Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    - yT * *
Heavy Addition to Wheat on Ocean Passage
Reported ,
Tlitre IViis Free Liquidation nd Short
Selling ITni Qntte aeneroui-Ont-
tldo Order * Wore Scarce and
Local Demand ShicSl h'
CniCAOO , May 23.-An addition of 2,000,000
bn. to the amount of wheat on ocean pas-
I.IRO was reported today. As a reititt of this
nnd ether decidedly boarhh news , weakness
was the leading feature In wheat and other
grain market * . Haiti continued In franco and
Germany ; the English crop outlook was
Mciullly Improving. Pales were lower , with
shipments from India aggregating 700,000
bu , Thcro wcro free liquidations and short
telling was nullo genoroiH. Outside orders
were scarce and the local demand sliiKKlsh ,
The Uudahy contingent bought rather freely
on the decline , but It had little effect on
values. The market kept weak until the last
few minutes on lower utocks and reports of
xorlous financial troubles In London. The
Hank of England was reported to have re-
ducrd Its discount rate to 5 per cent.
The opening was about the same ai yester
day's closing , and with only slight ( liictua-
thmtprlces declined ? c for July and { o for
Scplcmbor , then ruled steadier , and the clos
ing was about from &c to In loner for July and
He for September than yesterday's closing.
In corn the feeling at the start. It was Imag
ined , would bo bullish on the cold weather , but
the strength only lasted for a moment.
The market after opening at yesterday's
prli-cs , soon sold oir. The largo rocolpls
inado ImlderH more Inclined to sell ,
n good deal of long properly coming out.
The fact that many shorts covered yesterday
left the market without much support , though
thoio was some heavy buying at Iho start for
HI. I.ouls shorts , ( lood rains were reported
over the west where the weather has been dry
and hot. The market , after the opening , gi-ad-
uully sold off ia full cent , thu action of wheat
assisting thuiibrcak , and , aftrr tallying Uc ,
ruled steady and closed with from Jic to Ho
. . The price changes for oats wcro confined to
Ho range and the close was at about the same
llguros as yesterday to { < e decline.
The fraturo of tin ) pork market was the ab-
Rcnru of anything like business. Prices aver
aged slightly higher , owing to a , run on hogs
uttlin yards.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : wheat ,
112 cars ; corn , 435 cars ; oats , 230cars ; hogs ,
18.000 head.
The leading f uturos ranged as follows :
Wheat No. 2
Jlnjr 71 7IW TIM
July 7
fopt 77
Corn No. 3-
iinjr IIM iM ! 40H
Juno 40 404 41
July 40OH 41"H
Bopt 4ZH
Call No. 2-
Mar BOW tomt SOK
June mt H'M '
Julr . . . . 28H
Bcpt 20Ji 2CH 26K
lions Pork
20 CS 20 to 2055 : o < u
Julr. . . 21 15 21 20 21 00 21 10
Bcpt. . 21 .10 21 tO 21 A ) 21 30 21
10 m 10 M 10 (2)- ) 10 50
Juljr ID 75 10 80 10 70 10 80 10 G714
Bopt 11 00 11 15 n 10 10B7H
Short 1111)5. )
Mar 10 27H 10 27U 10 20 10 25
Julr 1035 10 S7 > < 1032H 1035 10 251
Kept , 1050
Cash quotations were as followo :
Kr.ouii Steady nt the recent duc.llno.
WIIKAT No. 2 spriiiK' , 70'aC ; No. 3 spring ,
f. o. b.G6 lG7e ; No. 2 red , 70fnf.
COI1N No. 2 , 40V'a41c ( ; No. 3 , yellow , 40,1c.
OATS-NO. 2. 30'fc billed through ; No. 2
vhlto.33H l34c : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 8942c.
KVE-No. 2. 0654O67C.
UAULEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 40O55c : No.
4f. o. b. , 4041c.
KLAXSEKD No. 1,11.15.
TIMOTHY HUGH I'rlmo , $2.00513.00.
VoilK Mess , per hbl. , J20.00a20.70 ; lard ,
per 100 Ibs. . $10.r 0 < ftl0.55 ; Ehort ribs , sides
( loose ) , I10,22'/t10.25 ' ; dry salted shoulders
( boxed ) , 10.0010.25 ; shortclo.irsldosbo.\ed ( ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
SunAiw Cut lonf , Oc ; granulated , 5.70c ;
tandard "A. " O.D7c. ; i i
The following wcro the receipts nn'd ship
ments for todny ;
Now York Mnrltot .
Nr.w YOIIK , May 23. Kmiiit Hecolpts , 20-
200 pkgs. ; exports , 2,100 bbK. 15,100 hacks ;
Kales , 0.600 pkgs. ; mnrket dull and weak.
COIIN MKAI/ Dull , easy.
UYE Kasler , quiet , we.stcrn , CTBGOc.
llAUi.r.Y M ALT Dull , steady.
WIIKAT Kecelpts , 380,000 bu. ; exports , 155-
000 bu , ; Bales. 1. 850,000 bu futuios , 1-14,000
bu. spot. Spot market easier enrly , closing
steady No. 2 red In store nnd elevator.
7G fc ; afloat , 77-Uc ; f.o. b.,775478c ; options de
clined Ko and closed steady with a light trade
No. 2 May , 76J c ; June , VGJJc ; July , 78Hc
ConN Hccolpts. 500 bu. ; exports , 63,000
bu. : pales , 230,000 bu. futures. 80,000 bu
spot. Spots were nctlvo , > { c lower , easy
No. 2 , 50c In elevator ; 50yffi51c allout ; op
tions nulot and ! iU lower ; Juno , 48ic
July , 48 ic ; August , 48/'c ; Beptembcr clos
Ing , 40U ( %
OATS Hocolpts. 01,300 ba. ; exports , 350,000
bu. ; sales , 20.000 bu. of future * nnd 117,000
bu. of spot , spots llriner on fnlr demnnd ;
options firmer hut quiet ; Mny 37Hc ; June.
Olliuj ? July , 35cNo. ; 2 white. 41 c ; No. 2
Chicago , 38c ; No. fl , HUHc ; No. 8 white. 40 c ;
mixed western , 373Dc ; i7hltowostern,40S47c ,
HAY -Quiet ; light receipts ; ilrin ,
Iloi'S-lhill.Urni ,
UiUEB Dull , easy ; wet salted. Now Or
lonmiEolccted , 45 to 00 Ibs. , 4Vitt6c ; Toxa1
Kclcctcd , 50 to CO Ibs. , 6ffi7c ; lluenos Ayres ,
20 to 23 Ibs. , 12jfc ; Texas dry. 20 to 25
lb . . 7iQ.10c. !
Wool * Moderate demand , flrmj- domestic
Oeeco , 27 < 332c ; nulled , 2GQ37c ; Texas , 31c.
IMiovisiONH Cut meats , dull and oasvj
- * pickled bollles , 12 Ibs. at ll'jc : pickled shoulders -
dors , OJc ; pickled hams , 18'i13yc ; middles ,
limctlvonnd ensy ; short clear , lljfe. Lard ,
nulot but llriner ; western Hteam closed at
(10,05 ; nominal ; sales , none ; options. Bales ,
none ; Mny cloned nt HO. DO nominal ; July
closed at (11 ; September closed at til. 30 ,
Pork , nulot but steady ; old uiess , $21,25 ; new
moss , $22.
HUTTIZH Domnnd fair , steady ; western
flnlry , IGffilBHc ; western creamery , 174J21c ;
western factory , 1517)ic. )
E Mndoruto demand , free offerings ;
pnrtHklms , 2G8c. '
Koiia-Largo receipts , rather cnsy ; receipts ,
12,751 pkgs ; western fresh , 15JJc : duck , 20 ®
21c ,
TAU.OW Dull , lower ; city (13 ( per pkg. )
Co'rTONPEEii i OirQulot , weak ; crude , 44 ©
45c. ; yellow , 4640c.
I'KTitor.EiiM-Tho market was steady. I'enn-
Bylvunlnnll. spot sales , none ; Juno options ,
Bales 6,000 bbls. ; opening , 68 ! < c ; highest ,
\68Jc ! ; lowest , 58)fc ) ; closed at 68iic bid. 68ic }
usked ; Lima oil , bales none , 20u bid. Total
tales , 6,000 libls ,
ItouiN Quiet , easier ; strained , common to
good , $1,27 it.
