Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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THIS OMAHA DAILY ME : FRIDAY. MAY ,20. 1893. * * ' 3
[ * ion in the Impeachment Likely to Bo
Bondered Soon.
hbortnon'aForclbta Arraignment of the
lo lliplca Blo 1'oir Lincoln 1'nrtlinni
I Will IIihlMt Tholr DUintUrnotlon
In n fiubttai.tlnl Manner.
IXCOLS , Nob. , May S3. fSpcclal to Tns
[ . ] The supreme court mot this morning
illy and was closeted for some time In
( ultatlon , after which It was announced
' an adjournment had been taken until
Sdnyat'Jp. m. It Is generally antic- !
lit that conclusion of some sort will then
| nnouncc < J In the Impeachment caso. Hon.
Webster Is said to hnvo recoiled an In-
l.tlon to that olToct from Chief Justice
f-wcll at the hotel dinner table today ,
ricnds of the accused otllclals express
lildcrablo feeling against Hon. O. M. Lnm-
Json for the forcible arraignment ho made
Ills address to the court , and this fool-
Els being manifested In at least ono no-
Iirway. They nro exhibiting a studied
Bmardncss In gceurlng tickets to the bun-
L of tlio Young Men's Republican club , to
Kir on the 29tli , bocnuso It Is under-
ail that them is n possibility that Mr.
libortson will lie ono of tbo speakers. At
rsaino time friends of the accused arc ex-
Iising tbo utmost conlldcncouml predict a
Jplotonnd umiunllllcd acqulttiil ,
She managers of the Impeachment case
I , nt 8 o'clock this morning and audited
tu claims of stenographers nnd others
Incctcdvltn the trial. U is salil that the
Ipunsntlou to bo allowed Hon. .T. L.
cno of ICcanioy as ono of tbo attorneys
Itlio fltiito Is llknly to lend to some dlsscn-
ki In the board of ninmigcrs. ns Manager
J ton has announced his unalterable oppo-
{ on to the allowance of more than ndtll-
rnnl $100 to Greene , which would make bis
| fal fco $ GOO.
From the Court House.
. ' 'ho grand Jury , after taking some brief
Hlinonyoii the penitentiary tnattci * . ad-
Srncd until Friday of next week. It Is bo-
Jvcd that the Jury will not return any more
nlctmcnts. Oorhsm F. Bolts' trial hns
lilu been postponed , this time until next
| Htncsdny. The court expects 10 bo en-
Ijed Monday with n forgery caso. whilet
{ csday tiioro will bo no"uo'urt Memorial
herlft McClny scented nn order from
jlgo TIbbotts today restraining the
I nty Judge from issuing an order of com-
R'.ment In the cases of three iioys ordered
ft to tlio Keaincy reform school , to Chief
J'porof the city police. The sheriff con-
] 'da ' that the taking of boys and girls to
i industrial schools is ono of the per-
Eisltcs of his ofllcc , and the county Judirc
no right to Issue the orJer to the chief
olIco because of the hitter's limited
Isdlctlon. The stuto pays 10 cents n mlle
each ono traveled in taking persons to
E i to Institutions , and the exclusive Job in
Iiicolu is estimated ns being worth from
) to $000 iv year. The statute provides
tft the "proper olllcor" shall do the work ,
VI botli the chief and sheriff contend each
Stho proper ofllcer. The chief is the man
JF.IO generally arrests the vagrant youths ,
.d . heretofore It has been the custom to
. -fdo with the sheriff , but the now chief
u't see It that way.
HMary 1J. Townsend asks Judgment in
tunty court against Dr. T. II. Lane , a
| -ominont phvslclau In the city , for $500 ,
Ehich amount she claims to have been dum
ped by reason of the malpractice of the
factor in not giving her case proper attcn-
A divorce case somewhat out of the usual
ms hcurd before Judge Hall this afternoon.
'ho plaintiff was Dora Frazlcr , keeper of a
lOUse of ill fame , who desired a divorce from
lor husband , Frank M. Fruzicr , whom she
nnrrled in Omaha August 7 , Ibb'J. She told
, long story of revolting cruelty and declared
, o had never fuiniuhcd any money for her
upport. She got her decree. , ,
O. W. Trncey , the hackman , charged with
abblng a passcnirer , was found guilty of
arccny from the person after the jury had
ollucratcd but a few moments. Ho at-
omptcd to prove un alibi by a woman of the
cwn , but it didn't work.
