Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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nurATTA HATTV TirfR * li > inAV HTAV in iono
[ In the Hospital for the Inwno Through
Which State Money Dribbled ,
Uurni' Contract with the SUlo AVn
Iniloil-Cnul of llcturnliiR I'MllonU-
Jmployot' W Rellow Hill * Wore
Audllcd-Tlio Uittnllf.
liirouc. Neb. , May lS.-Spcclal [ to TUB
. -For some time rumors have been
Lit Unit the Hoard of Public Lands nnd
[ lings has not boon giving proper nttcn-
the management of affairs at the
[ for the Insane , located In this rlty ,
j hut by reason of this * negligence the
| U of that Institution have boon very
| Jy managed under tlio supervision of
onlclals of the Institution. Tnc
ft corroflpomtent , through tlio courtesy
O. H. Lytlotx cently appointed suporln.
lent , nnd Colonel J. K.Simpson , the pros-
[ toward , was Riven free access to the
Ills of the Institution for the purpose of
[ jig whether the rumors were wcllfoundcd
Sot. The Investigation showed con-
Jvoly that llttlo or no attention had been
Ci to tlin management of affairs at the
folk hospital by the board during the
c two years nnd n half , nnd that very
methods of business have been in vogue
-.iployes who have been In the Institution
[ ho past four years stated that the Hoard
nbllo Lands nnd Uulldlngs , or n member
o board , has only visited the hospital
10 since the 1st day ot January , Ib'Jl ,
[ one of these visits was made to suttlo n
: ulty between Superintendent Wilkinson
lone of the employes.
v ritaroiico to the Compiled Statutes of
I , chapter xlv , section ! ) ,7TO , pagn 810 , will
wild , among other duties of the board , the
fwlng :
kc board slmll bit\o cunpral custody and
Koifiill bulldliiKH , institutions and llio
, .nds tlioioto comliiK tinclor tlio provisions
Ills act , und sliall bu responsible for tlio
kor keeping nml repair of the sumo and
11 rcutilro riom tlio coniinlsslonur of
111 ? lutids nnd buildings , who Hhull bo the
fct custodian of Biicli Instltnllons , bulld-
} and grounds , n icport.nt Joust onuo In
! ry thrco moulds , us to the conditions of tbo
J. ° -
o such reports nro disclosed by the
brds of tbo board , ns kept In the ofllco of
( land commissioner ut Lincoln , nnd It Is
Jcult to understand how nn Intelligent rc-
; of that kind could bo made without n
jjotial visit to the several Institutions.
Hums Horcs u Wrlli
She records disclose the fact that the leg-
Ituro of IfcbU made nn appropriation of
too for nn additional water supply ut the
folk hospital. On October 24 , 1SSO. the
itract for this uOditloiml water supply
i awarded to Joseph Bums of Lincoln for
iiautn of $1,457.60. The records of the
icrnuKlt 24 , 1889. Tin ) following proposl-
\i \ was roccUcrt from Joiuph Hums and acted -
> ted :
AND Him.DiMi" : Uimtleinun I will
j-tilsh the Insane hospital nt Norfolk with an
iltloiml water siiopfy In the follow Ing nmn-
Jand for the following prlcu :
will Kink a well of six-inch ualvunl/cil Iron
Tohlmlliir to thnwollul llio Insane hospital
ftlttstliiKS. I will also furnish the wull with
up vnlxus and \\oikhiK barrel t > ltnllar In
nnd inako to the Hasting work , and slnlc
Is well to the thlid water , approximately 310
\l dppii. I will also 'furnish nnd Hot
n GOO-barrd tank tin rock foundation
Id on this 1 will build u frame
lirk high and strong enough to hold up the
Ink nnd force the water to the duplex Dump
w In the engine room. I will also lay u
lnch main from the tnnk to the pumps con-
rtrtlng the sumo with the duplex pumps In
lid ' engine room and furnish the same with
nercuMiry valves and llt'lngs to innKo it
niploto Job In evury respoct. I will iiUo
iilie the tunic frost proof with double roof
d bottom und frost liov aiotiml the pipes , so
"t when complete nnd connected with
.iIov pump In cimlno room It will glvo not
Itlon. .110 u uutur hupply , but llrat-cluss tire pro-
I will furnish the above material nnd do tbo
Irk , guaranteeing u ( list-class Job In evury
f pcct , for tbo mini of $ : l,4&7.50 , payments to
' made as follows : l'l\e hundred dollars
lion the material Is on the ground uud 1500
lien the tunic Is up und connected , b.ilniico
lion tbo work Is complete and In good work-
order and accepted by the board , nnd will
.mint , suld work against all wind storms
Am fulling. JosKi'ii
J-'or that work Mr. Burns drew j.,173.50. )
(5 ( In addition to the contract , for extras.
