TTTR OMATTA DATT.Y "KKR : AVEDNESDAY. MAY 17. PEG1RL NOTICES. , T VBRT1 KMFNT ! KOK TIIB K COLUMNS 1I1 h * taken nntll 11.30 P m. for thenronlni and II aiM ) p.m. for the mnrnlnn and Sunda ilfcttlsors. hy roqiicntlne a numbered check. can o their nndwcrs n ldrcs pd to a numbered letter areofTltr. HER. Answers co addremoJ wlllbo rcrcil upon presentation ol the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. MCI , me a word flr t Iniortlon. In n word there- jr. Nothing lakon for ! ( > than JJc. _ -WANTED. POSITION AS OKHCK AHSIHT- snl br an experienced yonrtif man. flood penn - n nd nndcrslnndi bookKooplnic. Can fnrnlili ironcea. Address (1 20. Boo ofllco. MM7 * -WANTI'.n. 1'LACK IN 1'RIVATt KAMILV assecnmlirtrl ! speak English and Hermans can nlthbcslof rofnronco. Address (1 III. Hee. -WANTKI ) , TO 1)0 FAMILY WASII1NO , M7 3. 17th street , * ' * ' -WANTElOvHITION nY DRUO CI.KRK. Spent 3 terms In School of I'liarmoerl not rcxls- d | salary no object. Want to learn the pracll- partof thobiislnnn. Heat of roferonca given , ( trail M , Janus. Elliott. Iowa. 18 * "WANTED MALE HELP. .ales , IKo a word lint Iniortlon , loa word tlioro- , Nothing taken fur less than lie. -AN-IKD.TRAVKI.INO BAI.iCHMBN TO all baking powder. Wo put onr Roods In Klaus linn pin * . f(4l ( month salary and cxpnniiM , or M r conl commission , fond stamp for reply. Icago lUKtng Powder Co. , 7C7 Van Huron , at , , icago. ° ° ° -IVYOU WANTAUOOD P * VlXftJOH * WUITK ' | ho , Hanks Nursery I'o. , Milwaukee , W'8- ' . , us IK YOU AUK NKKKINO A iiion Rrndo position. We have placed hundred * In od positions and can assist roil. Western llnnl * m fluency. 3IO.N. V. l.ltii bulldlnn. Mi3 jl -WANTED. SOLICITOUS WITH HOOD RHK- orcnco. Teams furnished frco. Hxlra par to rtlo with tlmlr own rigs. American Wrlnnor . . 1C09 Uownnl at 070 * i-WANl-EI ) . 10 TINNHR3. THE O. II. HAM- 'rnoml company , South Omaha. MCDI IT i-WANTBD , UPHOLSTERERS , ALSO LOUNflK > makcrs at Lincoln , Neb. Applr Lincoln Up- ilitcrlnit J < > . . .Lincoln , Neb. ' 00 -WANTMD , A FIRST-CLASS HORBK3HOKR > and plow workman , must bo of steady habits. Jdrost John Pollock , 815 KU street , Uoalrico. Neb. ( -WANTED-MAN A3 STATE MANAOBH FOR Moan company : mint have A I rcforoocos. Ail CDS 1.02. . ) , Milwaukee. Wl , 7Wlli o TRAVEL rSO TO 1100 I'KIl > -WANTKD. MEN TO , Jmonlb. Stone A WcllliiKton , Madison , WIs. WANTED , PAINTERS AND PAPKR HANG- -en. Apply to J. M. Andersen , 4010 franklin reol. MBO' IT * J-WANTK.D. 15 HAILHOAD I.AROIiKHS KOIl 'South Dakota ; wages , tl.TS to (2.UO per day. ( pnntreo & Co. , Labor Agents , I1M Knrnarn street. j" * JlbvW 18 -W. V. MAIN CO. . OK IOWA CITY. IOWA , > wl h to craplay a low flrnl class aalesmon to 'present them on the road. Address them nt nee , naming first , second and third cholcn of tcr rl- iry , M8I7 18 * > -WANTKD. AllB YOU A CATHOLIC ? A KB Jyon unemployed ? Will you work forfiaOOpor eek ? J. H. Uay , W Fifth avenue , Chicago. ll | , J-PAINTICR TO RENT COTTAHB AT 21)3 ) PINK- | l ney street , M. K. Roys. Karbach blk. MB33 11 J3-M1CN WANTED ; SALARY AND I5XPENHE8. kJPormnnonl place. Apply nt once. 3rown llroa. 'o. , Nurserymen. Chicago. M841 17 * - AND UOOKUUS ON THE 11. A M. railway oxlonslon In boiilh Uakota ; WBROS. l.75 ' .nd 12 00 per day ; free pass. Kramer .t O'lloarn , | .abor Agency. : M Moulh 11th street. MBJ ! ) 17 [ WANTED FEMALE HELP. ' Rates , IWo a word llrst Insortlnn , Ic ft word thoro- jfter. Nothing taken for less Ihan 2jc. LADIK8 OR VOUNCr MEN TO C'take light , ; > lcanant work nt tholr own homos ; l.DO to M.OOper d > y can bo quietly made ; work > nlby mall ; no ciinvnsslnit Kor pirtlculars ad- IrossOlobeM'fg. Co , lloxOJ.ll , Uoston , Mass. Ks- labllthcd 1630. M84J Mil * ri-AVANTKD. KEMALE STUDENT NURSE AT L/w. C , A. hospital , corner Uth street nnd Cth avo- ine , Council Illnffs. M3I8 M2i ) 0-WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. Kncloso stamped envelope. Kiln Wcrst , i-oc. , South llond , I ml. Mill fl-MAN AND WIKK. HO00 : 50 MEN , 100 ( URLS , Vi'lJ.OO to $500 Canadian ofilco , 1503 Knrnam. ilM/.l .112" n WANTED , LADIKH AND UBNTLKMEN. WH il wlll pi.y you $5.00 to f 12 00 per week to do strictly fiomo work for us nt your homes. No canvassing- 'end solf-addrcsiod onrelopo. O. K. Emmonx & 'Jo. ' , Uatteryuiarch and Water streets , lloston , tlasl. M77U 17 * ri-OIRL WANTED KOR HOUSEWORK NORTH- Wwest corner27lh nnd Jackson. 781 * n-A ainit WANTED IN A SMALL FAMILY Ufor general housawork. Apply 2t l California ilruot. ? 7 111 fi WANTKD. tJIRL HETWEEN 12 AND 15 lOyeon to care for child. 814 S , Kth street. -WANTED , u'llllj KOR UBNERAL HOUSEwork * - work ; anuill family. a..t North 20lh si. 7W I/-I-UARD WOUKINU WOMAN AS COOK AND whoimckceporon nxtock farm In Dawnon county ; must be wood cook , neat anil economical ; wages , ' 120 ; could laku husband as farm hand. Address , box M , Eddy vlllo , Neb. 7W Jl * /1-YOUNO ( URL TO ASSIST WITH LK1HT wlionnowork. Mrs. II. (1. Counsman , 1531 No. 18th. M8II 17 * n-WANTItl ) , A COMPETENT ( HRL KOR HOUSE- iUwork. Wncosfl.OO. Mrs. 0.11 , Stuben , 1.1111 Park [ won no. AISQii 18' i-V-WANTED , A (10011 TAlLOIirtB ( JOODPAY. Can board with family ; no children. Apply or dross D II. liarhnrl. Oakdalo. Neb 6frl 17 * 1 -WANTKI ) , OlltU (1ENERAL HOUriMWORK Danish or ( ierninn preferred. Call uornlnns. odwagos. H.IISuuth Jlst si. 832 -WANTKI ) . COOK AND LAUNDRESS TO COTO the country ; wages. IAOU per week ; references quired. Call room j7 Omaha Nat'l bank In the ernoon. MSH 19 * -WANT1II ) . A KlltST-CLASS DRESSMAKER land fitter , wood wages paid ; work guaranteed all a year around. Kor particulars address , lock : r 7ti. Wffst Pulnt. Nob. 84.t 18 -UIltL WANTED KOR ( iENERAL HOUSE- work. 21UI Cuss Mraet. 11810 lu * FOB KENT HOUSES. ; latos , lOo a line each Iniertlon , 1151 n line par inlh. Notlilni ; taken for loss than J5o. \-K01l RENT , HIIUSES IN ALL PARTS OK ' 'city , The " > . K , Duvls cnmpuny , IMj Kariiaiu 'bt. ' . * OI \ - KLATDWELLl.Vfi ! < .COTT\ll' . .ALL PARTS : 'city. Kilkenny X Co , , R. 1 , Continental block. V-KllI RUNT. IO.10.M | I10USK. 2101 DUIJCLAH 'slrcut. Enquire of MorIK Meyer , cor. lull and amain. \-8-ROOM IIOU.SIJ , U.ROOM CO'ITACIE , ALL -/modern , traultful lawns , shade , etc. N , E. cor. nd and Mtama sis. 62J li rTvrT NINKUOOiiousi' } . . .MODERN /Imurovcmenti Inqulro 4U North .Will fet. _ _ _ MM -\-a ROOU UuUdK. MOUKICN , l.'O.N VKNIK.N f Jlor business or wholesale men. Apply HI ) South Jth street. _ M4 _ vi-TWN-HOOU .MODERN IIOUVH , HOOD LOCA Jilonl rent luodornto , It. K t-klnnor , 101 1 Knrnnm Irt'Ct. MUI7 _ \-KOR IIKNT , NICE TKN-HOOM MODERN -/buu o , cuit front , on South 17tU street , near ackson ; runt , ( IU. liiulroUl | ( South I7lh street. 