Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Must Eiplaln Homo Very Peculiar Transactions -
actions in Goal.
( Spirited ArRiirtiont Prefaced the Introduc
tion of the Cnmi In IleferenC6 to tlli-
mlMlng rrovluns Inillotmenti No
Difficulty In Securing n Jury.
IiKcoi.Ncb.May31.-tSpcclftl to TUB
IlKK.-Gorham ] V. Bolts , formerly of the
defunct retail coal firm of Bolts & \Vcavcr ,
nnd who In 1831 hold the contract for fur
nishing coal to the Lincoln asylum , was ar
raigned before Judge Strode In district
court this morning on the third Indictment
found against him. It charged that during
the month of April , 1801 , lie presented
vouchers to the State Board of Public
Lands and Buildings which falsely and
fraudulently purported that ho had fur
nished coal to the amount of $1,132.39 , when
In fact the real amount furnished and actu
ally delivered was but * 18.VJ1. Bolts Is de
fended by W. B. Brice nndV. . M.Clark ,
while the state Is represented by County
Attorney Woodward , Deputy County Attor
ney Collins , ux-Couuty Attorney Snoll and
J. It Ollkcrson of the firm of Kceso & Gil-
A spirited argument took place at the be
ginning of the trial over a motion made by
the defense that the county attorney bo In
structed by the court to enter a nollo
proscriut In the Indictments brought by the
llrst grand jury which Investigated the asy
lum frauds , the legality of which Is now
being questioned In supreme court. The de
fense took the ground that the indictment
under which Uotts was being tried covered
the same offense as was charged in the pre
vious Indictments , but the court ruled that
the county attorney need not do so.
Two hours of the morning session were ex
hausted in securing n , Jury , and at the noon
adjournment the state had used up its three
nnd the defense its eight peremptory chal
lenges , and cloven men were in the box.
There was but one man loft on the regular
panel , ana ho did not show up until 2
o'clock. Ho proved his competency , and
the trial began with the following Jury :
H. W. JOotwllcr. Gcorgo Feather , P. Tingle-
hoff , L. J. Fowler , John Llndloff , O. J. Uuu-
das , Ilobcrt Anderson , Conrad Hazcnbuchlcr ,
Alfred Harris , Fred Hlldobrandt , Daniel
Houscl nnd Joseph Mitchell. The majority
of tncm are farmers. The attorneys fol
lowed with their opening statements.
Damaging Testimony.
In his statement to the Jury Belts' attor
ney Insisted that they expected to prove the
entire innocence of their client ; that in the
transaction ho acted in good faith and with
no intent to defraud the state.
Mr. Post , bookkeeper at the asylum ; Dr.
Hay , assistant superintendent , nnd Secre
tary of State Allen were called to Identify
the fraudulent voucher as the one approved
nnd ordered paid. J. C. Myer , weighmasler
for Belts & Weaver in IB'Jl , testilicd that
the contents of cars which had been charged
up on the voucher to the state were retailed
by him at the yards. The records kept by
himself for Bolts & Weaver were introduced
In evidence , showing corresponding car num
bers and dates.
Thomas Carr , manufacturer of soap at
"West Lincoln , teslillcd that ho had paid
Belts $44 for a car containing 32.000 pounds
of coal in April , 1891. A comparison of car
numbers and dales showed that Belts hnd
charged up Iho same car to the state , assess
ing it $52.80 for whal ho sold to a private
customer for $8 less.
AV. II. Hart and Frank Mickloy , Burlington
freight conductors , traced n number of cars
by means of tlieir record , showing among
other things that no cars of coal were loft
ut the asylum switch on sevcraboftho ] dates
on which charges wcromado. against the
state. ' Mickley swore that two cars , the
numbers of which correspond to twocharged
up to the stale , had been loft at Stockwclls
switch , a Half inllo from Iho asylum.
Mayor Weir Wants Thorn Counted.
