Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Closing Out the 8. P , Mono A ; Co. Stocks
, Clearing Up Prices Satmdaj.
Rplrclnli forSnlnrdny Children' * Trtit Itlnck
Cotton lloiB 80 1'nlr Tor Threw Hour *
Bntnrilny Afternoon n Orcnt
Silk Sale See It.
Closing out the S. P. Morse & Co.
stock of umbrellas , parasols , funs , kid
gloves nnd hosiery.
Special prices for Saturday :
1 lot of children's fast black cotton
lioso to be closed out nt 8c per pair.
100 dozen of children's cotton hoeo
only 12Jc per pair. This i3 just ono-half
the regular price.
Ladies' fast black cotton hose , Oc per
S. P. Morse & Co.'s $1.50 umbrellas
reduced to OSc. $2.03 umbrellas reduced
to $1.50.
1,000 World's Pair souvenir spoons to
be given away at our glove department.
Spoons givnn nway with our 50o and
7fC mitts , also with our $2.50 umbrellas.
Special snlo of gents' J hose for Satur
day. Gents' British I lioso 12Je per pair ,
worth 25c.
Special bargains for Saturday.
50 pioses indigo blue calico 3jo yard.
CO pieces 30-inch wide llannoletto 5c
CO pieces 32-inch wide Dutchesso mull
In medium shades uo yard.
Thcso goods nro away below their
\nluo nnd will bo placed on sale at 0 a.
in. for the benefit of these who cannot
come out on Saturday evening , sale will
cjutinuo until all are sold. Only one
dress to caeli customer.
The best bargains in white hem
stitched towels over offered in Omaha ,
eiza 20x40 , now on sale at 17c each or
C for $1.00. Special bargains all day in
remnants of wash goods , white goods ,
Mnons , outing flannels , shirting , sheet
ing etc.
On Saturday afternoon
Prom 1 to 4 p. in.
Wo will sell you
$1.2. ' ) quality of
Colored Faille Praneaise
Dress silks
' in all shades nt
75c a yard.
Only one pattern sold
to any customer.
This is the biggest bargain
of the season.
Special tale Saturday.
38 inch all wool whip cord that S. P.
Morse sold for Dae Saturday C5e.
40 inch all wool borgo that S. P.
Morse sold for fiuc Saturday 45c.
40 inch i\U wool beiges regular price
75c Saturday 40c.
At 7 o'clock Saturday evening wo will
place on sale fiO pieces chevron suiting
ntSc per yard. These goods are 30 inches
wide have been sold up to 35c.
It is a genuine success. Wo are clean
ing out our overstock fast and to make
tlio suits go faster yet wo have put in a
whole lot more to go in the general
slaughter. Thcso are moro than ordi-
i 'nary bargains.
Wo quote as follows :
Children's $3.00 suits , ages A to 14 , two
pieces , our prices today und this week ,
81.00 a suit.
Children's splits as high up as $4.00 ,
double and single breasted , fancy pat
terns , our price today , this week , $2.UO a
Children's nobby worsted suits , worth
up to $5.50 , our price today and this
week , $3.50 a suit.
Boys' three piece suits , long pants ,
iges 10 to 18 , prices $4.50 , $5.00 and
fcO 00 , all in ono lot , today und this week ,
$3.00 u suit.
Boys' fancy pin check cassimcro suits ,
ages 14 to 18 , single or double breasted !
SU.OO for this Bale , actually worth $10.00.
Men's suits at $7.50 , all wool cashmere ,
FingJo or double breasted worth easily
811.00 to $12.00.
Men's black worsted , In clay or cork-
ecrow , bound or unbound , cutaways or
sacks , anybody's price $14.00. Our price
for this sale only $10.00.
Forcing down prices on all our cloth
See the celebrated Sohmor piano at
Ford & CharltonMuslo Qo. , 1503 Djdgo.
Tliu Nickel 1'Huo' * Jii v Trillin.
The now train borvico on the Niokol
Plato road will go Into effect May 21 , on
and after which date trains will run as
follows : Going west Leave Buffalo at
fi:40n. : in. , including through coach and
Bleeping car from Now York via West
Shore railroad , through sleeping car
from New York via Reading System
and through sleeping car from Boston
via Fitchburg nnd West Shore roads.
