Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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. . Hoe ( without PumUy > Ona Year. 18 00
Jiallv nil Huntlay , Ono Voar . 10 JHJ
Six Months . , . f > 00
Tlireo. Months . . . . , . . , . M SCO
Sunilny llvp , Onn War . 300
Pfttiiririy llm , Otip Yciir . . } oo
Weekly lice , Olio Ycnr . . . . . 100
Omnli.i.Tlio lice lltilldlntfi
South Oninlm , rorncr N und 20th Streets.
Council lllulTM , 12 I'onrl Mrci'l-
ClilciiffoOnira , ni7 Chamber of Coinmorcn ,
Nrw York , Hootiis 13 , 14 mid 1& , Trlbun *
\Vn hlngton , fi3
All rntmnunlcnllons rrlutliix to new * and
f dltorlil matter should bu n < ldrot od : lo the
All bushiest Irllcru and roinUiiinces should
IienildrptsiMl loThn lire L'liullihlnr Company.
Omiilm. liNifin , < : ln'ck ntul iKMtortleeorduri
to ho nindo payable to the order of tlio com
1'nrt IPS loivlns tlic city for the summer cin
linvu Ilio ItrUMMit tliclr address by leaving nn
order nt tills olllcc.
Elite of Noliriukft , I of lloiiidM , I
( ! < ort0 II. iFrchuck , iccrotnrj of Tnr. llr.Kpub-
Ililitnv ootnpntir , clnu notemolr nwenr that tlio
otunlrtrculnttDn or'I HE IJAir.r nr.i ; ror tba week
enillnu Mnr 20,16UI , wat in follows !
Vunclnr. Mnr H M055
ft Monrtnr. Mar IA 2.16J
ftRf Tlienlar. Mar III " KW
Wrdnomtnr , Mar 17 > 21,730
Rf Ihurprtnr , ilnr 18 * ' .U
Trldar. Mr IV. " .I'M '
B lurc1nr , Mnr 20 3' . J
cro. 11. TszniticK.
Bworn lo before mo nmt subicrlbed In my pros-
nco tlilalOth dar ol Slur. IB'/J. N. 1 * . Kit It. .
Nolarr lHhllo
Airrnno Circulation lor A ) > rll , 181KJ , 84,2Ht
THE Iowa State Bunkers' association
Is in Hussion nt Council Bluffs. It might
bo a good idea to invite thorn across the
rlvor for a few hours and tthow them a
. progressive western metropolis.
* *
EASTEHN railway systems , notably the
Pennsylvania and Lake Shore lines , wjll
Bctul every uno of their employes for a
two week's Vbcation at tlio World's fair.
n. The example mlplit ho followed with
profit hy western lines.
EVERY prominent citizen- Omaha
Ihoitld protest against "tho proposed
change in the specifications for the now
postolllco building. The substitution of
sandstone for.granlto would cticiipon the
building in cost and appearance and
should not bo permitted.
IT WILT * bo a great day for Omaha and
South Omaha when the Hock Island com
pletes tlio connection of its Nebraska
lines with the lines which already tup
the great cattle regions in Texas. There
is a gratifying prospect that this work
will bo commenced early this summer
nnd pushed rapidly to completion.
THE Interior department at Washing
ton has finally consented to allow the
Burlington system to cross the Crow
Indian reservation. This will enable the ,
company to build to a junction with the
Northern Pacific at Billings , Mont. , and
thus bring one of the greatest live stock
regions in the west within shipping
reach of the Omaha markets.
- . , * s
. AS INDICATIN ? ! the disastrous .Ifosulw
that invariably ensue from uncertainty
as to the cconomio policy of the jgovorn-
nicnt , the capitalists who wore contem
plating the establishment of an extensive
sugar plant in central Wyoming have
decided not to make an investment until
It is known what action will ho taken by
the new congress in regard to the
bounty act.
DOUGLAS county is ono of the few
counties in the United States which has
appropriated a largo sum of money for
the permanent improvement of country
roads , and her efforts in this direction
will bo watched with interest by people
all over the country. Consequently ,
the men In charge of the work should
make no mistake by countenancing the
use of poor material.
Tun people of the Black Hills coun
try nrq congratulating themselves on
the bright outlook in that section. The
mining resources show increased nnd
more substantial development than over
before , and in all the leading towns of
the Hills notable buildings and valuable
r improvements are In progress. Immi
gration Is flooding the country and capi
tal is also coming In. Surely the pros-
poet is an encouraging ono for this enterprising - "
terprising and intelligent section of the
Twentieth United Statoa infantry , who
lias boon made major and , paymaster in
the-army , was a sergeant of artillery
with General Robert AntJorson at Fort
gumptor when the first gun of the rebel
lion was fired. At the elope of the war
ho was appointed to a lieutenancy in the
army and his recent promotion It Is said
lias been made strictly rn his merits.
Hois now stationed at Fort Asslnlboino.
