Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    " ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' " " " " " ' ' " " T , ' ' ' " m , . - . . , - , . - - . . _ - . , . . _ . „ „ „ . _ . . . . , , . . . - - " > f > p > y payF wi > ppf T pM
H - l rTriifj i' ' -WiBr < yi.v'i"T : rS ;
I TUB * OMAHA i - - DAILY . _ BEE _ _ _ _ ; _ SJTU1UUY , MAY . i . 1M. . 1803. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ 5 . I
Lan-li in tha Ohftrokce Strip
Already Spoken Tor.
| rrlTll e il Terinni trill Select til *
County s al II fnru Hie Hunk nnd
Kilo \V1II ll rn nn < ) | ipnrtiiultr
to Stonra Home * .
WAIIIINOTOX , D. O. , May 13. )
There Is n queer state of ufT.ilra In connec
tion with the opcnlnlfbf the Cherokee Strip
which will probibly result in placing In the
Imtuls of spocuhtors till the desirable lots In
the sites selected for the flf tuc.i county seats
to bo formed In the strip. It appears that n
banker of Muikofrco , named Uobcrt Ij.
O\vcn , conceived the Idea th.U there are
jiovcnly-ono families of Indians aottlcd on
the strip , although no ono elno has
boon nblo to nnd ono of the
families up to dato. The law provides that
thcso alleRod settlers shall bo allowed to
talto tliclr allotments before the remainder
of the lands are thrown open to settlement.
Some Ulna ago nn agent , to malco the al
lotments. nittt31 Duncan was appomtad.
Ho Is a eloae ft lend and probably a rclatlvo
of Owen. Today .Solicitor Hall of the Inter
ior depiltment fortuulatud the instruc
tions which are to Rovein Duncan. Ho
Is ordered to see that all parents tnako tholr
selections around tholr nl'eRCil improve
ments , but thochlldren are to bo permitted
to choose their lands wherever they llko.
As thcso children aio permitted to assign or
convey their selections , It Is believed the ro-
ult will bo tint not a child of any of the
Alleged scttlcis' families will hold an acre of
land a month after tlio boom sots in , and
that every nun from the north or east who
wants to establish himself In business in the
country will bo compelled to see the friends
of Mr. Owen , who will hold the key to the
ground floor. 1 * . S. II.
NJOAU.uiUA's TKOUHM : * * .
Mlnlitor niizmnn I ) c Not Credit the Ilo-
pnrts ItocoUnd at Witshlitglon.
\VASIII.NOTOV , D. C. , Mny 12. Minister
Curinan of Nicaragua received advices ex-
uctly opposite to those sent Secretary
Orcsham by United States Minister Newell.
Instead of the revolutionists having thinps
nil their own way , Ouzm.m sajs his advices ,
which are so\euil d.ijs Liter than those of
Newell , aru to the effect that a big and do-
clslvo battle , which will doubtless result In
permanent victory for the government , is
expected to bo fought today. Definite news
of the result cannot bo known for : i couple
of diis
'J ho United States war ship Atlanta will
lea\o New York today for Greytown , Nicar >
'jiRiia. Adisp.itrh to the N.ivy department
from San Francisco , Cal. , sa\s that the Al
liance will sill for Corinto , Nicaragua , to
day , Instead of Saturday.
Secretary Groshnm said today that ho had
received no additional information from
Ulcaragua since vcsteulay and the situation
of affairs in that country was so serious and
complicated that bo begged to bo excused
fioin expressing any opinion on the matter
ono way or the other.
The Alliance will probably remain at
Corinto long enough only to asccitatn the
situation of affairs , and will then continue
lier cruise southward along the coast so as
to bo able lo guard the interests of Amer
icans in the cities now in the possession of
the revolutionist party. These possessions
will embrace nearly all of that portion of
Nicaragua south of Managua and west of La
Nicaragua , and including tlio entire line of
the canal west of the l.iitu and the piinclpal
portion of the canal fiom Groytown to the
Setior Ilokan Majorga , who was formerly
the secretary of the Nlcaraguan logation. is
In the city with his ife. Ho has received
dispatches from n member of his family set
ting forth the results of the resolution prac
tically the same as printed yesterday.
Senor Mayoiga contradicted the statement
of Dr. Guzman that the ie\olution was in
cited and supported by Now York capital
I'lHtiimntcri Appointed.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 12. The presi
dent today appointed the following named
postmasters :
AndrewDordois , Tularo , Cal. , vice J. G ,
Eckels , commission expired ,
George W. Vanhorno , Muscatlne , la , vice
John Mahin , remo\cd.
William H. Weigel , Crelf-hton , Nob. , yicc
George L. Jameson , deceased.
Alvnn W , Ix > oims , Fairmont , Neb , vice
Clark Uobinson , resigned.
Jerry , Geneva , Nob. , vlco Wlliair
II. Stewart , leslgned ,
Charles W. liolf , Genoa , Neb , , vice Hirair
Lewis , roslcncd.
IVrry Sanders , Sidney , Nob. , vice O. D ,
Xijou , resigned.
