THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY. MAY 23 , 1893. 3 HE DAILY BJSE KO. 18 PI3AI1L STIlEhT Mlverrd \ y fntrler to tiny part of th city II , W. TI1.TON , MANAOKIl , " I nnMne Office. NotJ * "T rtittnvra -.LEI'HOINES - | NKt | | Kdltor No. 23 N. Y. Plumbing Co. iioston Store. Nntchaug silks. MIltonbcrRcr Is the hatter , COS Broadway. \ . meeting of the Pottnwattomlo Uomo altc association will bo hold this evening the club room nt H o'clock. The wind yesterday morning blew n largo xckboard nealnst the front of KusscU's slaurant In the Kvcrott block , completely uttering a largo plate glass window valued $70. The case of Ware against Slcdcntopf , nlrh was to have been tried in superior Urt yesterday , was continued until next rm on account of the serious Illness of Mr. edentopf , who , however , is considerably tier than A short time ago. The Christian church people will begin clr summer campaign this evening at the g teuton the corner of Scott and Mynstor reels. At the opening meeting Her. It , . ' . Allen will bo assisted by soveraPOmaha istom. and It Is certain that n great deal of tcrcst will bo awakened at the start. Mr. lien will devote the summer to thU angelical work , holding meetings In varl- .3 places in the city. The services will bo ' tjio same popular nature as those held In 0 Masonic temple last winter. The ellort that has been made by parties tercstcd in the welfare of L lco Manawa secure the aid of the township trustees of ewls township In putting the road In good iapo for bicycles and carriages has been tcccssful and the work of grading is to be mimenccd at once. The chairman of the ty council committee on streets and alleys : this city Is to look over the part of the > ad which is within the city limits , with 10 same end in view , as soon as the weather cars up and the roads become passable. A team belonging tp N. "W. Williams was ft unhitched In front of the store on upper Mad way yesterday morning and ran away , .t the corner of Glen nvenuo they loft the agon and a short dhtance further on col- tied with GeorgeII. . Meschcndorf's horse , elch stood out in front of the store. The innways kept on their way and finally ran ito a lamp post in front of the Hotel Inman , hero they stopped , ono being on either side r the iron post , The neck yoke was con- crtcd into kindling wood and ono of the inaway horses was Dadly cut about the 'tjs. ' Andy Bowling made an attempt to arrcsl a mil named Hall at Manawa Sunday after- eon for seining In the lake some time ago. Inll ran to his wagon , which was standing Ot far off , with the gallant marshal of Mnn- wu in not pursuit. 'In the wagon were an ther man and Mrs. Hall , and the former ullcd out a largo gun and presented It to lie affrighted gaze of Mr. Bowling , whoso ncos collapsed and his toes at once polnteu 1 the opposite direction. Hall , It will bo Jincmbercd , was caught in tno act of soin- ig by Bowling , but was allowed to cot xvny , so that he has twice over showed hlin- elf smarter than the Manawa police dc- irtment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Dig ClrriiH Cumlni ; . On Friday , Juno 9 , Cook & Whitby/s nnminoth Enplinh ring- circus will litch its wilderness of cnnvns.s in Coun- 11 Blnil's and { 'lvo the public nn oppor- unlty to sco all the womlors of a modern nil road circun. Ono of the frco Ten ures , bosidon the parade , will bo a "trilling double balloon ascension and cap from the clouds by two daring aero nauts. Tlio boys should bujjin to sayo their nickels for an event that will repay thorn for any sacrifice they can make. It will bo the only show worthy thu name hero this summer. A. 0. Graham has. juwt purchased , tlu-ough Day & Kcsa , agents , Ktj acres 'in ' the Klein tract. Mr. GrahninlinH se lected ono of the choice tracts hi the Klein land. Bargains in flno tooth brush'ds ' nnd cologne , price , 'only lOo. Davis , the druggist , 200 Broadway. ' 1'A It A U It A1-1I3. Mr. and Mrs. J. Proctor nnd daughter of S'ccimh , Wis. , nrc in the city for a few days. Mrs. Proctor is n sister of Dr. Phelps. Dr. C. E. Woodbury and wife have gone to Chicago to visit friends for a couple of ivceks , Mrs. E. I. Woodbury is also there , ilia having accompanied him that lur on his way to Washington , D. C. Uov. H. Ii. Alorohousc , D , D. , field sccro- iary'of the American Baptist Home Mission ary society , with headquarters at Now York City , was in the city yesterday for a visit with his brother , E. B. Morohouso , on Fourth .venue. Ho loft for Denver to attend the ml Baptist anniversaries. Among the Iowa people who registered at lie Grand hotel yesterday were the follow- ng : H. S. Storrs of Creston , B. P. GrllUth f Emerson , V. F. Newell of DCS Moines , J. . T/ltimor of Hampton , M. J. Uoodrich of lurlington , J. J. Anderson of DCS Moines , S. i. BlrcharU of Davenport , Simon Cnsady of YM Moincs , Darwin T. Mason ef Dead- oed , S. D. Dr. A. II. Carter received a telegram yes- irday summoning him to DCS Moincs at ice to consult with reference to the case of I ? C. Uoso , Iho secretary of the Young en's Christina association of this city , who , TTo\v taking treatment there. Dr. Carter 'ft ' last evening for DCS Moines. None of 0 particulars of Mr. Hose's illness are lown hero , but the state of his health at 10 time ho loft and the hnsto in which Car- pr was culled lead his friends to fear the orst. The Eagle Stcum Laundry Co. , at 734 ( Jroadway , have thoroughly overhauled heir plant and equipped It with now pproved machinery in charge of ox- srionceil help. They nro now prepared 1 turn out first-class work , nnd rospeet- ully Invite all