u TI1F AILY IME : SUNDAY , MAYKUJSlHSIXTliJLW PACKS. SPBC1RL NOTICES. A IIVKKTIHKMKNTl ) t1 > U TIIB B rOU'MNS / \ will t ) tnk n onlll II SO n m fr.r th i > tenlnB nrt nnllli Mnro for lioniornln ! ! ! HiilI'iiniUr lllloni. jMtrertl er > . I > T rcqiidtlnr n njintiored check , enn hnrothHr HPUwcru il.lre e < l to rtnunibotwl IMtpr In rarKitTIU llit An < wcrt > nrtitrimcd wlllb * CPIlTcrcJ iiinn | | ir entttton of tlio chrck. SITUATIONS WANTED _ ItntPK. me word nr-t In Tl'on. lr n word thoto- tfltr. Nothing Inkfn for lm tliBii iic. " _ - " " - \vjirlBfK YioN AS A nut lif n eiiietlcnccd younB 111.111. < ! ooil I'Pii i n ar.rt umlmtondi bookkeeping. t n fnrnlili loferenois. Ailrtrc 0 20. HOP unica. _ _ I L _ AWANTKHi COPVSo"rO ! 1 > O ON TVl'E- A- ntltnri illctntlom tnkuii : Mtllifaotion xinrnn tcoil. Adrtrcsr. O 71 , reu office. _ 'I UI _ ASTkfTMTl'ATION IlV "vtH'NH MAN A In ni lr.mrvot or izroroir torci toino t > erl- mpoln incut ruttlntr. Artdrm 3 , C. Jolinjon. 7Jt iioiitli Flrtt etrcot. I'oiinpl ! HUiffa. Mi < a ll _ " " " -A TIIUOiCtlt7v"Tiu7TNK"9 ) ; Yo. ( I.At ) V itc lrn roMIInn an hookkcc ) cr. rinhlpr or toiijIMilt niioitil penman nrt tnplil rnloulalor. > < MIP ( I 37. rare Heo. MCiB U' A WA.NTKI ) . tTUA ION AS CI.F.UK IN IlllY yVvnniti. uroccilei , booti and nlioci" ! al o under- I md bookkci > | iluu. Can furnliti itood rcfcrpn < o , Address ( I J'J. lloo. W IS * - WAM'KI ) 11 of e * , < m yenrcxpcrlr-nce. whet \ lndn trloui nnd cspable to InVe charge of the mechanlcnl work In any shop. Addrass 'Jlios. M. Welll. Osmond , Null. 7l'j 14 * WANTKD. I'OHITION AH OFFICK ASHIHrl A nnt or nssl lnnl bookkeeper ; can furnish tef- oirnccs. 0.38 , Ileo. M77J.II * WANTED MALE HELP. llntcs , me n wnrd first Insertion , Ic a word there- nfter. Nothing taken for leu * than 2.'c. 1 > WAN.KIKTHAVKLVNli BAl.KH > ? i-N TO J'Oil baking powdor. Wo pill our goods In gln s fulling pin * . Ii0 month salary nnd expenseor 2j per cent comnil * lnn. Send stamp for tcply. Chicago linking Powder Co , 7C7 Vnn Huron , st. , Chicago. * ? . IIK YOU WANT A GOOD P v YING JOlf WHITE „ J ) Iho llnnks Nurery Co. , Milwaukee , Wl' . I--SKH us IF YOU AUK SKKKINO A Tiirm J'grndo position. We hnvo plncod hundreds In peed positions nnd can n ilst von. Western Ilnsl- ness ngency. 316 N. Y. Llfo building. Ma fl IWANTKD , IILACK MITII. itTT HK GOOD horsesliocr. Hugh Noonc , Krcmiinl , Neb. ' 674 14 * ! - WANTKI ) . KIUST-lM. Sj OAHIUAOK RWANTKI . Hlxhoit wazcs for A 1 men. J.C. llartman , Cro > tonIn. MB4U 14 'l > \VANTKISOlilCITOIlS WII It ( JtOI ) HKf- Jerenc . Teams furnished free. Kilra pay to pnrtln with their own rlg > . American Wrlnitur Co. , inco Howard t. TO 21 * WANTKII , to TINNKIIB. THIS o. n. HAM- B ; ; mono company , Boulh Omalin. M6U4 17 -WANTICI ) , UIMIOLSTKUKHH , ALFO l.OU.NOK makers at Lincoln , Neb. Apply Lincoln Up- holstnrjnK Cu. , Lincoln , Nob. 7UO "n WA.NTKII , CIFKIUKAIKNIIUAUTIIK orKiCK J.Mon's Kccord World's fair admlnslon frco to lubscrlbers. Iteniiost sample copies The Ulllco Men's Itccord Co , , .Major block , thlcaito. 71014 * WANTKII , THAVBI.INO HALKSMAN ; N K w specialties ; 125.00 10 I.VI.UO per week easily , Na tional Merchandise Specialty company , 243 Warmth r.vo. , Chlcaxo , 7IS 14 * "IJ-TUAVI-LINC ! 3ALKSMAN ON NKW Bl'l- a * vlulty , for dry ( roods , Krocery and ucneral mer chandise stores ; also city salesmiKi. Allison. 24 ! Wabash avenuo. Chlcaxo. 7 4 14 * f ffr -HAI.KUMAN. tUAVKLlNC.ZUOOl ) FACTO 1 1 Y lines on commission ; Nebraska territory ; call fr Monday. 1113 llainey street. _ 721 14 * WANTKI ) , KXI'IUIIK.SCKI ) TUAVHLI.Nf } siilesmiiii for Nebraska to cell pnntK. o\cralls and uiiinufautureil iroods from factory ; refercncu rcunlred. Aiulrusn UJ1 itml ; > IW Court avunuu , lies Molnus , la. 7' ' U * -WAM'KH , KIItbT-CLA S UH.IAHLK KX- pery hotel and rcatnurant cook ( Cernu n ) ; make tiroi.iltiinlnni.try. Call Metropolitan Hotel , Itoon W. W 14 * _ _ _ _ B-WAftTI'.l ) , TINNKIt WITH IJO01) KNOW leduo of ItHtfl ure trndo. Htnto mines and refer cnco. r. I . Kello-K. ytratton , Neb. 7SU 14 _ - VANT1' ! OI'fK-K HOY ACQUAINT ! : ! ) ( i with city , nlth reference ) . Omaha Dental In dilute , 318 So. 15th street. Sunday from 1 to 2 p.m t -HALI'.hMKN WANTKI ) Foil A NOYULTA which lias no equal on the continent as n seller lieliiK thomost unliiuo article known. Oood side lino. Alton Mff. Co..U E. Jackson St. . UiliaijO HlII.IAlll.K MKN WANTKI ) TO DlSTKlllUTl circulars for IBTKO advertliern. Cash paid. Ad drcsi with stamp AdvcrtlslLK Uurcnu.lS Uroadway t < ow Vork City. WA.NTItl ) , liVICKY INBUHAKt U ACCNI' ANI ) liiislnesn man to write for our fortune-maker phins-lHo , endowment , etc. : regular bonanzas ; Di'st ononrth nnd lar eet pay ; mention paper and Unto experience. The Agency ( .o , No. U , Union niuaro , New York. MKN WANTKI ) ; HALAHY ANI ) KXI'HNSKd ; permanent place. Apply at once , Drown Hios , Co. . nurserymen , t lilcago. WANTKI ) , HOY TO PAKilY IIUUSK-IIUUTI ! on KvenlnKlL'co. Call at circulation dcrartmonl it 3:30 : p. iii. 7iU -OKKICK MAN COMl'KTICNT TO MANAJli peed offlco business ; ono experienced In real istato and acquainted In city prelerred ; must be tblo to furnish bond ulicl rcltrenco at to ability. Address ( i , 42 , Hco 771 16 _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates , 1 } ( ° n word tint lusortlon , Ic a word tlieru- after. Nothing taken for lent than 25c. \VA"NTKlT T.AIIIKH OH" S-OON ( ! MKV "ri take Ilk'I't. ylensant work at their own homes ; II. IX ) to f.1,00 per day can bo quietly undo : worV rcntbymall : no canvassing. For particulars nd dress lilobc M'fu. Co. , 1)0x6331 , lloBiun , Mans. IC tabllslied I83J. .MSI' ' M2I > -WANTKI ) , KHMALK STimKNT NuiiSi : A'i W.C. A , hospital , corner Dili ktrecl and I'.th avenue nuo , Council lllulls. M31S M2-J -LAl > e WA.NT13I ) , TO ACT AS 8TATB AOKN'l fortlio famous llniollne. n posltlvo cure to nil fumulo illieu < es. Tei : clnya treatment fiec Address I Jr. Doui'las .V Co. , Isouth llond. Inil. . U H A. .M.'Ut Hi' ft _ ftft fl WANTKI ) , I.ADIIVa TO WIIITK AT IIO.MK C Knclose ( tumped envelope. Kiln Wcrst. t-'oc. llend , Iml. M4I1 Ci i MAN ANI ) WIKK , flOuU : M MKN , IOU (11 ( HL < J.XI ( to fiOO. Canadian otllcc , 1W. ' Knrnnni. C -G1HL WANTKI ) FOH GKNI'HAL IIOUSK work , good wages , thrco In family , at 2210 Sun 70 > ! 15 * CWANTKI ! ) . GIHL < OH GKNnitAL lllltlSl- work. KU78 Mason > t. 7011 14 C-WANTP.II , A CO.MPKTKNT GUlL WHO UN dorstiimU cooking. Good wngcs. .1U7 Dodge t- IW-15 O-WANTKD , LADII-S A.M > GKNTLKXIKN. w -will pay j-on 16 HOI of 12.00 per wick lo do strlctl liomuwork for us nt your homes. No cnnvnuslnu ( end solf-nddresited envelope. G , F , Kmmons , Co. , llultcrynmrcli und Wutur streets , I'osKu Man , M77U 17 * -LADY ACJKNTJ CLKAH MO UK sioNlsY BICLI Ing tiur llygeln eorn't * thnn nt iin > thlng elsi Tor free sample outtlt nddrdns Western v orrct Co fct. Louis , Mo , -WANTED. LADIKS WHO WILL DO WHIT1N for ma nt 1101111 * cnn eii ry make fl.OO n da Bend self-uddressed. stamped unvelope. Ml Me 'lompklns , touth llend , Ind. 711 It- -WANTKI ) . ( Hill. FOH (1KNKHAL HOOsl work , four In family , good wages. 1818 Wul'nti klrcel. 