Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    r | IT-
[ resting Lincoln litigation Over the
Estate of Uarl Baaoko.
linctlnn I'rocccdlncn Initltntail \ > f Vftrl-
K 1'ropotty Owner * Aglnt the
t'ltr nnd Tlicne flrrai Inter
cut il In the Work.
.INCOI.N . , Nob. , May 23. fSpoclal to Tits
; . ] Judge Lansing is engaged today In
ring a rather complicated but interest-
contested will caso. Carl Baacko was n
l-to-do farmer living in Ollvo Branch
bind and when ho dlod last'Fobruary
an citato valued $10,000 or $12,000. Ho
made a will In December , 1887 , In which
nt his two children , Herman Baacko nnd
aboth Klcppcr , off with but $10 each ,
0 his wlfo her legal share and tlio balance
itho cstato was divided between three
or children of his son Fritz , who died a
r ago. Slnco the will was made three
children were r.ddcd to the Hock of
jtz , his wlfo secured a divorced from him
ho was reconciled to his other children.
[ ' i will , however , was never changed and
probate of It Is contested by Herman
t Elizabeth ,
hey sot up the facts as detailed above ,
claim that the chanqo In circumstances
: nHod a now moral obligation on the
lor , and In fact and effect is a revocation
he old will. They declarn further that
Ir father had frequently expressed his
jntlon to make a will , nnd In fact had
t for a notary to draw ono up , hut when
man arrived Baauko was dead. There
four Interests represented and the com-
iition can bo hotter understood by the
, t that the divorced wlfo claims her be-
-\it under the will , the three grandchil-
: n named in the will want their bequest.
1 nthor three born slitro the execution of
s will ask that substantial justice bo done
j'H. whllo the son niul daughter ask that
: h bo given one-third of the estate , the
it , ? third to bo divided among the six
iltlren of their deceased brother.
Kujolneil the Cftj.
ilo this afternoon the threatened in-
ctlon proceedings In the matter of the
isl O street vluduct wcro ( lied in the dls-
ct court. The parties plaintiff are C. L.
dl. J. A. Buckstaff , Buckstaft Bros ,
mufacturlng company. Mrs. Kato Martin ,
E. Brown. A. K. Hargrcavcs and the
Igor Lumber company' , and the defend-
ts are the city of Lincoln , the Milwali-
a Bridge and Iron works , the Burlington
1 Union Pacific railroad companies. Tlio
In tiffs at tack the validity of the ordinance
the grounds set forth in Sunaay's BEI : ,
ofly that the council assumes power it
? s not possess , and that the ordinance
s never legally passed nor approved ,
oy nllcfro that tlio construction of the
'duct ' will form n permanent obstruction
d prevent travel along O street , and
| ndcr useless the expenditures they have
, ido to make their property easy of
{ rcss an ogress ; that the ordinance
ompts from taxation nearly Jl,000.000
[ irth of railroad property , whereas that
'Iroad property Is the ono directly beno-
5d. They assort further that the council
s no right to vacate O street to the USD of
| e railways , and that by entering into this
ntract the city will incur a lareo indebtod-
; ss and spend a largo amount of money , the
curring of which the council hasnonuthor-
to order , because it was not provided for
the annual appropriation or levy j that the
mtrnot under which thoy. are proceeding is
Irgal and void ; that the city is about to va-
ate the stroct and turn it over to the do-
jiidant railroad companies , and will do so
nlcss restrained by order of the court. A
emporary order was Issued and work
topped. The damages claimed are : A. E.
largrcavcs , 910,000 ; Kato Martin , $2."i,000 ;
! . U Hall. SI5.000 ; E. E. Brown. 810,000 ; J ,
Buckstaff , $15,000r Buckstaff Bros , $20-
H ) ; Badger Lumber company , $20,000.
City In llrler.
Mrs. Mlhol , the woman Injured in the row
i the Russian quarter lust night , is much
.nproved today , nnO It Is now thought that
no will pull through all right. Ilinklo , who
tna at flrst thought to bo fatally injured bo-
auso of the great loss of blood , is Improving
lad so is Peter Holsor , in whoso head the
lectors had to take a half dozen stitches.
ho two Hclscrs are confined in jail awaiting
iO result of their Injuries.
F. O. Hubbard pleaded not guilty in Judge
.rddo's court this morning to six indict-
outs charging him with obtaining money
om the state on false pretenses , and his
.so was continued. Hubbard was rolaascd
i fa.OOO ball , furnished by S. D. Park and
. I. Foss.
Judge Strode Is rngagnd today In hearing
10 case of the state against Rupert W.
rady and. Charles Stahl. charged with rob-
IIR several henroosts. The motion for con-
nuance in the case of John E. Hussoy ,
iiargcd with murder in the first degree ,
ps overruled and trial set for Juno 12.
