Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    F *
TTTTC OMATTA nATr.V T1RK : Film A V ATAV 10 IfiM . . ft
COUNCIL ni.un-a
I tj carrier to nny part of th cltj
| Klr.l'iiONrs } jjiyillirKditon'r. , ? ! ! Nolaa
311.\VJl MK.VTlU.Vi
i. Y. Plumbing Co.
[ Boston Store. Natchaug silk * .
I Mlltonberger Is the hatter , WW Broadway.
JtWo ft Cole , -II Main street , nio soiling
l.rlctly high grade bicycles for tlOU.
The Princes of the Orient ot this city will
ave a meeting this evening in the Pavton
Building In Omaha ,
A marrlaso license was Issued yesterday
_ > Hiram Murdoch and Katie Hailoy , both of
Raymond. Nob. The groom was U7 years of
Igo and the brldo only 15.
J Nets Olcson was fined $20.00 In police court
jeslcrdny morning for raising a disturbance
y the eastern part of the city and resisting
[ 10 ofllcers who tried to arrest him.
The following cases of measles wcro re-
lortcd yesterday : Charles and Hazel Han-
Ian , 71 1 First avenue ; .Tesslo McAneny. 323
> .outh Eleventh street ; Gordon Groivenor ,
111 ( Jrano street. Ono case of membranous
.roup was nlio reported , Fred MrClclland ,
lorncr of Pleasant street and Fifteenth
( venue , being the victim.
night members of the Railroad Temper-
.nco association had a little private shoot-
tig contest near the transfer Wednesday
Iftcrnoon. The match was at twcnt.v-llvo
Muo rocks , American rules. Thp following
§ j the result of the contest : M. Kmpkie , 17 ;
tf. Cnllahan , 1CS. : H. Flnnoy , 15 ; W. A.
Illghsmlth , 'Jl ; .1. Kllgorc , 1(5 ( ; W. Kmpkie ,
Ifi ; H. O. Graham , 17 ; J. Ford , 1M.
{ Ben Marks has begun negotlotis with the
township trustees of Lewis township with a
Mow to having the wagon road between
JToiiucil Bluffs and Lake Mannwa put In or-
llcr so Unit bicycles may take the trip in
afety. The trustees or Kane township will
vlso bo Interviewed upon the satno subject.
Il'ho new clcctrlu motor line will bo com-
mlcted about July 1 , and the management of
-lio resort statc'that thcro will not bo much
> ; olng on at the lake until after that time.
B. F. McCurdy , who has been in Jail for
.several days past on the charge of robbing
the residence ot F. K. Gilliland In the Fourth
tvard , gave bonds yesterday morning and
[ was released until next ween , when his
hearing comes off. Hcccnt developments
tend to show that McCurdy Is the victim of
a mistake rather than a burglar. Ho
states that on the evening in ques-
Ptlon bo was somewhat under the In-
"ltipnco ! of luiuor , and went into the
house , where ho was found. His
attorney , J. J. Stewart , corresponded with
Dr. H. H. Kcini and 11. K. Stowo , an insur
ance man , both of Omaha , and found that ho
was nn honest fallow , with only ono fault a
love for "booze" that occasionally gets
away with him. Ho lias a number of in
fluential friends in Omaha , three of whom
came ovnr yesterday and signed a bond for
( Irunil Opuiilnic.
One of the finest soda fountains over
H'ouglit to Council BlulTs Is now placed
* ' .tho well known confectionery ostab-
} , -foment nt , T."B. Drlusbach at No. 3117
& ' i'oadway. Tim apparatus is 1 from the
'iflinmson & Ilaylott Co. , Milwaukee ,
pml cost $1,1100. Mr. Dries bach will
u grand opening this even-
ling , upon whici [ occasion the now
{ fountain will bo pressed into service for
I the first timo. Ho has arranged for the
? coming of a Mr. O'Brien of Now York ,
one of the finest mid best soda mixers in
the United States , who will have ehargo
of the fountain this evening. Mr.
O'Brien is a connoisseur of temperate
drinks , und those who desire to get a
glass of real soda should not fail to call
this evening.
Strawberry Short Cake.
Ladies of Trinity Methodist church
. will servo supper in the church , Fourth
street and Ninth avenue , this ev.oniug' ,
from f / t.n (1 nVlnnk. ' * "
Bargains' in fine tooth brushes and
cologne , wholesale price , only lOc.
Davis , the druggist , , 200 Broadway.
I'EllSOlf.lL I'AUAdlt.ll'UH.
Eli Brown has returned from Chicago.
Mrs. W. A. Husscll Is visiting relatives in
Hon. Thomas Bowman has returned from a
trip to Colfax.
Joslah Dan forth is homo from a visit of a
week to Chicago.
W. W. Lunger loft last evening for a trip
to Laramlo , Wyo.
Miss Koycs of Atlantic is In the city , the
guest of Miss May Davenport , on First
Mrs. W. II. Lynchard received n telegram
yesterday announcing the dangerous Illness
I Of her mother in Dakota.
Chief of Police Scanlan has gone to Chicago
cage to attend the convention of chiefs ,
( [ which is now in session there.
John J. Fralnoy has made a contract to
Ifurnlsh the oratorical part of a series of on-
Itortainmcnts that Is to bo given on the street
Corners in the various towns of Iowa and Nebraska -
| braska in the interests of a patent medicine ,
fi'lie Glen boys will furnish tiio music.
Ilotv to Collect Unit IIIIU.
Tf you have any bad bills against men
vho do not live in Iowa und who work
tor any railroad , telegraph , express or
looping car company that runs into
Iowa , wrlto to the Nassau Investment
Company , Council Bin lit ) , la. , and they
vill send you their collection terms and
Jthobostof references. Collections guar
anteed. Special oiler for 110 days.
> Pure ice
From Missouri rlvor channel.
Mulholland& Co. , Brown building' ,
Telephone Ki- .
Mine. Helen Merrill , hairdressing and
I manicuring. Room 1112 , Morrtuiu block.