7til4 * C-WANTKI ) , A U1HLFUII ( iKNKIIAI. IIOUSI noik ; family , 510 toutn Ulh nveuuo. nveuuo.M7S7 I5 C-WANTKI ) , DIIIL FOIl (1KNKIIAL IIOUSI work. 1024 N , I'Jth at. MTO It p-A LADY OF CULTIMU5 AND LADYLIKU Al V/drv > s wanted fur 11 porlllon light nnd ugrcoabl salary ( I.OU weekly and peiumnent If iultalil l ml die ani'il lady prelc-iri'd. ( nil ( no IcnerM'Jto Monday , superlntondent's olllee , room 12 , i ri'lgl Ion block. 731 14 * C-1'i'PiUHKNCKI ) G UL FOH GKNFIIA housework , live In family. n ges(4.25. 8 55 fa < d , ] 5 ( 14 * _ C-WANTKil ATONUC. GlltTTVoiT PiTl.lblll.N shirts on uiachlna ; sli'sdy work. T. 1C , clrc Perry , la. 7ia 14 * FOR "llSNT Hb U3ES7 ! Hates , IDo a Him I'lieli Insertion , 11.5) ) a line pi p\ciih | , Nullilog laken lor less than Jiii D > -FDl ! IlKNT. IhiUhKS IN ALL PAIifH ( ilty , TlieO. F , Davli company , 1505 Furnaiu i iMl JD IFLA'l > . ! lWKLLINGr-.COTT4GI-.SAI LP.\H1 city , Kilkenny A. i o. , H. 1 , Continental block. 1-V-KOlt UKNr. IJ-uOlM IlliUSK , ilOl DulJGLy - - ' IrveU Knqulra of Xlorllt Muyur , cor lui'.i ai l-nrnnm. _ _ _ _ _ idi B - HOOM IIOUSK. 'ij-itocm arrrAGK. AI modern , beautiful lawns , shade , etc. N. K. cu 2 < nd and M lama sts. 6'J. Dm UKM' . NIN.HOOM llOt/SV. / MODKI Improvement * Inquire 4U Nonli 3 tli bl. _ _ _ _ Ma * ) MM D8 HOOM IliiU.-li. MOD.OIN , IONVKMK- fur business or wholi'salu tueu. Apply 1111 sou 10th street. y : _ _ _ _ D TK.S-UOOM MODKIIN UOU It , GOOD Ul' tloni rent moderatu. I. bkluner , ISIl I'arna ttii'ut. _ MM ] B- toil HUNT , NICK TKN-IIOOM MODKl bousu. c st front , on Kontli llth ulrvcl , n * Jacksun ; reutf4i ) . Inquire U7I SoutU IZth street. . _ _ _ I4J DFOH HUNT , Nliti : tlGHT-HOOJI HOI'S ' uer llantconi Park , oil modo'n oouveulenci pl nJUiiil liboriiOQd. Ulcks , aiiN. 1. Life lllc FOR RENT HOU3 28. r < tn-iii > vt iTlir fir.ST To IIOJM M"DKHN IllTll < K" sultiiti.rfrr roomers nnd tionrdrrs. Mil llnrnrv ir.-el 10 r-ioin inolcrn lionr. 1/11 l.rnvenworln Ifeol , only 11SV ) . "oni'jMc * cntl.i ? i II l Clnrk Co. , 12IS llnrney slri-fl. .VM4 \-7-llOOM IIOt/'SK , KAST KIIONP. ALIi MOD L/crn , iirn Fidelity Trail Co. , 1J04 Fnrnnn IU " 1 - FOIt"IlKNT , MNK lUMlM IIOf'sK , " ALL ' 'convenienics , Iftfut grounds and good Manlo ! n Koo4 locnilnn nml oa y of nccoss Hent to T1r.t Inn tenant will he rcnn'innnlp Apply Umnhn * mi A Trust Oloth iiul liiiil lii * t . S. > 5 D -8-llOM COTTAGKS. STANFOIID ( 'IIICLK , n n. mod rn. C g Klglllli r , l Hoc bldg , 203 " -3ANI ) 4-IIOOM APAltTMKSTS , VON DOHN block , with st am ; references required. 810 82M. VU4 I ) -SKK II. K. COI.K CO. , MCCAOUK HMK ) . 3MI Jt n-KOIt IIK.VT , 3 Kt.AT3O.V2nd t'l.OOlt I.INTON block , ( I rooms es.clitn uoort repair , J2J.OQ per ninnlli In advance. Also ] l-room lieu c < In Couth ) mnhn , corner it 2ith ! and O ilruitu , 110 oacli. In nnd rcpslr. Inqnlro at PI ) South 13th street , Jmnhi. .loll n llanillu , agent. M3 ' f-VOiURNM'.T.UOOM COTTAIJR AT HM3 I'A- J Celtic street. Apply lilt joulli lUtli street. _ MG43 --FOU HUNT , OOOI ) 6-IIOOM 11OIJSK NKAU business center , 11800. The O. K Davis com- taiiy , I.VJi Karnani street. _ 6M-M D-3-STOIIV 10-ltOOM IIOUSK , VICKY HUAEONA- blu price. 1I > H Dodge street. 07J 17 D-KOIt Itl'.NT , tOTTAOIJ ANI ) I.AltUK Krounds with liarn , veil , nlco shade trees , etc. , IIIM soulliweot of city llmlM : Hi.UO per month. lllcks.SJiN , Y l.lfo Lulldlnif. .MtWIII I \-1IOUSi : , KUHN1SHKI ) , I OH IlKNT , t HOOMSj -l-'fortho summer. Apply : i7U.Wd. ! MMI It * -MODUIIN R-ltKM ) IIOUSB NKAIt Illdlt I ) school. Inqulro tBIfiCapllol Aro. MBS7 111 * B-8 HOOM MODKHN IIOUSK. NKW. OAK llnlth. line porclic * . Inrge lot , centrally located , X block * from motor , t.uoo. Inquire at 1122 Fnrnnru trcot. MliUn l'i * D-llOUSi : , 8 HOOMS , CITY WATKIl , HATH , etc. , 4715 llnrncy strcnt , $15.00. Homo. 14 rooms , all modern convenience * with largo barn , S. K. corner Hith nnd Castellnr streets , til li.uo. lloiiio , C room * , city and cistern wntcr , 2571 Spnulding street , (15.00. Homo , i ; rcoius , city wntur , etc. , 0000 Mlnml street , tlO.l'O. House , 9 room * , well , cistern , barn , etc. , N , K. corner 21th nnd Sewnrd itrccU. U5UO. Will put In city wntcr nnd rcpnper. lloimn , 7 room' , city nnd cittern v.'ntcr , 2203 Locust street (20.UU. lloiiko , 10 rnoms , nil modern Improvements , "KB Dodge street , f .OO. Homo , lirooni * . bath , sewers , city nnd cistern water , 30J1 Cnllfornln .trout , SIH.JO. An elegnntS-room nouso with hntli , ins , sewers , hnrn , simile trees , largo lawn , etc. , 610 N. 3Jd street. . . House. 4 rooms , 12) } N. 30th street , wall and cistern. } ( ! 00. Goo. J. I'nul , IU ) . Kiirnam street 701 14 * D- Vim HUNT. Illl'j Wcbttor , ,1-rooni cottaKe. KbO. 3114VcbUor , l-rooin cottaiic. M.OO. ll.l Locust. B-rootu mndorn house , (20 00. I'JQt North 27th. D room hou-o , city water , til 00. M4 South Kill , city natnr , tlU.UO. 1419 1'ark avenue , U room muduin house. (3000. Miuth lStht ; room house , city water , Iti.lXI. K. C. Ourvln .V Co. , 21M Shecly block. 7M 14 V-3-HOOM IIOUSK , GOOD HKPAlll. ' 2711 Douglas street. TKN-HOOM iioujK. MODKHN , NUWLY painted and papered , faces park , 1419 S. 2l'tu. ' fJO W , Including water , cheap , iUS S. Y. Life. M7511ft * FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 1,8,10 , 12 , HOAHI ) , VOj N 17. MM * J7 * 1,5 , MODKHN CONYKNIKNCKS , toil I gentlemen , 20J7 Cuss. Mill 15 * A VKHY DKt-IllAHLK IIOOM FOIl ONK OH Er gentlemen. 1'jig Dodge st U'J 1.1-A SWCK OF FHONT HOOMb ; ALhO ONIt S1D1S -l-room. 'JU17 llnrncy street. MW2 14 * -TWO FUHMSHED HO M < , OUN'ILKMICN onlM10 Davenport street E-N1CKLY rUHNISimil ROOMS roKOKXTLE- men. 310North luth. TOO 15 * -FUHN1SHK l > HOOMB WTI'H STKAM HKAT for gentlemen only. 15I'J Howard St. , 2nd Hour. 2U7 E -1'LKASANT , WKLL FUHMSUEO ROOM ; .A-J conveniences. 2r.03 liouglas. 57U 15 * T FUHNISHBI ) HOOMS KOIl HUNT AT 2ll OH IjlHJI South 20th st. IU7 14 * -rilHNIhllK ! ) blNC.Li : HOI.11 { 5.00 , DOUllU : room ( I'J.OO per month. Ifll S.17tn . St. 701-15 * -FUIINISHKI ) sTl'TlNTL DINING HOOM7 kitchen ; privilege of taking bonrdcrs. 2103 Douglas. M7771C * E-FUHN1SHKI ) HOOMS , l-'HONT. SINGLE OH jimullo , all modern ; save car furu. Flat A , (23 boutli inth street. 70S 14 * HANCHOFT. CHICAGO. F1HKPOOF. -JCalumct arcnue and Twenty-ninth street ; 244 large , light rooms , steam heat , hot nod cold water , jiiths on every lloor ; llrst-cliiks fninily hotel : best location near \Yorld' fair ; ti to W a day. Write for circulars If you wish to reserve rooms. E-THK TOWKH I10TI2L. LOCATKD AT H5TII strict entrance to World'K fair , Is now open foi KUQits. This 2DJ-room hotel , conducted on the Uuiopi'in plnn.rntis tXl ( to (5 CO per day , has all modern convenience * , Including olevntorB. Ad- drens H. T. lllakc , manager. Tower hotul , Chlcaito , 712 14 * E-WOKLD'.S FAIKVISITOIIS ACCOM MODAT1CI1 Insolent hoarding house at fi.lW per day. Mrs McMillan. 18.8 luilUnn avenue , ( hlciigo. 7U 14 * 17-IIAUNUM'S I1OTKL , FHKKMAN 11AHNUM IJruanaifor , Kuropean , Slniiit 8331 t st. Chicago 111 Htttcftl LOU and upwnrd" , 15 mlnutci to fal grounda. street cars paiu tha ilonr , modern , elo giintly tnrnUlicit. Speclalrntc.1 to delegations. Wrlli for particulars and World's fair map 711 14 * FUIINIMIK1 > HOOM WITH ALCOYK FOH gentlemen , modern conveniences. : ) ' North 2li M7.H ) Eroit HUNT. riwMsuii : > IK OMS , WITH 01 without hoard 257J llarney. 