THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THMUSDAY MAY 25. 1893-TWELVE PAGES. CITY COUNCIL IN SESSION Confirmation of 0 , V , Moa Hcconiidorod and His Appointment Hung Up. STREET OPENING DAMAGES DISCUSSED { TroniuryVntch DOR Plcmln tlio Cnno of tlio 1'ou'r 1'roprrtjr Owner * L'onnell'i I'otrrr to DciVi'ito rating Mn. tcrlnl Contrncts Awarded , The nrst thins : done by the city council nt Its regular mcotlnR Tuesday nlht | waste to reconsider the eonhrmnticm of tlio ap pointment of C. V. Mos as clerk of the pollco court , on motion of The appoint ment was then referred to a special com- inlttco of live , consisting of Councllmen Munro , Wheeler Hascall , Howell and Me- J > carlo for Investigation. It Is promised , by those familiar with tlio matter , that there will bo sorno racy developments in this case , the investigation of which , at request of Mr. Mos , will bo public. Cltv Attorney Connell reported on n reso lution by Mr. Wheeler to pay damages as follows for opening Twenty-ninth avenue from McCormlek'snihlltlou to Farnatn street to bo paid out of the general Judgment fund or iho general fund : Louisa Van Cott , $760.Ks ! Catherine M. Tusler , ffi03.60 , and Howell Lumber company. $8,025 for opening Jxjavcnworth street. The city attorney expressed the opinion that tlio llrst two claims should not be paid out of the Rcncral judgment fund , but out of the special funds created or to bo created for the purpose of paying the same. With reference to these claims steps have been taken to inako n new levy. In regard to the llowcll Judgment Mr. Council said a proper assessment had already been made to cover tlio cyst of opening Lcavenworth street , and warrants In favor of the Howell .Lumber company have been turned over to thu clerk of the district court. There Is not eufllclcnt money in the fund to pay this claim , because the llowcll Lumber company lias not paid its taxes. The city attorney recommended that the resolution do not pass. pass.Mr. . Munro supported the position of the city attorney , nnd Mr. Howell protested against the proposed assessment for open ing Twenty-ninth avenue , saying that it had become dangerous for him to go homo : it night , as the people in his ward wcro up in arms. IVhcclcr Opine * tlio City Should Fay Up Mr. Wheeler went into history on the matter for the enlightenment of the Junior members of the council , covering a period of seven years and showing what ho claimed was un Inju.'tlco done the parties Interested. Many of the claims had been transferred , ho said , the parties holding them originally having been obliged to sell their claims to aavo themselves from bankruptcy. The city hiul attempted to settle these claims by issu ing warrants , which wcro nothing moro than notes , or promises to pay , which was really no payment nt all. The speaker thought that if these claims wcro not paid soon the city would probably be mandamuscd nnd compelled to pay them. Mr. Elsasscr favored compelling the prop erty owners on the street to pay the dam ages , instead of unloading the burden on the city at largo. Mr. Hascall snld it had been proposed , ' when Twenty-ninth avenue was ordered opened , to soil that part of Twenty-ninth street which was vacated , the price received to bo applied on the payment of the dam ages , but the sale of this street had been enjoined and the matter so stands at pres ent. ent.Tho The question being on allowing the claims Of Mrs. Louisa Van Cott , Mrs. Katharine M. Tussler and the Howell judgment , the lirst two were taken up together , on requcit of Mr. Hascall , and allowed. A motion by Hascall to lay the Ilowell claim on the table for further investigation ivas lost. The vote to pay the Howell judgment stood : Yeas , 10 ; nays , 8. The mayor was requested to sign a peti tion for red Colorado sandstone In paving district No. r > 3T > on behalf of the city fo lots . D and 0 , block 110. The gas inspector was directed to make a test 01' the fuel gus furnished by the Ne braska Fuel company , now seeking a charter from tlic council , the expense of the test to bo met by the company. About Alplmlt Itcpiilrs. The committee on Judiciary recommended the adoption of the resolution directing the city attorney to Investigate the validity of the contract with tno IJarbcr Asphalt com pany focropairing asphalt paved streets for ten years at 8 cents per yaid , and if in his judgment it Is illegal that he take steps to abrogate and annul the same. The same committee gave it as its opinion that a special assessment could not bo levied against abutting property to pay the ex pense of repairs uoon the streets paved with asphalt upon which the five years guaranty Jiad not expired previous to the date when the contract was made and which were men tioned In the contract. The committee rec ommended that in the future when tlio guar anty expires that the contract for repairs bo awarded to the lowest bidder , and the cost bo assessed against abutting property. Atlrililcd to Huiitliin Mutters. Major Ftiray was granted five days leave to attend the meeting of the Loyal Legion at St. Paul , Minn. The following contracts wcro approved : Samuel Katz , grading Poppleton uvenuo from Thirty-thin ! to Thirty-sixth street ; 1C. D. Van Court'paving Davenport street from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth with brick ; F. L. Hcevcs & Co. , sewer on Dorcas and Nineteenth street ; McGavock & Daley , newer on Valley street between Tenth and Eighteenth street ; iloman & McDonald , sewer on California , Thirty-sixth and Thirty-fourth streets. The city engineer reported that 'no had examined thu paving petitions referred to lilm and found that the following streets liad presented majority petitions for the materials specified : District No. M ! ! , Dodge street , asphalt ; No. MI , Charles street , brick : No. 