OMAHA UNDAY BEE.K. . TWENTY-S ECON I ) YEAK. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING , MA 28 , 1893 TWENTY PAGES. NUMREtt 12. Can Never Imitate Everything Goes at Greatly Reduced Prices. 7 ( | jjargains for Monday Fancy Notions. 500 dozen ladles' flno hemstitched .Ddkorchioff in Swiss and llften , trnrth ) in 15c to 25c , go at lo each. 300 ladles' and misses' bolts lo each. 500 sots of Indies' collars and cuffs , 19o r sot. Plain white or fancy colors. 150 dozen ladies' all silk Windsor ties jjc each. HO packages best hair pins for 5c. 1 RAsk for fashion sheet at Luce jpartinent. Ribbons and Laces. Monday wo will offer jj.OOO yards of all silk ribbons at 2c per Jrd. 3,000 varda fancy cream and white | j6s at 2o per yard. ? A Domestic fashion book with every jj purchase in lace department. fur fashion hlieet at Lace - rmrtmciit. Trimmings- Special sale on black dress trimmings lonclay from 6c per yard up. jjiColorod gulmps 3c per yard. J Shakespeare's complete works ? ! on nlonday. pomestics , Outing flannels all down in prices , ice what wo oiler at 5c , lOc , 12c ! and 5o yard. Ticking Oc , 8c , lOc , 12Jc , lee and 20c rard. liomnant's of pants goods , denims niting'flannels , shirting , etc. Double-faced cotton Ilannol 15c yard. Crotonuo at I3c , worth 25c. Summer skirt patterns only 25o each Shaker Ilannol at 5n. Cotton Ilannol 5c. Colored bunting , double fold , very no , at lOc , worth 15c. Haydons' is the place for you to trade you want to save money , as they are itting down the pricca. lillinery. A line of Leghorn , and white chip hats has just arrived. 'Prices ' way below . Millinery stores. .men . Department. Vou can't afford to pass us on towels , .octal bargains on our tables at5c , lOc c , lOc and 25e each. i-4 dinner napkins , full bleached , alien ion , $1 , $1.25 , $1.60 , $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , 94.50 , $5 , etc. , a dozen , ill-inch rod bordered damask , wortl i , reduced to 2oc yard. 3ig bargains in ilno bleached damask 76c , 85o and $1 a yard , ijjunants of table linens away down. [ inghams. lluyilonf ) ' is the place whore you go 0 now styles of Andoraon Scotch zoph 3 , this season's style , and the only > use in Omaha whoroyou can find any- ilng like an assortment to select from > Mo yard. Drons style gingham 5c , Tic , Sio and Icyard. Fine zephyrs nt lOc , 121c , 15c , lOc am juynru. fersey Ribbed Vests. 1 case of Uidlos' vests , no pants , enl I : each , worth -I0c. Ladles' Egyptian cotton vests , Swis s jibbed and nicely finished , only ISc one' h | ortli25c. Ladles' night gownsCOc , reduced from lie. I A beautiful line of aprons from the florae stock , worth 60o , reduced tooc Inch. Brandenburg Cloth. r > 0 pieces justrocolvud In light ground , ( ho latest stylos. These goods are Tory lopular this season nt 25o yard , Hay- foils' prlco just one-half , 12Jc yard , PJmbrellas. The rush at our umbrella and parasol llujmrtmont has l > ccn immonso. To innko things lively In this line wo will offo lioiuo Inducoinonts that will bo astonish ling , Every dollur'H worth of the S. P orfio stock must bo closed out. S. P , Morse & Co.'s $1.00 umbrellas- I red need to 69o. S. P. Morbo & Co.'s $1.23 umbrollns , I reduced to 76c. S. P , Morse it Co.'s $ l.f)0 umbrollns. reduced to OSo. S. P. Morse fs Co.'s $2.50 umbrellas reduced to $1 50 S. P , Mortio & Co.'s $4.00 umbrellas , reduced