Mayor A. H. Weir filed In district coufl
today his answer In the contest brought
ngulnst him by Kobert B. Graham , Iho de-
foaled republican candidalc for mayor. In il
ho denies Iho ullcgallons that there were
fraud , corruption andmalconducton the parl
of Iho Judges and canvassers , or that errors
were made that would have chanced the re
sult , but says that there were a largo num
ber of votes cast for him and thrown out by
the canvassers which should have been
counted for him , thereby ontilllng
him lo an Increased majority. Ho
says that In precinct A of the First
ward , which was overwhelmingly
fqr Graham , a largo number of voles cast
for Weir were counicd against him. The
same occurred In precinct D of the Fifth
ward. Ho claims that a larso number of
votes cast for him were illegally rejected by
the Judges for trivial irregularities in locat
ing the cross marks opposite his name , and
in several prccinels ballols were Ihrown out
because they were blurred or blotted , the
intent of the voters thereof lo vole for de
fendant being apparent.
The most striking allegation made In the
answer is that in precinct C of the First
ward forty or llfty Kussians voted for Gra
ham who were residents upon the
saline lands outside of Iho city
limits and the votes wcro counted
for Graham. Ho claims thai in precinct A
of llio Stxlh ward O. M. Turnoy , W. D.
Laborco and V. Mosby , who were not legal
volors , were permitted to vote for Graham.
Iii tho' ' Third ward a largo number of Gra
ham votes were cast by men who swore in
their votes when they were not residents of
the ward , their certificates being signed by
Alex Jotes , a saloon keeper nnd proprietor of
n gambling house , who was ono of Iho chiefs
of Iho Graham forces. Ho says lhat Wil
liam Houber , Jacob Adolph and eight others ,
not known , voted Illegally In the Second
ward for Graham.
The mayor joins the plaintiff in asking a
recount of the votes to the end lhat his
right to hold the ofllco may bo established
wolr's majority over Graham was 14'J as
Ehown by the returns , and the prospects arc
that the trial of the case , if It is carried
through , will do something toward wiping
out fuluro political crookedness.
At the State House ,
Governor Crounso Is in receipt of anolhei
letter from Governor ICnulo Nelson of Min.
ncsotii adding the names of Benjamin D
Bmlth and John D. Hilger , both of Manknto
to Iho list of delegates lo Iho interstate
north and south railway conference in this
city Juno US ,
The secretaries of the State Board ol
Transportation are anticipating a rush ol
work as soon as the impeachment case 1 :
over , and it becomes apparent that there is
a State Board of Transportation , as Jusl
now Iho business of all the boards in whioli
the impeached ofllclals ilguro Is absolute ! )
euspcndcd , Ono source of prospective worE
is the enforcement of the law enacted bj
the last legislature requiring tha placing ol
communicating bwitclios at all Intcrscc
lions of railway lines , so that frolghl
may bo transferred from ono line to an
other at the Intersections. Thcro are ovci
100 such intersections in Iho Btnto , and al
each of them a oommunicntlng switch musi '
bo placed unless , after a formal hearing , UK
Btuto Board of Transportation shall Urn lt
thai Ihoro Is no good reason for having , Tlu
secretaries seem to think that there will b 10
qullo a general movement on Iho parl of UK
railways to secure , relief from the exaction ;
of Iho measure and uro nnliclpating a lire
lomo succession of petitions and hearings.
J , B , lirloncommissioner of labor , has jus
returned from a week's ' trip to Albany , N
x , Ho went to attend a couvcn
lion of labor commissioners , bu
upon his arrival there aaccrtainci
that no meeting hnd been called forthl
year. Ho finds that the association is con
iIdorablv disfigured this year , owing to th
fact that so many members were turnoi
down in the last election. The change
effected appear to have wiped out the cxocu
tlvo committee. Among the retired men :
ber * of the association Is ox-Commlsslouc
Peck of New York , who ilgurcd s
prominently in the last campaign , Mi
lirlon called upon Mr Peck and was entci
talupd most pleasantly and shown the ell )
Ho was very favorably impressed wit
Peck's ability as a roinmUsloner and hi
perfect honesty as that gentleman reform
with apparent emotion , to Iho honest oQicii
report no had made which brought uow
upon his head the wrath of democracy
Congressman Mercer TTRS nt the itnto
house today nnd remained in the city over
night to attend the mooting of Shrluors.
llnrllncton rijer from Denver Collld4i
with n FrrlRht Ht Tnblo Itook.
