Ij MWg " llllM'MBMBia ' Kg5ff T HMaLLa il * t w-1 - - * f in. in pun < ! i | . JMP T-v I HJJiB | I HI " : TH TRti T \ - rr-w ' 1 ft ' * ' , ' 't ' I' JR THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. MAY HO. 1803. SPEGIRL NOTICES. , tlVKHTUKMKNTB FOIl T1IB9B COLUMNS Vwlll b takev onW IliM D. rn. for the erenlne and till IiM p.m. for tbe morning and Suodarelltlon . Adterllmi. bf reqntitlnr nnmbored eliMt can \Tth lranii era adrtrened lo ft numbered letter < tare of Till 11" . Aniirers to ad < trnM 4 will b Itfirednpon presentation of the cheek. SITUATIONS WANTED. W , me a word flnt tniertlon , lo a word there " * * * * * othln 1"'n tofl " > than lie. _ _ _ ( ITUATION WANTIH ) RT BX PKRIKNCKD Vltdr it noira her with reference * . Addreei II i Dee. M E 30 * , POSITION nr TOUNO LADY BTKNO- Igrapher. J years eiperlonce tn bank , bill .ferencen. Addros * H 33 , B o. M33I 80 * , -COACHMAN WANTS POSITION. ADDIIK33 \H 4(1.1ee. ( * WANTED MALE HELP. p i > s. IKe a word flrit Iniortton. la word there- nr. Nothing taken for lei * tban ZSo. T-WANimTRAVKLlNfY HALI5SMKNTO. ell baking powder. We put our Roods In Blan "Hint pint. ffU month ialarr and expense * , or 21 IT t nl commission. Bend itamp for reply. Raklof Powder Co. , 7C7 Van Duron , at. , lies to. V-IK TOO WANT _ ACOOD I'ATINO JOH WH1TB l tbe Hawks Nuncrr Co. , Milwaukee , W-- , , , . US IV TOO ARK HKKKINO A IIIQU . . - . . " poiltlon. We haTe placed hundrodi In Ted positions and can assist Ton. Western Dulls - | | s agency. SIS N. Y. l.lto building. M83 Jl > h-MKN W/NTKD. Jw ) MKN TO WOIIK ON Otm Il'beet fields at Amoi , Neb. . 13 mllci west of leahaon tlio Union Pacific rallwar. Weires. II.4U rr day. flood board and lodging 43 centi per day , tarulard Cattle Co , 1W Ii-WANTKD. LAnORHRS KOll D. A M. E.XTEN- Lilian at Bnorldan. Wyo.j Deadnood , 9. , D , Y labor agency , 111 8.10th St. , near Harney. l > WANTKD , a good man to tmTOl with me to If tell terrltorr for good article ; no capital re- i > lred | good ialarr to right man. Addroii 1129 , 144 , MZ 9 2S * h-TWO ACT1VB SALK8MKN , CITT BUilNBSB. > > teadr emplojment and well paid. Apply at yo liouglai. Mi 4 10 3-100 LAUOHRR8 ON RAILROAD WOItK. Qood waiea , Krro nasi. Kramcr&O'Ucarn Labor [ tgeney.3Cll Bouth lltb street. MHO 30 * 8WANTHD. A BOLIC1TOR AND COLLKCTOR. Call room tt. Krcnicr block. M40881 * BWANTKD , AT ONCK OOOD IIAURRII. FOUnt - t ndoll > r > pcr wook. Must bollritclasi. H. | Cloellatt. SIBJackton Bt. Sioux Cltr. la. X5-30' B-WE WANT AT ONCK. RRL1ABLK MEN every wbrro. local or traveling , to ndrcrllio and f'.tep our show cards lacked up In towns , on trcoi I'nd fence * along publlo roads. Stoadr work In lour own cnuntji ITOM n month salary nnrt 13.CO | Af expenses dopoilted In your bank when Itartcd. Franco-German Electro Co. , box 601 , Cln- lnn tl , O. M432 SU 3WANTKD , A VKVT GOOD TRAVBLIKI1 MKN _ to tell on a liberal commission the best sclllnx Icli cm o baking powder on earth : none but hustlers ecdupply. Apply to room 18 , Merchants hotol. M43I 30 * ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. I Rates , IHIa a word nrst Insertion , lo a word thoro- Xter. Nothing taken for lens Ihiui 2Jc. t.VANTKD , LADIES TO WIltTH AT HOME. / Enclose stamped envelope. Klla Werst. Soe. , flouth llonl , Ind. MI1U ( S-MAN AND W1FK , JIO.OO : CO MKN , 109 GIIILS , 3HOO to 13.00 , Canadian oltico. ISO.1 Farnam. MIBI .Hi * ,1-WANTKD , OIIIL KOll GKNKIIAL UOU8K- l work. Apply 2723 Locnst utrcot. 135 pi WANTKD , LADIK3 FOR I'LISABANT , I'ROFI- j/tablo homo work. I'rof. McLean , Arcade hotel , [ ouglas and 13th streets. 24i31 * 1-WANTKD , OOOD COMl'BrEXT GlllL FOR /general homework. Apply at 1813 Douglas street. Z7li W I-V-WANTKD , OIIIL FOR OKNKHAI , uouaB- ' work ; best of wages paid. 20 ] ] Capital aronne. 309 - , A GOOD COOK AND LAUNDIIUSS. VMrs. . T. Ji ttogors , 1120 Park aye. M872 81 ri-WANTED , A COOK AT 11)19 ) CHICAGO V/ttroet , M3V1 C-LADIB9 AND QRNTLKMUN , WB WILL PAY you IS.OO to tU.OOper week to do strictly home work for us ; no eanrasslng. Eend elf addressed cnrelopo to U. F. Kmmons & Co. , Batterymarch and Water streets , Iloiton. Mrsi. M33i ! /-I-WANTED , A NKAT , OROKRLT WOMAN FOR VAlMry and housework on small farm adjoining country town. Family consist * of owner and one liand. No oblectton to woman with one child. Ad- HfrgsII89. this office. M880 4 * PI-WANTED OOOD DRESSMAKERS , 100 DODOB Uslrcot. 888 CO * -WANTKD , GOOD'OIRL FOK OBNBRAL Iiousowo'k. Apply 80 B. 18th street. Mill 80' , ; | -WANTKI ) , KKMAL.H HOTEL , COOK. UOOD C/bakorr state experience and saUry.S.O.UrarosoD , iBeaTer City , Neb. 111 28 IP-WANTED , A FIIIBT CLASS COOK , NONK IWothor need apply. Call on Tuesday and Wodnes- liar between tbo hours of 10 and I at Bishop Worth- ftonton' * . blshopthorpe. 1240 South 10th st > 429 SO FOB BENT HOUSES. I Ilalei , lOo a line each Insertion , II.W a 11 no per JBmuth. Nothing taken for less than 250. V-BKKi 11. K. COLK CO. . MCOAaUH BLDO. ) va Ji . FOR RENT. HOUSES IN ALL PAUTS OF /city. Tbe " ) . V. Darts company , ISO ! Farnam st. aoi . FOR RENT. 10-ltOOM HOUBB. 21M DOUGLAS I /streot. Enquire ot Morlti Meyer , cor. 10th and i'arnam. 835 V-B IIOOM UOUSE. MODKIIN , CONVKNIHNT /f or buslaess or wholesale men. Apply 1112 Boutb | tb street. 815 | \-TfflN-ROOM MODEHN 1IOU9D. GOOD IXOA- K'tloni rent moderate. L. ti. Skinner , 1914 Farnam BfceU MBIT Sk-FOR IIENT , NICE TEN-ROOM MODERN 'house , east front , on Bouth 1Kb street , near | ckson ; rent , 140. Inquire 031 South 17th street. Il-FOIt RKNT , IO-HOOU MODERN HOOSB , U' suitable for roomers and boarders , Mil Ilarnoy pet. 10-room modern house , 221S Learenworta sot , only I2.VOO. fome nleo cottages. U. u. Clark o. . 1218 Harney strcot. M634 -7-UOOH HOUSE , VAST rilONT. ALL MOD- fern , $25.00. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1701 Farnam.1M 1M I.-KOH RKNT. NINB ROOS1 1IOUBE , ALL 'conrentencosi largs grounds and good stable ; Hood location and easy ot access. Rent to tlrst [ us tenant will be reasonable. Apply Omaba Ian & Trait Co , . 16th and Douglat sts , S53 l.-a AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORX I'tlocli , with sUioin ; roforoiicos required. 810 S27d. 2U4 I.-FOR RKNT , S-HOO.M CO1TAGB FOR COL- II orud people. 203 North Uth st. > I8M I ) ' a J. KENDALL , 11IIOWN UUILDINO. M 32 JI8 -FOR RENT , COrTAOB. LARGE POUCH , full lot barn. ? Jth and Nicholas , two blocks nm Walnut Hill motor. Inquire at comptroller's Ifflce. M 4 ll-FOR RENT. MOD15UN 11-ROOM IIOL'SH \.J 17H Chleago at. MD77 5 * ) -10-ROOU IIOU8B. KNQLlnH 1019DODOEST. 