HIE OMAHA DAILY DEE ; TlftfllSDAY. JUNE 1 , 1893. PEG1RL NOTICES. T > V nTl KMKSTfl FOrt ttlKflB COUIMS } win h * until Mill ftm. tor thn venliif AM , for lh mnrtilflit n tinrtayo'llllon ' * . , by r liif tln A nnmborcd ohrck , cart r nnuwfrt ( uMrcMPd to n numbared IMIM ttfifln pr * pntatlan of Iho chock , i lute * . lUo * Vinl nnt Insertion , In n word llier - for IM -YtAClUIAM rWANi' WANTED MALE HELP. t'nttis IVe Trent Oral Iniorllon , In word insrs * L rr. Nothing lAkon far less tbnn 2Jo. li\VAtJlUP , THAVkt.lNO T O 1ll i lnt.powdfr.Vo . put our Rood * In Ktan rilmtrlfiXJwonth salary and expanses , or U ? penl commission. Bend ftamp for reply , I.CS.TO Halloa Powder Co , 707 Van Duron , lit. , IF TOO WANT A HOOD ! V VINO JOU WH1TB li Hawk * tfurscry Co. , Milwaukee Win.M4IOJ3 M4IOJ3 * -flKB US IF YOU AUK fiKKKINO A HtOH .iisdo petition. Wo hkTn placed linndrcds In MUofis and n ssMtl TOU. Wfatorn nml * . T. Ufolulldlng. M8M 1 | /-\VAKTKn. TuAtioniens rou a * x > . I * lon M Bbsrldan , Wyo.j Dcartwood , S. D , > lsborn oncy , 4148.10th SL.nonr Uarnny. . -TWO ACT1VU 8ALK8MICN , CITY BU.-tlNKSS. ( tend ? employment and will paid. Apply at MSi& lO LODOU oiuiANir.RHB ncsT sick nd donlh bsnsBt orflof. Address. Aracrt- rroteollvo L agiio , Baltimore , aid. M 491-6 * ' -WANTHn.THAVMLlNOBAJ.lcgMllNltXPRHI- uncoil In atoek food trndo ; roferpnro required ! rod money to rood men Address Wilbur flood ( al to. . Milwaukee , \ \ Is. _ 622130' r-WE WANT AT ONCB , UBLIADLK MBN 'eTMTwborci , local or travellnir , to adTorltio and T p our ahow cards tacked up In towns on trees k d fencoi along nnbllo roads. Btondy work tn [ Tirown eonnty : ItOOO * month salary and (3.00 n l.f nxponiM deposited la your bank when lifted , imnco-tierman Blectro Co. , box 861 , Cln- fn , O. _ MMO 1 * ' -LAnOHItllS AND TBAM8TKIIS ON HAIL. 'roadworkln Wyoming and Iowa , good wages , * o paM. Kramer & O'liearn , labor agency , J03 pnth llthntreot. _ M524 ? WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rates , IKon word flrst Insertion , la a word there- I Her. Nothlnc talon for less than TO WltlTB AT IJ ICnolose utemped cnrelopo. lElla WoraU ? oa , ( lutb IlenO , lud. Milt ft-.MAN AND WIFB. $4ao3 ; M MBN. 103 Gtlltii , t 1 'KLdO to tUX ) . Canadian office , ! . Farnnm. . 110UHI3- f'vrnrk. Apply tTU lxcnst ttreet. 1:6 : M-WANTBf ) , LAniK" ) KOU PI.BA8ANT , PIIOKI- i -table homo work. Prof. McLean , Aroado hotul , ouging and 181h itrcoti. 84531' K'I-WANTED , oiui- FOR OHNIJUAI , nous is- B' work ; beat of wages paid. 2623 Capital nvcnuo. I | WANTBU , A COOK AT 1919 CHICAGO street. AND GBNTLBMKN , WB WILL PAY Pjou $509toIttOOperwook to do strictly home tirkforus ; no canvassing , bond self addressed /tolopo to G. F. Kmmons A Co. , Batterymarch } d Water strooH , Boston. Mpai. M3S5 1 * tl-WANTKD. A NHAT , OHDBIILY WOMAN VOIl 3/ds.lry / and homework on small farm adjoining frtuntry town. Fnmlly consists of owner and ono find. No objection to woman wltb ono child. Ad- jcsg nB9 , thlsonioo. M 80 4 \t-WANTKD A NEAT OU1BT FOH QBNBHAL S' houpowork Inquire 2202 Howard street & ! < - > Sl-BKWING GIHLS AT 1S11 FAIINAM ST. Mii * ti WANTBD , AT ONPE. A HBFINKD AND KB- JVilnbln 7onnK lady wltb roforouco and experience | i un tro cream parlor. BlooLsky , 20th and P sts. , Joulb Omaha. M23 ) rt-WANTHO , IMDY HTBNOOHAl'HKH. OFFfCB -'rent , machine furnished and small salary for f-ork dono. Good chauoo for outildo work. An- [ nrcr. H SI , Boo. 620 81 * I/I-WANTBD , A FIKST-CLASS TOOK. APPLY IL'at lllshop WorthlnKton's , 1240 B. 10th street , < Vrldny nnd Saturday between 12 and t MM3 3 tt \ WANTED. ENEHOKTIC LADY AOENTtf IN it-'ovarjr locality. Old catabllsbod house. Business rxilousant and profitable , Klngory Mannfaotnrlng ) on-pacy , Cincinnati O. MM8 1 * i FOB. BENT HOTJBE3. Bates , lOo a Una each Insertion , 11.60 a line per $ men til. Nothing taken for less tbnn 25a ' \-HEB iX E. COLH CO. , MoCAdUB BLDG. > SMJ1 * i FOU HTINT , HOUBBS IN ALL FVHT3 OF -'city. The * ) . V. Davis company , IMi Farnam st. if 201 , UBNT , 10-UOOM IIODS13 , 2101 DODGLA8 'street. Enquire of Uorlti Mayer , cor. 16th and ttVarnam. . 835 -8 noow UOUSB. MODKHCi , CONVKNIHNT for business orwbolosalomcn. Apply 1113 Booth tDtb street. B16 Ifl TEN-HOOM MODBIIN HOUBB. QOOD LOOA- ILrtlom rent moderato. L. 8. bklnnor , 1614 Farnam Itreot M01T S.-\-FOll UENT , NICE TEN-KOOM MODErtN itJbouso , out front , on South 17th street , near Jackson ; real , 140. Inquire Oil South nth street. " -FOU HBNT , 10-HODM MODUHN IIOD8H , snltablo for roomers and boarders , 2011 Harnoi Itrcot. 10-roora modern house. 2J18 Loavonwortc Itreet , only 135.00. Eoma nice cottages. H. U. Clark * tCo. . 1918 Ilarpey street MM4 \-7-llOOM HOUSE. MAST KRONT , ALL MOD /orut350a Fidelity Trust Co. , 1IOJ Farnam. J 120 _ _ f\-irOU UBNT , NINE UOOit HOUSE , ALI R convonlonoos ; largo grounds and good stable ; Kood location and easy of access , itent to ursl Hiss touant will bo reasonable. Apply Omahi ) an A Trent Co. . 18th and Douglas sts 8H 1V-3AND MIOOU APAHTMBNT8 , VON IO l/blook , with eteam : rofereucos required. 810 82M ] 204 | \ Foil 11BNT , 8-nOOM COTTAUB 1O11 COL / urud peoplo. 203 North 13tli st. ilSOi V-BBK B. J. KENDALL , BltOWN BU1LDINO. l MCS2 JI9 _ \-FOIt 11BNT. COrTAQB , LAHOB POUCH B'full lot barn. 29th and Nicholas , two block l\m Walnut Hill motor. Inqulro at comptroller' Jco. MS9I | -l'XIt ) IIK.NT , MODBUN 11-UOOM HOUSE 1713 Chicago st M977 V \-10-HOOll HOUSE. ENQUllUO 1919 UODOHH-1 V-FOll UK NT , MODK1IN B-HOOH HOUSE , FIJI 'iilBheJ coraplota , for 2 or 8 months ; good loci | on. Q. F. Butts ,220 B. 17th st 804 2 V-NIiW FLAT , 4 UOOMS AND BATli BOOM. H ; /fl. II tb St. 880 1 * \-4-HOOM FLAT , 117. 0 4 T 11OOM FLATS , U 'Opp. Jcnoraon square. Uoberts , 1118 Chicago s MSOSJSI' ) 8-IlOOM HOUBEl MODUIIN. INQUIIIK II NorthZCtb. 