Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1893, Image 1

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| vny Persons Burned to Death and Much
Property Destroyed.
| iko City Mllli Closed to Knnblo tlio Km-
ploycs to AMlst In 8ilpirr | lnB tlio
riames Mollicr nutt Chltilrca
LATtnCiTT , Mich. , May 21. A forest flro
'stroycd ' Louis Sands' lumber camp near
jar yesterday afternoon. Out of n total
owof sixty men , forty-nine escaped unln-
red. Ono , Edward Sullivan , was severely
irned nnd ten nro dead. Of thcso , eight
ok refuge In a well and \vero cremated
icro by the timber nnd curbing fall I n ? In
> tliom and burning. Two tried to run the
mntlot nnd wcro burned to a crisp. The
bad are :
KWVAHt ) UOURATtACII , married.
HAMUKh UAMl'HLMjh , foreman of camp.
HANS JACIION. married.
'Tho property loss consists of three horses ,
orty hogs , camp tools , etc. , also cloven cars
oadcd with loss , owned by the Tlmycr
lumber company.
IN Tin : ri.AMKS * PATH.
Tcrrllilo Itcfttilt at Snclninv' Ultnatroim Con-
ll.ieratlon Much 1'ropcrty Destroyed.
SAOIXAW , Mich. , May 21. The boundaries
sf the flro yesterday , as described In these
llspatchcs last night , wcro substantially
torrcct. The scene was ono of Indescribable
3xcltcmcnt , people becoming frenzied hi
their doslro to remove their household
effects from the devouring element , which
rushed madly on its journey of destruction ,
burning everything In Its path.
Strong hands and willing hearts rallied to
the aid of these whoso Homes wcro In dan
ger. Everything in the shape of a vehicle
was pressed into service to remove house
hold needs beyond rcacli of the fire. In
many Instances thcso precautions wcro un
availing , as property , after being removed
to supposed places of safety , was found by
the llro and destroyed.
The body of the man supposed to bo John
Clark , who perished , was identlllcd this
morning ns Hobert Turner , aged b'J.vcais.
Clark , however , Is unaccounted for. Promi
nent citizens met this evening and formu
lated a plan for the people of Saginaw to
take care of all the needy ones , and no ap
peal will bo made for outside aid.
A clcso estimate places the number of
buildings destroyed at 275 , and the total loss
sustained $ UOOjt)0. ( ) The total insurance will
nggrcgato nbout S 000,000.
Mother anil Children Perish In the Flames
Near Tmtln.
CAim.tAO , Mich. , M.xy 21. Forest fires
nro raging in thq territory northwest of this
city , Louis Sands' lumber camp , near Laltc
City , has burned. Samuel Campbell of this
city , foreman of the gang , and Mike McCuno
were burned to death. Eight others ao
missing and are believed to Imvo perished.
Help has been sent from this city.
Flro broke out near Tustin and ran 'two '
and one-half miles in eight minutes. The
'farm house of n man named Anderson was
destroyed , Mrs. Anderson nnd her two
children perished in the house.
The saw mill boarding house belonging to
Edgar Morgaroldgo on the Toledo & Ann
Arbor siding , four miles from here , was
destroyed by lire. Loss M,000 ; no insur
The mills at Lake City were shut down
yesterday to light the llro. The citv is in
imminent danger.
Sands' camp , where the two men perished -
ishod , was surrounded by the flames and
tlio men who escaped had a hard light.
End I'cnturo of mi Incendiary Flro nt St.
l.onU Lout NIcht.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 22. Flro which broke
fout about midnight destroyed about ? 200OOC ,
worth of property and caused the loss of : i
human llfo. A f ow minutes before 12 o'clocli
an alarm was sent In from the corner ol
jChanning avcnuo and Locust street. The flro
which was of Incendiary origin , complctclj
destroyed three-story brick block on the
corner mentioned occupied by the T. C ,
Crum company. Ono hundred and Jlftj
horses were burned to a crisp and the entire
lot of buggies , phaetons and other vehicles
[ harness , etc. , weru destroyed. In the see
.ml floor James Quinn , barn foreman , his
rclfonnd eight children wcro asleep. All
Lad n narrow escape except Eddie , a 7-year-
old sou. who was fatally burned before hi
could bo rescued. Crum's insurance Is
§ 17,000.
[ .Not at All Agreeable to tlio Kortlicri
t Neighbor * .
NKW Yom : , May 21. A special from Ot
tawa. Out. , says : "Tho Commercial Hela
L lions of Canada , " is the tltlo of anew blue
book issued yesterday for the financial do
pavtmcnt. Mr. Foster- , the minister ol
finances , admits that the McKlnloy tarlfl
has caused a largo decrease hi Canadian ex
ports to the United States. In 1890 the ex
ports were $30,419,2.23 , , and In Ib93 , $31,021 ,
In rosioet to reciprocity , the finance min
Ister aysOn : thn abrogation in 18SO by tin
United States of the tivaty , Canada miuli
advances for the resumption of the old 01
the inauguration of now relations upon semi
fair and equitable basis. A stand Ing offer t <
inako or reduce the duties on certain namci
urtlclts In case .of equivalent reduction 01
the part of the United States has been 01
the ntatuto book for years and still remain :
open for acceptance.
"In addition , the government has sent , n
r'iUffercnt periods , delegations to Washlngtoi
to endeavor to arrive at a basis for moro extended
tended relations , the last visit being in February
ruary , 1810.
"Tho result of the conference , so far a
the trade question is concerned , may b
briefly stated thus : That it was found ini
poa'ilblo to frame a treaty upon tlio basis o
the mutual free lutcrchunxo of the natura
products of both countries alone ; that manufactured
facturod goods must bo included and tha
any agreement for an Itucrchungo of natura
nnd manufactured goods must bo based upoi
ti preferential treaty In the United State
and upon a uniform tariff for that countr
und Canada , as the rest of the world.
"This involved dl.scrlmlmtlon ngains
Great nrltnlu and practical tariff by th
United Slates , and the Canadian commli
Moiicrs declined to accept thcso conditions
How far the recent change of ndmlnlstrii
tion in the United States will affect Can a
Ulan interests remains to bo sscn. "
Now York Humocruoy Arraigned.
