Ej LJH i"jEiBmr.'ii ' . - - ' -j- i . ' . r 1'n ' .1 i i " T 11 - - , . _ - tTP7 rHr ' i" - - * - - : mf" ' " T" * TKrr ' - r - Hr < pmeiwe SP" 1 Cr.-- ; , , OJSA § , . - DATLY BEE.rnuRSDAY. . MAY IB. woa. COIIEHCIAI , AND FINANCIAL There \7oa a Costly Snrprisa Sprang on tlio Trade Yesterday , WHEAT TOOK A TWO-CENT TUMBLE Uny Thlnci Comlilnccl to nemoraltto Prices on tlitt Cerent ) the l.e dlnjf I'actor Jlcmc the Sclllnc Attributed to tlio Cudnhy Cltquo. CHICAGO , III. , May 17. There was a costly Mirpilso In the shnpoof ahadbreuk In prices ' . Wheat tumbled tlio lust hour today on'change. bled to 74Mc for July nnd loft olT rather weak ut 747ic , or Sounder last night's close. Corn wru quiet with n loss of lc. ) Provision * showed declines of 30o In pork , 25c in lard and from 20c to 22Uc In rlbi. In wheat tunny tlilnus combined to create a \\cak-knecrt feeling. Tlio Wellington wheat rrop Iullctlii3 were more bearish than any tlmo since tlio crop scars In tlio early spring. Tlio foreign markets nil showed weakness. Now VorU reported norvontnoss ovur further Auslrnllnn bank troubles , A bank at Minne apolis failed nnd tlio fact was inasnlflod ten limes ly ) the trade. , , Hut by inoro than all these Inniicnccs.tho trade was very demoralized by the suspicion illmt tlio ( Judahy bull clique hud anuinlicr of houses polling all tliowhcui possible. I'ardildKo had covered notloss than 3,000,000 bu slnro Mon day morning , and ho was not in a hurry to tuko wheat oven on tlio lironk. In uddltlon to this , Armour and N. II. Honin WPIO apparently Bqnarcly against the market. They lire BPllcrii , it was said , on the theory that 80,000.000 uu. of wheat hero must bo carried ami must bo . . . . . . . llitUt t-iu * * § * * * - - - - cllned from 1V to IXc lower than yesterday , A private culilo piirpoitlng to come from Iliiila-rcsth was circulated among the traders reporting great excitement there with an ad vance of 8c. per bit. In wheat , owing to damage from drouth In Hungary. Hut. as other foreign markets did not HCCIII to bo nllcctod by It , the trndo hero voted It u cnnnrd. Corn was llrm and Hold nt nshado over yes terday's closing prices nt tlio opening , llm market was crushed by the weight of otlcrlngs when wheat declined. The close was within Jic of Inside prices. Advices from the country wcro that farmers were ies.umlng the hauling of corn to market and that shipments would bo much heavier next week. Oats opened llrm and remained so until about noon. Tlio receipts woie ten cars short of the vstlmato and them was n good many buying orders leportcd. The line weather and weakness In wheat and corn canned a decline in tlio market toward the end and values dropped from Jfc to } 5c , closed at ! { c decline. Tlio provision market was weak , but on a light trado. The slump In grain and thocon- elderuhlo amount of uneasiness on account of the llnancl.il situation were weakening factors nnd tlio market iecolod very llttlu support from the bull clique. Estimated lecelpts for tomorrow : Wheat , 110 cars ; corn , 220 cars ; oats , 100 cars ; hogs , 22,000 head. The loading futures ranged as follows : AIITIC1.V.H. OI'K.V. I11UII. LOW. CL.OSK. VES'V. WlieitNo.il Hnr TS 73 7IM Julr kept Corn No. 2 43 43 Juno I'i July (311 1 fc'cpt Cat No. 2- JUr 29)4 29 Juno 28W July 28M HCpt 27 26H 27 Uctal-ork- 12)I'i Juljr 20 CO 2090 2010 20 CO 20 95 Hept 31 03 21 05 2070 20 SO 21 07H I.nrd- Julr 10 DO 10 95 10 CO IOCS 1090 Kept U 15 U 16 10 Vl < 4 Ehort Illbs. . Julr. . . 1022W 10 06 10 07 H 10S7K Sept. . . . 10 SU IU [ i IU 12) ) 10 1C IU b Cash ( luotattonn wcro as follows : KI.OUII Unchangodwlntor ; patents , , (3.60 ® C.BO ; winter straights , $3.00ffi3.80 ; spring pat- untu , J3.7CiK.4.20 ! ; spring patents straight , Sa.7G(33.2D ( ; baiters' , 2.2&2.50. HYE-NO. 2 , GOc. HAIII.EY No. 2 , C2c ; No. 3 , f.o. b.,48c ; No. 4,1. o. b. , 4144c. ? FLAX HKED-NO. 1 , $1.03. J TIMOTII v HCKI > t'rlmo , $3.02713.05. * I'OIIK Moss , per bbl. , $20.40Ji20.45 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. . tlU.4IVi 10.riO ; short libs , sides ( loose ) , H0.07'/10.10 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxedl , HO.OOttlO.20j short clear sides ( boxed ) , $10.25 C$10.00. > i WHISKY Distiller * ' , finished goods , per gal. tl.13. HUOAKB Unchanged ; cut loaf , Gc ; granu lated , 5 4-Dc ; standard "A , " OJic. The following were the receipts and ship ments for today : Now York Markets. NEW YOHK , May 17. Kixiiin Kecclpts , 30- 001 pkds. : exports , 4,703 hhls. ; 0,307 backs Bales , 17.500 pkKs ; mnrket moro active , easier ConN MUAI < Quiet , steady ; yellow tto-.tern 2.GB < a2.75. JlAituiv MAI.T Quiet , steady. WllKAT Hocelpts. 101,275 bii.s exports. 259- 297 bu. ; sales , 4,035,000 hu. futures ; 250,000 1m , spot. Bjiot markut fairly actlvo for nxportn lo lower , closing Rtundy ; No. 2 red , In store ) and elevator le lower , closing sternly nt77Jc ! nlloat , 78Jic ; f. o. h. 78 ifi878ic : utiKriiiletl rod 77U < S7BMc ; No. 1 northern , 70Jic. Options \vor i more active on roallzlnjiind lMUJi lower , as Influenced by the nnsuttled linanclal bltuntlon at homo nticf uliroad and on reports of rains In Kuropo ; No. 2 rud.Juno , 7H5f7Hic { ( loslns77KcJuly ; , 70480ic ! , closing 7'JHc AiiRust , hOJ CJSlJic , closlnc BOJic ; Soiitombor B2 ? IOlB3Vj , rlnshiK 82ft ; October , HnJi(284Hc ( closing 835ic ; December , 80Ji5i80c , loslnt CanH ItccolptH , 70,300 bu. ; exports , 140,287 1m. ; Rales , 250,000 bu. of futures und 80,000 uu. of spot. HpotH weaker on free Holllng , Ron- orally le lower ; No. a , 5KS52C In elovutor Ol.VijSSc nlloat. Options were dull , 2iT ( lK < lower as followhif ; wheat and reports of bet tor woatluir wuht ; Juno , 40uc ; July , 40 ic August , f)0Vc ; Heptumber , 50ji ; ; . OATS KocelntH , flBl.SOO bu , ; exports , 2,120 lit ) . | Kales , 180,000 bu. of futures and 151,000 bu. of spot. Bpots fairly active for exports llrnier. Options dull but llrmer ; Muy , UGc .luni > . 35 ( c ; Julv. 36Wc ; No. 2 white , 41ffl42c No. 2 Chicago , 8Q c ; No. 3. H5c : No. 3 white 41c ; mixed western , y6JJ@38c ; white western 4KTC48C. llAV Kalrly iictlvo , firm , Iloi'B Quiet but llrm , HIDES Dull and easy ; wet Raltod , No OrluuiiHbelectod , 40 to GO Ibs. , 4K Ge ; Texa holected , 50 to GO His. , Dtt7t ; ; lliienos Ayrn dry , 20108011)3. , lV ! > Je ; TOMIS dry , 20 to 2 His. , 12@12ic. } % I'HOVism.NB-Cut meats flrm.limrtlvc ; slioul ders , OiJf'tO'ic ; pickled hams , 13. > i < ai34'c ; mid dies , dull , llrm. hard , lower , iiulet ; nostori htonni closed , J10.H5 ; sales , U50 tierces a I10,8010.UO ; options , * alcs , none ; May closed f 10.50 ; July closed flO.UO ; Hepfombei closed * ! 