Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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OMA'HA. JUTLY BKE : MONDAY , MAY 22 , 1806. * I
K. UOHMVATRll , Ertllor.
TBiiMa or
niilly Ileo ( without Hominy ) Ono Yenr , . I B 00
Dnllvnml Sunday , Ono Vcar . loop
MX Moulin . . . . ; . 6 00
Tttreo Months . 3GJ {
fiiindny Hoe , Ono Yenr . . . 2 " "
H.ittirdiiy Hoc , Onn Your . . . . . . . 1 Ml
Weekly lloo. Ono Year . 1 00
Oinnliii.Tho Her llulldliig.
Hnntli Oimilm , rnrnor N nnil Sfilh Slroots.
ruimcll IHniT.s , la IVarl Slroor.
flili-mm unicc , 017 Chnniborof Commerce.
Now Vork , lioonis 13 , 1 ainl 15 , TrllJiino
lliiHdliiL' ,
Washington rc.iirlccnlli StrooU
All rommimtcntlons relating to uows nd
rrtllorlnlMaltcrshouldboiidilrossod : To tlic
Tell l or.
AM business Inltor * nml remlttnncei should
lo addressed lo The Iloo I'nlillililna Co mpnny ,
Oniulm. OrnfU. olmeks mid iicistonicn order s
lo lie nuitlo pnyulilo to llio order of Iho coin-
puny ,
I'nrllos taiivlng tliorlty for the stunmpr can
havu tliu llf.i ; mint tliolr ddro by leaving nil
order ul tliNulllco.
THK iirais punusiiiNO COMPANY.
Btntoof .NolirnnVn , I ot DmitdRK , f
Oooruo II. Trtilinck , urcretnrjr ol Tnfi IICKpiHi-
llMilne cutiiinnr , ilonn nolninnl ; Mvmir tlio
notiinl rlrcutntliiii of Tim I ) Ml.v IIKK for the
ctullDK Mnr 20 , ISM , win ns follotrs :
Hnndiijr. Mny II .
lnmlnr , Mny IJ . S3.STJ
' -Tncxlnj. .Mnr ID . . . ! 3,8ij
\Vpilncrc1nr.Mar 17 . 21.71
'riiurBtJnjr. .Mar 13 . . . . . . . ! !
Krlrtar. Mnf 11 . . . . . 1VJIM
Bnlurdnr , Mar 30 . 21. 2W
OKO. u. Ttucuitcic.
Sworn In liororomo anil mibicrlbo.l In mr pro-
tmcolhtsMtlidnrof Jl.-xr , lit'JI. N. I' . KKII.
Notary 1'uullo
Average Olrritlntliin Inr April , 181) : ) , 2I.3H1
THK prlco of stone "plugged to slzo , "
may cut qulto a figure in the Nebraska
campaign this fall.
How MUCH iior linanro the impeached
, ofllcinln pnylng the World-JForuld for its
quotations from the campaign otlltoriala
of THK Bui : ?
Tun trial of the mon imllctod for do-
frmidlnp the state In the matter of fur
nishing supplies for the state insane
asylum haa again boon postponed until
the September term of court. It would
bo Interesting to know just how much
influence the impoaohcil ofllcials exerted
in scouring the further postponement.
law requiring the deposit of the
state's unemployed funds has been in
operation for moro than three months.
Is it being enforced , or is the state treas
urer following thooxamploof his prede
cessors and placing the money in banks
that turn the interest into his own pock
ets ? The people certainly have the
right to know.
WHAT would any corporation or firm
do with a manager who would hii'o a no
torious boodle man to invest $40,000 of
their money in the purchase of labor and
material without any bill of particulars ?
Would they keep such a manager in their
employ for a solitary day ? That la the
milk in the cocoanuj of the casojoY on
trial before the supreme court. *
THE action of Commissioner Garneau
in setting apart $5.000 for the purpose of
exhibiting Nebraska's live stock inter
ests at the World's fair will moot with
the hearty approbation of the agri
cultural classes of the state. Nebraska's
greatest wealth lies jn her agricultural
and grazing interests and both arc on-
K .titled to prominence in the state's ext -
t hibit.
\ . SUPPOSE that the manager of a great
olllco building or hotel should certify to
vouchers for several hundred tons of
coal for the months of July or August
when every simpleton knows enough to
know that the fuel could not possibly
have been used. What would the pro
prietors do ? Would they It cop such a
manager , or would they dismiss him as
criminally negligent and untrustworthy ?
This Is precisely the ground upon which
Hastings , Allen and Humphrey have
boon Impeached and placed on trial.
THE people of Hastings seem bent on
emulating the enterprise of Gothenburg
and Kearney in utilizing the waters ol
the Platte river , to obtain motive power.
A scheme for constructing a canal that
will bring the water to a point about
fifty foot above the level of the city is
under way , and It is thought probabla
the canal will bo completed before cold
weather returns , and that machinery
will bo running by next spring. The
Utility of those canal enterprises is al
ready established by practical experience -
once and the advantages of the cheap
motive power thus afforded are well un
Jp THK Omaha doublo-ondor was con
vinced during the past two years that
the ofllcials In control of state Institu
tions wore criminally negligent and
allowed the state to bo robbed and
pillaged by contractors and employes
why did it throw cold water upon the
investigating committee , make malicious
and baseless assaults upon Mr. Kuukley
and other members who wore trying to
purge the state liouso , and why does it
now print editorials inspired and written
by the lawyers who are defending the
impeached ollloIaU and by the mon who
want to perpetuate the rotten ring that
has looted the atuto treasury ?