Nc\V Yoiuc , May 21. Tlio republican mcui
bersof the last legislature have issued i
voluminous address to the people of th
slate , arraigning tlio democratic party fo
authorizing the expenditure * of 3.000.00
moro than last year , for fulling to pass i
reformatory taxation bill , for denying horn
rule to cities , for refusing equality in elw
t ion boards and tot attempting to dlsfraii
hlso the farmer vote of this state .
JiuiikunU In Convention.
MUXCIE , lnd , ( May 21-Thrco thousan
puukard * arrived ou lua train today , wlikV
Increased the crowd to 14,000. In the mornIng -
Ing wan hold their first grand meeting.
Enoch Eby , a noted Dunkard from Kansas ,
addressed a crowd of about 15,000 this after
noon ,
D. L. Miller of Mount Morris , 111. , made
his famous lecture on Egypt to an audlcnco
of 1,800 Dunkards nnd citizens. Their na
tional business meeting will commence Tues
day , when it is said that 20,000 Dunknrds will
bo present.
Und of a Struggle Hcttrecn Western Patri
otic Politician * .
513 FOUTITCE4TI ! STItnr.T . , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 21. )
The appointment of John W. Jones of
Idaho receiver of publlo moneys at the
Black Foot agency practically sattled the
light between Frank Bean and ex-Governor
Stevenson. Mr. Bean Is a member of the
national executive committee nnd represents
the "kid democracy" of the new stato. Mr.
Stevenson , who was made governor by Mr.
Cleveland eight years ago , represents the
older wing. Mr. Bean backed Jones , who is
the editor of the Black Foot News , n demo
cratic weekly. Ex-Governor Stevenson
backed Mr. Clinpln , who Is the editor of an
other democratic weekly , and Jones won.
Nebraska .Mlnlitora lu AVn hliifton. |
Two of the Presbyterian divines who nro
representing Nebraska at the general as
sembly were given Important assignments
at the local churches. Rev. Dr. W. W.
Harsha. of Tecumseh , preached this even
ing nt Hamllno Methodist Episcopal church
which has ono of the largest congregations
In Washington. Ho was greeted by n largo
congregation. Rov. Dr. Edward L. Dodder
of Grand Island occupied the pulpit of
Emery Chappcl MuthodUt Episcopal South ,
\Venterii Pension * .
The following pensions granted nro re
ported : Nebraska : Original Frederick
Xleglor. Reuben MuVoy. Original widows ,
tc. Mahalah Swank.
Iowa : Increase Turner Wheatley , Or-
ando G. Morey , William L. Thompson. Re-
ssuo Michael 1C. Todrow.
Secretary Morton will bring his daughter
o Washington next winter and thus another
vill bo added to the circle of cabinet ladles ,
'ho secretary is considering n number of
ffcrs for leases for a homo. Up to this
line he has lived at the Arlington.
P. S. H.
'crriblo lixpcrlenco of Prospectors In the
Mountains of Mexico.
MANELOOA.MCX. , May 21. Francis Banacla ,
prominent rancher who lives north of hero
car San Juan Sablnas , has arrived at Man-
ilooa , and brings the first news of the terrl-
ilo fate of a party of live mining inspectors
ivho left hero four weeks ago for the Sierra
3an Viclento mountains in the northwestern
iiart of this state , near the Texas boundary.
Thcro have been many reports circulated
: u this part of Mexico for several months
; > ast of the famous mineral wealth to bo
'ound in these mountains , and a party of
? oung men , consisting of C. II. Lormn , B. W.
Cnapp , both Americans ; Cccilio Martinet ,
ustaclo Lojoda und Jesus Gucrerra , organ-
zed themselves into a band to try their luck
n the reported Eldorado.
The course of their Journey lay through
a desert for 130 miles , nnd on the third day
after leaving Santa Hosa their water supply
gave out nnd their team of horses was left
behind to Its fate. For six days the men
lived on the Juice of the maguy plant. On
the seventh day two of the Mexicans , driven
cra/.y by itlio heat and thirst , broke away
from their companions and soon became lost
"n the desert.
Other members of the party gradually
est their strength and were loft behind to
die. The only man that came out of the
terrible ordeal allvo was Mr. Knapp. who on
the tenth day reached the San Jose do Pled-
ras ranch , where ho received water and
kind treatment. Upon regaining his
strength ho was escorted to San Juan Sabi-
nas by a different route than the ono which
had proved fatal to his companions. Ho is
now resting at the ranch of Mr. Banada and
will soon take his departure for his old
homo in the United States.
Sensational Scene In the French Chamber
of Dentition.
P ni8 , May 21. This morning's news
papers print details of the scene on Satur
day In the Chamber of Deputies immedi
ately after the division on the motion of the
prosecution of M. Baudln. M. Baudrey
d'Assou , as soon as the vote was announced ,
ran to the triuuno. caught M. Dupuy by the
collar nnd shook him as ho shouted. "Cow
ard , " "Liar" and ' 'Humbug I" In his cars.
Ushers hastened to M. Dupuy's assistance ,
drew away d'Asson and escorted the premier
from the chamber.
Dcspito this , the expected duel is not
likely to bo fought. D'Asson is reported tc
have been persuaded by his seconds to with
draw his challenge.
Kuincror Wlllliun's Uenliil.
BEKUX , May 21. The government has do-
nlcd the truth of the recent statement that
Emperor William , In his capacity of supreme
commander of the federated armies , would
issue a manifesto concerning tlio army bill
To the denial is added the explanation thai
the ompcror Is supreme commander only it
war ; In peace the federated princes com
manded their respective armies.
Cloiotuil with the 1'ope.
HOME , May2l. IIcrrvonBuclow , Prussiar
minister to the Vatican , applied last evening
for an audience with the pope toaay. It wa :
grunted without hesitation , although the
pope dct > lrcd ito pass Pentecost Sunday ii
absolute seclusion and rest. The npparcni
urgency of Herr von Buolow's ' business nut'
the secrecy surrounding it Imvo oxcitcc
much comment.
Double -Murderer Dueler Will Ji'ut Hnut
Until October.