K Moro active , weaker at20 ; < ®
- Uit'i : Dull , stondy ; dqmebttc , fair to oxtia ,
2KU3c ; Japnn , 4 ? , < i4Sc ( ,
MOI.AFHKSNew Orleans , open kettle , good to
choice , btcady ut8l t30)ie. )
HlMAH-ltaw. nctlvnnnii llrmer ; fnlr refining ,
BSicj centrifugals , 00 test , nt 4 ' 4c ; isales70lioo
bags ccnti KugHls , at 4) ) { < > ; 6,000 bags molubbes
sugar , HU test , at 3'4u nnd 7,600 bagHMiibCo-
lido , HO test , nt SVi'j nillneil , ncllve , llrm ,
I'lii liiON-Qulet , bteady ; American , $12.76 ®
Coi-'l-KU-Stondy ; lake , $10.85.
I.EAD-rirm ! domestic. (3.80.
TiN-Wtwk ; htralts , $10.25 bld.J10.35 asked ;
P1 ! 3' Uu" ' BU'illySpelter | , weak ; domebtic ,
ICuma. Cltjr MiirUttlf.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. . May 23.-WiiEAi-DuU
KoM' ' ' oSOGasiC ! No. 2 rod ,
CoitN-Hlow and ijolowor ; No. 2mIxfda3U
O33ici ! No.3 white , 34Ji(335c. (
OATS In fulrdeniiiml , easyNo.2iuIxeO,2Sa ;
29 < : i No. 2 white , 824i32Wc.
K < H)8-\Venk. ) HV.
IjUTTEii I'lichnngodi creamery , 18S20c ;
dairy , 16iM7c.
UKCEiiTS-Whoat , 30,000 bu.j corn , ll.OOu
bu. ; oats , H.OOH bu ,
KilU'UENTS-Whoat , 12,000 bu. ! corn , 12,000
bu , ; oats , none.
Cincinnati Murkeli.
OINCINNATJ.I O. . Mny 23.VllEATIn fair
demand ; No. 2 n > ( ( , OHdjiiUc.
COIIN Qulut ; No. U mixed. 45 Jc.
OATB In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 32tt ! (
Wiiifliiv-Stcndy at 11.12.
llrltlih Grata Trade.
LONDON , May 23 , The Mark Lnne Kxprris
tn Its weekly review of the llrltUh grain trade ,
JM ; TUo barley atid the wheat tlolda bare
nn Irregular npponrnnco , Kngllnh wlirrvt floe *
not continue tondrnnco In prlcnnnd thotln-
mnnd for Imported wheat and flour l slack.
Amorlcnn wheat nnds favor with millers nt a
wholocilo prlco of ! 2Bs. Atuorlcnn nnd Kill-
alan wheat shipment1) continue to bo liberal ,
2,048,000 nn nr tors of wheat being nor on
passage to Orctxt Ilrltnln , The market Is easier
for round malto nnd llrm for flat mnlzo.
OmnliA l'roilitc Market ,
The hay market IIM been going down rap
idly during the past few days , as will bo no
ticed from the quotations glvon below.
Ilutlnr li not coming In very freely , In fact
tnoro la not nearly no much as wns antici
pated for thU time of the month. The rains ,
however , which appear to havobcctt pretty
general over the state must start up thu
grass and bring about n largo Increase In the
receipts In the near future. At the present
time the nrrlvnls nto jutt about cqunl to the
local demnnd. Very llttlo of the butter , how
ever , Is good enough when It reaches this mar
ket to cll direct to the retail trade , the most
of It 1m ring to bo worked over by the packers.
Kor that reason the bulk of the butter Is sold
nt packers' prices.
Kggs nrocomlng In qullo freely nnd the mar
ket u gradually wenkcnlni off. While n few
onlosnro made nt higher prices He is getting
to bo n very common prlco. ,
The poultry mat kot Is quiet , neither the re
ceipts nor the demand being very largo.
Ihcio was another car of Arkansas berries
In , but they were like most of the slock that
has been iccelved from Hint stnto this season ,
small and Inferior. At the same time they
hold out. , very readily , owing to the scarcity
nnd the active demand. There wcro nlso n
few cases by express from southern Missouri
which were choice ami brought 56 without
nny trouble. All the icports from southern
Missouri Indicate that the crop Is light and
there Is not much chance of berries being
cheap o long as the supply lias to come from
that state , at least ,
PEAS-Por JMiu. box , $1.00511.10.
HEANS Choice navy , $2.20 2.30 ; common
stock. $1.00 < & 2.00.
CltcuMliKliSr-Chnlcc ,
WAX'or H-bu. box , SI.00 ® 1.10 ,
KTIUMI liiANs-Pcr : J-bu. box , II ,
HPINAUII Per bbl. , $2,50.
Asi'AHAOUS-Per tin30 < S40c.
J.MTUCK Per doz. , 40c.
KAMSIIIH : Porilo25 < i&30c.
I'Aiisi.nv I'or do/ . , 2530c.
TOP ONIONS Per do20Si25c. .
I'OTAront-Uoloriiilo stock , ll.10ai.20s Wis
consin tmrbunks , ll.OOIil.lO ; wcitorn Ne
braska , $1.
I'lK l'HNT-1'er GO-lb. bo.xei. $1.20.
SQUASH Per bu. box , { l.0ftl.7n.
Ur.iiMtiiiA ONIONS Per bu. box , J2.2G.
Nr.w POTATOKS Southorn.por bbl.,15 ; porbu.
box , $2 ; California , ncr lb. , 3 c.
WATEllCitESS-PerilG-ijt. box , J1.75.
STIHWIIKIIUIKS Cholco bhlpDlng stock , ? G
ppr 24-qt. case.
IJKUO.NS Choice , $4.25ai.50 ; fancy , J4.75 ©
HAN-ANAS Per bunch , Including crates nnd
packing. J2.oo
PINIAPPIIK : Pur do/ , , $2.00512.25.
OitAMir.sNewrnstlo California seedlings ,
J2.50 ; Newcastle Mediterranean sweets , $2.50 ;
t'nllfornhi inonntulll uiangos , * 2.252.50 ;
Washington natulq , choice , $4 ; Washington
navels , largo sl/os , S3.50B3.75 ; Hlversldo
sooillliig.4 , * 2.75 ; Uodlands , J2.75 ; lledlnuds ,
128 size. 52.50.
IHtTTKK The great bulk of the country
butter goes at 12@13c.
K tS ! ( Ji-noial market , lie.
POIILTIIY Cholco hens , Oc ; mixed coops , 7i5 (
Be ; om roobtors , 5Gc ; coeso and duckb , Bt39c.
HAY The market on good upland hay ,
$0.60 lii car lots.
Vi : tu choice and small fat , 7ffl8Jc ; largo
and thin , 3fflGc.
St. l.oiili
ST. Louis , Mo. , Mav 23. ri.oun-Qulot ,
unchanged ; patents , $3.3ba3.50.
\\HEvr Opened ; /c higher , reacted , closing
MO below yesterday's close ; No. 2 red , cash ,
G7c ! ; May , 67ic ! ; July , 70m < a,70 ? c ; Septem
ber , 73'ic.
CditN Opened llrm , but closed ? ic down ;
No. z mixed , cash , 37i' : May , 374ej ! July ,
38 ! ( il38n } ; Sepfonibcr ,
OATS-KIrm ; No. 2 cash , 32ljc Mny , 32 > 5c ;
July , 27J4'e.
PiiovisioNS-Steady , strons. with nn nd-
vnncliiK tendency and u Rood demand. Prices
not ( inotnbly changed. Pork , standard mesM ,
J21.50. Lard , Jl.l5ai0.37i ( ! { : bacon , iiucked
boulders , $10.0 ; longs and ribs , ' tll.25 ;
shorts , $11.37H@11.DO.
KECKII-TS Klour , 4,000 bbls. : whont , 18,000
bu. ; corn , 107,000 bu. ; oats , Dl.OOO bu. ; rye ,
2,000 hit.
Sllll'MENTS Flour , G.OOO bbls. ; wheat , 1,000
bu. : corn , 1CO.OOO bu. : oats , 0,000 bu. ; rye ,
2,000 bu.
ItUTTKit Cholco creamery , 10Q20c ; choice
dnlry , l c.
