Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    rf . nMHB H H H UflH Hl Hl | | HHHHH | HHMBBHHHHHHHIBHBH | HBR * ' \ * * "
NO. 12 I'EAUli
ly carrier lo any part of th city
Ivrt i . piin-MT-a . IHunlnMi Office . No. n
| f NRt | | , Editor . No. 23
MI a on .i
N. V. Plumbing Co.
Iloston Store. Xntchaug silks.
MIItonbcrKcr li the hatter , fi02 Broadway.
. Special meeting of Bluff City lodge No.
171 , Ancient Free nr.d Accepted Masons , tills
evening for work In the third degree. All
I master Masons nro Invited ,
O. A. SchoCdsack Is making preparations
Ito erect n. slcntn djo plant at the corner of
lAvcnuoAntid Twenty-sixth struct , to cost
I In the neighborhood of $0,000.
I Special meeting Woman's Ucllof corps
Fnt'J o'clock sharp this afternoon for Inltla-
| tlon. Arninecincnts for Memorial dav will
[ also bo completed. Annlo 13. Campbell , Presi
. Woodmen of the World , Members of
Council camp. No. 14. will meet nt their
[ Jmll nt 1 o'clock p. m. ruc-ulny , May ! ! 0. w lib
their badges , to take their place In the
Memorial day parade. By request of the
[ council commander.
I All members of Twin Brother encamp-
jmcnt , No. 42 , and Canton Pott.uvattamio ,
JNo. ( ) , who nro desirous of going to Missouri
f Valley this ( Saturday ) evening arc re-
hqucstcd to meet at Odd Felloivs hall at l > p
jin. Canton members In full uniform.
Every member of the Dodge Light Guards
will report In full fatigue uniform Monday
cve'nlng nt 8 o'clock nml Tuesday at 13 o'clock
, m. , for drill and Instructions in icgai-d to
' the observance of Memorial day. By order
pof O , S. Williams , caplain commanding.
Tlio old veterans of cneampnont : No. 8 ,
nlon Veteran Legion , will hold Mmnoiial
t services In honor of their dead comrades at
J the First Baptist church on Sunday evening ,
May 88. Tlio exercises will consist of music ,
addresses and a p.itiintic recitation. The
public Is Invited ,
F. J , Day commenced a suit In the district
court-yesterday to collect $ . ! ( ) from James
Calhruo , which ho claims to have p.ila In
March , Ib'Jl , for taxes on a lot in leans'
Drldgo addition. The money was paid by
mistake , the plaintiff owning a lot adjacent
to thu one in question.
Council Bluffs academy No. 1 , Pilgrim
S'Etcrs ' , will moot In regular session at Pil
grim hall this evening nt 8 o'clock sharp for
Initiation. There will bo business of im-
pouanco nnd every member is earnestly re
quested to bo present. The charter inctnber-
( > hlp will close tonight.
Arrangements nro being made to have a
special train to take the BlulTs delegation to
the firemen's tournament at Sioux Uity next
month , and If the names of a suillcient num-
bcr can bo secured In advance the train will
bo nil assured fact. Chief Nicholson wants
_ nil who mean to attend the tournament to
swnd in their names to him as soon as pos-
, A meeting was held at the gun store of
f Graham it Son last night for the purpose of
organizing a gun club. The meeting was
Veil attended and these pi csentuio very
enthusiastic. Mr. C. K. II. Campbell was
elected president , S. T. MeAtee vice presi
dent , and George Camp secretary. A com
mittee on bylaws and resolutions was ap
pointed and ordered to icport ut a meeting
to bo held Saturday evening at 8 o'clock ut
the same place.
The best floor covering for dwellings , din
Ing rooms , halls and largo buildings is
"Wild's Linoleum. " It is printed in beauti
ful designs and fine colors. Ask your cm-pot
dealer for it. See Unit it is printed on the
back : "Wild's Linoleum. "
Ten. llayn ut llio World's Pair.
It will coat you less than $50.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes " In private cottage , clean , safe ,
close "to grounds and on tlio beach of
Lake Michigan. Wrllo to J. T. Chyno-
wejh " , Windbor Park , 111. Refers to II.
"VV. Til ton of Tin : BIE : , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bninbririge , Council BlulTs.
The real estate linn of Grccnshiclila ,
Nicholbon & Co. , composed of , T , P.
GrconsbleldH , C. H. Niobolson and E. K.
Kayno , has dissolved by mutual content.
Mr. Groonshiolds and Mr. Nicholbon
liuvo scoured quarters over No. GOO
Broadway. Mr. E. E. Mayno will con
tinue to ocem > y the old stand , No. 021
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest und best bicycle stock in city.
r , I'AHAHKAI'Jia.
Grace d'Urro and her niece , Miss Anita
Diet-north , have rctuincd fiom a visit to the
World's fair. .
Mr. and Mrs , Arthur Trtiesdalo of Fre
mont , Nob. , are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
" 3. Harkncss.
Miss Grace Bai roll ot Salt Lake City is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Barrett on
Washington avenue.
Mr. and Mrs , F. E , Gllllland have re
turned from a visit of two weeks to Toronto ,
( .Canada , nnd the World's fair.