'S-FOIl UKNT. ID-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , J suitable for roomers and hoarders , 2011 Hartley reel , 10 room modurn luuiftt * , s.'til Leavenworth treel , only IJ.VUO. roma nloo vottuves. II , ( j. Clark Co. , HI3 Hiiriiey slri'et. _ _ KM4 V-T.ROOII iiiitmi ; , KA&T KIIONT. ALL MOD- Jcrn , Mdullty Trust Co. , 170.1 Karnsm. _ ISU _ \-KOR HUNT/NINE ROOU IIOUSK , ALL rconvenlopri > | InruD urouiut and Kouil slahlo ; 1 1iood locailou and ohiy of I\CJD I Rent to llrst iais tehaiit will bu trasonablo. Apply Omaha A ) m > & Triut Co. , loth and Duuxlai st < iii - ROOM COTrAUKsT STrNKORD ClRCI E" Pi new , modern. C. M Klitatlor , 3JI Hue bldit. 2UJ rv-JAND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. VON DORN V/block , wth | ituam ; rofervncos required bid bZ.'d -m < \-HKK H , i : . coi.i : co. MI-OAUDI : 111,00 , / xa ji \-Kim RENl'.T-ROOM COrrAIIE AT IIWJ PA /cltlostreeU Apply HUaoutli lutli street. . MCH _ D-KOR RK.NT. (1001) 0-1IOOM HOUbE NEAII busliieMvunlur , II80J. 'Iho O. K , Davis com iany. IMJ Kaiuammract. C52-3U D-J-8TOUV lollOdM HOUSE , VERY RKABONA ; tile price. 19IU Dodga slrotft. C7i 17 \ - MOIIKUSRKM ( HDUaE NEAK 111(11 /school. Inquire 2019 Capitol Ave MW > J IV D-J.ROOM HOUSE. (10OD REPAIR. RE > 7ll Douglas street , .4 .4LV 0 TUN-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN , NKWLt painted and papurvd , faces park. 1IIV S , 2Vlh IMW , lucludlnii water , cheap. VMS' Y Life. M760 IB * D-rOR RENT , 10-UUOM 1IOU.1K NO in Uodgu , all modvin linprotuuienli , luquln Bvildour ur HIS Karnau bul 10 I ) - RENT. S-ROO.M COTTAUK Toil C4)l. ortxl ptoplo. 303 itorih Uth t , MSOI D ' _ AND 1 ROOM MODERN IIUL'SRH , 41X1 ; nd.MchoUa. Ihqulre 4tM NlchuUs M8M IS' 0-I'OR RENT. 10 ROOM UOUSK , ALL MUDKR ! Improvoaivut * , H. > Ju4 at. Inqulr * at n. w. coi tllik aud at. Marr'tav * . tM i * - * ' , FOB RENT HOUSES. Ctmttnutil. D-MOIIRIIS HOUSE WITH LA III ] K OROUHDS. shadoand fruit tract ; K id barn ; on ear Una. M. K Roys , 3 K corner Illli and Doimlas street J18.T7 II FOR RENT FtJltNISHED ROOMS , T-HOOM8 C , 8,10,12 , ROARD , 203 N 17 , MMI H-FUKNUIIIKI ) ROOMS WITH 8TEAM 11KAT -1 JforKintlcmcn only. 15I Howard St. , 2nd lloor. J07 E-KUIIMSItKII 8ITTI.XU , DININU ItOOM , kitchen ; prlrllcno of taking boarderx. Ttuj DoiiRlas. I ? -NICKI.T FUIIMSIIKII UOOM8 KOll ( JB.STLK- liimen. 310North 19th. 819 E-KUHNIS1IK1I 1IOO.M WITH AI.fVi ) : TOH itonlloinon , modern fonrcnlenccs , : IJU North Zld MTW E A VICHY DKSIUAHI , ! ' . ItOOM KOIt ONH Oil twoKcntlemon. 1919 Dodito st. CIJ E-NKU'I.V rilKNISIIKI ) 1.AIII1K I'llONT rooms , f500 to fJ.UO per month. S3I So. lUth st. ilgl.l IS * E-TWO KOHMMIHI1 IIOOJW , OU.N'l LKMI'.X only , 2010 Davenport direct 3HC5 E TO UKNT WOHLIVS FAlIt VISITOII3 , VUII- nlshod rooms with moali by the day at most reasonable prices ; within 5 blocks of fairground ! . U I' . Dlppold , WJI Jackson Ave , Chicago. M9I9 17 * 1-0roi 1IOO1IS. WKLL HMINISIIBU , 0 I'I'.Il Jimonth. 1133 North 18th strtot. iltl ) ] ID' FURNI8HED KOOM8 AND BOABD. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion , fl.M n llni per mmth. Notlilnit taken for lois than 25c. jj'-TIIB IMJUAN , ilfl ANII 211 N , 18111HT. 203 ? - YOUNO WOMAN'S I1OMK , IJNDHlt CAHK 0V I1 Wo man's : Christian association , 111 So. 17th st j1 LAIK1B SOUTH FRONT ROOM. FIRST ULA-3S board. I72J Dodge. M91I 20' boaKI.KOA.NT FUUNIMHKI ) UOOMS WITH boa rd at tha Wobttor , 51(5 ( aud SIS N. I Uth st. era 17 * F.-HOMK TAUI.B , MODKHATE HATKS : l'J14 Karnam. 69TJI1 * FOB , RENT-UNFUBNISHED BOOMS Hates , IKc a word Hr t Insertion. Ic a word thereafter - after , Nothlnit taken for lost than Me. r-y AND 3 ROOMS , RRICK FLAT. taw LBAV- VJ enworth slreet. M780 19 FOB BENT STOBE8 AND OFFICES Union , lOoa line each Insertion , IIM a line per month. Nothlnir taken fur less than 25c. I KOIl UKNT , STOltB , ON 8. I3TH ST. , LANQIt block , suitable for meat market , hardware or dryuoods store. Inquire IWI S. 13th st , 210 I KtmilKNT. THK 4-aTOIlY IIIIICK 1IUJLUINU , 9IR Parnatn st. Tha hulldlnz has a fireproof ce ment basement , complete steam healing fixtures , water on alt the Hours , gas , etc. Apply at tbo onica of Iho lleo. 010 f KOIl 11ENT , CHOICEST SECOND KLOOH - business corner In Omahn , Illobo bulldlnir , HitU and DodKU. tllobe Loan Aa'rust Co. f KOIl HENT , A NICK NEW HIIICIC 8TOIUS J room , twenty by eighty foot , with cellar ; on the north side of the square In ( llenwood , Iowa. Kor further Information rail on or iiddrcss F. M. Iluf- llnKtun , ( ilenwood , lonn. 624 ' ' AGENTS WANTED. Hates , me a word llrst Insertion , Ic a word there after , Nothing taken for Icsi thnii 25o. t" wanted for n new Invention. ICIthor sex. Address , with stamp , or call on Warren Hurgott , Kalrbury , Neb. 513 Hi' WANTED TO BENT. Hates , l c it word tlrst Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing taken for leis limn Zic. K WANTED , 3 ROOMS AND BOARD KOIl family of three , In private housu. Address ( Boo. TBS 17 If KUItNISHED HOUSE , ! l OR .MORE ROOMS. . .IV south of Webster and east of Twentieth. Ad cJrCHS U 4' ) Bee. b''S-IS' STORAGE. Rates , I Do n line oncli Insertion , $1.50 a line pel month. Nothing taken for loss than 2JC. M-bTORAOE KOR 1IOU3KHOLI1 OOOD9 clean anJ ohoap rates. R , Walls , 1111 Farnam 2U M UKATING STOVES HTORKI ) DURING SUMmer mor : special storaio for household goods. Tel 1UI. 1207 liouiclos. OmahaStovo Repair works. M1G7 M STOVES STORED AT REASONABLE RATE at Hughes Stove Repair Works , C07 S. mil st 7'Jlm31 AWANTED TO BUY. Rates , IHo a word flrst Insertion , la a word there after. Nothing taken for leas thnn 25n. "M-CASH KOR FURNITU tK. HDUSK.HOL I" goods , otc. , or will soil for owner In our uiictlo sales. R. Wells , 1111 Kamani. 213 -II.OOOSTOCK OK HARDWARE IN EASTERN Nebraska , Addrots Lock Uox 207 , Rogers , Nob. UI2-19' FOR.S . ALE F Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , f 1.50 a line par month. Nothing taken for loss Hum 'Jje. -KURNITURU ! KOR SALE CHEAP AT 13i4 N [ , luth slrc'Ot. 800 17 * -KOR BALI : , HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ALMOST new. 1517 North -j'.it s trool. M80'.i 17 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Rates , We a word first Inicrtlon , lea word thtro- > after. Nothing taken for lets than 25c. I'j-Kllll ; SALE , NfcE'TiXv llirfAUB TEAM nndcarrlago. U W Tullurs , 10J Poart sU , Coun * clllllulls. 