Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    > * r Y" " ' c * PJf | ( ' ( | w < . ( | y JHp |
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S&TURDAY , MAY 18 , 1893. 1
I'rllvctrrt 1 y cutrler to any putt of th city
I IlujlnrtsOffice. . . . No. 4fl
f j-RMt | Kdllor No. 23
K. Y. Plumbing Co.
IlosUm Store. Nntclmug silks.
' Mlltonhcrgcr h the hatter , B03 Broadway.
\Vlllnn1 Poster , who threatened to kill A.
f. Shill , was put under WO bonds by Justlco
Vicn yesterday to keep tlio peace.
A marriage license was issued yesterday
o Julius Pctorson and Christine Johnson ,
r/both of this city. Their ages were 20 and 31
The funeral of D. W. Patterson will occur
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock from the
Plftn Avenue Methodist church , Hev. C. w.
Drawer officiating.
Two hundred and thirty-four rtojf taxes
nave been paid , and the poundmaster Is
making a lively rustle for the rest of the
| 15.000 canine population of the city.
Charles McCoy was arrested yesterday
[ nftcrnoon nn the charge of stealing u coat
ifnd pair of pantaloons belonging to Joseph
P. Chrlstenscn. The theft Is alleged to have
taken place April 27.
Special convocation of Star chapter No , ! " ,
Royal Arch Masons , this evening for wcirk
in the mark nrjstcr degree. All mark tuns-
tnrs are requested to bu present. By order
of the most excellent high priest.
B. F. McCnrdy , who clalmt to bo a tele
graph operator from Omaha , is In jail
charged with trying to enter O. K. Williams'
residence in the Fourth ward. Ho will have
u hearing in police court this morning at 0
The board of directors of the Council
Bluffa Rowing ? association has succeeded In
Kccurltig a 5-ccnt r.itc on the Manawa motor
line for members who buy llf ty ticltets. This
is for the exclusive benefit of the members
of the boat club.
The case of Jacob Sims against *
tnmlc county Is now on trial in the district
court. Sims is trying to recover $700 from
the county as attorney fees in thn saloon in
junction cases which he prosecuted several
vcars ago In the name of the Law and Order
The house occupied by A. Lohan , near the
Chautauqua grounds , was struck by light
ning last Wednesday night , twice within an
hour. Weather boarding was torn off , the
door sill was reduced to splinters , and tlto
bolt left by the collar , piercing a small hole
through the solid brick wall.
The members of the supreme council
Commercial Pilgrims of America are re-
< lucHtcd to attend a committee meeting at
the council chamber on Pearl street at 750 : !
o'clock this evening. Matters of importance
will receive consideration relative to the
nnnual meeting of the supreme council on
the 20th hist.
Frank Trimble , secretary of the Merchants
and Manufacturers association , received a
loiter .yesterday from Lewis A. Dllley , the
department commander of the Sons of
Veterans , acknowledging the receipt of the
letter notifying him of the action taken by
the local camp last. Monday evening and
stating that the state encampment would be
held in this city as was at first intended.
Piles of people have piles , but Uo Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thorn.
\ \ \ - Al\viy : * I.eiul.
Watch Saturday morning's papers for
tlio announcement of tlio greatest bar-
guins over heard of in the dry goods
Fothcrlnghuin , Whltclaw fc Co. , load
ers and promoters of low prices.
Council BluiTs. la.
The Griiml Hotel ,
Council BluiTs. Most elegant hotel In
Iowa. Dining room on seventh Moor.
Rules , i3 to $3 per day. E. P. Clark ,
Piles cured by a single painless treat
ment. Dr. A. . [ . Cook , Grand Hotel
Annex , Council Blulfs.
l'JttSOff.l f. 1'A li.lU ISA PUS.
L. A. Gray will leave this evening for his
former homo in Illinois.
Mrs. Ed Mott has gone to Oskaloosawhere
she will make her homo.
E. B. Bowman , jr. , has returned from a
month's visit with relatives in Wiscas-
BOt , Mo.
J. . S. Grotzer has returned from Sioux
City , where ho attended the golden wedding
of his wife's parents.
Mrs , J. W. Squire and daughter , Miss
Bessie , have returned from a two months
visit at Hot Springs , Ark.
Mrs. Thomas Mctculf has gonctoChadron ,
O. , for a visit. She will spend some time
with relatives near Cleveland.
Frank Bcnnison , of the linn of Bcnnison
Bros. , is conllnod to his homo In Omaha by
nn Illness which It Is feared will prove fatal.
Ho has been unconscious of anything going
on about him for more than twenty-lour
hours past.
Little Florence Smith , who has attained
considerable local fame as a stage dancer ,
.left with the Corae Payton Comedy company
last week for a three weeks trip. If she
JiUes. the business she 1ms a chance of re
maining longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed E. Wright have gone to
their former home in Ohio for a visit , after
\ \ hlch they will go to Chicago , where Mr.
JWright 1ms secured u position. They have
fitured their household goods hero and will
'not return to Council Bluffs for several
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
\Vltch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
Ten Duyn at thu World's I'nlr.
It will cost you loss thiui $ ! 50.00 , every
thing necessary included. This menus
homos In private coltu o , clean , wife ,
ohu to grounds and on the bunch of
Lalto Michigan. Wrlto to J. T. Cliyno-
woth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II.
