Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY * BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 20 , 1803.
Transportation and Telegraph Companies
Protest Against Assessment ,
Corporntlon Counsel Learn Fncts from Mr ,
Cornell MnnlclpnlltJ-'g Toner to T x
JUans Thirteen Thousand More
for the Cltjr Treasury.
City council mot yesterday morning for
the purpose of taking steps to as-
BCSS the property of the different
railway companies , Pullman and Wag
ner companies nntl the Western Union
mid Postal Telegraph companies , and to
listen to any protests that might ho entered the proposed assessment for taxa
tion purposes. .Under the law of 1880 the
property of these companies is returned to
the State Hoard of Initialization and assessed
pro rata for each county. It has heon the
dcslro of the council nil along to assess this
property for municipal purposes , but the au
thority never existed until after the passage
of the now charter.
President Bcchol called the meeting to
Order. The call for the meeting included
tlip following resolution :
Resolved , Ily tlio city council of the city of
Omnlin , tlio major concurring , thai tlio city
rlork bo nnd Is hereby directed to notify tlio
I'lillnmti I'aluco Car company , tlio tuloRrnph
companies and tlio several railroad companies
owning Innds , lots or oilier property within
tlio city of Oiimlia , to appear before llin city
council of said rlly at the council chamber In
the city hall on Krldny , the lUlli day of May ,
1803 , nt u o'clock a. in. , nnd show cause , If nny
tliero be , wily the uropurty ot each nnd all of
Mild companies returned to the state auditor
or the Stall ) liounl of Kciunllrntlnn , or for any
other reason not legally or actually appearing
on tlio assessment roll or tax list of Raul city
for tlio iiurpoM ) of taxation for the year 1893 ,
should not bo placed upon Raid assessment
loll nnd tax list ut Its fair vnltto for tlio pur
pose nt taxation for municipal purposes In uc-
cotdanco with the provisions of flection 70 of
an act entitled : "An act Incorporating metro
politan cltloH and defining and prescribing
their duties , powers nnd government , " ns
amended April 7,1H03 ,
Union I'aclflo Ignored tlio Call.
Mr. Wheeler stated the ohjcct of the meetIng -
Ing , nnd first submitted a proposed assess
ment of the property of the Union Pacific
within Its right-of-way , not now nssesscd
for municipal purposes. The company's re
turn to the state board was $91,000 , and the
council contemplated increasing the amount
to JUJ1.780. No representative of the com
pany was present nnii action was deferred
until It has hud an opportunity to enter a
protest If desired.
The list of property of the Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha company was
then submitted. The values and proposed
amount of the assessment had not been
added. N. M. Hubhard , jr. , as the attorney
for that road , entered a protest against
.tho right of the council to make the assess
ment , and asked for tlmo to investigate as
to the correctness of the list of the property.
A similar list of the B. & M. was sub
mitted and C. J. Grccno entered the
oamo nort of protest. B. T. White performed
a similar ofllco for the Klkhoru upon the pre
sentation of the list.
The proposed assessment on a valuation of
f05,000 , against the Pullman company caused
ex-Auditor T. II. Benton to enter a protest
in behalf of that company. Ho said that
under the stato. law of 18&D was a provision
that tlio rars should he assessed and re
turned to the state board for a pro rata dis
tribution among the counties cf the state.
Since that law was enacted there had boon
no change made in its provisions. Ho had
examined the charter and failed to find any
thing that empowered the council to make
such an assessment as proposed and did not
believe It had jurisdiction , except in the
matter of furniture and fixtures In tlio ofllco
of the company : Ho Inquired of Mr. Council
under what law the proposed assessment
was to bo made.
Turn Ilt-nton Initnifitod.
Mr. Con neil replied that under the general
law all property in a municipality was sub
ject to taxation and should bo assessed for
Bomo amount , and that $05,000 was proposed
in this case.
Air. Bcnton thought that that had refer
ence only to the ofllco llxtures and nothing
outside , for the reason that the company
had nothing outside of that that could bo
Mr. Connell said the company had cars in
the city and they were certainlysubjcct to tax
ation. Ho thought that the superintendent ,
J. F. Kichardson , should bo present and fur
nish tlio council with the information as to
the number of cars of the company that were
sent out from this city , so that , an equitable
value might bo placed. The proposed amount
was a lump assessment , and it had been as
sumed as being correct ns the amount hud
been returned by the company heretofore.