City In Hrlof. '
. Mrs. J. D. Jones , wife of a Burlintrton bag-
Ingomastcr. was seriously injured In tf runway -
way accident at Twenty-seventh ana H
reots. Her horse frightened at a vicious
j , and running away struck a telephone
lo , throwing her out. She was badly In-
Ired about the chest and back , and was ro-
lovcd In u fainting condition to her homo at
[ wonty-thlrd and U streets.
I Joseph Schloss , a painter living at Twenty-
Iguth and S streets , fell from a building at
Eighteenth and P streets this morning , sus-
lilnlug very painful injuries.
I Li. A. Kirk , a telegraph operator from Nol-
lii , dropped Into the police station last
Ironing with a badly cut head and face. Ho
Lid ho had boarded a Burlington passenger
uln , but had no ticket , nnd the conductor
Impelled him to Jump off while the train
I-ts going at a high rate of speed. His In-
| -lcs were attended to. and this morning a
end bought him n ticket to Is ebon.
ri F , Hitchock , a well known politician
Id real cstato dealer , had u hearing before
Ilgo Brown this morning on the charge of
Jvlng obtained some goods from Walter
lumblo by trading notes that he said were
I'urcd by mortgages on some good Omaha
s , but which 1 rumble claimed proved to
t comparatively valueless. The accused
Is discharged , the state falling to produce
1'lclent evidence. Hitchock says ho will
I ) Trutublo for fT > ,000 damages for false
It transpires that Mrs. W , II. Irvlno. wlfo
I the Suit LIKU ; man who killed Hank
iosltlcnt C. K. Montgomery u year ago and
is ncciulttcd by n Jury , stopped off in Lin-
Ilu n few hours Tuesday. She was on her
Iky to Salt I ako , where she proposes toM
\M the divorce suit Irvlno has. begun , ono
the chnrgrs of which is adultery with
lontgomory. She loft lust evening for the
Cannon capital.
Late Crlmliml Keiri.
( The hardware store of Burks ( t Catlman ,
[ ithin Half a block of the police station on
k orth Tenth street , was entered by burglars
| > mo time last night , and several hundred
ollars worth of knives carried nwny. Kn-
ruiico was secured by prying opou u roar
indow , which , in addition to the usual fas-
linings , had bc > > ii milled down. The fellows
liado u thorough search of the store , over-
Ijriiliig drawers and iccuptaclcs , but nothing
Ixccptlug knives was taken. .
f Four more prisoners escaped from Jailor
tench yesterday afternoon and this morn-
lig while ho had them out on the rock pile ii. i.
'ho oftlcors bcllovo , howovsr , that they
ave solved the problem of how to
leap prisoners from running away , and Dobb
imlth. an nil round nthloto , who is serving
lut a line for crnp shooting , volunteered in
unsltlcratlon of the shortening of his tlmo ,
i tuko the prisoners In charge , nnd his offer
os accepted. Smith Informed the. prls-
laors that ho would break the head of the
f.rst man v ho attempted to run away , and _
o ono hns yet tried it , '
. Mrs. . Mary Harris and her son M. A.
forty were up before Judge Waters this
luornlng on the ehargo of crund larceny , the
lacking of a house buloiiging to J. W. Hulls.
[ After the trial had gotten under way , It de
veloped that the house was located Just two
blocks beyond the city limits , and therefore '
jutsldu of the city limits. U'he case was
Immediately dismissed , and negotiations for
a compromise are now In progress.
k btute lluutu Nu\n.
The State bank of Brunswiuk , Antelope
county , tiled articles of incorporation today
> Tith n capital stock of 'J5,000 , SO percent S
which must bo paid in to commence busi
Articles of incorporation of the American
Rolling Stock comjuny of South Olnalm
were mod today with the secretary of state.
The incorporators wuro ; John S. Knox , II.
It. ICroldor , SV. M. Keencui , John Forbes and
Michael Cudahy , and the capital stock 1s
(500,000 , The business contemplated is the
acquirement , owning , inainlonaucu and hir
ing of railroad curs designed for carrying
live stock , meat and other freight.
Kdward O , Strode , James A. Walker and
II. W. Orr , all of Lincoln , were today ad-
wlttcdjo practice In the supreme court ,
Arreituti u Soliool Teuclier.
UBATMOB , Nob. , May 25. [ Spoolal Tolo-
grata to TUB UBK.J Mls Cor * O'Coimoll , a
school teacher , WAS arrcatod last ovcnlnff ,
chnrgMl with RMiuilt nd battery , on com-
Dlalnt of James Dornn for whipping ono of
his children. Miss U'Counoll plondod not
guilty ! and was released on her own recog
nizance to appear at 1 o'clock tomorrow.
or A Nnw vonrecn.