CousiKa , la. , May 21. [ Special Tolegron
to Tun Biu.J The attorneys of James
Doolcy , the tlcnd who ravished and killcc
his aunt , Mrs. William Coons and littli
daughter Nellie of Prescott , this county
March 11 , lost year , and was sentenced to bi
'hanged at this place Juno 10 , have boon suc
cessful In getting the court to postpone thi
execution until the October term of court
This move will DO mot with righteous indig
nation by the citizens of this county
Dooloy's crime was the most horrible eve
committed In this section , und his convlctioi
and sentence wcro secured nt great cost t <
the county. The promise of swift justlci
and extreme precaution during his trial enl
prevented the exasperated citizens from tak
ing him from the court house ana lynchlni
Tcrrllla AVInil .Storm.
Sioux CITY , la. , May 21. A terrlflo wlm
storm accompanied by hall and rain vlsltoi
this region about U o'clock tonight. Every
thing loose about the streets was blowi
away. Occupants of the upper stories o
buildings wcro stampeded. The city clcc
trio circuits were greatly damaged. Th
storm passed to the southeast ,
Movement ! ol Orcnu Steamer * Alajr 31.
At Havre Arrived La Guscogno , froti
Now York.
At Scllly Passed Stuttgart , from Baltl
At Bostou Arrived Cophalonla , froi
At Now York Arrived Wcrra. froi
I'liicketl from tlu > 1'oiul.
Judge Herka saved u lad from a thoroug
woniiiff ut Hanscora park yesterday aftoi
coon. The boy was playing on a pile c
rocks at the edge of the jwnd and sllppc
and fell. The judge rescued the youugstc
Ijcforo l o got in over UU hcau.
Indications that the Well Known Nobras'kan
May Recover ,
Slnto Iteunlou Committee Dlsctmon tlio
Hulijnct ol the Annual Kntortnlnnicnt
of Urnnil Army Veterans at
Ornntl Islam ) .
NcmusicA CITT , Neb. , May 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tnn Br.u. ] Dr. E. M. Whlttcn
and James Reed madu another visit to Gen
eral Van Wyck's bcdsldo this morning.
They found the patient much Improved. Ho
passed a portion of the morning in an arm
chair , chatting pleasantly with Mrs. Van
Ho has regained the use of his loft side
nnd was better in every noon , his
pulse nt that tlino being sovcnty-slx , tem
perature normal.
Mr. Reed wishes Tun BEE to state that
the report of the general's condition In this
morning's World-Herald was grossly exag
gerated. Ho says no representative of that
paper has been at Ixmo Lodge nnd the re
port In this morning's Issue has caused a
great annoyance to tlio general's family aud
James Rood and Colonel F. P. Ireland ar
rived In the city nt midnight from Lone
Lodge. They loft the general's bcdsldo at
11:15 : p. in. At that tlmo the general's pulse
was 70 , temperature normal. Ho Is In every
way improved. Physicians say If the im
provement continues ho will soon bo out.
Hon. Mark Broadhcad , Mrs Arnn Wyck's
brother , and her daughter Happy will arrive
from Washington tomorrow altcrnoon.
TO 11KC1UVK Till : Yi
Preparations Hems Completed for No.
lirasUa'H O. A. 1C. Annual Uueninpinaut ,
GUANO ISLAND , Nob. , May 21. [ Special
to THU BEE. ] The date of the next reunion
of the Grand Army of the Republic will not
bo changed. The question as to whether or
not to do so called the Board of Council of
the Grand Army ot the Republic , depart
ment of Nebraska , to meet hero last night ,
together with n meeting of the reunion com
mittee. Owing to the fact , however , that
Department Commander Lon Church of
North Platte and Adjutant General E. A.
Evans could not arrive until late last night ,
a meeting of tno council was not held this
morning , A change of duto was wanted
for the reason that the national
reunion to be hold at Indianapolis begins ou
the 4th of September , and under the date
agreed upon Dy the Nebraska Grand Army
of the Republic nt the Fremont encampment
Nebraska's reunion will close on the 2d of
of September. This would leave but vorv
little time for these who dcsiro to attcn'd
both to prepare for the national reunion.
Owing to the fact , however , , that the date
of the Nebraska reunion was fixed before
the general order of the national department
ns to the date of the Indianapolis meeting was
made , and that several contracts have already
been entered into by the reunion commUteo
under the fixed duto no change was made ,
and the fifteenth annual reunion will take
placojustas announced-August 23 to Sep
tember 2 , inclusive.
There were present representing the board
of council , Department Commander Lon
Church of North Platte , Senior Vice Com
mander Church Howe of Howe , Adjutant Gen
eral E. A. Evans ot North Platte , .MedicalDi
rector Dr. Spaiding of Omaha , Colonel J.H.
Culver of Milford. Craig of Beatrice and J. B.
Sowhill of Omaha. At the meeting of the
reunion committee last night there were
present Church Howe , chairman pro tern ;
George H. Caldwell , secretary ; George F.
Ryan , Harry Harrison , C. F. Bentley of this
city , J. R. Mo igher of Columbus , and A.
Traynorof Ornulia.
The committee on transportation reported
that a half-faro rate can bo secured for
visitors , and that in the matter of transport
ing wood , tents and other materials the rail
roads were willing to make the same rate
they made last year.
Twelve uniformed bands will bo carried
free of charge , but while hero will have to
bo under the supervision of the department
A complete program was not outlined last
night , owing to the unsettled condition as to
the dato. No definite report was made ,
either , as to whether the National guards or
Nebraska could bo secured , and the prepara
tion of a program was deferred until another
meeting , to bo hold soon. The military
board will moot soon , and the encampment
of the National guards will then bo acted
Medical Director Spaldlng drew the at
tention of the committee to the fact that
last year a largo number of ladies were
troubled with headache , resulting from sit
ting in the sun around the speaker's stands ,
and it was decided to cover 400 or 500 seats
and restrict the use of them to ladies. The
seating capacity , not including covered seats ,
will bo about 2,000.
rromoni'a ChaiitituQtiu.
FUEMONT , Neb. , May 21. [ Special to TUB
Biu. ] The central Chautauqua which has
been held In this city has been a success In
most respects since its organization in 1891 ,
when it was held ten days ; in 1893 It lasted
fifteen days , and this year , to satisfy the
general demand for Chautauqua work , those
having the matter in charge have decided to
hold a twenty-one days session this summer ,
commencing Thursday evening , Juno 20.