Mr. Bcnton said Mr. Richardson would tip.
pear and gladly furnish any information do
elred. Ho desired time to Investigate before
the assessment was made.
Mr. Wheeler then submitted rates at whlcl
t was proposed to assess other companies. The
Wagner company was placed at $1,000 , the
Western Union at $15,000 and the Postal Tel
egraph at S-1.000.
Attorney Horton protested against the
proposed assessment of the Western Union
as being too high. The company has about
thirteen miles of line in Omaha , now taxed
by the state board nt $3,752. Ho objected
to the amount being increased to f 15,000 and
thought that the property of the company In
this city could bo duplicated twice over for
that sum. It was not the dusiro to shirk nny
taxes , but the llgurcs made should bo fair
and reasonable
What the City Will Gain.
Manager Ulmmick of the Postal thought
that $4,000 was entirely too high for his
company. The taxes had heretofore been
paid in Chicago , and ho did hot know what
the assessed valuation was und desired time
to secure statistics.
In order to give the companies an oppor
tunity to make a thorough investigation an
adjournment was taken until Thursday of
next week at 10 o'clock In the morning ,
when nn opportunity will bo given each com
pany to present Us reasons why the pro
posed assessments should not bo made.
In this connection Treasurer Bolln has
prepared statistics showing that the pro
property owned by the companies outside 3t 3f
the right of way. The treasurer says that
If the assessment Is made as proposed it will 1
turn into the treasury of the city about $10-
000 from the railway companies and $3.000
from the Pullman company ,
Arc You Thinking " *
Of what you ought to take with you when
you go to the World's fair ! Your outfit will
nor bo complete without a bottle of Cham-
cerium's Colic , Cholera and Oiarrliwa
lemedy. | The ohango of water and diet , fa-
tlguo and Irregular habits during your trip
nro almost certain to produce diarrhoea , and
a dose or two of this remedy may suvo vou
Borious sickness and perhaps much expense.
Procure it before leaving homo.
"Tho Madison , " ( family hotel ) , 21st
nnd Chicago. Transients $2.00 per day.
Vou Ought to See
Those superb dining cars which the
Nickel Plutft. road will put on Borvico
May 28 , They are all ready and are
magnificently furnished and completely
equipped. Hardly a railroad in the
land can bhow their equal. No road has
anything superior.
A Short I'oBtpoucment.
Owing to a combination of olrcum-
utunccs the Nickel Plato road has been
obliged to defer the Inauguration of Us
through train service until the 28th
Inst , On and after that day cast-bound
trains on the Nickel Plato road will
leave Chicago 7:35 : a , m. , 2:30 : p. in. and
9JO : p. ni. West-bound trains will leave
Buffalo 5:50 : a. m. , 12:05 : noon and 11:25 :
p. ifl , No change of Bleeping care be
tween Boston , Now York und Chicago
JW either direction. Superb diniug cars.
HOOKS , nooics.
n ydcn llroi. Ono Day S le.
Grand sacrifice sale on books for ono
day only.
12 mo. cloth bound books , 80
each ; worth 35c.
Paper back books tlio latest 8c ; worth
12 mo. cloth books He' worth GOa.
Best mucilngo , 2 bottles for Cci
Lend pencils , 3c per doz.
Not < 5 pnpor , lOc per Ib.
Shakespeare's coraploto works , $1.00.
Droxcl Ilotol , 10th & Webster , Iblkfrom
Mo.Pac. & Elk. depot. Nnt. Brown , prop.
It Cost * Moro
.o stay homo , than to tnko advantage of
the Burlington $10 excursion to Shorl-
dan , Wyo. , Tuesday , May 30.