Now Cliurnli ICiiturprlHO.
The Second Prcsoyterian church , of
; which Hov. S. Alexander is pastor , has pur-
I chased of Norman Green the lot on the cert -
t ncr of Union street and Upper Broadway for
a church sito. As soon as Iho necessary ur-
| raiigenicnts can bo made the buildings now
the property will bo torn down and a
suitable niul modern church building erected ,
The location is 0110 of the very best for the
'purposes ' of this church , being in an anglo of
f Upper Broadway , affording a lontrer per-
. Bpectivo view than any church in the city.
[ 'J ho firm of Woodward Uros. Is making the
plans for the now church. The congrcga-
1 tion will continue to worship In the present
building , corner Harmony and tagau streets ,
until the new ono is completed.
Dayj ill tliu World'a Fair ,
It will cost you less than & > 0.00 , every
thing noi'cssary included. This means
homes in private cottage , clean , t.ufo ,
olos.0 to grounds and on the buaoh of
Lake Michigan. Write to .1. T , Chyno-
vwoth , "Windbor Park , 111. Refers to II I.
i W. Til ton of TllKBKE. or Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbrldgo , Council Hhilfti.
Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p.
in. ut the Council Blulfs Medical and
Surgical Institute , 2Hh ( and Broadway ,
Dr. I'llnl , th Alc merl t.
On Monday evening Dr , Herbert Flint , the
wonderful hypnotist who delighted and
mystified such vast audiences hero last
winter , will open another week's engage
ment at Dahauy's , Hu will bo assisted this
time by MUs Marina Flint. Her wonderful
feats of ca1 talepsy will add a now feature to
the doctor's marvelous exhibitions. A com-
plet chaugo of program will bo made
i Another improvement to the popular
i Schubert piano , Swanson Muslo Co
Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , the
i best $2.00 house in Iowa.
Vunatta & Sweet , uttys. , Everett blk.
Coo. S. Davis , prescription druggist
Somotbing Further on the Subject of Re
duced Bridge Faros.
Qucillou | of Wlinio Property l < AMOtird
Alleged to Determine the Action *
of .Soino of the City
"Tho article In this morning's Br.n sized
the motor assessment up about right , " re
marked a level headed democrat yesterday ;
' 'tho claim of the aldermen that they don't
know anything about the value of the prop
erty that they are to assess , excepting what
McCabe tells them is nil bosh. On the
other hand , all they know about what the
assessment ought to bo from the standpoint
of the motor company Is what the assessor
tells them , but it Is very evident that they
are dead anxious to accept the word of the
assessor on the subject. And the assessor
sells bis dot's to the motor company nt $75
apiece , too. ' '
Ono Intctcstlng nnd signltlcant fact Is the
way In which the city council treats other
property owners as compared with the
motor company , K. A. Wickham during the
past winter commenced the erection of a
largo Implement building on lower Main
street. H was completed May 1 and Is now
ready for occupancy. At the last meeting
of the Board ot Equalization Wlckham
was present and entered a vigorous pro
test against the action of the assessor , who
had assessed the building at $ (5,000. ( Ho did
not object to the slzo of the assessment , but
ho thought ho ought not to have to pay the
saino amount of taxes as ho would have
ttono If the building had been completed
January 1. Ho oflercd to compromise
for one-half , and his proposition was the
subject of considerable discussion. "Oh ,
well. " said ono of the aldermen.
"Wickham can stand It better than a good
many people. I guess wo'd hotter lot It
stand. " And It stands. It has been sug
gested that men who have the enterprise
manifested by Mr. Wickham In tliu erection
of such buildings as the ono referred to
might properly bo given a little encourage
ment. But the city fathers seem to have no
fnvors excepting for the motor company ,
which , as Alderman Nicholson naively says ,
"aou't seem to pay any attention to any
thing wo do. "
A movement Is now on foot to have a bill
introduced in the next legislature to put
electric railways under the control of the
state railway comtulsslon , In which case the
citizens will not bo entirely at the mercy of
a few aldermen.
A vigorous effort will naturally bo made
by the motor company and all other com
panies of the kind to defeat a measure of
that kind , hut the chances of corrupting a
whole legislature are not so good as of buyIng -
Ing a llttlo city council , and the prime movers
in the project have hopes of accomplishing
the end hi view.
I.nco Ciirtnln Sale.
Tomorrow wo place on sale 1,000 , pairs
Nottingham and Irish point lace cur
tains at less than i actual value. They
are manufacturers' odds and ends. Only
1 , 2. IJ and 4 pairs of a kind.
Wo can boll you a very nice Netting
ham curtain , 3 yards long , at 'J8o ' pair ,
worth $1.50.
Sco the line wo will show you at 81.48
and $1.08 pair ; they are beauties and not
i regular price.
2)0 pairs of genuine Irish point lace
curtains , 3 and 3J yards long , at $3.08
and $4.98 pair ; not half actual value.
You can save big money by buying now.
Big sale of dross goods. Tomorrow for
ono day wo will olTer our entire stock of
finest imported wool dress goods just to
reuuco our big stock at ono price , 88c
yard , Jhitf includes all our. finest goods ,
such as whip cords , bengalinos , Irish
poplins 1 , serges , henriottas , and these
line goods sold at $1.00 , $ I.2o und $1.50.
Your choice , remember only tomorrow
880 yard ; tomorrow we will offer all our
85c figured China silks at ono price just
to reduce stock. Como in and sec us.
Where is Kittle ?
Henry Lambreoht , a miller at Bcemer ,
Neb. , arrived in the city yesterday to JOOK
after the interests of the firm with which ho
is connected in the recent Hour deal , of
which mention was made in THE BEE n day
or two ago. Ho Immediately served notice
on all the other parties concerned to release
their claims upoa the Itour that he had
shipped Rittlg , and will at once proceed to
replevin the property , the other claimants
refusing to let go.