'fin ' DKC'S correspondent examined this
Irk critically nnd found that the tank was
fyBOO-barrol capacity , instead of 000 , as
Riled for In the proposition ; that the pump ,
"piusoof Its faulty construction , was in-
able of performing the work required of
1. o. , to throw water into the tanks in
Is top of the building , and that the well is
ly 125 feet in depth , instead of 310 ns pro
itcd , and that the price paid for the work
Is exorbitant.
filorapotent Judges claim that a tank
'ually ns good canbo built for loss than
g ) , and In fact the sub-contractor who
Jted It admitted that he received much
i than that amount for it. All the pipe
El to connect up the tank can bo pur
ged for loss than $125 , and then A leld the
fcr a handsonio profit. The tubing and
it for tno well could bo supplied
Ei llko amount , und the pump , which is a
fidford. manufactured in Cincinnati , O. ,
ndor 8x30 inches , will not cost to exceed
L This would malic the cost nt outside
tea for material about $1,000. Throe
[ were employed In Its construction for n
\d of twenty days , so that the cost of
cutlto plant could not have exceeded
0 , nnd the cost to the state wa i $ . ' 1,473.50.
fie llguros have been obtained from rolla-
jurcus nnd from parties who nroconsld-
. . competent authority In that line of
Kxliaiittliig nn Approprliitlou.
610 legislature of 1891 made approprla-
> j as follows for imurovcmcnts In the
ffolk hospital : Kiro protection , $3,000 ;
water hnatur , Jl.'OO : cistern , $3,000 , ;
e room , root house nnd morgue , $1,600 :
1(1 ( , $ U,700. Tur. Br.n Jlnds that thcso Jjt
jV'oinonta were nil mudo without contract ,
i greater part of the
work being done by '
Bploycs nnd patients of the Institution , and
these -ipproprlatlons were all exhausted ,
[ "ho vouchers allow that the sum i.3f
| rfU.C8 was expended for mutoilul , 3ff
8lch amount "W. J , Cooper nnd Cole IJros.
[ Lincolii supplied f J.rfl9 : | ! at oxorbltnnt
lies , the order \vnlchOis given direct
| the Donrd of 1'ubllo Kunds nnd Dulldings.
Jioi-dor so given was for sixty barrels s.3f
jllsh Portland cement , and this order
, i JUlod with u Globti coment. a much :
lapor article and Inferior to that called ;
for outsldo InVor cmiiloycd there is
rgi-d the sum of $ avu-j ) , uioh was for
services of bricklayers , masons , etc. , and
balance of those
special appropriations
o been unlawfully diverted to uses
, ily foreign to the objects for whloli they >
[ i-o inndo , us Instanced in the $1,200 appro-
l tcd for the hot water heater. Ttio oof
tigatioii brought out the fact that $ : > 35 of
t auiQunt was expended hi repairing an
heater already In use , and the balance of
appropriation was expended on laundry
Ichlncry , lumber , etc.
fn looking over the vouchers drawn on the
f protection appropriation , ono was found ,
K 08,409 , in favor of J. K. Nichol , the
bward , foriO. ; reading as follows : "To
' inoy advanced William H. I ewe for sur-
'ylngland for flro protection , and D. John-
[ i for plans and surveying same , $30. " An
orvlow with II. II. Patterson , the on-
icer , dovolojicil the fact that no survey
I ever been made for that purpose , ft
, t } io ( Patterson ) had drawn ull the plans
.1 specifications for the work , and had
[ sonally superintended Its construction ,
' "
1 that" bo had
never received
any extra
nponsatlon whatever for the same.
. .Vnllo the investigation did not develop
| v extensive frauds in the construction of
lose improvements , there nro many in-
Juices of exorbitant charges for material
rulshod thai u little
euro and attention
§ on the part of the board would have ano
Coit ot Iti'tumini ; I'atlenti.
Ono of the singular features
developed by [
o investigation was the oxixmdlturos made
irlng 1801 out of the 'fund for return ol
tleuts. " The Touchers show that durln ofS
at period Buporlntondenl
id by the Uoanl of Publio Uuds und
Jlldlugi the sum of fJW.H5 as ' uxpcuio of
returning patients , " \rhllo the ns l < tnnt
physician , 1) . W , Ilnstoo , WAS pnld the sum
of 1135 for llko sorvlces , a totnl of 1334.83.
