THl" OMAHA DAILY BKR : TITURSD'A MAY 25. tSftHWEEVB VAOES * MISSING AFTER AKTIETAM , 8an FrantltM Kramliur. Tlicy had lived toRothor a long Uruo tor so muny years tlmt the somlmr shml- of old ngo had become fnmlllflr nnd [ 'no longer rjavo tliom concern. Without chlldrcn , thn.t pathollc resignation of old pk'B to nwnlt patiently the day when Ihoy would go forth Into the unknown , I leaving no cnrcd-for fnco bohlnd , had K'tnkcn iKwsc. 8lon of them. Both rccog- il tlmt wlmtovor llfo hnd to glvo had boon received. Whenever thov sat to- I Aether and watched the declining sun { this feeling of incompleteness of the 5 loneliness of Hfo would become ttnbcnr- [ able. It in then , In the quiet of thodying [ day , that the thought of death and bcp- [ .aration ia strongest n thought that Itacnnt for them thegdinpof the survivor j through the rcmnlnlnp yearw of Hfo I alone. Sometlmca on such occasions the eyes [ of the wife would grow dim with tears , ftnd her volco would tremble until the f ausbdiitl placed his hand on hers nnd I Rontl v prcsecd it. Once Into tholr household - hold had boon born a son. It had boon 'years ' ngo , but it is hard for women to Vorget the touch of their only born. tWhen women think of such things men [ ican only Hympnthi/o in uilcncc , nnd the , hu liiiil ) ( nt such times would pot her us ho hnd done years ago , until the mother- fjlonglng passed away. Even to him , | vthough , it seemed cruel Unit the child jBhouid have died almost before it could ' , Jisp. Yet they never spoke of it. Their .lives hud flowed so long in the same L channel that it was not necessary for L'lhc'm to speak to cnch other much. It iytna ns if they know and felt each other's [ thoughts and feelings without cmploy- ; 'lng the medium of thought. 1 Bosldeu , John Cunfleld had never been piven much to words. Even when ho had come as a suitor for her hand when Bho was.pretty Jcnnlo Mayhow ho hnd been content to lot others do the talking. Ho had hnd very Httlo to say for him- | t Bolf in those days , and n man who docs not grow loquacious when first In love will hardly do it afterwards. Despite this , though , there was something about him thnt attracted men and mndo them bis friends. It was during the closing years of the r\var that ho first mot Jennie. He had i ( drifted Into the little farming C9mmunity , i In Illinois where she lived a man of HOer or moro , from his appearance weak nnd ' ' sickly , with all the signs about him of the soldier who hnd just been dischnrgcd : ' for that indefinite something thnt army il Burgeons were wont to term "general I debility. " There were so many such [ i men in those days thnt oven inquisitive if gosshi lost interest in them. They wcro I merely men falling from the ranks to 1 find in the ways of peace some oppor- I tmilty to return to the old life before " they mid followed a drum. At first no ono hnd cared to nsk Caii- [ Cold of his previous life , and after a year Or two hud passed he hnd become so com- ; i Jiletoly ono of the community thnt any curiosity ho might have excited by his j1- arrival nnd died away. Personally ho ftovor seemed to think himself of sufll- cicnt importance to obtrude his in flividuality on the public. It was under these conditions that ho came as a lever to Jcnnio Mayhow a year or moro after Jiis arrival. The courtship was too pleasant to waste it in thinking of the past. Like nil lovers they spent it in picturing out the pleasures ol the future. From the first ho had never seemed Jiko n Rtranger , and when ho asked her for her hand she hnd grown to love and trust him , and never thought of asking Jilm of his past lifo. IIo wus superior to piost men mentally , and his deportment ijind bearing donated the gentleman. ' After a few years of married lifo his wife's father died , and then her mother , leaving her without kith or kin , snvo juusbnnd and child. Then the child sickened and died. After that the old scenes grew dis t tasteful , nnd , soiling the farm she had , Inherited , hand in hand they had bidden the three graves in the Httlo church yard goodby and went westward atoms in that restless stream of humanity that for three centuries hnd ever been facing pie sunset land across American prairie find mountain. It was not strange that ; ns the years wont on they grow vary jiear to each other. Where friends are Jew homo ties arc strongest. Brothers fnay strangle each other in palaces , but tiovor in the tents of the Ishnmolitc. ] Always westward. Moro than once ' , lhoy had decided to innko their abiding place a permanent ono , but the old rest lessness would corno again on the hits- .band and again they would chnnge. It Jvas as if ho were over looking for bome- > ' thing ho know not what. It was not kthat thirst for wnalth that makes wan- n.florcrs of soauany men. For money ho reared but little , so long as they hnd siif- Colon t to satisfy their mbderato wants. [ { Hud it been his desire ha might ha\o ] .easily become a wealthy man on moro , ill ) nn ono occasion. It was this spirit of .unrost that Brought them Into the valley of the Verde , for they were both too old tocnro Buy longer for the excitement of Hfo in II fa community juat beginning to bo hot- { tied. Still , both seemed to liavo many < years of lifo before them , until ono day Canllold was brought homo carried Hko I' n log by neighbors who had found bin : in the road , whore his horse had fulle and thrown him. The grlof of the wife , Was pitiable , and through the long hours that followed while the surgeon was en deavoring to bring consciousness bucli to the injured man she never loft hit bedside. From the scant encouragement of the doctor she felt that the parting she hue eo long dreaded was at last at hand , am' Bho was unwilling to lose a second of the few hours that remained before the end came. It was hor'torror that ho mightdio without ono word of recognition. She had nlmont become reconciled to his death , if ha could only iipeak again Hko his old bolf nnd bid her goodby. When slio ppoko to the doctor of the -possibility of ' consciousness returning to the wounded man ho answered bur by slinking Ills head doubtfully it was so doubtful that lie did not dare to cxnro&s it in words. To her It boomed moro cruel thin death , that after HO many years tlioy should thus at lust part , without a word or sign to irnoh otherof the old love that .had been theirs. She