who llko nice clean ilothos neatly done up to Bond them a rial bundle. Ring up telephone 157 and lioy will ho pleased to call for and do- Ivor all work promptly. Pasturage for horses and cattle on joorgo F. Wright's farm adjolnlngc ity imlts on south ; f > 00 nurcs blue grass , unnliiK water. For terms apply to Inmcb Hnph , on farm , or ut Curbon 'Coal ompany , 10 Pearl street. . Pure ice From , Missouri river ehunnol. Mulhollandit Co. , Urowu building. Telephone 102. Drutlt of Iruna Jlollln. Ircno.duugliter of W. II. Hollls , died Sun- lay .night at 1040 ; o'clock , of typholil pnou. nonlu , at the homo of her parents , 413 ! Glen \vonuo , aged 23 years. She was formerly n onchor lu the public schools of Everest , Can. , but was taken down about six weeks go with what proved to bo her last illness , ho was moved to her home in this cltv bout u week ngo. The father of the do icascd Is n conductor on the Hock Islam ! road. MJss Hollig was a member of the Methodist church , the Epworth league , niul the Independent Order of Good Templars The funeral will tuUo place tomorrownfter peen nt l-.UO o'clock , Uov. H. P. Dudley oftl dating. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Neuralgia headaches promply cured bj Bromo-Seltzcr trial bottle 10 cts. Motzear & llaiHllutt'n Ice Urcimi. Try Mot/gar & Hantllott's pure nnd dollciouB ice ureams und ices and yoi will order no othor. Sco the peerless Dauntless bicycle ; und got torins , Harry Murphy. 10 Peurl Another Improvement to the popultu Bchubort piuno. Swunson IIu8lo * Co s Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , UK best fr-.OO IIOUBO in lowu. Vanattu & Sweet , attys. , Everett Llk Ceo. S. David , prescription druggist. I t-farti * m to-r'in , a NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Many Delegates to the Iowa Bankers State Convention Present , FIRST SESSION WILL CONVENE TODAY Interfiling Program Will lie Ilciulcrod nnd Jinny Vtiltor * Oulilile of rinnnclnt Circled Are Eipcctcd How They Will lie Ktitrrlalucil. Quito a largo delegation of bankers ar rived in the city yesterday nnd last evening from various parts of the state to attend the bankers' state convention , which meets hero today and tomorrow. The llrst session will open nt 10 o'clock this morning at the opera house , and the general public Is cordially in vited to bo present and enjoy the exercises , whoso Intercut will by no means be confined to men who are in the banking business. An excellent program has been prepared , nnd the speakers will undoubtedly show that they are able to talk In a lively and Interest ing manner as well as to calculate Iho inter- cat on bonds. livery effort tins been made by the local committee to insure a pleasant time for the visitors. Badges will bo recognized ns passes on both the electric and Manawa motorcar lines. The Council Bluffs Rowing association bus placed Its boats nnd boat houses at the lake at the disposal of the visitors , and the l eaguo club has done the same with its rooms in the Grand hotel. Immediately after the afternoon session today the delegates will leave the opera house for nn excursion over the city and to Omaha on the motor lino. This evening at 8JO : ! o'clock there will boa reception at the Grand hotel , nnd refreshments will bo served In the ordinary way. Tomorrow morning nt 80o'clock : ! ! the citizens will take the visitors for a drive over the city , starting from the Grand hotel. Immediately after the ad journment of tomorrow afternoon's session there will bo an excursion to Manawa. SCHOOL HOAItl ) j Superintendent Knxvyur tlio Choice of the Konrtl for Another Actir. The nchool board met last evening with all the members present. The main tilings on program were the election of a superintend ent and the opening of bids. The chairman of tlie teachers committee recommended the ro-elcction of Prof. H. W. Sawyer as superintendent for the coming year nnd the report was adopted unani mously. Under his skillful management the schools have attained a high degree of ex cellence , and the news of the ro-cicctlon will bo received with satisfaction by all the friends of higher education in thu public schools. An invitation to the board to bo present nt the dedication of the new High school at Sioux City this evening was read and the secretary was Instructed to send regrets , the invitation having been received too late for acceptance. The secretary was instructed to open the bids for erecting the new school house at the corner of Thirty-second street and Avenue C. They were ns follows : F. Grass , $8'J30 , with fSO extra for Acme cement ; J. P. Weaver , 3155 , with $100 extra for Acme plaster ; Martin Hughes &SonfrT2 ; James & O. P. WicKlmm , § " , "r,0 , or $11,850 for brick and plaster work only. The bid of J. 1 * . Weaver was accepted and the contract awarded to him on condition that ho bind himself to turn over the building to the board by September 1 , 1S9U , completed nnd ready for occupancy. Bids for heating the new school house were opened ns follows : Empkie-Shugart Hardware company , j-fiOO for gas light , f.VJ4 for Boynton furnaces ; P. O. Uevol , $ C'J5 for gas light. The matter was referred to the committee of the whole to bo reported on at the next meeting. Bids for moving house from the Washing ton Avenue school to the Maaison avenue were opened as follows : J. B. Hoffman , $180 ; Hollenbeck Bros. , $ l& ) . The contract was awarded to Hoffman. President Field stated that the present High school would bo insufficient to accom modate the increased number of pupils after next December. Stacy thought the room would do as it is and the suggestion