Ins was the last day sot for the filing ol
answer by Mayor Weir to the contest
un by his late opponent , H. B. Graham
all that was filed was a demurrer , set
V up the usual grounds that the petition
i not state facts sufficient to constitute a
iiso for action.
vlary Harris and her stepson , H. W
rty , were arrested last night on the
trgo of grand larceny. It appears thaj
by sacked a house in North Lincoln where
[ \V. HIllls had stored some goods and rood
/od thorn to their own domicile. Mrs
frls flashed a curiously constructed bill of
Vwhich afterwards turned out to bo a
f'ory. She was released on ball to appear
trial Thursday.
ildnoy Rhodes and J , A. Bowers , two
ntors living In the vloluity of Twenty
oud and C streets , were assaulted las
lit while going through the Caplto
muds at a late hour , by three unknowi
n , who leaped out upon them from behind
b corner of the building. They were boll
tally beaten and lay there unconsclou
. over an hour. Rhodes was not hurt si
dly ns Bowers , aud reported the matte
the police this morning. Bowers is stll
nflnod to his homo us a result of his iu
rlcs. The thieves secured $12.
David City I.ttlentlon ,
DAVID Citr , Nob. , May ! J2. [ Special to
IB BEU. ] District court convened nero
Is morning with Judge ICobort Wheeler
csldlng. Nlnoty-slx cases appear on the
ckct , including six dlvorco nnd 11 vo crlml-
1 suits. Three of the criminal cases will
it bo tried nt this term as It , Glottfoltor ,
0 Ulysses saloon kconur/ngalnst whom the
formations were fllod , loft tlio county Jail
the sky light ronto shortly after his in-
rceratton nnd Is now awaiting his trial in
XJHO county on two charges of a similar
Ilnitilt of n Drunken Itow.
CIiUNii IsiJiMi , Nob. , Mav. W. [ Special to
IB BEU. ] Dick lluseman and Dick
umpko ongagud In n quarrel at n beer
irdennnd danclngliall called Hanns park
it Saturday night. Husenmn , wltlvuomo
ikiiown Instrument , succeeded hi cutting
id slashing llnmpko's face in a terrible
anner. The latter was not able to appear
r the trial today , and the case has boon
'stponod until next Wednesday morning.
1 la stated by some that Humpttti was the
Took 1IU Mitt In Di p lr.
V , Nob. , May .y. [ Special to
HEBB8.J John Wosnor , nn old soldier ,
ted 53 , was found about six miles north of
yracuso this morning with a pistol wound
this head , Ho proved to bo a brother of
acob Wosnor of this city , nnd despairing of
udlng hU brother , had attempted to com-
lit sulcldo. Ho was removed to this city ,
lo cannot possibly survive.
Chadron Knllcr Mill llurneil.
Cuximox , Neb , , May 2U. [ Sped al Telo
: rum to TUB BBE. ] The Chadron roller mill
ras partly destroyed by lire Saturday nigh t
'xm , about M.OCK ) ; Insurance , $5,000 In the
ermun-Aiuerlcan , North American aud
uu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fort Nlobrnrn Nutot.
FOUT NioiiiiAiu , Nob. , May 83. [ Si > eclnl to
l'a HEE. ] Colonel Gordon , Sixth cavalry ,
tud Dit. Muudny and. Heyl left for Oiuaha
yesterday morning ns witnesses before the
united States court In the case of Hosier ,
Victor Poslosky , an Apache indlnn , who
ns lived among the Sioux slnco childhood , a
number of Troop L , Sixth cavalry , died htro
'rlday. Posloiky was troop tailor.
lontrlco Police Dlocorer the Uorpie of nn
Infnnt Vndnr t'ernllar CtrcntniitnncBi.
BEATRICB , Neb. , May 22. [ Special Tele-
ram to'TUB Bur . ] This afternoon Chief of
'ollco Rood received an anonymous com
munication , evidently in n disguised hand ,
"Ircctlng his attention to what may prove tea
a case of infanticide. Offlccr Jackson
nd City 1'liyslclan G. U Koo nt once visited
ho promises at the corner of Lincoln and
'Irst streets and interviewed tlio woman , a
. .rass widow by the narmrof Doty. She ad
mitted having suffered a premature confine-
ient. nnd , after much questioning , was In-
luccd to toll where the body of the child
liad been burled. It was found under a
rainwater barrel and proved to bo n fully
lovcloped mnlo child , evidently born In good
health. Acnw its forehead was a mark
"indicating a heavy blow. The body was
jntlroly nude when discovered , and was
born a week or more ago.