had thought ivhon the Httlo arms of her only burr , had elmsg around her neck , begging tp live , that It was terrible to fool the Httlo v bunds relax , until she knuw thnt it was only a Httlo armful of pulo clay she pressed to her breast , but that was noth ing to this. Ono night , though , when the long liourn of darkness bad drugged thorn- 8olv > s past midnight into the birth of another day of watching and waiting , pud I ho light was burning low , Intensi fying the shadows of ouch corner and crovfco , she sat by the wounded mini's bedside holding his hand in hera with Closed oyi-a that she might not see his tvnndoring , bloodshot eyes gazing va cantly into the darkness , or his free Jinnd plucking , plucking at the bed- clothing , longing to close out from her lioariug the half-muttorud mounlnglotiti words of the sick man's phantasies , she foil the hand she held in hors suddenly Withdrawn , and opening her eyes Hko ono starting from sleep to see what hud occasioned it , tdio felt the blood grow fold in her veins. The wounded man bad raised himself in bod. A new color md coma Into his fnco , nnd A now light nto lilo eyes , High above hln bond waved his right hand OB if holding n tuber ready to cut down an opposing foe , ifhllo tlironuh tha sllcnco and darkness of the night rang his voice , half shriek and half cry , sounding like the call of nn enraged animal , in the single word : "Chnrgol" As suddenly na the wounded man hnd raised himself ho foil back exhausted , 'or an instant ho closed his eyes , and irhoti ho reopened thorn one could perceive - coivo that consciousness hnd returned. To the wife her heart seemed to stand still with a now hope at the sight of re turning intelligence. After all , he would know her once ngain , oho would hear 'ilm call her name , bo might live. God n his infinite mqrcy mlghtyet will It so. "Whero la the regiment ? Did wo carry the guns1' The newly-felt hope loft his wife's breast , and taking the wounded man's iand to quiet him she said gently , in a I'olco trembling with the agony of her disappointment : "Hush , my dear , you have been badly mrt. " The wounded man looked up in sur- > rlso at the term of endearment , but passing it by ns if eager to have his juostion answered , ho said : "Yes , I know it. Just as wo gotamong tholr guns ono of their borpeants hit mo on the bend nnd that was the last I know. It was right after the colonel fell. Did got the guns off ? " wakened by the voice of the wounded man the doctor , who hnd been brought from the Httlo military post in the val ley , entered the room , nnd placing his linger on lib lips cautioned the wife to bo jilont. "Yes , you got away with them all right , but you must bo qtilot ; you are badly wounded. " "Who else was hit ? I saw the colonel and Barrett , nnd Jackson nnd Rowe , " said the wounded man slowly , as if it re quired an effort to recall the names , "and a lot moro fall out of their saddles when they commenced to throw grape in among us. Wcro they killed ? " "Some we re and the rest are all right , " answered the doctor at random , "but you must be quiet , for wo want to huvo you out pretty soon. " "Thank God it is not serious then. Has any ono written to my wife and the .babies to lot them know there is no dan ger ? " "John , here I am. Don't you know mo ? " asked the wife through her tears , as she throw hor&clf at his bedside. The wounded man turned to the doc tor in surprise and said : "My name Is not John ; I am Harold Wilson , major of the Eighth Pennsylvania cavalry. Where is Surgeon McCoy of our regi ment , and why am I not in the regiment hospital ? Is it because I am a prisoner ? " The doctor shook his head and an swered resolutely : "You arc not a pris oner and you must bo quiet. " And bend ing down ho took the weeping woman by the arm and led her from the room , leaving the wounded man alone. As they went out into the open air , already freshening with the coming morning , the doctor said gently : "You must compose yourself , Mrs. Canfiold. Ho is still very low , nnd rest and quiet are all that will save him. This hallucination will pass awav if ho lives , and it will all como out right. " The woman looked at him in silence for a moment. She did not care to speak to him of the great fear that' had taken possession of her , the existence of which she could not bear to admit oven to herself. "Do you think ho will ever know mo again , doctor ? " she asked. "If ho lives I am sure ho will , but you must humor him in all his fancies , for it is _ only by doing so tlmt there Is a possl bility that ho may live. " "But may I not tell him who I am that I am his wife , doctor ? " And the unhappy woman caught him by the arm and looked into his face be seechingly , while hot' body shook with a grief that she could not control. "Do you think ho was over married before ? " No , no ; it's only the fancy of a sick man , " answered the doctor , softly , turn ing away his eyes to avoid the pleading look in the woman's eves. "But may I not toll him who I am11 bho asked again with a woman's per sistence. "No , not now. Should ho recover , you may toll him. Should the worst come I will tell you , so thnt you may try to re call the memory , " and giving some minor directions ho left , promising to return in a few hours. Aa the doctor loft the house whore the wounded man lay ho rode toward the Httlo collection of well whitewashed barracks that shel tered the garrison at Fort Verde and to which for moro than a year ho had given his sorvices. When ho reached there reveille had already sounded , and a few ollicorB hurrying hero and there told of the commencement of the day's duties. Nodding to such as ho mot , ho rode direct to the building dignified us hav ing within its walls the olllcors club rooms , as well as the few military books and pumplots that constituted the "library. " Some of the olllcors had al ready dropped in for a few minutes morning chat , and they asked him now his patient was , as in the small com munity civilians and soldiers alike were so constantly thrown together as to bo on more tliun ordinary intimate terms. To the inquiries ho answered mechan ically , as ho eagerly scanned ono row of books after another , until in. a fit oflmpationco ho swore roundly at the folly of having a library In which no ono could find what ho wanted. "Toll us what book it is , doctor , and wo will find it for you , " ventured e lieutenant. "I want the roster of the Pennsyl vaniu troops , " replied the doctor. "Well , if you are going back to study ancient history , " laughed a gray-haired captain , "thoro it is. I occasionally look over it myself , for I got my first commis sion from that state. " Too much moved by the strange occur rcnce of the night to notice their bad inugo ho returned to the roster of the Eighth regiment of cavalry. Brlolly and concisely the buttles In which it hail par ticipated were given at the top of each page , but hardly noticing them his eye sought the list of majors. "Harold Wilson , ngo7 ; mustered in April 20 , 1801 ; imistored out ; missing after An- tleUim. " Ho felt his bunds trembling eo that ho could hardly hold the book and it re quired an otfort for him to scan the list of the numos of the ofllcors that followed , recalling as ho did BO the names tlu wounded man hud mentioned. "I saw the colonel and Burrott ant ! Jackbon and Itowu and a lot moro full out of their saddles when they com menced to throw grape in among us. " Every word that the wounded man had said seemed to ring in his oars until ho could almost BOO , us if In the aiuoko am flush of buttle , the empty buddies fron which the grape had swept their rldors 'Burrott und Jackson and Howe,1 Yes , they were all there , und uftor two of the numcB the brief sentence , "killet ut Antteium , " finished the story the wounded mun had bulf told. It wus like going into the company of the deud "Yes , ho was there , " said the doctor moved beyond himself. Ho closed the roster and replaced it on the shelf. As ho turned toward the ofllcors he notice * their inquiring looks. "Tho major of the Eighth Peiinsyl vaniu cavulry has come back from ' . the dead , " he said simply and from the room. Ho hardly know which to pltv tha moro the man who md como buck from thodend after moro , han a quarter of n century to die , or , ho womnn who believed herself his vlfo. When ho returned to the wound ed mnn's bedside the womnn was sitting near holding the sleeping man's liana. When she saw the doctor she arose and came toward him , and as she did so ho noticed her eyes were heavy nnd swollen with weeping. "I know all. I believe all. IIo is lead to mo , but wo must bring back to ilm the others , " she could not steel herself - self to name the others as wife nnd chil dren. The doctor regarded her in nma/c- mcnt. "Has ho been conpclous again ? " ho asked. "Only as when you loft him , but my icnrt tolls mo that what ho has said is so. and wo must find them , " she replied. The doctor bowed his head. IIo felt that it would bo a sacrilege to have spoken. Ho looked at the wounded man. At a glance ho saw that In a short time all would bo over perhaps a day , perhaps two. The returning conscious ness was only the flicker 'of the embers | ) fore the ashes entirely covered them. The woman had returned to the bedside , and taking the man's hand between hors resumed her watch. "I will see if wo can find them , " the doctor said , and bowing he left the two alone nnd gnlloped toward the fort. At intorovals the wounded man awoke from the half-conscious , half-delirious stupor tlmt seemed to hold him. At such times ho would ask eagerly for news of the battle , of the regiment , of comrades , but most of wife nnd children and homo , nnd fretted because the women who snt by his bedside could toll him nothing. In vain she tried to soothe him into quietness. Several times ho asked if any letters had been received from his homo. Ho spoke of it so much , of a wife , a younger Hnrold and a baby Charlie , that an agony of jealousy seemed to be consuming her. She would have given her llfo to have called him back to her self , but it was as if they had never mot. Ho seemed to think that it was but yes terday that ho bad been struck down in buttle , and was surprised at his weak ness. Ho wns no longer the man of three score , but the major of 27. Once ho asked for a mirror , that bo might see how the wound had changed himbut she temporized with him until ho again passed off into one of the dozing spells that wcro becoming so frequent. Then she arose and took the mirror from the room and placed it whore ho could not see it. She would not have him sco the gray locks that hud taken the place of those that were so black when she hnd lirst kissed and potted them. But the years that ho had passed through in oblivion told against him. Strength refused to return to the shattered frame. A child might have seen that death was close. In his half-conscious moments the old lifo before she had mot him was over present. Once she heard him implore : "Remember , remember. Do not forgot me , oven though I die , " and she won dered if this other wife still remembered the dying man , as she remembered him the bright morning of long ago when , amid the blossoming of peach trees , they had been made man and wife. The day wore wearily away. In the afternoon the doctor returned. On en tering ho merely said : "I have tele graphed them. I found out the address of the colonel of the regiment from ono of our captains who served in the Penn sylvania troops. Wo should hoar from them tonight. " The woman bowed her head in resig nation. Even if ho wore lost to her , and might live , she was contont. As she sat watching the doctor , trying to read some encouragement in his eyes , ho finished his exuminntion of the patient , and gravely indicating that she should follow him Jed the way from the room. "Ho is beyond waiting for them , " ho said gently , when they had gone beyond bearing. "Ho is fast sinking and unless a change takes place cnnnot live long. You might try to recall him. It can done no harm nnd may do good. " The woman received the words in si lence , and leaving him passed into an other room , where she took from u trunk from amid a few baby clothes , faded and worn , her wedding dress. Through the years that had passed since she stood in it a bride she hud retained it ns something too sacred to bo lightly worn. She had never thought to wear it until it should bo placed around her for her burial gown. With trembling fingers und tears tlmt almost blinded her she unwrapped the treasured garment and dressed herself in It , and then she arranged her hair as she hud ar ranged it on her wedding morning long ago. Surely , she thought , it would re