THE OMAHA DAILY lUteE : TUESDAY , MAY 23 , 1893 , DISTRICT COURT FOR A DAY Sixty Tax-Paying Oitizcni Object to Judge tbo Misdcodti of their Neighbors , ORDER MADE FOR ED CUDAHY'S ' ARREST ) lnlfn Tlioiunntl Henri of Cuttle All on Account of Mothor-ln-I.nw South Omnlin' * HhootliiR Caie I'ollce Court Appealf , Yesterday morning the second three weeks of the May term of the district court begun , nnd the second batch of Jurors came on duty. Of the 160 who had been summoned , barely ninety reported for duty , nnd of that ninety ovcrslxty wanted tobocxcuscd. Judge Ke.vsor ordered nttachnicnts Issued for the sixty who had failed to respond , nnd wanted them returned Wednesday morning at the opening of court. Ho said that when nil of tlio Jurors drawn reported at that tlmo It might bo possible to excuse some of those whoso requests ho would bo compelled to deny for the present. Hcv. P. M. Foster nnd Dr. W. F. Mil- roywero relieved. J. II. Uumotit , president of the Nebraska Central , asked to bo excused on business grounds , but the court thought ho would make an excellent Juror and told him that ho would hnvo to stay , although It was promised that his case should have ad ditional consideration on Wednesday morn- Ing. Mr. Cuilnliy In Jeopardy. E. A. Cmlnhy failed to put In an nppcar- nnco. having gone out on n trip with John A. McShano after bolng served with the Bubpccna. Ho will bo hauled up Immediately on his return nnd told n thing or two about implicit obcdlcnco to the mandates of the court. Acting Cashier Hhodcs , of the National Bank of Commerce , was excused for d week. Gcorgo Mercer said ho could not afford to servo on a Jury oven at (10 a day. The court told him that the state was paying but ? 'J n day , still It couldn't got along without him. Some of the Jurors made additional pleas nfter their requests wcro refused , but Judge K. stated that the panel as rep resented was at least twenty men short , nnd that business could not bo Jeopardized by the excusing of any more jurors. Itpplo\lnc < l Morlcn c < l I'ropcrty. The Bank of Ovcrton has roplovlncd 551 heart ofcattlo In the hands of the Union block Yards company. It alleges that It holds a mortgage on the cattle for $23,000 , and it also presents n claim for $5,000 dam- nges against the Stock yards company be cause the latter has kept the property out of its possession for the space of two days. In case it is Impossible to get the cattle back , it wants Judgment against the defendant in the sum of ? 2",000. Snyn It's a Cnso of Self Defense. James Jj. Johnson has filed his answer to the petition of his wife , Jennie , asking for a divorce. Ho denies that ho has ever hern nbusivo or cruol. and states that the only times that any demonstration occurred was when ho was compelled to throw her down to prevent her killing him with certain articles of household utility which she was disposed to use In a manner other than that for which they were Intended. Ho maintains further tliat his mother-in- law is rosponslblo for all the trouble ; that his wlfo is willing to patcluup existing differ ences , nnd that they propose to go away and lenvo the mother-in-law and her offensive partisanship far behind. Smith Onmlia's Shooting Case. Kobert Parks , who is charged with shootIng - Ing with intent to kill and murder , was ad mitted to bail in the sum of fSOO. It is stated that the defendant was in fear of his life when surrounded by a hard crowd , nnd that ho pulled a gun from his pocket. Arrow followed In' which the weapon'was discharged nnd n bystander , named John Jnckman was severely wounded. The de fendant is engaged in the plumbing business in South Omaha. ' Taking Up I'otlco Court Canal. This week in the criminal division will bo given up to cases appealed from the police court , and the prosecution will bo looked after by the city prosecutor , Thcro arc be tween llfty ana sixty of these cases , dating back to January 1,1S91. Under the now law , which wont into effect April 8 , the former cases would not hnvo to bo now tried , but all will bo taken up ns they wore appealed under the pres ent city administration and had not been reached by Assistant City Attorney Cor nish , to whoso attention they