The assembly idea has taken a firm hold
upon the minds of the Nebraska people and
it is recognized as ono of the most popular
means of recreation , combined with tlie idea
of intellectual improvement , hence the large
Increase In attendance each yo-ir nnd the
demand for extending the sessions of the
Chautauqua assembly.
Among tha best lecturers In the United
States who have been secured are John DC
Witt Miller , of Philadelphia , who will deliver
his three best lectures. "The Uses of Ugli
ness ; " "Our Country's Possibilities and
Peri's" ' and "Casual Chats with Great Pee
ple. " A. E. Wlnbhlp , ono of Boston's most
popular lecturers , will speak ou ' 'Convorsor.s
and Orators , " "Wit and Wisdom In Travel"
and -'The Boy Out of School. " Dr. WInshIp
will also speak several times in the teachcn
Institute , which will bo held on Iho ground :
during the Cliautauquu. Colonel George W ,
Hain of Kentucky has been engaged foi
three lectures. Dr. M. C. Mason of Atlanta ,
Ga. , is one of the most eloquent
colored orators known. Ho speaks or
"Tho Negro Problem" and "Southon
Education" and will preach ono Sabbath ,
Kabul Leo Franlilln , the popular rabbi ol
the Jewish synagogue of Omaha , will spcali
upon "Tho Modern Jew and His Belief. "
Rev. J. G. Tate of Hastings will deliver his
lecture on "Protecting the Home , " Tc
these may bo added the names of Dr , J , B
Maxlleld of Omaha , Hon. J. S , Hoagland o ;
North Plutto , Hon. E. J. O'Neill of Pawnee
City , and Dr. Frank Crane of Ouiuha , f
number of others will be secured ,
I'Hlrinoac Social Hvent.
FAIHMOXT , Nob. , May 21. [ Special to Tni
BEE. ] A pleasant reception was tcnderet
at the homo ot ox-Mayor John Barsuy am
wlfo Thursday night to Rov. H. C , Aber
nothy , wlfo and daughter Helen of Powaj
Valley , Cal. , who are visiting hero. Rev
Mr , Abernethy was formerly pastor of tin
Congregational church hero for over eigh
A. A , Cressman nnd son , E. L , Malsbury
wife nnd daughter , C. H. Ketridjfo , wife utu
daughter , F. C. Page.i Ifo and daughter
D , J. Kramer and wife , T. M. Wright , wif
and daughter , W , W. Kemp nnd wife , A. D
Hall and wife , O. P. Fisher and wife , F. M
Chupin and wife , P. T. Furrar and wife
J. U , Garry and wife , C. S. Chandler am
wife , 11 U Martin aud wife , Q. U.
and wlfo , A. Ambler and wtfo , U.
L. Davis and wUe , M. C. Chaplti
and wlfo , Mm. D. A. Phillips ,
Mrs. li. M. Vlnccnt-jMrs. C. E. Frftkcr , Mrs.
W. Wheeler , Mrs.vll. MeNealand daughter ,
Mrs. N. Thompson , O. i E. Miller nnd wife ,
Mrs. li. Steipcr , Mrs. A. I. Glcason , Mrs.
J. H. Huston , Charles Abernothy , G. D.
Maxflold. H. Mosher. W. O. lloss , H.
Smiley , F. Thonntson , W. A. Dewey , Misses
Jcsslo Wilier , Agnes Little May Palmer ,
Carrlo nnd Hattie Dowcy , Clara and Lena
Palmer , Lizzie Loomls , Nannie Thompson ,
Maria Mosher , Susie Dlngman , Anna
Thompson , Ll2zlo Chapln , Edna Tolls , nnd
Mr , Earl PalmeV. Refreshments were
served and a most bnjoyablo time was had.
Nick Ilcnglo 1'robnbly fatally Hurt In n
Lincoln right.
Lixcot.x , Nob. , May 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bnn ] Another drunken row
took place In the Russian quarter In North
Lincoln at 10 o'clock tonight , which will
probably result fatally to Nick Ilcnglo , ono
of the participants 11
Sunday is usually spent In boor drinking
by the Russians , a number of whom wcro
congregated in the house of Philip Melkel ,
nt Ninth ana Y streets. A row , the origin
of which no ono appears to know , followed , In
which Mrs. Mclkelwho is in a delicate condi
tion , was iknockcd senseless by Nick Helser
who Immediately ran away. A low minutes
afterwards ho returned with his brother
Peter , and attacked Henglo , n visitor there.
A desperate fight ensued , in which Henglo
was struck over the temple with n big piece
of plank , while the two Helsers received
several bad cuts on their heads , Peter being
the worst Injured ,
When the pollco arrived Henglo was laying
on the floor unconscious , with his head In a
great pool of blooll. Nick Ilclsor was ar
rested while undressing and Peter was
brought to the station later by bis little ten
year old daughter. A son of Peter llelscr was
recently pardoned by Governor Crounso
while serving a term In the pen for nearly
killing a companion In a drunken row. The
room where the fight took place looked as
though struck with a cyclone , with blood
over the walls , the plastering knocked off
and window lights smashed In.
Hebron 1'qfBoimli.
HEBUON , Neb. , May , 21. [ Special to
THC Bnn. ] Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Big-
elow of Ogdcn , U. T. , who have been visitIng -
Ing here , departed for the World's fair city.
Miss Rosa Thclcn of Hastings is visiting
or sister , Mrs. C. M. Weiss.
Fathers Englesh of Hastings , Boll of
Crete , Meridl of Falrbury , and Ignatius of
"jlncoln , who assisted in the laying of the
lorncr stonobf the new Catholic church , de-
iarted for their respective homes on Friday.
II. G. ( McCloskry of Fairbury was In
Hebron to attend tljo laying of tlio corncr-
tone of the now church.
Miss Efllo Leaehis visiting in Chicago ,
iho will bo absent three weeks.
J. II. Lynch , cashier of the First National
lank , departed for Chicago Friday morning.
Richard Ellison returned Irom California
last week after u year's absence.
Dr F. E. Fanner attended the State
Dental association convention nt Lincoln
ast week.
J. M. Bennett and family have gone to
hicago to see the big show.
W. L. Thompson has been called to St.
Louis on business.
Attorney C. L. Richards is among the
Isitoi's of the World's fair from Hebron.