1.20. 1'oiK moro active , steady ; olii OHEKHK Moderate demand , unsettled ; par bklms , 24i8e , Kalr demand , steady ; rocclpts , 0,70 pigs ; western frchh , 14'4'1 5c. TAi.J.ow-lull , easy ; city ifJ per plig. ) , nnked , UIITTONRKKU OiiQulnt , weak ; crude , 47c yellow , 50c. l'UTiHi.Kli > i-Tho market ns dull and neg. Ircted , not u single sale liuvlnt ; been reported IViiiibylvunhv oil , bpot biilo.s , none ; .hum oi > tlons , Miles noun. 58o bid all day ; J.lmu o ! tales none. 28Sio bid ; total bales , none , KosiN-Qulot , eaby. TuilI'KNTlNK Dull ! firm atnifI3Hic. HlCK-Qnlet , uiibyj fair to oxtru , sao > Jc Japan , 4iO4Vi ; MoiiAKKKS Now Orleans , open kettle , good I Choice , dull , Bteady , HUUAH Kiiw , iiulet , steady ; sales , 4.600 bag rentrliuguls , UO test , at 4e. and 1,800 Imp : molasses uugur , 80 test , ut ! lc ; retlncd , dull I'la IitON-Qulot , steady ! American , 112.70 ® Con-Eli Htcadlor : lake , f 10.80. IKAi > - Uiicliaiiged ; donit < stlc. 13.80. TIN Closedhtondy ; htrullb , 110.75 bidHO.OC nsked ; plates , dull , unchanged. pulturbtuady ilouiebtlc , W.2& , ; Cottou Market. NEW Ont.EANS. I.a. , May 17-Opcnedsteady ) rioted easy : good mlddllnif , 7 c : middling , 7Uc ; low luldllng , 7 0-lCc : good ordinary. OSc , iHutandgross receipts , Ib0balcsoxport ; coast- wlie. 3.4U7 bales ; sales , 2,050 bales ; hlock , 160,336 bales. Futures , quiet ; bales , 90,3(10 ( bales ! May , e7.16 ; Juno. 7. 8 < a7.SOi July. 17.25) ) August , 7.31 i7.3'JKi ! > pt lnbcr , 17.85 ® 7.88 ; October. t7.40 7.4l ! Novouibor , 17.44 ® 7.45j Decumbor , t7.607,61. Mttuclienter C'ouiuu-rclal ItoTlew. MANCIIESTKU , May 17. Thn Guardian. In Its Commercial article , uys ; The weuknesst In coltou uud the uucaiy fcvllug In reguiU to financial affalri h vo rnado buyers more cau tious. A iiioderatnhuslncMhaRhcenflxccutpd , however. Home low priced ntiMnes * la nnalt- Ing arrnngemont under fnlllng priced nnd n premuro to soil. Indln Is ficiullng orders for stnnll quantities to meat , the iirobnblo wants of llio 1'oojiili sea on. Heavy Koodxhnvo old sparingly. A prolonged stoppage of looms Is being planned to KO Into effect at Whitsuntide. A smiill inlscollancotis buslncis Is doing Iu printing and ( Inhlilny clotli i.y rn are nat. t'roducn .Market. Ari'l.ES-ChoIco stock , J3.75a4.00 per bbt. S Choice slilpulng slock , { 3.50 per 24-qt. case. I-KHo.vs-Cliolcc , ti.25Q4.CO : fancy , 14.75 ® D.OO. HANAJJAS Per bunch , Including crates and packing , t2.0022.60. I'lNKAiM't.KS 1'cr dor. , 2.00a2.25. Oiusnns-NewcBstlo California seed Units , } 2r 0 ; Newcastle Mediterranean sweets , J2.50 ; Cnllfornl.'i tnountaln oi.ingos , IQ n .OO ; WashhiKtou navels , choice , 14) ) Washington navels , largo sires , 1.1.6033.75 : Hlvorsldo Kcrdltngs. < 2.75i llcdlunds , 12.76 ; Kcdlamls , 128sUc. < 2.50. Unas , OA in , rom.Tiir. IlUTTKri-I'acklnc slock , liatZci fair to good country roll , 1214c. Kor.sOcnernl market , 12c. 1'otli.TKV-t'liolco hcn , Oc ; mixed coops , "i l 6c ; olci roosters , 6lOc ; gceso and ducks , tiuOc VKOKTADLES. I'KAS1'crbu. . box , tl.001.10. HLASS Cholco navy. f2.20Q2.30 ; common stock , tl.003,2.00. I AUmilNIA I'AllllAOE I'crlb. , 8. ! . HOUTIIKH.V I'AIIIIAOE Per crutc , 13. ( JtJCUMliEns Choice , per doz. , J1.60. WAX llKANB1'crbu. > . hot. § 1.00(21.10. ( .STIII.MI lliMNa Per H-bu , box , II , HPISAUII Per bbl. , 12.00. ASI'AHAtlUS I'crdoz. . GWi7Gc. ( l.r.TTtici : I'er doz. , 365J40C. HAtusiiKrt I'ordoz. , 26' < ? ,30c. I'Alisi.BV I'or doz. , 25B30C. TOP ONIONS I'cr doz. , 'JO&'JBc. I'OTATOns Colorado stock , f 1.10al.20 : Wis consin burbanks , $1 ; western Nebraska , tl , IMF. I'l.v.NT I'er 60-lb. boxes , (1,20. Nr.w lir.r.TS I'cr do/ , bunches , 76c. Niw : ( UniiOTS Per doiu bunches , 76c. NKW TuiiNit'S I'or dor. bunches , 76c. SguARll-l'or bu. bov , $1.601.70. . .i.ii. iuirA waiuan Per iiu. box , J2.2B. Nuw I'OTATom Southcrn.per bbl.$5 ; porbtt. box , $2 ; California , uor II ) . , 3J4c. Musmioo.MS I'cr market Iniskct , tl. WATEH CHESS 1'ur 10-qt. box , M.75. MIBCIII.ANIOUS. : : HA v The market on good upland hay , $7.00 © 7.70 In car lots. ViAi/-ChoIco and small fat , 7O8)Sc ) ; largo and thin , 30c. St. I.ouli Mnrkcte. ST. Louis. Mo. , May 17. Fioun Un changed. WiiiiAT-lJilUuc lower ; No. 2 red , cash , C9 ! c ; May , G8 ; c ; July , 72c. C'oitN IJic lower ; No 2. mixed , cash , SQUc ; May , SOUR ; July. 40c. OATS-Nomlniil ; No. 2 cash , 32ic. $ I'novisiONS Dull , shade loner. Pork , stan dard mess , J21. I.ard. * 10. Dry salt moats , loose sliouldor.s , J10nngt ; \ iinilrlbj , 810.40 ; shorts , 810.00. llncon , sboit packed shoulders , # 10.25 ; .short ribs , * llG2i. ! Hams , sugar cured , 1314c. UtiTTEH UnclianRccl ; cholco creamery , 21 ® 32c ; cholco dahy , 19 < ? 20c. Uucnil'TS-l-'lour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 00,000 bu. ; oats , 80,000 bu. ; rye , 'Siill'MENTS Flour , 27,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , 80.000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu.j rye , Kuns.iit City .Murkotfl. .Murkotfl.WHEAT -WHEAT Weak ; ' , 7470c. " 30HG36C ! OAT8-Mffl5ic'lowcr ; No. 2 mixed , 28i20ic ! ; ; No. 2 white , 32a32ic. ! KYB ririn ; No. 2 , OOflGOc. FLAX SKCI > Loner : 03O'J4c. IlllAN Kirm ; GGG7o. llAY-lllBher ; timothy , JQ.OOffilO.OO ; prairie , liurrcu Weak nnd declining ; creamery , 201623c ; dairy , 1820c. Kuofl Unsettled ; lie. HECKHTS Wheat , 17,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , 1.000 bu. Hiiii'ME.NTS Wheat , 24,000 bu. ; corn , 7,000 bu. ; outs , 3,000 mi. Collco Market. NKW YOHK , May 17. Options opened barely steady at 0 to 10 points de cline ; closed barely steady , 0 to 10 points down ; sales , 25,200 baits , Incluillnf , ' : May , S10.G5 ® 15.65 ; June , $15.30 ; July. $15.10 15.30 ; AURiist , J10.00O15.20 ; September , 814.85 ® 15.05 ; December , * 14.7014.05 ; Spot Klo , steady , quiet ; No. 7 , * 1G.37'J. riiiladolplila Grain Market. PiiiLAnKU'iiiA , Pa. , May 17. WHEAT Market weak and lower ; No. 2 , red May , 7u > 5 ® 7Gc. Coux Options ruled firm ; quiet , weaker ; No. 2 , ml.