410 4' kFOH HISNT. FOIl TUB BUMMF.lt MONTII8 , _ /modern furnished house or. Capitol hill to Ismail , careful family. Ueferencos required. A Jrc6 1145. Beo. 418 Bl \-FORNlSHBD HOUSB FOU HENT , ON CAP /tol Hill , months of July , August and Boptei ber , V rooms , large yard and barn , to imall faml only. Address with reference. II47 care Bee.M4&3 M4&3 \-FOH HKNTFUUNISH HOUSB FOIl SUMMK on rnpltol Hill address U 62 , Bee. 6I&-3 * D . .VOIl HUNT , 203 B MTU AVBNUK , 11U1CK , rouuis tCO 04 per month , Jl nnd Oumlag , 2 cottages , t rooms acb , 112.00 p month. St avenue near Farnam , largo barn cheap. Bl nnd Ohio st4 brick dwellings 10 rooms each , Butbolty water oto. , 118,00 per month 8(01 Center , B room modern dwelling 134 00 per i SOOJ Woolworth , facing Hanscom park , a rooir | < arnlsncd. first Class for 8 months (60UO pur moot 1 40artd Howard , B looms , bath , furutice , eeirorg lull flrst oluss 1.6.00 Per month , BbrlvcrO'llon boo , I40J Fnrnam st. 61 ! fSOU f 6-IIOOM FLAT , 11IUC1C , 1909 I.KAVH L'lvortb street , M6J7 0' I -ASMALLUOTKL NBAU DBPOT. MOD1C1 Ai'cunvctilvnoos , { 60.00 a month. Address F. § ftVead , llitb and llouglos. Mt27 ! , hr\ -FOU HUNT , NICK 8 HOOM HOUSB , NKJ ILy llsnscoin park ) all modern convciilunc < ' neighborhood. ulok , 804 N. Y. Life bli MUI \-KOlt 1U5NT , CO 1V1'AGK AND 1IAHN ON OU /skirts uf oily , WOO. { gQR RENT FTJRNTSHKD ROOM I lloUi , lOo ft ll'no a h Inseitlon. 11.60 a line I utfnin. Nothing tikon for loss than 260. -UOOMS o , s , 10,12 , iwAiii ) , : oa N n M694 Jl VUUMHHB1) UOOMS , GBNTLttM I only , Mia Davenport street M . LAIIUC BOUTU HOOM , UBKbllBNCBB I B. changed. 1919 Dodge stroet. 1 ! E - aoUTH FllONT HOOM , 2U1 BLONI p-FUHNIBHED AND UNFUUNI8UUU , 1C1T C. l ltol avenue. M870 Jll T-l-3 HOOUB FOU noUSBICBBPlNO TO M JLsnd wife ; rent taken la board. 819 M. 17th. , Tn-FIU8T-CLA88 , 8INUL13 OR KNSDITE. : DotfO. _ _ _ in I URM18HKD UOOU8 FOB RE 7l M6tb.su 411 g-VKHY moil BOOMS , HM DAVH3POUT. rou BUNT , Foun ou viva FUUNISII ohtapt 1 FOR ItENT rUItNIBHED ROOMS. v.BASAKT , Whit FUHNIfjItBH HOOM9 nltfi all hiOiHfn oohVenUntei , lit 8. Ui si. -rori HUNT , roun on BIX ROOMS FOH honittecrlnf , partly fnrnlshtil , rt. KW EU Mary' * avtnufc E-FltHNISltKl ) ROOM WITH MMVi VOH KoutUincn , toodsrn oonvsnloncss , 813 North Ilil , 1 TWO ItOOMS , IM ? P1KIICK ST. "II I * -TIIHTSn FOaNISHBU 110OM3. 1NQDIRK JI12I i Farnam street. KIQ 4 _ 17-TWoVllONT IIOOM8. Bl.NOLB OH KNSUITB , J Jalso ono slda room nlooly fnrntshod. 3017 Har tley. _ K.i at * E-PLKASANT FllONT HOOM IN CONYHMKXT location. Board If desired. C70 80. 20 St. . * MI-2 E-FUHNtillEDrilO.NT HOOM , GAS AND BATH , oforoncos required. Address H M , Bon. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. HaUn , luonllnoeaen Insertion , H.i ) a lluj per month. Nothing taken for loss than 2Jc , F THU DOLAN , 2W ANll Sll N. 13TU ST. 203 If YOUNG WOMHN'3 HOMB , UND15H OAHK OF Woman's Cnrlallan association , III So. 17th st --1IOJIH TABLB , MODEUAT8 UATBS ; 1911 Farnom. CT7 IK * P-U1LL81DM1I8AUODUB , HOUMS , DAY BOARD. If DBSIUAHLT3 SOUTH ROOM WITH BOARD JL1 I8M Chicago street. M 36 1 * 17-HOOM8 AND BOAUU AT 2411 CAPITOL AVH- JL'nuo. Hofortnoea required. MOIAJ19 Ii'-FUHNlBHBD ROOMS WITH BOARD. HBF- cronccs. 1114 Farnam , J TWO NICSnT rUUMISttED UOOMH WITH bonrd. 1TOT lloJgo , M495 8' T DlN'aijK UOOMB OH HNdUlTD AND HOAUI ) , 1810 Cbleftgo ( tract. C19 ' - 1100118 W1TU BOAIll ) . 5103 F-KUHNI3U1SD BIO- F-t t.Aiioi : nooMS , NOHTII ANI > SOUTU front , with alcora and mndarn conTonloncos ; furnliliedor unfurnished. S6S3 Ilnrner. & 0831 * i UOOMS AN1 > IIOAItl ) . 113 B. 1&T1I ST. 607 V I7-UE31IIAI1MS KII13T AND BKCOND FI.OOU -1- rooms , ( nrnlthoil or unfurnlilioil , at the Frrnrer , 1IC North 21th itroot. M5U 7 * rOB RENT UNFUItITI3HED"BOOM3 UNFUKNISIIKI ) Oil PAIITLY FOllNlSllBn rooms , Blnglo or oninlto. Modern , novrlr pnpcred. Bathroom eama floor , llcfcrcnca. IBM H.foth. 8 _ TWOOIl TIIIUCK noOMS KO J.1QUT HOU813 G keeping. 8818 CulDlag at. m-Sl * _ -TUIIKH UNKIJHN13UBD HOOM3 , GOOD LO- G cutlon. CM Houlh lOlh. & 1430 I' _ FOB BENT STORES ANB OFFIOEB lUt is 10o n line oaoh Intartlon , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 35a. IimlKNT STORM , ON 8. ISTU T. , I.ANQH block , taltablo tor moat market , hardware or drr Rflods Btoro. Inquire BOO S. Igth t. _ 310 I POM UBNT , TUB IBTOHY IIBICIC IIUlLDINa , 010 Farnam it. Tb building hot a fireproof ce ment basement , oomploto steam beating Hxturas , wntar on all the Oours , EM , etc. Apply at the offloo of'Iho lloo. DID J-FOR HUNT , CH010UST 8KCXNI ) FLOOH business corner In Omaha , Globe building , 10th and IJodgo. Uloba Loan & Trust Co. MOW CBNTIIALLY LOCATED , HIIICIC STOUK J building , very cheap to permanent tenant O. R Illlttn , 220 South nth itroot. M887 J18 T-ONK OF TUB LAIUJKST VACANT STOltH bnlldlncs In Oraaho. situated In the wholesale quarter : It Is ISO feet deep by 2(1 ( feat wide , three or live floors and basement ; the front la entirely of platoalass andiron and suitable for either whole sale or manufacturing : will bo rented for reasona ble rent for a term of years , Inquire at Natatorlam , 1313 Upward st. 1MJ21 * I-TOU BEST CUBA ! ' , TWO UITBn FLOOU8 and basement , with delator , at 1311 Douglas st. M40 0 * AQENTS WANTED Ilatei , 1 Won word first Insertion , to word there after. Nothing taken loss than JSa J aoi'itiiioit BOND , 10 CKNTS AND 2-OBNT stamp brings eamplo and valuable Information by return mall. 800 per cent profit Uaporlor Bond Co. , box 1034 , Cast I'ppporoll , MOBS. V ' " ' * WANTED TO BENT. Kates , l c a word flrnt Insertion , lo a word thera after. Nothing taken for leis than JJa Eutistl -lA.for summer by responsible couplet no children. Address H 43. Beo. M431 1 * K WANTBD. FOUR Oil FIVB-ROOM COTTAGE Address U 65 , Bee office. M539 8 KENTAL AGENCIES. Kates , IKo a word tlrst Insertion , la r word there of ter.Nothlngtakonforlosstbadi23o. , . W. a -t-JBerry A lo. . 717 N. Y. Lite. M806 STORAGE. Hates , lOo a line oaoh Insertion , (1.60 a line per month. Nothing talcon for lossthan _ " - nn M -BTOHAGB , WILLIAMSACHOSS.ISU HAHNEY 212 - FOU IIOUSI1UOLI ) GOODS : clean and cheap rates. U. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 21S _ - > bTOVlCS STOltBD DU1HNU SUMmer - M-UEATlNI ; storage for household goods. TeL 000. HOT Uooglas. OmahaStovo Uopalr works. M407 STOVK.8 BT011ED AT UBA3ONAULH HATBd M at Hughes Btove Uopalr Works , 007 B. 18th st TIMmll WANTED TO BUY. Uates , INo a word tlrst Insertion , la a word there after. Nothing taken for loss than Ka. N CASH FOH FUIINITUUB , goods , oto , or will sell for owner In our auctloi solus. It. Wells. 1111 Farnam. 