Dr. M , F. Chamberlain loft , last evening
for Chicago , where tin will attend the ni- :
I tloiml medical conrcntipn und take in tlio
I World's fair. Mrs. Chamberlain is already
[ there visiting friends.
Piles of people nave , but Do Witt's
yitch Hazel Salve wlllcuro tliom.
Don't delay your house cleaning until
[ tlio hot weather arrives , and don't delay
| going to the Council lilulfs Carpet com-
j > any und taking advantage of the
I tmlomlld bargains they are giving in
. for horscH and. cattle on
rGeorgo R Wright's fiirin mljoiningc Ity
limits on hputli ; 500 tiuies bhio gnisa ,
running wutor. For turniH upply to
iTiimcs Itnph , on farm , or at Curhon Coal
company , 10 1'carl htreot.
The drum ! Hotel ,
Council BlulTu. Tlio most elegant in
Iowa. Dining room on boventh Iloor.
I ate , $3.00 and W.OO a day. K. F. Clark ,
Dontli ii r 1. . II. C'rnfli.
Ixircn II , Crafts , a well known business
man of tills city , died yesterday morning ut
11 :40 : o'clockory suddenly , Ho had been
under the weather for several days past , hut
his ailment was not thought to bo n thing
that would end seriously. Thursday night
hovns suddenly taken worse and his phy-
ilcltin was up vi Itti him during tlio greater
part of the night , Ho took him out for a
wnlk upon the street about daybreak , hut
mxmaftcrhlsiroturn , the sick man wastnkcn
with a convulsion , In the midst of which ho
Hied. Ho was ! M years nnd 0 months of ago ,
having been born in Marshall county , la. Ho
1 was married In St. l uis , Mo. , Juno IU , 18 : i ,
to the \vlfo who still survives him. Ho also
leaves Uuvo chlldicn , May , ( Jeorgo , and an
infant. Ho has been n icsldent of Council
Dluffs for the nine months. The
funeral will ttiko place Sunday afternoon ut
t > o'clock from the residence , 1XU North Sev
enth street ,
The "No. 1 > " Wheeler .t Wilson is a rapid
Dlltcher ; so rapid that it will stitch thro
yards of goods > \hllo only t ° yards nro
being stitched on any vibrating shuttle ma-
cclnu. Sold by Oco. W. Lancaster & Co. ,
M4 S. 10th street , '
Pure Ice
From Missouri rlvor channel.
MulhollantKt Co. , Urown building.
Telephone IU2.
Mtisio for ballB , imrtloB , picnics , BO-
clals , etc. , by Mueleiuns Union. J. K
Follelt , Mgr. , 400 D'way , Couuc.ll Bluffs.
Brown's C. O. D. grocery closes at 7
"p. in , , except Monday * and Saturdays.
Stop nt the Ogden , Council Bluffs , 1 10
icbt & 2.00 houuo in Iowa.
Vaiiatta & Sweet , attyg , Everett blk.
Ceo. _ S. Davis , picecriptiou
BJ *
What the Board of Equalization Did Not Do
at Its Last Meeting.
Kxcniri Ohen Why It U'n * Not Itnlncil to
the Knino Itntlu n that I'ftld l r
Oilier I'ropcrtr Otrntri
Xeui .Note * .
The Ho.ird of Equalization held Hi last
mcctlnc last evening , and the question of
the motor assessment was never so much ns
breathed of by any of the aldermen. This
was In accordance with thn pro-arranged
program , nnd the assessment of the motor
company will stand right where It was put
by the mscssor , who has been selling his
dogs to the motor company for $75 nplcco.
The aldermen now claim that they had no
right to take up the question last evening ,
for the law provides expressly that the last
mcctlntr shall bo devoted only to the con
sideration of cases w herein the assessments
have been raised by the board nt some of the
prevloui meetings They do not claim , how
ever , that they would have considered the
matter if the law had allowed , nnd In not
limiting that claim their honesty stands out
in hold relief.
At tbo time of the meeting of the board at
which Attorneys McCabe and Spencer Smith
appeared before the board and lequcsted It ,
accompanying the request with a inultltudo
of Dcrtlni'iit facts and figures , to assess the
motor company at the same ratio ai the
other owners of property , the matter was
allowed to go over , as the aldermen said , "in
order that the company might tmvoufurther
opportunity to como lo an agieement with
the tuo committees appointed by the city
councils of Omuln and Council Hinds with
reference to a f > cent fare. " At that time
there were only about three meetings of the
board to bo held at , which the quistlon of
raising the asscsitncnt could bo considered.
The last mooting was hold thrco
days l.itrr , tir.d yet the subject
was never broached. The question Is being
asked iwhcthcr the astute councilmcn did
not knew of the above mentioned limitation
of law at that time , and if they did , why
were they not a little more eager to deal out
a little do < < o of gilef for the corporation
whoso case five of tliom were elected to look
.lust how much good has been done by all
the anti-motor agitation of the few
months it is hard to tell at present , but the
only actual result that can bo noticed is that
the members of the council have been
obliged to show their respective hands , and
in , each hand has been seen reposing peace
fully the little favor from the motor com
pany j ! thnt has had so powerful an Influence
In condoning the offenses of the company
against the rights of the public.
