Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FlUDAY , MAY 19 , 1893 ,
Bears Secured a Renewal of Their Lease of
the Grain Market.
Mqnldnllon ot I.onjf WheiU Continued ,
Oprr.nlori Appearing More Dhipoioil
to Lot CJo of Their Holdlngl
Stocks nnil llonds.
CIUCAOO. lll.M.iy 18. Today's flno wrnthcr ,
lower cables and a lingering fooling of uticnsl-
ness roRaicling llic financial situation KIIVU the
lieurs a renewal of their lease of the grain
market. July closed Ic lower than the day be
fore. Corn wns also weak. July shows a loss
for the day of Me. Hos products received some
Blight support and closed higher.
The liquidation of long wheat continued.
Operators seemed moro dlsposo'd to lot KO
of their holdings , apparently not seeing any
im > ipools for nn Innacdlatu advance. The re
cent decline , lee , has absorbed margins and
brought wheat on "stop-loss" orders. Cash
wheat Is not going out as fast as It was ux-
peeled It would. There , howo\or , was some
icluctanco about selling short \ory f reel v for
with any manipulation short sellers might bo
caught up with a sharp turn. The market
opened J4c lower and there wcro only occa
sional small rallies , the close being easy nt Uc
from InMilo figures. . , .
Corn for a time was decidedly nctlvo , but
later nn became ( ] iilet. The tone at the openIng -
Ing was qullo weak , together with nn easier
feeling , having a tendency to lower. The sellIng -
Ing out of about liOO.OOO bu. of May and .July ,
largely the latter , for Warren k Co. , a receiv
ing concern , which Is temporal Hy embarrassed
on account of haIng their marclns In thu Co
lumbia National bunk , which icreiitly.closed
IIH doors , also had the effect of weakening
values. The oirerlngs at tlio decline wore well
taken caroof and Iho price soon rallied ! 5c ,
icactcd "Jc , ruled hteadli-r , and ut the cloto
lind lost but fioiu ? o to Me. , , .
Cats opened weak at from > Jc to ? { c decline ,
the near futures being the wenkest owing to
Iho depression In corn. After a slight reces
sion a firmer feeling developed , niidptlci-s
advanced from ! 4c to ? c , jeceded from 'Jc
to JJc and closed easy , with a net loss of from
Jic to J < c.
The provision market was easy at the start
and required nsslstnnru of. an artlllclul char
acter to support It. The necessary support
was forthcoming In nue coursuaiid the pilce
readily leuponded by a good advance. Cudnhy
and Wright bought pork and lard and the
North American I'.ieklng comp.iny bought
ribs. Computed with last night pork Istip'JSc ,
laid 12c ! ( and ribs 5c.
Kstlmalcd receipts for tomorrow \\heat ,
215 cars ; coin , 210 cars ; oats , 240 cars : lion-s ,
15,00(1 ( head.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
WhcatNo. :
Mar , Tl 11H 70X 70 m 7IM
Juir ' 74. . 75H
fcpt. . . . . 7.WQH
Corn No. J
Juno 4IK 41 4im
July , 42S42H
Kept tin
Oats No. 2-
Mny , KH
Juno an *
July . . . . 2SW 2SH
HOB 1'ork
July 20 00 50 5 20 TO 20110 20 CO
Kept. . . . 20 80 31 IS 30 bO 21 05 20 80
July . . . . 10 fi 1080 10674 10 SO ior.5
Hopt 10 1)2 } II 05 10W 11 0 #
Bliort Ulbg.
May 10 12 10 m 10 07H I007W
July 10 10 10 17) ) 10 10 10 12H 10 07W
10 12 10 25 10 12H 10 20 10 15
Cash eiuotatlons were as follows :
FI.OUII Firm , nominally unchanged ; winter
patents , } 3.fiOf/.3.80 ( ; winter straights , $3.00 ®
3.80 ; spring patents , J3.704.25 ; spring pat
ents straight , J2.70S3.2u ; bakers' , $2.20 ®
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 70j.Sc : No. 3 spring ,
f. o. b. , G3GOc ; No. 2 red , 70(40. (
COUN No. 3 vellow , 42c ! closing.
OATS No. 2 , 20Jic : No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 35c ;
No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 32SJ34c.
HYK-NO. a. O0'/c. ,
liAiit.RY No. 2 , G2c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 38 < 348c ;
Nei.4 , f. o. b. , 40Q43c.
FI AX SKKD No. 1.S1.03.
TIMOTHY SKKII I'rlnio , $3.02 ( < J3.05.
1'onK Moss , per bill. , $20.G520.70 : lard , per
100 Ibs. . ? la65ft > 10.r > 7i ! ; short ribs , sides
( loose ) , * 10.07 ® 10.10 ; dry salted 'shenildors
( iKjxeel ) . $10.20 ® 10.30 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
I10.20 < ai0.5 ( ) . .
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
SuoAns Unchanged ; cut loaf , Cc ; granu
lated , 0 4-Oc ; standard "A , " O'Jc.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Oinnlui Qrnni >
The follcwlng prices nro for delivery nt
Mississippi rlter points ;
WIIKAT No. 2 , spring , G7c ; No. 3 , spring ,
D8c ; No. 2 hnnl. 05c ; No. 3 hnrd , Olc.
UYK-No. 2 , 58c.
OATS No. 2 vUdto. 3Ujc : No. 3 white. 31c.
t'oitN No. 2. casli or May , 38c ; No. 3 or
bolter , cash , 37 c ; No. 2 white , 3Uc ; No. 3
white , 38c.
Among the sales reported were 13 cars No.
2 corn , Mny shipment , terms , 38c.
Now York Markets ,
NKW YOIIK , May 18 , Kr-otm-IJocelpts , 24-
450 pkCR. ; nxports , 3,887 bbls. . 19,9015 sucks ;
sales , 27,000 pkgs ; market more active and
( JonN MnAT < Dull , steady ; yellow western ,
ItVK Kit in , qulot ; western. OC@70c.
It Ain.r.v M ALT-Steady , dull.
WIIIUT llecelpts , 04.850 bu. ; exports , 101-
069 bu. ; hiile-s , : t,4'JOOOU bu. futures , 120.000
bu. spot. Spot market lower , fairly active ,
closing llrm ; No. 2 red , In More and elevator.
7CWc ; alloat. 77' { i77 ? c : f. e ) . b , 7778c ; No. 1
northern , 7Ui ! < 380c ; No. 2 northern , 75) ) < ( a
75V4c. Options elee-llned Jift'jc on easier
cables , foredgn Rolling anel local rcall/lng.
uloHed steady , with trading ulnw and e-hlolly
on local ai-couiit ; No. 2 iod , June , 7777Wc ,
closing 77e * ; July , 7HJ70'6c ! , closing 785ic
August , HCfflbO ? c , closing bOei September.
81JJa82'j ( , closing 81 i ; October , 8 fi83ijc ,
closing 83ij Ilc < 'omber,85jii8ic ( ( , closing85\c ,
COHN Ite-celpls , nuiio : exports , 108,025 bu , ;
Bales , 1,350,000 bu. of futures and 47,1100 Ini ,
of spot. Ppotxdull , Kcaico , firm ; No. 2 , 50Jic
In oluvator , olljc alloat. Options declined > i ©
? c with wheat and on offerings and following
the wcht , rallied ! ( Qu ; and closed steady at
} < < aio ? under yeisti-iefay Juno , 40Jjc ; July ,
4UUc ; August , 40 i * .
OATB-HecelntH. 129.150 bu. ; exports , 2.H10
nil , ; sales , 2.r)0,000 bu , of futures nnd 88,000
bu. of spot , hpot firmer , fair demand. Op
tions dull , easier ; Juno , 3uju ; July , 35c ; No.