In the ineuntlmo Hittig is missing and his
frlonds claim not to have the slightest Idea
where ho has gone. W. II. ICnophor states
that ho has not seen him for twb days , which
indicates that he must have left for parts
unknown about the time the account of the
transactions In which ho figured was first
made public through THE BEE.
Lambrecht stated to one of Marshal Tom-
pleton's deputies yesterday that ho sold a
part of the carload of Hour which \vasjon- !
slgncd to Hitting for $1.50 , and the rest for
51,00 , Kitting to pay the freight In each case.
As a matter of fact , Hitting at once hopped
into the market und sold 1,000 pounds to a
lady fc living at 1017 Fifth avenue at
the rate of 80 cents per 100. Where is
Hlttlngt is the question which is now agitat
ing the minds of his creditors , but the
theory that finds most followers is that ho
has gone to some sequestered spot to llguro
out how long it would take him to become a
millionaire in a business that was carried on
at a dead loss of 50 per cent. Ho has
evidently gone off with the idea of allowing
his creditors to fight out their battles as
best they may.
A tloko on ivuns.
THE BRfi is in receipt of the following
communication , which evidently wns in
tended for n New York manufacturer ,
und was enclosed to this olllco by mis
take. However , wo print the letter as
wo have it instead of the advertisement
that wus intended for Tim Bun.
Tu. , May 19 , 189'J.
Messrs. Fine Footwear & Co. ,
Now York.
Gentlemen :
Your last lot of goods duly received
mid I find them very miti&fuotor'y. The
ladiesOxfords wear well.and are Foiling
fast. The ones I pay yon $ l..r > 0 for are
the host I over saw for the money and
mn belling hundreds of them every week
at $1.7i5 , and I warrant every pair. T
triibt you can fill the enclosed order at
once , us I will need them badly by the
time they arrive
Yours truly ,
Hcttlml the Ollllcillty.
Charles Weeks , whoso trouble on account
of tliu Intimacy between his wlfo and Cor
nelius Miller has been aired In the news
papers a good deal of late , failed to show
up In Justice Pox's court yesterday
niormug when the charge of con
spiracy against Miller and lib wlfo were to
ho Investigated , and the cast ) was dismissed.
Weeks stutes that his wife has agreed to
leave Miller and como back to Ilvo with him ,
and the hatchet Is burled once for all. The
case had all the elements of a sensation , and
the only thing that prevented It being inoro
sensational still was-Weeks' unwillingness
to use u gun at the proper limn.
The Klsriimu Ilulldlnp for Hunt.
The Eisoman building in Council
Bluffs can now bo'ronteiT. For terms ,
etc. , apply to Burke & Casady , Attys. ,
115 Pearl utreot.
\Vnnt Hotter Weather.
Gcorgo M. Chnppel of Des Molncs , con
nected with the signal service department ,
was la tbo city yesterday , accompanied by
George W. Hunt of the Omaha weather of-
flee , and the two spent < \ peed share of the
dny looking over the city with u view to
ascertaining the fastblllty of establishing a
station here. The city has already the
benefit of the daily weather reports from
Omaha , delivered by n special messenger ,
but the Merchants and Manufacturers asso
ciation has taken thp matter in hand and
Intends to sco If something bettor cannot bo
had , They want n station , of their own ,
with a special proffnostlcator. What the rem
suit of the Investigation was could not bo
learned from Mr. Chappcl ,
Something for Nothing ,
There is nn oltl saying whieh'no ono
over boliovcs , but ono which every per
son who visits the UOSTONSTOIIG will say
bcforo leaving the store that it is BO
with us. Wo are really giving away
something for nothing. Wo have just
received 1,000 photo engravings , choice
of seven different styles , wo will give
awny to each customer whoso tnirchnso
amounts to $2. 00 or over. The follou'lng l
a short sketch of the engravings which
ninny of you will have scon and admired
In the art galleries of the country.
No , 1 , the title of which is , IIOMI !
FJIOM Tim FlUST VOYAQU , tells Us OWll
story ns no description ot it can do. It
shows the interior of a well furnished
homo with n , sailor boy who lias just re
turned from his llrst voyngo seated at a
llttlo table , surrounded by his mother ,
brothers and sisters , tolling pleasant
yarns of the sea. This picture ifl printed
on heavy nlnto paper , size 21x28.
represents the corner of an old park ,
wlioro Is seated a young girl rending her
ilrst love letter. Near a rustic taolo her
companion , a inoro mature woman , is
seated listening to the reading of the
letter which has such a fascination for
the young girl. Its size is 21x28 and
when framed makes a beautiful orna
ment for the homo.
The other subjects wo have not space
to describe , but will stop by giving the
titles. No. 8 , Soxas or LOVE , si/.o ,
21x28 ; No.1 , THE SCOTTISH RAID ,
size , 20x112 ; No. f , THK HORSE FAIU ,
size , 20x112 ; No. 0 , THE LANDING ov
COUJMHUS , size , 17x24 ; No. 7 , COMJM-
AND ISABELLA , size , 17x24. In addi
tion to the above special gifts wo are
offering special inducements In every
department. The above pictures are on
exhibition in our west show window.
13o sure and got ono , they won't last
Fothorlnglmm , Whltolaw & Co. , leaders
and promoters of low prices , Council
Bluffs , la.
Wanted by Until Melon.
The last of the evidence In the damage
suit of Krugcr against the city was taken
yesterday in the district court , and the case
will go to the jury today , most of yesterday
having been taken up with the arguments of
the attorneys , who are not yet through.
Ono of the most intercstingr things
of the whole trial was a deposition which
was sccureo by J. J. Stewart during his
term as city attorney from Cnarles Sanders
of Valley county , Nobvaska , a nephew of
Emma ICrugcr , who was supposed to
have died from the effects of a fallen
on a defective sidewalk. In the
deposition Sanders stated that his
aunt suffered with her limb as
far back as 1875 , before she left the old
country , and in identically the same way ns
before her death. The trouble , ho said , wrs
the result of the birth ot her lirst child and
the abuse of her husband , the plainti ? in the
present suit. Sanders also mentioned inci
dentally that he had been approached by
John Morplo and asked to sign some papers ,
Morgle agreeing to pay him ? o if ho did so.
