THE OMATIA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , MAY 13. 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Liberal Buying Orders Advanced Wheat About Oao Oont. BUSINESS IN CORN NOT VERY ACTIVE lr Sprinkling of OuUliln Ilujlnc Or < lcri Kept the I'll from llrlngr Knllfeljr Abandoned rrovlilon Market Exceedingly Dull. CinoAoo , III. , May 12-Whcit advanced today alxiut lea bushel , chiefly on buying to get b.iek holdings sold out yesterday. Tlio Cnuncliil situation appeared to bo regarded as less Uiruttonlng and tlio cables icportcd serious drouth In Knglnnd and Germany. Then caino news from Hnly of a sensational nature , which waollrst Bhun out yesterday , but \ cry Kcnorally discredited , 1ml was ptrtly confirmed - firmed locl.iy and It was no lonitor doubted tli it Italy will need to Import wheat on n much larger scule than usual. rreneh country markets were reported fid dearer , while I'liitlUh country markets were honing about HIM same advance , which was taken as good proof that tlio conditions abroad were less satisfactory. Hoods In the Itcd river valley were also announced , which would delay the HprliiRMertlng mid possibly prevent It ulUiRi'lhur. Tlio result of all this was to Btltnulato tbo bears , both to cover Miorts and for Investment. 'Iho closing cables reported lower prices fioin London Paris and Horlln as much as 3d pur bu. loner ut the latter. The nun l et hero appeared to bo locoirul/liiK a mlnlaku In lls punlous esllm itu of thu govern- montiuiiort and now paid llttlo attention to tlio forclKii ( inotatlons. The opening WIls about I bus line as the closing llgureof yester day In from ! Jo to Uc liivvt'i , but ruled sttoiiK anil pilics wern ad\aiic < d fiotu l * o to I'n * . cased oir a trifle , nm ! the closing was steady and V higher foi Jltli and IcIilKliur for fcep- t < nibcr llrtn thu dosing figures of jesturd ly. Tlio business In coin was not active , nut thisiovwis a fall sprinkling of ( inlets fiom the outHldc , Ihi ! larger ) ) ioirtion of which ap peared to buy. I.ooiil operators were fairly balanced between buying ami selling ( luring HID forenoon , which r uisod tlio model itu de clines during th ittlmo to bo iiuloklj ricovcnd fioin and the advances to bispinllly sup pressed , Tlio wel weather thinujihotit IIIKI > moan of the country was unf i\oiablo for planting opci.itlims , and tlio receipts lontlnuo modulate. I'rlcu changes wuin i-oiillned to 'Oc r.ingc , Tlio eloso was at last night s llgutc-s. Oats , UUo corn , weto very quiet. ' very llttlo sluIT oidcicil .mil bujeia weio also few. The provision market was cNCeullnijIy dull A hoarding hoiisu bed < | Ulll would hujo col ored thu biggest crowd that niusleiid In I he lilt diirliu ; the day Prices wt-io lowi-i on the hcavlei uculpts of lio.pi.llio ropoi t from tlio yards gMnt ? 22 000 , ataliist estimates made yestoid ly foi 1H.OOO. There was a gr iclual re- cox eiy I itei In tlio day on \t-iy sm ill nmoimt of business , but tbo close was weak onaio- mnval of Urn selling I"1 ssllie. Estlniatid iccelptb foi tomorrow : \\heit , 210 c us ; coin , ' s ; oils , UJO cars ; hogs , 11,000 head. _ . Uniilia Or tin. The following mlces aru for dolhery at Mis sissippi iher pomls : \\llEAr No ' 2 spring. 70o bid : No 3 soring , COcbld , No. Uliard , GGcbld ; No a haul , olc bid. bid.Kt -No 2 , nscbld. OATH-NO. 1 ! white , 31'iC bid : No 3 white Clc : bid. CoiiN No. 2 cish or May , 30'Jc bid ; No U white , 40c bid ; No a or bettor , cash ot May , BOo bid ; No. 3 white , S'J'.e ' bid. AIIHIIIJ the sales \\eio. Twelve cars NoJ corn , 39'5e ' _ New \orlc Markets. NEW VOUK , M ty 12 Pi/iim Receipts , 22- 200 pkgs ; exports , 1,100 ! ) pl.its , 10,103 s icks ; Bales , 0,400 pkgs ; market iiulet , steady : buyers and sellers apart. CORN Mi.4i < Dull , steady ; yellow western , 12 G&2 75 Uvi.-Qulet , stexdy ; westiin , G3BG5c. lUiu.1.1 MAM Quiet , steady. WlllAT UeiolplH , OOOOOlm. ; exports , 82- 000 bu ; sales , 4,770.000 bu. futures , 88,000 bu spot. Spots , linn moderately arth o for exports ; I\o.U nil. In store and elexator , 70U7U'4c ; nlloit , bOui 8l > ' * oi f. o b , H0ft41c ; No. 1 . . Options opened we iK and deulhiLiI 'f&-'Bi ; on reports of llnanclal ttoulilu abroad and at the west , weak tables , line neatherand local roall/lnc , rallied l f&l uoii bad weather In Tiance , free bujlni ; for tlio west and shorts co\ermx , I'loshiK lirm at W © ' i'aiUaneoaml iniiiU rilely ictho ; No a led , Maj,70c ; JiiiuBOu ; July , 8ltc ; August , BJc ; bepliimboi.HI'iCiDecoiiibui , H77aC. UoiiN-Hecelpts , IH.OdO bu. ; o-epoits , 10.000 bu. ; sales , 3/0,000 bu. futures , 35,1)00 bu spot. Spots him , so irce ami dull ; No 2 , tilv iiioloNator , D214C ; Options moiu dull ami without special fe ilure , with ( he i lo o 1lrni ind uncliaiiBed to l iup ; 'Mny , Ole ; June , tour ; July , no ie ; AiiKiist. 51 ' c. OATS-HI celplB , 101,700 bu. ; o\uorts , 120 bu. ; sales , 103,000 bu. futures , 40,0110 bu spot. hoots dull , weak Options Him , dull. Muy , OG'fe ; Juno. 3dlulyM5'4u ; ; No ! ! white , 4Jii 42hc ; No 2 ChlciKO , 37'i" No 3 , 35c ; No J white , 41 < iil'ic ; mixed .cstern , 30OiJBc ( ; white weMorn , 40a48'c. llA'V 1'alrly ailhe , firm ; lUlit receipts ; BlilptilUK , 7&fii80e ; Rood tocholi e , 8riciB'l 00. lloi-s Quht , hteadj ; slute , eommon to choice. 