older of the
northwest Nebraska district , responded to
the addresses of welcome. Ho thanked the
leaguers of Omaha for the hearty and un-
mistalcablo welcome that had been extended
to the delegates. He wanted especially to
thank the entertaining brethren on behalf
of the delegates who came from the far
western .border lines of the state.
"I como from the frontier , " said the
speaker , "where sod houses nro a familiar
sight. Oh , what a privilege it is to
gather hero In this beautiful i church ,
to listen to the music of such an organ a ?
that before us. How we would love to linger
here. As citizens of Nebraska wo are
proud of the growth and development of
Omaha. Wo realize that this mighty city
that has so rapidly sprung into metropolitan
proportions is but a result of the growth of
this great , young stato. After all the state
is a good deal bigger than Omaha. The
state is the cause , Omaha a result. 1 know
that all these delegates will look back with
pleasure upon this occasion. "
While the convention sang. "Thoro is
Sunshine in His Love , " Blshon Ninde en
tered the church. President Berg requested
the bishop to address the convention , and ho
complied In a most pleasing manner. He
touched particularly upon the increasing
liberality of wealthy men. "There is but
very little wealth inherited by the Method
ist church , " said the speaker.
"Many of the children of our wealthiest
members become connected after they grow
up with outside alliances and they go else
where and take their money with them.
But somehow God has a way of bringing
into our church poor boys with nothing but
their natural pluck and noble mnnhood and
business tact. They begin poor , but they
are soon rich nnd they do not forget the
church of their choice and their obligations
to God. They pour out their wealth by the
thousands and millions.
A resolution of thanks to Bishop Nindc
was passed by the convention.
Treating < > f Temperance.
The chairman then appointed committee !
on credentials , on llnanco and on resolutions.
On resolution introduced by John M. .
Hazclton the convention decided to give nl
visitors an opportunity to take part in the
discussions of thcj convention.
Presiding elders nnd pastors were ad
milted to the privileges of accredited dole
The program for the remainder of the
forenoon had to bo changed some to suit tlu
exigencies created by the noiiarrival o
some prominent workers who hud beet
booked for nn appearance.
The old toploof temperance was taken up
Hev. D. C. Windship of Htnnton read tin
opening paper In which he took the wol
known ground of the Methodist churcl
against the licensing of liquor saloons. Hi
roltorntcd the utterances of the general conference
ferenco to the effect that the only proper at
tltudo for the Christian to assume upon tin
saloon question was that of relentless hos
Kov. J. J. Slungler of Kearney dlscnssci
tlio Sabbath. He began by showing tha
the word "Sabbath" in the old blblo did no
mean Sunday or the first day of the week
It meant several different sorle :
of rest or special days , and coul
not always moan Sunday as h
nroved from the reading of several dl :
fercnt passages from the book of Loviticui
This fact , ho held , did away with th
argument of the Seventh Day Advontlsts I
trying to muko It appear that our Sunda
was unscrlptural.
A committee of 11 vo was appointed t
revise the constitution of the state league.
The convention then took a recess fo
lunch which was served In the lecture rooi
of the church.
The first halt hour of the afternoon sc
slon was devoted to singing and supplier
President Ber ? announced the followlr
committed on revision of the constltutloi
Dr. B. L. Paine of Lincoln. Hov. J. H. Ma
Adam , Hev. C. H. Flfer , Miss Marie Hu
and Mr. John M. Hazelton.
Hev. W. P. Murray , Miss Laura Lcedii
and Mr. Bert Clark wcro appointed to loc
after the program for the remaining sesaioi
of the convention.
Condition of tlio l.eue'io. '
The annual report of the corrospondln
secretuiy , Hov. J. H MaoAdam , was the
presented. The condition of the organlz
lion was shown to bo very satisfactory. Tli
secretary sent out something over 1100 lotto
during the year to pustorj and had receive
responses from ' . ' ' . ' 7 of them.
The secretary took the favorable oppo
tunlty thus presented to rap the ncsli ui
The report showed the following leagu
organized : Nebraska Conference , 03 : Norl
Nebraska , 63 ; West Nebraska , tl ! ; Soul
Nebraska , 55 making a total of 250 league
having a total membership of ti. ' ) , a gain <
, r > , ( WO during the past year , The secret !
reported only those that had reported
him. , and some of the ministers who ha'
been attending the district convention roai
u number of important corrections , iucrou
Ing the number of members In the state to
over 10,000.