South Daktitii'ft Auditor I Jx presses IIli
Opinion ul the Unite.I Stu cs Musoulo
mill ( iiiiiriiuty I'utid I.ITo Association.
The South Dakota legislature , jrolit-
ing by the experience of older states ,
passed a law at the last session requir
ing the state auditor to visit the homo
ollices of all insurance companies ( loin. ,
business in the state and make u careful
personal examination of the financial
contlition and responsibility. Tf , in the
opinion of the auditor , they are not tafo
companies ho is required to refuse them
pormifabion to do business in the state.
Jn purMianeo of this duty Hon. Charles
H. Anderson , chief clerk in the ollico of
the auditor , has been looking into the
condition of Iowa companies and spent u
couple of days in Council BlulTs making
n elo&o scrutiny into the condition of the
Unilcd States Masonic Benevolent asso
ciation tind the Guaranty Fund Lifo
company. After the conclusion of his
work Mr. Anderson spoke very freely tea
a Bnn reporter whom lie mot in the
Grand hotel.
"You have two institutions there that
your people may \\6ll feel proud of , "
said he. "I don't think I ever exam
ined a company that inudo a hotter show
ing than both of these. Unlike till other
assessment organizations they huvo a
delinlte , positive something behind
them. Jn principle they are unique.
They both contain a feature that must
prove , and the only thing that can prove ,
the salvation of all mutual companies.
That feature is the guaranty principle.
In all other mutual organizations succets
depends upon the infusion of now blood ,
and if for any reason the influx of now
members diminishes the company becomes -
comes weakened , and if it ceases the
company must cense to live , and these
who im\o borne its burdens for years
are deprived of anticipated benefits and
lese all they have paid in. In the Ma
sonic , and also the Guaranty Fund Lifo ,
there is a constantly increasing fund
that not only becomes a bond for the re
demption of the promises made to mem
bers in earlier j ears , but it operates to
diminish the assessments of older mom-
bora. This makes it impossible for
there over to bo an increase in assessments -
monts , but renders it morally certain
that there will bo a gradual diminishing
of the amounts to bo paid. To make it
htill moro simple and clear it
is to the persistent members
that the greater inducements are
offered while in other assessment com
panies it is the newer members thnt
jump in at the eleventh hour and re
ceive equal bonolit with these who have
carried the burdens for years. Of course
the now members como in under the
same or hotter conditions than in other
companies , but the point is , that the
longer they stay in the greater induce
ment they have to remain. It was u
revelation to mo and the brightest thing
1 have over found in insurance.
"Secretary Jameson and the ofllccrs of
both companies gave mo every oppor
tunity to make a catofnl examination of
the linunciul condition of their com
panies. They much more than meet the
requirements of our very Mi-let law.
Both show a degree of prosperity and
financial soundness that'will carry thorn
through anything , and insures for them
a bright future. "
Kicclnl Sato hiiturility unit
Will oilor 200 dozen ladles' waists at
'cost price for Baturday and Monday ,
having juut rocolvod an immense deliv
ery. In order to Introduce them will
oll'or as above. Everything in the new
est , nobbiest styles in lawns , percales ,
buteens , failles , etc. , from 25e to $15.00.
The finest assortment west of Chicago.
Fotberlngham , Whltolaw & Co. ,
Leaders and promoters of low prices
Council Bluffs , la.
Thu City I.out.
The Jury in the case of Mrs. L. L. Hen
dricks aglnst the city rotut-ned a verdict
which was opened in the district cour
yesterday morning and found to be for th
plaintiff for tlio sum of $ l'J."iO. This was
about as expected , and it Is stated that th
city will not appeal the case to the supreme
court. As a nutter of fact , the city has bu
little to lose by thu verdict anyway , if the
assertions of gome of the lutcCcdtcd parties
uro to be taken us gospel truth. It is ulalmct
that thu Interstate Uaihvuy company , o
rather the Omaha Bridge and Tormina
Hallway company , whfch Is now the owner
of the former's franchise , Is responsible ti
tlio city for all damages that may resul
from defective tracks. If this bo true , It i :
probable that another eult will arise out o
thooiiojust disposed of. m which the elti
will bo plaintiff and the Bridge and Term I
nal company defendant , unless the compair
agrees to u settlement without going througi
the preliminaries of a long low suit ,
Tlio jury iu tbo case of th First Natlona
hnnk of Chlcnpo ngnlnst the Council Bluffs
Gas Si Electric Light company also returned
( \ verdict yesterday morning , giving the
plaintiff the full amount demanded , (1,072.53.
it will probably bo appealed.
Yesterday the case of W. E. Frnser , the
collection accent of Sioux City , against Foster
was on trial. This ii ono of the famous
I'lattsmoulh railway garnishment cases
which nro to bo tried on"nn appeal from the
court of Justice Fox. The case was Riven to
the Jury nt the hour of evening adjournment.
Only One Dny More Munlln Underwear
Enormous purchase , $0,000.00 worlh
of ladies muslin underwear , now on sale.
Our store ha < j been crowded every day
since the commencement of
sale. , Everybody well plen cd at the
bargains . wo are offering. Still greater
bargains than over for Saturday. Odd
lots will bo closed out today at less than
half price. Bia SAM : SATUHDAY even
ing , open until 10 p. in.