622Thirty-sixth street , asphalt ; No. 61.M , Thirty-third street , red Colorado sandstone ; No. f U8 , Twenty-first street , same ; No. f > 2'J , Twenty-second street , same ; No. 6t'J ! , Plerco street , same ; No. 53(5. ( Nine teenth street , asphalt : No. C.r > ! > , Knimott street , same ; No. Ml ! , Cuming street , red Colorado sandstone : No , r > 54 , Cuming street , usphaltum ; No , MO , Cuming street , same ; No. 6M , Half Howard street , brick ; No. 543 , Thirtieth street , red Colorado sandstone , Council Might I > i' l"imto Mntvriul. - The city engineer reported that In four Uistrlcts-MO. 513 ! , 533 and C35 majority petitions had been presented , asking for paving , but a majority had not united on any one material. Mr. Wheeler moved that the council do. ride where a majority had not decided upon the material. Mr. Edwards opposed the motion , hut the city attorney hold that the recent decision of the supreme court would warrant such action on the part of the council , The only point nt issue , Ho said , was whether u majority of the property owners wanted the street paved , and in raso such majority could not unite on the material the council uhoulil decide. After discussion Mr. Wheeler withdrew his motion and substituted u motion to the effect that nil petitions notlmvinga majority ; * asking for paving bo rejected. Carried. City attorney , city engineer and Hoard of Publlu Works were Instructed to prepare a proper form of potitlonjfor paving , John O'Conncll aim others petitioned to Imvo the boundary Hues of the ' 'burnt dis trict11 extended so us to include 11U feet west of Tenth street between Douglas street stul Capitol uvenuo. Referred to Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners. rob City .clerk was instructed to notify Plumb ing Inspector Duncan that ho is a member bDf the Board of Health and that It is the opinion of the council that he should assume his duties us such under the provisions of the new charter , Gas Inspector Gilbert was directed to dis continue nil gas lamps within a block of any rlcetrle light except in such places us In his Judgment require such lamps. A resolution was adopted instructing the Hoard of Public Works to cause the tele phone company to repair all holes and de pression lu pavements caused by the sinking of its subway trenches , Striking Cotton Oprrttturi Will Kuilcratc. DKNVEH , Colo. , May 2-1. The striking operators at the Overland cotton mills are going away. The question of emi grating IMS taken hold of the employes and arrangements have already boon made to leave the state for their old homes. The mills uro being operated at present by a reduced force. iint wiu > run tii.oun. Tlrutnl Action ! of the Mot > Which Lynched Murderer SullU-nn. DHTHOIT , Mich. , May 21. A special to the Tribune from Corunna , Mich. , pays : William Sullivan , whoyestorday pleaded guilty to the nuirdor of Layton Lcotch nnd the attempted murder of Lcotch's wife , paid the penalty last night. Ho was taken from the jail and lynched at ! t-10 : o'clock. The mob consisted of over 800 men , who cheered themselves hoarse over the lifeless body. Just before ho was taken from his cell Sullivan attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a knife. His cell was broken with sledges and he was dragged out and through the jail corridors at the end of a noose. Ho was taken to a low plcco of ground about 200 feet In the rear of the jail building , under an oak. Men struggled and fought and cheered for the privilege of helping to tug at the rope , which was thrown over a limb. With a sudden jerk Sulll- vnn , who was lying motion less and apparently unconscious , on the ground , was raised to a sitting posture. Another pull and his head and shoulders became visible above the mob. A terrible scene fol- lowed. The body was pushed from hand to hand and several drew their pocket knives and lunged at the swinging corpse. Then they began to tear the clothing , nnd in a few moments only the shreds of his shirt remained hanging from the shoulders. When the body was lowered to the ground portions of the mob that had been unable to got close enough to take a hand seized upon the rope and dragged the lifeless body through the streets and around the court house square. ALMOST itimsrLim. Hydraulic Mnehlno Tested ulthit Pressure of n Million I'ouniH. ST. LOUIS , Mo. , May 21. Some in teresting experiments were made at the Washington university yesterday with an hydraulic testing machine , the larg est in the world , capable of exerting ; the enormous pressure of a million pounds. Hugo timbers , such as are used as pillars in largo commercial buildings , wcro crushed not broken lengthwise. The almost resistless force of the machine can hardly bo appreciated. A piece of timber capable of sustaining 8,000 persons was crushed llko an egg shell when jjlaced In the machine. The best brick piers two feet squarocolnmns of granite a foot square and sandstone three feet square are ground to powder with the greatest case. The machine was designed by Prof. J. B. Johnson , who occupies the chair of consulting engineer of the university , and for the purpose of pursuing inves tigations being made by the government of the strength of commercial woods grown in the United States. The specimens crushed yesterday will form a part of an exhibit noiv at 'tho World's fair. XUEOUOUB I1WM.IS WILL AT.II * . The Dinioulty Over tno Muglcnl Director ship of the r.ilr Settled. CHICAGO , 111. , May 24. The Theodore Thomas question may bo considered practically settled , and as n result Mr. Thomas will remain in charge of his de partment with his powers' of control slightly curtailed to satisfy the members of the Jiational commission who wcro clamoring lor his dismissal. The result was arrived at at a stormy meeting of the boar'd of reference and control , held