The case of the First rsation bank of Chicago
cage against the Coancil Bluffs Gas and
Electric Light company was put on yester-
dap afternoon and the examination of W. S.
Wright , the superintendent of the company ,
went merrily on all afternoon. The trial so
far has been noted mostly for the ignorance
of the superintendent upon matters about
which the plaintiffs want to iind out , and the
dramatic pugnacity of the attorney for the
Another Carload of Uauntlois Illoycles.
Another full carload of the Peerless
Dauntless bicycles was received by the
Union Transfer people Friday. All
orders will now bo filled promptly.
Boys , the Dauntless is the wheel , and
you can buy it right.
Louis Bicdorrnan Is agent for the
Great Eastern hotel , the largest In the
world ; practically fireproof ; has 1,100
rooms nnd is modern. Those Intending
to visit the World's fair will find it to
jhoir interest to call or write , enclosing
stamp. 504 First avonno , Council Bluffs.
Pasturage for horses and cattle on
Gcorgo F. Wright's farm adjoinlngc ity
limits on south ; fiOO acres blue grass ,
running .water. For terms apply to
James Raph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal
company , 10 Pearl street.
Ilurlod nt Weeping Wntor.
The remains of the late G. L. Jacobs were
taken to Weeping Water , Neb. , for inter
ment , in accordance with the wish
of the deceased , expressed a short time
before this death. Ills sister , Mrs. E. S. '
Barflotl , who formerly lived hero , now re
sides at Weeping Water , and ho desired to
bo near her after his death , as she was
almost the only immediate relative who sur
vives him , The Odd Fellows of this
city took charge of the body after It
left tbo house , these who accompanied
it on the train being the following : No bio
grand , Fred Itapp ; vice grand , Ei-ncst
Marsh ; supporters , J ) . A. Curfman and
George Jacobs ; pall bearers , Louts Bledor-
man. J. M. Matthews , A. D. Van Horn , M.
F. McCune , A. J. Mandcl and W. Slead ;
chaplain , Rev. II. II. Barton. At the desti
nation the funeral party was met by a largo
delegation of Odd Fellows of Weeping
Water and escorted to the cemetery , where
the remains wore tenderly laid to rest with
the impressive ceremonies of the order ,
Suit and bitur. |
Another carload of sugar this week
and a carload of salt yesterday at
Brown's C. O. D. grocery Is the record
for the past throe days. Everything
comes into the C. O. E. in car lots and
goes out at wholesale prices. You can
got ono barrel or fifty barrels of bait for
$1,10 each and sugar cheaper than any
ether place in town. _
"Tho first shall bo last" will truly ap
ply to the cloBing lecture of thin season
at Broadway M , E. church Friday even
ing , May 211 , by Hov. J , 7 . Armstrong ,
PI1. LL.l ) . , once a successful pastor of
this church , now stationed at Independ
ence Avcnuo M. E. church , Kansas City.
The Grtuul Hutol ,
Council Bluffs. The most elegant In "
Iowa . , Dining room on seventh iloor.
to , $3.00 und $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark ,
Convention for tlio Ilium.
Dr , II. A. Woodbury returned yesterday
morning from Davenport , whcro ho attended
the state dental convention which was hold
thcro last week , During the convention ho
was roado tiio recipient of a high honor ,
being appointed vice president of the asso
ciation for the coming year. There were
about 200 delegates In attendance. The next
session will bo held a year from now , and
Council Bluffs has been chosen as the place
of mectling , _
For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ;
steve wood , 12 or 10 Inches , $2.50 per
cord , delivered. II. A. Cox , 10 Main
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. C. James has the
strongest companies in the world.
Sco the peerless Dauntless bicycles
and get terms. Harry Murphy. 10 Pearl ,
Williamson & Co. . 10(5 ( .Main street ,
largest und boot blcyclo stock : in city.
Cook yet meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost at the Gas company ,
Brown's C. O , D. grocery closes at 7
p. in. , except Mondays und Saturdays ,
Depositors of thoi iWska Savings Bank
of Linfoln''Frightened.
.Moit ol Thoio Involved Wore School Clill-
iltcn anil Theli' J'cnrs Wcro Quickly
Allnyoil l5V'Ulie SlRlit of
' (
Abu'mlant dull.
? > t
LINCOLN. Nob. , ) May 19. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins BGit.u-ivr ] ; several days
rumors affecting'Iho solvency of the
Nebraska Savings bank at Thirteenth
anil O streets Imvo been rife , and
quito a run was inaugurated Tues
day. It continued all day yesterday , but it
was : not until this morning that any big rush
was made. The usual hour for opening the
bank is 0:30 : , but long bcforo that hour the
doors wcro besieged by a big crowd of de
positors anxious to secure their money , and
ite.i became necessary to open them nti hour
e.idc The bnnk Is one of the designated school
depositories , and for the llrst. two hours the
chief claimants for their money were school
children , whoso deposits ranged from less
. than H to $20. All morning and during the
noon hour the run progressed , and all per
sons who demanded their money wcro
promptly given it. At onu time the demand
became so great that J , II. McClRy. cashier
Ol the Columbia National bank , found It
necessary to address the crowd , telling them
to bo patient and they would receive the
money ; thai the other banks in the city
stood behind the institution , and every del
lar of deposits would bo paid.
\Vlmt the Kxnmlner 8ny .
Bank Examiner Cowdery , In speaking of
the run , said : "I am prepared to say there
Is no ground whatever for alarm. I have
looked into the condition of the bank and I
believe the bank can pay every dollar of its
liabilities. Doubtless under ordinary condi
tions there would bo no thought of with
drawing funds from the bank , but these are
not ordinary times. The previous failure hero
and the many failures throughout the coun
try have made the people unduly suspicious.
I have examined tno bank. I have looked
over its paper and I believe It Is all right.