Other ozprnscs In connection with this
work brought the expenditure up to
nearly fCOO for the year 1891.
When the patient was returned by nn attend
ant or some person other than the superin
tendent or assistant physician , the cost was
only about ono-half ns much as when the
vouchers were drawn m favor of the offi
cials ns ' 'monoy advanced" for that purpose.
Another peculiar feature was the faot that
these vouchers , whan drawn In favor of the
superintendent and assistant physician ,
were never Itemized simply lumped off nnd
allowed to pass muster by the board. For
the year 18W , under the management of
Superintendent Summers , only $154.51 was
expended in returning patients , and nil of
those vouchers are Itemized. From this
comparison , It Is qtilto evident that Drs.
Wilkinson and Ilnsson must hnvo been more
liberally dealt with by the board during IS'Jl
than Ur , Summers In 1892.
A comparison of the pay rolls shows n
more rapid increase In salaries than In the
lumberof patients received. For the first
quarter of 1S90 there
were forty-seven em
ployes on the rolls and the average total
nalarlcs per month for that period wus * ! , -
170.89 , and the dally census shows that the
average number of patients cared foe during
1SSK ) was NVI. For the first quarter of 18'.U
the pay roll had Increased to nn average per
month of * lni5.SK ) and for the llrst quarter
of 1803 it had reached an average of $1W0.77 !
per month , while the number of patients for
that period had been reduced to 148. For
the last quarter of 1893 the pay roll had
Increased to fl,4.VJ.7.r and the numucr
of employes had Increased to ilfty-
thrco. For the first quarter of the present
year the average paid for employes has been
jl,417..r 4. Under the careful and cftlclont
management of Superintendent Lytlo and
Steward Simpson the pay roll has now been
reduced to 81,148.50 per month , and the num
ber of employes Is reduced to forty. This
reduction makes a saving of $371.DO per
month without Impairing the ofilcloney of
the Institution in the least. The same
amount of work Is being performed , the
patients and property Is receiving Just ns
good if not better care than when fifty-four
people were employed and a pay roll of
f 1,4.13.75 was each month presented to the
state in pajmcnt for their services.
llinr IHIUAro Audited.
The careless manner in which the board
audits j . the bills of thcso institutions is
shown in the following voucher , No. 1,59(5 ( :
State of Nobrakn , Hospital for Insane , Nor
folk , to Alfred Oshnrno , Dr. :
To 2l ! < ) r pounds of buy $ 13 17
To 'JOH bushels nndto pounJs of corn
attaconta 23440
Toln.l 82-17 67
A glance at this was sufllclcnt to see that
21)8 ) bushels of coin at 45 cents would not
amount to $2:14.40 : , but that there was an
error of Just S100..10 In this bill , yet it was
allowed , running the gauntlet of tbo
bookkeeper , steward and superintendent ,
nnd n warrant drawn by the state auditor
for the full amount and charged against the
"board and clothing fund" of the Institution
by the Hoard of Public Lands nnd Build
ings. An interview with Mr. Osborno ro-
vculs the fact that when ho came to < | ih
the warrant tlio error was discovered , And
that ho gave J. II. Nichol , the steward , a
check for $100 , but n thorough investigation
of the books nnd records fails to disclose
the faets of the whereabouts of this sum so
returned by Farmer Osborne.
A further examination of the vouchers
developed the fact that Mr. Ilasson , while at
the institution , was somewhat of a sports
man nnd financier ns well as n physician.
Not only was the ammunition ho used in his
Hold sports charged un to the state , but the
g.imo bagged was also sold to the stato.
Among others Is ono allowed on January 15 ,
1802 , voucher No. 70,187 , as follows :
State of Nebraska , Hospital for Insane , Nor
folk , to 1) . W. Husson , Dr. :
To ono mountain shoup 812
Just what use the state would have for a
mountain sheep at nn insane hospital is not
clear , yet this voucher was duly audited and
paid nnd no questions iiskod by the board.