Hon. Irn DiiTrnpnrt'i Itloa of the Cnua of
the riimncUt Deprotllon.
FnctiONT , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BEE. ] Hon. Ira Davenport
nnd wlfo of Bath , N. Y. , nro stopping in the
city a few days while returning from tholr
visit to California. Mr. Davenport and his
brother have Invested very largo sums of
money In lots and buildings In this city , nnd
also In farm lands In this nnd other counties
in this stiito. Ilo Is also quite n politician ,
having been elected to congress In the Km-
plro state. Mr. Davenport being asked to
give his reasons for the stringency in money
matters which has caused so many banks to
go to the wall lately said :
"Tho financial disturbances this country
have recently undergone nro , In my opinion ,
the result of the sliver law. This is the
natural consequence of Issuing a note for tl
worth 80 cents , and the question la ono that
settles Itself , no matter that politicians and
statesmen may say or do. And now the
question Is. shall there bo nn extra session to
sot matters right without delay , or shall wo
wait ?
' People abroad are sending back our
securities to bo redeemed In gold , because
they do not know how soon they will have
to take their pay on a sliver basis. Anyway ,
they nro apprehensive and sending our
securities back. I think chat silver notes
should bo redeemed In silver , and my im
pression Is that the government it under no
obligation to redeem them in gold. If the
Sherman act was repealed nt once then the
povcrnmont might bo nblo to redeem In gold
the silver notes already issued , but if the
issue is continued Indefinitely there can bo
but ono result. "
Noton from Illuo Sprlnc * .
Br.un Si'iiiNOS , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to
THE BKE. ] This section Is still suffering for
want of rain nnd the Indications are that
the crop In cereals nt least will bo light. It
Is still to early to estimate the crop for corn ,
as It Is not all planted. A number of farmers
have replanted on account of poor seed. In
dications lor fruit nro not very encouraging.
Apple blooms was very scarce In many va
rieties. Plums , grapes and berries will bo
nearly n failure. Cherries , currants and
gooseberries are all right. Peaches also
promise better than was expected.
The new city council will not grant nny
saloon licenses and there Is nn ordinance
tending to ratso the license fco on billiard
tunics from > to $200 each ,
. The litigation over the water works plant
has been compromised nnd the city is now
preparing to utilize It and supply all who do-
slro it with the water.
A span of mules and harness wcro stolen
from the stable of Samuel Blytho , a few
miles from here , recently nnd In splto of a
reward offeicd of S150 no trace of them has
been found.
The Union Pac'lflc depot was broken Into
yesterday while the agent was gene to
dinner , but the robbers only found a few
cent ? . This Is the third tlmo within a few
months that this depot has been robbed.
Arrangements being made to observe
Decoration day on quite an extended scale
by the Grand Army of the Kopublic post ,
nnd the Cemetery association will plvo a
grand dinner and supper on the occasion.
Commencement exercises by the High
school will take place Friday night.
Tnblo Hook Notiu.
TABLE HOCK , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to
THE BKB. ] A surprise uarty was given
Tuesday evening to "Miss Crlstina Baker by
the young people of the community. Miss
Baker has recently roturned'from her mis
sion work among the Indians of Alaska ,
taking her parents and friends entirely by
surprise. They therefore took this method
to retaliate and the young people spent a
very pleasant evening with her.
The district convention of the Women's
Christian Temperance union met hero
Wednesday afternoon. Quito n number of
delegates were present. In the evening
Mis. J. H. Battles of Auburn gave a very
clear and thoughtful lecture on "ThoEffects
of Alcohol on the Body. " Thoio was a
largo audience present.
Notes of > "cw from West Point.
WEST POINT , Neb. , May 25. [ bpocial to
THIS BEE. ] The following ofllcors and di
rectors were elected at the mooting of the
Water Power and Land Improvement com
pany Tuesday : J. C. Crawford , president ;
Dr. Franchu , vice president ; Hobort Kloko ,
secretary ana treasurer ; J. J. Kins , J. C.
Crawford and Henry Bacon , executive com
mittee ; Dr. Franchu , Henry Bacon , J.C.Craw
ford , J. J. King and U. F. Kloko , directors.
Arraneoments have been made by the
local Grand Army of the Republic post for
appropriate observance of Memorial day.
Next Sunday the annual memorial service
will bo held at the Grace Lutheran church ,
for which a special program Is being pre
Toaclien Uleoted.
Bi.Aiit , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] The following list of teachers has
been selected by the school board for the
Blair schools for the ensuing year : Prof.