181fi22c ; I'aclllc coast , Ib222c. JliPis Hull , easy. \\Ooir-Qulet , Him ; domestic llecte , 2732c , iiilltd,2UU27i > ; 'luxaj , 1721c. I'noMsio * - . iu Him , quiet ; mid dles Him quirt : wcstuui nteani i * u , , . | ilons ( silos , none Jlaye' n .40 ; July Hosed at $11.20 nominiil- i , , nber closed at JH 42. I'oi1 Heady iut ; old mess , JJO 75 ; new " ss 121.00. Ilurri . . r. isler , quiet ; western .i.ilry , 202 25c ; western ereameii , 252" , western fuc. tory , 20JJ2.V ; Il'lns ) , 20c. CIIEESK 1'ali denial1 ) and steady ; part skims , ( now ) 2Q8c. KOIIM Quiet , wj.i' r ; larco supnlj : receipts 10,452 ] ikes ; we0' rn , flesh , 10DlI > ltC. TAMOW kv i e > , Hrm ; city ( fJ pet pks ) C'/ic bid , t'orroN1'Hi Oir < ralr demand , firm. 171'PTic . .I.UM MaiKot w is dull and nee- Iceto' ' thioiiKhoul ; mil asliiulosalo was 10- poi ' .il ; I'onnsyU aiilu oil , spot sales , nonu ; .luni O' .Ions , sales , none. Thopilcowas 58c bill .11 duy. Lima oil , sales , nonu ; 28lic bid Total sales , none HIWIN Qulut , Hteady ; strained , common li good. Jl 27Vi1i l 0. Ttiiu-i NIIM Qulot , Hte.uly at niiaSl e. Uiui I'usy , quint , donii-nllc , fair to extra , . ' . MOI.ARSI s Now Orleans , open kettle , Rood ti choice , dull , blcnily. HUdAU Kaw , dull , ste uly ; fair rellnln ? , 3V- centrlfiiK'iils , 00 test , 4'airellned ; , ( julet , weal. I'm IIION Dull , steady ; Ameilcan , * l'J7&i 15 50 , OOfl'Kll-WeaU at $10 85iill ( 00. I.KAII Weak ; oomesllc , if3,7.r ) pTlN-hleady at Ihu diu-llno ; Straits , * 10.0 < nld tM asUeu : plates , dull um'hani.'cd , bii"I tor-LJulut ; Ooinestlc , J3.l5a3.47 . ht. Ii > uli HT. I.ODIS , Mo. May 12 rt.ouii-rQulot am lower ; patents , $1 153 55 ; extra fancy , 1.1.1 . IT > * ji * - - > iiinnifi > i 11 vi ii it &vjr1 \ lit * i IT tin i. mi lied , closing Ic ano\n yeslnrdiiy ; No ' 2 red cash , 70'o ' : May , 70Uc , July , 74'$17-lc ; buptcinhei , 77)c. ) Coiiv-Not very active , but closed 'ao abov yesterday ; No. mixed , cash , J'J'fliau c May-lOc ; July , 10'iffl-Uc OATS. Neglected ; No 2 cash , 8'Jc ; May , 33i Bsktd ; July. i8 ! bid. Himin hteady ; i-hole-obopirator creamery 23o ; cholcu dairy , aMiWc. rnovisiONH-Qulet and steady , In fairly gooi ith no change In pih mjpork. Maud t aril IIICHS , new , 5J1 ; Inrii , clO.Cll ; dij MI ! " meats , loosu bhouldorH , J1U ; IOIIKX am , ribs. HO 15 ; KhortH , $10,70 ; buved , l&o morn " Ilacon. packed shoulders , til ) Ml ; longs tun ' ribs , Hla7j , ; Khoiu , UlrJ > , ( aU.7Q. Hams cured , 13itHc. KKClcil'Ta-riour. 0,000 bbls ; wheat. 13,00' ' bu.icorii , 00,0(10 ( bu. ; oats , 'Jl.OUO . buj rvi none ; barluy , mine. Hillt'MKsiTS-riour , 0,000 bbU ; wheat , 10 , 000 tin ; coin , Uu.j oats , 6,000 bu. ; ry ( 1,000 bu , ; barley , none. Iliulnu * * Chin { in. * TlmfolloM Ing change's In fit ins and location * > hre. reported : * Arciulla. Neb , Mrw.M. leepor , confectlonen GUiveedul by M. 1-onpor.V l.'o. lluir , Nul ) . , J.I ) , button , meat market , Mil out. out.Diulil Oltv , Neb , Louis J , hinlth , hotel , sue cenled by JIIIIICN Hell. Ilobion , Nub. J. L. llollonuy , li.irno .H , git\i bill uf Mill ) for fi > 04. . Lincoln , Neb. , ticorgo Uanloy , groceries , bol out. Monroe , la. , Haku A , I'leld , , sol out. out.bloux bloux I'lty , la , Klinu City Knglnuworkx , re celx-r appnliitud. ( Jliuiil , Kun , 1 < \ Heck , confiHJtlonery , t > ol out. out.Vlciiim , S. D. , Daviea A , r.dwanU. furniture loldiutt. ( linuliu 1'rodure SlitrUct. t There was not much llfu to I'lutittdo thoiik' there w an u good deal of hiifclness triu.bactu before the close of the market. A gruut dra\ * buck to linxliicss with the fruit IIOUMIH Just a luvkeiit U thu HIM r city of hurries. Not enl itro thu receipts light , but u Inrgu proportlo of Iho block Is bo poor us to n.nko Ihu Imnillln of It very mibutlsfiictory. It was Impoi.ilbl to Ull all the kjilppliiK orilers as ktuok thn Would itand rcgklppluij U verj scarce , U'li drmnnd for berries appears to he good nnd If dealers could get the r.ght kind of stock there would doubtless 1m a good Kctlvo trade. As already noted the OKI : mirket Is weak under the pro f-nt conditions receivers nro compelled to s < ll to the retail trade or put In More , as them Is no outlet by whlchresgn can IHI shipped to other markets , llcnco the weakness In tlm market noted aboveA good ninny country buyers are s ild to bo gottlng all the eggs that they want to put In store and are dropping out of Iho nmket. This must have n tendency lo Increase the receipts on thli mnrkt I and there are dealers who are predict ing a flood of eggs here next vveok. A n ttural result would bo to still further weaken the local tnnrkct. Adv Ices from Chicago continue to filllrm tbitthcro Is not a dollar to bu had t hero for Rpoculitlvo purposes on eggs. As this condition docs not appear to bo limited only to the present lln stringency , but is likely to remain In force for some llmo In Iht- caeo , commission houses claim that It can have only line effect upon the market aild that Is to depress It , The butter mirket Is weak and buying Is limited mostly to n hand to mouth business. Al the same tlmo receipts are n-itas largo as It was anticipated they would bo hy this time , ft Is doubtless diu to this fact that the decline has been no gre ilcr. .Shippers must not anticipate over 20cfor the very choicest country roll , and It Is veiy dinicultto got that price. About 18c Is ns much as It Is safe to nntlclptto for the best roll. I ho poultry market Is not veryacllvo even nt the decline , although the receipts are not large. Tlio market his been MI high on chickens for so Jong a time that the consump tion h is been i < duced to the lowest point and Itwlll takoMiino tlmo logct the attention of consumers turned again to poultry. KltUllS. Ari't.FS Choice stock , * 3.75a4 00 per bid. HTiiAWiiFniurs Choice shipping stock , 13 50 per 24-nl. case , . . $4.75 ® LEMONS-Choice , J-l.25S4.uOj fancy , C 00 IHVA.SA 1'er bunch , Including crates and p ickllig , $2 OOI&2.50. I'IMAI-I-I.F Per tint , $2 OOJJ2 25. OiiAsclFS Newcastle t'allfoinla Rcedllncs , 12 50 ; Newcastle Mediterranean sweets , $2 60 ; California mountain oranges , f 2.V&S'50 ( ; Washington navels , choice , \\nshlngton ; ntvels , large sires , J3 60ft3.75 ; Ulxersldo MM tilings. t. .76 { Kcdlands , * 2.70 ; Hodlamls , 128 sire , J2.DO lllTTTFIt , 1 (10 ( , (1AV1F , l-OUI.TKY. lluiii il I'alrtogood country roll , IG'ilSc ; choice to fnncj country , 1B5120C. Pdils CiiMii'inl ni.trke-l , 134tl > l'4c. I'oui.tnY Choice hens. DCS mixed coops , ilOo , old roosteis , 55l7o ; geese and ducks. Hit'Jo ; pigeons , $1.50 peidoz. live. V KlFTMlMb. I't vs-l'er M-bu. boH OOS1 10. HtANi Chole'o navy , * 210ji210 ; common stock , $1.90 200. I'Al.tKIHMA UmilAOK-I'el 11) , 3C. faODriiFiiN tUinudi I'ercrate , H CilcUMliFHS-l'holce , per do$1.50 WAX IlKANs-t'er M-bu. box , 11.0031.10. STUINO HiANS 1'cr H-bu box , II , Sl-lN veil I'er bill. . JABO. ASPAUdiis I'er do ? , dO75c. l.lTTt cr I'er do ? . , 35fMOc. ItAliisni-s 1'ei dU. . aMiJOc. I'AIISMIY1'erdoz. . VOS30c. ! TOP lM\s-lVr doUOiJ2jc. . 1'dTVTOi s-Oolorarlostock , * 1.101.20 ; Wis consin liurbatiKs , $1 ; v\estern Nebraska , $1. I'll I'l.ANT-l'i'i 50-lb boxes , $1 25. NI.W llt.i.TS I'er do ? hunches , 75c. Ni.w UAIIUOTS I'or do/ , bunches , 7Bc. Ni \ \ TuiiMi" * 1'cr dor. hunches , 75c. SU\sn ( Perbu. box , $1.5011.75. llHtMttiu OMONS Per bu. box , $2 25. NPW POTVTOHS Southern , per bbl. , S500 ; pei 1m. box , SJ OU ; Callfoinla , per Ib , 3'c. Musunoovis Per' nriiket hislcot , tl. \ \ ATtll ( Jill ss Per 10-ijl. box , J1.75. M1SCCI I.ANLOttS. II w The m irketon good upl mil h.iy , $7.70 ® H 00 In car lots. Vi.u , Uholio and bintll fat , 7 < 28'Jc ; largo and thin , r Kims is lit } Markets. rirv , Mo , May 12 WIIKAT Act- t\i > ; strong , No. 2 haid , 05iiG515c ; No 2 red , IftGSc. CHUNriim ; No. 2 mixed , 37cNo ; 2 white , . Ous Unchinged ; No 2 mixed , 29'i ' < a30lc ; No 2 white , 32"z5tJ3c. I'dos Wi'tk ; 12c. HliiT ) n Declining ; crcamery,202Gc ; d.ilry , ISftl'Jc. UtCKit-TS Wheat , 5,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu ; o lit.1,000 bu. hiiii'Mi.NMlie it , 5,000 bu. ; corn , 2,000 bu ; o its , 7,000 bu. Coltoo M irlcet. Nnv YOIIK , May 12. Options opened li reg ular , 5 points up to 5 points down , closing film , 5 polntsuptol5palnts chum ; s.iles 11,000 l.i s , Including. May , $1025 ; Juno , $1510 ; .luly. $14.UOB1500 ; September , $1105 14 HO ; Uctolxr , $1405 ; December , $1450 ® 14 05 bpot Ulo , stt idv , ciinut ; No 7 , iflG ; sales , 1,000 bigs No 7 at $10 ; 2.OOO bags bnntoNo 6 , aii'I G loarihe at 17 ( )2i , ; and 1,000 bigs bmtos No 7 to JIG 23 Now \ork Ory OouiU Murltot. NEW VOUK , M ly 12 The dem mil for dry goods eonllniiLMl dull today , but thcio was 1m- pioxement at biime pui. its and a few contracts weru ghc-u foi cotton goo Is nt was eon- sldeied good prices I'lio maiKetwasIn such gi oil shape th it nioderitj acthlty would dls- chisj a clnso relation het\veen demand and supply. The ImiKiits of di ygoodsat the port of Now Voik foi the wii'k wuie $2,100,211 and the amount m.iikoted $1,873,713. literpool Jlaikcts. Littiti'oor. . , .May 12. WIIKAT Tlrm ; de- m. mil moderate ; holders olfor spirln ly , No 1 California , Os 2dS ( < ) s 3d per cental ; No 2 red winter , bs lid Keceipts wheat pisttlueu days weio 25.1,000 centals , Including 221,000 Amui- ICMII Ciiuv rirm ; demand fair ; mixed western , 4s 31 ! ! ! jier ( llei elpts American corn p ist tin CM * d ijs were U'J.JOO centals It MID Pi line western , 51s Oil porcwt. MII.WAIJKFF , WIs , Ma" - . WHEAT -rirm ; .luly , 72VNo ; 2 si- „ , lie. Culls I'll in1 " , . A , 4 tc. \ls-N- - - white , SO aSGc ; No. 3 ,34 ® tltJi'i 1 .id.V.Y G4c. Ulfc-Gl'iC ; poik , July , $20.40. Mlimo ipolU Market. MiNVKU'oii' , .Minn , May 12 Very good Ir.ulo today ; cash comparath uly stronger th in futures , but pikes little e islcr than yes- teid.ijiNo 1 noi thern , nu QGUc ; No 2nurth- irn , U7iiiaL,734c. Hicclpts , 148 cars. Close : May , 67c ; July , 70Se ; beptember , 73c. On track : No 1 hard , 71c ; No. 1 iioilhuin , G9'u ; No. 2 northern , 07 'jC. AmcrliMii.itefrlcnttor | HceT. Jjiui'oo ( , May 12. AXICIIICAN ItEFiuaru- Aioii HKI v rorc-ijiiirturs , 4Ud , hlndquai- tcrs , CUd perlb IJOMIOV May 12. AMKHICVN Hrnaini- ( ATOHlll.Kl' roreiU | uteis , 2s Ulil2s 7d ; hlnd- 4 < 2.4s 2d pur B Ibs , by thu carcass. Cotton MAI Kot * NF.W OIILUANS , La , May 12 rntures quiet , I'lill uh-lplil.i Ur.iln Alarkut. I'mi.AIiBll'lllA. Pa , May 12 WilFtr Strong and hUhei ; No2 ie-d , .May , 77itS CoiivHlHher ; No. 2 mixed , May 60350e. ! Ous I'mmes unchangedj No. 2 white , May , 41 < Sl'2o. Cliu Inn til Mm lints. OihciN.NATi , O , .May 12. WiiLAT-In fair do- and ; No. 2n > U , 7oa71c. COIIN I Inn ; No. 2niUed , 45o. O\I8 1'isy ; No 2. mixed , 33J',334c. Moady at $1.13 , llnltliiiiiro lirulii Jlirkcl. IUMIM01II' , Mil , May 12. WlltAT ririnur ; No 2 led. spot,77'ic. COIIN I'lrm , mixed , spot , M ly and Juno , 60u OATI , Qulol , btoady ; No 2 whlto western , l.niiiloii oil M irlut , I.OMION. Stay 12. UNshiiu Oik New crop , July , JUn 3d pui cut. SlOCICbM ) ) JMs ) , Sccur.tlo * \ r r r IJI-HN Aethe Vralci < Uj ' 111 in Unit il. NMV VOUK , .May 12rhu slock mirkot was far It KM acll\o today The temper ol speculation was uMiemely Mill tble , the bum's lmIng the aih antagu of additional b ink f ill- uresat thu west , thuembariassiuuiitof a num ber of hiokeragu concuuis on the l.jiulon StcK-k exchange , the advansu In > , torlliiin\- ! changu and the talk about the resumption ol Kiiht exports , On thcso development ! ) the market wa i.ildodut Intervals , but thu pu < > iur > i was far loss than of Into , This muy 1 duo to thu tunipoiary retirement of two oprtrators , whu for homu tlmo have bue-n p trtlciilaily uggresshoon the bear Hide , Thu Impiusxlon inaihi upon prices was h irdly coiuni > n uratu with thoofforls put forth ) i > Iliu tellnis for thi shot t account ! ! for thu lua on that le-adln conimissiun houses we're In rtee'pt of II. era 111) Ini : ordus , a eoiikldumljlo amount' foi strictly investment account. 