72'J 14 * E-MHS. I W. I'ATTON , PIUVATH lOAlllIN ! ( house. IK)44th ) M , Chicago , III. ; correspondent' solicited for World's fair accommodations ITi-FUIlNISHKD HOOMS DL'HING WOULD' : Jjfalr. (3 ( llriint Ave. . rhlcugo , t o blocks froc Cottugo Urovo cablu. The Mint's MuAutland , 7.2 14 * 17-NICKLY rUIINISIIKI ) KIIDNT HOOMS hUI'l lj nblo for tno or thrca ceiitlvnien , modcri house , Bt 2I2J Dodge street. .74 14 * FURNISHED HOOMS AND BOARD Hates , lOo a line ouch Inxcrtlnn , $1.5. ) n Una l > e month. Nothing taken for le > i than 2Sc. U-TUB DOLAN.aW AND2II N , 18TH ST. r sos 7YOUNGOMK.VS HO.MK , UNDKH CAHKO Woman's Christian association , 111 So. I7th st stan -an 7-LAHGK SOUTH I'HONT HOOM. FIllsT CLA- ! bonrd , IV.'J Dodge. MIJ'J 15 * 7-KLKGANT tUUNISHKI ) HOOMS WITI . board al Iho Webster , 5IU and AI8 N. 1'Jlh st. 050 17 * 1-IKH1HAI1LIC SOUl'lt ll'JOM , WITH IIOA11I 1m \ Chicago. MU77 14 * --1IOMK TAULK , MODUHATU HATKS ; W , Furnniu. t'J7 Jli * FOR RENT-UNFURNIBHeD ROOMi Hate * , IKo n word tlrst Insertion. Ion word then after. Nothing tnken for Icni thnn 2ic. -TWO IINKUHNISIIKD HION1' HOOMS 1 line lonullon , private family , for man an wlfo , with orvilhmit boitrd ; references o chnngod. One block from far line , Address b Now York building. 731 14 * -2 AND 3 HOOJIS , UHILK FLAT. IUM LKA' rnworth street. M7UO III * FOR RKNT STORIES AND OFFICE Hntes , lOcu line ene'i Innnrilon , ( I..VO a line pi moiitu. Nolhlng takun for lu * than 25c , - ) ST. . LA NG block , sultablo for meat market , hardware i dry goods nloro. InqulruirjM , Mill st. 210 i-Fimitr.vrTm ; ; > r uv IIHICK HUILDIM lyilt rarnnm st. The building has A tlreproof c mcnt insiiiuent. c-omp'otu ' steam liontlng llxlure wutur un nil Iho Hours , ga , etc. Apply ut thu ortli of'llio Hit ) . vie f-FOIl HUNT , CHOICKaT SKCOND I'l.OO - " business corner In OraiUn , Glebe building , ICI and Dodge , lilobo 1.0,111 X Trust Co , I FOt ! HK.ST. THK LAHGK KIIONT HOOM 0 Farnum street In N. Y Llfa Hldg. , wllh ht'ul an vlectrlo light. Also large b.isemuut room in son building with heat , ll.-iit , etc. Aoply to Hick . l.lfo Hldg , MOW 14 ff-rOll HK.NT. THK LAHGK FHONT HOOM ( J LFarnam strcot In N. Y , l.lfn Hldg . with ho.tt ni olectrlo light. Also largu basuumnt room In SID but.ding with heat , electric light , etc. Apply I Hicks. Agl. . gQi V. V. Lite Hid'- . .Mi..n 14 AGENTS WANTED. Hntes , mo a word nr.i insertion , la n word th-r nller. Nothing taken for lt' than 261- . T-II. .CO UYB11Y IIOUH YOU WOKK. ' ntedfora new Invcnllon , r : tlier scr. Addrei vilib stamp , or call on Warren llurge.lt , ralrbui Neb. t > > 4 iu < I -"SNAPFilll AClBNT't IUPIDTVG WIUTKI il Sample mailed , lOc. John I ) . Alken , Auburn. ; Y , Mh7 15' ' _ J-AGKNTS TO BULL WOHLO S I Alll ALDUS ! stationery , postal cards , etc. . to consume trade. Hurgert , 181 Dearborn ! * , Chlcugo , 716 1C 1-bNAP FOUTHAYKLING MKN WHO V1H ' many towns ; no sales to uiaku , DO sample * carry ; work one In a few inlnulos , wlilla waltl for trains. Write for tutitculart , "Uonlus Lock llux CIS , Cblcsf 0. AGENTS WANPED , Confliiiif.l. - KVKn'v 'ORlclnl m p9 of the World' * Columblnn Kxpnsl lion. lilcngo cnmplled from nctnnl oflclnl sur vey * , building plum and other rellnbla dntn only Kvrry feature of Interest nnd Interior arrnnRpmcnt of nil building ! nhown , n complete ) gnlrto In ll > elf. KrUlnnl artlftlodrawing 12 feet tqunro on othIM lion In Transportation batldlng. Souvenir pocket ninpft. 25 Inches gqtinra. price Vic , sell fnoter thnn can be printed. 1 ( octal commlnMon. Kncrgctle , llvn menmnko fromfJOUl to t .W per day. Cash only considered. Address Hetmnnn llolnte , chief dranglilsinnn of surveys nnd grade * d-pnrtniont , Wotlil'aLolumblnn Kxposltlon , 1113 ilnsonlc Tom pie. I hlcngo , 111. 2LL1 ! _ T WjrN'iRli ) , AJi : NT ? . ON K O F T11 It STHONO- " ct publishing houses of Hie Unllfrt Stale * , wanls ngcntsfor elJrn kn , nil part * , city nnd country , The most successful book of the century. Square Illicit eis. firm well known nnd perfectly * reliable ! llt'orni terms nnd exclusive territory ! full pntllcu- Inr * un request , Write sooni ttato experience , If any , nnd give references. Direct letters to FAS , lloo ( ittlce , nnd they will bo lorwnrdcil lo n repre sentative of our firm now trnvollng In Nebrn kn , who will nnlgn nil ngcncles In the Halo. 734-14 * -WANTKI ) . HAVING IMPHOYKD PHK9SK8 J lo prlnl roll nnd thect wrapping pnner nnd bags wa wnnt agents for locnl nnd surrounding territory u represent us. Men with experlncn preferred , Address. Missouri Pnper Co. , No , SOU Walnut si. , St. Louis , Mo. 7&MI 1-AUKNT8 WANTKI ) . TIIOHOUGIH.Y FIHST- 'cln ndvertldlng agent wanted for bct ndvcr- tiring medium In print. Stntn experience. Hard- Ing A Co. , Icinplo court. Now York City. M73S It * 1-AGKNTS ICVKIlUVItKltli TO SKLI. MKH- 'ahnnti advertising slzns In 1UO lot * , whltn let ter sign * , etc. Wo mnnufncturc. Tnylor Sign Co. , Cincinnati. 73511 * WANTED TO RENT. llnle * . me n word llrst Insertion , Ic a word there after. Nothing taken for less thnn 2.ic. K WANTKl ) , orn house tor family of two. AddressU 2R. lice. MC2U-1I * A h-OUUO t KIVK ItOOM CorF ( ! K IN ( JOOH order nnd rcjldcnca iio'ffhborhood. Address O 2tl. Uoo. Mfia 14 * trYANTK1) , 1 Wl > NICK UNKUItNlSUKD 1\rooms , or room with alcove In house lth modern Improvements , for Kcnllcman and wife ; also board. Addioss 1' . O. bo * 411. Mi.tVi IS * WANTKI ) , HOlJrfK WITH 15U1I1T HUOMS not farther nest than 21it strjct. or thrue un > furnlvhed rooms , by family with no children. Stale locality and price. Address , U 33 Hoc. ' .73 14 * MAN ANDWIPK WANT TO TAK".CHAItaK of house daring absence of owner for summer. Address Q 7 , llec. MLS7 14 * K- 3 UNKUUN1HUKtt KUUMS KOIl HOUSKUKISP- , R. Address I lice. MC78 14 * KK K WANTKI ) TO UKNT , I'OUH UOOMH KOIt Iliiht hiHibckcpiilnn , two In family , Address II , 1814 Webster stroet. 77814 * STORAGE. Hates , IDc a line each Insertion , SI..VJ a line per noutti. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. Ar STotAGll WLLAmClt6S3,12l4 - S.TOHAOH . roll HOUdKHOLl ) (1UODS ; clean anJ cheap ratoa. H.Volls , 1111 Karnam. 213 _ - ; STOVKS STOIHCt ) DUHINT SUM- M-HKATINi : storaco for houjohoUt ROOMS. Tel. ItO. I2U7 Douglas. Omaha "love Itupalr works. M41J7 _ TVf STOVES STOKKI ) AT HBASUNAllLU IIATK3 I > lat Uughcs Steve llepulr Works , OJ7 S. Ulh st. T'.lluiH WANTED' B"UY. Hates , lUc a word tlrst Insertion , In u word there after. Nothing taken for Ies tlmn 2Jn. -vT CASH FOll KUIlNn'O'llK. HoflSl ilOL 1 > Koods , etc. , or will mill ( or owner In our auction inlui. U. Wells , 1111 Farnain. 213 T-tlWOVroCK OF UAHDWAHE IN KASTKHN tNubriiskn. Address Lock llox 207 , Hogcrs , Neb. V-"IO STOUK : 11/VK CLHAH CITY LOTS -l > hind nnd cn b for drut ; stock , Slf > OU to S.1,030. Ad- drcts 'rOI bhi'ely block , 7 t II * FOR , SALE FUBNiTUBS- lutoe , me n word tlrat Insertion , Ic n word there Lfter. .NulUlnk' taken ( or Icri ) tlmn V5c. - OAK FOLDINO III' ! ) . LO.NO Mill- O-ANT1QU13 ror.cOBtfOI.OO , will sell Itfor M5UU : also 0 dlnlntt chairs. Can be Keen before noon nny iliiy nt No. Hi North S'Jth stroet. 