' T-R1 TTIP OMAHA DAILY BEE : TlIURSnAV. MAY 25. 1893-T\VELVE PAGE& AND FINANCIAL Plunging oa a Heavy Scale the Fcaturo on 'Change ' Yesterday , VOLUME OF BUSINESS VERY HEAVY J'lno nnd UrlchtVoutlier on tloth Conti nent * , Hotter Crop Advlcci from All Quartcrinndrinttcrlnir Official Itullotlni Wcro rnctur * . CIIICAOO , 111. , May 24.-Plunging on a heavy kcalo was Iho feature on'change today. The volume of business was the greatest since the May delivery day. Compared with last night , however , the closing prices for grain nro not grcntly altered , Wheat Is off from Ucto'ic ; cornMiows Jjc Itnprovcnicnt ; provisions , tin- 4Ho ( grain , Mumped hndly nnd failed to rally. With line nnd In Ight weather on both con tinents , better crop ndvlccs from all quarters , Haltering olllclal bulletins from Washington and fprltnflnld , and great movement of stuff to pi Unary markets , July wheat broke over Ic to the low point on the crop al72fo. ? At this Juncture commission houses rushed in to liny on Investment order ? , nnd Charley Wright and Charley Singer nero purchasers on the break to the extent of perhaps 1,000,000 bu. each. llraditrcol's report showed a decrease in stocks of 2,500,000 bu , cast , nnd a decrease of 275,000 bu. west of the llocky mountains , nnd helped to strengthen the feeling. The Atlantic ports nnd Now Orleans cleared nearly 700,000 in wheat and flour. An American ofllclal nt Constantinople cabled that Uiisslan crop pros pects lire very bad. The opening was about c lower than yesterday's closli a , and with Might fluctuations prices were further reduced - duced ? c , then tulcd stronger and the decline was n break In the prices advancing from ? < c to J c , eased off from He to So lower for July nmHic ! lower for September than yesterday's M. " Corn wns weak at the start , duo largely to the action of wheat and the lllicral receipts. The crowd accordingly sold , Ili t tiades being ul Kc drclliu1 , and under this selling pre.ssuio of ! nn\i'i \ : toVC more. At the dorllno there wns a good deal of ijuliit buying by both re- rrlvcr.s and shippers and the cio\\d In trying topot buck tholr early sales put the mnrlvi'i. up from We to fie. after which thu price held Htrady and at the close had gained from Uu to S * * The estimates for tomorrow were qulto llb- rrul lit 4H5 oars , but did not have ns much ef fect as on yesterday , us the cash demand at the iccliii'tlon In price appeared to bo much better. The fact that some of the largo shorts revered their lines Reamed to glvo courage to many operators , as aKo did tlio fact that the iHTernics of the nearby futures were particu larly light. Tno feature of the oats market was the hpruadlng In the near futures , duo In the light offerings and the buying by shorts. Trades In May are fairly evened up and It Is dllllcult to buy wltlioutairocting thu prices. Them was moderato buy Ing of Juno rxnd soilIng - Ing of , Inly , making the latter rather weak. Tno cloo was strong , with coi n compared with hist night's prices up Uc. In piovlslons , lard broke 40c , ribs , 4Ccon heavy selling by packers , and porK went oft on celling orders alHraf'SOcpor ' lib ! , Hlbs and lard closed at the bottom , tinder pressure of pack ers product. 1'ork finished weak at 20c from Insldo llguros. but 35u below last night's quotations , llstlmatcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , I2oarst ( corn , 485 cars ! oats , 25Gcars ; hogs , IM.OUOhend. The lending f ut uros ranged as follows : AllTiri.Ht. | OI'II.V. 1 Ilinil. | LOW. | U.OHh. | YKSTV WhcolNo 2 Mny. . . I0 ! 71 70M 7IW July. . 73 i@ ' < 72H fept. . 70 * 76H Corn No. Majr. . . 40 ? < 4IW 40M 40J4 Juno. . 40'i 40 40fc July. . ; ' 4IM IM Cnta No. 2- Jlnr . . . . M SO 31 June , . . . 30H Wl July . . . 29 ( Kept. . . . v-H ItCKK I'ork- Mny. . . . 20 65 July. . . . 20 1W 21 00 20 no 21 10 Hept. . . 21 IS 2076 20 V j 21 SO Lard- May. . . . 10 60 July. . . . 10 75 10 42W 10 42L 10 tO Sept. . . . U 00 11 00 10 72 11 10 BliorUUlis May. . . . ' ' ' ' " 1025 July. . . . 'io'oi' iu'ib" 0 80 1035 Hopt 1020 10 20 087H 9UU Onsh quotations wore as follow- Ki.oim easier , lulllcis moro , Inclined to ini'ot bids. , WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 701C ; © 'a'No. ; 3 sprlng.f. o. b.G4iJG7c ( ; No. 2 ri > dj nObiiles. COIIN 43n : No. 3 yellow , 40c. r- > OATH30J : { © > ii No. 2 whlro.im track 44j No. 3 white , f.o. b. , 33f ; (234U. ( KYIS-NO , a , 65. UAIII.KY No. 2 , no sales No. 3 , 40 < 240 ; { : No. 4f. o. b. , 40-13 c. VIA * SKEiNo. . 1. * ! { TIMOTHY tiEKi ) Prime , $3.HOJ43.90. PoilK Moss , per bhl. , J20.3Ott35 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , 10.1520 ; short rlli , sides ( loose ) , f'J.HO dry salted Hhoiilders ( ho\edl , J10.00B10.25 ; short clear ldusboxcdf ( ) 10.S6Q 10.50. WHISKY Distiller' * ' finished goods , per gal. , KUO'AHS Cut loaf , Gc ; granulated , 5.70c ; Htandard "A , " 6.67c- . Uniulia Grain. The following prices are for delivery at Mississippi river points ; WlliUT No. 2 , spring , 07c : No. 3 , spring , 68c ; No. 2 hard , G6c ; No. 3 hard , Gle. KYK-NO. 2 , 6Gu. OATS No. 2 white , 31Hc ; No. 3 white , 31c. COIIN No. 2 , cash or Juno , 37ic ! : No. 8 or better , cash , 37c ; No. 2 white , 30c ; No. 3 white , a Be. Among the sales reported were 5 cars No. Scorn , May shipment , 37'ic. Now York AlprketH. NKW VOIIK , May 24. KI.OUII Ilocolnti , 27- 000 pkCH. : oxportH , 5,000 bbls. . 10,000 bucks ; hales , 11.600pkgs. ; market dull and easy. COIIN MKAI/ Steady , quiet ; yellow western , UYK ( Julot , steady ; western , 07JG9c. JlAHi.KY MAI.T Steady , quiet. AViiKAT Kccolpts , 259.000 hu.i exports. 228- 000 bu. : sales. 2.450,000 hu. futures , 104,000 liu. spot. Spot market closed firm on a fair demand ; No. 2 red , In Mom and elevator , 7 Uu : ulloat,77i c : f.o. b.,77 < a7H : options < lo- cltned H < fticearly ; rallied and closed llrm nt practically unchanged prints : No. 2 June , 70110 ! July , 7HSic : August , 7U ) c ; September , UlUoi Ji'0onihor , H5 ! < o. CoilN HccolntH , 26,600 hu.l exports , 4,000 liu.1 sales , 610.000 bu. futures , 66.OOO bu. hiiot. Hpotn moderately actlvit for export , firm ; No. 2 , 60 in elevator : Glc ntloat ; op tions opened weak uncl sold off USi'/ic , closed llrm at ! ittic ! advance ; July , Ou'c ; August , 40o. 40o.OATS Itccolpts. 30,000 bu. ; exports. 