Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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* M
i I
Strong Favorlto Oarrioi Off the Eiolicst of
Eugland'u Turf Prizas.
If. 1V nnd Stockbrokers Join thn Crntril
nnd l.rt Their HuslnotH Rlliltt Clistrailo
IVIni tlm .Mntropnlltnn nt MorrU
I'nrk Other linre * .
T/ixnox , May 31. This i.i Derby day , the
greatest day In the yearly annals of the
British sporting world , when every Lon
doner nnd resident of the provinces who cm :
possibly do so makes his way to Kpsom
Downs , there to witness the always exciting
race for the Derby stakes. The day dawned
dull , with occasional sunbursts. At times It
was threatening , hut on the whole the
weather was lino. The usual immense
crowds wcro present at the course nnd the
familiar scones of bustling , hustling , good-
natured crowds reaching the Downs wcro
In spite of the refusal of the House of
Commons to adjourn over , some members
could not resist the temptation to witness
the race , nnd , throwing business nsido. , hied
themselves to ttio Downs. In some quarters
of the city It appeared ns though it was n
holiday , nearly everybody having gone to
sco the raco. Even business In the Stock
o.Tchnngc was materially affected by the ab
sence of members , who for the once put
away their bull nnd boar proclivities nnd ,
going to Epsom , made ventures more or less
successful on horses Instead of stocks nnd.
bonds. The race was well contested and the
favorite won.
Conditions , Stitrtora nml Hotting.
The conditions under which the race was
tun wcro as follows :
The derby of 0,000 sovereigns ; tlio winner
to reci'lvo 5,000 siivorol ns , the nominator of
the winner 500 hoM'relKtis , the owner of the
hi'fondiOOmjvorel : li.s , and the owner of the
third UOtkovetolKiis , out of thn race ! for a-
year-olil coltn , nlnu stone , and llllles eight
; one , ninety pounds , untmneo B sovereigns ,
tliu only liability , if declared the llrst Tuesday
In January , 1B92 ; 20 sovorotisus In addition ff
not so di'claied , nnd If lot In after the llrst
Tuesday In January , 18U3a further sum of
J5 soviirulirns ; ahont ono mlle and : i half ( ' - ' ' I
substitutes , 133 of whom p.ty 13 ! sovereigns
each , and forty-seven 5 hovcrolgns each ; ono
entry corrected on p.iymtmt ot line ) . Klevun
starters : Mr. II. 0. McUalmont's hiy colt.
Isinglass ; Mr. lloo's bay colt , linvunsbiiry ;
tlm dulfQ of Portland's bay colt , KanbUfn ; .Mr.
T. Cannon's hay colt , Irish Wake ; Mr. T. Jisn-
nlus's hlack colt , William ; Sir J. llliimlell
J lupin's brown or black Illly , Dame President ;
tliudiiknot lloantoit'H hay colt , ( -'on of a ( Jim ;
Colonel Ninth's b.iy colt , Itoyal Harry ; Mr. T.
tanning's chestnut colt. Lord William ; Mr. A.
Ilollo'.s chestnut colt , Quickly Wlsu , and Mr.
James Joey's brown colt , I'epper Corn.
The last betting was 0 to 1 on Isinelass ,
25 to 1 aeainst Havensbury , ' . ' 0 to t against
naoburn. 14 to 1 against Irish Wake , 17 to 1
ngalnst William , 'JO to 1 against Dame Presi
dent , 23 to 1 against Son of a Gun and 100 to
1 carh against Koval Harry , Lord William ,
Quickly Wise and I'epper Corn. The play
betting was 0 to I on Isinglass ) , 7 to 4 against
Havensbury , oven money against ll.icburn , fi
to 2 against William , 7 to 4 against Irish
Wake , 4 to 1 against D.imo President and
Son of a Gun and 10 to 1 against lioyal
Harry , Lord William , Quickly Wise and
Pepper Corn cueh.
Will Hun frniit n Good Start.
When the horses were brought out the
sun was shining brightly. The weighing
was done promptly , but the preliminary can
ter delayed the start. It was exactly
2:18 : when the flag fell to a good
start. Son of a Gun went away
in the lead , but Lord William soon
dashed to the front and set the pace , fol
lowed by Itoyal Harry , Ilaoburn , William
and Irish Wake , which were running in a
bunch close up and which were in turn , folr
lowed by Son of a ( Jun , Pepper Com and
TsmgUfes in the oilier named. Behind-tho
last thteo above came llaAcnsbury with
Dame * President last. Before reachIng -
Ing Sherwood's Lord William drew clear of
the btmch. which had been running him
closely ; Hero the other horses changed positions -
-sitions , William being lirst behind Lord Wil-
ll'im , followed by Quickly Wise , Pepper
Corn and lioyal Harry , running nearly on
equal terms , while behind them came line-
burn , Sou of a Gun , D.imo President , with
Isinglass , the favorite and llavcnsbury
bringing up the rear.
At the mile post Isinslass , who had been
Klvcn his head , had como through the ruck
nnd was running second , William third and
Jlacburn fourth , with Irish Walco , Iloyal
Harry , Quickly Wise and Pepper Corn run
ning in a bunch. Son of a Gun had fallen
hack and was bilnging up the rear of the
On the r.ant Half.
When the last hilltop was reached. Lord
'William fell back beaten. In the meantime ,
William had passed Isinglass , as Had also
llacburn , and Wllllum was in the front.
Isinglass was running third , followed by
Iloyal Harry , Irish Wako , Pepper Corn and
Son-of-u-Gun in ft bunch , while Quickly
Wise and Lord William were at the tall of
the race. Half way down the hill , Ilaoburn
headed William , and immediately after
Isinglass and Iloyal Harry passed William
also. As they came into tiio straight , Isin
glass , who was running on thu inside of the
track , went to tlio front , closely followed by
Ilaoburn , Iloyal Ilarry , Popper Corn and
Ilavcushury. When the distance posV
was reached , Ilavonsbury 'had passed
Iloyal Harry and Popper Corn and
was running third. Coming on , llavcnsbury
gradually overhauled nnd passed Ilaoburn ,
but could not got near Isinglass , who was
making a beautiful race. Tlio others were
running iu tills order : Pepper Corn ,
Quickly Wise , Iloyal Harry , Irish Wako ,
Bon of a Gun , D.imo President and William.
Lord William's saddle girth broke and his
jockey , Mullen , was thrown. This , of course ,
put Lord William out of the running. Isin
glass maintained his lead from Itavonsbury ,
ajd | coming on , won tlio race by a length
nhd a half. There were two lengths be
tween .llavcnsbury and Ilaeburu , Tlmu js s ;
IIu\r Tliry FlnlMiiHl.
Buiiiiniirv : Mr. Ilarry MeCalmont'n bay
colt Isinglass , by Ixonomy , out of Dcadloc-k ,
llrst : Mr. KOMI'H O.iy colt U.ivunshury , by 1s-
nnomy , out of I'enltenlsecond ; duUo of I'oit-
lanil'H hay colt Uaelnirn , by St. Slmoii , out of
Mo\\erlmi , third.
On May Isinglass \ won the 2,000 guineas
nt Newmarket and at once became a favorite
for the derby , ns is usually Die case with
winners of this race. On May 17 ho cap
tured the Newmarket stakes of 4,500 sovereigns
eigns , and this added to his fa vor among
the betting men. As above stated he
started a hot favorite for today's race at
Odds Of 0 to 4
Ten tu Una llorjn Uullnps On with tlio
Metropolitan Handicap.