High School Or.tto rlcnl Contest.
SrnixaFiELD , Neb. , May 21. [ Special to
THE BEE.The oratorical contest between
the Springfield and Papilllon high , schools
for highest marks Ifi uriiolPjWSW SoifiolSdod
last night at the PnpHllon opera house before -
fore n large audience. The six students of
the Springfield high school snowed their
superior knowledge of or.uory over a like
number from the Papillion high school by
nearly four points out of u possible MO. The
best individual orator for P.ipilllon's school
was Miss Nettie Smith , for Springfield's
school , Will II. Hoover.
Iloir Cleveland Pronoics to Conduct the
President Administration.
New YOHK , May 21. The World this
morning , in its editorial page prints the fol
lowing In double leaded type , from its
Washington correspondent :
The president's civil service policy has
not changed since it was announced in the
World on Saturday , May 13. A malicious
report to the contrary was invented by n
newspaper openly .hostile to Mr. Cleveland
and really antagonistic to the democratic
Mr. Cleveland has no intention of refusing
to make appointments for political reasons.
Ho will not make removals for political
reasons , unless offensive partisanship is
charged and proved. Ho will make and
countenance , however , a good many re
movals , and every vacancy thus made will
bo filled by a democrat.
Mr. Cleveland In Ids last administration
experienced great trouble from the partisan
ship of bureau and division chiefs. Men
whom ho had retained In ofllce did their ut
most to cmbaras's his administration. They
were willing to risk their places for the pur
pose of discrediting the democratic admin
istration. They were not civil service re
formers. They were spoilsmen , appointed
for partisan reasons , under the spoils sys
tem. Tlioy hoped for preferment and pro
motion by aiding the return of n republican
Some of thcso mon wcro In office when
Mr , Cleveland returned to Washington. A
few of them havebeen dismissed and others
will bo. There is to bo a great reform of
this kind in the service. It is based on
sound business principles. The president
and the members of his cabinet are deter
mined to have subordinates on whom they
can rely in confidential positions.
Mr. Cleveland has not yet considered any
changes in the civil service rules. That
may come later , but no such intention us has
been attributed to Mr. Cleveland , of putting
all minor apointmonts under u commission
and establishing a permanent tenure , is en
tertained by him.
Ho authorizes the- statement that nothing
ttiat the Now YorU Sun says of his inten
tions cau bo relied'upon ,
Advlco of the 1'opo to French Catholics
Helped-tho Itopubllc.
PAIU9 , May 21- Premier Dupuy , nt a ban >
quest in Touloisa ibis evening , made a lone
speech conccrnlngitbo government program
and the political tjtuatlon in France. He
said that the cabinet's legislative program
Included the passage of laws to deal wltli
the new relations 'of ' labor and capital , ilsca !
reforms , a readjustment of taxation on UK
principle that tbo9b best able to pay snouk :
pay most toward the support of the state
and also to regulatu civil and religious socle
tics. - j
M. Dupuy admitted that the growth of tin
republican sentiment In Franco has been au
colorated bv the counsel given by the pop <
to French Cathpljcs , The advice tcnderet
by Roma with the lofty purpose of prornot
ing peace , ho said , had u persuasive powei
which none could fail to recognize. In tlu
streets of Touloiso M , . Dupuy was recelvet
with exceptional enthusiasm. A few shout :
of "Viva Baudm" were heard , but other
wise , no attempt 'at d political demonstru
tion was made.
Berlin DclirUt'd gluj-cr Convicted.
RAWUXS , Wyo. , May 21. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB BKB. ] Alfred L , Clark , whosi
trial has occupied the tltno of the court fo :
the past week , Indicted lor murdering BortU
Dcbritt , was" concluded at a late hour las' '
night by the Jury bnpglng in a verdict o
murder In the second degree. Clark \vai
ably defended. The plea of Insanity , however
over , scorned to have but little weight will
the Jury , which was ouly alwut Ufteon inln
utcs ia arriving at a verdict.
Conspirator Bricoro's Sentence Commuted to
Imprisonment for Life ,
Indications that thn Scalcm In the StralU
ot Mncollitn mil Iliivc nn K
mcnt with Ohlllnn Dispatch
lCoptiHghMfISabuJaina Gordon JfeitneK.1
VAU-AUAISO , Chili ( via Galvcston , Tex. ) ,
May 21. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to Tun Bnn. ] Pres
ident Montt has commuted the sentence of
Senor Brlcoro , ono of the persons connected
with the revolutionary plots against the
government In April , who had been sen
tenced to bo executed. Great pressure had
been brought to bear upon the president who
was overwhelmed with petitions for the
oxcrolso of executive clemency in behalf of
the condemned man.
The president called n special mooting of
the council of state early Saturday morning
and at 1 o'clock a. in. Brlccro was conducted
to an ordinary cell , having up to that hour
been confined in that portion of the prison
in which these sentenced to death are kept.
The council of state discussed all the peti
tions which had been lllcd and decided that
the man should not bo put to death. It Is
probable that Briccro's sentence wllP bo
changed to Imprisonment for life.
All over Chill a sentiment In opposition to
the execution of Briccro has been worked
uu. Not In years has so much interest In
the fate of a condemned man been shown in
this republic. Petitions for executive
clemency came from all parts of the country
and some were sent from other
South American republics. So great
was the Interest that President
Montt was hissed by a crowd of university
students because ho declined to interfere
with the execution of Bricero when they re
quested him to do so. There is no doubt
that the government was forced to change
the sentence by the display of public senti
President Montt has been overwhelmed
with thanKs for his action in saving the man
from execution.
Some incitement In Porn.
In view of the excitement caused by the
pproachlng election in Peru the Chilian
government will "send the war ship Almi-
ante Coohrano to America to protect the in-
orest of Chilian ! . . Later the cruisers Pinto
and Captain Prat will bo sent to Callao for
lie purpose of protecting the lives and prop-
2rty of Chilians who reside In that
Ity. The British flagship Royal Arthur
las been ordered from Chilian waters and
o Join the Northern Pacific squadron at
Esqulmault. I have been told that it Is the
ntontion of the British government to
establish a largo dock yard with all modern
appliances at Stanley , Falkland Is.luuds ,
ivhtch is to bo used by ships iu south At
lantic and Pacific squadrons.