167 V-FOR KENT , MODURN 8-ROOM UOUSB /near Illgh school. Inquire 2(110 ( Capitol are. ISO 29' V-VOR IICNT , TWOSTOUY 11OU8B WITH /nine large rooms , Una bath room conveniences , lleol range , and pretty yard ; only ttt. S.W. corner | .d and California its. 30fl 80' . -FOIUIKNT. MtiDBRN B-UOOM HOUSIC , FUlf- . /nlshod completu. for 2 or 3 months ; good loca- [ ion. O. F. llutls 310 j ) . ITtli St. cat 3 \-NEW FLAT. 4 ItOOMS AND BATlt ISOUM. Ill ] fa. llth si. ; so i \-4-HOOM FI.AT , IIT. fi A 7 ROOM FLATiClSX /Opp. Jefferson square. Roberts , t CIS Chloago st M8C5J27 * \-UE8T 7-ROOM HOUSE , ALL MODERN ; LO- ' --'cation central and pleasant ; also 1-rooin bouse. | \pply Tlisri ) , V3J and llamnport. M333 HI * ) -FOR ItBNT , AT A RIJASO.MILK RATK , TO a caruful tenant , a pretty , nuw bout * of eight > oems , hsrd wood floors btr , rlcctrlobelln , tlno celfsr , Ibath with but and cold water , range , f uiuace. stc. N. A. linhn. 15th and UouaUs. Mi87 30 > 8-1IOOM HOL'bUl MODERN , INQUIUIS 1JU North : tlb , 4104 * ID , - FOR KKKT. FOR Till : SUMMKIl MONTHS , A . 'mcdcrii furnished house on Capitol hill to a email , earaful family , References required. Ad- Idrcss U 4 > . lie- . . 418 l JITOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS . Rates , lOo a line eVcb Iniertlon. IIAJ a Ho * p r | tutn. Notulng taken tor less than liq. i -lfoOMfl1 , B , 10 , li , BOAUD , Z08 NTL M , UMU | 7-Two ruiiMiinBD noon- , IHS.NHJBM"KN I only , 8010 DaTcnpor Is treat M4M I IT-TWO rwosa1 BOOMS. SI.NUI.E OH KNBUITB , JValso oho ( Ida room nicely fnrnlshed. 30If liar' 383 1 , -LAItUE BOUTH ROO } | , REKaltKNCEB BX > - changed , If K Dodge atreeU 187 E -LARfJB BOUTH mONTBOOU , 2691 UIvONDO M 8J , . i Itol aT nu . M870 Jll if a JVUUMO tvn uuuaetkKurinu TU * l f liaad u | rent Uken m board. lit M. llth.Ml Ml UNQLJI OH KNBD1TB. 1111 XI j KvHJI UHKD ROOU elsVsC4tsMeiikM WITO . AT.OOTC FOB eH a jorth i4. L FOB BENT-FURNISHED KOOMB. _ OonUnutd. H-TWOROOMSiwrriincK sr. MI i E-THREE FUnmSHRU ROOMS. INOUlnKSal Farnam street. IIP 4 T-VRRt NICE ROOMS , 1723 DAVENPORT. E -WANTBI ) , TllltBB Oil TOUU OKNTMCllE.V to room Inprtrat * family , plonnnt oathoail rooms , nicely furnished , modern conveniences ) bromkfastlf deilrcd. ( U.North llintrcot. llintrcot.MHO MHO SI * E-KOIt RKNT , VUR.NI8UK1 > ItOOMS WITH bath room. New hnuie. new furnliurs. fill tint- clu . 1'rlce * reuonabl * . 1317 Jackion ttrrcl. MOT SO' E-3 KUnNISIIKI ) HOOM8 StUTAlIt , ) ! VOI14 OR 8 Keotlement ftrit-clan board If ditlred. 318 No. IPth ilrret. MIDI X * Ei , \ SOUTH itooM , iiaoo MONTH , 001 iQUthlTtli. MKO 31 * E-MCKI.Y KUIIN1S1IKU HOOMJ KOll HUNT cheap : 7058. Itth u HI _ FTJRN13HED KOOM3 AND BOAB.D. Ilattt , lOo line each Iniertlon. 1 1.1) ) it Una per month. NothlDx taken for IMS than 3So. I ? " Tim DOLAN , an AND 211 N. ism BT. 203 F-YOUNO WOMKN'fl 11OMB. UNHBII OAltBOF Woman's Christian association , 111 So. 17th st 1--HOUE TABLE , MODKltATH RATKS : 1B7I Farnam. en lit * II11LL8IDK,19&UOUUK , KOOMS , DAV nOAHl ) . MSW J17' T7-DBS1UAIILE BOUT11 UOOU WIT1I HOARD X1 imChleairo street. M S-1' ItOOMS AND 11OAHI ) AT 2113 CAPITOL AVK- nue. Hefcrences required , M945JI9b NICELY FURNISIIUD ROOMS AND BOARD at the Webster , 110-518 North IKlh street. * M221 Sl 1IOOMS AND BOARD , 7125 DODGE ST. so * F-FURNISHED BOOMS WITH BOARD. REF- crences. 1214 Farnam. MU23 * FOB RENT UNFUBN ISHEp'ROOMJ G -UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY FURNISHED rooms , single or onsulto. Modern , newly papered. Bathroom same floor. Reference. 1513 N. 18th. 410 31 * G TWO OR 'J UllKK IIOOMS FOltLlOUT HOUSU keeping. 28IBCumlngst. I14-.11 * -TilUKr : UNKUItNISIlED ROOMS. UOOD Lo cation. 6M South 10th. MHJ 1 * FOB BENT STOKES AND OFFICES Rates , lOo.-i line each Insertion , II.W a line per month. Nothing taken fur less than 25c. I FOU'UBNT , " STORE , ON' S."liffllST. . LAUGH block , suitable for moat market , hardware or dry nouils store. Inquire Mil 8. I3tb at. 310 I FOHHKNT , TIIK 4-STOHY IIHICK HUILDINQ , 910Farnam st. Tba butldlnz has a fireproof ce ment basement , complete steam hoatlng Itxtures , water _ on all the Uours , gas , oto. Apply tit the office of Tbo lice. 010 J FOR UKNT. CHOICEST SKCOND FLOOll business corner la Omaha , Uloba building , luth and DodKC. Globe Loan & Trust Co. MOD 1-CBNTUALLY LOOATKD , DllICK STOUE building , rcry cbeap to permanent tenant O. F. UutU,2M South irth street M897JI3 T ONK Of TUB LAKQKST VACANT STOHM J-bulldlngs In Omaha , situated In the wholesale Suartor : Ills 130 feet deep by 2(1 ( feet wide , three or ro floors and basement ; the front Is entirely of plate glass and Iron and suitable for either whole sale or manufacturing : will bo rented for reasona ble rent for a term of years. Inquire at Natatorlum , 1313 Howard st. ISO J71 * AGENTS WANTED Hates , IWoaword tlrst Insertion , lo word there after. Notblng taken less than25c ' WANTKD. A MIMURIt OK GOOD CANVASS- Ingatonta for city. Dig money and light work. Call at 117 N. litb street , city. MiH8 80' WANTED TO BENT. llntes. me a word first Insertion , la word there after. Nothing taken for less than 25o. WANTKD , SMALL KUUNIHUBD UOUSB for summer by responsible couplet no children. Address II43 , lloo. v M(31 ! KEN TAX AGENCIES. Itates. l ) c a word Hrst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for less than 3io. L LtSTTOUll HOU8K8 FOIl ItENTY1TU W. B. Berry t Co. , 717 N. Y. Life. M893 STORAGE. Rate * , lOe a line each Insertion , 11.60 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. r-BTORAQa WILLIAM8ACHOSS,12U 1IAIINBY STOKAQB FOB UOU3KUOLI > QOODS ) clean and cbeap rates. . It. Wells , 1111 Farnam. aia M-HKAT1NOSTOVKS BTOUKD DURING SUM- mer ; special storage for household goods. TeL OUO. HOI Douglas. Omaha Store Repair works. M467 M-STOVES BTOnKD AT UBA90NAULK IIATB3 at Ilugbes Store Itepalr Works , COT 8. 13th st. 7'Jtmai WANTED TO BUY. Itates , 114C a word first Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for less than Ka. N-CA8U FOK FUIIN1TOKH , HOUSK.HOLD goods , etc. , or will sell for owner In our auction snleY'li'VYeTl's'l'lil"Fsirn'a'm. Nnc FIRST MORTOAOE PAPERS. 