A private soldier in the regular army
in IBM and thlrty-soven years thereafter
a major in the much coveted position of
paymaster shows that though promotion
in the milltiiry may bo slow there is re
ward for faithful and meritorious ser
THIS stookmon In Wyoming , Idaho ,
Montana and the Dakotaa had no sooner
discovered , and congratulated thorn-
selves thereon , that the cattle on the
rungos were in hotter condition and the
louses leas heavy than they had been led
to suppose , than the railroads stopped
in and nipped their expectations of
' profitable returns from their unexpected
good fortune. The lines in the Western
Freight association and those entering
those range cattle districts liavu ad
vanced rates on live stock from $2 to $10
per car , Accordingly the rates from
Sheridan , Wyo. , on the B. & M. rail
road ; Miles City and Forsyth on the
v Ngrthorn Pacific ; Wolf Point , Mont. , on
the Great Northern ; Whltowood , N. D. ,
on the Fremont , Ellihorn & Missouri
Valley , and Douglas , Wyo. , on the same
road are- nil adjusted on the same basis ,
8105 to Chicago for thirty-foot cars.
The rates on other cars from the uumo
point are fixed on doforcntials. Thus It
turns that whatever Industry may for
the time become prosperous1 its ro-
jnuuorutlvo gain must pay tribute to
those corporations.
run CHOP coxmrtoxs
The government report of the crop
conditions for May indicate * that the
yield of wheat will bo loss than the av
erage for the years of 1880 and 1890.
Thorn "corns to ho no reasons to doubt
that , however favorable the conditions
may bo horcaftor , during the season
there will IKS a reduced yield. Winter
wheat has boon irreparably injured , nnd
although the crop of spring wheat
should be up to the average it will not
make up for this loss. At the same time
the foreign reports regarding wheat ore
very unfavorable. Much of the wheat of
AJgcrla and other parts of North Africa
have been destroyed by drouth and the
reports are unfavorable from wldo Eu
ropean areas. All this points to a more
than ordinarily largo demand upon the
United Stales for wheat , and it Is an In-
torestlng question whether wo will bo
in position to meet it.
According to a comprehensive study
of the situation made by the New York
& , with full average crops at homo
the imparting countries this year will
need to supplement their domestic sup-
pi ics by the importation of some
308,000,000 bushels , "and hereafter
such Importations , when home crops
are not above the average ,
must bo augmented by the entire -
tire requirements of such additions as
may bo made to the populations of the
importing nations. " Wheat production
is decreasing in such countries , as a
whole , says the iS'un , and whatever the
additions to the annual requirements
may be , they must bo mot by Increased
imports. An increase of 10,000,000 to
11,000,000 bushels year by year is the
estimate for the increasing population ,
and the question is , Whence can bo
drawn the supplies to moot the demand ?
The present aggregate requirements
of Europe exceed 1,400,000,000 , bushels.
This is 2'iO,000,000 less than is
required for European consump
tion. The annual increase to the
European demand is 14,000,000 bushels.
The resources of European coun
tries for agricultural production
are practically exhausted , so that
those countries nv.nt continue to
depend upon tlio supplies of other con
tinents. The probability is that there
will bo less for the year 18M than the
average , not only for the reason that the
crops are likely to bo below the average ,
but also because domestic requirements
are growing in oven greater ratio than
are those of Europe. It is an interest
ing fact that the only wheat areas
which have Increased during re
cent years uro in the Balkan
states and Argentina , and this has not
been more than sufficient to offset the re
duction in area in western Europe. Tak
ing the world as a whole there appears
to have been during the last five years
no gain in wheat production , and so far
as the United States is concerned it
appears that the area under wheat is
less than ten years agOj while domestic
requirements are increasing annually by
the measure of the needs of the 1,500,000
new people yearly added , "and em
power to export broudstulls Is vanish
ing quite as rapidly as the popu
lation augments , and perhaps a
little more rapidly , for the per capita
rate of consumption advances as does the
ratio of whites to the eorn-oating black
population of the southern plantations. "
With an average yield per acre , saya
the New York Situ , and the area devototl
to wheat growing remaining undiminished -
ishod , wo can produoo about 455.000,000
bushels. "Of this we require about 378- ,
000,000 bushels for iiso as bread , seed ,
and in the arts , at a rate of consumption
no greater than obtained during the
"period 1880-1S90 ; so that the exports of the
season , in the event of an average crop ,
would bo about 70,500,000 bushels , plus
such reserve stocks , above the average
reserves of recent years , as may exist. "
Accepting these calculations as sound ,
they suggest that American wheat
growers may reasonably look for bettor
prices for their grain.
