ri I . An A if J TTT17. HMATTA HAH.V 111I ? . TTUTHRnA VJV MAV lot.'WrYiyttr.vrc i > IJPEOIHL NOTICES. l' < lVKnTIRKMKNTH FOIl TIIK9H COLUMNS I mill t * Ifiktm until II.SO t > . m. for lh evening and lhll8Mpm. : f or Iho morning and Sunday Billions. Advertisers , by rrinftstlnf numbered chock , can | Hv their answers addressed to n numbered letter I carootTHRllKR. Answer * co addressed Trillb lillTered upon presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. I/Halo / * . H < o a word first Insertion , le a word there- | lter. Nplhln taken for less than 2ic. . o no OUT nv THE DAT TO DO I washing. Address II12. llee. MICT V ' , -MTUATION WANTBi ) HY KXl'Bltl ENOCH . Uadr slenographer wllh references. Address 11 . KMOOD nAIltlKU , WHO 13 A BTHONO THOM. IV. boneplarnr , ran secure a good , tleadr posl- | .in by addressing 1) . C. Jenkins , Hebron Neh. M2M 2S t -KXPKHT , HKLtAIILK 1IOTKI. AND HKSTAU- Lrant cook ( Herman ) wants sllunllon , elty or ro- | .rt. HlephonKmresr ; , Metropolllnn bolol , Doualfis WANTED MALE HELP. tflalos , me n word first Insertion , lo a word there- tor. Nothing taken for loss than 25o. -WANTKtl TUAVKINl H'AliMKN TO aking powder. Wo put our Roods In glass l > lllng pins , to month salarr and expenses , or U tit cent commission. Send stamp for rcplr. ' go Haklng Powder. Co. , 707 Van Huron , St. , f > -ir TOU WANT A OOOD PAVING JOU WHITE | 4 > the Hawks Nursery Co. , MIIwauk e , WIs. I -8KH US IF TOU AHK BKEKINO A IHOU -Brad * postllon. Wa have placed hundreds In Clod posUlons andean assist von. Western llasl- | tasagi-ncr. 810 N. V. Llto building. MM2 jl PI-WANTED , SOLICITOUS WII'II OOOD HKF- I'cronco. Tennis furnished free. Rxtrn pay to jtrtloswlth their own rig * . American wringer KV , 10W Howard st 670 24 - ) , UrjIOLSTKUKIta. AMO LqUNflB makers nt Lincoln , Nob. Applr Uucoln Up- P/lslorlng Co. . Lincoln , Neb. _ M B > ai.A7.uena WANTED FOII SHOP woittti L , > r pldworkors | cooil waaos und steady emplor- ent. TruoA True Co. , cor. Illuo Island oroand fcinooln sts , Chicago , III. 3 ! 31 ) -MKN WANTKI ) . 200 MKN TO WOHK ON OUH . Jboct fields at Amos , Nob. . 43 miles west of ) imaha on the Union Pnclllo railway. Wages , II.tu frnr day. flood board nnd lodging 45 cents per day. | .Undard Cttltlo Co. | W _ IYAOISNTS WANTED FOIt THIS HKST 8KLL1NH JDnrllcIo on tbo market. Something enllrolr now ESnd novel. Derma Supply Co. , La Crosse , W. ' " ' . * , 8-WANTKD , 2 PAltlTKUS AT ONCH. HEN- ' oral work. Will pay good.wmrc * . Calloraddroes I'lcnry Warrlngs , Vutnn. Kaundcra counly , Nob. IBi 83 IB 1-TA1LOU , COAT MAKBll WANTED AT CO lumbus , Nob. 1'rlcos from $7 to 113. C. A. I.ln- htrum. B WANTED. TIlllKU TUAVELINU 8AL1SSMKN for Iowa. UanssB nnd Nebraska. Call before | tSO n. m. , 242 llroadway , Council Hluits. P. A. Vallsbury. M205 28 J-WANTKI ) . AT COVINtlTON , NEU. , 100 OOOD Jmcn lo work on riprap. M224 25 * lt > WANTED , FIUITY LADOHEHS , TUHEH | D siono cullers , ono stone driller at Interstalo Bridge. Apply on work , head of 28th st , council | ' . < IUIT , Boorsrollh A Co. , contrnctorH. M2J7 25 J WANTKD. br a loading Omaha house , com- J petont man as adverllser and Uoorwalkor ; fliist havoaome knowledge of dry goods or cloth- | , hg. Address II 10 , Ileo ortlco. 3IZK ) 29 8 WK WANT AT ONCE , HELIAHLE MKN over > where , locator traveling , to advertise and leep our show cards. Mcady work In your own > ounlyt 700l ) a monlli salary and J.1.00 a dar ex penses doposllcd In your bank nhen slarlod. i/ranco-Uormun Ulectro Co. , llox bill , Clnclnnall. O. WANTED FEMALE HELP. -Mloles , IWo a word flrst tnsorlton , lo a word tuoro- liflcr. Noihlng lakon for less Ihiin 2Jo. InJ-WANTKD. FKMALB srUDWNT NUnSK AT VOW. C. A. hOBpltal , corner Oth slreot and f.lh avo- Mue. Council lllulls. Mil 18 M2J -WANTED , LADIES TO WHITE AT HOME ? Knelosft stamped onvolopo. Klla Worst. Sac. , I.Sontli llonfl , Ind. Mill I MAN AND WIFE , (40.00 : M MEN. 10) OIULS , mm to IJ.OO. Canadian onlco , IWJ Farnaui G-WANTED , aillti FOH QENKIIAL work. Mrs. B. tlpsowator , 1711 Douglas street. ' r n' lit 8&S ( , O WANTKD , LAD1K3 FOK PLHASANT , VHOFI- V/tahlo | homo workl l'rof. > MoLoan , Aroado hotel , Douglas and J3lh streets. ' 88824 * C-WANTED , OIHL FOH OENURAL HOUSE- work , Apply 1221 Locust street. 13S ' /1-WAJITBO. . FUtST-CLAfcS W.M8T < "Uwill " pay the highest wages. Mrs. II. C. Slosos. i DM South 17th street. 148 24' _ n-WANTBD. OOOD YOtlNQ QIIIL TO TAKH ' i oare of children. B507 Hurt. _ lii > 24 I /-V-WANTKD , OlTtL FOrt GKNBIlAT , IIOUBB- [ \Jwork. Call at 1411 North 18th street. M167 2i I'ri-WANTKD - , AN KXPEIUENCED NUIISK GIHL at 2M8 Capitol avo. 181 2S _ 1-WANTKD. COMPKTKNT UIUL KOIl OBN- . oral hoiisoirork. Good wagos. Mrs. A. P. f rukoy , 2541 Chicago street. 221 20 JO-WANTED , COMPKTKNT GIRL , SMALL FAM- \\J \ lly , wages .OQ. 1818 Webster si. 314-24 * | n\VANTED , EXPERIENCED COOK , WITH tV-/rofor neos. 224 Norlh 18lh slrool. M2J1 23 FOR RENT HOUSES. . Hales , lOo a line each Insertion , II.M a Hag per Ittoalh. Noihlng taken for less than 2ia > " -F < Vll RENT. HOUSES IN ALL PAHT8 01 ? cltr. Th * 1.1' . Davis company , 1503 Farnam st. 201 -FOR RBNT , 10-HOOM HOUSE , 2IW DOUGLAS /street. no.ulr of MorlU Meyer , our. loth and trnam. 835 | - -UOOU HOUSE. H-ROOM COTTAOK , ALL IVmodernbeautiful lawns , shade , ete. N. IS. cor. and Mlama ats. KO _ f\ 8 HOOM HO USB. MODBItN , CONVENIENT li'for business or wholesale men. Apply 1112 South I'.h . atreet. 5 _ \ ' \ TEN-ROOM MODERN HO USB. GOOD I.OOA- I'llont rent moderate. U B. bklnnor , 1614 Farnam r et- M'JIT l\- OH ItKNT. NICE TEN-ROOM MODBtlN { 'house , east front , on South 17tu street , near ; ; * ; rout , (40. Inquire IJJ1 South Itlh street. I \-FOH * RBNT , 10-ROOM MODE UN HOUSED f suitable for roomers and boarders , 2011 llarner Jroel. 10 room modern house , 2311 Leavonworlu Ijeoi , onlr * 25.00. Porno nloo collages. U. U. Clark CO. . I3ld Harnoyslrcat. M584 rkD V-T.UOOU I1OU8B. BAST KHONT. ALL MOD- /ernU.oa ifldolltr Trust Co. , 1103 Farnam. V 120 _ f \-FOll HKNr. NINE ROOM HOUSE , ALL l-'convpntenoos ; largo grounds and good atablot Ii good location and easr of access. Rent to llrst liass tenant will bo reasonable. Apply Omaha i.oau&TruntCo. . lUlhand Douglas sis. _ 1)33 ) \-3AND 4-ROOU APAllTMBNTd. VON DOUN 'block , wlh | loam ! refareucoa required. BIS B3Id. 204 II. K. COLE CO. , McCAQUU 11L1K1. a Ji IPs-Foil HBNT , J-UOOM COTTAGE FOU COL- i ji ored people. 203 North 18th l , M803 _ I-FOHRBNT. 10 ROOM HOUSB. ALL MODERN , 'Iraproveiuenls , B.Jindst. Inquire at u. w. ear. [ 'I2lltandi > t. Mirr's nve. 834 i. _ i.UK P.