call the old days , but as she looked into the mirror she trembled with a hideous fear that it was useless. The gray hair , the sunken cheeks , the oycs pathetic with a lifo of sorrow , were not the features of the face of the bride ho hnd been so proud of. She could not restrain her tears at the fear of failure , and kneeling down beside the open trunk she prayed fervently that only for an in stant might ho know , that ho might speak but ono word , or oven press her bund in recognition , or thnt her life might bo ended with his ; nnd then , from nmong the baby dresses she took an old nnd faded photograph of the dead child who had once called her mother. Surely , if all else failed , ho would know that and recognize her by it. She put it into her breast , and , composing herself with a mighty effort , she wont into his room , trying to recall the smile bo had once loved so well. Aa she en tered he looked up und asked eagerly , yet faintly , if any letters had been re ceived from horne for him. As she told him none had arrived , she tried to on- couruge him by attributing- to the irregularities of the mail. The visible manner in which her reply had disap pointed him a ( Toe ted her so that she felt that she could not proceed further , but at length nerving herself , she placed the daguerreotype in his hands , saying : "I can fool how disappointed you are , for I hud a child of my own. This is bis picture. " As he took it from her trembling bund she could hardly overcome the impulse to throw herself on his breast und cull to hii" to remember hor. The thought , though , that ho could not entirely for got the child gave u now strength to her. her.Ho Ho looked nt the picture a moment enrol ossly. "It does not look like you , " ho said , closing his eyes wearily , us if desirous to be ulono with his disappointment. The wife took the photograph und placed it mechanically in her breast. She felt no longer cither grief or puin. It wns us if the failure had chilled her into insensibility. She could not cry or pray. They tried to lead her awny , but she refused to go , and they let her alono. She took no longer note of time , but sat with her eyes watching the face of the dying man. It wus only when , In the dark of evening , the doctor threw the sheet up to cover und hide the pale , set face of the dead mun that she soemnd to realize that nil was over. That evening , after the doctor had re turned to the post , and while ho- was explaining to a group of curious officers in the club how a inun might lose biu identity for years by an injury to the brain , and then recover It again through the removal of the effects of uuch injury , a tnoftsongor placed In } | ( R hands u tola * gram. Ho opened it ami1 read : "Wilson's widow remarried nftor An- tloUun. Una other children. All pros perous. " "By G-d , they got tt all In ton words , " ho said bitterly , as ho tore it up and lot the pieces flutter from his hand. JIUUKS AXIt l ' Current Topics' " for May is scarcely In the forefront in Ita troatiltbHt of vital topics , such ns The Hcfracturti'of Socml Ideas" nnd lTho Assault on Thrift , " contained In this number. The latter' particularly is weak in Its conception of the popular mind , which Is not hostile to honest thrift , but U rather combatting conditions milita ting strongly ntralnst the possibility of thrift among the masses as a class. Articles where force Is borrowed from misconstruction can ilo no good , nnd are to bo regrottcU as promoting Irritation , moro so even than if ill- rcctlv agitating violence , for while not light- ng the fuse , they lay the powder In the hunan - nan heart. Chicago. "Bearings" of last week is not only n great news organ of the world's cycling , but U is full of Interesting jots detailing episodes In cidental to dolours in out-of-the-way nnd odd corners of the globe , all told in a charm * Ing way , maklti" It nn education as well as a l > loasurc to read. Chicago. The Clothier nnd Furnisher for May chronicles the progress of dress , whether cloaks for ladles or suits for men nnd boys. It follows up the leading men In this Industry nnd tells what they arc doing in our princi pal cities. New York. Among the Interesting features in the con tents of the Nattnnnl Journalist for Mny is the publication of n fncslmlllo of the Upper Canada Gazette or American Oracle , of Thursday , April 18 , 1703 , containing n proc lamation by John Graves Simcoc , lieutenant governor , and a copy of the king's speech to both houses of Parliament , delivered December - comber 13 , 171U. Chicago. The Omahn Furnlturo Journal of April 25 Is n creditable publication devoted to the latest movements nnd styles In the furni ture line , besides furnishing a liberal supply of good miscellaneous reading. Illustrated. The Glebe Quarterly Hevlew for Mny to August Is out with Its usual contributions to high literature. "Tho Fate of Irish Leaders , " by J. G. Holy , "Huxley on Controverted Questions , " by Thomas Wha- Ion , nnd "Our Hawaiian Conspiracy" will bo found interesting. The Glebe Uovlow , Chi cago. To those who enjoy dreaming away n leis ure hour in mild excitement wo would recommend "Baron Montoz of Panama nnd Paris , " a novel by Archibald Claverlnp Gun- tcr , which ns the the title indicates treats of the excitement involved In the episode of thnt gigantic but unfortunate engineering undertaking , the building of the Panama canal. Homo Publishing company , New- York. Kichard Harding Davis' series of Medi terranean articles nppear in Harper's Weekly , published May 17. The first paper is entitled "Tho Hock of Gibraltar. " and is profusely illustrated. The same number of the Weekly contains , among other notable features , an article entltlbd" "Characteristic Sketches of the German Army , " written by nn American ofllcer and illustrated by Rem ington ; "Across the Divide , " an article on the Nicaragua canal by BW Nephew King , illustrated ; illustrations 'of the Sunday crowd in Ceicago. of the German village , and of the Swedish buildmfc at the World's fair , a view of the proposed Williams burg bridge across the East HVor , a story by Mrs. Eva Wilder McGlasson , entitled "A Kentucky Wild Flowcrand the usual va riety of valuable articles j > n subjects of cur rent interest. M" Fashion and Fancy is bright nnd pretty as usual , with its beautiful colored plates , its bright and sparkling