of the president was dropped. It was decided not to issue a report of the schools in pamphlet form this year on ac count of lack of funds. The board adjourned until next Saturday evening , when the questions of heating the Madison avenue school house and granting diplomas to the graduating class will bo dis posed of. Piles of people uve piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel balvo will euro them. Ten Iitya at thu World's I'ulr. It will cost you less than $ f > 0.00 , every thing necessary included. This means homos in private cottage , clean , safe , close to grounds and on the beach of Lake Michigan. Wi-Ho to J. T. Chyno- woth , Windsor Park , Til. Refers to H. W. Tilton of THE HUE , or Jacob Sims of Sims & IBninbridgu , Council Blulls. llnnkoru in Convention are cordially invited to visit Mueller's ' Music store. 10.1 Main street. The finest pianos , the best goods , tlio largest stock of any music house on the slope. Refer ences , the bankers of the city. 50 tons of the best hay in Council Bluffs must bo sold this week at : ! 0o and H5e per bale to make room for -1 cars on the way. Howe's Kawkojfo mills , South Sixth street. Dr. rilnl's Hypnotism. Dr. Herbert Flint began his second week ot hypnotism at the opera house last even ing , and surprised , mystified and delighted the audience even more than ho did during his lirst engagement hero last winter. Ho is assisted by his daughter , Miss Marina , a handsome young lady , who has developed the mystic power to an extent almost equal to her father , and during the llrst part of the evening she managed the "subjects" un assisted by tlio doctor. All the subjects operated upon were called from the nud- ienco , Ono or two of those who proved to bo susceptible last winter responded to the Invitation to como upon the stage , but the majority of them were new , and their comic alities kept the house In an uproar all oven- ing. Dr. Flint's entertainment is more re ; lined than it was last winter , his power ap parently having become finer and keener. None of the features that were used to such excellent purpose last winter were intro duced last night , and the doctor and His handsome daughter promise a complete change of program each oven'ng. ' Tht week's entertainment will conclude Sunday night with a spiritualistic seance. Piles of people have piles , but la Wit t1 Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them Louis Blcdormnn is agent for the Great Eastern hotel , the largest in the world ; practically fireproof ; has 1,10C rooms and is modorji. Those Intending to visit the World's fair will find it tc heir inteitst to cull or write , enclosing stamp. OCH First avenue , Council Ulntls , Don't delay your house cleaning until the hot weather arrives , and don't deliy going to the Council Bluff H Carpet com pany and taking advantage of tjic splendid bargains they nro giving ii everything. The < irand Hotel , Council Bluffs. The moat elegant Ir lowu. Dining room on seventh floor Rate , $3.00 und * 5.00 a day , 13. F. Clark Prop. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alter the Kneaiupiuont. An effort is being made by some of tin Dodge Light Guards of this city to sccun the regimental encampment for this city It commences July 13 and will probably las for a week or ten days. Manawu has bee : suggested as the most desirable place , a the lake would furnish all the amusomcn necessary , und there Is abundant oupor tunlty for a good rille range within easy die tance. A committee of thu guards has bcci appointed to interview Colonel O. V. Moun it ShenantloAh nnd sccuro his co-operation f possible , And his rccomnicndi.tlon one v.iy or the other , It Is thought , will have a : rcat deal to do with the mini decision , The 'hlrd regiment is composed of companies rom Council lllufrs , Sioux City , Greenfield , 'reston , Bedford , lied Oak , Shcnnndoah , 'llllscn. GIcnwoodinnd two companies from Jes Moincs , For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ; tovo wood , 12 or 10 Inches , $2.50 per conl , delivered. II. A. Cox , JO Main trcot. Williamson fc Co. . J0 < 5 Main street , argest and best bicycle stock In city. Frco treatments daily from 2 to 4 p. n. nt the Council BlutTs Medical nnd Surgical Institute , 20th and Broadway. Dentil of 1:11 : Clayton. Ell Clayton , ono of the old and well known csltlcnts of I'ottawattamlo county , and a irothcrof Hon. U. P. Clayton of Macedonia , lied nt hs ! homo nt Atlantic last Sunday , nijcd CO years. The deceased was elected to i position on the Board of Supervisors of 'Ottawattninio county in 1877 nnd held It two onus , the last three years illllng the place ) f president of the board. Ho linn boon liv- IIR nt Atlantic for about two years and caves a wife r.nd eight children. W. E. JnlnbrMeo ot the law irrm of Sims & Bainbridge - bridge of this city Is his nephew. Piles of people have plies , ut Dewltt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. Protect your homes a uinst destruc tive storms. W. C. James lias the strongest companies In the world. Charles Biorworth lias porter and nlo m draught at the Metropolitan , 818 Broadway. Hay land for rent in lots of from 20 to JOO acres. 