The entire lot of muslin underwear ,
till on separate tables , at 2oc , COc , 75c ,
OSc nnd SI.-18 each. Don't miss it. Yon
can buy any garment for what you will
have to pay for the muslin alone.
Saturday evening from 7 to 10 p. in.
we will otTer 7i > do/en of gents' IIOMS in
fast black , modes and tans , every pair
full regular made , worth ilc , nt the
low price , only Do a pair.Vo do this to
give these a ehanco who can't got out
during the tiny , nnd to advertise our
gents' furnishing department. Itoiucin-
her only Saturday evening ut this price ,
ic ) a pair.
Satin day evening wo will offer 100
dozen ladles' fine quality Swiss cm-
broldorcd handkerchiefs worth 3. > o and
40o ut the low price , only lOo each.
Don't forget only Saturday evening you
can got them at this price , lOc each.
Hl li School
The Friday afternoon rhetorical exercises
at the High school were unusually Interest
ing , n special program having been prepared
In vlqw of the fact that it was the last pub
lic oxcrclso of the kind to ha given before
commencement. There were n great many
visitors , the pupils ana their friends to
gether occuuylng about all the room that
was available. The following program was
rendered , the numbers without exception
being well performed and greeted with
hearty applause :
Pluno solo Ilesslo Van do Ilosart
Discussion Lily Cliornbs , Allcu Holland
Itucltatton Anna Coyno
Vocal > lo Mi Smith
Recitation Kllcn > Vood
Oration Clinton Spoonor
Piano solo Zulu Llpo. Dr.lsy ( "ovnlt
Ducliunatton H.ilph Mueller
Ilssuy KOMI Wilson
( ilrls niiurtot
Meda Klrkland , Hello Snyder , Kittle Ogden ,
Ucrthii Grass.
Keeltatlon I'lslo Schnontgcn
Oration Mllu Otto
Maud C.'ivln , Anna Slovens , Grace MclCrnzlc.
Dociaiimtlon Tom ( Ircun
Itecltutlon May Van Ilriint
Vocal solo Klttlo Ugdun
Discussion I'aitln Kreldler , May Perry
lllch school orchestra
Will Sijulie , Tom Askln , Krud Kmpkle , Charles
The most interesting and novel feature of
the program was the presentation of a flag
from the voung ladies of the High school to
the young men of the military company that
was organised a few months ago and hasten
t-en having weekly drills over since. The
ag was the prettiest one that could bo
ound in Council Bluffs , mudo of sillt nnd
rnamentcd with gold fringe. It was
iiounted on a ilno polo at the top of which
teed a cilt eagle with outstretched pinions.
The flag was brought in through ono door by
Misses Irene Test and Frankie Bowman , and
, t the same tlrno Miss Minnie Williamson
intercd by the other and mounted the plat-
orm. In a well worded oration she pre-
entod the flag to its HOW owners , and the
gift was acknowledged by Captain Frank
. on behalf of the members of the coin-
any. The flag will bo tirst furled to the
) rcezcs on Memorial day , when the cadets
ro to march in the procession along with
ho other military societies. "Tho company
s also talking of taking a trip to Sioux City
tbout the 1st of Juno to take part in a tour-
At tlio llostun Store , Council IlIulTj , la.
The originators , leaders and promoters
of low prices.
5,000 yards of beautiful pattern out-
ng flannels , flu u yard , worth lOc.
2,000 yards white India linen , -Ic a
; ard.
3,000 yards white shaker flannel , Ic a
2'JOO , yards , .10-Inch unbleached mus-
in , 4e n yard.
UOO dozen children's ribbed vests , Go
100 dozen ladies' ribbed vests , lOc , 3
'or 25c.
7. > dozen children's heavy ribbed tan
lose , lOe , li for 2-lc.
50 dozen extra largo nil linen towels
2TC each , worth 50c.
Remember we give n handsome photo
engraving with every $2 purchase and
over. Don't forget to ask for one.
Our great Juno sale will open
Thursday , Juno 1. Store will bo closed
all day Wednesday making preparations
for tills great annual ovont.
Fothoringhnm , Whitelaw & Co. ,
Leaders and promoters of low prices ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Louis Bledorman is agent for the
Great Eastern hotel , the largest In the
world ; practically fireproof ; has 1,100
rooms and is modern. Those intending
to visit the World's fair will find it to
heir interest to call or write , enclosing
stump. 504 First avenue , Council Blufl's.
Mct/enr & Kimllett'H Icu Cream.
Try Motzgar fe Randlott's pure and
delicious ice creams and ices and yon
will order no other.
liny Land for llont.
Ilay land for rout In lots of from 20 to
1100 uures. B. Marks , Council Bluffs.
I'lillh Cure iScurlet 1'ever.
A case o { scarlet fever was unearthed yes
terday morning at the residence ot a man
named Berwick in Sunnysldo addition , at
the north end of Harrison street. It had
not boon reported , as the only medical attention
tention that hud been given the case was
that of a faith cure man , who did not con
sider himself stiftloiontly bound by the laws
of this world to notity the city clerk.