1L A. All- old , COS Bee bldg. M294 FTJBNITTTRE FOB SAI l Rates , lUo a word flrst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for less than 23o. -KLLKTT UOUaB , FURNITURH FOR SALE or rent ; also house to rant , OOJM North lath itreet. M1V3 30 ' tOR tiALU , ON ACCOUNT OF U1V1NU UP housekeeping , my furniture , rugs , draperies and ranro are for sale at once , cheap. A. D. Urandols , 2110 Douglas st. 253 Jl -bull BALK. MuBI.KIt 8AFU , KITTKD WITH drawer * , Insldo measurements 85x13x31 Inchej , prlcolMUJ. 8-foot oak standing desk , with office stool , prlco 111.0 } . Jamea IL Orren , drug itnro , 31J North > Mh street , Omaha MJtil 1 -CAHPBTS , FURNITURE , Brc. . FOU BALKi seren room modern apartment for rent. Ap. ply mornings , 1115 Sherman arc , M371 SO * FOR.3AJLE HOHBE3 WAGONS KTO. Hates , IWc a word nrst Insertion , lo a word there- after. Nothing taken tor less than S5c. X nnd carriage. L. Vf. Tulloy , 1W Pearl st .Coun il cil lllutts. 214 IJ-TOPUUCItlY , 110 It IK ANIlHAHNKS.FIRST - class coudttlon , price 1260.00. Address H 21 , lice. UK01 FOll SALE MISOEI LANEOTIS. Rates IMo a word first Insertion , lo a word there- after. Nothing taken fof leas than 24o , Q-FUKNVTURK.AUCTVoNBVEUYBATm till raniam.R. Wells , auctioneer. 6i5 31 rv-roil SALE , A NEW SPRING FORK , CUSHION Wllro Victor safety at a sacrifice. Examine at C04 Paiton block. ins ; l * -KOUHALH. A nOOD RKMI.NUTON CARINET typowrltar , 1018 CIilciso street. M3t4 ! 3 Q ItAMllLEit ; 8PR1NU FRAMK ( cushion ; tire , used SO days. Will sell at aba aln. AddretsG. H. Jerome. York. Neb. MHO 1 * Q ' -FOR HALK , 4'riIOUROUGHIIUKDPUG PUP- plcs , nicely marked ana Tory small , Address QQ , York , Nt-b. . M3B9 I Q -FOIl 8 ALK. TWO SHARKS IN TIIK WOHLD'S Fair Woman's normltorr for June , Address Immediately , Mrs. M , II. Moli r , 5115 N , at , Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42(1 ( no * ( ItllSOELLANEOUSr Rates , IKo a word nrst Insertion , Ie a word thgra- fterNothlngt _ _ ken forjoss thau JJo. - RUNT. WH CAN Fllll- JLVnlsUyou cither n No.lor No , & Rvmlneton typo * writer , In nr t class condition , on rental. Give us _ a call. W > ckoff , Seamans A Benedict , 171J Farnam atrrct , Omaha. eb. OLA1BVOYANTS. Rales , IKo a word Orst insertion. lea word there after. Nothing tukeo for les * than itie. S MIta. NANNIE V. WAHllHN. CLA1KVOV ANT. reliable business medium ; nf Ib year at 111 * N.ltth ! taU S-Sllta. Hit. M.LKGHAVE. PHOPHKTKSS. DEAD trsnce clairvoyant and life reader ; tells your life from cradle to gram can be consulted on all affairs of life ; has tha celebrated Kgyptls a breast plate to uulte tbe aeptrat a and cause marriage with ono you lore. Come one , come all. and It convinced of her remarkable powers. Offlca and residence 411 H , llth it. , hours Da. m. to p. ndm. Flrtct | tf o chart and photo of your future wlfo m.or huibandaanl through mall for 1100 ; chert alone. 12.00. All letters no.s qoutalnlnz 4 cents lu stamps promptly answered. 444J4 l ? MASSAGE. BATHS. ETOT Halts , lOo a Una each Insertion , 11.50 a line par month. Nothing taken tot less than 2io. T-UMsT , CARSON , Till DOUGLAS STREET. 8f > flaer , room T ( mauat" , alcohol , sulphur and sea paths. , BiUTJI. (01 B. UTU. 2ND FLOO R MaMac * . vapor , alaoiol , aUa.sul hur la a > daeabaUa. _ t * r-IUlaX 4AOK OsT OUIOAOO OIVK4 KTATUU , As afa tte Bd taujsue tnaistsab Hoom at eoor , llfNorlk Uth street - PERSONAL. Ito OATAIIRIf AND HAY PKVBR TREATED U by the month. Tnmors , growths and other de- to of tha nose and throat rumored without p ln. Dr. J. F. Presnfll.aM Be bldg. MM3 Jl ( TT-MASSAOBTRBATMKKT. KLKCTIUC-THBll. U mat baths , s talp and hair treatment , tnaolcura and chiropodist. Mrs. l'ost,39H ! 3.tilhWltbnell blk TT-TPNTIOI TONT10I TONTIOI The great- Is e9t def eloper and restorer known to man kind. Impotency permanently cnred. Success guaranteed or money refunded. Prlon , It. Bend stamp forsealnd circular , Dr. Miller. No , 918 Fst. , Washington , D. & 78138' TT-IFJOHNJ. MAHSHAU. . WHO LIVED NEAR U Jerome , llawllns county , Kan. , In UU. will send his address to til Omnha National Bank bnlldlng. ( Jmaha , Neb. , he will hoar of somothlnt tolils In terest. Mill rr-CHlLDREN OF ALL AHES TAKEN CAliS U of In small country town. References given and required.1 H 83 , Bee. Mtu I * U -MISS K. A. KliAHNrf , TKACIIRIt OF ; planoit ipeclal nttontlon torndlmental princi ples , anile < f ) , Midland hotel. ICtb anil Chlcaco , MJ3IJZ7' ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. Itatps lOo n line o.tch Insertion , 11.5) a line par month. Nothlnittaken tor l t than 2e. " " V and Trust company , abitrictars , conveyanoars. Titles perfected and guarantee ) . Own the only eompletn abitiaet books In Donnlai county. Re moved to room iO New York Life building. M37J MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE" Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , ft.M n Una par month. Nothing taken for lois than 2So. W BANK MAKK LOAN3 on real ostatl at lowest market rat < . Loans made In small or largo sums for short or long time. No commission Is charged and the loans ara not sold ththacs.it , but o in always b3 found at the bank on the corner of 13th and Douilni sts. 311 W : LOWK8T 11ATK8. FlDKLtTlf THU8T COMpany - pany , 1701 Varnam street. 2I = wCKNTHAL LOAN& TltUhT CO. , BKE HLDO sa ] vvC. . V. UAllUISON , 912 N. Y. LIFK. We i LOANS LKS3 THAN T PER c nt. Including nil charges. Charles W. Ralnoy. Omaha Nat , hank bldg. t3i WANTKD AT ONCB LOANS ON IMPIcOVED Omaba property ; low ratoi. Fidelity Trust co m pan y. ITOJ Knrnam st. 2II W f/ANSON IMl'ltOVBU AND UNIMI'UOVED city propertyW,000 and upwards. * to CVipo cunt , No delays. W. Farnam Smith ft Co. , litli and II arnoy. nv W -1 AND 2 YEAH LOANS ON CITV AND FAUM ; mortgages. Itocd & Selbr , 34 ( Hoard ot Trade. W-MONHTIOLOAN 01 OMAHA AND COIItf. ell Bluffs real ottato and Nebraska nnd Iowa farm * at from 5Si to 04 per cent Intorost.wlth no ad ditional charges for commissions or attorney * fees. W. D. Mclkle , Ut Nafl bank bldg. Oniahl. I W-MONKV TO LOAN AT LOWRST RATKS. The O. F. Davis Co. . IMiFqrnam street. 2UT -ANTHONY LOAN AND T11U3T CO. . 313 N. Y. Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city prJ perty. TOT MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPltOVKU CITY ' ' property , low ratos. A. C. Frost. Douglas blk. 2M W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATK3 OM Improved and unimproved real cstato , 1 to fi , years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. 219 W -LOANS , G. Q. WALLACE , 311 BllOWtf BLK. WW W OMAHA LOAN A TIIUST COMPANY. 