'freezing plolits h'a vd been cYtabllsheil at
unta Arenas. They will bo operated in
connection with the Now Xoaland line of
steamers which will call there for cargoes of
frozen mutton to bo carried to England.
Chilian dispatch boats Condell and Hue-
; nel will be sent in a few days to patrol the
seal rookeries in the Straits of Magellan.
Governor Senoret has reported that two
American , three Argentina and four English
schooners arc engaged in pelagic scaling In
violation of law and the dispatch boats are
to be sent to the rookeries to prevent further
slaughter of the seals. Each vessel is armed
with rapid-firing guns and their commanders
will probably not hesitate to use thorn.
In Hlo Gr.uiUc < lo Sill.
The Herald's correspondent In Montevideo
telegraphs that inaccurate accounts of the
fighting in Rio Grande do Sul are so numer
ous that the exact situation cannot bo deter
mined , The Castilhlstas insist that the re
cent battle practically ended the revolution ,
because the insurgent army had boon forced
to flco in such small oands that it could not
possibly bo got together in sufficient num
bers to make an effective stand.
This story is contradicted by the revolu
tionists , who declare that General Tellcs'
Castllhistic army was defeated and that
Tellcs himself was badly wounded and fled
toward Santa Anna. A telegram from
Taura says that Sul-rano with a
body of revolutionists has arrived at the
Uruguayan frontier. Salgano declares that
the stories about the defeat of the revolu
tionists are General Tavariz defeated Tel-
les' army at Yulmnduy.
The Uruguayan senate has voted a larpo
sum to the government to bo used In rein
forcing the army stationed In the frontier
to prevent raids by Brazilian troops.
A telegram from the Herald's correspondent
pendent In Buenos Ayres says that the of
ficial Inquiry Into the causes for the wreck of
the Argentine warship Resales is still drug-
glngalong. Lieutenant Victorica , ono of the
condemned officers , has protested against
the findings of the court of inquiry.
It is probable that Qulrno Costa will bo
the now minister of foreign affairs lu Argen
tina. A dispatch from Rio do Janeiro , Bra-
7il , says the yellow fever epldomlo is spread
ing ,
Kncocod lu a Desperate Conflict.
GIIANADA , Nicaragua , ( via Galvcston , Tex. ) ,
May 21. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to TUB BKE. ] AVhat ,
it Is believed , will bo the decisive battle ol
the revolution against the authority of Presi
dent Socosa has been opened by the
advance of tlio government troops.
After many days spent in preparation
the government troops began their
advance , this morning nt U o'clock ,
Their purpose was to uttacli
the revolutionists nt Barranca , neai
Masaya. As the government forces ad
vanced the battle was begun by the revolu
tionists , whoso artillery opened a vigorous
lire upon thoattacklng columns of the enemy ,
The revolutionists are enthusiastic. The )
believe the engagement now In progress will
result favorably to their cause and hope II
will bo the decisive battle of the movement
to overthrow Socosa. Largo crowds arc
gathered in the streets awaiting news of tin
battle , which will bo brought from the fronl
by messengers. I am Just about to leavi
Granada for the battle field to watch tlu
progress for the Herald ,
Saw the I'cncoi ,
CHICAGO , 111. , May 21-Although a greai
many visitors floated easily along Stony Is
land avenue and the cross streets , it was
comparatively quiet today in the vicinity o
Jackson park. About 4 o'clock the crowi
was largest. At that time over 21,000 , people
plo were attending the Wild West porfor
ma'nce and other kindred attractions. Tin
Ice cream saloons and cheap museums wen
doing a lively business. Perhaps 00,000 people
plo saw the outside fences during the day ,
Funeral of Jainei Murdoch ,
CIXCIXNATJ , O. May 21. The funeral o
the great actor , James Murdoch , was heli
hero today. About 200 people gathered to wll
ness the last solemn riles. The service was
complete In Its simplicity. Wrapped In an
American flag and followed by twenty car
riages , the body was taken to Spring Grove
cemetery , where the Interment was made ,
I'.tiiMH IX IHiMAXl ) .
Humlrcilft oi People riorldnc to the Coded
Sioux I.nnili ,
CitAMnr.ui.Ais , S. D. , May 21. [ Special lo
Tun Br.r. . ] Whatever may bo the facts as
regards other sections of the state , the In
flow of Immigration to the ceded Sioux lands
continues in a manner most gratifying , and
the reports that continue to como from east
ern states scoin to fully warrant the opinion
that these who have already arrived nro but
the advance ( ftiard of the vast army yet to
come. In ono day recently slxty-flvo teams ,
loaded " : lth immigrant , crossed the
river on the pontoon bridge at Ibis tilnco on
their way to the ceded lands. Thus Iho
choice lands of this great reservation nro
rapidly disappearing and before ninny
months have elapsed but little of It will re
main subject to entry under the homestead
State Commissioner of Schools and Public
Lands Ruth has been In the city and ar
ranged for the surveying nnd platting of the
school section which is located within tlio
citv limits. When platted the land will bo
sold by'tho lot to these desiring to buy and
the proceeds will 30 Into the state school
fund. For several years a number of build
ings have been illegally upon the land , but
these the commissioner ordered removed
within the next ten days. There nro about
100 acres of land in the parcel to bo sold , Iho
remainder of the section lying in the Mis
souri river. The land Is ns level as a floor
and Is certain to bring a good price when it
Is placed upon the market.
SonIh Dnkotii Oratorical Content.
REDFIUU ) , S. D. , May 21. [ Special to TUB
BKE. ] The sixth annual oratorical contest
of South Dakota was hold ntRcdllcUl Thurs
day. Yankton college , Sioux Fulls univer
sity , Brooking * Agricultural college , South
Dakota university , Augustana college and
Redlleld college participated in tno contest
for a chalcedony slab and a prize of ? IO anl
a geld badge for the first pri/o and $25 for
the second prize. The Judges were Hon. C.
W. Herreid , Hon. C. E. DoLind of Pierre ,
and Uov. J. F. Cross of Rosebud Agency.
The first prize was given to T. A. Stubbins
of Yankton college , and the second prlo to
E. F. Dow of Redfleld. The chalcedony slab
will bo contested for by the collcccs again ,
as both Yaukton nnd Mitchell have won the
irizo twice. A largo number of students
vcro present from each institution , and
voro in complete harmony with the decision
f the Judges.