W. 1C. Fowler of Scrlbnor , superintendent ;
Miss Louise Clark , principal ; Miss Minnlo
E. Hondryx , assistant principal : Mr. C. G.
Quinii , principal of West school ; Miss Nora
Platz , principal of Gardor school , and Misses
Molllo Hogan , Jennie Rhodes , Edna Davis ,
Julia Meservoy , Emily Hallor , Minnlo Lund ,
Loclln Henderson , Eda Jones , Lena Innis ,
Mcllta Taylor , May Hancock , Fannie Gross ,
Hottio Hodman.
Orel Mnsons Meet.
Onn , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to TUB BEE. ]
At a regular mooting hold last evening
Ord ledge No. 103 , Ancient Frco nnd Ac
cepted Masons , olcotod the following ofllcors
for the ensuing year : Worshipful master ,
Albert W. Jackson ; senior warden , James C.
Hoddlo ; Junior warden , James F. Colby ;
treasurer. James A. Patton ; secretary ,
George. P. Emlg : tlyer , William Woaro ;
trustees , Charles B. Coffin , William D.
Ogden and James A. Patton. The ofllcors-
elect will bo Installed Juno 24.
Oiceoln Independent * Aloet.
OSCEOI.A , Neb , , May 24. [ Special to Tns
BBS. ] The Independents of this county had
the band out playing for them yesterday
afternoon to draw a crowd to hear lion ,
John II , Powors. They succeeded in draw-
ing a crowd of about 100 and the speaker
gave thorn the same old story of "political ,
moral and llimndal ruin. " Mr. Powers
would have drawn u largo crowd hero a year
or two ago , but the fanners are beginning to
get their eyes open and don't take so much
stock in these follows "that farm the
farmers. "
AV'ork of Thlavui lit runriieo City.
PAWMBK Cirr , Neb. , May 25. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] A trunk belonging
to D. Goldson of the Simmons Hardware
company of St. Louis was stolen from a B.
.t M. frulght train at this place last night.
U was rilled of its contents , consisting of re
volvers , knives , scissors , etc. , nnd loft In a
Hold near the depot. The loss will approxi-
mate $150.
lllneM ufa Commercial M n.
PJLWNBB Crrr , Neb , , May 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Frank A * Taylor of
the Standard Advertising company of Ooch-
rnnton , O. , is lying dangerously 111 at the
Exchange hotel in thU city. His mother
and brother-in-law are with him. Physi
cians have but llttlo hope of his recovery.
Hlielton'a Delegation to Omulm.
SUBI/TON , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to TUB
BEE ] Shelton has a prosperous branch of
the State Business Men's association , and
will send the following delegates to tbo an
nual convention to bo hold in Omaha May ' "J
to HI : F. D. Hood , C. N. Kiuuoy and M. A.
Captured it Uosortor.
GIUND ISLAND , Nob. , May 25. [ Special
Telegram to TUB UBU. ] Chief of Pollco
Powers arrested Paul Gavon , a deserter
from company A , Eighth infantry , of Fort
MeKiunoy , Wyo. , today. The federal au
thorities have boon uotitlod.
Thought tlio dlrl Uulltjr.
FIIEUONT , Nob. , May 25. [ Suocial to TUB
HEB.J This afternoon when Mrs. Frank
Fowler returned from the residence af her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Jainos Balding , she
VIM frightened by the screams of her hired
girl , who was lylnc on the floor with n gunny
sack orcr her bond and ono arm nnd limb
tied to the gasoline stovo. While Mrs.
Fowler wont back for ner mother the neigh
bors wcro Attracted by the cries of the hired
girl. All kinds of rumors were ,
how bold burglars had entered the house In
broad daj light nnd bound the hired girl and
had stolen everything In the house that they
could lay their hands on.
When Mrs. Balding arrived she very soon
decided that tno girl had "dono the whole
business herself , " so , Instead of calling the
chief of police , she simply telephoned for a
hack and icnt the girl homo.
Deed of nn Oiunlm Mnn White Temporarily
* Deranged.
EMUIORX , Nob. , May 23. [ Special
crramtoTus BBE. ] George Thurnmn , a Gor
man farm laborer employed by Charles
Waterman , a farmer living north of this
place , committed sulcldo nt an early hour
this morning. Ho went to a neighbor's
house and hanged himself to a rafter in the
barn. When discovered Hfo was extinct.
Ho was not of sound mind.