16TU nnd Douglas , loan * money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. 231 WiMUST AND SECOND MOUTOAOB LOANS ) low rates. Alex. Moore. 401 , Dee bldg. MHO W WANTBDTOIIUYHOMBUPEIt CENT NOTES secured by mortgages on Omaha city or Doug las county property. Uoed & Solby , 3ii Chamber qf Commerce. MHO W J. W. 8QUIUB , MOVED TO 243 1IEE IILDG. 843 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOo a lias , each Insertion , II.W a line per month. Nothing taken for loss thaaSSo. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' V'- V'A. A. TUR b'IDKLITY LOAN ( JUAllANTEK CO. , ROOM 4 , W1TUNELL BL.OCK. 818W SOUT1I 16TII. COIlNBll UAIINKV 9T , , WILL \ LOAN \ TOD \ ANT BUM \ LABQV \ OB \ SMALL ' KBOM \ TBK \DOLLAR3\ \ \ OP. WB MAKE LOANS ON FtJItNlTUItB , UORSBS. CAHUIAGK8. WAREHOUSE HECU1I > TB OR VEK- BONAL I'ROPBUTY OF ANYKIND. / WILL /DO WELL/ TO /YOU / OKUS FIRST/ FOB OUR TERMB WILL ' UEET YOUR APPROVAL- You can pay tbe mo'ney back at any limn a d tn any amount you wish , and thus reduce tbe cost of carrying tbe loan In proportion to amount you pay. IF YOU ewe a balance on your furniture or other personal property of any kind , we will pay It off t or you and carrr It as long as you desire. YOU CAN n AVK YOURMONBY IN ONB HOUR FHOM Tit B TIM K YOU M AKK APPLICATION. No publicity or rooioral of property , so that TO a get the nso of both mo.ley and property. 233 V-CALL AT TUK OFKICB OF I OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. I j INCORPORATED. I ' ' ' if YOU'WA'NTM'ONKY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNirUltE AND PIANOS , UORSEB , WAGONS AND CAUIIIEGIM , WAREUOUBU IHSOEIPI'S , MBItCUAiiDISBl , Oil ANY OTUBIt BECUKITY We will lend you any amount from 110 00 to 11.WO ( ON TUB DAY YOU ASH FOR IT wttbout publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amount you wish , and at any time , and each payment so m da will reduce tUe cost of the loan. Itemembar that von hare the nso of both tbo property and the money , and pay for It only as ionuasyoukooplt. There will bo no ozpinseor charge kept out of tbo amount wanted , but you will receive the f ull amount of the loan. lioforo borrowing elsewhere call nndseous , and you will nnd It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOHTOAGB LOAN CO. , 300 HOUTIl 1CTH STHEBT , ttrst floor nboro tbo street. TUE OLDKST t LAItOBbT AND ONLY INCOUPO tt- ATED 1/JAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 232 X WILL LOAN MONKV ON ANY KIND OF 8E- cnrlty : strictly confidential. A , E. Harrisroom L Continental blocK. 14 X-MONEY , 40. ( SO , 'JO DAVd. CHEAP RATES and easy payments , on furniture , pianos , lira stock , etc. , without delay or publicity ; cash on band. Duff Gre n , room 8 , Barker block. 2i5 r-PltlTCUAUD , 51 DOUGLAS BUC..IU A DODUK. BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , lOoa line each Insertion , ll.V ) a line par month. Nothing taken for less tbaa 25o , VbYt 'BALKVA"STOCK" "OF OISNIJICAL MKU cbandlse of about W.O.M to 17,00) . In a good town In ebr ka. Apply to Kllpstrlck-Koah Dry Goodi Co. . Omaha. Neb. ma 11ACK8I ROWK'S INKALLIBHB A Handlcapplnu system nets 14500 weekly on 1200 00 Inrostment , Second successful year. Bate. ConiorvoUro. Practical. Prospectus 1893 freu. u. U. Howe , t-or Ii7 , Brooklyn , N. Y. M193J8J * _ FOU S ALB OR TltADE , NEW ROLLEIt MILL Address 1CI3 N. 19th st. 182 : y * Y-A1BNA1 * FOR 8OMB HOTEL MAN. FOR sale at a bargain , nearly ney hotel : ifur- nllnre , enough to furnish a hotel of rig rooms , also large o nice , two largo parlors , dining room with twalre large tables , chairs , sideboards , ' runs , linen , cut glass and dlshos complete , also all | iH'cosury , beiiulus for nbore rooms. This furnl < turo is all cherry and oak , au > l the rooms complete with line t'arpeis , curtains and orerytblni nocas- sary lo thoroughly equip a modern hotel ; only a year out of the factory. The aboto complete hotel furnishings can bohad at a big bargain and must bo sold within tbe next few days. Wrlto or call oa J.V. . hqnlro , Council muffs , la. MiHJ V-rOllBALB.AUOOIRKSTAUKANT. IUYING A from 100 lo HO customers a dayi turnlturo new last September ; special reason for selling this protltablo business , Address * rank Keith , K sr- ney. Neb. 41781 * Y FOR SALE , LAUNUItY 1'LiNT KOlt SALE cheap , and room torrent ; enoulre 1318 Farnam. 4JU51 Y FOlt HAl.b , UOOD NUWSPAPEIt BUSINESS and outflt. Viola Paris. Lincoln. Neb. 4J7J4' y FviR BALK CUBAP , FIXTURES ) AND SMALL i tock of groceries. Mora and feed room for rent , 113 per month. TOth and Maple ets. It2 I Y - OALB , HARDWARU HTOltU AND TIN lUon.Oood trade , good location and ctiuap rent. addreti Loot lioi IQw , Lincoln , flub. _ roil RENT OU SALIC , A WELL ICSTAB * Ilibed restaurant or chop home , dotm a flrit- cla bnilneia. In tbo Laoge block on B. lltb itrret , one at tb but location ! In thecllr. Koqnlr * at Ml B. l th itrcat , up itilrt. _ 8 > n KOR 8ALU , AT A IIAUQAIN , CIOAIl BTOHK la South Omaht , Rood location for ll man. Ul ti. Mllntreet. MJJ88I * V-WUBAl'B. THADB OU RBMT. HOTEU M Xroomi. all occupied with perruanont boardora ; modern ImproreraeaU. l ) it location la 8. Omaha , Capt John QMJOmbOi , J0 N. ICtU it. , Omaha , Neb. M18J J > Y -VOU BAIJJ. AMILL1NKUY BTOHK AND BUS > Ut from cue hundred to Ore hundred pra dtjr , beat location In tha cl7 , long leato. 1Y11I take one-half la unluoumbcreci propertjr or farm load. AdJreo H 17 , B o iia a _ - you WAVIT TO utir BKLL Y-uo , ou x- CDtnc * bnilneii , teal eitiU oiUudol Do you Ifao ice ua. we o n help TOO. CeJI or wrttu fur o Of buH tlo. OrflMJ la all pruelDot cHleel Oruau * branch. M Kew Vork Life b ll41a . . MMJ / FOR RatolOoa line och lnitrtlqh'l.w a llao per month. Nothing tut en tor If , Uffii1o. . Z A CI.KAN STOCK HV UK KHAL will lake real et to and niontor-'l ' Box Ni , Frank * fort. Ind. f M Z-180 ACRKSor CLEAR LAND IJfONKOrTHH bett wlnttr whcm dlttrlcK In Ranoi to ex * chanire for 19 or to acre tract n * > r Oraaha cltr tlmln. Will paf ยง h difference If p'ropsrlf liKOaJ. Addrcat. lln pflflJtnl location. , > . Hot. T\ P.