Moro than that , every bank in the city to
my personal knowledge has tendered It their
utmost assistance. To break that bank it
will bo necessary to break every bank In the
city of Lincoln , which , It strikes me , would
be a pretty largo job. "
Considerable Cash Itecjulroil.
The run continued nil afternoon dcspito
the fact that every one who presented their
accounts received their monoy. The Clear
ing House association was represented by C.
II. Morrill. who came this morning with $50-
000 in cash to back up the $0,000 tiio bank
had on hand to stand the run , with $50,000
more in reserve to draw upon If found ncccs-
sarv. The deposits had been pulled down
$10,000 by the runs of Tuesday and Wednes
day , but the big rush today reduced it some
$20,000 more. The officials figure that with
the cash on hand they can stand a three
days run , and bcforo that time they think
the scare will bo exhausted.
From all that can bo learned It was a
needless scare. The bank deposits amounted
to put ei7,000 ! ! , jwhile the value of their se
curities and paper is fixed by competent au
thorities atlbOQQO. The capital ftock is
5250,000 , one-fifth 'of which has been paid up.
The bank was a little hard up , but with
time would have come' but all right unaidod.
The prediction is made that it will come out
of the ordeal stronger.than ever.
No Ca'uno for Alarm.
Nearly all of the stockholders are men of
ample means. Under'tho laws of the s.tate
stockholders are liable for twice the amount
of subscribed capital , " The capital stock is
$250,000. one-fifth of which is paid up. The
stockholders arc liable , and moro than re
sponsible , for about five limits the amount of
the . . deposits , and thre arc no other im
portant claims acrainstvtho bank , so that de
positors would riot have lost a cent even
though the bank had been obliged to sus
The deposits of pupils in the public
schools aggregate about $5,000 , and are
secured by a bond for $50,000 now in the
hands of the school board and bearing the
signature of men worth many times that
Conclusion of nn Important Suit Involving
Thousands ut Sioux City
Sioux CITY , la. , May 19. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB CED. ] In the district court
today the legality of $243,000 worth of notes
was established as against W. Ii Silbcr-
horn , the Chicago packer. Some time ago
Silberhorn nnd/A. S. Garrctson of this city
entered iijto a venture to buy $700,000 ot the
stock of tlic Union Stock yards at San Fran
cisco. To do this they borrowed $245,000 of
the defunct Union Loan & Trust company ,
for which Silberhorn gave his forty-nine In
dividual notes for ; f5,000 each. It was agreed ,
though , that Qarrotson was to bo liable for
half the notes , nnd that whenever one-half
of any note was paid , the trust company waste
to indemnify him against the other half by
surrendering him the noto.
The stock yards stock was deposited as
collateral for the notes. When it became
evident that the trust company wds going to
fail , Sllberhorn. OarrotBon nnd the trust
company entered into a contract in compli
ance with the agreement. Sllberhorn had
already tnkon up five notes in full , and
brought action to secure five more under the
contract that he was to pay but half on each
The court decided that the contract is
subsequent to the issuance of the notes nnd void. It also refused to order the
assignee to deliver the stock collateral In
proportion to the amount paid , holding that
it .shall bo held to guarantee the payment of
all the notes.
Violated the I'oilornl i.tnv.
Dns MOINES , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS Bun. ] In the United States
district court this morning Judge Woolson
passed sentence on several violators of the
government license law , Bert Groves was
given six months in the penitentiary at
Anamosa and fined $400. Mrs. Sarah M.
Groves , Bert's mother , was fined $ ' . 100 and
sentenced to Jail for ninety days. She
fought like n tigress when Deputy Marshal
Hlchards led her oft to Jail , George Toombs
was sentenced to sovcnty-flvo days in Jail and
fined $ 'i50. but was released upon the pay
ment of $100 , Moso Silver of the east r.ido
was fined (200 and sentenced to sixty days in
Jail ; sentouco suspended upon payment of
costs. W. Kimo was'fined $250 and given
sixty days In jail'sentence ; suspended after
twenty days , v
Iowa Huiirc/he / Court Decision * .
DEB MOINF.S , , , $ 18. [ SpecialTele
gram to TUB BKK. ] j'fJio following cases
were disposed of ill tub supreme court today :
State against Ge'orgfl Chapman , appellant ,
Black Hawk districtreversed ( ; I { . C. Currls
against Board of } Supervisors of Mahaska
county , appellant , 'Mahaska district , re
versed j V. M. ina'uifhig and H. K , McCormick -
mick , appellants , ) against tliu Davenport ,
Iowa & Dakota Iluilroad company , tbo Bur-
Vanilla Of perfect purlty-
Lemon Of great strength
Orange Economy In their USA
Ro o , U
. Flavor n delicately
and dellclouiiy M the fresh fruit
lington , Ceilar Ilaplds St Northern Hallway
CO , H. 11.y. . Williams , VatrlckVlynn )
at the Farmers Ix > An hnd Trust company
of Now Vork , Scott district , nftlrmcd ;
Itaehcl A. Ilulton against Walter J. Smith ,
Appellant. Cnlhoun district , nnirmcd ; Jncob
Hockitcdler nnd W. H. Heovcs against
Iho Dubuque tt Sioux City and the Illi
nois Central Hallway companies , appellants ,
afllrmodjU. H. Hitchcock , appellant , against
the Chicago , St. 1'aul & Kansas City Hall
way company , Polk district , reversed ; Tim
othy Kalltie , appellant , against Scott Stover ,
Johnson district , S. H. Palrall , Judge , re
versed ; .Jacob Wagner against C. P. 1 Holmes ,
Judge of the Ninth Judicial district , afllrmcd ;
P. S. Moscr , appellant , against Boone
county , Iowa , Boone district , nnirmcd ; Allnu
Smith , appellant , ngnlnstP. A. V. It night ,
administratrix , ot nlBoono districtnfllrincd ;
A. S. Wlllctts against the Clilcapo , Burling
ton it Kansas City Hallway company , ap
pellant. Van Burcu district , nnirmcd ; Mor
gan and Hunter , appellants , against Mary J.