would have como but for the change requiring the city prosecutor to follow the cases to the higher court. Court Ciilltiisn. The first to bo tried will bo that of the Btato against Diugman , charged with dis turbing the pcaco. William Deering & Co. nro still after the property of the National Cordage company , mid have secured an attachment for a lot of the property of the latter concern in Lancas ter county to satisfy a claim aggregating * 100,000. Gcorgo Miller , who pleaded guilty to the larceny of n vallso containing tfill.OOO in so. curitlcs from n room in the Dollono hotel ' , was sentenced to eighteen months in the penitentiary. C , F. Coon , whoi pleaded cuilty to forging u check for $20 on the 13. M. Hulso Mattress company , was sentenced to the penitentiary for the term of fifteen months. The pris oner pleaded that it was his first offense and ascribed his cdmo to whisky. ido Appeal case of Dan Sherry , fined in police court for discharging firearms and threaten ing to light , was called , and the defendant falling to put in an apnoaninco his bond was declared forfeited , Like nctlon was taken in the cnso ngalnst James lj. Lewis , lined in the lower court in inu connection with the circu lation in this city of nu obsccno sheet pub lished In u town down the river. Lewis was arrested in Sioux City for libel , and when last heard of the by court ofllccrs hero ho hud something llko sixty aflldnvlts on flic in Woodbury county in support of n petition forachnngo of vcnuo to some other county where ho could hnvo an impartial trial. Judge Brandos was on the absentee's bond : in the sum of $100. NO LAW FOR IT. City Trcntmrnr Itolln Swyii tlm Ilunril of IM- iio.ttlun Acted Ilnatlly. City Treasurer Uolln says ho knows of no law authorl/lng him to put the money of \\io \ \ school board out at interest. At the meeting of the Board of Education Saturday night the secretary was instructed to ascertain whether the treasurer had placed the moneys of the board out at inter est , nnd if so whether the interest derived had been turned into the treasury as re quired by law. Mr. Bolln lias not heard of any changes In the school law , and says ho has no authority to place the funds of the bo.ird out at tr est. If the board desired this doao it im bo necessary to advertise for bids , and to sccuro a bond from the bank submitting the best proposition to protect the board from loss. JCipresi Company Clinnco * . At mlunljiht on May .MJ the Fremont , Klk- horn & Missouri Valley , Siouv City As I'acillo nnd Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha will pass out of the hands of the Wells Fargo Kxmcss company and bo operated bv l . the American ICxpress company. Anticip.itlng the clmngo that will take Tilaco In the western division of the Amer ican , Mr. L. A. Garner , general superintend ent , announces the following appointments , effective May SO : Mr , S. W. Fargo is appointed superintend- nut of the Iowa and Nebraska division , com prising lines of this company in Iowa , No- Lruskn , Wyoming , Black Hills and South Dakota , with headquarters at Omaha. Mr. ChnrlcA A , Goldsmith is appointed route agent with headquarters at Don d wood , B. D , Mr. W. ft. Jones Is also appointed route ngcnt with headquarters at Fremont , Neb. Tltrso changes will also enlarge the scope of Mr , C. S. Potter's duties as ngcnt In this city , giving him thrco now wagons and six horses , Increasing the city force to ten drivers and eighteen head of horses. It will add one clerk to the city ofUco and also put a dcix ) ulllcu nt Webster street , increasing ttio cflloo force to t\vcnty-ono men. IIAYDIN : niios. Letting Down tli Prices SpeclM Sat Tnetdny. Extra largo knotted fringed nil linen damask towoln worth fiOc , on Palo now 17c cnch ; 20x-JO Barnsloy crochet towels full blenched , only lOc each ; unbleached turklsh towels f > c { CO pieces of dress style gingham , prlco wnsfic , 7 c. 8c,10c } , nnd llJc ! , all in one lot , choice 3jo yard. Closing out the remnants of best Fatlno ( mill remnants ) 23c grade , Tues day 2Jc yard. All our high novelties in French soil no , which have been 35c , 40o and -15o yard , reduced to 23c yard. i dinner si7.0 full blenched all