214 -KOR SALIC , FIRST-CLASS DRIVKR. HE IS also a good single footer. 7IU .V , Y. Life Illdg. TOR SALE , KINK DRIVING HORSE. SAKE . for lady to drive. 38 Bcott street , Council lllulls , S1SI8 18 FOB SALE MI'30ELT < a.NBOTTS. Rates Ik'c n word llrst Iniertlon , Ic a woru tliuro- after , otlllfc ! ] taken for lt' s than 2r > c. -Zllorcas , Q THEBTA M > MID CATTL1J CO.MIMNY OKKER haled hiy : nt (5.1X1 p'r ton , on board 'Cars at Amen , .Nob This prlco withdrawn at any tlmo 115 Q-FUKN11 URE. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY , 111 ! Karnnm , R. Walls , nucllonuur U'J5 31 Q KOR SALE , A KRICSIl COW AXI ) OAI.r AT iwill Wohhler sircol. M74'l 18 * Q ' IRON WKLL PUMP AND &IMODT PIPE KOR aslo ; , chuap. Unrk r block. M 610 MISCELLANEOUS. Unit's , Hijc a word llrst latirtlon , Icn wo utter. Nothing takaa for loji t in tij. E -TYPKWIUTlVR3To7t RKV ' ViriTAN' ' ? ! nl > i you either u No. 2 or Mi.i Remington typo- wrltur , In tlr tclut > condlll'm , on rental. < itvo us ucall , Wyckoir , SuumansX lltinedlct , 1711 Karnara street , Omaha , .Nob. ; ia R WALL PAPER A.SO KREJCOVALL1 cleaned ns jjood as If now , C. H , Klowrrt , 17iO bt. Mary's avo. ( \n \ In * J > HOMES IN TBXA8-lfXrUR < lON TO THH IVvMchlla valley , 'Ioxin. May 20. rhenp land nd low ruitn. Inqulraof U P , Young or C. M. llovuy , OL AIRVOYNTS. . Rates. IVe a word llrst uuJrllon , la a word there- aflor. NulhliiElaivn for lets than 25o. S * -MRS. NANMK V."CvA7iT B.V. ( FLAIR VHnTNri reliable buslnest mudlumi tlflh year at Mil N.IiHU _ JII _ S ullM. DR. M. LKORA VE. PltlH'IlKTKriS. IIKAD , trance clairvoyant mid life reader ; tells your llfu from cradle to uruvt'i can bo consulted on all atlulrtof llfu ; hat thu colubraleil bVypllan breast , pluto to unlio the suparatul and cause marrUiiu nllhoiie you love ComuOQu , come all. und ba convinced of her remarkable ponurs , OlUiu and rosUlciifO 417 H. Illli it. , houm Da. m. to U p. nj | hlrlct Ufa chart and photo of your future wife or liutlmuil sent IhroutEli mull for 1X00 ; chart alone - I..UU. All lutlurs containing I cents In stamps promptly answered. < lt I'J" * BIABHAOE. BATHS , ETC. Rales , lOo a Una each 40 a Hue par . mouth , ttolulnv taken for loss ri VA | > A IK MI1T1I. UI ! t < . Ul'll , VXD , JL Room 3. Ma ofi ) , vapor , alcntoi , stuam.tuluhur Ueaudsrabatbs. T . CARSON , 1131 POUCLAH bTRKEF , 311 Hoorroom T , uiasja.ii ! , alcohol , sulphur and sen > bath * . iif 6l'J . PERSONAL. Rales , me a word llrst Insertion , la F word then ) after. Nothing taken for le i than lie , U TO N TIO\ \ TON T11) ! TO XT 16 j Thii greaV r t U v leper and restorer kuowu lo man . - kind. Iiupoieury ptrmanently cured. Uucculi guarantied or money rcfnnUcd I'rlcu , H. Bent stamp for scaled circular Ur. illllsr , Iu > DIBKst WasblnKtou. I ) . C. 7 J ' U -MAbSAUETREATUBXT. ELECTRIC-THER msl tatba. soalp aud ha'r ' treainxnt. manlcurt , ndohlropodlsl. Mrs. PotMlvSa.Dla.WRbnsll bll li PERSONAL. Cnnttnuen - AND HAY KKVKU TREATED U-CATAUIIII by the month. Tumors , ( rronlln nnd olhor do- forrolllo * of the nose and throat rumored without psln , Dr. J. K. Prcsnoll.lM Uethldit. M.MA Ja" -WORLD'S FAIR. TIIK INTERNATIONAL lloom Iteming Agency of ChlM o ( Incorporated capital f lUO.UUU ) cnnirol several hotel * and lOO.UOU rooms In private families of undoubted rcspcc' tahlllly. Lon'tpay cuorbltnnt prlcrx. Sooiiro our f rc opt Ion" cerllflcato on olorint rooms atll.oo to ll 00 per day. fall nr wrlta enclosing ftnrnp llcvcrly A Itltchlo. 1,111 Knrnam troot , Omaha. Sole neonts for Douzlas rounty. MS45 17 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. lOc a line o.ich Insertion. } I..Va line per month. Nothing taken for Ion thn 21o. \rAR8TACTS Til"MIDI.\Nl ( iuARANTYcE V and Trust company , abstractors , convoyancors. Titles perfected nnd guarantee ! Own the only coinplrtn nlMtiaet books In Donflas county. Re moved to room 310 Now York Ufa bulldlnir. M270 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , 10oallIDoach tnsartloi. II.'O a line per month. Nolhlnit tnken for loss than Me. \v rcnt A i iA Y.v v i N o7 n AN K' Ti TK KS LOANS ( on roaloitntant lowest insrKet rate * . Ixians niarto In amall or l.trRO nuns for short or lonit time. No commission Is oliarRod nnd the loans ara not vv Intheoast , liuloin nlwiyi In found atthe bankon the corner ot 13th and H0iigla < st8. Mt \v LOWKMT HATK9. VlUKLlTY TIIU8T COM' f ny. 17UJ yarnam street. 219 vW vv UKNTHAIj LOAN A TllUaT CO. , HICK I1L V1Q ( I \v -C. K. UAltlllSON , SII3N. V. L1KK. 31 Wr-MORTUAfJfc : LOAN3 LKS3 THAN 7 PICIl i cent. IncliidlnK allcharucs. Charles W. Ralnny. Omsha Nat , bank lililg. 231 V\r WANTED AT ONCE LOANS ON IllPltOVED Omaha property : low rates. Ftdellly Trust company. 170J rnrnam st. 2111 \\r-LOANSON 1MP.IOVEI ) AMI UNIMPROVED vi cllyproperiyf.l,01)and upwards , ! . toIMporconl. ( No delays. W. barnnin Smith A Co , 15th and llarnuy. 22.1 \v T-l AND 2 YEAR IXMNS ON CITY AND FARM mortgages. Rcod & jolby , 3(1 ( llonnl of Trndo , vr \\r MONEY'lOLOAN OV OMAHA > ell HlnUs real citato nnd Nebraska and Iowa farms at froDi5' < to GH per cent Interestwith no nd < dltlcnal charges for commlssloni or attorneys fees. W. II. Molkle. 1st Nat'l bank bldg , Omahi. S.M \V r-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWKST RATES. The O. If. Dnvls Co. . IMS Farnam street. 227 -ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 319 N. Y. Llfo. lends nt low rntos for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city pro perty. ' r MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY property , tow rates. A. C. Frost. Douglas hlk. 2-"J W-MONEY TO L'JAN AT LOWEST HATB9 ON Improved and unimproved real estate , 1 to 5 , years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Karnani. 211) ) W -LOANS , 0. G. WALLACE , 3U illtOWN ULK. sw W-OMAHA LOAN A TKUST COMPANY , 10TII and Donxlas , loans money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. 