last evening. Commissioner St. Cluir offered a reso lution which in effect provided that it be reported that Theodore Thomas is under the direction and control of Di rector General Davis , just as Mr. Davis is under the authority of the commis sion , and the council of administration was by it instructed to look after and fully protect the rights of exhibitors. This will settle the matter temporarily at least. J1E UK.II THE JJAXDIT8. American Ilnllrontl Man In Mexico Snvoi Himself from Ilobbcrs. NKGIIAS , Mox. , May 24. A telegram received at the general olliccs of tlio Mexican International railway hero gives an account of a desperate encounter between B. I3akor , the Ameri can station agent at Gabriel , and Tomas Maruje , 11 prominent ranchman and bandit , with his mo/.o. Mr. Baker was out on horseback and was fired at seven times by the two bandits and wounded in the arm. Just then a section foreman came along. As the foreman approached preached Marnjo and his pal made off. The local authorities immediately or ganized a posse and captured the bandit , who will probably die from the cll'ects of injuries received at the hands of the intrepid American , who beat him over the head with a saber CnmlldHte8 Tor the Derby. Nnw YOHIC , May 24. The American derby at Chicago next month is going to bo a great horse race , if the work of the various candidates in the vicinity of Now York is to bo considered. At Shcopshcad Bay the Morrjs representa tive , Rainbow , by Longfellow , with Fred Littlelleld , worked a mile and a half in 2:305 : , having fully 120 pounds up. The time of the first mile was 1:4 : ; ) } , the mile and n quarter 2:091 : and the mile and three furlongs 2:2i. : ; This compares favorably with any public trial by a Il-ycar- old. The Onok stables candidate , G. W. Johnson , worked with Sir Wal ter a mlle nnd a quarter in 2:11 : } , and the former was easily llrst at the finish. Hampo , Gideon & Daley's colt that will bear the stable in the $00,000 race , has made n mlle and a half in 2:41 : and is ready to go much faster when called upon Norinnnnln 1'anirngfir After Dunmgca. NKW Youic , May21. The first sut for damages against the Ilamburi American Packet compan was I.egun in the United States circuit court yes terday by Judge Heers of Bridgeport. Ho sues for $10,000 damages. Judge Beers was a passenger on the pest-luden Normannla last September , A number of witnesses testified today. They all said they were induced to take passage on the steamer by misrepresentation on the part of the packet company , whoso agents assured them that the Normunnia would carry no stcorugo passengers , while she was crowded with them. The attorneys of the famous Iron Hall as sociation which , it will ho remembered , as sured members they need not die to hit the combination , propose aplun of reorganization to take the affairs of thu association out of the courts and the slough of bankruptcy. Tlio plan of reorganization suggested Is : Anew now supreme betting and now onlcers throughout ; provision for preservation and application of the fuuds of the order , and some plan for the payment of matured cer- otlllcatcs , B _ _ _ _ Among the workers at the Harvard col- U'KO observatory who have shown special bclcntltlo ability Is Miss Maury. She is a granddaughter of the Lieutenant Maury whoso meteorological and other scientific work has been of luiuieuso vuluo to seamen on the Atlantic , and a nleco of Dr. Henry Draper , lleforo beginning her work at Cam bridge she \ \ & graduated at Yassar. CARLISLE ON THE TARIFF What the Democrats Propose to Do in Fulfill ing the Platform Promise. AGAINST PROTECTION AS A PRINCIPLE Kxprcuslon * of tlio Secretory of tlio Trent- iiry Upon the Suliect | H'lilch Mny Inill- cate tlio Policy to IIo I'ltrfnoil by tlio Ailinlnlntrnllon. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 24. Mr. Carlisle has given no recent intimation as : to his purpose with regard to the ad ministration tariff bill , which , there can bo no doubt , Is in course of prcparatl on. But ] Mr. Carlisle has been so long in public life that ho has left on many pages 1 of the Congressional Record and in many published utterances his opinions as to what a tariff bill should bo. T ho ait time ! has como when , if Mr. Carlisle is to bo allowed any independence of thought or action in tlio management of the Treasury department , ho will bo give n an opportunity to formulate In a bill , which Is to be called the administration bill , the theories which ho has so fre quently expressed regarding the tariff. Probably the most precise and definite statement of Mr. Carlisle's personal views upon the the tariff , irrespective of any notions of party expediency , were these which ho announced when ho was last a candidate for speaker. That was at a time when there was a very sharp division in the democratic ranks upon this subject , and when the inlluonco of Mr. , Randall was a1 important element in the democratic politics of tlio house of representatives. There was then a very strong protection faction in the democratic party in the bouse. There was talk then , as thcrowlll bo when con gress shall again convene , of the neces sity of a compromise between the two wings of the democratic party upon the tariff question. The qucstion'thon was how to reduce rather than bow to in crease taxation. Mr. Carlisle's southern friends were exceedingly anxious that there should bo reductions In certain classes of In ternal reveuus taxation , and they were not satisfied that ho had not , as they maintained , kept his pledge made in the preceding congress to recognize ono of their number to move to reduce the tax upon tobacco and fruit brandy. Tboro had been some angry correspondence be tween the southern "democrats and Mr. Carlisle , in which the latter was charged , over the signatures of eminent