to $1,08. S. P , Morse ft Co.'s $5.00 imbrollus , reduced to S3.DO. Rheumatic Cure Rings. Wo hnvo just rccolved an importation of the wonderful rheumatic euro rings , riioy go on sale at DSC EACH. L Cloak Dep't. Ladies' spring cnpcs in blue nnd blnclc at $2.0. ) , $3.75. Ladles' spring jackets in gray , tan 4-Wuo at $1.00. Ladies' fancy spring jackets in gray , tan , blue nnd black with capes and silk lining worth $12.50 , at $7.60. Ladies' Eton suits in blue llanncl , lat est style , worth $0.50 , at $4.50. Ladles' wash suits atl.C3 , 31.75 , $2.60 , $2.95 , $3.75. Ladies' house wrappers in percale and lawn $1.25 , $1.35 , $1.40 , $1.60 , 81. 05. $1.87 , $1.00. Ladles' percale waists , 87Sc , 45c , 50o , C3c , 76c , 87o. Ladles' silk waists In plain black , blue nnd white , figured nnd gray striped , worth $3.05 , ut$2.25. Figured Swisses. The largest selection vou will find in Omaha at lOc , 12Jc , 15c , lOc , 25c , 35c , 40c and 47c yard. Lawns. Special snlo on light ground an d pink blue and black figured lawn nt 3o yard. Navy blue and black ground little polka dot Dublin lawns 80 yard. White ground black figures , ttO-indi wide Scotch lawns , only lOe yard. Satines. The best selection inthis city at lOc , 12e. } 15c. 20c nnd 25o yard. All the novelties in "French satino that were 35c , 40o and 46c. now 25c yard. The only house In Omaha that carries a full line of plain fast black satino rttlOc , 12e , 15c , 20c , 25c. 30o and 35c yard. Muslin and Sheetings Wo are overstocked and wo are letting ting down the prices. Look at the Go bleached muslin , it was 8c. Double width shooting 13c , 15c , IGc , 17c , 18c , lOc , 20e. 22c , 23c nnd 25c ynrd. 12jc half bleached pillow casing now 8c. } Rundy-mndo sheets nnd pillow cnses. Remnants must go at onco. LOOK at the prices. House Furnishing Goods. Wo have a big bargain in eomo flno china. Wo have a lot of it , and wo aregoing to sell it cheap. Now if you don't got any of it don't blame us. Wo are going to put it on sale Monday morning and the first come the first served. Largo decorated potato or salad dishes , lOc , worth 75c. Tea bowls , decorated , 7c , worth 25o. Extra largo Begonia plates or fruit dishes , 13c , worth $1. Fine decorated cups , saucers nnd plates , 15c , worth 75o. Extra largo bird neat jugs and pitch ers , splendid for ice water , 47c , worth $1.50. $1.50.Woodonwaro Woodenware has never been so cheap as it is now. Wooden pails , Co. No. 3 tubs , 3 < Jo ; No. 2 tubs , 40c : No 1 tubs , f > 9c. 0-foot hard wood stop ladders , 70c. Folding ironing tables , 85c. Wooden bowls , ! ) c. No. 43 Hurd refrigerator , $9,55. Maglo egg boater , 35c. This is the only place whore you can I got the Muglo ice cream f reozor. The I Magic Is the only freezer in the world thttt has a revolving wire whipdnshor , thereby whipping the cream as It freezes , Come In and BOO them operate Prlco from $1.85 up. Furniture Dept. Wo have just received a lot of now goods , bed room suits , parlor suits , roclc- ors , folding bods. Our trade has been so great that wo have had to duplicate our enormous spring orders Wo now have an entirely now line of bed room suits at 811.50 , $13.50 , 814.50 , $17.50 , $10.50 and up. Thcso are 3-pioco suits. Some are oak nnd eonio are chovul suits. Parlor suits , 0 pieces , oak frames , host mohair plush , silk plush bands , also tnpos'.rv suits and rug Suits at $27. $1)2 ) , $31) , $15 , $55. Now line of ulogaut upholstered rock ers , all from $1 to $5 cheaper than over boforo. Another lot of that world-boater , our $18.50 folding bed , with wool niattross , all for $18 ; others got $25. Special sale on all trunks and valises all week. Wo have the goods , and the Is right. Dress Linings. Now Bollsins , summer weights , now porcallno , hair cloth , all shades best uembrlo , duck , padding , wadding , fauoy sleeve IhiingR , farmers' satin , wlggin , crinoline , in fact anything you want in I the uay of linings you can gut at Hay- dona' lining department. SILKS. Our great forced sale purchase of silks from the importers' is in stock. It will be on1 sale ALL THIS WEEK. You can got a silk dress as cheap as ono of wool or cot ton. It will bo very diillcult to pick the BEST bargains of this great offering , as thov are nil EXCEPTIONALLY NOTEWORTHY. Whatever expectations you may have had this'salo { will eclipse them. Not for any special hour or day , " outfall week , as long as wo have the goods , the prlco will uo' the same. , 5,000 yards plain colored Satins and India silks , all now 6hoico shades e and good clean fabrics. YD 1 II. 1,000 yards Natural Undyod All Silk Shanlong Pongees well' worth 45c 29 of anybody's money. f YDl 5,000 yards of Printed Japanese Silk in black , navy'bluo and light 39 e grounds , 4 tone printings. \ i\ Also nt the same price 25 pieces solid color 22 inch China \ Silks. V * . I. \ 1,000 yards natural undyod Shantong Pomjoo , Sliriciioa wide , the - rog1- . . 59 e YD ular 7oc mini . 7,500 yards Printed Japanese , Shanghai , Cantons , Punjams , Coroan , 65 C India Silks and Cheney Bros. Rrinted Silks in black , light and dark i grounds , great variety of choice , neat designs , 22 , 24 and 27 inches wido.Theso goods have never boon sold before in this'city , ' for loss than SI.25 per yard. $1 $ per i YD 150 ptecos fine Croiso Silk Velvets in all the newest shades nnd quality that will equal any $1.50 velvet sold olsowhoro. WOOL DRESS Second Lot of Our Great Dress Goods Purchase on Sale Monday. 4O-inch all wool -whip cord , -worth 88c , on sale at 59c. 30-inch figured challis , black and blue grounds , neat figures , at 2Sc. " 40-inch all wool beiges , a 6Sc fabric ; it goes at 39c. 80-inch all wool Scotch mixtures , a mag nificent piece of goods , worth anywhere $1.88 yard. Will be sold at $1.28 Monday. : 40-inch all wool changeable whip cords , bengaliiies and Poplin weaves , all in one lot at 78c a yard. ; These come in all the new spring , shades and are great bargains at this price. " < Drug Dept. nig bargains in Perfumery white rose , lllly of the valley , jockey club , heliotrope , blue boll , wild olive , Marie Stewart , violet , honey suckle , pond Illy , trailing arbutus , ylang ylang , crab ap ple blossom , and many others , ut 12Jo nor ounce. Do not forgot to bring your bottle. Toilet Soaps. Oakley's ehorry laurel 5o per oako. Oakloy's Pulma Horn 5c per cake. Tropical flower boquct 25o per culco. Pansy blossom lo per cake. Hood's sarsaparilla 75o. Pulno's celery compound 7oo. Dr. Plorco's favorite proscription 75o. Dr. Plerco's golden modlcal discovery o. 75Hoot beer 15o per bottle. White Granite. Handled cups and saucers , lOo per sot. Wash 1 owl and pitcher , 23o. Flutes , 2c , 4c , 5o each. Garden Implements , Rakes , best stool , 15c. Shovels , 25)0 ) nnd 30c. Hoes 2-jc ; epidlug forks 40o. Children's gulden sets 25c. White Bed Spreads. Wo ninko fine croolioVBproads a BPQ. Clmty ; W ? , bu-v thoin" ahloct tr ° the mills in solid case lota. ' , Compare our sprojids- 75c , $1. $1.25 and $1.50 onch. Hates damask spreads , 11-1 size , now only ( )5o ) each. Big line of flno imp'oi'tbd ' Marseilles spreads and colored Mitohbllno quilts. Blankets andjt Gp'mforts. Great reduction In order to clean up all odds and ends In this line Bargains In remnants of flannels. to look m Rubber Hose. Very good cotton hose 7jo per foot , in eluding couplings. A 1 rubber hose Oc per foot , Including couplings. Lawn Mowers , 10 Inch lawn mowers $4,25. ] 2 jnoi | Jtiwn mowers $5.25. , H Inch lawn : nowora $0.25. LOTHING DEPARTMENT. We are making some IN THIS DEPARTMENT. Here are a few of the special attractions FOR THIS Summer Coals , Sizes 34 to 42 , infancy stripes , 25 cents each Fancy Flannel and Seersucker Coats and Vests , Worth $1.25 , Tomorrow at 50c each 150 All Wool Cheviot Ms , Former price $6.75 , small sizes , light shades , How at All Wool Cassimere Soils , Former price $6 , Now $3,50 $ , THREE STYLES OF Fancy Cassimere Suits , In Sacks and Cutaways , former price $10 and $12 , will go Tomorrow at $7,50 $ , Come early and get your selections , as the afternoon rush IS ALWAYS GREAT. Carpets. . Wo will continue the enloof some pat terns of Lo-voll extra super carpets ti few days longer nt 05o. The best In grain carpet over sold nt any price. Alao a new stock of bruesols at 47u and bfc. bfc.Some very flno brussels at C5c. HAYDENS' ' SHOE SALE. . Cutting Down the Shoo Stock The Prices Are Doing It. - - ' " - " " " f MONDAY AND ALL THIS WEEK Now .Spring tiootls ut Fully Onr-Tlilril OIT TJiulr Actual Value Tun .Shot's lor Ono. Half of Shoo btoro 1'rlccs Lailloa' , Children' * anil Men's. We put on 'sale Monday a lot of Thomas Plant's make $4.50 tan bluchers shoes for $3.45. This is the ladies' World's fair shoe , much cooler and will jiot show the dust. 200 pairs ladies' * $1.75 russet Oxford ties at § 1.25 a pair. Field-Thayer's $3.50 make ladies' fine blucher lace shoe at $2.75 a pair ; the latest styles. Little-Maxwell $2.50 make ladies' fine dongola shoes at $1.75 a pair. Ladies' Oxford Ties. We put on sale a large lot of LittleMaxwell's $2. 50 make ladies' cloth top and hand- turned Oxford ties at $1.75 a pair. Every pair warranted. If they rip in the seams we sew them for nothing. Amazien & Haley's $2.50 make ladies' fine hand-turned Oxford ties at $1.98. Misses' Shoes. J. H. Swan's $1.75 make , misses' fine dongola kid , pat ent tip shoes , at $1.20 a pair. 120 pairs misses' tan button $2.00 shoes at $1.00 a pair , Children's Shoes. Children's $1.35 dongola patent tip shoes at $ i.o8a pair. H. C. Godman's $1.75 make , children's russet shoes , at $1.25 a pair. Children's $1.25 Oxford ties at 980 a pair. Men's Shoes. Men's fine hand welt tan bluchers $4.50 shoes at $3.35 a pair. Men's $3.50 natural kid Ox ford ties at $2.75 a pair. We also continue to sell J. H. Tilt's $4.00 hand welt shoes at $3.00. Every pair warranted. Men's $3.50 cordovan shoes at $2,40 a pair. Boys' Shoes , In boys' shoes we offer you gjeat bargains. We sell boys' at $1.75 button shoes at $1.30 a pair. Sizes Youth's $1.50 button shoes at $1.20 a pair. Sizes 12 to 2. Hosiery I case of children's fast black cotton hobo , 4c per pair ; others ask 