1'ho lua\'y re celpts of cnrrt'iie-y from thu wiist nil I Oimula h.ue ie'siilte il In a much easier condition o thu local money inirketand the work of car > yi linstocks Is far lihsdlilicult limn for * nin < II me , lli'iics homo of Ihu biukcrs feel lncllne ( toaihUo pui-chiiti'hiif CODII btiii'Un lo hold. I'rk-ewopc'iK d fiom ! i t" 1 per cent hlgho : than last night , but siib-oiuualy ) DUtlilun broke from lu ; , to 10 , Urcat Not them pru furred dropped C put cent to 12O , Ornuru Kleotrlo lii percent to 73U , Kdlsou Illunilnat lug 2i percent to 112 , tend Western Union 1 } percent to 82' < The Bi > nr > ral list yielded ' 4 to 14 percent. During the afternoon M-in- liiltan rose from 131i ( lo 1.15M , f > lhon Il luminating from 120to 124 and Distillers from 10tol7 i Shortly before the close the gen eral list reacted again , but In the Iliml trtns- s ictlons there was a recovery of ! to 1J1 per cent anil tlio nrirkct loft oft uteiuly at the rally . The Post says ; There was this'morning n clear prod ton gold exports to any shipper , vet noonctook adv.tntagont the situation. Pre cisely why this Hlmulcl have htppene-d Ist-x- trenioly purrllng. It Is probably bc t ex plained by tho'Coiisorxntlsin of the banks , FOIIIO of w nom from their pe-cullar rulatlons to the heaviest gold exporting b inkers , haxo the powei of temporarily restrulnln/sttch a inoxe- inent. A cable transfer , too , was pirtlcularly useful to prop-iio for rmcrRunclos In Iximlon , The fa t tint foreign Innkor * wens Hy far the largest lenders on our money mirkes of today siiggestH that maturing sterling loani , de- spltu the greater ease ofmoney since Ibo wholesale lliiuldatlon of the week , ha\e ex tended their iiccommiilatlon. Kxactly what was signified by today s early bidding up of American stocks In London , It was not e isy to discover. That foreigners were actually reappearing , In the face of their local fright , as extensive buyers for the rise , Is of course , Inconceh able. Prices may haxo been hit cud up In London todiy as they wore In Now York last Tuosd ly , to en tblo crippled speculators to lhUldatoor | the advance m-iy ha\ohecn simply n bit of aitlllclal tactics by the Now Vork oporalois for the rise. In either case the expectation of the p irttes to the move must hixo been further liquidation , The following arc the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the Now York Stock cx- ch-ingo today ; The total s lies of stocks today were 2f > 4,917 fihates. Including : Alchlson , 0.400 ; Chlcigo , Ilurllngton & Qiilncy. 14dOO ; las ! , 7,800 , Cotton Oil , S.i'OO ; Delawatel.acka - wanna & . Ucstorn , 5'JOO ; DlhtllllnK. 18,300 ; Kile , O.HOO ; Oi neral Klectilc , 0,300 ; I.ouls- vlllo.\ Nashville , 0,510 ; Missouri P.iclllc , 1O- ( > 00 ; Nmtliern Pacltlc , prefernd , 13,000 ; Iteadtng , 11,500 ; Kock Island. 16,400 ; bt. Paul , HH.QOO ; bun ir. lO.uoOt Union Pacific , 4,800 , Western Union , I'J.GOO. New York Money HarUet NEW VOIIK , May 12 MOSKY ov Cu.r , 23J nor cent ; list loin , " per cent ; closed ollered at 2 per cent. PiilviuMnicisTiM. PAI-FII G5J.8 per cent. fcmil.lMl BXCIIINCII fatlOllg , with actllll business In binkoia' bills at $4 8534 8'J { for sixty dajs and * 4 B8'a5t4 89 for demand CiOV hllNMI NT llOMIs HtC.llly. fct ItO bonds , dull. dull.Tho The closing quotitlons on bonds : London I'liMiielal llovlevv. Ni Voiik May 12. Th ° Post's London spe- clalMiyri ; 'Iheio wire ( -oven default * In liu block exchan u today and muni arn exiu-ctod toinorion A laign dreek srcculati > r U in- polled In illllle-ultj Hits af lei noon. Ti.o had ing Jlnanelal houses held tin ; ImlU In the Aine-rlc in depai tmenl. Much stock \viiHlnken met fiom liisohent holdurs Thu inarkets \\cio thiuiforu IIU.ilj to mm iln quint until liquidation Is completed Most of thu falluii" u I'lo I n Af ilo in mini's nml me hinall , 1 Uu hundiiid anl tvu'nty-flvo ihuiisjiid pounds In Knld went to Austila today and JLJB.ouu cnmt In. I In .Notix , IVANS\S CITY , Jlo , Miy 12 , Clearings , Jl.H'JJ.JtlJ Nuw VOIIK. May 12. dealings , * rJ.I'llHOJ.I ; balances , } , , ua 1,4'JO llAi.riMout , .Mil , May 12 , Clearings , $2,070- BHH ; b iliiiu-es , .UO,0'JJ OSIMI.V , M-iy 12. Clearlnifs , $1,314,010 ; b mm d ly I ist week , ( la09GJH. PIIII.VPFI I'liiA , I'u , Muy 12 Clearlngb , $13 , . Oiitl47 ; hilanees , ( lOB4'Ji)0. ) Money i' ' . uui cent. III.III.IN , Muy U. The Imparlal P.ank ol tiuimany I ma fixed Its ralu of discount at 4 percent. I.OMION , May 12 , Ainounf of bullion with- ( Ir.iMi fioin Ihu II ink of England on hilancc to/lay , i4SiODO , MuMi-iiis , Tunn , Miy 12 Now Vor'r ' ox- chance bullliu .it SI,50. CJuaiiiigs , J.7lJtj balaiues , t04JJO ! UlNCiNfVTl , O. , Miy 12. Mo loy , 0717 pur cent. Nuw Vork ox-jhanio , 40 500 | clearings } J.GOO,20i ) . llosiiis , M ib < . May -Clourings , f 10.387. . 2&D ; hnhnii-i'r. , l,3jC'0'Jl. Money 0 pel eunl hxehaiigo on Nuw Vork at pu. hr. lOL'Ie , Mo. .Mny 12.-C'euIngs ! , 11,450 , . 