EVUIIYTHINQ Boomn to point to a prof
itable market for the farmers' crops this
year. What with the failure of the
wheat crop in Kuropo , the dependence
of that country upon the United States
for a cereal substitute , and the great
damage to wheat In this country render
ing probable a largo similar local de
mand , there will In all likelihood bo a
valuable market for corn , Ana now
word comes that the drouth and heat
have spoiled the sugar boot crop in Ku
ropo. The consumption of boot root sugar
in European countries is oomuthing
enormous and hence the likelihood of
an increased domtuul for the product
from this country. The farmers of No-
" '
b'raska are planting a largo aorcago of
corn and the outlook for u good crop is
now esteemed excellent. Considerable
.attention la also bolng paid to the sugar
Uc-ot Holds , and a larger acreage than
heretofore haa already boon planted.
Over In Colorado , too , f armors are be
ginning to interest themselves in this
product and ono paper eays that in the
Uncompahgro valley alone 2,000 acres :
have boon planted to bouts.
When the nttorttnya for the Impanelled
Htata ofllolnls mndo ft bargain with
A roh I toe I Bolmlorft to orgivnlr.o and
drill A block of live exports , who would
npprnlno the cell house high enough to
vindicate Hill Dorgan's Integrity they
evidently did not inland that the figures
of the appraisers should dUcloso the
fact that this expert testimony was
gottun up and agreed on for the occu ;
slon. Mr. BolndorlT spent ten days at
Lincoln in measuring and figuring.
Ho hold close conference with the
men ho had c ngaged for- the defendants
and crammed thorn with the figures seas
as to make the totals tally as near as
possible with the amount which Durgan
claims to have paid out for the cell
house. The only thing In the way of the
obliging city hall architect was his in
ability to fet the fifth export who would
chime in with his extraordinary compu
So the combine of four hired experts
managed to comu within $1)00 ) of each
other in appraising the house that
Dorcan built. In fact , two of the four wore
within $77 of each other , which shows
that they are extraordinary calculators.
It is pertinent at this stage , although
outside of the regular court proceedings ,
to make a few inquiries Why did Mr.
BoindorIT put In ton days at Lincoln
when at the very utmost lie could have
Inspected , measured and figured the two
and two thirds of thy cell house walls
with all the incidentals in than ton
hours ? How much of a retainer did
Mr. Heimlorff got for his extraordinary
services as contractor for expert testi
mony in defense of boodlors ? How
much of a retainer did each of the other
expert architects got besides tholr wit
ness fees to join him In this extravagant
appraisement ?
As a mutter of fact , ono of these experts -
ports declared to the editor of THE
Bun on ono day that ho wanted to testify
for the state , and the day following ho
f > ent word to the managers of impeaoh-
mnnt that ho did not want to be sub-
pujiiaed by the state because ho had been
engaged by the other side. What infer
ence could bo drawn from this fact ex
cepting that a very big retainer was
paid to those expert witnesses in order
to impose on the court by misleading
and extravagant estimates ?
"While the court can take no notice of
anything that the press may say , it is
only right and proper that this kind of
jugglery and imposture shall bo exposed
and rebuked.
THE SUNDAY BEE'S European dis
patches were peculiarly interesting for
their clear presentation of the political
situation in the leading countries of
Europe , with the conclusions of corre
spondents whoso judgment is based upon
the best sources of information. It is
plain that political affairs 'abroad are
again assuming a very serious aspect
and that the possibility of important
changes in the near future is greater
than at any other time lor several years.
Germany is the centre of attention and
the campaign in that country for the
election ot a new Reichstag is being
watched with profound interest. As it
progresses the indications increase that
thd government will sulTer defeat , and
this would seem to ba apprehended by
the emperor. There is consequently
danger that ho may lose his temper and
discretion and thereby still further in
jure his cause. His utterances since the
defeat of the army bill have not gen
erally been regarded as judicious , and
the reports regarding the course of the
campaign indicate that they are resented
by the people. The impression that in
the event of the new Roiehstag being
against him the emperor will again dis
solve that body and assert his im
perial right to declare the army bill
a law , finds warrant in the character of
the emperor , with whom it goes hard to
submit to legislative restraints. Most
earnestly believing that the security of
the empire and the assurance of conti
nental peace depend upon the additional
support for the military establishment
which ho asks , the kaiser would prob
ably find it impossible to rcalst the im
pulse to override the popular will in
case ho should bo again denied his de
mand by the representatives of the pee
ple. What the political consequences of
such a course might bo is problem
atical , but It is quito conceiva
ble that the emperor might find
it necessary to appeal to the army ,
which is intensely loyal , to sustain him.
Out of such a condition of atTulrs It is
impossible to see what might ultimately
result. It would bo a desperate exped
ient and therefore necessarily fraught
with danger.
So far as Franco is concerned there
does not appear to bo any very sound
reasons for apprehending that the September -
tombor elections will roault in any im
portant change In political conditions.
The French people have within the past
two years had their republican
ism ana their patriotism put tea
a very Bovoro strain and they have
demonstrated that they are well satis-
fled with this form of government. As
to the political disturbances in the
other countries , their Importance is dif
ficult to estimate. It Is a striking fact ,
worthy of the careful attention of the
political student , that only in Russia
and Switzerland , representing the ex
tremes of government , are the condi
tions normal.