62,000 hu. ; stiles , 200,000 hn. of futures and 90,000 liu. of spot. Hpots firmer and fairly active ; options quiet anil firmer ; May closed , 37ic ! ; Juno , 30c : July , S5' , ' : No. a white. 41Mc ; No.2 Chicago , 37fic ; No. 3 , 3Gc ! } ; No. 3 while. 4040)ic ) : mixed western , UVa Uc ; whlto western , 40@47e. llAY-Mght receipts ; llrm. Horn ( Julot , firm ; state , common to cholco , imaauic : Pacific const. itt < 0)2i5 ) } < > . HlDErt Dull , nominal ; wet suited , Now Or leans gtilcctcd , 45 to GO Ibs. , 4ii < ace ; Texas holuctcil , 60 to GO Ibs. , 67c ; lluenos Ayres , 20 to 23 Ibs. , lajfcj Texas dry , 20 to 25 lbs..7H 10c. PnoviHiONS Cut meats , firm , quiet ; pickled liolllcs. 12 Ibs. at 12 ; plcklud shoulders. 9 ; pickled hams , rj'iOlSc : middles , dull , UIIBV. dhort clear , Hue. 1-ard , iiulut , leer ; wc torn - orn btvain closed at fl.G2Vi ( ) ; nominal ; MI let , , 700 tlorcex at HO.G2UttlO.BO ; options hales. 260tlercc af June , * 10.78 , closing at $10.70 ; July closed at (10.80 ; Heptemher closed at tll.05. PorK. dull , bteady ; old mess , { 21,25 now mess , 9- . HUTTBii Steady ; demand fair ; western dairy , IMJlB'ic ' ; western creamery , 174i'Jlc ; western factory , 16 < 3171ic. OHBKHE MoiU-rato demand , steady. K(1U8 Light receipts , firmer ; lecefpts. 0,118 liken ; western fresh , 15)i154C. TALLOW Quiet , lower ; city ( t3 per pkg. " 6i.c. COITONSKEII On/ Dull , Mcuk ; crude , 42c ; yellow. 40U4147C. PKTIUII.KUM The market was dull nnd neg lected , not a single sato having been reported Pennsylvania oil , spot sales , none ; Jiineou tlons , suh'u none , closing 6B c hld.olfviud a ( D i'c ; Lima oil , bales , none , 29o bid. Tutu kales , none. ; Hums Quiet , weak. TunrpNTiNE Hull , weak at 29J229'c { , HICK--Quiet , steady , MOI.AFHKH New Orleans , open kettle , good to cholco , dull , btt'ady , BunAII Kaw. llrm , fairly active. I'm Inofi-Dull , uteady ; American , 112.750 15.60 , Coi'i'EH Quiet j lake , f 10.85. IKAI > I'lrm : domestic , 13. BO. TlN-Kasy ; Btraltu , (19.30 bid , ( lO.So askrd , jilfile * , quiet , btuudy , Spelter , easy ; domestic MaucticitiT Commercial Ituvleir. MANCIIKHTCU , May 24. The Guardian , In It Cummerclul article , sujf ; Tliu Wliluuutldi mlnlnilted builntis , Most of the east I.nncikhlr mills war * ctoied today. Tli c tar > ) lilini nt of tomn prominent rnor- nhRnti will remain olo'Cil for the whole \rcck. Thorn I * occasionally Inildo Inquiry , though for most kinds of ( hlrtlngsit la K-norally poor. especially for tlio bust qualities. In the lowest qualities a moderate trade hat been executed , The telegraphic Inquiry from India Indicates nn Improved tone In the market there. Itfccnt Bales render manufacturers llrm. Man kinds of light fabrics nro Inqtllrnd for. Printing clottn arc Crm , Yarns are dull nnd neglected. Omiiha I'rnducu Mnrket , The general inarkf t was quiet for aomft rea son not qlilto apparent- . The receipts of but ter continue rathnr light nnd only about equal to Ihn local demand. At the same tliuo there Is llttln of the butter coming , that Is peed enough to go direct to the local trade , but lias to bo wotkcd over by the packers first. The receipts of eggs are liberal , and there Is a tendency for stocks to accumulate. The market dor.s not show much change. The supply of berries was somewhat larger than on Tuesday , and there wcro moro poor berries. VEnKTAtlMSS. I'EAB Pcr bu , box , f2.60O2.7fi. DEANS Cholco navy , t2.20Q2.30 ; common stock , * l.00a2.00. O.U.U-OHNIA DAHIIAOH Per lb. , 3c. CtictiMiir.itq Choice , ponhu. , $1.0031.25 , WAX ll A scr bu box , ' 3. STIUNO KUANS 1'cr M-bu. bor , II. HiMNACIt-l'er bbl. , 12.60 , Asi'Ait.uius-I'erdo * . . 303400. l llTTUCi : 1'er doz. , 40c. HADISIIM 1'crdor. . , 25i < l30i : . I'AILSI.KV 1'or do25tt30c. . Tor O.MO.VS I'or dor. . , 20.a2r . \ 1'OTATOT.sColorado sliwk. Jl , 103,1.20 ; Wis consin burbanks , * 1. 003.1.10 ! western Ne braska , (1. I'll : l'iANT-l'or 60-lb. boxes. H.25. SgUASii-I'erbu. box , 11.60 1.75. HKitMtrDA ONIONS 1'er bu. bov , $2.23. Nnw roTATons-Southorn.por bbl.tO ; porbu. box , J2 ; California , ner lb. , 3)Jc. ) WATEII CiiEss-1'er IG-qt. box , $1.70. FHUITS. STHAwiirnniF.f * Choice shlpolng stock , Jl.OOiao.OO per 24-iit. case. I.K\io.NS-Jholic ( , M.20O4.BO ; fancy , $4,75 ® 0,00 , llANANAR-1'er bunch , Including crates and packing , J2.00U2.GO. I'tNKAPl'MM I'or doz. , $2.00a2.25. OiiANiis ; Nowrastlo California seedlings , $2.00 ; Noucasllo Mediterranean sweets , $2.00 ; California mountain oranges , (2.2&I32.00 ; Washington navels , choice , $4 : Washington navels , largo sizes , $3,50&3.75 ; Hlvorsldo seedlings , } 2.70 ; Kcdlands , (2,70 ; Kcdlands , 128 size , J2.00. nurrnn , r.oos , OAME , rour-Tiiv. ntiTTKU The great bulk of the country buttergoesat 1213c. IC < lis Oeneral market , lie. I'oui.THY Cholco hons. Oc ; mixed coops , 7 © 80 ; old roosters , 6BGc ( ; gcoso nnd diicks , ti&Jc. MISCIII.ANIOUH. : : HAY The market on good upland hay , JG.50 In car lots. VIAI : < O'hnlcoand small fat , 78Su ! ; largo and thin , 3QGc. _ St. I.ouU Alnrkot * . ST. Louis Mo. , May 24. rr.ouR Quiet , easy , unchanged ; patents , $3.35(33.50. ( WIIIIAT Opened weak , dropped IJfe , rallied nnd closed JaC boloiv yestpidny : No. 2 red , [ ash and May , G7c ! ; July , G9'i70c ; Septom- ' 'ier , 73 ? c. COIIN Opened weak , lost Uc , rallied and closed IJfi./o above yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , cash and May , 37c ; July , SUVc ; t-eptembcr , ease. OATS-Steady ; No. 2 cash and May , 32c ; Inly , 27fc ! bid : August.20c bid. PROVISIONS Dull and weak. Pork , standard mess ' , (21.50. Lard , $10.12 ! * . Dry salt meats , 'ooso shoulders , $10 ; long and ilbs , $10.30 ; shorts , J10.55 ; boxed , $10.70. llacon. packed shoulders , f 10.60 ; longs and ribs. $11.124 ! < a 11.25 ; shorts , $10.65 ; "boxed , 811.70. Hams , unchanged. KECKIPTS Flour , 3,000 hbls.vhoat ; , 0,000 hu , ; corn , 78,000 bit. ; oats , 23,000 bu. ; rye and barley , nono. Siiii'.MC.STs Klour , 8,000 hhls. ; wheat , none ; rorn. 00.000 bn. ; oats , 25,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. : barley , nono. UUTTJSU Dull ; weak and unchanged. Knntag City Markets. KANSAS CITY , Mo , , Jlay 24. WHEAT Active , . .toady ; No. 2 hard , 0101ic } ; No. 2 red , 05 < 2GGc. COHN Active , firm ; No. 2 mixed , 33.f33ic ; ( ! ; No. 2 white , 84' ' { < a35c. OATS Moro active , firm ; No. 2 mlvcd , 29 ® 29c ; No. 2 whlto , 3232'/.C. MUTTER Unchanged ; creamery , 18Q.20c ; dairy , 155J17C. Eoos-Wcak , lOc. HECEIPTS Wheat , 28,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 9,000 bu. ; corn , 2.000 bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. New York Dry ( iooils Market. NEW YOIIK , May 24. Dry goods market was more animated today. IHislness was exciting and the moderate stocks of cotton on hand were undeigoing reductions where prices had been made to conform to the situation. 