213 -F1I18T MOUTGAUU PAPBUB. U. A. AH N : nold , U > 6 Bte bldg. .M294 FURNITURE FOR BALE. Hates , mo a word flrst Insertion , la a word then after. Nothing taken fur loss tbnn 25c. O-FOH 8ALB , ON ACCOUNT OF GIVING Ul honsekenplng , my furniture , rugs , draperies an rnniio ore for sale at onre , cheap. A. D. Brandsli 2110 Douglas st. 25931 O FOR BALL1 , MoBLKll SAFM , KtTTBD WIT ] drawers , Insldu measurements 85x13x31 Inohoi price 160 00. 8-foot oak standing desk , with offlo stool , prlco 112.UO , James U. Owen , drugstore. 21 North ! 5tb street , Omaha Haul 1 POR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC ' Hates , IHo a word flrst Insertion , la a word there after. Nothing taken for loss than 26a. TJ-FOll BALB NIclOuCY AHKIAOB TBA ! J. nndcarrlagB. U W. Tulloys , 10J Pearl st , Coui cllBlults. " 2I4 _ > -10P UUGIJY , 11OHS1 ! ANDHAllNBSB , FlltSI class condition , price 1260 00. Address U 21 , Br < MJCOt FOR BALE MiaOELI ANEOTJS. Hates I Wo a word flrst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for less than 29o. iO -VUIINITUHK. AUCTION I ! VB It Y 8ATUHOA1 Q 1111 Farnam , n. Wells , auctioneer. 62681 T fi-VOIl 8ALB , A NEW SPUING FOHK , CUHHIO Wtlre Victor safety at a sacrlUce. Kxamlno i GOt Paxton block. M2t7 ! 1 * - VOH B ALB. A GOOD UKMINGTON CA1IINE typowrltar , 1018 Cblrauo struet. M364 3 ? - HAMHLBitl SPUING FIIAM cushion tire , usud 80days. Will sail at aba gain. Address G. H. Jerome , York , Neb. M9I01 * -tOll BALB , 4THOUHOUGUI1KBD PUG PDI pies , nicely marked and very small , Addrc box 361. York , Nab. . MiiOT - FOU TUB BBST FAMILY BOARDING IlOUf In city address H 49 Bee. 443 -A HIIAN NEW KNCYCLOPBDIA I1HITA nlra , latest edition ; cloth binding , wltb stai for saloi cheaper than dirt for cash , Address 1 10. I'oo. M603 1 < Hates , lUe a word Qrst Insertion , la a word then nj r. Nojhlng takea for loss thau 2ig. R-TVPBWMtTIJHS FOU HBNT , WB CAN FU nlsb you cither a No. 9 or No , & Remington typ writer , tn Br t class condition , on rental , ( live ncall. WyckoB,8ettinans4 Benedict , 1711 Farnn street , Omaha. f > eb. IIi : N T > -NEW F1HM. GATE CITY UPlIOLttTKIU ! Ivco. , Ill B Ittb at. , BhMly block. Uepalrlni specialty : to per cent less thau any othsr place. 631 fi CLAIRVOYANTS. Hate * . lUo a word flrst insertion , lo a word ths .p- after , Noihlcg taken tor loss than 26a. -Mn8. N ANNIH Y. WAHUBN , CLAIB r6V A IN rellabUbuilnoss tsedlumi fifth year at H ) , S-U11B. UU. M.LKUUAVB. POOrilBTBSB. DU , IIS trsnoD olilrvpyaul and lift roadtri lolli yc Ufa from craalo to gravel can be ooniulttd on anaUsof llf l pas tbo o labraud KgypUia biei plate to unit * the sopirated svod causa m rrt withpn .roij lore. .Cflta * one , MBO fcj1 lOnVUcail pi bar rcourkabla ponors , OMc | stdoao .If a. iijoff , ndoxi B , u.\aip. HrlctuUciarl photo pt year tutor * | f SO luibaodwpt tAioofa Ball forlXOui oh rl ale las j.00. All loltors MolatnlBf 4 cools la slau promptly aniw r < L UUi MABBAOE. BATHS. ETO. n Una oaolilnsnrlloil.ll.M R lint per month , Nbthtnit Ukon fdr l i than Sio , tp-MMIC , CAH30N , 1131 DOU01.A9 TltBRT. 10 -1 floor , teem T , malsACo , alooliol , salphur nnd raa BfttilH. _ M1K8 ' 'ft VADAMM KMIT1I , Ml 8. 13 Til , 3X1) FLOO H -L llsom H MaliBg * , Tnpor , nlootol , st am , nlDhnr ligandsnubatliii. 'p-VMK. MACK OF ClUCAdO (11VIH 11 A , J rniutnntlo und tnarsnita trofilmenl. liootn C , too- end floor , III Mirth 12th utropt. M4I4 I * PERSONAL , IT GATAUUIt ANt > HAY FKVBIl TRKATHO d by Iho month , Tumors , grow ths and ether da- formltlos of tbnnnsa and throat romovoj without psln. IT. J. F. Prosnoll , 2W Uo j bld . Mill Jil MA88AQH THKATMF.NT , BLECTHIC-THBIl. nisi baths , soatp and hair treutraoot manlonrA nndjjhlropodlit. Mrs. I'ost.SIBKS.inh.WlthncIl lilk 213 IF JOHN J. MAIISHALU WHO L1VI5I ) Nit All Jerome , llawllni county , Kan. , In ID31 will tend Ills nddrftss to I4 Omaha National Bank bulldlntf. Cnmha , Nob.ha will bear of something to his In terest. Mill U-CHILDHiiN OF ALL AOK3 TAKK.V CAHB of tna small rountry town. Hafcronces Riven end required. U U , lloo. MI2I 1 * U-M193 K. A. KKA1IN3 , TEACltF.lt OF planoi special attention to rndlmontal princi ples. Hello 40 , Midland hotol. ICth nnd Chlaaio. MMIJ37 * U WANTKD , HBL1AI1LB PAUTY TO BOARD baby durlna summer months. Address W. It , Ucnoral Dollvary. MIW S AB3TRAOI3 OF TITLES. Rates lOo a line oaob Insertion , II.S ) a line par month. Nothing takan for Ion than lie. V-.UlaTACTi-TUB M1ULVND OUAIIANTdU nnd Trust company , abstractors , oonvayanmrt. Titles parfectod and gairintisl Own iho only oomploto abstraot baiks In DoujUi ooitnty. ll > - moved to room 313 Now York Llfabulldla ) ( . M27) MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hates , lOo a line oaoh Insartlon , $1.41 a Una par month. Nothing tak n for less tnan 20o. W on roul estate at lowest market rstai. Loam nincin In small or largo sums for short or long time No commission Is charged and the loans are not sold InthooMt , butovn always bs found ntthi bank on tbo corner ot 11th and Doujlai sti. 211 r LOWEST HATKS. FIDELITY TRUST COMpany - pany , 1T02 Farnam street. 219 ' T CBNTUAL LOAN & TRUST CO. , BBB BLDG 220 0. K. 1IA1UUSON , ! > I2 N. Y. Ul'K. Ml W MOIITHAQM IjOANJ LK33 THAN T PUB cent , tnoluillnv all obarzos. Charloa W. Ualnoy. Omaha Nat , bank bldz. til WANTHIO ATONCD LOAN3 ON IMl'UOVBII Omaha property ; low ratal. Fidelity Trust company. 11TH Far n urn si. _ 21i > LOANS ON 1MPUOVI51I At D UNIMPROVED W city property , iOM and upwards , 5 to OVipor cent. No delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 16th and llarnoy. -1 AND 2 YBAH LOANS ON CITY AND FAHM mortgages. Heed i dolby , 344 Board of Trade. 235 W MONBY'1O LOAN OVOMAHA AND COU.V- ell Bluffs real oitUo and Nebraska and Iowa farms at from 6W to G > < par cent tntorosl.wlth no ad ditional charges for commissions or attorneys fees. W. B. Molklo. 1st Nat'l bank bldn. Omaha. 2.81 T\7" MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST UATBS. ' i The O. F. Davis Co. . 1601 Farnam street. 227 -ANTHONY LOAN AND TUU3T CO , 813 N. Y. Life , lends at low rates for oholos security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city prj porty. ta -MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPllOVBD CITY W ; property , low ratos. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. V\r-MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES ON Vv Improved and unimproved real estate , I to 6 , yearn. Fidelity Trust Co , 170.1 Farnam. 