2 while ; , 4lwe41 > { c ; No. 2 Chicngo , 37)i ) < a
a7 jc : No. 3 whlto. 34UQ34Vjc : mixed estern ,
2i5 428c ; white western , 40Q47c ,
lUv-I.lght receipts ; firm.
lloPB-Qulet but llrm.
lIiDKS Ouleit anil casv ; wet snltod , Now
Orleans selected , 45 to 00 UH. , 4 ! ' , < 36o ; Texas
holecti'il , ttdtofiO Ibs. . B547c ; itnenos Ayres
dry . , 20 to 30 Ibs. , 1'JJjc ; Toxus dry , -JO to 25
I'ltovistei.Ns-Cut meats , ejulot , firm ; fchoul-
elers , 0itl ! ! 4'e ! ; nlckled hams , 13'4 < ai3'4c ; mld-
dlcs.stenely , iinlitt. 1ard , tinnerquiet ; western
btuam closed ut JHI.'JO asked ; Miles , 100 tleices
at J10.y7i ! ; options , sult'M , mmu ; May ,
110,87 ; July * ll ; heplembfr , JU.20. 1'ork ,
bleudy , uulntj old moss , ; new mess , ( 'J2.
llUTTKU-Tree offerings , fair demuml ; western t-
orn creamery , 204i24o ; webtoin factory , t18
oiiBifK-Qulot , closed rather easy * part
Koiis Moderate demand , about steady ; ro-
co ptH , 281 pkgs ; western fre-sb , 14 il5c.
TAM.iW-iull. ) ) easyelty ; ifj per pkg. ) , 5 , c.
CoTTO > RhEii On , liillbtoady ) ; crude , 47c ;
I'KTii'oi.KirM-KlrmeT In tone ; I'oniisylvnnln
nil , bjiot sales , none ; June ) options , sales , 5,000 ( >
libls.i opening , 6U" c ; hlgheiht , &U3c ; loHi'st ,
P9f ° ' closing , ti'J'.e ; : J.lmn oil , sales none , 2'Jc
ItosiN 1'nlr ilemaml , sternly.
Tliill'KNri.NK-lliilI.e'asy ntUOi5J31c. !
HICK Dull , rnsyj fair to extra , 3&5ic ! ;
Jnniin , 4'jit4Jo (
Moi.AChisNew Orleans , open kettle , good to
Choice. Bte'ady ,
biniAit Kuw , flrinj rotliied , qulot und un-
changeil ,
1'iei IitON-QuIot , stonily ; American , 112
CoH-Kii-Steaely ; lake , $10.85 ,
I.KAD Mat ; domestic , ia.BO.
TiN-StuudyhtrallsHO.BObld.19.00aske' ; (
plates , btvady. * joller | , easy , doinestlc , M.2 !
Nc\r York Dry ( IiioeU .Market.
NEW YOIIK , May 18. A little. Imimnemcnt
was to bo ohbort ed In dry gooeU all nlong the
line , but the more ) pioiiiment fe'atiiro wns the
improM-ment of the ) tone of the market.
Them wns evidence of lutuiiilni ; confidence. :
J hi ) concessions mailo on thu lower grade's of
rottoiu vxpnmi the limit of decline , and there.
In now a tendency to reaction.
.Cotton Market.
NEW OUI.JSAN8. I.n , , Mny 18. Futures ,
Rtondy : sales. 10,000 balen ; May , $7.22 bid ;
June * . J7.22a7,23i Jllly7.28a7.5o ! ; August ,
> 7.3M37.30 ; beptewbcr , I7.36U7.3U ; October ,
l7,49a7,4X ! November , I7.47O7 48 ; December ,
t7.53tt7.54. quiet nnd on < yi peed middling ,
7JC ! middling 7'e { ; low middling , 7 S-lCe ;
Rood ordinary , OVc. Not and cros receipts ,
. , u. . . . bales ; . , , uit- , to Prnncc , 1,050 bfilcst
to the contlnont , 2,5a5 bales * sales , 2,200
Iftlcsj slock , 104,100 Wcs.
Omnhn Traduce Mnrket.
Aprr.E ? Pholco stock , )3.7&a4.00 per Mil.
STIUM iiEitnir.s-ChoIco Blilnolng stock , (3,50
per 2tt. | t. CIIKC.
1/ , $4.25(21.00 ; fancy , H.7&2) )
Per bunch , IncliidlnR crntcs nnd
pneklnB , J2.00B2.00.
I'INKVi'i''cr dor. , f 2.0032.25.
OitANiir.s Nowciistlij I'nllfornln * OPd lines ,
I2.50j Nowc.istlo Mediterranean sweets , $2.50 ;
( /'allfornln tnountnln orungos , 2.25 2.50 ;
Washington na\ols , cholco , ft ; AVnslilngton
na\e-ls , largo slze-s , $3.5oa3.70 ; Illrorsldo
crrdllngs , J2.75J Itcdlnnds , $2.75 ; Kcdlnnds ,
128 slzo , 2.00.
iiUTTr.n , rnns , OAME , rouf.Titr.
ntlTTim The cront bulk of the country
butter goes nt 12i&13c.
Keins-lli'iictnl market , 12c.
I'oui.THY Cliolro hen" , Oc ; mixed coops , 7J5
8c ; old roosters , tiiGc ; RCUSO nnd ducks , BQOc
Pr.AS1'crbu. . box , il.OOiM.10.
HKANS Choice navj12,2032.30 ! common
stock , ji.oaa2.oo.
" ' HIM * . O A n ti A ( IE I'crlb. , n. : .
'HIS ' OAIIIIAIIK Porcrnte * . 13.
Ct'CUMiiKiis Choice , per do ? . , J1.60.
WAX lliiA.ssl'eirbu. . box. il.OOffil.lO.
STIUNII HIA : vs-l'or M-bu. box , tl. '
Hl'ISACIl-l' bbl. , $2.50.
ASI'AIIOUror lior. , Wl,7 (
I.KTTUCI : IVr do ? . , 355J40C.
Per do25'di30c. .
I'Aitsi.nv 1'or do2&U30o. .
Tin- ONIONS Per do2OTl23ft
1'OTATor.s-rolornilo stex'k , $1.1031.20 ; Wis
consin bttrbniiks , $1 ; wciiorn Nobrnsku , tl.
i'lV : PI.ANT--lV'r"50'.ibT bo\bV f 1.25T
NKW IlKKTfi I'crelor. bunches , 75c.
NKW ( JAiiuoTS 1'cr doz. bunches , 75c.
NKW TuilNll'S I'orelobunches , 75c.
HQIUSII Per bu. box , } 1.00ffll.70 ,
HnuMDDA ONIONS Per bu. box. $2.25.
NKW POTATOES Southcrn.pcr bbl.J5 ; porbu.
box , $2 ; cjnllfornln , ucr II ) . , 3ic ! ,
MusnnooMS Per market basket , (1.
WATCH Cittss Per IG-ejt. box , $1.76 ,
HAY The market on good upland hny , $7.GO
© 7.70 In cnr lots.
o nnd small fnt , 7 < 3Bic ! ; largo
nud thln3 < aco. _
St. l.ouli Alnrkcts.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 18. 1-Youn Un
WIIKAT In below yesterday ; No. 2 red , cash ,
G8c ; July , 71c.
COUN Lost Jfc : No 2. mixed , cash nnd Mny ,
30c ; . Inly , 30il338'c.
OATS-lllel up by hhorts ; No. 2 cash , 82iCj !
July , 27'ie ; .
PitovisioNfl-Qiilcl ; firm. Pork , $21.25. Lard ,
$10.0. ! Diystilt mi'iits , loooo shoulders , $10 ;
IOIIKS and libs , $1.45 ( ) ; shorts , $10.70. llacon ,
iliiclinmtod.hoit ; iiacke-el slioulders , $10.25 ;
short rllii.'Ji-i. Hums , unchuiiKed ; sugar
cureel , lilftUr.