William 11. Dolan , Wymoro , Neb. , vlc <
John W. Haas , resigned.
ConcroHitimu Ontm .liny Jtrslgn ,
AVxsniMiTON , D. C. , May 1'J Uopiesenta
tivo Dates of Alabama called at tlio whiti
liouso for a few moments this moi nlng. It I ;
lid that congress may los this well knowi
and thoroughly popular member , as a move
unit is on foot In Alabama to nominate bin
for governor. The populists and fat men
. 'tillfunco men aio rousing themsohes foi
"another desperate light for Kolb forgoxor
nor and the straight democrats are said t <
feel that Colonel Oat ( s is tholr Moses to leat
them out of the wlldeiness
A icportei asked Colonel Oatea tod.ij if hi
would take part in the LOU
test , to which ho leplied :
" 1 am not a Candida to for nomination , bu
if they call upon mo I will accent and uiaki
the light. "
AVuKliliiRtDii Motet.
WABHIXUTOV , 13. C. , May 1'J. The Hussiai
cxtiaditlou tieaty is expected at the Stat <
department Monday and will piobably b
made public tin ough president ! il proolnmn
tlon next wook. No additional formallllo
other than the issuance of the proclauutio ;
are expected.
Secretary Carlisle has appointed Charle
"W. Osonton of West \ liginla chief c
division In the auditor' ; } ofllco ,
In the Dep.utmcnt of Agilculturo P. I.
Ijjles of MUsourl was today appointed chio
clcik In the bureau of animal Industry.
General Wudo Hampton , eommlsslonor c
lullroads , Interior department , will star
next Tuesday on nn otllcial Inspection tenon
on the Pacillo raihoads. He \ > illgodlicc
to Ban Kianolsco.
ltei < i > Ki > i d ' 1 litilr Mnrlt.
WARIIINOTOX , W C , , May 1'J I'ostmastc
General lllfsell m.ule an announcement ti
day to the effect that the doathsof Alfiod 1
Chndwlck , Jesse Ixmg nnd Clmlcs I
Mjers , cleiks jn the railway service , wli
lost their lives In the accident thatoccurrc
ut Lafayette , Jnd. , on the Till lust. , on tl
Cleveland , Chiclnmti , Chicago & St. Lou
railway , mo greatiy deplored. Ho ah
stated that hu legrcttod that the dcpar
mont "is not clothed with aulhoilty toe :
tend to them n moio substantial and inu
itorlous recognition of the faithful and cou
ugcous scnlccs it'iidered by thoao upc
whom it is dependent. "
r.ipnrtit i > f Ilri'mltturTn.
WASIIIMITOK , U , C. , May I'.1. Tlio burou
of statistics , in a icport to the Treasury d
paitinont today , gives a comparative stat
ineut of the total values of the exports *
brcadstuffs as follows :
Fur the month Hided April 80 , ISM , $ U
( JJl.lto , a dotUMBo of $ C .r > ( KUX ) ( ) from tl
corresponding period of Ib'JJ
For the four months ended Apt 1180 las
fKi.USS.ttS.-t , a decrease of $14,000,000 from tl
B.UIIO peiiodoflast jear.
lr tno ten months ended April 80 las
9167,05UU13. n decrease of tU5,000,000 from t !
corruspondlii ) ; peilod of-1HVJ ,
Iinpjllont ut Ilia Delay.
WASUINOTO.N , 1) . C. , May 12. While mai ,
of the democratic statesmen who are nt tl
tluio devoting their attention to thaquo tt <
cf apuoluttncnts , are worried that the a :
- -
doe * not fall a few moro time * to the hour ,
thnro I * an lmprrslnnt onoiuh to
Indicate that thcro I * some ground for It ,
thnt In thn fullniy * of time thcro will 1 > o n
very eomplnti ctianird In nil the office * not
protected t > y the civil norvlco law nml tlmt
the appointment * to thn pliec * will bo fairly
apportioned nmotig the democratic worker * .
AMU Drllrrr Up tiifTMnrilnreri.
WAIUINOTOS , D. 0. , May 12. Tlio threat
ened trouble at the Navajo Indian agency
1ms been averted through the friendly ill * .
jx > * itlon of Chief Bl.ick Horse , who ha * un
dertaken to deliver up the Indian * who mur
dered Kanchman WclH several weeks ago ,
Today Adjutant Williams received
a dispatch from General McCook from I/ ) *
AnKoIes , transmitting one from Colonel
Hunt , commanding the United State * forces
at Prultland , Arl ? . , convoying the above In
Kximiirillnnry Almo Snip Saturday.
Gicatest bargain In this sale over of
fered by us an line shoes. Our shoo
sales nro popular. Shoes always sold as
advertised , Mouuy rcfinulud on Bhocs
not satisfactory. ,
Over ItOO pairs ladles' fine button and
lace $3.00 nnd $ . ' 1.50 shoes , go In this sale
at $2.23 a pair. A bargain , and will
please yon.
Over 100 pairs ladles' $2.50 dongoln
button shoes , to cloio out , at $1.75. Allen
on ono table. See them.