219 TVT LOANS- . O. WALLACE , 3U BROWN BLK. -OMAHALOAN A THUST COMPANY. IflTII and Douglas , loans monay on city and farm property nt lowest rates ot Interest. 231 W FIRST AN1 > SKCONI ) MORTGAGE LOANS ; low rates. Aler. Moore. 401. Hoe bldg. M670 W WANTBD TO BUY BOMBS PBIl CENT NOTES secured by mortgages on Omaha city or Doug las oounty property. Reed & Holby , 336 Chamber ot Commerce. MHO W-J. W. SQUIRE , MOVBD TO 248 B13B BLDG. 843 HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. llntos , lOo a Hn ? , oaoh Insertion , $1.50 o > line per month. Nothing taken for loss th a25o. DO YOO WANT'ilONBYl TUB KIDELITY 1XJ\N OUallANTBB CO. , ROOM 4 , W1TUNELL BL.OCK. SOUTH 16TU , COttNBlt UA11NBY 8T , , LOAW TOD ANY \ \ \ ' BUM LABQB OB SMALL FROM \ TBN \DOLLAB3\ \ UP. WB MAKB LOANS ON FUHN1TUHB. UOHSIC3 , CAHRIAOK8. WAHnnoUSB UBCHIITS OK VBK- BONAL 1'IIOI'BIITY OF ANYKIND. OUB TEUMS WILL M1SBT YOUR APPIIOVAL You can pay the money back at any tlmo a d la any amount you wish , and thus reduca tbo cost ot carrying the loan In proportion to amount yon pay , IF YOU owe a balance on your furniture or other personal property of any kind , wa will pay Itoll for you and carrr U.aa long as you deslro. YOUCANHAVH YOUll MONBY IN ONK UOUH FUOM TUB T1M1 ! YOU MAK3 APPLICATION No publicity or removal of property , so that you get the use of both mo.iey and property. 2JJ TUB OFF1CB OF j OMAUA MOIITQAQB LOAN CO. INCOnPOllATED. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FUHNITUKB . AND PIANOS , HOHSEB , WAGONS AND CAHHIKOKd , WAUBUOUSB HBOKIPIS , MlSllCHArfDlSB , Oil ANY OTHKIt SECURITY Wo will lend you any amount from $10 00 to ll.OtlJ ON TUB DAY YOU ASK FOR IT so without publicity or removal ot property. You can pay the money back In any amount you with , and at any time , and each payment so made will reduca tUa cost of tba loan. Hcir.cmber that you have the asaof both the property and tbe money , and pay for It only as lonunsyoakooplt. There will be no nxpensaor charge kept out of the amount wanted , but 70U will reaelvo tbo full amount of tbo loan , Ho I ore borrowing elsowbera call nnd sea us , anil you will flud It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOUTGAGK LOAN CO , 800 SOUTU 10TI1 HrilBKl' , llrut door ubovo tbo street. THB OLDEST , LAUGU3T AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X Wlt.LJ-OAN MONKYON ANY KINO OF SB curlty : strictly contlUuntlul , A. K. Uarrlsroon I.Contlnuntal block. _ 'lit "V-MONKV. 40 , WJ , W iA\8. CUB A I * UATU. . / Hnd easy payments , oa furniture , plunas , llv. stack , eto. . without delay or publicity ; cash 01 hand. Hull Ureon , room 8. llnrkor block. _ 215 V PltlTCUAKD.il UOUUT.AS UtK.IU& UOIIOI- BUSINESS OHANOE8. Hates , lOoa linn each Insertion , llr > J ailnepu month. Nothing taken for less than 253. -LcbandUoof aboutiK,0) , ) to fr.O ) ) . tna gond towt In Nebraska. Apply to ICIIpstrlolc-Kaoj Dry Uood Co , Omaha. Nob. _ l l Y -1 < ! ASTU11V \CKS I IIOWK/H INKALMHL Handleapplnii systum nets I4i00 weekly o tiW 00 Invoktuiont. Second successful year , fiuti Conservative. Practical. Proipoctus 1SVU frue , U T 1) . Howe. I'oi 117. Brooklyn. N. Y. _ .MI J Jti' Y -A BNAP ETOIl SOMU HQTKL MAN. KO sale at a bargain , nearly nor hotel fu E ntturo , enough to furnish a luwl of I rooms , also largo oBlci , two largo parlors , Ulnln room with twelve large tables , chairs , tldebuardi rntis , linen , cut glass and dishes complete , also a neccmary beildlnjr far abova rooms. This furu turo Is ul ! cherry unit oak , and the rooms cumplol with tine canuis , curtains mid ovorytblnz nocoi eary to thoroughly oquln n modern hotel ; only year out of tiietuctory The above complete holt iuralthln s c n bubal at a big bargain and mm be sold within the next faw days. WiUo or call o J.y. . jjqulre. Council Hluffs. la. _ JI913 Y IO11 BALK. AUUODUBdTAUHANT. HA YIN from 100 to 140 customers a day ! furniture ne last teptombcri special reason for selling th profitable business. Address Frank Keith , Kea noy , Nob. _ 437 SI' Y FOH 8ALK , LAUXllUY PL NT FOU BAl cheap , and room for rent ) enoulre 1318 Farnai _ _ _ _ _ _ 430 i.1 Y FOIl BALE , GOOD NBWBPAPKU BUSINB : sndoulflt. Viola Davis , Lincoln , Nod. 437 J 4 * rOH BALK , HAIIDWAUB STOIIH AND TI shon , Uood trade , good location and cbaip rec address Look Uox loua , Lluuoln , Neb. TUi-lt HENT OB BALE , A WELL BBTA Jl llsbcd restaurant or chop bout * , doing a Sr class business , In tbe Lance blook on B , lltb site ono of tbe best locations In tbo city , Enaulro 007 B , ISth street , up stslrs , ) i y-FOU 8.ALK , TUAUU OU HUNT. UOI'BL. rooms , all occupied with pormaneaiboardei modern improvetucats. Best location fn & Oraai T. Capt John O'Uonaboe , 303 W , I8lb st.Omsba , Ni T.L. Ml ? } J L. _ _ to - VOlBALB. . AMILUNUUY BTOJIK AND1J uc Xlnoiii sties from ona hundred to ttva bun i til prs any , bcstlocutlgnln thu nity.lonii IcaioV tit kedoajialf lntjiirtngaiut > or d properly " titK land. AUdttas U 17,1 B4 V-VOlt bAl.U , A N1CM CLMAM BTOC1C Ol1 Ul B4m. Jl goods and ihoe * In tlcn , IIv M l > r lo m.or f > JAW pcapltl fflet ODfiulax far so mo own , _ of reasons for s lllni vlllloToUo 12,600 , Will a : aall tay r ldtco property. Address box I ; y.Uflild , Mth. MiM C ConflnMed ? - YOn WANT TO Rtm BHUi OH BX- Y-110 ( NbD ino , real tnuta wlnndul Do you want adilltlOBal capital In your iiarfnnitt Ifmi sin no. wn can help you , ( .nit or wrllo for on.'luillntln. onicru tn nil prlnc.lpal ettlssl Mjmah * branch. IO ? ( , * York Lift ) building. M9tn > JJO y-KOrtBALKOUTHADH. NICW ROLL 15 II MILL Addrt s Lock lion 1)8 , WlnslilB gb. pQua * FOR "BALE BBAL .ESTATE. . Itatos , lOo a line each Insertion. It JO a lint per month. Nothing taken for loss thfciiJe. _ riMin OUIUINAL JOHN J A CO II AbTOti Who was a peddler , Is s ld to hare borrowed tbo flrst ll"0 be put Into real citato and by inch n beginning was laid the foundation of the for * tune of the rloaott fatuity In Amor- lea who have never deviated from the rule of BUYING HEAL KSTATB As often nnd as soon us they could cot a hold of nny. Now It Is on Ibis nile and principle that wo claim you have the cnanco to Uo something for yourself when we o3 r you llpq LOTS right In town , not on the bottoms