* - " - f * , , /f' * " TIT ! ? HAT ATT A miT.V TIT.1. ! ? . TITTTIlftnAV TTTNR 1 PATLY ME COUNCIL DFFICKt KO. 12 PBAKL STREKT carrier to nny part of the city , IIV. . T1J.TON , - MANAOEB. 1 I UmlnfM Office. No. 43 | jKlr.PHOM.a fniKht Editor No-23 N. Y. Plumbing Co. JJoston Store. Xatehaug silks. { ) Mlltoiibprgcr In the hatttr , 603 Broadway. I .1. K Wlleox presented the firemen with a I'ot of choice ( lowers for Ilccoration day. for Vvhieh ho has the thanks of the recipients. ,1 The attorney for the city Illcd n motion KOVII new trial yesterday In the district | ; niiri In the case of U L. Icndrlcks against 'ho city. S. Jcpson took out a permit yesterday for .ho . erection ot n brick dwelling , to cost 1,000. on block ! S ) of the original plat of the f-liy ot Council BlulTs , fj A marriage llccnso has been issued to J. II. Thompson , nged ! J7 , and Blanche Dloul , aged 7. The gentleman is of Omaha and the ' atly of Buffalo , Nob. f. The park commissioner.1 ! are making a Vreat lmpro\emcnt In the aiipearanco of 'nlrmoui't park by sottlne out llowcrs , U ' V. Casper Is superintending the work und Is Pnaklng an excellent job of It , ns usual. It The comrades of encampment No. 8 and Ktdlcs of atixlllnry No. 17 , Union Vetcrn 't ' ! ion , are requested to incut at my ofllco at < jtO : this evening. B. W. Hight , Colonel Klglity-threo cases .of measles wen > _ rp- to the city clerk during the month of fourteen of thcso were reported yes- .orday. There have been ten cases of scar- [ | ol fever. Uegnlnr conclave Ivanhoo commandcry , Jo. 17 , Knights Templar , this evening. An- Inual election of officers. The usual lunch hvlll be served. All visiting sir Knights in- Mtcd. I'cr order of the eminent com- Inlander. There will bo n mooting of the Women's | Christian Temperance union this afternoon } nt 8 o'clock In the lecture room of the Young } Men's Christian association. A cordial In vitation Is extended to all temperance ladles I to bo present. ' William Jensen was arrested yesterday I on on Information lllcd by John 13. Allies be fore Justice VIen charging him nlth seduc ing a girl named Paul. Both of the parties are 10 years of ago. The case will he tried I this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Lair Bros. , n harness linn that has been [ doing business at Oaitlaml , In the eastern I part of this county , made an assignment fycstprday in f.ivor of their creditors. John I M. Williams Is mimed assignee. The assets Bare given as Sl.T'J'J , and tho'llabllltles $1IMO. of ' / ? . W. Cole was around the city yesterday exhibiting himself to his friends with a good Weal of satisfaction In order to show that ho [ Was not half dead , as some people thought , , 'rrom the effects of a runaway. His injuries iwcro very slight , and the tvo young ladles , { Caroline and Bertha Hecsc , who wcro with Shim nt the tlmo the accident occurred , wcro Valso uninjured. Among the features of the Decoration day Jrelobratlon which deserved moro notice ; lhan was given It was the hospitality of the { Woman's Hclief corps. At the close of the J exercises In the cemetery they invited all P.v/ho cared to go to visit the Grand Army f Unit , where elegant refreshments had been ( provided. The remainder of the afternoon swas passed pleasantly In a social way , and fflio singing of soldier songs was freely lu ll Julgcd in. F. C. Chllds , who was brought before { McQco yesterday morning to answer | to the charge of violating the rules of the State Board of Health in tearing down a ' measles placard before the time fixed by law had elapsed , was discharged. An Investiga tion showed the tearing down of iho card was the result of n mistake. Dr. Mont gomery , the physician In attendance , failed to report the case to the city clerk at once , tis required by law , but put it off from April i5 ! to May 4. Childs called upon him and asked if the card might be taken dowu. and | Montgomery , reckoning from the ffiith instead - : stead ot from the 4tU , cumo to the conclusion ! that the thirty days were up and told him ( " "that It might. As it was only a technical violation of the law Chillis was released. ' Piles of people- have piles , nut Do Witt1 i Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. i Ten. DIIVK at thu World's I'ulr. It will cost you less than $50.00 , overy- thinp necessary included. This moans I homes in private cottage , clean , safe , | close to grounda mid on the buuch of f tLako Michigan. Write to .T. T. Chyno- Iwcth. Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II. j\V. Tilton of Tin : But : , or' Jacob Situs Jof Sims & Bainbridge , Council Bluffs. Pasturage for horses and cattle on jOeorgo F. Wright's ' farm ndjoiniugc ity { limits on south ; f > 00 acics blno grass , I running water. For terms .apply to I James Raph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal jcompany , 10 Pearl street. Iliiy Liinil lor Hunt. ' Hay land for rout in lots of from 20 to J'IOO , acres. B. Marks , Council Bluffs. 1'KIti.OX.lL I'.Ut.ltiJt.lI'JIS. F. J. Hoapland will leave today for DCS Jjolnci.t Miss I > aura Flicklncer will leave today for Chicago to visit friends. Will H. Colby returned yesterday morning Irom a two weeks visit to Chicago and the lillr. 