801110 expected revisions are deferred to u later pe- rlodiand the goods were accordingly quiet. There was also moro doing In fancy cottons , especially prints. The now Gloucester dark fancies under the style "Morcendes" are of fered at Gc. Iliislnoss In hi lies , woolen fabrics hosiery and underwear was slightly better. Cotton Market. NEW Onr.rAss. La. , May 24. Futures , steady ; sales , 30.400 bales : May , $7.08 bid ; June , $7.00@7.10 : July , J7.15a7.1G ; August , $7.22 ® 7.23 ; Hoptcmbor , $7.2G7.27 ; Octobor.S7.31 ® 7.32 ; November. if7.377.38 ; December , $7.42 W.43. Oood middling , 7 9-10c ; middling , 7 5-lGc ; good ordinary , 0 ll-10c. Net re ceipts , 1,109 balc.s ; gross u'colpls , 1,131 bales ; oxpoits coastwise , 1,722 bales ; faale.s , 4,100 bales ; stock , 141.227 bales. Liverpool Markets. May 24 , WHEAT Quiet , de mand moderate ; holders offer more sparsely ; No. 1 California , Gs | $ d. COIIN Demand moderate. Hr.EF lixtrn India mess. G7s Oil per tlorco. HACON Long clear , 45 Ibs. , 64s Gd porcnt. TAI.I.OW Fine American 27s per cwt. TUIIPEKTINESPJIUTS 233 perCWt.i CorToe Mnrket. NKW YOIIK , Jlay 24. Options opened steady , unchanged to 15 points no ; closed steady , un changed to 10 points up : sales , 17,200 bags. In cluding : July. J15.45 15.60 ; August , $15.35 ( $15.40 ; September , $15.1 ft It 15.20 ; October , $15.15 ; December , $14.96316,00. Spot Itlo , steady , quiet ; No. 7 , $10.76. Milwaukee. Murknta. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , May 24. WHEAT Steady ; July , ugjfu ; NO. 2 spring , C8c. COIIN Steady ; No. 3 , 41c. OATS-ytcady ; No. 2 whlto , 30Jc [ ; No. 3 white , 34 < a34'Jc. llAHI.KY G2C. HYB ooaoouc. PnovisiONS Easlon Pork , July , (20.85o In tlm London Mnrket. NEW YOIIK , May 24. The Post's London financial cable says : Today's markets were dull and the feeling crows uneasy as the set tlement approaches. Next Monday will bo the first settling day. Money Is somewhat scarce because the outlying banks hold extra cash reserves. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Philadelphia Urnln Mnrket. PniLADKi.i'iiiA , Pa. , May 24. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2. red. May , 73'/i74c. CoitN HtionB anuhlghor ; No. 2 , mixed , May , 4BU & 48c. ! } OATS-Qulet and weak ; No , 2 , white , 40 | } © 41'fc. Cincinnati Market * . CINCINNATI , O. , May 24. WHEAT Steady ; No. U mixed. Ii8c. COIIN Hteatly ; moderate demand ; No. a mixed , 46ic. ! OATH Steady ; No. 2 mlxod , a2i@33c. ; WlllBKY Steady at $1,12. Toledo liraln Market. Toi.r.no. O , , May 24 , WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 , cash and May , 70ic. ! COIIN Dull and steadier ; No. 2 , cash and May,42ic. ! OATS Quiet ; No , 2 , mlved and cash , 32c. lUltlmoro Urulu Miirkot. ItAi.TiuoiiLMd. . . May 24. WHEAT Weak ; No. 2 red. spot and May , 731fc. COIIN Kasy ; mixed Hiiot , 4H.'ic bid. OATS Qulei ; No. 2 white , western , 42c. London Oil Market. LONDON , May 24 , O.u.currA LINSEEII Spot. 3Hs4ide\ ! ship ; spot , ( new crop ) May and Juno shipments , 3Us 3d per quarter. LIMJUUU On20s per cwt. Havana Uuear MnrKet. HAVANA , May 24. Quiet ; sales , 1,000 bags rimtrlfugal , Uo ! ( degrees polurltatlon , at $4.25 > 4gold puriulntal ] , bTOCICS AMI IIONDS. YviterdayVa Another Quiet Day In Aiurrlrnn Heaurltle * . NKW YOIIK , May 24 , This was another quiet day at the .Stock exchange , The market opened quiet In sympathy with London , but the decline there was attributed to specula tion fiom thU side. The loss was from ! i to 1 pur cent In the general list , anil In bomn of the specialties was from 1 to 4'por cent. Oon- erul Klectrlc was on * Hi per cent to 74'i , Laka Shorol ? per cent , , to 121f } , Hock Island IK per tout to 71 and lllchmonrt Tormlnal 1'i unr cent to 4f ! , ( ho lowest price at which the last named ever has over sold. An advance of j ; toliipcr cent afterwards took place under the leadership of Hugar , DUtlllem , Tennessee Coal und Iron und Cordage. During the afternoon a fresh attack was made on Klectrlo which touched 72U , a de cline of 3y per cent from last night x close. ThU iniiumeiit had comparatively little elTect 111011 the market oiitsldo of ManlnUtan which dropped 13i per cent to 128U and Distillers which rvuctou lu per cent from the highest. Ar llyof x to l > i uorceut followed lu General Electric. The unaxprntrdly ti\Tnr tlo st.toncnt of the ChlaftRO , Mllwau- kco and St. Paul for the third week In May stimulated purchases of the crangcrs , but the advance was checked by the announcement of other failures In mer cantile circles The market closed steady In tone. Thn Post , ay : Taken as a work of con structive finance the Richmond Terminal re organization plan may fairly bo called an epoch-making document. It announces un hesitatingly that It has to anal with n com plete wreck. It practically recognized the present and future worthlessncss from u profit-earning standpoint of the common stock. It proposes to sraln down the debt nearly 100,000 , nnd as fully one-fourth of this reduction lies in the settlement of floating obligations It lays upon the shareholder ! ) the burden of raising the requisite now capital. Not least Important of all. It reimburses such assessment In the now stock and not In tlio so- called income bonds , which the experience both of Heading nnd of Atchlson has proved to bo the delusion of subscribers and the nlght- mare of llnanclal managers. In short , what the Illchmond Terminal rcorganlzors undertake taketo do Is virtually to form a now company with capital enough to buy up at a price and on certain plain conditions what Is left of the value of the railway system. The following are tlio closing quotations of the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex change today : Alchlson do iircfcrroil. . . . . Adatni Kinross , . , ISO U. P. Den. A Gulf. 1014 Alton. T. II 25 Northwestern. 