71/.I 14 -KUHNITUHE , ( i-UiOM FLAT , HOOMS rented ; will take hiilf cash , balance In bon.d , or will trade for property. Address ( i 41 , lice. 755 14 FOR SAliE HORSES WAGONS ETC. ItatcB , IHc n word drat Insertion , Ic n word there after. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. V-KOlt ! aALK , N1CB lY 1 nnd carriage. L.V. . Tullors , 103 Pearl nt , Connell - ell lllulH. iil4 _ I-FOKSALK , FlHST-CLASri DHIVitlt. UK IS alto n KOOd slujlo footur. 7IC .S. Y , Life llldf. 71,01C * I-FOH SALK , GBNTLK HLACIC MURSK , HAH- ness , Simpson plmiton , etc. , Slili. Inquire nt Stublu Ilros , , 1'aik avenue stables , VJth and Wool- worth. ' Mill ] P-FOUSALK , UOItSKtS YUAHS OLD , IIU'JUY L and burnosi , cheap. 4015 Dodxo street. MOJZ 14 * 1 > -FU ) SALK. YOUNG QE.NTLK PONY , HADDLK or driving , cheap ; owner le.ivIiu city ICOO North .lh street. Mini 14' 1KUlt SALE-A LAKGh' , EIKiANT FAMILY home , nny lady can drlvo him : also surrey nnd lliaeton. Apply at Llnscod Oil works. 75314 * FOB , SALS Hntcs Men word llrst Insertion , la u word there. after. NothlUK taken for lest tlmn 2 ! > c. -HH1CIC FOI Dorcus. 35J -TIIKSTANDAHD CATTLK COMPANY OFFKII baled hay nt to.00 per ton , on bouril tears nl Amos , Neb This price may bo withdrawn at nnj time 215 KUitSlTUHK. AUCTION KVKIIV SATUHDAY Q 111) ) Farnnm , H. Well * , Auctioneer. C25 31 -FOH SALK. SMALL DWKLLING lIOUHK.i forromovpl from vlcln'ty ' of 2iHh nndCullfornli his. Imiulroof Geo. Wilson , on premises , or II. T Clnrke , WJ Hoard of Tjnilo building. 702-15 -MKHCIIANTS IN WANT OF HoSIKHY ANI underwear of all description * , sliouli ) send their orders to Jacob ilejcr Si llro . . Uilcugo Lnrgi stocks nt lowest prices. Till ! 14 * Q - SALK , A FIIKBH COW ANI ) CALF A1 Webster htreet. M74' ' . 18 * - 118.00 CASH UI'YS A 53-INCH HIGH WHKKI Columbln blcyclo In good order. 0. L , II. Hlri'lltM Hnrney street. 73714 * MISCELLANEOUS. Hates , IH'c n word llrst Insertion , lu u word lliora- nftcr , Nothing taken for loss thnn Ija. 11 * TPKW1111 KHS FOIl IlKNT.VK CAN FUI1 -LVnlKh you either a No. 2 or No , 5 llomlngtcn typo writer. In ilrnt class condition , on rental , Glvo u n rail. Wyckotf , Scamans & Honcdlct , 1712 Pitman struct , Omaha , xeb. 210 -WALL PAPKIl AND KHKSCO. WALL cleaned ns good us If uow , C. II , Flowers , 172 fc't. Mary's avo. iu ; it , * -MAHHIAGK PAPKIl CONTAININll Hfl Al Ivvcrtlseiuents of inarrlagcnblii people nnd thel plulOB. young , old , rich , poor , from all section * frev.s Gunnels Monthly Toledo , O , CLAIRVOYANTS. Hales , mo a word flrst insertion , Ion word then nfter. Nothing taken for less tlmn 25c. S-MIIS. NANMIJ V. WAHHKN. CLAIll VOVAN'I reliable business medium ; flflh year at ll'J N.H'.t 217 Q-illlS. DII.M.LKGHAYK , PHOPIIKTKSS. DKA fj Iruueu clalrvoant and life reader ; tells you llfu from cradle lo grave * ; can bo consulted on u 3 nltulrs of Illo ; has the celebrated Kgyptluu breai 3r Plato to unlto the separatu.l and cause nurrlnu r nlth ono you lo\e Coma one , couio all. and b convinced of her remarkablu porurn. Oltlcu an reklcleiieo 4U S , llth t. , hours Un. in. to U p , n Mrlct llfo chart und photo of your future wlfo c hurlml.d sent through mall fortOOOi chart uloui I..UO. All lettem conlainlng 4 ceiitn In tlamp promptly answered. 411 lu * MABBAGE. BATHS , ETC. llatu , lOo a Una each Insertion , 11.53 a line po month , Nothing taken for less thnn'JJc. 'ADAMTSTiTH , an a i3Tii , i.s'jVVi/361 ' i Itooiua Massace , vapor , alcntoi , steamsulbhu Inoandsua batb * . M7JS to * 'p-MMK. CAIISON , IIS1 DOUGLAS SI'KKKT , 3 1 Uoor , room 7 , uiassago , alcohol , sulphur and se fcu ths. Mr5 IV * PERSONAL. Hates. IKc a word drst Insertion , lo r word then tlcr. Notliluil : taken for less than Vx. " want to put It out on the boil , llrst mortgage s < vurlty In Nebraska , In sums uf f-JJJ lu ( i.uuj , un Ktitslx per cent Interest , come to us. 'lUe.ru ; absolutely no risk. Never bnd anything butiei Hoggs & Hill , 1408 I'arnam st. U20MI4 U -lA'lAHItII ! AND 1JAY FKVKP. TllKATK by thu month. Tumor * , gro-.nus aud other d fortuities of thu nosu und Uroat roiuuvod wlthoi P ln. Dr. J. F , Presn llil50 Ua bldg. M505 JC -MASf AGKTIIBATilKNT. KLKi THIC-I'IIKI mal buths. < Mlp and bulr tiealiueot. manlcui nnd chiropodist , Mrs. I'o t,3ll < c.l3luWltbuell b ! . _ . . . . * . - ' FAI1I 1IIK ' ' U-WOULD'B , IVI'KHNA'1 1ONA Itooin UentlDtf Agency of Chicago ( Incorporate capUallluO.DUUUO ) control suverul hotel * and IU.,0 rooms In prliatu fmulllr * of undoubted respcc ability. Don't pay oihort'Uant prices fcuureoi "frruoptlou" ceitltlcatu on alcgautTooui * ut II to IMK ) per day. Call or wrttu enclosing slam lleverly A lllchle , 1311 Farnam iltuel , Jm lia , to itcnti f or DouxUi county , Irt 11 PERSONAL. PILK9 PKIlMANk'XTLV CimiMUT ] A J ingle. pMnlesi treatment. Dlon e of Iho rectum n specialty Oft A J Cook , tlrnnd Hotel Annex , Council Illuffi , t1 > IIM 1C U-MH9. L. W , PATTO.N , PHIYATK IIOAHD1NG house , IWUlh * t. Chlcngo , III. , correspondence solicited for World' * fair nccommodntlons. ABSTRACTS' ' OF TITLES. Hate * irxs n line c cii'Vn * rtton. tl.S ) ft line per month. Nothing likcrt for le i than 2Jc. AHSTACTS 1'ltS MIDLVNO GUAHANTKK V nnd Trust company.- abstractor * , convoynneor * . Title * perfected nnd , giarnntca.l | Own thoonly complete nbsttnct book'In Douzln * cnnnty. He- moved to room 310 New York Life building. MJ70 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hate ? , lOo n line racli Insertion , . fl.M n line par month. Nothing tnkan for loss tli.Mi SOo , UATis.T'iii"LiTv ) : NY pany , 1701 Fnrnnm street. Lr CBNTKAIi LOAN A TIIU3T CO. , IIKI ! \ \y-C- . HAllltlSO.N , 812 N. Y. L1FH , \\r-MOHTGAGK LOANS LKS3 THAN 7 I'lcil 'i cent , Including nil charge * . Chnrlc * W. llnlney. Oniihi Nnt. b-ink bldg. til \\f-WANTKI ) ATONCK LOANS UN IMPhOVKI ) M ( iiunhn property ; low rates , Fidelity Trust company , 170.1 tnrnatu * t. 21U - , , > AM ) USIMlMtOVKl ) W-LOAN80N1MPOYKI city propertytJ,01) ) nnd up-v.i.rd , " > to 8Hper cent. rCo dclnys. W. Fnrnani Smith A Co. , 15th nnd Hnrnoy. -OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKKS LOANS on real estnto nt lowest market ralos. Loan * mndc In small or large sum * , for short or long time. No commission Is charged nnd the Ion-is nro not nold In llio uiul , Initoin alviyiba found attho bank on the corner of I Illi niul Doiulni stl , 221 IT"- ! AND S VKAU LOAMS'oN CITY ANI ) FA11M s. Heed & Solby , HII llonrd of Trade. . \\f-MONKY'to LOAN O i OMAHA ANI ) CdUN- ' ell IHurls real a < tnle nnd Ncbr.uk" nnd Iowa fnrm * at from 54 to ti' < p r cent Interestwith no nd- dltlnnnl ctmrgo * for coinmlsjon.i | or attorney * fees. W , II. Mclkle , Ut Nat'l bank bldif , Omntia , 2'l MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKST HATKS. The O. P. Dnvls Co. , l.'flj Knrnnni street. 227 \\r-ANTIIONY LOAN ANI ) THUJT CO. , 318 N. Y. ' Life , lends nt low raloa for choice security on Ncbrnikn or Iowa fnrm * or Omnlm city pro pcrly. 