democrats , with n breach of faith. These southern democrats were not ready then to sacrifice the interest of their section in order that any faction in the democratic party should attempt to put in practice its favorite hobby as to frco trade. It was at this time that Mr. Carlisle laid down bis personal views as to tariff legislation in these words : "I do not recognize a principle that would impose a duty above the revenue point merely for the purpose of giving what is called protection. If wo were called upon now for the first time to de clare a principle or inaugurate a policy upon the subject I should not hesitate to announce my adherence to that creed which demands the largest liberty in * trade ; that doctrine which opens the channels of commerce in all parts of the world and invites the producer and con sumer to moot upon equal terms in free markets for the exchange of their com modities , for I sincerely believe that all commercial restrictions are , in the ona , injurious to the interests of tlio people. " There is no reason to doubt that these are the present opinions of the secretary of the treasury , or that if ho can i.avo his own way bo will give no approval tea a tariff bill which shall not bo framed upon the lines of this statement , inso far as the condition of the treasury will permit of such sweeping reductions. It is not a fact that the president has definitely decided to recommend to con gress the passage of a law to impose an income tax. Nor is it a fact that the subject has yet been con sidered in the cabinet. Members of the cabinet at all events are the authority for the statement that the president has never called the attention of the cabinet to this question. But there is one member of the cabinet who has privately expressed the opinion that the president would ultimately como to such a decision. It is possible that the story that the president has decided to recommend an income tax grows out of the expression of this belief by ono of his constitutional advisors. It has been learned , however , that the president has been considering the subject of an in come tax , oven to the extent of reading the debates in the British Parliament on the subject , as ono of the subjects to bo considered In connection with the financial schemes ho has in .view. Iron Hull Itnnrglnzutlmi Doluajml. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , May 24 Nearly 2,1120 members of the old supreme sitting of the Order of the Iron Hall met hero in response to a call sent out by Supreme Accountant Walker. It was giovn out that the officials would attempt to formulate a plan for a complete reorgan ization on lines that would bo acceptable to the court. The object of the sitting is to inako another attempt to get the courts to turn over the funds , something less than $2,000,000 , to the otllccrs , who would then go ahead with the reorganization. This object is apparently balked by a supplemental complaint tiled in the court yesterday by these who were Instrumental in throwing the society into the hands of a receiver. This complaint gives an - exhaustive haustive showing of the funds and the condition of the order in the dilTorcnt states , and alleges hopeless insolvency. This action took the ofllcora completely by surprise , and they nave delayed taking any action looking to reorganiza tion. llonnctt Hilt ! The lluralil. NlJW YOKK , May 2 * . TJio No. , York Herald , in a leading editorial today , says that legal proceedings for libel will bo taken against Router's agency for cabling to Kuropo that the Herald waste to be turned into a stock company with a capital of $2,000,000 unless the agency categorically denies the report and prints in substance the Herald's edi torial. The editorial alleges mallco in placing the purchase price at so low a figure us $2,000,000 , and bays in effect that the name of Mr. Ben nett was removed from the editorial page simply because ho thought its further retention tboro was unnecessary ; that tlio names of three leading beads of departments were left there , us the pro prietor desired "credit to bo given wboro credit is duo , " and that the plan ho basin contemplation places every em ploye whore ho will receive his just share. Whip Triut. KALAMAZOO , Mich. , May 21. The Warron-Feathorbono whip factory at Three Oaks has been bold y > an English syndicate. The sumo syndicate has options on thirty-two other whip factor- lea in Webtficld , Muss. , and a dozen moro nt WolWrllle , O. They Intend to buy all the fmflorles In the country nnd control the entire whip output. DOINGS , D. Clem l > eaTer , K. P. Loavonworth and C. Vatidcrsoo have been elected by local assembly f)141 as teachers from that organl/mion to tlio school soon to bo established by district assembly ISO. In accordance with the scheme of the district assembly to establish a school to advance members in the science of government nml on economic questions , four instructors were elected to meet with similar men from other nasomblies next Monday for organisation. W. A. J. Goodwin , M. Nelson , Thomas Holiday and W. Simmons were chosen to fill these positions. The latter two are colored men and by their election the knights claim to show that the color line Is not drawn in any of their organizations. Sixteen now members were Initiated at this mooting , making a total of sixty members taken In during ono month. Whllo formerly the clerks of the city were unorganized , two such associations have now sprung into existence at onco. Ono of thorn Is under the protecting wing of the American Federation of Labor. Tlio latter maintain that the federation in this particular was actu ated by selfish motives and jealousy ; that In doing so they have exhibited the same Intolerable spirit which has all along prevailed toward the knights , and which is not inclined to further