The city physician was summoned to Investi i-
gate the case us soon as Deputy Marshal
Fowler accidentally ran across it , nnd ho
immediately pronounced it scarlet fever ,
although the mother of the child insisted
thafitwas all a mistake. Tlio child at
tended school nt the Harrison street build
ing until Thursday , and two other children
of the same family wont until yesterday %
w hen they were sent homo by the teacher ,
who was notified of the discovery.
Piles of people have piles , out Oo Witt1
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
For Sale Hickory -1-foot wood , $0.00 ;
steve wood , 12 or 10 inches , $2.50 per
cord , delivered. II. A , Cox , 10 Main
Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p.
in. ut the Council Bluffs Medical Sid
Surgical institute , 20th nnd Broadway.
Bargains in line tooth brushes and
cologne , wholesale price , only lOc.
Davis , the druggist , 200 Broadway ,
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. C. James has the
strongest companies in the world.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swnnson Musio Co
Cook yoi" meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost ut tbo Gas company.
Comrades Will R&nbmbor These Who Toll
by Thoifl fiido in Fight ,
* ' * * '
All of the Clrln gocletlc * Will Tnko 1'nrt In
the I'nrailo A fiinlitcr llcporti thnt
111 * l'nmllj-1 * StnrtlnK Mnglo
Clly Ooittlp.
The committee nt work on the details of
the proper observance of Decoration day has
about completed its work and a largo turn
out is anticipate * ! . The order of the proces
sion ! will bo as follows :
Detiiclimontof police. Marshal .T. W. Cross.
Assistant marshal * , M. Kulloy , N. II. Acker
and W. H. Anderson , Grand Army of the Ite-
publlcdrum ' corps. Koboit I-UltiuMon post
R'ol . 28U. ( Ir.ind Army of thu Ucpubllc , and all
old soldiers and s.Uloi-s. Women s Itollof liirps
No. 143 and Daupliters of Vutcrnns. K. 1C.
Wells cnmp No. 7li , Sons of Veterans , I'rof. A.
ASI . Monrot ) nnd pupils of the public schools.
St. Agnes' drum corp . St. AKIIUS' -cliool.
Postmaster Ulassow nnd Mall Curriers iisso-
clatlon No. 0 , l.lly division No. H , Uniform
liank i : KnlRhtsof I'ythlns. American Protect
hrl association. Heo Hive ledge No. 'J84 , An
cient I'rco and Accepted MUSOIIM. I'.itrlottc
Sons of America , South Onmhii lodsn No. 148 ,
Independent Order of Odd Kullows. South
Omaha ) lodpo No. CO , AncIiMit Order United
WorkniPn. NobrnsUa lodRo No. ! Ji7 , Ancient
Order 1'nltrd Workman , South Onmlm camp
No , 10.r ! ] , Moilern Woodmen of Ani"rlci. ;
t'otirt Magic led o No. 10H. Tuulonla lodRo
No. 105. Prokoi ) Vulky No. 'JOO , and
Soandla lodge No. 'Jl0 , Indeticndcnt Order
of Korusturs. Division No. 51 , Ancient
Order ] of Hibernians , Itninch No. 'J. Cnrineii'n
.Mutual Ilonollt association. North Star Scmi-
dlinvlan I society. South Om.iha lodRu No. na ,
U. O. T. M. llohoinluii Star of Mbprly ImlKn No.
145,0. ' S. P , S. t'rosrnss Asscinhly No. 3817 ,
K'nlKhts of Labor. Unltud Hrotherhood of
Carpunters and Joiners , No. 12. Tynojiraphl-
cal union No. VG'J. Coopuisunlnn , No. 1. Ul-
Rarmakcrsutdon , No. 07. South Omaha tur-
houses. Stock yards employes.
Commission merchants , South Omalia Llvn
Stock nxuliuiiKi ! . I'luttMlentsclieixereln. Of
ficers of the day. Oratois of thu day. Ministers -
tors of the dlitutotit denominations. Mayor ,
city council and city otlleen. llo.inl of l.du-
catlon. Itoprusentiitlvesof the press. Ito ml
of Trade. ( Jltirctis on horiobiieU. Olilof 1' . M.
Smith [ and thu South Omaha tire dcputtmcnt.
Citizens In cairlapus.
The differentorfranizatlons will meet on
M street west of Twenty-fourth nt 1:80 :
o'clock , and the procession will move nt ! )
o'clock sharp. All organlrattons will form
0r M strcot ; the right of the procession will
rest on Twenty-seventh , except the Woman's
Ucllof corps , Daughters of Veterans and
public schools , which will form on Twenty-
fourth htreet , right resting on M street.
Procession will move on Twenty-seventh
street south to N street , east on N street to
Twenty-fourth street , north on Twenty-
fourth street to F street , cast on F street to
Spring Lake park.
rrognim ut the Croumln.
Instrumental muslci by cornet band.
Opunlnir addics by Mayor Walker.
Vocal music by choir.
Player. *
Scriptural lesson. "
Vocal music by the South Omnlm quartet.
Oration , W. S. Stituvii.
Som ; by thu pupils of the public schools.
Driving the Brain
at the expense
of the Body.