TAIILB HOCK , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB DEB. ] The Cannon Call ex
press on the B. it M. leaving Denver yester
day at 8:33 : had bad luck , which culminated
hero this morning at 7 o clock. The
train was six hours lato. A train of
flat cars was switching to load with
"gumbo11 when the passenger appeared.
Fireman C. Nelson of the passenger
jumped and broke his nrm Just as the engine
plowed Into the sldo ot the gumbo engine ,
way cur and ono Hat car , overturning them
all. No other person was seriously injured ,
but thocnginoof the passenger was disabled.
The smoknr , baggage and mall car wcro
more or less injured , nnd a freight engine
took the rest ot the train on. The gumbo
engine is in the ditch. The blnmo cannot bo
Fremont NIMTS Motes.
FHEMONT , Nob. , May 31. [ Special to Tun
BBC. ] United States Marshal Whlto was In
the city today nnd served papers on Breltcn-
Held & Uumb , requesting them to appear in
Omaha , July 3 , nnd Inform the court why
they were using the trade mark ,
"J. F. & Co. " on boxes containing
cigars manufactured by them. The suit was
commenced nt the Instance of J. Friedman
ft Co. of Chicago , 111. , who are largo whole
salers In leaf tobacco. Mr , Drcitcnllcld said
ho had bought tobacco from the firm for
years nnd had paid them bet ween $15,000 and
$10,000 ; that ho had Informed the agent for
the firm what ho intended doinp. and its the
agent requested had sent a box of the clg.irs
to the ( Inn. Ho was Ignorant of the fact of
violating the law if ho did. They will cease
using the trndo murk.
A state warrant was sworn out by Gcorgo
W. Shepard of Nlckcrson against L. B. Put
nam , formerly of this city , charging Him with
forging a note and mortgage for $ Tb'J.i4. : Mr.
Putnam with his attorney appeared in court
this afternoon nnd asked for and were
granted n continuance of the case until July
3. E. U. Barnard signed his bond for $700.
( Jago County Newspaper Union.
BEATUICB , Nob. , May 31. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] Articles of incorporation of the Gage
County Newspaper union wcro Hied with the
county cleric today. The corporators are
James M. Burrihnm , publisher of the Wymor-
cnn , Wymorc ; James H. Caubcer , Sentinel ,
Blue Springs ; H. J. Olmstcad , Journal , Lib
erty ; M. Weavorling , uarncston Star : Ad-
dington & Stclubaclc. Filley Review- : James
Myers , Western Life , Beatrice , and James
Ctidy , Beatrice : N. W. Uodman , Chicago ,
nnU Ralph Richards of Fort Scott ,
Kan , , proprietor of the Fort Scott
Spectator nnd other publications. Mr.
Richards has also an enviable reputation as
a literary man having produced , among
other of his writings , a play founded on the
Mafia episode at New Orleans , which has
been very favorably commented on by lead
ing critics. The capital stock of the com
pany is placed at $33,000 , $18,000 of which is
subscribed. The now company will conduct
a general Job printing and newspaper busi
ness , including the publication of Western
A new plant costing not less than $10,000
will soon bo put into operation.
Wit * Too Young.
FCI.LEUTON , Neb. , May 31. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] A eompctitlvo examination of
candidates for appointment to the United
States Military academy at West Point was
recently held at Norfolk. Zcno E. Briggs
having passed the best examination was appointed -
pointed cadet , while J. E. Williams was ap
pointed his alternate , ho standing second in
the examination. Congressman Mclklejolm
has just received n communication from the
War department refusing to accept Mr.
Briggs' appointment on the ground that ho
will not have attained the age of 17 years at
the opening of the term , September 1 , lb'J3 ,
whereupon his appointment has been re
called and the appointment of J. E. Williams
of-St. Edwards as.cadot nnd W. It. Neuman
of Hartington as alternate has been mado.
Mystic Klirliicrs at Lincoln.
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 31. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] A class of thirteen was initi
ated tonight into the mystery of the mystic
shrine , Grand Potentate James Tyler of
Scsostris temple ofUclating. The candidates
were Church Howe of tlowc. John C. Wat
son of Nebraska City , A. E. Hassler ana
Charles E. Casey of Pawnee City , John C.