NKW VOIIK , May ill. The opening day of
the New York Jockey club's spring mooting
proved to bo an one as far as tlio
weather was concerned. In fact , the
weather was so unusually line that by noon
largo crowds had already reached the
grounds , The turnout uf women was re-
imirkably largo. On the balcony in front of
the club honsu at least fifty luncheon parties
worn under way at half-past 13 , wlillo later
In the day tlm grand stand was filled
with thousands of lovely ladies ,
) ly 2 o'clock moro than 15,000
persons had paused tlio turnstilesbut people
were still coming and they continued to
701110 until 4 o'clock , tlio timu set for the
Metropolitan handicap , which is rc-
pmlou as lei-ond only in Jm-
iv > vtanco to the Brooklyn handicap ami
the Suburban. Carriages and coaching
parties there were in plenty , and they com
pletely flllod that portion of the grounda set
apart for them. There were 25,000 people
present whtmlbo boll tapped for the handi
cap.The Pepper , ono of Marcus Daly's repre
sentatives in the race , and Pierre Lorlllard's.
La Tosca were quickly installed tliu choices ,
but bo heavy was the play on nearly every -7
horse In the race tbat 4 to I against could
nlwayu lo obtained. Peasaru , Pluknlckur.
Charade and Pickpocket were all well
thought of , but nil the way from S to 10 nl
against was quoted against them. Charade
nnd pickpocket were at tens , Pessura at
fcUe and Pickpocket at eights. From 20 to
100 to I could bo obtained against the others ,
Iddlcstclgh , ono of Colonel North's horses ,
being the extreme outsider.
I'rnin riwt to li l ,
After a long delay Starter Ifowo dropped
the Hag to a fairly qood start , Plcknlckor
wa * In front , Pessara second , La Tosca third ,
nryl Arturo fourth , with the others In a
Ufnch a length behind. The order remained
unchanged to where the ascent of the hill
l > gins , where St. Florlan , Charade , Ills
Illchncss nnd others began moving up nnd
moro or less crowding. Suddenly ono of the
horses In the van , Arturo , was seen to fall
and the horses la the rear apparently gal
loped over the horse and rider , causing the
spectators to cry m horror. "W lion attention
was ucaln rlvoted to the races , It was seen
that Picknlckcr was still In front , setting a
merry pace up the hill with St. Kiorlan ,
Pessara , IIla Highness and Charade his
nearest attendants In the order named.
Turning to the stretch , Chnrado
began to move up fast next to the rail , and ho
was clear of his opponents and running In
nuclt free style that it was apparent tlmt ho
would win in easy fashion. St. Florlan ,
Pcssara , The Pepper and I a Tosca , who had
dropped back Into the ruck , beaten by His
Hlghnc&i and Illume , the lattnr of whom
hau come from nowhere , wcro making a
game JlgHt for the place.
Charade won In a gallop by six lengths
from His Highness , who beat Ultimo half a
length for the place. Iddleslolgh came fast
In the last furlong and finished , tourtli. Tlmn
followed La Tosca , Pcssarj , Pickpocket ,
FMdelio. Steve Kslcs , Monoway. The Pepper ,
Picknfckcr , St , Florlnn , Loantaka , llnlsh-
Int ? In tlio or.icr named. The race was worth
fJO.OOO to the winner , $ J,000 to the second
and 31,000 to the third.
llotso Itlllod anil Jockey Hurt.
A sad accident marred what would have
been othcrwlso a most enjoyable occasion.
In tlio big handicap , Just as the horses were
making the lirst turn to begin the ascent of
the hill , Arturo , ono ot the horses sent to
this country from England by Colonel J. C.
North , the "nltraloklng , " stumbled nnd fell
nt this point , breaking his neck and throw
ing Jockey Edwards , an Enirliah boy , to the
ground. The lad had a broken log and was
severely shaken up. It la not believed lib
Injuries are fatal ,
First rnco , flvc-clghthsmllo : Dr. Ilasbrouck
( 'J foO ) won. Correction 17 to 2) ) seniiul , Tor-
niiMitorieoto 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1OOVJ. rai-e , onu mile : Ambulance (0 ( to 4) )
won , Lome lloach (7 ( toll ) second , Hamilton IB
toBitlilid. Tlmo : 1:41.
Third race , live-eighths inllo : Som-lla (15 ( to
It won , Hlr K.vess ( ! ) to 5) ) second , Illuck Hawk
(4 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmn : 1:02. :
Pout th race , Moiropollian handicap , for all
aiziM , u sweepstakes of i'JOO each , with $10,000
added , ot which $2,000 to second and fl.OOO to
third , mlle and a turlotu : In D
won , Ills Highness (15 ( to t ) second , Illume
( 'JO to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1G2M. :
Plfth race , sowii-plirlulis mile : Arab (22 ( to
5) ) won , Sir U.Uesby (5 tu 2) ) .second , I1 .it Malloy ,
Jr. , (12to 1) ) third. Tlmo l2Si ; { .
Hlxth rai-o , llvu furlongs : I'atar.ict (2 ( to 1) )
won , AnawamUilti to H second. Oporto (8 ( to
1) ) third. Time : 1:01. :
Six-31llo Trot'lu ICoonril llrokrn nt Denver -
vor rho IJny'H 1
Dix visit. Colo. , May ! ) l. At Overland park
today , prior to the first race , Mr. Barber of
Denver sent his 12-year-old horse , Long
Time , to break the six-mllo world's trotting
record of 10:53 held by Gallatln , and mauo
In ISS'J. ' Tlio distance was covered in 10:08 : ,
beating the record t > y forty-live seconds.
I-ong Time was sired by Jack llowott. a
thoroughbred , nnd made but one break In
the six miles. Other results :
First race , class 2:20 : , trot 11 tin : Mosslo C'ot-
lon \\oii , .lene second , l-l/.ilo S third ,
tinio : 2:21. :
Hecond race. 3-year-old trotting : Mary Mag
dalen won , Jsolllo Uamphell second. M Lias
Jcll'ci.ioii was dKtanced. Tlmu : 2:27Ji. :
Third raco. running , llvo furlong * : Pishor
won , Cactus Hliiisom second , Jenny ticlnvurtz
third Tiniu : 1:0.1'8.
Knurlh r.icc , six furlongs : preen Hock won ,
Viola Ilelle second , SUvcrumn third. Time !
l:17v < .
Plfth race , five furlongs : Hlakonioro won ,
l6b ! II second , Little Nell thlid. Tlmu : 1:04 :
Second D.iy at llouiownnil.
PiTTsmwn , Pa. , May 31. The second day's
races of the Homowood Driving association
attracted a large crowd. Weather pleasant
217 : ! trot , purse 8500 , was" won by Luuy W
Richmond , Ind. , In three stride-lithoits : , "
Minnie , 1'hlladelphla , uecond and III
Homestead , P.i. , third. UPS ! tlmo : 2:23li. :
Thn ' 22ti : p-ico. purse $500 , wis won by Mo
rocco , In the llftn heat ; Kln Uloro
Minnie H thlid. llcst time : 2:2:1 : : ! ' , .
2:25 : trot : Queen of Cedars won. Tarls Lady
second , Camilla third. Host time : 2:2Uf. :
The untlnlshcd2:40 : trot , was won by Kobln
son. Tlmo : 2:21. :
Liitonl.t Soikod
CINCINNATI , O. , May 31. After tlio sccom
race a steady r.iin set In and continued fo
the rust of the afternoon. The track was ii
a horrible condition , llcsults :
Pirst race , sis furlongs : Nnlllo Shaw (8 ( fo 5
won. Caress (7 ( to 1) ) second , l.uclviiow (10 ( to '
third. Time : 1:214. :
Second nice , seven furlongs : Trlnso (3 ( to
won , W. li. Miinson (8 ( iu 5) ) second. Say On
( Btu 1) ) third. Tlmu : 1:30. :
Third race , iilno-ilxtoenths mlle : Eliza
Ann ( H to 5)on ) , Miss I , ( oven ) second , Louisa
U CJO to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lll'i.