According to the last census report
about 4,000,000 acres of land had been
reclaimed by irrigation , nnd doubtless
this statement was too small. A writer
in ono of the leading magazines who has
evidently given a great deal of attention
to this subject estimates that the irri
gated areas under ditch in the arid
regions is in round numbers over 17-
000,000 acres , or 20,840 square miles ,
of which about 12,000,000 , acres
are cultivated by irrigntors. There
is a considerable disparity in
those figures , but there is reason
to believe that the census sta
tistics are wrong , as everybody at all fa
miliar with the progress of irrigation
will ho disposed to readily bollove. In
fact , It Is probable that the magu/.ino
writer has not included in his statement
all the lands that are now subjected to
But making the largest allowance for
the arid area already reclaimed it con
stitutes but a very insignificant part of
the vast region ? that must ultimately
bo brought under irrigation in order to
make It productive. If the census fig
ures bo accepted , Io3t than one-half of
1 per cent of the entire arid urea
has boon retained. If the ether state
ment bo more nearly oDrroat , the percentage -
contago is still loss than 1 per cent ,
Taking out much of the arid region that
is mountainous or othurwiso unfitted for
agricultural purpose oven with irriga
tion and there still remains u vast
region which if ever brought under
cultivation and made to serve the pur
poses of mankind , will bo capable of sub
sisting a population larger than that of
the country at present. It is beyond
question , if the boat scientific opin
ion bo accepted , that two-thirds
of the arid region can bo re
claimed , and it is a well oatabllshod
fact that irrigated lands are the most
valuable. According to the census re
port the value which Irrigation gives to
land is ever $ SO an acre. In California
the average U estimated at 91r0t and in
Borne section * evun JilghoiThu 'value
of the irrigation systems already estab
lish od and in successful operation is
stupendous. In all , it is state a , about
930,000,000 has been spent In reclaiming
land that was almost worthless heloro ,
and is now valued at 82)0,000,003 , or
more than eight times the east of the
investment in Irrigation.
Wo recently noted a moat important
now enterprise in this direction Under
taken In southern California by a syndi
cate composed principally of eastern
capitalists and which inrolvei the
reclamation of between 1,000,000 nnd
2,000,000 acres of land , with the proba
bility that the schema will bo extended
to embrace arid lands In northern Mexico
and in Colorado. Investment in irriga
tion has'provcd profitable in the past nnd
there is no reason why it shall not con
tinue to do so. The reclamation
of the arid region must bo the work of
private enterprise. That Booms beyond
lucstion. This will require a much
longer time for its consummation , per
haps , than if it wore undertaken by the
general government , but of its ultimate
tccompllshmont thcro can bo no doubt.
There Is reason to believe that in the
not far ( utura this will prove to bo ono
of the most attractive of enterprises for
the investment of private capital
The jobbers of Omaha have for years
complained of the discrimination which
taxes them G cents per hundred pounds
on shipments across the Council Bluffs
bridge to points in Iowa , but their com
plaints have always fallen upon heedless
cars. The Commercial club has decided
to take up this grievance and endeavor
to have the evil corrected. The now
organization could not have selected a
bettor starting point , nnd if its efforts
nro successful the club will have justified
the good judgment of its founders.
Under the present unjust arrange
ment , the Omaha jobber who fills an
order to bo shipped to an Iowa point is
compelled to pay a toll of 5 cents per
hundred to get his goods ever the rlvor.
On the ether hand , the Council Bluffs
jobber may ship his goods across the
river Into Nebraska points without
being required to pay this toll. The unjustness -
justness of the arrangement Is ap
parent. The Council Bluffs jobber Is
permitted to do business in Nebraska at
the Omaha rate , while the Omaha job-
tor must pay a tribute of 5 cents per
hundred in order to do business in Iowa.
The importance of the matter will
hardly be realized by those who have
not kept themselves fully posted as to
the magnitude of the bhipmonts from
Omaha to western Iowa points. At the
meeting of the executive committee
of the Commercial club yester
day It was stated that the agri
cultural implement houses of Omaha
alone did $12,000,000 worth of
businesslast year , but that If the pres
ent discrimination is continued the busi
ness would have to bo moved to the other
side of the river. Again , new whole
sale houses wishing to enter the Ne
braska and Iowa field will bo quick to
see that they can conduct their business
from the Iowa side of the river to a
much greater advantage and the con
tinuation of the present rule is likely to
prove detrimental to the future growth
of the jobbing interests of Omaha.
Every influence which has a tendency
to retard the commercial growth of
Omaha must bo discovered and removed.
Healthy commercial activity is imp'os-
slblo when surrounded by unreasonable
restrictions. The Commercial club Is on
* the right track and now 'that it has
taken hold of the work in earnest it
should not cease its efforts until every
trade restriction is removed from the
patli of Omaha's advancement.
A siatriric.iXT PHOTES ? .
The unfortunate agitation of the Sun
day closing question at the World's fair
is likely to assume a serious aspect.
The workingmr < n of Chicago who a' o
denied admittance to the fair on the
only day they are permitted to rest frcm
the monotony of daily toll , propose to
hold a monster demonstration next Sun
day to protest against the closing of the
gates. They \ \ ill then march to Jack
son park 75,000 strong and demand ad
mittance in the name of labor. Such an
assemblage would in all probability
swoop aside the flimsy barriers and
spread out ever the precincts of. "tho
White city like an angry , irresistible
After all , it is the workingmen who
have made the great fair what it is.
From the , day that the first spadeful of
earth was turned In Jackson park until
the moment that President Cleveland
icalled the completed exposition into life ,
the hand of labor moved unceasingly to
accomplish the wonder at which the
whole world today stands in admiration
and amazement , Day and night for
more than throe years the skill of the
craftsman has boon exorcised , his in
genuity taxed and his endurance
stretched to the uttermost to accomplish
what in any other nation on the earth
would bo deemed the impossible.
The mind which conceived the glories
of the fair would have been powerless
without the hand to execute. The
great exposition stands today as the gift
of labor to civilization.