T.lvorpuol AI rUot8.
rivcui > ooi. , May 23.-WiiEAT-Stoady ; demand -
mand moderate ; lioldersotTor moro sparsely ,
Itccolpts of , when'- for the past three days
woroUl.OOUc'entals , Includlnff 32,000 Amerr
COHN Quiet : demand moderate ; mixed
western , 4s l ? d percental. Kocolpts of Ameri
can 'corn for the past three days were 0,000
HACON Long clear , 45 Ibs. , 54s per cwt ,
JJABU Prime western , 70s per cwt.
Now York Dry ( iooiln .Murker.
NEW VortK , May 23. There was a quint
movement In the dry Roods market , Involving
especially staple cottons , which Is widening
out on a fairly low basis of prices nnd with a
tendency to an upward reaction as stocks
nre closed out. Stocks of cotton ruled light ,
but with some bleached Roods accumulating
iiKaliibtthu making of prices for the fall trade.
A number of low giauo cottons , linvo appre
ciated ! | c u yard lu .sympathy with cotton
Milwaukee Markets.
MII.WAIIKIK : , WIs. , Mnv 23.tuEAT Steady :
July , G'Jjj'c ; No. 2 .spiliiK. O'Jc.
COIIN Kasler ; No. 3,41@41Kc.
OATS-Htoafly ; No. 2 white , 35c ! ; No.
white , 34He.
HAIIMY tiliic.
PitoVISIONS firmer. Porlc , .luly , 121.IB.
C'oifco Mnrkot.
Nuw YOHK , May 23 , Options opened steady
C points down to 10 points up ; cloned llrm , un
changed to 30 points up ; Miles , 10,500 bags. In
cluding : May. $15.755415.80 ; June , f5.45 ®
16.05 ; July , $15.30(1410.45 ( ; August , J15.20
September , 14,0515.15 ; October. $15.00 ®
16.05 ; December , * 14.HOai4.U5. Spot Hlo
Ilrnicr , qulut ; No. 7 , $15,75.
Minneapolis \Vlioat Market.
MINNCAI-OI.IS , Minn. , May 23. Trade was
largely of the hcalplm ; ordor. No big buyers
Cash market declined ; No. 1 northern hold nt
04(2G5c ( : No. 2 northern , G3c. Receipts. 31Q
cnrs. Close : July , GG7.C1 : September , 70)gc )
On trnck : No. 1 hard , GG' ; < : ; NO. 1 north
ern , 04 > ic ; No. 2 northern , G2MOG3C.
Cotton Mnrltot.
NEW OHLEANS , In. , Mny 23. Kutures , steady
snles , 32.OOO bales : May , $7,28 bid : Juno
7.177.18 : July , Sf7.230l7.25j August , 7.3I
7,31 ! ; September , S7.35it7.3U : Oetobor.47.4lKt
7.41 ; November , J7.457.40 ; December , 17.51
© 7.52.
UoBton Wool Mnrket.
noSTON , Mass , , May 23. The wool ninrko
has been ( lull nut steady. Territory wool
nro quiet lit 5tWJ52c for line nnd line median
anil 47 lHc for medium. To.xns , Callfomla
and Oregon wool Is dull and unchanged ,
Ilnltlmoro Urala Mnrkot.
lUpiMOHK , Md. , May 23-WliiAT-Woak ;
No. 2 red , spot anil May , 74Mc.
COIIN Spot llrm ; mixed , sput and May , 49ffl
40'jC bid.
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 whlto western , 42o.
Toledo ( irnlu Mnrket.
TOLEDO. 0. , May 23. WHEAT Dull and
steadier ; No. 2 cash anil May , 7HJc ,
COIIN Dull and steady ; No. 2 caah ,
OATS Quiet ; cash , 32o ,
HecurltlcH Wrro ICxtreinely Dull nnd Fca-
tiirolniH Karly In the Diiy.
NEW VOIIK , May 23 , The stock mnrket wns
extremely dull and featureless during the
earlier part of the day. Prices ran off about
from U to ! i percent , but a recovery followed
nnd some shares sold higher than last night *
Manhattan moved up lg par cent to 130i ;
Distillers , ly per cent to 17'i ; Now Kngland ,
1 per cent to 30 ! ; , and Klchmond Terminal ,
ipcrcentto7J. ! The market remained com
paratively firm until about 2 o'clock , when
simultaneously with the announcement that
the Dro.iol-.Morgun reorganization plan of thu
lEIchmondTerminal would bo given out after
thu closu of thu exchange , n drive wus made ut
ml D's 2 and 7 per cent , respectively. This
us thu MKnal for un attack all along iho line
nml on nn Increased buslneM prices dcclineil
Yt to 3 percent. With the ImlustriaU , Alchl-
son and KraiiKers lu thu lead , thu elliiK | was
htlmulutud by thu uiiKUKemunt of f 1,000,000
KUldforThurhdny'sbleiimor , nnd by the re-
iKirtB thut a further considerable amount will
bo forwnrded ou Saturday. The market closed
weak In tone.
The 1'ost tays : Wall street Itself has obvi
ously dUcountcd far In advance , us It always
doek , thu i-urles not en Jed of mercantile ul-
tres&es. What V.'all itreetsurferutl two weeks
or moro ace , the outside business worldlls tuf-
forliiK' tcKluy. Thu utter Mat-nation In today's
Investment market , on the other hand , un
doubtedly rellects conditions to bo looked for
In tlin mercantllo trade for months to come.
Tin ? 'W wl" 'rol" V'y ' "ihtrlct the business
Ultllcultles. at they did Wall ttr nt'u own re
cent trouble * , mainly to rotten and carelessly
l''ai'ru"c"tlrlscl1 iu.1 Tl'.e 8rcut har > c tof
1H01 , u gift of 1'rovldencu , has made the sound
Interior undcrtukliigi ready to ktantl the
trnln : con rvivltro prcjinrntlon for the illrcr
reckonlnfr.chlolly thn work of the financial
omt , IIM Ktmrded points of weakness.
The following are the doling quotation * of
the load Ins stocks on the Now 1 orlc Stock exchange -
change today :
Atchlion. . Northern 1'ncinc. . .
Adamt Kipreit . . . IM do profprred. , . . .
Alton , T. II 35 t ) , r , Don. Adolf.
do preferred. , . . Morthwcutern. . . . . .
Arooricnn Kxprom. 111 do preferred . . . .
lUHImoro ADhlo. . 78 N. Y. Central
Ctnmlit I'nclllo. . . . 5T N. Y. A N. B
Canndn rontliorn , . Ontario A Western
Ccntrni 1'nelflc Oregon Imp. , IIPJ
Chpi. A Ohio Urciion NUT PJ
ChlriiRo \ Alton. . . UO O. a. 1 , . A U. N. . . . 10 <
C. II , &Q. , UO"H PnclfloMall 3IH
"H I'oorln l > . AB..H 114
Coniollilatod Ona , . 120 I'lttiburu , , , , . H3
C C. C. AMI. I. It I'ulltrmn Palace. . . . 176
Cotton oil Cert. . . . St' < Itcaillnc ! ! ! <
Del. Hudson. . Ulcbmond Ter , , . . . ' <
I ) . I , . A\v do preferred 31,4
1) . Alt O , | ifd. . . . Illollrando . . . . 20
D.AC. V. Co do preferred , . . .
KaitTcnn. Hock tsUnd. . . . . . .
Krlo , , i4. . . 18 St. 1'AUl MM
Krlo rrofcrrcd 39 ilo preferred
Fort WArno IW St. Tanl A Omaha , , 11
( U. Northern pfd. 118M do proferrcd , . . .
O , -til. lil.nfd . . . M Southern 1'nclflc. . .
llocklne Vallcr. . . . 33 Tenn. Conl A Iron.
llllnnla Cflnlral. . . . TPIM I'nctnc. . . . . .
Pt. r ul&lnluth. Tol. AO. Con , | ifd
Kan. ATox. pf'il. . Union 1'nclHc
l.nkn llrlo . West. . 18't u. a. iiprc :
do preferred 73K W. it. I. . A 1'
l.ako Shore do preferred , , , ,
IxjadTruit Wells KraoKxp. . in
I.ouliTllla.V Naih , Western Union. . . .
l.oiilsvlllo.V N. A. Wlircllng A L , K. .