Kncnii-TS I'loiir , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat. 8,000
hu. ; corn , 41,000 bu. ; oats , 41,000 bu. ; rye ,
3,000 bu.
SIIIPMBNTS rioiir. 0,000 bhls. ; whont. 10,000
bu. ; corn , 43,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. ; rye ,
1,000 bu.
Killls 18 City MitrKotR.
KANSAS Ctrv , Mo. . May 18. WHBW KJlVJc
lower ; No.2 burd , O'JQG'J'Se ' ; No. 2 reel , 73c.
COHN VjeiJle- lower ; No. 2 mixed , 35Jc ! : No.
2 white , 30iG37c. (
OATS Unclinntred ; No. 2 mixed , 2S > { ® 29Jfc ;
Ne ) . 2 white. 32a32c. }
HUTTEII Declining ; crcamcry,18320c ; dairy ,
KiuiS Unsettled ; lie.
KECKii'TS Wheat , 17,000 bu. ; corn , 17,000
bu. ; oats , 0.000 bu.
Hlin.Mi.NTS : Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 10,000
bu. ; oats , none.
I.uerpool Alarkets.'ooi , , May 18 , WIIKAT nnsyj'demand
moderate ) ; holelers oiler freely ; No. 1 C'nll-
fornln , Osl'iilTlOs 2'id per cental ; No. 2 red
winter , 5s 101d. }
COKN Quiet ; demand moderate ; mixed
westuin , 4s l4il pur cental ,
BACON Long , 45 llw. , 54s Gel per cwt.
LAHII Prime western , 53s per cwt.
Calico Market.
NEW YOIIK , May 18. Options opened
barely steady nt 0 points uu to 10 points
clown ; closed barely steady , unclinngcd te ) 20
points down ; sales , 18,500 baR , incluel-
InB ! Mnv. $15.45 ; June , $15.2315.40 ; July.
$15.10 15,15 ; August , $15 ; Heptember , J14.HII
< ai4.90. Spot lllo , nulot , btoady ; No. 7 ,
Milwiiukep MiirUotH.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , , May 18. WHEAT Kasy ;
July , 707i ; No 2 spring , GUc.
UoilN Cjulot ; No. 3,42 c.
OATS-Steadv ; No. 2 white , 35',5 < S3Gc ; No.
3 white , 212l' } .
Kvi-02c. *
Toledo Grain Mnrket.
Tor.Eno , O. , May 18. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 ,
casb and May , 71',5c.
COUN Actl\ , easier ; No. 2 , cash and May ,
OATS-QuIet ; No. 2 , 83c.
Clnclnnntl Markets.
CINCINNATI , O. , May 18. WHEAT In light
demand ; No. 2 re-d , 70c.
COHN Stronger : No. 2 mixed , 45 > { © 40c ,
OATS Strong ; No. 2 inKed , 3434 c.
WHISKY Klnu at J1.12.
Itnltlmoro Grain Mnrkot.
HAI.TIMOUB , Mel. . Mny 18. WHEAT Weak ;
No. 2 red , epot and May , 75c. ;
CoitN Kasy , mixed , spot nnd Mny , 49J5C bid.
OAT.S Quiet and steaely ; No. 2 , whlto west
ern , 42c.
London Ull Market.
, Oir/-203 3d
per cwt.
TUIU'EMINI : SIM HITS 22s Gel per cwt.
llninim Sugar Market.
HAVANA , May 18. Quiet ; small sales have
been made. Copious rains have fallen.
London Speculative Jluslncss.
LONDON , Mny 18. The street business In
stocks was unusually nctlvo nnd hhoued a
strong robounil when business ccnseel for the
dny. The elay's recover In colonial govern
ment ste > cks averaged 2 to 5 per cent , Austra
lian bank stocks ' 4 to 1S ! per cent , oxroptlnir
the Hank of New t-onth Wales , which elroppeel
Hi per cent. In American railroad bliares ,
Northoin I'nclllchhiiwcel a rho of 2J per cent
and LakoShoio.t .Michigan Southern \'t \ and
others from ? a to 2 percent.
The llnal stirot prices of every kind were
the highest of the day.
Securities Yentcrday While Irrofiilnr Were
In the Mnlii lllcbcr.
NEW YOIIK , May 18. The steick market ,
while Irregular again today , was In thu main
higher. The ) volume ) of business was moder-
ntolylnrgo , sales aggregating 322,358 .shares ,
of which 25,740 woio unlisted. The advance
In the Bank of England discount rate from 3j ;
to 4 per cent had been oxpsctod nnd consequently
quently had llttlu Influence upon thu market.
Money hero wns easier , both on call nnd on
tlmo , nnd thu stoi ling iixrhnngo market was
less llrm than of late , nltliou h no material
concessions In rates were made.
The estimates of gold shipments by Satur
day's steamers vary , some acitliorlllo-i placing
the exports nt $2,000,000 nml others at $3,000-
000. Thu out How of gold Is contracted to some
extent by the disposition on the part of the
bankh nnd trust companies to Krnnt moro fn-
\enabh ) terms to Wall street horiowura.
The uffnlrs of the Northern Pacific company
rommnmled nn unusual shaieof nttontlon ,
Thei eilre'utors hulel long sessions nnd It , Is
tindcrslood that arrangoiiionia have liccn
completed whereby the company will ho en-
nbledtopny olT It * floating elebt. The fact
that capital Ix to stand ready to taUo thocol-
lalernl trust notes \ * rogaided as n most
favcnalili ) hUn , showhiK ns It eloeu a fe'ollng of
cnnlldtinco lu the ) future of tlio financial
sit nation.
At the opening thin morning prices for
stocks wont up with n rush , the Improvement
belli ; : c'liual to from 'i lo't \ per cent and ( Jcn- l.lectrlc loading the rise. Subse < iuently
them witb n ivnrtlun under the leadurbhlp of
UlstlllerH , which fell of from 17 to 10 ! ' , on the
talk that the Issiiuof bonels was larger than
anticipated. Tim stock still later told at 10
ami ri'ceded tei 17. hugar was n conspicuous
foalurti anil advanced 3 > ' percent to bHUe > n
large dealings , ( irnoral Kle'cnlubolel at 7'J , a
rUe of 3 > , per cent fiom last night's price.
Durlngthi ) afternoon there ) was n leuctlnn eif
fiom U to 14 percent uniler sales to ro.ill/o
prullts , but n rally of fiom ' , to ? i norc'onl fol
low cd and thu market closeel steady In tone' .
The Post says ; Keturnlng dullnebs In the
market , with general steadiness In pi lees , ii
lie-limps the most reatsnrlngof nil symntonis.
Moro fortunate than tlio bankrupt llrltUh
colony , where nche'ek to the puiile : was vainly
seiugbt In thu unlucky proclamntlon of u Iho
days' business holiday , the ) situation here )
MHiiiitf to liuslonly worMngeiut Itsunnremeely ,
The money mnrKet supply Is the most peculiar
problem , to Mist U the ) sum of Idle money In
New Vork slnou the ) last fortnight's btook e.x-
clianKt ) liquidation , nml so numerous ru
h'Jldcr.s who wish to put It within reach nt
loaners can scarcely tlnd u market.
I'eir time loans , on tbo other hand , these ) con
ditions uro absolutely reversed. Normally
the inurkot for merchants' paper ought to
Inno reaped from this substantial benefit.
There have boon , It Is true , since ) the ) opening
of the week material concessions to customers
of highest Kradu , Yet even this leaves rates
exceedingly high , say 7 per cunt for the very
host , ugahibt 3Vi to 4 per cent a yearngo , and
5 per cent oven under the approaching strin
gency of 1800. Practically , too , this easier
tone does not-affect ut all us yet the less sub-
itnntlal names , where tlio need U perhaps
the greatest. That the merchants , ui u whole ,
hnro endured so suecosifitlly the money Rtrnln
H the hlRhost possible tribute to the KeuornI
soundneM of Undo conditions.