And now that the triumph of labor
stands complete , the men who wrought
this wonder of the closing century are
debarred from the enjoyment of its
beauty and the bo no lit of its instruction
by a mistaken edict inspired by an al
most inconceivable spirit of bigotry. It
is not at all strange that the workingmen -
men of Chicago should raise their voices
In earnest and indignant protest.
Tins adoption of a resolution by the
general synod of the Reformed Presby
terian church making it incumbent' on
all Its members to withhold their pat
ronage from the World's fair if opened
on Sundays , is an application of the boy
cott in a quarter least to have
boon oxpootod. It will bo likely
to have about us much olToet on
the progress of thu great exposition ,
however , aa will another resolution ,
adopted by the tame body , determining
that no church funds bo hereafter in
vested in stocks which cause unneces
sary work on Sunday , ' 'such at railroad
securities , " have on the railroads.
THE Interior department has decided
on September 13 as the date for
opening the Cherokee strip , but this
may ho changed by circumstances not
now foreseen. A number of knotty
problems is still confronting the depart
ment , chief among which is. some of the
provisions of the net of the prosout con-
groAs relating to this territory. It Is
ututod that after much deliberation tun
ofltclnl * of the doprfffhioht have satisfied
themselves that thorols nothing in the
net which rcndori'tmj homestead laws
Inoperative and 0 { it consequently
those laws wlU . nnpply in full
force in the mattdr of the occu
pying of the now lands. Another
thing said to havo" Wen determined is
that there is praclfpaMy no way of pre
venting n rush. "Although the secre
tary of the Interior sqino time ago de
clared that the tactics which marked
the occupation of the Oklahoma lands
would not be allow.A when the Cherokee
strip was oponcdj-'if 'rtow appears that
the officials of tftb1 Department have
abandoned this iiW > " nnd that in all
probability the people who want lands
In the strip will have to race for them
as In times post. In that event
very active and lively scram
ble may IKJ expected. It is
the intention of the department ,
howcvoiy to throw strong safeguards
around sotl'iurs who actually design to
umld homes for themselves , and to pro
tect such persons from others who go Infer
for the mere purpose of speculation.
Further than tills tho.dopartment . is not
disposed to hold Itself responsible.
A RECENT census bulletin respecting
the results of irrigation in the west af
fords some interesting facts as to the
practicability , progress and utility of
bringing the sterile soil of this country
Into profitable agricultural use through
the moans of artificial moisture. Of the
estimated 542,000,000 acres roolatmablo
arid lands , only 3,031,381 , had boon re
deemed from barrenness when the ron-
sus was takon. Over one-half of this
was in tha states of California and Colorado
rado , the great bulk of the remainder
was In the Rocky mountain states and
only Gti.OOo acres in the Dakota ? , Ne
braska , Kansas and Texas. The value
of the land thus reclaimed , estimating
that in the latter named states at $31.40
per acre and that in California at 8150
per aero , or an average for the whole
area of $33.23 per acre , Is about $94,011-
000. The total cpat of bringing the
desert thus under cultivation was $29-
011,000. The average first cost of bring
ing water to the arid land was
$8.15 per acre , and the annual coat in
maintaining the irrigating channels $ 1.07
per acre. When It Is remembered that
before being irrigated that portion of
arid territory now rich with , fertile
fields was utterly worthless , it is readily
seen how prolitablo becomes irrigation
enterprise. The figures show also Jthat
but a modicum of such lands capable of
redemption have thus far baen brought
under water , so tHlft irrigation in this
country is still in itg/ineipionco. / However ,
with the completion1 of the extensive ir
rigation systems , n 'Colorado , Arizona
nnd Washington already described in
THE Br.E the total df'rec'laimed land will
double the present 'fjgurps. ' Those enter
prises will bo materially .advanced and
a portion of them db'mpWod ' during the
present season. It iymnd not prove dif
ficult to find many t&ctions in Nebraska
and adjoining' stat63wij ! ro opportunity
affords for similar profitable investment.
THE NiCAKAauAj * revolution , though
not large , is forinidabi'o-and persistent
enough. The decisive" battle so long
pending Booms to''Havo ' been at lost
fought , and If the accounts received are
correct , the government has suffered the
disastrous rout predicted. The presi
dent of the republic is on the western
coast prepared for flight , and the gov
ernment is demoralized. The troops en
gaged in the battle near Masaya did not
number ever 2,500 , on cither side. In
fact , the number of revolutionists en
gaged is given at 1,500 , but the govern
ment troops suffered largely , while the
revolutionists escaped almost without
injury , being protected by entrench
ments. A dispatch sent on the eve of
the battle , by one ofjtho revolutionary
leaders to Washngton , gave assurance
that the American public need have no
fears about American interest ; that the
revolutionists would protect every right.
It may nowba expected that Bonilla , the
head of the revolutionary party , will
succeed Sosoca as president of the re
public. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SEVEUAL years ago the great cattle
kings of Nebraska and Kansas broke up
their big cattle herds and sought more un
broken ranges , whore they would not bo
disturbed by the great flow of immigra
tion. And now , in turn , those vast
herds are again disappearing. In South
Dakota , Montana and Wyoming the in
flux of settlers is becoming so great and
the desirable ranch locations all ever
tlio ranges are being so rapidly taken up
that the big cattle outfits are being fast
disposed of , and soon the small cattle
men and farmers will have complete
possession of the ranges oven now re
maining. Montana hau hitherto been a
paradise for those cattlentDn , but the
rapid increase of population has en
croached upon the cow counties , and
they , too , are being cleared for the
ranchers. It will bo only a short time
when the famous , immense western
herds will bo n thing of the past , al
though the aggregate of cattle raised
will doubtless bo as largo and of a far
superior quality.