Houutrcc , defendant , W. 13. ICnlght , garni-
slice , .lasner district , afllrmcd.
rromlnriit limn Muu Arrested.
Pnintv , la. , May 18. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Br.n.1 A. Van Patten , a prominent real
estate man of this city , was arrested today
upon a charge of attempting tobrlbo a Juror
named Charles Paasch In the case of Light
against the Milwaukee rotd : , a suit for dam
ages. The Jury disagreed on two different
ttlals. At the third trial Light got a ver
dict for $100. It Is oii-tho last trial that
Van Patten is charged with trying to bribe
the Juror In the interest of the railroad com
pany. Attorneys for the railroad denounce
the charge ns a fuko and us a move to In
duce the company to settle without an ap
To Oppose the Cent Trust ,
DES Moixns , la. , May IS. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tnc Br.c. ] Governor Boles today
appointed the following delegates to the con
vention to bo held In Chicago , July 1 , to take
some action In regard to the coal trust : John
F , Dayton , Waukon ; J. E. Btixton. Mucl.ak-
Inock ; H. G. Curtis , Atlantic ; N. V. Browcr ,
Garner ; Joseph H. Latto , Davenport ; Justin
Wells , Steamboat Hock ; T. D. Higgs. Storm
Lake ; J. B Weaver , Dos Molncs ; J. C. Bcem ,
What Cheer , nnd R H. Cnssatt , Pclln.
< > roon Goods .Swindle Scntnnrcil.
Sioux CITV. In. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tuu Br.K. ] C. H. Genet was con
victed lu the United States court today nnd
sentenced to eighteen months for green
goods work. Correspondence was produced
to show that ho nmdo his headquarters nt
Correctlonvillc , n small Iowa town , aud suc
ceeded in swindling people In every state In
the union out of hundreds of dollars.
Iturlnl of u Murderer' * Victim.
MASOX CITV , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Ecu. ] The body of Miss Cecilia
Pellusor , who was murdered Sunday night
in Minneapolis by Hans Olson , was bunod
hero today. I'ho victim of the crime was
brought up In this city and her parents
reside here.
MISSOUIII VAM.EV , la. , May 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] A Knights of
Pythias lodge of twenty-five members was
instituted tonight at Logan by the Pythians
of Missouri Valley , Dunlap and Woodbine.
A largo number of visiting knights vtero
Sioux CITV , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] George Hallett and
James Mason , the members of the McCarty
counterfeiting gang caught here , wcro sen
tenced to the penitentiary for eighteen
months each , today.
UN C'lipOzcil.
MASON CITV , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THK BEE. ] Whllo fishing in Limo
creek , near Fertile , la. , Edward Tolefson's
boat ' capsized and Tolefson , being unable to
swim , was drowned. The body has been re
Klre In u Hunk.
KKOKUK , la. , May 18. Fire in the State
bank building tonight caused several thou
sand dollars damage. Every telephone wire
In the city is burned oft and the service is
badly demolished.
Mnrrluga I/lcuiuus.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday by County Judge Ellcr :
Name and rcsldi'iicc. ARC.
( Fred Homier , Oiaalia . 27
| Ollvo A. Williams , Union Preclnt . 18
j Michael .T.Uwycr , Omaha . 32
IHaiahO'Toole , Omaha . 1 > G
j Dowltt C. .Simmons , Hnloin . 08
I LIHIo M. Uobi.Tlson , Nuiualij. City . 2G
J Hhcrldan 1) . Wirrlck , South Omaha . 23
I Cornli. KelN , South Omaha . 23
( Wllllum Haack. Calhoun . 30
( Matilda Her t , Calhoun . 28
I'i'tur A. Johnson , Omaha. . . 27
I Alice .Mury Johnson , Omaha . 27
There is a nutritive element
n ale and beer but it is small
there is the intoxicating effect ,
too. That is a strong objec
tion. Yet ale and beer are
used and benefit health at
times. There is another
iquid , the active principal of
malt Johann Hoffs Malt Ex
tract. One dozen bottles of it
las the same nutritive effect
as a large cask of ale or beer.
That's an advantage another ,
it has not the intoxicating
effect of either , It helps di
est and assimilate food ,
creates appetite , makes the
weak strong and healthy. Be
sure to obtain the genuine.
Sao that stpnntura "JOHANN HOtT" tg
on nock lubol of bottle.
r.i.suor & Mcndolbon Cn. , Folo Agents , ] . " > 2
und 131 1'runklln st , Now York.
QQvn'S THEATRE NEW " * " ° ° ' " - '
9i 20 and 21 ,
Comic Opera Company
In Ilio following repertoire :
Von Huppu's masterpiece ,
niclmril Stslil's oric' opera ,
Special performance of llalfo' bcnullf ul
opera ,
Night prices 2ic..aSo. , 60c. and 76c.
Mattnco urloes-230 , , 3Je. and Me.
. 1'ltlOES
15o , 25o , 3So , 50o , 75o
nut. im.ixic Jif.vwo.v
lly special request ,
Saturday Mutlnoa and Nlaht "Flirtations. "
Jfio r u llt'm 6o
ALL WEEK commoncine SUNDAY
Thesubllmasccnlonnd dramatic production of
KreryBcono I T T "C1 TAT"
Hrery fostumo V JN iii VV .
Kvcry Property \
Matloeeias usual Wednesday nnd Saturday ,
A Grand Production by the lluou STOCK
i'ANV of the Now York , Uottoo
and I'hlUdoIpulu buccess ,
Yl/AGES OP Slrsf
Uatn ! s-Tonll parts of the house 20 cents.
Krvnlogs llalcony , 'M cents ; panjuvt , 2 } ceutl.
irn.t 7 nan i 'on itv i A r. .
U Will lie Col.ltr nnd ThumUr Stormt TT1I1
rrnvnll Today In Ncliraikn.