It IB to ho hoped that every btato
which has boon luvltod to participate In
the anti-trust ooavcntlon ta ha hold in
Chicago Juno 5 and 0 will ho well repre
sented hy men who are heartily in sym
pathy with the object of the convention.
The call for this osnferonco of autl-
monopollsta was made by tha governor
of Minnesota in auoordanco with a reso
lution of the legislature of that state /or
the specific purpose of discussing the
great uoal combination which has for
years boon plundering the people , hut it
is now proposed that the convention
shall take a broader BCOJIO and consider
the monopolies generally , with a view to
suggesting national ami state legisla
tion for the suppression of the trusts nnd
arousing a public sentiment that will
muko Itself felt upon congroas nnd btato
As this will ha the first conference of
the kind ever held , and as the subject
to bo considered Is of the very Rrcntcit
Importance to the IntcrosU ntul welfare
of the people , It In manifestly mcwt do *
Blrablo that It shall bo so strong In num
bers nnd character ai to carry
a weight and inllucnco , which the
legislative representatives of the people
plo nnd tholr servants In ex
ecutive positions will not dare to dis
regard. There is urgent need of a con
certed nnd vigorous popular movement ,
wholly outside of politics , for the over
throw ot the conspiracies against trndo
whoso combined power now represents
hundreds of millions of dollars and
which are steadily Increasing. Such a
movement scorns absolutely necessary to
stir up those who make laws nnd those
who are charged with tholr execution
to an adequate sense of tholr duty. The
people nro periodically reassured
by promises that something is
to bo done to relieve them from
the exactions of monopolies , but
an experience of this sort for throe
years has Impaired confidence In those
whose duty it-is to glvo them relief nnd
ought to have convincud thorn that
there is little to be hoped for so lomj as
the people miiko no earnest and deter
mined effort to have their wishes and
demands complied with. For three
yoara wo have had a general law which
was carefully framed and deliberately
enacted prohibiting trusts , combinations
, nd agreements in restraint of trade and
eclaring them unlawful. A federal
ourt has affirmed the constitutionality
f this act' and the highest legal
, bility in the country has do-
larod that it is sufficient to
rush out every form of monopoly to
vhich it applies , such as the coal com-
million , the sugar trust and all of the
: nero than ono hundred kindred con-
ipiracies against trade. Yet this law is
pt-actically a dead letter and the people
lave no satisfactory assurance that it is
not to bo allowed to remain so. There
ire rumored intentions of nn effort to
nforco it , but how much credence they
are entitled to the public does not know.
It has been well suggested that the
: mti-trust convention , in order to have
ho influence and usefulness it should
iiave , must bo essentially a busi
ness body , taking some practical action
'ather ' than wasting time in denuncia
tion and vain theorizing. Its object will
be defeated if those who attend attempt
, o convert It to the purpose of making
political capital. It is intended to voice
the popular demand for relief from the
exactions of monopoly and it will fail to
accomplish what is hoped for from it if
the convention is allowed to drift away
from its clearly-defined object.
It was noted a few days ago that there
s a strong public sentiment in the
southwest and in this section , which is
ikoly to grow , against the high rail
road rates to the World's fair. It was
remarked at that time that the demand
for reduced rates came from all quarters
and that there seemed to bo a sort of
tacit agreement among the people of all
sections of the country not to go to the
fair unless transportation charges are
reduced. Jt is undoubtedly a fact that
western road ? are not carrying so many
people to Chicago as they expected teat
at this time , and It appears . that the
same is true of the eastern roads. The
Boston Advertiser 'observes ' that it is becoming -
coming apparent that the people are
not flocking to Chicago in the way that
the American roads expected , and the
prospect that rates will bo demoralized
in conscquonco is by no means an un
likely ono. It says "thoro is absolutely
no doubt that there are very many people
ple in the east who had intended visit
ing the fair , but who have boon de
terred by the action of the traflic asso
ciation , " which was based on
the impression that the eagerness
of the public to attend the fair
would lead it to accept whatever
rates were offered. "Tho experiment has
been tried for some time , " remarks the
Advertiser , "and it is an open secret that
it has not resulted well for many linos.
The people will not go in great crowds
under the existing rates , and the smaller
lines must either secure a reduction o
rates or go without the business they
had expected. "
Our Boston contemporary regards
demoralizing rate war , repeating the
experience during the centennial exposition
position of 1870 , as inevitable if the
stronger lines insist on maintaining
present rates , and suggests tlia
the only question for railroad
men to dcoido is , shall the rates bo re
duced in a legitimate way or by a dam
aging and unnecessary rate war ? There
was much bettor reason for establishing
high rates by the eastern roads than by
the western , since there is a greater
proportion of the people of the east thai :
of the west who have the moans and
time to attend the fair , yet public com
plaint seems to be quito as general in
the former as in the latter section. The
fact is that it is not altogether a qu
lion of bolng able to atlord the oxpondl
turo which inspires popular pro
test. The fooling that the rail
roads are taking an undue advan
tage of their opportunity has a grea
deal to do with the popular opposition
to the high rates , which is by no moans
confined to people of small moans. An
illustration of this was furnished by the
local stock commission firm whoso com
munication to THE BEE on this subject
was referred to a few days ago , They
can afford to pay the rate , but they de
cline to do so because they believe it to
"bo , under the circumstances , unfair and
unreasonable , and as a matter of prin
ciple they prefer to remain away from
the fair rather than countenance
such a policy on the part of the
'railroads. That there are thousands
of others throughout this section , and
indeed in every section of the country ,
who fool this way is not to bo doubted ,
and while It Is not probable that all of
thorn will stay away from the fair unless
railroad rates are reduced many will
undoubtedly do so.