poetry , its interesting stories , and the mass "Of Information , brightly and accurately given on such topics as "Household , " "Society Fancies. " "Enter tainments , " "Needle Work , " "On Dits" about women , "Literary Ar.t ; Gossip , " and numberless other things dear to the femmlno heart. A prize of 810 is offered by the pub lishers for the best illustration of the pooin , "An Old Man Said to a Mr id Ono Day. " Wo are in receipt of the prospectus of "A Standard Dictionary oE the English Lan guage , " which promises to eclipse all previ ous efforts hi this direction. The scope em braced in its plan is so much broader and moro comprehensive than previous efforts that it will mark a new epoch in the struct ure and reform of this greatest of all lan guages. The day has now como when moro revision of old works will not answer the demands of progressive literature and a widening out of the fundamental base is essential to prevent the cramping and ulti mate dwarfing of our mother tonguo. In undertaking this stupendous task the pub lishers have bent all their energies to one end and that to deliver to the English-read ing public a work that would i-cpresent the height of achievement in language building. The work has already been several years in preparation , and the doflnors are now on the letter T. Nearly $300,000 have already been expended among Its editors and specialists and before the work is completed the sum will reach over $500,000. The plau and scope of the work is endorsed by the most eminent philologists and etymologists as well us leading professors in our colleges. Wherever illustration can materially nid in defining words or where colors play nn im portant part the best engravers and litho graphers have been appealed to and no ex pense is spared to inako the work the acme of dictionaries. The full work will bo out early in 18'Jt. Funk & Waguals companv , New York. "A Cathedral Courtship" nnd "Penelope's English Experiences" nro two short stories told bv Kate Douglas AViggiu , both touching lifo in Albion. Houghton , Minim & Co. , Boston. "The Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Augustus , Count do Beuyowsky in Siberia , Kamchatka , Japan , the LIukiw Islands and Formosa , " from the translation of his origi nal manuscript (1741-1771) ( ) , by William Nicholson , F. H. S. , 17SK ) , edited by Captain Pasfleld Oliver , forms a rather cumbrous volume written In form of a diary and rather tedious in the main owing to a mechanical style in which the record Is written , relating a mass of irrelevant detail without light or shade without any proportion or arrange ment. A story or narrative , HUe a picture , should bo cast with n view to perspective and not bo a fiat assembly of words. To those directly interested in ascertaining cer tain facts relating to these countries direct from lirst parties the book will have value. but for reading one is apt to bo disappointed In it. MacMlllan & Co. , Now York. "Tho Art Gallery" presents a collection of ever ! SOO relief gravures of the chief works of art in the World's Columbian exposition. It is issued by theexcluslvoofllcial publisher of illustrated works rotating , to the depart ment of line nnd liberal arts , presenting In compact form so many flue. , representations of the work of the world's , greatest artists , It will bo highly appreciated for its contents and us a token by which to commemorate the fair George Barrio , Plilla'delphia. Under the title "Tho Alpha of Money , " n reply to Mr. Carnegio'f "A , B C ol Money,1' Mr. George Uccd pr' touts > n now theory , namely , that of Gaining silver freely , not In dollars , but on CJ entirely independent basts , based on weight but1 named Independ ently so us to bo u distinct standard by It- nelf , Just as gold now is. 'How ' It could re tain the nlaco as a distinct standard is , however - over , rather difilcult to cuinpruheud , as per sona selling would have tofix , a prlco In del tars , and also In the silver coin and thu ? a relationship of the two would , bo forced by experience , and naturally the silver would fluctuate to the gold even as now and leave only a nominal distinctness. George- Hoed , Coldwell , Idaho. "Am erlcan Marlrie"by William W. Bates , is the first work to furnish an elaborate and practical treatment of the shipping question in history nud politics. The writer , having been /or fifty years a student of shl | > s und navigation , and thereby be in enabled to avail htmaclfofn largo fund of Important data not found in literature or libraries , offers this work as the result of his long re search , observation and of his now mature judgment. His written In a clear , concise , plain matter of fact , business style and is rich in valuable information , and convincing in argument. In his general views the writer ia both liberal and progressive , and there ia no question but that the work Is destined to wield a largo influence lu favor of restoring the American marine to a i > osl- tiou commensurate with our development in other industries , Houghton , Mifflln Co. , Boston. f A abort poem , "The Organ. " ( Strotford-on Avon ) by WHUaiu Mntcr , Braces the open ntr rnio of The MuMp Ucvievr for Mny , vhlch Is accompanied with n supplement , 'Tho Ulght Tones of the Ancient Armenian Scrvlcey * given to the American mtulc nub- le for the first time. Clayton F. Summy , Chicago. Dr. Kitlracr , " n story of Caseo Bay. by jlara T.oulno Burnam , U a delightful tiuo of i light order abounding in pleasant chats n which the American woman Is shown to good ndvantago ns n conversationalist. Houghton , Mlflln ft Co. , Boston. The growth nnd enterprise of the now itntes on the Pacific slope Is voiced In n most impressive manner through the Pacific Banker nnd Investor , a monthly publication i3uodnt ? Portland , which ably represents Lho coast in Its relation to bankers and In vestors. The financial facts and commercial lows of this territory are nil presented In an interesting manner , supplemented with ably written articles. Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine h > ut as usual full of articles adding further fact to the record of American history. Hbcn Putnam , Salem , Mass The Providence and Stonlngton Steamship company has Just Issued a neat pamphlet treating the "Past nnd the Presenter Steam Navigation on Long Island Sound , " by Henry > \ hlttcmore. The company says that "in preparing an exhibit for the great fair which shall show by means of models anil pictures the Progress made from , the early days of lound steamboats to the present time 'they tiavo sought to supplement tholr exhibit with the present history of stoamboatlng In the sound. ' " It is a valuable trontlso both ns n historical compilation and for its pic torial accompaniment. Ono of the cheapest books of the year , considering Its size and the variety and Inter est of its contents , Is the bound volume of The Century Magazine containing the num bers from November , 181W , to April , 1893. in clusive. This volume , which has just been issued by The Century company , Now York , consists of nearly 1,000 pages richly illus trated with hundreds of line emrravings. In'the tnhlo of contents fiction holds nn important place. Hero , are more than n score of stories by Mark Twain , Thomas Bailey Aldrlch , Brander Matthews , Thomas Nelson Pace , Edward Egglestoii , Octavo Thanot , Harry Stlllwcll Edwards , Hczekiah BuUcrworth , F. Hopkinsou Smith. Grace King ( who contributes n group of "Balcony Stories" ) , and other well known writers. Among the serial stories are Mrs. Burton Harrison's "Sweet Bells Out of Tune. " with illustrations by Charles Dana Gibson : "Benefits Forgot , " by WotcottBalcstlcr.aud "Tho Cosmopolls City Club" ( com plete ) , bv Dr. Washington Gladden. Biographical papers are numerous and ex- ccedlngly Interesting. Tennyson and his early critic , "Christopher North ; " Brown ing , Whtttler , George William Curtis. Frauz Liszt , Massenet , Salnt-Sacns , Joan Francois Millet and others are the subject of these papers , the Interest of which is cnchaiicod by the portraits which accompany them. In the series on "Notablo Women" are portraits nnd biographies of Jenny Lind , Margaret Fuller and Dorothea Dix. The famous Italian tragedian Salvlni , contrioutes some interesting "Leaves" from his autobi ography , and in "Letters of Two Brothers" are given the most interesting portions of the correspondence between General Sherman and his brother , SenntorSherman.oxtending over the period of the war. Besides these a host of entertaining articles nnd beau tiful poems appear in addition to the usual departments. Cloth , $3.00. The Century Co. , Now York. Hilary A , Herbert edits a volume called , "Why the Solid South ? " which is dedicated to the business men of the north and written by fourteen prominent politicians in as many chapters with the first nud last on "Reconstruction in Alabama and Lousiana , " by the editor. The contributors or Joint authors are all United States senators or members of congress and write of recon struction in the state they represent. This makes'tho volume ono of unusual value , as each ono writes of what ho knows best , and is responsible for all statements. The book is very moderate in all things , and is prob ably the most complete history of recon struction that has ever appeared. Among the authors appear the familiar names of Vest from Missouri , Fishback of Arkansas , Stewart of Texas and Vance of North Care lina. U. H. Woodward & Co. , Baltimore. The boys , small and otherwise , will bo glad to know that Horatio Alger. Jr. , has published n now book entitled , "Facing the World , " written as all of his books are , es pecially for boys. The hero of this story by being always polite and always on the look out fornuraborono , gets ahead of his miserly old guardian in great shape nnd does not lack friends or opportunities of making his way in the world when thrown on his own resources. Porter & Coates , Philadel phia. Charles Wagner Issues a little book with a paper cover without n word or line to indi cate what is inside the volume. On exam ination it is found to bo a series of lectures to yojng pcoplo and is called , 'Youth. " The author in fine language , as translated by Ernest Uedwood. tries to en- couraco all young people to do and bo the best that they possibly can and teaches that by constant effort the standard of right will bo raised so high that while the improve ment will be unconscious it will neverthe less bo very certain , The book is very prac tical , and not too good for every day use. Dodd , Mead & Co. , New York. J. M. Barrio has written another of his delightful books on the order of "Auld Licht Idylls" which ho calls "An Auld Lfcht Manse. " The book Is full of quiet humor , pathos and human nature , as are all of Mr. Barrio's stories , and no bettor reading for a summer day will be fouud In ono while. The book is nicely bound in dark blue cloth and contains a very interesting sketch of the author by Elliott Henderson , which will add to its value as sketches of Mr. Barrio are not over numerous. John Kuox company , Ann street. Now York. That Is quite a unique Httlo drama in six- acts by Henry Peterson , entitled "Colum bus , " nnd presents the Indian question In very good shape. The play has ono or two very strong situations from n dramatic standpoint. Walter Peterson , Cincinnati. Ono of the latest issues of the "Unknown Library" is "Tho Palimpsest , " by Gilbert Auifustin Thierry ; the story Is original in plot and will bo found of interest as a pas time. Cassell Publishing company , Fourth avenue , Now York. Among ttio books which delight the render of orthodoxy will bo found not least "Pri mary Convictions" by William Alexander , D. D. , lord bishop of Derry and Itaphoo , as the book is full of beautiful thoughts couched in language begetting the greatness of the themes discussed. The volume is a largo ono of nearly 400 pages nud is substantially bound and well printed. A portion of the sermons of which the book is composed wore delivered before the faculties and students of Columbia college In Now York City , to the onlcora of which institution it is dedicated , llarpor & Brothers. Now York City. Bcnlainln H. Tucker claims ho is too busy to write a book , so ho has overcome the dilemma oy publishing "Instead of a Book , " being over 500 pages of extracts from the writings of this well known editor and pub lisher , which he terms "A Fragmentary Exposition of Philosophical Anarchism. " The book is bound in paper , and its price is DO cents. Benjamin K. Tucker , Now York City. "Napoleon , " a poetical drama by Kichard Sheffield Clement , is of moro than ordinary merit as u literary production , nnd as such