Over 200 pairs Morrinrn's make , 92.2. )
missus' fine spring hcol shoes nt 31.18. If
your daughter wants ti nlco pair of shoes
this Is a rare opportunity.
Over 100 pairs mlbses' $1.75 kid spring
hcul shoos at $1.20 a pair.
Over 100 pairs child's kid spring heel
shoes nt $1.08 a pair.
Over 100 Infants' 50o shoos at 2oo r.
Our extremely low prices nro giving
us the lead in mun's shoos.
Pine shoos at cheap prices.
Will Burprlbo you. Sco them In our
Men's $3.150 satin calf congress shoes at
$2.10 this week.
Men's $5.00 hand sowed calf shoes at
$1.00 this week ,
Men's $4.50 hand sowed russet calf
shoos at $ ! 1.)5 ; ) tills week-
Boys' $1.75 satin calf button shoes at
$1.20 this week. IIAYDEN' BROS.
Boys' and childien's straw hats , 15c.
Mon's black and brown Fedora , $1.00 ,
worth $2.50.
Boys'crushes ' in black and brown , 17c ,
worth "fie.
Men's stilt brim hats , 9'jc , worth $2.50.
Bo\V Fedora , in black and brown , 75o ,
worth $1.50.
M'jn's fur hats , Sl.0 , worth $2.50.
Men's straw hats. 2"io , worth $1.00.
At Ilaydcns' you can buy country
butter for 12c } , 15c , 17c , and \ery best
country butter lOc ; creamery wo will
sell for 21c and 2ic ; , and wo will let the
inebt separator creamery go at 25o.
Now icmembor this butter is positively
, ho finest made. Don't pay 30o and 33c
or it , come here and get it for 2oe.
In cheese wo nro the leaders.
Wo will bell Wisconsin fnll cream for
"Jc , Oc and I2jc ; finest cream cheese
nado for 1 to and lOc ; brick cheese , l-lo.
.Go and 18c ; Swiss cheese , lOc , 18c and
20c. We have all kinds of checso at
very low est prices. Call at the fruit do-
Pine apples , lOc each ; figs , 12Jc and
15o ; dates , 74c ; lemons , 20c per do/on ;
-ho finest Redland oranges that grow ,
25o per doron.
\Vo have everything in the fish line.
Brick codfish , 5c per pound ; Norwegian
lerring , 10 for 2T c ; halibut , lee ; smoked
salmon or baited , 12jc : anchovies , 12Jc ;
cols , 15c ; mackerel , 12c.
Our motto : First-class goods at low-
oat priced. IIAYDEN BROS. ,
Promoters of homonndustry.
A7JII * I'OJC Till ! Alt.lIC.
1.1st of ClinngcH In tlio Iteciitnr Servlc * as
Announced Voatonlny.
ASiiihciTox , D. C. , May 12 [ Special
Telegram loTnn BEE ] The following army
orders \\eio issued today :
Leave of absence granted First Lieuten
ant Samuel C. Uobinson , First cavalry. Is
further extended to include Juno 130 , on ac
count cf sickness.
Tlio icslgnatlon of First Lieutenant Sam-
u 1 C. Hoblusson , First cavalry , has been ac
cepted by the pi esident to take effect , Tunu" > 0.
First Lieutenant George H. Burnett , U. S.
A. , lotiioJ , Is , at hLs own request , relieved
fiom fiuther duty at the Eas > t Florida sem-
It ary , G linesvillo , Fla.
Loa\u ot absence for four months to take
effect on or about Juno 0. Is granted Fust
Lieutenant Samson L. Faison , First in
Leave for three months and ten days tc
take effect on or about Juno 20 , is granted
Major Aaron S. Daggctt , Thirteenth In
Liu\ofor three months to take effect on
or after , limo 1 , Is granted Captain William
II McLaushlin , eighteenth intantry.
Leave fcr ono month to tnko effect fiorn
the date of his icllof fiom locrultin dutIs
granted Captain Henry II , Wright , Ninth
Captain Ulalr D. Tailor , assistant sur
geon , will report in pcison to Lieutenant
Colonel Uillas liachu , deputy surneon gc n-
eral , pi esident of the examining boaid con-
\ at Omaha , for examination for pro >
Tha commanding , Department ol
the Mlssouii , will detail a ofllcur for
temporary duty at 1'ott bill , Old , durln , )
the absence of Captain Taj lor.
U'hs folio wins traiisfots in the Fourth in >
fan try aio made : Captain Thomas Qulmi. .
fiom company B to company 1C ; Captain
Henry D. Hobmson , from company 1C to com
pany B , Cantain Qulnu will report foi
duty at the licaihiuurtors of his icglmont
Fort Shciman , lu.ilio , and Captain Itobmsoi
will join the company to which hois thui
Lea\o of absence granted Lioutcnanl
Colonel Hdward Moato , Third Infantry , in
specter of sm ill arms praetico , Dupartmeal
of C'allfonila , is extended ono montn.