29 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPlt'lVKI ) CITY W property , low rotas. A. C. 1'rost , Doiiglnsblk. \\7-MONKY TO t. ) AN AT LOWKST HATH j ON * * Improved nnd unimproved real estate , 1 to 5 , years. Hdellly Trust Co. , ITiU Knriiniu , 2I' > -LOANb , G. G , WALLACE , 3U UHOWN Hl.If. SJO " W --OMAHA LOAN & TUUST COMPANY , 1BTII nnd DuiiKln * , lonn * money on city nnj fnrm pi-operty nt lowest rates of Interest 2.11 \\r-FIUsT AND iiKCONU M .HTGAGK LOANS ; I low rates. Alex. Moore. 4JI , llco bldg. M57Q WAM'KUTOUUYMOMKSPKHCKNTNOTKS secured by mortgages on Omnlm clly or DOUR- n * county property. Hoed & Sclby , Jii Clinmbcr f Commcrco. MHJ W-J. W , SU.U1IIK , MOYKDTO243 11I5K llLDd. 343 MOI7EY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , ! 0c a tine , each Insertion , JI..VJ a line per mouth. Nothlnu taken for less than 2JC. - AT TilK OKKICK Of K-CALL L I OMAHA MOimjAlU ! LOAN CO. INCOlirollATKD. IP YOU \VANT MONKY , You con borrow on IOUSKUOLI ) FUIINI1UUIC ANI ) PIANOS , HOIl-KS , WAIJONS ANI ) CAItltlKOK , iVAHBlIOUSti HKOKtl'lS , MKHCIIANUISIl : , OH ANY OT1IKH SKCUIUTY We tvlll lend you any amount from.tlltUO to 11.000 ON TI1K IAYJU ' AriK FOIl IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay ttiu money back In any amount you Ith , and at nny tlnii'"iuvl each payment BO made will reduce 11.o cost ottho loan ltcmemb < : r that vua have the use of both Iho property anrt the money , and pay for It only as IOHIMIS you keep It. V"rJ There will bo no expense or charso kept out of Jie amount wanted , but " "you will receive the full amount or the loan. _ lloloroborrowlnit elsoithcro call nnd sco us , and you will nnd It greatly tu your advantage. OMAHA MOUTOAOU LOAN CO. , 30ti SOUTH JdTH 8'IUEKT , first floor'aliovo the street. THE OLDEST , LAHOKbT A"NO ONLY INCOKI'OH- ATUII LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 2.12 \-DO YOU WANT MONKY ? X THK HDKL1TY LOAN GUAllANTKE CO. , HOOM 4. WITIINKLL llll'K. 31 ! < H S-OUTIl lVrlI , COHNKIl I1AHNKV ST , , WILL \ LOAH \ TlOO \ AHT \ \ \ ' BUU LABQB OB SlfAUi moil \ TBM DOLLABlX VI WK MAKi : LOA S ON FUlt.MTUKK , 11 .HSIlS , CAHHIAGISP , WAHKHOUSB KKCK1PTS OH PKU- bONAL PHOPKHTY OF ANY KIND / WILL /DO WKL1./ TO / /TOO / oxDB mat/ BOB / OUlt i'KH.Us WILL llr.Kl' YOUlt Al'l'UOVAI. You can pay the money back at any time a d In any amount you wish , and thus leduco the cost o ( carrying the loan In proportion to amount you pay. IF YOU owe it balance on your furniture or other persona ! property of any kind , wo will pay ItolTfor > ou and carrv Una long-as yon desire , YOU CAN HAYK YUUll.MONEY IN ONIt HOUH FltOM TIIKTIMK YOU MAKH ! APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , so that you Kct the use ot both moaey and property. ' 'JJ X WILL LOAN MONK YON ANY KIND OF 810- ciirlly : strictly confidential , A , K. HarrlB.room 1 , Continental block. 2J4a X MONKY. 40. HO , IK ) DAYS. C11KAP HATES Hr.cl c sy payments , on furnlturo. pianos , live stork , etc. . without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Duff Green , room 8 , Ilurki'r block. 2JS r-puiTCiiAiiu , 5i DOUGLAS III.K.U ; A DODCK 2JU BUSINESS CHANCES. llntet , lOcn line each Insertion , Jl. ' > ) a line poi onlll. Nothing taken for ! es than 25c. \r-ANY I'llYSlCIAN WI.SIHNIJ Til ClIA.MJl -L his location should correspond wltli room 212 Mct'agua bldg , Omalin MlitfJ V-UOT1SL BALK , I10X R74 , SIIKNANDDAH , IA i Mii72 MI/i / * V FOH SALK. A SI'OCK W ( ilC.M'.HAI , Mltll I chandlsa of ubout til.lKIU to (7,033 , In n good town In Nebrui.Ua. Apply to Kllputrlck Koch Dry Goodi Co. , Omahii. Nob. t'.jU Y FOIl SALK , GOOD NKWSPAPlvU IIUSINICs ! andoulllt. Viola Davis , Lincoln , Neb. 157 Jl * Y-FOH SALK , IN A Goo ) 'I OWN IN NOHT1 Nobranka , u stock of gun.'ral murchandlsa , con slstlng of dry goods , uoots and shoes , clothing nnc groceries , I will sell the slock for cash , half cast and land or on tlinolo unit thu purchaser If securIty Ity Is good , PHco , W.SW. Adilifjj a 51 , Omalu Ueo IM \r-lOHSALK. UNDlYlDKDllALFINTICHKSI'i : I- furniture More In Wnlioo. Only onu 111 town A snap for u practical fiirnlluru man , Address C J. llarrlion , Waboo , Neb. UA21 * YWNTKD , HilAINf Mt.N ANI ) WOMKN A ! stnto ngentfl. Good rofereuceif und some cap Hal. (50Ui. per day can bo made , T. K. Ilullon Co. , tit. Paul , Minn. ( E Mtil7 17 * V Hii BALK , A IIHUG S'IOHK IN CKNTHA : L Nebr/ibkn. A L'OOl'Jiitiliie 8 and good reason fo vlllng. Audress locV tix I , Plillllps , Aeb. * * * - CS4 14 y-FOII SAI < H AT W5t1 ( ! DlhCOUNT , A h'lOCl of clothing and lui-Biuhlng goods. Address bo 414 , Avoca , Iowa. _ MJ Y KOIl SALK , lIAIt'OWAHK STUIIK ANI ) Til L shop , Good tradn.&oiud locution and clivap rent uddress Look llox luuil , Lincoln , Nob. 7UJ-JI V-'f-WO.W STOCK .OF I1AHDWAHK. A 1 1 L every particular'Mr good unimproved Ian undtash , : 'M acres.Ju , rkiinnas Co. , Arkansni clear , Improved , googV'nil , good toll ell jocateil prlcu llx ( Jt)0 ) , to eicjjiuiue with t arh for a IIri class stotk of goods , general morchundUu pri forrud. ( un handle a-llf .OOU 00 If A 1. and same ca bo bought right. HcirVy C. Smith , Falls City. Nt broska. -j < 704 14 ' ' ' ton SALU. IIA'I'KUY AND c.SFKtTll ; ) ery , lea cream parlor In connection At bun ness In a thriving yowii clty of IM1. Terms cos ) Enquire of Omaha Mlljlbg Co. , Omaha , Neb. / , } MUil 16 \r-HLACKtMlTIl BlIOP FOH SALKs GOO paying business. Address C , II. Caddy , Pa nirra , Neb. Sl0 25 * V HUSINBiS OPI'OHTU.MTIhH. AL1LOO / X tlons ; send fur bulletin. Western lluilnei Agency , alB N V Llfu bldg M7CJ 15 -roll BALK , GOOD PAYING CIGAIl B1MI Inbeart of city. Good Ijciilon ; f.l > J.og oi l Cuusuof selling , luuslleavu town , Addresu GU Ueo orUCB. 7ui 14 * \r Oll IlKNT. A HAKhllY , WUI.I. IAJOATKI rlivnp rent. A good baser can mike big moni ; out of It. Adtfrtxk Lock llox 15U , llustlnvs , Neb. > iol .J * V-FOIt BALIS. LUllUill YAI.H. A MC i clean IT.UM.MU or ta.Uw no stock of lumber. lti nt d on li-nu'd lotsinaiinod couuty eat towi i-ry di'ilroblo properly. Address w. II. , Hex Ni t3 ! , dtMvard. Neb. MI7. 17 * V-WANTKU. JMIlTMJll WITH II.'O TO TAK X i nu-lialf Interest In restaurant aud lunt ointur Caller tddru s Uruuiulelds A Co. , c 1.10 tlway , ' ouncll I lugi. Mbl 15 * Al - CU.NStl.VA'l It B INVKfTOKB , MANUKA 1 turns. lnvu tlg to Gladstone , illcu.j ( Iiei Iron , timber ; cheap trauspoitatlon. Address It UUditOBt CO. , AibUDd bfuck , Clilotgo , III U * BUSINESS OHANOSB. Y TxmsAT.K. ci.K A N "RTOCKOF UAUtiwAiiR' , world Kl.Wioo cash , In one of northwcut . brnrkit s most rrnmlilnit towns good le.inun * . for selling nnd Inscrcllon Invltedi ftlio store building lot , Addreti "X. " rare Hector * \Vllliclniy Co , , Omalin , Neb. M7IO It * Yf TA iiTfS HIT" AND iclTcitBAM HUM N icsT ( itnerlii > oth-r hoiilnpM Inrrntlgntn If you want a lood plnce. ( J 3J , Ileo onico M7IJ l.s * \WANTED.TO HhNT FfllMllKI ) IIOTKU tllvo particulars Addreo O 40. llae. MT43 15 * FOR EXCHANGE. Hntcs IDcn line ench Insertion , Jl M a line per month. Nothing taken for lc a " ' ' y -A "CLK'AN sTo't 'o ' -will takn real ostnto nnd money , llox 21 > S. Frank fort , Hid. 2W y-Fou SAI.K ott TIIVDK vxit HiPitovTti ) ira /Jncres of land In Nebraska , > splendid bn.lno s. Addrc