231 W-KIRbT AND SECOND MjRTOAOE LOANS ; low rates. Alor. Mooro. Ol , Bee bldi : . M570 WANTKDTO I1UYSOMK8 PER CENTNOTES secured by mortgages on Omaha city or Doug. IBS county property. Reed & Sclby , 335 Chamber of Commerce. MHO " \\r-J. W. SQUIRE , MOVED TO2I3 REE BLDG. VV ; m MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Kates , lOo a line , each Insertion , tl.S'J a line pur month. Nothing taken for lust than 2Jc. Xc.CALL AT TIIK OFX1CK OF OMAUA MORTCAUB LOAN CO. INCORI'OKATEW. IK YOU WANT MONEY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD tfuiiMrimie AND PIANOS , lIOltsKtf. WAUONS AND CAIIIIIEHES. WAHBLIOUSK UKCEII-IS , MEKCUArlDISE , Oil ANY OTHKIl 8ECUIIITY Wo will lend you any amount from $1000 to JI.CKW ON THE DAY YOU ASK KOR IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amount you wish , and at any time , and each payment so mudo will reduce tl.e cost ol tha loan. Itcmombdr tluit vou have tha use of both the piopcrtyand the money , and pay for It only us lomcnsyou keep It. There will bo no expense or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive the full amount of tlio joiui. Dororaborrowlnir elaewhoro call nnd see us , nnd you will IIml Iteruatly to your ndvantagu. OMAHA MOIITOAQW LOAN CO , 3 < M SOUTH I TH S1RKKT , tlrst Hour above the street. TIIK OLDEST , LAltGKST AM ) ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 23i V DO YOU WANT MOSBT ! A. THE HDBLITY LO VN ( JUAllANTEE COH ROOM 4. WITHNELL 1IUICK. tOUTIf 15TH , CflllNKK JIARNEY ST , , WE MAKE LOANh ON FUUMTUKE. IlOHSKS , CARIIIAOKS , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS Oil t'EU- SUNAL PROPERTY OK ANY KIND / WILL /DO WKJ./ TO / /TOO / o * Ara imar/ FOB / OUR TEIIMS WILL Mr. KI VOUlt AI'l'liOVAI. . You can pay the money back nt any tlmo a d In any amount you wish , and thus reduce the cost of carrying tlio loan In proportion to amount you pay. IK VOU ewe a balance on your furniture or other personal property of any kind , wu will pay Itutffor you and carrr It as long as you desire. YOU CAN HAVE YOU11MONKY IN ONE HOUIl KHOMTHUTIMK YOU.MAKH ! APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , so that you KCt the use of both mo.iuy und property. X WILLLOAV MONEY ON ANY KIND OK 8E- curlty ; strictly conlldcntlal , A. K. LCoiittncntuI block , Ula Y-MONEV. 40 , no , M DAYS. CHKAP RATES J\ and uasy payments , on furnlturn. pianos , live stork , etc. , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Dull Croon , room 8 , Darker block. 215 V-PR1TCHARD , 51 DOUGLAS ULIia& DODOE. BUSINESS CHANCES. llntes , lOoa line each Insertion , JI.VJ a line per montlu iNothlnu taken for leistluin 25o. -ANY PHYHiCI IAN 'vmiiTSu"1" A his loc.itlnn should correspond with room -'I' ' , Mel uuuo hldi : , Oiiuilm Y'-KOR SALE , A HPOCIC OK liKMCUAL MER clmndlsH of iibaiitfil.UM to fT.UOJ , In n iiood town In Nebraska. Apply to Kllpjtrick-ICooli Dry Good ) Co , Omaha Neb U5U V ' 'OR SALE , (5OOI ) NKWHl'AI'KIl IIUHlNKsS 1 m1 outtlt. Viola Davis. Llncoln Neb , 457 Jt * Y FOU BAM : , IN A 000,1 'iow.v IN NORTH Nebraska , a stock of general merchandise , con- slttlng of dry goodx , boots und suous , clothlaz and k'rocorles. 1 will toll the stock for cash , half cash und land or on tWnoto suit tbu purelmior If secur ity Is good , Price , fJ.oJJ Adurots E 61 , Omaha lieu U5t | Y-WANTED , R'fAlNV MKN AND WOMEN AS tliito agents ( iood raferencos uud sonin cap ital. KO.u , PIT day can bo made. T , K , Ilnltun CoBl. Paul. Minn MOI7 17 * \-KOR8ALIi ? ! AT A UK. DISCOUNT. A STOCK 1 of clothing and furnishing goods. Address bor 414 , Avoca , Iowa. 634 -FOR BALE , HAIIinVARB HTORK AND TIN shop , Rood trade , good location ami cheap rent t. address l.ool Ilex 100U , Lincoln , Neb. 7U5-JI r-KOR SALE , 1IAKERY AND CONKKCTION- 1. cry. Ice eroain parlor In connection. At busi ness In a thriving young city of I.WJ. Terms uash. Enquire of llmalift Slllllng Co. , Omaha , Neb.MCfil MCfil 13 Y-ULACKMMITH SHOP FOR SALE : uoon i paying business. Address C. II , Caddy , Pal myra , Neb. MotiO 25 * V OR RUNT , A 1IAKRRY , WELL LOCATED , J. cheap runt. A good baker can make Mg inoiiuy out of R. Address Lock Ilex I'M , Hunting * , Nob. MIW r-rOR 8AI.B. LUKIIKlt VARD. A NICK L clean I7.0DU UU or fa UJJ HO stock of lumber , sllu. alrd on leased lota Inn good county seat town : very desirable property. Address W. 11. , Ilex No. 25.1 , Howard , Neb. Y-rRSALK. CLEAN HTOCKOK HARDWARE , , worth M.OUUOO cash , tn one of northwest Nu- bruskti's moit promlnln towns ; good reasons for Bulling and linn'i'tlon tuvltud ; also store bulldlntf and lot. Address " .V. " care Rector * Wllhulmy Co . Omaha. Nob. M740 10 * V wi SA"LE , KEATHER RENOVATOR , NEW , X complete , clic p or will trada for zoo it driving her > o. Mouuy In II for a hustler , Address II41 lieu , "v-WAvriTDTl'ARrN'ER WITH IJH IN A PER- V fcetly safuthaalrleil unterprlse that will pay about Ho per week , I will furnish luorolliandol'ar ' for dollar. Addrati a a , Uea. 831-18' V-fO SAl.E.JOIl PRINTINO OFFICE ; POINT 1 systum ; vlectrlo power ; modern material ; ex. low : established In ' 91 ; f..UW.OO cath sucures ; . Ilex No. r& , Lincoln , M8ID 21 - Y II oo to 112.00 Incoiuo par month on an Invest ment ufliitwauil no work ; lnvstlgat * Imme diately. AdJress L. < ] lltiktHcblUer bldg.Chlcagoj - Ml. MHM20 * . FOR. EXCHANGE. UtluslOoa line etch Iniortlou , 11.63 a line pur month. Nothing taken for less than } jo. /-A CLEAN STOCK OK OUNBHAL ; .i /Jwlll take real ttato and money , llqx Tit , Frank- I fort , luil. I FOR r/ WANTED , TO BELT. CfjtHxCllAN ( B FOR NE- ' braika farm lands , nS-fcromcHhouto nn paved tlroot. Address O W. ReeXf J _ > l4fll8 4 0 ACRKSOK CMSAnllnfiND IX OXB OPTIIR /Jbo t winter wheat dUtrlntt tn Kansas to ox- clmnso for 10 or W ncro > | lract near Omaha city llmlla. Will pay cash tlllTer , .nco If property ISROod. AilrtrtM , ltln jit laa and IjflMloil. u W Hog. .Mi y-SKic n. B. cor. co. , M OAUUK RLIXJ. fj IQlii , _ 3J3 Jl /-TOR SALE ou TIUD.KVFOR IMPROVED ino /Macros of land In Nobrsif , n splendid bttMnon. Aldro t Kfil. HOP. .f' * : ' . .T'S .11 / I OWN tOO FARMS IHlKERRASKA , KANSAS > nnd Dakota , will soil flteap , or exchange for md ohors > ; snndcatllo. Add.Rox7tFrankfortInd. ! ' z Z-KOll 3ALM OR TIIAIIH C1IKA1' , 1 PA HI Fairbanks warehouse scatos , 3,600 Ibs. Address ( I 4B lleo. 801 10 /-FOR SALE O'l TRADB CHEAP , J 6-KKET Ushowcasas. inquire. 1319 Earnara. 