27ti ; It il inciH. < 4'.i J.005 , Momy quiet at U4t' pur cunt , l.xch.tnno on Nins York UJo pit ) , niliim , Nt.vv OIII.KANS 1.1. . Miy -Cleirlnii (1,51',151 , Nu Vork ii pan ii , e' 7 > e pI 11,000 iireinluni ; banU , jl.OO pui ( l.uoi premium. Puns , .May 12. Three pjr cent ru.itm , 00 ] GJlje for Ihu account. The t.cukl > hi itemen of Iho Hank pf 1'ranco F.IO | S an IIH.TUIM ! o 1 lD25HOOf gold and l.lOO.OOOf sllur , CiiiOjtuo. Ill , Jlay la. CK'iriiiKs , flu 347 , 24J , Now Vork oxchangu , 70t ! prumhiui. Hti-r ling excliuiik-o tliuu slxty-duy bills , H.HOii detuaudt-lti9. Money steady at 7 pur cent. OMAHA MVlPsrOCIC M.VHKIJTS. Cnllle SHU 1)onWKllTrl-lloK Decline rive to TKi > t'ntii I nrllirr. i > rniwAT , Mny 12 , i'ho days rccoluta. foot up 11,303 cattle , 20,871 heM ; and 3,3e-i'iihc p iti compared with 12,304 cattle , 23,334 hogs ami 2.03S sheep HIL corrcspondlnR ff 'o ' dajs lait eok. iterclpts of catllo were llRbt , nnd the ( litallly : In pciicra notlilnit extra. Kistcrn advices were still Anything butreasiiirlnR. and shippers and speculators remained on Iho safe side by lejl/ns the cattle alone. Dressed beef men hiolng hotiRlit freely durlnR the fore > p-\rt of the week were In no pro slna need of supplies nnd were consiquenlly Wfl Indifferent buyers. The market opened we ik. but as sellers all hold out for higher prices business was slow , and on a compromise b ills of about steady llcnre's. Cholco bteus were eonspldiously scarce , but good 1,160 to 1,300-11) steers Mild ut from 4.00 to H.86. I'alr to Rood 1,000 to 1,600-11) ) steers eold at from J4.35 to $4.70 , with the ordlirtry rim of common light MulT from ! 4.25 down. It was anythlnK but a brisk trade , but nearly everything sold before thoi'loso. . 1 hero w is not much rh.itigo In Iho cow trade , iply and demand were pretty e\enly 1ml- nncul , and the moderate Riipply moved freely at KiKid sti-ady prices. Sales Included old thin cons us low as & 1.B5 , and choice heifers as high asWSO. TheblK bulk of tlm fair to peed butchers' cows sold around $3 to $ .1.76 , CaH es were In limited supply , fnlr demand and Hrm at from J3 to $5 for fair to Rood stock. Hulls , nvi'ii and slues sold fully as well as on Thurs day , at fiom $2 601of4. There wa ' nothing new In the feeder line. Kcxitlar dealers did thu bulk of thobujliiK , and at fully steady prices. Homo good west erns brought * 1.20 There was not much coun try demand. Ucpresuntittho sties ; DIILSSKI ) l lNo. . Av. Pr. 10 1177 M 50 03 . .1020 4 50 in . 10H8 4 55 87 . . 070 4 55 87H .11)04 ) 4 55 10 . .1151 4 50 20 , .1131 4 ( > 0 1. ) . 11.13 4 GC 17 4 nn 32 . .1127 4 0214 32H H 1282 GO 22 . 1105 4 f > 5 28 . .12.18 4 70 10 . .1141 4 70 43 . .1152 4 70 41 .1322 4 70 10 . .117G 4 70 21 ' 4 75 20 . ! l22 4 80 23 , . 1215 4 85 SIIIIM'INO AND EX-I'OHT. 21 1152 4 70 \II\KI ) . 15 . . 727 3 0 > l 24 700 4 30 48 . . 813 4 25 COWS. 1 . . . . 7GO 3 00 . . .10 JO 3 00 i5 . . . 941 3 10 21 . . .1057 3 10 4 . 11210 B 15 2 . 940 3 25 3 . 7lill 3 25 1 . 1150 8 25 3 . 1043 3 25 3 11.1.1 3 25 31 -1 . . 077 3 30 15 952 3 30 1 . . 700 3 40 14 . 801 3 10 2 . . 825 3 50 1 . 1010 3 50 1 . . 1100 3 50 0 . . 901 3 70 4 1055 3 75 1o . .1110 3 75 o . .1190 3 75 4 . . . 977 3 75 5 . . 002 3 75 14 . . . 737 3 85 1 . 1010 3 00 1 . . 1220 4 00 1 . . 1120 4 00 1 . .1380 4 25 8 . . 1241 4 30 111 IHI19 17. lint FEUS BTOCKHIS tM ) H FUEIIR 1 . 700 3 00 11 . . . 01G 3 G' ) 4 . 305 3 25 24 . . 750 3 70 1 . 800 3 2r > 1 , 1i . . 4-1G 3 70 OT 585 3 50 i . . 705 3 H5 T T > 0 3 dO 41 . 819 3 00 15 . 807 3 05 . . .1022 4 00 B . 7UO 3 05 CtTTii : . Av. I'r. No Av. Pr. coioitAim 1 steer. 1100 250 1 steer. 1210 350 2 feeders 1200 325 10 feeders 048 875 3fi fn dels ' )7fl ) 400 3Jfcedoisl029 420 7fcedois OQ7 3 00 MONTANA. 13 btecrs .1293 1 35 2 steers .1205 4 35 1EN.AS. 2 steers . 8G5 2 5r > 9 steers. . 857 2 55 Hocs-Tliero wis some let up In the fiesh leeelpts hut Including holdo\eis thoie wttn marly 7,000 hogs on sale again toil ly. I'lh-e-s dro ] > ped another notch 01 tuouml tiado\\as slow. Milifpers took about a thoiisind lin/s and the fresh meat men another Hums mil , but the demand uasnol merly indent finin any scmioo.unl biuoislmd no lioulilu In flllln their orders ut a 5ito 10o deilliiVnlgla euteiy lltlle' ( Iguro. It iinillty that buyers \uio afti-i.and good to i-holuo luus \Mlghltig fioin 220 ; Ihs. mild mostly at $731) to 73r Iihono ( holeo he i\y bute-lior elg'it load at t7 40. 'Iho eommunhli and mlMid hlull nnd louzh p n-Korn told I ugely at J7.'J.r > am ) ( ullh very mean hloclc as low as J7 05 The maiKet we iki'iied us tint inoin- liiE niUaneuil anil t-los d me in u lib about 500 boss still In llrst h mils Unas practically a $725 and STM mailtel , thu blrf hulk of Iho hog- , selling at these ligure * as agalnsl fiiini $7 30 to $7 10 Thui sdaj and fioin J7.20 to7ao one m'elt ago , H'piesenl jtho sales ; . . y reason of tin ) sin ill hilpply , nnd not on ae-eountof my urgency In the \ > i.lo Bljj , ,1 , , , poiud Alinost aiiilUIn , ; In thu hhapool.i liulltii-k e'ould bo tuinod n > i-r ut Httaily prlief but iioiio cuulil liu * > old itl aiiv uih.tncouii tin inli-UH paid on 'Ihursd.iy i.ulo w h onlj modoratuly ucthu at from (1.75 to (4 4u foi poor U ) extra cow * ami Lclttri , , from { 2 to H for linii , from 13 to 14 01 for utookcrs and f ( > eder , and nt from M 30 lo 10 for drc ed beef nnd lOilpplitg iteer . The r n n of ( iilotntlons forTexnn crtttlo win from $2 25 to 14 lf < for poor to choice , with oxtrrt quoted imhlghniifrcmJR to 15 lf > . Tlm hott tnftrkM it\era pd firmer , tt wni about a nickel hlfflicr nt the opening , but - sellers ers ueronnahlo to hold tlio aiUance , tttorloio being no iMJttor lhati for Thur da > . hile were noted nt from 15 to $7 for eulti mnl | > lK4 , and from $7.25 to 17.70 for poor eholio light , and nt fiom 1750 to $7.75 for medium and heavy , thonch the amount of trading ouutde the limits of from JV.COto J7.70 wtts llnilled , rrtini $7.0O to 7t > 5 took moil of thu light nnd the ruling prices for medium nnd beuy were fnlmf7CO lo $7.70. The receipts were liberal and of bolter ii\tragu ( | iiallty than the hogs offered e irly In the week , lots n\craglng tinder 200 pounds being coinpar * ntlxely few. The sheep inarUot lias hern literally delilRpd , no fewer tlian 02,000 he id ha\lng been un- lo-ided hero \\ltldn the last llvo ( lays. blln the aggregale for the last twoweeks Uni .irly 140- OOO , otlllMg nptiroiclilliR Mich receipts \va rvorknonti before , ami It U little to bo won dered at that prices should take n drop They arc ftoni 50c to 76c lowrt than they weie t ueoU ago , liming fallen to from J 1.75 to $5 76 for poor to choice nntUcs and to from $3.00 to f5 00 forTovuis. 'riieslirlnknco In lambs was not so soxero , from 'J5c to3.rn'e'o\erlng It. I'robtbly half of Iliountiru supply of sheep came- from Texas. H-celplsaroe\ected | to continue liberal for ionic weeks yet nnd It will tnko some time for prices to got back where they were ten days ago. There was n llrtn market today ut the nhoie quotations. liecelpts : rattle , 0,000 head : calves , 300 head : hogs. 20,000 ho id i sheep , 3,000 head. The i\eiiliig.Iinininl : reports : OATTI.K Uccolpls , 5,500 ho ids shlpnient- ) , 2,000 heads m irkut slow , prices steady ; top steers , $5.75fflOOO ; others , * .00a4.70 ; fed Toxaiis , l.TG ; prlmo natl\es , vows $3,50 ® 3 05 ; olhers , $1 603t'2 50. Hous-Receipts , 21,000 bead ; shipment ! , 0,6)0 ( ) head ; market strone , pilces steady ; mixed nnd packers. I7.50i67.l > ! i ; prlmo bony and butchers' weight. $7.50il7.G5 ; prime hiiy buteheia' , f7.7oa7.80 : prlmo light , 17.702,7 76 ; other llghtN , J4 B0tt5.70. Knnits City t.ltn Stock Market. KANSAS OITV , Mo , May lir. OATri.K-llo- colptR , 4,300 bead ; market ste.uly to.strong ; range steers , 11 25 ® 1.50 ; shl piling steers , tl 50 ® 5 00 ; nittlxo cows , $2.10(4410 ( ; butchois' stock , $3 602,4.05 ; stockois and feeders , $2.25 (3.4 ( . r.ri | bulN and inlxod , $2 504 00. Hdds-Uocolpls , 10,000 heid ! market lOc lower : bulk of sile- < , f7.20T67.25 ; heaxles , * 7.16B > 7.35 ; p ickers , $7.20a7.25 ; inlM-il $7.00 © 7.30 ; light , to : pigs. $ o 6047.10 SltKEf Receipts , 3,000 hoiul ; mukut slow ; uool muttons , $5 005.25 ; clipped muttons , $4.25i&5 00. 00.M. M. I.dint l.lvo Stock Market. PT. Loum. Mo , May -OATTI.K Receipts , 1,200 head ; shlpmentm , 1,000 head ; market steady lo lOo loner ; no good natheson silo ; fed I'e\an ste-PlR , $3 25 llotm Receipts , 5,000 head ; shipments 3,50(1 ( head : mirkot steidy ; heavv , $7.30 ® 7.00 ; mlMMl , J7.20H7 50 ; light , J7.20rc7.45 Snr.KI'-Ueci'ls | ( , 3,000 bund ; shlpinonts 2.2OO head ; m irkel steady ; tilth us , $400 ® t.75 ; TOX.IIIS , $1.7531 50. Nm Vnrk I.U i Stnek Market. NFW YOIIK , May 12. 111 v\i s Receipts , 2,700 ; market Him foi all guides The pens were not denied. Poorest to best n itho sfers sold sit f 1 I5'il5 ' 40 ; bulls and dry cows , M ! 001M.25 ; dressed beef ( lull at Ha'J'.c ' for nathes ; shlpm-nN tomorrow 1,100 beeves and 5,000 qn n lers of beef. MiH'.iM > IMMIIS Receipts , 8,400 held. Under i light demand the market ruled dull and easier on both sheep and lambs. A New Cure for Itlioiim itliin. Joseph V. Diry , of Warsaw , III.-was tiou- bled with rheumatism and tried a number of diffeicut lemcilii's , but st.\s none of them seemed to do him any Rood , hut finally ho ( jot hold of one that spccdlh cured him He w as much pleased with it , and felt sine that oth ers simil.ulv afllictcd would lilte to know what the retncdj was that cuicd him. He states for the benefit of the publiu that it is called Chanibcilnin's Pain Balm. OMAHA'S BANKNO INTERESTS. Coiulltlon of the XHtlonal It'tnks ns Slinnn l > ) lliulr StiituiiitMits. Ill Tun HPMNO BKK jestenlay was pub lished the statements showing the condition of the t\\chc national biiiks of Omaha ami South Omaha at the eloso of business on Thuibday , May 4. Fiom the statements the following table has been compiled : ursooiicts. Loans nnil difcountn f 13 7U"i ( S3 II ( ( vcrilrafls 1T-VW15 United States bonds to scuiro circula tion 63000000 United t-tatcd bm < n to tecuro duuotiltB. 4 > 5UOOUO btockv , Bccnrltlu * etc ' . . " > ; JMJ Duo from ntiprOTOil rehprve nucnts . . . . 20 7,7(7(8 ( line from other national Imnks 'J7lli > 'i2i Dim frum HI itu binkti nnd bankers bll.sjj'i llankliiK honso turnlturi ) inil Ilxturui . BS1l > 77r > Uthe r real ostuto nml TnortgHKoa owned. ! ( > ! > IrfiO 71 ( urrent cxpcnsCN nnd tuxes pattl 101,7 tii < j Premiums "n United btnti-s tioiuli I'll Mi , 83 CI eks nnd utlierciali ltcni l..Tui ( I Kxchai.KCi lor eh'nrliiK IIUUKU < ( , > . 'J17 hfi Illlh of other nntlonil banks HIKJOO brnctlunal paper eurrcncy , ulckoU and cunli 4,17997 Specie 1ti47iMr ) Kiual tender noti-s 6Ui 'i % 03 1 Ivo pur cent ridcinptlon fund J4liJO ( ) Duo trum Untied states treasurer 1 M. ' V ) Totil tJl.osli 1J7 . ' 7 . . . , . , , iTIfN Cnpltalatnck paid In V1 , . Surplus funil IOIIWIO UmlUldcil prullis i.'IsilOU Nntlonal btnli notes outitnndlnt ; TJtiSSilt ) Dlvlilunds unpilil 2 I uo Individual iH-pO'ltJ G iv , gj 43 I.emandcertltlcatis urdcpnelt 'v > 'H „ ' , > 'J TlmecurllllcHtesuf de-pobll * Id'.JU M IVrtlfle-il eln-Lks 6177147 Cuhlilir clierku otltfitandliiK I,04 , l78.lj United-tntcadcpoiilla . . ' "I inr h3 Diposlt-iU . dlHbuislpx onieers I5H/811I Due to nthur nntlonul RknkH im'iTftll Duo tustiito bankH nnd Innkora ' . ' ! ; .Noli ! nnd hllla redlscounted Ili.MiJ.U Hills payable Total fit tM.'JJ ? 