the interests of organized laboring - ing classes to any degree. Meetings of the dorks have been bold under thu auspices of both principal labor organizations and applications for charters wcro made to the head institu tions. Saturday the charter for the Retail C orks association under the Federation arrived and a meeting was called for "Wednesday evening , in tlio Patterson block. Yesterday the charter of the Omaha Clerks assembly , organ ized by Knights of Labor , arrived from Philadelphia and the latter has also called a mooting for the same date at their hall on South Fourteenth street. At present each Is endeavoring to out strip the other in membership numbers. RAILROADS IN POLITICS. Not .Much Prospect of u Harmonious Tarty , Hut It Miiy Control. Tutor Ocean : The attempt to organize into ono political party the farmers and the laborers who consume the farmers' products was not consistent with the idea of self-preservation , but it had a certain success because it was an attempt to array the poor against those wbo were supposed to bo bettor off in this world's goods. The talk about organizing a rail way party in politics may appear to bo founded in consistency , on the ground that tlio interests of the railway em ploye , the railway olllclal and tbe rail way stockholder are the same as against the rest of the world that patronizes tbe railroad. But the history of railroad strikes shows very plainly that the employes and the stockholders do not stand to gether , but fur enough apart to regard each other with the suspicion of a readi ness to take eyerjr advantage. In the present relation of capital and labor tboro is not anucb prospect of a bar- monious railway party , though tboro may bo enough men interested in rail ways , as stockholders and employes , to control all elections. Mr. Harry P. Kob- Inson , of tbe Railway Ago and North western Railroader , has contributed to the North American Review a very in teresting article on this subject , in which ho shows that there are 800,000 voters in tlio immediate employ of the railroads of'this country , and about a million and a'ouarter of men who are shareholders in these railroads. Going into the trades and industries im mediately depending upon the railroads for support ho finds moro than a million more of men , or , all told , about 3,000,000 voters whoso interests should induce them to stand together to protect tlio railways from legislation that would curtail their earning capacity. It may be that those . ' 1,000,000 men have a com mon interest , but if Mr. Robinson can convince thorn of it ho will bo able to use it to better purpo&a in preventing strikes than in organizing a new political party. Mr. Robinson , however , presents some very interesting figures in bis article. Ho reviews the history of the Railway Employes club in the northwest , which is credited with inllucncing recent elec tions in Minnesota , Iowa , Nebraska , Missouri and Texas. It is no doubt true that the railway men helped to defeat the republican party in Iowa two years ago , and that they have taken some part in politics in several states , but it is also true that tbe stockholders of these roads live in the east , where there was no op portunity for placing the two interests in the same road cither together or agnin&t each other in an election. Mr. Robinson she vs that the railway interests in capital are greater than any other Interest in the country. "Tho capital engaged in banking is but a trlllo beside It , " said Prof. Iliidley. "The world's stock of money of every kind gold , silver , and paper would purchase only one-third of tlio railroads. " The capitalization and bonded debt of the railways of the United States at the beginning of ISOIlnvas about $11,500,000- 000. The grosH earnings of the railways of the United States in 1891 were about $2,000,000,000 , or six times as largo us the entire annual revenue of tlio United States government. Of the ninety separate companies operating railroads in Iowa. Minnesota , the two DakotuH , Wisconsin , Nebraska and Kansas only fifteen have earned dividends. In 1888 thoio was $2,500,000,000 , of railway stock unproductive of dividends. In 188 ! ) there was $2,021,497,0112 of unproductive stock , nnd in 181K ) this stock had in creased to 2,811,520,552. , In 1888 the unproductivebtiilwuy stock was 01.07 per con ' of all the railway stock in tho'country ' , and in 18)0 ! ) it was OIJ.70 per cent. This would indicate that only HO per cent of the stock of railways in the country was earning dividend' In the year 181M ) . In the states of Kansas. Missouri , Arkansas and Colorado 72.00 pur cent of nil railroad stock is unpro ductive , In Oregon , Washington , Idaho , California , Utah and Nevada 8I1.64 per cent Is unproductive. In Texas OU.U'J per cent is unproductive. Mr Robinson takes another way of showing the hardships of the railroads in the west. West of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers ho shows that fil,2 ( J miles of railroad with a capital stock of $ li20,5ir,025 : ' ; earned only $501,410 above operating expenses in 1881) ) , or 1-25 of 1 per cent for tbe stockhold orn. With four times as many miles of road the not earnings on thesa western lines were less than one-third of the not earnings of the group of lines in the two Virginias and two Carolnag. ! In the year 1801 receivers were ap pointed for twenty-six companies in the United States representing $84,17U.OOO of capital , and twenty-one companies with a capitalization of $180,000,000 were sold under foreclosure. These figures show thatwhile railroad managers may make Individual fortunes , the railroad stock- holders urs not getting much return from the money invested , but the mil- lennlum will not bo far off when the rail- road employes and the railroad mana gers and btockholdoru go into politics