The issue that has thus boon made be
tween the public and the railroads will
eventually bo bottled , there is small
reason to doubt , in favor of the public.
Popular protest against extortion in
Chicago has had a wholesome effect and
the cost of living In that city Is bolng
brought to a reasonable basis. Rapacity
haa received a check and it will not
ngnln bo generally prnntlcodi It In in
the power of the pllbllb to compel the
railroads to bo falr d'roasoimblo and
U Is highly probabhvthnt It will event-
ii ally do so. " "
NOT much has boon cnld about the tin
Industry since the presidential campaign ,
but if the result of tiio \ \ election last
November had the tjituc } lo retard the
progress of the Industry It did not en
tirely put a stop to It. Ono of the
largest and best equlppo , ! ! tin plato mills
In the world Is to bo started at NewCastle
Castle , Pa. , about the hilddlo of July ;
another plant Is aboui t'o bo started at
Youngstown , O. ; a company to manu
facture tin plato 'iw recently Incor
porated at Niles , O. , nnd several other
projects In this branch of in
dustry are reported. The facts re
garding production by established
plants are also encouraging , so that it is
evident that "this Industry did not ro-
colvo so great a shook from the result
of the last i national campaign as was
apprehended. Arrangements have been
completed for an exhibit of American
tin plato at the World's ' fair , and as this
will represent business and not politics
it must prove a very Interesting object
lesson of what has really been accom
plished In the development of this in
dustry In the United States.
NEBRASKA'S liquor licouse law has for
years been the model for a majority of
the states of the union , and it Is not
strange that it should Impress the Cana
dian commissioners so favorably.
Karly llopuill illoii Urged.
Ulolic-Utmoci at ,
Tlio Iowa republicans ought to hold an
early convention tills voJr , with a vlow to
repudiating prohibition as soon as possible.
IlrllrclliiiiM nn tliu Ax.
St. J'aul Vlontti-l'i-css.
Maxwell is cutting olt heads at the rate often
ton per hour for ull the hours In the calendar
lay , uud yet there Is complaint that the ax
Is on tno block too lonu between times.
Doom of < : rl'K I'utciit.
Denver AViics.
Carl Sehurz Is said to have pros-jntod
Cleveland with a now civil service scheme.
Just wait until a democratic congress hits
C.irl'3 latest Invention. He won't rccoRiilzo
its remains !
llootl ilinViiriiiiiff. .
Kew 1'orfc A < lvrUcr.
Woo unto the man who for ono moment
suspects Mr. Cleveland's democracy. It
were bettor that ho had never been born
than that ho should speak of the Mahdi of
democracy as a mugwump 1
ruucturlni ; u Duluatou.
The general verdict with regard to the
National Republican Ijeaguo convention at
Ijouisvlllo is that It wus mistaken in think
ing itself authorized to formulate a now
schedule of faith for the party.
.TuHtlce Mii
Nsbraa'ta CUV i'/ws. .
Any effort to thwartj the iflndings of the
Lancaster grand jury lagalnst the asylum
boodlors will deserve the anathemas of a
disgusted people. T.horo/ . guilt somewhere -
where and the guilty can ' apt bo punished
too quickly. j'- >
Constructive Inr Kmuo Onljr.
The only constructive party in this coun
try , according to Governor Itusscll , of Massa
chusetts. Is the democratic' fp.irty. The gov
ernor didn't say anything about tlio failure
of the southern democrats thirty years ago
to establish a southern confederacy.
i .
The Pa lug of Wall 3tront.
Plilladtlphta JwliJw.
Having announced to tbo public that it
doesn't ' trust itself any longer , Wall street
can't flnd any fault if the public regards it
with still moro suspicion. The man who has
uo faith m his own honesty generally hasn't
cornered the market in that commodity.
A 1'nct to He Kuuiuinbored.
St. Paul I'fiwccr-l'ms.
Decoration day will bo observed with great
devotion throughout the south this year. It
will bo commemorated by the reinterment of
Jefferson Davis at Richmond. It looks a
trlllo defiant and may seem u little offensive
to some people , but it should be remembered
that Jeff is pretty dead.
No Mliumlerilumlluz.
Fremont Herald.
Wo notice that those who are discussing
the candidacy of Judge Maxwell generally
rotor to his "old ago. " Does any ono of them
know his ago ? Ho docs and has always demo
more wont than any two members of the
court. Lot thcro bo no misunderstanding
about these things as wo go aloug.
llld Tholr Duty Houcstljr.
Grand /eland Independent.
The republican state printing board has
acted honestly. They have not given the
contracts to the combination of high bid
ders , led by the Lincoln State Journal com
pany , but > 'nvo rejected all bids except
those of the Nebraska Newspaper Union for
the printing of the senate and house Jour
nonunion of Xuturul Gas.
Natural gas Is a mineral product. The
treasury oillclals of the United States have
so decided it , ana as with the derision of
the brakesman who declared that cats wore
dogs and rabbits were doj ; , but that tor
toises were Insects , thcro was no appeal
from it. Canadian natural gas must hence
forth pay a duty.
Now for Kiiforodiuont.
Kew York Keeonler.