Ho was ; member of the Omaha Plaits-
doutsohor veroln and until recently Worked
at the Omaha Smelting works. Among his
effects wcro found certificates of deposit
from nn Omaha bank for $110 nnd n bank
customer's book showing deposits of ? 97.
Ho was 85 years old and as far as known
has no relatives In this country. Ho
was not addicted to-oxccsslvo drinking' , but
was troubled with poor eyesight. At inter
vals his mind wandered , and during such
times ho would labor under the hallucination
that the Omaha pollco were after htm. The
coroucr's Jury found that ho dlod of his own
hands while temporarily Insane. The body
was taken to Omaha for burial.
Heavy ro o > 4.
WEST POI.ST , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to
Tun Bnn. ] A small cyclone passed through
the northern part of this county Tuesday ,
doing ' much damage to property nnd llvo
stock. The barn of Frank Kufka was blown
acrrss forty acres ot land and two of his
.cows were killed. The stitblo of George
Schndumun was entirely destroyed , killing
a horse ana injuring many hogs. His
wlndwlll was blown from Its tower and the
residence was torn from its foundation.
Much damage was done at many other farms ,
James Conlius nnd John Mclaughlin's farms
receiving a good part of the storm.
Unimex , Neb. , May 23. ( Special to Tnn
BHE. ] A heavy rain of several hours dura
tion , accompanied by terrific lightning and
severe thunder , passed over this county from
northwest to southeast this morning. It did
great good. The corn crop Is now assured ,
and many Holds of small grain will yet har
vest a good crop. Tlio sky Is threatening
and more rain Is expected.
Convicted of blubbing n Companion.
WEST POINT , Nob. , May 25. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKE. ] This evening the
Jury In the district court brought in n ver
dict ( of guilty of stabbing with intent to
wound against Edward Kostera of Omaha.
Last Saturday night at Wisner Kosters got
into a saloon brawl and stubbed William
Malchow twice In the arm with a pocket
knlfo. Ho was arrested and bound over.
Kosters was brought to "West Point and as
district court was in session his case was
tried today. The Jury petitioned the Judge
to bo lenient In his sentence.
by Fire.
GHANU ISLAND , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to
TUB BED. ] A small blaze occurred here yosr
torday afternoon. The cottage of Albert
Sagcsser caught lire from a Hue. The de -
partment was culled out and saved the
building from burning completely to the
ground. Tho'loss Is about $200. It Is In
sured in the Homo of Omaha.
Lincoln Youtli Instantly Killed.
LINCOLN , Nob. , May 25. [ Special Tele-
gram to Tun BEE. ] Franklin Lavcrty , a
boy of 18 years , while fooling with a revolver
at his homo on Eighteenth and Cherry
streets lute this afternoon , was shot through
the heart by the accidental discharge of the
weapon. Ho supposed It was not loaded.
Hut the Prennlior Is Acquitted of the
Clmrpcs Preferred Against Him.
BRAZIL , Ind. , May 25. Georpo B.
Chamberlain of Lafayette , editor and
proprietor of the Battlopround Repos
itory , also a mernbor of the northwest
ern Indiana conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church , has held nn enmity
against Rev. Goorco W. Switzer , who
now is pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church of this oity. On two occasions
ho boldly charged the divine with lying
and also preferred other scathing
charges against him , claiming in
ono instance that he betrayed
Mrs. Whitehead by securing her con
fidence , then using it against Rev. Mr.
Pottlt , who was sentenced to the northern -
orn prison some time slnco on a charge
of poisoning his wife. The allegations
wore made in strong and scathing lan
guage , and a copy of the paper sent to
each member of the conference , ostensi
bly fortho purpose of incurring the
aspersions of the members for Mr.
Switzer j and thus succeed in having
him excluded from the ministry. How
ever , these efforts had but llttlo , if any ,
effect , as no action was taken at the last
conference upon the mutter , but instead ,
the subjoot of the reproach was given
the Bru/il charge , which is among the
best in the district
Mr , Chamberlain again assaulted Mr.
Swit/cr , who asked the church to make
un investigation of the charges and de
termine for itself who was the wolf in
Bhoop's clothing. The affair came under
the jurisdiction of Presiding Elder Doloa
Worth , who called a mooting in this
oity. The plaintiff refused to introduce
witnesses , and the jury was out only
twenty minutes when a verdict was ren
dered for the defendant.
Mr. Chamberlain avers the case was
unfairly contested and says ho will ap
peal it to higher authority.
Scheme of the Mr Compnnlri.