WASUINOTOX , U. 0. , May 19. Forecasts for
Friday : For Nebraska Thunder i storms ,
severe In extreme east j south gales , becom
ing northwest ; colder.
1-or Iowa Local storms , severe In west ;
southeast gales ; warmer during the day.
Tor South Dakota Thunder storms , se
vere In extreme .southeast ; galct becoming
northwest ; cooler during thu night.
I'rr-parlnjE to He-open the flank ,
Cimnao , 111. , May 18. A call has been Is
sued for n meeting of the stocitholdcrs of the
Chemical National Saturday after
noon. It I < i expected that definite plans will
bo arranged for opening the bank at the
earliest possible dato.
Crock Nntlon , Indian Territory.
GKUINO , Neb. , May 17. To the Editor of
THE BKB : Can you tell me in what state the
town of Muskogco is , referred to lu an article
in Tun Bic : May la entitled , "Speculators in
Control ! C. W. Pont ) .
Busy pcoplo have no time , and sensible
people hava no Inclination to use pills that
make them sick a day for every iloso they
take. * They have learned that the use of
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers docs not in
terfere with their health by causing nausea
pain or griping. These llttlo pills are pur ,
feet In action and requite , regulating the
stomach and bowels so that hoadnchos , d la
ziness and lassitude are prevented. They
cleanse the blood , clear the complexion and
ono up the system. Ljts of health In these
llttlo fellows.
It Costs .Moro
to stay homo , than to take advantage of
the Dtirlington $10 excursion to Sheri
dan , Wyo. , Tuesday , May1 30.
Ask the eity ticket agent at 1.121 Par-
nam street for further particulars.
not strnngo that some , people do
wrong through ignorance , others from
u failure to investigate us to the right or
wrong of a matter. But it is str.uigo ,
that individuals and firms , who are fully
uwaro of the rights of others , will persist -
sist in perpetrating frauds upon them.
High-toned , wcaltliv manufrcluring
firms will offer mid hell to retail mer
chants , articles which they know to bo
infringements on the rights of proprie
tors , nnd imitations of well known goods.
Wo want to sound a note of warning to
Iho retailers to bownro of such imita
tions aud simulations of l'CAHTiit's : LtT-
TI.K Livnu PILLS. " When they are of
fered to you , refuse thorn ; you do not
want to do wrong , nnd you don't wunt to
lay yourself liable to a lawsuit. Bon
Franklin said "Honesty Is the best poli
cy" ; it is just as true that "Honesty is
the best principle. "
May bo found in nil the hotole , cafes ,
clubs and wherever water is sold.
Londonderry has for years been tiio
Leading Water
In Chicago ,
Don't fail to see ouroxhlbitin Mineral
Water Dept , Agricultural Building.
The World's Greatest Mesmerist and Fun-
niuker , assisted by
In bcr wonderful foils of Catalepsy.
Positively tbo runniest Show on Earth.
Complete Changa of Program Nightly ,
I'llICCS 25 , 85 , r > 0 cents.
U J. MKACMAM , Manager.
WM. II. DEM.Y , Advanoo Aeont.
Tbob : t paying Invcmmant for lioimuwlfo Ii
The Excelsior Home-Bator and Roaster.
Hakes broad laity , le oi U imUt : meat Hill bo
juicy and rich , invoi ono third nutrltlouselemonli.
No lady cun do without It aftur harlnj trleJ IU
wrlto lor circular * .
Council Bluffs , lown.
A -Putt
Teeth extracted In morr.lnj
Itcwonu lnigrloclrrtJr uoa
tauoilay. I'erfect at L'u-ir
16th and Fnrnum Streets.
ElOTtttor on ICtU bt. 'j'olopbono \ \
the employer nnd employes
notlilnz. In a enabled us to atlvanco the Inter
ests of both , and ultfo our own , by voourlnl
better results wlthtlia machine.
Wyckoff , Seaman ft Benedict
And all tbi Ukla of
KVJI.3. WKAKNKbSKd , IIKUII.ITV , UTC. . that no
company them In men QUICKLY aad I'KllMA-
Ntttm.V CUUCD. full tmtlCNUTU aud too *
glrn to every partoftua body. I will * ani se
curely packed ) KIlKri toany uff r r tun prescrlp'
tton that cured mo of these troubles. AdJrou , U
A. UUAULKl , lUni < K CUKCK , MlUii.
by tome chroulo
complaint" or
tfhAt can roi ,
Ttier ' nothing ym
Accomplish noiblrj
rcMouforlt , . .
Favorite rr. < scrlpUpn vv
ei < r you , snfclt and cer-
v Wiiiy , if you'll ath > i
Ifftlthful use ,
For every one of tbcaa
TfoumtilT troubles , this JJ
llio only remedy so stiro
tlmt it can txs piiacnnf J.
In i > crlodtc/ l pnlns , licftrliiR-ilown scnsatlftip ,
organic tllsplRcomaiit.s. mul every klmlrcu
ailment , nnd In nil Iho nervous iHsonlcri
cntUKxl l > y functional tlerntiKcinfiiU if It
over falls to benefit or cure , you have Jour
money back.
It's n jwtont remedy for Cliorca or St.
Vitus'a Dnnco for Insomnia or Inability y
BlcvM nnd to nvert threatened Insanity. It
regulates nil the natural functions , build *
up mul Invigorates the , cmtlro ftunald system ,
nnd restores health and strength. (
Nothing pKe , though It may bo bottrr for IV
dealer to sell , can bo "Just as good" for you
to buy.
Ma nv t'mrs n ore durabln than steam on'
Inc * . inoro reliable for paw or imrprsos. Onii
much choapor. Can bo put In corner ot any
room from parrot to btisemciU. UltlnK but llt
tlo MI ice. ii'siUlnit ' no nolso. Mukos no JMMUKI
onllrt. rotutlrct no ftietoronstlnonr to run II
Uhotiior | , neater mul inoro rullablu for eleva
tor * ami ol bur puriiososl hail w.iler or itan.