linen napkins , woith $1.50 , now only $1.00 dozen. Remnants of fine colored batiste , only uc yard. Yard wide , soft finished , bleached muslin 8Jc , Tuesday only5c ynrd. In order to give nil a chance the quantity on cnch item will bo limited. Now styles light ground challics , re duced to 2Jo yard. IIAYDEN BROS. Scotho celobrntetl Sohinor piano nt Ford & CharltonMuslo Co. , 15U3 Dodg o. o Drexel Hotel , 10th & Webster , 1 blk from Mo.Pac. & Elk. depot. Nat. Brown , prop. Madison , " ( familyjiotcl ) , 21st and Chicago. Transients $2.00 par day. A snap for some hotel man. Sco J. W. Squire's adv. in "Business Chances. " Wear Kimball's anti-rheumatic ring. Cures in 30 days or money refunded. $2.00. B. W. Schneider , 941 N. Y. Life building. Send for circular. In KfToct Mny SB. Remember that the new service on the Nickel Pinto rend goes , into ef fect Mny 28. Through trains between New York. Boston and Chicago. No change of sleeping cars. Superb dining cars. Three fast trains in each direc tion daily. I'lcllltlrs Tor Trnvelcrc. The Nickel Plato road olTors superior facilities to the traveling public , the improved service taking effect May 28. No change of sleeping cars be tween Now York , Boston and Chicago in cither direction. Superb dining cars between Buffalo and Chicago in both di rections. Trains leave Buffalo 5:30 : a. m. , 12:03 : , noon , 11:23 : p. m. Trains leave Chicago 7:35 : a. m. , 2:30 : p. m. , 0:30 : p. m. All trains run seven days a week. o To Intondlni ; Traveler * . Intending travelers desiring to know ot the now , fast trains to the south ; of the now , fast trains to the east ; of the new equipment and improved comforts now offered by the Pennsylvania Short lines from Chicago , can obtain full par ticulars by calling upon the ticket agent of any connecting line in the west or northwest , or by addressing H. R. Ber ing , assistant general passenger agent , at 218 Clark &trcot , Chicago. After a visit to the World's fair , a trip to the cast or south can bo pleasantly made ever cither of the Pennsylvania Short lines. In Search of Gold. Everybody hns seen gold coin and gold bars , but very few people have ever teen gold in its natural state as found by the prospector. Commencing May 15 the Rocky Mountain Prospecting Co. will give free ono beautiful and rich speci men of gold ere and ono share of their stock , par value $500.00. Wo will give away twonty-fiyo specimens and shares , but will only give ono specimen or ono Bharo to each person. This stock will bo worth its par value in less than six months. Wo nro doing this as an adver tisement. Send stamp for ono of these specimens or ono share of the stock at once to the ROCICY MOUNTAIN PKOSPKCTING Co. , Espanola , N. M. VOLUME ITEMS. Department of Applied Christianity Founded Cninpiu Gossip , la. , May 22. [ Special to THE DEE. ] At a special meeting of the board of trustees held May 0 a now department , which seems to bo of largo significance for the future of tlio college was founded. Mrs. 12. D. Hand of Burlington has for a long time desired to found and endow i n department of Applied Christianity , in , honor of the memory of her husband , E. D. Hand , csq. , of Burlington , who died six years ago. Since Hov. Dr. Gcorgo D. Horron was called as assistant pastor to the Con gregational church in Burlington , about two years ago , Mrs. Hand has become very much interested in him and his work. Dr. Horron is n man of altogether exceptional power as a writer , speaker ana teacher. His sermons and occasional discourses have been pub lished In nearly all the Burlington papers , much of the time in full. He is the author of thrco books , "Tho Larger Christ , " "ThoCall of the Cross , " and "A Pica for the Gos pel. " President Gates wrote an introduc tion to lTho Call of the Cross. " The coming of such n man to the college promises a largo increase of the best kind of intense Christian thinking for the student body. This is the fourth opportunity Dr. Ilerron has had to po Into college work , and wo count ourselves fortunate indeed in thus being able to look to his permanent attachment to Iowa col lege.Tlio Tlio base ball team returned May 13 from n trip through Illinois , Wisconsin