While we drive
the brain we
must build up
the body. Ex
ercise , pure air
foods that
make healthy flesh refreshing
sleep sucli are methods. When
loss of flesh , strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
; 's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil , which not only
creates flesh of and in itself , but
stimulates the appetite for other
Prepared by Rootl A Benne , N Y. All ilruggi l .
iiio Grsatest on
and Land
1 poatftgo
I for a
100 page
iMrtu , " ! " > ' . dS ? ' ' - - . ' vT
MILTON ROOIRS & 8011 , Agts. , Omahn , or
Majestic IWfer. Co. . St. Louis.
A wliolesomo tfinlc. Delicious to the taste. 2
( irnteful to tlio htuinncli. 1'urlfyliit' to thu V >
tilnotl nnd ctreiiRtbenlnK lo tbo bj'Blciii. V
UiiHurpnaaed na n prevrntlTO uf and euro for 9
MAI.AUI.V , ) VMlMi'HA : , and purtlcu. SL
Inrly elllcaclous In cneusof w ukened dicess
tlvu ortana and , comullcallona urlnliik1 thereA
from. „ , , o
1'rrpureil 'iirlnclimlly from IIcrl , 2
nuil ItuuU , kuuwn lor llirlr mlnilriililo '
' i > ru | > crtle ( riimoly torpidity of thu ,
'litermid lumvU.
Dpon rocelnttiflO cents to clcfror our ex.
> penecs , wo wlll'nmll to tiny mldrctr , , pontniti )
) prepaid , a trial l > < ) Ule > conlulnlntf four ounces ,
t > securely packed la wuoUen cn e.
.PrlcoSl perUoHIo' 8/J for O bottles , full el
Bpeclol terms In luri'er lots.
i Pimples , blotches
land eruptions completely -
) pletely vanish before
'a ' steady use of
'Beecham's' '
/WortliaGuInca\ Pills
V a Uox. J
( Taitclees )
> and health again
'glows ' in the pure skin <
land clear complexion. '
35 ccnti a box.
A(1 < lr"n bj A. A. Monroe , superintendent of
public school * .
ArtdroMby Ffttlicr H. McDoUtt ,
roM by Hov. Peven ( on. >
lc liy cornet bnnd.
rcM by II. U. Hull.
MiHlO by Orand Army of tlio Hcpnbllc drum
Aildrc < by 1' , H. Hurt , ono ot tlio Sons of
Veteran * .
Ilencdlctlon ,
The committee on flowers for Decoration
day requests all persons having ( lowers to
contribute to send them to tbo Grand Army
of the Republic hall , .MIS N street , on Monday -
day cvcnlnp , MayStt. The school children
will aho bring their iflowers to the Grand
Army lot thc Hepubhc hall. The Grand
Army of the Hepubllc , all old soldiers and
sailors , Woman's Kcllcf Corps , and sons and
daughters of veteran1) will meet nt tlio hall
nt 0:30 : in the morning and march to Albright -
bright cemetery to decorate graves , also to
St. Mary's and the cemeteries.
Noun Notes unit I'crnonnti.
Horn , to Mr. nnd Mrs. Conncll , a boy.
Miss Annlo Marlow returned yesterday
from Ueatrice.
Mrs. S. Chandler has gene to Springfield ,
III. , on n visit.
C. G. Holmes of the Cud any force left
yesterday for Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvln of Now Orleans are
visltln ? nt the homo of U D. Uurnett.
The railing about Schenck's place on N
street needs to bo repaired very badly.
G. W. and Dr. William D.u-ls of Chilli ,
cothc , Mo. , nro visiting Mr. C. P. Davis.
H. M. Wells will bejrln the erection of a
$1,000 cottiipo in Mavwcll & Freeman's addi
tion nt once.
Two more attachments on the Heyman
stock were pasted on the window of the
store yesterday.
The school board lias concluded to use the
Sincad system in heating the new buildings
to bo erected this summer.
Samuel Davis , a foreman nt Swift's , loft
jestcrdny for n three mouths visit with his
parents , who live in Belfast , Ireland ,
The police ran in n half dozen vagrants
hist night who were found sleeping in box
cars. Judge Fowler let them nil go this
The O-.vear-old son of W. B. Van Sant mot
\\ithamost painful accident yesterday by
falling from n board fence which ho was
trying to walk.
Peter Merges will address the children of
the public schools at Blum's hall on Monday
evening. Ills discourse will explain what
Decoration day is and why it is observed.
All the members of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians are requested to meat : U43t.
Agnes cliurch on Sunday afternoon at U
o'clock to make arrangements for Decora
tion day.
Mr. U Hebcrlo of the Kansas City Ferti
lising company is in the city looking for n
location with a view of putting in a branch
of his business hero. If the proper Induce
ments are held out to his company the works
will bo built nt once.
II , Pcttengill , a conductor on the Ellthorn
road , fell asleep In hlu way car at Albright
yesterday afternoon , and while snoozing the
nappy hours away a thief entered the car
and carried off his gold watch.
The city council mot as a board of cquall-
/ation this morning , but as there were no
complaints on hand to work on an adjourn-
mcnt was taken until next Monday evening.
In the meantime complaints may bo fllcd
with tlio city cleric , und they will bo at
tended to at the next meeting of the board.
Piles cf people have piies , ut Dcwitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
The World's Greatest Mesmerist and Pun
i.mltcr , assisted by
In her wonderful feats of Catalepsy.
Positively the Funniest Show on Enrtli.
Complete Change of Program Nightly.