Tiiouaiir HI : H 3ivii > r.uii ) .
American Citizens In Mexico Cl'ilm n Com
panion AViiH Maltreated.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 21. A Chicago
laper recently printed a letter from Mexico
tating that on the 20th of September , 18UJ.
Ir. Charles Crelghton , a citizen of the
Jnitcd States engaged as the contractor of
, section of the Motauioras road in the state
f Pueblo , had been assaulted , disarmed , ar-
cstcd and locked up In the Jail of Tlacal-
ticai ) by a band of workmen , and that next
ay Crcightou was found dead in the Jail and
hat it was believed that the Jailor had nuir-
lercd him.
The Mexican legation at Washington is in
script of an official report from the Depart
ment of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexi
can states , from which it appears that
> eightoii was arrested and put in Jail be
cause ho was drunk and caused a disturb
ance in tljo graders' camp by attacking with
i rfovftWwjfc the workiuginen of Uio- '
railway/ who disarmed nnd locked him
up j that on the 21st of September Crash-
on was found dead , and that from the nu-
opsv made by an expert It appeared that
lis death resulted from congestion of the
> rain ; that the friends of Crelghton , not bo
ng satisfied and insisting on a new inquiry ,
, ho disintbimcnt of the corpse has been or
dered and a now autopsy will follow , so that
f it Is not proved that death resulted from
natural causes , these who may bo responsi
ble for the same fahall bo duly tried and
lunishcd ,
ox THC jtnwaa CASE ,
t 'Will Occur Hcioro the Prcsbytorlnn Gcn-
oial AsBomhly Thin Week.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , May 21. Commis
sioners to the Presbyterian general assembly
occupied most of the local pulpits today.
The attendance upon the various places of
worship wcro generally greater than the
capacity of the houses could accommodate.
Besides the usual preaching services there
was a mass meeting in the interest of the
Young People's Societies of Christian En-
.leaver at the First Presbyterian church.
The coming week Is expected to produce
the scnsition of the assembly the debate
on the Briggs case. Just what shape it will
como up in cannot bo definitely staled. An
appeal from the action of the Now York
presbytery has been placed in the hands of
the Judiciary committee , of which Rev.
George D. Baker , D. D , , of Philadelphia is
chairman. Mr. Baker , while not the first
ohoico of the Briggs men of the assembly for
moderator , eave him their votes after Mr.
Dickey had declined to have his name used
> is n candidate for the olllce.
The committee will probably report on
Tuesday on the regularity of the appeal and
whether or not It should bo entertained ,
coining , as it does , direct from the presby
tery without having gene to the synod.
AMUXt ] Till ! ll'O.tiJi'.V.
.Many Women Ministers Present nt the Ko-
ftgloiu Horviceu of tlio Wnrlil'H Cungrtw.
CUICAOO , 111. , May 21--Eightccn ordained
women ministers of the gospel , represent
ing thirteen different denominations , sat
upon the speaker's platform at the religious
services hold this morning by the World's
Congress of representative women , These
who took active pait In the services wore
Revs. Mrs. Tuppor Wilson ofSt. Paul ; Mrs.
Mary Sallord of Sioux City , In. ; Mrs.
Florence Kolleck of Pasadena. Cal , : Miss
Anna H , Shaw. Mrs , Caroline ,1. Bartlett of
Knlaimuoo , Mich , ; Mrs. Mary Merclnnd ,
Mrs. Jcnnotte Olmstond of Olivette , O. , and
Miss May Wright Sewull. A sermon was
delivered by Miss Anna II. Shaw.
Tlio attendance nt the various meetings
of the womcns' congress at the art Institute
was very largo this afternoon. Perhaps the
greatest Interest was taken in the meeting
in hull No. ! l , at tlio religious meeting. Mrs.
E. B. Grunnis , president of the Social Pur-
Itv league , presided and delivered n short
address. Speeches wcro made by Mrs. Isa
bella Lake of Chicago , Mrs. Mary Lowe
Dickinson , Mrs. Arthur Smith and others.
i.uoits LIKI : CHMi'anriO'f.
I'aiuinm Ilontl Will Not llmiow IU Con-
Iruct with the rnclllo Mall.
SAX FJIANCISCO , Cal. , May SI. K. II. Hinton -
ton , agent of the Panama railroad in this
city , received tlio following despatch yester
day ;
NEW YOIIK , May 20. Proposed deal hero
merely covers charters of steamers for Col
umbian lino. Distrust all riminii. Khali abide
loyally by our onaitKOiuont. Notify our
Mr. Hlnton says ho supposes the "pro
posed deal" mentioned In thn despatch may
refer to the efforts of the Columbian line to
charter the steamers belonging to Mr.
Huntlngton for service between Now York
and Colon , He says that he has no expecta
tion that the Panama road will renew the
old contract with the Pacific Mall antl
Steamship company.
Abandoned u llubjr.
Some one loft n week-old baby at the door
stop of Rev. J. A. Hultinan's residence lasi
night. A note was pinned to the elothlni
of the child requesting the reverend gentle
man to care for the child ,
Mr Hultman called at police headquarter !
and requested that ho bo relieved of tin
charge , so the pollco took the iufuut to tin
Open Duor ,
Biggest Firms in the OombSno Servo Notice
of Their Intended Withdrawal.
Money Dun the firms from the DIMIlllnfl :
nnd Cattle feeding Company Allowed
to Itun When Past Hue AtlHIn
In lltd Himpc.
CHICAGO , III. , May 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bnn. ] The Whisky trust appears to-
have received Its death blow Saturday
nlht by the withdrawal of Its chief ills-
tillers. Woolncr Bros. , E. S. Hasten , H. fi.
J. Swabachor and J. 11. Francis , served
written notice on John Beggs , first vlco
president of the Distilling and Cattle Feed
ing company , that they had withdrawn from
the "trust" and would take possession or
their respective distilleries.