1 J. U Peters , formerlv of this city , now of livinsvillo , 1m ! . , is visiting Council Bluffs Mr. and Mrs. Italph Williams have re in rued from a two wcoks nojouru at Colfnx. I'hey are both greatly Improved In health. ] j. A. Casper and wlfo and their niece , Ulss Nelllo Caughoy , will leave Sunday for Ik visit of three or four weeks to Chicago and Iho World's fair. A Good Tlilujr tor ItlictimntUm. There Is nothing I have over used for mus cular rheumatism that gives mo as much ruliof as Chamberlain's Pain Balm does. I have been using It for about two years four bottles in all as occasion required , and always keep a bottle of It hi my homo. I bo- llovo I know a good thing when 1 net hold of It , und Pain Balm Is the best liniment I have over met with , W. B. Denny , Now Lexington , O. Mnnuwn trains will run daily from today - day , leaving Broiulwity 0 and 11 tt. in. , und every hour from 1 p. in. until 1) ) p. in. Protect your homes against destruc tive Htornis. W , O. James hits the Btrongcst companies in the world. Another improvement , to the popular Schubert piano. SwaiiBon Munlo Co I'llpllH1 l The pupils of Miss Uclla Robinson gave a muslcalo last evening at Swanson's music rooms , which were filled with the friends of the young musicians , all anxious to note the progress that was being made. The program was an exceedingly choice ono. the selections 'jMJliig mmlo in such a way as to display the .Individual talents of the pupils and at the same time to entertain the audience. 10si number was well rendered and reflected gro.it credit on the teacher as well as on the performer. Those- taking part were the ; Misses DoVol , Moore , fce'la Miles. Univo Ueebo , Georgia lilxby , Anna Patterson , I1' Nora McCabo. Kftlo-lCdis , PcarloChambcrlln and Mrs. L. G. Knotts. Miss Virginia Kob- mson nUo rendered three beautiful violin elections , Piles of people have piles , but noWHt'a ivltchhazcl salvo will euro them. Pure ice From Missouri rlvor channel. MulhollaiuKt Co. , Brown building , Telephone 102. Groonsliiolds , Nicholson & Co. have moved their real estate olllco to 000 Broadway , opposite postolllco. Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , to lest & 2.00 IIOUEO in Iowa. Vunatta & Sweet , atty ? , Evcrott blk. - Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist. L NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Terrible OolHuion Between a Motor and Burlington freight Train , ONE MAN WAS INSTANTLY KILLED 1C. F. Holmei l.o o lilt 1,1 fo In the Wreck lUroo Othcr'Tcmonn Scrlotulj- - Jurocl-AM fill ltc nllnf Kccklciri lcoJ. An accident took place yesterday after noon OH South Main street , Council Bluffs. In which ono mnn lost his Hfo and four others wcro more or less seriously Injured : 11 I' . UUtiMKH , bookkeeper for Aultman , Miller tt I'n. , was Instantly killed. Miss MAUD BUI-ANT , stenographer Kock Island freight ofllco , dangerously bruised. I. K. Bixnv and J. W. HOYMAN , employes of Sterling Manufacturing company , seri ously bruised. Gnomic BUKKC , motor conductor , bruised about head and face. , It was about 2 o'clock when Main street motor No , 5 , in charge of Conductor George Burke and Motorman Hcrinin Parr , approached preached the corner of Eleventh avcnuo , where the Burlington tracks cross those of the motor company. In addition to the em ployes of the I'omnatiy nbavo mentioned there * wcro on board Miss Maud Bryant , stenographer for J. A. Halt In the Hock Island freight depot , J. K Bl.xby nnd J. W. Hoyman , two men In the employ of the Ster ling Manufacturing company , and E. F. Ilolmos , bookkeeper for 'tho firm of Ault man , Miller & Co. All wcro Insldo the car. As the motor approached the crossing a Burlington fieight train , consisting ot an ciiglno and twcnty-nluo box cars , drew up from the south. The testimony of bystanders Isa to the effect that the motor was going at a high rate of speed up to within twenty feet of the crossing , while the freight train moved at the rate of about four miles an hour. The view off to the southeast , in the direction of the train , was entirely unob structed , nnd the motor man standing on the front platform must have seen It ut least a hundred feet from the crossing , If ho had been attending to his business. Stopped nnd Stiirtcd. C. Koc , a teamster , who stood less than 203 feet away and witnessed the whole affair , gave the following account of It : "Tho motorman , as ne.ir as I could make out , seemed to catch sight of the freight train all of a sudden and tried to shut off the current. Ho almost stopped the car , but suddenly turned the current on again and the car shot on as If the motorman was determined to got across ahead of the freight. At that tlmo the two trains were not over fifteen or twenty feet apart. " - _ _ 3 The front platform of the motor had scarcely passed the crossing when there was a crash that was heard for blocks. The two trains had collided , and the scene pre sented an Ilistant later was 0110 of wreck and confusion. The motor car lay Just south of the track , smashed to fragments , while thrco of the freight cars , hurled from the track , landed on top of the wreck of the motor. Three of the passengers , Miss Bryant , Blxby and Hoyman , wcro recovered from the wreck in a few minutes , each almost senseless , and were taken to the ofllco of D.xvid Bradley & Co. near