\ed Jlay , 5050ic. ! OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 , white audMay,40i ! ® ( Minneapolis U'lieat Alurkot. MiNNEAi'or.ts , Minn. , May 17. Illddlng was of a forced character today , largely offering by scalpers ; the cash maricot was unfavorably fiiroutcd by the weakness of futures ; No. 1 northern , bi4'c ( ; No. 1 ! northern , 04(3iCec. ( Ite celpts , 203 cars. ClOiOi.Muy , 04JiC ! July , G7 > ic ; September , 70ic. Toledo ( iriiln JMurkct. TOLEDO , O. , May 17. WHEAT Active , lower ; No. 2 , cash and May , 72c. COKN- Dull and easy ; No. 2 , cash and May , 46 ic. OATS Dull ; cash 33c. liiiKliiioro Uraln . nAT.TiMOiu : , Md. , May 17. WHEAT Weak ; No. 2 red , -pot and May , 70JXc. Con.N Ml.\cd , spot and May , OO' c bid. OATS Finn ; No. 2 , whlto western , 42c Noiv York Dry Goods JMurkot. NnwVonK , May 17. The dry goods market was unchanged today. Demand continued without any conspicuous Improvement. I.oniUm Oil Miirkpt. LONDON , May 17. LINSEED Ou/-20s 3d ® 20s4Jid per cwt. 20s 7'/id pcrcwt. Itnvanu Sucur Mnrket. HAVANA , May 17. Quiet : holders arc too high for buyers , consequently nothing has been done. London Financial Itovloiv. 1893 buJames Gordon Uennett } LONDON , May 17. [ Now Yo'k Herald Cable Special to TUB HUB. ] Except Just for the first hour this was again a very uncomfortable day on the Stock u.vchango. Although the tendency at the close shows some signs of Im proving , holders of tuost classes of securities again suffered rather severely. Consols have given way from 5 1-0 to 6 ? percent. Foreign government securities have shown consider able depression , especially South American stocks. Argentine customs have fallen from 1 to lit per cent , Peruvian debenture 3 per cent , Peruvian preferred U per cent , Mex ican Os ly per cent and Costa Hlca bonds 3i } per cent. Homo rallwuvs were largely sold In connection with the out standing accounts ut 1 per cont. Flatness was very pionouncod , but the tendency was rather better at the close and final prices , were not the worse. Americans , soon aftur the opening , became Hut an heavy realizations , but during the afternoon have hliown more strength. Northern Pacific prefeience.s show a rise of 2 ! < percent ; Norfolk & Western , preferences and Atclnson Income bonds , ? i per cent ; Atchlslon ordinary , } i per cent , and most others , ! i to ' ,4 per cent. Canadians were rather better than they have been , but Cana dian Pacific still shows a fall of 1'iner cent. and Grand Tiunk Issues from ' ( to ! i percent .Money was In geed demand. Hhort loans weio chaiged 3 to 4 per cent. The discount market was tcry firm. Three months bills were granted at from 4 to 4U per cent. STOCKS AND liOND.3. 1'rlccs Declined nt the Opening but a Itally Occurred Later. Nctf VOIIK , Slay 17. There was a decidedly hot lor fooling In stock circles today. At the start prices ran on * from } J to IX percent In sympathy with a break In London , but It soon becamu evident that the decline was duo to manipulation from this bldu and a rally promptly ensued. There was good buying of stocks generally and the Vanderhllts were credited with liberal purchases of their special ties. After the market had enjoyed a sub stantial advance , the ban began to hauimar tholUtand u reaction of U to 1 per cent cn- biuul , but thu decline hud the effect of checkIng - Ing trading. On thu other hand , as soon as the market started on the uuward track again specula tion became lively and after delivery hours was characterized by a positively buoyant tone. The short interest was considerably alarmed and limit quotaIons ) were nnywhcro from ) i t ( > 4Hpercentaboru lubt nlght'H Unuls. When thu demand became greater , the flouting supply had been materially reduceii by recent purchubcs for Investment. Tlio borrowing du- niand was active and the market was full of btop'lo.ss orders placed by the bears , who wished to limit Uuilr losses. The announcement that arrangements had been made for funding the floating and other debts of the Northern Pacific through thu Instrumentality of thu Rockefellers and other wealthy capitalists , had a marked Influence , usuUo the statements that the financial con dition of the National Cordage company Is much better than had been supposed u week orsuago. The market closed strong with un advancing tendency. Iu 1U review of the stock market , the Post says : Hero and there It was evident t but or ganized bhorts were operating for the rise. This was true of Northern 1'uclflc preferred , of Distilling certificates , and especially of National Cordugo , With the last named vtock burnout the speculators who dabbled In it In ' Ui * 70' Mciund oace wore ( o bodlrcct- Ing npcratlons-not n Altnacthrr cncournRlng Klgn. Northern 1'ncinc stock ran up n point or more on heavy trading , the room Irador con tingent learning today what everybody else know a fortnight ago , that the organization of nstronK collateral trust note syndicate had been practically assured. The following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex change today : Atchinon Northern 1'ncino. . . ! & * ' Adirnt U 1.V , do preferred 38 Alton , T. u as Northwettcrn. . , . , . 107H rte profcrrctl . 140 do prtferred , , , . 183 ! < American Ki | < roi > . lit N. Y. Central. . , , , , ' UMilmoro AUhlo. . 77 N. Y. AN. R Cnnocln t'nclflo . Ontario A Western Ci\n ( li Fonthern. . Or PRO n Imp Ccntrnl I'ncinc . Urcxon .VftT < 'hot. A Olilo . 19H O. t ) . I , . AU. N. . . . Cblc.ico , t Alton. . . 130 I'aclflcMalt 18 c. n. A y 8f , I'eorlal ) . A I ! 18HM . " 148 ConiolldMcd ( ! . . ill" Pullman miacD , . , . 17TK C C. U. A St. I , . Heading , , . . . . Totton Oil Cctt. . . . lllebraond Tor Del. llndKon. . . . . . . do proferrrd J ) . I , . A , W . Illodrnndo W . . . . zo I > . All ( > . pI'iK. . . 43 do preferred , . . . 11. AC. r. co . Hock Island RftitTcnn . . . . . . St. 1'aul Krlo . do preferred Kilo preferred . St. Paul A Omaha. . KottV jpne. . . . 1Wm do preferred. . . . lin ( U. .Northern pfil. m Southern 1'aclflc , , . O. AK. lll.i.f . ( t . . . P5 HuKtrlloflnorr Hocking Valley. . . . 23 Tcnn. CoM .Vlron. Illinois Ccnirnl , . . . 23M Texan 1'aclllc St. 1'nul.V Uuluth. 83 Tol. AO. Con. iif'd Kan. A Tex. rf'O , . Union 1'flcino l.nko lrlc A Well. . ' ' ' " do preferred , . . . . W. St.'li. A'P ! ! . ! l.nko Shore . do preferred. . . . I.oml Trnnt . Wells tnrt-o Kxp , . 140 l.oulivlllo A .Nnsll. Western union , . , . loul . , V NewAl'br , 'lii-ollng A T. K , . 13 Mnnlmttnn Con. . , . 131't do prolcrroil. , , , . 