Kourth lace : Declared oil' .
I'Ifth , five furlonsa : Emma S (5 ( to 1) )
won , Kosumondi3 to 2) ) second , .Mount Sterling
(10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : l:0sy. :
Hlxili rai'i > . sir Little
furloiiffs : Oeorgo (0 ( to
1) ) won , Asben ( uvunl second , I'mpress I'rod-
erlck(4 ( to lithlril. Time : l:2.'i )
Slotv Trnrk at Ht. I.ouls.
ST. T-ons , Mo. , May ill. A light shower
fell this morning and the truck was ju. t ra
bit slow , llcsults :
Klist rai-e , six fuilonjis : Mark K (4 ( to E )
won , Hurr Hall i'JO to 1) ) second , Hey a I I'lush
(7 ( to 2) ) third. Tlmu : 1:17' : .
i-i'cond iacu , llvu furlongs : Dr. Parko (40 (
to 1) ) won , Pa vor , Jr. (8 ( to 1) ) second , Teota May
( even ) third. Time : 1:05. :
Thlid cacu. four and u hulf furlongs : Uoiallo
( ovi-n ) won , Nutwood ( H to 1) ) second , Uuptuln
inclalr(5 ( to l > thlrd. Tlmu : S8 .
1'ourth race , six furlongs : ( ienoral Io { > s
(7 ( toll won , Ainha (5 ( to IJ | .second , Princess
Lorraine (0 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:15. :
1'lflli race , -.even and a half furlongs : Catkin
(7 ( to fi ) won , Leonard (12 ( to 1) ) second , Mary
Huu(15tol ( ) third. Time : l-IOi : ! ,
M\th race , handicap , onu mile : Morollo
(1 to 2) ) won , Sir Walter Uiilplah (7 ( to I ) second ,
Paluro(4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : Il4y. :
Knvorlle * Win ut ( ilnucoitnr. , N. J. , May 31. Favorites won
three of the races on thu c.ird today :
PlrHtract1 , ( Ivo furlotitfs : Go Lucky (4 ( to 1) )
won , CliiiiiiimnlU ) to 1) ) second , Mayor (0 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmo : 1:04'J. :
Sucdiul race , llvo furlongs : Dnvlssoo won ,
Mlndun (7 ( to 1) ) si'eond , Princess Khuida (5 ( to
2)thlnl. ) Time : l:05 : > i ,
Third race , seven anil a half fuilongs : llya-
srlntho (2 ( to 1) ) won , Wallace C (0 ( to It second ,
KnlelKh(4to5)thlid ( ) , Tlmu : 1:40 : ! ; .
Pouith race , mllii and ai < l\tupntli : Tarand
Tartar iltofi ) won , DiU/lu (0 ( to 1) ) second ,
Lonely (20 ( to lithlid. Time : 1:52. :
riflliiacu , three-fourths mlle : Ill.-ickwood
(2 ( to 1) ) won , Acllo Jam (3 ( to 1) ) second , Wyo
ming (20 ( to II third. Tliio | : 1:21 : ,
Sixth nice , four and a half fnrlon s : C'har-
lerusullO to 1) ) won , r-hellhark ( llolj aecoml ,
Uiiy f.lii to 1) ) thlid. Tlmu ; C7H.
Come ut tiiittcniHirs.
Nuw Yonic , May 31. Following results nt
Guttenburs :
1'lrst laci ; . linlf inllo : Kulalla (0 ( to fi ) won ,
Morrltt < 7 to 5) ) second , Plorlnifa (20 ( tu 1) ) third.
Time ; 51.
tiec ( Jiil ruce. flve-ol hths inlla : Hilly fi (7 ( to
2) ) uoii , M.irguurllo (4 ( to li sncomf , li ) > b jiuthor-
landl'JO to 1) ) third. Time ; 1 : ( ) . ' .
Tlilid rjco.mllo and a sixteenth ; Vlrcle (8 (
to 5) ) won. Jack Uo-io 17 to 10) ) sucoiid , Laura H
(15 ( to 1) ) third , Time : 1:51 : > 4.
Pourth race , throe-fourth * mile : Remorse
(7 ( to 5) ) won , May I ) iltol ) second , Indlso
third , Tlmo : ltlO f.
1'iflh race , ono-half mlle : Vlolctta (7 ( to 5) )
won , Jennlo W (7 ( to 10) ) second , Jennie T third ,
Tlmo : 4'J.J ? ,
Hlxth rucp , sovpn-elshths mllu : Double
Cross (4 ( in 0) ) won , riuvcn (2 ( to 1) ) second , "
lliu : tliornc Itoitultn ,
, 111. , May 31. Results :
Tlrst race , flvo furlongs : Mrs. Hradshaw
won. Miss t'liirk second , Jainos V. Darter
third. Time : t:00 : ,
riocond ruco , ono mile : X.llUh won , Parthian
second. Craft llilnJ , Tlmu : 1:47 : .
Third raco. one mile : Pioneer won , Oon-
darmo tecond , Ited I'oot third. Tlmu : l-H ; > > 4 ,
Fourth ram , uovcn furlongs : Shoahone won ,
Horeallssccoud.Tullu Illaeklnirn third. Time :
1:30' ' . .
l-'lftn race , six furlonist Pennyroyiil won.
Kaniior second , Is lo O third. Tlmu : 1:27 : ,
Driving at Sun
Milo nnd a litoonth , trottlni ; : Saddler won
Hlrd lluttoa second , C'rlcket third. Time :
2:45 : ,
Ono mlle trot , hcaU : Kodac won , I'rliico
\Vo id Hccond , Election third. Tlmu : 2:313i : ,
Mile und one-fourth , pnco : Mattlo II won ,
Loupe Hpcond. I'ttseal third. Time : 3:0314. :
Onu mlle , ( rot : Princess wou , 1'et Kocoud. Krl
third. Time : 2:1021. :
Piles of people havu piles , but Dowltt's
Witcli Hazel Salve will euro them.
Into Bnainosa Men's Association Endorses a
Lot of Things and Adjourns.
< *
orrey llnnkrnptcy I.nw Aluo Find * I'uvor
Coinnro for \Vholcnalcr Who Ho-
tnlU llonolutlonii Atloptcil lie-
eloToil by the Commercial Club.
The election of ottlcora was the first thing
hat occupied the attention of the State
Business Men's association In convention ns-
emblcd yesterday mornlngbut Itdld not take
eng to settle It , as a motion instructing the
ecretnry to cast the full vote of the nssocla-
ion for the old ofllcors carried unanimously.
The olllcors who were thus elected to sue-
"ccd themselves for another year were :
r * D. Davidson , Omaha , general president.
O. J. King , Lincoln , llrst vlco president.
II. J , Leo , Fremont , second vice president.
S. S. English , Eagle , third vlco president.
R. P. Hodgln , Omaha , general secretary.
F. II. More , ICoarnoy , llrst assistant sec
S. 11. Colvln , McCook , second assistant
C. P. Iddlngs , North Platte , third , assistant
Tlio greater part of the tltno of the morn-
ng session of the last day of the convention
was taken up in discussing what should bo
done with reference to the collection law.
ttid tlio prevailing opinion scorned to be that
; ho law as it now exists should bo amended
at the next session of the legislature. It was
admitted that thus far the efforts of the
association , in tiio way of lobbying had not
been attended with the most brilliant suc
cess , but It was asserted that this was
because the work had been left entirely to
the legislative committee and Ignored by the
body as a whole , while It should have boon
attended to personally by each member
through the representatives and senators
from tils district. It was agreed that this
mlstako should not bo made again ,
Tulkod of Homo Patronage.