At his own tequcst Fust Lloutenaal
Thomas Foi-syth , Sixth cavalry , is trans
fened fiom trojpC to tioop Dot the icgi
iiientIcoFlibt Lieutenant James A. Cole
Sixth ca\atry , who is transfeired tion
troop D to troop C.
By ditectton of the secretary of war. tin named ofilccrs will ] > o ioio\oi !
from iciitiiting duty by the supcilutenden
of the recruiting service , and will then piu
ceed to join their icspectivo irximcnts
Captain .loaliua Fessendeii , Fifth artillery
Captain Clayton U , Burb inlc , Tenth infantry
Captain Jesse C. Chance. Thirteenth In
fanlry ; First Lieutenant John B. Bcllingot
An aimy rotlrlmjboaid having found Set
end Lieutenant Amoroso J Modality , Nlntl
infantry , iucapicltated for nctho service
the extension of Ic.i'vo of ubbonco on ai
count of disibillty granted Fubmary IS i
fin tticr extondcd until further eiders ou .u
count of disability ,
Piles of people have piles , but OoWitt'
wilchharel salvo will cuio them.
Eight Additional ImUctmonts Eoturnod Yos-
tcrday Against Asjlnm Ooutracton.
Sevnrnl IVnltrntlnry IntiiHloi Tritlty to the
Clrcnmntnnnn Surrounding the AllflRftd
Hulcldn ortlin Convict TrouMe Hrow.
IIIK for llnllroadt nt Lincoln.
Xob , May 12. [ Special to Tnn
Br.ii. ) Soon after convening this morning
the grand Jury returned five Indictments ,
two against J. Dan Liuor and Frank O.
Hubbard , nnd three n alnn W. D. Sowell ,
the asylum flour contractor. Just before the
noon adjournment three moro Indictments
were handed In. All three were against
John T. Dorgan , manager of the
Coal company , who furnished coal for the
asylum , nnd charge him with obtaining
money on false pretenses. Non.o of the In
dictments were visible to the reporters , but
it is understood that the others charge the
a ami ) offense.
Sowf-ll was arrested this morning nnd was
released on $2,000 bondA , furnished by John
A. Buckstaff. HubDard was released on
$ < ! ,000 bill , furnished by Stephens CSardnor.
Dorgan has not jet been arrested.
Invpstif-ntlntr I'otreU'fl Heath.
The grand jury spent the entire at tot noon
at the penitentiary taking the testimony of
convicts who have any Knowledge of the
means by which Convict Abel Powell came
to his death. Powell , It will bo rcmembeicd ,
was said bjf the grand jury to have com
mitted suiuido. but the legislative committee
held a different opinion. Some llttlo testi
mony has been taken on the matter bj' the
grand Jurj' , out It was decided that a per
sonal visit to the pen and examination of the
convicts who saw the punishment of Powell
was nocessarj' to secure sufllolent enlighten *
mcnt for the Jury to base any action upon ,
The examination was conducted seciotly in
the warden's ofllcc.
Trouble ItroiTlne.
There is trouble In store for the Burling
ton and Union Pacific railroads over the m it-
terof theO stiect viaduct , work on which
was begun jestcrdny. The committee to
appraise damages to abutting propei ty has
not yet leportcd , and many of the property
owners are deshous of halting work so that
they can Hud out for suio just how much
money they aio to get , and whether the
amount is satisfactory to them. A meeting
of the interested real estate owners was
hold this morninir , and C. O. Whedon re
tained to begin injunction proceedings
against the companies and stop the further
progress of the work. The matter of
damages , It appeals , is not the most potent
ono , however , as many of the pioperty
owners believe that in equity the railroads
should pay the abutting damages , and not
tno city , as is tlio case under the picsent
agiecmoiit , the city also being bound to
maintain the viaduct foievcr. 1 ho Oakley
bill , w hlch was passed w ithout the emeigeiiej'
clause , does not go into effect until July , but
it is believed that the ptesont contract be
tween the city and the railioaas can bo
broken because it is inequitable , and before
anew one can bo cnteicd into tl.o Oakley
bill will have become u law. This of course
means the beginning of extended litigation.
The history of viaduct legislation in the
city is an interesting ono. For jcars the
council endeavored to Induce the Builington
and Union Pacific to build a viaduct across
the interminable number of tracks on West
O street , but owing to the lack of legislation
ou the subject and the political pull of the
roads they could not bo foiced to do any
thing. A few months ago the Oakley bill
was introduced , nnd soon afterwards the
loads suddenly acroed upon the matter ot
allotment of expense , and appeared bofoio
the council one night and insisted on rushing
thiough a viaduct ordinance. Some of the
members wanted time and it went over os-
tenslblj' for a week. The next day , how
ever , a call for a speciil meeting was circu
lated , a sufficient number of members gotten
together , and the oidiiiance went thiough.
At other stages the same wild husto i\as
observed and the contractors have' been
rushed fiom the time Itas awaided them.
The railroads , liowe\cr profess to bo In-
dllTeient as to unj- action of the people , and
claim that the Oakley bill isn't worth the
paper it is pi In ted on , but decline to state
whereiu it is defective.