-J 10-IlOOU HOUSU. MODERN IN BVURY RB luecti key * adjoining. 2001 Capitol nvanna , \-F01l HBNT , T H'lOM FURNISHKD HBSI- . /danco for summer months la good oanvcnlunt ( .ocalltr. Address (1 & . ' ! llee. 884 24 * \-8BB a J. KENDALL , lillOWN IIUILDING. _ \-KOR WENT , COTTAGK. LAHOB POUCH , 'full lot barn. 2Dth and Nloholas , two blocks Irom Walnut Hill motor , Inqulru at comptroller's I'fflco. WbUi \-KOll HKNTMIOOU MODEHN FLAT , LANOB /block. CPU Houth 13lh street Ml)27 ) 2 14 -FOII HUNT , MODKilN ll-UOOM HOUSK Itta Chicago st. MD773' -Ili-llOOM 1IOUS15. B-r \ 8 UOOM HOUSUt MOUEUN , INQUIUK 121 ' North 2Cth IM K' D -FIIIINI8IIKD HOUSKTO FAMILY WITHOUT children. 221 ] Wtrt slreot 111(13 Zi' D I -FOH HUNT , yoDKUN B-IIOOM HOUSll aear High school. Imiulro ItHO Capitol ave. 19029' / FLAT , 1711 LKAVBNWOHTH ST. /all fouveiutncos. JU j { B-\fO\l \ UKNT , 8 UOOM COrrAQK. lOOil PACIFIC , . st. Apply HI. Houth 10th st. 115 -FOU HUNT , MY UK8IDKNCK , FUllNISHHU. ! forlwoonhre monilislhtssumm r. Location ! IXthandBM.rr'stvenu. . . W rreuHwltiler ' 1)1 ) 28 I Ts UOUBE,1W21)LONDOHTUEKT. KEKT FTJSNISHED BOOMS. Hales , lOo a Una each Insertion. II ja Hot per retulli. Nuiblng taken for luss than 25o. jj-ll60 l81 8,10V * . UOAUD , 20D N IT , " " ro ifOUNwimo UOOM , OUNTLBMBH , 2010 Dnecixirl street MtO . - bOUTII FHONT UOOM W1T1I i J-ialcoT - * . modern couviuloncas , price fressou- bt . HM1 Utyaaport. W7 j i -'UUNISU D IIOOU WITH AUXJVK < ( Btl iu a , tagdrm o nveal uc s , 310 North ud 1I7W i FOR KENT FtJUNISIIED IIOOMS. 1.1-1 IIOOMS IXll 11OU9KKKKP1NII TO MAW > and wlfet rent taken In board. 319 N. 17lh. nt-FlMlNtSllKH AND UNFUUNISIIKD. tfilt CAP- JJIlnl avenue. &U70 .117 * E sotrrii IIOOM. UKKMIKNCKB KX- changod. 1019 Dndre ttreet. 1ST E-dOOD ) lKMS ( WELL FUIINISHBD WOO PKH month , I38 North 18th. 218-26 * Tn-I.AHOK SOUTH FKONT HOOJt , 2i01 Ill-ONDO. E-WORLD'S FA 111. A. McCALLUM , 3,11 DBA It- born slrcel , Chicago , can accommodate a f w visitors at his homo ! reasonable , Wrllo and make arrangements now. .M2232UIT FURNISHED _ KOOM3 AND BOARD.TH 1 Hstos j , lOo n line oaoh Insertion. fl..V ) a lln * p r month. Nothing taken for less than Mo. I " T11K UOLAN , 209 AMI 211 N. 13 f II ST. meF 203 FVOIJNd WOMEN'S HOME , UNDEH OAHK OK Woman's Chrlsltatiassoclallon , 111 So. 17lh st 7-IIOMK ' TAHLB , MODKUATE HATESt 1911 'Farnam. iri7)I. ) * 1' Ij1 HILLSIDEISAUOLJUE , IIOOMS , DAY HOAIll ) , MS'H ' J17 * T7- 1DKSIUAIILR SOUTH HOOH WITH 1IOAHD. K 1 82JChIcagoslreel. M 21)9-29' ) - IIOOMS AND IIOAUD AT 2113 CAPITOL AVI- nue. Hoferenccs required. M9IJJI9 17-NICKLY FUIIN1SIIKD IIOOMS AND 1)0 A 111) A1 at Iho Webster , C18-J18 Kbrlh Ullh slrect. slrect.M2J2 M2J2 31 FOR KENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS closUNFUIIMSIIKD UOOM8 WITH UATI1 AND closets , 8 a. 19th. IU U * G-2FHONT HOOMB , IHUCK FLAT. 1C09LKAV' enworlh street. .M20129 * FOR BENT STOREB AND OFFIOE3 Hates , lOart Una each Insertion , fl.M a line per month. Nothing taken fur less than 25c. - , . ON 8.13111 ST. , t.ANGH block , aultsbls for meat market , hardware or flrrnoods aloro. Inquire KM a. Utli t. 210 1 FtmUKNT.TllK8TOHY I1IIIQK lIUIt.DINO , Did Farnam st. Tlio bulldlnz has n Ilroproof ce ment basement , complete steam healing tlxtiiros , water on all the Hours , eas , etc. Applr at the antes of The lloo. DIP r-FOIl HUNT , CIIOICKST 8KCON1) FLOOIt J.business corner In Oinalm , Olobo bulldlnit , 16th nnd Dodge. Olobo Loan & Trust Co. MCiJ r rnNTiiAu.v IXJOATKD , nut UK STOUK J-bulldlng. Terr chpap to permanent tenant. O. K. HullsTJO BoutU nth struct. J1897 JI8 T-O.NK OF THU LAltOKbT VACANT STOUr ! bulldlngnln t'lnahn , situated In the wholesale quarlcr : Kin ISO feet drop br 2 < t fret wide , three or nvolloora nnd basement ; iho front Is entirely of plate glass and Iron and sulinblo for either whole- rale or manufacturing : will bo rented for rcaaona- lilo rent for a term of years. luqulroatNiitalorlum , 1313 Howard U 158 Jil * WANTED TO BENT. Hales , me a word flrnt Insortton , le n word there after. Nothing taken for loss lhan 2Jc. KrWANTI3l.20It 3 FUHNISIIBO UOOM3 FOU 'lelil housekeeping , close In. dtrlotly Urst class. Address II10 , llee. Ul 25' K-ACOMPBTBNTAND KXPKIUKNOEI ) MALK teacher desires a furnished room In a private family In exchange for lessons In English brunches , Gorman , French or llebrow. Address IT 0 , Deo. 174 24 TWANTKI ) . A FUHNISI1ED COTTAOK BV J.VJuno 1 , for 8 or 4 months , llosl of references. Address , H 11 Ileo. 219 2 < i * RENTAL AGENCIES. Rales , IHc a wortl llrst Insertion , le < > word them- afler , Noihlng taken for less than 230. L LIST "Yoljl'oUBlCH FOll 'Uerrr & Co. , 717 N. Y. Llto. STORAGE. Hales , lOo a Una each Insertion. $ I.M a line per month. Nothing taken for lass than 2Jc- M-STOHAGH W1LLIAM8&CROSS.12U UAKNBY 212 M -bTOHAGK ; FOH 1IOU3RHOLD GOODS ; clean ana cheap rales. H. Wells , lilt Farnam. 213 M IIKATINO STOVES 8TOHKI ) DUUIXO SUM- mcr ; special slorano for household goods. TeL 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove llopalr works. M4G7 /T / STOVKS STOKKI ) AT HBASONAULB IIATK3 lUal Hughes Store llepalr Works , 607 8. Ulh st. ' I'JImSI WANTED TO BUY. Hates , mo a word first Insertion , Ion word there after. Nothing laken for loss than 25o. CA'SU FOH FUHNITUUH ! SOUSK UOLD goods , etc. , or will sell for owner In our auction gales , n. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 213 N" WANTKD TO BUY , ONE OH TWO CHAIH 1 harbor shop In country lown. Address , llox 117 Modale.Ia. 211-21 * \r-r.ooo wouic TEAM WAGON AND UAK- J.1 ness also driving horse , bugur and harness to- golbor or separate. J. 1) . Lane , 1713 SI. Mary's ave M230 25 * " " * * * ' iraitNITUBE FOB , SALE. Hates , IMc a word first Insertion , In a word there after. Noihlng laken for less than 25c. 0-FOH clALK. ON ACCOUNT OF OIVINQ UP housekeeping will sail the contents of my 10- room house , All bought within a yuar. 2110 Douglas - las street. Ilio 28 Oi , -ELLETT HOUSE , FUKS1TURB FOH SALE or tent ; also house to rout , C'JJX North Ilith slreot. MIOJ 30 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. ) Hatea.lHea.word flrst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for less than tic. P-FOH SALE , NlOUt DAY OARKlAGB TEAM and carriage , L. W. Tulloys , 103 Pearl st .Coun cil illurrs. 