Manhattan Con. . . . do pratorrod
'ilorop'ti.VCha'a'n. Minn , A HI. 1 , 13
"Ichlunn I'cntrnl , , Den. A U. 0
liftoarl raclflo. . . as ( lencrnl Electric. .
toblloA Ohio Nnt. 1.1 n
anhvtlloA Cliatt. Cole , Knnl A Iron ,
atlonal Cordage. tell do preferred 100I
do preferred , , . . . M 11. A T. C I
. J. Contra ) . . . . . . 109M Tol. A. A. AN. M. 11
orfelkAW. pf'd. 33 Tol. Bt , fi. A K. C. 10
orth American Co do preferred
The total sales of stocks today wcro 100.800
hares , IncludlnK ! Atchlson , 11,300 ; IlurllnR-
on , 4,000 ; ChlcaRo as , 4.HOO ; Iilstllllim , 10-
. .00 : Oeneral Klcrtrlc , 3,400 ; Loulsvlllo &
Nashville ' , 4.COO ; Now England. 8,0-00 ; Hoad-
'nR , 11.400 ; Richmond Terminals , 1U.OOO ;
'tock Thlnml , C,70t ) ; St. rutil. 22,500 ; Sugar ,
1,000 ; Western Union. 0,700.
Now York Money Market.
NEW YoitK , May 23. MONP.V ON
5asy nt2i&2 ! ( percent ; last loan , 2J4 per cent ;
ilosed otreretl nt2JJ percent.
1'itl.Mi : MnitUANTit.i : I'Avnit Gtt8 per cent.
STEUUNO KXCIIAXOK Firm , with actual
uslness tn bankers' bills nt M.85 < i for
Ixty-day bills nnd J4.805tl.80 ; < for demand.
OOVEIINMENT HONDS Steady. State bonds
The coalngquotatlons ] on bonds ;
H. lard ? Ht. I , . A 1 , M. ( len. 6s
T , H. 1' coup HtU AM. F. ( ion. M. 103
U. 8. IH'nreif St. I'nul Consuls. . . .
acltloimor 'ttt 103 St. I' . , C. A 1' . Uti. . .
Uiil9lanaBt'pcd4s , . IIJ T. I' . I , . U. Tr. Hot * .
'illB > ourlt > a T. I1. It. O. Tr. Itcta.
'enn. now ect Us. . . . Union 1'nclOc lets. . 10(1 (
'cnn. not set j . . . 103 West Shoro. , . , . 101
'cnn. now ct39. . li It. U , W. lata 76
'anndn Southern ? a 102 AtCll. 19 61W
L'ontrnl I'.iclllc lati. ion cirSKn , clnsi A. . 41) )
> . A II. II. IMs n : > (1. H. AH. IUU
i. Alt. n. li 87 R. II. A H. A. 2(1 6a. . 101
Irlo2ils 87MM H. AT. C.Ss. 106
> l. K. AT. Ron. Ka. do Con Cs 100
M. K. A T. Oen. 6s. til1 N. Carolina 6 > 121 M
Mutual Union Cs . . . N. Carolina li
N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . . H. C. Ilrown
. 1'ae. Ists Tenn. old Fa 62
. I'ao. 3 < li 110 Va. ( I 60
N. W. Coiuoli 192 Va. Kx-Mnt. coil. . . 60Si
N. W. DcbentB'r'sS * 108X Vn. c3nn. , 2d serloa. (0
lloaton Stuck ( J
POSTON , Mass. , May 23. Call loans , GaO per
cent ; tlmo loans , GQ7 nor cent. Closing quo-
atlonson stocks , bonds and mining shares :
Atch , T. AS. K Si ) WcBtlUKh. lilectrlc. .
Amor. .Sugar fiiiyf doprofvrrcd
doprcfcrrod 07 Wisconsin Central.
IlnyUtatonas 10 Atchlson 2J
Hell Telephone 1U5 do Is 794 !
lloston A Albinr. . . 313 bw Kntland OB IOJ
Jloston A Maine. . . . 103 Ocncrnl Klcctrlc6a. . 87H
do preferred 110 Wla. Central IB EH
C. 11. AQ S1J6 Allouoi Mining Co. . 50
Kltcbbum pf'd 81 Atlantic 1
Con. Electric ; c 1'ioston A Itontnnn. . 23
Illinois Sloal CO llutle A lloston. . . . 7
Mozlcnn Central . . . 6 < i Calumet A Ilecla. . . 290
N. V. A N.I ! 2 ! > H Centennial
Old Colony 189 Franklin
Oregon Miort Line. . I'l Kcnrinrgo
llubbcr II Oscooln. . 27W
fan IMcKO 8 Qulncj- 110
Union 1'aclllc SOhi Hnula t"o Copper. . . . 110y
WcitKnd II Tamarack 14C
do preferred. tu
San 1'raiiclsco Ilnlnp Ouotatlonn.
SAN KitANClsco , Cal. , May 23. The offlclal
closliiRjiiolatlons ] ( or mining stocks today
Wore us follows :
llelcher 100 Meilcnn HO
Host & Dclcher 100 Mono 10
lloillo Consoltdntod. 20 Navajo 10
Bulwcr. N. 15 Oplur 155
Chollar SO Havago. r 5
Con'dCal. AVa 100 Klerra Nevada 10
Crown 1'olnt & ! > Union Consolidated 115
Clould , t 1 iirry C5 Utnl 5
Hale .INorcrom. . . . fi5 Vollow Jacket 75
Now York .Mining Quotations.
NEW YOUK , May 23. The following are the
dosltii ; ( imitations of mining stocks on thu
Now York board :
Crown Point. . . 53 blcrra Nevada go
Con. . Cal. JfcVa 16(1 ( Standard 125
Dcadwood 00 L'nlon Con K5
Gould A Curry UO yellow Jacket 70
Hale A Norcross . . . CO Iron bllver 16
Ilomestako 1200 Quicksilver. 250
Mexican i 100 do pford 1200
Ontario 1400 llulwor 15
Ophlr 160
st. T.ouis mining nuotiitiimn.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 23. The following are
the closing mining quotations :
AdnniB $ .75 eg . 'M KiranltoM(3.75
tAm. Nettle. .80 & .49 Hope 3,40
jlllmetalllc. 3.40 Ixio 07 O .03
ICMzitbctn.40 © .45 tSUopoa .70
T.nnilon I'lnancliil ll vlorr <
[ CovurtiMcd ISO ! bu Jam : ( Ionian liennett. ' ]
LONDON , May 23 [ Now YoHc Herald Oahlo
Special to Tin : IlEK.T The stock markets were
moro or less dull aim heavy , the chluf caiiso
being realisations and the uuscnco of now
business , Consuls have glvon wny 3 1-0 per
cent. Colonial Ro\ornmcnt bonds were not
so well .supported. Foreign government se
curities closed fairly firm for International
descriptions. Homo railways were moro or
less dull all day. Americans were moro or los'
lint all day ana at tholr wort. New York hni
shown no disposition to support the
market. The result. Is nearly u general -
oral decline , including 1 ? per cent In
Lntilsvlllo &o Nat > hvllle , Union 1'nclflc and
Atclilson. 1 per cent In Atchlson flrst Income
bonds , Illinois Central , Norfolk & Western
preference , 1J per cent In Chicago & Mil
waukee , and Ji to y poi cent In others. Pcnn-
bylvanla wns excoptlonully lower nt M per
cent. Canadians WPIH heavy. Grand Trunk
first nnd second preference showing a fall of
lii per cent , Urund Trunlc third pioforoncc ,
( ir-iml Trunlc ennr.intccd "i per cent , an
Canatllnn 1'aclllc * i percent. Mexican oidlnnry
piufoit'iico leave off Yi to 1 percent loner ,
Argentine lines wore firm. Tlioro was less de
mand for money. Short loans were obtained
nt S per cent. The discount market wns
weaker ; two nnd three months bills were
( juotcd at 4 to 4 16 par con t.
riimiuilul Notui.
KANSAS CITY , Mo , , May 23. Clearings , tl.-
720,000. -
Kttvr OIII.KANS , La. , Mny 23. Clearing :
NiiWYniiK.Mny 23 , Clearings , 1115,712,447 :
bulnnccs , ( & , OU4,441.
I'Aiits , Mny 23 , Three per cent rentes , OOf
t > 2yc for thu account.
HOSTON , Mass , , May 23. Oloarlngs , $10,130-
008 ; bnlnnces , * l,784oao.