-SBK U. K. COLK CO. , MCCAUUU BLD ( } . Z-Ii-Oll HA1.E OH THVDB * XU ) IMPUOVBD 14) nerni of land la Nebraska , a iptindld bnilnnit. Address FC1 , Do ? , t 3JJ Jl Z-I OW.V 100 FAIUti IX NRI1IUSKA. KANSAS and Dakota. Will sell ehetp , of nxohnnta .for md e.norti > iandcaUla. AdiLUoxTOr okfort Ind. - " SJJ Z --800 ACHKS FOIl ( ICOU HKS1DKNCK. MBit- ; 'cliandlse ' , horsei and mutei ; alto business proportr tor good farm. U. 11.1'etoriua , 111 * H. 19th. sciJl Z-riKAil LOT FOlt H0118K AND SUltllKV. Address II It. nee. MCTI ZUI.KAHTK8rRKN I.ANI ) OH ItANCU FOB aoocl equity or larira house and trounds. Ad dress 11 23. Iteo. M3I3 iMi'novKii iMiopuitTr , FULL LOT -'fronting Uanscomtpnrk on north : ronUJMW permocthi prlco SH.uuu ; uno moruoijo fXuoO , 0 percent , to exchanuo for smaller Improved or Rood vacant city property. Address I * . O. lox7K. Lltj. n ai _ gOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Hates , lOo a line each Insertion. II. SO a line per month , NotUInu taken for less than 2ic. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JOHN JACOH ASTOH Who was a peddler , Is said to hare | borrowed the first IliK ) bo put Into real cstato and by inch a beginning was laid the foundation of the for tune of the richest family In Amer ica who hare never deflated from the rule ot DUYIMQ IIEA7 , KSTATK Ai of ton and as soon as they could got a hold of any. Nowltls on this rule and principle that wo claim you have the cbanco to do something for yoursotf wnen wo Oder you IIOU LOTS rlclit In town , not on the bottomsnor on the hills , but In a thickly populated part of the city at a prlco that Is positively ohcnp and good value for your money on paying f2S.W > DOWN , 110.00 A MONTH Until JICO.CO Is paid without Interest , bnlanco In 3 amis yearn at 7 percent ! an abstract of tltlo with every lot and no uiortKafto or Hens of nuy descrip tion against the property. Ono thing Is certain , no man over lost acont on euch nn Inyestpmeut , because bo buya It at an bonost value tn tba heart of the llty and cetg an absolutely good tltlo to hU lot. It Is only the people who buy poor property , badly situated , sold at more ihan It la worth by tlo- alining unit unscrupulous nuents , that over had any trouble In rent estate matters. When you got property at Its real mine , that Is no experiment as to location and surroundings , perfect tltlo and easy terms , rou are aa safe nml sure to do well as though your money was In tlio BANK OK UNQLANU Tbe desire to hnvo you sco nnd com- para the lots wo are selling on such phenoralnal'y ' modcrato prices and hiring term * with any elty luts Is a guarantee that In tbo judgment of competent and fair minded people our statements are sound ; that they are gound Is evidenced by our sales. Ilero Is moor iosiTivnr " I / f V * that you can gather for yoursolfjbjr an Invcstlga tlon of the facts. The prlco Is flCO OO ; paid. If you so desire , 123.00 cash , flOCXI a , month , without In terest , till f 100.00 Is paid ; balanco.lq two and tlireo years t7 percent Kvery futility Is given for In- epcctlon of this property arfd'to'comparo It with any other ground In the city'of 6maba. If you will do this you will bo ( Irmly of our opinion. Dollar for dollar In good value ; ! * what wo offer , and no other Investment con' , or nlll equal this opportunity tor safe , sure , satisfactory returns. AMES HEAL tATA S , JLMEB nBAC 1JSTATD , -fftB * 1507FAUNAM , llM7 FA UN AM. 8ALB , WHY NOT BOI A LOT BD1LD A COTTAQB AND QUIT PAYIN'O RENT WHEN YOD CAN HAKE MONHT BY SO DO1KO. We offer this special Inducement , ITOIt A BUOItT TIME , TO CO worktngmen , who wish to purchase loti and build houses. Wo will sell If ty good residence lots near tbe city FOIl 1360.00 KACII ; ' One-tenth cash , f UO.OO payable on or before three years from April 23 , IBM , and the balance In monthly or quarterly payments and at 7 per cent Interest. An electric motor line will run to this property after Juno 1. Tbolots are high and level on J at gride. Tbo streets are graded and the grading paid for. The taxes on this property have been loss tban tl.OU per lot per year. fJO.OOOOU will be spent this year tn Improvements In and around this property. Several now houses have recently been built In tba addition and others are to be commenced soon. It will cott you nothing to Investigate this for yourself. One-half the price of lots the same distance on In any other direction that nre as desirable. Don't miss tills opportunity to buy Call at our office and let us take you out and show you this property , roiTicit A or.oitoi ! COMPANY , SOUTinVKST COItNHIl 1ST 11 ANtl KAHNAM UTS 178 \T01NVK8TMK.NT 18 HAKKIl THAN OMAHA 1 > real cstato tvell located. No lnv straent Is more profitable than real estate purchased ut a low fig urn , and now Is Just the time to raako tie : Inrost niont. as good Oinsha property will narer 'ie lesi tbun what Ills toilar. I etui show you that beiiu tlful property which wo offer on UoorKla and Vlr gtuta arenues. Nothing Unor In the city for 1 hewer or Investment. Will make special Inducements fu spot cash , fidelity Trust Company , 17V2 Farnarn street , C7I AllSTAUTfl TUH MIDI.VXI ) OUAKANTEH andTrust coaipinr , abitractars , couveyancsrs Titles nerfeeted and guirJUteoJ. Own the onh complete abstract books lu louglas county. He moved to room 311) ) New Vorlt l.lt tjulldlnt. M371 OTOBPEL PLACE The Newest Addition to OmaW.s Located 2H Miles Southwest froiu Posloffloe. Best future resldance ptrt of. tuetlty. Wide streets and wide alleys ) i Lots are bhzh and sightly , J r Kleclrlc Cars run near It. I foil Passenger depot and traok r8 > vynrdi of Omabs Belt L < ne llallroad and Ulssouil.l'Aollla . Railroad within a block of It. 8 trains rlay | ) ( , htorci and factories In Its ( utrawtlato vicinity. Homes of business men anJCuiicriiolcs surround. Klmwoud Park. New Drlvrnillfars : and Fair Grounds , Platlo River Canal , * struts to be paved , Omaha during tbo nnxt fuir mdnttnf You can buy htoopal Place IDtstror JWU.03 each , f&O 00 down and the balance ImnlisMcrly payments of only IIJ.M , with Interest ut un cent. Douot misthis opportunltntovjuiy Ore or ten lots atp rteaa that will enable .f-fr make money. > For plats and further Informatlun address W. A. WKUSTpjiee { ; bulldlnz. Mt7JJ3 T70K BALK-FOll A UOMK IN HAN8COM PLACK J. you'd belter sge Lymau Waterman , 83 : N , Y Life. He will surprise you when you see bis list. Buy today ; don't wait.- . 