'ihero are still a few Christian Endcavo
societies In the Methodist churches of the
state , but they nro rapidly giving way to the
Kpworth league organization. In addition
to the 10,000 members of the league there
nro more than 3,000 members of the Junior
Epworth league , makln ? a total of moro
than 1 ,000 young people and children In the
organization In the entire state.
Kpnorth Hoof and Wheel.
Dr. H. L. Palno of Lincoln cutert.Mnnd the
convention with n solo and responded to an
Mr , L. O. Jones of Lincoln spoke upon "The
Epworth Ubof and the Epworth Wheel. " Ho
spoke first In n general way of the work of
the Epworth league and then turning the
trend ot thought to the old Epworth parish
manse In England , the homo of John Wes
ley's father nnd mother , ho related many
interesting event * in the lives of the
founders of Methodism. In connection with
these remarks he spoke of thu orcnnUatlon
of the Emvorth league , which ho
characterized as the ' 'greater Emvorth
roof. " Ho regarded the organization as
being an absolute need In the progress of
the church. The prayer and class meeting
were nil right In their place , but they failed
somehow to eathcr In the young people and
hold them. The Epworth league was doing
that work. The Epworth badge Is made In
the form of a wheel with four spokes , and
upon these four characteristics of the organ
ization the speaker dwelt for some
tune. The Epworth league had
become a power for goou by pushing the re
vival wonc and strengthening the spiritual
outposts of the church. Ho gave Illustra
tions of the ofllcleney of the fragile In the
local mission work In both Lincoln and
Omaha. In the department ot mercy and
help the leaguers had been turning to many
deeds of practical good in assisting the poor
and the sick.
Purser's Itcport.
The treasurer , Mr , Haymond P. May , read
a brief report showing the financial status
of the league. Mr. May was appointed about
three months ago to fill the position made
vacant by the rcsiL'iiation of the former
treasurer. Ho said that no statement of the
condition of the finances prior to his appoint
ment had ever been handed to him , so ho
had no means of knowing how the matter
stood. Ho did know , however , that ho had
mot with very discouraging results In the
effort to raise funds by sending out
letters to the leagues of the
stato. In answer to over ! ! 00 letters ho had
received about forty replies containing in all
1(1.60. ( The league was $ 'J.)0 in debt and it
was absolutely necessary to have abou $000
to sot the league properly on Us feet and
push the work for the coming year. A sub
scription was taken and something like $1100
was pledged by the delegates present for the
expenses of the league during the coming
The convention then separated Into the
various divisions for conference work. The
division of spiritual work was led by Dr. B.
L. Palno ; that of literary work by Miss
Eunice Babbitt of North Platte ; mercy and
belli by Miss Anna Randall of Fairlleld ;
department of presidents by Dr. C. F.
Clark of Omaha ; social work by Mrs. E. H.
Aiulriancc. Plainvicw ; linanco by Uov. F. B.
Ham of Elkhorn.
In each of these departments there was an
interesting discussion.
livening .Mooting.
The auditorium of the Ilanscom Park
church was crowded to its capacity last
night with visiting Epworth leaguers and
Omaha people. The program was ono of
moro than usual interest to Methodists , ami
particularly to leaguers. It was what theatergoers
ater-goers would call a double bill , with both
parts a pretty fair entertainment of them
selves. In the first place Mr. G. W. Berg ,
prcsldcntof the state league , delivered the
annual address nnd succeeded In saying u
great many things that fit'the occasion so
completely .that thcro could bo no room left
for disappointment. His remarks seemed to
inspire the leaguers with a great deal of en-
thublasni , and , after' all , that Is about the
main object to be attained in holding state
Following the president's address came a
capital sermon by ono of the brightest young
men hoard in Omaha in many months. Hov.
Nacy McGce Waters of Dubuque was the
man , nnd when it is said he Is a young man
that docs not mean n man of 110 or US , but a
man of only 215 , yet ho fills ono of the fore
most Methodist pulpits in Iowa.
The Icloul Church.
The serious portions of his address were
deftly interspersed with anecdotes. Ono of
the leading and important thoughts of the
speech was that tbo aristocratic , church or ,
as Judge Tourgeo has put It , "tho church of
the Golderi Lilies , " was not the church that
accomplished that which Jesus of Nazareth
desired to have His followers accomplish.