nor on tha bills , but In ntblotily populated pnrtof the city at a prlco that Is positively cheap nnd fiood value for your money on paying t2M DOWN , 1 10 00 A MO'NTH Until IICO.OO Is paid without Interest , balance In t and S years at 7 per cant ! an abstract of title with every lot nnd no niortgnga or lions of any descrip tion against tbo property. Ono thing Is certain , no man over lost ncontonaiioh an Inveiglement , becausa he buys U at an honest value In the heart ot tborltyand gets an absolutely good title to his lot. It Is only tbo people who buy poor property , badly situated , sold at more than It Is worth by de signing and unsorupulous agents * that over had any trouble In real estate matters , \\hcn you get property nt Its real value , that Is no experiment aa to location and surroundings , perfect title nnd easy terms , you are as * afo nnd sura to do well as though your monay was In tbo BANK OF ENGLAND Thodpslro to have yon sea and compare - pare the lots wo are soiling on such pbonomlnal'y modarato prices and living term * with any city lots Is a guarnutco that In the judgment of competent and fair minded people our statements arc sound ; that they are sound Is evidenced by our salos. Here Is rilOOl * POS1TIVU that you con gather for yourself by an Invcstlga tlonot the facts. The prlco laJICO.OO ; paid , If you so deslro , J25.CO cash , $10 CO a month , without In terest , till $10000 Is paid ; balance In two nnd thrco years nt 7 per cent. Kvory facility Is given for In spection of this property and to compare It with any ether ground tn tha city of Omaha. If you will do this you will bo ( Irmly of our opinion. Dollar for dollar In good value Is what wo offer , and no ether Investment can or will equal this opportunity for safe , sure , satisfactory returns. AMES HKAL ESTATE , AM US UBAL ESTATE , 1507 < TAUNAM , 1M7 FA UN AM. 414 31 _ _ NTO INVESTMENT IS SAt'BH THAN OMAIIA XI real estate well locatod. No Investment Is more prontablo than real ostatG purahasQ.1 at a low tig- uro , and now Is Just tha time to mnita the Invest- mcnt. as good Omaha property wilt never < ie less than what It Is today. Lotus sbuw.you that beau tiful property which wo otter oa Georgia and Vir ginia nvoniids Nothing flnor In thu city for homo or Investment. Will make special Inducements for spot cash. Mdollty Trust Company , 1T03 Farnam street. _ i _ 074 piBOHGIA AND VlHGINfA AVKNU153 , BK- VJtwocn Mason and I'nclllcststhg'Jlnost residence location In tha city , $30 00 on Oeoriilu nvo and $70.00 on Virginia ave. adjolulni ; property hold 8iUto 840 CO per front foot blHhor. We will take $1,000.00 to CCt)0 ! ) 00 Omaha pro porty as' ' pifc > payment In a lot. This Is an opportunity fqldora offered. This Is peed for a short ttsio only , o .wo want some bouses started at onco. Two.nOWpndar contract. Four sales already mado. PlotuuriX to show such property as this at any tlmo. Fidelity Trust Coin- pany. 1702 Farnam et. ' ' " ' _ 673 ABSTACTS TUB MIDL VNOIO-GUAHANTBH JX and Trust company , abstractors , conveyancers , Titles Dorfectod nnd guaranteed , own the only complete abstract books lu Diujlas county. H - moved to room 410 Now York Llfabulldlng. M271 OTOBPBL PLACB ADDITION. Tbo Newest Addition to Omaha. Located 2 > 6 Miles Southwest from. Postofflao , Best future rosldoao3 part ot tbo City. Wide streets and wlda alloys. Lots are blah and sightly. Kleolrlo Cars run near It. Passenger depot and tracknga yards ot Oman * Belt l.'ne llallroad and Missouri PaclUo Hallroad within a block of it. 8 trains dally. btoros and factories In Its Immediate vicinity. Homes of business mon and mechanics surround. Elmwood Park , New Driving Paric and Fair Grounds , Platte Itlvcr Canal , streets to bo paved , oxteuslon of electric car line , are norao of tha sub- fitantlal Improvements to bo made tu Southwest Omaha during the ucxt few months. You can buy Stoope ! Place lots for &KM 00 oaoh. fMOO clown and the bnlancu In quarterly puymonU uf only 8I2.0 , with Intarest at 7 per cant. Do not mlKKthls opportunity to buy flvo or ten lots at prices that will onabla you to make money. For plats and further Information address W. A. WBB3TEU , Boo building. MU'JJS 17011 BALK. 1C5 FEET OV LOWB AVHNUB , COIl- X nor Hnmllton , with brick block of two stores and flats above , all modern. Also 8-room resi dence , all modern convenlenaos ; price f 17.000 ; rents for JI.500 per year. Also ntealy furnished house of U rooms , all modern conveniences. Call or ad dress 4023 Hamilton streot. M3I9 8 * ' " 17011 BALB. WHY NOT BUY A LOT BUILI ) A COTTAQB AND QUIT PAYING HUNT WHEN YOD CAN MAKE MONBY BY 30 U01NO. : \\'o odor this : special : Inducement , FOU A. BUOIIT TIME , TO UMTorklngmcn , who wish to purcbaso lota and build bouses. Wo will sell Hfty good resldsnoo lots near the city FOU tXO.00 BACH ; One tenth cash , $140 00 payablu on or before three years from April 'ti , IbW. and the balance In monthly or quarterly payments and at 7 per cent Interest. An electric motor line will run to this property after Juno 1 , Tbolotsara high and level and at grade. Tbo streets are graded and the grading paid for , Tha taxes on this property have been loss than it W per lot per year. 160,000 00 will bo spent this year hi Improvement ) In and around this property , „ Several now houses have recently been built It thu addition and othurc ire to b commenced soon It will cost you nothing to ilnvoMlgato this foi yourself. ] j , , , , Ono half the prlco of lots Ibe s'ame distance ou In any other direction that arenas jjaslrable. Don't miss this opportunity to tin ? Call at our oflloa and let us < U ke you eut am show you this property , j-l'jif POITKH A , GEOllGIUCOMPANY , BOUTHWBbTCOUMillt Ib'l'H ANWlKAHNAM nTS WANTBD , TO BUY LO\Y IMIICBI ) LOT NO' ' over two miles out ; must' b * ! bargain ; flv number and price. 11 15. lieu fcfle M28t Bl'LBSDID bouta , 10 rooms , all convenjenpos , east lion lot on paved street , splendid nw iuborhood ! If sol quick : only (9UaOO ; call and sodt.lllck , 305 N. \ Llfo bldg , _ % i 'M53il OT 4 VBBT FUONT WITH ? BEVBN'UOO ) bouse on Uth street , near Cssslust prlc . - . ' ! monthly payments. Hoed & Bplby. ilonrd Trade. S12.ii fPWKNTY-FVB UOLLAUB WILL UKNT A FIN Lmo drin lie oat iio 1'Arkwlld avenue , Hutcl luitn. & Adaams , ion Farnam tt 487 ) AST FI10.VT LOl'OV 85TU NBAU nODQK. M , IMfect , iT.TJO.W. Address Owner , a II , Beo. I 40 AOUIS8 NHAU OMAHA ll.UkX Xew acres Colf&r GO. tM mi acts , germ Durt 'o. (3j an acre. Sluulou to. tUauacrv. acres Nnnco Co. 11 } HC arra. acres Vloe Cq. | u an acre. ) acres llurt Co , IJ ) an aara. ICO acroi pcnr Omaha W > aa aor * . 