The announcement of this action was mada
by Samuel Woolncr to a reporter at Wool *
ncr's homo In Peorla. Mr. Woollier said ha
fully realized that the withdrawal of tho-
distilleries owned by these men was a death
blow to the "Whisky trust , " and to use his.
his own language :
"It looks ns if this move would bust the
Distilling and Cattle Feeding company. Tha.
withdrawal ot the Grove and Union distil
leries , which I represent ns trustee for
Woollier Bros. ; the Manhattan , owned byr
E. S. E-iatonj the Pcorla , the property ot
John II. Francis , nnd the Northern , owned !
by the Schwabachcrs , means the dropping :
out of the live best paying houses in tlio
Distilling and Cattle Feeding company.
Hohlnil With Its Kent.
The reason wo withdraw is because the >
Distilling nnd Cattle Feeding company has
not paid us our rental under the leases for
the ground upon which their distilleries ,
stand. Now tlio capacity of the Grove and
Union distilleries is 7,501) ) bushels a day ; thoi
Pcorln runs il.OOO , the Manhattan il.ODO , and1
the Northern y.OOO , which makes ,
a total daily capacity of 10-- ,
500 bushels , which has gone out of the >
concern. The worst ot It , from the stand
point ot the Distilling and Cattle Feeding ;
company , Is that thcso are the best proper
ties In the company and are ths ones upoi *
which the trust mostly depends -Wo are
now in possession of our bouses and have
men there looking after the property. 1 was
at the Grove mid Union this morning and' '
have started men at the work of taking ,
The firms withdrawing from the Distilling-
and Cattle Feeding company will deliver nil
spirits und grain ou hand. That is , wo will
pivo up personal property , taking back the
naked plants , machinery , ete. The notice
wo served on Mr. Begg so stated and wo.
do not consider that wo have any right-
to the stock. Tno reason wo served ,
the notice ou Vlco President Hogg was because - ,
cause President Grcenhut was in Chicago ,
and wo did not know when he would return.
He and John S. Slovens were in Chicago ,
looking after Iho quo-warr.into suit com
menced by Attorney General Alaloney , nuf
understand Mr. Grcenhut , returned last , ' *
"night and I presume our notification
ha * < licen placed before him by ;
this time. The principle reason why weu
withdrew was because wo have not received7
the rentals for some tiuio past. That Is the ,
rOuson nil of us have drawn out. There Is a
clause in our lease with the trust that wo
can withdraw if the rentals are not paid for
sixtv days. In thcso'biises iho rentals hava
not been paid for many months , "
It- ) Domino Assured. ' ,
This is certainly the end of the trust for- *
it has been very hard up for some time , and
now that Its source of revenue is about shut ,
off , the outlook is a very dreary one. Mr.
Woolner also said there wcro several other
houses that , would soon withdraw. Of the ,
eighty houses that were in tno trust not ,
nero than ten have been miming of Into , ,
'ho houses that withdrew yesterday were ,
iinonir the strongest in the trust. Several' '
lundrcd thohsand tdollnrs is duo on Juno.
eb.ites aim nnd now that the prospects of. '
il.ieing the SS.000,000 worth of bonds.
ntcly ordered Issued are , the olllcers of ;
ho trust do not see where the ncccssarw
: ash is to comefrom.
s' jfo.isr ,
She Gives Mrs. Potter Palmer anil Other *
u WHrin Koccptlciii.
CHICAGO , 111. , May 21. Phoebe Couzms has ,
vrlttcn a long letter to the Chicago Times ,
n which she energetically attacks Mrs.
'otter Palmer nnd World's Fair Coinmis *
sioners Massey , St. Clnlr and * Lannon. She ,
icgins by saying that slio is keeping quiet at
n-csent , for the reason that she must liavo
n-cnth like other mortals. She then con-
inucs : "So when Massey of the midget
state of Delaware ; St. Clulr from the si wed-
oft section of the great mother country of
Virginia nnd Laiinon from the laud ot the
Mormon elder nro giving the blurt , dance ,
cake walk and tlslit rope performance ot
their musical round with Theodore Thomas ,
vou certainly don't expect a trained and
dignified leader to 'shy his castor' Into this
circus ring und waste his sweetness on the
desert air. "
Referring to the report that a certain lidy
was blackballed off the platform of the
woman's congress , Miss Cou/lns says the
lady referred to Is no less , a personage than
Isabella Bcecher Hooker. May Wright
Sowall was notillod by the president of.
thn woman's management that this
lady must bo kept. off at all
bayards. Mrs. Hooker , unluckily for
her appearance at this congress ,
wrote a loiter October 15 , Ifj'Jl , to Mrs.
Palmer , in which , ns chulrnuin of thcfinanca
committee , she very succinctly sot forth the
falsity of affidavits which had been sub-
milted ut the September mooting of the
board of lady manager. * by Mrs. Palmer ami
others as to the formation of that commit
tee , and bruvolv sustained the secretary ,
H was fondly hoped by the receiver of
that letter that this method of hquulchliiff
Mrs. Hooker would bo a sufficient reproof to
one who dared to affirm in writing that the
prcbldent of Vho lady managers and her sub-
tddlrcd allies hud been f also to truth , liciuo
the order of ostracism , Miss Cou/.lus ends
her letter with an elaborate attempt to
prove that I ho World's fair board of refer *
cncq aud control Is an Illegal body.
Young Mm. Illitlno loVinl Dr. William.
Hull lu JIHIP ,
NEW Youic , May 21. The Herald says :
Young Mrs. Blalno is to change her name.
She Is going to bo married to Dr. William T.
Bull. There have been many rumors of en-
gagcinont , but these have been denied until
now , when the announcement is uuthorl-
tatlvely made.
The wedding will not bo long deferred.
According to present arrangements It U
llxed for early in Juno. It will be a quiet
one , mid may be followed by u trip to fc& *
DUa trou I'looilf.
ST. PAWMinn. . , May 21. Floods of a seri
ous nature are reported In Montana by tha
Helena correspondent of the Pioneer Presit
They were caused by the swelling of moun
tain streams to an unusual height. Many
ferries on the Flathead and other rivers
have suspended operations. While no real
damage lias thus fur been done , cousldcrabla
is threatened , us the water is continually
ruing. Trafllo on the Belt Mountain bnmrJi
of the Great Northern road has been entirely
suspended bv the high water , and at present
there Is no Immediate prosper of the i x
tranlo ,
rritnrnTHMttra1 iTI \ fliTlnnrrri i tin"