SAN FnANCi&co , Cal. , May 23. Reli
able information hns boon obtained hereto
to the effect that ono of the purposes of
the Chinese Six Companies in resisting
the enforcement of the Geary law waste
to raise $500,000 for private distribution
among the principals of this mysterious
corporation. It is also boon learned that
the policy of resistance lias * boon
adopted against I ho best legal ad
vice. While the assessment was nomi
nally $1 u head , in reality not u mer
chant in 'Frisco's Chinatown contributed
less than $10 , and some gave many times
that sum.
out of all the medicines that claim to help
women i Wouldn't it scm to bo tue ono
which costs you nothing unless It does help 1
That Is Ir. Tierce's Favorite lYescripUon.
There's no other. But If that doesn't benefit
or euro , in the case of every tired or ailing-
HOmnn , she'll have bdr money back.
In building up exhausted or overworked
women , and in all the weaknesses and dis
orders of wtvnanhood , nothing can compara
with this modlcina For periodical pains ,
prolapsus nnd other displacements , bearing-
ilown bonsations , weak back , and "femalo
complaints " of every kind , it is a safe , cer
tain , and guarantee ! remedy.
Where other things con only hrlp your Ca
tarrh for a time , Dr. Bage'u Catarrh Itemed/
will completely cure , The makers of this
medlclno mean what they say they offer
$ .WO reward for any incurable coio of Ca
tarrh. Bold by druccbta.
\ t <
Drunk and Despondent , a Squatter Puts a
Period to Ilis'Miserj.
riroil n llullct Through lit * llrnln While
Ills Wife Wns After > V/if / ky for Him
Iltirglnrii Try to Uob n
Laundry SnfM
"A squatter has shot himself ; send the
patrol wagon down on the .Bottoms. " This
was the telephone message received at the
iwllco station yesterday morning about 11
Mnthias Tlschlcr , a Gorman , 37 yenrs of
age , hnd become tired of Hfo and ended Ills
tlmo on earth with a bullet through the
head ,
Tlscltlor WHS employed moit of the tlmo nt
the smelter , whcro ho was known as "No.
845. " He was a good worltumn , but was not
very steady , and occasionally got on heavy
sprees , lasting n week or so nt a tlmo , and his
deed of yesterday morning was the ending of
one of them. Ho had been drinking heavily
for two weeks past , and was 111 and half
delirious on account of liH excesses , and
these facts , with the worry over his possible
election by the authorities when the evlc-
turns take place on the bottoms , doubtless
caused him to take his life.
All morning ho lay In bed , very ill and
despondent. About 0 o'clock ho sent his
wlfo out with tholr llttlo girl to got him
some milk , evidently Intending to shoot him
self ho had the day boforu intimated to his
wlfo that ho would kill himself In their ab
sence but ho appears to have weakened and
did not commit the deed until over an hour
Then ho sent his wife out to got some
whisky for him , telling her to "take
good care of the child. " When Mrs.
Tlschler returned she found her husband
lifeless , his head , through which a bullet
had passed , lying on the blood-soaked
pillows , the revolver clutched In his
right hnnd. Ho had evidently sat up in bed
to do his work , which was thorough. The
bullet entered Just back of the right temple
nnd came out at a point two inches back of
the loft.
Coroner Maul vloweJ the body , and will
hold nu inquest today.
The dead man was n member of ledge
No. . 47 , DCS Troubundos. which will stake
charge of the funeral. Ho le.xvcs his widow
and child in poor circumstances , thrco or
lour small shanties In the squatter district
and $300 Insurance hold by him In the order
above mentioned being all ho possessed.
Tried In Uraok a bnfo.
The safe in the oulco of the City Steam
Laundry , nt 207-211 South Eleventh street ,
was the object of cracksmen's attentions
Wednesday night.
Thoopcrators entered through a small win
dow in the roar of the building , which
opens ] into the coal bin and easily found
their way to the private ofllcc , where the
safe ; stands.
The combination wheel and the knob were
chiseled off , and it was Uienan , easy matter
cti blow open the outside doors , but the llttlo
steel box Inside inhich * tho'Tnonoy Is kept
refused to open nnd the ! cracksmen appear
tit have put In no. llttlo tlmo In
trying ! to tap it. It ' Is made of
chilled steel and noiioi' of the tools
used upon it scorn to haxo made much Im
pression. The handles and lock wore chis
eled off , nnd several drill marks prove that
the Job was not given uri'wUhout a strong
effort to complete it. Hqwojor , the little
steel box was too much far the burglarizing
gentlemen , and they got 'absolutely ' nothing
for their industry. i o
Busy poopio have no , tune , and sensible1
people have no inclination touso pills that
make them sick a day Wr eVery dose they
tako. They have learned that tno usa of
Do Witt's Little Early lUscrs , does not in
terfere with their health by'causing n uusea
pain or griping. Those little pills nro per ,
foot in action and. resulte , regulating the
stomach and bowels so that headaches , diz
ziness nnd lassitude nro prevented. They
cleanse ; the blood , clear the complexion and
ono up the system. .Lots of health in thesa
httlefellows. I
The predominating qualitiei
of Flavoring Extracts should
be absolute purity , cxcellenj
flavor and superior strength.