This train will arrives at Chicago at u:40 :
p , m. The next train will leave Buffalo
ttt 12 o'clock noon , and will Include
through sleepers from Now York via
West Shore and from Boston via Flteh-
burg and West Shores roads , arriving nt
Chicago at 8:10 : a.m. The third train
from the east will leave Buffalo at 11:25 :
ii , m. and arrive at Chicago at 8:10 : p. in.
It will include through or null and sleeper
from Now York via Reading Sybteiu.
Qolng east trains will leave Chicago
-at 2:30 : p. m. and 0:30 : p. m. , arriving at
Buffalo at 0 a. in. and 5 p. m. , re
spectively , I'aoh train including through
Bleeping ears to Now York via both the
West Shore and Reading systems and to
Boston via the Fitohburg and Wont
Shore roads. In addition to these there
will bo a train bytweou Chicago nnd
Cleveland , leaving Chicago abaut 8 a.
in. , nnd ouo between Cleveland and
Buffalo , leaving Cleveland at 7 a , in.
nnd arriving nt Buffalo at 2 p. m. All
trains will run daily , and buporb dining
cars will form part of their equipment ,
The \Vor il'ii 1'nIr.
When Adam was n boy , world's fairs
worei not thought of. They're n modern
product. And thu more modern they
nre. the better they are.
The Columbian exposition is the latest
ami best- long way the best. The
whole wldo world has cimiblncd to make
it worthy of the nineteenth cnntury and
uo endeavor was over moro successful.
The great fair is dazzling In brilliancy ;
overpowering in al/ejj magnificent alike
in conception nnd iixeuutlon.
A visit to it la the privilege of a life
time1 , and tlio easiest and host way to
avail youreolf of that privilege Is to lake
thes Burlington route to Chicago , The
* city ticket u ent at 1321 Fnrnunt btrcct
will gladly gives you any information
yon stand In need of. Excursion rates
every clay , Baggage chocked direct
from resilience.
Dr&el Hotel. 10th& ; Webster , 1 blkfrom
, & Elk , depot. N&t. Brown , prop ,
Stationery Qo Per Hoi.
Today wo place on nalo n purchase
of 1ODO boxes of fine writing paper nnd
envelopes. The boxes contain 24 sheets
of paper nnd 24 envelopes nnd nro worth
15c per box ; today they go at Do.
200 paper novels , nil good titles , such
as "Tho Scarlet Letter , " "When n Man
is Single , " "Memoirs of n Mother-in-
Law , " "Tho Great Ingersoll Controv-
vorsy , " ' 'Philip Honsen , M. D. " etc. ,
cle. All 2oe b olcs , paper covered , to
day ! ) c each.
300 boxes of fine 35c tinted note paper ,
today 2oc per box.
The latest magazines always in stock.
Ladles' ' fancy silk waists , goods thnt
hnvo been selling nil season at $1.50 ,
$5.00 and $5.50 , In our great May sale
today for $2.83 ; this is n splendid
offer , as the colors are all good.
Tills is the best otter we have made on
jackets this season ; all our butterfly
capo jackets that have boon selling nt
$15.00 ; all our 314.50 novelty cloth
jackets ; nil our hnndsome $15.00 black
lined jackets at one price today ,
For today a line of orientals and
point do Irelnnds. in widths from 3-inch
to 0-inch , only lOc.
For today all In one lot , a line of
beautiful laces in white and cream , in
widths from 4-inch to 8-inch , only 15c.
For today a line of elegant black
silk laces , all pretty patterns , in widths
from 0-inch to 8-inch , only 29c.
The W. C. C. summer corset , perfect
fitting , for today only 50c.
To close out n line of corsets , all ex
cellent makes , ranging in price from
$1.2.5 to $2.50 , your choice Saturday , 48c.
The perfect fitting I. C. corset , sold
everywhere for $2.75 , will go today
for $1.89.
Gold hair pins in all sizes , 4c per box.
Horn hair pins , black amber and shell ,
8c dozen.