Before proceeding with the regular pro-
gram for the session \V. A. P.igo ' , preside !
of the Manufacturers and Consumers associ
ation , was introduced to speak on "Homo
Patronage. 1t 1 " Ho said ho had been devoting
1i the t greater part of his time for several
weeks to the exposition that was devoted to
the t public ndvocaey of this Wea. Ho called
attention to the fact that the majority of
i the business men of the state showed plainly
that I lu onu particular , at least , ttioy wcro
going j outside the state to liavo work dona
that I could just as well bo dona at home , and
that I was in the use of foreign printed bank
checks and drafts. Ho said he had paid
close l attention to this for the past year , and
had I noticed that drafts that his lirm had re
ceived from all over tha state were printed
in i St. Louis , Milwaukee , Kansas City or
Chicago. I Ho thought this was wrong , as
there were houses iu this state that could do
the work as well as It could bo doiio any
where. It was most fitting that the local
printing and newspaper ofllccs should receive -
ceivo this patronage , as they were all the
time assisting the business men , and ho be
lieved that the whole trouble was that the
business men had not thought of what was
really 'it stake nnd what homo patronage
meant. The speaker related a number of
incidents to show that the consistent prac
tice of the principles advocated by the asso
ciation , of which lie was president , would
result in mutual benolit to every business
man in the state , and called attention to
what the effect would bo on a dealer iu a
certain line to have a man talk homo patronage -
ago to him while wearing apparel , invjrjch
his auditor was dealing , that was bought
outside the state.
DrloKiites Approve the Principle.
Mr. H. J. Leo of Fremont said that the as
sociation wanted the manufacturers of the
state on their side , and ho was glad that the
matter had been brought un. Ho thought
that the1 principal trouble had been tnat No-
brask.i made goods had not been brought to
the attention of the merchants as they
should have been. After the mooting of the
association a year ago there was complaint
from Grand Island because factories there
had received no notice , but it was the fault
of the delegates from that place , who had
not mentioned anything about them or
brought them to the attention of the mem
bers. Ho wanted to sco the manufacturers
and retailers get together and como to a bet
ter understanding.
Mr. Dort of Beatrice said he had tried to
educate his trade along the homo patronage
idea , and was pleased with the result. Ho
wanted to call attention to the fact that his
town was turning out as good creamery but
ter as could bo gotten anywhere , and also
manufactured starch , oat meal and numer
ous other articles that ho was pushing.
Mr. King of Lincoln was glad to note that
Mr. Page was noticing all the Jittlo points ,
but ho wanted it understood that in his city
the checks weru furnished by the banks , and
the dealers did not have them printed for
their own uso. Ho suggested that the way
to reach It was by calling the matter to the
attention of the bankers on the occasion of
their next convention and ask them to cor
rect It and have the printing done in Ne
Wliolunalor * Doing Itetull Trade ,
Mr. Burks of Lincoln said that there was
trouble in some places because some of the
wholesalers did a retail business in the same
places. Ho thought It unfair for a whole
saler to como into a town where ho was soiling -
ing to a retailer , and supply the hotels ,
restaurants , or laundries at the saino price
as the same goods were sold to tiio retailer.
Ho wanted each clas to respect the rights
of each other class.
Mr. Page said that the little talk that had
already been had with the Omaha bunkers
had resulted in leaving oft outside imprints
on checks , but It had boon ascertained that
the printing was .still helm ; done outside
the name of tlio printer being loft of by re
quest. This showed .hat the bankers
uould accede to the demands made , but not
yet in the way desired.
Mr. Hodgln said tlmt this would bo at
tended to , and the banks would bo required
to have the name of u Nebraska printing
house on the checks.
Mr. lliilgoway of Grand Island pleaded
guilty to not being an orator , and said that
the talking businessmen of his city had boeu
unable to get away. Ho spoke of several of
tliu factories there , and said ho did not know
why they wcro not represented at the ox-
position. Ho proposed to inquire into It us
soon as ho got home.
Tim report of the railway committee was
called for , and Mr. Hodgln said that Gen
eral Manager Holdrcgo of the B. & M. bad
been waited on. lie was surprised to learn
tlmt the depots wcra being used by peddlers
us distributing points , and had promised
that if the other roads would do thu same ,
he would issue an order prohibiting it. The
announcement was greeted with applause ,
and the report was accepted ami tlio com
mittee discharged ,
For Hotter Collection I.U\VB.
Mr. English of Eagle offered u resolution
looking to better collection laws.
Mr. Hammond of North Platte offered a
substitute- resolution , stating that there was
no need of uny collection law with the now
rating book of the association. Ho said
thut the association had mot with poor suc
cess in the way of securing desired legisla
tion , as tlm labor organizations wora TOO
strong , and efforts la that direction hud only
tended to antagonize the labor element. Ho
thought It hotter to go on the 1107 plan and
give no credit except to parties who were
certainly good.
Mr. King of Lincoln favored the substi
Mr. Wilcoic of McCook said that ro
ought to bo a remedy for the collection of
accounts now on the books. Ho did not ba-
lleve the members would lose anything ay >
stuudltig up for their rights and seeking uet-
tor legal protection against dead heats. Itof
Mr. llobtettor of Sholtou spoke in favor of
a good , reasonable collection law , aud wanted
the association , when it went after it , to go
after it lu earnest. If they did that they >
would got It.
Mr. Ilawlhigs of Wakofleld said that the
rating hook was all right to help from mak
ing bad debts , but there ought to bo a col
lection law to afford relief after they were
contracted. He was confident of it because
be wan u democrat , and know what it was to
bo out In the cold , and therefore rcatUod
that they could pot tHaro ff they only waited
long enough. '
Mr. Clarke of North FJatto thought the
ratintf book would work , out their salvation
In duo time , ns the tfustomors who were In
arrears would bo clnmbrinK for n law that
would nrotect the merchant in Rlvlnp them
greater credit if they were refused such
credit according to the book uudar existing
law. ] ' I
Itnttnc Iloot n 3'itUnncc.
B. W. Johnson of Atkinson made a rat-
tllnif speech In favor of n' better collection
law. Ho said that aecdrdlhR to his belief
the rating book was n nutsnnco and a fraud ,
nnd that It would not afford the relief that
was desired , A man might bo nil right now
nnd have a good rating , but six months from
now ho might bo all wrong , and the book
would bo of no assistance in collecting an
account that might have boon incurred In
the meantime ; neither wouht It avail In col
lecting n bill from a man who could pay but
wouldn't. Ho didn't take any stock In the
talk about a more stringent collection law
keeping eastern capital out of the state , nnd
for his part wanted to see n law that would
put a premium on honesty rather than on
dishonesty ,
Mr. Bishop of Lincoln defended the rating
book , but favurod a hotter law. Ho said the
prcjcnt one tended to nmko men dishonest ,
and ho was In favor of legislating the other
way. The way It was now , the more a man
could heat a creditor out of the better fellow
ho was , and ho wanted to sco It so that when
n man willfully refused and neglected to pay
his bills ho could bo shown up to the com
munity in his true light.
The sentiment of the delegates was to the
effect that the. matter was ot too much Im
portance to bo settled so long before the
next session of the legislature , nnd the sub
stitute was defeated , after which the orig
inal resolution was tabled , to nwalt action
at the next convention.