The following nro the closing quotations ot
the leading stocks on the Now York Stock o.x-
Chnngotoday - ;
iAl i
I ) ,
I )
n ,
r <
l. <
The tolnl sales of stocks todny were 322,300
shnrcs , Including : Atchlson , 13,500 ; Chicngo ,
Hurllngton ft Uillncy , 0,700 ; Chicngo Has ,
13,000 ! Cotton Oil , 3,700 * Delnwnre , J.acka-
uauna.tcstorn , 0,101 ; Distilling nnd Cnt-
tlefeedlng , 44,8X0 ; Oenernl r.lectrle * . 0,400 ;
l.oulsvlllu & Nashville , 5,000 ; Mnnhnttan ,
3,400'Mlssourl ; Pacific , r.,000 ; National Cord
age' , 12,400 ; Northern Pnclllc. 15,300 ; North
American , 4,500 ; Heading. 21,800 ; Richmond
Tcrmlnnl , 10,000 ; Kock Island , 13,500 ; St.
I'nul , 27,700 ; Sugar , 18,400 ; Western Union ,
B , GOO. .
Hctrenclilnc tit London.
NEW YOIIK , May 18. The special cnhlo dls-
pntch to the Postsays : It Is evident from the
bund lotnrns todny that the country bankers
nre strengthening themselves. The reserve Is
down 700,000 , of which amount . 225,000
elb ' c.xportedr \ : 504,000 to Australia ,
i'01,000 in from thu continent and 204,000 of
bar gold bought by thu bank. Thu Inlluv of
cash and payments to tliu uxchceiuur leduced
thu market's supply nnd caused the borrowing
of nenrly i'2,000,000 fiom the hank this week.
The tone ef tbo stock nmrket today was Im
mensely relloved by the cemtiaifictlon of
yosterelay's rumors. Americans alone closeel
under tliu best prices , fcnrs of further gold ex
port fiom AIIIUI lea being the cnuso of their
wenkness. Colonials were up 4 per cent.
Twenly-llvo thousand pounds of bar gold wns
bought ; JL'50,000 In gold cnmu In fiom Holland
and elsewhere , and 64,000 went out to Aus-
Iniesponso to Inquiries Sir J.V. . Downer ,
thu premier of South Australia , sends a cable )
III INpatch to the following effect : "Thoro are
no ! llnanclal dltllcultlcs. Thcro Is no run on
thu tunks , nor Is nny bank likely to suspend.
The harvest prospects aru excellent. "
> "o Trouble on tliu 1'arls llnurae.
1'AitlS , May 18. M. InSnro and M. Hlrsch ,
two leaders In American Hociultlus and bul
lion , In interviews today expressed their belief
that the rumors of piobablo trouble on tlio
bourse was unfounded. They also state that
thu I'rench and American markets are In ex
cellent condition.
New York Money Murker.
New YOIIK , May 18. MONEY o.v OAI.I/
Hnsy nt 22Jt percent ; last loan 2 per cent ,
closing offuied nt 2 per cent.
PiiiME'Miiuc.v.NTii.i : PAi'iu : OSS per cent.
STKIII.IMI K.XCHANOI : A shade easier , with
actual business In bankers' bills nt $4.84H ®
4.85 for sixty days and * 4.B9a4.8U'i for de
GOVEIINMUNT BONDS I'llm. State bonds
Thu closing quotations on bonds :
Iiotoii .Stock Quotations.
) STON , Mass. , May 18. Call loans , 00 per
, ; time loans , G7 per rent. Closing < iuo-
QIIS on stocks , bonas und mining shares :
Now York Mining Cliieitntlona.
NEW YOIIK , May 18. The following nro the
closing ( imitations of mining stocks on thu
Nu\v YOIK board :
St. T.ouU AllnliiK giiotatlona.
BT. Louis , Mo. , May 18. The following are
the cloilng mining quotations :
1'limnolal Xotca.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , May 18. Clearings , II ,
NKW OIII.CANS , Ia. , May 18. Clc&rlngs ,
HAVANA , May 18. Exchange , flrmi on Lon
don , 'Jl4 ? nrumlutn ,
Niw YDIIK , May IB. Olcarlngs.flia , 100,010 j
halances. JG.1&3.8H8.
I'uir.AiiKi.i'iliA , 1'a. , May Ifl. Clearings , $12-
890.101 ; hahitices , 81,710,002. Money , 4J ! per
lUi.TiMOUR , Mel , , May 18 , Clearings , 12-
314,004 ; balances , { 531,008. Money , 0 i > cr
N , May 18. Thohtatemont of the Im
perial Hank of ( iermany Nliowu an Increase in
bpecleof 0,000,000 marks.
MKMI-IIIH. Tenn. , May 18 , Now York c\-
rhangusedllng at $ l.r > u premium. Clearings ,
K238.007 ; balance's , JB7.4&7.
CINCINNATI , O. , May 18. Monov , OS8 per
cent. Now voile exchange , 20ft40i : iiru-
mlum , ClearlngH , f2lbU,400.
Kr , Uins , Mo. , May 18. Clearings , J4.170-
770 ; Ualancos , (001,0'jy , Money eiulut at lidtS
per cent. Ktchango on New i ork , OOu pre-
HOSTON , Mass. , May IB. Clearings , J10.707-
882 ; balances , 12,007,870 , Money at 6&0 per
cent. Kxchango on Now York ( iQ.10c dis
count ,
NBW YOIIK. May 18 , Imperial Telegram to
TiultKK.l : llxe-hango wab iiuutcel as follows
today ; Chicago , at p'tr ; lljalon , &aiU dU-
counf Ht. I.onls , U0c piemlum ,
I'AIIIS , May 18 , Thrco per cent rentes , 07f
l&c for the ue-count , Tliu wrolily htatement of
thei llunkeif rraiicehhowsaiilncieasuof 7,472-
OOOf gold and u decreubu of 850OUOf
LONDON , May 18. The bullion In the Hank
of Kngland elecroascd i'5 1'.l.ooi ) during the pat > t
we > uk , Thu pionortlon of the
land'H re-er > e > to llahllltlos , which last week
was3,41 ! per cent , U now 30.0U. Amount of
bullion gone ) Into tliu Hunk ot Kngiand on
balances today 71,000.
CIIIRAIIO , III. . May 18. Clearings , 110,273-
703 , New York exchange ) i > old at pur , Pier-
ling exe'haugo llrm ut it. 85 for M.xly-duy
bllU unit * 4.H'J < ; for i.lght drafts. Mcney >
stonily : call loans on uholcc collateral anel
wimo ilUcountH to regular patrons urn made at
Opercetnt. 1'loatlng puper advance's to lity
bldurs. and loans to wustern banks uru nuilnly
at 7 pur cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cattle ] Iocor Homo from the Depresilon
llojf * Take u I.onc Tunilile.
TnuiiBDAV , May 18.
Ilecelpts for the past four days foot up
8,035 cut tin , 13,083 hoga and 1,741 sheep ,
against 0,717 cattle , 24,433 hogs and ' . * ,722
sheep Tor the corresponding period last week ,
The continued light bupuly of cattle wan lu
the tollers' favor anil the market was a llttlo
moro actlvo than , it has been , with prices at
loastou doslralJllTcrlnR ] ailiado stronger.