801 IS FOR SALE REAL E STATE ; Hates , me a word flrstlnsartlon , to wordtuore- aftor. Nothing taken low than 2ic. A 1ISTACT3 TtlK MIDI.VNI ) OUAUANTKK nnd Trust corapinr.ntutrnctors , convnynnoors. Titled n rfectdit and tfuaranteod. Own the nnlr complpto abstract bonks lu Uouilai county. Ho- moved to room 310"Sow Tqrk l.lfo bnllilliiK. "M371 L ? < oit , nouat ; AND ior CHKAP , AS - owner la nbout to loaro the cltr. Inquire at 429 North S'.itli Bt. i3Jl MW EAST Pl'.ONT I.OTOS35TtfNRAH lODr.K.MX ) 18(1 ( foci , Il.TM.W. Address Ownor.dll , lloe. MI3IJ GKOUCIA AND VIUIIINIA AV'KNUES , IMC- twrcn .Mason anil I'ncincntn. , tin ) llnoit re < lilenco local Ion In the cllr , Jil'.UO on Guoriila are and $ ; U.IKJ nn Vlrclnla I > TC. ndlolnlnK nroportr hold ; OUUto HO.fO tier front foot hlKhcr.Vo nlll take 11.01X100 to li.'JUOOO ' Omulm property as part piTmont In a lot. This la nn opportunity seldom otTorcil. This In Kooil for n short tlmo onljr , as wo wunt tame houses ntartril at oncu. Two now under contract , fc'our nalos nlrcailr uiailo. 1'lpMurn to show nueli property as this at any tlmo. t'ldolltjr Trust Com * pany. I7U1 Karnani st. 671 1000 ACIliS LAND I.V NKUIIASKA , KA8T KIIONT J-bulldlnir lot , 3 blocks cast of llanscom I'ark , nt ( treat sacrltlco. U. 11. 1'etorson , 1111 South Uth. 361 Jl JOHN M. cfMitivt : , i. f j. j : iiuows'8 ui-oric , has fur sale ono hundred lots In West Knd , tha choicest addition to umaha. TU7-1T OTOKl'BL 1'I.ACJJ AlllllTlON. Tha Kowcst Addition to Omaha. Ixicatcd SX Miles iioutliwut from I'ostofflco. Ilcst tuturo rcsldoaoa put of Uio Cltr. \Vldo strpota and wlilo alloys. Lots are blah and sUhtly. KlcdrlcCars ran near It. 1'asneaiier ilopat and trackago ranis of Omaha Holt 1'ne Itallroad and Missouri Taclilo llallroad within n block of It. B trains dallr. Stores and factories In Its Immediate vlolnttr. Ilnmosof business men and mechanics surround. Klmnood I'ark , New Driving I'ark nnd Fair Crounds. I'latto Hirer Canal , streets to be paved , extension of electric car lleo , ore some of the sub stantial Improvements to bo made In Southwest Omaha during the next few months. Youcan bur Stocpol I'lace lots for S-10U.OO each. 150.00down and the balance In quarterly payments of only SUM , with Interest at T per cent. Do not miss this opportunity to buy tlva or ton lots at prices that will enable you to make money. Kor plats aud further Information address W. A. WKIISTKH , lloe butldlnff. JI17JJ8 TVTOINVESTMItNT IS SAFER THAN OMAHA A- " real ostnto well located. No Investment Is nioro profitable than real ostntu purchased at a low flu- uro , and now Is just the tlmo to mane the Invest ment , ns good Omnha property will never * * o lesn than what It Is today. Lot us show you that beau tiful property which wo offer on Ceorgla and Vir ginia nvimues. Nothing liner In the city for homo orlnvcKtmant. Will make special Inducements for spot cash. Fidelity Trust Company , 1703 Karnam street. < j 071 OR SALE. CHOICE KARM1 IN SARPY COUNTY , Nob. A. W. Clarke , Papllllon. Nob. , or II. T. Clnrko , 113 Hoard of Trade frulldlnif , Omaha. 70T10 . 17QUITY IN 6 HOOM HOUSEON PAVED STREET Uichtmp. Will trade for furnished Uat. Address U 43 , Uco. niO 21 * "POR SALE , ONE LOT IN u'ES I' END ADDITION JL one thousand dollars los * than regular price , only J400 cash , tlmo on Dalanco. J. M. Clark , J. J. llrown's block. t 830-13 POR SALE. A lot absolutely worth the money Kill tlM It Is located not only In town , but In n first-class neighborhood with schools , churches , stores close at hand and thu CAU SERVICE In Omaha paHslnc the property. You buy a lot with perfect title , no encumbrance and on the follow- IUK terms : " ' JIO.OO A MONTH TILLflOO 18 PAID , WITUOUT INTBIIB8T lialnnco In 2 and .1 years at 7 por' ' cont. When you Invest your money In this way you are dotn ? good for yourself nnd your family , nnd this YOU WILL NKVKIl UKUHBT AS LONG AsTroa LIVE. Here li the place for n man of moderate means to EOt a start , to accumulate a property that Is a safe , permanent Investment , and nothing Is surer to win than real property bought at MUDKItATK PltlCKS ON MODKKATK"PAYMKNTS. . No bank orferri sounder security. No changes In money markets ntTect , because It Is honslit at a low prlco , on easy payments. It tfrows In value all tin ) time. It cannot iloprvdato with Bitch conill- tluns of sale and payment. The way to judKO of this Is to SEE Foil rouRsur.i" What the property Is , and compare Its price and location with any property In Omaha. YOU WIM. UK CONVINCBD It Is n chance of a lltotlmo which costs you nothing to Inrentleato , and In trattlnic such proportr at such. prices you are SAVING MONBY. SAV1NO TIMB. Demembcr Itls open to the closest Investigation and comparison It In a- fair , square proposition which you can docldo the merits of for yourself and In buvlnu something worth the money as this Is you not only ncijnlro a goad lot , but yon save money and make money. You can see property at any time you wish AME.3 IlltAI. ESTATE AGENCY. 1507 Kurnum St. S3I-IJ LOST. Hates , lOa u line each Insertion. 11.00 a line per mintn. Nothlni ; taken for lest than 2Jo. osTarn'wicicN ' koiiNTzk PIMCIS bulldlnit , packoKO of patterns , also one wbool tracer , Howard for return to lloe otllce. fii'i LOhTI'llO.MA CAIlltlAGH 11KTWKI5N HANS- com park nnd Dundee place , a "I'alaley" Hhawl with red center. Howard on return to 211'J Uownnl Mr Oft. 7i 17 * LOST. HKTWKKN WKLSIt'S ( JIIOOKIIY AND JJth aveniio , small black pur mi. H.3U In It and 2 silk samples. Howard for return to 2JI S. Uth avenue. B30-IU * LOST. ON 24TII ST. , IIICTWUEN CIIAItMCS AND Hamilton streets , Monday cvcnlDK.smal ! pocket- boukcontalnlnica sum of money. I'lonso leave at ZII91Imrlo * utroet and got reward. 8.U 16 * MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. Hates , lOa n Hue each Insertion , II.M a Hue par month. Nothing taken for loss than 3Jc. K. QKI.I.KN'uEUKJUANjib 13ANDTEACHBlT .1610 Callfurnla street UU M IhH ELLA DAY , TKACUKIl OF ELOCUTION r.nd physical culture. ) Commercial National bank bulldlnit , room 15 oir/lor Idtb and karnam streets. , „ , (160 ( 17r PASTURES FOR HOR3E3. WEHAVK 1U > ACltKH Uif MLUE ( JRAHd PAH tnro for horses. lloardfencu. Bprlnit water. UartoiiAPnelps , Ullmoro , Neb. , or A. W. Pliolps i fcon.aU7.N. Y. l.lfullliU. , , ) 'JJ1.M& * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWBITINO Rates , IDu a line och Insertion , 11.57 a line per ontli. Nothing taken for less than'"io. rr A D1K8 A N D O HNTL EM E.V CAN Hot ) N acqulrea workluzknowlaj/o of shorthanl anl typowrlllng at A. U Vai Mant'a school of n.lorl- hand.iUN. Y. l.lfa rypeyfters ) to rent. M5yj. Hates , R'o a. Una each luiertlon , f 1 60 a line per month. Nothing taken fo ( ois than Sic. CW , IIAKKit Is-oUUEKLY WITH JNO. ( i. JA- .cobs , deceased , Utsr with M. O , Maul ) , undertaker - ; taker and embaluier , 315 S.iDtu > t , , tel ( lit ) . 