I'llil.AjiEM'lltA , I'n. , May 23. Clearings , $13.-
081 , B83 ; balances , $2,044,073. Money , 4 Vi per
HAI.TIMOIIE , Mil. , May 23. Clearings. 12-
300,70'J ; balances , J3UCOli8. Money , 0 per
LONDON. May 23. Amount of bullion gone
Into the Dunk of Kngluml on balanced today ,
i'255,001) .
MKMi'iilP. Tenn. , Mny 23. NTow York ox-
chnngn helling nt fl.DO pretnlum , Clonrlngri ,
381,037j balances , J104.700.
CINCINNATI , ( ) . , Slay 23. Money , OS8 per
cunt. New York exchange , heavy at par to
-'Do premium. Clearings , t2,120,6&0.
KT. Louis , JIo. . Mny 23 , Clearings , 13,733-
000 ; hnlnncen , ? 4H4,402. Money quiet at 78
percent. K.\cliango on Now York , par bid.
OIIICAOO , III. , May 23-l'lonrlngs , 713,224-
088. New York exchungo 20c dUcount.
.Sterling exchange dull , bUty-ilny bills , 14 , 85 ;
denmml , i4.bOJj. Money Bteady at 7 par cent.
I'rlces nn All ( iruilei of Cattle Btrnng to
Higher Hoes Advnncn anil Wriikcin.
TUESDAV , Muy 23 ,
Compared with the flrst t\\o days oflast
week receipts show an Increase of about 1,100
oattlaancl 3,200 hogs , whllo thclo lias been 11
falling oil of about 600 sheep.
Itecelpts of cattle wcro only fair , In fact fern
n TiifMlay the run was decidedly light. Tho'
offerings , however , nuulo up In iiuallty what
they lacked In ounutlty , Continued light re
ceipts mid continued favorable reports f join
eastern markets Infused Ufa Into the trade ,
and the demand wns good from all sources ,
especially from the local dressed beef
men. The market was ) active and strong ,
especially on desirable killers which
In bomu cases sold Ca to lOo lilghur than Mon
day. tJood to choice beeves wulghlnir from
1/00 to 1,401 Ibs. told nt from (4,80 to 15,20 ,
whllo fair to good U50 to steers
brought from f4,45 tof t.bO. Common under
weight stuff nnd iMlds and ends sold ut from
M.BOdonn , Triclu was brisk throughout and
an early clearance effected.
Cows also changed bands freely and at sub-
fltnnttftllr stronefr nrlcc . Tlio aupply
VCry JIBilt , ifxfiill | iircui iuiii3 n n n
few It dm not taftc life buyers lorn ? to pick nn
the few hero. O S d to choice conn nnd
holfors sold nt from 13.00 to $4.10 ,
with fair till .flood butchers' cows
mostly at from 13 to $3.7fi , Common
nnd canning gradpi las ununl showed llttlo
clinngo , coinneni'frotntS.SA to $2.76. A few
cnlvM were offerM nhd sold nt fully ftcndy
prices from $3.25 to $5. Hough stock wns
scnrco nml sold stronger nt from (2.25 to $1 for
poor to choice bolls ruul slngi.
There was llttlQoliTngo In the stocker ntijl
focdcrtrndo. rroah olTorlugs wcro llmltrd ,
lull not many wcrownnted. . Outsiders bought
very few. but regular dealers paid about
Mcady prices for'nhtu ' they vrnntcd. Snlcsof
400 to 1,050-lb. steers were made at from 13.50
to $4.15. The fccllnif.was rather firmer. Rep
resentative salcyj , , " ,
No.B . Av. 1'r. No. Ar. Pr.
B . . 807 40 1041 t4 GO
2. . 825 10. . . 1130 4 GO
SI 7G 70. . . . .1131 4 GO
105. ! . . 8G4 D 75 25. . . . .1150 4 G5
1. . . . . 010 4 OO 18. . . . .1212 4 G5
1. . . . .1170 4 00 22. . . , . 085 4 05
69. . , . . 045 4 10 20. . . . .10G2 4 G5
0. . . , . . 010 4 ir B7. . . . .1363 4 G5
20. . . , . .1072 4 20 20 , . . . .1140 4 70
0. . . . . .1101 4 20 74' . . . 1187 4 75
in. . . , . ,1007 4 25 . .1010 4 76
' , . , 044 4 25 20. , . .1207 4 75
81' ; ; ; ; , . 001 4 80 8. . . .1201 4 75
' , . . OGO 4 30 10. . .1120 4 80
4 ! . ! ! . .1205 4 30 20. . . .11GG 4 80
10. . . . . .1039 4 40 17. . . ,1240 4 80
2. . . , . . 080 4 45 24. . . .1245 4 86
40. . . . . . 030 4 45 11. . . .126 ! ) 4 85
17. . . . . .1042 4 50 24. . . .1270 4 80
10. . . . . .1002 455 15. . . .1322 4 05
18. . . . , .10'JG 4 50 43. . . .1214 4 95
1H , . . . . .1307 4 65 20 , . ,1277 4 05
20 . . . . .1039 4 65 1 ,1220 , 5 20
25 , . . . . . 005 4 65 34 14G1 6 20
44. . . , . .1372 4 60 10 1300 6 10
21. . . .1234 4 80 20 1400 6 10
30 608 n eo R. . . 020 4 35
3 780 8 RO 43. , . 002 4 35
30 550 3 00 25. , .1190 4 40
0 G7G 4 10 10. , .1042 4 40 J
1. . . . .10GO 225 8. , .1023 8 25
1. . . . . 740 2 35 1. , .1050 8 25
2. . . . . 026 2 35 1. , . 050 " 3 30
. . 020 2 35 G. , .1123 8 35
. .1100 2,40 6. , .1078 8 35
1.n. . . .10HO 2f50 1. .1120 3 50
n.i. . . .1020 2 50 G. .1080 8 50
i.i. . . . 720 2 60 1. .1250 3 50
i. . . 050 2 60 8. , .1050 8 50
2. . .1125 2 70 1. .1350 8 50
2 . . 040 2 70 8. . 825 8 55
1. . .1070 2 70 G. .1113 8 60
3. . .1053 280 8. , .1053 8 G5
1. . . GOO 8 00 8. , .1013 8 75
2. . . 015 3 00 1. , .1350 a 75
8. . . 700 B 00 2. .1030 3 00
4.B. . . . 737 8 10 12. . 783 a oo
B. . . 053 0 10 2. . 055 0 00
4. . . 952 8 20 20 .1081 4 00
2. . .1025 8 25 25. .1095 4 00
1 . . 900 8 20 1. 125O 4 05
1 . . 920 8 20 1. .1200 4 10
2 (305 ( 3 20
1 470 240 1 GOO B 75
13 027 35 1 840 8 70
1 640 ! l 40 6 733 4 00
33 552 a G5
3 293 826 G. . . , . . 120 5 00
1 120 4 75
1. . .1320 225 1 1200 8 35
1. . .1040 280 2 1270 8 35
0. . 713 8 OO 1 1GGO 8 40
1. . .1220 8 00
.1700 4 00
1. . . 420 3 25 4. . . 070 a 70
1. . . 700 8 40 17. . . 64H a 75
0. . . 477 B 45 44. . . 007 B 85
" 850 3 50 22. . . 840 8 95
i ! 780 8 50 B. . . 787 8 95
20. . . 435 3 50 10. . .1052 4 15
9. . . 400 B 65
2 sprlnKerj each J32 00
1 iprlliKCr . ' . . . . . 30 00
1 cow and calf 35 00
1 cow and calf. . ' . . . : . ' 3200
No. Av. 1'r. " No. Av. Pr.
3 COWS..1100 $3 40 4 COWS..1105 J3 40
10 sirs. . .1303 4 45 > 28 str3..1272 445
lloos AVhllo , the run was comparatively
llKht for a Tuesday'there were 1.000 more
hogs hero today .than.a week USD , and so fur
this week 3,200 more than a week ago. In
quality very llttlo cbango Is noticeable from
day today , good medium weight hogs picdom-
Inatlng to a gtcat extent.
Chicago was reported higher , and with an
active shipping and fair local and speculative
demand tradu was active on the basis ot a
strong 6c to lOo'ridVance. Shippers were after
good hogs of all weights and tooK about 2,200
of them , or nearly half ot the cntlro supply.