It has been dccrood by the supreme court
that the Geary law is constitutional and
that the Chinese must go , The decision is
ono of tliu most momentous in our modern
history. How shall it ho executed ? Execu
tion is Impossible under present legal condi
tions. The federal government ia power
less. It has struck a blow , but the blow
falls short.
The Ornoloi Taken In.
Detroit ! ' M Prct.
There Is a similarity between the horse
nnd the toad to the extent that you cannot
toll from the looks of either how far or how
fast ho can Jump. Before the Brooklyn
handicap was run the knowing ones confi
dently assorted that Diablo was outclassed
and clearly intimated that It was folly to
have him make the ruilnlng. Ho won hand
ily and the fallibility oMiutnan Judgment Is
once more Illustrated at tlio expense of the
oracles of the turf.
1'rlnuilly W'nrnlnif tojtlui South.
CMcauo 'HcraJii.
Thobloody shirt has'Ulsappoarcd from the
northern air In which It'wuved ' for a quarter
of a century. If the olil'wdr spirit should bo
revived , if the bloody Mrt should bo given
a now tenure of inlludhboih politics , if sec
tional bate should bo rekindled , this load of
calamity will not proceed from the north. It
will como from the soutti , J and the onthu-
slustlo mummery over Uio putrescence which
is ml that is loft of thii confederate chief tain
will glvo the bloody shlrlcra their aptest text
and tholr mobt exhilarating inspiration.
areatlnc the Uulllutlnu'a Gravel ,
KCUJ York Tribune ,
"Offensive partisanship , " a phrase and a
thing made notorious during Mr. Cleveland's
llrst term , is again to the front The presi
dent yesterday assured a u umber of doino-
cratio congressmen tnatjio would consider
charges of this offense , made in writing uud
properly supported by testimony , as suffi
cient cause for the removal of republicans
whoso terms of oftlco have not oxplrod.
Democratic wits will now bo sot at work to
conjura up suBIdout testimony to make
vacancies that may bo filled by the hungry
and thirsty. Mr. Clovelaud has reopened a
door through which abuses iuuumborablu of
true civil service principles may flnd admit
tance. "Offensive partisanship1' what
deeds will bo commuted in Us namot ItltOTH A.T T/Irt I'lll.l'lf ,
Atchtson fllolto : A utronft nrnmnont
nealnst Iho hnll tbcory ta thnl the tiovll Is
always pictured as having n Rood time.
SI. 1'aul Hlobo ! A CliIc.iKO proaohnr
tbrontons to unite all church people In n
boycott of the World's fair. It I * evident
tlmt the tonublngs of Christ have not found
m > deep root In his heart that ho could turn
the other cheek to bo smitten. Satan still
has a strong hold upon him.
Kansas City Star : The Evnncollcal
illancoof Boston hai passed resolutions
'ailing ' on the national administration to itso
ho f ederal troops at Fort Sheridan to keep
ho World's fair closed Sundays. No section
) ut that In which witches were burned
tvould over think of such a revolutionary
ire position.
Philadelphia Record : To many persons
ho trial of Rev. Dr. diaries A. Brlggs for
lurcsy haa become as tircsomo as was tlio
' .imous casoof Jnrndyco ngianst Jarndyco.
After the interval of a your it will como , for
1 ho second time , before the general assembly
f the church. It Is to be
loped that some final decision will now bo
peached and that the questions which ngt-
, ate Presbyterian circles on the subjects ot
onscrvatlsm and liberalism will bo sot at
est , at least until some luturo Brlggs shall
tart them up afresh.
St. Paul Plonoor Press : Denominational
unity will never como as long ns the world Is
irogrosslng. Religious unltV , which Is toler-
tico , may triumph , and perhaps has already
icgun to do so. This Is what the Christian
Endeavor people and the rest really have in
iiilnd when they pray that the churches may
iccomo one , although they do not ro.iltzo it.
'iVhcn they are all so magnanimous and so
Inccro that they can sit down in any house
jf worship , no matter what Us creed may be.
ind bow the head lu sm.vp.ithy , then the rea' '
mlty will have arrived , ami the only one
ivhieh could mean health and vigor for ro-
igion itself.
Chicago Herald : The Insolence and sav
agery of religious fanatics have made more
converts to infidelity than have nil the
toachers-of Infidelity. They have turned the
gospel of peace into u message of war. In
denouncing the best , the purest , and most
humane people of this ago for falling to ac
cept the specialties of their creeds and to
halt as the best light the gloom of their fast
days , they have done more than all the atlio-
"stiu teachers from Voltaire to Ingersoll have
lone to promote thu cause of atheism. It Is
lima that they should call a halt. They
should reverse their methods. They should
try a now departure and endeavor to pro
mote the object of the gospel by gospel touch-
'ngs and by gospel plans of action.
Indianapolis Journal : The Hartford Con-
rant takes the New York Sun to task for
asserting that "tho Westminster confession
Is accepted by the great majority of Protest
ants , " and for styling the coming general
assembly of the Northern Presbyterians at
Washington the "great council ot Protest
antism. " The Lutherans , the Episcopalians ,
the Methodists and the Congrcgatiomilists
do not accept the confession. The Baptists ,
while largely Culvlnlsts , do not take their
creed from the Westminster confession.
The Methodists numbered 4,533,662 bv the
last census and the Baptists y.VJ4,0'.it : , while
the Presbyterians were l,2T8hS3 ; , all told , so
that in no sense can the boJy which will
consider the Briggs case or the questions
ivliicli como up in the general assembly bo
jailed "tho great council of Protestant
ism. " _
i-ituov Of 1'itoauEss.