F. Bush nnd Edward E. Good of Wahoo ,
Charles W. ICaley of Red Cloud , James E.
Durgin of Beatrice , Clyde C. Campbell ,
Richard W. Johnson and Harry C. Shep
herd of Lincoln , William Whalcn of Tal-
mage and Charles W. Craft of Elmwood.
Covers were laid for 150 at the banquet that
'West I'olnc People Hurt.
WEST POINT , Neb. , May 31. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Hon. Uriah Bruncr , while re
turning from the cemetery yesterday in his
carriage accompanied by Rov. Mr. Llpe ,
Mrs. Rev. S. Pearson nnd Miss Loulso
. Rliodnbcck , came veary near meeting with a
fatal accident. The liorso became unman
ageable on the hilltop and dashed down the
hill nt a break-neck speed. While turning
the corner the carriage upset , smashing the
top and throwing the occupants to the
ground. Mr. Lipo received n slight wound ,
Miss Rhodabcck hnd her hand severely cut
up , and Mrs. Pearson is thought to have
been hurt internally.
Nnrrowly I sninmi Donth.
LINCOLN , Nob. , May 81. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] As Mrs. Heath and
three daughters wcro out driving this even
ing their carriage was run into near Fif
teenth and O streets by a runaway
team of the Lincoln Paint and
Color company. The horses leaped
squarely on top of the buggy , smashing
it to pieces. Strange to say when the four
women were pulled from underneath the
wreck none of them were seriously hurt.
Their escape was almost miraculous. Mrs.
Heath Is the wife of the editor of the Ne
, braska Farmer.
Ilurclnra nt Fulrflnlil.
FAIIIFIEI.D , Nob. , May 31. [ Special to THE
BEE.J Two burglaries occurred hero last
night. Dlnsmore & Potter , hardware , nnd
Riggs & Cornolison , drugs and groceries ,
. being the sufferers. A shotgun nnd two re
volvers were taken from the hardware store
and a small amount of change from the drug
, and grocery store. It was thought that
there was positive evidence that a couple of
strangers who were In town yesterday wcro
the guilty parties. Oftlccr Watson captured
them at Edgar totfny , but they succeeded in
convincing him of their innocence and he lot
them go.
Fairmont Muionio Election.
FAinuoxT , Neb. , May 31. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] The following ofllcers were elected
Monday night by Fairmont lodge No. 48 ,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , for the
ensuing year : H , Mussolman , worshlnful
Oeiu-rnl Vim Wyck'i Condition.
NEDHASKA CITY , Nob. , May 81. [ Special
o Telegram to Tim BEE. ] Dr. J , C. Campbell ,
one of General Van Wyck's attendant phy-
sicians , says : "Tho pen oral Is improving
very fast and I think it will not bo long bo
lero ho will bo able to ride out. "
Qonta' Ganzo Balbriggan Shirts 15o Each ,
Worth 25o ,
Another llontlnjr Bilk Halo A Sitle of
Men' * lints t Prices Never fUnril Of
lleforo Umbrelliu nntl Hoilorj
Souvenir Spoons Given Auaj.
Gent's ' seamless sox Oc nor pair , worth
Ladles' jersey ribbed vests , 5o each ,
regular price 12jc.
Ladles' 20-inch silk umbrellas , paragon
frames and elegant handles , only $1.50
cncli , worth $2.1)8. )
Spocinl silo of corsets for tomorrow.
World's fair souvenir spoons given
nwny at our glove counter , with 50 and
75c mitts.
1 case of Indies' fast black cotton lioso
Oc , worth 2oc.
Ladles' kia gloves , regular $1.50 qual
ity , reduced to $1.00.
Ladles' fine Swiss aprons , 23c each ,
worth 50o.
Another monoy-saving opportunity.
Black silks sold at ruinous prices. Typo
cannot do justice to such splendid offer
ings as these.
You must see thorn to realize their ex
Elegant black gros grain silk , cash-
inoro llnish , guaranteed absolutely all
silk , worth $1.2. " ) , goes at 7oc a yard and
no charge for the linings. This week
Elegant black faille francaiso silk ,
guaranteed all silk , worth $1.25 a yard ,
goes at 75c and linings free of charge.