City in lirlof.
Charles A. True came very near beating
the divorce iccord todajf. Shortly before 2
o'clock his attorney appeared in district
court and filed his petition for a dhouc
from his wife Ola M , on the ground of
adultery committed in Lincoln and Dem or.
His wife's answer , denying the allegation ,
was Jiled at the same time. Ten minutes
later True and his attorney appeared before
Judge Stiode and , as the wife did not de
fend , he got his decree.
Minnie Courtught. whose parents reside
near Peck's Grove , a suburb on the cast ,
will piobably lose her loft ee as the result
of an accident jcsteiday aftoinoon. While
playing with homo otl r children , one of her
companions thiow a slick which imbedded
itself In the ball of tlio eje.
Cliailcs L Kaymond , a hackman , paid
$5.70 in police court this morning for o\or-
charginir a passenger 25 cents.
Harvey U. Henry began suit in the dlstiict
court today against the Hock Island railioad
for $ .i,500 damages to his piopcity at
Twentieth and Q sheets caused bjtho
nearness of the road This is ono of a seiies
of .similar sulib , which already amount to
$ ltOMK , ( ) .
In the case of Peter L Holland , who sued
the Burlington for $11,000 damages for In
juries of a peculiar natuio iceeived while
suitt lilng IMPS in the Lincoln janls , the
jury todaj found lor the defendant , that the
company tmd been negligent In not j ro\idlng
enough men to handle the cars and that
Holland had been negligent In not attending
to his duties and stopping the car which
caused tlie collision in which he was hint.
" 1 Am So Tlrml"
Is a common exclamation nt this seison ,
There is a ccitain biaciug effect in cold air
which is lost when the weather glows
warmer ; and when natuio is lenowlm ; her
j'outh her admirers feel dull , sluggish und
tired. This condition is owing mainly to the
inipuio condition of the blood and its failutc
to supply he iltliy tissue to the various or
gans of the hotly. It is remarkable how sus
ceptible the system Is lo the help to bo tic-
ri\ oil from a good medicine at tnls season.
Possessing just those puiifylnp , buildlng-ui ;
qualities which the body craves , Hoe i's ynr-
b.ip.inlla soon overcomes that tired feeling ,
restates the appetite , purlllci the bluoJinil :
in short , imparts vigorous health Its thou
sniulsof friends as with one voice dcclaio
"It Makes the Weak Strong , "
Next U'mik's .11 lisle , ll 1'critlval ,
The silo of scats Is now on at Ford f ,
Chiirlton's music rooms , 1503 Dodge street
for all of the ilvo concerts to bo given at th <
Exposition hull next Monday , Wednesda ;
and Thursday afternoons and ovcningd
From present appearances , thu hull will be
well lilled nteach poifornmnca ; if the pcopl
of Omaha do their duty in supportiii ! . ' till
great onterpi Ue , there won't oe a seat to b
hail by lumonow ounilng. Never bufon
hai > n westeiiiilty been given such an op
poitunttj' to hear thu greatest concert bant
and one of the two greatest orchestras ii
the country today , and added to this there 1
nn arraj' of vocal and Instrumental soloist
unexcelled in the world , There is Mine
Scaluhl , perhaps the world's greatest llvini
contralto , whoso praises It were supcrerogti
toof Highest of all in Leavcninj ; Power. Latest \J , S. Gov't Report.
% M/xf >
WfeS & '
_ _ _ _ _
tory to 4ountl In OnMfm'4 our There U
MlM Von Stostli. "fno Tloltnlst , ono ot
America' * own ilftURhltnsvlin return * for a
HMifton after catituilne.lhocrlllcs nml people
of nil Huropo to hlRhtrvl | > MHO nml popular
enthusiasm , srxlil to lutMlo tiocr of Knplaml's
Ncruda. liieroU Mls t.lliliin Dlauvolt , an
other of Columbia's UAusntors. with the
fnco and fipuro of a flrefclan maltlcn of the
golden aijo , wlitntr destiny Is de
clared to uetho ftlllpfr of IMttl'a place.
Thcro are Mine. FiiMcliiM.uli , dramatic so
prano. Mine. Van Camcrvn , operatic soprano ,
and Fraulcln Mlnnb iHchmici , contralto ,
each acknowledged to bo In the front rank of vooalfoti Thownro Urodikv , the
violinist , and Ilckkliuj. prlneo of 'cellists ,
the admirable Insso , Slpnor tjudovlco Viv-
lanl and the well kniwn baritone , Mr. Wil
liam Merlons. Truly n remarkable array of
musical talent and one Omaha may not have
another opportunity of enjoylni ? nimlti for
many a lonff d.iv. Sousa's band on Monday
afternoon and evening. Oamrosch orchestra
Wednesday evening and Thursday nttcrnoon
and PveuliiR ,
The foal\uo \ of the festival provided by
the Apollo management should bo appre
ciated. The llttlo ones are to be cspcciilly
favored. At the matinco concerts , Monday
and Thursday , all school children under 15
will ho admitted for 25 cents. Superintend
ent ritpatrick will excuse all scholars who
wish to attend tlieso concern. A qroat
chance for thcso uhlldrcn to hear the best of
music rendered by the most talented of mu
sicians. Ton ! ft Churlton's will be kept
open until llW : ! o'clock tonight to nccomtno
date all who niry not Imo secured their
suats yet ,
After Impressive Cori-munlra , ( ho Ilomatni
Wrrn Sent to MlmirilpoUa lor Hurl U.