It Is known that tlio woman ran away from
icr husband some tlmo slnco and his where
abouts uro unknown. A man giving the
namoof Charles B , Hcrrlck has beun living
with her for tlio last six months but has dls-
iHpnarcd. It It supposed ho Is at Wymoro
iml a warrant tins been issued for his nr-
rost. A coroner's fruitiest will bo hold to-
morrow. The woman has been placed under
irreat. _
KeEiiltortlieCollapsoorn Nebraska Farmer' *
Onn , Neb. , May 22.-Special [ to THE BRB. ]
The family of John Fogth , a farmer living
ight miles northwest of Ord , mot with a
'atal accident early yesterday morning.
I'ho family , which consists of Mr. Fogth ,
: ils wife and three children , two girls aged
' ! and 11 , and a boy younger , llvo
n a house partly log nnd part dugout , the
sleeping apartment being In the latter part.
Shortly after midnight the dugout caved In ,
burying tlio family In the ruins. The elder
girl , oaftcr three hours of severe effort ,
orked her way out and hurried oft for help.
When assistance arrived nnd the family
was extricated , the younger girl was found
to bo fatally hurt nnd died later. Mr. Fogth
and the boy are severely hurt and Internal
Injuries nro feared. Mrs. Foicth and the
older girl escaped with a few severe bruises.
The house was considered unsafe and Fogth
, vas preparing to erect n frame building.
Itmult of rt Protracted Spree.
SvnxcusE , Nob. , May 22. [ Special Toto-
gramtoTiir. BISR. ] John Wisner , aged 53 ,
shot himself with suicidal intent this raorn-
ng about 0 o'clock , near his brother's farm ,
oiirht miles southeast of this town. Wlsncr
s a wagon maker and nas lately boon work-
ng in Talmago. Ho was talcon to his
brother's houso. Coroner Karstens and a
ihyslcian wcro called. The bullet was 22
caliber und lodtrod in the brain. Ho
still nlivo but unconscious. 'Wlsncr is
single and no cause is given for the act ex
cept that ho had boon on a protracted spree
the lust few da.vs.
Hliot n riayiniito.
OIID , Nob. , May 22. [ Special to TUB BEB.J
The 8-year-old daughter of L. U. Anderson ,
a thresher residing at Elyria , was shot yes
terday afternoon by the accidental discharge
of a revolver In the hands of a playmate. A
number of young people , among whom was
the wounded girl , ware gathered together.
Ono of thorn Macintiro , a boy 14 < years of ago.
had In his possession u revolver , which was
being examined by thorn when it was dis
charged with the above result. The girl is
not expected to recover.
Ord Court Note * .
OKD , Neb. , May 22. [ Special to THB BED. ]
District court was In session all last week
and is likely to occupy several morn days.
The case of the state against | T. Hoollwarth ,
charged with assault , was dismissed , there
being no cause of action. In the suit of
Henry C. Wolf against the Burlington coin-
pan v , action for damages , the jury brought
in a verdict for the plaintiff for $000.
Trouble Uvor u Itonl Kstnto Deal.
HAM-INGS , Nob. , May 22. Special Tele
gram to Tins BKE. ] E. H. Powell today
swore out a warrant for the arrest of Dr. W.
T. Putt , superintendent of the Park View
cemetery. Putt is charged with selling
some property to Powell in May in which ho
had no title and that ho now refuses to re
fund the inouoy.
Closnd by the She rift
HASTINGS , Neb. , May 22. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB. ] A. H. Burdlck , retail
dealer In furniture , gave a chattel mortgage
for $ . " > 05 today to the Exchange National
bank of this city and immediately the mort
gage was foreclosed and the stock levied
upon by the sheriff. Other claims will bring
the liabilities up 300 , whllo the assets
are 200.
Injured Whtlu ItullliiK Ten i'lns.
NEIIUABKA CITY , Nob. , May 22. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE.J Samuel Kellogg ,
whllo rolling ten pins this afternoon , slipped
aud foil , breaking his loft leg in two placos.
He Thought Ho Could Ituii Hit O\ra Af
fair * but \Vun AliHtitkeii ,
Charles Furst was at the mayor's office
yesterday with a tale of woo. Ho
leased a forty-aero tract of laud east
of Clifton Hill , known as McShano and
Ay res' addition , and has possession or ho
thinks ho has and Is certain ho should havo.
Some of the residents in that neigh
borhood persist in converting his tract into a
public pasture , and ho objects to this
and wants relief. They picket out tholr cat-
tin and homes , and totally disregard the pro
tests ho enters. Last Saturday ho remon
strated with a gentleman of colcrand insisted
that the land was his , and no moro
cows nor horses would bo permitted to graze
there , The colored man took' offense , nnd
kicked up a lively row , in which ho was
seconded by two or three neighbors. They
used clubs and knives , and soon laid low Mr.