by , where their wounds were b.ithed nnd they wcro put in readiness to bo removed to their homes. HoVus Iintantly Killed. Ono passenger was missing , and a slight investigation resulted in the discovery that Holmes had met an instant death. The top of his head protruded from beneath ono of the freight cars that lay on its side. The body was allowed to remain until the cor oner had been called to view it , when it was removed to the undertaking rooms of W. C. Estop , where an inquest is to be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon. It was mangled al most beyond recognition. Burke , the conductor on the motor line , was also considerably bruised about the head and face. Until recently it has been a rule of the company that conductors passing the Bur lington or Northwestern tracks on South Main street and Broadway must get out and run ahead of their trains , to signal their motormen whether to go or stop. Oflatoit has been noticed that this rule lu > s had very slack recognition. If Burke had been abend ot his train , ho would not have been in the collision. Ho claimed , however , to have signaled Parr , the motorman , three times to stop , but for some reason or other Parr failed to do it. In accounting for that fact a few moments after the accident Parr stated that the tracks wcro so wet that the wheels slipped and he could not stop. The fact that there v/as no flagman sta tioned at the crossing by the Burlington company caused some adVeiso criticism , but W. J. Davenport , the local agent of the company - pany , states that the motormen never rcc- ognuo any signals , cither from the Burling ton flagmen or from the Northwestern , but are compelled by the rules of their company to do their owu signaling ; I.CKgon of the Accident. Wherever the blame lies , the accident emphasizes the need of Kates nt this cross ing and aUo at the Northwestern on Broad way. At both places trains are constantly passing , and It Is only a matter of sheer luck that fata ! accMcnts have not occurred boforo. The grossest negligence has been manifested by all the parties concerned , nnd criminal carelessness Is the mildest term thr.t can bo used , Tlio traglo occurrence of yesterday ought to be enough to arouse the city council to a sense of its responsibility in the matter , especially in view of the fact that live of the eight members of the council were pledged at the last election to sea that the eltUens were given proper safeguards at crossings of railways with tlio motor com pany. An Interesting foatur-of the accident Is that ItR reference to the payment of the premium on a { , r > ,000 Insurance policy which Holmes had In the Hartford Annuity com pany. It seems that Just before starting out on the trip \\hlch was to nrovo his last ho went into the Council Bluffs Savings bank nnd bought n draft for the amount of the premium , which comes ' duo today. He put the draft In his pocket , intcndlnc to mall it when he reached the ofllco , ( > . M. Bally , n friend of Holmes and an employe of the postal department , got possession of the draft and sent it , off yesterday afternoon immediately after the accident and T , J , Evans , who stood by ami saw Holmes buy the draft , will bo called upon to testify , if necessary , that the send ing of the draft was not a patched up affair to beat the Insurance company. Condition of tlio Injured. Dr. Green , the motor company's physi cian , was summoned to look after all the in Jurcd ones immediately after the accident. Ha stated last evening that all of the patients were apparently doing well , but it I was impossible to toll what ml ht develop ns there U always a great deal of uncer talnty about railway accident cases. Miss Bryant was feeling somewhat better last evening , and further improvement mont is looked for today. BUby seems to have been injured in tcrnally , and is spitting blood. Parr , the motorman , who was at first sup posed to bo uninjured , is suffering In the same way. Burke is considerably bruised , and so i Hoyman. Ktrango to say , there is not t _ broken bono in the whole outfit. All that is feared is that the patients may have suffem Internal injuries which may develop later on Into something uioro serious than cow ap- poars. The accident is likely to result in a grea k.deal of cx | > oiislvo litigation for the motor company , aud competent authorities say tha If thu company got * off with less than f 15 , POO as the result of yesterday'e tragedy It may consider Itself rcry fortunate. STOIII5 10-llny Juno ftnlr 0ions | Thli Mornlne. Store wns closed nil day yesterday marking down goods for this great yearly event. Below wo only quolo j-ou a few of the many bargains laid on our counters : 40 pieces 30-inch English cnshinorc , wore 2. > o during sale , for 12Jc ayardj only ono pattern to n customer. 2o pieces , nil wool Scotch mixtures , strlpo suitings nnd illtimlnntud ottomans.worth 680 and We , oil at 42o. | 30 pieces Bedford cords , cotllo men's /.ig sing jncqunrds nnd ether fnncy weaves worth from 75o to $1.23 , nil during . ale for 59c n yard. 311-inch wool buntings would bo chcnp nt 50c , for this snlo llc ) n ynnl. 75 pieces 22-inch Oliinn silk , blnck nnd navy grounds , beautiful patterns , usually for 58o nud ( Joe a yard , our price for this sale 32Jc. 2 cases . ' 10-inch uiiblcnched muslin 4c a yard. 1 cnso DC blenched muslin for 7c. .2 cases Indies' choice nnd Bnngdon blunolicd muslins , sold ulwaya for lOo n yard , during snlo 8Jo or 12 yards for 61.00. 