Largo horn hair pins , black , amber
and shell , 20c dozen.
Pins at one cent a paper.
All silk Windsors at 21c.
Largo hemstitched Windsors , worth
$1.00 , at C3c each.
Linen thread , 2jc spool.
Brook's soft finish cotton , 2c n spool.
Patent hooks , 5c a card.
Superfine French horn bone , 8-inch
20e , 9 and 10-inch 23c , 11 and 12-inch
30o a dozc-n.
Next week wo place on special sale a
purchase of over $40.000.00 worth of
hosiery and underwear. Monday , Tues
day and Wednesday we will sell the
hosiery and on Thursday , Friday and
Saturday the underwear. Wo arc not
prepared to quote prices as yet as tlio i
goods uro not all marked olT. We can
promise , however , that the sale will bo
entirely satisfactory to our friends. 1 I !
Bettor bargains were never offered
than will be found in this sale. Full
particulars with prices in Sunday's
paper. N. B. FALCONER.
P. S.
Tlio most extraordinary purchase of
32-Inch French sateens , choice patterns ,
fast colors , light and dark grounds ,
never before sold under 40c. Next week
we will place them on sale at 25c.
The IturlinRtun Changes Tlnip.
The Burlington's castbound trains now
leave Omaha as follows :
Chicago special , 12:15 : a. in.
Chicago express , 11:45 : a. in.
Ve-stibuled llyo'1 , 4:20 : p. m. .
Iowa and Illinois local , 7:17 : p in.
For full information see time table
column in this paper or enquire of the
city ticket agent at 1321 Farnain street.
l.lfa I * Ton Short.
Six weeks ngo The Mutual Clothing
Co.j 18 Mnln st. , Council BlufTs , opened
its doors to the public , celebrating the
opening with n concert by n brnss band.
Little did thoydrcnm thnt their plcnlo
would bo of so short n duration , but if
they hnd Bought the ndvlco of men of
more experience they would have been
told that Council Bluffs was the wrong
place for such an enterprise. Well , to
make the story short The Mutual
Clothing Co. soon found out thnt
they were in n box ; some days
they sold a pair of socks
for 10csomo days they sold as much as a
$2.00 pair of punts. Highly disgusted ,
the now disappointed company decided
to sacrifice and get out , no matter how
big the loss. The buyer of the Globe
Clothing Co. , 115 South 10th st. , Omaha ,
hearing of all this , took advantage of
the situation and bought the entire stock
at less than oOo on the dollar.
These goods go on sale at the
Globe , commencing this morning ,
Saturday. May 13. Hero's n few of the
prices : Choice of all the silk dude bows ,
light or dark , the Mutual's price 2oe ,
Globe's ' price 3c. Choice of all suspen
ders which the Mutual sold for 25c and
33c , nt the Globe. Oc. Jeans pants which
the Mutual sold nt 75c , nt the Globe.
19c ( mostly small sizes ) . Choice of boys'
fancy caps that the Mutual sold as high
as $1.00. at the Globe , 25o. Choice of
men's silk nccktloa that the Mu
tual sold for 50e , 75c , and $1.00.
the Globe price. 15c. The Sivcr
brand of laundered white shirts which
the Mutual sold for $1.00 , at the Globe
50c. Bnlbrlggan underwear which the
Mutual sold for 35c , at the Globe for 17ic
or 35e a mitt ; balbriggan underwear
which the Mutual sold for 50e , at the
Globe 25c. The Mutual lOo handker
chiefs nt the Glebe 3c. The Mutual
Roekford and British lOc socks at the
Globe 4c. The Mutual's 15o black half-
hose at the Glebe 5c. 1,000 pairs of men's
pants at i of Mutual's ' price.
Mutual's $1.00 suits $2.00 nt Globo.
Mutual's $5.00 suits $2.50 at Globo.
Mutuul's $0.00 suits $3.00 at Globo.
Mutual's $8.00 suits $4.00 at Globe.
Mutunl's $9.00 suits $4.50 at Globo.
Mutual's $10.00 suits $5.00 at Globo.
Mutual's $12.00 suite $0.00 at Globo.