Furst with a deep gash over his eye and
other evidences of rough handling.
Mrs. Furst and her young son came to the
rescue , anil were knocked out In short order ,
and wore so badly bruised and Injured that
the services of u surgeon wcro required. The
obstreperous colored neighbor has boun ar
rested , and will answer to the charge of
assault to do great bodily harm. If the
neighbors persist in using the tract for
pusturago Furst will huvo them arrested for
trespass. '
Wottther .No leg.
Uoports received at the Omaha weather
ofllco indicated thai the rain which prevailed -
vailed In this locality yesterday was qulto
general over the state , It was raining'
Valentine , snowing at Cheyenne and raining
at several other points in western Nebraska.
Up to 'J o'clock in the afternoon throe-
fourths of an inch of raiu had fallen in
Captain Hunt has received notlco that ttio
weather ollluo at Cruto will bo discontinued
as soon as possible und the ofllco equipments
will bo moved to Oinuha. Mr. ( Jcorgo A.
Lovoland. who has charge of the olllco at
Crete , will bo transferred to Omaha to as
sist Captaiu Hunt.
Bold to Alleged Residents in and Around
Ashland , Neb ,
Agent Downer Worked n Smooth Scheme ,
Which Undo Snm li Now InvcstlRa *
thiR Cnucht rurlolnlm ;
JMnll Stnttor.
For ways that nro tricky and schemes that
nro smooth a sowing machine agent ns a rule
takes a front seat. His name Is Downer and
ho confined his rural solicitations to the
country contiguous to Ashland , Nob. , where
for several months ho did n thriving busi
ness. The company for which ho worked
had some dlfllculty , however , after a few
months in making collections from parties
to whom Downer had sold machines on the
Installment plan , and ultllmatcly decided
to send n special man to Ashland to
look the delinquent purchasers up and
cither collect what was duo on the machines
or recover the goods. The special man had
dlfllculty in finding some of the purchasers ,
In fact , ho failed entirely to locate some of
them , nnd as the man who sold the machines
had quit working for the firm ho would lend
no assistance In the matter of collecting the
delinquent bills , but merely stated that the
parlies wcro perfectly good and would
finally pay for tlio machines.
Mr. J. L. Barrett of Ashland was finally
employed to take care of the business , and
ho soon came to the conclusion that some of
the alleged purchasers of sowing machines
existed only in the imagination of the agent
who disposed of the machines. Ho sot to
work upon this theory and soon discovered
that Mr. Downer was taking letters from the
Ashland postofllco addressed to the men to
whom he had claimed to have sold the sowIng -
Ing machines.
Took tlio Halt nnd'as I.umled.
A Iran was laid for Mr. Downer and ho
walked deliberately into it. Tlio company
wrote to ono of the men to whom Mr.
Downer said ho had sold n machine , stating
that as the machine had not been paid for
tlio company desired to have It returned.
Some money was Inclosed with which'
to pay the freight on the machine
from Ashland to Lincoln. A watch was
placed on this letter and Mr. Downer was
caught In the act of taking it from the post
ofllco and taking the money out of it. Ho
was arrested and will bo brought before the
grand Jury on n charge of taking from the
United States postofllco that which did not
belong to him.
Mr. Downer claims that ho can produce
the man to whom the letter was addressed
and can also show that ho actually sold the
machine to this man and thnt the purchaser
had given film authority to got his mail out
of the postofllcc. Mr. Barrett says ho has
lived in Ashlaml for many years and he
knows that there is no such n man in the
country round or in the town bearing the
name on the letter from which the money
was extracted. Ho states further that the
letter was addressed to Mr. Downer's own
box as requested hi a letter from the pseudo
purchaser to the company. Witnesses in the
case were before the United States grand
Jury yesterday.
1'cdoral Court Notci.
Drs. Tildcn , Gleson , Navlllo and Larimer ,
sitting ns a board of investigation upon the
case of Winston Taylor , have found that the
unfortunate prisoner Is insane and have
recommended that ho bo sent to some
institution for the feebleminded. Taylor
was arrested two months ago for send
ing obscano letters to * "a young lady in
Phelps county. Ho has been confined in the
Adams county jail over since the arrest.
Hon. Ben S. Baker is still confined to his
home on Thirty-second street , and his as
sistant tins charge of the federal court busi
There was a porfeet army of witnesses on
hand in the federal building yesterday
ready to testify to the grand Jury.
Plies of people nave , but Do Witt's
" \ViUh Hawl Salvo willcuro them.