20 pieces [ 0-4 unbleached shooting , ICe a yard ; worth 22c. CO pieces white India linen , 4c a yard. 100 dozen extra quality line damask towels , 21x18 , usually sold foroOc ; dur- snlo for 25c each , Sco special bargains offered in white poods. Goods worth from 23o to 45c nil during sale for 15c yard. Gouts' extra quality seamless half hose , ,7c n pair : worth 121c. 200 doy.cn indies' ribbed vests , 7c each , or 4 for 23e. 50 doy.cti gents' outing flannel shirts during snlo for 23c , worth 39c. 50 dozen children's fnncy bordered handkerchiefs , lecueli. 100 pieces dark calicoes , 2o n yard. 200 pieces light ohollies , 3Je. 150 pieces Chilian cloth that sold for ICc , during sale for 5o a yard. 200 pieces moire nil silk ribbons , Nos. 5 nnd 7 , for Tea yard ; Nos. I ) nnd 12 for 9c n yard. Sco Dally Nonpareil nnd Globe for n more complete list of bargains. BOSTON STORE , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices , Council BlulTn , In. ItonnUiiu tiros. Free excursion to LakoMannwaSatur- day , Juno 3 , to nil school teachers nnd school children of Council BlulTs , Oinnhti and South Omnhu. Tickets given away nt our store between 12 und 1 o'clock Sat urday , day of excursion. UN'OKMOUS CUKTAIN SALE. Over 3,01)0 ) pairs of lace curtains bought . for spot cash ut less than i price. Owing to the tightness of the money market a manufacturer was forced to soil. "Wo got them nt our own ; price ; . For thrco days wo intend giving our customers the benefit of this great purchase. If you expect to need cur tains within the next twelve months you can't afford to pass this sale. 200 pairs of Nottingham luce curtains , H yards long , taped cdgo all around , only 78o a pair ; not J price. 230 pairs Nottingham lace curtains , jopd width , 3 yards long , only l)8o ) mir. mir.Over Over 800 pairs of Nottingham Jnco urtains , 3 nnd 3 } yards long , beautiful jopds , ut 81.25 , 31.48 , $1.08 nnd $2.98 mir , worth in a regular way , 82.00 to 0.50. 250 pairs of genuine Irish point lace urtains , . ' 1 and 3 } yards long , at $3.08 nnd $1.98 pair ; only i their real value. Ask to see them. 00 pairs of chenille portiere curtains , jcoutiful curtain , dado and fringed top ind bottom , only 34.08 nud 84,98 pair ; vorth $7.50 and $8.00. You save money by buying from us. Bargains in every department. BENN1SON BROS. A It are Treat. The Albany Inquirer , speaking of the freat English circus that will capture ho crowds in Council Bluffs Juno 9 , bays that tlio musical part nlono id a jtilllciont attraction. Prof. William Goetzcs band of 33 > ieccs heard hero yesterday with Cook t Whitby's English circus , was , without exception , the lincst wo have over lis tened to. Their rendering of the classi cal overtures of "William Tell" nnd Somirnmide" delighted thousands at the afternoon performance and in the evening tlio magnificent strains of Wng- nor's tremendous ' 'Tnnnhnusor" filled the immense cnnvns , packed to the ring bank , with enraptured auditors. Prof. Muller , our Albany maestro , states that there is but one other band in America capable of playing this music at all , and tnat is Giltnoro's. To musicians wo Imvo only to say that this matchless or ganization is composed of 5 clarionets , 2 [ lutes , 2 piccolos , 1 solootto , 2 saxo phones , 2 French horns , 2 bassoons , 2 abocs , 5 cornets , 2 altos , 2 baritones , 2 tubas , 1 double b bass , snare and bass drum and bell player , and every man an artist. Wo have not space to mention the performance in d"tail , but will pay it wits a century ahead of any ether cir cus that has over visited Albany and easily made good its claim of being the "foremost show'of all this world. " A visit to it bestows a liberal education on its patrons. The Urnml Hotel , Council Bluffs. The most elegant In Iowa. Dining room on seventh iloor. Rate , $3.00 and $3.00 a day. K. F. Clark , Prop , Bargains in fine- tooth brushes and cologne , wholesale price , only lOc. Davit ) , the druggist , 200 Broadway. Deunrutlmi Day at thu Iimtltutit , Memorial day was observed at the School for the Deaf with about as much enthusi i asm , although in a llttlo different way , as In the city , The morning was taken up with a program , the main feature of which was an address by Prof. Wyckoff. In the afternoon there was u Hold day , and miito a long nnd vario 1 program of sports wns presented , to the amusement of a largo number of spec tators , many of whom wcro from the city. Thu following is n list of the events , with the winner and the record In each case ; Throwing ball ( girls ) , Lulu Dougherty , 113 foot 0 Inches. Throwing hall ( boys ) , Alvln Toe , 288 feet. high Jump , ( hoys ) Albeit Lues ,4 feut I'olo vaulting , Henry Ivies , 0 foot. Fifty yiinl ( lush ( Klrls ) , Una lluzznn , 6 ! { seconds. Uno I HI ml rod and fifty yuid dash ( boys ) . Henry Hnilth , Kgg race with bimon ( plrlfO , Mary Oabolka. 