Colonel Simpson , the present steward ,
was very much surprised when asked to
show that rare specimen , and declared that
no such property had been turned over to
him. Employes were also ignorant of any
such animal or specimen of such animal
over having been in the possession of the in
Further inquiry showed that under the
Wilkinson , Hnsson and Nichol ndmlnistra-
tion of the Norfolk hospital that members
and relatives of their families combined ,
who made their homo at the institu
tion nnd were boarded at the ox-
icnso of the stuto , numbered thirty-
; wo people. Dr. Ilasson , in addition to
his own family , supported his aged father
and mother at the institution and In addi
tion to their board
ho employed a nurse at
the expense of the state to take care of
Such are some of the evidences of care
lessness and loose business methods found
to have prevailed In the management of the
Norfolk hospital under the administration
of the present alleged overworked Board of
Public Lands nnd Buildings. This state of
affairs , it is but fair to say , will not bo
tolerated in the future by the ofllcials now
In charge of that institution. . Dr. , C. B.
Lytlo , the superintendent , is a gentleman
exceptionally well qualified for the position ,
not only professionally but also from tbo
point of business ability , while Colonel J. E.
Simpson , the steward , has for years been
schooled in the strict business methods of
administering public affairs , by reason of
tils long connection with the Internal revenue
service of the government.
Uoad ox-Senator Ingalls * "Dream of a Con
tinental American Republic" in his letter to
TUB Sraiur DEE.
Opinion * of the WyumltiE Statcgiuitn on
the Alunotnry Situation.
United States Senator A. C. Beckwith of
Wyoming arrived In the city yesterday.
The senator freely expressed his views on
the financial condition of the country and
thinks ho has discovered a remedy to protect
the gold reserve.
"I am not absolutely In favor of the free
and unlimited coinage of silver. In fact , 10I
am opposed to any legislation that will make
the United States a dumping ground for for
eign silver. " said the senator. ' 'However , 1
would llko to see some favorable legislation
that will bcnollt silver , provided that congress -
gross correctly agrees on what constitutes ia
silver dollar. If 412k ? grains Is not sufllcient
to inako a silver dollar a legal tender , lot
them put Iti more. That silver dollar should
then bo a legal tender for everything duo
within the United States. When that Is es-
tabllshod and it is accepted as n legal standard , -
ard issue cenilicatos in denomination from
? 1 to $1,000 in payment for the bullion. These
cortttlcatcs should also bo legal tender 10e !
without Interest , same as the silver dollar
for which they were Usuod. Then , If any
foielgn country wanted to bring their silver
to us und take our certificates in exchange
without Interest under such a law , I can see
no reason why we should not accede.
"I nm in favor of making these certificates
payable strictly in silver and not loft
uDtlonul with the United States trcasuiur to
pay In either gold or silver. If ll was loft
to his option nnd payment In silver not speci :
fied , it Is within the runiro of possibilities
that ho would glvo gold the proforonao , and
that would break In on the gold reserve.
Inasmuch us these silver certificates wore
legal tenders I would then regularly pay the
soldiers and pensioners of the United States
In silver certificates. It would thus 33S
tribute the money In small quantities
throughout the entire United States. In
fact It would be the
bust possible moans for
national distribution of sliver. Wo have
now $100,000,000 In silver. This procedure
would save thu same amount of gold In our
nation's ] vaults and also $50,000OOU per year
which wo are now paying out under
the Sherman act for silver , which is
accumulating in the vaults of the United
States and not being used ,
"If the treasurer should Issue bonds and
sell them tor gold , our sliver would still re
main idle in the vaults and we , as a nation ,
would bo paying interest on gold and vo
our silver , wjitch is equally us good us Id
when made a legal tender , lying inoperative
in our treasury. I am in favor of the repeal
of the Sherman act , provided that wo can
huvoanaot on silver as a substitute , that
will moot the vlous I have Just expressed ,
" 1 do not anticipate any panic if the Amer
ican people will keep cool and not got rattled. *
It looks n little exciting In some financial
channels in the cast but laly
, I believe that every
thing will pull through safely and a feeling
of universal coutldeuco be restored. "
Dan Lauer'a Scheme to Sccuro His Liberty
Lniicnutitr' * Homily Attorney Confident thnt
lie Cnn Itomedy the Defect Incident
to the Alleged C'rookoclnom
Without Much Trouble.
LINCOLN , Nob. , May 18.-Special [ to Tnn
BKB. ] Attorneys who have looked Into the
matter state than Dan Laucr'a attorney , D ,
O. Courtnny , sprung his mlno on the grand
Jury n little too soon. They maintain that
there is a statutory provision which enables
the county attorney to correct any such
Irregularity If It Is discovered before the
grand Jury has completed Us work and ad
journed , and that , while tt will require a
longer sitting of the Jury , the defect can bo
remedied. Courtnay assorts confidence In
his ability to prove that Emerson lacked a
few days of being hero the necessary num
ber of days , nnd as a discreet stlonro is
maintained around the court house the real
facts or status of the matter will not. bu
known until It Is brought before the courts ,
which will probably bo Saturday. It cannot
bo learned to a certainty whether Emerson
asked to bu placed on the grand Jury , but If
ho did ho Is liable to got Into trouble over
that matter , as the statutes Inlllct n heavy
punishment on any ono who solicits a place
on the Jury.