27 ValiLible but not C < ntlj. It rrny sa\o > ou a sroat ( teal of trouble in cooking Try it Wo lofer to the C5ail Ilor- ( leu C.iplo Bi.ind Ooudciised Millc , in arded hy most housokccpois as in culinary uses , and unsuipissed in coflco. All Giot-ers and Druggists s-ull the 1-Iaglo Bjaud. A A A O t'JV CHMISA'2 S. Next week's season of lisht opera nt the piomisos well The Calhnim company conies i ( 'commended by eompetent crltie-s as voe-alli accoitablo ] and histrionic illy cle\ci Iho ehoius , thlitj voices , is stiil to sing well ami look well The operas will ho ! > ti'el ( with full appointments .mil the 01- chesttiwill bo mcie.isad. "Slid Pasha" opens the season on humlay night. Fiank Liiidon and his pomptny will pie- sent " 1'ho .Son of Monte ( Jtisto" at the l\ir- iiam all noxtwccK. Flay and plajeis are spoken hi hl ) of. "Mai Blossom" and the wonderful Aus tral ! m iiboiigines are diawing gloat houses to the llijou ' 1 ho boonietant , ' tlnoweis gho : i line allow In their nntha dutiecs ami chants. llnpirtmoni uf tlio I'latlr , Lieutenant Colonel ileiihani will leave this morning on a tour of iiispeetlou Mrs. K. .T. Itoucll , Moilfnrd , MOB * , naj3 I or mother hat hcon cured of Si rofuli liytlio iifonf four bottled nf JKJ3R5 ? 3 after having h id ninth other no tryjJwS&al nunent.and Ulng roihteed to < pd ' * * " " /'Ba to a low lonilltion of health , sa It was thought Hho euuld not lite. INHERITED SCROFULA. Cured my llttlo boy nf hcrcdltarj Scrofula , which aiipeaa-1 all our liU taee. Tor e. jiarl had given up & 11 hope ol hU recover ) , wncn llr.allj I vaa inihiccd to 1110 A few bottloa cured him , and no sjniptoinaof the diacaao remain , iliu. T 1..1 . Jlathtrvillo , .Mh . Otol ook oa Iloo ) j an I Skin ! ) u-aie milled free bWIFT iirBCIFIC Co Itlaata G' Nntlro to ContriK tor' . bids will bo lue-elved al the olllcn of tluiM'i lelary up lo fi n m , Jiniu'J 1 NOI , for thulmlluiiigof an M I. church ( fi unuiioiiln abuiil i.i.OUO 00 .locoidliu to phins and hpi'i Ito I- to bosion .tt tlib oillco. llund to be Cen 'Iho right to rt'Jrct any rr all bids u si r\cd t'HAHI.l.S ' MOON. i-ecietiry of Hoard of TriHluen , t > iiiiin Sch M13-H-1E _ To It miy con-ein : This U lo notify our pitiiinslli u the huslni-HH foinu-rly eon- ilu.'iul umlui lhn n imunf I' I , hiunuiiA. ( ' U nuw eondue-ted iindi-r thu linn namu uf thu Amiirkitii Clgirnnd til is warii lompany , Mr. 1 I , Muniirtio | inner h.ul any Inlt-ie-it In tint old liiisliii K , nor U no. way conin-cti d with thupri'suil linn Nullher Nthdpioprli'lor the Aim rlcan I'lgitr and IJlnsnvrinocDtiip uij , In any wu > lonnee-led with , or refciHinbliih ! fur , any ik Ills or llablllthi. contracted by In > nuu tlnu of I' . I. , , hlortart .t Co , AMCIIICAN CIUAII A.NDOI.ABSWAUI. ( o , tuct. prcpnratory to nnd connoctcil with the sen- son of target pr.ictleo now coming on Uo wllllnohulo In his tour Torts l ocan , Du Ohcsnc , IVwulas , Pilot llutte , Washakio , D. A. Hussoll and .Sidney , Major John M , Hamilton has been In structed to proceed at once \vlth the inspec tion of the following posts and Institution1 ! . Iho University of Ni-hraska. dlsbuisliiR ofllco at Denver , Aprlrultuial Colleen of Colorado. Unhersiu \V.\omlnK , lTnl\crslty of Dcserot , Salt Lake Cltv. AKtlcultiiral College of Utah , l"Vit McPhcrson , national cemetery , Foil Koblnsoii , Port Niobrara .mil FVirt Omaha. I'rolretlnn lnr The terms of stle of North U.ihcston prop- et tj are so arranged that if jouilledour heirs \vill get Inch- the money \ou ha\o In vested and the pmpoity for nothing 1) I ) . Smeatoii , room 17. linker block \\l\l \ bo glad to tell jou how it is done. Northwestern Aci'iit i : > plaltm , The Item In Tun Bri : this inornliig statliiR the eastern delegates to the Wounn's Missionary association of the United Prcs- byteilan church were Rrcatly incensed at the manner In which their b.ipg. ioas han dled by the Hock Island bi-oiiRht Mr Ch.irles Kennedy , general iiorthwcstcin seiiKor agent , to his feet. Ho said in ex planation : "Tlio Pcnns\lvauli Kutlioad coiiipany dlilu't have through tickets on s.\lo to the comontlon and icfused to check the baggnKO of the delegates through on the split tickets the Hock Island \\ns compelled to fuinish the delegates fiom Pittsburg Ai riving at Chicago their train so late that it was necessary to make connection at Etiglcvtood , the h.ippago hoitig c.iiricd on to Chicago , and there re checked , which , of couise , necessitated waiting o\er for another train , llefoio Ic.uhiR Unglewood all the ladies understood that the Dtgg.agooulil como through on n later train ami th < y \\ to Identify their trunks at the depot in Omalia , not holding checks for them. Under the circumstances I cannot understand why the Hock Island should he the fault was clearl\ , with the Pennsylvania company in not dclhciing the business to us on tlmo. " The "No. 0" Wheeler & Wilson , with its rotary movement , is the lightest tunning machine in the miikct , and is unoquillcu Tor speed , ilut.ihlllty and ( \uaHty \ ofoiki Sold by Oco W. Lincastcr & Co. , oil S , 10th St. aa and Land 'ond : cent 1 postage for n 100 page COOK BOOK FREE. Prices low. Fare sumptuous Sides every day. See your dealer. Ask for prices Vako no other. ROGERS & S9HS , AKtB. , Omaha , or Majestic Rflfg. Co. .St. Louis. / IT only with thcslgnntiuo of" \f \ } Jutjtut von Liobig in blue" 11 ink .luross