Owing to the very uniform quality of the olfer-
ItiRS , the range was narrow and oveiythtng
sold at from t7.25 to J7.35 , the good to cholcu
loads at $7.30 and $7.35 and the common
grades at $7.25 and 47.30. Karly trading wns
brisk , hut the close was weak with about half
thoadvance lost on account of bad markets
elsewhere. Late bales were at $7.25 and J7.30 ,
mostly S7.25. Everything hold , the bulk at
$7.30 to $7.35 as against $7.20 to $7.25 Monday to $7.85 on last Tuesday , licpre
tentative sales' :
No. Av. 8h. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
5. . .810 J7 20 07. . .230 40 $7 30
1. . .300 7 20 81. . .212 200 7 30
4. . .197 7 20 71. . 280 7 30
G. . .270 7 20 50. . ! 242 240 7 30
0. . .251 80 7 20 CO. . .228 7 30
.430 7 20 60. . .332 80 7 80
.284 ICO 7 25 G4. . , .283 320 730
.270 7 26 G3. . .2G7 7 30
60. 278 320 7 25 G3. . .287 240 7 30
62. .240 120 7 25 41. . , .249 40 730
28. . .190 80 7 25 73. . .200 80 730
75. .231 280 7 25 70. . .337 1GO 730
85 , . 104 1GO 7 25 08. . .270 130 730
70. . .231 240 7 25 113. . . .273 820 7 30
50. . .243 240 7 25 70. . , .250 80 730
7. . .329 7 25 GO. . .2HI 100 730
10. .314 7 25 73. . .243 200 730
2. .340 7 25 70. . , .204 240 7 30
75. .258 83 7 25 02. . . .278 200 730
01. .234 3GO 7 25 08. . , .2G8 80 730
7" .212 240 7 27 } ' , 05. . , .228 80 780
11. .252 " 7 27',5 C5. . , .297 200 730
01. .204 "so 7 27 V 08 . , .273 80 730
02. .248 BO 7 S7JJ 00. . .277 80 7 30
83. .210 1GO 7 27'/ 63. . .240 40 7 85
70. .239 80 7 27J ! 55. . ,313 ! 80 7 35
60. .250 40 7 27 / 60. . .254 120 7 35
68. .270 1GO * G4. . 202 1GO 7 85
04. .252 280 7 80 64. . .1137 80 7 85
70. .238 80 7 80 CO. . . .2G3 200 7 85
GO. .241 40 7 80 65. . . .2HG 120. 7 85
78. 210 7 80 60. . . 120 7 35
75. .210 7 30 67. . , .289 ICO 7 85
7G. , .240 200 7 30 CO. . . .203 40 7 35
70. , .205 40 7 80 OB. . , .200 40 7 35
77. , .197 1GO 7 30 01. . , .275 80 7 36
77. , .240 120 7 30
rms AND nounu.
1..690 . . . . 0 00 1..340 GOO
SiiKBi1 The market was bare of sheep ,
There Is n better tone to the trade east nnd n
better demand here , although prices are
probably not quotably higher. The fooling
however Is Impiovcd , and with continued llglil
supplies better prices may bo expected
Fair to good natives. I4,60ffi6.25 ; fair
to good westerns , ? 4.005.25j common and
stock sheep , $2.60 4,00 : good to choice 40 to
100-lb. Iambi , Ki.ooa.0.25.
Itocfllptfl nml Dlipoiltlou of Slock.
OHlclnl receipts nnd disposition of Block as
shown by the books of the Union Ktock Yards
company for the twenty-four houn > ending ut
6 o'clock p. m , Muy 23 , 1893.
IlICBiriH ,
lye Stock .Market.
CHICAGO , III. , May 23. [ .Special Telegram to
Tim 11EK.1-Sellers of cattle inperlenced
another good day. fhoro wns an nctlvo In
quiry for nearly all descriptions and the aup-
nly being imusuully light there wus u further
hardening of prices. Natives wiito In n very
biiiiill supply ! HHlPgj'iierilly bold 10u higher
than on yesierdiry. They were quoted at from
$1.85 to $4,40i.Jor poor to Cholco rowu
and heifers , at from $2.70 to $4.75
for Nlockuru and feeders and at from $4.35 to
$0.20 for rnmnron to fancy shipping Mi'orn.
About 100 curs of Texas cattle were oll'ered ,
They bold on a basis of from $2 to $5 for poor
to extra. This also Is un advance on yester
day's quotations. The calf market , though
more generously feuuiillcd than for t > omo days
past , wns llrm.
Prices for hogs opened from 5c to lOc higher
than yesterday's clone but they finished weak ,
following thu usual ptogrum. There wus not
the usual local demand , live of the local
puckers being out of thu murkut , but thcru
\tero enough buyers left to exhaust
the blip ply. Sales ot poor toprlmo 140 to 105-
Hi. hogs bold at f ram $7.40 to $7.70 and from
17.00 "to t7.bO was paid for heavyweights ,
Droves aii-raKlng from 200 to 250 llw sold at
from J7.40 to 17.76. The quality continues ex
cellent and the bulk of thu trauliiK wus within
the comparatively nariuw rumro of from tV.Op
to(7.7u. Tlioro were ( .everal sales ut froii
7.77 to 7.bO nnd a little trading In culls
and pl s at from 14 to 17.
Thu nheop m. r et was again lain to a bbudo
llshtcr. Itocolptt wcro nmple Imt the doirmml
w Rtronj from nil qunrteri nnd nil ROO < 1
mutton prndes wont rnpltlly ( xt n llRht ad-
Vance. Cholco to nrlmn dhorn urethorf sold
til from 15.30 to t3.(5n ( and peed mixed native *
largely at from 14.76 to 15.20. Toxntu of
Cholco quality went nt from (4.70 to (0 nnd
fnlr crndo * about (4.70. l.nmlrt sold about
lOfililRlicr. Extra shorn yenrlliiKi wont nt
to.flo And spring inmbi wcro quoted nt from
15.76 to J7.76.
Itccolpts ! Cattle , 6,000 lirnd : culver , 1,200
licid ! hoRs , 10,000 head ! sheep , 14,000 bend.
The Evening .lournnl roportsi
OATTt.E-ltecolpts , 4,000" licnil : shipments ,
2,000 heat ] ! market llfilit , stendy : no rxtrn
stcrr < on sale ! prlmo to good , (6,40115.00 !
medium , (6.00ft5.2S ! others , $4.2604.76 ; Tex-
-.111 , $3.1034.40 ; COWS , $3.00Jt3.76.
lions Hpcelpts , 1,000 hcndj shipments ,
> ,000 henilj mnrkpt active ; mixed , (7.60
.05 ; llRht , (7.0037.05 ! henvy , $7.70a7.80.
SitKEf Kecelpts 13,000 honil ; shlpmonts
,500 licndj mnrkel opened active , stendy to
trotiRj clo cd slluhtty lower ! nattvoewei nml
-ethers , (4.055.2i ( ; Texans , (3.005.60 ;
csterns , (3.0OH5.GO : lambs , I0,00 0.30 ;
prlng lambs , J5.oi.H47. 00.
Knnsns Clly I. Ivo Slock Mnrket.
KAN9AR CITV , Mo. , Mny 23. PATtt.n llc-
'elpts ' , 0,400 head ! ililpmoiiK 1,300 lienil : nmr-
tot ojieiied strong , but closed wenk on heavy
RturT : range steers , (3.16 < a4.50 ! shippers * 4.60-
ffiS.OO ! imtlvo cows $2.00514.25 ! butchers'
lock , $3.7fi4.GB ; sto-kor * nml fectlors , J3.00
O4.06 ! bulls and mixed , $3.75tt4.00.
lloos Itecelpts 10,400 head1 shipments 600
end. The market wns strong , cloilng weak !
ulk of sales 7.16il7.26i packers , 7.20 7.30 ;
.ravlt's (7.15tt7.30 ! mlxcil , 7.26' lights ,
0.36il7.20 Yorkers , $7.1687.25.
HIIKKP Itecelpts , 3,100 huad ! shipments ,
oni ! ! market steady to strong ! natives , J3.25-
WO.lJO ; lambs , $4.iUUO.-15. ;
St. Touls I , Ivo Stuck Mnrkot.