Mr. Ilawlhigs was appointed chairman of
the legislative committee.
The committee on the Torroy bankrupt
law , consisting of yours. Bishop of Lin-
coin , Lee of Fremont anil Notzol of Strains-
burg , submitted a report , endorsing the bill ,
recommending its passage and calling upon
Nebraska senators anil representatives in
congress to work and vote for it. The re
port was adopted , and a recess was taken
until 3 o'clock.
Virtuot ot Invoicing.
At the afternoon session n paper on "In
voicing Its Bonollts and Necessity to llotall
Alorchants , " was road by Air. John Ilussio
of Omaha. Ho hold that in no ono way was
a business man's ability and enterprise
shown , and by no ono thing was ho better
iittod for the next year's business than In
the taking of ttio annual Inventory. It Is
necessary in order to compare ono year's
business with another , and to ascertain the
merits of different classes ot goods. It pro
vides a basis for satisfactory settlement
with the Insurance companies in case of lire ,
nnd also assists in securing a favorable
rating with the mercantile agencies , which
is not only desirable , but absolutely essential
in successful buying. It insures the clean
ing of the shelves and the dusting of goods ,
and discovers goods that have been lost or
gotten out of place. It discloses what bid
fair to become shop-worn goods , nnd leads tea
a prompt disposition of them , which averts
the tying up of r. considerable sum of money
where it would be unproductive.
The uaperwas applauded , and the Ideas
advanced were earnestly endorsed by
Messrs. King and Burks of Lincoln , G. S.
Benawa of Omaha , S. S. English of Eagle ,
Fred LoomLs of Omaha , Henderson of
Osccola , llawlings of Wakellold , and Leo of
llonotlt.s of Orcnnlzntlon.
Mr. ITostotterof Shelton , palled on to give
his views on "Stato Organizations and Their
Value , " said that It was'of the utmost im
portance that the meetings of the branches
bo regularly attended ana that Interest bo
maintained in order that tlio state organiza
tion bo kept alivo. Ho pointed to the report
of the committee on 'railroads ns showing
what the state organization could accom
plish , and said that it was simply u case
where there was strenethi In union even If
there was none as Individuals.
The good results to bo expected from state
organization wcro testified > to by a number
of the members.
A telegram was then-rend from a number
of the business men of'Curtis. Nob. , protest
ing against the placing , pu sale there by a St.
Joseph wholesale firm elf a stock of goods
t iken under a chattel mortgage , and request
ing the convention to take some action
toward securing its removal or selling it to
the local merchants. It was decided to send
a latter to the firm setting forth the situ
ation , and asking that the local merchants
bo given fair treatment in the matter.
The following committees were appointed :
On State Trade J. C. Dort. Bui-chard ; E.
J. Pease , Hastings ; W. E. Babcock. Cam
bridge ; H. A. Scott , Osccola ; J. C. Boweu ,
Broken Bow.
On State Legislation Thomas Rawlings ,
Wakefield ; J. S. Bishop , Lincoln ; George
Schweser , David City ; M. A. Hosteller.
Shelton ; Ed G.Yates , Lincoln.
Lincoln asked that the next convention of
the association bo hold in the capital city
and the advisory committee was Instructed
to consider the invitation in agreeing upon
the place.
ItflBolutlona Adopted.
The committee on resolutions made the
following report :
Hesolvod , That wo believe in patronizing
homo Industries , price nnd quality being
equal , anil do most heartily endorse thn work
being done by the Manufacturers and Con
sumers association of this state.
That v > o thank Mayor fieiuls for ills kind and
encouraging words expressed at the opening
of our fourth annual convention and the
hospitable welcome extended to our members.
Thut wo ncaln deslro to convey our grateful
thanks to the manufacturers and jobbers of
the city of Umaha for the many courtesies ov-
tomlccf to us , and especially to thrmk them
and the Commercial club of Omulm nnd the
Manufacturer ! ) and Consumers uasoolatlon for
fri-u transportation furnished our delegates.
That wo Irivo enjoyed visltlnic thohocond
exposition of the Manufni'turcrs and Con
sumers association , and bollovo that as an ob
ject li-sson It will bo of fuont bonollt to the
iimnufuulurlng Interests of our stale.
Thiit NO compliment the members of tlio
Oinuha ( ! uards upon the Ilnoand most credita-
hlo itppearaneu made by them In tlio Inspection
drill wo had the pleasure of witnessing .Mon
day evening.
'i hat wuappreciate the largo and regular nt-
tondanro In this convention on the purtof our
brother Unmh.i niombers.
That wo desire to publicly express our warm
thanks to Dr. S. I ) . Mercer for many courtesies
u.xlcndi'd to us.
That tlm thanks of this association are duo
to tin ) press of Omaha for tliu full and com
plete reports published of the proceedings of
tall concerns or supply houses of the larger
cities , wholly forthnlr own prollt , tonccuioa
i eduction In the rates on fourth-class mail
matter , and believing Hiirh reduction would :
particularly bunutltMich 'Viitnloguo" or "mall
order" houses to the great Injury of all local
retailers , and further believing Unit Mich u
reduction Is not desired by the masses ot the
people , we do earnestly protect iiK.iln-it tlio
pahsagiiof such a law by congress , and that
our general secretary ne'liistructud ' to ( .end n
copy of this resolution trtl oauh soimtor uml
member of congress fruDiNobrasku , request-
IIIK themtobtrunuoiHly uuposp such loKisla-
That this convention favors a radical
change In our present rau'l ' Kitts and ono thut
will bring about moro InUJIIeciit unit experi
enced action on country roads. Wo
favor payment of poll , < tax In ca li ,
the Kainu to hd oxpenjlcij un our roads
under the direction of competent engineers ;
we favor , wharovur iiracilunf , tliu macadam-
Vlngnruravollnx of thnlprincipal Hioroui-'li-
fiires In each county uutlyoulu urKo every
member of thin a-socUiJou , to tall ; up this
subject nnd ducu s It un d iiie.-Inso ( paving tliu
way for loalslativo action. '
That the discussions of tlill'convcntlon have
emphaal/oil our e.vporlenno lu demonstratlni ;
the bunelln to he derived by rwtall merchants
and buslnosH mun from , q careful usu
ot a ciedlt reference , book , and wo
do therefore urge MPari , our brother
merchants of Nebraska , wJlo irrn not members
of our association , tin ) liiiitdrriinco of becom
ing member * , and pludgoourholve.s tlmt in the
coming year we will 1130 our Inlluence and
earnest endeavors to show tlm worltlnes mid
good results accruing to members , to the end
that every business man livour Htato shall bo
auhnrer of the protection afforded by the
Commercial Directory company's hytem of
credit reports and local branches.
Trade Journal Endorsed. .
That we. as lIvobuilncM men of Nebraska ,
recognize In the Trade Journal , publUhed by
and under control ot the Commercial
Directory company , a trade paper that U a
credit to Nebraska ; that tha news , comments
on trade Intercuts and market rvporu uru
such that we rocominena the Trade Journal
to the favorable attention ot the merchants
of our Mate , believing It to bo a valuable
adjunct to the proper hUiuy of active business
and wottli many timus tliu subscription price ,
That this association Instruct the secruUry
to Invlto the board of directors of the
Hetall Implement Doalura association of
Nebraska , and , tlio inanagluK board of
the Lumbermen's unsoelutlou to meet with
the advisory board of thin association n-tsuch
time and place s will bo wo t convenient to
all , tlmt I hey m.iy talk over matters of busi
ness thM may bo of bcncllt to ouch association
and the btislnnss of our state In goncm ! ,
Tltftt wo ileuply rvprot the tlc.Mli of our for
mer pnrimst co-worker , K. T. Smith of Tr < -
tnont. Nob. , nnd dcilro to immtss to his family
our appreciation of hU .sterling worth and our
y inp.itliy for their loss anil bereavement.