TrcuUln ? tliHaVo 1'utli.
John Sherman la noHnio of the advisers of
the present uumlulstrntlrm ' , but it is curryIng -
Ing out his well knowu'-vlows In a way that
entitles him to considerable credit ,
TliU Ilai H r.ocul Application ,
O dun tl Fin mer anil Lnbnrer ,
The man vrho ImiA'iniji that his success
depends ujxm pulling sotrto ono else down
makes a mistaku that uoarly always results
fatally to himself. Hti will win by the exhi
bition of his own merits , uot by forovur
pointing out the defects of others ,
Demnrrdtla Crom 1'iirpoiei.
JtOiitivHle Courier-Journal ,
Among the dcmocr.Uio sen-ators und repre
sentatives , scattered between Din an3
Bccrshleba , ho who travels a milo uu hour is
apt to find the way barred of everything ex
cept cross-purposes uncl shallow nothings ,
varied hero and there by the coward's pica
that wo must bo exceeding careful lost wo
tread on somebody's toes.
A I1 'it Up Job.
Kcliriulfi Otty Ktiei ,
The Lincoln pap srs with their character
istic adneronco to .republican onlclaU are
having a great deal to say about the testi
mony of the export architects In their estl-
mates of the cost of building the cell house
at the penitentiary. According to the pa
pers the architects who tesllllod for the
state know nothing whatever or what they
wcro talking ai > out. but the two who esti
mated within (71 of each ether were uro-
fevMonnU In Ihotr business. The testimony
of the dofcnso smacks too much of A put \ip
Job. In the InnguARO of Colonel Shnko *
spcaro , "My Imi , mothinka thou dost pro
test too loudly. "
llenchlnjj for Kxtnrtlonori.
Chicago tnlcr OCMII.
Under the now statolnw of Now York a
man who takes part In n combine or trust Is
liable to a fine of f50,000 or Imprisonment for
ono year , or both. People will eventually
reach nil such extortions. They nro un-
American nnd must go. Llvo nnd lot llvo is
the American maxim.
The Income Tux I.lno.
An Income tax will bo denied And dis
claimed n good ninny times to come ; but if
the democrats rdOuco the tariff there Is no
other course open but to tax Incomes or tax
ar. As congressmen got $5,000 n yonr. It
will probably su-lko most of thorn that this
is Just abjjut whore the Into ought to bo
Line * of ( Ircut Itofurtn.
Minneapolis Tribune ,
Wo have It upon such excellent democratic
authority ns the Philadelphia Record that
the "restoration of the duties on sugar and
coffee bolontrs ns essentially to the program
of tariff reform as the removal of those
duties belongs to protection. " A great truth
succinctly expressed , but somehow U has not
obtained wiuo currency in the democratic
press of the west.
Umlellled .TelTcroonlnn Simplicity.
Keie York Tribune ,
The most frugal and mattor-okfact govern
ment of Europe Is probably ttuttof Bulgaria ,
which , when the national legislature docs
uot happen to bo in session , Is in the habit
of hiring out the parliamentary chamber for
theatrical entertainments. Tlio national
representatives are mostly farmers in n
small way , and they nro very regular In their
attendance , slnco If they are not on hand to
answer thn roll call , they forfeit their dally
stipend of $3.
Nebraska Mutt Kuconnt o Her Own.
Ntbraika Cttu 1'ras.
The manufacturers and consumers expo
sition at Omaha is something that dcsorvcs
encouragement of every Nobraskan. It be
longs to the state alone , and Is for the state
nnd its material welfare. That is why It is
so important. It represents the plotiecr
mnnufncturincr enterprises of a young state
nnd is an energetic effort to show to the
world the nigh position Nebraska will cro
long obtain.
ITroo I.nbor thn Man 1'roiluctlvo.
-ffew Oilcans Times.
The truth is that cheap , aorvllo , Ignorant
labor la never the best. It may build UP an
aristocracy and create a race of rich land
owners , ns It did in Jamaica untl the
south in unto bellum days , but it docs uot
enrich the country ; and Ignorant labor is
never the best or thu moat productive. AVe
nro raising more cotton today than wo over
could in the days of slavery , ahd wo are ob
taining batter results per acre in both cane
and cotton.
Corn llr.'iid Abroad.
There is more encouragement in the ad
ditional facts reported by Colonel Murphy.
U appears that the Hoyal Board of Health
of Germany , after a chomlcal examination ,
reported that American corn was the cereal
needed to cheapen the army food supply ,
and American millrights rcK > rt that they
have sent into many European countries the
proper machinery for roducintr the grain of
the maize to meal. The rye crop of Ger
many will bo short this year nnd It is ex
pected that poopla who hnvo looked on the
matzo meal with hostility will bo tempted to
try It and thus become familiar with its
There Is some ground for encouragement
for the American farmer in all this. If
Europeans caa bo brought to appreciate the
value of maize as a human food product our
exports will come nearer to paying for our
imports. _
War and the World * * Fair.