and Iowa , having played at Peoria , Champaign , Madi son , Dccorah and Iowa City. Our victory of 9 to " almost a shut-out over the Iowa State university is tlio llrst of oasu ball in the history of the two institutions. On May II ! was held the eighth annual flold day of Iowa college , which .ho most successful In many respects of any over held , The day nnd track proved fuvorabjo for record breaking , as ten homo and four state records wore broken. Tlio state two-mllo blcyclo record was lowered oy Culver , the present state champion , over n minute nnd a half. The class ol "J5 won the elegant silver cup offered to the class winning the most points , bcorlng Gl out of a possible MS. Elegant gold and silver medals wcro given the winners in each event. The preliminary list of commencement speakers has been announced. Seven girls nnd four boys are the favored ones. From tbcso nlno speakers will bo chosen. Iowa college on Friday defeated Drake : university In base ball , 17 to H , and on Sat urday defeated Ames , 10 to 4 , which prac tically gives low n college the state cham pionship and the trophy , a silver bat. On next Wednesday Ann Arbor plays hero , and n week from that dap the Madison team will bo hcio. College closes on Wednesday , Juno 1-4. Before that tlmo great efforts will bo made I to raise the balance of the $10,000 for thu 1 now Young Meu'a Christian association ' bulldln ? . May U7 two of the literary societies will present Sheridan's "Tho iUvals" at the opera house , and on .May 81 n play in the original French will bo given by members of the llrst , second and third year French classes. It will bo hold in the institute lit- | crary boclcty hall , FALCONER'S ' SIX DAY SALE Second Day , Shawls Will Bo Sold Again Today on Account of the Bain , 812.00 JACKETS TODAY $1,05 JACKETS $1.85. Wo do not claim that all of these jack- I I ots are made in the very latest fashion , i but that they are jackets that sold at ' I $ -J.CO , $0.50 , $7.GO , S8.50 , 810.00and $12.00 cnch , tvlth slight alteration they can easily bo modeled into style ; at $1.85 they will not last an hour. All our regular $5.00 jackets $3.25 ; all our $0.75 jackets $1.00 ; nil our $10.00 jackets $0.75 ; all our $18.00 jackets $13.50 , CAPES $3.00. All our $5.00 capes today $3.00. All our $7.00 capes , $4.25. All our $15.00 capes , $0.00. All our $20.00 capos , $ ii.75. ; This is an opportunity on jackets and capes that has never presented itself be ( fore , nnd only the extraordinary manner in which wo secured the goods permits us to offer them at such prices. , . Our shawl sale , as advertised for yes I terday , will bo continued today , many of our customers not being able to attend on account of the incessant rain. CHILDREN'S MACKINTOSHES SI.05. Children's waterproof garments with deep cape and extra hood , value $2.50 to $3.00 , in our great sale today at $1.05. MACKINTOSHES $3.70. Ladies' navy blue and tan mackin toshes , $5.50 qualities , $11.70. MACKINTOSHES $5.00. A largo line of Indies' $15.00 mackin toshes in a good line of colorings to day $5.00. OUR GREAT SALE POSTPONED Till today on account of the rain. - Best prints , 3Jc. Everything advertised on fifth page of Sunday's BEE on snlo today. 20o swiss mull , 5o yard. . ( Some slightly soiled. ) Best imported French sateen in the prettiest designs imaginable. All 40c qualities , today 25c. OUR BIG DRESS GOODS AND SILK SALE continued too , 30c , 40c , 50c and per yard. ALL AT C9C PER YARD. $1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75 novelty wool dress goods , all at C9c. BLACK GOODS AT 77JC. $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50 black goods , to morrow 77c. 75c black goods 47 jc. Silks nt 47ic. All our 05c , 75c printed China and genuine Kai Kni silks , nil at 47jc. JAPANESE SILKS 09C. All our $1.00 and $1.25 28-inch Japan ese silks , 09c. These , with all the other bargains advertised in Sunday's BKE , will bo on sale today. N. B. FALCONER. P. S. Wednesday wo bell ladies' waists nnd a big line of button and raousquotairo dressed and undressed kid gloves , sent hero by our Now York buyer. $1.50 gloves will bo sold nt (19c ( ; $2.00 gloves at l)5c ) , all sizes and perfect