167 aoros Harpy Co. I4J an net * . If Co , til au toi-sr.r7ms : . n-INBFAHM tU MILKB NOIITUOK YOlliCISS A A1 acre , 11,000 til B bargain. 0. F , Harrison. Ol IV III A Bl' BNDII ) INVlhTMKNT-6M ACUKrt ( IOC so A farm land u r ortU l.oup , Neb. ] If nold aul ' ' I Lf bt" P6r a ° 'ei ob ulttl"ow' " ' " " " 'uj 'i SALE KB AL ESTATE. Onndnneil. T.NVK8T In Aero Prn | > rly clo o to Ulunhrv. An Investment In FIVE , TK.V OU 1 KNTY ACIlEfi nlllyl ldbt Rturn . Vou ran bu y acre * now 1lO.AtotX > 00 thai can to suldlvldcd Into UtoLols. WITH lh stosdy growth ofomahn It Kill only bu a short llnio when them luti wilt bring as much as tbe original acres \ coat you. It dues not cost you a tlollar for city or special taxes. Aero property Is IhavaKlcsl to carry , and It alirays yields tbo blKgost returns. Call and see Ulio I'nranlns wo offor. COi N. V. 1 Ifo Bldg. MJ.T61 MUST lin SOLI ) . MCI3 B-HOOM HOUSB ON ! > avcd street , small cash payment- Address II 64 , Uco. M5i5 11 * _ _ _ l01l SALK-ONK OF THK HA.XH3OMr.ST 8 -L room bonse * , near Ilnnncora Park , only ! T,50 > ) OU. If yon want a nlco homo you can't ratsn It on this. Callnud let usfbow jon the property. HlcXvlJJ N. V.LIto building. MMS 1 _ FOR EXCHANGE. llsteslOoa line each Insertion , 91 51 a line per month. Nothing takun for less lhnn2tc. " " " Z and Dakota. Will soil ohtnp , or otolanu , for mdabars sandcallte. Add. lior Til , VranUforl InJ. A CLBAN STOCK OF ( II'.NICIIAI , MI > j < C.t will take real estate and monoy. Box rJ3 , Fr.tnk- tort. Ind. _ Mi - ACUU90KCLKAII LAND IS ONI5 OK THIS Z-4SO best winter wheal districts In Kansas to exchange - change for 10 or .M aero tract nortr OmihA city limits. Will tmy c.iahdin.Tcnce It property IsgooJ. Address , giving prlojunj loontlon. I ) .M Do ) . ' . ' 01 Z S1SB U. K. COLU CO. , S1CCAOUU IlLDft 3M Jl _ -FOU 8ALK OU TIUDH FOU nit'ltOVKI ) 113 acres ot land In Nebraska , n splondU buslnoss. Address FC3 , Boo , _ 3iS Jl y-Boo AciiHS rou COD UKSIUKNCK , SIBU- 'A'handlso , horaos and muloi ; ulso business property lor good farm. U II. Peterson , 1413 3 l.lth. Z ri < KAii LOT FOU UOUSB AND SUHHIIY. Addrcus II 24 , Hoc. M894 ' wnsnsiiN LAND OH UANOH FOH loiultyor | largo house nnd sroumls. Ad dress 1123. lee ! M8I3 4 * WOBLD'3 FAIR HOTELS & BOOMS Itates ICon line each Insertion , $1 W n line per month. Nothing taken for less than2c. WOULD'3 1'AIII FUHNISUKD IVOoilS. S Oil suite of 8 , bath etc. 14 minutes' rldofrom fair arouiuls. 1 block from cabo | nnd stenm earn , desirable. Double rooms 38X ( ) , prlrato family. Address , A. It. L"JOtl ! Vlnccnncs Avenue , ClilcuKO , Ills. M 4m 1 * COUTIIKUN HOTKL-AMUUICAN PLAN. UATKS OM.W ) per day and upwards ; tlrst-class permanent hotel , superior nccomod.lttons , uuenrpassed loca tion , elevated railway. Illinois Central rnllnny , cable cars ; close proximity to attractions of the city. Southern hotel , Wobash ave and 22nd street , Ihlcngo. M523 1 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWBITINQ Itatcs , lOa a line caoh Insertion , II 30 a line per oath. Nothing takan for loss thati2 > a. Lncqulroa working kuoirloUo of sborthinl ait typewriting at A. C. Vai want's schnilof 813ft- band 6U > . Y. Ufo 1'ypowrlters to rant. MiM UNDEBT AKEBS AND EMB ALMERB Ilatos , ICe a line caoh Insertion. Sl.W a Una pic month. Nothing takcn or loss than 230. wCo 'oj ol Y vivu'j''a.'s'A - coba , deceased , l.itor with M. O Maul ) , undor- takornndombalmor. JI33. llitb t. . tel lift ) 211 MUSIC , ART AND UANGTJAGES. Itatos. lOo a line oaoh Insertion , tt.SO o. line par month. Nothing taken for less than J'ic. .1610 California street 014 PASTURES FOR HORSE3. 11)0 ) ArilB3 OF BLUB (3UA33 PASture WKHAVE turo for horses. Board fonce. Sprlnz water. Barton JcPnelps. Gllmoro , Nob. , or A. W. Pbolps & fcon.M7N. ! Y. Life Bld . ECOND-HAND _ TJOYLBS & BAUn. DBAiaSUBINTYPKWIllTKUS. -L > A11 makes bought , sold , cxchangod. rented. 6U N. Y. Llfo bldg. Tel. 5i3. MJiIS PAWNBROKERS. JSONSUNBHlta , DIAMOND 11UOKKH , 130J .Douglas Bt. Loans money on diamonds. watches , etc.Id tiold and silver bouzht. Tel 1958. .t * DRESSMAKINO. IbS A. M. SHEETS. DHBSSMAKElt. CONTI- M ncntal block , room 0. catUfactlon guaranteed. 833 J15' SCALES N PI\V & BBCOND-UAND bOALES , ALj K1ND3 Address : Borden & Bellock Co.LuUo at , Chlcairo. 2U Now nnd second hind Doimuorcn. Uom In tons , O.vlltr.ipln. Smiths , VosU. ILur inoucls , Miuiboni. Wrlto for nrloi'j nnrl siv monoy. MtGCATlI STATIUNBUY OO UOI Karnuni street. Largest Typow.iler IIouso ia iho Slilo. RR1LWRY TIME GRRD Ix > ves I CHICAGO , BUHLlNOToN&y Arrlvis Oruana | Depot lOthanl iliison 3t > . Onuti I UUllJ.lMiToN A Ma lUVBU. Arrival Oinaliu I Depot IQtti and Muion Su. | 1U.1S n m Denver B press 40J p in lU.IJiim . . . . . .Doadwood ISxprosj. . . . < 4 0) p ui tM pm Denver Kzprosi 11.W am I'M pm , .Donvur Limited. ; . . . U05 am 0 M p m . . . . Nebraska Local ( Kx8un > . , ii.50 p a 8 l"i a in . .Lincoln l.ooM ( KicoptSun ) . 9 J > a m Luavus I C1IIUAUU. It 1. K 1'AUlr 1C. Arilvas Omaha. I Union Depot IQtb A Marcy tits. | Oinaho , Tiulu tT CdlOAUU , iw 1. & I' Wim1 West | Union Depot 13th unit Mnrey tH . I 1.envoi I lt.'UBT7J.4 0 , U. Omaha I DoiiQt latll an I Mason Sti . . . . .KansaMHty Day Kxpruis . . 666 p m W 41 f m K. C. Mght Bxp. vl U. P. Tram Ilia n m 8.43 p m bt. l.uuls C.40 a m U'aves I U.N1O * PAl'ltria ' I Arrlf > Oamha I Union Depot 10th an I Msmr 3tt. | Duthy r.Mi am . . . . usurer lixnrai * TbT u to 8.16 pm . , , , overland f'lyjr 70) ) ra 411 pm , .Uaatrioe&iirmsb { Krfouduni P n IUJ p m . . . . . . . .I'aelllj ilxpram 10 I ) a n 63J pm . . . . . .Danvor Fait > t ll 4 H p Tn I'AtJU Vrrivj Oicahs U. P depot and Mar or bU. Omaha i.l ) a u 11.11) ) am Ohlcajo Bxpross 55Q p n 1.0&TV9 F. . K.MO. . VAULliY Arrival Cnmha Depot 15th and Webster Sts. Oiaahi I' ' 1)0 ) am . lleadnrood Kxprasi . t30 p n V.OO am ( Bx. bat. ) Wyo. Exp , ( K * . Mon. ) 52J pn ( cu pm Norfolk ( L'x. Sunday ) . JO ) an 6.16 pm St. Paul ISxpreis . .ii a u Leaves CII1UAUO * NORTH WKSIHHN Arrives Omaha | LJ. P. depot. Iflth nnd Marcy Sts Omah 7.20 am ( Ex. Bun'y ) Carroll Paisonger XM p i 10.40 a m .1 btcngo Bxproii. . , , . 