13. Marks , Council Bluffs. Stoic it lllcycle. When the Carbon coal olllco nt 10 Pearl street was opened yesterday morning it was earned that a "Etileon" bicycle , made by the Yost Manufacturing company , had been stolen. The ofllco was not open from Sntur- lay night until Monday morning , so that the Muf , whoever ho was , might have had .hlrty-slx hours start of the owner , J. C. -Mor. The theft was reported to the police ast evening and a description of the missing wheel furnished. Piles of people nave piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure thntn . Brown's C. O. D. grocery closes at 7 i ) . in. , except Mondays nnd Saturdays. Cook yoi , " meals this summer on n gas ango. At cost at the Gas company. AXSOUXV1S.WEXTS. Faust" should draw many to the Farnnm Street theater this week. Sccnicully the .iroduction is a triumph of stagecraft and ns a play the work Is intensely Interesting. George II. Primrose anil William II. West are still the merry monarchs of burnt corlc minstrelsy , and their reputation Is world wide. Their appearance at Boyd's theater on Thursday evening next will bo welcomed ly that larpo portion of the theater-going community who enjoy a good minstrel per formance. The program is , it is said , made up of new nnd interesting novelties , and the music and jokes are of the latest pattern. The sale of seats will open tomorrow morning. Marie Wainwright'a production of "The School for Scandal , " wliiuhtvill bo presented ut the Boyd Friday evening next , is ad mittedly the most complete and sumptuous the Hue , old classic comedy hns ever re ceived In this country. The company is es pecially fitted to give a model performance. SookliiK Fact * on 1'rolilblUon. The royal commissioners from Canada , on a tour of the western states to see how pro hibition works und report results to the Dominion Parliament , requested by letter an Interview on the subject from Mr. Ed ward Hosewater , and yesterday by appoint ment they called on him nnd were given his views on how prohibition has worked in Kansas , loxva and Nebraska , backed by con crete and instructive facts. After the meet ing , which was lengthy as the talk was ex haustive , Commissioner Gigault declared that ho and his colleagues had derived more real instruction on the subject matter of their inquiry than they had anywhere else received : ho was particularly struck with the force of Mr. IJosewater's remark that prohibition states in this country differed from others in that the sign of the saloon keeper had there given way to iho sign of the drugtrist , but that inside the stores were almost identical. The commissioners had visited Council Bluffs and the force and truth of Mr. Kosewater's statement had ocular demonstration. Unfortunately the leading prohibitionist of the commission , Dr. McLeod tof New Brunswick , was not present , being confined to his room at the Millard. The commis sioners leave today to visit cities and towns in Iowa. „ tlio Fulr. CHICAGO , 111. , May 22. [ Special Telegram to THE BEB. ] Arrivals nt the Nebraska building today from Omaha included : G. W. Watts and wife , Palmer ; Mrs. F. M. Arnold , Englewood : John F. Clark , 4140 Berkeley avenue ; Esau Ilieh , Elijah Allen and wife , B. M. Webster , Mrs. William Webster , Jessie Brown Crossmott , Margaret M. Fithian , H. W. Bailey and wife , W. F. Bechel. George Beaumont. George P. Dace , F. J. Murray and Robert C. Fcenan. Other Platte ; II. A. Hiley. Genoa. Vnrm Property Dcitroyoil. KEAHNEV , Neb. , May 22. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BEE. ] A largo barn , granary and tool house belonging to Lew Dcotz , three miles north of town , wore burned last night. His stock was all saved. Loss , $3,500. Fourteen hundred bushels of corn burned , It Is Insured in the Homo of Omaha Variable Winds Will Illoiv nml It Will 111) Wanner lit Nobrnslci Toiluy. WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 22. Forecasts for Tuesday : For Nebraska Warmer ; variable winds , becoming southerly , For Iowa Fair Tuesday ; decidedly cooler in extreme east ; warmer in extreme west ; north gales , diminishing and becoming variable. / For the Dakotns Fair ; warmer in ex treme western South Dakota ; winds becom ing south. I.ornl Itecnril. OFFICE or TUB WBATIIEH BUIIEAU. . OMAHA , May 22 , 7 p. m. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with corresponding spending days of past four years : 1H03. 1802. 1831. 1800 Maximum temperature. MO 030 040 74 c Minimum tcntporutuiu. , 44 ® 37 ° 470 540 AvuriiKu temperature , , 4HO 00 o &QO C4C 1'reclnltntlon . 00 ,00 1,0'J ,6i Statement allowing tno condition of tern- poraturo and procitiitatlon at Omaha for tin day and since March 1 , l&Ki ; Normal toniDuraturu . , . , . G4C Dollcluney for thoday . , . 10 = Dotlclonuy hlncu Muroh 1 . 22'J3 Noruiul precipitation . Ifi incl K\CCS.H for tlu > duy . , ,81 Incl KM'OiShlnco.Murch 1 . , . lu luel lUpurta from Other I'oInU at H p. in. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Oity Council Pa ' $ . . $ pv8ral Honra In Con sideration prBpntino Business. SEWERS AND STREET OPENING QUESTIONS MM. Cnln Will lila P to flclit for Her Clnlin Drvorqtloi ) , DnjColclirnllon liolicmliiiff Hocking a Church Site Xol oa it. ul 1'crsoimls. Tlio South Omalin. city council mot last night mid , nllhoughr it tool : several hours , considerable routine business was trans * acted. " In regard to the opening up of O street from Twentieth to Fourteenth , Mr. BulU , as chairman of committee , recommended that the petition bo not granted , and his re port was adopted. The proposition to open up V street from Twenty-seventh to Hall- road nvenuo hns not yet been acted on. Srtiultz asked further time on the ilro ap paratus purchases. Uulla reported tnat on Wednesday or Thursday the committee would meet with the street car company and urge the completion of the line across the Q street viaduct. Mr. Wyinan introduced a resolution allow ing City Attorney Van Dusen $20 per month for oftlcc rent and 915 a month for typewrit ing service. Adopted. .Property