The funeral services over the remains of
Nathan I } . Hussoy , l.ito president of the
Builders and Tr.uleis oxch-niRO of this city ,
were hold at the family residence at 8 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Alaigo concourse of
friends v > cio present to pay ( heir last ro-
spccts to the deceased , and the floral oflfor-
inps were profuse and beautiful. Especially
notlee.1 ole was the tilbntu ot the organiza
tion of uhich the deceased was so long ttio
honored head.
Itov. Dr. J.T. Durioa oniciatednndMrs.O.
E Squires , Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Kstabrook
and Mr. Dan II. Whcoler , jr. , furnished
the vocal music. The members of the
Omaha Builders and Traders oxi'hangc at
tended in a bodv , six of whom , A. J , Vier-
llng , vice president ; W. S.Wcdtre , secretary ;
George C. B.urott , John II. Harto and D
Shane , dlrectois , acted as pallbearers.
After the services the body was taken to
the dupot. whence Itas shipped nt 5
o'clock to Minneapolis , Minn. , several niem-
beis of the f.unlly acconipanjiiiK It. Upon
the arrival of the icm.iliis at Minneapolis
they vv ill bo taken in fhaigo by the Builders
and Traders association of tti it city and by
them dually laid nvvav to lost
Hcnd One Solid Sore Itching Awful
Had to Tiu His Hands to Cra
dle Cured by Cuticuni.
Ourllttlu boy lirolvo out on his with n
bad form ut uc/um \\lion lie "us four inon tha
old. \ \ c trliM tlirui' cjQctors , but tlioy did not
liolp him. Wo tliou usOctyuur lliroo CUTIOUUA
11LMFU1E4 , and after nsllu Ilium olmuiiouks
usually aecurdlnic to dl-
rCLlionB , lie bc.ii n to
Bt until y Improve , and
afjer the use of thorn ( or
hi3\un months Ills hnml
JWns nUroly well. When
! \vj ) begun tis'.ne It his
fliV''id Wl9 solid sere
from tlio croun to his
eyobroHS. It was also nil
oil crt III * ours , most ot hla
ta.ce , : iud email places on
. , x , different purls ot his
K ' t A bpdy. Tharo were slx-
c. ra > fitfffi I teen weeks that wo had
- < _ w * to K6ep his ninds tlo > J to
the cradle , and hold Ilium wlion ho us taken
up : nnd hud to keuu niltiwns lied on his hunas
to korp his fln.'cr nails out ot the sores , as ho
would acratch If ho could In any w.iy i et his
hnnds ! ooo. We know your OimcttnA KEMR-
DILS cured him. Wofeol sate In rccommond-
1ns thorn
ar.O. U. JANKDEA JAiKKlij. Woustcr , lad.
Ttio new blood : md skin mil Iller , and urotitcst
of hnmiH remedies , cle.unes the blood of all
Impurities . mil poisonous cli-muuts , and thu
ronuives thoeuuse. wlnlo OuiifuUA ,
sKln L'liie , and CUTlcUitA bOAlN an uxiiulslto
skin boautlUer , cleans tno skin and sculp , and
restores the h ilr. Thus the Uuucimv UCMI >
DIES euro every suedes of lt < bins , burning.
sualy. plniDlv. und hlotcliy skin , sc.ilp. and
blood disc tsos , from pimples to surofulu. fiom
Infancy to age , when the best nhvslcliuia fall.
Bold oery where. Prlco. CUTICUIIA , 50o :
SOAP , 2" cItRsoi.VfNT. . ? ' .00 I'reparpd by the
frond foi "How to Cure Sltln Dlseiises , " &i
, no Illustrations , and 100 testimonials.
' Sklti HmlSe.ilp iiii rifled undboiutlfled
BABY'S1 by UUTICUHAHOAP. Alrtolutoly pure ,
Of fonmliH liiHUintlv lulluved bv tha
now , dlo4 int und Infalllbln Autldnt
to Pain Inlluinniutlnn and Wo iknesj
Cut io ura Aiitl-Pnlii PJaitor
Of health should ho doubly cuarilotl at till
hc.'scn The ulr rc-oks with chilly fiiolstura <
thoweuthni Is chanuenblo and uncertain.
Thcso condlt oiiii uro
for the Inius and pipes Hcwire of tlio cold
tlieooujili. thuchoat ii.iln , the 'nllamm itlon ,
thn rocked Inn ' . the droudod ConsumpLlon.
Put on duty only the fctronuust yirtl \ \ , the
oldest and moat faithful Ht.iml-by.