ST. I/ouis , Mo. , May 23. OATTM Uocolpts ,
, head ; shipments , 400 head ; market
inlet ; native steers , strong , (4.10Q6.10 ; To.x *
.ns $4,25515.00.
HotlB-Itccclpts , 6,400 head ! shipments ,
100 bond ; market opened lOc higher , closed
[ lull ! heavy , choice , 87.6OS7.70 ; mixed , (7.2O ®
' .60 ! light , (7,167.45.
SHRKP Receipts , 2,200 head : shipments ,
, ( head ; market quiet ; ( clipped natives ,
4. DO.
Now York 5. Ivo Stock Mnrket.
Nr.w VOIIK , Mny 23. nr.r.VF.a Receipts , 600
end. Dressed beef llrm at 8S19V50 for native
lidos. Shipments , 600 beeves and 2,100 nuiir-
crs. Tomorrow , 300 buovoa and 1,600 quai'-
.crs of beef ,
StiKKi1 AND iMMns Receipts , 1,400 ; market
tcndy , llrm.
Contractor MciiRcdoht Sued for Grievous
Assault of I , . T. Van Horn.
Theodore TJ. Van Dorn has brought suit
against Fred McnRcdont to recover $2. > .000
damages alleged to have been sustained by
reason of having been forcibly ejected from
Ills own property nt Twenty-second and
. .eavenworth on the ISth Inst.
The trouble grew out of the erection of the
lats on that corner , Mcngcdoht having been
ho contractor therofor and being still wait
ing lor a settlement. Ho secured a judg-
rrant against Van Dorn nnd on Thursday
n-ent out to take possession. This ho
accomplished in the absence of Van Dorn ,
and when the latter returned homo with his
ivifo there was trouble. Mcngcdoht barred
its entrance as soon as ho stopped into the
mil , and a clash ensued , during which guns
wcro drawn by both Van Dorn and his wito.
A young man who was assisting Mengedoht
n guarding the property succeeded in get
ting Van Dorn's weapon away from him
and by keeping the latter between himself
and the angry wife the contractor kept her
from carrying into execution her threat to
perforate his anatomy.
The outcome of the collision was that the
Van Dorns were dumped out in the street ,
but not until the quondam proprietor had
smashed the glass out of the front door in
"its struggle against going through.
District Court Culling ! ) .
The cattle replevined Monday by the
Bank of Ovorton from the stock yards com
pany have boon again replevined , this time
by the Packers National bank of Soutli
Omaha. It is alleged by the plaintiff that a
mortgage on the cattle was assigned to them ,
and that 494 head of the bunch belong to
them. They fix the value at ? li,000 ) , and
want $1.000 additional because they have
been kept out of their possession for one day.
Late in the afternoon the Sank of Ovorton
secured issuance of restraining order enJoining -
Joining the other concern from selling the
stock or from refusing to deliver the same
back to the plaintiff. The cattle are still at
the stock yards , not at all concerned in the
rapid change in ownership.
J. W. Saunders , who was found guilty of
grand larceny , was sentenced to the peniten
tiary for the term of two years. His wife ,
Eflio Uusscll. who was implicated with him ,
had her case iiollcd.
Alfred Bursik , who was convicted of as
sault , was given live days in the county jail.
Prank Davis , who was found guilty of rob
bery , was given a scoring and sent to the
penitentiary for four years.
The city prosecutor , who is holding the
boards in the criminal court this week trying
cases appealed from the police court , started
out by entering nollo proscquis in an oven
dozen of the cases. It was stated that the wit
nesses had disappeared and that a convic
tion would bo impossible.
For that "out o' sorts" feeling
Take Bromo-Seltzer trial bottle lOc.
Those : I'roiiilnod Iron I'olos.
The Omaha Street Hallway company Is
preparing to place in position the iron poles
for the support of the trolley wires along
Farnam street. They will bo placed inside
the curb lines , whore the ones now in use
stand. The now poles will stand twenty-live
feet above the ground , and with the neces
sary sag will muko the trolley wires about
twenty feet above the street.
* - * not strangp that souio people do
wrong through ignorance , others from
n failure to invosligato us to the right or
wrong of a matter. But It is strnngo ,
that individuals and firms , who nro fully
aware of the rights of others , will nor-
sist in perpetrating frauds upon thorn.
High-toned , wealthy manufrcluring
firms will offer and Hell to retail mer
chants , articles which they know to bo
Infringements on the rights of proprie
tors , and imitations of well known goods.
Wo wnnt to sound a note of warning to
the retailers to beware of such Imita
tions nud simulations of "C'AUTKH's LIT-
TLK LIVEH PILLS. " When they are of
fered to you , refuse them ; you do not
want to do wrong , nnd you don't want to
lay yourself liable to a lawsuit. Bon
Franklin said "Honesty Is the best poli
cy" ; it is just as true that "Honesty Is
the best principle. "
Sealed proposals will bo received by the
State 1'rlntliiK Hoard at the olllcoof the sec
retary of state at any tlmo before Monday ,
Muy 29 , 1893. at 4 o'clock p. m. , for printing
anilbliidtiiK 0,000 copies of I he session IKWHO !
1B93 , Incluiilii ) ; 600 , separately printed and
bound Inpaporinoof shcet.coulesof tno " .New-
berry Illll. "
.Session laws to bo printed nn two-pound
book paper , hinnll pica type , pagoi to bo xanio
si7.0 ami form as tlio la n of 1HH5. with mar
ginal noteHiind Index , bound In full sheep.
i'roposals will al o boiucelved atthonamo
time und pluco for printing the tuiircnio court
reports and court calendar * and for furnish-
Ini ; all blanks , blank booKH and'flrciilnra , In
cluding revenue blanks , tecmlred by thu
olllcers of the executive department of Hit :
htuto for a period of two yeurs from date of
contract ,
Samples and vflllinaten of kinds and quantity
of supplies to bo furnished cuu bo seen ut the
olllco of secretary of state.
I'roposals must slnt'i for what price the bid
der will furnish all books In tnln clui > s per
iKitfe , and for all blanks and circuluiN per
hundred ,
Kach proposal must be accompanied hy a
bond In the hum of J5,000. with two or moro
giirutlcx , conditional that the bidder will , In
case of nwurd , wlttiln IIvo days after notlco
enter Into contract to do the work.
Kids to bo marked " 1'roposaU for Public
Printing , " care of secretary of state ,
( ialley and paKO proof for Inns must bo fur
nished to the proper ofllcer , und all work to be
delivered In Kood order frou of cost ut the
olllco of the bccrotary of state within elxty
days from the date of contract ,
lilght to raloct any or all bids reserved.
J. K. HAIt'niV. I
Stnto Troiihtiror. ( Of State
KUUKNB MUUIti : , fl'rliitliiK Hoard.
Auditor I'ubllc Accounts. )
A remedy which ,
if MtA by Wires
bouttooxt > rttnco
iho rilnftii
ttindnt upon
Child-birth , proves
ftn Infallible tpccl *
the torturri of con
finement , iMtenlne
the dangers thereof
to both mot her unit
child. Sold by all
dniftgtaU. Bent by
express on receipt
of pt'cci ' 31.63 per
bottle , charges pro-
Hontlaomo Women Cnn Uoso Wolgh
Fast. Homely Nlon Look Better
If Thin. Try Dr. Edison's
System. No Dieting.
Band worth Twlco the Monoy.
Olllcoof Hf M , Hurton , Hardware , Cary Sta
tion. 111. , Jan. 11 , iSitt
Dr. Kdlson Dear Sir : I am well pleased with
your treatment of oboslty. The band li worth
Lwloo the money it cost , for comfort. 1 h ivo
reduced my wolirht ton pounds. I wol h 15
uow , ana 1 did welsh 21. ) , Yours ti uly.
They Are Doing Mo Good.
K&rlTllle , III. , Mny21 , 1801.
liorlcg & Co : Inclosoil Hint ti.M for \rlilcli plomo
nciiil nio the other two battlui of Dr. KilNon'a Ot > e < -
Ity I'lllB. lliavo uaoil ono ntiiltlilnk 1107 nro Ootntf
the work. S. M. 11A1.RV , 1 * . U. HOY 72.
Talk So Much About Your Pills.
1'portn. III.1 nno 19. ISOJ.
Dour Sirs : After hcarlnc one of mr rrlomls tnli : no
Such nbuut your Obt'Mty IMII.i nutl tlia licnullt ho li
deriving from them I think I will try' thptii rayiolt
I'lcnto Buna uio 3 bottloi U. t > . I ) . , and obllx- .