City lit Itrlcf.
Ono of C. B. Havens & Co.'s coal sheds at
Eleventh and X streets was destroyed by
flro this afternoon with n portion of Its con
U. D. Stearns , attorney for John Hussoy ,
the trump who is under indictment for .kill
ing a fellow tourist , asks for a continuance
until the next term of court on the ground
that Hussoy is an escaped lunatic from Day
ton , O. ; that ho has been n sufferer from
violent paroxysms from childhood by reason
of injuries to his ncad received In a fall , and
that he will provo thcso to bo facts If given
the required time.
Prof. Charles N. Little , who occupies the
chair of mathematics at the State univer
sity , has tendered his resignation , to take
effect at the end of the present school year.
Prof. Little has accepted a call to the Leland -
land Stanford university of Californla.whoro
ho will receive a salary of $3,000 , an advance
of $1,000 over nls present salary.
George Shaw suffered a severe fracture of
nls loft lej ; this morning , by the horse ho
was riding slipping and falling upon him.
His condition Is regarded ns serious.
Morgan Halverson , the plasterer , who has
been exciting the attention of physicians by
reason of his abnormally long sleep , was
partially awakened this morning , but shows
symptoms of relapsing into unconsciousness.
Ills physical condition is much better , how
Mrs. Benjamin Hitchock , the woman who
attempted suicide by the morphine route
last night , is reported out of danger this
General O. H. Van IVyck In n Serious Con
dition at KehrniKa City.
NBUIUSKA. CITT , Kob. , May 18. [ Special
Telegram to Tnn BBE. ] Ex-Senator C. H.
Van Wyck was stricken with paralysis
about 11 o'clock this morning while on his
way to this city. When near the homo of
Jed Oilman , about two miles northwest of
the city , the shock came. Ho was taken
into Mr. Oilman's homo and medical attend
ance summoned from this city. Physicians
report the shock light , but on account of the
general's advanced ago it may result seri
ously. ,
Fremont News Note * .
FIIBMOXT , Nob. , May 18. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Mr. and Mrs. Theron Nye are visitIng -
Ing their son , Fred , and the World's fair.
Mr * . James Balding Is also visiting the
World's fair , but many are waiting patiently
for a reduction in rates.
W. A. McMillan and bride arrived from
Warren , 111. , yesterday to make Fremont
their future homo. Ho will engage in the
photogtupnlc business.
James F. Hanson returned from the east
today and two mammoth manufacturing In
dustries are expected to follow soon.
Mrs. W. A. Edwards was burled today.
The deceased was 46 years of ago and loaves
a husband aud six children.
The Pawnee tribe No. 11 , Independent ;
Order of Hod Men , held a very interesting
meeting in their new wigwam last evening.
The Sunday schools of Doago county will
hold a convention in Jamestown next Wed
nesday and Thursday , May 84 and 25.
Muslo will bo furnished by the Jamestown
Cornet band. Among these who will take an
important part are : Hovs. W. B. Buss , O.
Egcleston. T. H. Dabnoy , and C. M. Wil
liams , E. A. Stevens , J. P. Eaton. C. George
Bolus , William E. Smalls , Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Mathews and Mrs. E. M. Tarbcll.
Nebraska City dmduateii.
NEBRASKA. Cur , Neb. , May 18. [ Special to
TUB HEE. ] The closing exorcises of the Ne
braska City High school were held at the
opera house this evening. It is an annual
house-filler and this year proved no excep
tion. JVn interesting program was ren
There were eighteen In the class as fol
lows : George Burgert , Jr. , William H. Hayward -
ward , William H. Hill , Olga Bischof , Cath
erine V. Delicate , Nellie Oilman , Mattlo
Haywood , Fannie 1C Housor , Julia Korlt ,
Ilnttio Masoin , Lulu W. McCoy , Emma E.
Nelson , Lucy M. Sands , Emmali. Schneider.
Caroline A. Sheer , Mattlo Roberta Sousloy ,
Emma Walter , Gertrude S. Warren.
ICaloctlo riiyMolnus Adjourn.
HASTINCIS , Nob.May 18. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The State Eclectic Medical as
sociation adjourned at an early hour this
mornlngaf tor an interesting two days session.