109 do preferred 160 do preferred . . . . 1.15 Amoncnn KiproM. 111 N. V. Control 101K llnlllmoro A Ohio , , 75 N. V. AN. K ramiita I'nclllc. . . . 70 Ontario A Western CannilKFoiithorn , . OrcRoa Imp,4 14CS Crntrnl I'aclllo. ' . . . . Orricon Nar CS Chen. A Ohio 19 U. 8. I , . AU. N. . . . Chicago & Alton , . . 130 I'ncltlo.MnU C. II. fcQ 1'corlaD. AR Chlcnito Unt I'lttitiurR Coniullilnted ( Ins. . Pullman 1'nlaco. . . . 0. C.O. A St. L HcadlDK 13 ] Cotton oil Cert , , . . Klebmond Tcr Del. Hudiou do preferrrd 1) . L.V 16'J Itlo Granite W SO I > . A Hid , pfj. . . . 47 do preferred. . . . D.AC. F. Co 47PI ttock Islnml KnttTenn St. Paul Krle do preferred 117 Krlo preferred tt. I'aulAUmalia. . 41 Kort Wrfrno 150 do preferred. . . . 116 nt. Northern pt'd. noM Southern t'ocltlc. . . 28 J < O. A IS. lll.pfd . . . M xsr ItoBncrr. , . , 60 Hocking Valloy. . . . 23 Tcnn. Coal A Iron , llllnoU Central. . . . U ] Texas Pncltlc Ht. Paul A Dulutli. 31 Tol. AO. Ccn. pf'd 75 Kan. A Tex. pf'd , . 31 Union I'acltlc 75B * LnkoKrloAWcat. . 18 U. H.Uxprein B do preferred. . . . . 72 \V. St. L. A I * l.nto filioro 72m do preferred. . . . Lend Trust Wells Karso Kxp. . HII LoulsvllloA Na > lu Western Union. . . . I.oillsvlllo A N. A. 18V1 WhrellnnA L. K. . 15 MnnlmUnn Con , . . . 1 M do preferred 47 Monip'tj AClia's'n. 80 Minn. A Ht. 1. Mlclibtnn Central. , 80OT Den. A U. O Mls-ourl 1'aclflc. . . OT7K General ICIcctrlc. . Mobile A Ohio 20 Nat. I.tn Nnslivlllo A Clintt. 20M Colo. Kucl A Iron. 45 National Cordaiio. IB do orcferrod. . . . lOfi do ( ircfcrrod S5 11. A T. O N. J..Contral ll Tol. A. A. AN. M. Norfolk AV. . pf'd. Tol. St. I. . A K. C. North Aiuerlcun Co do preferred Northern 1'nclllc. . . The total sales of .stocks today wore 180,700 shares. Including ; Atchlson , 7,000 ; Iturllng- ton , 0,000 ; Chicago Has , 0.800 ; Distilling. 10- 000 : Ucneral Klectilc , 20,000 ; Loulsvlllo & Nnshvlllo. 3,100 ; National Cordncc , 3.800 ; Now rngland , 4.DOO ; Keadlng , 0,700 ; Ulch- mend Tormliml. 11,000 ; Itock Island , 10,000 : St. Paul , 20,000 ; Sugar , 20,600 ; Western Union , 3,200. New York .Money Mnrkot. Nrw YOIIK , Jlay 24. MONEY ON OAi.t < Easy at2'3i21j percent ; last loan , 2i } per cent ; closed ollured nt2'i percent. I'IUME MKUCANTIM : I'APKII oas per cent. KTEiu.i.Nn EXCIIANHK Steady , with actual business In bankers' bills at 14.80 (34.80 ( for sixty-day bills nnd $4.89fM.89i ! for domatul. GOVEHNMENT 110ND3 Strong. State bond dull. The closing quotations on bonds ; U s. 4sreg 113 St. L , . A 1. .M. ( ion. 5s U. s. 49 coup 113m StL. A 8. F. Gen. M. 105 U. B. 4Wsreu 9'J St. 1'nul Consuls . . . 1'acllloilaof ' 95 105 St. 1' . , C. A P. Ists. . . 110 Louisiana et'ped 4s. . 113 T. P. li. a. Tr. Hots. 77 Missouri Us 10IV T. P. It. G. Tr. llcts. Tenn. now set ( is. . . . 107 Union 1'aclflc lets , . Tenn , noir sets . . . 104 Weil Shoru Tcnn. now set3a. . , 71 K. G. W. Ists Canada Southern 2s Atch.IB Central Tactile Ists. ion Atcli. 2Ks , class A. . < 8 D. A U. G. lots 115 G. 11. A 8. A. 6s 100 V. AU. G , is 87 G. II. AS. A. 2(1 69. . 1W 87W Krlo Ms W II. AT. C. 6s 105 M. K. AT. Gen. s. . 87SN do Con. ( is 100 M. K. AT. Gen. 6s. , SN N , Carolina 6s 121 Mutual UnlonGs. . . . 103 N. Carolina 4s 121S3 N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . . 110H S. C. Brown 07M N. 1'ao. Ists 117 Tenn. old Cs . . . . K ) N. I'ac. 2ds 101 Va.it. 60 N. W. Consols 18.1 Vn. Ex-Mat , con. . . 60S6 N. W. Dobants'r'sSs Va. cons. . 2tl series. 60 Iloston Mtock Quotations. BOSTON , Mass. , Miiy 24. Oall loans , Gii cent ; tlmo loans , OS7 nor cent. Closing quo tations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : San Francisco Mining Quotations. ANFn Ncrsco. Gal. , May 24. The offlclnl closing iiuotatlons for mining stocks today woio as follows : Alia 15 Mexican 125 llclcuor 110 Mono. . : 10 Jlest A RoJohor 125 Nnvajo 10 llodloConso'.tdMod. 20 Oplnr 185 Ilulwer 15 rotosi : ao Cbollar W Httrate 70 Con'rt Cal. A Va 11K1 "lorrn.N'ovudn 85 Crown 1'olnt CO Union Consolidated 85 Gould A curry CO Utah 10 Halo ANorcrors. . . . CO Yellow Jacket 80 New York Mlnlnc Quotntlonii. NEW yonic , May 24 , The following nro the closing quotations of mining blocks on the Now York board : Crown Totnt Ml Sierra Nevada 85 Deadwooil ( O Union Con 76 Gould A Curry CO Yellow Jacket 70 Halo ANorcross . . . 35 Iron Silver 16 Ilooicstako 1200 Quicksilver. 2JO Mexican 110 do pferd 1200 Ontario 1400 Oultror 10 Ophlr 145 St. Louis Mining Quotations. . ST. Louis , Mo. , May 24. The following are the closing mining quotations : Adams t .75 U , 'JU Granite M.U.6I ) t Am. Nettle. .40 Jfopo 3.60 Illmotalllc. . . 4.75 l.oo 07 Klliabotn. . . . < 2h'ffli .45 13 Hopes .70 bid. t asked. _ Financial Note > . HAVANA , May 24. Exchange , quiet. KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , May 24. Clearings , 12- 039,004 , I'Ains , May 24. Three per cent rentes , 07f 47540 for the account. NEW YOIIK. May 24. Clearings , 91,21GG40j balances , 10,241,403. Pim.ADEi.rniA , Pa. , May 24. Gloarltigs , M2- 407.701 ; balances , $1,002,000. Money , 4 } , per cent. IlAi/riMOliK , Md. , May 24 , Cloarlnjs. f2- 077,008 ; balances , { 330,342. Money , 0 per cent. LONDON , May 24. Amount of bullion gone Into the llanK of England on balances today , i'4 0,000. HosTOtf , Mass , . May 24. Clearings , tlO,503- 31)3 ) : balances. * 1.H21,881. Exchange on Now York , lOc to lOc discount. CINCINNATI , O. , May 24 , Monov , oas per cent. Now York exchange , par to 30c pro- mlum. Clearings , { 2,200,000. . Tonn. , May 24. Now York ex change helling ut # 1.50 premium. Clearlnga , 330,700 ; balances. 1100,074. ST. Louis. Mo. . May 24-Cloarlngs , $3.684.