will bo read with pleasure. Though ita structure would scarcely debar it from the stage , it lacks in dramatic force , ita char acters speaking rather to an abstract audi ence than to each other. H abounds , however - over , in fine- poetry and affords a beautiful version of this modern hero , the Incidents of whoso Ufa formed ono of tha most intense and touching dramas in modern history , The volume is much enhanced in value by a liberal supply of illustrations , taken mainly from celebrated paintings. Knight , Leonard &Co. , Chicago. A Drama nevertheless the quality of its poetry is of high order nnd affords A beauti ful version of the career of this giant of his ngo , whoso stature has too often been meas ured under falsa lights ana by fatso stand ards. The volume is enhanced in value by Illustrations taken from celebrated historic paintings. Knight , Leonard k Co , Chicago. In a very quaint manner , under cover of a very queer and glib Hugo , "Tho Confessions of a Convict" gives ua glimpses of llfo In the Interior of a Now York prison and with a re markable insight the writer throws the search-light of psychologic analysis upon the interior of the mind of the genus convict , Incidents occurring under thq shadow of the masslro walls are unfolded with marvelous precision , nnd the secret history of the cs- capados leading to final incarceration are confided to tbo reader lu a terse , off-hand , matter-of-fact way , yet full of tender pathos and sympathy for the o beings who repre sent a social strata complete within itself , embodying all tbo elements of right and wrong and a sense of honor fitted to the measure of their minds a low-roofed truc- tnro mil n dtsilnct temple In Itiolf A con vict , "IHTMy' toll * the story , but the rdllln * s done by Julian Himthomo , nnd so "UWJ ' may well IMS tnkrn for nn abstraction of con vlcts In general drowsed In n marked speech very forcible nnd expressive oven If It bo the soul of slnnp. H li amply Illustrated by views taken from real llfo , Kufm & Hart- rauft , Philadelphia. SOCIAL CONDITIONS REVERSED Story of Ilow .Starr * Wcro Stolen TlfToro the Hcrolutlon. "Hold her heart I" "Yes , slrl" The poi-son uttering the above com- nanil was P. Tolcmy , a bandsomo young man of dark complexion anil of decidedly irlstocratio appearance , who has at- rnctcd some attention during tbo Inat week by the splendor of the rig ho drives iron ml the blue blood quarter , says tbo Houston ( Tex. ) Post. The liveried lackey , who hnd sprung 'rom behind to attend his master , ami vho hnd meekly done lila bidding , wns Henry Wilton. This is the iirst visit of onch to tthodo island , but their great-grnndfathors ivcd there moro than a century ago , and , hcn Wilton wns the nnnio of the master and Tolomy thai of the servant. The reversal of tholr respective social conditions rends like a romance. Anthony Wilton lived inUhodo Island Before the revolution. IIo was of good lesccnt , but did not succeed in llfo until 10 took to dealing in rum and slaves a justness which laid the foundation for .ho colossal fortunes possessed by many Rhode Islanders today. Wilton waxed wealthy and mndo a jassago to the slavo'coast at ono time , when a raid wns made on n negro village icar where Capo Coast Castle is today , mil seventy-live men , women and youths were shipped aboard Wilton's slaver. Among the poor wretches stolen from : heir homo to DO sold into slavery was iho great-grandfather of P. Tolomy , tbo aristocratic young man of this state , This man was such a line specimen that Mr. Wilton decided to domesti cate him and keep him in his own house hold. hold.All All the cargo was disposed of and tbo slave ship returned to Providence with Its owner , who on its arrival went to church to give thanks to God for his safe voyngo and the success at ending It. IIo bad been elected an elder during Ills absence. The stalwart slave was named Ptolemy and ho was taught how to wait on bis owner at table , black his boots and do house chores. The old older promised Ptolemy that some day _ ho would lot him go back to his native land. In the next generation a son of Ptolemy married an octoroon and in the next generation a son of that son mar ried a white woman , whoso son is the present P. Tolomy , osq. , of Brunt , Can. This young man inherited a big fortune , and , being to all outward ap pearance a white man , although ho boasts of his African lineage , ho bus had an easy and luxurious lifo. Some time ago ho mot Hurry Wilton and learning that ho was the great grandchild of the Wilton who owned liis great-grandfather. Ptolemy , ho was glad to hire Wilton , Wilton was poor , the old elder's wealth having disappeared long before his generation , and he wus not too proud to hold the horse and touch his hat to a descendant of his ancestor's slave , so long as P. Tolemy paid good wages. Tolemy wanted to buy the old Wilton homosto ad and have Wilton there as a servant in the halls of his ancestors. BIO COAL BILLS. The Ocoau Flyers Hum About Two Tliou- 8ii ml Tuns ICvcry Trip. A paragraph has been going the rounds of our exchanges to the eiTeot that an "ocean racer" burns about $13- 000 worth of coal every trip. Very little calculation will show how extravagant this statement is , nays the Marino Jour nal. The American liner New York consumes about U28 tons per day , the White Star liner Teutonic about It 1C tons , and the Cunardor Etruria 330 tons per day at full speed. It has been stated that the Etruria at a speed of 18 knots burns only 275 tons per day. This consumption would bend the greyhound across with a total use of about l,000 ! tons in round figures. The price of coal in New York is considera bly loss than $4 per ton , and in Liver pool it is cheaper than hero , but even ut outside figures the cost of fuel per trip , it will bo soon , does not exceed $8,000 , , and wo would not bo pur prised to find tbo actual average price paid to bo less than $0.000. The fuel bills of such ships are of course far in excess of those of the average ocean steamer. Triple-expan sion engines and improved machinery of the prefaont day have made it post i bio to bo economize coal that the consumption per indicated liorso power per hour 1ms been reduced in ratio to much less than two pounds , as against nine pounds In J83t ( and live and one-half pounds in 1840. The Teutonic's average is quoted at 1.0 pounds