Papers were road by Dr. Koyes of Omaha
und Opporman of Auburn , followed by dis
cussions. The association elected these
otllcors for the ensuing year : President , Dr.
Howard of Harvard ; first vice president , Dr.
Edgar of Edgar ; second vice president , Dr.
Pul 1 of Hastings j secretary , Dr , Onperman
of Auburn ; committee of censors , Koyes of
Omaha , Edwards of Elm Crook nnd Stutz-
man of McCook. The next convention will
bo hold at Lincoln on the third Tuesday of
May noxt.
Used a lUirlilclu.
HASTINGS , Nob. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J Margarotto Monroe , a
teacher In the North ward building , is In
trouble as the result of her punishing a
pupil much harder than she should have
done. This morning Hert Brown , aged 12 ,
wus thrashed with n rawhide in such a
ni'innor that ho has from fourteen to fifteen
stripes on his body , many places being laid
open and the blood being drawn. Tbo matter
will bo investigated und if possible the
teacher will bo prosccutod.
llrlik Dunlueu ut iUuckvltle.
STOCKVII.LB , Nob. , May 18. [ Special to
TUB BEB. Two lumber
] yards have been es
tablished ut this place. There has been a
brisk demand for building material through
the country all the spring and there nro
strong indications that this place will have
considerable building during the coming
summer , The court house Is being ropalntoa
and repaired. Tbo court yard la to bo
fenced uud trees set out.
Concluded It * Work.
NEOUASKA CITV , Neb. , May 18. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEB. ] The State Medical
society concluded Its work at noon today.
Nothing was done this morning beyond
reading papers on "Proper Treatment of
Typhoid Fever , " which developed many
different Ideas. After a resolution of thanks
to the Otoe County Medical socictv , the
meeting adjourned.
Allotted Wlilto Cap on Trial.
LEXINOTOX , Neb. , May 18. [ Special to TUB
Eight residents of Gothenburg were
arraigned bpforo Judge Turton yesterday.
The crime of which
they were charged was
assault , aud from the evidence so far pro
duced it appears that the parties made a
< Ifl *
i'V '
(1-1 ( , . ) . ! = . . .
U. , Wo will publish seven short articles , this bolng No. 0. The Inst nrtlclo will npponr tomorrow. In oaoh nrtlclo tboro
will npponr ono or moro worda la BLACK FACED TYPEt There nro NINE such words In nil , out of which wo hnvo
consttf uctotl a Bontonca . *
The boy or girl who first puts this sentence topothor correctly nnd sends us the answer will receive n full sot of llio
Omnlm World-IIornld'd fninous edition of tlio Encyclopedia Brltannlca , together with the beautiful book cnso mtulo to hold
it , The prlzo will RO to the ono whoso unswor is ilrst received at this oOlco.
Ono volume of the Enoyclopoula will bo presented to every boy or girl Bonding the corroot nnawor nt ntiy tlmo before
the award is mado.
To insure absolute fairness , wo hnvo placed the sentence in n scaled envelope in the custody of PROFESSOR
FRANK A. FITZPATRICK , Superintendent of Public Instructions. . ,
/ , The nward will bo inndo within ono weak nftor the last of these seven articles is published.
< Address answers to "EDITOR BOYS' AND GIRLS' " PRIZIS , OmalmVorldIIcrnld. .
"The sixth age
- 01 Into the lean and slippered pantaloon ,
With spectacle on nose and pouch on sMe ; i
His youthful hose , well sau'd , a tcorW too wide i
For his shrunk sliank ; and his big , manly voice
Turning again towards childish treble , pipes
fittl And whistles in his sound. " "As You Like It. "
,1 Iu the afternoon of life , such as Shalcospeara describes , mon llko sensible reading , and they llko facts from a reliable" i
source ) . Such a source is the Encyclopedia Britanniea , which contains matter suitable to nil ages , and which can bo bought
by ! the poorest man for an outlay of ton cents . The
a day. reason grandfather roads with spectacles Is because his eyes have
flattened with and become less . i <
ngo convex. 11- r , ,
The whole science of optics is tc bo found in the Britannica , and then the scholarly old gentleman can read of the opti
cal arrangements of the eye ; of the laws in relation to the microscope and telescope and the wave theory of light.
Shakespeare meant no offense to ngo in describing the old man as a "loan nnd slippered pantaloon. " The pantaloon
was a character in the old Italian farces , and it apoears In Christmas pantomino of today. It represented , as Warburton oh-
Borvos , a thin , emaciated old man In slippers.