JIarp'r'a WitMy ,
As the first great World's fair hold in
London in 1831 was shortly afterwards fol
lowed by the Crimean war , so some of its
successors have had moro or less great wars
closely on their heels , if the World's fairs
did not bring on those wars they certainly
did not prevent them. But Our Columbian
celebration presented one spectacle which
is probably without precedent , and should beef
of good augury. Many of these who wit
nessed the frrcat parade of sailors and
marines on the streets of Now York on
April 27 may not have Been mindful of the
fact that they saw something that perhaps
had never happened within the memory of
the present generation , and would not bo
possible anywhere else in the world ; sailors
und soldiers of ten different nations , with
arms in their hands , united in ono festive
array Englishmen , Russians , Germans nnd
Frenchmen belonging to the armed forces of
rival powers that may , as is thought , at any
moment como to blows among themselves
peaceably marching with muskets on their
.shoulders and swords nt their sides behind
ono another in ono column. It was a spectacle
emblematic of the position of this great
American republic among the nations of the
earth the great peace power of the world
embracing ' in its hospitality the great war
powers of the world for a celebration of
human progress and mutual good-will.
lloston Courier : A conundrum may bo
called mucilaginous when It's u stlclccr.
New Orleans Picayune : It Is nil plain sail-
In for the poor girl when the jaunty little
sailor huts are In fashion.
Now York Times : When a young lady gets
jiti Idou Into her lioud thutHhulx us hiindsumo
an a picture , Isn't It about time nliu wua tulccu
down ?
Philadelphia Krcorrt : The diamond cutter's
triulo iilrurds proof that It takes hard work to
achieve brilliant results.
Somervlllo Journal : The man who never
iniiilu a mlstaliO In his lift ) liit'iiks his record
when he begins tolling any ono about It.
Detroit Proo Press : Jillat Penstock I am
polngovor to I'arls this year to HCO If I cannot
gut Homuthlng decent to wear. Miss IMnkcrly
Vou have never been thcro bufore.havoyou ?
Cleveland Plain Douler : "I shall ntato thu
whole case In u Nuntonco , " as the Jud 'u said
when he arraigned tlio prisoner.
Philadelphia Times : Whatever It may provo
ultimately , up to data tlio Unary luw Imsn't
proved much of a Clilneao laundry chock.
Judsn : She Ibii't your father a very dlgnl- ,
fled man ?
Hi. Very. Why , ho wouldn't lot mo touch
him for a hundred dollars.
Now York Bun : "Plain drunk ? " queried the
macliitrutu , . . . .
"No. your honor , " replied the policeman who
hid hroiiKht In the case. "Ornamented nlth
delirium trlminln'N , your honor. "
Lowell Courier : The Uhlnoso problem wor
ries Prualclunt ( Jluveland. Why doesn't ho titlk
with tbu ( 'lilnumen about It ? Any ouuof thoui
could glvo him u ijueuo.
Kit/lias CtlU Journal.
"An , yes. " aid Wup. " 'tis very sad
To ttuo those newly wed
Mixed up In family Jars before
Thu honeymoon him Hod.
I knew a pnlr whoso lives were wrecked
Thlsjyuy bayoiid a doubt ;
They nmnlud up In u balloon
And had u falling out. "
Vanilla Of perfect purity-
Lemon Of great strength-
Grange Economy In their us * .
R030 , l .
Flavor a delicately
and dellcloutly * the freth fruit
MiflfMS/f.4 - \n .1
York people are petitioning for ftn uptown
telegraph ofllco.
A number of York people have chartered
n sleeping car and will start for the World's
fair Juno 5.
Blackleg has carried off a number of steers
belonging to Knoi Adanison , near Bayartl.
Cheyenne county.
Mrs. Caroline Smith of Mubboll , aged 70
years , died ns the result of liver trouble
with which she had been aflllcted for five
Mrs. KtiiA Hare , an aged Pawnee City
lady , fell down a cellar way and struck on
her head , -receiving Injuries which may
prove fatal.
Mrs. Peter Marsh , ono of the pioneers of
Vvalioo. was found dead In bed. She had
been stricken with paralysis during the
night and had peacefully passed away In
her sleep.
Charles Wilbur , alias Charles Hughes ,
who escaped from Jail nt Madison but was
recaptured , has offered to plead guilty to
forgery If the ofllclals will only send him to
the jwn and thus save him the horror of n
summer's stay In the Madison county bas-
The 4-yoar-ohl son of William Delhi of
Superior , whllo looking for his plaything
under the cook stove ; chanced to knock
down n leg , and the steve tilted to ouo sulo ,
emptying a kettle of hot water on the Ilttlo
follow. Ills death resulted lu a few hours.
The state association of German Congre
gational churches Is lu session nt Crete.
Some of the prominent men from abroad at
tending the con volition are : Superintendent
M. E. Eversr , D.D. , of Chlcatro. Superin
tendent J. I > . Stewart , Pastor F. Buchort of
Omaha , Pastor William Sucss of Hcrndon ,
Kan. , and others.