47 .Momii'ls.V Clu'i'n. 4U Minn. ABt. 1. Mlchlunn Central , , 4UW I ) . All. (1 Mlsiourl I'aclOC. . . B'J General Kloctrlc. . Mobile i Ohio . IS Nat. Lin ISWl NacliTllle , V Chatl. Wl Colo. Kiu'l A Iron. National Conlaga , 20 do preferred. . . . do profcrroil. . . . . tl ] Tol. A. A. A N. M. N. J. Central. . . % . . Tol. St. I , . A K. 0. Norfolk ft w. pfd. do preferred 20 North American Co IU The total sales of stocks today were 805,000 shares , Including : Atchlson , 13,200 ; Chicago , llurllngton & ( Julncy , B.ooo ; Chicago ( Jns , 14,700 : Delaware , I.ackawannaestorn , 0'JOO ; Distilling and Cattlofeedlng , 23,000 ; Krlc , 3,400 ; General Klcctrlc , 0.400 ; J-onlsvIlIo & Nashville , 0.40(1 ( ; Manhattan , 0,200 ; Missouri Pacific , 7,800 ; Now York Con- tral.4,400 ; National Cordage , 17,000 ; Northern Paclllc , . preferred , 10,700 ; North American , O.iiOO ; bonding. 0,000 ; Hock Island. (5,400 : St. Paul , 4,300 ; Sugar,7.100 ; Western Union.0,100. Gloomy London Kxchanuo. LONDON , May 17. A cable received this morning announced the suspension of the Koynl Hank of Queensland , limited. Although the suspension was expected , the announce ment of the event Increased the gloom on the .Stock o.\chango and generated numerous rumors probably groundless. The real cause of the depression was that needy holders were forced to make liquidations. After the olllcial close of the Stock exchange - change , American railroad stocks strengthened and became distinctly firm on the street with u strong upward tendency. Northern Paclllc roso2 } < uerccnt , AVabasb , St. I.ouls & il'aclflu ordinary , picferrcd , and Atchlson Income ro'io U percent , and most others from ! S to U tier cent. Foreign securities , and especially poutli Americans , were much depressed , and all Australian socurlt les wore lower and hardly b.ilcablo. Now York Money Mnrket. NEW Yonic , May 17. MONEY ON CAM/ Easy nt 2&3 per cent ; last loan 2 per cent , closing offered at 2 per cent. I'IIIMB MKHCHNTH.K I'APEII C8 per cent , STKIU.INO EXCIIAJ > OE Firm , with actual business In bankers'bills at J4.B4y i4.80 for sixty days and ? .H9 < a4.B9'J for demand. UovEit.NiiE.NT lloNus Steady. State bonds dull. dull.Tho The closing quotations on bonds : UU. W. lobonti'r'tt U. a. 4s coup St. I , . A I , M. CScn.ti U. S. 4 srcB O'J fctU AS. F. Uen. M. 1U5 1'acllleiii of'M 105 St. 1'nul Coinills. . . . Louisiana Btmpcd 4s St. P. , C. A 1 * . Intl. . . Missouri ( is T. 1' . L. O. Tr. llctit. 40 Tcnn. new setc'a. . . . 100 T. P. It. Q. Tr. HctB. 19 Tenn. new ict5s . . . 100 Union I'aclHolBtB. . 101 ! Tenn. now pcUIa. . . tl WcstShoro ( 'nnnila Boutliorn 3s 102 II. U.V. . Ista o Control rnclllc l tu. 100 Atch. 2H . elliBj A. . 40 D. A It. U. let 114 ( I. 11. AH. A. is 100 1) . All. O , 4 O. II. AH. A. 2(1 SB. . 102 Krle Sds II. AT. C.6s. M. K. AT. Gen. fis. . 70 do Con. CB SI. K. AT. ( Jen. 5 . 43H N' . Carolina C Mutual Union Os. . . . 109 N. Carolina 4s N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . . 111 H. C. llrownCon. . - 100 N. 1'ac. lits Tonn. old ft 02 N. 1'nc. 2d Va.Ufl 60 Reading 73H. Va. Ex-Mat , coup. . SI ) N. W. consols 134 Vn. cons. . 2d imrles. 60 llogton Stock CJuotiitlong. rllOSTON , Mass. , May 17. Call loans , 636 per cent ; time loans , C7 per cont. Closing quo tations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : Atcb. , T. A S. K. 2IIH WOBttnuli. I'.li'L-lrlc. . Alncr. Sugar B1J < do preferred. . . . . . dopreforred 85 Wisconsin Central. liny bUto lias 11 Atchlson 2da 1)011 Telephone 181 dO 43 Io ! ton icAlbnnr. . . 210 Now England Ga Boston A Maine. . . . 1K.I General Kloctrlc lit , . do preferred 110 WIB. Central Is..A. C. II , AQ f H AllouczMlnlngCo. . Ren. Klectrlc BJH Atlantic llllnolaSleel 76 lioaton A Montana. . Moxlcnn Central. . . . fiu Ilutto A Boston. . . . N. V. & N. 1C 27 Calumet A llccla. . . Old Colony 151 Centennial Oregon Hhortl.lno. . 11 Krnnklln Itulibcr 4 ] ICenriargo Sun lllCRO , 11 Qnceola. . . . Union 1'nclli : 30 Qulncy WestlSnd liH "unta KeCopper. . . . doproforrod81 Taumrack asked. Hun Francisco Mlnlmr ( luotatlons. SAN I < "n\NCIHCO , Cal. , May 17. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : Alia 10 Mexican 13U llclchcr 105 Mono 10 Host A llclclior 115 Nnvcjo 10 llotllo Consolidated. 25 Oplur 1115 llnlwcr. 15 I'otoil 2:5 Chollar 76 Kavuge 80 Con'dCal. A Vtt 1J ! blorra Nevada W Crown Point 70 Union Consolidated i < 0 OonM A Curry 80 Utiih 6 llalo ANorcross. . . . 70 Vollow Jnckot (0 Now York Milling : Ou < ilntlon , NEW YOHK , May 17. The following are the closing quotations ut mining blocks on the New York board : Cronu Point W 1'lymoutb bu Con. . Cal. i. V 176 Sierra Nurado 75 Doailivooil 80 Standard 12.1 Gould A Curry & 5 L'nlon Con SO llulo A Norcrosi . . . CU Yellow Jacket U lloincstako 1750 Iron bllvcr 16 Mexican 110 Quick Silver. 250 Ontario 1450 do preferred 1200 Oplilr 176 llulncr 20 Note * . KANSAS CITY , Mo , , May 17. Clearings , J4- 040,103. NEW YonKMay 17. Clearings , ? llo,885,001 ; balances , J5.070.t50. PAIUS , May 17 , Three per cent rentes , 07f 12 : c for the account , o NEW ORLEANS. La. , May 17. Now York exchange , commercial 7fic per $1,000 prem ium. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. . May 17. Clearings , J1G- 603,134 ; balances , J2.317.043. Money , 4 > i pur cont. IlALTiMonE , Mil , May 17. Clearings , $2- GGO.B07 ; balances , 040,4BB. Money , 0 per cent. LONDON. May 17. Amount of bullion pone Into the llank ot England on balances today i'01,000. MEMPHIS. Tonn. , May 17. Now York exchange - change helling at (1.00 premium. Clearings , J251.800 ; balances , 70,2l8. CINCINNATI , O. , May 17. Mouov , 07 per cent. Now York exchange , par to 46c pre mium. Clearings. J2.224.000. HAVANA , May 17. Exchange , firm : on the United States , short sight gold , ll'iu prem ium ; foreign , 20Ud premium , HOSTON , Mass. , May 17. Clearings , (10,034- 393 ; balances , Jl.7B4.839. Money at (3 ( per cent. Kxcliange on New \ork 0 tolOcuU- count. KT. LOUIS , Mo. . May 17. Clearings , (3,010- 050 ; balances , (404,017 , Money quiet at G8 per cent. Exchange oil New York , OOo premium * mium , CHICAGO. III. . May 17. Clearings. (17,8 JO.