Elegant black satin rhndzltnor , as ntco
quality as you ever bought for $1.2o a
yard ; goes during this sale at 75c a yard ,
and no charge for the linings. This
week onlj.
81.50 quality black gros silk cashmere
$1.50 quality black royal armuro silk.
81.60 quality black satin duchess.
81.50 qality black faille francaiso silk.
$1.50 quality black India silk , 33
inches wide.
These all go at OSc per yard , and no
charge for the linings.
K.MEMBER , that with every black
silk dress that you buy of us this week
wo give 2 yards of lirst class silcsia , G
yards of glove finish cambric and 1 yard
of good linen canvas.
REMEMBER , this offer is only good
for the balance of this week.
REMEMBER , that our silks are all
new spring goods bought from the bast
manufacturers in the world. Como and
see for yourself.
100 dozen ladies' all silk Windsor ties lOc
each , ladies' collar and cull's in sots I'Je
per set , worth 3jc.
Hats at prices
] Never hoard of
In this city.
If you look
You'll ' buy.
35e and 50c straw hats , 15o.
Our 75c and $1.00 men's latest styles
straw hats , 48c.
Our $1.25 and $1.50 men's fine straw
hats 75c , the latest styles.
Men's fur Fedora in all the loading
shades , $1.75. None worth less than
S3.00 to1.00. .
Gents' latest spring styles silk . hats ,
$3.50. hatters price , $0.00.
A full line of children's novelties at
half price.
Get our prices before buying else
where if you want to save money.
The UrlRlnnl
John Jacob Astor. Sco page 7.
lloaclstrr Club Notice.
On the resignation of H. C. Terry , sec
retary , wo wish to notify the public that
all correspondence pertaining to club
matters bo addressed to II. II. Martin ,
the newly elected secretary , at the olllco
of the Columbus Buggy company.
E. M. BAHTLUTT , President.
The Original
John Jacob Astor. Sco page 7.
No Hniulujr Opening- .
Green's farmers'
excursions never run
on Sunday , but will run Monday , Juno
5 , at 2:15 : p. m. This is ono of the oppor
tunities to ECO the Gothenburg water
power and factories and the surrounding
farm lands in all their glory. Don't for
got the date. Ono faro for the round
trip. Tickets can bo secured only of W.
II. Green , Karbaeh block , Omaha.
World's Fair souvenir coins of 1803 for
sale at First National bank.
A snap for some hotel man. See J.
W. Squire's ud , in "Business Chances. "
The Original
John Jacob Astor. See page 7.
Examining Omulm'a HcliooU.
Old England has some enterprising educators
caters a fact that is fully proven by the
presence in Omaha of a bright and wiUc-
awake lady , Miss Page , the head of ono of
the prominent schools lor girls iu the city of
London. She Is visiting the leading cilies of
Iho United Slates with a view to picking up
Iho more meritorious points In the different
systems of education found In this counlr.v.
The managers of the school of which Miss
Page Is Iho head have sent five of their
faculty lo this country this summer , paying
all the expenses , simply to give them an
opporlunlly lo see and learn of the Ameri
cans anything that they inlghl find worthy
of Iholr careful attention or that might bo
considered a benefit lo the schools of Lon
Miss Page visited several of the schools of
Omaha yesterday In company with Superin-
londcnl Fitzpalrick. She departed lasl ovon-
ingifor Denver , on herway to British Colum
bia. She will meet the other four teachers
from her own schoolwho are al prcbont iu the
casl , also studying the American schools , at
the World's fair In Juno , where they will
remain for ten days , making a special study
of Iho educational department.
The otily l > ure Crcoui of Tartar Powder. No Auimouiaj No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Of Wash Fabrics-on Sale at Taloonor'a To-
todajr-Hico Oloan Stuffs.