The working church , the church with its
sleeves rolled up , so to speak , and all Its
members hustling for the good of the poor ,
the distressed and the wicked , was the Ideal
church. The speaker thought that the day
was not far distant when the most useful
churches in tbo country would have gym
nasiums , bathrooms and libraries connected
with them for the accommodation of the
poor nnd for the benefit of the laboring
QAnothcr thought emphasized In the ad
dress was that the moral destinies of the
people lay to a great extent In the hands ol
the young people.
"Wo speak ot Mr. Gladstone , " said the
speaker , "as being a grand old man , for
getting that ho was a grand young man as
well uud In Parliament at the ago of 22 ,
Young men have fought the battles of the
world there can bo no question about that
The fact of the business is , wo never have
any grand old men unless wo have gram :
young men. " Taking this thought as n bast ;
ho proceeded to point out to the young mer
of the church the necessity of getting tc
work at an early ago If they meant to develop
velop suniclont striking force to accompllsl
a great and good work for the Master.
Thoio Are the Delegate * Here.
Following Is a list of the delegates now
present In the convention :
1'rank Whitney. Ilnnry Hood , Milton Lozan
Albion ! Mr. and Mrs. W. H , Clark , Ashliind
Hov. It. J. ( JocUInu , Arlington ; IWM HIM
Viola Hodges , Hev. lloducs Arcnillii ; Ml *
t'l.-ira Hlillus , Alva ; Uov. Mnxlleld. Aurora
C.IIbort fooley. Anna OooK , lllalr ; iili : :
Watson , Hellwood ; .1 , K. Iluyd , Colntnbiw
.1. W. liaison , .May ilalrd , Itov. t ) , M. Urlllllh
Rll.i Fuller , t'eclar Hnplds ; Miss Tlmrulon
Central City ; .lames ( illbort , T. M. U'llberly
Curtis ; A. .1. Wlillmoro , t'odur t'rouk ; UcorK
Trlts , UulborlMiii ; Albitrt Ylncuiit , Klnvi
lltimlorHon , CaniDi'lduo ; Klllo llneldoy , Alar1
Larnon. A. ( > . Tummii , L'o/.nd ; Kuv , A. 11
Julian , cimilron ; J.V. . Mi-Adams , Davenport
Mr * Dr. Hull , Miss Torpanlntf , Julia Wntsoii
'David Oltyj viola Klrlt , Lucy Lonfest. Kdj-ar
Maude Current , \V. 11. I'trscolt , r'lmwood
L. H. DoWolf , Knfluldi J. Too Orville , I'ullor
toil ! Kov. U. U. , Carrie Ilartliolnninu
( ircoley : MyronTliomp'-on.dlbbon ; J. H. Mllloi
Kdlth Urvfnu , Daisy Muits. Hov. .1. II. Mae
AduniK , ( iranil Island ; Charles M. Mi'Conlilt
llnmlloy ; Hov. J. Llslo , Indltinola : Huv , u. II
Mls-i Cnssman , Miss Nulpp. Kearney ; F.d\\ |
( 'ass , Thorium NVIsomun , Ituv. J. II. I'rles
Lynns ; Mr. tiiwltsand wife , l.onlsvlllo ; Hoi
L.Y , Chandler , MlM LUilo Dumilstun , Lon
City Harm-si A. Knight , Ilattlo Jloilghorlj
Itov. O. IV. Klfor unci Mrs. ( < eor o M
I'lfcr , Lincoln : Cora llltchi'.ocU.LIlllo.Stutrar
J. B , Allarn , Klllo Ku.iter , Hcrtlia HPHjjan , Mr
Mituilo 1'ubblcs , Mr. Klehe , Lincoln ; L' ' . /
i Norlln , W. A. A loom , .MUnion ; Alice llai
r nlttor , Ki-v. J. II. llrooks , Madison : Hev. K. I
lloreli , Mount IMnasant ; MUs M. L. M <
Klbbon , Hoc , 11. 1) ) Jlrottii. 'North Hem
Knnleo Babbitt , MlssllardawiiyNorth I'luttt
Hov. William ( jorht , Nolljjhj Mlsi Irene Hurl
man , North Plane ; Htv , 11. S. liny wood , Smlt
Hoops. A. M , Consul' . Oxford ! Huv. It , ( J. 1V < -
luiU wife , T I1. ItlacU , llcrtlm Cain , Ovcrtoi
Kill Hi liobljlns. Orel ; Sophia Chrlstliinsoi
Klllo Ilurnett , Otoo Creek : Hov. J. W. MI1U
nnd wife , Mrs , Holborg. Miss Onro , 1'oiidui
Lowli Hall , Jiss > lo ( 'liaimell , Nelllo Ullmni
1'lerco ; O. ti. I'plk. Manilla llowlund , Cfeori.