owners on P street between Twenty-fourth nnd Twenty-fifth , petitioned that P street ho cut to grade at once. A petition was rer.d to have Q street grn.led from Seventeenth to Twentieth. At n recent meeting a petition was re ferred to the city attorney in regard to con demning a certain lot as a nuisance. The attorney referred back the matter , as ho be- liovcd It the duty of the committee from the council to llrst ascertain whether or not a nuisance existed. Ho would then advise as to the legality of condemning the lot. ' . .railing Contract Vetoed. The mayor returned with his veto the contract of Cash Bros , for the grading of West S. T and V streets from Thirty-sixth to Fortieth streets. His reason was that the bond was not satisfactory. Heferred to com mittee on streets and the city attorney. A communication was read from the mayor iii regard to the neglect on the part of the mayor ana city council in not approving the ) ends of saloon keepers , and suggested that this matter should be carefully attended to n the future. City Attorney Van Dusen reported on the dntoago claim of Anna Cain , stating that as ; he amount was so largo no action could betaken taken , and he recommended that the com munication simply be placed on lllo in the 'ity clerk's ofllce. The chief of police was Instructed to notify Dan O'Ncil , who is building a barn at the west end of the L , street viaduct , to box a aitch ho has cut at that place. A hill of $40 was allowed Thomas Hector. The electric light company's bill of f310.Ul was allowed. Mr. Freeman appeared before the council ind gave some facts , ln regard to the pro- rosed opening up of Archer avenue. He ivas opposed to it , and stated that no prom ise whatever had been made to those who jought land there in the past. The line of the proposed street.ismow an alley , and the petitioners ask that it be widened nnd made i street. City Attorney Van Dusen-stated that it was left with the discretion of the : nayor and city council whether or not any street was opened ; but the city could not bo nandamused to do so , meithcr would it bo .iablo to damagesin case it did not exercise the right of eminent domain ; that the poi sons who bought there did so knowing aho condition of the , streets and alleys , ana therefore were responsible for their present condition. MaxwcU & Freeman own the lots along Archer aveii.ue and as the lots are now only eighty feet deep they say it would ruin them entirely to cut oft forty feet for a street. The council went i.ito committee of the whole , but thc.inatter went over for one week. 11 r Sewer aifd Street Mutton. The contract for putting a sewer , to con nect with the main sewer , from J to Twe.Uy- sixth and H streets/ : was awarded to Z. uddington. . * it Mayor Walker appointed Schultz and Bulla a committee to see the property own ers on East N street and ascertain what damages they will expect , if case that street is opened through to the B. & M. tracks. Bids will bo advertised for the construc tion of sewers in districts 101 and 102 at once. once.Messrs. . Dave Adams , Joseph Sipo and D. S. Curtis were appointed to approve the dam age by virtue of opening an alley between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth and J and streets. Ordinances passed : Appropriating land for the extension of Thirty-ninth street ; creating sewer district No. 101 ; cre ating paving district No. 20 ; creating sewer district No. 102 ; levying special tax in grading districts Is'os. 18 , 12 and 18 ; ordering sidewalks on Twentieth from N to Q , on N from Twentieth to Twenty-first , on Q from west line of Fowler place to city limits , nnd on west side of Nineteenth from Missouri avenue to M street. Caught iv Canary. Billy McICco , a conductor on the South Omaha line , made a novel catch this morn ing. ing.As As his train pulled out for the north lie heard a squeaking noise underneath one of the seats , hut thinking that some of the machin ery simply needed a little oiling paid no more attention After collecting his fares ho still heard the sound and concluded to investigate. liaising a section of the seat he found crouched down in a corner ono of the prettiest little canaries ho had over clapped his eyes upon. The bird had flown in nt the window and fallen down through the hollow space to where It was found. The singer was carefully handled and taken homo by Mr. MeiCeo , who will provide it with a cozy cage and plenty to eat and drink. Nmvs Not en Had 1'crsonul ) . U. S. Newcomb is back Irom n trip' west. Mrs. W. L. Holland is visiting in Green wood , la. Frank Koresky leaves today for King fisher , Okl. William Mankey of Dunlnp , In. , is visiting Ills brother , Charles. James Wilson was painfully injured while assisting in some veterinarian government work. " > * i ! C. S. Ellsworth lectures at Blum's hall tonight. His subject is "Why I Oppose the A. P. A. " At tho" meeting of the Junior Order of American Mechanics tonight a number of candidates will bo initiated , The F Street team , . and the Indian Hill club played a game oLbnll Sunday which re sulted In a victory for the former by u score of ! 