- 043 ; balances , (370,171. Money quiet at CS8 per cent. Exchange on Now York , par. NKW OIU.KASH , La. , May 24 , Clearings , 11,102,011. Now York oxchangp , commercial , 70u per J 1,000 premium ; bunk , { 1,00 per $1,000 premium , NKW Yonif , May 24. [ Special Telegram to TUB IlKK.1 Exchange was quoted as follows today ; Chicago , OOo discount ; Iloston , 10 < : discount ; Ht. Louis , at par. OlilOAdO , III. , May 24. Clearings , f 14,804- 400 , New York exchange OOa discount. Sterling exchange dull , t4.80 for sUty-uay bllU , M.SOti for sight drafts. Money In btrong demand , CJi7 per cent. _ OMAHA L1VK STOCK MAHKET9 , Cattle Unsteady to Lower Ilojt Ilrpak ISattly Under Heavy Itocelpti. WEDNESDAY , May 24. Receipts of all kinds of stock wore llberil today. The supply for the Qrat half of the week , compared vrlth receipts for the same three days last week showing an Increase of about 1,000 cattle , 0,200 hogs and 300 sheep , Under ordinary circumstances the supply of cattle would hardly be considered heavy , but with the market , as at present , nervous and unsettled , 2,000 cuttle were u few too many , Dreitscd beef men were only wanting mod erate supplies and the speculative in quiry was not ut all brisk on account of the unsatisfactory conditions prevailing at custom markets. Uuslness was slow from the start with priced ( in an average about lOu lower than Tuesday , Hales included poor rough to cholcu 1,220 to 1,6'24-lb. bcovcs at from 14.20 tot5.lt , with fair to cholca 020 to 1,170-lb. steers at from 14.30 to 81.70. Fair to .1400 2 85 1. .1700 B 40 .1200 2 90. ' 1. .1000 3 50 .1030 2 95 4 .1787 3 00 .1000 3'00r ' t 1. .1400 3 00 .1030 3 00 . 1. .1080 3 70 .1GOO 3 15 ' .1700 8 70 .1000 , ,3 20 . , . .1430 a ao .10COJ 3a25lv , , . ' . STAGS. .1310 2 85 35 . .1400 4 03 OXEN. . .1333 2 15 2 1770 400 STOCKEI1S AND 1-EEUEHS. 1. . 300 240 1. 800 3 60 ' ' 030 2 70 1. 000 3 GO 20' . 751 3 10 23. 808 3 70 1. 400 3 20 0. 577 70 0. 400 3 50 SCO 3 85 3. 010 3 00 000 3 80 1. 770 3 00 22. 1020 4 00 7. 010 3 00 1. 1000 4 10 COf.OUADO CATTLE. 40f'drs. . 080 3 00 Hoofl Receipts today were the heaviest so far this year , In fact the heaviest In nearly eleven months. On July 0. 1802. 11,002 hogs woio received , and the 0,000 mark has not been passed from that day to this. The ofll- clal figures today show 102 cars , 10,030 head , received , or a little less than half as many as wore received all last week. The market broke badly. Karly sales wcro 20c to 30c lower than Tuesday , while some of the late sales were made at a decline of 30u to 40c from Tuesday's average prices. Theio was only a limited demand from ship pers. The fresh meat men's require ments were as usual of lute rather light , HO that practically sellers were at the tender mercy of the packers. The re sult was the worst break in prices the market has experienced since the yards were opened for business. The best hogs of all weights sold early at 87 up to J7.15 , Packers held aloof and bid JG.OO to 47. Trade was slow nnd after urgent orders had been filled the market Ihittoncd out completely. Fully sixty loads were carried over for the afternoon market , and , although on account of a better shipping demand thuro was some trading after dinner It was on the basis of $0.80 to $0.00 for good to cholco hogs or fully 40c lower than Tuesday. About 2,000 hogs wcro loft in the pens ut the close. The big bulk of the trading was at from $0.00 to $7.00 as against $7.20 to $7.30 Tuesday , and $7.30 to $7.40 one week ago. Representa tive sales : Bh. Pr. No. Av. Ph. Pr. 280 (0 85 53. . .200 100 $7 00 40 G 85 78. , .231 80 7 00 240 0 b5. 04. . .200 360 7 00 . . . . 620 0 86' 67. , .234 200 7 00 70.241 0 86 62. , .237 100 7 00 200 0 85 60. , .227 200 7 00 200 G U6 41. , .202 2BO 7 00 80 0 85 67. , .248 240 7 00 100 0 87 > i 71. , ' . ' 00 320 7 00 200 0 87 U 59. , .200 200 7 00 100 0 B74 ! 01. , .272 240 7 00 400 0 B71i 07. , .238 280 7 00 40 0 90 75. , .201 320 7 00 80 0 90 78. . .240 100 7 00 80 0 90 H7. . .282 100 7 00 1GO G 90 00. . .201 100 7 00 100 0 90 50. . .200 80 7 00 200 G 90 75. , ,232 200 7 00 160 G 90 C8. . .287 80 7 00 820 0 90 02. . .223 120 7 00 100 G 90 03 , , .220 200 7 00 100 0 90 00. , .248 80 7 00 80 0 90 04 , , ,174 7 00 80 0 00 00. . .270 80 7 00 G 90 OS , , .200 160 7 00 200 0 90 04. , .337 7 00 G 90 78. , ,200 100 7 00 0,00 03. , .20H 120 7 00 G 90 71. , .207 7 00 G 'JO 50 , , .242 280 7 00 QiGO 80. , .200 200 7 00 0 00 71 , , ,224 7 00 0 90 00. , .238 Tcio 7 00 W60 73 , , .211 160 7 00 SI 23' 73 , , .223 MO 7 00 74 , . ,201 240 7 00 fr&K Gl , , .270 80 7 00 GO , .200 80 7 00 0 02Ji G3 . . . .247 200 7 00 ( i.96 74.,230 120 7 00 ( i 95 60.310 200 7 00 0 95 B2 , , .203 100 7 05 tt-'JAl 00 , .221 7 00 Hi-950 Gl , ,242 7 00 0 95 83 .221 7 00 20. .224 80 7 00 U 00 62. .230 160 7 05 72 , .238 80 7 00 78. .241 80 7 05 61 , .233 240 7 00 200 turn , 70. .228 40 7 00 120 G oo 74 , .241 40 7 00 80 a no * 81. .234 160 7 00 0 95 70 , .228 7 00 240 G'85 as. .238 7 00 200 0 06 04 , .240 80 7 00 G 95 77 , . .219 80 7 05 60. 200 G 95 C7. . .232 240 7 00 G2 , 0 95 66 , . .2H8 100 7 00 60. 240 G 95 02. . .253 120 7 05 33 , 80 0 05 t > 0. , ,208 120 7 10 20. 40 0 05 60. . ,200 160 710 70. 120 0 05 64 , .243 160 7 10 60. .279 40 0 05 84 .224 120 7 10 HO , , , .213 4O G 05 < S5 , .221 80 7 10 68.244 200 6 09 62 , .202 80 7 10 78..210 SCO 0 80 G3. .260 120 7 10 09 , -.IMS 120 C 05 GO , .240 200 7 10 60 ,272 280 0 05 70 241 7 15 63 .203 80 G 05 62. .283 710 33. . .244 7 00 72. .231 7 10 6 , , .202 7 00 64. .200 40 7 15 05. . .250 120 7 00 09. ,104 7 Id 6-j ; ; iato eo 7 oo 1'IOS AND IIOUOII. 1..600 475 2..320 660 Bueti Uccelptb wcrw rather were liberal Jinn usual of Into , five double decks. The de- nand was good and everything sold readily it prices ittoady to 6 to lOc lower than yoster- lay.falr to good western wothru bringing I4.7oao.2' ' , . with lambs at $5. 1'nlr to good latlvrs , H.MiM.M ) ; fair to good wostrrn , ! 4.0Oao.riO | common nnd slock * hr > op. $2.0031 l.OO ! good to choice 40 to lOy-lb. lambs , " ) , OOa.O'J3. Representative sales ! Av. I'r. 29 Mexican mixed. , 74 14 70 81 wcsti'inowrs , . 103 4 80 > 30 Mexican lamb * ' .03 6 00 .83 western wot'iierV. 0 32 { { IlocolpU nnd ll po ltlou of Stock. Official receipt * nnd disposition of Block as ihown by the books of the Union Stock 'aj-ds ompnn iv for the twenty-four hours ending nt o'clociv p. m. May 24 , 1893. llECRlr-Tfl. SURE I * . tS .V MI.S. nrs. Head Cnrs.llIenJ Can. I lloiul 155 M l.no IIIBI-OMTIO.V. 1IUVIIIS. Inrnha Packing Co . , SS 3,492 "lied. II. Hammond Co. , 2.V.I 6V7 wlft A Co . 1,0,10 3i7 1,1 ? ) 'ho Cudslir Packing Co. . 638 2,1(1,1 ( hlcsgo r. A P. Co . . . . 1,331 llack . . . . 63 ilooro Packing Co . 113 tltchelUs . Cl A. Haas . 1. llcckor A llpcan. , . 1' . I ) . Armour A Co . 1,001 i'ansant A Carey. , , . 43 " perry A II . . . ! "iiu ' . . . U. D.vilson . 382 ' 'nippers ' and feeders . All " .eft over . . . GOO "slioo Total. . 