Ask the city ticket agent at 1324 Fur-
mm street for further particulars ,
lou Cnn Do So liy I'urclmMiiK n Copy of
"Monui'n Dictionary ot Chicago. "
This World's fair "Guide" has re
ceived the endorsement of the World's
'olumbian ' exposition. It also contains
i complete "man" of Chicago Und Is the
only recognized and standard "Guide"
of the World's Fair City. For sale by
joorgo K. Moran , publisher , 213 Ilorald
jtilldSng , Chicago , 111. , and by Swartz ,
MoKelvy & Crane , S. loth St. , Omaha ,
Nob. Price COe per copy.
A Trent for Omnhn.
The Hlrschborg Optical Co. , of C29
Olive street , St. Louis , have completed
arrangements to have Prof. Uirschbcrg
or his assistant , stay 0 days with tholr
agent , Max Meyer it Bro. Co. , nnd test
eyes for all who are in need of glasses.
All tests will bo made frco of charge.
This will bo a rare opportunity for all
who nro Buffering from defective vision
to have their oycs bcieiitiiically exam
ined and corrected.
The professor comes hero wholly in
the interests of the II. Hirschbcrg Op
tical Co. , and will stop with their agent ,
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , May 22 to 27 ,
whore may bo found n full line of H.
Hirschberg's Nonehangeablo Specta
cles and Eyeglasses.
All oculists and physicians every
where pronounce in tholr favor , and nil
who use them are only too glad to tes
tify to their clearness , durability , com
fort and the case they give to the eyes
even at the most difllcult work.
To Intending ; Travelers.
Intending travelers desiring to know
of the now , fast trains to the south ; of
the now , fast trains to the cast ; of the
new equipment nnd improved comforts
now offered by the Pennsylvania Short
lines from Chicago , can obtain full par
ticulars by-calling upon the ticket agent
of any connecting line in the west or
northwest , or by addressing II. R. Dor-
ing , assistant general passenger agent ,
at 248 Clark street , Chicago. After a
visit to the World's fair , a trip to the
east or south can bo pleasantly made
over either of the Pennsylvania Short
All owners of property abutting on
Park avenue , between Farnam and Hick
ory streets , who are opposed to assessing
said property to pay the costs of opening
said avenue from Half Howard to Far
nam street , are requested to meet at
O'Keoffo's block , corner Park avenue
and Lcavenworth , ai 8 o'clock this even-
Arnuijfi'incnts of Grand Army Orcnnlzn-
tlom for Observance of MiMiiorl il Day.
Omaha's Grand Army men will observe
Decoration day in a fitting manner. Kear
ney , Ouster , Grant and Crook divisions
Woman's Hcllof corps and the local camp of
Sons of Yovcrans have united to sec that
the coming ceremonies shall lack nothing Sf
the completeness and fitness that have heretofore
toforo characterised Memorial day in
Dr. Robert M. Stone , commander of Grant
post , Grand Army ot the Republic , is chair
man of the committee on arrangements , and
committees have boon selected to secure
speakers , furnish flowers and vocal inusio
and arrange fen transportation.
W. S. Askwith is secretary of the commit
tee on arrangements , and the Omaha guards
will net as military escort for the day.
ilev. Dr. S. Wriglit Butler has accepted an
Invitation to ofileiato as orator , and C. Jj.
Thomas und Ir. .Stone will bo olllccrs of the
It has been arraned that Prospect Hill
cemetery shall bo decorated by Custor He-
lief corps , Forest Lawn and the Jewish
cemetery by the ladies of Grant /toilet
corps , and the cemetery of the Holy Sepul-
chcr and the Bohemian burial ground will
bo looked after by the Crootf Ilchof corps.
The principals of the public schools have
agreed to attend to furnishing musio and
ilowcrs , and the national salute will bo Jlred
from the Grand Army of the Republic can
nons at Forest Lawn at 10 o'clock on
Memorial day , under the direction of Ser
geant Allison of Fort Omaha.
Custer , Grant and Crook posts will attend
divlno services on Sunday , Mav 28 , at half
past 10 o'clock at St. Mary's AvenuoCongre-
gatlonal church , whore Dr. Duller will
preach a Memorial day sermon , Custor and
Grant posts will form in column at the cor
ncr of Fifteenth and Douglas streets , and
will march to the church with colors llying.