17 to 20. j - } I-oilgo No. CO AnplenA , Order United - Workmen men is making oxcisivo , ( preparations to celebrate Its fifth rimulvcrsary on Tuesday night. AjcamfrqmOmnha lodge , No , l&'J ' , has accepted an invHiidion to do the degree work , after which refreshments will be served. No. CO has a membership of 200. t'Ol/.VJT ItKSOVHCKS , Interc-ntlne Information About Ouu ol Nclinmku'g I'roxnorous Districts. NOHFOI.K , Nob. , &IAVM. [ Special to THE Bnc. ] Madison eputjjy , situated in the northeastern part ofitho state , is twenty- four miles square and Contains SM.WO acres of land of which ( ftxjujf 70 per cent is undoi cultivation , showing n remarkable acreage of tillable land. The average price of land will run from $20 to (30 per acre , according to distance from town and improvements It is settled principally by Germans and Americans with n sprinkling who date thcli ancestry from the Emerald Island. The county contains about 20,000 people , tholi principal products being corn , oats , sugai beets , wheat and barley , while most of the farmers are engaged in ft small way In rais ing cattle and hogs , which they nnd yorj nrofitable.and instead of shipping tholr graic it is nearly all consumed upon the farm. Three direct lines of railroads runninj through their county give them close com raunication with the outer world , and belnf close to Omaha they are in condition to tak < advantage of tna markets there upon a feu hours notice. The Union Pacilie' , Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Valley and Chicago. Ht Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha take tocn ulckly to Omaha , Lincoln or Sioux City , bo * Ides being quite an Income to the county In ho way of taxes. The Vnnkton , Norfolk & southwestern Is now under contract and will > o completed to thU city about September 1 , bus giving them a direct outlet to the him * ) cr districts and the lake region ? ftddIng to heir already excellent market facilities nn outlet for coal , lumber and salt and -their grain , stock and manufactured articles. The ounty now has eighty-one miles for taxable nirposcs and this new road will give them twenty miles more. The principal towns nnd trading points of the county are Nor- blk , Madison ( the county scat ) , Battle -rock , Meadowgrovc , Newman's Grove , \\nrrcnvillo and Tildcn. Madison county is ncssed with some noted politicians. United states Senator Allen resides nt Madison , itato Auditor Eugene Moore Is a resident of his city , where ho enjoys the confidence nnd respect of nil , bo they republicans , demo crats or populists. State Senator Halo lives nt Battle Creek and Hcprcscntatlvo l.ulk- irt nt Tildcn , so the honors , as regards 'olltlcal position la concerned , arc scattered over the county in such a way that gives irotnlnonco to all portions. Judge Robinson , Jr. Bear and many other gentlemen of note through the state are here , and Madison county always sends good men to the dif ferent political gathering. I'lio city of Norfolk 1ms been made what she Is by thu push And energy of her citizens mill now It numbers upwards of1,00(1 ( souls , and she Is still forcing ahead , determined to Jccome the railroad center of the northwest nd the loading manufacturing city of the North Plat to country. Situate on the Norfolk branch of the iilkhorn river , it has a fine water power , veil developed , beautiful lakes , nice groves , excellent water nnd good drainage facilities , uid being n railroad center is headquarters or n largo number of traveling men. The -itizens nnd Norfolk National and Norfolk 3tato banks look after the people's financial utercsts ; they are strong banks , doing con servative business , and seem to enjoy the confidence of the public. The traveling ) iiblic Is well cared for by two llrst- class hotels : with a third one , the J.xtmrd , nearly completed , there will ) o no further need of ' making the > oor cuss climb two pairs of stairs , 'shoved nto a side room and told it overlooks the court , and you discover a tin roof , the citchcn linfull vlow , with an oven half-dozen slop barrels to give fragrance to the air should you dare open thu lone window , which you must do if you want to see out. I'hd Elkhorn road maintains a freight and Kisaonger 'division hero , which means from seventy-live to 100 employes located hero all the time. A brick and tile works hero employ fifty nen nine months in the year. An iron foundry employs tourteemi on. Three line school bulldimrs , with eighteen .cachors and the superintendent , care for the educational interests of about 7f > 0 chil- Ircn. A fine volunteer fire department is naintalncd , consisting of four hose coni- lanlcs and ono hook and ladder company , with a total membership of i-io. One daily and four weekly newspapers are equirod to give the people hero the infor- nation they require , nnd Judging from the ulvertislng and general appearance they are all in a prosperous condition. The nnily ind weekly News , which is a strong repub- Ican publication , is owned and managed by \V. N. Huso , and is now erecting a two- story brick building where the News will soon be quartered as n permanent home. Iho other papers are the Herald , demo cratic , by A. A. Parks : the Journal , repub- lean , which has recently been pur chased by Sprechcr and Foster , and the Anzcigcr , a Gorman , democratic paper by Herman Brommond. Ono of the state insane asylums is located icrc , and perhaps owing to the limited ap propriations , is not as well patronized as it has been in the past , there cing only fifty- nine women and 110 men as inmates. A now enterprise of some dimensions is ibout to open out upon the people hero li the way of a largo distillery. A largo eas tern company , through J. Turner , lias made the citizens a proposition that in considera tion of fiSjOOO they , the company , will erect a plant to consist of eight brick buildings , three frame buildings , and suitable cattle sheds , with a capacity of consuming 2,000 bushels of grain per day , to cost not less than $185,000 and to be coriiploted by Decem ber 1,18'jy. The amount has all been sub