4M 30 * strjKORUIA AND VIItfiINU AVKNUBS. El - VJtireen Moaon and Pacific sis. , tbo finest residence location In tbe city , ISO.UJ on Georgia ave and in 00 on Virginia ave. adjoining property held IM.tlOto WOJ per front fool higher. We will take 11,000.00 to K.OPO 00 Omaha properly M part payment In a lot. This Is ail opportunity seldom offered. This Is good for sbort time only , ar we want same bouuts darted at once. TWO now under contract. Four sales already made. Pleasure to ( how such property aiitbts at any time , FM llty Trusi Com pany , 1703 Kfcrnara st. m1 IKR | ) HALB. IU riCBT OX LOWM AVBNUB. OOK- uer Hamilton , with brick block of two stores and flats above , all modern. Alto 8-room resl - clcDco. all modern convenience price 117.000 ; rents for 11,500 per year. Also nicely fun lsho4 house of u rooms , all modern aoavoDtences. Call or ad- AB SAMS HEAL ESTATE. CnnMniitd ( Ji20.OUU.tM OtlTSlUK OMAHA PKOPKIITY AND Upland , all clear , to schanie for good Inside property Wlilassnmo somodobt and might giro ' om cash dlffercooe. Spencer A Hunt , Karbach 'block. M374 3U \\rANTKD , TO HUT IOW PHICRD IXT NOT ' over two miles out ; must be a bargain ) rive number and prlco , 11 li , lice office. Mill * LOT 42 VKKT V1DNT WITH BRVEN-IIOOM . house on 25th street , near Casilusi prlco tA2CW.UO ; monthly payment ! . Road A Selby , 334 Hoard Trade. M235 flMIK FINK9T RKSIDl'.NCK COKNBIl IN CITY , J > 7th and Farnam. Drive out and look at this. Only 1135.OJ per foot. F. K. Darling , liatkc ; block. M40.1 ) If ARIS CHANCK roil A SIGHTLY I OIlNKRLOTl JLVwest part of town ; too cheap to adrcrthe prlco , see roe personally about this , F. K. Darling , Marker block. M4M JO I1EAUTIFUL8-UOOM COTTAOK ON SID AVK- nne , near Dudge , Here Is the best bargain In Omaha. F. K. Purling , Marker block. MIUI 30 6 .IIOOM COTTAOB , CITY WATKIl ; PAVRtl street,7 blocks from U. P. depot ; bargain. F , 1C. Darling , Darker block. M403 SO EAST FIIOVT lorO < 3JTH NKAR DODOIC. MX ISO feet , 11,759.00. Address Owner , (1 11 , Hoe. M43IJC * EQUITY IN UOOH 11OU3R ON PAVKD J'strcct cheap. Will trade fur furnished Hat. Ail- dress O II , llee. ! ? , LOST. Hates , | i o a word first Iniertlon , Ic a word there after. Nothing taken fnr loss than ISc. LO.-T. DKTWKBN KOUNTZK PLAOU AND IIHH building , package ot patterns , also olio whoM trarer Reward for return to lloo offlca. OU LOST-HLACK COCKKH 8PANIKL DOO , TAX tag lit. Owner's name on colltr , Return and get reward. J.J. Marshall. 1824 Farnam. 41320 * SHORTHAND ANPlCYPJSWBITINQ Rates , lOo a Una cioh Insertion , 11.51 aline per onth. Nothing takjn for | jss than 2 > o. OUNGLADiRS AND' acquires working knowloJto of short'ainl aal typowrttlngnt A , ( i Van Want's schnntoC siort- hand HIS N. Y. 1.1 fo fypawrlter * to tent. M5 J. UNDEHTAKERS ANB EMB A.LMERB Rates , I0o a line each Insertion. It t } a line pur month. Nothing taken for less than S'ra. W.nAkKH ( FORMI5ULY WlTHN'oa jA- icobs , docaasod , later with M , O. Maul ) , under taker and embslmcr. < II5S. Itth > t. . tel Oft ) . 214 MTJSIO , ART AND iANGUAOUSS. llatrs. lOo n line each Insertion. tl.50a lluo per month , Nothing taken for less than 2Jc. F. . 1810 California street D14 FTJBNISHJSD HOUSE FOB FURN1SUUD HOUEK FOIl HUNT On Capitol Hill , months of July , August nnd September , y rooms , large yard nnd barn , to mm 11 family only , Address with reference , H 47 corn lice. M4.13 PABTUIIES FOB HOB3E3 , \\rEUAVK ICO AC1IKS OK llLUiS OHASi PAH < r turo for horses. Hoard fenco. Spring water. llarton&Pholps , Gllinara , Nub. , or A. W. Pbolps & Son.2U7N. Y. Llfo BliU. M 40KJ.M' OYLKSBAln , DKALRIIS IN TYPKwllTKUB. , All makes bouaht. sold , exchanged , rented. CI3 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 553. M3U3 PAWNBROKERS. JSONNKNIIEUO. DIAMOND UUOUHlt , 1303 .Douglas st. Loans monsy on diamonds.watchui. etc. Jld gold nnd allvor bought. Ti-l. 15J3. .f PBKSaMAKIMCr. M IBS A. M. SHEETS. DUB3HMAICK.lt. CONTInental - nontal block , room li. Satisfaction guucantood. 823-JIi' SCALES NBW * 8BCOND-HAND SCALK3. ALL KIND3 Address Bordcn A Sellout Co.l.ako st. , Clilcnuo. 'U TUK KKAI.TV MAKKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record May 29 1893 : WARRANTY DEEDS. A R Dufreno and wlfo to S T neiiawn , unillv H of vr U of o Yt of lot 3 , block 5 , Lowe Sd add 9 1,750 S T Ilcnawa and husband to A U Du- frcnc. undlv ( i of o ' / ; of o H , samo. . 1,500 I'otor Itolnhnrdfnnd wife to J G A lien , 33 feet of loU 11 nud 12 , block U ; Lowo's add , nnd lot 7 , block I ] , Snundors fc Illmelinugli's add : ,1 Daniel Ilogley to M J llogloy , lot 2 , block 62 , and lot 11 , block 91 , Bouth Omaha 7SO Grunt Moobarry to W E Gordon , lot 3 , block 10,1'urk Forest add 000 J H Weaterflclcl und wlfo to A U Smltli , lot 2 , Waush & Westerflold'3 subdlv 2,000 M F Curr and husband to U F Shepard - ard , lotl and a 10 foot of lot 2 , block 7 , Horbach's 2d add 10,000 QUIT CLAIM DKKD9. W B Ncldormoyor and wlfo to Joseph Caniinniizlnd , nwso 1-1&-12 200 T J Ilurford nnd wlfo to Caroline Hnl- bncli , w li of lot 3 , block 1-17 , Ouiahu 1 DEEDS. F A Brogan , special master , to Mutual Investment company , lots 5 and 0 , block 17. Central park 1,007 Same to Dime Savings bank , n 30 foot of lot 17 , block 9 , Schull's ld ! add. . . . 3,000 Total amount of transfers 3 21,309 PATENT BUREAU. SUES A CO.Solicitors. Bee Building. Omaha. Neb ( years Examiner ) U. 9. fit. Offlas. Advlos to PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! RR1LWHY TIME OKRD Leares CHICAGO , BURLING1MN&O. . Arrlrjs Omaha Depot llUli and Hason SH. Omihi 4.0 p m Chicago Veitlbulo. . . t.U > Ja m 11.45 a m , Chicago Express. . , . 11 SO a m 12.16 a m Chicago Express. . . . , 4.2i pm 7.1" P m . . . .Chicago A Iowa Local. & .M p m Lcares UUttl.lNUTON A MO. Ull'Kit. Arrival Omaha Depot-lota nnd Mmon Hi * . Omahi 10.15 n m Usurer Eipreis 40J pm 10.15am , . , , , Deadwood Kxpross. . . . . . 400 pm 460 pm . . . , . , .lenror Kipr n . , I.JO urn 4 W pm Dourer Lluiltod. . . , UOi nm 6.50 p m . .Nebraska Ixjcal ( cixSun ) . , . e.M p m 8.16 am .Lincoln lxeal ( Bxcupisunl. . . .Siam Arrlms Omaha. | Union Depot IQUi a Maroy ats. | Omaha. ( lolnii | OiilUAUO , it , l. * from West. I Union Depot Uth nnd Marcy at West. NO ) I7 I UfllWtUU pltl'.tVn * K. M. Omaha | U. 1 * . ilepot ami Maror I'll. 6.30 p nf ' /'hlcaia 1LIO > m | Oulcajo Uipron caret I K. , K. JV MO. VALLK1T I Arrival CJrQHhal Depot ISth and Wot'itar Head wood rixpres * l > .tl p ni P.OO am ( liz. Bat. ) W/o. Krp. ( Kx. Moo. ) 5.JJ p ui 6UU pui Norfolk ( Kz. aumlar ) IJ-J ) a m 6. < 1 p in , at. I'oul Hxprou. Vti oci Leave i dHlt'AGO& Omaba U. I * , depot. ! 0tb an.l Maroy 8n. | Omaht LeavesT C. . bT. I'Jl. . & I ) . Oroahal Depot [ till and Webiter ts. KIU am . .Sioux Ulr Acooiuinouii. . p m Lit pm btoux Cltr rtxprei' ( Kx. Hundarl IW pm t. 4i pro St Paul .mlted V.3J m 6,15 pin llaucroft l' en < ur ( Ki. Hunit'rl ms pm Leaves I aioux ciTif A. luoiKia Arrlrot Omahal Dvpot. 