THE OMAHA. DAILY IJREijSAT I'll DAY , MAY IS , 1898. 5PEGIRL NOTICES. iVRIVTl K.Mr"AT ! § KOIl Tltl'SB COLUMNS twill IIP liken antll 12 30 p in for thcovonlna unit IitllB topm for tha mornlnit nml Sunday o lltlons. IArtrcrtlscf * . by rn-inc-itlni ! n numbered check , can live their nnon irs addrcsiril to n numliarcil letter I careofTtirllr.t Aniwers so ndJrosisd will bo hltvcrcil urfcra proiontallon of the ch ck. SITUATIONS WANTED. . t cn wonl flrtt Intett'on. IP a wonl there- Notlilnu taken for lc i than ie | i\VA.SrF.D. POSITION AS OKKICB ASSIST- IVant by an rxpertcncpd yonna man , ( ! oed pon- nn ami MhrterMnmH bookkeeping. l' n tutnlili | feronces. st tl TO. llaa oni-o. _ MM7' HV-WANTKII , fol'YINO TO lO ! ON TVPB- li , wilier ; ( Hi f\tlom taken ; tallsfaction cn.iran- d. Address 0 34 , 1 CO onico. VA II * _ t WANT HI ) . rTrt'ATKN ) lTY VOL' NO MAN 'Vn | meal market or Ktocory ( tores omo exporl- nccln mebt cutting. Addrpsn J C. Johninn. 724 onth Urst sir -at , foiiicll Hlult < _ . _ MCJ3 14 A'TtloTtOl Til irIIUSINK'H YOUNO LADY deslm a position rn bookkeeper , casnler or opylstj li n gooil ponnmn nnd rapid calculator. Vddrosi ( I < a , care l > o .MI17II 14' \VANTrl > . I'O.itTION 'S OKKll'K ASSIST- \ nl or nislstint bookkooneri CMI furnl h ret- rencos. ( I S , lleo. MIWJ IT WANTED MALE HELP. Hates mo n word nrst Insertion , lea word them- lifter , S'othlnir taken for lens than 2'c ' TJlAVnilNtJ hAKSMKN TO - Kl ) , B-WAN'I . Wn put our coodi In class lollltiK pln . HO month salary and expenses , or 2" > I > cr cent rominUslnn. Send ntnmp for reply. I'lilcago Ilnklns 1'owdof Co. , 707 Van Huron , St. , 200 _ IB- - IK YOU WANT A (1OOII ! \ VINT. .10 WIltTC the Hanks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WIs.M4IOJ1' M4IOJ1' tJ-BKM 118 IT VOIJ AUK SI'.l'KINd A Illflll l.'crndo poaltlon , Wo Imvo placeil hnndroils In .ioort tiosltlons Mid can ns Ut von. Western llusl * [ .less agency. Bin N. V. l.lfii uullillmr. AI33J ji - ) , UlllCK UIIUNKU AND SKTTIUl , good reference * . C. C. Norgnnrd. .Manllln. In. WANTKi > , 1li'ACKi MITI ! . WJ.Vr lll' GOOD B horteshoer. Hugh Noone , Fremont , Nob. | 674 ! ! [ l-OPFU'K MAN WITH SO.MK CAPITAL CAN F Jllnvcst In iiood clean business to ailvanlntini can IRV | such a good responsible potlllon. Address < ) I H. lloe. EM ' ; ' JJWANTKIt.J KXTHA M : N AT AMKS AVK. irtalry , 4/XJ2 Ames nvo. .1. V , Hoch. ( SOU * _ WANTKI ) . KI aT-it. : < - OAltlllAUK . 'palnter nndblnekiimtlli. lllnhost wanes for A 1 ] men. J. C. Hnrlman , Creston. la. MlllO 14 -WANTKI ) . TBN HOOD HI5WKII SIKN. ,1. 1 m Woljhans A Co .DOflSouth 17th street. V.OI4 13 % _ f\VANTKD , TWO KXl'KltlPXClil ) CLOTHINd I Jjsa'osmen at Columbia Cluthlnitcompinv. corner - ! nor 13th nd Karnam. 6il- ZsTKNOOUAl'lIKH , OOOD PKNMAN. KX- porienced In olllro worklunst b3 tj-Hck and ac : ourate. Western Umlnoas aituncy , 3li3 IN. V. Life llidg. H-H _ 1 IIOOKKKKPKU AllOtlP SO. MUST 111 ! 'strlotly IcmpiTste. abli ) to Klvo bonds , itnoil pen man and ulil" to ulvu unquestionable Omaha refor- rnces as to ability nnd char.icter , married in. in pro' ferrcd. Address O 28. lloj. C'i7-H _ i > WANTBlT MILS 'I O THAVHL. f.VJ 'I O $103 IMCIt J 'month. Utonu. \\a1lliiKlon , Madison , WIs. "rjiWAN'lKI ; > r51llIilC.ITCU8 W1I1I ( inoi ) HH K J 'eronco. Teams furnished free. Kxtrn pay lo 1 parties with thtilr own rltfa. American Wrlngei Co. , irx)9 ) Howard st. _ C70 24 * T > WA tl ! l ItltKUlT RATIloLir MILS IMMK .1 'illaloly to ropreseiu ft inamtfaLtor ) ; siary : ! fSO.lK per month.VrltoJ.lI. . Donnelly , 7J Dearhorn St. , UilcsKo. MI-Ul 13 * < 1 O-WANTKl ) , AdKVM KOIl Till' HJ.-ST SKI.L- W JJIiiK arlloli'lnlhull H. Wo ulvo h tcoinmli $ nlon. „ It takes the lead of evervllilnK1.0JO.Ol ; ! ( wonl M aold hy on3 am-nl In IMllsburtf nml Oimih.i. I'osl & Itlvo proof llarj chance. Adilross with stump fj A , M. Amos , Iliiiraln. N. Y. MitSl ! _ 1 j > c -WANT i : D 1L\LK MKN ON Tmr W ) A I ) TC sell advertising ennK fans , etc. , on commlssloi illmct from the ininufiicturcr. Can make f.VJ.m per week. Advertising Specially Co. , Uuffnlo , N. Y jllb * 13 * WANTKI ) . 10 TIN.NKHS. TUB O. 11. HAM B 1 ; moud company , South Omaha. MM ! 17 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates , me u word llrst Insertion. Inaword tlioro after. Nothing lakun for less than ' . ! ' > < . - ) . LADIIfH Oil YOOS MHX Ti C-rWANTKl ylcnsanl work at their own homes fl.'JO to IJ.OO per dny can bo quietly niailii : worl pent by mall : no canvnBilnit For particulars nd drrss tilohe M'fit. Co , IloriSSl , lloslon , Mass Us tebllfhoillSU * SM21 * n-WANTKD. FKMAI.R 8TUIIKNT NIMtSIT A' VW. C. A , hospital , corner Ulh street nnd I'th ave -M.1IS MJJ niio , Council Illnlts. - - V.'ANTr.D. TO Airr AH STATl : AI11SN1 C-LAOV famous Hazoltne , a poslllvu euro fo nil female diseases. Ton days trealmcnt free Address Dr. DoiiRlas , V Co. , houth Uonil. Ind , U .M-lll Hi * H A. - - - ) , LADHCS TO WIllTK AT 1IOMF J--WANTKI onvelopo. KllaVcrsl , See Eonth llend , Ind. Mill -IAIIiSAND : CKNTLKMICN. WK WILL PA C you K 10 $12 per week lo do strictly home wor for us at your homes : no canvassing : send soli addressed envelope , < L F. ICinniom & Co. . llattHr ) inarch nnn Water Us , Huston , Mass 57 > 1 12" -DllK BStAKINli IUCLP WASrUl ) . API'L to Mrs. lllll , 1813 dim los St. _ ' Z12 ! -WAN'IT' ' ) . TilltL KOIl OENK11AL HOUSI work Uoforences required. Apply nt 4IS Nort Mlh slreot. .MI'.T3 la -WANTHI ) , WAIST AND HICIKT 1C. II. Tcrrlll a.'il'l 1'arnain street. MiilO 13 * WANTICI > . A COOD ( Hill. KOU OHN15IIA C housework In n small family : references r ( quired Inquire Mrs. K. J. Backctt , southeasl oo lllhand Charles. BH 13 I'l-MAN AND WIFK , flOUO : 60 MHN. 100 OlltL : vyfj.OO to f 000. Cnuadlan oDIce , 1W ? rnrnnni. MWJ J1J' /1-WANTKD , OIHU 818 NOIU'H SOTH ST. _ 370B EKNT HOUSES. Hates , lOnn line each Insertion , n line p < month , Noihlnx taken for less than J5& f -mTiTBNTr liourtKH IN "ALL I'AUTS c . "clly. The O. ! ' . Davis company , 150i Farnam s 201 - fLAT..DWiLLINf.COrTUll'.3AI.L ; ] I'All'l fD ( I- city. ; Kilkenny & Co. . It. I , Continental block. 