as ono party to vote the eumo ticket , MIGHTY NEAR TO A PANIC New York's Money Center Shaken by an Unexpected Upheaval , BANKS TRAVELING CLOSE TO THE HEARSE Uncnsr reding In Wnll Street Itntiltlnc from Iho rnltnrvi Tlmt llnvo l.ntrly Oc curred Uonnrrvjtilvo Institution ! llnvo Much IVortlilou 1'npcr , CHICAGO , 111. , May 24--Tho Trlbuuo has the following from Now York on the financial situation : The suspension of the National Hank of Deposit , the fail ure of a house which has boon prominent In the toy tratlo with liabilities nt SHOO- , 000 , and iho attachments that have been issued against the Domestic Sowing Machine company indlcnto thr.tsomoof the reports which prevailed In Wall strool last week were not without foundation. These troubles , it is bo- llovcd bore , are only the beginning of a scries of financial embarrassments which will bo made public one after another , and will probably last all summer. They will not como of a sudden proba bly , although some of the bankers are a little apprehensive that panicky conditions may prevail after the govern ment's llscnl year begins in Juno. Hut the bent of opinion is that they will simply indicate the stringency of time ? , the depression of business , and the im possibility of procuring discounts with which to carry on business. Some of our largo banks have already been quite severely hit within the last two weeks. They are institutions which are man aged with exceeding euro , and there Is no likelihood that any of them will be come embarrassed , as was the National Bank of Deposit. There are two , and perhaps three , which have loaned largo amounts of money to institutions which have failed , and if it should happen that any ono of those was supposed to bo financially embarrassed , the report would certainly cre ate a panic. They carried 81,500,000 of Cordatro paper , and although they seem to think their loans will bo paid , yet the fact that they have such dis credit paper among their assets tends to make all bankers careful and suspicious. Ono of those banks Is reported to bo carrying $100,000 of the paper of the Domestic Sowing Machine company , and although that corporation insists that it is solvent nnd will meet every obligation as boon as it is due. yet the fact that a banking institution hero has scon fit to levy attachments upon the property of the company has , of course , seriously shattered its credit. Then homo of these banks had the paper of Ivcs , Blakcly & Williams , which failed yesterday , ono of them for nearly $40,000 and the other for nearly $ ; tO,000. The items would bo comparatively trivial as far as banks are concerned were it not for the fact that this makes the third time in the course of two days that they have been discovered to bo traveling close to the hcarbo. as the ex pression is in Wall street , and the ques tion is asked whether , if institutions as ably managed as those have been caught in tnis way , how many others of smaller consequence have been unfortunate. A financier who has been in Washing ton for a day or two and has seen Mr. Cleveland , and I think Mr. Carlisle , brings word hero that both the urosl- dcnt and hfa secretary of the treasury now bcem to understand that it would bo unwise to pass any tarilT law until the policy of the government in respect to silver is determined. A MODOC POCAHONTAS. Jlovr the D.iiichtor of an Indian Chief Ito friended the White * . Over fifty years njro there was born in that desolate region of southern Oregon , now known as the Lava Beds , an India girl , the daughter of So Cot , a Modoc chief , says the San Francisco Examiner , Among the white men who had pene trated into the Modoo country a few years later in search for gold was a young Kentuckian named Frank Kiddle. The beauty of the Indian girl had its effect on the white man. whoso qualities were pleasing to the chief , and after thu usual ceremonies incidental to an India marriage Wi-ne-ma and her white hus band bet up their own lodge. It was this marriage that strengthened the re gard hold for her white friends , and ever after she remained loyal to the race to which her husband belonged. The discovery of gold in the Klamath region drew many adventurers to that field , with the usual portion of the lawless element. In 18.)1 some emigrants who had been very aggressive toward the .lodocs . were put to death by the Indians , and the fol lowing year a band of whites loft Yroka to punish the savages for the act. The avengers were led by Bou White , an old mountaineerwho had hunted and fought Indians with Kit Carson ; .Tim Uoekwith , John Scott and Jim Bridger. After a long elmbo through the rough country , which was not productive of good re sults , the chiefs were invited to meet tlio whites and make a treaty. This they agreed to do , nnd the warring parties went into camp near each other on Lost river , the Indians outnumbering tlio white men by three to ono. Karly on the morning of the conference a young Modoc bquaw , breathless , her clothing torn and her feet bleeding , came into the Wright camp and asked to BCO tlio leader. Her errand was to warn the invaders against treachery. The night before she learned at the council lire that her people intended to Hiirround the white men during the con ference nnd put them to death. Wright nnd his men mot cunning with cunning. They wont into ambush near the place of conference and when the unsuspecting Modoos foil into the trap but two c&capcd from the blaughtor that ensued. This affair IH known in the history of north ern California as the Bon Wright mas sacre. The bquaw who convoyed iho timely warning to her white friends was Wl-no-mn , the wife of Frank Riddle. This fact was never found out by her people , elbe hoi1 life would have been forfeited. Twenty-one years passed. The Modocs were confined by the government to a