10th and Maror Ati. Omaak 7.10 a ml , Uloux Uty Pusseager. Omaakm 100 pm | . St. Paal Expreu 10 UO M Leave * I Biouxcrfj- * . Arrive * Omaha I Depot , litb an ! WebtUr 3t . OruaJia t.tl p m | . aCftuil Ltmlua . O.tl ara OMAHA * Uft. , OroahattT. t. Depot. IQtB a d ataray Bta. ) tM t mj. 8cv LouU Oaoaoa Ball. Scott's ' Emulsion of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food palatable , easy of assimilation , and an appetizer ; these arc everything to those who are losing flesh and strength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil , the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods , with Hypo- phosphites , provides a re markable agent for Quick I Flesh Building in all ailments - \ ments that are associated with loss of ilesh. ' nl tit Seotl A Hnwni > . Chf mills , . . i < e'.VY k-.8oidVri'ii"dVuMtoii : I RENT gSALE Now nnd second hind Dnnsmoro . Horn Instnns , U.tllKriipho. Hmltlnotts. * . Han- mends , Jlunsoin.Vrlto for nrlccs nml HHV roonoy. MhllKATH 8TATIONEHY 00 1301 rarniitn street , largest Typcw.jler llonso in ( he Slab. Are those igaoraa ! ; protoaian who withoutany qualifications , any ability , any oxporioncn , any skill , claim to possess the power to euro all the ills of ho human raca. But thair want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would > bo dupes , and thosa conscionco- lossquacks ara Boon consignol t tha oblivion they so richly merit. In stranga and strong contrajtwit'i. those miserable boosters is the iuiot , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted loalarJ of thlr profaaaioa Who , during the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worst forms of thouo del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of I NERVOUS , GHRONIB AND PRIVATE DISEASES. Send 4 cents for their illustrated new book of 120 pages , "Know Thyaslf. " Consultation fro3. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , Drs. Beits & Batls , 119 S. I4tli strail Cor. Douglas St' , OMAH A , NEB. A Temperance For temperance people a licalth- giviug drink for the mosses. 'Root Beer Not n harmful ingredient in its make-up. Nothing but the pur est extracts of carefully selected herbs , roots , barks and berries A accent package makca Five Gallons of a Dclicloua , Strength , cnlnc , Effervescent Beverage Be cure and got IIIres' If Your Cistern Is Out of Order Of Sojl Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment go right ahead and use hard water with WHITE RUSSIAN and you'll never know the difference. The clothes will be just as while , clean and sweet-smelling , because thf "White Russian" is specially adapted for use u ; hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO , , Chicago- Pasky Biiuoond Tar SQ D. " r. B. DKi'oarrtfitY. OMAHA , .VKJJ. Capital 5100,000 Surplus S05.0UO ffd nand Irsotan Uwry VV. YatahD' U > . < CL A , , ' " ' " " THE XKOIT. GRAND ARMY -MEN AROUSED Now York Oily Veterans Pass Bosolutlom that Bniso Widespread Discussion , FARNIIAM POST ON PENSION tEGISLATION Comnmiiilcr-lu-Chlflf Wcliarrt Took liirep- tlon to the rroituunraiiifmt n 1'olttlcal urn ! Su.irmlcU the 1'ott Corre- iponUciico In the -Mutter. All is not quiet on the Hudson. Tlio slum- boriiiR camp llros of the Grand Army of the Kupublle from ocean to ocean have been kliutlotl Into soothing llnmcs of excitement over the Ifttntham post affair. OM veterans stroke their whitened ho.irtla nud discuss the all absorbing toulo with suu- pressed excitement and diversity of opin ion. The outcome of the affair will bo watched with keen Interest This action has stirred Gram ! Army men more than anything since the return of the southern battle Hags , ftutiham | > est has a membership of 23' . ' . Its meeting place Is at Wendell's Casino , Forty-ninth street and llrondway. Now York city. Tlio resolutions which got the post Intd trouble and which bid fair to become historic woroofTered by Colonel Charles MclC. Looser. The > wcro as follows : Whereas , It U nt > t > an < nt to this poit that some recent Ill-considered Kpooclms tiuido In congress In ruijard to tlio pension laws aru cnl- ciliated to do serious Injury to tlm reiiul.-\tlons ot old soldiers and sailors and to the Orauu Army of tliu Hfimlillc , and Whereas , Thu only Miterani nil I tied to pensions are those who , by wound * or disabili ties Incuri-oil In the service of tliolr country , aru prevented from cartilni ; a living In their respective callings , as they mlRht hnvo douo had such wounds or disabilities not been In clined , and whoso cliuumstiinrei arc Hitch as to justify them In calllnu on thu country for nlil or support , n nil Wheicns , The Hrand Army of the Kopubllo Is an association organised for the purpose of eniibllnitold soldlei.s and sailors to take euro of themselves and rnch other , and Wheietis , As much real patilotlsm may ba shown by refrnliiltiK In tlmo of pence from ln UlctliiK unnecessary burdens cm tlm country at by comliiK to ber defense In tlmo ot Mart the re fore , be It tla Unsolved , That any old soldier or s.illOr who applies for or accepts a pension , except under the : conditions above .set forth , is. In thu opin ion of this post , Riillty of conduct calculated to Injure thoKood n.cn uliorcruand are willIng - Ing toglvu their lives for their country with out any reward save the approval of thclrowri conscience and that honorable famu that Is duo to every patriot. ItcsolM'cl , Tlmt n copy of these resolution1 ! bohcnt to thu prcsldi-ntof tbo United States , to the United States senators from Ibis state and to the representation In con- Krcis from this cltv , accompanied by a letter from the commander of the post , iirfiliiB upon them to n .u their best endeav ors to luivu thu pension laws so revised us to iimko them apullcablo only to such soldiers and bailers as are Indicated In tbo preamble to this resolution , and to such persons as wcro Immediately deuendcnt upon such soldiers or sailors during or within ten years after the o.Milratlon of their enlistment. llesolved , That this post urgently requests all posts In the ( ! rnnd Army of tbo Heuubllo to taUu assooii as m.iy bo similar action to this , to tbo end that tbo reproiob maybe tiilien away from the Grand Army that It Is a charity sfol < lii organisation and a fool In tbo hands of claim