214 nT P-8PAN OF 4-YKAR-OLD HOUSES , WEIGHT about 2.3'X' ' , and line Imported stallion , with pedigree , six rears old. Must bo sold at once , cash orllmo. Mlghl exchange for good farm land. ihU L. Johnson. Ileo building. M'JJl 25 p -FOH SA.LBYEAHOL1) MAHB ; WEIGHT 1,160 , pounds ; good traveler ; sound and gentle ; 2111 Uth Avenue , Council UlulTs. MI35 28 1)-A HINULK HORSE FOIt SALE : OOOD FltKK X traveler Bnauentlo. Inqulroat liKW Davenport st. 171 21' -FOH BALE , A FINE FAMILY HOUSE AND plmcton , very cheap. Can bo soon at Kit llrown's Blable , 20lh and Mlamt streets. ilKS 2S * " J FOB SALE : Hales m'oa word llrst Insertion , lo a word there- after. Nothing taken for loss than 280. -TlIlrBTANI > AKt > C . 'It baled hay at 85.00 per ton , on board Bears at Ames , Neb This prlco may b withdrawn at anr tlnie 215 Q -FUHNITUHK. AUCTION KVBUV 8ATUHUAV , lilt Furnsm. II. Wells , auctioneer. Ott 31 Q I-IHON WKLL PUMP AND CO-FOOT PIPK KOIl sale , cheap , llooin 30 Uarkor block. M 81tl 111W Q-FOHSALU , A NBWSPHlNfJFOKK. CUSHION tire Victor safety at a sacrifice. tCxamlna at COI Paxton block. iiDlu li * MISOELLANEOUS. Hates , llo s word llrnt Insartlon , lo a word thara. after , Nothing taken for loss IhauUa. TTlTliu > wHlTT lsToirHK.NT. WE CAN FUU- XViilih you either a No. 3 or .Vo. S Uomlngton type writer , In nrtl class condition , on rental , ( ilvo us a call. Wyckorr , Soamausifc lleoedlct , 1711 Farnam street , puiaha , Neb. Jitl 'IJ-WALL PAPISH AND FHEHCO J.V cleaned ' as good as new. C , II , Flowers , 1720 St. Mary's atuuue. MUOl 27' OliAIBVOYANTS. Hates , IWoa word first insertion , lo a word there after , .Nothing lakon for less than 2 o. S H8TNANMlf"v\VAHHENl ; " "CLAlVu'OVANTT reliable business medium ) tilth year at 119 N.IOth 217 S-JIIIS , 1)11. M. LKOllAVK. PllOPHKTKSS. IJEAU Iranco clslrvoyanl and llf reader ; lolls your Ufa from cradle lo gravi't can be consulted on all artulrsof lite ; has the celebrated Hgrptlsn breast plate to unit * the scparalod and ouse marrtagi * with ono rou tovo. Come one , coma all. and bo convinced of her remarkable powers. Ortlco and residence 4K S , llth st. , hours On. ui.toVp.ru. Htrlct life chart and photo of rour future wlfo erne husband sent through mall for 11.00 ; chart alone , 17.00. All lelters ouutalnlai i oeuU la stmrups pruuipllr answered. , 4IIJ4 * MASHAOE. BATHS , ETC. Hates , lOo a line each lnsorltou.tl.so a line par month. Noihlng taken for less than 2io. fv-V.AIAUK SMITH i'wj ' 'B. HTU. 2ND F LOO 11 , l-Uooul Uauace , vapor , alcotol , stesju. sulphur- luo aad batba. sea _ MOTd S7 * , CAHSON , 1121 JJOUQLA8 UTllKKT. SU Boor . , room T , mauace , alcohol , sulphur and sos , baths. M'-MUK. -I MACK OF CHICAGO GIVES 1) ATI us. - msuDttlo snd niasssgo treatment , llootu 8 , Beo- end ttoor , 111 N ortb 13th street. PEBSONAL. U-GATAIIUU ANU HAY FKVBU THKATBD brtUtoioolb. Tumors , gronlhs and other tit- formltl * < of Ibanosit aad throat teu > ov d wltboul psln. Dr. J. F. I'rusnsll , 260 11 j bldg. JIWJ # out U-IA8SaUETUKATUKNT , KUKCTIUC-TIHSU- mal bains , aoalp and hair traatmeot. manloura Mdohlropodtit. Mrs. fosMUKa.Uth\vtthnell blk Conllmifd , U - TONTIO ! TONTIOI The great - ' est developer and restorer known to man kind. Irdpoiency permanently cured. HUCCCM guaranteed or money refunded , prlro , II , Send stamp for sealed circular. Or. Mlltor , No. I8 F t. , Washington , I ) . 0. 79129' j -iVjOHNJ MARSHALL. WHO I.1VF.I ) NKAH Jerome. Itawllns countr , Kan. . In IS3J. will send bis aildre * * to Sli Omaha , Nallonal Hank building. i ma ha. Neb , , ha will hear of something lohls ln > lerest. Mill AB8TRAOT3 OF TITLES. Hales 100 n line each Insertion. II.M a line per month. Nothing taken for ! es than 2Jc. V -AII8TACTS-T11B ; MIDLAND ( JUAItANTKR andTriMt rorapanr , nbitract r > , conreranosri. TH perfected and guaranteed. Own the onlr complete nbsttact books In Douirlai countr. He- niorod to room .113 New Vork Ufo building. I1I70 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hales , lOo a line each Insertion , IIM a line per monlh , Noihlng laken for loss Iban 2fle. r on real estate at lowot market rates , Loans made In small or largo sums for short or long lima No commission Is ohargaJ and tha loans are not sold tnthoeast , hutoin alwirsba found attho bank on the corner of llth and Douglas sis. 211 \\r LOWKST HATE * . FIDKLITV THUST COM- i pany , 1702 Karnamslrcet , 219 \\r-CKNTHAL LOAN * THUST CO. , HHK 11LDU 220 \v C. V. IIAIIIIISON , 91 ] N. V , L1FK. W MOHTOAOB LOANS LKS3 THAN I PKIl ccnl. Including all charzos. Charles W. Ilatnoy , Omaha Nat. bank bldg. 21) \V-WANTKDATONCB LOANS ON IMPUOVKD 'T Omaha property ; low rates. Fidelity Trnst company. 1702 Parnam st. 219 LOANS ON IMPttOVBO AND UNIMPHOVUD cllyproportrHOJJ and upwards , } to 0 ! < per com. Mo dolars. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 15lh and Harney. r-1 AND 2 YEAH LOANS ON CITY AND FAKM mortgages. Hoed & dclbr , 344 Hoard of Trade. . 2J1 \\r-MONKY7OLOAN OV OMAHA AND COUN. vi rll Illurrs real estate and Nebraska nnd Iowa farms at from SU lo OH per cent Intorosl.wllh no ad- dlllonal charges for oommlsslo.is or nltoruoys tees. W. H. Molklo , 1st Nafl bank blJg , Omaha. MiTT \TT MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWKST KATES. v T The O. F. Davis Co. . 150 > Farnqin slrocl. 227 IV-.ANTHONVLOANANDTHHdTCO. , .115 N. Y.- Life , lends at low rates for cholca security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or OmsHi cltr l'rj porly. w MONKV TO LOAN ON IMPil'JVKI ) CITY properly , tow ralos. A. C. I'roct , Douglas blk. \Tr-MOSEYTOLOAN AT LOWEST HATES O.V ' Improved and unimproved ronl estate , 1 to D , years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1733 Farnam. 219 w LOANS , U. O. WALLACE , 3U 1IUOWX lll.K. 3.11) W OMAHA LOAN & TUUST COMPANY , 16TII nnd Douglas , loans money on city and farm property nt lowest rates of Intel ost. 331 \ \ rile FlllST AND 8ICCONIJ MOKTUAOB LOANS ; > ' lo w rates. Alex. Moore. 