gloves. N. _ B. FALCONER. WAYWABD GIRLS LOCATED. "Buck" Keith Ilnd Induced Thorn to Lcavo Omnlm Minor 1'ollco Tointors. Ida Corbeo and Emma Rogers , the two young girls who ran away from their homes in Omaha about two weeUs ago , have been located at Dead-wood , S. D. , where they have been since last Wednesday. They claim that ' -Buck" Keith , an Omaha hackman. induced them to rim away by promising to secure good positions for them in n Deadwood family , but that ho toolc them instead to a house of prostitu tion at Hot Springs. They only remained there two days , however , going thcnco to Kapicl City , where they stayed a few days , and then walked , via Black Ha wk , to Dead wood , where they have been wandering about the streets since their arrival. They wcro arrested on Sunday by the authorities of Dcad\j-ood , who , learning that they were under eighteen years of age , endeavored to get them to go to a reformatory institution or to return homo , both of which proposi tions they rejected. Detective Vaughn is In correspondence with the officers who have them in charge , however , and will probably secure their re turn to their parents. Held to tlio District Court. for assaulting "General" Field , keeper of n house of Ill-fume , who , ho says , induced ti is sister to leave homo and enter upon an im moral life , was hold to the district court in bonds of00 yesterday. j. Shoplufsky was held to the district court in the sum'of SSOO to answer to the charge of having committed an assault with intent to do great bodily injury. Thooffcnso was com mitted in a drunken row among Polish work men at Shcely station Sunday night. No wine has a purer boquet than Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. It is the pure juice of the grape fermented. GIBSONITES STILL KICKING. Kcnoived Proteins AculriHt tlio Stock Yards System of Dumping ( iiirliiff. The Gibson dump continues to cause some agitation , nnd occupies the attention of the Board of Health. Councilman McLcarle of the board was down to Gibson Saturday and bo believes that a stop should bo put to the Union Stock Yards coumpany unloading re fuse and manure along the river bank there. At the tlmo of his visit more than nno-linlf of the dump was on fire , and the odor aris ing was very offensive. Manager liubcoek of the company has said to the board that if the unloading there is considered a nuisance the company will aban don the practice. Ho believes that the com plaints made are actuated by malice. Dr. Somcrs and Chief Inspector Shcrrar have 3'isitcd the dump and are of the opinion that It is not such an intolerable nuUaiico as pic tured. However , they believe that the com pany might put in a switch farther down the river and do the unloading there. A conference is to bo hold this morn- intf between Counciltncn McLeario and Iiow- ell ind Manager BabcocK. nnd some plan may bo agreed upon that will prove satis- factory t < T all parties. * KMcti a/ Jiff lines wlet * umler tli ( tuts ; tacli ( Ultlltliinal line tcnctnts. THOMPSON Iliibus , of dropsy , Mny 22. yoars. Itcmulns removed lo Tuiruart Cp.'s undertaking rooms , u altlng tfio ur k from a , DPRICE'S Baking Powder . - . Used m Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. OFFICERS OXfcHE WOMAN'S CLUB. Interentlnj : MMtthg tlmt Mingled llnilntii , Miiulo fcfcdt'lnenpplo Mlierliet. The OmahiiWoman's club mot In ad journed scssloteJnfMr. Llnlnger's gallery nt 3 o'clock ' yestchMny afternoon , the extremely bad weather IfttoPfcrinp with the meeting seriously , only About flfty ladles being nblo to attend , After the minutes of the previous meeting wcro read and pppYovcd , the annual election of officers wag-mafic , resulting in the choice of Mrs. F. F. Forrt -president , Mrs. S. H. Townonsflrst--vlco president , Mrs. A. S. Stlpcr ns second vice president , Mrs. Chnrlrs S. Harris as recording secretary , Miss Harriet riot Hickox as corresponding secretary nnd Mrs. F. M , HIchardson as treasurer. The vote was n close ono on several of the offices , notably that of treasurer. Mrs. Towno. who hns filled tl'O ofllco of temporary chairman in so acceptable n manner , was presented with n beautiful bunch of 1 .1 Franco roses. Mrs. Ford , in