1Kll ) UKNT , IJ-ltt'JM lltUSK. 2101 DUtidLA Jl Hlrvt't. rmtiilro of Morlti Meyer , cor. Idtli an rurnuni. 'tiS rV-Ti.UOOM IIDUrlK. tl-UOOM CI > T1'A(1K. AI JL/niodern.tieautlful lawns , shade , do. N. I" , tu ttnd nn > l Mlumast" . t&i TV-KOIlTliWr. NINK-UIXJ.M IIIMMK. MODrTTl .l/lniirovi'niL'nt | < Inquire 1(1 ( Noi th oOth St. HO05I IlDlIM ! . MODKHN , rONVKNIKii for biislneii urn holesalo men. Apply 1111 Hou . UOOM .MODHIIN 1IOI14IC. lOOD LOU , lion ; rout modorala. U & hklnnor.H \ : \ 1'arnn T4-KOU IIKST , NICW THN-UOOJI MODISH J'houso , can front , on bouth 17lh stioet , ne Jackion ; rent , 110. Inqulrotl.'l South 17th street. IA-KOU IlKNT. 10U03M MODItllN HODc J.- ' suitable for loiuorrs ami boarders. 2011 Hum alroet. 10-rnnin mo'lein houre , JilU Leavenwor elreot , oulyK5.00. i-onio iloo cotluirm. 11. U. Tla A Co.W \ Hiirney street. V.51- I-7-UOOlt llUUSli. KAST KllO.vr. ALL MO D ern ; , J31.00. fidelity Trust Co. , 1701 Knrnam , ' t'Jt , IV-Mill UKNT. NINI5 UOOM IIOIIMC , Al lJL/coiivenlenco > ; InruoKrounili and uood stabl In good location nml any of ncuoii. ( lent to IIr class tuiinnl will be reasonable. Apply Omal Loan * Tru t Co , loih and _ Doutlita sis Si ; - UOOM COTl'Atll'.H , HTANKUItl ) C1IICI. D new , iiiu.lern C. H. Klaiillor. 334 IK'J bhlg. JO - 4-UOO1I AI'AUTMK.STri , VON DOI block , with atcam ; ruferencoi rvqulred. 810 B ! JO - H. K. COI.K CO. JlcCAUUIJ 1II.IKI , D-81515 8J.UJ1 -KOU IlKNT , 3 KLATdOh'Jnit r'l.OOIt LINT ( blockU roouu each , In Kood repair , IWOO r month tnadv.vico. Alio'j 4 room houses In bou Omaua , corner of ' .th amt u streuts , 110 each , KOod repslr. Imjulru nt 917 huuth 13th alre Omaha. John Hauilln. ago nt. 6J -FOH IlKNT , NICK "isitllir-UOOM HOUt near llanscom 1'ark , nil modern oonvenlenc pleulid neighborhood. Hicks , 3.IJ N , \ . Lift 111 MlilV-l D-VOH IIK.NT. 7-UOOM CUTTAHK AT IOW I cltloalrcot. Apply IIU South luth street. M64 D-FOll HUNT , OOOD B-IIOOM 1I01IH1 ! NK builncii of liter , 118 00. The O , V , Davli cc pauytIM > Farnam street. tM-S D-T1IUE10 iToOMB , C3 | SOUTH 17TII bTltttl betw n Jackaou and l aveunorlh. Ml 1 _ _ Vt'-i'BTOUY 10-ltOOM HOUSE , VEUY 11EABO ! JUble price. 1919 Dodge alreet. eti 1 -yOIl IlKNT. COTTAQH AND I.Alt croundi wtih tarn , well , nice ihede Ireei , e lull eouthweit of city limits : IO.VO per mot illcki. 106 N , r. l.tte building. MtM ' D -1IOUSK , FUHNIBHKD , VOU UKNT , i 1100 ! for Iheiummer , Apply8717 .Md , M 4 I -UODEIIN 8-IK/OM 1IOU3K NBArt HI ( tebool. Inquire Kit Capitol Are. Met ] 1 D-t-HOOU UODKIIN HOU3G. NXVr. O flutih. floe porehti. large lot , centrally local 1 black * froct. motor , tit 00. Inquire at tin Fan atrtet. UWA 1 gba JHEMT gPRNIBHED BOOM E-UOOM8 , I , l . 11 , BOAUD , WJ N lT UMt 1 JOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. CnntlniKi -Kt'HHIdtlKI > llOOMS WITlt STF.AM HKAT Ijfor Krntlcmcn only. 1619 llonard t. , 2nd flonr. SOT - ' , \vr.Lt. KUUMSIIKD UOOMJ Ei'iiKABANTvr.Lt. . J70 14 * _ \i - PLKA3ANT unoM ? , MODKIIX < NVINI- Ijenccsj home comforts , nt J05S Howard St f n - FIIIIMOHKD IIOOM.-I , OKNTLKMKN E-TWO M10 Davciiporl street MIB3 Y ? XlCKI.Y FtMNISIIIII ) UOO.M8 Foil ( JK.STLK- Jlimtn 310 North liuii i J li * -UIIOXIH , MomcitN CONVF.MKNCKS , FOll g nllcmen. MWCass. eW li * \f \ VKH\\lKklHAtt\ \ \ IIOOM VOIl ONI ! Oil Jlittvn gentlemen. 1319 liodgi- . _ C4J - SUITKOpf HOST IIOdMSt ALU1 ONK 811)11 37-A . ! OI71inrnoy street. MM If _ - tsmiiritooMiTKoii HUNT AT r.wou ' 117 If FURNISHED' koo"M3AND IIM s , lllc llnaoacu Insertion , fi.M n Iliu | > or month. Notlilna tnkcn for lojs limn S.le. _ IJi-TliB DO AK.arJA.NDJIl N. UlilHT. I1 203 17-VOUNH WOMK.XM IIOMK. UNOKIt UAltKOK i. Woman's Christian association , Ill So. Kill st aw 17-LUttE ! HAST ntONT UOJM WITH ALCOVK. JIO 8. Silli street. M3II _ .lHO-liJl DAVKSl'OtlT STHKBP.t . ' -IIOOJH AND IIOAU1) AT SIH OAl'tTOI. AVK. 1 licferuncos tmiulroil. _ _ 6J3 13 I -I.AUCi : SOU I II 1 HUNT HOOSI. riUSTCIiA&S JL'bunril , liXJ DoiU'O. MWJ IS" l7-lLHllA.NT FUUNIslini ) ItOO.MS WITH J' toanl at the Webitor , 510 und 5U N. luth si. n-iiKsiitAiiMt souru UOOM , WITH IIOAHD. I1 IfW CIlIC ItfO. MI'M" II * FOB KENT STORES AND OFFICES Hntix , lOc n linn rncii Insertion , ? I.M n line per tnunlli. Notlilne tnkun fur lu i Hum 3.ic. KOIl HUNT. h'I'OUK , IN S. Kll'll ST. , I.ANOI5 block , nuitnbla for itiunt in.irkct , liarOwarn or etoro. InnulroliW s. l.ltli st. 