reservation and treaties made with thorn which wcro repeatedly broken. The tribe were the prey of post traders , con tractors and of almost every white man who came in contact with them. The only ono of the hated white race in whom they had confidence wa < j the late Judge Elijah Stoele. To this man they went for counsel and advice , but in the lapse of time they oven contemplated taking his life , and in the Indian mode of reasoning the death of a single whlto man erases the wrongs perpetrated by many. Sullen at first under their in juries , the Modocs were awakened to fury and declared vengeance on their oppressors. The memory of the Wright atlttir was kept keen by the older men of the tribe , and after a council of the chiefs the whites wcro apprised that war was uthand. Shortly after hostlliticH began the government appointed apcuco commission to confer with the rebellious redskins and endeavor to muko peace. In the meantime Riddle and other squaw men on tlio reservation used their inllu- cnco toward a settlement of the difficulty , but to no effect. The turbulent warriors led by Captaiu Jack were bent on a slaughter. When the pence commissioners arrived on the ground the Indians refused to treat with thorn. They did. however , finally agree to surrender to Judge Steele nnd two other mon of that region and arranged to give up their arms the following day when Steele and his companions wen to the agreed place of surrender not an Indian was in sight , nnd they returned to the military camp. Steele then agreed to go nlono and Interview the war chief. That night Steele went through an ox- pericnco few men have ondurcd. While talking to him in pacific terms , in the Chinook jargon , they were discussing In their own tongue the advisability of murdering their visitor. Stoclo under stood suflleiontly their language to com prehend his danger , but did not betray hit knowledge. The chiefs finally de cided to spare his life on condition of his bringing the commissioners and com manding olllcors of the troops to confer with them. Hut for the efforts of the bravo squaw , Wl-no-mn , war would have broken out long before. Many times Him took the weapons from the hands of war riors bent on the destruction of bottlers in the region , and it was she who warned the officers of the army of the trouble browing. Her influence with her pcoplo began to wane as their rage against the whites increased. Colonel Mcacham , who was in com mand of the military post , wits u huumiio man and did all in his power to right the wrongs of his dusky wards. This man Wl-no-mn revered , and when the second peace commission was appointed did all in her power to prevent him from attending the council with the chiefs. She grasped his horseby the bridle , begging A aelmm ami C'anbv not to meet Jack and his band , when she found entreaty was in vain the devoted woman mounted her pony and rode with the lllfatcd party to the plnco of meet ing. The story of that meeting has been told many times. When Mcacham was attacked by the bloodthirsty Scon- chin , Wi-nc-niu throw herself on the savage and begged him to spare the life of her white friend. Others coming up. Wi-ne-mu ran from warrior to warrior , turning aside their weapons. At last ono of many bullets struck Mcnchnm senseless , and the quickwitted squaw turned aside the weapon aimed to finish his life , with the words "Him dead ! No use shoot ! " Scoiiehin tried to scalp Meachtun , when Wi-ne-ma grasped the knife. The en raged buck struck her a terrible blow , almost knocking her senseless. Again tee wit of the woman came into play. "The soldiers are coming up , " she cried , and the next moment a detach ment of troops did appear. For weeks the noble squaw nursed her friend Mcacham , and at last , a cripple for life , and broken in health , she got him to his wife and family. Wi-no-nui's only child , a son , died of consumption long after , and in a few yours her hus band followed. Colonel Moaclmm , in gratitude for the solf-sacrillco and dovo. tion of the little woman chief , used hi limited means to help the condition o' her pcoplo , with the usual results' Mcacham has been dead eleven years and since that time his Indian friend has suffered hardships she should not have been called upon to endure. It was his desire that Wi-ne-mii should bo pro vided for in her old ago , and through the contributions of those who knew her btory the little woman chief is passing the declining years of her life in comfort in the country of her birth. A RAVING LION" . How ii Woman Took n I.Ion fornNewIouml- lind Dog and Drove Illtn OT. ( New York World : When the Barn'um & Bailey circus left its winter quarters hero in 'March for Madison Square gar den , several animals were left behind. Some of these were forwarded as fast as their golden cages wore completed , but a Numidian lion , an ibex and a few gray- hounds remained. Last week the lion began to show signs of going mad. The keepers did not know what ailed him and called in Dr. McLollnn , a veterinary surgeon. Some quieting drugs wcro given to the king of beasts with his noonday meal , but the result was satisfactory only so far as bis hind legs were concerned They became paralyzed. The lion roared and dashed against the iron bars of lus cage , always dragging his hind legs about. Ho became moro and moro furi ous. IIo reached out and struck at bis keepers. They tried to got water into his den , but the beast dashed the iron pails aside and roared and howled so in cessantly that yesterday afternoon it was decided to kill him. Dr. McLellan thought the best way to kill the lion would bo to shoot him , and lie scoured u revolver from Chief of Po lice John Rylands for that purpose. Chief Rylands accompanied the doctor , and the keepers looked on , ex pecting to see the lion drop dead at ( ho lirst shot. McLellan