By request of the Hoard of Education all
the posts have followed the custom estab
lished by Major T. S. Clarlcson In Omaha
four or llvo years ago , now so popular In the
north and west , of selecting speakers to ad
dress the children at the various schools on
the subject , "Why We Observe Memorial
Day } "
The day's ' exercises will ho hold at Hans-
corn park , beginning at t ! o'clock in the after
noon ,
What Is I.lnuleum ?
A durable floor covnrlng , made of ground
cork and solidified oil , printed in beautlfu"
designs. Ask for "WILD'S LINOLEUM.1
The best and the original make in the U. S.
Kept by first-class carpet dealers. The name
is on the back : "WILD'S LINOLEUM. "
"Said Pnslm" will bo presented for thi
last time tills season ut today's matinco a
the Boyd , This tuneful , merry opera i
capitally rendered by the Calhouu compau ;
and the ladles and the llttlo ones should no
miss the opportunity of
enjoying two und i
naif hours of perfect pleasure.
Ever popular "Fatinltza" will bo thobll
at the Boyd this evening. The Cnlhou
Opera company , really the best orgnnlzatlo
of Its class overseen in Omalm , has arrangd
to extend its engagements over Sunday am
on that evening "Tho Bohemian Girl" wil
bo rendered with a full cast of principals
big choriri end increased orchestra. Balfo'
creation is an old love and the Boyd shouli
bo lilted to its capacity tomorrow evening.
Frank LInden and his excellent compan
close their engagement at the Farnam thi :
evening , presenting the social comedy
"Flirtation. " There will bo the usual mail
nee at " ; iiO today.
Next week Miss Marie Wain wnght will bo
seen at the Boyd in "Tho School for Scan
dal , " "Tho Social Swim" and "As Vou Like
It. " Mr , Lewis Morrison's "Faust" will DO
the attraction at the Farnam ,
Ex-Senator Ingalls writes an exclusive
rtlclo for Tun SUXDJIT BEE In which ho
denounces the policy of the government
toward the Chlncie.
- *
Head these little B lines. Buy Cook's
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne If you want
a fine aud Udldoui drink.
Bargains in Indies' and Qcnta' Furnishing
Goods on Special Sale
Ilalmnrcl Summer Skirt * , Turkish Totroli ,
I.lncn Tvnrcln , IlemnnnU 1V il Qooils ,
Butuo Urltcs In Dress ( ! oed , Hat Do-
imrtment Siuuritny Specials.
The rush nt our umbrella nnd pnrnsol
dopnrtmcnt has been immenso. To make
things lively In this line \vo will oiler
BOIUO Inducements tlnit will be astonish
ing. Every dollar's worth ot the S. P.
Morse stock must ho closed out.
S. P. Morse & Co.'s $1.00 umbrellas ,
reduced toCOc.
S. P. MorBo & Co.'s ' 81.25 umbrellas ,
reduced to 75c.
S. P. Morse & Co.'s $1.50 umbrellas ,
reduced to l)3c. )
S. P. Morse & Co.'s $2.50 umbrellas ,
reduced to $1.50.
S. P. Morse & Co.'s $4.00 umbrellas ,
reduced to $1.08.
S. P. Morse ft Co.'s $5.00 umbrellas ,
reduced to $11.50.
I ciiso of children's fast hlnck cotton
hose , 4c per pair ; others nslc 15c.
Children's cotton hose , Imported , fast
colors , in all Hlzos , only 12je per pair.
500 dozen ladles' last black cotton
hose , Estcy patent , only Do per pair ,
worth 2 , " > c.
1 case of ladles' vests , no pants , only
Do each , worth 40c.
Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests , Swiss
ribbed and nicely finished , only 12jc
each , worth 2oc.
Ladies' night gowns on Saturday 50c ,
reduced from 75c.
A beautiful line of aprons from the
Morse stock , worth 50c , reduced to 2oo
Special sale ot corsets on Saturday.
Odds and ends of boys' shirts tit J
50 aozen unbleached Turkish bath
towels at 5c each.
30 pieces of 32-inch wide medium
shades printed duchesso mull , 5c yard.
Fast black satino , only lOc yard.