Talk of Northwestern
AVorlil'H Fair ItatcuKxpectml to Tumble
The likelihood of a telegraphers strike on
the Northwestern is regarded' ns a remote
contingency by the local ofllclals hero nnd
the telegraph operators Interviewed art
ignorant of the reasons for such a strike.
Ono of the men , who directs the running
of itrains , regarding the situation ,
said : "All the men are nt work
at their keys today and will
very likely stay there. From conversations
carried on over the wire I infer that the
reason of a strike Is due to the refusal of
Mr. Sanbom , general superintendent , to
moot the committee seeking an Interview.
Mr. Sanborn was in Omaha the day the interview
terviow 13 said to have been refused. "
Mr. R. H. Ritchie , general agent of the
company , stated to a representative of Tun
BEE that ho had no Information regarding
a contemplated strike , his flrst knowledge
being obtained from Tun BKE of yesterday.
"As for the company being opposed to the
Order of Itullwny Telegraphers , I think the
rumor is hardly well founded. In fact , I be
lieve the company does not care whether the
men are members of the order or not , Just so
long as they attend to their duties. "
World' * I'nlr Hilton Not rinn.
Tlio situation now presented to the rail
roads is ono requiring the most delicate
handllmr , and any overt act will simply de
moralize the Western Freight association
nnd end in a general rate war. It may
bo deferred to tlio close of the
week , but it is certain that there
will bo u reduction in rates nnd
the Santa Fo will inaugurate them I
from Knnsas City to be mot by the Burling
ton instantly , both from Kansas City nnd j
Omahn. In fact omcinls about Burlington
headquarters do not hesitate to say that a
war Is Inevitable , and they propose to Ktay
in the business us long ns possible.
Conservative railroad men bollovo that the
round trip rate to Chicago will not go below
$17.50 , ns recommended by the speuiul com-
inltteo appointed nt the last meeting of the
Western Passenger association , nnd that is
the rate the Santa Fo will undoubtedly
make this week. However , should tlio
other Iowa lines , particularly the Milwaukee ,
put In n ? l.r > rate , us It is qulto likely to do
than the end cannot bo forutold.
MortRiiKU In IMvur uf ( i. W. i : . Dnrnoy.
A mortgage covering the trotting stock or
the Plutto Valley ranch , tlio old C. E ,
Mayno brooding farm , was filed for record
yesterday with the county clerk. It wn
executed by the Platte Valley Live Stock
company , by H. H. Dorsoy , president , and
George H. ulckok , secretary , and is In favor
of George W. E. Dorsoy , The indebtedness
covered by It amounts to &iG30 , and the
ownership of forty head of of standard and
trotting bred animals is affected by it.
Itaptltts that Co ino from Ilontun ,
The New England Baptist delegates on-
route to Denver arrive over the Northwest
ern at 8 o'clock this morning. They will bo
mot at the nppot by members of the different
Baptist churches of this city. They
will bo given a drive about the
city during the forenoon nnd shown
the various points of interest. An informal
reception will probably bo tendered la the
Highest of nil in Leavening Power. Latest . S. Gov't Report.
council chamber In thon/lty hull , Miyor
Bemls making Hint aurceitlovf Dinner will
bo tnkrn nt either tlio Paxtqn pr Mlllard ho
tel. The party will dophrt for Denver at
some house during the afternoon over the
Union Pacific.
Numbered among * the iwsscngers on the
train nro many uromlnontrnml wealthy cltl-
nous of Now England , who n'rn paj Ing tholr
first visit to the great * wqsl. From the
Itinerary , prepared nt Chicago. It Is taken
that the strangers nntlelp'aw ) a royal welcome -
como nt Omahn , anil loota 'forward with
Pleasure to the entertainment that will bo
City Street * Hint Connect' ' with raved
County ItonilH.Still tlilpnvcd.
Several weeks ago when the council was
defining the districts to bo paved a great
deal was said about three or four streets In
the western part of the city that should bo In
cluded for the reason that the county would
continue the paving from the city limits
out Into the county. With this Idea In vlow
West Leavcnworth , Military avenue , from
Forty-second , Dodge from Thirty-fourthand
Center from Thirty-fourth were Included In
the streets to bo paved and were created Into
districts. A plea of economy and the great
est good to the crcatcst number was the
theory the council went on.
The supposition prevailed that the first
petitions from the property owners designat
ing material to bo used would come from
these streets. Although about thlrty-ilvo
petitions have been received nonoof the
streets named have been Included. The first
step was n majority petition asking that
Lcavanworth street bo not paved. With
sucbn protest before them the council could
not do otherwise than repeal that portion of
the ordinance creating the district. This
was done , nnd at the tlmo Councilman
Howcll cxiTrcssed his opinion on the matter
In very pointed terms.