That wo doslro to publicly express to the
Commercial vlub of Umaha our thanks for the
kind Invitation to attend nn informal recep
tion this nvrnlng nt thn Chamber of Com-
inerca and good wl.sbo * for IU RIICCU.S-S and
prosperity. May Its power for good bo all that
Its frlomU hope for It.
Shortly before fi o'clock the convention ad
journed without day.
.YI. Cl.llll ItKGKPTIOX.
Ncbrnikn Itiisliimn Mm Kiitorlnlneil [ loyally
nt thn Chiimher of Commerce.
The Commercial club extended a cordial
reception to the delegates to the State Busi
ness Men's association at the Chamber of
Commerce last evening. It was a highly
successful affair In every respect.
The rooms wcro artistically drnpod with
bunting , flags and n lloral profusion of
hydernngoas , Major Dome Pryor and his
assistants served punch , cigars and refresh
ments to the giicsU in n punctilious manner.
The Seventh Ward military band of twenty-
ono pieces g.ivo n musical feast.
In behalf of tha Commercial club \V. A. U
Gibbon made the following address of wel
come :
"Tho present occasion marks nn era In the
progress of the mercantile social lifo of
Omaha nnd Nebraska. Wo meet hero to
night associates and friends with a view of
building up a social comity between the busi
ness men of our state nnd the merchants of
the metropolis. The aim ot the commercial
club as Its name signifies , Is to blend social
features with our business cares. In thcso
fraternal mlngllnes upon a piano of mutual
converse It Is reasonable tohopo for benefits ,
not only from the social order , but from tlio
lights and shadows of the past wo may ex
change ideas gathered from experience that
will guide and strengthen our future foot-
"Wo need the strengthening Infiucnco of
some council llko this. In the building up
of such an organization as the Commercial
club there is strength alike safe to the In
dividual , the corimration and the stato. A
great metropolis within the state is n tower
of developing the natural resources of that
state , not only ns n market and distributing
center , but through its great financial In
stitutions , banks , insurance and trust com
panies the sinews of war are furnished to
turn the wheels of commerce without depending -
pending upon Boston , Hartford or Wall
"Our interests , gentlemen of Nebraska , nro
identical with yours. Wo vote for thu saino
state ofllclals , our business relations are alike ,
our social meetings should bo based upon u
common friendship. A crowd Is not com
pany , faces are but a picture gallery , and
talk Is but a tinkling cymbal , when there is
not friendship. Omaha has passed the ex
perimental stage as a wholesale market. Wo
welcome you not only as customers but wo
extend to you the right hand of fellowship
and ask you to be associate members of our
Commercial club. "
J. S. Bishop of Lincoln responded in a
happy speech , in which he voiced the deep
appreciation of Omaha hospitality. Im
promptu speeches were made by Edward
Yates of Lincoln , J. S. Knox , Thomas Kil-
palriek , Dan Farrcll and Judge Clarksou of
Omaha and II. J. Leo of Fremont. The en-
joyauio affair terminated at midnight.
Brooklyn Mnlccs a Strong Effort to Put the
I'lratud In Second Place.
BHOOKI.TN , N. Y. , May 31. The Pittsburgs
niado their first appearance in this vicinity
and drew 2,500 people to Eastern park. Tlio
Brooklyns tried very hard to win , and
although their efforts wore mot by those of
an extremely determined foe , they succeeded.
Score :
Brooklyn 00000400 * 4
I'ittsburg 0 0000120 0 3
Hits : Hrooklyn , 4 ; Plttsburg. 4. Error ? :
Brooklyn,3 : 1'lttsburg , 4. K.mied runs : Hrook
lyn , I ; Batteries : Stoln and IJalloy ;
Ehret and Mack.
Welcomml Mr. iTnwloy to Italtlmore.
BALTI.MOIIH. Md. , May 31. The Orioles
jumped on Air. Hawley for seven bases , net
ting five runs , In the second inning. Four
teen hits , with a total of eighteen bases ,
won the gamo. Score :
Baltimore 8-10
St. Louis OO'JOl 0402 0
Hits : Baltimore , 14 ; St. Louis , 12. Errors :
Baltimore , 3 ; St. Louis , 3. Earned runs : Bal
timore. 7 ; St. Louis. 4. Batteries : Schuiltt ,
Koblnson ; Hawley , Gunsou.
Undo ( iutg Ono on an Error.
i. Pa. , May 31. Chicago won
from Philadelphia in the last half of the
ninth on Boyle's error of McGlll's hit.
Weather pleasant. Score :
Philadelphia 8
Chicago 7
lljts : , Philadelphia , 11 ; Chicago , 9. Krrors :
I'hlladelplila , Q ; Chicago , 3. Eained run :
I'hll.idclphla , 4 ; Chicago , a. Butteries : bliiir-
rott , Cursuy , Crass ; Mauck , McUlll and
I.aily nail Mllto I.ost.
NEW Yoitic , May 31. The New Yorkers
wore beaten by Cleveland because Baldwin
was hit hard at critical points and Kolly.who
was sere and stiff , made a moss of things In
the sixth inning. Score :
Cleveland 00000440 O 8
Now York. 002000140-7
lilts : Cleveland , 13 : Now York , 11. Error. , :
Cleveland , 3 ; New York , 0. I'urned runs :
Cleveland , 5 ; Now York. fi. Ilutterles : McMahon -
Mahon ' and Baldwin , Ivcllcy ; Young and
Couldn't Touch the Count.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 31. Inability to
hit tlio ball safely when men wcro on bases
briefly tells the story of Washington's defeat
by Cincinnati. Score :
Washington 5
Cincinnati * 0
lilts : Washington , 7 : Cincinnati , 9. Krrors :
Washington , : ! : Cincinnati , 4. Karned runs :
Cincinnati , 1. lotteries : Kspcr and PurroII ;
Mulhino and Murphy.
llcmmini , ' Was Hammered ,
BOSTON , Mass. , May 31. Tlio Champions
had an easy time defeating the tail-endors.
They batted Hemming with perfect freedom ,
while Tom Brown and Pfeffur alone could do
anything with Nichols. Score :
Huston 1 14
Louisville 1 000000 1 2 4
lilts ; Boston. H ; Louisville-1 , Errors ; Bos
ton , 9 ; Louisville , ! , l : mnod runs : Boston , 0 ;
Loulsvlllo , 1 , Ilaltrrio * : Nichols , Ilutinett ;
Hemming , Harrington ,
.Stiiiicllnir or tun Teams ,
\v. ii. r. o.i W. U I'.C.
I'lttibur < r..lS 9 U1.7 at. Louis 13 ] < IS.t
llruoklru . . .17 10 c.l.0 Cincinnati..11 18 40.1
lloitun. . . , , .17 II 18.i ( Wnshlnuton.U : & 41) ) i
ClDTelnni.11 JT I Now York.,1.1 10 41.8
I'Mlntlolpld l6 1 > W.C. Chicago 10 111 M.S
llultlmoro..14 19 48.3 l.imUvlll" . . . . 3 If , 15.1
Over Onn Iliuulred Thuiuam ! .