FlU , 1103. _ 3.1 .11 " r/-l OWN 100 FAIIMS IN "NKHHAS-KA , KANSAS /Jnnd Dnkotn. Will sell clinip , or exchnnio for nidse. , horses undcattlo. Add. llox 711 , Frankfort , Ind , r/-4SACIlK90F ) CLKAH LAN ! ) IN ONK OFTIIK - bcst winter wheat districts In Kan .a * to exchange - change for II or 20 aero tract near Omnhr. city limits. Will pay canh dltToroncolt property Is good , Address , glvlnj prlcj nnd location , O W Ueo. Vli -SEE 11. K. COLr ! CCs MCCAll UK III.Dll 353 Jl _ /-'TOll SALE FOIl LINCOLN PHOPRHTY , " Anew /-/new fl-rooni cottage , all modern ennvonclos. In ono of the best locations In Omnlm , built by owner , nnd sold because of change In residence ; will ac cept In whole or part payment good residence propirly. preferably unimproved , In Lincoln. Ad- drers. giving location of property , M. W. It , , No , 1WM F street , Lincoln. Ml l& /-FOR SALftOH K.VCIIANGK. MlllllKIj PACI5II A/geldlng , 4 years old , I5MJ hand * hlgh.weU'hl about 1.000 Ibs. , tlireo white feet , sound nnd well muscled , forty dny * driving nnd speedy ; w III mnko n line gcntlcmnn's roadster. Flnoblnckmnre , it years old , 15hands3 Inches high , weUhs I.OOJ lb * . , white on forclioad , perfectly sound and with sixty day * handling rhow * n.'l mlnutognlt. Wilt mnko a very speedy mare If hnndled. Also ncouplubf other * . Will take good property or western land for mm or both. Henry C. Smith ! all * . < Ity , Neb. 701 II Z-VOIt KXCHA.NOK , T1MHKH LAND IN KICK- lucky nnd Tonnosse , rnnglng In prlco from (500 to M.llOpar aero. In lots of 100 t ] 1,000 acres ; want town property or woslein farms. Make offers , nd- dress M. s. Ucnn.'Dnytoii , O. 717 II * r/-WANTKD , TOSni.LOH KXC1IA.NGK KOIl NIC- Jbraskn farm Innds , n5 roomed liuuso on pnved strecl. AddrosnG 34 , Hco. M74'l 1'J * Z TO K.XCItANGK MH tMALL KA11M GOOD rcstnurnnt with 11 furnUhod rooms ; good locnl- Ity ; brings ( Ii 000 per month clearIn Miinmur more ; reason for exchange , sickness of wife needs coun try nlr. Address 151 Mllnnukeo nvenuc , Chlengu. 111. M744 14 * /-FOH ISXCIIANGK , LINCOLN HIIUSKS AND /-Jlots for Omalin property or wild land. F. F , llt'0 ' e , Omnhn Uuslncss college , cor , loth nrd Cnpt- tel Avo. 745 14 * rF.UIM 11AHGA1NS , IfO ACHKS IN CE.NTHAL /JNebrnskn. tlueo miles from good town on I ) . V M. H. H Improved nnd rcnttd to good fnruier , (12 u' ) per acre , on time. \ \ 111 tnue clear lot ns part puyment. Williams A. MHtnn , room U13 , Mcfnguo building , oppoMto postottlce. M71U 10 POR S A.LE RliAL ESTATE. DIUVB OUT ANI ) J-Kt ! T1IK C1IO1CK HKSI- dencc lot toeing south just north of Pacltlc on V 2nd , covered with beautiful shade and fruit trees- o special tnxc for paving , etc. ; then cnli and get irlcc. Hicks , 303 N. V Life bldg. 77U 14 Ipolt SALK. 124 FKKT FHONTAG1C ON CU.M1NG street , torncr ISth. with good substantial two- itory hunlncss block , two store rooms with live room lilts above ; building Is In complete shape nnd cost about M.MXI OJ alone. The 124 feet frontage Is north t least ? : , UOr > to JIU.OU per foot ; am Instructed Id liter the whole property for quick solo nt JB.ooj.oo. roperly rented It will yield from J3JOOO to f'.W.OO : > cr annum , ntu there Is room for nnothor building .in the lots. It Is just outslda the city limits and la i nrst'dnss place fora drug store , grocery , meat market or saloon. No city taxes. Hicks , agent , 'JOr > N. Y. Life building. lid IS 14 lAAHMSI W15 IIAVK THK UIGGKSr LIST IN L the United States. Wo have enough to till every ingcof the Ileo or World. If you w.int an lown ir Nebraska farm , coica to headquarters. Hoggs & III ) , 1403 Fnrnara Bt. C2IIMI4 T OH SALK NBW KIOIIT-HOOM IIOUSK. MOD 'Scrn conveniences , ono block north of Hanscom ; > ark.close to motor , etc. Can otter fora few days Hi W.MW.M ) . lllckii , I-D5N. Y. l.lfo.bldg. MliiS 14 17011 SALK. IIOUSK ANi ) LOT CI1KAP , AS X owner Is nbout to leave the city. Inquire nt 42 ! ) North 3'Jtli St. M3J3 XIW FOIl 8ALK , CIIOICH IIKS1DKNCK 1 OT ON Mason street , between 31st and : cid , north front ; my sign on lot ) : If sold this week only f.MOU.OO. licks , .105 N. Y. Life Hulldlng. 771) 14a IPOH SALK-FIVIC-IIOOM COl'TAOK AND LOT , cornerMd and Cnpltol avenue , only ono block from High school and within easy wniklng dis tance of business portion of city. Special paving taxes all paid In full. Prlco , J5.6UO.OO. Hicks. 305 It. V. 1 Ifo bldg. .MIJI3 14 TUB MIDLVNI ) OUAll ANTK K A1ISTAUT3 andTruit companyabstractors , conveyancers. Titles oerfccted nnd guaranteed. Own the only complete abstract hooks lu Douglas county. He- moved to room 310 Now York Life building. M'JJl EAST FHONT LO1'OS 35TH NKAH DDDGK , 5JX 130fuel , 11,755.00. Address Owner. G II , Ileo. MIBIJG * 17OH SALK , ONK OF THK Fl.SFST KKSIDKNCIC JL cornersln Omaha. 8iixl45 feet , 'Wth nnd Pacltlc ; If sold quick only < JU30 00. Ulcks , : iOi N. Y. Llfa bldg. .X IMS 14 BAHGA1NS IN KAHM LAND. UICKS , 305 N. Y. Llfo I'.ulldlnc. 77 II 1000 ACHKSLASI ) IN NKIIHASKA , ICAS 1'FHONT J building lot , 2 blocks east of Hanscom Park , at great sncrlllce. G. U. Peterson , 1112 South 13th. Ml Jl BIG 11AHGA1N. bOO ACItK-i NKAU NOHTII l.onp. Neb. , llrst class grntlng land , splendid neil , good stream , running water , only J CO per acre. Geo. N. Ulcka , 305 N. Y. Llfo bldg MliiS II 17011 rtALK , hLKCJANT.MODKHN IIUII.T IIOUSK , J ' . ) rooms , near Hanscom jiark ; n splendid bar * aln If sold at oncu. Call mid aea It. HIckn.lUiN. § ' Lllo bide. .Ml.lti 14 CII1CAP LAND , 2,680 ACIIKSNKAH LODGK POLE , Neb. ; good full , splendid spring of running water , listed for quick salu nt JI.5J per aero. Goo. N. Hicks , agent. HOj N. Y. Llfo MtllS 14 FOH SALK. 125 ACHKS CLOsR TO MW KLM- wood park and overlooking new fairgrounds ; llncst tract ol land for platting Into lots around Omaha. The steady grow th of umtiha III double Its value ; can sell nnd take Income boarlng iiroporty us part payment. Hicks , 'lUo N. Y. Llfo bfdg 779 14 17011 SALIC , CIIOICK HK-.IHKNCK : i.or , UIXKO i-feet , south front , north of llnnscoin park , spo- clal taxes all paid In full ; Eowcrago und city water onlotH'OD.Oi. ; ( I licks , 3Ji N. Y. Llfo bldg. MH181 ! GKOHGIA AND VI 'O1NIA AVKNUKH , UK- tween Mason nnd 1'nclllenln. , the finest residence location In the city , l&'MO ' on Georgia avu and J71UK. on Ylrglnla ave. ndjolnlng property held f-IIOUto 140CO per front foot hlulier. Wu will tukn fl.OUO.CK ] to S2.000 00 Oiuuh.i property us pjrt payment In n lot. This Is nn opportunity seldom allured. Thli IB gooil for n short time only , ns we wnnt Roma houses started atonic. Two now under contrnct Four sales already made. Plcnsuro to show miol : propoity us thin ut any time , fidelity Tiusi Corn , pany. I7U2 Farnam tt. 671 17OII SALK-TKN ACHKS CLObK TJ I , TY , A -L beautiful tract , splendidly adapted for small fruit nnd vegetables ; can Ii3 platted Into U ) nice lots , 4,50000. Hicks. 3JJN. Y. Lite bhlg. MOI8 14 17011 SALK , TWKIVI Y ACHItH , CI.OHK TO CITY , 1-splendid tract right In the way oflliefutun growth of both < ) mtiha and buulh Oniulia ; can HO | und take part purchase price In good farm land 01 Incomu bearing properly , lllckr , SO.'i N. Y. l.lfi Uldg. 779 II I7OII A SAFK INVrSTMKNT IIUY CIVIC TKN , Oil i twenty acres close to Omnha , The neil udvnncc In Omaha real pstata will double Ha value. Hicks. 