3.D33I 11.7311 I.IM TVKSTUKN 1'ACKINO 1NTKKKSTS. onildcrnblo Reduction In the Movement of Hog * Noted , CINCINNATI , O. . May 24. ( Special Telegram o TUB HCE.I Tomorrow's Price Current will ; ay ; The movement of hogs the past week ins been especially small for the tlmo of year. tVcstcrn packing , 160,000 , against 210,000 last ast week and 305,000 lust year ; fiom March 1 o date , 2,070,000 , against 2,010.000 a year ago. L'romlncnt places compare ns follows : .CITIES. IHU. 1SV2. - hlcauo . 095.003 789.000 Kansas City. . . . 331.030 355.009 Omaha . . . 205.000 120,000 St Loul . , HO.OJ3 131.000 Cincinnati . . . . . C9.0DO . ndianapolis . 81.COO 115,000 67,000 87.000 edar itaplds 47.000 R2.000 RU Joseph 40,000 63003 Olttimwa 63,003 42.001) Nebraska City ao.aw 14.000 Chicago l.lvo Stuck Market. CiucAnn , III. , Miy 24. [ Special Telegram to THE llii.l-Tho : market started In rather dls- ouraKlngly for sellersKatly In thu day the iirrlvals wore estimated as high as 20,000 Head , and buyers bid fiom lOc to 16c lower. Tnoy bought some cattle that way early In 'ho day , but toward noon they woto more Ibcrul In their vlnws. It was discovered that ho receipts would not c.\ceed 17,000 , and then mylng bucamo moro free with the result that the market worked Into u ( inner position. There wcrn about 1,500 stlllcrs and something 'Iko 4,000 To.Mins. Quotations n ere from SI.05 o $0.10 for natives and from $2 to { 4.85 for Tovans. The hog market declined from IGc to 20c soon after trading began , dropping to from $7.25 to $7.65 for common to best light weights , nnd to fiom $7.30 to $7.00 for droves averaging over UOO pounds. The latter tradIng - Ing did not develop inoio strength than pre vailed early In the dajvthough It was fairly active. Tlm arrivals did not exceed expecta tions , nor was thrro any other nppaicnt cause for so abrupt "down turn , " but when tno clique deems It c.vpcdlont to put down prices It does not wait for reasons. Kowof the offerIngs - Ings sold above $7.00 , and nothing reached a bettor figure than $7.70. From $7.45 to $7.00 bought the malar part , of the 33,000 head on sale , light medium and heavy all selling very close together. The quality , though was not so good as for Tuesday , was better than Is usual for the season. The sheep maiket was onsy at about yester day's closing quotations or nt a .slight re duction from that duy'K opening prices , l.amlxs wcro firm and higher , the supply being small and the demand active. Shorn yearlings sold ashlghustG.37'5 and some very ordlnaiy lots changed hands around $5.75. Quotations ranged from $3.60 to $5.00 for poor to cholco shorn sheen , and from $5 to $0.40 for shorn lambs. Spring lambs were scarce and llrm at from $5.50 to.$8. Kocclpts : Cattlo. 17,000 head : calves , 600 ho d ; hogs , 29,000 head ; sheep , 13,000 head. The Evening Journal reports : OATTI.E Receipts , 17.0UO head ; shipments , 6,000 head ; market slow , lOc lower ; fat west ern steers. $5.90 , top price ; ethers , $5.10J15.40 ; medium , 4.504.95 : To\ans , 83.2533.50. lloaa Receipts , 25,00(1 ( "lieud ; shipments , 8,000 ; tnarkotslow. 16a20c'lowor : mixed ilnn puckers. $7.403,7.50 ; heuvy , 87.65ffi7.70 ; light , 87.60. SHEEP Receipts , 13,000 head ; shipments , 2,000 1icad. Market slow , slightly lower. Natives , * 4.250.87 ; Texan * . $2.4035.10 ; westerns , J5.00&6.G5 ; lambs , $0,05 7.35. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS OITY , Mo. , May 24.-OArff.E-Re ceipts , 4,400 head ; shipments , 2,500 head ; mar ket opened weak and lOc lower : range steers , I2.90&4.40 ; slilppeis , $4.505.GO ; natlvo cows , $1.754.GO ; butchers' stock , } 3.75@4.CO ; ntO2kcrs and feeders , $2.75 ( 4.05 ; bulls and mixed , $2.75S4.10. Hens Receipts , 11,600 head ; shipments , 3- 700 head ; market 10 < T420c lnw r ; bulk of sales , $ G.957.05 ; heavlos $ u.05a7.17' ' , { : ml.\edJ0.85 ffl7.10 ; lights. * G.4a7.00 ( ) ; frorkcrs , $7.00 ® 7.10 ; pigs. * 5.252 > G.75. SiiEBi' Hccelpts , 2,300 head ; shipments , 1,300 ; mnrkctstcadv and unchaugod ; natlvea , $3.25(25.60 ( ; lambs , t4.30SO.46. NOTV York l.lvo Stuck Market. Nr.wYouic , May 24. HKF.VKR Uecclpts , 1,500 head ; active for all grades at a further ad- vunco of 30c ; poorest to best natlvo steers- , $4.850.15 ; bulls nud dry cows. $2.5034.50. Dressed beef higher at 8a@10c ! for natlvo sides. Shipments , 340 boove.s nnd 1,504 quar ters of beef. OAI.VKS Ifecelpts , 5,700 head ; demand strong ; further advance of ! i"c. Hur.EPANU LAMUS KccoIptH , 10,500 ; market active and firm. lloas Hecelpts , 4,800 head ; market firm at $7,70S8.20. St. I/ouli l.lvo Htock Market. ST. Louis , Mo. , May 24. OATTI.R Receipts , 2,500 head ; shipments , 1.000 head ; market/ quiet ; natlvo steers , J4.00f.00 ( ! ! ; To.\ans , easier , $4.255.00 ; fed steers-$3.00ffl4.10. lions Hecelpts , 0,700 head ; shipments , 1,000 ho.id ; market 20c lower ; good heavy , $7.3037.60 ; bulk of sales $7.20 7,45. SIIREP Kecolptx , 300 head ; shipments , 3,300 head ; maikot quiet ; clipped natives , $5.15 ; lambs , tti. VOUKUASTS. Temperature AV111 Slowly ItUo Throughout tlie titato Toduy , WASHINGTON , D. O. , May 24. Forecast for Thursday : For Nebraska Fair ; slowly rls- Ing temperature In the northwest ; warmer by Friday morning southeast ; northwest winds , becoming variable. I or Iowa Generally fiilr ; cooler in south east : north winds , For the DaUotas Fair : slightly rlsinir temperature ; variable winds. Local Record. OFFICE or TUB WKATIIF.II DURRAU. OMAHA , May 24 , 7 p. m. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with corresponding spending days of past four years : 1803. 1802. 1801. 1BOO. Maximum temperature. 74 = 73o 78 < = 700 Minimum temperature. . OOO OGO 53O OOo Average temperature , . 