J. . ' ' .
JlOKius. I'M 1'orrr Street.
Fool Better andWolgh 13 Pounds Loss
Ooslicn , Inil. . Sept. IS. 139 } .
Rontlemcn : Incloncil I KOtul you 51. for which you
IT III plrn c 0cnd incthroo liottlosof the oti4lt7 pill *
ArutnkliiK the fourth bottle ami tool very much
better nnd welitli 13 pouniU lo tbnn whoii I bo un
taking thorn. 1 will ronllnun your troataient
Mils. J. U. .MCCoN.v.
l-outh Sixth Strojt.
An Individual whos
6 feet 1 Inch ahould wclgu 155 pound B
1 foot 8 Inches 100
6 foot 1U Inches " " 170
Dr. Edison snys : "It nay bo well to point out
that In my oiporlanco , which Is necessarily Tory
considerable , many troublesome skin dlsemcs such ,
cccBicnin , nzonc. pHOrlasls.itlcarla. . otr. , nro prlin *
nrlly ciusod by obesity , and ( is the tat nnd flush U
reduced by the pills nnd UbcMty Fruit Halt nn-1. the
action of the band these alTecllons have almusl
magically dlsapiicarod. "
Iho Obesity Krult Salt Is used la connection with
the Tills or Hands , or both. Ono touHpoonfut In a
tumbler of water mukos a delicious soda. Tastes
llkn chnmpalKno.
Tlio banscoit IJ.60 each for any lonKth up to 3D
Inches , li ufor one larger than 3d Itichej add 10
cents extra for cucli oitdltlonal Incli.
Price of l.'rultSnlt , JI.OO.
1'llla tl.M Per llottlo , or : < llottlos lor tl.03.
t-cnt liy Mall or Kxpros *
Cutthli outand kocplt , undneud for our full ( S
column ) iirtlclo on obculty.
Loring & Company
2 Hamilton PI. . Tept. 2rt , Boston. Mass. , 115 State
St. , Dcpt 2,1. Chlcftt'O , 111. , ID W. 2ina St. , Dept ! H ,
New York City.
For sale in Omaha by Snow ,
Lund & Co.
I \7. IT , 1'AKKKn , M , INn. 4 llninnrri it
Bn Tor , Ujt * . . .rAUtontutUna rV ' ' - ' "
* ir rdcd the not.n , liy thu
iilCAI. Ai'nx-UTION toi the VUIZr. KSflAYo
Fihauittj nialttit , Ativr Vi.NVrrom nJ'Ayilu
Ptkility , RD,1 Ml J > lita.i and KVolnfit ot JM
nlinrO thnfounp , HIP t icMi'fI i > ml olt
lillKrN t'on.Milutlon m rerxnn or by Mir
UUIIUU l' 'ro .iwuii with ttitlmonlili ,
I.nrpo book. 801 KNCR OF 1.1 FK , Oil Sl'.I.t
I'UKSKKVATION. 200 pp. . m lnv lunhl pr-
icrlptlani. full alL only iU U mull. > rAl l '
The Original and Genuine
Imr rt < the
TLESIAN fit Mid.
rat. to hU brother 318II ,
t vroitOEUXitK ,
M r. ISL
that their inuce li
blffblr 3t om d In GAME ,
InJli , Riutlalniur
opinion , the rae ' . WKI.SII-
rM > t > lie ! , m well '
A thoinoet wliolo- RAKKIHTS , 1 ,
ome p uco that Is
made. " * e.
Beware of Imitations ; '
eee that you get Loa & Peirins *
C&4C& & *
HlRnnttiro on every Imttloor Origin * ' & OcnnlD
tr. s. OAIA//.I. x
Capital $100,001' '
Surplus $05,001
f ftlccrii na Irsctors llenrrV. . V lo . pr Hi I in ,
11. U-Cuihlni ; . Tlcn pMjliUnlt U. 8. Mvirlni. V. f :
Horto.Jolm rt. uolltni J. .S. IL fatrui ; uj.Tli I
llcvd , cniUlor.
Union Stock Yards "Company , .1
Soutli OrnaViai 4
ncstCattto Ho and Shoap ranrkstln tli3 woi' J
Wood Brothers.
I.tva Stock Commission Morchunti
EO'lth Omaha Tclcphono 115 * . Clilcttc
.1OIIN I ) . DADH.MAN , I .
Vt'AI/L'KIl U. WOOD , f :
Market reports by mall and wire chcorfulls
furnished upon iippllujllon.
Iloiuls for Snip.
Foaled bids for $10,000.00 of school bulltllnf
bonds will bo received liy the president tine
bccretarv of the school district of the City ol
llroken llow , Neb. , up to 1 o'clock p. m. ol
Juno 1 , 1803 , said bonds to bn Is uon by the
Hoard of Education of the nbovii nnmi'd dis
trict ; will bear G per pent Interest , payable
scull-annually , and both Interest and prlni'l-
pal mndoimyuhlo nt the fiscal agency for tin
state of Nebraska In the city of New York , N
Y. $6,000.00 of .said bonds will run for tei
years from July 1 , 1803 , n nil $5,000.00 will rut
fofllf teen years from .Inly 1 , 1803. Thu rlghi
to reject any and all bids Is reserved.
It. C. TAMIOT , Presldr-nt.
J. ( i. I.KMINtl.Hpi-retary.
Dated Broken How , Neb. , May 18 , 1893.
May21tl 11
Snot ) lluwurd.
I , Ituilolf Huss , whoso wlfo was burlcitaf
Forest Lawn cemetery nnd was resurrected bj
unknown parties , will gho u lewnulof 1500.01
for Information whcieby I can get thu body. J
will ngreo not lo proseeulu anyone comiectcc
with the ullulr , nor to ask uny iinchtloiH.
Financial llcfercccc : Nafl Hack of Comiurco ? , Oraaha. '
No DETENTION from businoa1) ) . No Oporntion. ,
Invostlgnto our Method , Written guarnntoo to al)8o-
lutoly Curu all kinds of HlJl'TIJHEof liolli uaxcB.wllliv
out the uao of Knlfo or Gyrlnge , no matter ot how lone
standing ,
The 0. E. MILLER GOMYf :
307-308 N. Y , LIFE BID3. , OMAHA , NED. '
Bend for Circular.
Omaha Tent- Awning Wollllros&Co. ,
Mantifacturoriof Tcnti ,
HORSE COVISIIS. Avtnliift , etc , 70J ana
1113 Knrnnmtitreot. 706H. IClh HlreeU
Dcmis Omaha Bag
Importora nml mnnufno *
turers of Hour gacki ,
liurlnp , tnlno.
Morsc-Coa Sho8 Company.
Baleiroom und Offlco-nOI-IW.IH | no ard St
\Vo are the ovi.Y t nufft7lureri of lloot and
"ATen'ori ? SV. . l ° U S S.a. to .U lo Inspect
our uowfnctor .
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
Mfr ifttranliollron cor-
I,1MK CO..biird unclioft ulc , window cap . inu
coal , B li.cor. Kith null tnlU krll hti , IHC-.UJS
IJouk'lai Btreat. aim I3IU Oodxettreet ,
Rector & Wiliiclmy Lobcck & Linn ,
Ie lon tn Imnltraro a
Corner 10th and Jackion lULctinnlo1 t'toli.
Ktreoln. Hlruet
W. A. L , Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Ire
\Vlioloao ! WOIIIC * .
llati.cap , itruw Kafoivnult > , Jail woo
UlooTU < , inllloni , Ktb Iron thuttur * and lira o
uud Uarney EUocti. c | jo . Uui Androou , Hi
ami Jackton
John A. Waltcfieid , Charles R. Leo ,
Iinpoitjd.Anirrlcun Tort- Hardwood lumber , woo
land comonl , MUnitu * ojriiulB and | > jriU
ken foment and ( Juluujr tloorliiK ,
whlta lime. I'lti and DoiiKlni FH
Onialia Stove Repair MA. Disbrow&C (
WOIIUU. htom rvpilu Manufacturori of laih
aod Hatorntttcbmenli doort , blind * am
tor any kind of > tore uiouldlagi. Uranchul
12V7l > eugiaiit. tic * Ulb and lint.
AJJJH ' n iiiiii niiiiil