4JI , lloo bldg. M570 W WANTKDTOllUYSOMKIl'KllCKNTNOTEa secured by mortgages on Omaha city or Doug las county property. ltoed& Bolby , 34i Chamber of Commerce. Mill ) W-J. W. 8QUIKK , MOVKD TO 243 DUB BLDO. 843 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOo a line , each Insertion , tl.SO a line per month. Nothing taken for less Ibnn 2' < c. ' " ' ' " SuTvotJ WANT' ' MONKYl' TUB FIDELITY \NIJUAKANTEE CO. , ItOOM 4 , W1TUNBLL 11 LOCK. 3I5M SOUTH 15TH. COHNKlt IIAUNEY ST , , YOU \ ANY OH \ SHALL' nOLLAR3\ \ UP. WK MAKIC LOANS ON FUUNITUIIK , I1OIIS1CS , CAKIIIAOKS , WAHKIIOUHIJ HECKll'Ta Olt I'Kil- SON'AL PUOI'KIITY OK ANYKIND. OUH THUMB WILL MBKr VOUlt Al'l'UOVAL- You can pay the monor back at anr tlmo a d lit 1c amount rou wish , and thus roduca the cost of carrying tlio loan In proportion to amount rou par. IK. YOU owe a balanca on rour furniture or other personal property of nay kind , wo will pay.ltafl . fur you and carrr It ai long as you desire. ' YOUCAN11AVB YOUUMONBY IN ONE 1IOUK FKOMTIIBTIMK YOU MAKK APPLICATION No publicity or removal of propertr. so that rou get the ute of both mo jey and property.'il X -CALL AT TUB OFFICE OF : OMAHA UOUTGAGB LOAN CO. : : INCORPORATED. : iir TOU'WANT'MONBY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FUHNITUIIB AND PIANOS , HOUSES , WAGONS AND CAIllllBGEd. WAHUUOU8E RBGBIPTS. MKUCIIA DISB , OH ANY OTHKH BKCUKITY We will lend rou anr amount from 110 00 to $1.000 ON THE DAY YOU ASIC FOU IT without publicity or removal of property. You can par the manor back In any amount you wish , and nt nnr time , and each parniont BO made will roduca tl.o cost of the loan. Homcmbar that TOU have the use of both the propertr and tha money , and pay for It only ai long as you keep It. Thorewlll bo no cxpensa or charge kept out of tbo amount wanted , but yon will receive the full amount of the loan. Ba Tore borrowing elsewhere call and sea as , and rou will nnd It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOIITQAGB LOAN CO. , 305 SOUTH 1UTI1 STREET , first floor nbovo tbo street. THE OLDEST , LAltOEST AND ONLY 1NCOBPOR- ATBD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. % X-WH-LLOANMONBYON ANY KIND OF 8H- eurlty ; strlclly confidential , A. K. Uarrl , room 1 , Continental block. 234 3 X -MONEY. 40. CO. 00 DAYg. CHKAP HATES nnd easy payments , on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc. . without ilolar or publlcltr : casb on hand. Duff Green , room 8 , Uarkar block. 23 ] V P1I1TCIIAHD , 5T > < ) UULAS BLK ltt & DODGE , BUSINESS CHANGES. Hates , lOon line each Insertion , II.1) a Una par monlli. Nothing laken for lots than 35c. Y FOR SALE. A STOCK OK GENERAL MBR chandlso of Kbout J'l,0)3 ) lo IZ.05) , la a good town ! n.\obr > ika. Apply to Kllpstrlck-Kocti Dry Goodi Co. , Omaha. Nob. CM V-l''OH 8A1.E. 0000 NKVVHPAPKH 11USINKSS X and outfit. Viola Oavls , Lincoln , Nob. 457 Jl * Y tOIIHAhHAT A 1110 DISCOUNT. A STOCK of clothing and furnishing goods. Address box ill , Avoca , lown. 613 Y ; FOU BAM ! , IIAUIHVAUK HTUIIH AND TIN shooGood trade , good location and cheap ronl. address Look llox Ituii , Llnoolnr _ < 'ob. 703-jl Y III.ACKSSHTH BIIOP FOK SA1.K ; UOOU psylng business. Addruss C. II , Caddy , Pat- myra , Neb. MuiO 2i FOU BALK OII.THAOU , UKICK VAltl ) . 2922 lUtullton. b91 21 * Y F1HST CLASS HIUCIC IIOTKL IN WKSTBHN Iowa with nil modern laiproveaienli , furnished complete , for nalo or nxchange. Sickness reason for selling. Address Lock llox 11 , Coon Haplds , la. Vtt 28 * y-FIOUH AND OATMHAI , MII.M KOIl BAWJ or tradu , loirolhor wllh a > J-lior o waler power ; no heller In IhU state. Uood side track. Mills modern In every respect. Parties not wishing oat meal mills can convert the samu Into a SOU or iVi ( barrel dour mill at small oxponsu , This properly can bo bought cheap. Address O. K. Olinstcad , Orleans , Neb. V1H-25 Y-ASNAP FOH SOMIJ HOTKI , MAN. FOU ) sale at a bargain , nearly n ir hotel ( ( fur niture , enough lo furnish a 1UU1 of 89 rooms , also large oaice , Iwo largo parlors , dining room with twelve largo tables , chairs , sideboards , rugs , linen , cut glass and dishes complete , also all necessary bedding for above rooms. This furni ture Is all chorrr slid oak , and Ihe rooms complete with line carpets , curtains and everything neces > sary to tliorouchlr oqulp a modern hole ) ; only a yearoulof Ibefaclory , The ubovo complete hotel turnlshlngs can be had at a biz bargain and must bo sold within the nail few days. Wrlto or call on J. W. Squire , Council IllutJs , la ilflj UO VOU WANT TO UUV , BKLk OH KX- change a business , real estate or lauds ? Lo rou want additional capital In rour huslueis ? If so , see us. wo ran help you. Call or write f or oui-bullailn. unices la all principal cities ; Omab * branch. 316 ! Kuw York I.lf building. ' -12,100 WIIJ , UUV ONH OK ? ttlK HK8T I.O- caied salooLS In South Omaha ; Urst-clast stock > and tUtures. J. W. ; Hlp , 2118 , N street. Fouth Omaha. MW3ZV Y'-KABTBHN HACKS ! HOWK'S INFALL1ULB Handicapping arstem nets | ti.oa weekly on 1200 00 Investment. Socoud successful rear. Safe. Cooservatlve. Practical. P/osp > ctus ItrJJ free. fe.U. D. Howe , Box 127 , Upioklyn , M. Y. Mlto J2i -FOU SALK. TUADB OU HENT. UOTBU 28 rooms , all occupied wllh permanent boarders modern Improvement ' * . Ue t loeatlou In 8. Omaha. ; Capt John O'DODBhO * . 103 N , Itilh fk , Omaba , Neb. itmjw Y-FOIt 8ALK OKTHAUK. NEW HOLLBH WILL : Address 1011 N. 19th St. mi rj- Y -FOH BALBCHBAP , FIXTUltUH AND SU ALL , stock of groceries. Btoro and ftetl room for . uioDth. iQlhauu'Hsiile'slsl 'L..BS -FOR BALE ; A IIATBTOHB IN FIRST CLASS locallgaand doing a good builnM * . Hero's a aplendtil chance for soma out. Address F. saF. William * . Omaha. 2JO JO : Y-FOK 8ALH , AT A BliaAIN. CIUA'll :0UK InBoutn Oaiatmguoatocaltgu focllTO man. 941 , JIIU street. klWJl' BUSINESS L T.-TO IIOTT i.K IIS A N11 < .nIKTl \ 81 Aim 1" / . I - , . . . < . . * . * - of a nonlntoxiiMllrli beverage , Itift only Mablo and reliable article ! 'over brewed re * sembllng in appearance * and naveliho finest bitter bee , and whtrh has an enormously Increasing sale In England , are desirous ofihrnening thn growing demand In the United * > tales /ofnn article of this character , and will arrange with ; ono good firm In each male as purchasing n-eufff , Address , flrst Instance , Chapman , notary , C7J Columbus avtnno , New York city f , . , . M 33 2i FOB n te ! 0oa line each lnsertion.iJl.M a line per month. Nothing tafc n for legi { an Me. _ r/-A CI.KAN STOCK OK OK3KIIAT , MIISIC.I fJwl\l \ toke real esUto onJ mon r. ' llox 1.O , Krnnk- fort , Ind. _ j. , _ Z'U Z-ISOACIlK30KChHAIU.ANl ) IN ONn Ot'THIt best winter wheat illttrloti In Kanm to exchange - change fur 19 or 20 aero tract near Oraiha cltr limits. Wilt par cull illirerencalf propartr Isuood. Adclro , cHIng prlooin J location , U tt Uo ) . aoi 7-SKK U. K. COI.rt CO. , MCUAUUI3 UMXS. L S53 Jt > V-KOIl SALK Olt TltAllG FOlt IMI'UOVKI ) II ) /-Jscrcn of land In Nebraska , a iplomlM buslnnsj. AUilro Vifl , Hog , 3ii Jt f/ 1 OWN 100 FARMS IN NKDIUHKA. KANSAS /Jsnd Dakota. Will neil o'iDap , or nxohan n .for md > o.liorgn9andcattlo. Add.DuxTiFrankfort ! Ind. 243 rONB OK TI1K 11KT M-FOOT UKftDKNCR laU In tlio cllr. well tmiirovoil , II ] fret from Fnr- nam St. , between .11 and Si St. . to oxclmngo for it larger pluco of racant eronnd , or buuiaahd two or morn lots , well located o'osn ' to or oulildo of the cltr llmlta. In nnsnpr dt-jcrlbo jrour propcrtr co m- pltitolr. AddrenOC * . Hco. UJtl Z-15,000 CIOAH3 AND SMOKKHS' AttTICLKS to exchange , port cash ( } JSOJ ) . llox TJ , Kear- ncy. Neb. M933 2i * Z-WK 11AVK A STOCK OF C1.OTHINO. DHY goods , drugs , a. barber shop nnd a hotel for ex change. Bring In your propositions Western Huslnoss Agency. 