Do I roll Motor and Geiiur.itor lieu of all , M
nl Itllo investigation will Hhow.
Machines from ono-rUlit to eighty horiq
power always un bunil uud warranted to plvn
compMo s-itlsf.icllon. ComtnunluutQrltlt
us.Vo will save yon time , money and Incon-
W. V. 11A1CEU , .10.1 and ninsiiucnrt Illoolt ,
( 'ouncll llUiffs. TcluphnnoUI.
C. R llAKEIi , Ectrlulan. 714 South 14th 8u.
Onuihn. Tolepluino 1419.
Solo agents for Council II hi Us , Omauu Ivnd
I.lnoohi. , .
Yea , Verilv , I
* . * / f
The World Moves
$1,000 $ , III M $ l'000 '
it en nil of Ito Jin
I > roroi/ .
No Deaths
No Fires
It does not depend on
A Calamity.
DCNDINC CO. , Council Bluffs , incor *
corpurutod umlor the liws of Iowa , for in
formation , rooms 231 an.l 2.U Morrlam block ,
Couuoll UIulTs , lowii.
Prof. Rudolph fee's
meet at the English Lutlft
cran church room , ground
lloor , Mcrriam , bloCKj
Mondays , 7:43 : to 9-15 : p. in.
Weincsthvys , 7:45 : to 0:45 :
p. in.
Tuition for three montha' course in
either elementary or advanced claaa , $ OJ
Twice a wool : , Mondays
nnd Wednosdiiys , .1:80 : to
5:80. : Tuition iiSepor lesson.
Morning class 10 to 12 a. m. once a woolt
Sloe/c ofio In the
B. II. Ford lia > opcnoJ a nholosilo liquor toro at
No , IT 1'onrl street , Council llliittj , anil lias put 14
n IIUKO and wull ioluct2l a loci ofvnei | , brnndlet ,
nlilgklos , vtc. It Nil fact nortnr of meutlon tlt
Mr. Kuril IB tba fortunate ponuiior ot nauil ? fortf
Imrronof UiolluoJt whlskr In the United Buirffc
In 163UIJU bouuht ievuntr-llro barroliof Kontotvf
C. K. ( X Tnylor whtikj , niul It nn > not until about
tlirooyoari auo tlmt ho placed the uoort on thO
market , or thlJ itock he hai ( oft about fortr bar-
roll , and experts nil pronounc ; U auiolutalr tup
tlneit whlikr lotlia country : 'lu "Hi It ualnlf
to families for medicinal IHO , ni It Ii too cuntlf for
the regular trade. Ills worth over IIO par gallon.
There It not another brand of nuoh whisky In the U.
H , lll < ilock of br.indlcn and wlnet carnal fron the
fiunuui l.oland Htanford vineyard ! In California
and have a Mth reputation for excellence anl
Notlou ,
Tiio annual tncotlni ; of stockholders of ttm
Friimont. Klkliorn .t Missouri Vnlloy Itallroud
compuny will lie hold ut the oflleaof tliu com-
nany In Uniulm , Nob. , on Krlrtuy. Mity 10,1893 ,
ut'J o'clock p. in. , for Iho eluctlon of director *
und for the trunnnutlon ot fuich cither Imslnesi
UH nmy uoiuu buforii the incotlni ; .
.1. 11. ItKli'iii.i ) , Biicrelary.
Dated May 1. 18U3. Mildlfrt ,
Special Notices.
HOMKS 1 will trniloniy etiultlon In one or tno
KOodilnolllnm forcluar lot i halunco uu louil
tliuo , II. J. Adami.118 1'urrlii nvcnuo , city.
17OUSAI.K Anntmoit new piano ut a turKntn.
X' oil or uddrusn 1811) ) Uruailway.
WK can icll you u uoiuo and lot ca B payment of
fromllUUJ to JjJOJ down ami IllOJto II5.0J
per month. Homo Hpjclal bargalni In loti. Jolm-
iton A Van 1'Mtun ,
AliSVHAOTd unit loant. Farm nnd city propirtr
bought uiU ( Ola. I'uny & Tliuaui. Counoll
IIluRi ,
T.'Oll HAI.h Clio-pi IUHU l < Uo < itrlvlu m ar i
J-lruni mulei ; oil wBion. li rne i unil teanii top
bUKity ; roail ifujon , Carbon Coal Co. , 101'uarl itreet.
101t HAIi-ThrtOJuruy ! bullil ax , ono yrj lc
one your and two ycar | ulld color , roifliltroa '
Hoc * . mB. Ut HI.
T/UIt HAI.R Nice bar carriage t m anJ carrUgs.
L'uVTullori , III ) I'oarlHt. , Coiiaoll flluffi.
/ 1AII1IAUK rocuurcd , cjilpooli. vaults , chlniuart
VJTcleaned. lid Uurko , t Taylor a erociiry , il )
Ilroadway ,
ioit HALK-jin upright flro liorio power boiler ,
J. loll at IJJC llroailway ,
l.niHSIIlEI ) Mat for World1air for rent 8 or 0
J. monttii. NewT-rooiu II t , new furniture cor/
plett ) . itvara Imat unit gai ruogo ; near tar line ana
liandy to World' ! fair. Adilren K. T , K. , 817 ISatV
(5tli itrcot , llilcago ,
1'OU IlENT-I.nrKO warehoui * ( Ituatetl on rail ,
way triu K. Inquire of I'locetir Juiplcmtnt Co ,
I OIl IlKNT-Tlio room oow occu pled by W. O.
Morrli , No. a 1'uorl tre u 1'oitutilon glrea
June I. Iteut fW.OO per inoutu. Apply lo 1-couara
IIIEDEHMAN buyi anil tlli notei tecured I > V
. uortgaguton Council llluBi aua Oiualtk prop-
rty. uniceMt Hr t avunua ,
Wll.l , trade Council Ilium property and ctiU for
liardware and ImpUuietit tlock lu weiterk
lowuor eastern.S br ku. UIT , CouDGll llluai.