- 074 , Now York exchange , 40c premium. Htor- llng exchange llrm ut } 4.U5i ! for sixty-day bills and H.HlHi for sight drafts. Money bome- what cutler , 7 per cent. OMAHA r.tvi : STOCK MA.ICKRTS. Cuttle Trade Still lloinorallzed In Kverjr Aspect Hugn llxtrouiely Uncertain. WEDNESDAY , May 17 , Itecelpts of all kinds wore again light today , the three days' supply compared with receipts for the first three days of last week showing a falling off of about 2,000 cattle , 6,300 hogs uud 1,200 bheop. There was no Improvement In the cuttle market ; In fact , prices were anywhere from weak to a dime lower than Tuesday. This makes u decline this week of fully 25c , and blnco the early part of last week of fully half a collar. The trade 1s practlcully demoralized. Apparently no one wants any cattle , while tha offerings uro liberal enough to supply a fairly vigorous de mand. Shippers did rather more trading than on the two preceding days , but It took low prices to muko them buy. The demand from dressed beef houses was as usual , Indif ferent , and sellers hud llttlo cholco. Pretty good 1,351-Hi. cattle sold as low an (4.16. and (4.00 was the top for choice cuttle of about the sumo weight. Good to choice 040 to 1.175-Ib. Bt cre bold at from (4,10 to (4.0 , while fair to poor light grades bold at from (3.76 to 4.10. Uwas u dull , moan market from start to finish , and the supply was by no moans ex hausted ut the close , Iluyora hit the cow market hard today. They had the advantage of unusually llbvrul offer- v lnc , aboutn , Itiltrt of the entire w > cclP\S \ nnd miccoododI\tljhout much difficulty In taking qir frotrdloj to 23c. The food fat cows nnd holfcrs wore not o much lower M the yonrllng . but as the Utter constituted the bulk of the oRMlng ? , aollcM repotted n very unsatisfactory trnde. Sales IncludPd poor to prime cows anil 'heifers at from (2 to (4.10. with the hiilk'.nf the fair to good butchers1 stock .at.from f tl to3.GJ. ( horc was an easier feel Ing Intfltf market for rough slock of all kinds , fair rtftholco bulls , oxen and slags selling at from.S3.ip to (4.10. The calf market was steady , giMHUo cholco veals sclllnc ut front (4.25 to Ji.25. with common largo stock as lowas(2.1DT < There was moro Activity and n bettor tpno to the stacker and feeder trado. The low prices tirovnllluei Iho past few days have re sulted In speculators supplies being pretty well cleaned up. A fair number of fresh cattle wcro received today nnd the regular dealers bought them ffcfvly nt rather tinner prices. Falcs were mosuV'iU from (3CO to ( t. Kcprc- scntamo sales L' snn nr.Er. No. Av. IV.- Av. 1'r. 18. . .1037 M78 .1060 14 25 2. . .1030 8 75 7. . .1023 4 25 13. . . 804 B 00 Ql. . .1185 4 25 ' . 880 n oo 27. . .1040 4 25 07 ! . . 041 0 00 14. . .1109 4 30 38. . .1328 4 00 08. . . 080 4 30 20 . . 801 4 10 10. . .1103 4 30 21. . .1047 4 10 C2. . .1140 4 32i ! 4. . . 732 4 10 * ' .1058 4 30 22. . .1131 4 10 7 . . .1048 4 35 18. . .1174 10. . .1250 4 30 25. . .1271 4 15 ' ' .1480 4 35 19. . .1351 4 15 Zl' . , .1101 4 40 33. . .1138 4 20 40. . , .1400 4 45 18. . . 940 4 20 14. . .1200 4 60 3. . .1030 4 20 B2. . .1354 4 65 21. . ,114'J 4,25 20. , . , .1248 4 50 SlIll'l'lNO AND EXrOIlT , 2. . .1116 4 00 1300 4 40 1. . .1140 4 00 02. 1168 4 45 2. . .1000 4 05 41. 1175 4 60 20. . .1180 4 10 40. 1282 4 60 4. . .1157 4 80 41. 1248 4 60 .1344 4-10 24. 1333 4 GO MIXED. 3 . OUR 3 80 40. 805 4 10 2 7HO 3 80 20. lone 4 no 0 008 400 27. ; . . . . ooo 4 35 YUA11UNO.S. 1. . . 780 250 24 . 710 4 00 . G34 325 20 . 022 4 20 COWS. . DCO 200 1. . .1200 8 25 . 750 2 00 1. . .1130 3 20 . 853 2 10 0. . .1045 8 20 . 883 2 25 3. . .1113 3 25 . 080 2 20 0. . .1054 3 25 . 085 2 25 11. . . 808 3 PO . 080 2 25 0. . .1063 3 80 . 830 a 20 1. . .1020 3 30 . 005 2 25 20. . . 8R8 B 30 . 050 2 25 o " .1185 8 30 .1280 2 40 4" . 087 3 40 .105(1 ( 2 40 3. . . 050 U 40 .1050 2 50 3 . . 000 3 40 . 020 2 50 1. . .1220 3 60 .1040 2 60 .1100 3 60 . 000 2 50 ' ' .1080 3 60 . 760 2 60 .1021 3 50 .1130 2 50 0. . . 080 3 65 .1030 2 76 8. . . 003 3 70 .1050 2 75 3. . .1030 3 70 . 800 2 75 1. . .1220 3 70 .1080 3 70 n .1370 8 70 .1040 3 00 is. ; . 828 3 80 . 887 3 25 12. . .1055 3 80 .1040 a 20 i. . .1250 U 80 1IE1FEI13. . 420 200 7. . . 074 3 40 . 4GO 2 50 80. . . 605 9 60 . 400 8 00 1. . . 690 U 60 . 450 8 00 27. . , . 704 3 50 . 3G4 3 00 80. . , . G74 3 70 . 085 8 00 IB. . , . 711 8 76 22. . 071 8 30 11. . . 700 8 80 28 . 789 3 30 70 . . B04 4 10 28. . cia 8 80 CALVES. . 290 2 10 1 200 4 75 . 200 3 SO 2 120 4 70 . 180 4 20 1 200 5 00 . 120 4 50 1 150 6 00 . 140 4 60 1 150 6 20 . 130 4 75 uni.i.s. .1620 12 50 .IftlO 8 10 .1010 2 50 IB. . 888 B 20 .1350 2 70 1. . 840 8 20 .1200 2 70' 1. . 810 3 25 .1400 ' 2 80 1. .1370 3 25 .1780 2 00' ' 4. .1092 3 25 .1800 3 00 1. .1680 3 25 .1840 8 00 1. .1040 3 20 .1230 ,3 00 2. .1580 3 25 .1030 8 00 1. .1GGO 3 30 . 600 8 OO 1. .1600 8 30 , . 000 B OO .1400 3 30 .1050 8 00 i ? ; . 780 3 35 , . 010 3 00 i.i. . .1410 8 60 .1840 3 00 , i. . 700 4 00 , .1730 3 00' 1 890 8 50. 1 1350 4 10 r OXEN. 2 14GO .276 2 1930 4 00 BTOCKKnS AND FEBUKUS. 1 4GO " 2 2G 4 512 3 403 1 B50 2 75 1 660 3 40 5 720 , ,3 00 7 G17 3 40 2 475' 'BOO 2 547 8 CO 2 740 , ,8 10 83 789 3 50 2 710 326 t > 5 583 3 50 2 735 325 1 760 3 50 1 620 326 171 781 3 00 0 548 320 20 1057 3 00 5 484 8 36 21 1087 4 00 WESTEHN CATTLE. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 63fdr . . . .7Gl 1370 lstrtlg..830 J2 25 1 air tig..810 230 4strtlg..737 2 35 Bfdrs..920 200 HOGS The run was comparatively light , but G8 cars , and the quality only fair. The mar ket was simply a cao of disappointed hopes. On very bullish news from Chicago , a good shipping and speculative demand and rather limited supplies , the market opened up very brash with prices Oc to lOc higher than Tues day. Uoodliogs of all weights sold at $7.30 und 17.40 , with one Debt load at $7.45. Com mon Unlit grudoH and rough heavy and mixed hogs sold largely at 47.30 und $7.35. News of the decline in hogs and provisions at Chicago boon changed the aspect of affairs , buyers de clared nil early bids oft and bought good hogs at $7.20 and $7.30 , or huidly as high ns Tues day. The close was Hat and fully 1,000 hogs were loft In the pens on which bids were from $7.15 to $7.25. The big bulk of the hogs .sold at from $7,30 to J7.40 , as against $7.23 and $7.35 on Tuesday and $7.45 and $7.55 one week ago today. Iteprcscntutlve hides : Bit. 1'r. 120 $7 20 7 26 200 7 25 7 27 } j 1 80 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 80 7 30 7 SO 7 30 7 80 7 30 7 30 7 80 7 30 7 ? K 7 85 7 85 7 80 7 86 7 85 7 85 SIIKKP There was no change In the wltuatlon today. Kustorn markets uro still moro or less dcmorallrod , nnd with the houses nil full , kil lers are In no hurry to buy e\cunt at uither low UKiires. The ono load received today did not sull , as buyers' hid * weru too low jo meet the roller's views. Quotations are nominally as follous : Fair to good natives , )4.505.50 : fair to good westerns , $4.00ii,0.50 ; common and stock slieop , $ 'J.5Oi 4oO ; good to choice 40 to" 100-lb. lambs , t5,00 < S .25. Itecelpts mill DUpont'iiii of Stock. Ofllclal receipts and disposition of stock a. shown by the booka-of the Union Stouk Yards company for thu twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p. i . 