scribed except $1,000 , and that has been guaranteed , so it looks as if kit. Turner's company were ready the people here will sco grain converted into whisky. A wholesale liquor , beer and cigar house located hero two years ago and Is doing a line business , employing two salesmen on the road. Tha mayor , II. C. Matran , is ono of the leading citizens and socms to keep the government running smooth , and H. C. Millignn keeps his records up in good shape ana must bo givimr satisfaction , as he is now serving on his fourth term. Evidences of thrift and prosperity are seen on every bant ! , both in the city and country , and towns making more pretcn- tions must look well to their work this sum mer for Norfolk is pushing bard for fifth place in the galaxy of the cities of Nebraska. ItttlUM. Domestic , Tlio National Hank of Deposit of Noxv York Is In llnanclal dllllcnltles. Thu boilers of the Heaver mills at Koi > m > , N. H. , exploded yesturduy. Two men were killed nnd u number injured. Tlio dyimmilo works at Ifaverstraw , N. Y. , were de.stroyi'd by nn explosion yesterday. Ton men aru supposed to have bi'en Killed. Unless the demands of coal miners of south western Kansas for an eight-hour day arc compiled with , they will go out on u strike today. Western roads have declined to join with the Southern 1'acltlc In making u. round trip for railroad employes ot $50 from California to the World's1 fair nnd return. The Domestic Hewing Machlno company lias been proceeded against by Now York ereii- Itor.s , and Its nrlnclplo olllcurs nro In the hands of Now York county's sheriff. Tlio plant of the United States Itolllng Stuck company rot Chicago , III , , was sold at public auction yesterday. Tlio sulo was on the suit of the Central Trust company of New York to foreclose a llrst mortgage of $200,000. Fred Todd of Chobo.vRan and Hobert Wolf- kill o ( Denver , Colo. , employed in the News olllco nttU , IKIIUCU , Mich. , went out In u sail boat Hnndiiy morning , Intending to return for dinner. No trace of them hits been found since. Ann result of the threatened barring out of Mttlo Itoek of thu Memphis & UUU ) Hock road by the Iron Mountain , which controls thu Memphis line's present entrance to Little Hock , Ark. , It Is stated , on good authority , that the Memphis it Llttlo Kock will at once construct Its own entrance to Little Itoclc. Forulgn , The International congress of miners opened Its session yesterday at llriiisulH , Krnpuror William of ( lurinany yesterday re- vluwed his army and made u speech to thu tioldlers. At ilrussels thu International bicycle tourna ment was opened. The American , Hnngur , won the kliiK'H prize , tnu principal prl/o to bo given UurliiK the meeting. Driving the Brain at the expense of the Body. While we drive the brain we must build up the body. Ex ercise , pure air foods that make healthy flesh refreshing sleep such are methods. When loss of flesh , strength and nerve become apparent your physician will doubtless tell you that the quickest builder of all three is cott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil , which not only creates flesh of and in itself , but stimulates the appetite for other foods. Prepared bjHcoU 4 llowne. N Y , All Sr 0 Howard. T , Itud'olf IIusa , whoso wife was hurled ut I'orest Lawn romcterv and was redurrocti'dliT unknown parties , will cjvu a reward of f&O.Ol ) for Information whereby I can Kvl tlio body. I will uKtco not to prosecute anyone connected with the affair , nor to ask any miustlonx. 1(111)01.1' ( ) ] IUSS. Xt CurtaColdiCoughs. Sore Thrnit , Croup , InGa * cnt > , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis andAithmn. A certain cute for Consumption in firtt ttajci , nndaturorellff In idtiinceastage * . . XJtentonce , You will lee the ncellent effect-tert Vlntth ( Cm doi * . bold by ( Uslfri etrvhert. Lttgc bottler. 60 cents and il.OU. MADK A WELL MAN OV n IHDAPO\M $ TIIK9RK1TO X HINDOO REMEDY FT.ODl'CEH THE ABOVE 11F.BIJ1.TN In BO n.trd. l'u7ernU\ Nenront Pl'oiws , KMIIntt Memory , _ . - I'm < ! , 8lrtMilrn ? " , \Vfnkiif MI' . vl * tp. , anil quickly l "t mrely ro tore.i Miiiltly k M r jrouni * . Kutlly cnriU'il In rrnt pocktt. rflc < - , I.UO a | > ckak'p. SU for # r . .notllh n wrlllon tuiiir- Muter-In euro or inoiu'y rrnironl. lion't let ftii ) in. tirlnclulril ill UKlM't "fll fo\\ mil ) HtmliVmffntf , p , In ll-t ntilmrlni ; IMtAIMf-nnno other. It li linn iu\ > got It. wo will -einllt liy limit Mpon tccelpl ot prlch rainphlptlii fpnli i cnvflmic fITO. Adilir. * llrlcnliC Mrillrnl Co. . BO 1'lj-uiuutli 1'lurr , Ohlciicn. 111. SOLD by Kulin ft Co. , Cor. ijlh nnd Do Sts. , nnd I. A. I'ullcr ft Co. , Cor , iith nml Dounlns Sts , , OMAHA , NEH. ; by 1'aul G. Schneider , 521 Uroniiway nnJ G 1'c.itl St. , COtlNCIL DLUl-'tS , IOWA , and other I.eidins r ss A world of ir iscry is nj * .implied in the words "Sick Headache § A world of relief O wrapped up in a twen- ty-five cent box of 9 Beecham's Pills ( Tasteless ) Q KHOWLEGE IS POWER And Health is the Royal Road to Happiness. Every manner of ohrcmlc disease pan 1)0 cured without thu USD of medicine ul tliu Council Bluffs ANTI-MEDICAL SANITARIUM. rComntlor how nearly dlsconr.iKo.l you nr , or liow inuoli you litivo sulTorud from discuso and bid nIToels of strong incdlclnn . you van bo cured and euln perinanent bcnollt by thu now ntitl-medlctU sybtein of troUnieiit ; , DIs- ouses tr3iitocl : Alluuiln , Apoplexy , Antltma , ISroncliltlK , Cnturrh , CoiisuniptliiM , Cuiv.itiiro of tlio Spine , Uygpepun , Kpilopiy , I.Ivor Com plaint , Ncuralgln , Klioiimntlsin , J'unilysiH , Constipation , Scrofula , Kczoma. mill