2oc grade of fine satino mill remnants
reduced to 5c yard ; 30 inches wide.
50 C 4 tinsel tapestry table covers , G9c.
GO-inch wide fancy striped Turkish
toweling , fast colors , 75c yard.
100 dozen of summer balmoral skirt
patterns , mostly dark shades , full size
pattern , today 25e each , 3(5 ( inches
wide , soft bleached muslin at 5o yard ,
only 10 yards to each customer , all
colors , plain colors in double-faced
plush 15o yard , special sale on rem
nants of white dress goods , lOc outing
cotton llannel now 5c yard. Woaro over
loaded on double width sheeting , got
our prices. Wo will save you money.
Remnants of wash dress goods on sale
Largo oOc World's fair towels reduced
to 23c each.
Special bargain in remnants of table
linen and odd dozens of napkins.
These bargains you will find on sale
all day and in evening if there arc any
left. Sale begins at 8 a. m.
A big line of novelty dress goods pre
viously sold for OOc and $1.00 will bo on
sale at 38c. The sale 9 ( these goods
, will continue all day.
Wo will oiler this beautiful fabric all
day for 49c. They make the most ele-
gunt and cool summer costumes.
In the evening commencing at 7 o'clock ,
wo will place twenty-livo pieces of im
ported plaid dress goods 42 inches wide
on special sale at 28c a yard. This will
bo the opportunity of a lifo time to
secure a fine dress for a little money.
They are well worth G. > c a yard.
Boys' and children's straw hats.
luc , reduced from 'We and 50c.
50c men's straw hats 25c.
75c men's straw hats 31)c. )
$2.00 fedora hat $1.00 in all shades.
$3.00 fedora hat $1.50 in all shades.
$1.50 boys' fedora 75c in all shades.
All our fancy styles of children's straw
hats $1.00 , former price $1. . " > 0 , $1.75 and
Wo will make a special reduction
throughout hat department Saturday.
We will sell you country butter for
lOc , 12jc and 15e , every pound of it made
from the 'cream that comes from Ne
braska cows' milk. Creamery , 17c , 19c
and 21c. Finest separator creamery for
2oc. Remember that this butter is
made by a process that excels the world
for cleanliness and quality. The cream
is separated from the milk when fresh ,
then churned , positively making the
best butter over put on a table. Como
hero for your cheese , fruits and meats ,
Lowest prices on everything ; also every
article guaranteed or money refunded.
Soothe celebrated. Sohmor piano at
Ford & CharltonMuHlc Co. , 1505 Dodge.
A snap for seine hotel man. See J. W.
Squire's udv. in "Business Chances. "
Of FftlconitfrOront Underncar Rftl * .
Monday w M rt a 6-dny sale on over
$15.000 worth Mf shawls , spring wraps ,
jackets , rcadyv ftnado suits and house
wrappers. Th j bargains will bo plenti
ful. Full particulars In Sunday's papor.
Our 5o vests nro nl 1 gone.
The Oc v < * * s-wlll bo nil sold by to
day noon. Rolnombor these are 25o
goods and cannot bo duplicated this
season ,
40o vests todny 13c.
50o vests toilay lOc.
Our great muslin and cambric under
wear bargainsaro ; going rapidly. These
$1.50 muslin-frowns nt USe nro the best
sellers wo have over placed on our
counters. They are extra wide and
extra long , and the muslin is a most
durable quality.
Pine steel table knives with Ivory ,
wood and ebony handles worth $2.50 per
dozen , 1 dozen to n customer today
at 5o each ,
fiO dozen steel bread knives , worth 50o
to 75c each , today 2 to n customer nt
18c each. Triple plato silver forks to
day 75c .per sot , guaranteed for 5
years. Ti'iplo plated silver spoons , 38o
per set of 0 , guanmtccd for 5 years.
Triple plated silver knives w orth $3.50 ,
today $2.00 per doz.
Only n few sizes loft nnd to clear thorn
out wo will sell them today for 2oo
regular value from $1.25 to $2.50.
I. C. CORSETS $1.45.
The famous L C. corset today for
only $1.45 , don't fall to see this corset ,
regular value $2.75.