IBa Inilln MnlH la n llnniliotne Assortment
of Nent , lr tly Stjles , AU i t 7 l-3o-
Thls ClottUCost Alore to Mnnufeo-
turo Onljr the Hnril Money
2 cases of 20o Bedford cord wash
goods , the prettiest colorings imagin
able. 2 cases was all wo could got of
them. ; , In our sale today at lOo per
The inosl desirable wash fabrics of
the season. Wo paid 17ic a yard for It
wholesale earlier. Our late buying en
ables us to offer it toilay"at 13jc. See
this cloth.
1 case black ground pretty Ilgurcd
French mclnnics , n most ileslrablo fabric
and worth at any other time 30c and 35c
per yard. Today they soil at 15c.
1 case only at this prlco and only ono
pattern to anv * ono customer.
$1.00 waists Thursday only 4c. ! )
14 dozen ladies' waists made of
best quality percale regular $1.00
quality go at 40c each Thursday.
10 dozen pin stripe waists , colors , pink ,
MHO and lavender go at O'Jo each Thurs
SUITS AT $1.40.
$2.50 children's white- suits Thursday
only $1.40.
Children's whlto suits , sizes 4 to 14 ,
trimmed with embroidery , regular value
82.50 , go at $1.4 ! ) onch Thursday.
DAY $1.08.
0 dozen ladies' cambric wrappers , new
style , trimmed with finishing braid , our
regular price $2.50 , for Thursday only
These are wonderful values. Look
into it. N. B. FALCONER.
The Original
John Jacob Astor See page 7.
Raymond & Co. , gravel roofers. 1400
The Original
John Jacob Astor. Sco page 7.
Two Suits AcnlnU the Struct Itnlhrny Com
pany Hill's Latest I'lc.i.
In the section of the district court pre
sided over by Judge Scott Altorney John L.
Webster yesterday assisted in saving the
Omaha Street-Hallway company the sum of
? 15,000.
A year or so ago Fred W. Pears was n
fireman at ono of the several power houses
of the company. Ono hot day Pears alleges
that ho was not fooling well nnd thai while
in lhat condition the engineer compelled
nim to shovel an extra amount of coal into
the furnaces , the result of which was that
ho was completely overcome. The next
thing that he did was to sue the street rail
way company for $ 15,000 , charging that It
was responsible for his injuries and that his
health was permanently impaired. To this
Mr. Webster demurred , setting up the prin
cipal of law that as the men were fellow ser
vants , the company was not responsible for
the commands that one might have given to
the other.
After hearing the arguments the court
sustained the demurrer nnd Mr. Pears'
prospective wealth rapidly disappeared
from sight.
Kucg the Motor Company. .
In Judge Scotl's court Caller I. Martin
has undertaken lo convince a jury that ho is
entitled lo recover Iho sum of to.OOO from
the Omaha Street Hallway company. Mar
tin alleges in his petition lhal as long ago as
Juno 2 , 1BUJ , ho attempted to board ono of
the North Twenty-fourth street cars at the
intersection of Cameron street ; that the
employes of the company failed to stop Iho
car , nnd lhat as a rcsull ho jumped onlo the
platform , but was hurled off and under the
wheels , which passed over his legs.
The defendant tells quite a different story ,
claiming that Instead of Martin hoarding
the car at the slrcel Intersection , ho jumped
on in the middle of a block and did not wait
for Iho train to bo brought to a standstill.
IMciuli ii Luck of Jurisdiction.
John E. Hill , Iho ex-stalo Ireasurcr , has
once again jumped into Iho judicial arena ,
where ho has protested against Iho state
recovering from him and his bondsmen the
.nubile money which was sunk in the
Moshcr hank nt Lincoln. The demurrer
which Mr. Hill filed yesterday conveys the
Information tliat Iho capitol of Ibis state Is
located In Lincoln and not Omaha and for
that reason the suit should have been insti
tuted in Lancaster county. In other words.
Mr. Hill pleads a lack of jurisdiction.
For the Jiuleo'g Sicimturo.
Ono of the echoes of the depot injunction
case floated Ihrough Judge Ferguson's court
room yesterday. The case was decided a
wenk ago , but the decree was not presented
for the Judicial autograph unlil yesterday.
Judge Ferguson has taken the document
and will look It over lo see that it corresponds
spends with the terms of the decision which
ho handed down ,
The Orlglnnl
John Jacob Astor. See page 7.