People who cannot go to the World's fairer
or who want to post up on It before going ,
will bo given ono of the best opportunities
to see and hear all about the big show at
the Crete Chautauqua. Lorsdo Toft , sculp
tor for the Horticultural building of the fair ,
has been engaged to deliver two Illustrated
lectures on the exposition. His views are
wonderful , and his Interpretations delight
ful , tor these who cannot attend the expo
sition they are Invaluable , whllo for those
who can nttcnd , they are the best possible
preparation for going and review on return
KlitrS FOlt TUN Altai ! * .
U t at dinner lu
* the Hnculnr Service ui
Announced \ostcrur. !
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , May 04. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun BEE. ] The following army
orders were issued today :
Leave of absence for llftcen days , to tarfo
effect upon the closing of the recruiting ren
dezvous at Wheeling , W. Va. . is granted
Captain Christian C. Hewitt , Nineteenth In
fantry , recruiting ofllcor.
So much of special orders as directs First
Lieutenant Keuben B. Turner , Sixth in
fantry , upon the completion of his duties at
Fort Barrancas , Flu , to return to Newport ,
Ky. , and resume his duties as constructing
quartermaster at Fort Thomas is revoked ,
and ho will proceed instead to Mount
Vernon Barracks , Ala. , and under the di
rection of the quartermaster general will
take charge of the construction of a sewer
and water supply sj stem and house drain
age at the post , taking station at Mount
Vornon. Upon the completion of this duty
Lieutenant Turner will return to Newport
nnd resume his duties as construction
quartermaster at Fort Thomas.
Assignments to duty of ofllcors of the
medical department recently appointed nro
ordered as follows : First Lieutenant Alex
ander N. Stark , assistant surgeon , will proceed -
coed from Norfolk , Va. , and report to the
commanding ofllcer at Fort Monroe , Va. ;
First Lieutenant John S. Kulp , assistant
surgeon , will proceed from Wlllcoabarro. Pa. ,
and report to the commanding ofllcer Colum
bus Barracks , O. ; First Lieutenant Edward
L. Muuson , assistant surgeon , will pro
ceed from Now Haven. Conn. , and report
to the commanding ofllcer nt Jefferson
Borrocks , Mo. , First Lieutenant Charles E.
B. Flagg , assistant surgeon , will proceed
from Indianapolis , Ind. , and report in person
to the commanding ofllcor at the presidio of
San Francisco , Cal. , First Lieutenant
Charles Lynch , assistant surgeon wil1 pro
ceed from Syracudti , N. Y. , nnd report in
person to the commanding ofllccr at Fort
Omaha , Nob.
nv direction of the secretary of war , Cap
tain Samuel M. Swigort , Second cavalry , is
detailed ns a niombor of the examining
board convoincd n Fort Leavcnworth , Kan. ,
March 10 , vice Lieutenant Colonel Samuel B.
M. young , Fourth cavalry , hereby relieved.
Lieutenant Colonel Young will roturu to his
proper station.
iroaiExii'y ri.nn VUNUKESS.
Interesting Papers Kend J y Notable Xo\v -
L'npcr Workers ,
CHICAGO , 111. , May 21. One of the most
interesting of the series of the Women's
Press congresses , owing to the fact that It
brought together n number of woman doing
lines of journalistic work usually done by
men , began nt 10 o'clock this morning. The
presiding ofllcer Is Martha Howe Davidson
of Chicago , a thoroughly posted writer on
architecture. Mrs. Ida Tims Klockcr of In
dependence , la. , who Is an authority on
trotters , who has reported every race on the
famous kite-shaped track at Independence ,
read a paper on "Women as Haco Unport-
ers. " Miss Cornelia T. Crosby of Maine ,
better known to lovers of angling
under her press name , "Fly Ilod , " and
one of the most expert anglers In
country , road a piper on "Woman as nn Au
thority on Trouting. " Other papers road
showing woman in unusual lines of work for
her woro' a * follows ; "Women ns Uvulno' i
Managers of n Now ppr , " by Barbara 1 '
Oalpln of MaMnchuscm ; "Woman ns - 1
Washington Correspondent , " by Mrs.
Kunlmil Gardiner , the llrst woman ndmttti
to the press gallery of the house of rcptf
scntntlves , nnd Mrs. Kmlly-U Shorwoni
also read n paper on "Women ns Congrcti
atonal Uoportcrs. " Papers also were roht
by the veteran "Jenny June1' ' on "Kditorlml
nnd Department Work , " and others.
KlfMfftfM IM.Vr.l SHVir , , j
Thry rmlorno Ituolinnan of lown for A\
ftlMnitt ScrreUry of Agrlcultnr * . ) r
Wwms-orox HUIIKAU or TIIR HUB , )
fit ! ! KotWTKKMit STIIRRT , Yii
WASIIISOTOX , D. C. , May 24. ) i
Several candidates for the assistant so * .
rotnryshlp of agriculture have appcarti' [
upon the scene within the past fo\r days. Vji
1. Buchanan of Iowa is an applicant and hiBi
the endorsement of the farmers t
farmers' organizations of the west , at >
great pressure Is being exerted In his
Buchanan Is a warm personal friend of Go' >
oinor Boles nnd Is warmly endorsed not onf'
by the governor , but others proii.Incnt { "
Iowa's newly found democracy. Maryland I *
putting forth a oandldnto for the position ll
the person of Owen Norrls. Mr. Norrls v
strontrly backed lor the Dlnco by Sonatu.