agents. The resolutions evidently aroused the department rommamlcr of New York state. Some heatnd correspomieiiLO was the result and llmilly Conimander Finn of Fnm- ham post received the following from Do-- partmunt Commander Clc.nr.v on May IS : DKIMUTMKNT or NKW YOHK , ) GRAND Amir or TIM : UKI-UUMC , } AMIANV , N. Y. , May 13 , 1893. | Noah l > . Karnliam I'ost , Nolisa , Donnrt- meiit of New Yoik ( Jrand Aimy of thoUupub- llc. having on the 8th day of March , 1893 , at n regular meeting of that post , passed certain resolutions and caused the same to bo s < mt to the president of the Unlti'd States , members of congress and posts of the order , without the approval of thodupartmont and national com manders , us required ny tbo rulOs of the Grand Army off the Kupublle , and their attention having been called'to their disobedience of thu titles , and tailing to make proper answer to the'communication of the department com mander , they wcro cited to appear before the council of administration and given an oppor tunity to purge themselves uf < contempt and , fulling to convince thu council that they had u proper sense of the wrong they bad committed , thu council of administration advised tbocom- mnndcr to annul the charter of the post. Now thoruforu , by vlrtua of the authority vested In mo nRcnmnmndcrof the Department of Now York , Grand Army of the Keuubllc , I hereby declare tbo charter of said Noah L. Fnrnh.im post , -1S8 , Department of Now York , ( irand Army of the Uepuhlli : , for their wilful and purslxtimt disobedience of orders , to ho and thu same Is annulled , subject to the ap proval of tbo commundcr-ln-chlef. Ily order of .losKPiT I > . CMJAUV , ' Department Commander. The matter was thereupon referred to the commandor-ln-chiof of the Grand Army , at Milwaukee. Commander Cloary was sus tained. On May 10 National Commander A. G. ' Veissert issued the following : NATIONAL HKADQ.UAIITKIIS (1. A. II. . Mn < - WAUKLK , WIs. , May 16 , 1B93 : The action of 1 Karnliam I'ost In passing and parading thosa J | resolutions beforu the public and dlssouitnat- < Ing them among the posts In contr.ivcntlon of , the rules of the order , was plainly for a purpose - { pose hostllo to tbo principles of the ( irand jj Army of the Hepubllc. | Tin1 ! post , after dcllbcratoly violating tlm - ? rules and legtilatlonsi which aru the fundit- , < mental Jaw of tbo order , was brought beforu * tbo council of adiulnlitrullon and given an opnorlunlfy to purge Itnolfof contempt , anil ; infused to do so. It Is therefore proper that It , has been declined outside of tbo order and | prohibited from farther participation In ltd , cuunclls. Its cburlur and property motoba I returned to department headquarters. " "i A. U. Wiib.sniT ' : ( , L'ommandcr-ln-Chlof. ; \ How Furnlmm YetcruiiB Took Kunpeiisluii. ; The Now York Sun reports the following < Interesting product of the controversy : * Tbo Noah \ > . Kurnhum Independent Vet erans , No. 1 , Is tbu name of the now organlza- { tlon which has arisen from tbo ruins of the 'S Noah li. Kurnbam post , No.lOti , of thu Unind j Army of the Kepuldlc , whose charter was ro- 1 vokcd by Joseph 1' . Cloary. daimrtmoiit com- j manderof tills state , hcraiiso tlm postadontcd 'j and circulated resolutions calling for lovlxlon J of thu ponslon Inw "without approval of the ? department and national cominiinders. " Tbu ' ; new organl/utloti'Was horn last night lit an en thusiastic meeting of the imimlirrs of the former - ' ; mer Karnliam post hold lit WendelM ( 'aslno ' Korly-iilnth street and Huvunth itvcniiu , ' Thuru was no apparent disposition on the , ' part of tbo Km iml odd present to ttimunt ) " * . ovnr thu ronmlns of thu delunct organlza- < tlon ; rather therowasa nruvalont heiulment , that the Grand Army of the Republic had not seen thu itnd of thu matter yet , and Ihut the sturdy Karnlmm veterans' would rise to con tinue till ) light with returned vigor. Tonurvo I hem on to the comhntthey had thohatlNfius- ' tlon of learning tlmt two other loculUiancl ArmypoptH tviiuld vnry likely follow In their fooLstops , Tlm meeting w.is u secret one. : Tbo following committee report , made by General I'lnn , wasdecloodly Inifresllng : 'j "Vour committee went Imfoio Ihu depart- , mi > nt commander , llu demanded that wu v purguouiHUlve.sof contempt by an apology , which would put us In thu position of admit- i ting that our resolutions worn all wrong , lu fact , ho demanded that nu rescind our ruMilu- tlon , retract u > erything wi : hail Maid , hay wo' didn't bellavu It , and piimlnh this to tbu world. Tlii ! committee refused , offering tbu following apoli/gy. " i General Finn then read this npolojty : On iliuetli of March , 18JI , Nonh I. , Karnlmin 1'oit. No. * 5 ( , I'epnrtnient of NUT Vork ot thu Umnd Army uf thu i'Ciulilto | , a'l'qitcit n ict nf reiolutl n < wlilfli nru iiroimilitit'tllu vlulullun ul a teiulu * tUni at Itia .Mitluiiul aiicaiupmuiii ilutui ) July 2J , list. At the tlinouf llinndoptiun uf iliuia ruiulu- tliini the > unli l > l-'uru.ihm punt > riot iinnru of the oltUMiuu of the tf uliitloii uf Wl , nil now tlivlrvumintttvu no apoliik'tto lu lh ilviinniauut romuiciKliir fnr lha iinnlitlnti vlolntlon of the ' ruh-i niul reuulMloni of tliu ( irunil Aruir uf lha Itepul/llncominllti'cl by the poxl lapuMtihlngllivIr * i iulutlun < lu Ilia way llior did. "This apology \vns not uccoptod , " continued General Finn , "ami wu no-.v recommend that the upology dutmindcd ha lufusrd by thu post. " A numhurof apecchun tipholdliiK thu ucthui of the commlltue wcro made , after which U wan put to a vote , resulting In 7d ullliiilutlvon lo Jli negatives. In the decoration day parade fit Now York the disbanded veterans of Kurnham post will pantdo as an Independent organization. Thus the matter stands up to ( into , with * , every indication that the end Is not yet , Local Grand Army of the Ktmublio posts are all worked up over the question , . , Comlilnulluni nil Triuti Are unpopular. Hut there Is onn form of trust against which no one lius unythiuj ; to nay. That is the trust which the public ro- poacn In Hood's Sursaparllla , and tlio best ot It b thu trust Is fully Justified by the merit of the jnodlclno. For remember , Hood' * Sarsuparllla cures. 4 Hood'a Pills uro nuroU' Vcsctablo and do nbt purge- , pain or gripe.fMd by nil druggists. A simji tor. some hotel roan. Sea J. W. , ( Bqtiirc'audv. Id'"JJusincsa Cliance , H j .