Them win no liuuilcy worth mentioning from
speculative uhlpiK'M , hut local revjulrcuiett9 ;
calleel for about alLUio decent cattle that wcro
offered , nnd It dMWit tnko dcnlcrs long to cot
togpthor nnd clean up the supply , bnle-s In
cluded 1,155 to'l,830-lh , hooves nt from $4.25
to $4.00 , wlthunote1,10211) . strorsnt from
$4.05 to $4.60.dmiiion to poor light stuff nnd
ycnrllngs told tit fitttn JS.fiO toft. The mar
ket could hardly bo called brisk , but It was n
big Improvement In that respect compaicd
with the two ffrov1iii ) dny , nnd by noon
prnctlcnlly everything wnsotttof Ilrst hands.
The cow market wns fnlrly nctlvc , with
prices decidedly bettor than on Mommy.
Nine sales wcro'nlr of n ellmo higher , whllo
the common canfiln * grades showed little , If
nny , ndvnnco UMbd to choice cows nnd heifers
sold nt from $3.00 tf > $4.30 , with fair to good
butcher cows nt < 3'to $3.00. nnd dinners nt
$2 to $2.76. Calve-TVi'e'ro in fair elemnnd nnd
flrmcrnt from fiMbiJJj for fnlr to good stock.
Very few bulls worn offered but thuy e'hnnged
linnets nt fully steady prices nt from $2.50 to
$3.70 for ce > inmontrt pretty good stock.
In feeders there wns comparatively llttlo
doing. 1'rcsh re'cclpts wcro light and were
tnkon by rogulnr cinnlors nt nbont stendy
prices , mostly around $3.00 nnd $3.85. Thcro
wns n very limited country ilpinnnd nnd the
feeling was not * > ery llrm. Kcprcscntntlvo
sales :
nr.CF ,
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
21. . 032 13 80 22. . . , .1160 J4 25
2. . 1150 8 85 .1033 4 25
" 070 4 00 17. . . .1180 4 25
31" 780 4 00 20. . . .100 I 4 no
19 . 1070 4 on 44. . . .1135 4 no
40. . loot 4 05 04. . . .11-40 4 40
41 . 1050 4 10 .1100 4 40
H. . 1070 4 1C 65 ! ! ! .1102 4 60
1 000 4 20 10 . . .1300 4 60
84. . . . . . 087 4 20 4 , .1112 4 GO
21 007 4 20 4 1330 4 CO
Slliri'l.VCl AND KXl'OHT.
10 1070 4 25 17 1307 4 60
11 CG7 3 CO
11 770 3 85 0 721 8 85
7 824 3 85 2'J 782 4 15
1. , . 710 2 00 2 080 B 25
1. , . 070 2 00 2 OGO 3 26
1. . 020 2 25 B 800 3 25
1. . 870 2 25 0. 1033 3 40
1. . 080 230 4 1020 3 60
2. .1030 2 40 23 804 3 GO
8. , .1020 2 60 22 853 3 GO
3 . 003 250 1 13GO 3 GO
1O .1020 260 5 1140 3 GO
1T'.1 .1010 250 1 1070 3 GO
T'.1 .1120 250 1 1150 3 C5
i.i. . . 700 260 2 1290 3 05
i.i . .1130 2 50 10 004 3 70
i , . UOO 205 0 1050 3 75
i. .1050 2 75 20 770 8 76
10. . 882 300 U 1073 3 00
.1085 3 25
20 1155 3 45 4. . . . 540 3 76
3 1040 3 60 20 1003 4 30
1 300 300 1 00 4 25
1 00 3 25 0 t 123 4 76
4 100 4 00 0 130 6 00
2 . , . , . 85 4 00
1. . .1100 250 1 1440 3 25
1. . .1000 2 GO 1 1540 3 35
5 . .1030 295 1 1100 8 60
2. . . 575 8 10 1 1420 8 70
BTOCKniH AND FlEIiilS. : :
4 505 330 0 957 3 CO
G 875 840 13 872 805
14. . . . . . 751 8 GO 75 075 8 80
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
5 COWS . 778 $2 10 G COWS. . 918 $2 40
lions Iluyors took off a. big slice today.
Prices ruled from 15c to 2Uc lower than
Wednesday's average , and the bulk of the
sales were made at prices a great big 20c
lower than those prevailing e > n the early mar
ket Wednesday. The supply was not large ,
fully 2OOO short of a week ago , andiho four
clays receipts hhow a falling oir of over 10,001) )
head , compaicd with a week ago. Closing
pi Ices for both hogs'and provisions were CN-
tremelv weak "Wednesday , and although
there was a modcraty Inquiry fioiu shippers ,
eastern advices were decldeelly bearish.
Fellcis were piopitrcd for u big drop
today , so that when buyers announced
the medicine , . , a 15c to 20c decline ,
sellers wcro roadyi and generally took
the elose. The 'popular price for fair to geiod
hogs of all weight was $7.15 , and one-half the
sales were made lit thlit figure- . Quito a few of
the best hogs sold at'fiom ' $7.20 up as high as
J7.25 , and thciq w6ro a few very mean loads
that only brought $7riO. Whllo the Undo was
pretty oven throughout there was a slightly
easier tone to tliu maikct about the middle of
the forenoon whllo the extreme close was llrm.
Nearly evciythlngsolel , the big bulk at $7.15
anil * 7.20 , uirnlnst from $7.30 to $7.40 on
Wodneseluy afln last Thursday , lleprebeuta-
tlvosalci :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
6..200 $7 00 65. . .255 200 $7 16
81..240 100 7 10 72. . . .238 240 7 15
11 , .207 7 10 62. . . .231 820 716
59. . .209 240 7 10 80. . , .227 120 7 15
03. . .233 1GO 7 10 04. . .208 120 7 16
05. 223 80 ' 04. . .234 80 7 15
Gl. , .2GG 240 7 10' 71. . .253 1GO 7 10
01. . .259 240 7 15 01. . .254 ICO 7 15
04. . .252 1GO 7 10 CO. . .228 40 7 15
71. . .2C7 200 7 15 71. . . .280 120 7 175 !
74. . .209 40 7 15 33. . .270 120 7 17 H
72. . .209 100 7 10 04. . .231 40 7 17i !
03. . .270 280 7 15 08. . .208 7 20
59. . .261 40 7 10 01. . .272 80 7 20
G3 . .208 280 7 10 03. . .288 200 7 20
78. 200 7 10 64. . , .312 200 7 20
71. . .243 80 7 15 69. . , .302 40 7 20
77. . .238 120 7 15 62. . , .232 200 7 20
GO. . .240 80 7 10 90. . . .214 120 7 20
74. . .235 80 7 10 GO. . , .252 80 7 20
00. . .262 2uO 7 10 CO. . , .209 80 7 20
G8. . .220 120 7 10 02. . , .243 80 7 20
CO. 220 100 7 15 64. . , .280 320 7 20
83. . .220 1GO 7 10 79. . . .208 80 7 20
03. .220 200 7 10 74. . . .228 ICO 7 20
05 . 258 120 7 15 74. . 000 40 7 20
08. . .228 120 7 15 73. . ! ! 234 120 7 20
GO. . 250 240 7 10 07. . . .217 120 7 20
00. . .270 80 7 10 CO. . . .303 100 7 20
G6 . .285 240 7 15 71 . 257 100 7 20
72 ' . .244 200 7 15 68. . . ,289 120 7 20
03' . . .2GH 120 7 15 08. . . .277 280 7 20
80..200 1GO 15 GO. . . .225 40 7 20
7O..2G2 240 7 15 07. . . .243 HO 7 20
rj5..281 40 7 15 69. . . .258 100 7 2214
84..23G 160 7 16 63. . . .310 120 7 22'/j
74..272 40 7 16 47 . . .293 40 7 22J !