M. Hpurlock , I'lattsmouth ; Huv. ] ) oi
nelly , 1'almor ; Ml s Laura Locdoin , I'll
nicfe Hill : I'-lln llawson , Havenni
Onnun Kstull , Mr. HcshburRor , Hchuylo
Oraco Holers , Kdmi Htsliel , Hprlimllcli
Jplin , Aniiii Nesblt. Hupcrlor : J. 1
Hanks , Uov. J , M , Drrsslor , Mrs. W , K. Morna
Hcotla ; Mumlo llarmoe , K. U. Klllott , Hliultoi
Molly MarnlirUl , Mr * . J , H. Thomas. Tauuiri
Anna llolx , Table Hock ; Itu&slu McCluaj , He
Kdward luwo-i. Mlnnlo Kuglu , Hoio Orpli
Union ; 0.V. . Tliorii , Valentine ; Hov. W. I
Vuku and wlfo. Ida McDanlolx , Wood Itlvr
MU Delia Host , U. D. BmHh. Hov. T. A. llul
Wtopuu Water ; Villa lluutou , Li , W ,
Peculiar Story of the Girl Who "Was 8up
posed to Have Booa Murdered.
Alter llelnc Itubtied of Her Jewelry nnf
Money by Her ( 'upturn She \Viii
Tnkcn to rorntello nnd
Sot lit Liberty.
LEMI CITV. S. D. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tur. HUB. ] The mystery surround ,
ing thodlsappc-araui'oof Miss Nelllo Holgato ,
who uMrtuJ d\Hvnc.l In a lake near
Seattle , Wash. , uovi'Ktl weeks ago , has boon
solved by the arrival of the young lady at
the house of her parents in this city.
To a representative of Tin : Br.i : she stated
that on ths night of her disappearance from
Seattle she was standing near the Madison
street boat house , when hailed by n ,
man nnd woman seated In n buggy.
Upon approaching the pier she was
seized and robbed of all money and Jewelry
she had , amounting to over $100 , and was
then made captive and taken across country i
to Pocatollo. Idaho , where she was sot ad
liberty. From Poeatollo she managed to' i
reach Denver , from which point shu wired' '
her parents In Lead City. '
The young lady is still nervous from excite
ment but otherwise In good health. Her
father , who has been In Seattle for two' '
weeks assisting dotoctlves In their search )
for her , has been notified ot her arrival here. ]
Miss Holgatu had $5,000 insurance on her' '
life and the many reports from Seattle to
the effect that her disappearance wasia
scheme to heat the insaranco company ara
without foundation.
Death or u Lenil City
LEAD CITV , S. D. , Juno 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Br.i : . ] Kordcrick McLennan ,
aged -10 years , an early settler In the Blaele
Hilts and n former resident of Montana , was'
found dead in a room nt an early hour this *
mornlnp. Ho was a heavy ovuiorof Lead
City realty and was interested in several
promising mmlng claims. The coroner's
jury pronounced death as caused by paraly
sis of the heart.
iiKruni.ic.LX iinionr.
lown Leaders In Frxvor of nn Karly State
DCS MOISKS , la. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB Br.i : . ] Chairman James E1
Blytho of the republican state central com
mittee was In tlio city today. Mr. Blytha
said that ho expected to secure a meeting o !
the committee some time this month ; in
fact , as soon as a tiato satisfactory to all the
members could be agrce.l upon. Ho believes' '
iu the expediency of an early convention ,
and would use his influence in securing that
Speaking of the situation ho said that In
his opinion the republican party should got
together on a compromise platform that
would unite all factions and create harmony ]
and then nominate a generous , broad minded
man for governor. H this Is done Mr. Blytho
swill have no fcaxof the result. The pj ; s
pccts are bright for a republican victory , vfa
thlaks , and he don't believe any republicans
will desert the old party to join another
when they realize that such a thing would
only result in the defeat of their own objccts.-
MrJuiytlio has been prominently mentioned ,
as atandidato for governor but will emphat
ically 'decline to run for personal and busi
ness reasons.