Just think of it. a child's parasol for
15c. Make your little ones happy by at
tending our sale today.
A fancy parasol in plain satins , moires
and striped , all in one lot today for
PARASOLS , $1.05.
An elegant parasol in all silk surah ,
white and colors and fancy plaids , regu
lar value $3.00 , today onlv $1.05.
PARASOLS , $3.10.
All in ono lot today , a beautiful
white crepe parasol , fancy striped para
sols and shot silk parasols. An oppor
tunity you should not miss.
A largo lot of colored silk gloves that
sold as high as 50c ; to close them to
day , 15c per pair.
Colored silk gloves worth $1.00 , to
day 35c.
Colored silk gloves worth up to 31.50 ;
today , 50c.
Colored silk gloves with patent tipped
fingers , selling everywhere at $1.00 to
$1.25 ; today , 75c.
Canvas tennis belts at 5c each ;
leather trimmed plush bolts , 21c ; seal
leather belts , silver clasps , 2Sc ; seal ,
bolts in black and colors , worth 75c , at
38c ; silk belts in black and white and
navy , worth 50c , today 25c ; 15c
chamois skins at 4c each ; 20c chamois
skins ut 8c ; 25o chamois skins at 12Jc ;
50c chamois skins at 25c ; 75c chamois
skins ut 40c.
Pure cocoa toilet soap. 2Jc per cake ;
pure castile soap , 25c per cake.
Uintab toilet soap , 5c per cake ; Old
Brown Windsor , 5c per cake ; Aromatic
honey soap , 5c per cake ; Palestine lily
soap , 5c peDJcake- ; Capo May bouquet ,
5c per cake ; Honeysuckle soap , 5c per
250 SOAPS AT 12C. }
7th Regiment bouquet 12b per cake ;
Peach Blow toilet soap 12jc per cake ;
Jockey Club toilet soap 12jc per cake ;
Patchouly toilet soap 12jc per cake ;
Balsam Fir soap 12jc per cake ; cold
cream soap 12c } per cake.
Crab Apolo Blossom , Wood Violet ,
Gloxinia , Jo'ekcy Club , Pansy Blossom ,
Blue Lilies , White Rose , Russian Lilies ,
Arbutus , White Heliotrope and Peach
Blossom , all at 38c per ounce and all
guaranteed triple extracts.
81O Kxcurmon to ShcrliliinVyo.9lO ,
Tuesday , May 30 , the Burlington Route
will sell excursion tickets to Sheridan ,
Wyo. ( good to return until Juno 5) ) , at
the very low rate of $10.00 for the round
trip. Tickets will bo accepted for pas-
bage on train No. 5 , leaving Omaha at
10:15 : a. in. , May 30 , and arriving at Sher
idan at 3:30 : p. m. , May 31.
Through sleeping car , Omaha to Sher
Returning , special train loaves Sheridan -
idan Friday evening , Juno 2 , roaches
Omaha Saturday evening , Juno 3. Tick
ets will bo honored on this train and
also on regular returning trains.
This is an uncqualed opportunity of
visiting the coming metropolis of the
Newer Northwest , nnd you will do well
to avail yourself of it. The city ticket
agent , at 1321 Farnam street , will gladly
give you full information.
Special IoIT Itate Kxouriloii to Houston ,
A special low rate excursion for land
investors to Houston , Texas , will bo
made Thursday , May 25 , leaving Omaha
at 0:50 : a. m. Time , fortv-six hours. For
tickets apply to R. O. Patterson , 425
Ramgo block , Omaha , Nob.
Baking Powder
The Red Men's Knowledge
of the Laws of Health.
TurkUh" anil "" Bath of drill ,
tattoo Known to the Indlant.-Ilon
They Do It. A non Frou. Nature
which the IVUe will Hofil Klckapoo
Indian Sagira a Grand Itemed ? .
. . . , . . . .