Until To-Day
It is admitted that more ol
the flavoring principle of the
fruit is contained in Dr.
Price's Delicious Flavoring
Extracts than any other ex
tracts ; with which they have
been 'compared. Being so
cntirelyv/ree from the bitter
and rank ) products of adulter
ation , they have become the
most agreeable , valuable and
economical flavors known ;
eteadily grown in popularity
until to-day they are used by
every < intelligent housewife
for truthfully reproducing the
flavor of the fruit in creams *
cakes , puddings , etc.
Dress your Neok for Spring.
0 * you know how lo do so properly 7
Try the Wide Band , Turn-donn ColUti.
We manufjcturc a number oi them.
Cluill Bund , 85c.j
Nttlck Wldt. Nttilti , Medium.
Coon * Co , Brand , 20o.
Autni , WId * . Oarboi , Medium.
Clcctl Coon & Co
' >
Defying All Rules of Health They
Keep Well and Stiong.
Th Tt mnt1cnb1eI.flnrfTltj | of tha Indlun
Jlnco Explnlnnl. For Krcry Hnrrmn III
They Unto n Cure They Know Where to
Find the Hoots , Herb * nnd narks thnt
will keep them In Good Honlth-The. Be.
crct Norr Given to tha World.
Indlnnn are
long lived.
There are
many Klckix-
pees now liv
ing who hnvo
trod ports ot
this vnst con-
be fore whlto
inicti ever Bet
hla foot on the
Laughing Dog. Boll ot their
Aft iua'rt. . vast doirmln.
Tholr lives hnvo been spent with nature.
Born to good health , as the saying
goes , they keen It.
Think how they Hvo , cat , Bleep , travel
about , exposed tocllmntiachanges , pois
onous night nlrs , damp Bleeping placca ,
food halt cooked , and en ton with utter
disregard of all common rales of health.
Yet , look at them I Pictures of health.
Chronic lUicuinntlsm ? Never. Mal
aria and Chills ? Very rarely. Indiges
tion ? Occasional nymptoms perhaps ,
but Chronic Dyspepsia , utterly unheard
of. Wlillo any ot the numerous aflllc-
tlons ot the liver , kidneys or bladder , BO
frequently found among the whites , if
rarely heard of among tiio Indians.
Why is it ? >
For centuries these children of nntura
hnvo studied her ways. For centuries
they hnvo known where to look In the
forest and flold for n certain euro for
the ills which arise from the disobed
ience of nature's laws. At the first sign ,
the first symptoms of sickness , they re
sort to tholr "Sagwa" the most potent ,
remedial combination of roots and herbs
known to the Indian or any other race.
A combination so vnluablu that the
learned professor ot Physiological
Chemistry at Yale college commended
it , and could offer no suggestions.
Science surpassed by Indian craft !
Nature nndeflled by mineral poisons.
Indians nret subject to ills of the
flesh , but they have a remedy for all.
Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure breaks
np their colds and stops their coughs.
Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer keeps
tholr children free from those troubles ;
and Kickapoo Indian Oil arrests croup ,
allays pain. heals bruises , and quickly
kills all pains ; Kickapoo Indian Balvo
heals , wounds , cuts , abrasions of the
kin , humors , eczema , etc. - w
These remedies " -
are now sold by
every druggist In
the land , and their
best proof of gen
uine worth is In the
fact that on their
merit solely they
have achieved this
sals within a few/ / ] ]
short years. Askfll
for thoin at the fl ,
Trading Post on U
the Frontier , and )
you'll find thorn'
there. Go Into MraiJefihiMovn.
the fashionable Age in Yri.
drug stores of New York City , and
these remedies of the Indians are to bi
bought. Everywhere , high and low ,
they have made friends by their intrin
sic value. Sold by Druggists and Dealers.
Kickapoo Indian Sagvva ,
The Incomparable Liver , Stomach and
Blood Medicine , fl per bottle ; 0 for f5.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers.
Will Vote
AS usual at the next school election
but for many candidates. They give
a unanimous vote every day in the
week in favor of
because they know it has no equal as a
labor and temper saver on wash-day.