1'urallel liars ( boya ) , I'rank Uuraiid , Henry Gall , tie. Long distance poln vnuljlnir , Henry ICIes. Itunnlng jump , frank felugle , 18 feet , C Inches. Ktamllng jump , Harvard Miller , 10 feet , 11 Inches. Watnr race fglrla ) , Jane Samuolson , Hurdle race , Klc.s and Smith , Itunnlne hop. step and jump , Harvard Miller , 3'J feet , 4 Inches. Three-logged ruce , Harvard Miller , Itoss Murdoch , 1-iittlng . tlio sliot , Charles Appleby , 20 feet t,6 Inchon. Shoe race ( boys ) , Honton. Hldo and soot , llonsen. The gymnasium Is a comparatively now feature of the institute work , only four years having elapsed Binco it was first started. The management is constantly pushing it to the front , however , and it ; is likely that future years will sco the boys who nave almost grown up In the gymnasium make records that will excel tlioso of this year. All the contestants did their beat , however , and deserve a great deal of credit. After the sports wore over refreshments were served to all thoio who wanted them : , both I pupils nnd visitors. An Interesting procram of mu fc ! jnd speeches wijs ftUo. rendered for the Voncfll-of Uio visitors. Piles of people avp mios , but Do Witt's ' Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. Itnmllrtt'n Ice Crentn. Try Motzgnr iV aJ'idlolt's pure nnd delicious < ice crcan unnd Ices nnd you will order no othorjn- Free trcntmonta Hlly from 2 to 4 p. m. nt the Council Hlulfs Medical nnd Surgical Institute , EOlh and Broadway. , Music for ballfy parties , picnics , so cials , etc. , by MMcloians Union. .1. B Follelt , Mgr. , 400'nfrny , Council BlulTs. Williamson &i < Co.i 10(1 ( Main street , largest nnd best I'llJ.vblo stock In city. Cook yoi" meals thts summer on n gas range. At cost nt tlio Gas company. Brown's C. O. D. open evenings until 9 p. in. REPUTED WIDOWER , WAS WIVED. I.iwycr M.VMKter of Council IllulT * Create * nSnuntlon ut Ilia .Mother' * I'tincrnl. In the pretty little city some few miles cast of the watery dividing line between Iowa and Nebraska and connected with this city by an elcctrlo line there was laid to rest at Falrview cemetery yesterday the earthly remains of ono of the Crtfllcst pioneers neers of this section of the country. This was Mrs. HJarla Mynstcr , well known to every resident of our sister city. She came to Council HltitTs , when it was Kancs- villo , away back in IW'J. Her pallbearers were Attorney George F. Wright , John Bern and others prominent in finan cial circles of Council Bluffs , The chief mourners wcro the deceased's ' only sou , W. A , Mrnstcr , some tlmo since of the car firm of luynstor and Limit of Council Bluffs , and Cristo- phorson , Mynstcr and I-huH In Omaha , his children and grandchild run. Everybody in both cities considered Mr. Mynstcr a widower , but facts revealed yesterday proved differently. The mother's death occurred Friday and many \\ondcrod wny the funeral nad been delayed. A lady upon the arm of the son during the funeral services furnished the solution. Some two years ago Attorney Myn- ster undertook n business and pleasure 1 trip out west ostensibly to shoot 1i. game and look after mining investments in Idaho. Here , ns it Is now learned , Cjpld touched him and made W , A. Mynstcr nnd Mrs. Moore , a largo ranch owner and wealthy widow of Idaho , man and wife. But the t union was kept a secret locked up in the breasts of the contracting parties. t The accomplished lauy is not n stranger to thcso parts , having formerly resided hero. ] Mr. Moore , her llrst hus band 1 , at ono tlmo owned a con siderable portion of what is now the busi ness 1 part of Omaha , where the present Mrs. Mynstcr , through inheritance , still lays claim to some property. Why the marriage was not made known sooner has not been made public ns .vet. The many friends of both parties In Omaha and Council Bluffs , while s.vmuathizing with Mr. Mynstcr in the sad bereavement of a mother will congratulate him that ho has chosen and gained n lady of much refinement and character for his future life's companion. Nervous headaches promptly cured by Bromo-SeUzer trial bottle 10 cts. ItT111 Ilo roli ; , ! iiut Slightly Warmer lit Xcliraxkii Tuilny. WASHINGTON , El. C. , May 31. Forecast for Thursday : For fTobraska Generally fair ; slightly warmer in extreme cast ; variable winds. ' For the Dakotas Fair ; cooler ; winds be coming northwest. For Iowa Generally fair , preceded by light showers tonight'ond in the early morn ing in extreme aeast ; slightly warmer in southeast ; northcasfwiuds , becoming vari able. 1 Iv Plies of peoplot nave puos , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo wlllcuro thorn. XI2LEOUA.l'UIV UKIKF3. Domestic. The llhodo Island .legislature convened at Newport ychtcrdny. ' Proprietors of Kansas City , Mo. , restaurants liayo discharged all their union waltcis. The president has'Sppolnted Walter Allen of Colorado to bo inolter of the United States mint at Denver. B. 1J. linker , wholesale lumber dealer of Chicago , 111. , has confessed Judgment in the sum of J5U.OOO. The Whlto County bank of Ileboe , Ark. , a private concern conducted by O. A. 1'rlce , is In tlio hands of a receiver. The street car strike at Tort Wayne. Ind , , Is growing serious , The new men huvo been stoned and rotten egged , President Giocnlmt of the Whisky trust has been unable to raise tlio money needed to pay the rebate certificates and running e\- penseM. Steele and Mnckay's Krp.it Fpectatorlum , a lingo theatrical cnturprlho near the