'Kujtlan'1 Lullit Tl > cy rtlg liolo In Hie rartli ,
In which thrv lay ilynci , ami upon which they
build it flre , lieMIng tlie utonri to a rcil liMt ; they
then carefully remove Ilia cuMii
cutting a ntiiu-
bcrafKapllnf9 they itlck one einl In tlio crnunii ,
bend them orer anil flsce the other cnit alio In
theftrouuil , tlieto extend oter the hot Hours In
the harm of n Imlt loop. Over these pole or
hoop * the Indlani place ( Una ot animals or
blankets. It the ' Ruttlan"
or vapor bath li Jc-
atrod , they then throw natcr upon the hot rocks ,
thus generating steam. ThofO desiring the i apor
batUcritnl uniTcrnenth. After the poles of the
akin are opened anil they profusely pprsplro they
crawl out an-l another Indian ilailin buckets ot
cold water over them , or they plunjro Into n near
kT.i'lW1' They ro Ineii rubbiil thorourhly
with Klckapoo ImlUn Oil , ami ro given copious
drafts of Klckapon Indian Bagna , after which
they roll up la blankets and have a sound sleep.
Who con tench the Indians anything
nuoutlicnlth ? ills own answers
( or lils snriorlor knowledge.
Hls prcpanxtlons of roots , barks and
herbs , now given to the world for theflrst
time In the Klcknpoo Indlim Itcmcdtcs uro
uncqunllcd by nny discoveries of the mcd.
leal world of the whites. 9
When yon feel twinges of pain In your
joints , look out , a slight cold might devel
op Rhcumatlo Fever. If you have pains In
your back or sides your liver Is congested
or your kidneys nro not performing tholr
work and poison is gathering in yourbody.
Exposure to cold or contagious diseases
would bo fatal to you.
Pimple ; , blotches , and other humors In.
dlcate that the poison Is walking In your
blood. * You feel languid , heavy , dull ; you
awake In the morning unrcstcd. Beware 1
Drive those symptoms away at once I
Take Klckapoo Indian Sagwa. It will
clcanso your system , lical your diseased
organs , purify nnd enrich the blood , and
dtlve every taint of nol on from your body.
Then you will feel stiong , bright , aleit
and nctlvo as the Indian docs.
Klcknpoo Indian Sagwa li composed of
nature's remedies , gathered and prepared
by nature's children , who depend notupon
book knowledge for their cures , but upon
the leave * , the flowers , the roots and the
herbs that arc placed In the earth by an
nil-wise Providence forthabcncUtof every
living creature.
Why , look nt the nnlmnlsl
If your horse lucks his accustomed vigor
you arc taught to turn him out to pastuie.
You do so. The horse gets well.
Became theio Krows In every field the
tender leaves of aotno medicinal plant
which Instinct tells the animals to eat , anil
does for the poor old hot so picclsoly what
some other , or perhaps the frame plants 11
do for n human being. Itestorcs the waited
energies ! Kenews the lost bticngth ! Ho
vlvcs the ( hooping spirits.
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa.
> Sol < t by Alt Druggists anil Dtalcrs. ?
$1.00 for Bottle , 6 Bottles for $5,00.
I'lio Greatest on
Saa and L
100 pngo
MILTON ROQERS & . SONS , Agt8.omahn , or
Majestic Wife. Co. .St. Louis.
A solid Extract of Ilcef Is more Kcon-
omlcal thiiu n liquid , fcirthi ) ronson
that It Is concentrated , mid houaokceu-
era will llnJ It muchchonpor to
Xdebig COMPANY'S '
Extract of Beef
inollilconcent rntod extractfrco from
fat nnil polntln or any foreign sub
stance and cllnsolve It thouisolvoi.
The signature
cenulno on the j ;
haatuli In blao.
Mnko your blood rich and nuro , tone you
whole system , euro every norvoiistroublo with
Nerve Boons , a now vegetable discovery of
marvelous power. They renew youth , restore
vigor , clvo Klow of health , donbln capacity for
work or ploiisnro. Wonderful for overwork
und worry , Sold by anintfUts. $1 n bov. two
weeks1 supply , or by mull , NK11YU HKAN CO. ,
HutTuIo. N. V.
T > TTTVTT7V'C1 fatnrrli Cure cures catarrh ,
OJllvlMli I O All druugl.ti. WcjnU.
110-118 S. lOtb St.