I'uiCES T , 3.50 cents.
U .1. MEACIIAU , Manngcr
WM. 11. DELLV , Advance
Tuesday , May 30.
In charge o the slaters of Mercy.
This renowned Institution Is situated on tl.o
hlftli bluffs back of au > l overlooking tlio city of
Council Bin ITs. The bp.iolous grounds , Us
high location and splendid view , nm'o It a
most pltnulnj retreat for tlio allllctod , A staff
of uialnont physicians nncl u liiruo corps of o < c
porlcncud nurses minister to the comforts of
the uatlents. Buu'clal careslvon to lady pu-
Term * Moderate ,
1'or particulars apply to
Frank Street - Council Hliiffj , Iowa
Spraying Trea ,
Wnthlnn Wlailovrs ,
And ItUKiilei ,
Cleaning Chicken
Coo pn.
Hai too bran noziles
Bud iprtrur , bnrrvl of
Balranlied Iron whlcli
cannot corrode or near
out ! bra top nnd bran
Talro to barrel ! bran
and vulre < of onk >
lannel leather. Works
a k well and UiU as Ionic
UK a hlf U priced pump
Circulars tteo. AjeuH
Council Uliiffa , Iowa ,
The orthodox old-school doctors con
sidered disease an organized enemy
which' carried on an actual warfare
within the body. Iloroie remedies ,
powerful pills and pellets , were , there
fore , hurled like shot nnd shell to dis
place the invisible enemy.
The belief to-day is that disease is n
delicate organization out ot gear nnd
working with friction.
Have you had the grin ?
Has it loft you weak and nervous ?
Then you know what dlscasa is.
You newl something to rob the nerves
of irritability , and mnlco the system
capable of making vigorous , ruddy ,
healthy blood.
Then nbovo till things , use Paincscol-
ory compound. Thousands of people
have sot tholr stump of approval on it.
It is in the line of progress. Its dis
coverer recognized that weakness , lassi
tude and lack of energy maun that moro
nervous force is being used than is pro
All kinds of Dyeing
ami Cloinliij done In
tliii hlK'iO'it style of
the nrt. Kiulud anil
stutnud fahilcs nmdo
to loot : no good n&
now. Wet ic promptly
done and delivered
in nil parts of the
country. Surv.l for
prlco Hat
llrcadwnv. ncur Nort
western Depot ,
Telephone IUJ.
Highest Grade $100.0 ! )
Eclipse , Wavorly , King , Clipper ,
Medium grade $80.0J (
Solo agents for "Victors- Victor FlyoV
weighs 28lbs.
41 Main Strao .
And Health is the Royal
Road to Happiness.
Every manner of chronic dl'oaso can bo
cured without the HBO of incdlclno at the
Council Bluffs
No matter how nearly dlscoitracod you nrn ,
or how much you hjuoHiillurod from dlsuaiii
nnd hid ufTccts of stronz inedk'lno * , yon can
bu cured mid ealu puiinannnt hcnofllby the
now untl-modleal systoui of trcatiiiont. Dis
cuses trjatcdi
AnnmlH , Api > | ili > xy , Aitlini , Hena'i His ,
Ciitiirrli , Cinihuiiiiitloii , Curv.itiiro of Ilin
Splno , Dyapuiulii , KpilnjHVt I.tx'ur Coin-
plalnt , VcurulKln , lUirunnitUm , 1'nrnlysiu ,
Coimtlpntlon , Scrofnlii , ICc/nnui unit Alt
Itloott DUrniic * , I'onnlnVoiUnoai : , Dcuf-
noi , I.oclijmv , lloinla. fir Itnptiiro , IMIus ,
.Norvou't Allcctloiu , Heart Dmoimr , 1'algy
IHc. ,
All treated nnd cured by the
Galvanic Electro Magnetic liattury
For extracting all animal , vegetable and
mineral poisons.
Vituli/.eil Vapor nnd O/one Daths
For purifying the blood and beautifying the
cumpluxlon ,
Vitali/.cd Ilcut and Magnetic Haths
Kor paralysis , debilities and tonlni up the
Vitali/.cd Chemical & Klcctric liatlis
For removing all cancers anil blood poisons.
The Knioaoy of tlio Above MntlioJa Dally
Domonttiatcd by
) , fl. M. f. D. ,
119 Stutsman Strait , Council Bluffs , la
Empkie-Shugart Go ,
100-111-119-115 Main Street.
Largest stock of
In the city.
Agents ot the Celebrated
Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators ,
Agents for the
Oil Gas Stoves ,
the safest and newest steve out.
Wo uro oxcluslvo iigonts for the
Genuine Boynton Furnace ,
and all furnace work is supervised by
our Mr. Lautornansor , who IB ono of the
best furtmco men In the west
Wo carry u full sU k of Field Seeds ,
City agents for the Plonoor Implement
mont CO.'B goods.
. Vs > v \ v.
Pnlno's celery compound will maka
you well it you nro woitlc. llorp IB a re
cent letter from Mr. K'uisom Phillips ol
Aildlsoii , N. Y , , onulojing n photograph
of his sister , Slvoti above :
"I have bought three bottles ol
Pnlno's celery compound for my sister.