Woild's fulr grounds , bus passed Into the hands of a icculvor. The western roads are now anxiously nwalt- Ing action on the part of the AtcliKuii londho- foio coming loan understanding on Woild's fair rates. There Is n rumor going the rounds nt Llttlo Kock , Ark , , that application lias been made for a recoh er for Mttlu Itock& Memphis Rail road company. A man named Ling and his wife , hailing from 1'cnila , 111 , , have been arrested In Chicago for navInK In their posses-slon a largo quantity of coimtei full money. Kx-Unltcd States Minister Stevens has ar- rl\ed ut Hun Kianclsco , Cal. , from Hawaii. Today ho will lecture before the Chamber of Commerce on affairs In the isl'imls. The 1'iiclfle Mall Steamship eomp.uiv was run at a loss of $50,7-10,08 last year. Uoor e Ciouhl , In u letter to tlio directors , refuses to u itln accept the pruMdoncy of the company , The Spanish Infanta visited the Girls Nor mal hchool of Xow York yesterday , and was urcatly pleased with the reception uccoided her. Shoufterwuids reviewed the Now 1'ork police force. lluyor Stunsbury It. Wlloy of Wilmington , Dol. , supreme master of the exchequer of thu supreme lodge , Knights of 1'y thins , nab been usUcd to resign. Money mutters Is the icusou given for the request. 9 O.M.1.1.Y The council will meet in special session on Friday evening. Fire in the barn of W. K , Moran , 2 ! > 07 Dodge street , damaged the property to the extent of % > yesterday afternoon , Peter Heldo , an employe of the Motz Brewing company , foil in a fit yesterday afternoon and was taken homo in the patrol wagon , The funeral of the late Judge Samuel Walsh was largely attended yesterday by his numerous friends. Ho was hurled in Forest Ui\vn cemetery. Many old soldiers wcro in the crowd of mourners. Seavey that Frit * Pinzenslium's place , at Thirty-first and Hamilton streets , kept open on Sunday as well us during the week and that the abuse of the Sunday law has become a nulsanpe. inthe , , neighborhood. Friends of Mathias Tischlor , who shot himself last weeir , wish to say that ho was not drunk when ho'shielded ' ; that ho was not a drinking man , anjl" never missed a day's work , and that tcmjiorary insanity is the mo. t reasonable explanation of his last act. Mayor Van Horn ami Councilmcii Bartclle , Hunter , Sterling , Sfrcoter and Young of Denver arrived In thj ( city last evening on a trip of invcstlga lgnipf the syctcins of public improvements In the various cities of the country. They wlll.bo entertained today by the mayor , City Engineer Hosewatcr , llulld- Ing Inspector Tilly Health Commissioner : ° t , Dlrk ! 13. Messerschmldtis an expressman whoso locus stand ! is Sixteenth and Dodge , and ho has a grievance. Ho tins put it before the health ofllciuls , and has lost confidence in them thereby. Ho avers that the fruit dealer on Sixteenth and Dodge allowoth his garbage barrels to stand on that corner and be kissed by the sun till their contents breed offense most grievous to the olfactory organ of std Mosserschmidt. If the barrels were emptied : at reasonable intervals R M. would have no kick coming , ho says , but they sometimes stand there , two weeks at a tlmo , ho do- declareth , aud patience has ceasud to bo 0a virtue. 0's Plies of people Imvo piles , but Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thoai. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Commission . Mon Ask Manager Bnbcock to Boduco Rents at the Exchange , THINK THEY ARE PAYING TOO MUCH Spcclnl oniccr I'lncit for Annnnlt Itnlnc * ClilcMlockctt'ft Dniulcr Thrco l.lttlo Mnlds Iruin ( Irotna llnmclcoi City Miniatures. At the last meeting of the Live Stock oxot clmngo n committee was appointed to confer with Manager Uabcock ot the Stock Yards company , and , if inmlblc , to secure lower rents In the exchange building. A member of that committee was seen by a Hr.n re porter jcstcrday , who said : "Wo have had ono talk with Mr. Uabcock in regard to lowering the rents , but ncro not given any definite satisfaction. Ho said ho would talk the matter over with the directors of his company at their next meeting , consequently wo can not make our report until after that time. \Vo have been corresponding with the com mission men in Chicago and learn that wo are payiijg Just iftiout double , everything considered , what the men pay there and wo do not propose to stand It nny longer. You may state In the paper if you will that the committee is open fora proposition from nny person who Is willing to put up n building on the opposite side of the track with olllcc rooms suitable for our business. A bank could occupy n place in the building nnd tt hotel could also bo conducted in thu same structure. Cheaper rent Is what the com mission men want. " Manager Uabcock was watted on and stated that when the committee culled to sco him they could not give any ilgurcs as regarding rents paid by the Chicago com mission men but that ho would give their request duo consideration ; that ho Intends to 1 curn the exact rents paid In Chicago and present the matter to the directors of the stock yards company nt the Juno meeting. The commission men hero are positive In their demand for cheaper rents and say if they do not got what they want they will make arrangements to move into other quarters. Mndo the