310 N. Y. L. Hldg. M9W UuZ J7-:800 ACKKS FOB UOOD , HKSIDENCK , MICH- horses and mules ; also business property for good farm. Q. U. Peterson , 1412 S. 13th. 3B2JI " /-IIOTKL AND FUltNITUKK , DOING A GOOD Jbuslness for exchange for A good Improved farm In western Iowa or eastern Nebraska ; reason for sailing , poor health. Address It K llrnwn , Hlvcrton , la. Midi 2U * Z-EQUITIES IN 8KVISHAL OOOD NKIIUAHKA farms to oxcbangn for Omaha propertyAd dro'sHoxIBO , Schuylor , Nob. MI87 28' z -INSIDHPUOfKIlTY WO11T11 li.000.00,1NCUM- Jbranco W.OJUUJ. 7-room house on CdxlWft. lot , on grade asuhalt pared St. , city wotcir , etc. , will sell or tradu for Iowa or Nobrnaka farm laud. Address room 23 , Darker block , Omaha. MIDI X' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Hales , IKea word flr'tlnsortlon , lo word llioro- aflor. Nothing lakon less than Sic. TOU MAY NOT KNOW IT Uut pcoplo are burlng our ! IOO lots OUCAUSB T1IKY KIOUT IN TOWN , and not away out In the suburbs. They are located In a Ihlckly scltled part of Iho clly und Iho motor cars and Iho 'best sort of Im provements are Ihcre , just as wpjiay. Of course pcoplo will not bur unless the prop erty Is KUALLY CUBjAP AND i WELL LOCATKar > r and they are perfectly rlght/n this ; wo can't blame thorn for It. n i For this very reason we Just Ask yon to stop In and BOO for yourself how ucafrlght wu are whoa wo say that tnli Is the > ' ' BEST I'UOPBUTt KVBU OFFB1IBP . ' f IN OMAUA : Not only as to location , but as to terms and price. Anyone who sees It wllf ay as wo do. Wo know that. * " " „ There Is no mortgage on It , Nor other Huns or Incumbrance * . It Is free and clear of debt. The lltlo Is absoluloly perfect. An abstract goes with each lot. However , don't take our word for It , nor any one's else. Ceo the ground nnd after carefully In- vcatlgatlmt the price , locallon and terms rely upon your owu judgment. Don't you think this Is u fair proposition ? It seems so lo us , lo many olhers who have bought We are certain tbo longer you look about to find something as good as these lots at our price , the more curtain are you to buy one. Wo will bo glad to BCD you and show you tbo property at any lime. And bear In mind thai we cannot afford to misrepresent - represent anything In regard to what wo soil. AMES HEAL KSTATE AQUNCY , 110000 LOTS. AMES REAL ESTATE AOENCY , 1&07 Faruam st. AME3 URAL K3TATH AOKNCY , AMES UK A I , KSTATH AGENCY , I5U7 Farnam si. 31334 F ' 8ALB. WHY NOT BUY . A IXJT DUILD A COTTAOH AND QUIT PAYING RUNT WHEN YOU CAN MAKE MONET J1Y SO DOIKO Wo offer this ; special : inducement , FOK A SHOUT TIME , TO to worklngmen , who wish to purchase lots and build houses. Wo will sell 1ty good residence lots near the city FOR IICO.OO EACH ; One-tenth cash , ( KOOOpayabla on or before thrco years from April 2J , Irvl , and the balance In monthly or quarturly payiuonts'and ' at7perceut Interest'K J Ol 0 An electric motor Hno will lunlto this propertr alter Juno 1. t'J a Thelots are high and level an'j , it grade. Tbo streets are graded and tj ' fading paid tot , The taxes on this property ai4 been Icis than SI.OQ per lot per year. I. ? ' i II Ii0,000.00 will be spent this /eaf'ln ' Improvements . In and around this property , 0. U Several new houses have reatatly been built In thttuddllloaandolborsare loftiotoinmeucod BOOD. ID.or It wilt cost you nothing to. 'lnTC > llgalo Ihlj for yourself. , ] One-half the prlco of lols th'p s nio distance out lo any other dlrecllon tliat ar 'jiVdeslrahte. ' Don't mlisthU opportunity | p jruy. Call at our offlco and let uV take you out and show you Ihls properly. ilE < i 1'01-1'Klt & OKORUB COMPANY. BOUTIIWEbTCOHNBU 1CTH AND FAll.NAM 8TS. m \TOINVK8TMBNT IS BAKKH THAN OMAHA .n real estate well looaled. No Invvstment Is more profitable than real estate purchased at a low fig ure , and now Is just the time to make lh Invest- inent. as good Omsba property will cover be less ! than wbHt It Is todar , Let ui show you that b au- tlful property which wo oner on Oeortfla and 'lr- ginia avenuos. Noihlng finer In tbt cltr for homo or Investment. Will make spocjsl tnducemeals for pot cash , fidelity Trust Company , 1JW Karnau street. Cil EAST FHONT iXlTOVUTliMBAU DODGB.MX 138feel , II.7M.OO , Address Owner , Q II. Uoe. GKOHQIA AND VIUOINU AVKNUF.8. UE- iwuen Mason and Paclna sts.lh Unvtt residence location In Ihe city , fcw.uo on Georgia ave and 110.00 on Virginia ave. adjoining propuitr h M tALUUto 110 POper front foot higher. We will tak ll.OoaOU f ° 'Jli'oumall ! ' ! ? ! lroP 'tr P rt parmont In i a jot. This 1s an opporlunlty seldom ottered. This Is good tor a short tlm < onlr , * ws > want some houses startrd at once. Two now under contract. Four uales already made. Pleasure to show such propertr as this at any tltue. fidelity Trust Com. > ( any , 1103 farnaia st utn FOR SALE HEAL EBTAT.B. RTTRIl THAN tlOVKHNMKNT IIO.VD3 I * ncro property clnso to Omaha. Mpgtnnlng I'rldsy , Mar 20. 1 will otter for Mo forty acres Jn t outside eltr limits In ave , ten and twenty acre tracts. Ten acres will make fifty nice residence lots. ' You can't mliis It In buying five or ten acres The sttady giowth of Omahn will double tha value. Will take nut those desiring to Inspect Ihls property Friday morning nt II ) o'clock. Hicks , SOS N. V. Ufo bldg. M2 27 IjlQUITY IN & UOOM IIOU.MI ON PAVKIJ JJMroelcheap Will trade for furnished Hat , Ad- dross H 41. llpo. 17.12V * B. HAItOAIN. ONK OF TltlC HANDSOMKhT olaM-room bouses near Itnns.'Om pnrk rnnotfor for saioai loss than cosl. Hicks , 30 N. Y , Llto llulldlng. M2IO 27 OTOKPEL PLACK ADDITION. O The Newnnt Addition to Omnha. Located 2 > { Miles Soulhwcsl from I'OJlortlcu. Hpsl fnturn roildenco ptrl oC Iho City. Wide slreela and wlda nlloyj. Lots are hUh nnd sUhlly. KIc clrlc Can tnn near U. Passenger depot nnd trackage yards of Omahi Hell l.'no ttallroad and Missouri Pacltlo llallroad \rlthlnnblocVoflt. 