"Sho hud a stroke ot paralysis BOIIIQ
three or four years ngo , but she got bet
ter so that she was around. Thou she
had the trrip , and it loft her weak anil
nervous , with a bad cough. She was
reading some of the letters from promi
nent people about Palno's celery com
pound , and she mentioned it lo mo , and
I told her she had bolter have some. I
got hot * n. bottle. She look this one , nnd
when that wits gene It had done bor so
much good that I went and got two
moro bottles.
"I carried one of them homo to my
wife , who is quite nervous , and It also
helped her. " It makes people well. It
cures where everything else falls. Try
it and you will bo convinced.
RATES SCO , $75 und $00 a montb ,
according to locution. Address ,
Ciiniborland , Md. , up to .Tune 10 , Afte
that date , either Deer Purl : orOaldundf
Garret County , Md.
&a l&4tolOOetnt 8L , C
Mill Xill rr Utlr urnly rnliripd
CaUlvgtitof B n < l Inttruincnlt , Unl
zormi aurl t < iuii n * nli , < w ri ! . U
lu > lnllon , il .iriHng utry rllclo
rcuuircit ly l.nd < r Drum ( bipi ,
' lUInt Inslrucliont for Atukttur lundi ,
icikri ui Pruu Nior i Ttrtiei , Ily
II u4 > S : KUJ Lilt ut IUU < 1 tllulc.
WK cnn ell row luiuianii 1 lot on npitiuint of
fromllUUJ In JO ) down anil lllOltolliOJ
perinnnth Some special barRiilni In lot * . Jotyty
itun A Vnn I'alton. A .
A IlSlllACTSnnrtloaoi turm ftncl clir prop6rl >
bouuht und soil , ruiar i Ttiuaiti , Uouaoll
lllulTa. I
_ _
I7O11 SA1P , Choapi loini liUck itrlrliu m arm
I-lumn mulus ; oil wnjon , harneM and toarui top
MiKKri road nuKon. Carbon L'o l Co. . II ) I'jarl strBtt.
| ? 0lt HAhB-TlirnoloMiy Imllm a m , 0110 woele ?
J onuyonrnnil ttrn yunrii aollil color , rutcliturad
turk I .H. l t Ht.
I'oll HAI.r.Nluobay c.irrluja tatni 1 1 1 < ; ur :
1 1 W Tulliy , III I I'gjrlSt Council lllu 1 *
0 loniOYOd , oasipooli , vault * , a\i\ma \ \ rt
Kit llurko , at Tuylur'u urjojr61)
j'OH f AM ! An uiirldil Hvoiorto \ powjr bollel. '
.mil ul laai llromlwii . _
I.MlltNlllHI ) ilntfor Worlds fair fur runt J or 0
1 months Now T-rori.n Hut , now furnltiiro oem <
iilutu , itaiim hunt and K s nuuo , ii' car line and
liandr to World's fairAdJrui K. T. 1C. , J17 Itast
Stli utruct. Llile.igi ) ,
J/Oli UISNT l.urgn wnriilian.n sltiiatud on rail'
vutrn"k , lniulru | of I'louoor Imiiluiiiiiiil Co.
LJIIiiiiUIAN : buy * mid all < notoi nocured by
. luorUugoi on Council Illutli and O.naUa pruu *
crtr. OltlLuWI I'lril monuu.
WII.I , traito Council Illulti proiiorty anil cut ! ) for
liatitnaru onil Impluiuint nlooi In wuitvra
lowaor ontlcrnNobratka. UI7 , Cunacll lllull .
TICAUTIKIII < linina ; all luodarn conrunlonooi ;
Jiloit ( irlcui , eniy torun. A. J. Atamlvl , U. HluU .
\VANTUIl-Comiieteutnlrlln fumllrof two , lo
> > quirt of MM. K 1 * . VVrUUt , ti ! Houtu SsvunlU
| , XH HUM'-Kurnliliud room for ono or two gca *
X' lleiimn tU Hynnter tr ul.
D ifllllAllK ! roomi , furtdnhed or unfurnliliod.
wltli boarJ for the nuuiuiur If duilrwl , ( W
Uleu ovcnuu.
I UItNIHIIICI ) roocin for rent ; room wltti board ,
i. at til Wnbhlniitoii nvo , corner Bcott t.
I. O.I UKM' Olt 8AIi-In Mornlrin.Wo. a ne ,
-I torau room Loune. Vt , t > . Homer , 6)8 Uro 4 *
* r.
_ _ _ _ _ ,
TTOJIK8-I will trade uie < iutttei In ODD or tnO
ilKoudilwallliui for clear lolt. llalaaca ouloag
tluio. II. J , AduunHlJ IMrln Bvoaui ) ,
OUMlrar borio. rrull witilt'Jv f *
about II ycarioia. K , U. TuU , KOJ n f fail
8 iiillei oail of city. _
_ _
AlFANTKD Competent ulrl for ncneral Lome-
> V wo ik. llt'it of waKOi , Mr , mid Mr . 13. KJ
Hart , 104 1'nrk urunue.
WANTKD-l'artloi with a llttht tlmi un'l oaplU
luuiiaufacturuanil InuoJucu patented norel
tlci. IL i , AU ui , W8 i'orlu urcuuu , Cuuucll DJuD * .