'M r-ruit HUNT.Tin : < sr utv iiitioic isim.m.v ! . tillli rarnnin si. Tliu ImlMlru Imi n nruproot en- merit lin einl-nt , conipliilu stuam lumtlni ; Mxluros , wntcT on nil tha Uuura , Km , ulo. Appljr ut tliu olllca oflho llca. UIU -FOll IlKNT , CIlOlfCST SIICOND FLOOIl business corner In Omitlia , ( ilobo building , Uilh nml Dodge , ( ilobo Loan .V Trust Co. illifJ FOR HUNT. TIIK LAIUIKFIIONI' UOOM ON I Farnam street In N. V Life lllitif , with heat ami i-leclric light. Also largo b.iMmient room In sumo bullillnit with heat , light , ulo. Apply lo Hicks , Agt.IUiN t.l.lf ' _ _ " " " -joiTuiN"'rTTuT"rjA"iHJTf : VKONT uoov. o.v LKnrnani struul In N. V l.lfo lllilx , ulth hentnnil oloctrle llelil. Also Inrne lia-iuiiioiit room In B.imo tiulMlnK "Itli boat , electric llt-'lit , utc. Applr lo lllcki. rtct .Mi V. Y I.lfo lllilx. MiWJ U AGENTS WANTED. Knit's. I' ' ia word llrtt Insertion , le n wonl Ibero- after Authlni ; taken for k-a.i llian . ' > o. 1 WAXTKH , AN AGUNT IN NKHHA'-KA TO "Bullnnew anil inc.lluni prlcpil t-'iinh Hi'cHtcr. Aililrt-B-i I ) . K. Anders , llcnvor. Colo. AIMS 13 * T-JI CO KVHUV 110UU Yoif W011K. AOKNTS > > wiintud for a now invi'iillon Illtbor sot Addri's.i , ltli stamp , or call on Warren llnraett , I'alrbury , .Neb. ill lii * T-AIIKNTS. TO SKI.Ii OUH ADVllll'l 1H1.NIJ > ' scliemo to incrclinntH ; J.TilO dally ; vlilt utoroi only. Slump , samples. Are ( .oimiMiy , Hnclno , WIs Mt'jJU * 1 - S.NAl'KOtlAHKNlM ; HAl'IDTAG WHITISH. " Sauiplo uiallod , IOC. John I ) . Atkcn , Auburn. N. Y. MUI9 15 * WANTED TO RENT. Itatca , me a wonl ilrst I nortlon , lo a. word thera nfter. Nothlui : taken for le tban 2jo. K WANTKI ) , HMALL FUIINHHKI ) ern houio for family of two. AddressU 211 , lleo. MiiJi ) 14 * A fOUll Oil FIVE UOOM COTTAGE IN GOON orrtor anil residence no'ehborhood. Address G W , Ueo. M6CJ 14' K -WANTKI ) , TW < i NICK UNFUItNISUKIi rooms , or room wllh nlcove In house will ! modern Improvement , for uenllemau nnd wife ; also bum J. Address I' . O. hot Ul. MOlTi IS * K WANTHI ) , HOUSK WII'H 15IOHT UOOMt not farther wesl Ihan 21st street , or Ihree mi' fnriilhlied rooms , by family wllh no children. Mate 'ocallly ' and price Address , U 33 lleo. MAN AND WIFK WANT TO TAKICCIIAliaE of house daring absencoof owner for summer Address a V7 , lleo. MIIS7 I4 - UNFUUNIhllllD IIOOM3 FOll HOtHUKBlCI' K-U In , ; . Addren If llee. Mtl7b 14 * STORAGE. Hales , lOc a line ntch Insertion , JI..VJ a line pel month. Nothing taken for loss than 2oc. - bTOIIAni ; FOll HOUSKI1OLD OOODS MbTOIIAni clean nnj cheap rates. H.Volls. . 1111 Farnam 213 - ( ! . ) hTOUKD DlllllMl bUMmer M-HKATINST.VfCS for household goods. Tot SIX ) . 1207 Douglas. OmahaMovj llopalr works. .M4 ; STOVKS STDKICD AT U1SASONAI1LK IIATK : M at Hughes Steve llcpulr Works , 007 B. ISlh ft- 7i lm31 WANTED TO BUY. Kates , 14c a word first Insertion , lo n word thoro. after. Nothing taken for lei than 2.'m. XTCAHH FOll 1 > goods , etc. , or will lull for owner In our audio salui. U , Wells , 1111 Farnnm. 213 T\T-SI,000 STOCK OF HAIIDWAUB IN KAHTKlll J-i Nubraskn. Addrois Lock llox 207 , ItORors , Neb FOB , SALE FTTKNITUBE : Hates , me a word tlrst Insertion , loanord thora after. Nothlni ; taken leas than 25o. KOlt SALE , A KNA1I1J bgUAlUC 1'IANO. 221 0 Knrnam st. bit t\ \ - . 8ALH , FUII.MITUUK OF 10M 1'Alll 0-1.011 worlh the radnoy. MU9 U * FOBSALEHORSES'WAG QMS ETC llnteB , l c a word first Insertion , lo a word thorn after. Nothing taken for ICSH t hankie. 1. nlid carriage. ' * L. W/Tuileya/IOJ 1'uarl St. , Com ell Illultn. 314 r > -SUFFOLK PUNCH fTALLIO.N , YBAIISOLI ! weight about I.SWi ccrUUc.Un of reglitratlo and pedigrees foraale cheap , or will oichaimu fc luudorctiy propoity. 411 lluj llulldlng , M24J 13 ptUUUVKAIlOLI ) TKAM KOIl SAL * 1 nolliht , about 2,3')0. ttaplclou Laud CO nipan ] lieu hulldlnK. Mill 1.1 ) - Oil HA1.1C , F1UST-CLASB DUIVICll. UK 1 also n good single footer. 710 N , Y. Life Illdit. KW-13 * 1POU BALK , UBNl'f.K IILACK IIOUSIC , HAI ness , Bliupson phajton , eto. , tli'.i Inqnlro i Blnbln llroi , , 1'ark avunua stables , 2jlh and Woo worth. Mfi4 ] 1)-THI1 IIKST BADDLK AND DltlVINO 1'ONV I DouKlaicountf , Hoonii Crelghlon block. I-KOHBALK , iioitsKO VKAUS OLD , nuut ; X and harnosi , cheap. 4015 Dodjio ilreet. MOJ3 H I-KOH BALK , YOUNO OKNTLK I'ONV , SAUDI , or drlvlnit , cheap : owner leaving cltr , 1m North SMh itreel. MMl ] ( FOR SALE Hates mo a word llrst Insertion , la a word llior after. Nothlnx taken for \vtt \ than itfc. Vou s ALis ciiB AI > " A zi'fii ' A'N QD , , SSJ -TIIKBTA.NDAUD CATTLK COMPANY OFFJS vjbaled hay at li.OO per ton , on board ocara" Amen , Neb Thli price may be withdrawn at ni tlmo 31 ! -KU1INITUUU , AUCTION KVKIIV BATUUDA Q till rarnara , U.Velli , auctioneer. 625 > l MISCELLANEOUS. Hates , H < c a norrt It ret iDiortiop , lo a word thsn after , Nuthlnv taken for Ion than ' " P nlfhyauellhvrnNo. , ' tor .No. & Itemlnglon typ writer. In nrst clusi con Jltlon. on rental , ( live a > c ll. Wyckolf , SimmausA. llonodlct , 1711 Kama street. Ouiaha. Neh , _ 3U E-\VAI.L l-Al'KIl AND cleaned ai good as If now. a H. Flowers , r Bt. HUry'aave. tu ; ) OLAIRVOYANTa. llatei. mo a wonl Urit iniertlon , lo a word thei after. Nothing latiea for less than Sic. S MHSrFA"NNIlT vT\VABHK.s7 SLuiU'oTAlS reliable builnon medium ) Bflh year at I I'J ' N.K 31 S-MIIS. Dlt. M , LKOHA VK , I'HOI'IIK.TKSS. DK. trance clalrvoji.ot and life reader ) tolli yc life from cradle to gr vri can ba consulted on attain uf life ) hai the celebr te < l Ktyptlau Urei plate to unite tba avparaleil aud cause marrla wllh one you love. Come one , come all. and couvlnced of her remarkable ponuri. OQlce residence 4U H. IHh al. , hours y B. in. to V p. Htrlcl life chart nnd photo of your future wife huiband lent through mill for iOO ; chart aloi 11.00. All letters containing 4 cuntt In tiara promptly anawered. 