71. 820 7 16 78. , . .230 200 7 22',4
83. 211 100 7 15 78. , . .231 200 7 22H
24. 258 80 7 16 73. , . .200 200 7 22'/
70. 263 240 7 15 50. , . .255 120 7 25
1..6GO 4 00 1..310 0 75
1..340 G 00
SHEW The market Is evidently not yet low
enough to suit the killers. Kerolpts today
wore light , four double decks , and buycr.s bid
about 10o lower on everything. Iluslness was
blow and the feeling on all Hides decidedly
weak. 1'uir to good natives , $4.6K < J5,2i ! :
fair to good westerns , l4.005tD.21 > ! common and
stock sheep $2.504.00 : good tochoico40to
lOU-lb. lambs , * D.OOai3.25. (
No. Av. I'r.
30 culls 53 (3 00
254 native mixed 61 4 10
22'J net. torn wethers 7G 4 40
200 mixed westerns 05 f > 00
IlocolptH nnil Dlgpoilttou of Stock.
Official receipts and disposition of Block as
shown by tliu books of the Union Stock Yards
company for thti twenty-four hours ending ut
0 o'clock p. in. May 1H , 18U3.
.lro Stork Market.
CiiiCAiin , III , , M y.lfl. [ Sneclul TnlcRrnm to
THE Ili.K. ] Tim JSatlUo murKut wnn strmiK to
day. It was not > jiTiy ) reason of uny neitlvlty
in the domnnd , for ceimpurutlvesly few cattle )
wurei wunted by outslclu ImyerM , nnd tlie local
nei'dworu not urgent , but there uure bcurcely
ti.OOO f rush re < eulpts und the iirrlvuls thus far
this \\uuk foot lip less tluiti 4U.UUU , which id
u loiiu way snort of the ) uvuraco. Thu
continued paucity of numbiirti has
ut Inst iirri'htt'd the downward courbe
of jnlce-s und slvon them an upper
Inclliiutlon , lliiirtitin ] no importunt nd-
vnnco , but the ftwllni : wns healthier und firm ,
unmlstuliiihly bo. NntlvcHoro minted nt
fiomfl.ftU toffiand Texuns at from * t,70 to
M.&O. The hitter- were lOc higher than on
1'ile-us for boss'wero nearly steady nt the
opening ; they weio Klo lower Inter In the
mornliiK und closed weak ut Unit reduction.
Kuculpti were ) moderuto ( ubout 17.1KU )
he'iid ) but theio wua Jlttln vltul-
lty ° In the demand cither for local
or shliipliiK iiccenmt , and not ull the stutf
could uo moved out , ovein ut the mliicod
jirlcu * . Heavy ho s Bold at from 7.80
to I7.CD , nnel suh'S of medium wolnhtM ,
uvoraKOH of fiom UU ( ) to liiO ] ) . , ( , ahl ut about
the hiunu raiiuo. Light sorts ere ( inoteel
anynhvru froiii 17.20 to I7.U5 for Ihrlit light to
from * 7.60 to I7.DS for slrone v > elnhtB. Thu
ejuallty was cxceilleiit und most of the hoga
were weigh'1' ! ntt7.4& to I7.6S.
fclu'Up und lumbs uguln kliowcd flrniiicss ,
Neither could bo
moved at uny ron-
slderublo advance , but they were wiiutcd
at the previous clay's prices. The mar
ket Is materially hlglier than ut tlio
lowest tlmo lust week , tliocomparutUcly light
recelpU of tbo last six duysbeing thuntreiiKth-
lug factor , bheep weroejuotud ut fiom I3.2& I
to 10 for poor to oxtrn nnd snlcs Of Inmbs were
on n basis of from f0 to I7.-40.
ItecolptM Unttle , 0.000 hendi culvci , 700
hcid ! boss , 17,000lioi ii ( Jhcev , 10,000 Iioact ,
The Kvouliig Journnl reports !
r'ATrr.r.-ltecclpts , O.OyQ hcnel ! shltimcnti ,
4,000 head ! mnrkotsfondy : iiOPxlrft Sieorson
nlo ! medium nnd uioftil , I4.75J13.20 ! other' ,
f4.0V7H.riOj ( fed Texiins , lS.C083.80J gM < i < 1or ,
lions-Itecelpts , 17,000 head : shipments ,
0.000 heaelj iniirkctopened slow , fiifBlOc lower ,
rlossd atroiiRor : mlvpil nnd p-irl orJ7.3O5J
7.0 ! heavy , | 7.r,6a7.05 : llRht , J7.40il7.00.
HiiKKi'-HecelpK 11,000 bend ! shlpmonts.
2,000 hcndt timrkot nctlvp , sternly ; clipped
Tcxans , } 3.r)034.70 ! clipped natives nnd west-
urns , IO.OOS0.25 ! Inmbs , 0,00,87.50.
Xt'pvr York I.lvo Stork Market.
NF.W YonK , May 18. HKRVKS Itccolpts ,
flOOhond ; no trndlmr ; dre-sscd beef stonily nt
BuJ'J'.jc for inith o sides , Slilpinents , 30 beeves
nnd 30 sheep.
( . 'AT.VK8 Hccelpts. 1,300 bond ! nmrkot
opened stonily , nnd closuel dull nt ! ic par Ib.
SIIKKP Asn L\\ins Itpcelnts , 400 bend :
market firm nt nn ndvnnco of 40 per 11) .
HDIIS Heoe'lpts , 2,000 hcndj nominally firm
nt 7.00Q8.10perc\\t.
St. I.nilU Stock Mnrkot.
ST. T.outs , Mo. , Mny 18.-CATTLE liccolpt * ) ,
3,100 bend ; shipment1,100 hciul ; steady to
hlKliur ; natUes , J3.00lt4.00i Texans , * 4.00i6
lloeis Hccollits , 0,000 hpnill shlpmptits ,
2.BOO lie.lel ! sleiw to Oc lower : ho.ivy , $7.10 ®
7,00 ! mlMMl , $7.0"37.16 : light , * 7.0U7,30.
SiliiKP Hecclpt" , 1.UOO bend : shipments ,
4,000 hcndi strong : clipped nnthcn , J4.003 >
Cattle Onecn Fnrlry An In nn Injunction
1'celrrnl Court I ) < ilnii.
Another phase of the dispute between the
Omnliti trlbo of Indians nnd Hosnllo F.irlcy ,
the cattle queen , has been laid before the
United Stntcs court. A bill In equity
wns lllcd yesterday by Hosnllo Pnrloy , In
which the orntrlx nsks the honornblo
court to grant nn Injunction prohibiting
AVillinm K. Peebles , L ) . N. AVhcclcr , George
Chittcnacn , John A. Nelson , John von
Fcldcn , J. S. Twlford , Gcorgo Lnmson
nnd ti. C. Urownlnp from tearing down the
fence thnt surrounds the lands of the Omnhn
tribe In Thurston county upon which
Ho Farley claims to hive : n lawful lease , nnd
to prohibit the said defendants from plowing
up the land and spoiling the grass.
The petitioner alleges thai the above
named parties have entered into n sort of
conspiracy to destroy her rights and pnvl
leges granted under the lease for the > pur
pose of making n contract with the Indians
for plowing up the lands. As she is engaged
in grazing cattle on the lands she explains
that if tlicso trespassing parties nro not
prohibited from further interference they
will ruin her pasture.
I'cetcrnl Court Culling ! .
The cvidoncongrtinstToniMcCnrty , Frank
Hnll and Harry Lynn chnrgeel witn circn-
Intlng counterfeit money was heard yester-
dny by the grand jury. Thcro wcro n num
ber of witnesses nud n largo quantity of
bogus silver dollars before the Jury.
Drs. Neville , Tildon , GalDraith nncl Lnri-
mer mot yesterday nt the United Stntes
marshal's ofllco and examined Mr. Winston
Taylor of Phelps county to ascertain
whether or not ho was insane. Mr. Taylor
is under nrrest upon n charge of sending ob
scene letters through the mails , nnd it Is be
lieved that ho is unbalanced mentally. Ttio
board of examiners has not yet made known
tlio results of the examination to the court.