response to a call made n brief speech thanking the ladles for the honor conferred upon her. The clue then ndjourncd , nnd the committee on house nnd homo took charge of the meeting. A musical program was rendered in n very pleasing manner. Schubert's "Houdcau" was rendered ns n iilano duct by Mcsdnmcs Hess-Fuchs nnd Whitmoro ; "Whcro Did You Como From , Baby Dear , " was sung by Mrs. Henry Estabrook , followed by "Hungary" ns n duct by the same ladies us appeared in the first number. Mrs. Cotton then sang "Heart's Delight" and , in re sponse to nn enthusiastic encore , "Love May ConioVTomorrow. " Mesdames Hcss-Fuchs nnd Whitmoro closed the program with the rendition of "Spain" in n very spirited stylo. Refreshments wcro served in great nbund- .inco and in the daintiest manner imagina ble. The lady fingers , pineapple sherbet , ami the tea nnd confections wcro simply above reproach , and an hour of friendly in tercourse was spent with that lingering en joyment of which only women are capable , after which adjournment was had until the lirst Monday in October. . SELLING CITY BONDS. lly tlio Now Method .Money Will IIo Snrod to Tnxpnycrft. The § 100,000 in sewer bonds voted nt the last general election , and recently issued by the council , will probably not bo offered for sale before the latter part of Juue. There still remains in the fund about $39,000which will bo sufllclcnt to meet all demands until that tlmo. The reason for the delay is that the bonds had better remain the property of the city , and interest bo saved , than to sell them and deposit the proceeds and secure but a per cent interest from the bank while the city is paying out 4J or 5 per cent. Another ordinance has been introduced in the council providing for the Issuing of u like amount of paving bonds voted at the same time as the sew or bonds. The former o nil ounce was passed over the veto of Mayor Bcuils. The mayor vetoed the ordinance under n misapprehension , believing that the bonds should not bo sold until It was known how much of the paving mapped out would bo done , and for the reason that the money market was very uncertain. The fact was developed that not an inch of paving could bo done until the bonds wcro ordered issued , With the understanding that they will bo disposed of only in such amounts as required the now ordinance was introduced , and it was stated in the council that the major would sign the now ordinance in order that the record might bo made perfectly clear. A i'nnious Itcincdy. Chamberlain's Cough Komedy has become famous for its cures of throat and lung dis eases. It is intended especially for coughs , colds , crouu and whooping coughs , and is the most effectual remedy known for these diseases. Mr. C. B. Main of Union City , Pa. , says : "I have a great sale on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. I warrant every bottle - tlo nnd have never heard of ono failing to give entire satisfaction. " In-Scarcli of Gold. Everybody hns seen gold coin and gold ' bars , but very fowpooplo have ever been gold in its natural state as found by tlio prospector. Commencing Mny 15 the Rocky Mountain Prospecting Co. will give free one benutiful and rich speci men of gold ere nnd ono shnro of their stock , par value $500.00. "Wo will give n\vay twenty-five specimens'and shares , but will only give ono specimen or ono share to each person. This btook will bo worth its par value in less than six months. We are doing this ns nn adver tisement. Send stamp for one of these specimens or ono share of the stock at once to the ROCICY MOUNTAIN PjtospncTiNG Co. , Espanola , N. 1J. Not KntlmshiHtlc for Ilenlth. The convention of health oflicinls , called to meet in Salt Lake City today , has been indefinitely postponed , owing to the failure of the oftlcials of the different cities to respond to the Invitation to send dele gates. Dr. Somcrs and Councilman Mc Lcarle , delegated by the Board of Health of this city to attend , were not ap prised of the postponement until the last moment. Dr. Somors , accompanied by Mrs. Somcrs and uaughtor , departed Satur- dav for Salt Lake , and will enjoy a pleasure trip. Councilman McLeario concluded to remain at homo. Hunting for