8 trains ( lallr. Sloros and faclorles In lla Inimedlalo vlclnllr. Homos of business men and mocninlc * surround , Hlmwood PArk , Now Drltlni Pnrx nnd Fair nrounds , 1'lnttc Illver Canal , streets to bo paved , oxlcnalon ufelnclrlac.tr line , are some of Ihe sub- slantlsl Improvements to ba made In Southwast Omaha during the next , few months. OnJ You can bur Slocpol Placa lots for f 130.03 eaoh , KOOOdoirnand the balance In quarlerly parmeuls of only tl..W , with Interest nt 7 per cent. Do not mlM this opportiinltr to bur UTO or ten lots al prices Ihnt will enable rou to make money. ForplaU i nnd further Information address W. A. WKII3THH , llee building. MI7J J3 _ V ANTKD. TO HUV IXW PIHCIOD LOT NOT over two miles out ; must boa bargain ; vivo number and prlco. II 16 , Ileo ottlce , M23 < L ! OT 42 ftCKT FRONT WITH BKVEN-UOOM house on 23th street , near Cnnflus ; price r.i.200.00 : monthly raymcnti. Hoed & Selbr."Ut Hoard Trade. M2Jj nsTAcra-.TttK MIDI , AMD OUAUANTUI ; and Trust companr , abstrnslars , converancgrs , Titles iirfoctoJ and gunranteaJ. Own the ontr complete abstract books tu Douglas county , llo- morcdlo room 310 Now York Llto building. M271 FOU SAMC , HANDSOMK IIK8IDKNCH , MOO- crn conveniences , on ono of the boot residence Btroatsj can take vacant lot or good farm as part payment. Inciulro of Hicks , real ostalu agent , UU ( N. Y. Life IJulldlng J1MJ 27 W ANTIC I ) HOIIdK AND LOT M.000.00 CASU. Wanted housn and lot f 4 U03 00 cash. Wanted loan ( if 1801 UO , best necurltjr. Wanted 10 acres for farm nml cash. Wanted to rent small cottage. Wanted acreage for cheap farms. Wanted benne for $2lHW.W o sh nnd lots. Wanted house close In for oash and loll , Wanted buyer for 10 ncrcs nt n bargain. Wanted propn ty and null for M9 ncro farm. Wanted iCQ aero farm for cash. Wanted 200 Improved farm. C. F. Harrison , 313 N. Y , Life. 171-25. 1GU ACIIKS NKAH CK1UOHTON , KNOX CO. 18.00 per ncro. ICO acres , llox Iltttto Co , $7.00 , per ncror BOO acres , olosa to U. A M. and U. r , Uy's. Orcalor countr ; running water. $3.00 per acre. StW acres , cholco land , Nance Co. , Jli.00 per acre. C(0 acres , near l idgo Pole ; good spring water on secllo n , ttl.60 per acre. lllcks. 305 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. M2I1 27 FOH SALIC , 5-IIOOM COTTAnE , PULL LOT , ONK block from car line , clnlornlly wcler , near school nnd churches , $1,500 , cany paymcnls. Anolher , similar lo nbovc. two blocks Irom car , and not In so good repair , > l,250. Another , similar to nrsu excellent repair , well , 0 rooms , 3 blocks from car , II.7&0. Another , 7 rooms , t full loin , 3 blocks from car , J.WO. t-ercrnl more like the above , all In same lornlllr and all grcal bargains. G , U. Wallace , Drown blk , ICth and Douglas 214 27 IIKAP ItKRlDBNCi ; LOTS , CO FKKT , NKAIl Ilanncom park , I2,93J.OO ; 40-foot lot near park , tl.5 . .00. Hicks. 305 N. V. 1.1 fu. M24J 27 _ LOST. Itntes , IH'o award llrst Insorlton. lea word there after. Nothing taken for less than 23c. oSril KT W K B N KO UN TX K Pi , AC K AN iVBS B" bulfdlng , package of patterns , also One wheel tracer Howard forietnrn to Ileo iinioo. Cil T OST A IlAVllOttSIC , ON MONDAY' MOUNINO lHatlhIrtr-thlrdand.I lkLtrRat . Had on light headstall. Nollfytp.0 Phoenix Foundry , tolephon 23. - MI63 26 _ _ _ O3T-CIIANOKADLK DI.UB AND OltKK.N cloak irllh. green collar , between Omaha and Houtb Omaba. Howard for return to 112 North Btb. MI 88 2G * HE KINDKIt'oF A PACKAGE OF LAHNDHY marked G. P. C. will recelvo a reward of 12.50 by rolurnlng to police flallon. 18124 * _ SHORTJTAN D AND TYPEWRITING Hates , Iflo a line c sh Insertion , 11.5) a line per onth. Nolhtng laken for lost than 2 > c. acqulraa working knowloJ/3 of s'lorthand an.1 trpowrltlngat A. O. Van Want's ichnnl of slart- hand.M3.\ . Ufo. rypevrrltorj lo rent. M3JO. UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS Hates , lOo a line each Insertion. $1.W a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2)0. I / W. H AK B it ( f O P. M K It L Y WITH : JNO. Q. J A- tcobs , deceased , later with M. O. Maul ) , under taker and embalmer , 313 S. 10th > t. , tol. GUI. 214 PASTURES FOR HORSES. WJSUAVR 100 ACKE3 OF I1LUB GHASJ PAS ture for horses. Board fence. Sprlnz water. Barton ft Pnelps , Gllmoro , Nob. , or A. W. Pbelps k Son.OTN. Y. Life Bldg. ! OtMM MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Itatos. lOo a line each Insertion , II.Ma lluoper month. Nothing taken for lej < than Ik ) . GV. GELLKNDBCK , 1IANJO13T AND TBAl'IIRH , .1810 California slreet U14 PAWNBROKERS. T SONNICNDBlia. DIAMOND UUOKHIt , IMi iJ .DouKlaisU Loans monay on dlamondn.watchai , etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tol. 1 J.W.in DRESSMAKING. M1S8 A. M. 8IIKKTS. DllUdSMAKlCIl , CONTI- nentul block , room U. batlsfacUim guaranteed. b.'S-JIS' SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. oTL TiiATnrmrATiiinriTj'TYT'KwuiTH All makes bo unlit , sold , exchanged , runted. 01J N. Y. I.IU bldg. Tel. DM. JliH SCALES VTBW le tiBCOND-IIAND hUAI.KS. ALL KIN33 1 > Address Oorden & Sellack Co.l. ko sU , Calcairo. 2U I RENT g SALE Now and second hind Douiniarsi. Ham tuitions , O.illRr.iplis. Hin I tin , i'0-tU. Hdir mends Miinsniis. Wrlto for nrlciM und * iv moiiHy. MKOKATJI HTATIONKUV 0 > 1301 l-'ariiiini street. Largest Typew.itei1 Housa ia ( he Stitj. "ImproYameat tlw Ordar of UIB Aga , " HA VEX VEXYOU YOU YOUSEXEXN THE NEW SMITH PR13MII5II TYPEMITERCHAIR ? If you have not , call at tno Smith Premier - mior Typowrltor CO.'B oRIco , or norm for clrculurd. As usual , wo have THE BEST. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co Cor. 17th and Farnara Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. E , H. MAYHEW , Manager , mm * . Koltctt of flat HUM or { ut under 'tu tenii ; tacit dddUlotuil lint ten centt. KUlIN'-WcdueaUay. MayU4 , ut 11 u. m. , oi diphtheria , 1'rostou , Infnnt s.on of Nunnun A. and Holaa 1' . Kulin , ago 9 months. Uurlul private. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The Future Unveiled. Arrival ottrnordtnirr of the world' fnmnus medium. Mrs , Dr. K , Sliarninn , nlzcd bv the prciiii , modiciil fnoiilty nutt solcn- tlsta Roncmlly aitlio mo tcolobrnted medium of motlorn times. Itomnln not In dnrknovi nnd lenornnco , but seek the llslit of lnonlodia ; nnd learn what the mysterious future hold * for you. WldloontrAiicud will revuM every hidden luvntory In life. Glvot aid and nnrlco which xrlll ovorconin your cnninta < > roinovo family troullo9. restore lost nlVoctloiis , mnko imirrln o with tlio ono yon love no fulluroi roinovo ovll Inllttoncos. bnd habit * , euros wlteliRty. flu. null nil Ion ? sliu\llna nnd iiiys- torlnus ( IKousos : will glvo rnrroct liifonnntloii on lawsuits , slr.knesi , tlonlli , divorcee absent friends , overytliinsi novcr fiilllnir ndvlco to yonns monon innrrluca iiml liow lo ohooso a wlto for hnnnlncs.1 und nlutt btiBlncsi lic.st urtnptoU for spcrdy rlelics. itook spocnlntlon n specialty ; recovers lost , stolen or liurlod prop- crty : locates troisuros nnd inlnor.iM ; nlo nlve Indupcnsnlilo mlvlrn to yoitni : Udlosof lore , courtship nnd mnrrlaRO , It your lover In true or fRlso , The mysterious and uucavsHfnl nmniior In whtoh HIO treats maitcrt of the ut most obscurity Ims ; : l\-itii muoh liulvonixl sut- Isfnutlon that her imnifl has bccomo n provrrl ) In tbousandi of housoliolds mndo bappy by bcrnld nnd ndvicc. Hours 0 ru m. to 8 p m. strlat. N. It , I'orfoot sutlst.ictlon Ruarintocd by mall. Send stamp for Illustrate , ! olrcnlnr with sDcclnl terms to Mrs. Dr. I" , Sherman , parlora C & 7 , The Midland hotel. 319 N. 16th St. . Onmlio. RfllLWSY TIME ORRD LoaveTTTriiToA73oTirifilTrrNJlVN7tlJ. ArrlTJi' Ol I llepot lUtb anil Mason 3U. Onl 'a\ 4. 11. 12 Leaves 1IUKI.1.SOTON A Ma ItlVh'U. I Arrlrei Omnlm Depot IQtn and Mmon 3 . I Omaht 10.15 nm Denver Kxprois 4 0) p in 10.15 am Deadirood Kxprtfis 4 0 } p 111 4.0 pm Dtnvor Kipron I1.3J u m 4.U ) pin Denver LlmlloJ 12 0) a m C.6U p in . . . .Nebraiku LnctKKxSun ) . ( l.W p r.l fi.li am . . .Lincoln Ixical ( KioonMiiu ) O..li a in Leaves UllIOAliU , It. I. x TAClf 10. Arrive Omiha. | Union Depot 10th A Maroy HU. | Omnlm , - I ClllCAUO , lUl. A I'AC I Kill. , Krom West. | Union Depot loth nnd MarcySls.l West leaves | UNION IMUIKK ; . ArrUJs Omnlm I Union Djpol IQtli iniJ Mircrflti.l O n ii ! i Leave * CHICAGO AlTLT A U I1 PAtTJV lArrlra Oicaha U. P. depot antl I Omaha & .UOpm | ' 'lilcaio 1C i . | 'J..I3 11.11) am ) Chicago Kxprojs 15.5) p m Leaves I F. , c. .v MO. VALLKV [ Arrival t'mnlia Depot IMh and Webstar Sis. I Omaha Leaves ( CHICAGO. * NOHTH WKSTBttNl Arrival Omaha IU. I * , depot. ! 0tb and Marcr HU. I Omaha Leaves I JHSaOUItl PAMKIC. Arrives Omttbal Depot Itth and Webster 81s. I Omaha Leaves I C. . ST. r , M. i O. Arrives Omanal Depot 15th and Webster SU. Omaha tUU ami . .Stoux Cltr Accommodation. . S'.Oi p ra l.li pm Sioux Cltr ttxprof * ( Kx. Sunday ) 12.4J p m & .4S p m Stl'anl .allied < J.2i a in & 13 p m Uancroft Passenger ( Kx Sund'rl 8.U p m Leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. [ Arrives Omaha ! Depot. 10th and Marcr Sis. I Omaha 7.1) ) anil. . . . . .Sioux City Passenger lIO.VOp in 4.00 pm | SI. Paul Kxprus * 110.1X1 a m leaves I BIOUXClTYi PACIFIC. { Arrives Omaha I Depot. ISlhanJ Webslor .St . I Omaha 6.45 pm | bt. PauH.lmllod I U.2j o ra Leaves I OMAHA A HI' . LOUIS. Arrives Omaha U. P. Douol. 10th and Marcr Sis. Omaha 4.00 p m | M. Louis Cannon Hall 112.3 > p m PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO.Solicitor ! . Bee Building ; , Omalia. Neb ( yours Exainliiori U , B. Kit. OllUa. Ailvloi to PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! LIKE A FAIRY TALE. A. Texas Ainu IlnlliU not ) Allies of Kallronil on a C.'apltnl of Itr nml I'lnrlt. From south Texas uaiiio a man who built 000 miles of railroad with u W bill und faith , mid the bill was u borrowed 0110 , sttyH u San Antonio letter. Ho moved up from Corpus Christ ! to Sail Antonio with all of his possessions heaped up on n two-wheeled cart. JIo g H H charter to build a railroad from ban Antonio to Ai HIISUH Puss. IIo graded u milo of it , throwing it jjoort deal more ' than ono Hhovol of dirt with his own hands. Tlio receiver of another road loaned this indefatigable builder enough , old rails for a milo of truck. In a dis tant part of the state was purchased un engine which hnd been condemned six years Iwforo and ? ont to the shop to bo > wrecked for scrap iron. Two old cars wore picked up wmiowhero else at a bar gain. And that old engine , drawing tliOi-o old cars , steamed into San An tonio. On engine and cum hi bold let tering was painted in lampblack , ' 'S. A. anil A. I' . " With ono mile of old rail track and with tbo equipment of tlio old engine and the two old curs Uriah Lott started the Aruiihas I'a.-s bystom. There has been homo tall financiering ii.in the history of railroad building in this country , but there isn't anything which , for dazzling pluckquite approaches the story of the building of this GOO miles of routi in south Texas. To the one milo j of track three were added three miles by a dicker for some HCU- end hand rails which a htreot car com pany had bought from u narrow gauge company. On this basis a credit tiwlo ' was made with a Pennsylvania rolling mill for ton miles of rail. . When they arrived there wasn't enough money in the treasury to pay the freight. Hut it was got somehow , Ten miles of track gave the foundation for bonds which \ \ built forty miles more , und BO the Bys tom grow into its present proportions. This man who built the Aransus Puss system rotlu from Ban Antonioto Chicago cage at ono critical porlod in jils entoiv prlso without a cent in his pocket. Flo had but ho hadn't transportation any thing to buy food with , and ho wont through hungry. . - Olio of the lies-till . Pott Woiim't you in that jiokcr game at King's last niKliU Chlpiis Yes. Pott How did iou comn ontT Chlpns I ulun'l Minn out ; I staid la. Everybody clso h-d to ivalk home. Piles ol people have | iilo , but DawlU'o Witch Hiuel Salve will cure them. WHO WILL HANDLE THE CASH Lincoln Oonncilmon and Nobr.vikn Railroad Officials Cannot Agree. DELAYING WORK ON THE VIADUCT air. Itolilrrcp of tlio Iliicllngton Promptly itelu p to Honor n Ilr.ttt for Ten Thnumttiil In I'm or of the Con. itriictlon Committee , LINCOI.X , Nub. , May 34. [ Special to Trt HEK. ] The West O street viaduct promises to bo an olit man of the sort for the city of Lincoln. Only n few ilnys ngo the property owner * adjacent to the proposed structure begun proceedings to halt tlio work on the ground that they worn not receiving mlco.uato damages. Now the city council has gotten into a snarl with Iho Hurltngton rail road company which promUos to effectually tlo up the work for some tlmo to 00:110. : At the meeting of the council two weeks ago the city treasurer was Instructed to draw upon General Manager lloldrcgo of the Hurling * ton for $10,000 to constitute u fund upon which they might draw for the preliminary estimates. Ono week ago they Instructed the treasurer to make another draft of $ li , - 000 upon Holdrcgo to pay for the thrco-llfths