15o. Children's cotton hose , imported , fast colors , In all sizes , only 12jo per pair. 500 dozen ladles' fast black cotton hose , Estoy patent , only Uo per piilr , worth 25c. Music Dept. Sheet Musicc , / a Copy , PIANOS AND ORGANS. The largest stock of Iligh Grade In struments over on sale in the west. "M/orjderfUl JJargaiijs. We will sell you a new upright piano , standard make , fully warranted , tot $175.00. Coino and sco It. Organs from 935 up. Wo are Solo Agents for the Wo have various other good pianos , Our prices absolutely defy competition , Special ! Sale This Week On banjos , guitars and mandolins. Standard sheet music , 7c a copy. Caller or write for catalogue. 100 now pianos to rent , and amount paid as rent allowed to apply on pur chase prlco. Groceries Way Down All kindn of California 3-pound caij of plums , 12c. } 3-pound can California peaches , loo. 3-pound can California apricots , 15o. Iljino made catsup , per bottle , 16c. Silver llako oat meal , oc. Ccrolino Hakes , 0c. California Breakfast food , 5c. American breakfast cocoa , 85c. Imported maccaronl , 12c. } Imported spaghetti , 12jc. Impotod vermicelli , 12Jc. All kirnds of washingpowdor , lOo , Teas and Coffees- This week wo offer lower prices Iq cofTeo and tea than over boforo. Broken Java , 12ic , 15c and lc. ! Cracked Java ana Mocha , lOc , 22a and 25c. Fancy golden Rio , 25c ; choice , 27ic ; Santos and Muricoho , 28c ; our blond Java and Mocha , ! i3Jc. Tea dust. lOc and 15c ; sundriod Japan , 19e , 25c. Wo eoll a No. 1 uncolored Japan tea for 2-5c ; pan fired Japan 85o , 40c ; spider leg Japan , 48c and 58c. Wo carry a full line of choice black tea , Ceylon English breakfast and Oolonp , These goods are the best that money can buy , Butter and Cheese. We will pell Wisconsin cream cheese for fiu and 7jc , lOo and 12Jc. Finest full cream cheu- He and Klc. Young America full cream , 7jc , and all other cheese at lowest prices. Wo are Belling our hoparatoi- creamery for 2c , and will continue to sell you the best butter inudo ut lowest price. Country butter for lOo. 12c } , 15o and 17c. Remember you will always find the best goods and lowest prices at Ilaydens. Jewelry Dep't. Special Watch Chain Sale This Week- 100 styles in gouts' best rolled gold watch chains , warranted to wear 0 years , choice $1.50 , worth $3.50. Gouts' gold plated chains 45o , worth $1,00. 100 styles ladles' ' best rolled plated Victoria watch chains with beautiful charms attached , warranted to wear 5 years , choice $1.69 , worth $3 00 , Ladles' solid gold nook chains 08o , worth $2.00. Starling silver bracelets 25c. Rolled gold plated bracelets 25o. .Watches. Our groat' sale on flno American watches still continues to .boom ; and why shouldn't it ? NOTE THESE PRICES : , , , , Highest grade B. W. Raymond nlcklo movement , in a gold llllod hunting case , warranted to wear 20 years , $18.75 ; ask 840.00 to $50.00. tethers Gents' stem wind hunting case watches , gold filled , $5.75 up. Indies' gold llllod hunting case watched , with Elgin. Springfield or Waltham movement , $0.50 up. ' Rogers' best 12-dwt. knives or forks , $1.2-5 per sot. A full line of flno sllvorwaro at wonderful - dorful low prices. 4-ploco quadruple plato tea sot , hand engraved , $5.1)5 ) , worth $10.00. NIokle alarm clocks 680. First class wntuh and clock repairing at half jeweler's price. All goods war ranted u represented ,