fired twice , but the shots only added to the lion'ti frenzy , lie flew at tlio iron bars with such tor- ride force that they bent outwards and the lion became wedged between the twisted bars. Dr. McLellan than run away. The keepers seized the long iron prods used for poking meat into the den and tried to drive the lion back , but ho was wedged too firmly to retreat. Chief Ry- lands picked up the revolver , walked up to the roaring lion , aimed at his eyes and fired three shots in quick succession. That ended the career of the lion. During this excitement the ibex be gan to diiHh Itself against the Hides of its cage. It , too , had boon doctored , be cause it had exhibited signs of madness. Mr. Bailey had ordered it killed in case it did not grow better. Chief Ilylands reloaded his revolver and fired twice , but the ibex fought hard for its life and the shots only drove it into a frenzy. A rope was thrown over its horns and when its head was drawn down the keep ers despatched it with an axe. The hides of both were sent today to the Smithson ian institution at Washington. The lion was ono of a litter of cubs born in captivity when the winter quar ters wcro first established hero. Its brother was the lion that os-caped when the old wooden winter quarters burned several years ago , and ran into the cow house of Mrs. Christiana fJilligan , That good woman happened to go out to feed her cow and found the lion snuggled up beside it. She mistook llio king of beasts for a Newfoundland dog and whacked him with an old lioo handle until he roared with pain and ran away. Mrs. Gllligun's heroism at once made her famous. The third lion of the same litter Is still with the circus. IIll Nil Hid Um A younn spark , notorious for his conceit , was boasting in the prrsenco of several Kciitlomen about tlio conquests ho hud gained over the female Heart , "Look , " said hoj "hero's a handsome present I had from my last Inamorata , " nt the same time handing round a beautiful clu'ar case. All admired the article , which had an In dorsement of its quality stamped u | > on it. "Very nice gift. " remarked ono of the company. "I perceive your Judy love even had your name put on the case " "Well , that'a quccj. " answered the boaster ; "I never noticed it. " "Look attain , " rejoined the candid ono. "The case is Ulstim-tly marked'real calf.1" No 1'euor , Fritz Hufnaglo is a professional grave- dlfe'gcr , who dt not always j > ay hla dehts promptly , OHO dity whllo ho was hard at MorkUiKgniK down about five feet into the bowels of the plunet ho perceived a dark ; between himself nnd the sun. lx IIIR up ho perceived hU Inmllord. "Vat's' ' madder nowl" " ' 1'yo Just dropped around- } see about Imt month's rent. " "Mine ( Jotv , exclaimed the unfortunate man , protrud his hend from the hole In the ground , nmn has no peace ovcu dot eravo in. Yd goontryl vnt a peoples 1" Hod 111 * I.CMOII , ? i "If that man's watch bad run down at only needed winding , " sMd the npprcntl why didn't you wind It nnd hand It hack' hltut"i "You are no judge of human nature , i. " boy , " said the old Jnwelor , "If 1 hnd dtv that I would have- lost hi * trndo forever. " ! And ho nut n dollar tag on It nnd hunp. up lu his window. r Stnrtlnl tlm Sniui | > rii. Kato Field's Wnshiniton : Ono of the I fleers of the I'lnta was found eonvulsed wit Inughtcr the other day , statuihiK bcforo shop In Fourteenth street , Now Yoi "U hat's the matter t" asked n friend , vti , fenroll thu young Spaniard had been su denly deprived of his senses. "Ix > ok ! IxoVJ ) gasped the son of Ibcrln , "they've uamoo : now kind of eorsot after the Infanta 1" f Opposed to Itcliirin. llrowuo Wiint became of Sllcko. i famous robber , who was recently pnnionC- Smylo't They sny hu has reformed , burt don't hcllovo it. ' ; llrowno U'lty uotf Smylcs Hoeauso ho Is to run a hotel ! the Catskllls this summer. Driving the Brain at the expense of the Body. While \vc drive the brain we must build up the body. Ex ercise , pure air foods that make healthy flesh refreshing' sleep such are methods. Wlicnj loss of flesh , strength and nerve become apparent your physician will doubtless tell you that the quickest builder of all three is $ ' Scott's Emulsion I of Cod Liver Oil , which not onlj. ' creates flesh of and in itself , butf. stimulates the appetite for othci\ \ foods. Prepared br Bcotl 4 nowno. N Y. All clrueel't * . . Are tho33 igrnoraa ! ; protanlars without any qualifications , imy ability any oporienco , any skill , claim v , possess the power to euro all the ilia 61 ho human raca. Bub thair want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would- dupes , and these consclon&e * Icssquacks ara sooa consigned oblivion they BO richly merit. In stranga and strong these miserable boasters is the dignified yet courteous demeanor oi hose noted loadora of their profession Who , during the pa3t 27 year s , ho abundantly demonstrated their abilitj to effect speedy , perfect and porraanen cures in all the worst forms of thouo delicate icato sexual maladies embraced withii the general terms of i NERVOUS , GHROH1& AND PRIVATE DISEASES , Bond 4 cents for their illustrated no' ' , book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself./ i Consultation froo. Call upon or aj dross , with stamp , & 119 S , 14th streal Cor. Douglaa St' , OMAHA. - NEB. The Greatest on Sea and Land Jo nd -i-ccnt IDStllKO tump 'or n .00 jingo COOK BOOK. FREE. rlcos < tvr , Kuro itimptunus tales every lay. See your lenlor. Ask for prices no other. MILW ROOHS It 8011 , ABU. , Omaha , ( MaaBtlnMfg. | Co. . St. Loulsfl OOOQOOCM A Clock out of < ( order shows it on the ( I face. When the hu-l | man machine goes ( I wrong , the physiogno-l 'my ' tells tales , If you I 'do ' not look well , take ! Beecham's /Worth Pills I a Guinea ) \a Uot. A M 5 centt a box OCKDCTOQOOOO ' O