'AIay 17 , 1693. ' J iVlCKU'TS , CATTLK. BIIEEI * IIUHSKS & JII.B Can , Head He/id Cars. Head Can. Head 110 2.030 Tfaa 181 10 "PISPOSITIOX- Omaha Packlnv C < 28 ? " v 010 Tlio U. II. Hammond Co > 43 nb Bwlft A Co U.MIV. : " 43) sai TlieCudmbjI'nrtlugX'o 784 1.17U Clilfniio I1 , &P. Co.i. 84J Blnclnr. . CU2 A , Haas . , / . . , > . 269 It. Decker & Dctan , . . ' , . 100 VanitutA CRIVT- , 8 * tiblppers and/e Uor - . . S61 l.cftUTcr. . . 400 1,000 Total. . 4.C7D Olilcngo I.tve Stuck Mnrkot. CHICAGO , 111. , JUy l7.-H'pecInl [ Teloeram to TUB llEK.-Heecliits ] of rattle rontlnued light There ueru Ieb9 than 14,000 of ull grades uni more tliuii 11,000 natives , but there were enouKli-iiiore tlinn eiioueli , That such wan thocuse Is evident from the fact that the pens could not be emptied ut < the prices curren curlier In the week. Jitlyors were slow In h'et- tlnn to work , and It WHS well along toward noon before truUIui ! was fairly under way. fcio far us competition was concerned there was none of It , and holder * had to accept lower Drtcei or curry their stock over. There was it decline of lOctolOc In moat descriptions , und there were cattle for which buyers could not be found ut that reduction , Quotations rangui nt Jl.&O to 4 for cows and heifers , U1.70 to 13.00 for bulls , (4 to to for drcbsed beef unU bhlpnlng fcteers and 11.66 to 14.60 for Texas cuttle. About 3,600 Texaui wcro Included Iu tlin receipts. OpeuluB 1'rlccs for Uoga were a llttlo bettor KWt 3V'- Imn for Tuovlny , bu ( the early flrmn s only rniiUhrd , and before 6 o'clock ( ho ninrkot hnd eccded to a point tc below that day * prices , kulng quotatloni were $7.25 to $7oo for > oor to prime llinit , nnd $7.35 $7,05 for medium nnd heavy , were llirco si\1o * nt $7.70 nd n < low in from M.&O to 10.75 wnsnc opted for cnll nnd llttlo pig * . 1'roni f7.00 to 7.05 vrus paid for the bulk of the hog- ) , the tmllty nvcrnqliiRRood. There was a good demand for nhcrp nnd limbs nnd both mnrkots nvornsed n trine dglicr. root to extra sheep were quoted at rom 13 tofO , nnd snlos of Inmbt wore on n ) .v > ls ot from 5,75 toS7.40forpoor too.xtrn vooleil. llecelpts ! Cnltlo. 13.500 hcndi calves. 000 pjrtj lions , 17.OOO hoMl ; jiheep , 10,000 hcnd. The KvcnltiR Joiirnnl rotiorls ! \TTI.K Uecolpts , 13,000 hcnd ! shlpmonts. ,000 hend ! market stonily ! prices weak to rlllo lowers top sales today , ? D.OOft5.40 ! no ixtni steers' common , mixed , { 4.6034.05 ; Texuni , slendy. Ilooa-Hecefpts , 21.000 hend ; shipment' , i.UOO head ; market Htondy : mixed , 7.4f > ire 7.65 ; heavy , 17.0037.70 ; light , J7.50a7.65 ; plES , I0.60i67.25. PIIKEP Uecclit. | , 10,000 head ; Milpmont" , .600 head ; ninrkot nctlvo , stesuly ; clipped To.xnns , 4.403 , 70 | clipped nntlvo uud west erns , 85.OOS5.GO ; Innibs , 5.767.75. \visTiu : > r IMOKINU ixTinir.sxs. Moroment of lings Conildernbly inlnrcd _ the I'll itVock. . CINCINNATI , O. , May 17. ( Special o Tun IIIE.I : Tomorrow's Vrlco Current will my : Tim movement of hogs enlarged the last week. Total western pacKlnR SMfi.OOO , com- larcd wllh''OO.OOO last week und aiS.OOO last year , nmklnx 1,010,000 slnco March 1 against J,305UOO last , year. lromlnont places com pare as follows : CITIES. IbVl. .hlcago CJ5.000 8SO.OOO Kansas Cltr. , , , 803,000 31S.OOO Oraatm 185,000 10VOOO St Iionla 123.0 > 1 114,000 JlnclnnMI 04,000 PO.O/J iDitlAnntiolls , , , , 76.COO 1)3,000 ) Mllw nkuo C3.00U 78,000 Cedar-itnplds , . . 41.000 s.l > oo SU Jnxpiili M.OOO 88 000 "InurCltT " 47.003 4 .UUO S'obrankn Cltj. , 86.000 (1,000 Oitumrrn 4D.OOO 33.000 Pfnw York Il\u Stock Market. ONuw YonK , May 17. IIKRVIH Hocelpts , 1,048 nond : active , lOc higher ; poorest to best nntlvo steers , $4.00485.75 ; To\nns , f4.1O4.4Uj bulls nnd dry cows , J'J.OOir&4.26. Shipments today , l,38Hnimrtersof beef. UAI.VKS Hocelpts , 5,705 head ; active , ! ic hlcher : veals sold at 4.00iJJ0.75. SIIKII > AND IMMIH Uccolpts , 7,092 liondi sheep dull ; spring lambs almost unsaleable nt any ilsurp. llOQS Hccclpts , 4,840 , head ; host , $7.75. St. T.nuls Llvo Stork Market. PT. J.ouis , Mo. , Jlay 17. OATTM : Hocelpts , 1,200 head ; shipments , 700 head : market 15 lower ; native steers , J3.0O34.50 ; Toxatis , J3.10 (34.10. ( lions Hccolpts , 5,500 head ; shipments , 1,700 head ; strong , best going ut 17.70 ; bulk of sales , $7.20167.60. SllllEi' Hccolpts , 200 head ; shipments COO head ; fair , unchanged ; natives , M.OO&5.25 ; Toxaus , 33.50O4.60. ANOTHER MILK ORDINANCE. Health Oniclala Think They Now Have n l.awl'rciof I.lcpnso I'lan. Another inllk ordinance has been Intro duced In the council , and , If It is passed , it is said that it will hold this time and that the milk dealers will not bo able to knock it galley west in the courts as they have pre vious ones. When the last ordinance was carried into court nnd inid upon the shelf tha Board of Health concluded that the wisest policy waste to bide its time and incorporate into the charter n few needed changes. This was done and the powers of the city in licensing and regulating the sale of milk were in creased so as to coyer all of the points at issue. The new ordinance was then prepared - pared aim is now in the hands of the com mittee on police for investigation. It is very lengthy and It covers in detail every point and its provisions are very plain. It provides that each dealer shall bo li censed and registered within thirty days after the ordinance goes into effect , nnd annually on the flrst Monday of January or the llrst Monday of July thereafter pay the license fee. Kvery milk or cream vender shall pay the sum of $10 , and when moro than one wagon is required , $10 for each ad ditional wagon. For every milk , dairy or cow stable , whore the product is manufac tured exclusively in cheese or butter $10. For a violation of these provisions the of fender shall bo deemed guilty of n misdemeanor meaner , nnd iiucd not less than 80 nor moro than & 100. licenses shall only bo issued in the names of the applicants therefor and are not transferable. A provision of the ordinance that if en forced will bring jov to the heart of the housewife is that any vender who shall sell milk from which the cream or any part thereof has been taken , shall sell the same as skimmed milk , and the can containing the same shall be labeled "skimmed milk. " Also that any dealer shall he deemed guilty of n misdemeanor