Mutuul's $15.00 suits , $7.50 at Globe.
Mutual's $20.00 suits , $10.00 at Globo.
Mutual's $25.00 suits , $12.50 at Globo.
Remember that wo bought these goods
cheap ourselves , oven at these
ruinous prices wo uro not losing any
money on them.
Come early so as to get first choice
and avoid the rush.
115 South Kith street.
Near Douglas , opposite the Boston
P. S. Make no mistake , look for the
front painted a light green.
"The Madison , " ( family hotel ) , 21st
and Chicago. Transients $2.00 per day.
After llli Omilin I.o'iu As > rlntlon.
The police authorities are iu receipt of a
letter from Santa Fe , N. M. , inquiring about
tlio Central National Building und I oan as-
soci-ition of Omihi : ; , stating that an agent of
the alleged concern visited that city some
time ago and succeeded in disposing of a
number of shares in the association. Kvcry-
thing went : ilonp smoothly until the holders
had contributed ? ' 230 in payments and u
shareholder applied for : i small loiiu. This
aliirmed the shareholders and they sent in
applications for withdrawal from the asso
ciation. They were forwarded in letters
registered and otherwise , but no response
ever came.
Tlio case was Investigated and the discovery ,
mndc that an institution under that name *
did business here at ono time , but hud gone
into bankruptcy. II. B. Coryell is said to
have been president of the association and
a Mr. Belcher secretary.
Don't Fool With a Cold.
7'Ynm the .Yeio 1'oifc Sun.
We must repeat our warning against penu-
monia : tlio most dangerous disease which
prevails in the city , and which is extraordi
narily prevalent at this time. Colds.-ire even
more dangerous at this season than in ttio
winter. lie on the guard at all times against
taking a cold. Look out for it if you take it.
Gladstone goes to bed and sends fora doctor
whenever lie has a cold , and consequently he
always gets well in a very short time. The
Sun is right and their warning should be
headed. For colds there is nothing better
than Chamberlain's Cough Heinc'ly. It pre
vents any tendency of a cold toward pneu
monia. It is pleasant and safe to take.
Children like it.
I'ut Chicago In Y'oiir INickct.
You can do so by purchasing a copy of
"Moron's Dictionary of Chicago. "
This World's Fair "Guide" has re
ceived the endorsement of the World's
Columbian Exposition. It contains a
complete "MAP" of Chicago and is the
only recognized and standard "GUIDE"
of the World's Fair City. For bale by
Gco. K. Moran , publisher , 213 Herald
Bldg. , Chicago , III. , and by Megcath
Stationery Co. , 130iFurnnmSt. , Omaha ,
Nob. Price 50 cento per copy.
Another Suit Auinst Moi > lier' Hank.
Another echo of the Capital National bank
failure was heard yesterday In the United
States circuit court. It was the filing of a
suit on a promissory note signed by It. C.
Out call and C. W. Mo.shor in favor of tlio
Newport , N. II , , Savings bank in tlio sum of
$ fif , > 00. The note was given last November
und was to run six months. It is therefore
duo and unpaid and suit has been brought
for its collection.
- *
Tim Kmir < > l Floor Cloths.
In covering a fioor that is to have hard
wear , use "Wild's Linoleum. " The best and
the original make in the United States.
None genuine except that lettered on the
back "Wild's Linoleum. "
Dainty food and cakes of every kind , from the informal
Griddle Cakes to the stately Bride Cake can be made
immeasurably superior and quicker with Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder than with any other leavening agent known.
Its spotless purity , majestic strength and matchless excellence make
it unique in the culinary art
Flying CloucEs Masterly and
Thrillfog Speecli.
Worthy oflncenoll , flUlne , Gladstone or
Itlnniitrck Tlta Blfrocly Pa tnnrt tJi Ponro
ful rroient-rre mleil In n Vrrbnt I'mio.
ramn Here Is i b * on to lleol.
The Indian Is tlis most poetic mce in the
world , In tliclr relations with their own ;
In tlielr lulilU when not on the wnrpnth ;
In tliclr cnstomn , King * , ilnncos ; In tlielr be-
Hot In the liappjrlinntlngRronnd , ami In tlielr
conceptions of the Great Manltoti.