04 * 04O ooo 030 1'reclpltatlon 00 T .00 .61 Statement showing the condition of tem perature and prcclnltation at Omaha for the day and since March I , 1S'J3 ; Normal temperature . , , , , , . . . . , 60O Dotlclencyforthoilay Oio Deficiency since March 1 237 ° Normal precipitation 16 Inch DoMclency fortho dny , . . . , , . . .16 Inch Deficiency since March 1 , . , 22 Inch Iteportu from Otliur 1'iilntM at H p. in , "B SK ecu BTATIONB , I ! : 3 Omaha , H7 .00 I'art cloudy. North 1'Utte .III ) 1'art cloudy. Valentine , , . , .0. Cloudy , Kearney . .0..no Part cloudy. .no.M Cnlcaito , , , .M Clear. Ualrestoa"B .00 CUar , tit. I'nul , .00M Clear. Dsyeuport .OJ I'art cloudy. Kansas City , oa Clear. Dearer. . . oaT Italn. Halt Lake City .OJ Cloudy , Ilinld City , . , Helena , , , , . . .01.CO Cloudy , Illsmarck , . , .CO Cloudr , Ht. Vincent . (1C ( Clear. Cheyenne - , . .liT fUtn. Miles Cltr T Cloud f , Ualrestoa .00 Cloudy. "U" ' Indicates Unco. UEoiiOH K. HUNT , Local Foreoiet OfficUI. " Kauioval ol Uunaer * Ilcquetteil. Ihis is the test of a petition , which it is tlio intention of its signatories , named below , to present to the city council ut its next meeting : TO'TIIUlIONOnAtI.E , THE MEUIIKK3 OP TIIK CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY or OIIAIIA : Your petitioner * , residents and cltlieai of the city . „ „ , . , „ . , , , , . . the .same may have been heretofore granted. our petitioners al o ask that said chapter Ivlof said ordinance may ho no amended , or that a now ordinance may 1 > adopted by your honorable body , the effect of which shall DO to prohibit any per.oon from nclltiff a a runner for any mercantile house , llrm or corporal Ion , nnd shall also prohibit any mercantile house , flrmor corporation from employing , permitting or allowing any person to not as a runner for said mercantile house , firm or corporation upon the streets or on the public thorough fares of this city , and in.iklng It it misde meaner for any pcrnon to HIM or appear on the streets of this city or In the public thorough fares of this city In the caoaclty of a runner for any mercantile homo , firm or cor poration , nnd making It a IIUo offense or mis demeanor for the proprietors , mimairOr , mem bers or ofilcers of any mercantile house , llrm or corporal Ion to employ or permit tiny person to act for themornny mcroantllo hou e , llrm or corporation represented by them In such canaclty ns a runner as afotesalcl. And your petitioner * , as In duly bound , will ou-rpr.iy , etc. , The petition is signed by the People's Mam moth Installment company , Columbia Cloth ing company , Mnx Moycr iVc lira , NohrasKn Clothing rompativ , Drowning , Kilt ) ; , V Co. , Uoston Store , .1. K Drnnilcis & .Sons , Frank Wlcox & Co. , Nlcol the Tailor , O.V. . Cook & Son , C. II. Frederic ! ? , Charles C. 1'eabody , Albert Calm , American Tailors , Arthur II. Urlpgs , Hnytlcn Bros. , Uj. \ . Thomas & Co. , Samuel O. Hums , lid Hart the Tnllor , 1'case Uros. , Nebraska Shht company , JOP the Tailor , Frcelaml , Loomls & Co. and Williams & Smith. SHOT UVtiltA.\l > A.\U tt'IFK. Attempt to AMnoslimto .Mr. and .Mr * . Sum. tier Nrnr I'lymoulh , loivn. MAHSHAI.I.TOWX , la. , May 1M. A Times special from Plymouth , la. , says : U'hllo at supper last evening Charles Sumncr mul wife , living three miles north , were shot by an unknown persons who llred sovcr.il times through the window. The man will proba bly recover , but the woman Is iif n critical condition. The motive for the ilccd is un known. _ Nclio Murclor Tilul Nonrly Cloned , OTTUMWA , la. , May 24. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEK. ] The state rested its case In the Nolso murder trial today , after putting the defendant's attorney on the statul to show that Nelso was paying Ilattlo Fanlz's board nnd that the present arrangement for providing for the children was Nctso's. Lows Lei > akl and others rendered Impor tant "testimony showing that Nelso had abused his wife. The most graphic feature of the trial was Harry Noise's testimony when ho related hoivjhls 4-year-old brother , Adolph , had told the life insurance man how his father had killed his mother. Harry ex plained to the jury that Adolph had gone through the process of lighting u p.ipcr , holding it to the eyes of the Insurance man , taking a strap and beating his mother and giving the exact position of his mother as she was found and as she fell when Adolph said his father struck her. Adolph said that ho saw the tragedy through the door and that his father had a butcher knlfo in his hand covered witli blood and getting scared ho went b.u-lc to bed. if the boy did not actually see this , it will bo hard for the iury to conceive how ho could originate such a story. The de fense has summoned fifty witnesses and will endeavor to impeach as much of the evidence of tlio state as possible. Dealt In Hocus Dns Moi.vns , la. , May 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bui ! . ] K. A. VaiiAiiKlebeek was found guilty today of using the mails to defraud in connection with the sale of bogus diplomas. The jury was out sovcn hours. VanAnglobcclc came to the United States little more than a year ago * from Holland. After spending some time in Chicago ho went to Pclla , In this state , and began extensive operations as a diploma dealer in connection with what was called the "National University of Illinois" and an international professors association. Ho sold diplomas to a number of parties in eastern states , or at least received niouoy for diplomas which ha offered for sale. The evidence pivon by these parties showed tnat ho never > delivered the bogus poods but quic-ldy pock eted tlio proceeds. An attempt was made to elear him on the theory that ho was simply acting as the agent for the Chftago concern but this failed as it was shown that VanAnglcbeck had no connection with that institution and hail never remitted any money to it. VanAiiglebeck will bo sen tenced tomorrow. Investigating Prohibition. DCS MOINKS , In. , May Hi. [ Special Tele gram to Tins BKE. ] A delegation of Canadian ollicials , who have been visiting various cities in the United States to Inspect the prohibitory law , arc in DCS Moincs. They will go from hero to Ccilar Itapicls and from there to Muscatinc , where the recent dynamite outrage occurred. The delegation visited Governor Uoies at the i-apitol this afternoon and endeavored to got his views as to the effect of the prohibitory law of Iowa and as to the desirability of a change , but the governor was noncommittal. Tlio delegation holds no formal inquiry but gains Its knowledge from personalviews and ob servations. Iowa Supreme Court Derlnloun , DCS MOISES , la. , May 24. ( Special Tele gram to TIIK DKI : . ] The following opinions were disposed of in tlio supreme court this morning : Novelty Iron works against Capital City OAtracnl company ct nt , appellant. Polk di trlct. modified niirt aftlrmort ; 8. 