tlio IHiiinoml Itolibcr. William A. Pinkcrton of the Pinkerton detective bureau will arrive today in search of the man who robbed W. II. Polack on the Sioux City & Pacific tram last No vember. Mr. Pinkerton will lie a guest nt the Paxton , where ho will gladly receive any ono who knows or thinks he knows any thing about the matter. A reward of $500 is offered for information leading to the criminal's arrest and conviction. ' The spring remedy that is " letter than all others isy' " Paine's Celery Compound Thousands have been ctircci , by it. fPhybiciansusc and rec- \ ommefid it. We Recommend ] It. We have It7\ Try n bottle , Dr. G n. BattorOcld , druggist , 720 South 10th street. HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN That the Original Roll Collar is our High in back ; low in front. A desirable ar ticle of apparel for the present season. CLUETT VBUCOON & CO. BRASD 80 . IICHT wucHTi IMl B Mfli ALDMERC. Always in the lead in the Shirt Line is the MONARCH. A Trustworthy Garment and a f'ttfcct Fit. Fit.CHUHTT , COON CO , Cures Others Will euro You , la a trno statement of the action ot AVER'S Srusnp.irllln , when taken for diseases originating In Impure blood ; but , while this assertion Is true ot AYEIl'S ' Snrsaparilla , an thousands can attest , it cannot bo truthfully applied to other preparations , which unprincipled dealers will recommend , nnd try to Im pose upon you , ns "just as good ns Ayor's. " Tnko Aycr's Snrsnpnrllla anil Ayor's only , if you need n blood-purifier nnd would bo benefited permanently. This medicine , for nearly fifty years , hns enjoyed n reputation , nnd nindo a record for cures , that hns never been equaled by other preparations , AVER'S Sarsaparllln eradicates the taint of he reditary scrofula nnd other blood dis eases from the system , and it has , deser vedly , the confidence of the people. Sarsaparilla "I cannot forbear to express my joy nt the relief I have obtained from the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla. I was aiillctcd with kidney troubles for about six months , suffering greatly with pnlns in the small of my back. In addition To this , my body was covered with pimply eruptions. The remedies proscribed failed to help mo. I then began to take AVER'S Sarsaparilla , nnd , In n short time , the palus ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woman , in case of sickness result ; Ing" from impure blood , no matter how long standing the case may bo , to taka AVER'S Sarsaparilla. " II.L.Jnrinauu 33 William st. , Now York City. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , MDBS. DOCTOR Searles Searles SPECIAL ) STS DR. F. I. . SKAItLKS , ConsulUns Surzooti , Graduate of Rush Motllc'il College. ( UON- SULTA'iiON rjlUE. ) For the treatment of CHRONIC , NERVOUS AND PRIVATE DISEASES Wo euro Cntnrrli , All Diseases of tlio Nose , Throat , Cheat , StomuoU , Bowels audlilvor. Blood , Shin and Kidney Hisonsos , Foiuulo Weaknesses. Lost Manhood CURED. P1I.KS , riSTUI.A , riSSUUK permanently cured without tlio use of u knife , llgaluro or caustic. All maladies ot a private or dellcato nature , ot cither BOX. positively cured. Call on or iiilitrcis , with stamp forClrculnrs , 1'reo Hook and lleclpos , Dr. ScarlEs & Searles , No xtdoorto I'ostoniccj OUR EMPLOYMENT DEFT whllocostlns the employer nii.l employes nothlne. has enabled 113 to atlvanio the inter ests ot both , and also our own , Uy socurlu ; bettor results with tue machine. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedict TELEPHONE 1'jj 1712 FARNAM St. CLARET 10e A QUART ; rtecnnso the label Is Einokcd ; tlmt'a nil thut'a wrong with U. JJos Angeles Wine and Liquor Co , , FIRE SALE IIC IIQ C . Ilayiienllros IIU-llO Oi ami llooton btoru Snap. vrs. wn MAICH TIIKMKYIHIY DAY AND MANV A 1,0V- 1NO I'AHENP DO A TKUB hlKCNI > S 01 ? TIIKllt UAU- L1NO. Shots. HIGH CLA4SS PHOTOGRAPHY , AT POPULAR PRICES , 313315317 South 15th Streot. OMAHA. | mmmmmmmmmiiimmmmmiiB I Cucumber ! ' Would bo a queer name to give to summer shirts and drawers , we know , but it Is suggested to us at = : ft this moment by the recollection of the old saying about being "as cool as a cucumber. " And isn't that Just the way that you want to