per hour. The majority of ocean steamers of ordinary si/.o traveling ut an easy gait think a ton of coal per hour is quite extrava gant enough for tholr propulsion. Our big now war ship Iowa will have a bunker - kor capacity for only ' 2,000 tons of coal to speed her at sixteen knots , the In diana's bunker capacity will bo 1,888 tons , the , ' ) ,000-ton cruinor lUincinnati's bunker capacity will bo only 55(1 ( tons , and the crack Japanese ship Yoshiuo , with a speed of twenty-three knots , has bunkers to hold only 1,000 tons. It is doubtful if the buiiKoru uf any steamer alloat would hold $13,000 worth of coal if bought in Now York. /L Now .Sivoril Halt. Jacob Reed's Sons of Philadelphia have sent to the chief of ordnance a sample front sling of sword bolt , with un adjust able hook for sword , which can bo placed at any distance from the waist belt line , as may bo required for either the blouse ulono , or for the and overcoat. The method of adjustment is extremely simple und it can be made while the belt Is bulng worn us easily as before putting it on. DO DON'T DELAY BALSAM It Caret Cold , Cuujhi , Bor Tbitit , Crenp , Infla- mi , Wboociar Couth , BroDchltli 4 Aithmi. A ctrUJa curt for Comutn.U.n in ftr.t ttirei. * ad i nn relief In dr M * t se . Vuif one * . T.u will IM U tzulltnt affect UUt UkU | the ret dou. Boll by ditUri of e jwUere. Uri bottlu iO ee&U UA tl.00. WIFFS SPECIFIC Fr trnot Alln/r / U > tut ltd ftjrltem r-llmlnMInc ll Cotton * from thf lUood , whether of ftoroiuloui m originthis ) prriwattnn IIM no eqari. ruonUn I : „ torn en my tnnpie. 1 - . _ _ - trratcil liy liost local I'liyMcUn * , 1mt ohtnlntil no relief : tlio Koro crailiiMlygrow nt > r < o. I fln.illy look 8. a.S. , mul w s entirely - HMtiK n few bottles. " C. 13. MUI.KUORE , Ilcmlcrson , TOK. Treatl o on Wood and Skin ll - coses matted free. TUKSwirr Srccino Co. , Atlanta , Ua. OCTOR Searles & Searlts SPECIALISTS nit. F. ! „ SKAKI.KS , Cmisiittln5 Siirioon , rnduuto of llusli Modlcnl ( ) olloia. iCON- bULTATJON FIlKlt. ) For tlio truntmont of CHRONIC , NERVOUS AND PRIVATE DISEASES Wo oiiro Catarrh , All DU onsen of tlio fioso. Throat , Ghost , Stojunoli , Bo-wolu nnd Liver * Blood , Shin nnd Klilnoy Dlionsoi , FoiunloVcnkiics8Os , Lost Manhood CURED. CURED.FISTULA FISTULA , KISSUIITC pormnnontlr cntoa without lha use of n knife , llKftturu or rniiillc. All mnlmllonof n private or ilelleiito nature , ot cither HOT , positively cured. Call on or nildruu , wltliitamp forClroulari , li'roo [ took anil Itcclpos , Dr. ScarlEs & Scarlcs , No xl doorlo I'oiloinoo THE PICKET LINES Of health should lie doubt v pmir.lotl nt this souscn. Tliu air rcuUa with chilly motstura the wonthor U chanKoiiblo and uncertain. Thcsoconditions are Terrible DANGER POINTS 'ortholmua nnd plpoi. Itow.iro of the cold the cough , the cliost pain , tlio Itillammtition , THE DEADLY PNEUMONIA , the rocked luriT , the droiulod Consumption. Put on duty only tlio strongest guard , the oldostnud moat faUlitul sUnd-by , DR. SCHENGK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. Broalc up your cold ut onco. Stop your Rough. Urlvo out that , Inllaniiuutloii In tlmo. Defy that I'uoumoula. Guru that Consump tlou. THE PULMOHIC SYRUP acts quickest nnil surest of alt rcmcrflos on the lutics. The olclost nnd host approved standard farovory luiu trouble. fir. Selienclt'K Practical Trcntt cx on Dlnfancg of Jniijx. ( Stomacha-id Ltver. maflctl ficcto till ajt- jillcanls. Dr. J. II. StlienrltA Sonti'hllatMntila , I'a. -nn . MAIIK nBiiiairnnw.j "INDAPO MADE A WELL MAN OF ME , " JINDAPO THK GttUT HINDOO REMEDY rno&ucu TUB AUOTK ItKSUI.T * In 80 IIAYH. ciTTJTa. . _ . , . . _ _ „ - Nerfou Dlneaieg , Falling Memory , \TrVX I'arejll , 81oei > leinsj , W itlcliv > ei. * J * > tic. , ami quickly but lurrly ruitorcn I.o.t Vitality ! itaoryoune. Easily carrlnl lu veit pocket. 1'rlca , I.OO a ptckftga. HU for ffi.OO will , written nur- anteotnrire or monry refu-dril. Don't l t any ui > lirlnclnled ilruiilit wll you ana klni' of Imitation. In- elatonhavlnv INIJAI'lF none other. If hu has nal Kotlt , wo will semi U by nmll upon receipt or prlct. rAmi ht ! In ponied envrlopn free. Adilreim Oriental Medical Co. , 50 1'lj lnoull. 1'locr , UhlcuBO , HI. SOLD by Kuhn & Co. , Cor. itti and Douglas Sis. , nnd I. A. Fuller K Co. , Cor. Mill ami Douglas Sis. , OMAHA , Nitl. ; by Paul G. Schneider , jit Itroadway and 6 Pearl St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , and other Leidine Druesists- AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. A medical work tiiat tells the rnusos.dewrlhci < > thci'lTecU , points Iliuremedy , bdentlllcallytho mo8t valuumf , nrtlHtlenlly the most lieautlful medlral book our liublUlud ; to pngci , c\pry 2pnKn hearing nlmlf-tuno Illummtfim In lints. I Subjects iri'jttil : Nervnuii Dehlllly , Iinnotency , Sterility. Berclopment. Varlraiclp , Tlie Hus band , llioso InteiulliiK Mnrrlnui' , f'c. Kvrru wan irfto trmi/il knmc the tlranil Truttit , Ihe Plain Fact * , the Old Stcrctt anilKeio Hit- cacertn nf Medical Fclenee at arplttd to liar- ritd Life , who mm til at one for luut follltt anil amlilfuturffillfall * . ilimitd mile fur thli WONDKHFUL , LIT ? ! . ! . ' JIOOK. It will Iw wnt free , under keal , vrnlle the edl , lion IIIHU. Mntn IIKI > , and If married or eluglc. I AddreMthe puhllnhers , ERIE MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. Nickel Watches. The j c w c H n if Of watclicfi , especially nickel watches , in the center , Is one of the greatest steps forward in the history of watch niaklrfg. N o matter how well ollctl or what oil is used , nickel will stick and cut the pivot. Nickel ly-jewcl watch es am made only at thu Ditcher Watch Works. Ifyour denier does not keep our watches , mall us your addrrfti nud wo will HOW ! you the nutna nt a dealer who dues. TUB UUEUKU WATVIX WOUKB , Cuutou , 0. HOTEL9. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel ( OR. 12TH AHO /rlloomt ot I..W par d r. ICItoonii ntfl.OJ pur ilar , ICIU'omi with Ilith at 11.0) ) pjrlt' . ICltouini with Until at tu U 5) jr Mr , OPENED let Modern In K ry llo | iect. Newly riiruliueit Throughout C. 3. ERB. Pron. WORLD'S FAIR ANNOUNCEMENT Cor. CotUKoOroToarc. nod UU frtClilctuo. . Klrit eln . Bnro- „ . BuBrlor , Ulnlng Itoou & lulnutei walk from World' * Kftlr DELEWARE lllcjUUHllr > ltlKro < Koritrou. ' WN. . r U > U2BSuu |