The "White Russian" is
a great soap to
use in hard or alkali water. Does not
roughen or injure the hands is per
fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics.
JAS. S. KIRK& CO. , Chicago.
Diamond Tar Makei the Skin Soft
Dusky Soap.Makei fimocth.
With Nerve Hem3. new veuotablo illeovory
ot marvelous power , positive euro for nil
nerve trouoins , buch as nervous prostration ,
sleeplessness , desDondcmuy. pains In bnuk un.l
sldo , sick hoiulaclio. dyspepsia , loss of appo-
tlta , etc. Wonderful none tonic , mnkos rich ,
nnro blood , tones outlro system. SI a box ,
onouftli for two weoUK. At druggists , or by
mail , Nerve [ loan Co. . JIulTulo. N , V.
nTT > " \nV'C Cntnrrli Cnro cures catarrh
lillVlN 111 i O All druKkMitt. Wo enls.
tit Pillowj.
| Tubing.
Invalid Cushions.
Ittilbcr Gloves.
Watti Hollies.
E NFOtD GO , ,
Stirylcnl J/isniiiioiif .
South 15th. St.
Next to PoktoHloo.
I Summer
Only 5 a Glass. ,
Concert attho
Park Today. The open street cars the Imrefoot
I boy the elrctis poster the jingling
NO rhyme of familiar signs on the left all
TRESPASSING. point to the '
fact that summer's come.
I Are your youngsters prepared for it ?
Have yon fixed them with comfortable
things to wear ? It's time yon did 1C
you haven't. No place like "The Ne
FRESH PAINT. braska" for fixing up boys for summer.
We're doing something extraordinary
up in the boys * room this week selling
PEANUTS. Suits for Boys
from 5 to 14 years old ( that's the age of
LEMONADE. the boys , not the suits ) -with double
r breasted coat and knee pants in ele
gant line all wool fancy cheviots and
FOR RENT. cassimeres ; in light and medium shades
I in mixtures in plaids in checks in
grays in tans in browns in bronze
in a do/en attractive colors ; just such
I suits as have been selling freely for
five dollars at
And it's ninety
in the shade.
The most satisfactory way to buy jewelry is to pur
chase it where you know the concern sells only the first
class goods. If you don't know that that means us , asl $
some of your friends about our reliability.
J AYMOrtfpj
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent pcela1lt In norvoui , clironlo , prlvnto. blood , akin nnfl urinary clIiouBei. A regular nri
rculitcred Kriiituatu In nipdlclnu , ai diplomas nnd ccrtlllcnton will aliotr. It null troutlng nltli tliu gruatoii
BUCCOBB ciuurrli. lost nianlioort , icmlnal woakno , nlulit lojnos unil nil forma of prlvnto rtlscoioi. Mil
mercury uiud. New trcntmont for lo i of vltnl power. I'lirttumnnblo to vl lt aiomnir botrentcJ nt liomd
br correBiionilcucu Modlclna or ItmtruuionU icnt br lunll oruxprosi ircuruljr puckoili no murk * to IniH'
cola content ! or ndui. Ono noreoiinl Interview preferred. Consultation frco. Correipondenco itrlctH
prlvnto. Uook ( Mytterlci of Life ) aentfroo. Onico houri , 0 nm. to U p.m. SunUnji , lOu.ui , to 12 m ,
Send marap for circular.
r tTsizef $ - coMMeiu-Aur
Undo oflliB llncst iuiillty | nT Hiunim 'I'olincrn tlmtcmi lie biinplit. K | iinl Ini'vorjr ri-njii-cttn tlm
x' clears. MiiuuIucUred lif V. It. J ICtt MVUUAUT1LI ! CIGAIl IfAO'lOJlY. St. I" " " *
313-315-317 South l5tU Street.
Is uninrpoued la tin
treatment of all
anil allWetkntilyru
nnd Disorders of Hun
18 years oxpertanco.
Wrlto for clrfrcUil
and question lUt frco.
14tl ) nnd Karoara 8ti ,
The wine is as good as any
the only reason for the price is
that the label was colored by
Wiiio and Liquor Co , ,
IIC IID C Hot. Ilaydeullroi
llD-llO ai aud lluitou Utor