American savings banks contain $1,654-
St. Petersburg will have a § 14,000,000
Michigan raises 15,000 tons of peppermint
Thirty boilers operate Machinery build
ing , Chicago.
A single pice of copper weighing nine tons
was onto taken from a Michigan mine.
It is estimated that Butte , Mont. , will
produce 120,000,000 pounds of copper this
The prohibition town of Portland , Mo. ,
uses $70,000 worth of liquor every year for
medicinal and mechanical purposes. "
Moro factories for the making of handles
for implements have been established in the
south during the past year than in any live
previous years.
Last year Mexico produced $70,000 worth
f gold and silver. The output of silver
10,000,000 ounces more than the output of the
preceding year.
The benzine cab la the most novel means
of transportation in Germany. It is a four-
wheeler , guided by a touch of the linger on
a lover , and provided with n motive power
by a benzine engine , which neither heats nor
smokes the occupants.
Holland has in view the vast project of
draining the Zuyder Xcc , whereby it is hoped
to rescue for cultivation a territory almost
as extensive as the Duchy of Brunswick. It
has been estimated that this undertaking
will cost about $100,000,000.
The last general assembly of Ohio passed
a law creating a state board of arbitration ,
ono member to represent the employing and
the second the employed classes , the third
to bo selected by the two others. The
board has no power , except where both par
ties to a dispute submit their claims to it.
A device for uroduclng illuminated type
writing by ono and the same machine hns
been invented by an Englishman. It ron-
slsts In having two Inking tapes , which are
placed sldo by side parallel with each other ,
and so mounted iu a movable frame that by
pressing a small lever above the keyboard
either of tticm can bo brought into use.
The capital Invested In the manufacture of
rubber poods throughout the United States
exceeds $25,000,000. The dally production of
rubber boots and shoes in about 150,000 pairs ,
or about 41,000,000 pair annually , amounting
in value to upward of 828,000.000. The rub
ber clothing made in the United States
every year is valued at about $ . " > ,030,000 nnd
mechanical rubber gooJs are valued at $15-
Recent inventions : An automatic boot
blacking machine operated by a motor. A
folding stcol measurn composed of a number
of folding links of different lengths pivoted
at the ends. A drinking vup or tumbler con
structed entirely of paper nnd designed for
advertising purposes , as well ns for holding
water. A magnetic overhead traveling crane
having a traveling bridge with a series of
drums thereon , from which are suspended
powerful magnets for lifting purposes. A
pair ot shafts fo.n wagon , which are
adapted to bo readily removed to the center
of the vehicle frame , where they form a polo
according as ono horse or a team is desired.
A self-healing pneumatic tire , made up of
It-Has Come
To This
That every successful , meritor
ious article has its imitations.
This is a grave injustice , for
the genuine pure article will
often be judged by the imita-
tion. No preparations require
for their manufacture more
care and skill , more costly
and purer materials , than
Flavoring Extracts.
. In this instance cheap mater *
ials mean inferior flavors.
Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor
ing Extracts have won their
way to public confidence by
the pure and costly materials
used , the new processes em
ployed for extracting from
the fruits their natural flavor
ing principles , In using Dr.
Price's Orange , Lemon ,
Vanilla or other flavors the
housewife will never fail to
obtain the grateful flavcc
nlnnflrlnyorofunrutrnnUtKl rubber , Html
lth n InoMlyrotm fnbrlo anil two outer
nyoMof vulcntilrpil rubber with fold * of
loth between them.
Very lomr rnlli , Jint twlo the length of
hose ordinarily employed on railways , Iwvo
) eeu mod extcuMvoly on tlio Norfolk A
\ eitcrn railroad. On ono nlvhlon thcro are
even miles laid with rails sixty foot long
vlth the owlscutslantlnjfliutondof str.iljtht
across. These ralU weigh sixty-wen
round * per yard. On another branch thcro
are olghtoon inllos ot tr.iek laid with ralU
my foot long and weighing clghtv-llvo
K > iimh per yard , with oiuli cut straight
across In the customary manner. 'Iholr
great advantage lies In the fact that where
hey are used the most troublesome fonturo
of the railway track , the Joints , are reduced
oiio-half In number.
The /.one tariff in Hungary continue to
show rennrkablo rosulK During the live
cars itroceiUng Its Introduction In August ,
8811 , the returns of the Hungarian r.Ulwnya
showed a number of passengers varying bo-
.ween 0,000,000 nnd 7MX,000. ) During the
Irst year of the tariff the number rose to lit-
J < X,000 , during tlio second year to lliUJO.OOO
mil during the last to aS.WO.OUO.
The receipts have been very nearly doubled
lurlnp the same tinio. The essential feature
of thh plan Is that n pmsotiRor pays a llxcd
sum to travel to any point within a Riven
adlus of his starting point , and not dlrcutly
according to the number of inllos ho tr.ivols.
l-JiOl'T.K A.\n TltlXdH.
The young E.irl of Dudley carries JC1,20U,003
usurnnuo on his Hfo.
The prlnco of Wales sporti on state occa
sions a plume said to bo worth $50,001) ) .
Mary Wales , an nuciont Hnston spln.ttor
who died recently , loft a fortune of $8,000 to
icr Thomas cat. Whore's the bootjack !
Hov. Myron Heed , the distinguished Den
ver minister , has boon uhoson commander
of the Grand Army department of Colorado
mil Wyoming.