All lllood Discuses , I'onvilo Wonkuono , Di'iU- no > 8 , Lockjiiw , llcriiln or Itiipturc. riles , .Nervous All'uctlons , llrurt Dlbeiiar , 1'alHy , lite. , All treated nnd cured by the Galvanic Electro Magnetic Mattery For oxtractlns alt animal , vegetable and nilnoral poisons. Vitalized Vapor aiul O/.one 15atlis For purltymz the blood nnd boautiryltiK Hie cunijlcxlon. ) Vitalized Heat and Magnetic Hath- ; For paralysis , debilities and tonln ; tip the system. Vitalized Chemical & Electric Uaths For removing nil cancers and blood poison ? . The Eflloacy of tlio Above Mnthods Dally IJotiiousttalcd by DR. ill , I M. V. D. , At SA.TflVA1t.UJM , H9 Stutsman Slraet , Council BluJj , la , CONSULTATION FREE. JOHN NY , MANAriu. : BBVKN MGHT ? , COMMKNOINQ MONDAY , MAY 22. The Worltl'i Orratoat Moimerlst aiul Put Linker , a * , lMt l by MISS MARINA FLINT Inlior vron.larful ( cuts of Oatatopsy. I'osltlvoly tlio I'umilost Show on Rarth , Complete Change of program Nightly , rnicrs-r. . S3 , SO conts. . . . , , 1 * .1 , MKACIIAM , MnnaRor. „ WM. H. Ilr.u.v. Advatico A uiit. mpkie-SSuigarf Co , 109-111-113-115 Main Street , Largest stoolJ of BUILDERS AND GENERAL HARDWARE in the city. Agents ol the Celebrated Gurney Hardwood ReFi'ig-evalors. Agents for the Oil Gas Stoves , the safojt and newest steve out. \Vo nro oxohisivo agents for tin Genuine Boynton Furnace , and all furnnco work is supervised by our Mr. L\utornussor : , who is one ot the best furnace men in the west. Wo o'UT.v a hill stock ol Field Seeds. City ngonts for the Pioneer Imple ment Co.'s goods. f/VVVIA < VWWWVVV\5V\fWWWWWWWWVWVit AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. Ainedlcalworktiiattellallio Uiri'lTi'da , polutallio remedy. Sdoiitlncnllytlie most valuable , nrtlstlrally iho most beautiful iiicillcal wok I ever published ; 16 ! ( IWCCR. oven1 : iapo bearing ImlMuno Illuttratfon lu tints ' Subjects trrateil : Ni-rvous Debility , Iinnotfncy , ! > Slorllttr , Development. Vnrlcocele , Tlio HUB- ' ti.nul , Those IntcuillncMnrrlOBP , etc. j ' Kffry man irAo H-OK ) , | * , ini < > the Ol nmt TYiilft * , i ! the rmtntlictf. the tlhl Secrets unit A > IP ( ) ( ' ntreriffofMnlleal us n ; > jitfcil (11 ( Jlfni Ji rdl Life , who irouM ofonc for jmnf failles ' " ' " " ' " " ' . It will bu sent rm' , under neitl , while theeill , < llon Insli. Klaldimo , ntiil If married or eluglv. H AcUlreMtho jmlillsliers , < ERIE MEDICAL CO. . Buffalo , N. Y. Special Notices. COUN3II BLUFF5. HO.MKS 1 will trmlo luy uquUlc * . In ono or two uuoil dwellings for clunr lots ! Imlanro on lonx Unit ) . 11. ,1. Ailnuis , 1113 I'urrln nvomic , cltj- . \yKenr. ell rou.i homo nn.l lot en npiiymant oC V froinflU.UJ to W.U1 ilown iwl MO.UJ to SI3.0J per month. Koine Kp-'clril Imrgulns In loin. Jolin- Bleu A Vim rattan. AliSl llAd'Smia loam , r.irin i\nii cltr proparsr bought nnd solJ. 1'uscx & Tliomx , Council lllulls. i'Oll SAI.h I'licip ; to nil blao't ilrlvtn ? loam mules ; oil vwjon , hirnesi nml team ; top : voiul wnzon. Carbon Conl CO..1U l'oirl : alroot. i OK 8AI.K ThreeJersoy bulls : n oi , ono week ono cind two roam : aollil color , rcKlslort/j lock. 72JS. 1st St. 111)11 SAI.K Nice bay currlaza team itn.l cat \V.Ttilley * . ion I'oarlSt. . Council Hindi. GMtllAUi ; roniovod , ejaipools. vaulti , nMniuajri ulc.nncd. 12tl llurkj , lit Taylor's urouiiry , 6IJ llronilirny. 1OK PATiK An uprlxht HTO liorso power boiler , 'tall ut 13S , ! I.-'IJUNIIIKI ) Hat for Worm's fair for rent a or U Jmouth. . ' . New 7-room , notr turnlturo com- pIctD , nttMiin nnd Has numo ; near oar line and Imndy to Worlil'a t lr. Addroia U. T. K. , 3T7 Hast 45th Direct , Lhlcatco. I OIl HKNT I.nrcn waruliousD Bltiiatotl nn rail way irn"k. Inqnlro of l'lonor Iiiiploment Co. LlllKDKUMAN buy * mill KOlU noloi nocuroil by . inort.'MiicMon Council lllullu und OuinLa prou- crly. Olllco .VJ4 First nvunno. WIUi trnilc Council HIiilU property and cull for linnln'nru und liiiplemuiit atocK In wn terii Iowa or onittcrii Nebraska. O 17 , founcll llluttH. i 1011 SAlilC 1'J llncly bred roadHtcr ! , and brood' liinii'K. ono Una ciirrlano ti'nm. Would oz- rliuiiKO for KOOI ! unimproved tunn land or city , prgj perty , llr. I' . II. I'liinoy. 212 I'onil trout. " lKAUTll''ljIj homo ; alt inoduru conronlcncc * ; ! IJlow prices , easy turmi. A. .1. Mnmlul , C. IlliltTB. \VAKTHI ) rompotentKlrl In feiullyof two. Iui ' qulroof Mm. K 1' . Wright , I2J Sonlli Hovonlli ptri'Ot. 1/OH HB.NT l''urulslieil room for ono or two KOII- - * - llemeii. .144 HyiiBlor Btroi't. DUplllAHI.H rooms , furnlaliod or iinfurnlilii'ilj nlth bonrd for the aurumur If dcalrvd. < 0ll ! ( lion nvenuo. iMIIt.MSHICI ) rnoma for rent ; rooma nllli liounl , ' ntM5 WnBlilnyton nvo. , corner Scott jt. , OIl HUNT Oil HALK-ln MornliiKalde , a nei I i-ovuii-rooni hoiiBo. Vf , S , Uonior , iijj llroud- way. " * i S eap Works , C. A. SCHOEDSAGK , Proprietor. Dyeing , Cleaning nnd ttefinishing OP GOODS OF EVKUY DKSCHIIJTION. Council Bluffs olflco nndvorlcs , cor. Avo. A nnd 20th St. Tclophono JilO. Send for circulars nnd pi-lco Hat. Omaha olllco IB' l Fnrnnm stroot. Jllglicst Grudo $100.00 Ecllpao , Wavnrly , King , Clipper , Scorcher. Medium grade $80.00 Solo fluents for Victors Victor Plyor weighs 231b3. * COLE & COLE p 41 Main Htroo , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORK All kinds of Dyolnx anil Olu.tnln ; dune lit . the liUtiokt Ktylo ot tlio nrU l''adul : mrJ Klulnud fabric * inudo to lout : in xoo.1 iw now , Woric iiromptly done and Uellvcro.l In till ptirtx of tbu country , Honil for prluo Hit. C , A. MACHAN , Proprlotar. Urcudwav. nuur Northwestern - western Depot ,