The following la nn cstract from the pee chef
of Flying Cloud , a famous Klckapoo medicine
liinn :
"Children of the Great Spirit. whc form
Is In thn nlr. though Invisible , I RIM hero to
tell you of our wtongs and of our ilrfhui
"Four hundred yearn ngo n Ijtfiit Jjlilti1
linn sailed troin Spain to find a New \\aiM' \
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thul World win the
ItoilMnn's. Thru nil
went well with our
Forefathers front
the upper waters of
tlio Itnrons to the
Great Win in Gulf
that kissed thelnml
of Fruit and Flow-
era , whcio thu Sim-
Inolcs hunted und
"The Indian wcl
coined the While
Man , and for Hint
wulconio our people
ple were driven
stop by stcptowiinl
bbnenth which
drops tlid ( Ircnt
CallntnYt"Thfm > rtl Spirit's Eo i-vcry
vfau fnJian can almiyi rtay when twilight
tt relfe.l . upon , " comes ilown upon
- the cm til.
" Wo nro scattered llko leaves when nu-
tninn winds slinttc the IICCH of the foiest.
" Wo , the Kicknpoos , whoso home was
tncc In IHInoK Inter In Kansas and la now
in thu Innd of the Sacs and Foxes , nrii at
peace with the White Man. What wo have ,
that wo will give to our White Brother.
"Our Klckapoo Indian Sixgwix makes men
live to be one hundred yours old.
"There nio Keil Men living who liavo
used It over since they were young men ,
ix. id who are now PO old thut they can only
sit , Ho and flecp in the sun.
"Our KIcknpoo Indian Oil Is the foe ot
" Our Klckapoo Cough Cure stops the hand
of death. -
"Our KIcknpoo Indian Snlvo heals nnd
cures all wounds , and our KIcknpoo Worm
Killer prc'survcs the live" of papooses.
"Our 'Snifvrn' $ oo < t medicine Is from the
great mother ot us all Xntuio. All that Is
bust that , grows in the woods , that biro
Bonn on the plain , that 1 1 Idea In the cuith ,
our Siigwn contains. It hna piescivcd thu
live ? of our wnirloisaml our women.
"It nets upon tlio body like sunshine on
tie ! trees and flower" , und gives life nnd
strength to nil who use it , Men nnd wo.
men who paitako of it frcc'y can only dls
of old age.
"This secret which the Kicknpoos alone
pnsicss , they give freely In their white
brother. It Is our richest offering.
" I have spoken. Let the voices of the
wotld bcur unswor to what I huvo s > aldl"
Without doubt the Indian has a piofnund
knowledge of thu mysterious herbs with
which they cure radically many formid
able diseases which bufllo the greatest
physicians of the woild. *
Those remedies can now bo obtained of
any diugglst or wholesale dealer. The
Klckapoo Indian Sagwu is one dollnr pur
bottle. Six for flve dollars. The Cough
Cure Is flfty an.l all the other remedies
twentv.llvu cents per bottle. In using these
remedies you may bo absolutely cciiiiln
thut they are purely vcHeluble , thnt they
contain no aulds or inlnctnl poisons because -
cause the Indians know absolutely nothing
of these burmtiil drugs.