8. nnct J Horlio , nicUaht9 | | , rtRMnst Frank . Pudll , John ort district , raTorseJ ) Wai- nRivlnst Iho Dos Molnps.tSloiU Oily KMIurr' , company , appellant , Plymouth district , t versed ; licorpo W , Wilson vs U I * YVeuitf' ' nrpollnntoodbury district , revor.swl ; 1 O. Pent vs the Chicago , Milwaukee & f I'.xul Hallwny company , nppcllnnt , Jon district , afllrmod ; Atmi R , Oration rial < W. T. Moorman ot nl , appellant , .Tofforsc district , nnirmcd ; Michael IA McNnmnr administrator appellant , vs the cor porn Ut of Now Mlllnray , Dubuque district , r , versed ; Curtis Durlnin , ns ndmlnhlmtti. etc. , vs Stool nnil Junks , appellants , C'jrrc district , afllnncd , A'Kir.s or i ; c.M7/fo.ir , DniiirMlr. V The Infanta of Hpaln and her suite paid Si visit to .Mount Vernou yesterday , f 1 Reports of disastrous floods come froi Louisiana , Mlsslsslpnl nnd Arkansas. . , The supreme sitting of the Order of the IK'l Hall , at Indianapolis , 1ml. , yesterday elect- ? olllccrs. | Queen Victoria1 * birthday was celebrated \A \ the KnglUh royiil commissioners at ( . 'hlcujvj III. , lastuvcnlng by a banquet. jx The repot I that the Stnndnrd Oil compart ] had absorbed the Tidewater Oil company viK pinphatlcally deniedby Proldent Ilrown I" thu Tidewater comp.iny. \ The Chicago Times will today ray tin I' . , authority of several prominent lawyers , thif , the World's fnlr cannot bu closed on Siimln.t by Injunction pioceedlngs K. li Tawncr , the man who recently cot milted Htllcldo In a Ht , Louis hotel , wiis fo mcrly n resident ot Minneapolis , Kan. , whc * his father and two sistei s now roshlo , The American Newspaper Publishers as ' elation nt lt.4 meeting yesterday HI Chlcni III , , considered the new method of mcasurl typo , and folding anil mailing machines. J Michael Dyor.i Jr. , of Now Vork has plac' an iittncliment on all the piopnrty of O. Prince. Today notes nggiogntlng $10,0 , signed by Mr. Prince alone , went to protest. O1 In the federal court at y.ui Antonio , TeSJ yestoiday , fifteen of the Mexican revolution' ' Ists were sentenced to terms ot Imprlsontno'l ' for violation ot the United States noutrnlL , , laws. Twenty-five thousand pcoiilo celebrated l\ \ * opnnlng of navigation In Trinity river fru Dallas , Tor. , to the son , the occasion bolng tfc arrival ycsteiday at that place of the llnrvii $ asteamUo.-ttof 500 bales of cotton capacity , > The toh'icco factory of 1) ) . lluelmer , t Co. o\ Now York , iisl\-story building , Nos. 132 ii 13B Mulberry slrcel , was ilestroycd by Ut ! yesterday afternoon. The total loss , which .1 vstlmiteil at $200,000 , Is fully covered by 111 stiranco. I * The prelttnlnary hrarlng upon the petlllov that a rule Issue upon W. K. Slnionds , lat > . ; commissioner of patents , and others to Mio > cause hy they snouUl not bo disbarred frotj puu'tlclng bofoie the patenlolllco was be UV yesterday at Washlnglon , 1) ) . O. ft The Atchlson road no\t Monday > Mll pt.C Into effect the following rates : Hound trlj , from Mlssourl.rlvor to Uhlrazo , $17.50 ; rouir'j trip , Denver to Chicago , $ .17.50. The pri'scu.,1 ratoof$40 from Uolorudo common paints t < Missouri rlvor points will bo sustained. , * Hugh I-Htcr , u colored Hlcepliiu car port.er oj' ' Chicago , 111. , yUklcrday afternoon , shot im ; . killed It.ivltt Shurrcll , also colored ; datigu : ously .stabbed Ulllcor Wilson K. Harris , nil. was himself fatally wounded by OflktT O'Connor , who attempted to save the life L Harris. IV A most dastardly doo.l was comuitttod nl ; Pagosa Srlngs | , N , M. , Tuesday night. Twf. ' bodies , beaten almost Into a Jelly with stotu'K' ' and aunposL'd to bothooof Manuel llaldouncl ; ' and nsnoup hi'i-der In I ho employ of TrlnldaC Crlugo , were found lightly bound to wumlerv' ' Ing bu 11 os. 3' A motion was made before Judge Burns o1 , Denver , Colo. , yostordny by Prosecutlns At' ' ( tornuy Sleulo for the contlnuuiu-i ) until thl next term of the court , of Dr. T. Tuatclioj Oravos , who Is In Jail walling a lehoarltijt o' the charge of having poisoned Mrs. Ilarnab' ' ' - of Provldunco , R. I. j jJl TO DUILD V $ both the flesh nnd the strcnetn of pale , puny , scrofulous chilj dren , get Ur. Horco's Ooldett' Mcdicul Discovery. It's th 'i ' best thing known for a vrastocl body nud a weakened system.1 It thoroughly jmriDes thol bloo < l. enriches it , nnd ffiakotj effective every natural mcanat of clcnnsine , repairhiBj and , nourishing the system. In recovering - covering from "La Grippe1 pneumonia , fever * , or oilier I j dehllltating diseases , nothing I C = can equal it n an appetizing. ( restorative tonic to bring back health andi vjpor. Cures nervous nnd general debility. . ' Purify nnd rid your blood of the taint * ? , nud poisons that make it cosy for diben Ji to fasten its hold. The " Discovery " is the only blood-clenntcri flesh-builder , and Etrength-restorer BO thor ough in its effects that it can bo guaranteed , i If it doesn't benefit or euro , in every case , ] you have your money back. , There's no uncertainty about Dr. Bago'i Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors will pay you fSOO ciisli if they can't ' cure your Co-j tnrrh , no mutter how bad vour cose. SOUTH OMA.IIA. Union Stock "Yards Company , South OrnnTiai BcetCnttlo Ho nnasiisop ranrkot In t'u COMMISSION HOUSI5. Wood Brothers. Llvo Stock Commission Merchants. Eo-ithOmaha Telephone 115r. JOHN I ) . DADHMAN , I „ . „ . „ „ , , . \VAl/ri5K 15. WOOD. f nniorra Market reports by mall and wlro cheerful/ fiiinlshuU upon apiilloutlon. , . I fMAHA | U Difector ; AWNINGS AND TENTS. ) maba Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. , COJII'ANV. llanuf clurcr of Tcnt > . IIOII91 ! COVKI19. Awnlnit * , ulo , TOJ anil IHSFarnamStroot. 705S , liilh Htroot , BAGS & TWINES | Bemis Omaha Bag CO SI I' A NY. Importers nd manufac turer ! of Hour aci3 , burlup , twlnu. BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-foe Slios Company. . Howard ? t 8 aloiroom and ODlco-1107-1100.1111 Factorr-lll'J-H2l-H2J Howard St. We are Die ONLY Munufftiturori of Ilooti and Bhooi in the it to of Nobraiki. A KBQor l Inil.atlon li extoaud to all 10 ln poct our now factory. COAL , COKE. CORNICE. DBY GOODS. FUBNITUBE. Omaba Upholstering Bebee & Kunyau COMl'ANY. Upholstered furniture , KUHNITUUE COMl'ANY Nlcliolai rt. , aojll,3tUlrc