Ilreak tin your cold nt onen. Mop vonr
I'oiuh. Drive out that Inll iiimiiitlcm in tltno ,
Defy that I'naumonlu. Ouru that Consump
nets quickest nnd surosl oC all remedies on
the limns ' 1 ho oldoat nnd uoit approved
giunduid for o\ory Inn ; trouble.
t. HclifiicH'K I'raetlcal Tica'.ltv oiiDNttm o/
iiiNU * . Momnr/i UN i lAvcr , milled frcetnallriti-
i > liiin ( ( . lli.J. 11 .scrtjiic/Cil / .Sim , I'Mlwlelplila
SIIBK nrumtnrp i
IIKHI'I.TM III 80 1U\S. hllMI. . .
Ncrvoui IHienu'i , I'ulllnif ifJi-mor } , - i ,
Hi. oni quickly lnit"iirflrir * tore I.o t * llulllr Ik
> lil or j uuntt Fatllr nrrlrl In vent pocket , rrlct- . ,
H.Od a imrkiipti Hit fcjrf.V.IIII ullli urlllrnaunr.
kiitrntorurr or inonc r rrfu-tt a , lion t let uny uu
t > rliiclnt ) ililrti'rl't 'HI 3 on iiiiiJUnriii / Imitation In
lUtor , lilvliiK IMIM'O-iionu ulliir , K lie lia nol
Foi It. wo Hill it nil It by mat ) ii | on rHol ( t or i > rlr (
ninpliktlii funli 11 m\i loj flfo Artilrtm iirltutio
Medlcnl to. , ft * IMrraautlt 1'fortff , Clllrocu , 111.
SOLD by Kulm & Co , Cor. istli anil Douglai Sti ,
and I. A. I uller & Co , Cor. Mth ami Doufilai
Sis , OMAHA , NKll ; brPanl G Sclmeidrr. s > i
Jlioadway and 6 Pearl hi , COUNCIL ULUl'l'S.
IOWA , and other J.e d "
mldat public auction on
Tuesday , June 6 , 1893 ,
At tbeonico of lho Kunnuboo Hunch Company , No
20 North ttrcct , lioilun , > lns , at 10 o'clock n m.
All the real ostnto belonging : to said
company , situated iu Ouster and Daw-
sou counties , Nebraska , consisting oi
0500 acroa , moro or less , of ricli
farming land , with buildings thereon.
The proiortr | U told by votu of ld coiupanjr | o
t'nable Ittailoiu li | > lt > bualiiiin U U fros at nil
InounilirJiii'B it'nl * l I baiubl a * "b > 'a ' for C-itn ,
Kur furliior Iniui iiutlou nud p rllculan pt > lr nt
tlia onico uf tdo Kfniobev llaueli tu , VU Nurtl
ilivut , llostua , Man.
Tlmt AYEU'S Snrsniiarllla cunr.3
OTHKU3 of Scrofulous Diseases ,
Kruptlons , Hoils , Eczctnn , Liver and
Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Hliou.
mattsm , nnd Cfttarrh slioulil be con
vincing that the same course ot
treatment war , cum : YOU. AH
that has been said of the wonderful
cures effected by the use of
during the past 50 years , truthfully
applies to-day. It Is , In every sense ,
vrho Superior Medicine. Its cura
tive properties , strength , ellect , and
flavor are alvvajs the same j and for
whatever blood disease ? AYEU'S
Sarsaparilla is taken , they jleld to
this treatment. AVIien > ou ask for
don't bo induced to purchase any of
the worthless substitutes , which are
mostly mixtures of the cheapest hi-
gradients , contain no sarsaparilla ,
have no uniform standard of ap-
puarance , llavor , or effect , are blood-
purifiers in name only , and are of
fered to you because there is moro
profit in selling them. Take
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A\crStCo. , Lowell , Mam.
Bold by nil Druggist" ; 1'rlco * P li tiottlct , t > -
Cures others will cure you
" * * * A - ull
at 2 30pn.ralti 01 shlno- *
First Outdior EventoftlioSeason.
Tlio World's Fair Novelty.
In a marvelous evhlhltion I'ouco ind Trnr rites und
ccromonles and their Dextrous Boomerang
throwing ,
SJOo General AdmiHs'on 2Oo
Children under 14 years old I'm
THEATRE Ojiorntlo
Ono Wnolc Htujlnnlnir
Comic Opera Company
With n very Etrotik' cnet of prlnclpnlB.
A well trained chorus of i ) VO1U1-- ) and AUQ-
ductor ,
Stindjy , Monday , ruoiidnr KTonmjjand WoJnei-
ilar Jliulnoo "JAID I'AHIIA "
WodnPBilaj anil 'lliurtdar iCvontnn ' "nOC-
' nnd " ' . . "
1'rldfty iUurduy BronlnRJ "I'ANTINIT/.A.
i-atiirdar Matlnc-e-1 SAID 1'ASHA. "
Siloo.ion satiirdaj' . Uth. u oclook Trices : Ke ,
SJc , We and 76c.