The Klckapoo Indian Medicines nio gen
uine Indian made. How they came to bo
given to the woild is fully explained In
our large book , which wo gladly end free
to all nppllng who care for it sufllolently
towrito us enclosing tlnoo 2c. stump * ) to
pay poatngo. Address Ilcaly & IJijj'dow ,
421 Grnnrt Avo. , New Haven , Ct. _
I ) . K , I , . .SKAltI.I > , f'onsiiltliu Siir.'eon ,
Grndiiuto of Kush Moilic il ( ; olloao. il'ON-
sUI.TAtlON ruii : : . ) For the truntmcut of
Wo euro Catarrh , All Diseases of the
Nose , Throat , Ghent , Stomach , Bowels
Blood , Shin and Kiilnoy Disease * * ,
rorunloVctiUuos8Ob. . Lost Mauliooil
1'IIiKS. F1HTULA , riSSL'HB pormunontlr cured
without the use < if n knife , Ilitnturo nr mimic ,
All muladloa of n prlvutu ur delicate nuture , of
either BOX , positively cured ,
Oillonormlilrcss , wltli jump forClrcuiarj , Vrea
Hook mill lleclpui ,
Dr. ScarlEs & Scarlcs ,
Nuxtdoorto I'oatotlico
\\'o vrlll Benil you the tnarrtlntia ' '
Krtnch I'rcparitllun CALT1IO3 [ '
free , Mid 1'gal KunrnnU'c tliai I
I'AI/niOS vrill Itcilure your ,
m altli , Mlrvuetli mill Vlsoi- ( . | |
t'se tt anil fart/iatnjeii , H
Addroas VON MOHLCO. . V
Hol < i-trinn iE"K CludaoiU , Ohio. B
Chronic , tomii ,
Special Dissi53i ,
of both
Men and Woman.
lll.lrocllo Vnrlcocclo , Ftrietiiro nnfl
all otliur troubles fronted ot ro.isunablu
ciur ! f4 CONSULTATION I'liKE. Uuliouor
u ( Id rosy
Opposite II ydon Ilros.
Styles may come and ttyles may EO , but the
Straight jh > pe of collar , in its yanous modlft
cations , I * always In style and always dressy.
Many preler it to any other shape , and there
Is a Urge class of tasteful dresieis with whom
It will Le perennUlly popular. We illustrate
below the correct thing , under both of our
tiding brands , and In two widths. Try them ,
J Grenada. Wide ;
< Margau , Medium.
A perfect fitting and satisfactory carment tb
bat we euarantec In the "Monarch" Shut ,
f CLUETT , COON & CO , ©
Russet Special Russet
low Opening shoes
shoes at
at si.oo. $2.25
Russet Russet
low shoes
at $1.00 $2.25
Russet Russet
low shoes
shoes at
at $1.00 12.25
Russet Russet
lo\v shoes
shoes at
at $1.00' 52.25
Cut glass of neat and elegant design is
a koiisehold ornament t/iat makes your
wife look pleasant and yo w feel rich. In
our sparkling cut glass palace are many
neiv designs.
JMnilu of tlio lliii-st quality of HnMinu Toliarro tlmtctm bo bought. Kqmil In e\vrjr rowpcct to tlip
k rt I'uporU-a clfiirs. Muaufacttrcd by IT. Ifc UICH MUKC/iNTlLK CIGAIl I'ACT OllY. St. Loulu
1813 Douglas Street , Onia.hci , A7e6.
Thoomlnnnt ipaslalht In nor ran i , ohroilc , i , bloo.l , ikln ant urlntrjr illiaim. A r.u ilir u i
registered tiratlnito In mu.lliliut , uiitlplo'ii it .111 ojrUiUitai will iliJiV , u still traitli ; .vlt'i tin .frjum
nucci > cntarrh , loit rn-m lou 1 , aomlml vrnVcmt , nU it IUIHJI nil iml forniuf print ) ilunm. Xo
mercury useil No > v tronuno it ( or Ion of vlt il p ) vir. I'urclJi uniUlj tu visit imm ijr lutrjitj 1 nt ID nj
byuurrotiionili'nra. Mollclnaorl ntrj ninti i it tv null or HICJH s > j inly pisu 1 , nj 13 11II-
cntocontBiitaursanlar. Ono IIOMOII il Interview prjfjrrj 1. Conult vtlon frjs. OjrrJipj i Ij UJ atrlcllr
prlviito. Hook ( Myiturloj of l.lfu ) sent froj. O.llJj liourj , .1 il ul. tu J p. m.iailllj U .1. u. oil .u.
anil sumpfor circular.
If BO , oiill nixl
see I H. ll'o
\vJll tnnlto yoil
ti ftloliiro of
wli loll y tt it
Will fool i r it < l
4i i
313-315-317 SontUlStU 3t-j > i
IB iiiuurpnBseil in tbc
treatment of oil
ami nUVVtlknittijry
( aid Uitotdeis of tnun
18 j'cnra oiporlence ,
\Vrilo for elrculiu
and quoitlou lint Icoe ,
It Will Be Worth
Your While
to wait
As noon as tlio Insiirnni'o n-JJnstcri
fcOUlu tlio loss wo will upon llrullli Urn
Rrnutcst wum aud liquor tjurf.Uiu yuu
over I.ouirtof ,
110-118 S , lOtU St.