411 IV MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. Italos. IDo n line each Infection , II.SO line per month. Nothlnit taken for loss than 2V } , ' " fjpuly'AHAMVr"pJ1ITII. lot S. 13TIL S.VD FUOll , J > lloomi Massage , vapor , alcntoi , steaminldhnr- Ino neil r baths. 31511 13 * r P MMK.CAIUiOX , 1121 DOUOLAS f TltKKT. 31) a. floor , room 7 , inassano , alcohol , sulphur anil sei tnlhs PERSONAL. llatcs , me a wonl llrst Insertion In r word there- nfter. Nothlne taken for loss than 2.'ic. lAVK VOU I A wanl lo | i'il It out on the best , tlrst inortuijjn se curity In Nebraska , In sums of $ IJJ to $ lt > W. nn.l . net six per cent Interest , coma to us. 'I here Is abrolutely no risk , .Never had anything hrtt r. lloggs .v lllll. I4M I'nrnainst. U-MIIBlI \ VAIINKIIVILL TAICH SUMVUIl honnlpr' , flrsl class nccoinmoilallnns , larva lawn , splenillil soft water , beautiful drives , horse anil c.irrlsao furnished free , lloanlvllli nicely furnlshtil room (4 JO ncek. Come anil nee Ihe loca- lion. Mrs It. Warner , Warnersvlllo , Mcb < M H _ _ U-C.VlAltltH AND 1IAV CKVKU TltKATKD hy the monlh. Tumors , grotvlhs nnd olhor Uo * torinltles of the nose and tire it rninovcil without psln. Dr. J ! ' . I'resnell.SiU HoiliMz. MM5 .Id -H CAI IN L"F I MIOTO3 , AUIM'O I'lNISII IN any style , fL.V ) , worth St.OJ , for a short llmo , nt Connn'o p'iotu studio , 2UI Uumlnit street. 510 m-M -.MASS AIIK TUKATMKNT. r.LKCTIllC-THKll. ninl Imth' . s < ; ali | anil Irilr trealmonl. inatilcurn nnil chiropodist. .Mrs. I'osl.lW'lilh.Wllhncll blk _ _ , _ „ 218 U-1'll.KS rilllMANKNTLY CIlltllD , UY A sliiKlc , painless treatment , Dlscitsos of the rectum a specialty Dr. A. J Cook , ( Iran , ! Hotel Annex , Council lllufls. Mljiu IB _ ABSTRACTS OF TITLES ! Hates too n line oioh Insertlnn , } ! . . ' > ) a line per montli. Nolhlnit Hksn for Ion thin 2Jo. - I18TAC MTIP J M IDI , \ N' V-A nnd Trust contpuny. nb'tricUrs , convoyancerj. Titles iiTfi'ctot an I imr 111:03 : 1 Oivn thoonly coiniileto nlislinct books In Douglas rnnntr. Ku- moveittorooinaio Neiv Vork LltfhullJInit. Mi'O MON13Y TO LOAN 1113AL ESTATE. Itatcs , lOoa line eaoh Inscrtlnn , 91,51 n Una par month. Nothlii ) ; taken for loss ; r J. \\r-CUNTItAL LOAN & TllUriT CO. , UUU 111.1)0 i > sa ) VVr-f. 1. HAltUlsONl > l2N. Y. LIF1S. \\r MOUTOAliU LOAN'S LK33 THAN T PEII ' ' cent. Including all charges. Charles W Italney. Oniali-i Nat , bank bldg. 233 Yir WANTI5I ) AT ONCK LOANS ON IVU'ltOViSIJ * * Omaha property ; low rales. Fidelity Trust company , 170.1 hnrnara st , 210 W -LOANSON IMIMOVHI ) AM ) UNIMl'ltUVUI ) cltypropcriyi,0)nnd ) ) upwardsf to C'i per cont. No deluys. W. Farnam Smith A Co. , 1 Jtli and llarnoy. W-OMAHA SAVINUS 1 VNK MAICKS LOANS on real estate nt lowest martfot rates. Loans maun In small or laruo snuis for short or long tlmo No commission Is oh.irirod and the loans arc not xolil Inthoeast. hiituin lU.r.ijri Ii3 found attho bank on Iho corner of llth nnd Doiulas sti. 2 ! I \\r-l AM ) 2 YL'AII LOA S ON CITY AND KAUM ' mortKaKes. ttecd .oelby , U44 Hoard of Trado. \\r-MONKY TO LOAN O * OMAHA AND CUlIN ' ell Illiitls rual est.ito and Ni-lir. > ski : anil lown farms lit from , V < lo6 i p.'r eont Intorust.wllh no nd dltlonal charges tor commissions or ntlorneys fees. W. II Molklc , Ist'l bank bids , Onialn. VU \\r MONHY TO LOAN AT LOWKST IIATIIS ' ' 1 ho O. I' . Davis Co. , loO'i I'nrnnm slrccL 227 \V ANTHONY LOAN ANDTItUsT CO. . .118 N. V " ' Life , lends nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska Or Iowa tarms or Omaha city property. \ \ TMONKY TO LOAN ON IMIMOVIID CII vv ptopcrty , low rates. A. C. Frost. Douglasblk -MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWI T IIAT153 O.N Improvevl and unimproved real estate , 1 to 6 years. Fl fS.f Trust Co , 1702 Farn-xm. 21'J \V-LOANS. G. o. WALLACK , su uuo\v.v BLK. aw _ TAT OMAHA LOAN & TUUST COMPANY , 16TI ! * nntl Douglas , loans money on clly ami ftirn i opcrly : it lowest rules of Interest. 231 Vr-HIlbT AND SKCONO M ) HT\K LOANS ; low rates. Alex. Mooro. 431 , Ilco bldu. M370 W \VANTKDTO ItUYSOMKfl PKH CUNT NOTH ! secured hy mortgages on Omaha city or DOIIK ns county property. Itoed & Bclby , 3J5 Chambei fCummcrcc. Ml 10 IT-J. W. SCJUIIIK , MOVED TO 213 111CU ULOd. ill3 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOc a line , each Insertion , $1.60 a line pel nonlh. Nothing taken for less Ihan 'J.'ic. r-CALL AT TIIK OKK1CB Of I OMAHA MOUTOAGE LOAN CO. I.NCOHPOHATED. Ib' YOU WANTMO.NBY , Yon cau borrow on IOUSE1IOLD FURNII'UKBi AND PIANOS HOItSK ! ) , WAUONS AND CAHHIECKd. WAIIUIIOI'SH ! HKCKIP'IH , M ICH,1I ANDISE Oil ANY OTIIKIl SKCUIUTY We will lend yon any amounl fromSloUO to JI.OJO ON TUB DAY YOU ASiK FOll IT without publicity or removal of property. You cnn pay the money back In any nmonnt yoi wUh , and at any time , and each payaiuit ao mad will reduce tl.u cost of the loan Itomeinber that vou have Iho usoof both lh' ' property and tha money , and pay for It only a : 'unjjns you keep It. 