"Baso ball assumed something of Its old
tlmo popularity yesterday , " says the Chicago
cage Triuunc , in commenting on the Decora
tion day attendance. "In the six league
cities where games were played , tlm attend
ance amounted to 1X,1'J3. ( ) Now York furnished -
ishod the largest crowds , ii'J.ll'J people wit
nessing the two games Comlsicoy's men
played there. There were 23Hi ! people at
the afternoon game , which breaks the rec
ord for attendance. Tlio attendances ycstor-
day were as follows ;
Morning Afternoon
( "Hid. ( jauia. ( iuuiu. Total ,
lluitun 4,711 1I.17J li.bbrt
riiiiiiidpiiia 4,000 lo.uuo 11.000
\VaihlnKton J.UUU B.iJO 12,310
I'llUtilUK 6,100 10,801) 16.600
Ilrookljn. . . . , , 4.UUO UUW 18,000
NowVork 0,000 1J.NJ
Grand total 109,12 !
Average pur name , 8,341 ,
Unlvrllo Oliumploni.
Coi.EiimGc , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB HUE. ] Tlio Coleridge Maroons
played two games with the Yankton Unlvor
sltytcam on the 29th and 80th. The score
of tlio ilrat game stood 11 to IU In fa vor of
the Nebraska team. The second , ' . ' 0 to 4 in
favor of the sauio. Tliu Maroons have playci
three games thus far Sioux City , Way no
and Yankton and in each Instance- have
had a walkaway. They are ready to cross
bats with any amateur club In the state ,
They \Vant Kuvonge.
OMAHA , May 31. To the Sporting Editor
of TIIK Bun : The Nonpareil base ball team
hereby challenges the Convention team to
moot them In a gumo at the Nonpareil park
next Sunday for $25 a side. As an eariics
that wo mean business , you will find enclosed
$5 , which U po ted with you as a forfeit for
said famo. DAVID SHAXAHAN ,
Manager Nonpareils ,
People Orowdlnf ; to the CUisoum as Closing
Tiino Draws Near ,
rin liihlhlt of the Omnhn MlllliiK Com-
Uollnnco Klour 1'roiliict of the
Crete MIIU I'lnds fnrnr ( llt-
ninn'i Pimcloroil Cerent.
The rain yesterday kept n good many poo-
ilo away from the exposition , but In the
evening the clouds rolled away and the peo-
ilo came out In full force , filling the CoMseum
building comfortably full , The exhibits
were at their best , the machinery nil in op
eration nnd the whole exposition In the
best condition possible to Interest the
; > ubllc. The crowds moved back nnd
forth among the exhibits ami If the
remarks of the people were to bo taken ns
mlicattng tholr thoughts they were cor-
-alnly well satislled with what they saw ,
A good many prominent citizens -were
loticod among the visitors and the crowd
was made up very largely of the best people
if Oin.ih.i. Kx-Ciovcrnor Saunders and Mrs.
lU33oll Harrison wcro among the most ob
servant visitors , giving close attention to
every exhibit.
This evening a largo attendance of grocery
ilerks is anticipated , and all manufacturers
will be expected to bo present and explain to
them the advantages of patronizing homo
industries. The following llrms have pur
chased n thousand tickets which they will
llstrtbuto among the grocery clerks handling
tholr goods : German Chicory company of
O'Neill ' ; C.-C. Whlto of Crate ; American
Biscuit Manufacturing company of Omaha ;
Omaha Milling company , Gcdnoy Pickle
company , S. F. Oilman , Consolidated ColTeo
company , , Farrcll k Co. , W. A. 1'ago Soap
company , The Morse-Coo Shoo company
tiavu bought " 00 tickets for the boot and
shoo clerks.
Quito a good many are asking if the expo
sition will bo in good shape on Saturday
night. All questions of this kind are being
answered in the alllrmative. 1'ho exposi
tion will remain open on Saturday night nnd
no one will bo allowed to take any exhibit
out of the building until after the hour for
closing on Saturday night.
The pupils of the High school and of the
Central Park school will bo adniltled to the
exposition today.
Homo Tiuluotry 1'lour.
Money Is scarce in Omaha , why raako it
anymore so by sending the money you make
to Minneapolis for Hour , when by purchasing
the Omaha Milling company's ' Kolianco ( lour
you will bo getting the best and at the same
tlmo aid in building up homo industries. Tliu
Kclianco brand Is .becoming very popular bv
reason of its excellence and the people of
Omaha are showing by a liberal patronngo
tholr appreciation of a good thing. During
the past week 191,000 "pounds of Reliance
Hour was sold for delivery. A very interest
ing exhibit of the Kellnnco flour may bo seen
at the exposition where it is attracting a
good deal of attention. People who have
never used this flour uro given an opportunity
to test its good qualities by sampling
biscuits 1 made from it in the Omaha Milling
company's booth.
Crcto Kollcr .mils.
Nebraska floar is well represented at the
exposition , and the CrotoKoller Mills are
represented lu a manner that shows a com
mendable enterprise. ' Kxaot reproductions
or the "A" and "B" mills in miuituro nave
been erected , and oven to the painting they
resemble the originals. These Crete mills
are run by water power , and their combined
capacity is 000 barrels of Hour dally. The
splendid reputation which the output of
thcso mills enjoys throughout the state Is
dua to the watchful care which the proprie
tor , C. C. Whlto , uses iu conducting the
mills. Ho recognizes that "patronize homo
industry" is an effective slogan only when it
is backed up with an article which will
equal anything offered in the s.imo market.
Mr. White was tht first miller fn the state ,
and ono of the flrst in this country , to adopt
the new bolting device known as the "plan-
sifter" method. It is a Hungarian Invention
and now all the ilrst-cluss mills are adopt
ing it.
The Crete Roller Mills flour is used very
extensively In this city , where Its excellence
is well known. Tiio "Victor" brand is the
loader , and it has no superior in any flour
placed upon the Nebraska market.
Ullman'd Flour and Flowers.
It is n rather dlfilcult matter to arrange n
very attractive showing of ordinary Hour
sacks , but Charles E. Block , manager for S.
F. Oilman , has succeeded In embellishing
his exhibit , in the exposition in a way that
attracts attention. Flowers , plants and
vines are arranged around and among the
sacks in a manner which lends an air of
freshness and charm to an otherwise dry
subject. Two largo p.iin lings , ono of tlto
mill at Pierce and the other of the Valentino
mill , grace either side of the booth and add
their share to the embellishment ol the dis
play , The capacity uf these two mills is
about 400 barrels daily , the product being
exclusively hard wheat ( lour. In this city
tlioS. F. Gilman Hour is very well imown
and extensively used , the Gold Medal brand
being the leader. For a number of years
tliosu mills have had largo warn rooms at
1013 , 1015 and 1017 North Sixteenth street ,
from where the greater part of tholr Hour is
placed upon the market.
S. E. Green of Atchison is in the city.
Dr. F. J. Pucliin of Nelson , Nub. , is in the
lioss Turner of Salem , Mass. , is at tlio
Pax ton.
W. L. Butler of Boone , la. , Is at the
Austin MeFarland of Denver Is at the
Dr. Alexander Bear of Norfolk is at the
F. J. Benedict came in from Hastings
Dr. 13. A , Nattvan of Salldu , Colo. , Is at
the Murray ,
J , H , Spencer of Butte , Mont , , was in
Omaha yesterday.
Fred H. Dayton of Portland , Ore. , Is rcgis
term ) at tno Murray ,
J. W. Grlfflth , wife nnd child of Phiiadol-
phla aru ut tlio Millard.
C. W. Coulter , a prominent Pennsylvania
surgeon , is at tlio Paxton.
Dr. J. D. Outhbortson of Denver is among
the recent arrivals in the city.
It. S. Toombs < fc Sou of Mississippi are so
journing for u brief period In Omaha.