who sells or offers for sale any milk or cream that is unclean , diluted , impure , unhealthy , diseased , unwholesome , adulter ated or not of the standard quality , or fb which water or any other for eign substance has been added. No milk shall he sold or offered for sale If it contains more than 88 per cent of watery fluids or less than 12 per cent of total solids , of which total solids U of the per cent shall ho butter fat and the cream solid shall not contain less than 10 per cent of butter fat. Nothing ; in the ordinance shall bo con strued to prevent the sale of sour milk or buttermilk , provided the same is pure nnd wholesome and shall bo sold as such , Any member of the Board of Health or milk inspector or any other employu of the board may inspect milk , covrs , wagons , cans , stables , yards , pastures and surroundings , and require samples of milk to bo furnished for analysis. The ordinance pro vides for the appointment of a milk inspector specter , who shall inspect the milk of each vendor at least once a month or oftcner if required. EVERYBODY KICKED HIM. Men , Women and Ilcoj Have Fun AVIth Douglas County' * Sheriff. Sheriff Bennett had an Interesting tlmo in removing J. W. Manning from the Council property on an order of the court. The old man refused to bo moved , and whlto the sheriff was engaged in carrying out the belongings of the ousted tenant and depositing thorn in the street' ' ho pranced up und down lloursliing n hoe handle luid de manding to know what the ofllcer was nol to do with him. By way of answer the sheriff picked him up bodily and carried him twisting , kicking and squirming out to the roadside , nnd loft him there with an injunc tion not to venture upon the premises any moro. The hardest part of the order to execute was when it came to u liivo of bees that had to be taken away. The sheriff would rather have moved forty men than that bee hive , but it had to bo done , so ho camped on the premises until after night fall , nnd then sal lied forth with an immense blanket , iu which ho tightly wrapped the liivo nnd its animated contents. Hojolclng over his great coup , ho picked up the hive and proudly started for the adjoining premises , but it so happened that the blanket was not boo-tight , The sheriff had gone but u few steps when an idea seemed to strike him , for ho suddenly quickened his pace to n run and sprinted over the property line on the keen jump. Then ho dropped the hive , but he was u liable to stop exercising his leg muscles until ho ran into a wire fence soV' oral rods away. This performance was ro. cclved with every evidence of approval by n score of the neighbor women , who u short time before had gathered nnd discussed , "Oh , what u sltnmo" it was to oo u young man curry an old ni'in out Into the street. HTho sheriff was not ublo to convince them that it was not a job to tils liking and that RADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR baa proven an Infalllblo epeclflo for all denupo- menu peculiar to the female sexsuch as chronlo womb and ovarian dis eases. If taken In time It regulates and promotes healtliy action of all funo- Ilons of the generative organ ) . Young ladles at the ace of puberty , and older cne at the nvno- pause , will flndln It a heallr.fr , teething tonic. The blgheit recommen'Iatloni from promi nent physicians and thoia who have tried it Write for book "To Women , " mailed free. Bold byalldmegl'U. llitAnH proprietor ) , AtUnU , G . ; ho court And hot himself was rcsponnlblo for It. As ho snt In his ofnco yesterday flRiirlnjr out his ot > onso account ho Included ngood sited kicking Item , although It WAS ncorpornted In disguise. Ho will Insist on Irnwlng pay bccniiso the cjcctoo Kicked him .wlcc , nearly caving In his diaphragm , thn bees klcltod him on the Jaw and neck nnd when he shook his hat from his head In a vain effort to dlslodgo them ono of them loft , ho print of his heel on the spot where the hair restorer has not yet gotten in Us work. Added to this were the Innumerable kicks of : ho women that lllled his soul with wrathy ndlgnatton and a , scnso of prcat Injustice , and which would have cost him full many a vote for ro-clcetlon If I.lnpcnfclter's univer sal suffrage bill had become a law. DISTRICT COURT FOR A DAY. Iloirni ( Icta On on n Second Trlnt Wniitu rivn Tlioiinnnd from the V. t' . For the second tlmo during the present term of court a second trial hns saved n con victed criminal from going to the peniten tiary. The lucky man In this cnso Is J , 10. Downs , who was convicted on his llrst trial of highway robbery , the crime consisting of the knocking down of nn old man nt South Omaha nnd robbing him of $5. The Jury returned - turned n verdict declaring the defendant not guilty nnd hovns duly discharged. Kva M. Owens , administratrix of the estate of Ira I. . Owens , the fireman killed in the Union Pacific wreck nt Alda siding , has begun stilt ngnlnst the railroad company to recover $5,000 Oamngcs for the death of her husband. Barbara Hoesko wants a divorce from her husband , Hobcrt. on the grounds of cxtrcmo cruelty nnd habitual drunkenness. She al leges that when she was In dcllcnto health ho cauio homo ono night and knocked her down nnd kicked her , unit other wise brutally abused and maltreated her. She sets forth that she has always been a dutiful wlfo , but she draws the line on longer submitting to treatment of this kind. Hobcrt has a plcco of real estate that she wants turned over to her in order that the children may bo properly provided for and educated. J. W. Saunders , n gentleman of color , Is now undergoing trial on n clmrgo of receiv ing stolen property. Klllo Snumtors Is Jointly accused with him , but she has demanded and secured a separate trial. She was ono of the defendants in another case tried earlier In the term nnd in that secured a separate trial. It resulted in her conviction , although the other party was'acquitted. The case of the state vs.Georgo Miller will como up today in the criminal court. The defendant is charged with stealing property of the value of $23,711.M ) , the greater part of which was in promissory notes , nnd tlie unl- anco in clothing of various kinds and de scriptions. MADE THE CONCESSION- . Water \Vorko Coinpnny Will Lay a .Main to the Utlison .School. The American Water Works company has granted the concessions asked by the coun cil committco Iu putting in the water mains from Bancroft street to the Gibson school. The mains will bo put in by the company , three