'ihorewlll bo no expense or charEQ kept out o the amount wanted , but you will receive the fill amount of the loan. lleloro borrowing elsewhere call and see us , am you will tlnd It creatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOItTCAniS LOAN CO , 30J HOUTIl KJTIl ST11KUT , Hrst floor nbovo the Htrcct. TUB OLDKST. I AIKISST AND I.NI.Y INCOIlPOIt ATUI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 233 ! ) ( ) YOU WANT MONHY ? : TUB FIDKLH'YLOANdUAllANTKECO. , UOOM 4. wrriiNKi.ii in.ociv. 14TH , COIlNltll HAIINKY ST WK MAKK LOANS ON FUltM'l'UltK , IlUllSKI AltltlAdKH , WAHUIIOUSi : HI'.CI'UIM'd Oil 1'KI ao.N.M , PHOPKIITY OF ANY KIND / W1U.DO WKJ./ TO I /TOO I vm ran/ torn / OUU rtitlMn WILL MhiKl' YOUIl AlVnOVAl You can pay Ihe money back lit tiny tllno n d I any amounl you wish , and thus reduce the cost i carrying t"o loan In proportion to amount you pa IK YOU owe a balance on your furniture or oili personal property of any kind , HO v 111 pay Itulf fc you and carrr It as lonx us you diislio. YOU CAN IIAVH V4JI1U MONKY IN ONK 1IOU FltOMTHISTlMi : YOU MAKB APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , to that yo eel the USD of both mo.ioy and property. VU X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF BH curltys strictly coufldenllal , A. U Harrisroo 1 , Continental block. 2)1 X MO.NICY. 40 , 110 , W DAYS. CHMAP UATf nnd eavy payments , on f urnlturo , plnnos , l\\ \ flock , etc. , without delay or publicity ; caeh c hand. Unit Or eon , room 8 , Darker block. 235 -l'lllTCIIAUD , 61 JXILUI.AS 111K.,1(1 ( A DODd BUSINESS CHANCES. llatoj , lOc a Unu each Insertion. Jl.'i ) a line pi month. Nothlni ; taken for loss than 2So. Y-ANV 1'IIVSlCIAN WI811INIJ TO C1IANU his locatlou should correspond wllh room 21 Mcl'UL'uo bldii , Otnnlio. \ltvj r UOl'KL SALI5 , DO.X 874 , 8UKNANDOAH , I. Mrt72 MI.V V KOK HALK. A HTOCK OK ( iK.SKIIAL MK JLcliandlieof aboullil.ODO to I7.00J , In a uond tow In Nebraska. Apply to Kllpatrlck-Koch Dry Uooi Co. , Omaha. Neb. CM r FOll HALIS , (1OOD ( NKWHl'AI'KH IIUSINK , -ondoutllt. Viola DavH , Lincoln , Neb , 457 Ji' Y-KOIt HALK Oil UXCHANaiC , T)11S KUIt.- nlture and Iciteof the Hotel tfoltua , Aihlac Neb , M8V4 13' ' Y VOU HALK , IN A OOOU TOWN IN NOH1 Nebraska , a stock of general merchandise , co ilstluv of dry goods , boots and shoos. clothln < ai k'rorerles. I will sell tha stuck for cash , half ci : and land or on lime to suit Ihe purchaser If secu Uy Is tiood. 1'rlcu , to.iuo. Adare a 11 , Onial lloe 6a _ \r-WANTKI ) , I'AUTNKIl IN MI5AT MAHKU JL reason , need inoru helpi old eilabllshed bu Incn. If you want to vet Into a paylnic buslnu from Ilia start , Invustlgale Immedlalely , Addre U It Ueo. M5S1 i : _ V-FOIIHALK. UNniVIDKDHALKINTKUKST JL furniture ( tore la Wahoo. Ouly ono In tow A iaip for a practical furniture man. Address J. Harrliop , wahoo. Neb. SCtitl Y -WANTKI ) , HHA1NV MKN AND WOMKfT state centi. ( lood rafereocei and ioiuec < Itat. 150. ui par day can bo made. T. K Hutti Co. . 8tr _ ul. Mlpn. _ MUIT 17 V-KOIl BALK , A DHUli 8TOUK IN CCNTIl. JL Ncbrnka. A ( oed biulneti and good reason I 1IIDC. Addren lock box 4 , t'htlllpi , Nob.Kl Kl U V -tOKrJAI.BAT A , , , o jjiscoUNT , A BTOI I of clothing and ( urolshlat goods. Addrns b 411 , Avoca , Iowa. ti -KOU BALK , IIAKHIIV AND CONK X"1IO err , Ice cream parlor In connection. Al bu nee * In a thriving youog cltr of 4.W5. Terms eai Knqulre of Dmiba Hilling Co. , Omaha , Nub.MUJI MUJI II BUSINESS KJHANOE8 , V-m.ACKSMITlI 8I1M ( TOll SALK ! HOOD 1. paying business. Address c. It , Caddy , I'aU myrn. Nf b MiKI M * FOR Hates too a line enc'i ' IpfOrllon , II M a line per month. XotlilngUki-n \ tat h-M tlisn ? . > c. r/-A Cl.KAN STOCK , W ( IIC.NKHAIi Mld . | /Jwlll Inko real eitnlo nnd Money , not ? .ii , Trank- fort , Ind. ' " . . . _ 2M r/-Koit ? AIR oil Tit VtfP nm IMPIIOVKO ire /J rrc of land In NcbfnSta , a splcnillil bvulnrn , Aildtcas Kf.i. line. _ _ ' _ 3M Jl I/ 1 OWN IOJ KAUM * IN NI'.IIRASKA , KAN3A3 /Jand Dakota. Will * ell ! b9 < p , or ctchanzo for nidso.liorsos andc.ittlo. Aild.lttnTO.Vrnnkfott.lnd. 23 * < < * ) AiKKSOPriiiAUIiAND : IN ONR OFT1IU best winter whpnt dislrlcli In Kans&i to ex- cliniido for 10 or 2U ncro tract near Omalm cltr llinlln. Wilt pay cAslullIIoroncolf property Isgonil , Address , RlrlnR prlca anil locution , O I > ) lice. VUj y -"SKKTIlTB. COI. IS c6VMCUAUUHUM > ir /Jt 339 Jl' I/-"KOH HA1.K I'OIl I.l.NrotjV 1'nol'BHTY. " A /Jnow S-room roltngc , nil niodprn convoncto" , In one of the best location * In Uinnhn , built l > y owner , anil sold bopiusn of chaiiKa In lojldonco : will ao- ccptln nholn or rnrl payment Rood rc-'ldonce proiurty. preferably unimproved , In Lincoln. Art- itreiii , itlTlnq location of property , .M. W. H. , No. 15tt1K street , l.lncoln. _ Ml 15 rV-fSCadOUSTOCK llAUDWAHtt. OOOI > COtlNTY cnt town , for clour eastern Nub. , Iowa farm era a farm near Ualoabnrn , III. U. T Itlngor. 15ISI Knr- imni street. MiBt 13 * _ RA 9T ATE7 Tj OU SAL15. 