6. OS p I 403 pm Vestibule Limited. , , , 920 a I 101 BUI Eastarn Flyer. ili p u 6.21) ) p m ( Kx. Bun ) Chin. Pass. ( Bx. Man. ) iri ) a n Leaves MI8SOU1H PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha Depot 16th ud Webster Sts. Omab 1,10 pm . . . . .Ht J JUls Express. . . . . , . , UO 01 1000 p ro , . , , . , .3t Louis Kiprcsi , . 4.15 pi 6.25 p m , . .Nebnska Ixical S.U Ul Leaves U. , BT. PM. . A O. Arrives Omaha Depot litb and Webster Sts. Omah 8.1 0 am . .hloux City Aooommodallon , . U.03 p i 1.1 5 pm Jloux City Uiproi' ( Ux , BunUar ) 11 4) pi ( .45 pm . bU'aul .mltad . . 9.1J a I jirn llonorort I'asseDUor ( K * . Hund'y 8.41 pi B10UX Cl'tY & PAL'11/IU , Arrlvoi i Omahal Uerot. 10th and Marcy His. Oinah t. ' * > aui Blotix Ul f ; ttsioojor. 10 SO pi ' 4W pro eU Pau ! IQQ-Ju Leaves BloUi CITY c Arrlvei OmaliB Depot , lath ao4Webstur Bts. Om&l Vli p ml . . . . . . .bl. Paul LlmllfrdT aii i Leaves n.uWis. Arrival Oiuaha U. P. UcBOt. lOtb and Uatcy BU Omat p u , tl. LouU Csjnnon 1111 | I3.M p ; KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The Future Unveiled- Arrlvnl oUrnoril.n irr of thu world's inont f inimu iiiudlinn. Mrs. lr , ! ' . Sliorinun , rrco/- nlzcJ bv tliopro9 , moil cul fuculty nun solen- tlstSRonrrally nstho nmit cclrbr.Ucd medium of modern time * . Itcmaln not hi ilurknovs mid Ignornnce , but teclt thu llfilit of knnnlodio nnd learn whit the iiiy.i'.urloui fiiturd holila foryou. Wiillaoutranoad will rcvvxl ovury hidden mystery In life , ( llvoi nld nnd nnvlco which will ovarcomo your onotnlm. rumoro family troubloj , rcstoro lost alToutlotis , mnko innrrlaRo with tlio ono you IOVL nil fulluro : rctnovo ovll lnlliienco < i , bud hubit * . turoi wlU-horr. nts. null - il IOIIK Bt uiainit nnd tnys- tnrlous ulso i"ci ; will Rlvo eorrout liiforrantum on Iaw8ultso1cknos4 , iloitli. dlrorcoi , absent frloud * . ovorythlnz : never fallkitr mlvlco to 3-oun men on in irrlaso ; in I how to cheese n wlto for h-tpplucst nnd wliut liuslnuai beat adapted forspoodv rlehcs. to : l ( snoeulutlon n spcclttHy : recovers lost , stolen or burled prop erty : loontcs tro tsiiros nml minerals : itl < o iihca Indlapousutilo : ulvlco to vouitit Indlrsof love , courtship and nmrrlnco. If your lover Is true or falsu , The inystorloua and siiccuBsfnl manner In wli'cli ' slid trouls mutturs of the ut- innitob uiirlty has clvcn mnoh unlvcrsnl sut- lafftotlon thit hi < r irimn hts uecomo u proverb In tlious mls of households made hnppy by her ulJ and ndvico. Hours0 n. in. tot ) p in strict , N. 11. I'prfeot sntlsfiotlon gunrintoed by in nil. Bond stnmp for Illuslrito I clrculnr with BDcclal terms to Mr * . Dr. R Sherman , pnrlora 0 A 7. The Mldlniul hotul. 311) ) N. lath St. . Onuha. Wo vlll B nd you tht ftutrtolnu * French i'ropixrtttlon CAUTHOO r v , MiJ a ! ! B"nriMil that ( ! U/rilUS will ItVNtnro yoiir aicnttli , tttreiivlh oiJ ) Visor. lite it and far tf satisfied. Addroas VON MOML CO. . H l luiriiu AjiuU , ClntUcitU OUo. Ofhoalth slionld bo doubly piinr.lod at tills Goiiscn. Thu ntr reeks with chilly molsluru tlio woutlior Uchauxonblo and nncortalu. These conditions uru Terribio OAHOER P09NTS fortholuncs and plpos. Itaw.iro of tlio eld tlio cough , the chest p.iln , tbo ' .nllammAtlooa , TEE DEADLY KUM93 , the reeked IUIIT , the dnvidort Consumption. Put on duty only the stronuust gu.ird , the oiduslund most faiinful stutid-uy. nroalc up your cold nt onco. Stop your roueti. IJrlvoout that Infliimmutlon in tlmo. Defy that I'noumonla. ( Jura that Conauiiip- tlou. nets quickest nnd surest ot all remedies on the lunirs. Tha oldest rxnrt host approved etiiudard for ovary Inn , ' troublo. Dr. Sctienclff Practical Tt caltucs on DlscaMa nf TMnoi , Stomach a .a J.ft'er. ' tnatlnlKJO ( aU up jillcanfg. Dr. J. II. Sclienrkd. Sun , I'Mladcljihta Pa. I no yroatesi on Sen end Land Soud 2-ccnt I postngo for a lOOpaoo GGOtC BOOK FREE. Prlcos : ow. Faro sumptuous Sales every Seo' your dealer. Ask for prices Take uo other. WIIITOU ROQtRS & SOUS , ABtB..omnhn , or Malestlc Eflfg. Co. . St. Loujs. includes the great temperance drink ijt gives New Wfc to the Old Folks , , ' ricasttre to the Parents , Health to the Children. Good for All-Oood All thoTlmc. cent package maUs Five " " ' surcant 1NDAPO HINDOO HEMEDY I'UOUUCEn TUB AI10VU UHACLTH In SO IIAYfl. Ouri. I. . , Scrvoai Ulicaiej , 1 ailing Memory , itc. , and < ) UickVr but surely restates I.o > t timllty U , > ld or YOUIIV , Easily cltrrlml In vrst pocket. 1'rlcn 81.00 ni > ackav. hli for * r . ( lo ullli o wrlln uur' butcu to ruro or tuoiicy rvfu-a * * " . 1'on't let any ulv tirlncli > lt3ddnirrHsi ( vt II you any ktntlitimitation. . In ilttoa liavliiK IiIlAP4l none c.llitr If ha lias na > rot It. wo will > cnd It by mill uon ro of PamiihU't In scatud nvf loiio Tito. AiMms Urdlrul Co. , f.U PlyinouMi 1'lui'r , flilrna" , 111. SOLD by Kuhn & Co , , Cor isth and Donglaj Sts , and 1 , A. Fuller te Co , Cor , I4lh ami IlounUs Sts , OMAHA. KED.i by Paul G Scbnclilf-r. sat Broadway and C Pcatl St. , COUNCIL ULUFHS. IOWA , and other I.e dinc Drueclsts. BUREAU. 6UE8 & O0.,8olloltor3. Bee Building. GLrunlin , Nol < yoara Kxatnlnorn U. 4 I' * * ' om . A'Jvloi fn PENSIONS ! CLAiHS WEATHER CROP BULLETINS Favorable Reports from the Atlnntio Ooast nml Qulf CONDITIONS NOT SO GOOD ELSEWHERE In tlio West nml Nnrtlnrrnt Cool llni ( IrrnlljUntitriUnl tlio Ailv.tii nf Vuiioliitloii mill Qntclc ( ler- iiiliiutlnii of Sccil. WASIU.VQTOS , D. CX , May 01. Oonornlly tlio cok cmllnc Muv SJ , lins been favora ble to crops lu the Atlantic coast and Quit slates unit tlio ooiulUlou of cotton Is ro- jwrtcJ to have boon tlvoiitetUy liuiirovcJ In the liirollnns , OoorRl.x , Florida anil Toicns. In the west ana northwest , ho ovcrvlillo the wontlicr has boon favor.iblo for llio l > rosixutton of farm work , It has beou too cool for rapid nilrnnccmcitt of vcKCtntluit and ciiilok itcrmtnation of SIMM ! . Texas Wonttior KCtior.iIly f.iMirablo for Krowliijj crops ; an excess of sunshine and ini pro veil cotton ) irospccU ; wheat and oata will iield a fair crop ; corn crop prom ising. Iowa Favorable to grass ; uocinmlgrowth of corn. North Dakota Crops growing finely and wheat starling well. South Djkotn All crops ilolnir finely j prospects excellent ; corn planting and llax sowing nearly completed ; wheat and oatn- bolnir sown ; irrass growtn ? satisfactorily. Nebraska Winter grain heading out short nnd promises a small crop ; spring grain In poor condition , souio being ploweit up ; corn n good stand , but has made llttlo growth nml now looks .yuUow. Kansas Cold , cloudy weather im favor able ; corn , oats and llax Improving ; wheat bending In central counties. Montana -Sovoro hull storms In .valley counties on the 'J3d ; did considerable damage ' to sheep men ; killing frost on the Seth ; did not do much damage to crops. Wyoming Ground In mio condition ; crops dolns well. Colorado SuiiRhino and temperature below average , retarding growth ; fruit pros' pcots over the wostcni slope promisingcorn ; planting progressing. NcliriinUu Urop Conilltloni , CHKTH , Kob , May 31. [ Special to Tim UKK. ] Weather crop bulletin No. S of the Nebraska Weather Service , issued from its central oQlce at Boswell observatory , Doauo college , Crete , for the week ending Wednes day , M.iy ill , says : Itoirarls received from 129 obicr\ ers In 60 countlrs. Tim week has bran cold and cloudy with little ruin mid uvs ; Keiiurnlly niif.tvur.iUlo to cron Interests. Tlio tonipuiature has a\oracd ; about 70 be low tlio nnrtnnl : the nlKhtH linu Vioon coiuir- allycohl and frosts occurred on thu U3il unit' l7tli , HllRhtly tiOurliig fruit mid vugotables andu\en corn. The rainfall over the stnlo was everywhere liolow not mill , being less than half : in inch over thu.slate Keiu-riilly , hut In the eastern part nnmuntln' to r.n Inch or more , accompanied In boinucases ltli hull. . Winter ginln U cunprally hcndlnc out vrry sliort ; .spi-lii ' grain shows but lltlln linprovu- inent nnd In many raios Is bolus iilonxul upnnd planted to corn. The week IUIM licen too cool for corn , and although a good sland Is goucr- ully ronorted , ltlun in.ulo llttln ginwth and U gi'iierally looking yellow , timl ne.'ils warmth utid sunshine. Hnnil'ii Cure. Iii saying that Hood's Sarsaparillu cures its proprietors make no Idle or extravagant , , jj claim. Statements Irom thousands of ro- 7 ! liable people of what Hood's Snrsaiurilia has done for them conclusively prove the lact Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. Hood's pills act ospa ! vay upon the liver arousing itfrotn torpidity to its natural duties cure constipation and assist dluostiou. .VKUT.ll , TUK.lT3tC\T. A i'ounp Sinn Trrrllily .Mlsutod for Tiklngr ) Aclvnnlneo of a Clrl. SAN Dncno , Cal. , May 31. Edgar B. Vineonthis wife and his nieceGoorKJana Do Pusson , wore arrested yesterday ulmrgod with jointly iiilliethijj inhuman .orturca on llobcrt Marks , turks lived n their liomo ntid had boon courting .ho young girl. Uecauso of his relations , vith lior ho told Vincent curly last wouk , hat ho was willing to marry her. Vin- : cnt , after hearing the confe.sslon , did othiny until Friday morning ; , when , ihoi'tly after 3 o'clock , ho knocked at larks' door , and as boon as it wan pcned , ulipucd n noose over liis head , nd jerked it taut. Thus ho dragged lim to nil adjoining room , wlioro hia vifo and the girl were awaiting ; him. All three then pounced upon Marks % lounding him with their lists and boat- ng liis face and body with club * , jab bing sticks in his eyes and mouth , and 'titling ' his tongue partially off. Vin- jent then twined the rope about Marie's eg , pulling it backward nnd forward intil the bones creaked while tho' ictim's groans wore hold in heck by n threat to brnin liim with n club. Vincent then took an outh to kill Marks if ho divulged the ivonts of the night and throw him half lend into an adjoining room. For two days Minks could not move , but suc ceeded Sunday in getting word loan of- Icar , to whom ho told the details of hm iorturo. Ills condition amply proved the truth of hia story. His head and hhouldors were discolored and swollen to abnormal sko , and his eyes were closed. Mnrkti savs the girl's assistance was duo to compulsion. KLOI'JH ) tl'll'll .1 UKUUKIty VI.KltK. til llnllHIn'H AIMIliutMlro Diamond Murcliant KIIIM Airuy mill I.H Murr rd. uFFAr.q , N. Y. , May 31. Sooloty bsips have BOtnothhi } ' to talk about now binuo Mim Goorgla Wllbun , the handhomo daughter of IJ , II. Wilson , the millionaire diamond merchant of tliis city , has eloped with Robert J3m- ( inona , a poor grocery olork of SVTUCURU. The elopement took pluco yc.sloiday , Miss Wilson mot ICmmons four years ago , and they fell in love. An engage ment of innrriago toaiiUod , but \vny broken off by Mr. Wilbon , who throat * cried to disown his ohlld if who over haw or conimunlcatod with Kiumom again. lOnmions came \f \ > Uulfalo on biisl- nu.iH I itst Friduy nnd by accident mot Miss WllHun. They wont to a near by cafe and when they emerged u carriage was called and the pair were driven to the residence1 of a friend , where they were married by Itov , Dr. I bdcll , They Joft on the next train for Hyrueuto. The father , loarnlng of the marriage , Btartcd after the elopers , armnd with iv revolver. Ho Mild ho would nhoot Em- if ho Haw him. Mr , WlUon returned - turned to JliiiTalo. having given up the tcareh. Miss Wilson was a member tif the best bculoty in HufTalo. lior father threatens to disinherit her , AVallzmt fur Slxlcrn Ilouri , DENVKH , Colo. , May HI. The world'a continuous1 walt/.lng record of sixteen hours duration , established at Tammany hall , Now York , Api 11 10 , 1878 , by Prof. Cartlor , has been smashed by cloven ot Dcuvor'ri young moil , who danced BOVQU- tccn hours and thirty , nilnutoa , and only stopped yesterday wh'en the Humane so ciety interfered nnd the police forced the contestants to doblst , Thirteen couples originally started , but two of the young men fainted ufUu- having danced contliii uouslv for over sixteen hours. The ro- jiialnfng eleven were in very bad oonul tion when the police interfered , but would not glvo up until forced to do BO. Kaoh hud declared his intention of out dancing hia oompotltoi'8 , The men were allowed six lady partners apiece , who relieved oauh other at stated Intervals , Tliu prUo couteatort ( or was a 9300 medal. *