The Encyclopedia Britannica tolls all about slippers of all kinds , as well ns of boot nnd shoemaking. It also tolls about
old farces in which the pantaloon appeared. Even the youthful hose with which the old pontleman covers his "shrunk
shanks" cannot escape the keen Britannica , which contains most interesting articles on stockings and'hosiory.
"Pipes" and whistles are adequately dealt with in the wonderful book , which is not only instructive and amusing , but
very entertaining as well. The lean and slippered nantaloon should never bo without his Britannica.
It GIVES him joy from the cradle to the grave.
sort of "white cap" attack upon Mr. and
Mrs. Van Riper in which ancient eggs were
used nnd Mrs. Van Iliper knocked down.
The trouble dates from the time of Van
Hlper's opening a plcklo factory at Gothen
burg. Judge Turton dismissed two of the
prisoners for lock of ovldonco and bound the
remaining six over in the sum of $500 each to
appear at the next term of district court.
House Ilreakera CsjituroJ.
BEATHICE , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB. ] Ofllcor Spahn captured
Albert Edwards and Charles Johnson this
morning in the net of breaking into a second
hand store on lower Court street. It Is
thought those are the thieves who have boon
raiding the west side grocery stores of lato.
Failed to Tlir.tsli thu Editor.
DEXTKICB , Nob. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins BEK. ] J. U. Dodds , editor of
the Arbor State at Wymore.was attacked in
pugilistic fashion toaay by n citizen of Lib
erty for publishing matter said to be libel-
ous. Dodds , however , succeeded In doing
his antagonist up in ono round.
Married ut Ureelojr Center.
GiiEBMsr CENTEII , Nob. , May 18. [ Special
to TUB DEE. ] Mr , C. E. Moore of Harvard
and Miss Fannia Calvin , formerly of thu
same place , now of Omaha , were married at
this place today.
Mr. Sllloway Goes to Clilcaco nnd Million
aire Tom r k n Charge.
The Murray hotel underwent a change of
management at 4 o'clock Wednesday after
noon. I } . Silloway , proprietor of the house
since September 1 , 18S3 , at that hour dropped
out , leaving Thomas Murray , owner of the
property , in full possession. "
Mr. Silloway will leave Omaha Juno 1 to
take charga of the Hotel ' 'Omaha ut Fifty-
fifth ana Lexington strdoty. Chicago , a
property la which lie and Wank E. Alexan
der are interested.
The working force of thpiMurray will re
main the same under the nuiri management ,
which , by the way , will 'probably 'be again
changed within a short tfrno ? It is reported
that Ira lllgboo. formerly of Omaha and
lately of Nebraska 5CItV ; is likely
to step into the proprietorship. E. K.
Crlioy is also understood to have
negotiations for a lease unilpr'way , but Mr.
Murray declines to state yOiat has been , or
Is to bu , done in this couriection.
Mr. Sillowuy's reasons'for'BlvIng ' up the
hotel are var'ous , but the principal ono is the
fact that ho has tried to pay 518,000 annual
rental , a price , ho savs , the business of the
house does not warrant ; and as business
during the past three or four months bus
boon especially dull , ho and Mr. Murray
made the arrangement above recounted.
The country has for centuries Invited for
eigners to como to our shores , nnd , "if ob
scene harpies defile the banquet of liberty ,
they are not unbidden guests , " says ox-Sen-
ntor Ingalls in a letter to Tun SUNDAY BBS .
Don't fall to read It.
The following permits to build were
Issued yesterday by the Inspector of build
ings :
1'ark Forest Chajiol , n near Thir
teenth , fnuuo ImlUIIiiR $ 500
Trod Iluntruii , laOd North Forty-
sixth , repairs 500
Famuul Hums , 2910 S.ihlur , cottage. . . 500
riunmel Hums , 20DS Hahlor , cottaxo . , 500
W. 1 > \ I'urkcr , Thirtieth and noilli
city limits , art K'ullery uud museum. 7,000
Three minor permits a'J5
Eight permits , aggregating $ 0,323
Killed the Stronc Mnn.
i , N. Y. , May 18. Ono of the
feats performed by IJlondln , the strong man
with Colo's circus , was the holding together
of two strong horses , pulling in opposite di
rections. Last night n pair unaccustomed to
the performance were tried. They roared
und plunged , and Dlondln , endeavoring to
bold them , burst u blood vessel and died
soon after.
Vlllurd and Northern I'uclllo.