feel during the approaching preaching hot weather , of which the increasing temperature of the past week has been a "gentle reminder ? " Of course it is. And here we remind you of what a large portion of the most'thoughtfi'j people are carrying off from our counters every day in the shape of Balbriggan undershirts and drawers at the following prices : "Spring Moss" ( fine , soft and cool ) , at 2Oc , $ "Grotto Shade" ( an elegantcombod yarnat ) 25c. : t < ii i "Old Cold" ( smooth and refreshing ) , at 40c. "Heather Mixture" ( silken finish and fancy ribbed cuff ) , at 45c. Besides the underwear , and equally desirable both for quality and price , are some kindred lines of goods which will be appreciated by persons who are looking for hot-weather comfort , which we 3 ? quote briefly as follows : NEGLIGEE SHIRTS , cool and serviceable , a full line in all styles , and at our usually low prices. SUMMER NECKWEARin Four-in-Hands , Tecks- Bows and Puffs , fit for Ward McAllister and his set , at 5c , ( Oc , I5c and 20c. FAST BLACK HALF HOSE , very nice , lOc. And don't forget our extensive assortment of Tan and Russet Shoes , including low Oxford Ties , at $ I.OO and $1.25. and high styles at $2.25 , $2.SO and $3.00. If you can't see through your specs try a pair of ours. T\h \ © fact that we are ) always hero is an assurance ' ! that our guarantee is worth some- thing. Our optician tests eyes free. AND 181G Douglas Street , Oniaha , Nob. siicccnscatnrrli , l < m tuin.ioo.i , 3j mini naiiiijn , m < n IUIKI i > n . , nu . , , . , , , Ui , , . . , . . . _ , . . . „ . , . , „ „ . , „ . mercury iiMoil No'.v treiuinont for Ion otlul pjirjr. rartloi utn'ilo to visit mom ly hj trjuil at lie iii ! bycorrcspomloiioo. Mu llclnaorliHtru nint , 13-11 br m ill or xtmirjly picltj I , nu mir < i I ? lnt\s \ ( ciUocontents orsemlor. Ono personal Intorvlow proforrjil Coiuiilutlou frjj. Cjrrjipj.Uo.ijj strlctl , ) ' private. Hook ( M > Btrjrloi ot Life ) teal troa. UJlj lioura , J n. m. to J p.m. dinlirJUn m. Il II m , ami ntninptor circular , < . i coMMctL.rAuf rjt THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTER THAN EVERI 3 Hurst quality of Himtim Tolmoio tlmtcmi bo , ' ) ( iii'M. Kqunl luovi'ry rr.siicct ( o tlm } , ' ilcure. JluiiufucUrud liylt. It , IHCSMlSHCVtUTJLiU CIGAKirACTOIlV.&t.Loiil * 5 ; PROTECT AND IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT. ; Our Spectacles and Eyeglassss Aretha Best EYES TESTED FREE , SATISFACriOS GUAIUNIEED OPTICAL CO. , 222 S. IBto Si. InlUnslor Seventeen Jewels. Other things being cqunl , tlio more jewels in n watch the more accurate as a 11 in c piece it will be. The Duobcr 11 a in p d c n RUBY JEWELED Watches alone contain ADJUSTED tA WATCHES so many us tcvcntcca jewels. If your denier iloe.i not keep our watclien , m ll u your mltlri'iH unil wu will K'nd you tlio imiuu of a dcujt-r who Uots , TUB Uuciiuu WATUU Wawlll B NI | you the nurruliiut yrrncli 1'roi'arillou CALTMO5 frr * . and u Iftul Kuamutw lint CA1.TIJOS vrjll KvklurK your Mraiiflli and ) lisor. AddrensVONMOIILCO. . U i..rt t * IniU , CUtliull , UkU. STRENGIH , VITALITY , MANHOOD I W , n. I'AHKKn. M. INo. 4 llul/lncl ! It. , nowix. Ujtfj. , chiif conivlttna ph\ittclun \ of IM I'KAItOnVMKim.'AI. JNaTrriJTE.towli "i iv awarded the GOLD HKIUL ty tlio NATION * ; MZUICAL , Ai'/ocu-rioN fo. ttio I'llI/.K : SA Y on Kthauittd rttaltty. AtfOp * > yKirtcut and I'Ayitt al l > eUUIi/&D'l all JJtua . < anil H'tnlntn o ( Altn , Ihoyouny , Uie mlJJIt-aflJ will Old C'oneultatloa iu j.vriou or ty letter , i'ro.pcctu with IcilltnanUlf , FUEK. I.irgo book. StllKNCE OF I.IPK , OK KKI.r- rUKSKHVATION , SOO ] > p. . 125 > criptioUK , full tdJCgnly il.W U wiJI. Mt ! U. i TREATMENT. FOUALL Chronic , Private anj- - Special Dls6i3)i ) , jj of both ; Hen and Women- llyrtrorlle Vnrlcncvlo. Ftru-tiiro nnfl nil otlisr troulilus trnnlcil lit romonablo charge * CONSUJ/l'ATION I'UUU Oallouoi DOTTQLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , Opposite Iluydon Ilroi , OR. McGREW THO 8PCOIALIQT. In uniari > n o < l in tUl treatment of ull PRIVATE DISEASES and allWeiknliiijcy and Oiiordtn of MLR 18 jo rioii > erlonce. Wrlto fnr rirraUfl Bail qucition 111 Irte , ror.ta 8U +