The other thoroughfares aro' In the
same position ns they wcro at the tlmo
that paving bids wcro asked. While no pro
tests have been filed , yet the property
owners have not moved , excepting on Center
street. On Military avcnuo nnd Dodge
street the majority of property owners. It is
said , nro not nnxious for paving and will
talco no action whatever. Under the decision
of the supreme court n street cannot bo
paved until n majority have petitioned for
the same , nnd that has not been done in nny
of the cases referred to.
Are \'ou Thinking
Of what you ought to take with you when
you go to the World's fair ? Your outfit will
not bo complete without a bottle of Chain
ccrlam's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhroa
Hemedy. The change of water and diet , fa
tigue and Irregular habits during your trip
are almost certain to produce dlarrhcca , and
a dose or two of this remedy may save .you
serious sickness and jxirhaps much expense. .
Procure It before leaving homo.
Taut Tlmo by tlio Now York.
Ui.oucRSTEit , Mnss. , May 23. [ Cruiser
Now York , oft Capo Ann. ] The cruiser New
York crossed the ilnlsh line this afternoon
nt 1:41 , having made the marvelous speed of
twonty-ono knots an hour. This record
gives the United States the fastest armoured
cruiser in the world and the " Cramps a pre
mium of : tSOOOUO. Even tho"records of the
famous Blake and Blenheim are surpassed ,
the former having made onlv 19.7 on her
trial trio , when she broke , down , , and the
latter has never yet been triqd over a meas
ured course. t
In ' '
1 Al
J . - < II.I
March , April , ' May ,
" '
Celery. I > - Hop Mflll.l c , .
The best spring medicine in
the world.
Buy a bottle nnd see how valu
able it is. We have just re
ceived a large supplyi
Jno. J. Froytag. drugglft , 1014 North 34th st
Are thosa Igfaorai. pr3i3ii3r who
withoutany qualifloations , any ability ,
any , any skill , claim to
possess the power to euro all the ills of
ho human raca. But their wani of
worth noon becomes apparent to thalr dupes , and these consctence-
lessquacks ara soon consignoi to ths
oblivion they BO richly merit.
In. strangro and atroaj coatrastwit'i
thoao miaorablo boasters is the quiet ,
dignified yet courteous demeanor of
hose noted loaders of their profeuioa
Who , during : the past Q7 years , ha
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , perfect and permanent
euros in all the wornt forpis of thooo del
icate Boxual maladies.ombmcod within
the general terms o ? j , ' . ,
I _ T2
AND ; „ „ ;
Jl JJ.
< iri
Lll' * "M
Bond 4 cents for their , illustrated new
book of 120 pages , "Kntfw Thyself. "
Consultation froa. Call upon or ad
dress , witb stamp ,
Drs. Betls & Balis ,
119 S , I4tii Slreat.
Cor. Douglas St' ,
'And ' all ttio trala of
UVII.3.WKAKNK.SHKS , DKIimTV'.KTO. , that ao-
eoaiiianr tliou In man QUICKLY and 1'KIIMA >
msNTliY CUIIKI ) . Kull untUNUTll and touo
irlfen toevorr partoftbg bolrI will end i .
curvlr packol ) KHUK to uar ( Uffaritr the proscrip
tion that cured t u of the u trouble * . Aadreti , U
A..UUAULKi , UATTLC citiiKic Micu.
An Otnnlm I.niljr rind * ItMltir KUlit nt Homo
After Set-king In Vnln for U ii : iMThrre.
Mr * . W. G. Jny , HIM Mcrndlth nvonuo. Is an
omlmnbln nnd rodnnJ livly with a Inrxo clrolo
ot friends. Her hushanu. W. O. Jay. Is Ihr
well known chock clerk at the AVotislor ttrort
depot lint ono object could Impel Uiljlruly'n
nolntcn statement the benefits It tuny confer
upon others nflllctoj with clironlo dlionso ,
These nro her onrnost words ;
"If 1 innko strong statoincnti thu fnoM In
my ca'Q fully narr int tlioin. 1 went to Iir.
SliopirJ because relatives nnd trlcmMofmlno
had boon cured by him , 1'tom tlio nny I ( alt
and what I had observed In other cusoi I be-
UoTcd I had consumption. At flrst the ftlons
wcrQlooal lUuc.itnrrh In thoclieitnnit bond.