All of these elements are
combined in a perfect degree
in Dr. Price's Delicious
Flavors ; therefore if the
housewife wants a complete
cake , pudding or cream , she
should make use of them.
Those who want the very best
flavorings are never disap
pointed in purchasing Dr.
Price's Vanilla , Lemon ,
Orange , etc. , which are as
natural as the fruit from
which they arc extracted. " *
Can be supported and rendered
loss painful by using a
or.-'MEE . - ' CAP.
Write us for -measurement
" ' ' '
I ' Kir-
nill '
Dealers in Physlelknand Hos
pital Supplies.
1513 Dodge St. , 0,71 aha , Neb.
Till ? Nl ? V'Cl Catarrh ) Cpro ouroi catarrh
l > llvl > lit i O All UruuJtJst . Via enU.
( liunaultntlua 1'ruo. )
U unsurpassed In the treat
ment of all
CUroulo , Prlvato and
Norvon Diseases.
Write to or cun > ult ps nnally ,
J-\ddreis wltn stamp ror pit.
'tlculari. which will b seat la
f.U. Uoz 6JI OOica 1U d. litaU
March , April , May ,
The best spring medicine in
the world.
Buy n bottle and sec lio\v valu
able it is. We have just re
ccivcd a large supply ,
Dr. QC. Satterflcld , druggist. 720 South 10th
Shams §
Are tb.033 Isjnoria' pratsaiiri who
withoutany qualifications , any ability ,
any oxporioucn , any skill , claim to
possess the power to euro all the ills of
ho human rao3. But thair wint of
worth soon becomes apparent to thalr
would-be dupes , and these consclonco-
lossquacka ara soon consigned t tha
oblivion they so richly merit. '
In stranga anl strong contrastwlVi
these miserable boosters is the ? uiot ,
dipnillod yet courteous demeanor of
hose uotod loaders of their profosjioa
Who , during the past 37 yoara , ha
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to ofiect speedy , perfect and permanent
cures in all the wornt forms of thouo delicate -
icato sexual maladioa embraced within
the general terms of
Send 4 cents for their illustrated new
book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. "
Consultation free. Call upon or ad
dress , with stamp ,
Drs. Belts & Beits ,
119 S. 14th Street.
Cor. Douglas St' ,
Prof , Hirslerg ,
The celebrated Now York and St.
Louis eye export , BY SPECIAL RE-
QCJEST will remain in OMAHA ,
Do Ache Burn Itch
They , , , Water
or Tire Upon Continual Use ?
f they do they are dafoctivo and
should lib carefully flttod with glasses.
Are you subject to chronic headaches ,
the Icind that begins in the region back
of and around the eyes , making the
oyoB feel heavy nnd dull ? If BO the
eyes are at fault and a pair of glasses are
When you can call and consult an
eminent oculist.
Remember the dates ,
MAY 23 TO 27
At the store of
Solo Agents for Omaha , Nob.
Or.sKitAi , Ant.s'T'ri omcit. OMAHA. Deo. H , itu.-
llr. lllrjcliburi : : Door rilr Vour optiialmto uxam-
Inatlun nmiloof injr of at BOJIUS to mo inoit thor
ough and pnliutakluK unit 1 cm oirnoatly rocom-
munil you tu all In ncod of glaonuj. Vouri raipcct
full/ , F. A. NAHIC.
OMAHA , March 27 , 161)3.-Or ) , II Hlricliboru :
Door Sir Iltavo trlort the elnnui and ipoot/iclet
which you made ( or inu.und ( alto ploauiro 111 rucom-
inendluuihum o being tliouiOBt oa r upon my cyui
of * ny I unro urer worn , an4 In unlng them I tu
unable to arwhothor lum looking tlirounliKliv seat
at all. 1 wish ) ouurojt mitcossln jourtrnroiiotror
thlistate. Thoie Kla oi are mca an Improvement
to rnjr eyes that 1 can ) at well n I could In laj
boyhood. I tnlca Croat ploaiure ID recommending
to anyone who U mulcted like mjmolf uncl hat tu
wear uHunei , o I can oo bolter with thorn than I
Imro been nblo to do In the lout tnolvoyoart.