13t 1'KKT - - _ . . JL street , corner 43th. with good substantial two- Mory business block , two sloro rooms with live-mom lints aliove ; liiilhllng Is In conipletoshapo nnd cost ahoul t.yxi OJ alone. The I-'I feel fronlago Is worth al , .0.ui ) toJIOOO per fool : nm Inslructed lo offer tha whole property for quick ntlo at f tl.lUJ.OO. Properly rented It will ylsld from fjjooj to SVOI.OO pur niinum , nnd there Is room for another building on the lots , It Is Just out'ldo the city llmlls nml Is n first-class plnco fern drug store , grocery , meat tnnrket or Miloon. No city tnioa. Hicks. iiKcnt , 303 .N. V. Llfo building. UBI8 14 I.'AIIMSIVK 11AVK TIIH IlIUOIiST UdT IN -L Iho llnllud states , Wo have enough to till every pngnof the Iteo or World. If you want nn Iowa or Nebraska farm , coma to headquarter * . Itoirgs \ lllll. IIQj Farnanisl. rcwMU t OIt iALK"NB\V \ nidllT-llOOM HOUSH , MOD- JL crn conveniences , ono block north uf Hnuscom tmrk , close lo motor , otc. Cnn offer fora few ilnys ntihOOU ) . IHckLfOAN. V. l.lfo hlllK. MIII8 14 ifOU 8AI.IO , HOllsn AND 1.0r CI1KA1 * . A8 owner Is nbont to lonre tha city. Imiulro nt 120 Norih3UUi St , M8J3 MIJ l Oll SAI.U I'lYK-KOOM COTTAHK AND LOT , cornerJ3d nnd Capitol avenue , only ouo block torn High school nml within oasyiwalklnedls- nncoof huslnoss portion of city , ypec'al ' paving axes nil paid lu full. Prlca , Si.SOO 00. Illcks. MJ ) N. - . Llfo btdir. MI1I3 II A USI'ACTd Tlli < MIDHNII OUAHA.NTKB 1andTrust companyabstractor * , oouvoynncart , rules oerfuctod and guaranteed. Own the only : ompleto abstract honlts lu Douglas county. He- moved tnrnoin ' 110 Nnw York l.lfn hiillillne. .M271 .71A8T K1IONT LOT OX 35T11 NKAH DO1MJB. MX 1-130 ffetl,7M.00. Address Owner , Oil , Boo. MI31 J0 7OUSAIiK , ONI ? OK TIIK KISK8T KKrflDKNCK I roincrnln ( iniaha , 8IrllS feet , : tOth and 1'nclllo : If old ijulck only fjMUU ( ] . lllfks , WJ N. Y. Llfo lildK. .vniBll 000 APIIKS LAND IN NKIIHASKA , IJAST KUONT Ibnlldlne lot , 2 blocks cost of Hanscom I'ark , at real sucrlllco. U. U. 1'elorton , 1113 South 13th. , " . ; : .11 BKi IIAUOAIN , bOO AUItlSS NKAIl NO11TII I.oil p. Neb. , nrst elms urazlnR land , plendld - ill , Kood stream , riinnliu' water , only $ UO per ire. Oeo. N. Hicks , U03 N. Y. Llfo bids " - Mt',13 14 J 17'OIISALK , UI.KOANT.\IODKIIN 1IUII.T HOUSB , I a rooms , ncnr llanscom park ; a splendlil bar- : aln If sold nlonco. Call and see It. lllcks.M ) N. : ' . Life bldK. .MHI8 14 7011 9AI.K , CI10ICK 1IUMI1KNCJB LOP. ffljtlTO L feet , south front. nortrof ) Hanscom park , spe- lal tares all paid In full : sawerauo and illy water m loltl,3U..0 : ) , ! . Illcks.JUi N. Y. l.lfo bid * . MHI3 14 pKOHCJIA. AND VlltOINI.V AVCNUKS , IIK- t.Tt cen Masnn and I'ncltlosts. , the llnest residence 'ocatlon In the city , $ ! ' . ' .0J ( on ( iuorKla nve and $70.00 in Virginia ave. a'tjnlnlni , ' property hold SMUOto 10CO per front foot hlnher. Wo will take JI.OUOOO o n.WW 00 Omaha jiroperty a pnrt pavmout In a : ot. This U nu TJpportunlty seldom otTored. This s Kood for a slum tliue onlv , a wo want some lionnes itnrti'd at once. T o now under contract. Konrsalesatroidr made. | Mea uro to show such "roporly as thlsat any tlmo. FUoltty Trust Com- any , ItOJ I'arnatn st. 673 FOll SAI.K TKN ACltnS CIiO K.TO UITY. A beautiful trart. splendidly adapted , for tmall 'rult ' and veiotalilu3i cnn ba platted loto 60 nloo ols , ,50003. lllcUs , 3JJ N. Y. Llfo bldg. MCI3 14 -I. I'LACK AnUITION. The Newest Addition to Omaha. Ixjcated2 > 4 Miles Southwest from I'oslofflca. Ilest f uturo reslilenco put of the City , Wide strpcla and wide alleys. Lots are hlch anil sightly. Klectrlc Cars run near It. rassonger depot and trackage yards of Omaha ilelt l.'no and Missouri 1'acltlo HnllroaJ within a block of It. 8 trains dally. Store * and factories In Its linmodlato vlo'nlly. ' Homos of business men and mechanics surround. Kluinood I'aik , Nnw Driving 1'ark anil 1-nlr rounds , I'lntte Klver Canal , afreets to be paved , oxteuslon of olt-ctrlc car lire , are norue of the sub- etantlul Improvements to bo made In Southwest Omaha durlne the next few months. You can buy hloepel IMaco lots for SK30.00 each , 150 00 down and the balance In quarterly payments of only tl'l M , with Inti-renl at 7 per cent. Do not miss this opportunity to buy tlvo or tenets ots at prices that will enable you to make money. For plats and further Information uddrcBX W. A. VVKItsriCU , lleo bulldlnit. MIT'JJS OIl 8ALK NICK URSIDKNCK LOT O.N AIASON street , between .list nnd 3iil , only JJ.IOO 110. IlUks , MAN. V l.lfn hidg 11113 14 170HHALS HKAL HAIK1A1N. C1IANCK TO C KT JL n home ono block from ' 'Hi ! street motor , 2 lots , front unit ; corner fJ : ) CO , Insldo JSOOLO ; terms , KfiOOOto ( .103.00 cash , balance caiy. Thin will pay 'nvcstlxatlon. Ames , Hole AuenU , I i07 Fiirnam. MIW1 U "XTO 1NVK8TMENT IS SAK15R THAN OMAHA 1 > real estate well located. No Investment In mom protltablc than real estate purchased at a low \\f \ \ ure , ami now Is Jusl Iho llmo to mnito the Invest , inent. as good Omoha property will never \io \ lest than what It Is today. Let in show you that beau < tlful property which wo offer on Ccorula and Vlr- Ktnli. avenues. Nothlntc rlnor In the ctty for borne or Invi itmont. Will make special Inducements foi spot cash , Hdcllty 'I rust Ccrupany , 17U3 Karnam tract. C71 LOST. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion. fl.V ] a Una per mjntu. KothlnK taken for Icsi than 25o. JbnlMliifj , packngu of patterns , also unu wheel tracer. Howard for return to Iteo otllce. ti.M I ' IU(1 , TAOiliS. Jto I81U DodKO and reoclvo ruwnrd , KoO U * - ( JOLD WATCH lS'l ) CHAIN L09r-LADlKS Naine onifrarod In back of caso. Howard ferro turn to lleo olllco. MMM IS * - LADV'ri IILACK CLOAK CAI'B MB IOhT-A Jtwocn lleo nttlCH nnd Ilnydon's store. I'lean leave nt room ZO'J bhccly block , O , H. K. .Ml > 33 13 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES Hates , lOo a llnu each Invurtlon , $1 M ) a line pel monlb , ts'utlilnu taken for less than 'lie , iLKNIlBrK , HANJOIST AND TKAtJHEH California Mruet tin M1 S KLLA DAV , TKACHhlt OK KLODUTlOf r.nd physical culluro. Commercial Nallona bank building , room 15 corner lUlh und Kurnau streets CM 17 * DRESSMAKING. Hates , ma a word tint Insertion , lo a word llieru alter , Nothing Ukuu lor ltr a than -5c. M IS8 AryirBHKKTdntlSiiSMAICItll. CONTI nonlal block , room U. feotlafucllon uiiaranlood \\rANTED. I'liAIN HK.ymU INKAM1LHH , H' vi noon leamitresi. 75tenti per day. Addrcai O 35 llee. ; C7S U * PASTURES F R HORSES. Dales , lOo n Iloo each Insertion , SI.Ma line po month , Notlilnv takun foe let $ than &o. \VKHAVB w AoiiKtt'tiK uuuu ( IHAHS I'.v < v tura for hones Hoard fonco. tfprlnz water llarton * I'nelpi , ( Jllmore/Jioli. , or A.V. . 1'bolps c Boii , )7N. ) Y. LlfelHdg , Vu 'iJl.M''J' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWBITINt llatei , 10nallno ceu Insertion , 11.5 } aline pe outh. Nothing takun for less than ? > o. JL ccqulrea working kaowlelxe of tliorlliinJ anj typewriting at A. u. Van dint's mhnnloi' eUort' hand. 613 N , Y , Lite 1'ypuwrllers to rent. MiM. UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERI Hates , luo a Una each Iniortlon , ILK ) a line pe inoiuh : Nothing UVop for lei i than Sic. _ p W. IIAKKH ( VuitUBIiLV WITH JNO. < L JA VV.cobi , deceased , later with M , O. Maul ) , uode take r and embalDier , 815 a mh , t , , let , OiO. J4I llalei , lOo a line each Iniertlon , 11.5 } a line pel month. Noihlcgtaken for less than lie. _ OYLKS A BABU. iKALISItBlNTVPKWHlTKIU All makes bouuhl. iold , eiohangad , rented. 81 N. V , Life bldg. Tel. 6H. &I3C9 80ALEB KW * 8KCON1M1A.NI ) SOALKS. ALL KINDS Addren Uorden A Selldck Co.,1 Jkt it. , Cbleaco Aitvlco. 11 Albert , 1 ndviso vou to tnko a dose of CJatlsbncl Sprittlol Salt before you retire , nnd niiotlior ono in tlio morning , if you xvniit to linve n clear bead for tlio tl.iy. It will do you good , I assure you. But no imitation. You would not drink imita tion wines , would you ! " Buy ' .bo gcuuitio every time. tT. S. DKI'OSITOKY. OMAHA , .V IJ. SI 00,000 Sin-plus . $05,000 tracers nnd Irootors Henry W. talot , nrail 1)1 It. CXCushlnK , Tloo tirojl'.lnt ; C. S. tturloi , 7 , / Morco.John 3. Lolllni J , N. IL I' trlot ; luvli J need , cinhlor. cinhlor.THE IRON BANK. Now mill socontl I mid Dnnsmorov Kom liUtons. O.illKr.nihM. . Smiths , Vomits , ll.ur inoiul" , Jlunsoni. Wrlto for orloei anil SVT : moiioy. MKOnATlI STATIONE11Y 00 1301 Kartiain ntroot. Largest Typowiitcr IIouso in th Slate. "Improvemont tlia Order of the Age , " HA.VEX HA.VEXYOU YOU THE NEW SMITH F > R3MIJ3R M1ITERCH/IIR / ? If you Imvo not , eal nt tlio Smith Pro- inior Typowritot1 Co.'a'olllco , or aonU for circulars. As usual , wo have TIIK BUST. The Smitli Premier Typewriter Co Cor. 17th and Farnam Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. E , H. MAYHEW , Manager. PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO. .Solicitors. Bee Building , Omaha. Neb ( years Examiners U , S. t'at. Offlca. A.d vlas tei OUR EMPLOYMENT DEFT whllocostlnj tlia employer an 1 omn oyoo nothlne. has onablotl us to aitvanuo llio Inter ests ot both , and also our own , uy souurln ; better restitts with tb3 macblnn. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedict 1-5J 1T12 FA K.NAM Sl\ YOU HEED FUETDS Whou travellne In EUROPE or at the WOUMJ'd FA III. Oarry TRAVELERS CHECKS OF TUB AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. NO IDENTIFICATION KBQUIKEI ) . RA1LWRY TIME GRRD DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Busnos3 ! Not Greatly AfTootod liy the Ho- cent Heavy Failures. CONTINUED GOOD REPORTS FROM OMAHA Itpmnrkntiln .Soundness nml Strnncili SIO\TH ! In thn lloports fro in the Various Cen ters of Irndp ItiMlnrss I'lillurot for ttio 1'nU Week. Nr.w YOHK , May IS.U. . G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of tratlo : The smash In the Industrial stoolts \vooli npo , the falluro of some firms nml of the Nutlonnl Cortlago com pany and Iho largcsltlccltno In stoolis known In any \vcelc slnco 1SW , have been followed hy surprisingly llttlo dlauirbanco. Hiislnos hns shown rotnarkatilo soundness ami strength under such a strain. Hank failures at Chicago and Indtannpoll ! * and rumors of AT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS DCTTER. JJy iloctor says It acts cently "n the atonmrh , liver nnd kldnovi , nnd l < plea ant laiattve. This drink Is made from hcrM and Is prcpireJ for tut easily as tea. Itlscnlled A11 ilmcqliti sell It t 60c. anil * > t apackaEe. If you rnnnot got It , send yonraddtm forftfrw < namplo. I.nnc'H I'ninlly .llrdlrhuinotpi tli * lion old cnplitlny. In or.lir tube healthy this linei-fwiry. Address OUA'lOU ! ' . WooiiWA III ) . Ln lliiv. N.y Are thoaa igpnorait pratoularJ withoutany qualifications , any ability , any oxporioacn , any skill , claim to possess the power to euro all the ills of lie liumia rasa. Bat their w.ii ! ; o worth soon bocomoa apparent to tlnir would-be dupes , and these conscionce- lossquacks ara soon consigaoi to thD oblivion they so richly merit. In stranja aul stroaj cotitra twit'i these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose notodlpadaw of thair Who , during th9 past 27 years , hav abundantly domonstratoil their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worst forma of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the g-enoral terras of HERVOUS , GHROHii ) AND PRIVATE DISEASES , Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thysalf. " Consultation froe. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , Brs. BeHs & S2llsJ 119 S. 14th Street , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB , Said the to himself , "If Iho moon I could nd , whenever I'm dry c my throat I could J wet ; The 1110011 is a f qurtrter with nquar- xcr I hear ; you cnn bc five gallons lens of O f ; Root Beer. " s $ & tSjfL A Delicious , Temper , i rctesJ9j3r "nee. Tlilrst.qucnchlni ; , XxKiTf Heaith.Ulilnie DrlnU. cflTuiw a ° od Ior arytlmo | 0 | ycar- A ac. package makes 5 gallons , Be sure and tct limits' . Women ill Vote AS usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day m the week in favor of WHITE RUSSIAN because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics , JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Onskj Diamond Tar Soap , others , rclloot largo losses through Chicago speculations In rofilrstnto and bratli , and nt Indlanaiwlis. through the fnllnro of the Premier Stool company , hut commercial credits nro not as yet materially affected. Interior money markets are growing tighter niut moro cautious , hut no such Mrlmtdnry It yet seen as to check general trade , which appears to hnvo Improved. ltcmrl from Clttos. Quiet llriulantlon continues nt Phlladol. plila nml caution urovnlls. ns the proportion of unsold goods U larger than usual. Collec tions nro slow tunl In the iron trade some liesltntion Is soon about thnfihllltvof bilv6rs. Iron has grown weaker ut Plttsbuoj , with slower dcin.iiul for iminiif.tolurivl products , but the class t ratio Is fair. Hettercathor helps dry goods at Clncltt. nail. nail.U U C'lovelitml tr.ulo U good to fair. Unonslness is caused at Indianapolis hv the fiilliifO of steel works and a bank nnd money is eloso. At Detroit collections and prospects nrd a litllo bettor. Tliu volume of tr.ulo at Chloairo Is satis frtetorv , tlunieh somowlint disturbed hy the thiancinl troubles , and retail distribution Is not up to expectations. There Is a heavy demand for money , and accommodations are somewhat dlntcult , eollectloiis being slow. Hecclpts of wheat are very large , being 00 per cent above last year's. Milwaukee reports close collections nnd money scarce. At iMlimuai'olls trade Improves. The Hour output Is largo , with heavy foreign sales. bt. Paul reports rapid seeding , favorabla weather and Improving tr.ule. The volume of tr.ulo nt St. l-fltils Is heavy , slioo factories working extra time , and triuU In dry goods Is excellent , with easy collec tions. Omtlm : I'rospcrliiR. At Omaha business Is good. At City business Is quiet , and at bt. Joseph Improving , with money easy. Slight improvement is seen nt Denver. At llttlo Uoclc and other southern | > olnts the danger of high water retards Iho trade. 1 no collections nro fairly good in Tennessee ami Alabama , with quiet trade , rather slow nt Atlanta , somowhnt improved nt Augusta and fair at Ruvnnimh , wbero trade In naval stores Is active. At Mobllo trade is satisfactory - factory at Charleston brisk , though tha liquor trade Is unsettled by the new law , At New Orleans trade Is only fair , though sugar is strouir. Hico is In active demand ! lumber and building matennls are active. The overflow of low hinds in the Yan > o delta arrested collections anil trtulo in that re gion.Tho The weekly iron output May 1 shows ii.TOO tons Increase for the month , nnd Is ; t,7ix ) greater than a year npo , while unsold stocks decreased 11.000 tons In April. Good pic iron Is scarce , but some southern brands nra pressed for sale. A largo supply depressed tin to $20.)3 ! ) and lead to Jl ! . , > , nnd coal is quiot. Tlio shoo trade Is unusually quiot. Cotton goods nro accumulating nml in the woolens tr.ulo there is much anxiety about the future. Ailv.iiu'o In Wlii-ut. Speculation has lifted wheat 2 cents , though the crop ivport is less gloomy than was expected. Corn has slightly advanced and Dork products largely liicroased , Cot ton is unchnuguit ; exports In April havin ? been $ : iOU,0o ) ( ) less In value and li.OOJ.OOO pounds less In quantity than last year Oil is I1 ; cents lower , exports n'lso declin ing. All exports from New York have been ; jl ( ) > ,000 less for Iho past two weeks than last year , uhilo imports show an increase ol : ,7fl0.qoi ) for one week of May. \Vhilo failures for Iho week were -'SO In number , against ! T.r last year , and In the United States 257 , against IfiO , there wcro only eleven with rating over # 103,000. From $ ' .1K , lJO ) to $ . { 00,00(1 ( , there were live ; from $ . )0,0i)0 ) ) to $500.0JO , only two ; ono from $700- 000 to $ r.M,000 ) ami two with ratinif over $1,000,000. ConMilcriiifj the extrnordiiiary pressure in stock and money markets , tlio report indicates greater soundness than could htuo been expected. CI.KAltlNt } IIOUSK ST.YTKnnNTS. Omtlm'n Sliowlni ; Mill a Omul One II porln from UtliciGMtlm. . NEW YOKK , May 12. This table , compiled by Bradstrcot's , shows the bank clearings of the various citlos for the week ending May 11 , and the percentages of Increase or decrease as compared with the cor responding week in 1SU2 : I" I"f