hydrants to be located on the easterly end of tho'llne , ouo at. the school , another nt about Second and the third at about Third street. Tills was agreed to by IJe- ceiver Hust on behalf of the company. The original intention was to locate seven hydrants , and four of them would bo in the timber and of use to no person. Mayor Bumis recognized this fact and vetoed the ordinance. Uimer the new arrangement the city will be saved $2-10 per year to the water fund , which is already very low. Qlilo'g Grand Army Men. CINCINNATI , O. , May 17. A Hamilton , O. , special to the Times-Star says that at the election of oflicors for the Ohio department Grand Army ot the Hopubllc today , L. II. Williams of Hiple.y. O. , was elected depart ment commander , receiving ! W out of MO votes. Commander Williams served during the war in the Fourth Ohio Independent cavalry and the Headquarters guard of Gen eral McPherson and General Howard of the Army of the Tennessee. J. S. Mason of To ledo was elected senior vice commander and Thomas Crafts of Toledo Junior vice com mander. Mrs. Allio W. Waddell of Mount Vernon , was elected president of the Women's licliof corps. Forty delegates were chosen to the national encampment. r ir N " rT'f * It Caret Coldi , Coughi , Bore Throat , Group , Infla- tan , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis nd Aithm * . A certain cure for Coniumptlon in first itagei , and a § ure relief la advances ttafei. TJiaatocce , You will ace the excellent effect efter taking the firit doae. Sold by dealera everywhere. Larje bottlea 60 cinta and 81.00. AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omalia Tent- Awning Wolf Bros & Co. , COMPANY. Maniiracturomor Tents , IIOIISK COVERS. Awnlnxi , oto , 70J and 111,1 Knrnnni Street. 705H. ICtll HCrcot , BAGS & TWINES Bcmls Omalia Bag COJIPANV. Importer' nnd manufac turers of flour sacks , burlapn , twl ne. BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coc Slios Company. Salesroom nnd Onlce-1107-IIOMUI HoirardSt l.-aotorr-III'J-H2l-ll2 ! Howard 8U We are tlio oXf.r llaniifajturori of lloots and 8 Wn J1 rnWoW/SSfna , * to all to Inspect onr D Kirkcndall , Jones & Aincr , Hand-Sewed COMPANY. Wholesale mfrs , agents llostop HHOECO..boot . shooa Ilubberhboa Co. 11U-- mid rubber ooil . liUd- HOt-IIOi ) lUrnor ftruet , U1U llnrnoy Btre t. COAL , COKE. CORNICE. Omatta Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works Jlfr .K4lTanlieJ Iron cor 1,1 MK CO.Uan1 nnd soft nice , window caps , mo- coal , H. K.cor , ICtli unj tulle skTllKbts , ctc-.Uoa Douiflus titruct. and UWPuduoblroot. DRY GOODS. M. E. smlth& Co. Kilpatrick-KocliDry ( iOOIS CO. Urr Roods , notions , fur- Notions , KonU' furnish- nlthluu Kood * . corner intf vuodi , cor. lllli * iul I Hli and ariims. lUrncy titreiits. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Bebee & Mayan COMl'ANY. Uplioliterod furniture , FUUNITUIIK COMPANY llirM10 Nicholas ct. Wholesale onlr. acdlStbSlree rtfk , HaH IN SKLF.fiRrxtfC ou ought to kt > R healthy No matter how t ) V- comes , what y.J . , need Is Dr. riro..t Golden Medje , ' Il covtrr. Th > v U the gren test flat * ( builder known ' modienl science f surpassing filthy Cod Ltvcr Oil * nd all ! . . rmny compouiuli. It's suited to the mc- < dollcato stomach * . It mnkcs the morbid thin , plump and rosy , vflth health n.i ttrength. j Tlio " Discovery " Usold on trial. In ovc- . < thing that's clafmcxl for It. n < a strong- restorer , Wood-clwuiser , nnd flrsh-nmkor , It over falls to bcncHt or euro , you ha" , your money bark. It's j/oiir case that vou want to know nbou- If yon have Catarrh not your jielglibor And in your cnso , no matter what It Is , Wi proprietors of Dr. Kaco's Cnlnrih HWIIM > _ . promise to pay you fcKX ) , If they can't glvt rou a perfect nnd permanent cure. - -4 THE PICE II Of health should bo doubly R tin riled nt ' " se.iscn. The nlr reeks with chilly moist ; " the weather Is changeable and uncertain , " ' Thesocondltlons . tire 3. Terrible DANGER POINll for the limes and pipes. Itewnro of the cc J the cough , the chest pain , the .nllamm.ulorjj THE DEADLY PNEUMONIA thn reeked liuu , the dreaded CoiuumpUon.O , I'ut on duty only the strongest guurcl , ti ? ] oldcstand most faltntiilstuud-liy , i- ; DR. SGHENOK'S ' $ ' PULMONIO SYRUP. : ; Hreak up ynur cold nt once. Slop yo" rouih. Drlvoont that Inllumniatlon in tlnr ' Defy that 1'neumonhu Cure th.it CoinutnU tlon. C , THE PULMOHIC SYRUP I acts quickest and surest of alt remedies ! ? ? the 1 . The oldest Mid nuns. best upprovu-- ] standaid for every hinj trouble. - j Dr. Stlifntk' * 1'mrifc.lt Treating onritiMiii t'.j lAinuf. Stomach awl JAver , m ttfcd free tn a\l \ nj.fi liUnintd. Dr. J. II. Kchcitclt A Son , i'a. YOUNG MEN i Raail this from Jiiri'd Jjaripnon , l < anfiunceC _ , "I nm 28 ; suffered for year * from results i ? vouilifnl errors. 1 inert five boxo.s Ner\ } lloans and urn coinplntely cured. My norvi. ' uro now strong , nnil 1 do not sulTor any mo : . ! from sleeplessness ; my skin Is bright ; nppu tlto good : gained 15 Ibs. " (1 box. onoush tiif twowcoliB. All druggists , or by mall , Ncrri. Uoan Co. . u ffalo , N. Y. ? STRENGTH , VITHITY , MAHHOOE , I l.Tr.n.lMRKEI ! . S. , chief coniullin n-nrdcd the noLu r.UAL by tliu URUIcii. AII'IOCUTION fol the 1'RIZE KfiHA > ' cc < - Kthauittd Vitality , Ativfu , Xeftoui mid I'fiyttt air Pbtlitv&ol nil f > lta.fi nnd Ifeakntn at'Juenf , ' niinfO * ' 1B young , the inhldle-atd and ofd. * lillHrX Cuni'iiltatlon in penon or by letter. * , UUIIL.O i > ripcclu with tuitlmoulitli , FIlKKjt I I. rgeboot , SCIENCE OF tlFK. OU 8EI.F4' i 1'KKSKIIVAT/ON. 300 pp. . 126 Invaluable fnli criptlona. full rait , only 41.00 by mall , nc-alrd f OR. l RflcGREW THH SPECIALIST./ le unsarpasiod in tr& : treatment of nil * PRIVATE DISEASES'- and and Dliordert of 18 years experience , jj Write for elrcnlirtj and question Hit free. 14th nnd Farnsm 8t r OnmUa. ulth. " SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , , Soutli BcatCnttlo Uo nnUShcop market la the wait. ,1 . ,1y COMMISSION HOUSES. y Wood Brothers. J Llvo Stock Commission Morclmnts. \ i Eo-ith Omaha Telcpbono 1157. Chlcij ! " JOHN I ) . DADISMAN , ! . . , , . „ , . „ „ . . . iu Mannaorj WAm-lCIl IS. WOOD , f Market reports by mall and wlro choorfult" furnished upon cpplloallon. ' Omaha Stove Ilepair i M , A. Dlsbrow & Co VfOltKH. more repair * Manufacturers of tub , and > ter MUcbiuems doors , bllods unit lor nr kind u ( moro mouldings , Urapcliol- udc. 12V7 Uouglu St. 1 Oft muaodliard.