The government llrst enunciated the
doctrine that expatriation is a natural and
inherent right of nil people , nnd forced other
nntions of the world to concede It , says ex-
Senator Ingalls in n letter written for THE
SUNDAY BEE. "Oar treatment of the
Chinese forms one of the most shameful and
humiliating cpis odes In the history of any
people. "
Railroad Property Listed for Tax Assess
ment , by the City Council.
City Treasurer Bolln has completed the
work of prepnring an abstract of the prop
erty between the tracks belonging to the
Union Pacific , Burlington , Uock Island , Elkhorn -
horn , Missouri Pacillc , Milwaukee , nnd
other railroads centering in this city. The
abstract will bo used by the council in its
meeting ns n board of equalization today ,
at which time the representatives of those
companies have been cited to appear nnd
show cause why the property should not bo
assessed by the city , ns contemplated in the
new charter.
The list of property Is very Inrgo nnd in
case the assessment is made bv the council it
will aupmcnt the funds of tlio city several
thousand dollars. In addition to the railway
companies the representatives of the Pull
man company nnd the telegraph companies
have been requested to appear to show cause
why their property shall not also bo assessed
by the city.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record May 18 ,
18'J3 :
Moses Horwlch and wife to Mary
Ginsberg , middle 2 feet lot 12 ,
bloekBO , South Omaha 050
William McUrnlth nnd wife to Kosu
Uoriiinn , lot 10 , block 111 , South
Uiiinhn 1,000
A K 1'ruyn and husband to O V
Nlcman und wife , lot 2 , 1'iuyn's Mib-
dlv In Mlllard & CO'H add 2,500
Midway Investment < to Denton
Klllowny , lots 2 unel 3 , block 4 ,
Person & llcrry's n.-'d to South
Omnhn 700
John Iteuloy. sr. , nnd wife to K 1' I re -
iniin , luls 1 nnd 2 , block C , Kegley's
park 120
C ! W Ijonnils nnd wlfo to J A nnd llan-
nnh Gustufson , lot 2 , block 1U ,
Dwlght.t lymnn'8 add 1,000
J .1 Huttorlleld to L M Robertson , H 40
feet lot 7 , block 3 , Alamo 1'la/a 2,000
Thomni. Murrny to It It I'eti-ra , 04x154
foot of lots 0,10,11 , block4 , Murrny
add , , [ commencing ut southwest
corner lot'J OOC
QUIT CLAIM niiiS. : :
D II Nelson nnd wife ) to county ot
Douglas , 2v80 rods off o end of n ! i
nw 20.10-12 100
John Olsen anil wife to KIIIIIO , bamo oil
w sml nt bo 20-10-12 100
W J ( Jlnrk et nl lo biime , sumo off w
end s'i so 20-10-12 100
Funnels I/oan und Trust company to
IMwnrd Alnscow , lot 1 In 11-14-13. . 202
Nolhon Puternnd wlfo to Hans Jensen ,
mill ! i lot 11 , block 1 , bberldnn
1'laco BOO
O O Pope ( special muster ) to Tri-d
MuiiKcdoht , 150 feet lots 1 unel 2 ,
McCnndllsh I'Jnco 18,000
Swift i'o. . to I'nblli * . vacation of
blocks 2 und 3 , lloyd & bhurp's udd
Total amonntof transfers . . .J 28,033
Is tlio best Illood Medicine , because
U assists nature to tlireiw off the Im-
pnrltlescif thoblood , and attho name
tlmo tones nil the entire organhmi. This is just
contrary to the effector the , arlcnis potash , uier-
cnry , Barsaparilla mixtures , which bottle up the
Impurities in tlio Bjstem , thus vroduciii much
BicKucss and tuiroring. Tlieref ore , for a
you cannot elo hotter than taka 8. H.S.
"As a iih > 8lclan , I ha\o prcscrihecl anil UMII
S. 8. H , In my practice as a tonic , and for blood
troubles , and ha * , o been \ ery wicccMfiii. ' < * ' '
UBed n remedy which K.I\B ouch general satisfa *
tlontouiMliaiiil ! ! > atloiiu.
' L. Jf. KiTOJi v , il. B. , Slaclicy , Ind. "
TreafJso on Wood aniUkin ellscascs mailed free.
BWIFC Sl'ZCIiaO C0. , tlautaaa.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutri Ornaliat
DcitCottlo Ho BnJSUceii market la tUo wait.
Wood Brothers.
I.lvo Block Commission Merchant !
Eo-itu Omaha Telepbooe 1I5T. Cbic i
hMarket reports by mall and wlro cheerfully
furulsliuu upou application. , _ .
ll&IXOUMr , < T Till ! rUR.
Sucker Stnto Itullellnc Dedlcntrel llcfore n
CnicAoo , 111. , May ts.-In the presence of
thrco-scoro thousnnel people nt noon today
the prcat Illinois state bullilliiR nt the
WorleVs fair was duly elertlcntcel. It wis the
brightest elny the White city has seen since
It wns opcncel to the world. There was not
a cloud In the sky , and tlio nlraisoft ntiel
balmy. Kvcrythlng was ntloy with light
ntul colors , ntut the picture was particularly
grand mid Impressive.
With the arrival of every train from the
opening of the gates canto thousatuls of
people. Not slnco the opening day have
anything Hue the crowds which Awnriueil
through the grounds today been admitted nt
the gates.
The Imposing Illinois building was not
qultocompleto , and all the morning painters
and decorators were at work putting on the
finishing touches , whllo other artists were
engaged In the work of dr.iplng the bunting ,
placing tropical plants nud blossoming
( lowers In the Interior. Much of the exhibit
space was still vncaut , maldiig the (
rooms look bare nnd unattractive.
The dedicatory exorcises took place at the
south entrance. The visitors began to
gather ns early ns G0n. : ! ! in. and continuoil
to come till the broad plaza was black with
people and the lagoon beyond was Illluel with
electric launches nnd gondolas crowded with
people. The Second regiment band of the
Illinois National guard nppcaro'l nt 11
o'clock nnd rendered n musical pro
gram , beginning with the grand old
"Star Spangled Banner. " As the last
selection was concluded the chimes In the
great manufacturers' building rung out 1U
o'clock , the hour for the dedicatory exercises
to becln. A son of Dowltt Smith of Spring-
Hold , national commissioner for Illinois ,
called the assemblage to order. Hov. W. F.
Black of tlio Christian church of Chicago
delivered the opening prayer. Hon. 1/ifny-
otto Funk of Uloomlngton delivered the mi-
dress turning over the building to the stato.
Following this Mrs. Gould of Hock
Island , president of the Illinois women's
board of malingers , read n paper on the work
done by the board. To both of these Gov
ernor Altgelel miido reply , wnich was re
ceived with applause. The Hon. F. H. Jones
of Sprlngllcld inado the dedicatory nddress ,
followed by Mayor Carter H. Harrison of
Chicago in an address on behalf of the city.
The closing address was made by Jundo I *
C. Collins of Chicago.
At the conclusion of the exercises the gov
ernor and staff and invited guests were In
vited to luncheon in the dining room.
I'ecullrtrlty of .tlnghcr'n Cnao.
The time for hearing the Moshcr case
has not yet been set in the federal court ,
but It will probably como soon after
the jury Is called , which will bo next week.
Mr. Moshcr's situation Is ni present n pe
culiar one. Last winter he went before the
grand jury in Lincoln and confessed that ho
had deliberately falslllcd the records of the
bank and had manipulated the affairs of the
bank so ns to deceive the bank examiner ,
nnd now ho comes before the judge and pleads
not guilty to each und every charge. This
does not constitute perjurv , however ; In fact
it docs not affect the status of his case ex
cepting to place in the hands of the prosecut
ing ntlornoy ovldcnco that will be Tory JfJ
aping to the accused. f
In this cfiso the ree-or.lsofthoJAnulj
grand Jury can bo used to prove Mr. .Moshe1
ndniHMons nnd even the members of
graml Jury tnnvbo summoned to prove < \
statements rondo by Moshcr nt that tlmo ,
i t >
Mnyor llemli Tnkcn Slops to intcrtj :
Drlngntoi Who VUlt Oiniilen , * .