Gibson , nnd has the unanimous cndorsomct
of the outlro Mar ' ! lml delegation.
AVonlerti I'onidom.
The following pensions granted are
ported : .
Nebraska : Original John M. Smlt
Increase Benjamin F. Showaltcr. HoL' 1
sue Andrew M. Smith. Original WIdoV > c |
etc. Jane Smith. Iowa : Original Benjicl
miu I. Jones , Ell Frazlcr , Herman llousqucm
Charles S. Mlnney. Increase Stcphc. *
Kobeson , Henry Knmborllmr , William < vi
Kccd. Hclssuo Ezra Cronkloton ,
Marson. Helssuo nnd Increase A. Hmlojoj
James W. .larboo. Original Widows , J
Adalllno Hall , Mary Park , minors of JatnA
M. Bock. '
I'crtoiinl Mention.
J. F. Pral was today appointed postma'C
tor at Morse Bluff , Saunders cuonty , Kir
braska. i '
Secretary Morton today appointed W. r"
III11 of Nebraska to uu nn assistant InsiincUr,1
In the bureau of animal Industry at fl,4U >
pur annum. Q
Miss Anna Guorko has been appointed ab
assistant mlcroscoplst at South Omaha , t ,
fake effect Juno 1. P. S. H. V , <
ir/micr THUJT
_ _ _ _ _ * c
Thor Load to nit Iiivottlirjtldii of llllnoK *
Attorney ( li > n ral. ' *
SritiNURiRU ) , 111. , May 24. The nttorno"
general was called upon this morning to oi4
plain to a legislative investigating commlttcf
why ho began suit against the Whisky true'
at n time when such action would have 1
bearish ofTcct on the stock market , and upo *
what information or authority ho began suet
suit. The committee aUo asked the attornoi ,
general for inlormatlon as to whfs
furnished the money to onablohlm toomploYj }
such eminent legal assistance us Judg V
Moran and Mr. Mayer of Chicago to wagi
war on the trust. But Maloney Hough )
refuge behind his position nnd do ;
cllncd 10 answer the inquiries of the com'
mlttco , despite broad insinuations frol
qucntly made that his suit against the trust
was a part of a stock Jobbing scheme to bow
otlt certain speculators.
TulklilR Over thn Situation.
PKOKU , 111. , May 31. The Whisky
directors are In secret session. President
Grccnhut was seen shortly after the session
opened , but could glvo no idea of what
action would likely bo taken. The whole
matter of the recent developments wlUba
gone over , und preparations made to light
the withdrawals.
Ailvnnnm ! un the Stock Kxchnnge.
NBW YOIIK , May 3-1. There were gooil
supporting orders in Whisky trust stock at
tlio opening of the Stock oxclrango this
morning , und after declining * as' to 15jS it
rallied to lli" , In splto of the withdrawal ol
tha Monarch distillery. Later thcro was an
adtatico to 17.
- ' * *
DUiiRtrpiiK 'nrnr } Forest J'lren.
MOUNT JldM.v , N. 1. , May 3-1. Forest flroi
are raging in the vlcl ity of Mayford. Grout
cranberry and cedar swamps and thousand
of acres of timber II..YS burned. The inhubf
Hants of the pineries are Hoeing for safety ,
The loss so fur Is § 200,000.
Short Breath
Chest Pains j
Palpitation , weak and Bora
lungs , pleurisy , coughsi
I colds , asthma and bron-
k chills relieved in ONK
' MINUTE by the CtmcuRA f
first end only instantaneous pain-killin& l
strengthening plaster. For weak , painful kld jtj
neys , back ache , uterine pain * nnd
It is simply wonderful. It vitalites the nervoui
forces , and hence is unrivalled for ncrvoui
pains , weakness , numbness , nnd paralysis. ?
BcyonJ question the surest , safest , sweetest ana
best plaster in the world.
Price : > sc ; five , $1.00. AtalldrugflitiorbynuUtl
% arso3t Manufacturers und Hotullora
of UlotUluB In tboYosU
" 0 , what a night ! "
Everybody was there and not one of them , we
are sure , went home in
such a condition as hero
depicted. The picture has
nothing1 to do with the
reception it is only used
because we had no ether
except a picture of Co
lumbus , and that would
n't do , you know. It was
a great night , though ,
and everybody enjoyed
themselves and admired those $10 suits that go on
sale today. These suits were made especially for
our opening week , and you may rely on them being -
ing a little extra. The following was handed in
during1 the reception by one of the guests :
Dour nrownliif ? & Klnir , If you only just know ,
How p itleut wa're waited for yju to not through :
With your nolao and your plaster , your nulls and your hoei ,
Wheru wo toro all our dro e und itubbed all our toi.
You'd Klvo ui sucli Ijnrtfulru un never before ,
Were Uiouiht of. In uny UKUAIIU ; storu
Oroat , wo know , linn boon thu oxuonio aud d uUy ,
Hut it will repay you In ninny u wuy.
For In all of our memory , we OHM not reaall
Buoh a beautiful change from a hole In the wall.
StS ,