Gcorpo Alexander Ualrd , bettor known as
the Sporty Squlro Abington. who died of an
overdose of Non-Orleans weather , loft an
estate valued at about $5,000,000.
The spirit of reform has invaded the
; acred soil of Montana. Professional Ram
blers have declared for Sutuitiy closing ,
dooming six days and nights suniciont for
plucking the verdant.
Bank failures In Australia tends to show
that this country Is sover.vl leagues In the
rear in the production of Napoleans.
A failure In Australia for less than jCl.OJO.OOO
Is not considered worth the cost of cabling.
General Schuylor Hamilton , grandson of
the lirst secretary of the Treasury , is living
in New York at the ago of 73. Ho served
through three wars , was shot several times ,
liad his lungs pierced with a Mexican lance ,
ind yet Is mentally and physically In excel
lent condition.
The lower house of the Michigan legisla
ture has passed a bill restoring the death
[ tenuity. The measure Is demanded as a
means of checking the homicidal tendency
in the state , which , the Detroit Frco Press
declares , ' -has so startingly increased during
the past few years. "
Miss Jennie Young , the American who re
cently built a railroad to the ox tensive salt
doposLs she owns in Chihauahua , has re
ceived from the Mexican government n valu
able concession in the form of a privilege for
the establishment of colonies In the states of
Chihnuhau and Coahuila.
Pennsylvania has at last taken action de
signed to purchase and preserve the historic
ground of Vallo.v Forge. The legislature
has made an appropriation of $ 5,000 for that
purpose. The famous winter camp of Wash
ington and the horoiu continentals will soon
bo rescued from private ownership and ded
icated as a park.
Colonel Charles Jones has been turned
down as editor of the St. Louis Republic.
The immediate cause of the colonel's down
fall was an ambition to overshadow all Mis
souri , and Missouri-ins rebelled. His taking
off was as smooth nnd peaceful as was his
suppression when ho attempted to masticate
tbo democratic platiorm through his whisk
ers in Chicago last June.
George Horton , tho. Chicago Journalist
appointed consul at Athens , Greece , is a
pout of considerable po .ver. Ho has mailo a
special study of ancient and modern Greek ,
and has published a volume of translations
of the poems of Sappho , which is recognized
as possessing great merit by the literary
world. Mr. Horton's 'familiarity with the
Greek language will servo him In good stead
in his new Hold of labor.
The rivalry among the ocean greyhounds
is becoming sharp , particularly between the
White Star and the Cunard lines. Up to a
few days ago the former held the champion
racer of the ocean , but tlio Campania lowered
the record and tool ; the pennant. The White
Star people now propose not only beating the
record for suced , but also to overshadow the
dimensions of any boat afloat. The company
his : given orders for the construction of a
ship 800 feet long , 120 feet longer than the
dismantled Great Eastern and 180 foot
longer than the Campania. The Campania
cost SJ.000,000. It is probable the now White
Star ship will cost 3,000,000 , and its owners
assart that It will steam from Quecnstown
to Sandy Hook in four and n half days.
Today the first ofllclal trial of the naval
cruiser iNow York will bo made off Capo
Ann , over a course forty knots long. Tlio
trial board consists of twenty-eight mem
bers , and for tbo first tinio u number of
newspaper men will participate In the test
Interest in the trial is widespread. The
Now York Is the largest and most olTcctlvo
ship of the now navy , surpassing the best of
the men-of-war that participated in the great
North river review. Speed is the prime
condition of the contract between the gov
ernment and tlio Cramps , nnd each quarter
knot recorded over twenty knots an hour
will not the builders a premium of fr 0OUO. The
fact that twenty knots were covered In the
llrst unofilcial trial , with now machinery and
under unfavorable weather conditions ,
augurs well for a twenty-one knot speed to
Otmil.MnvOO , TothoIMItOfofTitK
One of your fnily rtiuloM would llko in hiul IIKIJ
you iny In ( lie 'I'liK IIKK tlio niro of tlm l'rlnco-1
tlnfaiita ) Knlnlln , If you know J
I'rlnrois Kulnlln was Iwrn In 1891. wht
scandals of the kind affecting hi
mother were rlfo In the court * of Sp.Un , nn
nho was only 4 yearn old when the prov
.slonal government wns formed nnd led to tin
Illchtof Ouccn Isabella and her fatnllv ti
Franco. In 1870 the queen renounced'lit- ;
clnlnis to the Spanish tliru o In favor of lu
son , the Into King Alfonso XII. After olgl ,
years of exllo she roturncU to Spain one' '
more , but rcmMnetl only a sbort time , a
she was accused of conspiring Against th
iogcnl , Queen Marie Christine. Kvor sine
she has snent her tlmo almost entirely I
Paris. She Is said to have been n ROOU inotlio
to her children , wlmtovnr fnlllnifs she ma
have had In other directions. The princes
hulalla Is her llfth child und hhjhly nccom
pushed. She has brown hnlr and blue eye
and a sllRlit and graceful llcuro. These wh.
have uttonded her inothor'a receptions It
Paris say that she Is rnmnrkablo for ho
physical and Intellectual alertness. In som *
respects aha Is so exceedingly Impression
nhlo that she hns been described us n woma
nil nerves. Uvlnjt In a finely furnisho
mansion In I'.irls , apparently surromulo.
by nil the paraphernalia of royalty , she ha
scon tunes when the fnmlly hns been wltU
out n cook , the mcnls beln-r supplied by :
coutr.ictor at so much a bond , nnd whn
there vcro no equipages In the st.iblos nmj
orillnnry conveyances had to bo hlrcil
Prlnco Aiitoino , bur husband , nccomp.inle
her to this country to visit the Columbia/ /
fair , where , it Is said , she will bo most nt
tracted Viy the woman's department , sine
she is Interested in nil work dbno by womcr.