805 N , Y. Lite Illdg. 71t ) 14 YOU 1C .NOW THIS ? IIUAIIA HKAL K - DID tale values nro lowur than any other city o : equal population In the United States. A judlcloui Investment In Omnlm real estate NOW will proM tafu and morn prolltublu than can be found else " ' ' RTOKl'KL PLACK now and take ad vantugu of thu best opportunity iner tillered Ic own a home. Those lots uro bargains , Think o the price ; only2H miles from postollloc , convcnlon to electric cars nnd railroad trains. lle t rtsldonci part of Onmlia , Only WO.OU n lot , | .V)00 dqrtn. bal ancu IU.50 qiinrturly payments , W , A. Wubstcr Ileo building. 747 14 O'lOKl'KL PLACK ADDITION , The N'owest Addition lo Onmlm. l.dcnleit ij { Miles roulliHcst from I'ostolllco. lies ! fuluru ruilduuci p.irt o ( the City. Wldo ttreets and wide iilleys. Lots are high and sightly , Klectrlc Cars run near It. Passenger depot and trackage rnrds of Omaln licit I. 'no llaliroad und Missouri ruclllo llnllroai nlthln a block of II. H trains dully. Mores and factories In Us Immediate vicinity. Homos of business men und mechanics surround I'.linwood 1'itrk , r < ow Driving Park and Fal Grounds , Platte lilver Canal , strut-In In bu puved oxlonslon of clectrlucar llct , are somuof Ihn suli slnritlal Improvements to bo made In southrrcs Omuhu during the neat few months , You can buy f-tocpel Place lots for .MOO.OO each 150 00 down and the balance In quarterly payment of only IUW , wltU Interest ut 7 per cent. Do not mlis this opportunity to buy tlvo or tci lots at prices that will enable- you to make money For plats aud further Information address W. A , WKIlami , lice building. flMlB HAFKbT AND HUlli'.bT IN YKSTM KNT- J buy ten ur lireiily acres close to this elty. 1 will jleld big returns. lllck , B05 .N , Y. Llfo. I/OH BALK-NICK HRblDKNCF. 1XT ON MAfO. J1 street , between .list und iUd , only U.IOI 00. Ill , ki 505 N. Y. Llfu bl l < . MOI8 tt _ 17illl SALr.-llKAL IIAHGAIN. CHANl K TO G L' -L u liomo onu block from 24th street motor , 2 loti front east ; corner fuUU ) , Insldu IWJ.IXI ; tt-rmi fUOUJto tJinvO cash , balauco easy. 'J Ills will pa Invesllgatloa. Ames , Solo AgcnU , 1U17 Farnam. JI041 II IPK JAFKaTINVKU Ml.NT ON THK MAIIKK1 'I i liner os just ( OutUwiisI of clly will mak be i tlf il Iiumw , escapas all special oily taxes ; I sold qu ck only H.bW.W. Call aud sc it. IHcki WO N. 1' . Lllu lilUg , 17V II OR 8 A LE- REAL ESTATE , X IN VBSTMKNT IS SAKIl ll AN oxfAl 1 > real estate well located No Investment Is moro prontnblo lh n real estate purchased nt a low nit lire , nnd now I * Junt Iho limeto mnun Hie IntrM nient ns itood Omaha property will never bo leu thnn whnt It In today 1 1 ui shnw ynu Hint bPnu tlfnl properly which wo offer on Georgia and Vlr glnla ntenn * ' Nothing liner In the clly for homo or Investment , Will make special Inducements for spate * * * ! , Hdollty Trust Ccmptny 1707 Fnrnnro SUCH. 671 10I1N M. CLVUKK , IN J J. i7TroW.VS III.OI Ki * ' tins for sale one hundred lots In West r nil. Iho choicest addition to Omnlm , 707 17 IOH SAi.K.rTioiOK KA ii MS IN sTit"pY"cm'N'rvi I Neb. A W. Clnrke , Pnplltlun. Neh , or II T Clarke , JISi llonrd of Trndu building , Dninlin. 703 19 1-Nebraska , three miles from good lonn on II & M. tt. II , Improved nnd rented to good farmer. 12.M pet acre on time.S 111 take clear lot n * pnrt tmynient , VMIItnins A Mlttnn , room 313. Mcl'agiio building * opposHo poitollloo. M7'.3 ' ID " LO3T. llnto * . 100 a line each Insertion , II.M a Hco per ru''nlh , Nothing taken for less th.in 2So. * T O T , ItilTWKKN KOU.NT/K PLACK AND 1IKK JJliulldlng , pncknge of pittcins. nlso one wheel trnccr. Howard for return to ll o it nice t ° > J * > JOST IN POSrOFFH'K , POCKKTHOOK ( -OS- Jtnlnlng money nnd keys ; return tu 113 bonlliJIl street. 770 II IllCWAUl ) FOH H1CTUHN TO 1S(0 rUIKHAIi JJucrni.in nvenno of n pug tfog , loft i-nturdny morning near Nlntccnth nnd Clark : itn wer * to the name Of Huckel ; wore n hnrness with belli lisd n . M7MU * Ing. _ _ OST-'A n M ; ic SKY THHHIHH PtTpTi MONTHS old ; suitable reward for his return to Drowning , King A Cos' tore. 772-14 MUSIC , ART AND ANOUAG ES. Hntcs. )0c ) n line each Insertion , tl.M ) a line per month , Nothing taken for le.is tlmn 2io. OF. GULLKNIIKCK.HANJOIST ANI ) TUACHKlT , 1810 California street VI4 IbS KLLA DAY , TKACII KK OF KI.OCUTIUN t.nd ph ) steal culture. Commercial Nillonnl bank building , room 15 corner ICth and turnnm street * . 05U I , * PASTURES FOR HOR3E3. Hates , loon line each Insertion , } 1.W n line per month Nothing taken for less tha 2. > c. \VBIIAVI : ice ACHIS : OF IILUK GUASS PAS > ' turu for horses. Hoard foncu. Spring water , llnrton , v Pnelpi , Gllraore , Neb. , or A , VY. I'hclp * . , V SonV07.N. Y. Lllu Hldg , 2J1MW SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Ilntes , luon Una ecli Insertion , f 1.50 n line per otith. Nothing taken for less than 23c. \f6uN7 < 7T.A.TrilCS AND mSNTLliMlIN CANSON ) JL ncqulren working Uno.tloUe of shortliin ! iin.l typewriting at A. C. Yan Siut's sehtiitof sure hnnd.SU . > . Y. l.lfo Typewriters to rent , Mo.V ) . UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMEBB Hates , IOC a line each Insertion. II 50 a line per month. .Nothing taken for loss thnn 2Jc. wiiAicKii " " ( p"oH\s"ii LV WITH , xo..JA- cobi , deceased , later with M. O. Mnul ) , under taker and cmbalmer. 315 S. Idtli St. . tcl Mil. 211 PAWNBROKERS. Hates lOc n line each Insertion. 11.59 a line per month Nothing tnkon for loss than 25o. I SONNKN1IKHG , DIAMOND HUOKKH , 1305 < l .DoiiRlas st. Loans money an diamonds.watcher etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. 1553. 212 DRESSMAKING. Hntes , me a word lint lluortlon. Ic n word there after. Nothing taken for less thnn 25c. M. SIIKKTS MS block , room U. bntlafnctlon ciinrniilecd. M7I2-UIO' BECOND-HANP - i lJAllllTlHALKISINTYPKWHrrEHS. BOYLK- IjuliL-ht. sold , exchanged , rented lil.i N. Y. Llfo bldg Tel S53. Mllta SCALES VIEW ft SKCOND-HAN1) HOALI'.S , ALL KINDS 1 > Address Ilordcn A. Sclleck Co.l.aka St. , Chicago. Now and soconil hum ! Dnuiiuoroj. Hotn Inztoiiii , Uall rnphs. Hnilths , Yosls , Hair inond" , Munson4 , Write for nrlci'S anil sav raonuy. MKGRAT11 STAT1ONKUV 00 11)01 Karmim stroet. Largest Typcw.iter House in ( he Slalc. "Improvement the Order of the Age , " HAVE , YOUSBJSJSt SBJSJSt THE NEW SMITH PFU3MIJ3R mmmmrn If you huvo not , call at tno Sinitli Pre mier Typewriter Co.'s ollioc1 , or Bond for circulars. As usual , wo have TUB HEST. TheSmith Premier Typewriter Co Cor. 17th and Farnam Sts , OMAHA , NEB. E , H. MAYHEW , Manager. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER , The Future Unveiled Arrival oxtrnord n ry of tliu wortii's iuo . faimni * . tncilttiin. Mr Dr. Shrrmiui , rrcoK nlrcil bv the press , mod cut faculty mitt iclcn , tlstgponrrnlly nslho moil cctrlirati'il niedliu of mnitorn tlinci. Uoiimlii not In < 1nrl < nus nut lenorntK'c , but took thu lltflit of knnwloilg * niul lonrn wlint the myitrrloua fnturu lioltl for you , Wlillocutr.Micoil will reirnl oxorj liliUU'ii tnystury In life. Oh 01 Mil iul mtv.ci which will ovcrcomo your onomlos , romrm J family trouble * , rcstoro 1o < tt iilTB&iloti * . iimb * marriage with the one you ln\o no fulluro rcinovu evil Inlltioiires Imil liibit : . oiirri wlU'lioiy. ( Us. nml all lnnir stuutlnt : nml tuy torlmu diseases : \vlllRlvo coiroot liifonnMlnf , on luniults , slckncso , ( tenth , divorce * , nliscnc frlond , ovcrytlniiK ; ucvur fallluv Kilvlco t- younu niun on niurrliivo nml lion to elionvi , \\lto for linpplm'.ss and what liuslniHs lies ndaptod for snordy rldies. * tuil > speuulatlou a i | > pclalljrs recovers lost , stoli'ii or litirliMl prop' crtv ! hifutos Iroisdroi nnd niliionilB ! alu cUen lndlKi | ii9abln Hilvli'n to viutni : ImlU'soS love , courtship and iuarrliit | > . If your lover It , true or tnl i % Thu mysterious anil Mticccusfii inunuor hi which NIU fronts matters of the tits mint obionrlty 1ms slvon much itiilveri'il sul Isfautlnn that hur mime has ucrotna : i provcrlj In thousHiiiU of hoiHol'OlilR ' mailc huuny b.r iioralil ami advli'O. . Hours ! ) a. m. to S p m. nil let , N. II. I'orfcQl sutlof ictloii Kiiiirintocd bj * mall , Bond stump for Illuitratu I Olruular wilt snocliil tornm to Mrs. Dr. I' . Shcrtnaiii imrtor n & 7 , Thu Midland hotel. Ml ! ) N. 10th St. , Om.ilia , PATENT BUREAU. SUES & co.solloltjrs. Boo Building , Omaha. NoV ? ( years Kxuintnors U. S. I'.it OHlja A Ivlai tu PENSIONS ! CLfl.aSli To whom It may conccin : This Is to notify our iKitions that the huslnoss foi morly con-i ducted under the name of K lj. Stuwnrt & Co < r Is iiowoomluclLMl under the llrm tmmonf llio American t'luaraml ( JlasHwaro company , Jlr.rf r. I. Sti-wiirt , who no > er had any Intmest IP , the old business , nor Is nouy connected with the present firm. Neither Is tmi proprietor \ tliu American Clpir and ( llasswnri1 company , In anv way conm-cu'd with , or lespoiiHlble for , nny diditsnr liabilities contiacted by the nu * * . , IIrm of r. L. Slcwart .1 Co. ; - J AMmilCAN UIUAH AMl ) I.A * * , VAHK CO. , " * M13-14 l-ior ) jiioKsoil Btteet. COUNTRY ROADS. Mr. Curtis C. Turner Adilroisi-s Un ; Comity ' Commissioner * of Doujrliii Cotin'y. GCNTLCMISN : Tlicro Is now n proposition - , before your honorable bo.ird to expend ? $ ir > 0,000 in paving tlio roads of Douglas $ ] county. Heforo any final action is taken In tills matter , I wish to aslc your consideration , ' ' of a few features of tlio question of road imiiroveincnt as It exists in this county. I am a linn believer in good roads , und I bep lieve that every member of your bo.ird Is f desirous of securing peed roails for this ' county. Hut the question today is , what Is the correct policy to pursue in order to secure - cure that end ? Must wo po ahead and ' * spend hundreds of thousands on the paving I of our hilly section lines , or can wo jiursuoj * the more rational coin-so and secure the * location of a few miles of roads following1 ! ] natural lines ! ft I cannot bclicvo that wo arc for pavements " in this county. Our pressing need Is a doi p.trturo from old methods and a general ro * , location of county ro.ids. I am told that this proposition is not practical. I am told that it will cost im mense sums to open new roads ; that the , claims for damages will bo enormous 1 admit - ' mit that relocation will be expensive , but 1 J will not admit the charge of being imiracti- | . ' cat , lor after all it is only a question of dollars lars anil cents. From this view of the ease It is the most ' practical , the most urgent question that has been brought to your attention for years. I admit that the cost of recon struction will bo great , but will it be any greater than the cost of bringing our 'I hills to practical grades ! 1 doubt it. 1'os- . sibly a trille , but not much. ] f you will show mo a llvo-mile stretch of hill road In this county that has been reduced to a mean gradient of fi per cent anil there are very , , very fuw miles of road in tills county on „ which the mean gradient is as low as 5 per cent I will show you a routoi that shall bo J no longer , that shall servo the siiinu terr tory , and that can ho opened anil mail ready for tralllc al but xery llttlo , if any greater cost , than the cost of grading III section lines. That which is true of rojiil that have already been graded will b equally true of roads upon which much x\or remains to bo done. And moreover , gentlemen , I promise yo that the mean gradient ot thonow road slu not exceed two feet rise prr hundred. The bids that you huvo received call fc an expenditure of from fcliXK ! ( ) to sfi'i.OOO pt. mile of roadway. This is a largo sum of money Doyo think It will pay to plaster II oxer the kin of roails that wo have In Douglas county ( don't. You had bettor , by far , drop the subject o paving entirely , nnd devote ynur entire a tor.tion for the next three or fouryoarb to securing curing now , correctly located roails , than t attempt any further improvement of thos that we have , Tlicro is no part of this county in whiuL the mean gradient of n correctly located road , of live or ten miles in length , need ox- cecd 2 per cent , nnd this xvith no material in * crease over present distance. The mean gradients of our existing roadf will average about fiper cent. Do you know uhata moan gradient of 5 percent means on a macailaml/ed road ! It means just this : .H means that a hon > t that can travel along" comfortably all day , xvith a given load , on an earth road In good condition , xvith a mean gradient of - per cent , will find great diftlculty In hauling the same load the saino distance over u macadu- mired road with a mean gradient of & pei cent. cent.H may ho object oil that an earth road It not alxvays In peed condition. My answer it that a road with a ft per cent grade Is never in good condition. The comparison that I have niado Is not fanciful ono , It is a plain statement of cold facts. If any ono tler.ires a demonstration 1 shall ho pleased to furnish it. To nut this another way , you will sco that a macai--JinUed road \\Uha mean gnidlcn' of n pur cent U worth no moro tlmn an cart ) ) road , In good condition , with a mean gradient of ii i > cr cent. Yet macadam -vill cost this county $15,000 per inilo for the pax'omont ulono , lees nn onu doubt that you can open and build now. correctly located eartii roads forono-thlrd ol thUriumt Co to the root of tills question , gentlemen. Kpcnd the next thrco or four ycais In lo cating now roads through this county. When that has been done , then jou ran lay pavo- ; IIIOM I K that will bo a credit lo the county nml to the \vl o forethought of your board. 1 remain , very respectfully yoursl _ C. 'J'l Busy puoplo have no time , arid sensible pcoplu huvo no inclination to use pills that make them sick a day for every dose they lako. They have learned that tno use of Do Witt's Little ICarly Risers does not in terfere with their health by causing iiiiuscu pain or griping. Thcso llttlo pills are per , Jvul in action and rcsulte , regulating the stomach and bowels so that headaches , dil- ziness and lassltudo are iiruvcntcu. They cleunso the blood , clear the romtilcxlon and ' ono up the system. Lots of houlth lit thuso llttlo fellow * .