Nr.w YOIIK. May 18. Henry Vlllard has
authorized the statement that March 1 ho
sent to President Oukcs his resignation as a
director , but at Cakes' urgent solicitation
remained to help the floating debt , but would
remain on the board no longer than the pros-
out term , which ends October next.
Drunk and Killed Illiniolf.
Si'EXCEit , la. , May 18 , D. P. Anderson , a
well known farmer living near hero , went
homo last night intoxicated and blow his
bruins out.
Two I'oiiiiBj-Ivanln Murderer * Hiiiigod.
TUNKIUNXOCK , Pa. , May 18. Koscnawoig
and Blank were hanged here today.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
York Hospital
ClironlCi Nerroin ,
Priirati ail
Special D1581533 ,
of both
Men and Women ,
Tlydrorlla Vnrlcncole , Stnoturo nnd
nil other troubles treitecl at loisonuMo
ehurcoa. CONSULTATION FUUU Callouor
Opposite lUydon Dros.
I'riMlilKiit of
nUIU.lOAl , HISl'KNl/lUV.
( ( ; < > iiHUltntlou Free. )
Is unsiii passed In tlio treat
ment of till
Ohronio , Private anil
Nervous Di oaos.
Wrllo til or cuniiilt ii emmllr ,
Addroa wltli Urup lor par
ticulars. Wulcli will bo loiu la
plain envelope. P.O. lloc Oil uaica US 8. lith-it. .
Otnnha.Not ) .
W.H. rAIIKKIlM.n.No.4Hiilflnr iBl.1
orof , U.SHS , , c Mrcoaiulllny p/iyttclan oiht
tvt awurdiJ llio oniu imui. by llio NITIMXU
Miutoil. Ai'JKUTIox fa , the I'llIZK KBHAY on
Kthauiteil Vitality. Mroi-tyiJftrroui mid fAyili al
y , ail all JJlita. * and Vtakntit of Man.
Ilia y uni7 , the tntdillt-aftJ and old.
I'onuiltatiou , n t > er cm or by tetter.
pfoipeclii * with te tlrooolal , FHEU.
Largo Look , 8U1UNOU OF J.IFK , OH RKI.V-
I'llKSKHVATJON , ROO pp.V > Imaluollo prf
Krtptlond. fuU utlU only 41.00 til mall , scaled
Undo by Curtis & Sou , I'orllaud , Me.
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
SCltooma ntt2SO per day.
( Cltooms stMWpor ilsr. '
lOHpomi mill Hath ill JI.O ) psrlif. , '
lOItoomi irttb Ilatli at JaO to 115) pjr lir.
Modern In Kvnry Itiupoct.
Newly FurnishedTlirongtiout , , ,
C. S. ERB. Pron.
Cor. CotlauolirOTO BVO. and Ultb ft. , ( J11K/AOO
Ilil * riral tlam Kuroponn. Hupurlor IJlnltiK-
loom. Only 6 inlnutei from WOlll.D'H KAMI.
" tntun moilornto. hend for circular. WM. N.
KI.OU/.K , Hiipurlntoinlant.
Do you wear them ? When next In need try a pair , they JS"
will give you more comfort and service for the money . ,
than any other make. Best In the world.
* 5.00 pw 3.00
* 4.00jS $2.50
$3.50 M fLl2.oa
wioS fe
5 J"-
* < * " ' - '
% ? 2flM5rk7
( | !
W , L , Douglas Shoes are made In all Ida
Latest Styles ,
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $6 to $8 ,
try my $3 , 90 , $4 or $5 Shoe. They will fit equal to cut-
torn made and look and wear as well. If you with to
economize In your footwear , you can do to by purchatlng
W. L , Douglas Shoe ) , My name and price It stamped
on the bottom , look for It when you buy > Take no sub
stitute. I send shoes by mall upon receipt of prlce" " ,
postage free , when Khou I ) uler < cannot supply you ,
W. I. . DOUGLAS , llrockton , Mail , Sold by
WeUbor. IColloy. HtUorft Co. . , O. V
C.irlson. Illu ! tixonioi * . Iguatz Nowmau , H
W , Cretsy , Houlli Omalia.
The well known Now York and
St. Louts Kyo Expert will 1)0 in
Omnlm , Kob. , Muy 'ii to 27 , ut
the utore of Ills a oiils ,
und have your oyoasclentlflRully
tested und flltod with u pair of
hia celebrated nonclmngoablo
spectacles ,
Remember , U duys only.
Hole Agoata for OinaliR. Nub ,