15o , 2oo , Ufio , SOo ,
Ono nook commonclni ; mutlnoo Sunday , tlio emi
nent nctur ,
MK. 1'JtAXK 7/A'/JOX
In Ills vruat niaatcrplroc ,
I'rtdajr nlnht by apodal request , "DAMON AND
i'vrniA "
\Yodmtday inntlnu" itnj tent In tlio hourc , Ka.
llutinooaTo nil parts at the hem vj jjionti
I'xIuanyi ' 'Oounts : ptr < | uot , 1 * ojnts.
Can b& supported and rendered
loss painful by using a
"or KNHli CAP ,
Write us for measurement
I UlUu vu 1U.U vuimvii )
Dealers in Physicians and Hos *
pltal Supplies.
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb :
Street Paving ,
Roofing , Etc. , Etc
On Hand and Furnished
At LowoBt PrlcoB.
Exports In rcll-ilatf and pavins supplied.
50 Wall Street ,
Clothing House.
Clay Worsted Suits ,
There is no fabric any moro serviceable
than a Clay Worsted , It always looks well
and never grows glossy.
On Saturday we will offer 1OO suits of gen
uine Clay worsted in 3-button cutaway frocks ,
at $9.78 each , trimmed with farmer's satin and
made by our best workmen.
This suit retails regularly for $18. Our
price for Saturday will be $9,78.
Men's Fancy Cheviot
Suits $10.00.
, $ . .
We place on sale over 2OO suits of abso
lutely all wool cheviots , suits in medium col
ors , " at $1O.OO. Round corner single breasted
sack suits , goods made to sell for $18.OO. Will
be offered as one of the attractive features of
The Continental for Saturday at $1O.OO each.
Boys' Department.
More boys will be clothed on Saturday at
The Continental than in any other store in the
city. Our prices will do it ; the quality always
Prices for Saturday :
Boys'suits , short pantaloons Cj
Boys' double breasted cheviot suits
Boys' Suits $2.50. .
20O suits of fancy cassimere
and cheviots at . .
Hat Department
Straw goods on sale
Boys' and Children's Hats at 2Sc , 38c and
Boys' Knee Pants , 23c and BQc.
SOO pairs of Knee Pants at these prices for
Continental CLOSSGE.
| Columbian Exposition Chicago !
4-pago Engraved Panorama of
the Lake Front. Doublpaco
EngravlnB of the Midway
Plalsanco. Pictures of the
Power Room , the Golden Gate ,
the Liberal Arts Building , etc.
Leading Weekly of America. 32
pages and Cover. It opens the
World's Fair well , nnd will con
tinue as long as the Fair lasts to
elvo Full Accounts and Cxliaustlva
Pictorial Representations of the
Exhibits and of the Life at the Fair. Issued May loth.
< - > 26 Weeks for $2 oo.
Just lii Oar ImpoUtloa of
Eic'.usivo Styloi la
Spring Woolen * .
Faxton Ilotol Bulldlnj.
> A wholesome tonic. Dcllcloul to the taito.
? Grateful to the htonmUi. 1'urlfrlnit tu the
L blood and tn iiKthunlim to the / icm.
Uninirti.isiii rt us n iiruuntlvo of und euro for' '
I M AIA JCI.V , J > VWIT.l'HIA. mid partlcil- ,
iil'.rlx elllcarluu * In eusi'sof wjukenuii dlxii * .
I tire organs ami couijillcatloua urUIng thurL *
1'irpureil prlnclimlly from llrrlu
.mil Jtuiili , hiiuun liir their mlinli ulilo
iiru | ui lie * In ruiucily turiiltllly of ttio
Ivcruml buweln.
Upon receipt of 40 cunU to defray our cx >
pen cro will urn ! ! to uiir nddri i . ) > n tiitio
prepold , u tl Inl Ixittlo , fniitalnlni ; f our UUIHV ,
noguruljr imckinlln woudonoiuo.
1'rlcaSl porbottlo. 85 for O pottles , fulUlzn
" ' r'
- " ' '
terms lu largur lot * .
Invalid Cushion !
llubbtr Gloves.
Water Miles.
inMr.i(3 ) ( IN
lid S ( .u til 15tU , St.
Next tu Pobtomooi
OJ ?
of Hi ( u r.Tcta'l In morr.ini
liuuri * ! 1 f ft r oou
I'arteol lit KUir
Urd Fluor ,
Pnztoa xilaai ! >
KlcT turuu lull til. Tulopliuut ) I'JJl.
_ _ 'Ani ' all tin train ot
KVIl.d , WICAKNKHjm , DKini.llT , Ufll. . Vll t no-
ODiiii&iiT tliani In mnii ( jUIUKbr anil 1'ICIl.llA-
MlfiJI.V ( UJUKU hull H I'll l NJ I'll itud tona
Klien touiutir pirtoftuu tiuiljr. I will tan I
ouivlr paokoUI FllriiC to aufiuit r r tju pru > cru >
tlun thil i-uruJ inu of tUu trouble ) A4JrJ , U