A short hnck or bronolilnl conRli appeared
with constant pains and soreness In the lunss
nnd heart. My heart fluttered nnd I sinoth-
orod so easily thnt I could not slat the trUilo
whore victuals were steaming. 1 hid to rush
to the door for air. Acliliu In bodv , tlnibi nnd
hond , wnkofillness nnd loss of Meop all were
dlstresslni fnotsln my OHSO. t test my vkor
niul ambition atoadlly. A very nntlccnmo fea
ture was oxtroiio muscular weakness with
llabblnoisnnd softening ot my flesh. I seomort
to glvo out In ovcry way ,
"Upon a physician's advice I tried a ohungo
ot nlr and wont to Colorado and also to sovor-
nl Atlantic w.itorlnn-plaoes. tncludt'ig Coney
Islam ) . Hut there was no hulp In these. Not
until Or. Sliopnrcl began n radical treatment
tor my lungs nnd blood did I sou nny decided
hooollt. Ho has treated mo for ten weeks and
I am built up und relieved to tlio point
of perfect boulih. It Is lire yoaraalnco I have
felt so woll. No cough , no emolliorliiR , no
weakness , no rntnrrh. I eat nnd sluoii splen
didly. The results hive been croat and 1 sinII
always fool ft In the line of mv duty to ur o
my nlllnu friends to go whorol went for roller.
My treatment baa boon easily taken , Issooth-
Ing , nml tlio ostof Itvcry trllllniJ. fJrt. Ciivt-
In iid ami Sicj > ml < l < > nt the / nur'C and arc roll i-
We in cv.r i way. I will gladly say this to nny
ono who may Inquire. "
l.ov Jtiltoi.
Catarrh and all curable disease ! treated nt
low nnd uniform rates mo'llelnos froo. I'n-
tlonts nt it distance successfully treated by
mall. Send for symptom blank.
HOOMS nil AXD at ! N3\V YOX'C LIFfi
Every Curable Disease Treated-
Office Hoursto ! ) 11 a. in.2 ; to 5 p. m * : 7 to 8 D.
in. Sunday 10 a. ui. to 12 in.
Capital $400,000
Surplus $65,000
COIecrsand Irjoton Ilonry W. Valoi , pr3il 1)1
II. C. Cuihlnir. Ttoo proildaiu ; C. B. Maurlo ] , .V. f
Mono.John 8. tolllni J. N. II. Pjtrloi ;
Heed , caibler.
JL 11111 SJBT
Toelh oxtractol la inorr.inT
Newonoi Iniertsd r fur ooa
eniuo day. I'erfoct at
3rd Flu or ,
Faztou iiiaok *
IQthaudFarnam Streets.
Ulorstor un UitU bU Telephone lOii
Prof , Hirsfcrg ,
The celebrated. Now York and St.
Loula eye export , BY SPECIAL HE-
QUEST will remain in OMAHA ,
Do They Ache. Burn , Itch , Water
or Tire Upon Continual Use ?
If they do they are dsfectlvo and
should bo carefully fitted with glasses.
Are you subject to chronic headaches ,
iho kind that begins in the region back
of nna around the oyoa , making the
eyes fool linuvy and duU ? If so the
eyes are at fuult and a puir of ( jlaasos are
When you can cull and consult an
eminent oculist ,
lluraombor the dates ,
MAY 23 TO 27
At the store of
Solo Agents for Onmha , Nob.
I'r. Illrichburiri Hoar rilr Vour oplbaludo cram.
Inatlon maduot my ertu oomi tu mu nitui thor
ough and valnituklnirand I can earnoilly rocoin >
monil you to all la need of Klauca. Vourt raiiicct
fully , K. A. NASH.
OMAHA , March 37 , 18'.i : ) . Dr. H Illrtchberj ; !
Ihmr blr I liaro tried the Klamui und iiootaolei
which you mnclu for moand taKuplctiuro Inrucom-
uiondtaK them a * being tbe ruott e r upon l"f ajrut
of nnr 1 bare erer worn , nnd In uvlng them I nui
uunbfeto larwhctbor lam lookliu ttironKhulntiet
at all. I wUU youiiroattucoenln jrourtrarultoror
tbliitate. Tlieio ( la ei are ouch an Improromont
to taj ejui that 1 can tie 51 well at 1 could In nir
borhood. 1 take treat pleaiuro In recommending
to anyone who ! afflictedIlko myself and lias to
wearirla o , ailcau § 00better with thorn than I
have been nblu to do In the lait tuelro joar * .
Voun reipeclfullr. T , K , Si'iiiioiionuii.
Uou , Hupt. racltlc Kxpren. Umahn , Neb.
OHAHA , Aurlia. lB'J3.-l'rof. H.llU > chberKi Ioar
Sir 1 hiivo been wearlnv the glanei you pretcrlbcil
for rr.oorer iluco 1 recoUod thorn , untl lam wry
much pleated. They are to oa > y an the ey , the
trmlu U entirely rollerod , and at tlio aamotlmo I
can keg much bolter than before tleipectfully
your * . CiiAiiLKS CoNuYEn.