Sonuitloii In O. K. T. Circlni.
IOWA CITT , la. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Br. . ] When the operators' strike
on the Chicago , Uock Island & Pacllie rail
road was on last December , Iowa City was
the headquarters for a number of the lead
ing strikers. Early in the strike one coltl
night tlio wires of the Hock Island were euti
, nd much trouble and excitement followed.
L'hroo of the strikers were arrested and gave
iail in largo sums and wcro acquitted on
rial before ajustleo. Two strikers , Albert
) oono and O. W. Swords immediately
irought suit In the sum of $5,000 each against
ho Kock Island. These suits have nevou
: omo to trial , but today a sensation was
routed by Boone coming bcforo Judge Fuir
il and pleading guilty. Lively develop
ments aru expected.
iCrlnnoll ( ir.nluatrs.
QHINNEIX , la. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
oTiiE BEE. ] The following seven seniors
ave been chosen to represent the class of
ion : the commencement plaltorm : Miss
lose Haskell , Fort Dodge ; Miss NollliT
Irockett Bcloit , Wis. ; Henry S. McCowan , *
Jcoria , 111. ; Miss Emma Campbell , Dowltt ,
a. ; Miss Carrie .Sheldon , Potsdam , N. "I
Miss Mary Bowers , Ccntcrvllle , la. , am
iilwln S. Van Gorden Andubon , la. Then
are thirty-nine members In the class. t
CttnsTO.v , la. , Juno -Special [ to TUB
Jut ! . ] The High school graduating class/ /
wenty-two In number , twelve girls and ten
boys , craduatea this evening at tha
ethodist Episcopal church. The class 1 *
ho third largest In the stato.
Convicted of .Hurdor.
LCMAIIS , la. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to
TJIB BEK. ] Hayden McFarland was con
victed of murder In the second degree today
per the killing of Anton Wanner in Novom-
jer , 1891. Wanner was a saloon keener at
the town of Strublo , and ho nnd MoFarlaml
md trouble and Wanner drove him out of.
the saloon , The quarrel was ronewcd on
the street , when McFarland struck him on
the head with a king bolt of a wagon , crush
ing the skull. McFarlaud was convicted ot
murder In the second degree last November ,
but obtained a new trial on a Haw In the
Indictment. Ho will bo bontcncod tomorrow.
I'oor I'rcspcftM lor 1'ork ,
Sioux Cmla. . , Juno 2 , [ Spaclal Tele
gram to Tin ; BEE. ] The early predictions ot
u largo supply of hogs from the northwosl
have been knocked In the head by later re
ports , which are to the effect that cholera
lias pot a firm foothold In northern Iowa ,
South Dakota and northeastern Nebraska.
In many localities whole herds liavo been
wiped out by It , and careful estimates show
that fully half the young hogs have died In
thu past two months , Indications are that !
the scarcity will bo oven greater than It wa
u year ago.
NorthwuHlrrn Tralim Collide.
DCS , la. , Juno ! i. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] A special freight train
collided with the regular freight on tha
Chicago & Northwestern just west of Mon-
tour on the rurvo last evening. The train
men Jumped' and escaped Injury , excepting
ono of the engineers , who was severely , but
not fatally Injured. Both engines and i *
number of cars wcro battered up consider
ably. The accident was caused by the spe
cial not receiving orders to watt for No. 20
at Montour ,
( lllnon Ki-eltictrd ,
DCS MOISKS , In. , Juno 2 , [ Special Tele
gram toTur.-Br.K. ] The prohibition state *
committee today re-elected Isaac T. Gibson
as Its chairman and selected G , W. Dutton
of Sioux City /or railroad commissioner .f >
fill the vacancy. .
( livm t- > the .lury. I
OTTUMWA , la. , Juno3. [ Special Tclograra
to THE Br.B. ] The Nelso murder case vtcn ]
to the jury tonight at 0 o'clock after a
seventeen days trial. *
Movement ! of Ucrnn Steamer * .Time y , f
At New York Arrived Columbia , from
Hamburg ; Austria , from Naples ; Gcrmanlo ,
from Liverpool ; \Violaud , from Havre ; Seri
renlo , from Hamburg ,
At Hamburg-Arrived Normannla , from
Now York ,
At LUard Passed-La Touralne , from
New York ; Minnesota , from Philadelphia.
At Klnsalo- PassedUvncasterluu , Iron
Boston ; Ituulu , from Now York.