Mayor Homls has been notified thnf :
party of about 800 persons , cnrouto to }
nnnhcrsary mooting ot Unptlsts at Dcni
will nrrlvo In Omaha Tuesday morning , > )
33 , nnd remain In the city several hours , ,
The party Is from the liumcdtnto vicing
of lioston nud travels In n special trsff
hnoun ns the "Now Knglnml llaptlst trnltf
which makes stops at the principal pol
nle > ng the line to onnblo the tourists to v
points of A stop of llvo or six ili\ \ |
will bo made at Chicago to view the Worli
fnlr.iinel the train will roach Omnhn V
morning of the aid Inst.
Among the party nro several of the in , ,
prominent members of the H.iptlst chut )
nnd MnjorUcmls desires that members *
that denomination In Omaha nnd other ei
ziMis who nro interested mil \ipon hhi5 '
oiilcr thnt nultablo nrr.MigeincntH may ! '
made to greet \lstUoisnndnhinvVli
the points of Interest about the i-lty. U
major suggests that I'ltlrous having c [ .
rlngcs which \\lllnllowtobouscdi
this occ.iston notify him of that fact in pi
son or otlfcnvlso. I
Owing to the fnct thnt the Intervonf
tlmo Is very short the mayor loqucsta ti.
nil who nro inturestcd in this mutter mfi
him at his ofllco In the city hall nt U
this ( Friday ) nftrrnoon to perfect
arrangements ns may ho decided upon.
The laws for the restriction of Immlgi
tlon are rigid enough If enforced. What ;
needed is an an extension of tlmo of rci
dcnco and the Imposition of eilncatlor.
qunlillcatlons nppllcablo to nil imnilgrnn ,
s.iys ex-Senntor lugalls In an exclusive liter
tor to Tun SUNIUV linn.
llnycrs of tlio llontH .Muko ( Inoil Their I
riieiinliip : tlio U'orlc.
The delayed ccrtlllcd check for M.OOO (
mnndcd by the county commissioners fr
Hayes & Son , of Cleveland , thej succcssl"
bidders for the rounty paving bonds , nsj
guaranty that the money uould bo fort
coming ns required , has arrlveel , and t'
contract for the iavlng will probably
tiwarded nt the meeting Saturday nfternooj
The commissioners have returned fronv
thrto days outing In various parts of tl
county , where they have been inspeethj
roads nnd bridges. The now road machin i
recently purchased nro declared to bo tl
best investment the county over mnej
Chairman Stenbcrg says that twenty mil'
of excellent turnpike have already been cor !
plotcd nt n cost of not to exceed $20 p. j
mile , nnd that ncarlv if not quito 1UO mil. *
will bo gone over boforu the close of the so * '
son. There uro two of the machines , am
each can do a mlle a day under fuvorab )
conditions. The road is left nlcoly grade-
und rounded , so that the dralnngo Is lire
class , nnd that Insures n good , dry road It
side of twelve hours after a rain ceases. Tr
services of the road supervisors have bee
clone nwny with , nml the result will bon ;
only better roads but more money lu th1
treasury at the end of the year. ' 1
Don't- Scold
about washing powders. If you
feel like it , it's because you haven't
got the right kind. Get Pearline ,
and see the difference. Pearline
has been imitated but
never been equalled.
There are all kinds of imi
tations ; powders that save
work , but ruin clothes ;
powders that don't hurt ,
and don't help you ; pow
ders that are cheap to begin
with , but dear enough in the end. "
Try them all for yourself , if you
won't take our word for it. But don't get them mixed up in.
your mind with Pearline.
QJaf1 Peddlers anel some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is as good as" or
V3C11UL "the same as Tearline. " ( T'S FALSE I'carline is never peddled , anel
11 T > * if your grocer semis > ou something in place of Pearline , be honest
.DECK send it lack. 313 JAMBS I'YLE. New York ,
Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Bee'
J. F. PONDER , Mgr. OMAHA OPTICE CO. , 222 S. 161H St.In KlnslorVj tor
U fanlacteis * lolikis Diieck
OmaliaTcnt-Awninji Wolf Bros & Co. ,
Manufacturer ! ! of Tents.
IIOH8K COVICHS. Awnliil ! " , etc , 70J niiel
liurunmin Mreot. 70& H. lull KlruL't ,
Deiiiis Omalia Bag
Importers unit mnmifnc-
turcra of Hour nacks ,
Morse-Coe Slioi Company. nd Oluce-llOMIKMW IlownrJ St
Fnctory-lll'J'll2l-llw Ho" " "
We nro the oSl.v Maniif urori of Hoots ona
8 Wlffi1 ? , foNn0l'rSIxtuua0d to .11 to in , , * *
our now factory.
KirKeiulall , Jones & Amer , Hand-Sewed
' Wlioleuulo
uifru . aitonti lluiton BIIOB CO. . boot" , li < "
llutihor bliou ( o. llttt' and rull > or irooil" , IJIW-
1101 HOOllarnur btrc-et. UIU lliunuy Btrosl.
dmatta Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
Jlfru mdvanUoJ Iron cor-
1.1 MH ril nmliOft nlcu , w Inaow ctt | > , mo
coal , U i.cor. loth nail tulle fckyllKhti , eitc , loUi
Dounlai htriH'l , and IJ1U DortuuMrool
M. E. SiHlth&Co. KilpatricK-KocliDry
nj icood , notloni , fur- Notloni , KonU'
nltlilnif Kuodi. corner inii vuuU * , cor.
11 tli und Howard SH. ilaniciy blrciH
Oniaua Upholstering Mee & llunyaa
Upbolttcrud furniture , rUHNITUIli : COMl'ANV
lit/Mill * Nicholas Bt.
Wlioloiuluoulr , and I3tu htrco
Hector & Willieiiny Lobccli & Linn/
Dcalon In linrdwaro ai
Corner lOlli nud Juckaon mcelmnlua' tool * .
Htrools. HOI Uouida * Htrcot.
W. A. L. Gibbon f Co Omaha Safe and Ire
Wholesale WOIIK4 ,
UntB. rnp , straw Koodi , Fnfo , vnull . jail wo <
Kkmvin , mlltons. Kill Iron Milliters uud tire t
und llarnuy fetrooti. ciiioa. | ( lus Andreon , 1 <
nud JuckBOii
John A. Wafccflcld , Cliarlcs II. Lee ,
linportad , American Tort- Hurdmiud lumber , no
land icnioiit , .Mllwuii' c.i r pet und pariu
keiu I'oinunt uud Qulucy Mooring ,
wliltu Hum , 'Jtliuml Dotijdn * tti.
Fricli & Herbert , I. Obcrfcldcr & 0
Iinporli'r und jolibr
Wholesale liquor dealer * nt nillllnjrnutlo. .
Mail unlur * | ir < nii | > l
1001 Karnam 81 , Illluil. VW-i2 ! ri , lltli
Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co
Carry full utocV of
lirlntliiKlHrapiJlnv uiul Ilonnod and lubricntl
wrltliu paper * , fjnl
papen , clc. elli , nxle ( ireaio , etc.
Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & C
Produce , frulti of all Iluttor , cliceie , 02
l > uultrr itnil icuuie.
klndiojitor , HU M. 1811' Street.
Omaha Stove Itcpair M , A. Dlsbrow &
WOIIKH. btovo repair * ilunufacturun of IB
nd water attachment * eloori , bllneli
lor aur kind of ttorei moulilluKi. llrnncU
made , JfWL > ouiail. Ucu HlU tad Una.