tholabol , thus : " It is almost unnecessary to ndd that this rotors to the worlk-known Liebia : Eftaci of Beef. For delicious , reficshinpr Beef Tea. Poi improved and cnonoiuio coolcory. With Norxu Ho ns \02Biabloillseovery of m melons power , positive cure for ail neno troubins. oiich as norwms prostration , hleuplcssness dosiioniliMit-y. p tins In b u ' ( an 1 8 de , sick heidiehe. ilyspopsl i , loss of nppo- tlle , etc.onilorful norte tonic , m ikes rle-h. pure blood , tones entire system tl a box , en > u--n for two woelis At diu-'R.sts , or by mall , Nerve llu.tu Co . HutTitlo N V. { 'tuii'shcs ' Ihu Bcsl and Cheapest Method FIRE-PROOFING HOUSES. Wic for catalogue of Lathing , 1'cntlnsr , StoWo Flxtureu , etc. N. AV. nVI'ANDISU METAI. CO. , No. JO.jTiTeu'v sixth S . CHICAGO. from the grcnt , griping' drroilful pilU to Docto Pierce' * rlonsAnt Tel" lets. See whnt an ad Tnnco tbcro Is : Thp < w little PcllfO fe-nmly Inrgcr thw imusinrtl swxK arc tb * smallest and tlio pnsif * . to tiiko titiv , sticnr cxmlixl granules tlm > orj- child li ready for. They net In th mildest , rn < ! fM , mot n t urnlvny. . No violence , no rmrtton nftcr' wnnl , ami their hcln w M. They iicrmn ncutly cm r Constipation , Iiuitgo tloti , Ililloutl Attflcks Sick or Bilious llondnclie * , nnd nll deifliigcmcnU of the ll\cr , stonmeh nnr bowi-K lliey'ie put up In wnleil vlnK This keen:1 : them nlwnys frwh nnd reliable , tinlike tht ordinary pills in woexlcn mill jmftcV > onn. Iwxes. Tliey'ro the cJieaptst , for they're tffil to gho satisfaction , or your money turned. You pay only for the good } oti gct , ( No matter what you'0 tried nml found1 irantinic , you CAH bo cuml > > ith Dr. Catarrh llometiy. SPECIALIST l-ri Oili'iit of NEW ERA ( ( OIIMIItlltllltl I KM' . ) unsiirpiiicd In the treat incut of all Chronio , Private nit Nfli-voiiM UJUon on. V\ rile to or coimilt p i ninull i KIAT > IIN ; r nv M.YII Vililresi , with KtMiip for imr T .Iculiirs which will bo eonl I lilnln tiiTelopo. ] > OUoxCJl uillcolUS llHi-iU Umnbn.Nob. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOtt W.II. \KKF.K. . W. ! > . , No.4 Unltlnca Bi TQUm . , rhtif consultlnii p/ivtlaan of tfa lKA ) I > Y ir.UIAk INSTITUTEtowh-1 has anardcd the GOLD m DAI. btlm NiTH'NlC' Urtiicll , As-HViATlosfo. IhvriCIZi : KHAVoa ttlniuitttl\'ila \ > itiAtfcr } Sy.Afrroinami/'AyifiijI Vtlihty , au.l . ull Ultra ,1 anil HVniiim of J/cn. tlia youn ; , the mdldle-agtJ and oiii. ( onmltatlon > n pcr on or by loiter. Proteins with testimonials , FUKU > I.nrijo book. SUIKNLE OT 1,11. K , OK * Kt.V ] l-US SKKV.VTiOK. 300 pp . 15 Invuhmblp pro- ] crlptlona. full ujt-onl , ' * 1 uo Uy mMI. lolled Treats ill kinds of ills eise- , Intern il .tun ox teru il. tiunrttnteus la e\erv enso Money ro-1 fumlelln tlleiseawhora p illent is disa Ulsfleil. I\o resulnr fco char.ed. 1'at outB p iv wh.tovof amount they c in afford for treatment. Professional Nurse , DOCTOR I.EO YING , 16tli and Cnpitol Avouuo. Ciounso Block , Itooins 0. "and 8 , Omaha. I'rnpnsiU for \Viti-r U'orKs. llANCiioiT , Neb , Mav 5 , IH'H Notice I * heieby when thatseali d bids for theeonstruc- lion eli sjhlcm of walei works will be ro- cel\cd by the Ho ml of Trusties of the \llla a of Bancroft , Oumliu loimlj , Neb , on or before - fore 830 p m. May 27,1893 S-aid water works to boeonsuucted In 'aid \ III ue of Ilan- eroft dm IIIR the rem ilndii of the year 1803 , iiceoidlnp to pi ins and speellloutlons now OQ Illo with the \ 111 IKO ell i K , 01 may bo accord- hit ! ti , plans atld spsclhc ttlous furnished by the bidders The board reserves the right to inject any or all bids The pirly or pirlles uw irded the e'ontraol will bo nqnlicd to gi\t > xood and sulllclcm bond for the faithful perform im-e of sild con tract : sild bond to bo approved by tU Ylllitzo Ho iid of Trustees M. I. KhLlS. O 1) JJA xlNOKK. Village Clerk. Cliiiirman. > nt loo. The annual meet In jot stockholders of ths ricinont , Klkhoiu . 'L ' Missouri Valley Hallroai ) . conipinv will boliuld .itlheolllicof the com- piny InOmih i , Neb , oil Trldaj , M ly 10. 189J , atSo'cloi-U P m , foi thoelecllon of director * and for I he tr ma icilon of such othoi buslmiji as may eome bofoie the meclliiR. 1. It Itl IIMIM.I ) , Soi-iot iry. Dated M ly 1 , 18J1. M3dl7t OMA.II A. . Union Stooi YuTd8 fiompaiy , Sovitb Ornaha. DcetCattlu II and iho i in irnot n t U wait CDMMlSini Wood Brothers. Live Stosk UuniiuUiloo Merchmti. o ithcmalm relephoiiD 11.7 Clil JOI1NI ) KADHMAN , I „ WAMKKL , WOOD , j-Mi Market reports by mall and wire cheerfully * urnlbho l upon r.ppllo ition. I MAHA loreis ® AWNINGS AND TENTS Omaha rent-Awning WoK Bros & Co. , CO Ml'AW Jlaiinnactiirernor Tcnt , IIOUSK COVKIH yVwiiini4 eto "Ul and 11111 in mini r-tru-at 7051 * lull Direct BAGS & TWJNE3 ] lcinls"oidnTBdg COMI'ANV Impoitert anil munufao tiircrj * of Hour , Imrlni * , twlna , BOOTS AND SHOES. MORC'COB Shoj Company. ale > rooiuanaomo3-H37-IIOJ IUI llo rl * t. actory IHU 1UI-II.M llonardHt. \\'B nra 1)13 ) oM v Minifinuron of llootsanl all lo In.poet our uow fact or/ , Kfrhciddll , Jones & Amer , II ami-Sewed CUM I'A NV WliOlBmle mfr uiruiit * lliivtun Kuliliiir MIIIU On. liu. nml rutibur KIII" | . \ IIUIIM \ Jlanu'j Mri'ut I.1IU llnrnny Him t COAL , COKE. CORNICE. DRY GOODS. JI. li. Smilli & Co. KilpatrlcK-HothDry ( JIMIIK ( O Dry KODili nulliini fur- > iitliiin , Konts' furnliili nl.liliu t'l'inla ' corner triioil. ( or lltn mi't ' llth null ilowurU rli. 5nx tr uti FUHNITUBE. OnnlidUpliolstcring & lluujai CUMI'A.SV. lliiliuliteriiil fiirnlluru , u coMl'A v ilrt-1104 MclioUi el WlioloiBluuuljr. anil UlU Hired