Dlntlnctly a U | ) illillcnii Iitan ,
In pronouncing this strong eulogy on th
national system Mr. Kckle.s unwit
tlnely ouloRl/eil the republican party. Th'
national bank system Is ns distinctly nn out
growth and result of republican Ideas ant
policies as Is the abolition of slavery or th.
Uncouth amendment. It Is nn Integral par } '
of u harmonious system , Just ns th <
civil rights legislation is an integral part o
n harmonious system for the recognition nm
establishment of American citizenship.
THUTllH Aft It
Troy I'ross : 1'iiKllhtlc tnlont count * for vor <
little In whipping a < tout stream ,
Cleveland Plain Doalur : Tlio man who In *
vusts his nil In Itshlng taeklu U usually im-V
titled to n ru-lialu J
Yonkers Oiuetto : "I cnmo here to see Jns '
tlceilonu , your Honor ! " oxclulmod a InwyoM
In rpinonstranci ! iigalust an ussiimrd unjusl <
decision. "And justice duns you for 41U foil
contempt , " complacently answered the Uourt-
Phtlndolphln Times : Tlio wlso Individual ]
who Mild "nn ounce of action Uvortli n pound
of talk" evidently neighed hi * words.
SIftlnKs : Somebody Hays : "Truo happlnosr
Is found In pursulni ; something , not In cato.h-/
Ing It. " The man who pursues the lust car at ?
night knows butter. " > ;
Lowell Courier : The innldon cal , which aclcv
as n paper wolKlit for his clerical master Blvo\f
an mliltttotml pur-posu to thu sormou and poa-fi
slbly a sharp clause or two. <
llnston Courier : In the household chlldroi i
usunllv llnd that "na" Is thu most martial auuv
"ma" tlio most partial. v ,
Now Orleans Picayune : Cold molasses lu
jug Is always n disappointment , because U *
does not turnout woll.
Cleveland Plain Dealer : There Is no doubt
that tliu C'lilnnman Is Greatly abused. Even'
his hair Is upbraided. ?
Ram's Horn : A heresy trial la Hko a dog
fight In n llowur garden nothing la suttlod but t
the Honors. '
A note came from bur bank ono morn ) ,
It said : "You'll please remit.
For your account Is overdrawn ,
1'loase iittoud . "
, soon to It.
Bbo wrote n note , expressed regret ,
Klio did not closer look :
And sent , the matter right to sot ,
A check from bur own book.
, - , Euarne field.
llliloblfArn " *
A wnniniicanio
Atliwnrt my path ono ( lay ;
So liny was MID that slio soiimod to ba
A pixy M raved from tlio misty sea ,
Or \Mimlcrlii Kiiiunwood fay.
"Ob , you little elf. " I cried
"And what nro you doing here ?
So tiny n-t you will never do
l-'or thu brntnl rush nnd hullnhnloo
Of tills piaullcnl world , 1 four. "
"Voleo I have , good sir. " mild she
"TIs soft us nn nnK"I's'Sl h ,
Hut to fancy n word of yours were hoard
In nil Iho din of this world's absurd , "
fimlllnp , I mndo reply ,
"Hands hnvo I , good sir , " she quoth
"Marry , nnd that you have !
Itut amul tlio .strife and tumult rlfo ,
In nil thu .striik'iflo .ind linttlo for life ,
Wlial cnn these wee hnnds do ? "
"Kyes hnvo I , oed sir , " slid snld
"booth you have , " quoth I.
"And truth shall How thnrofroni , f trow ,
And they botlmos whall dim with woo ,
As tlm hnrd , hnrd years go by. "
Tlmt little bit of n woman cast ,
Her Iwooycsfnllon mo , ]
And they Hinoto mu soru to my Innmstcoro , < !
And they bold me slaved forever moro , /
Yet would Inotbofreul $
This little bit of n woman's hands A
Keaclieil up Into my lironst '
And rent apart my ( .coding heart '
As cannot bo expressed '
Thu llttlu bit of n wonmn's voleo /
Hns grown most wondrous dear , I.1
Above ilia blaiu of all clsuwlinru f'i
( An Inspiration Hint mocks at care ) l <
It rlsuth full nnd clear. I-
Dear one , I bless thu subtle power
That , makes mo wholly thine ;
And I'm proud to miy that I bless the day
When a little woman wrought her way
Into this llfo of mine.
Largest Mtnuaoturan an I Ftit
of Olotulnjla tujYorlI. .
Invited Out.
Don't send regrets. If you do you'll regret the
regrets. Our hand
some new store is
complete , and we
will celebrate the
event Wednesday
night by a public re
ception. Ladies are
specially invited.
Handsome illustrated
World's fair portfolia
given to every visitor. Meanwhile we are doing
business in the handsomest and most convenient
store in the west. Special attention is asked to our
splendid furnishing stock. Summer underwear
we have in great abundance at prices from 50o a
garment up. Watch for our great suit sale which
begins Thursday morning.
Btoroope - . j g. fl , JQfo jnfl Dougjas gfc