CirrTiiKABirnEu's Orrici , OMAHA , Neb. , Mays ,
16'J3-l'ror. II. Illrihberir , bt. IxiuH , llo.i Dear
hlr Tin ) two yolr ot gltnui you pretcrlbed for mo
oftcrrou had mr eye oiu'jilnoa , I IIHTO roccltod ,
and mint nay tbat they ara to mr entire latlifac-
lion. 1 havu uted Blaisee ( or the lait twelre yeart ,
hut never had any which uar wycjo ni much
relief ni these do. Wlihlnx you tucceti , I am tlr ,
Vouri Tory trulr , llKNiiv UOLLK , '
Clothing House ,
account of the depressed condition .of the east
ern market we have made a large purchase from
one of the best makers of fine clothing in New
York at prices far below the actual manufac
turer's cost. We will give our trade the bene
fit of the entire purchase. The sale will con
tinue all this week , until the entire lot
is closed , They consist of MEN'S FINE
guarantee every garment to be equal to those
made in our work-room. YOU CAN SAVE
from $5.00 to $8.00 on a new spring suit.
Men's Cheviot Suits , $9.00 ,
Worth $15.00
Men's Cassimere Suits , $7.75 ,
Worth $14.00
Men's Serge Suits , $10.00 ,
Worth $15.00
Men's Cassimere and Cheviot Suits ,
- . . ' . - , . . $5.75 ,
n- : . . . . . ' - - . ' : Worth $12.00
Boys' Department.
Don't buy any boys' clothing until you'
have seen what we are offering this week.
Clothing House.
New Woolens , just in.
Faxton Hotel Bulldlnj.
Farnain St. , Omaha.
„ AM >
( Uonsultutlou True. )
Is uniurpassod In the treat
ment of all
Chrouio , Private and.
Nervous Di eaio .
WrlU to or cumuli | i lonallr ,
r-Addrei § with itamp for par-
'tloulari , which will t > t > tent la
plain . - > . nor Mi oaicf un a. utu-it. .
OmabaN t.
frith nnd I/oxliistoti iivonno , Ohlougo. night
in I n tit us from fi'th-Urool entrance tu World's
l''mr ' KroiindH , only four blooUii from Ml'Jwuy
I'lulsuncu."THE OMAHA"
Is it line stonti niul lrlyl < linllilln ; , flnlilintl In
liitnl wood , provided wiuioloulrloltalit , Hloaiu , Imlhs mi'l iiorfojt flunltary plumolnir
th roil ihmiL The rooms nro all unod sire wltli
outsldn Ililit , und ro finished very iniiuh hot
ter tlnin mo.t of the Wnrld'B Kalr llotuls. Tlio
ruitiiurniit will hocunductod liy the iiuumiror ,
which Mill Insure tu nil unoU Horvlco .mil ontlra
H itlsf Motion. H.nos will lie mtxlor' ' " nnd rna <
Hunnlilo. 1'rlcua for r. > uiii9 , tl.o ) und iipwarJa
( oneh poi-jnii ) iiorduy.
\Vo dcslrotomnlfo "THE OMAHA"
lioa < liiiirtcri | far ull Nolinialta nnd western
| ) Oilo | who may vUlt tlio World's Kalr. Von
nro wolroino to comn niul uxk "QUI'-H'J'ION
AND OKI1 I'OI.NTKIIS" whether you wish to
romnui or not , "THE OMAHA" U con-
vcnlontlv I ouhod : by taliliu the Cotla oU <
and Jackson I'.irk cubic our on Wabaati ave
nuo. Tliuy pays tlio hotel ,
Hotel will boopon June I.
B. SILLOWAY , - - - ManuRor.
Of "I'fco Murray" Oumlm.
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Note ]
( rlloomi at lln pjr < l r.
froom ntl10Jp3r &W.
ICltromi witb llatli t 11.1) pjrlir.
1C ItuouiK with Hath 9 > r Mr.
Maderii In Er rTllc | iect.
C. 8. ERB , Pron.
Tor. Cottng ( irovottTu. unil Oltti ft. , UI1IOAQO
1I.U Kim vlait. iiurouiiaii. Hupurlor Dlnliiu.
Hoom. Onlr & juluutoi ( ram WUIIUDM KAMI.
nioiluroto. Bead fur circular , Wil. N.
, Muptrlntoudont.
"RT17XTTV'C1 Catarrh Cure curei catarrh.
JillVIMll 1 O AllUrujgtili , Moeata.