"Whtnart tmjolno ( , mu jirtHu bwMr *
" / nm eolntf | Mont't , fr. " tlit crtlil.
* f
We TVlovc the public to Otii' *
Unlioard of
for T
ft Japanese Village for 25 ; ]
Wo hnvo bunched together on o
table a beautiful lot of Japanese pooi
for Saturday. No nrtlolo on this tnhi
has over sold for less than 35e , and sou
as high as 7Cc. There are teacups at
saucers , after dinner coffees , all styl7
of vases , brm boil boxes , puff box0,1
plates , pitchers , teapots , bowls , pi ]
trays , jewel trays , etc. , etc. These nr
all now goods. Our price for yov
choice Saturday is
25c each.
Just received , another Inrjj
A T shiumont of those very tine gln
water pitchers that a re wort
Qp i.'oc ; wo will soil them Suturdit
< - ' ' - ' fordo each. Only two to a cu.
100 pints of our splendid English nor
fumes. White Rose , Lilac Fiowor , Vie ,
lot. Jockey Club , Heliotrope , Crab Apple
plo Blossom and other orders that nr
worth H5c , for 21o an ounce.
Lndios' black silk mitts , 19c , 20c , 30o
COc , 70o per p.iir ; all worth very inucb
Our $1.75 8-button length mousnuo
taire suede glovoa for Satuaday , $1.47 i
pair.Veilings. .
50 pieces now style volllnga , wortl
from 40c to GOc a yard , Saturday at Uoo ,
Between IO and II aWe - m
Wo will sell a lot of line embroideries'
that are well worth from 5e to 16o
yard , for 3c a yard.
Boys' Suits.
Double -and sluglo-brcasted two-piec
suits that are well worth , and havoboof ]
selling at $3 , Saturday , special price ,
$3.9 !
Boys' long-pant suits , all wool ; your
choice for any suit in the house foJ
Saturday ,
$6.0 (
Boys' unlnundorcd cambric waists , our
rogutar Uoc quality , Saturday for
AT A wash foods bargain for Satur-1
4.3 p day ; Ill's ' boats the world ; It'sun-
4 approachable. Saturday wo will
sell l.OdO yards of 30-inch China
cloth ( imitation of China silk ) ,
mndo to sell at 16c a yard ; they
go with a rush Saturday.
Cloak Dep't.
Saturday we will sell the latest
styles in printed w uppers , that
cannot bo matched for loss than QQ/
$1.50 each , Saturday , OSc. O
4.Qp Wo will Roll ono lot of chambr
fct/v * skirts , worth at , a close roti |
price , certainly , 7flc , for Satu
day only 40c.
Saturday you can have
your choice of u lot of $15
and 418 c.ipes , in lastest
novelties and materials , df fr \ [
for Saturday's salu , $10.00. < p-tvf. \
A lot of men's colored shlrtsiwith col -
lara and cull's attached , that uro nil
ri"ht , atl.liO , Saturday's close price ,
Men's -1-plv collars , 4 for 25c-
Men's spring ties and scarfs | 9c-
Men's fast blu k liobo 20c-
Ladies' '
Knit Underwear.
Onocasoof ladles' summer vests
retail for U5c. Our price for Saturday
15c each.
Ladies' fust bliiclc lioso with
foot and soil for 2o ( ) , Saturday
2 pairs for 25c
Saturday wo will sell a line ot flno
hose in the new cotton colors , that lira
worth 35o a pair , Saturday
Ladies' flno cotton drawers. Wo have
ono uiiHu tlint will bo bold Saturday for
2o cents a pair.
Mall orders or requoatb attended to
The sun never nets' on an overlooked
request , liovvuvor trilling.
Agents for Bullorick's patterns ,
Send your mail order to
Sixteenth and Farnara Sti *