241 PAWNUROKEilB. Rates , lOo a Hue each Insertion. 11.50 a Una per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. j SONNENUKirj ; DIAMOND URO 1K uT'TaOS ' .Douglas st. Loans money on , utc. eld gold and silver bought. Tel-1 DRESSMAKING. llatet , IKo a word 11r t Inmllon , lo a word there- after.'No"thiiigtakeiiyor"less"t'nan' i5c" MISS A. M. 81IKKTJ. DRBSSMAKER , CONTI- uontalblork , room u tatlsfactlon guaranteed. 8.8JI6 * SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. HAIlTl. DEALBItsTNTVPEWIIITEHa. - akes bounht , sold , exchauiied , rented. CU N , V. l.lfo bldx Tel. s . MW3 SCALES "MEW A hbUiMMlA.MI BOALfcH , ALL KINDS XI Address llurdvo & Hell gk Co.lsk , * St. , Clilcsno. 9 341 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The Future Unveiled. Arrival extraordinary of the world's most f.unnu * medium , Mrs. Hr. F. Shormitn , rrcoj- nlrod br the press , medical faculty unit olon- lists generally as tlio most celebrated medium of modern times. Homaln not In dnrknoss and lenoruneo l ! , but seek the light of knowledge and learn what the mysterious f nttiro holds for you. Whllo entranced will rovual every hidden myatory In life. Hires nld and arlTlco which will overcome your onnmtos , rnmoro family troubles , restore lost alToctlont , make marriage with thoono you love no fiilluro : remove ovll Influences. , bad hnblta , enrol witchery. ( Us. nnd all lonRitindlmt nnd Inys- tnrlnus dlsonncs ; will glvo correct Inforinntlon on lawsuitssickness dentil , divorces , absent friends , everything ! never falllmr advice to younn men on marrlaso nnil how lo chnnio n wlto for hapnlness and what business host adapted for speedy riches , slock speculation n specialty. recovers lost , stolen or hurled prop erty : locales' troJAiircs nnd iiitncr.tlsi al o elves Indlspensaulo ntlvlcoto vouni : Indies of love , courtship and marrl.iRO. If your lover Is true or fn'se. The mysterious nnd successful manner In which she treats mutters of the ut most obscurity hns clven much unlvoMal sat isfaction tint her nnnio has uecomo n proverb tn thoustnila of households mtuio Impny by bar nld nnd advice. Hoursll n. in. toSp in. strict. N. IJ. I'prfoct Butlsfnotion guarintocd by mall. Send stamp for Illustrate. ) circular with sDoclnl terms to Mrs. Dr. R Sherman , parlors 0 & 7. The Midland hotel , HID N. 10th at , Omuho , I RENT S SALE New and second hand Dou moro . Ho in Inztons. O-ilfffraphs. Smiths , Yosts. I ! Air momH Munsoni. Write for nrlciM mill suv luoiitw. MKOKATII STATION'EUV OO 1301 Karnnm street. Largest Typcw.iler HMSD in Iho Slate. "Improvement tha Order of the Age , " HAVE. HAVE.YOU YOU YOUEXEXN © EXEXN THE NEW SMITH 1PRJEMI1R TlPEWRITEfiCHAIR ? If you have not , call at the Smith Pre mier Typewriter Co.'s olllco , or sona for circulars. As usual , wo have THE BEST. The Smith Premief Typewriter Co Cor. 17th and Farnam Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. E , H. MAYHEW , Manager. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD i W.n. PARKEn , M. V.No.4 DnlQiichet , BORTOM , U us. , cArcontnlilno pHvilclan of tAr won awarded tha OOI.D riKDAi. by the NATIHNAC MEUlCit. AsnociATloN fo , the PKIZB KP8AY on Kzhautttd I'ltatitff , AlfOj > ky , Ar rro and I'/iyili al Vebtliti/M l all Ditto.t and Wruknttl of Stun. nltnfO tne young , tbo middle-agtd and otd. llmPt'onnultatlon in pcrnou or by Setter. UUIIL.U Projjcctus with tesllmonlals , FUKK I.nrffO book , SCIENCE OF HFE. OH SELF- I'UIISKIIVATJON. 00 pp. . 153 Invalimulp Jin1- " n . fnV " \ > . nnlr ) . < W fir mall. ' " ! PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitor : ; . Bee Building ; , Omaha. Neb { years Hiamlnors U. S. I'-it. UlUoe. Advloa to PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! RR1LWKY TIME CRRD 1.0AVOS CHICAGO , IIURL1NUTJN AO. . Arrlvjs ( Imana Depot Illtli and Mason 3tl. Omahi 20 j > rr CblesKO Veiitlbule. . . IMP ) a. o 11.0 a m , Chicago Express. . . . UMa m IMA a m , Chios go Express. . . . 4M p m 7.1" p m , . . .Chlcano A. Iowa Local A 55 p m Leaver j HURLINIiTON & Ml ) , KlV'KIt , Arrlrei Omaha | Depot luth and Maton Sts. Omaht 10.15 am . . . . . . . .Denver lixpress 4.0) p m 1U.IS am Deadirood Express , 4 00 p m I SO pm Denver Express. . . . . . . II.J'J ' am I.M pin Denver Limited 12U ) am [ 6 M p m . . . .Nebratka Local ( KxBun ) . . , U..W p m B. 15 n in . . .Lincoln Local ( Hxcoiit-tiinl. n 31 a ui lx'avoa I LlllOAiiu. 'it. I. A PAClfTO ! I Arrlvei Omaha. I Union Depot IQtll A Maroy Hts. I Omaha lOM n m Atlunllo Express CM p n 3.W pm .Chic. & Dun. , vestibule limited. 3 00 p in 7.10 p m Mctit Kxpruss 8 W a m I.OU a m World's Kulr Limited 3W am IQ..A a m . . . .Lincoln. Kalrbury local. . . . { V..V , p m I CIllCAUU , K. I. , V IMOlHl' West. lUnlon Dapol lull and Maray Sit Watt U ! u | > m . . . .Lincoln , Kiilrbury local , , lu.Vi a n : i.j : ) p m .Clilc. & . Dun , vusiltiule limited , : i.U p n 2 JO a m World's Kalr I.Imltod 12 M a m Leaves 1C. U.riTTJ. AO , u. Arrival Omaha liopot 10th ant viaton Stt Omab\ V.M am . . , .Kan aiClty Day rixprest . , , a.65 p ui 9 45 p in K. U. MRht Exp. vli U. P , Trans ti4Q a m 0.45 p m St , Louis Exprets C.4Q a m leaves | U.Nlu-i 1'ACIKIO. Arrlrjs Omsha I Union Dspot IQtii and Maroy 3ts. f.W am . . . . . . . .Uourjr ExprJit 40i p 115 pm Ororlaud Klyar p 4 li p m , , llaatrlc & Strmib ; Hrfo IATO P 11.43 p m PaelOo Kxprait 10 U a U.UO pm Danvor KattUII 4'JI u m , clllUAUO M1UABI' I'AIIU Arrive Omaha I U. P. napot and * tarov r lt. Omah 6WpiL | , , . . . . . . ' -'liltazo Exprett ll.tpanl [ , , . _ . _ . . . > ; hlea o Bxpra i Leavai I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC , lArrlvet Omaha ) llepol. IQlli and Marcy 8ts. I Omatii 10'JOp in IU.OO a m 8IUUXCITV i PACIKIO , Arrives Depot , lith and Webstar 8tl. Omah 6.45 p m | .BU Paul Limited | 0.2i am Leaves I OMAHA A ST , IXU1S. [ Arrives Omaliaq [ P. Depot , 10th and Marcy Sit. I Omaba 4JJO p . , . . . . . Louis Cannon Rail | i ; . : pm ves I C. . .ST. lM. . & O. ( Arrives niahal Depot lith and Webster Sts. | Omaha &I3 ami. 1 Hloui city Accorainodatlon.I UU > p m I.IS p mlbloux City tixpref ( Kr. Hunday ) | 114 ] p m fi.4 pm ) 81 Paul .mlled 'J.2i a m 6.15 pmlllaiirroftPasneniterlEx Sund'y ) BU pm Leaves K. . E. & MO. VALLEY I Arrlvet Depot 15th and Webster Sit. Omaha "RiJb"ftni . Dead wood Mpren _ . 