Hundred suits of clothes made of solid
substantial all/ wool cnssimcres and
cheviots in two distinct colors and
patterns lined with fine serge linings
with fancy striped silesi a interlinings -
linings are placed on sale in our men's
clothing department today at the re
markable price of six dollars a suit.
Two hundred of these suits are in as
handsome a fancy blue cheviot as
you'll meet on the "Ave" in an hours
walk , The other four hundred are
made of business looking small gray
plaid cassimeres. Even at "Nebras
ka's" ordinarily low prices , these
suits are worth every
of a ten dollar note but when they're
offered to you as we offer them today ,
- it hadn't ought to take you longer to
S "pick" one than it used to take you to *
j pick a good ripe water melon off the
vine when old Farmer Gray wasn't
: looking ( remember it don't you ) . Two * ,
jgr full rows of these suits are shown in <
g our large window on Douglas street
f. where you can gain an idea of how
Sr they look "on a bust" and there's a
r table full of 'em halt way down the
S" " store where you can try on your size
- and see how it
We are m receipt of a particularly
choice assortment of beautiful lamps
with pretty shades that we would like
you to see.
AND uouart3 , outiti.
IS 16 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob.
1. lomlnant upoclnllit In norrom , ohronle. private , blooJ. ! dnin.1 urinary .11151131 Arozilir i
registered tirnituntaln inallclns. nnllploruu an I cjrtllUUui will sli jw. I ) still troutnj with th3i.Ta.it31
succosscatarrh , toit min eel , suTilnil woikuaii , nljit loiisi nit nml for.ui ot | irlrtt3 itlsjiui. Hi
mcrcurr iiaccl Now trant-nont for lots of vital pivjr. 1'artlai imibla to visit momir bu tr iluJ nt lie n '
by correspondence. .Mo.llclnoor l.ntni-nnti nj it b/ mill or ovp.-ju gujjrdlpiouJ , aa mittt t ) lull
catuconrenU ora-mlor. Ono pordonal Intsrvloir proforroJ. Consultation frjj. Oorroipondouj atrlotr
prlvuto. llookMyatorlosof ( Ufa ) ajntfroi. Offlcd ligurs , J a. in. to'Jp.m. burjj.irj U a. m. C3 U n
' iiilar. , .
The most durable and beautiful finish for Tlio idcnl polish for Furniture , Pianos
floors and wainscoting. Kaxily nppllpil. and String Instruments. I'rovout * .
Drli-q limtiuitly. Btithca ( Iri-Humo
. the varnish from cracking and Imparts n ,
HCrubblnpr All dirt
nnilHtfilim front unneornnary. grrcnio. Ink , tobnrro brilliant finish. A few drops on a soft cloth [ ' '
nnil blood , onully riiiuoTcU by simply Is Btifllclent ; then rub well over the var- { *
wiping it ullh u aafnp cloth. Mada in leu nlshcd surf ace until dry. Case of 80 bottles , L' ' (
brilliant shades , 51.00 per can. 80.OO , Single bottles SS cents. )
Mndo of tlit > llncfct quality of Ilnunm Tnbn.'r 11 llmtcmi lie , V > uclit. Kcjmil In i-vorr rfcpcd < > tin
rs. SluuufueUrcil lij If. IL JJIC'S MKUCViKTlLl ! CICiAU VAC1OKV. ei.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best
OPTlCflL CD , , 222 S , IBftSt.
The Name "Dueber"
or the Ducbcr TradeMark -
Mark on Gold aud Sil
ver Watch Casei , Is
recognized all over the
United States as good
ns the Hall Mark of
If your dealer doe not kfpp onr wnlcht , , m ll
ui your uddrois ana we will unit you Hip numo
of B dealer who docs. Tun UUKUKB WATCII
WOUKS , C'actou , O.
( iLllV UUt/ADl kll III * train or' ; t J
company luem In men QUICKIn ! > ; } I'KIIHA-
NKiTL cunu'u. run
ilr a to Of err partoltb * bortr , I will iea < l te-
curelr pnokeOI KUBK to ur uH r r IbJ ureisrlp.
Item tbtteuroa mt cf theie Iruublai. AdUroii , U
313-31Q-m : South 15tb. Street.