of the abutting damages. Yesterday thrj treasurer received the llrst uaiiiod draft back marked "rofusod to pay. " The sauid mall brought a letter from Mr. Iloldrcgo In which ho emphatically told the council tnat ho would refuse to allow it to handle the mouoy. Kallrnnili * 1'orn.ulslto. Ho further told the members of the coun cil the railroads would Insist on handling the cash themselves. That the council should pass upon nil vouchers which had previously boon approved by the city engi neer nnd the engineers of the two railroads from tlmo to time , sum ! them to Omaha , and the money would ihon bo sent on to pay. Uhn reply created consider , able of n breeze , nnd the contract between the city and railroads was read. It proved to bo a very ambiguous document , but noth ing was contained therein to show that Mr. Holdrogc was right In the position ho had taken. ' It was dually decided that Mr. O'Shco should accompany the city attorney to Omaha to confer with the railroad out- clals and show to them that they hud expressly - pressly agreed In one place to advancu all monies needed on demand of thecitv. If thu railroads refuse to recede from their posi tion work will be Immediately stopped. City In llrlr-r. The meeting of priests announced to taka place in Omaha last Monday , to hcnrevl- dcneo-boforo Bishop Scannell on the charges against Bishop Uonucum , has been postponed for ono week. A small house owned by John Hradsou , at Twentieth and H atreets , was destroyed by flro last night. It was unoccupied , and was evidently sot on tiro. The Jury In the case of Chnrloi Stahl , alias Smith , and Kuport W. Brady , charged with robbing the chicUon coop of C. O. UavU , found both defendants guilty and recommended them to the meivy of the court on account of their ago. Judge Strode and a jury are engaged today in trying the case against C. W. Tracy , a hackman , who Is charged with having driven an intoxicated passenger named Ostorlow Into a dark alloy nnd slugged and robbed him. U'llUam Klunear was jointly indicted with Tracy , but the hitter de manded a separate trial. ICInnear turned state's evidence , and told the whole story. Tracy is an ex-convict , having served three terms bcforo for similar offenses. James Clary , a young Indian enrouto from the "reservation at Harncston to net as interpreter in the federal court at Omaha , was arrested last night for drunkenness , but bcgired off successfully this mdruiug. John Gartncr'nithod Into tliojroilco sta tion this mornlhgand complained that Fred Elsler , a youth of 15 , had unlawfully men aced Gartner's wife , and ho wanted a war rant right away for the terror of the neigh borhood , The warrant was given , but there was a decided revulsion in police circles a half hour later when Ofllccr Morrissey walked inlth this terror. lie proved to bean an under-skeil boy of lit , who was crying bitterly over his arrest , while the woman he was charged with menacing is twice tils si/o. Carrie J. Tackctt brings suit In comity court against the Burlington Voluntary He- lief association for balance duo on u policy held on the life of her husband , Henry C. Taokott. The latter wus killed last Febru ary In the yards in this city , and all 'that the department would pity on the $1.000 policy held by him was $50. Tlio widow sues for the balance , JJ , " > 0. An arbitration committee to adjust the , claims of BuekstafT Bros , against the In surance companies -which hold policies on the big brick works which were recently de stroyed by fire , has boon chosen. The BuckstalTs chose U. T. Hoggs , the insurance companies K. P. Davis of Omaha , and the two have selected Mr. Vrlelmg , also of Omaha. AHMED BAJUCOaAN'S OAHXE. Ho rinyml It on the Unucnulniu In a IV f They JJonjilrftxI. Ah Sin , the heathen Ohinco , whom Brut lltirtc immortalized for hlH.smilo HO childlike and bhuu ! , IKIH u rival in Ahmed Dalcornn , an Egyptian , who played it upon the Caucasians in u way they despised ever in the Turjclnh villa - la o in Midway phitaanco , ayr ) tlio Chicago Inter Occ-an. Ahmed uot up a "ainblintr ilcvico and for a time pliud hin huslncss an penco- fnlly us yainblinjr in comluctod In Monaco. Ho rigged nj ) n wliuol ol fortune , lljrnrod over with mottcoa from the Koran in Arabic painted in { { old lottoi'H on roufjo-ot-noir baek { ground. Alon rfido tliia Tui'kiuh turn table , on which a. inurblollgurcd conspic uously , Ahmed , tlio tnrbaiieil stranyor from the banks of the Nile , I mil a tnUio upon which wore arranged heelless alip- porn of u Mephistopholian shape , tobacco pouches of Turlcluh btylo , ptiekiijjeH o ( cl { < nruttc.H , ( { iiaint little jars , uhiL ukE- imr 'lioliH , hero and thtiro a hulmltar * Hhapud knife , and othec varloties ol oriental gowfjaWH. Each article ropro Heiitcd a prl/.o to follow ono turn of thu whciil. A hundred or moro Caucasians of the oooitlont wont against the oriental ifaino , Otio at u time they twirled the nmuJiinu , thu inarhlo took on u paroxytuu of uu- tivity , but llmilly bottled ever homo ono of the Arabic letters ) . Ahmed , of the pyramids , nail ! Homothliij ; in an unknown tongue , which , interpreted by his actions , meant blank. It buoinod to thu ocoiden * tial dupes that whencvor Ilio mai-hlo caino to a ro. t the particular Arublu fcorawl on which it bottled meant bluulc. Tlio playord { { ot to baying blank , blank , blankoty blank , too , as they saw their bllvor boinf , ' Htorcd away in the p. ukota of AhmuiVn capacious trouaora , with not a prl/.o to reward their ventures. The awartliy won of the sands hinoothly and niellilluuuhly talked at the crowd , and the crowd ffot to noakliij [ , ' so b'jfbtor- onnly at tlio K'yptiiu ; manlpulatoi- tholr coliiH that Private HumnioJ of the Columbian guardx btrolled alon ? . Ho took In thq hituation and Ahmed was then taken to the Woodlawn station , wiioro ho was inado to fool comfortably' at homo with it mat for n couch. Piles of people ave iiuea , but Do Witt's Witch Hazfll Halve will euro thorn. Brooklyn Times : Ur. John K. I'axton ol Now York Is a sportsman who lovife to go angling. He went a fishing the other day pu J ng Island und throw the line and hook foe trout. A speckled beauty caught his hook and , eager to land him , the doctor gave u vigorous Jerk to hii line , and as the hook blippcd from thu lUli's mouth it How buck into thu angler's eye. It wait n sad outcome und the reverend gentleman is in the hands of the doctor. The doctor had butter 'keep on JUhlng for men and let the " pockib4 boautles" enjoy the brookt.