6.2J p m 9.00 am ( Ex. Bat. ) Wyo. Exp. ( Kx. Moil. ) S..M pm 6JO pm . Norfolk ( Ex. Sunday ) , . 10.21 a m 6.45 p m . St. Paul Mxpre * * . lUiarn leaves ICHIOAOO k NORTH WKSTKRNI Arrlvet Omaha ID. I' . d pot. ! 0tb and Marcy Hls. | Omaha FOUND. Ratal , Ike a wor ttrst Intertlou , lea word Iher * after. Notblog taken for less than lie. ODNO. UKTWrEN PARNAit AND HOWARD strtsls , black purse contalnlog uiouey and two | keys. Call al IW North mu tr t. BJI It. * ' lift YOU &Q.U8H Em _ BMii * * ! It Carrt Coldi , Coughi. Sort Throat , Croup , InAu * tnta , Whooplnjc ( > Uh , Dronthllll andAtthraa. A eirtaln curt for Consumption In flrit > t cct , and a sure relief in advanced taes. tin at enen , Tourrlll see th excellent effect after taking the frit dots. Bold far dttleri eterywhira. Women Will Vote AS usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day m the week in favor of WHBTE RUSSIAN because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in harder alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIR1C& CO. . Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap.Jlokn the HnnolJu Rkln Sofl WATER ABOVE ALL OTHERS. " To the Londonderry Lithia Spring W.\tcrCo. : _ "Have tested your LI riff A WATER \ numerous cases twhere acid is not well eliminated from the sys tem , and find that it acts exceedingly well. I believe that many cases of uric acid diathesis , which gives rise to Rheumatism , Gout , and sooner or later that form of kidney and bladder dis ease dependent upon t/rfc Acid \ \ \ Greatly benefited by a free us ; of the LONDONDERRY LITHIA IVA TER , and to such would recom mend it as a table water. If liquors are to bu used , no water is at once so agreeable for diluting them and so pre ventive of the bad consequences following their use. LITHIA IVA TER is the water above all others for the man who lives well and drinks food wine. " f ROM H. M. JERNEGAN , M. D. , LATH PROK. OF SURRKRY OF MED. DEPT. BOSTON UNIVERSITY. Londonderry LithYSpring Water Ca NASHUA , R. II. ClUKI.ta H. I'ERKINB Jc Co. , Selling Affcntl , BMm , PAXTOX & GALLAGHER , Distributive Agents for Omaha. I WAS BIG. I WAS PAT. I FELT MEAN. I TOOK PILI.S. I TOOK SALTS. I GOT LEAN. Handsome Women Can Lose Weigh Fast. Homely Men Look Bettor If Thin. Try Dr. Edison's System. No Dieting. Band worth Twice the Money , Ofllco of H , M. Iliirlon , Hardware , O.iry Stu- tloii. III..Inn. It. IHU lr. ) Edison HoiirMri I am well ploasoil with your treatment of oboilty. Tbo band U worth twlco the iiuinny it unst , for cninfort , I li vu rciliicod my woiclit tun pounds , I wol' li 115 now , iinu i dlil woljjli Ul > , Vouri truly , U. M. lluitTON. They Are Doing Mo Good. Earlvlllo. 111. , May 2.1 1337. IxirlnK & Co : Incloied IIml t ! ! > > for wlilu'i ploasa send mo the other two bottloi of Dr. Edlion's ilbai- III Pills. 1 have used oua undlhlnk hey ara ilaln * Ibowork. U. M ,' , P. O. Mo * 7J Talk So Much About Your Pills. Pcorla , III , Juno 19. 1991. Dear fllrsi Aftorhoarliieonoafmy frlvndt laU 10 Such about your Obeilty Pills ana ilia bunolH hsli dorlvliiufroin thorn 1 think I will try them mysslf Please sand me a boitloi C. ( J. I ) . , iiml obllnj , J , MoiililH. < OI Perry Street , Fool Better andWelgh 13 Pounds Loss Doshon , Ind . Kept , 18. 13-13. flonllnmens Inclosei ) I nund you * l. for which you will please sund niothrea bottlunf the obu lt/ till Is , AullaklnK the fourth bottlu and feel vury much better and weluh IJ puiinds lest than wliun { lioian taklUK them 1 will t'ontlnuo your Ircal.uont. Mils. J. C. ilcL'iiNN. bouth blitli Street. An Individual whoioheUhtls t feet I Inch should wcUn 155 pounds & feet BInches " IW t foot 10 Inches " " 17U " Ir , Kdlsonsays : "It nay bu well to point out thsWIn my experience , which U necessarily very conil'teralile , many troublesome skin dliuairs such , ecriiema , Jaionu. psoriasis , utlcarla.olr , are prim , arlly caused by oht vlty , and at the fatandfl shls ledured by the pills und Obesity * mil Salt au i tbo action of the band tbeie nfleetloni hava almost luuL'Ically disappeared " 'the Obesity Frnlt Halt It used In cnnaoctlon with Ilia Pills or Hands , or both Ono tenspounfut In a tumbler of water iimkei a delicious soda. Tastai Ilka cbanipalnno. The buns post li.W ) each forouy leujth up to W Inches , hufor onu lamer than W Inchai dJ 10 cents extra for each uddltlonal Incti. ' I'rlo of Krult Halt. 11.00. Plllitl.W Per Dottle , or-i lluttlot lor II 91 Sent by Mall or Express Cutthli out and keep It. ud aud for our full ( i columnurtlcle ) on oboilly. MENTION ADDHES8 EXACTLY AS GIVEN BELOW. * Loring & Company SHamlRon PI. . Dept. JI. Uoston. Matt , US Btat * Rl. . Dept 13 , Chlcazo , HI. , 10 W , Kaa HI. , Dept U , N w York City. For sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. WEATHER CROP BULLETINS Lost Week's Conditions Verj Favorable fo the Farmers. FARM WORK IS BEING RAPIDLY PUSHED Krpurla Oomc from Almost Kverjr State Oront liiiiroraiiirnt Noticed OT T l.n t Wiiok A llrlght I'ronuso for Itottiilirul WASIIINOTOX , D , O. , Mny 10. The week ending May 15 1ms bcou tlio moat fnvorabto of the season In the sprinj ; wheat region nnd In the states of tha upper Mississippi nnd Missouri valley , In Kausm , Indian Territory and northern Texas. The week was slightly cooler than usual from Pennsylvania and Ohio southward to Florida , Im'ludliiR the east portion of the cotton region , the cool nights being reported as unfavorable to the Top In South Carolina. The season Is from a weolf to ton days l\to : In most sections , til. " though farm work has boon ralildly pushed ilurtng the past week in the principal grain states. From telegrams to thu department , giving the general condition through the United States , It U Inferred that there tins been n Improvement over the princi pal agricultural districts , nithniiKh the weather conditions wore unfavorable In the east portion of the cotton regions. Missouri' ' . * I'roniierlA. COLUMIIIA , IUo. , May It ! . The weekly crop and weather bulletin for this state , Issued today , reports a temperature ranging from normal In the northern Into 1 ! ° dollclcnt in llio ease , central nnd southeastern counties. The weolc has been an Improvement over the four preceding , with