Chief U'l.rni. Special Officer John Morrissey was ar rested yesterday on n warrant from Judge Fowler's court charging1 him with commit ting an assault upon Fred Jones. Morrlssoy is employed as watchman or special police man at Swift's. Jones went over to the packing house , he claims , to look for work. Momsscv ordered him out and knocked him down before he could get away. Morrissey testified that Jones threatened him and dared him to come outsldo before he slapped him. Judge McCulloch of Omaha appeared for Morrissey and City Attorney Van Duscn prosecuted the caso. After all the evidence was In Judge Fowler stated that It was clear to htm irom the evidence that an unpro voked assault had been committed by the ofllcer and proceeded tojlno him $5 and costs. After the suit and while Morrissey was paying his line there came near being an other scrap that was not on the program. Chief UecUett attempted to give Morrissey bomo advice when the latter told him to at tend to his own affairs and ho would do well. This made the chief warm under the collar , and had it not been for the interference ol Judge Fowler there wo-dd have been onleial gore scattered all over the police court room. It is not improbable that Beckett and Morrissey will yet have a go if a favor able opportunity presents itself , as thcro is bad blood between them. Tlirro l.lttlo IMuUls Iriini Home. Thrco llttlo thinly clad slstors named BarJ mini called nt the jiolico station last night nml naked for sheltor. Their homo is at Grctna , this state. The oldest Is about 12 years. They boarded a train In Gretna sov cral dnjrs ago nnd came to South Omaha to visit their sick brother. They wcro told last evening by the lady where they huvo been stopping that they would have to lint some other place , and when night overtook them they Applied at the station hoUso. Captain Austin found the little ones a place to stay over night and they will be put ou the train aud sent homo today. NoteH and GoKsl ] ) . J. A. Bent of Houston , Tex. , Is visiting E. C. Lane. C. C. Stanley returned yesterday from a trip to Basscti. The Young Men's Institute held a well at tended meeting last night. Miss Alta and Miss Ada Urowcr of Alva arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jnycox. On Friday evening the German class will meet with Miss Anna Glasgow at her music rooms on N street. N. U. Drown Is homo from Lexington , Neb. , where ho was called to attend the funeral of his mother. Quito a number of persons Attended the concert at Dellovuo Tucsdaj evening. Among them wcro Dr. J. K Crouthcrs , F. A. Lyman , E. M. Uonnell. W. Heed Dunroy , Misses Fannie Wliitcly , Alice Griftlth , Huby GriOlth and Mrs. Uonnell. It Cures Coldi , Cought. Bore Throat , Croup , Infla- cnza , Wbooplng- Cough , Eroncliitli nd Attbma , A certain cure for Consumption In flnt , and a sure relief in advanced itajci. U at once. You will ice the excellent effect after taking tha firit dote , Bold by dealeri CTtrywnere. Large tottleo { O cent ! nnd 01.00. w Worth a Guinea a Box. Q A trifling dose from Qa 25-cent box of Beecham's Pills ( Tasteless ) Jwill frequently prove J ( as effective as a doc- i tor's prescription. " * " " | 10 FOR rlnn Tre ? , lilnv Wlndowa , And CIcantntf Clilckon C00l | > , liai tire tiraii noidot iprarur , tarrol of anlied Iron which cannot corrode or wear out ! brani top and brait valve to barrel : brai * liluDKorwIlh cronhaiidlo and valve * of ottk < taan d leather. Work * i well nnd laiti at Ionic Hi a high-priced pump Circular * free. wanted OHAS. SCHT7LTHEISS , Co u no/I lilut * , Iowa , SUMMER DISEASES. Whnt CAtidf Them , With a IVn Hints for Tlialr ttcrtnln { 'retention Thin Is Vnlnnhln Information , Chotcru roorbtu nnil summer illnrrhonoccur irlnclpftlly during the summer und Mituinn. ; holnrn morhus Is ciuiseJ b ; Improper food and sudden chllllnK of the body ixttcr OMOS- ) ire to grout hont CortMn lulistnncrs will iroduco It to certain pursonMuch for Instance ns vonl. rnw milk tnken with nsh , or nholl Hsli , nnd nil dUhcs cooked with milk , such ns rlco nulilltiff , rroaiti ptilTs. nnd own Ice oroiim when kept too Ibiii ! . ITiulpo or ovot-rlno fruit , especially If taken with Inrito draught * of Ice wntor , will caiiso It. A\old lociiinlni ; uhllled lurlnitslcptx In n climate ns clmmtn.ilito ns our this Is nnovcr-prosontdnnnor. I'crslstcut " iiniiner ( llnrrhoii Is usiiiilly cuuaoil by inu- nrlii. tower air or Impure water. Tlio knowl edge of how to nvold or rcmoily these diuiRor- nuscpinplnlnts will save much siilferlnz nnd ivoltl ninny n doctor's bill. Medical cicnco oils ustliut ttio use of pure spirits , preferably nhlskcy. In moderation. Is ifouio snfcBtmrd txnlnst tlUcnvoi of the kind incntUmod. There 9 lint ono piiro incillplnnlhUkrv , nnd tlmlls DulTjr's I'uro Malt. If tt Istakon ro.-ularly nt this sonson U kooustho stomnch li lioiillliy oondltlon , uurlllos thu entire sysipiii.nnd Klvcs one. streticth mid stimulus. I thus been used for .vo < r-i by tlie Aincno-in public , nnd Is tlio non popular reino.ly of Its kind In this lulul. It Is trim tlieio uro Interested partlns who try tosollntliorsucnlled uliNklcs when theme iskoil for Duiry'ji , but such peoulo hnvo till In- : orestod motive Unit Is not for your Rood. Do not bo deceived , : ind Insist upon having Jiut lint you call for. FREE. FREE. 