Vou rctpcctfullr. T. K , BunmmoiKjic.
Oen tiupu I'ocltlo itxpreu , Umaha , Neb
OMAHA , Aprils , 16113. I'rof. IIUlrsoiibarKi Dear
Slr-l unu been wearing the lilmios you prutcrlued
for ir.o oyer since I received thoni , nnd laot very
much plaated. Thar are no oair on tlie yv > , tbo
train li entirely relieved , and at the naino tlmo 10I
can fo mucti better than before lloipuctfully
your * . CIUULE4 CoNUVflt.
CIT vTliKAniTliEU'sOmCE. OJIA1IA , Nob. , May 9 .
16'J.I 1'rof , II , lllnhburK. ft. J.ouls , Ilo : Dear
Hr The two yulrs cl ftttsiui you prescribed for mo
aftorrou had ray eye examined , I IIUTO received ,
and must nay that they nra to my entire satisfac
tion. I have used Klmseo ( or thu last twelve years ,
butnovurhad any which cave wyoyi ) * ns cuucu
relief us these do. Wltulnji you aucvuis , 1 am sir ,
Vours very trulr , HK.SUV DULLN.
irltllooostlng tlie - I '
e-nploror nn omp'oyoa
nothlnz. h i * ormblod u * to advuueo the Intor-
entsofbotli. anil also our own , Oyaoourlar
better results wlthtUj machine.
Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedict
Clothing House
Great Special Sale of
Men's Fine Business Suits.
Bought away under the actual cost of
manufacturing and offered at retail at a saving
of from $5 to $8 on every suit.
Nothing since our great fire sale in Janu
ary has drawn such crowds to our store as this j
Fine Clothing
At the prices usually paid for shoddy can
not fail to draw.
Men's Cassimere and Cheviot suits , worth
$10.00 , are offered at this sale at $5.75.
Nobby Cheviot suits in medium mixtures
which . sell in every clothing house in this city
for $15.00 are selling for $9.00 and $10.00.
Blue Serge suits cut in double and single-
breasted sacks at $10,00 , with good trimming\
and guaranteed colors.
Clay Worsteds away under regular prices
For Boys' Clothing
It Will Pay You
To Come Early
On Saturday Morning.
Our store is always crowded after 1 p. m ;
If you come in the morning you will avoid the
Big Bargains in
Boys' Long Pant Suits ,
Price $5.00 to $8.00.
Boys' Two Piece Suits.
All Wool Cheviots $1.50.
Boys' Two Piece
Cassimere Suits
For Saturday $2.50.
Manhattan Shirt Waists /
Boys' Straw Hats *
25c , 35c and 50c.
Bats and Balls Free
to every purchaser in the Boys'
Department on Saturday.
Clothing House
Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
181Q Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob.
. . , , . .
The eminent spaclallst In nurroui. . otironlo. prlrati blood skin uiiJ , urinary dim IDI. Aroj.ilir am
rCBlstorod graduate , In medicine. oidlplom iaail , oortlflsatoi wlllshJir lutlll traitlnt with tUonrjUait .
succeet catarrh lost msnliool nominal woaknati nUut , lonoi all aud form lot prlvtj Olidiai. . N
mercury used Now . treatment ( or loit or vlut tuwjr 1'artlsi uniblo to visit ma miy ujtrjutjl ,
bycorrospondonco. ModlclnoorlaUru . nintt j t Itf mill or ot fju nojuroly . p\iujj no mirti n Intl-
tale contonta . or sender. Ona personal Interview prororrJl Consultation . . . rroa. . ItorMipouilona . . ) utrlotlf
private. JlooMJlyntarloior . J < ir ) aent ( rea OUloa Uiurs J a. ui. to t p. in. dunjjr * U a. m. oil m
and stanipror circular.
Fioancial Ilcference : Nal'l llaok of Commprcc , Oniahu. (
No DKTENTIOK from buBlndss. No Operation.\
Invostlifnionur Mnttiml Written guarantee lontiao- ;
lutely euro nil Ulnds tit KOl'TUHEof holliioxos.wUU-l
' , " ' ' out tRndlog tlio mo , of Mullo or syrltiKU , uo matter of how long
307-308 . U , Y. IIFE BLOB. , OMAHA , HEB ,
fnrUl np.
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Beet
J , F , PONDER , Mgr , OMAHA OPTICRL CO , , 222 S , IBtli St.