bright weather and rainfall , not varying far cither way from normal , with warm weather overcoming any ill effects of the moisture as well as visibly improving all vegetation to an Inestimable extent. It Is still to wet for further plowing except In the higher Holds and considering the amount of replanting to bo done , there is need of long continued line weather. The condition of Die crops throughout the slate Is generally unfavorable , though the brighter wcathor is bcinc taken advantage of to improve them In everyway possible. Wheat varies witli the location , but In no case Is a normal crop promised , while in places Its condition sinks below 50 percent. Oats promise as well as anything sown and the stand is healthy. Grasses and pasturage are doing well. Potatoes have rotted some ; fruits are look ing bolter , b'lt the outlook is still very poor. Cherries , apples , plums , etc. . are dropping badly to the ground. Corn is in bad condition and the most oC the ground planted in which the scud has rotted will have to bo replanted. Gardens are hardly started and early vege tables ure Improving. , Nebraska Crops Improved. Ciintis , Nob. , May 10. [ special to TUB BKI : . ] Weather crop bulletin No. 0 of the Nebraska weather service , issued from its central ofllco at Uoswell observatory , Doano college , Crete , for the week ending Tuesday , May 10 , says : Kcporfi received from 120 observers In sixty con my. The. first half of llio week was cold nnd cloudy , followed by warm sunshiny weather tlici last half , making the aver-ago for thu week allRlilly below normal. Tlio rainfall ovrr iniicli the larger part of tha stale wan less than half an Inch , but over u largo area In thu .southrastcm part consldur- atilu rain foil , bolng thu hemust la York anil Hamilton counties , where It exceeded two Inches. The week has been more fnvorablo than 'any ' during the past , month , and all crop * show an ImiiroM'iiiont In condition All sections have been vKlted by ralni during the past two weeks , followcu by warm sunshiny weather of the last few diiys , which have brought ull crops forward and sprouted the planted com. Tiiei-prltig grain , whllo It has nhown an Im- proveficnt during tlio week Ispllll In poor con dition and backward. In most sections more rain Is needed and overywhcro sunshine and warm weather are incedcd to bring crops for ward. Corn Is about two-thirds planted In the Houthcru half of the htato and about one-third In the northern half , being In this respect rather ahead of the average for other years. Conditions In Illinois. SriiiNOi'iEi.i ) , 111. , May 10. The weather crop Bulletin says : Tlio temperature for the past seven days has been below the nor mal in the northern division , about normal in the middle , and bclovr normal in the southern. There has been an average amount of sunshine , but the rain has been below the average except in a few counties. In the northern counties corn planting is being vigorously pushed , " . " > per cent bus al ready been planted in soiuo localities. In some purls of the central and southern divisions , planllng has been de layed by the rains but considerable ground is prepared nnd some planting dona on the high ground. The low lands are still too wet. There is a marked improvement in the condition of in the central division good condition in the south , In some places beginning to head. An immcnso acreage has been submerged which will boa total loss. Pastures ana meadows are grow ing well nnd stock generally tinned out. Oats are generally in excellent , condition. l''rults promise well as a rule. lowu' * l''nvorjl > le Outlook. DBS MOINRS , la. , May 11 ! . The weather crop bulletin reports u favnr.iblo change in weather of the past week. Corn planting has begun , with the soil in good condition. The bulk of the planting will bo complotcd this week. A decided improvement i * noted In the small grain pastures and mo.ulows. The loss from rotting heed will not Im as serious as previous reports indicated. There have been unprecedented losses of spring \ Pigs. Pigs.Hood's Hood's Sarsap.irilla positively cures oven when all others fall , it has a record of suc cesses unequalled by any other medicine. Tin : INSTKPMKNTS placed on iccord May 10 , IHUIl : WAIUM.NTY DKI'DJ. Moses Ilurwii'h and wlfo to Lunmul , Kottlnsky , undlv 'A of n 44100 ( cut IdtH Id and 11 , block 11:1 : , South Omaha , lot UO , hlock : i , .Mclimook & O'lCeelVo'sadd t I H.IIIIU to MIIIIO , nndlv 'i lots U and 10 , block ' _ ' . .Initer's add 1 Hamo to llWUannet , e M lot 0 and w M lot 0 , hlork 101 , Omaha , lot 10 , hlnuk H , Cole llillllanlc.lofJii , hlock 11 , Alhilirhi'MAiimiv 2.250 Haiiin lo .Mary ( ilntherg , middle -0 fiuit lot I'hloek Hi ) , South Oiimlia. . South Oin.iha Kami company to Anton llaihek , lot 10 , block 11U , same , . , . . 650 PIIIIIV t Kosa llarbek , lot 10 , block 10H , same 200 Hlnion Oherfelder and lfe tn A II ( ilndhtnnc , lot * 10 and 17 , block 0 , .Iciomo paik , lot 0 , block" , Hans- corn park 1 A II ( iladsloiiii to 1' .M Olioifelder , undlv Vt hiiiiio 1 M I , iiUuoilh : and nlfii to UV Illlch- eiicU , lot 0 , blockJ , IluiKm'HMiliillv 400 \V liriellty , trusted , and wife lo WIN Hum choenlnit , lot 10 , block 1V 1 I , Si-lliy'rt 1st mid loScinlh Omaha , . . . . II50 W II llerry and wlfo to J l'r < chuUz , lot 4. block 0 , Totter & Cobh'n add to rioulli Omaha f 37r > O DtuorugoloK HJaylord , lots' ! and : i , block4 , llnrllnxti'ii I'lucu 600 Julia Asplnwall and husliiiiil to ( Just hedln , lot 10. bliK-kU. lAinu' * add. , BOO Jci > so l.iiuu nnd wlfn lo 1 < T Klchards , lot ia , block 3. l.owd'rf hiibillr HOO IA ( inlf and wife to Andioiv Ander son , lot 87 , Nelson'd mid 2,000 O J I MX and wlfo lo A II Taylor , lot O , block 1 , llnmllton Hiiiarn | 8,600 Martha ItoKen and liushand U ) n W I.owu , lot 'J4 , block 12 , lludford 1'laco . , , 1,600 QUIT 01.AIII Illir.llg. J IMCarasol ; to Mary Karabok , lot 1 , block 10 , Clifton lllll , 1 DKKIIH , G A llonnett. sheriff , to VV WcuolU , lot 10 , block 2 , Uwlght & 1-ynian'B udU . , . , . , , . 034 Total amount of transfer * f 14,3H There are three thinga worth saving- Time , Trouble and money and Da Witt's Little Early lUsors will save thorn for you. Those little pills will save you time , a they act promptly. They will nava you trouble ui they cauio no pain , They will ae yon uionev as they ocoiioinizo doctor' * bill * . iija