'S SPECITY AT DOMNY'S THBHTBR Tuesday , 3Itiy HO. CHANGE OF PROGRAM NIGHTLY NEW SONGS , NEW SPECIALTIES , NEW FARCES Empkie-Shuprt Go , 109-111-113-115 Main Stroot. Largest stock of BUILDERS AND GENERAL HARDWARE in the city. Agents ol the Colobrutctl Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators. Agents for the Oil Gas Stoves , the safest and newest steve out. Wo are exclusive ngonts for the Genuine Boynton Furnace , and nil furnnco work is supervised by our Mr. Lruitorniibsor , who is ono of tlio best furnnco men in the wast. Wo carry a lull stock of Field Seeds. City iiKonts for the Pioneer Imple ment Co.'s goods. II bll V UUltf And alt t ! trnln o KVII-S.WKAKNISSSES , UHIHUTV.KTC. . tlmt no- coraiiany tiioiu In men OL'ICKliY and I'lCUMA- NISNTI.V OUltKI ) . Kull ariltCNUVIl nnd tone Klven to ovc-ry part ot the body. I will Bond ( to- cnrely packed ) KHISI2 to any tfiiTer ( 3r tlio prGHCrlti- tlon thut cured mo of thetto troubloa. AddrOdJ , 1 . A. 1)UAULUliATTI.Ii CHEtli. MlUU. KNOWLEGE IS POWER And Health Is the Royal Road to Happiness. Kvrry manner of chronic ill'oaan pun b * cured without thn tine ot modlolno nl tlio Council Bluffc ANTI-MEDICAL SANITARIUM. Nomnttrrhow nearly disconrAcod you MO , or how much jou ImvosulTortid from 'll onia nnd bud otTfcts of striJne inrdlrlnns you eixn bo cured nnd enln pnrmntu-nt bonolll by tha new nntl-medlrnl system of ttaati.ioiiU 1 > I - Annul. ! , . \iOilnvy | | , . \iti-u ! i , It.-iK Cntnrrh , CoiiMitiitlli > ii , Cmvitttiro of tin Iditp , l > y pppiln , ipilr : | > y , I.tvnr Ooiu- I pliiliit , Nruri > l ln , Itliuunmtlqiii , I'iirnlj'RI * , i CoixUtmtloii , M-rufiiht , Kczonm nnd All Itlood DliKMMri , I'vimiloVoul < ni' , UrnC" urn * , l.ockj.uv , llrrnlit or Ittipturp , I'll on , .Nrrvoiu Adcettom , llpurt DMO.ISP , l'nl y itc. : , All treated nnd cured by the Galvanic Kloetro .Magnetic Mattery For attracting all nnlnml , vogotublo and mineral poisons. Yitali/.cil Vapor ami O/.onc Haths For purlfvinx the blued nnd beautifying the complexion. Vitalized Heat and Magnetic HtitliB I'or imrnlysls , dubllltlus aud tonliij up the oystein. Vitalised Chemical & Electric IJatha For removing all cancers and blood poisons. Tlio F.nio-icy of tlin Aboro Mnthods Pallj Domoiiotratod by , , ' IJ.1.O. ' 5J i J . . . , .17' 119 Stutjmai Stwt , Council BluTi , II CONSULTATION FREE. Special I'l fi : car. soil you n homo mil lot on n payment or fromSlu.UJ to f.'iJ.OI dotrn ninl Jl I U ) to KIJOJ per month , homo Bjuolnl b.irg.ahK hi lots. Julm- cton \ Van 1'nttoii. Alltf 111Orsniid iiuii. Parm nnit cllr i > romrr ; boiiulit and BUM. I'uio.t Tuoaiii , Council Blurts. /Oil HAI.h Clui.i | > ; tuim nl ic't drlvlm ra nrm team mules ; oil wajoa , liirnjx unit luinn top i ro.iil wrt/on. Curbun Coal Co. . U t'Jiirl Btroot. I Olt SA1.I2 Thrt'OJorsJjr bulln ; n/oi , oti3 waoic nno jonr nhil t o ycnrs ; ttollil color , tciilstcrj. ! Block. * : i S , 1st yt. 17llt HAI.K Nlcohiy cnrrlniro totm u 11 oirrltf -L1 \V.Tllllujs 101 I'oiirldt. . ( Joil'icll Itl | IT < . GAltltAOH rotuoved , C3H4POU19. vaults , ctilnroyi clo.nnod. 1M iturki1 , ut Tnylor'9 srosar51) llrundnny. lOll "AI.i : An uprlulit live horse power bollor. JLHnllut I3.'U llro.idwur. 11011 HUNT I-nno unrolionao sltuntud on rnll- nny trt"k. Iiiiiilru | of I'lnno'r liniilcnunt Co. LllliillilMAN : biiyjimd Haiti iintoj Hocuroii by morUiiKuion Council Mliilt.i uiul Umaliu prop erty. OIlluoMI I'lrst avoniio. BlIAUTIKlilj lioiuo : nil inoilorn rnnvcnlonrcs ; lowprlcoa , ou * < y turiui. A. J. Mnndcl , U HlulTfl. \\7ANTI2U Compotunt Kill In fniulljr of two. In quire of Mrs. K 1VrIsil ! , til Suulli boroulU iitrcot. TTOMI'S 1 will trade my nuulllcs In ono or two -1 Itooctdnolllnui for oh'tir lots , llnlanoo on lout ; II inc. II. J. Adnuis , tllj 1'crln n\cnuc. WANTICD Kinerlcnood Baloelndlcs. llvnntioa llrus , Council lllulls. 1.XM ! SAI.IC 1'lro nnd burglar proof safa , ullliln. slda Btoel rliuBt , M Indies wUU ! : dovp , 3S lilk'li : In Al coniiltlon. At n ImrKnlu if tnkuu nt onto.- lbo tlio otllco llxturuB at ruotu Mlaip ! | LulUllnL'i Mr . B. A. ( .rnftn. -OIrl , n BOOd cook. 119 8. 71U fllrcct. BAHRAIN'S I'nrBnlC , 73 by SCO fcot on Franklin mcnno. ll.tm.W. > 2-.M-4 Mcrcn butvruun lut Btrcotond KrnnkllnoTCiiuo. iroil plnttliiR jiropurty In the city , CM.OTJ.UO. Two HUM oiio | lto 'Ililnlutrcct tcliool , (1,90000. Ono lot In \ \ llnoii Tcrracu , SMUUO. lliicu lots , corner .Mnlii utrect nnd 12th arcnuo. llcat Bite for Implement IIOIIBU In tlio city. fi.WJ.OO. I.OUKOO ATowlo , S3i 1'carl btrcut. HO 1304-6-8-10 Main St. liU Council BlufJs , la , , rt S eaiji pije Works- C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. Dyeing , donning find OF GOODS OF KV'KRV DKSGHIl'TION , Council BlulTs ofllco and woriti , cor. Avo. A and 2Hh ( St. Telephone 310 , Send for circulars and price list. Omaha olllco : 1621 Farnuin Tel. 15"1 , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All lilndaof Dyolns and Oluinliu done In thu hlKhoit Btylu or the nrL KuiJoil nnJ btulnoU fubrlcn made to loot : us KooJ an now , WorK proiniitly done un1 dollvoracl In nil parta o ( ttao country , tiouU lor prluo lint. A. MAOHAN , Proprietor. Drcudwnv. oour NortU. r * - . . . . . > .7 , . , - wfitora Depot , Tolophouo ZU ,