J. U. btuart , a well knowir'cltlroii of Aus
tin , Tox. , is lu Omaha for a few days.
George W. Wooloy and Miss Gertrude
Woolu.y of Hartford , Conn. , are at the Pax
ton ,
Mrs. W. F. Moycr left for Sheridan , Wyo. ,
yesterday , to bo absent 201110 tlmo vbitlng
Mrs , Dr. A. L. Fulton of Astoria , Oro. , Is
In the city visiting friends , on her way homo
from the World's fair.
Miss Mumlo Bedford Is visiting the family
of her undo , Secretary of State A. A.
Lesueur , ut Joiforson City , Mo ,
Mrs. H , M. Whitmora was called to Little
Hock. Ark. , yesterday by the sudden death
of her little grandson , Dana Iloaves.
W. S , Bowman , Jr. , of Now Lcbandon , N.
Y. , is at the Paxton , Ho wilt glvo a box
party at the Furnam Street theater to a
number of his fellow delegates to the Hall
way surgeons convention
Dr. J , T. Pourman of Champaign , 111 , , a
cousin of Major Pearman , who resides at
2020 South Nineteenth street , U ono of the
surgeons attending the convention now in
progress ut Exposition hall. J
Postmaster Ciarkson returned yesterday
from Sidney , Neb , , .whoro he delivered
Tuesday a Memorial day address before a
very largo assembly of Grand Army men ,
soldiers and citizens. Ho says that the en
tire country from Sidney to Omaha was
drenched with rain during the ulght as ha
came homo.
At the Mercer : A. Stadholz , Huinboldt ,
Neb. ; Dr. H , 11. Lawrence and wife , ilart
ford , Mich , j Dr. A , M. Brundage , Xeulu , O. j
Dh L. S. Grlswold , 1 % Hapiuu , Mich. ; Dr.
J. W , KIppel , Old Fort , O. ; Dr , F. A. Allen ,
Kansas City ; Dr. J. 13. Dyers and wlfu ,
Burton , Pa , ; Dr. D , J , Jauss , Grand island ;
Dr , H. J. Lee , Fremont ; J. A. Sherman ,
. vv.o.r.rVLilllm , V * , , Ml. > nf MllCKnCI
CSeorgotown , O. ; Dr. W. C. Tome wlfo niV
son , Coshocton , O. ; Dr. J. J. Boyle ai *
daughter , Pnlmcr ; Dr. O. D. Katon , McCc1
lr. Kyle , Aurora , 1ml. ; Dr. J. H. Kwlr > *
Flaniniington , N. . ! . ; Dr. J. P. Mnxwe"
\\h-t , In. : Dr. H C. Bono , Oro. >
Klvor. la. nr. B. D. DolCalb , DoICalb. Ir |
Dr. W. D. Richardson and wife , Central ' ; J s. Board nnd wife , Troy. Air.
Dr. K. B. Vincent , Sunman , Iml. ; W. ' ! . lie ,
era , Colcmaii. On. ; Dr. W. A. Baldwin , Cut'
wife , Shclbyvillo , 111. ; Dr S. C. Grey , tjl
Txwls ; Dr. ,1. Ferguson nnd wlfo , JolU *
111 i Dr .1. D. Goodwin. WaunotJi
11. 1C. Jones , Kearney. Neb , ; C. K. Sinlt \
Beatrice ; K , Dale , Chicago j Dr. M. Ma1'
Hanover , Ity. ; C. C. GalTord , Wymoro ; A
F. Sawh'.ll. Conconlln , Kan. ; F. D. Uced
Sioux City ; J. a Dort , Burchard ; R ,
Fisher , San Francisco ; Dr. C. Brown m' '
wife , Sioux City ; B. Rounds , Kansas Cif
W. F. Tildcn , York.
Yesterday Governor .Tames R Boyd a. '
family loft for Chicago , where they talf
residence for two months nt 4402 Berk,1 !
avenue , near Forty-third street nnd Cottut
Grove nvenuo. Mr. ami Mrs. ICllls BUi
bower will Join thorn shortly , and James Ji
Jr. , who Is attending school In Boston , Is C *
poctcd some tlmo this month. . '
NKW Yonit , May -Special [ Telegram '
TUB BUB. ] Omaha : P. O. Piorson and wlf
N. P. Plcrson , L. iWllllams , Hofinmn ; S.
Haydcu , Windsor. , Nlht' | City Council Mooting.
Councilmen decided last night in adjourn ! ,
session that the Board of Punlle Works hu
no power to reject these asphalt bids ; tha
the reduction of assessment on Twcnty-nlut
avcnuo property should bo reconsidered , an
that $10,000 bo paid over to Douglas count
In settlement of all claims up to January 1
ISO : ! . Several paving and grading ordj
nances were introduced and several pnssci , '
KIopp & Bartlett wcrq allowed $1,041.83 fo !
printing the departmental reports. Tlr
Casualty Insurance company reported th
city hall boiler In very bad shapo. Th
mayor handed down a vote on pavir.
Kitrhteenth street , from Farnam to Dodg ,
with Colorado sandstone , rcconnncndln
of Consumption is stopped shor J
by Dr. Piorco's Golden Medlca ,
Discovery. Always , if yet
haven't waited beyond reason
thoro's complete recovery ant.
'euro. ' In these scrofulous con
ditlons of the blood which invit > ,
Consumption ; in severe , linger
ing Coughs , nnd "Weak Lungs
which " threaten you with fly
in Consumption Itself , and wlin.
other help has failed this incdi
cine la a nroretl remedy.
As a blood-cleanser , strength ,
_ restorer , and llesh-buildcr , noth j
Ing lllto It la known to medical science , Tbt
"Discovery" far surpasses nasty Cod Llvet
Oil and uH Its filthy compounds as a flesh
builder for those reduced in weight below . ,
healthy standard. It is miarcinfmf , a no „
other medicine ot the kind. In nil lingering- ,
Bronchial , Throat , and Lung affections , nna
in every disease that can bo reached through
the blood , if it over foils to benefit or cure , <
you have your money back.
Prompt relief nnd a permanent cure for
your Catarrh , will certainly follow the use
of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Its makers
will pay 5500 reward for any incurable coso.
Special Sale
this week of
Hats , white and ligh
The largest line of
leghorn hats in
i m j °
Visit our utl
LI16 Clljr floor
For bargains in
Children's Hats ,
Flowers and
Bliss , 1514Douglas-s <
Ono wool : only ,
The world's Croat
est McHnierlut aur
I'nnmiikor , '
In her wonderful foata ot Catalopgy.
Trices : Mo. , X > e. , Wo , 7 ( s.
15,25 , 35 , SO , 75.
Return Engagement of the Lauzh Makers.
IIENSHAW iinil ' , The Nabobs
Ifio , 2r > o , : irio , SDo , 75 o
Tli to l Nlglili , and tfntiinlay and Huudar Jlatlncoi ,
ommauclnv Krldur nlxtit June 3ntl
/ l tcl hj-Houi .1 llfononrl riarii Tliroff. Kr | .
ilar ul/lit tliu I.UUtli iK'rformunou uf O'Ooird.i
Nclelitiuri. ICacli ludr or child ooouprliu n > col op
loot r floor will roculvu a half iioumi uuz of r'runcli
mixed caudbutiuduy umtlnua , I'M to all parti ol
liuuiu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A 'id a Kino Buuclalty I'rosram.
Matlneti , to all partu of the houie. ZOcouti ,
Kvenlugd. balcony , Mcontu I'arquot , ii coutu
Open Dally Except Sunday ,
/'rum 1O u. iu. to lOi'JO J > . in ,
Admission . 26c