W. Tilton of Tun HUB , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & iJuinbringo , Council BluiTs.
With every $2.00 purchase Luucl Ilros. ,
the Miitn ftrt'ot china and crockery deal
ers , will give n hnudfomosterling plated
bouvcnir spoon. Call und sue thoin.
Quick k al gasoline Blown , 51,71 ! ) sold
In 1802. Cull and oxamlno bcforo buy-
Ing. S. W. Hujloy , 101 East JJroad\vay.
llurmHutpr' * I'ute.
Judge Smith njturncd yrsterday from
; A.voca , whcro ho 1ms het-n holding a term of
the district court , and will ruiniiln a few
days ucforo leaving for Audubon to open a
umv term. Just hoforo leaving ; Avoca JuJ o
Bnilth pninounccd suntonuo on Adolph Hur-
inclstcr for the murder of John DuUefsen ,
giving him fivoyeurs hi tha penitentiary nnd
a tlnu of f IX ( ) . In I'uso ho does not pay thu
flue hu will have to spend a term of 15U d ya
In the county Jail uftor his term In the peal.
tvntiary has cxplri'd.
A special session of the court U to ho hole
at AYOC.-X Juno ' . ' 0. when William Mayhoi
will have a trltil on the chariu ; of killing
lour wives. Mnyhor is now confined In the
county Jail hero. The case is one In wl'lcl :
the people of southwestern Iowa are treitlj ; ;
interested nnd u largo crowd Is expected tc
attend the trial ,
Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne li
better , healthier nnd purer than the Im
ported article. It has u delightful uoquet.
I'aBturafro for horses and cattle or
Ooorgo P. Wright's farm adjoiningc itj
limits on Houth ; 500 acres blue grass. .
running water. For tonns apply td
James Raph , on farm , or ut Cur bun Coal
company , 10 Pourl street.
Sco the jiecrlcss Dauntless bicycle :
and got terms. Harry Murphy. 10 I'earl
Willlamsori As Co. . 10(1 ( Main street ,
largest and best bloyclo stock in city ,
Stop ut the Ogden , Council Bluffs , tlu
beet $2.00 houto in Iowa.
Vanatta & Sweat , uttys. , Everett blk
Raising the Assessment of the Motor Com
pany Discussed by the City Council.
Ilcnunnn Why tlio Compnnr'ii
fchouhl Ho IncrciKcd < ) l\nn Argu
ment * Mudo by Ilotli Siiien , but
No Action \Vn Taken.
The city council met last evening as n
board of equalization to consider the assess
ment of the motor company. U was an ad
journed meeting , it having boon decided sev
eral evenings ago to take It up Friday in
order that the counoll might take advantage
of whatever action might bo taken by the'
joint meeting of committee ! ) la Omaha last
Thursday. There were quite a number of
citizens present to witness the combat be
tween the representatives of the people and
a lolof aldermen who travel on passes.
I.oiulrtl with Flgurr * .
James McCabe was the first and the
principal speaker of the evening. He came
loaned to the brim with figures , and figures
which have never before been presented to
the citizens. He covered not on lj the entire
cost of the motor company's plant , but the
amounts that were expanded in running the
trains , the receipts and the profits up to
December 31 , 1839. The figures which
covered the first fourteen months of the
motor company's operations after the day on
which the line was first opened to the pub
lic , had been prepared by an expert em
ployed by the company.
Mr. McCabe commenced by stating tint he
was In favor of Iho plan that Is so generally
adopted , of assessing firms and corpm'.itlous
at a lower rate thin real estate owners , pro
vided these firms stand In the position of
semi-public enterprises. Uut he thought the
motor company had been very fur from
standing in this light < and he then went on
to show why , the reasons ho broueht forth
with reference to paving between the tracks
and the like being well known to the uublle.
\Vlmt It UuHt to llullit tlio lliltlKc.
He then produced a pile of manuscript
which he proceeded to lay before the board.
It was a statement of the cost of construct
ing the plant of the motor company. It read
as follows :
Cost of constructing bridge. $302,460
llroadway extension 13(581 (
Main line BO.UOO
Douglas.street branch 1.3120
I'lant und niiichlnuiy 2-1,07-1
Arc light plant 3,000
Uniting stock 35/240
UuildlngH 14,030
Stik'ks and shares 50.0O7
Urali'Slatt ) 4.43G
Ulllcu furnltliru 453
Kunsp , sale of bonds 20,7(50
Accrued InlL'iust 8,000
Stntloni'iy 715
Grand total $055,305
At the Item in the above list mentioned as
"stocks and shares" Mr. McCabu mane a
pause to explain. "A few weeks after
actual operations were commenced by the
company-thoy went to the east and paid the
sum of $ . * i.H)7 ( ) ) for the franchise of the old
Council BluiTs street railway company ,
\vhich came into existence at the
time when mules were the motive
power. They then entered into a con
tract with themselves whereby all the
Hues thereafter built should bo
built under that charter. It was the $55KX ( )
bonus which you taxpayers voted them with
which they bought that old franchise which
they now shove in your faces and claim exon
erates them from carrying out any of the
provisions of the charter which you 'suu-
posed gave them authority to run ut all. "
He then read the statement of credits as
Capital stock $1.500.000
Honils 400.000
Next came the statement of the expense
of running thu road for the first fourteen
months. Every item of expenditure was
given in detail , and most of them were m
comparatively small amounts. The grand
total for the entire period was $50,1144.
J'ItrnlUK:4 : : oT tlto Cotiipiny.
The statement of the earnings of the com
pany for the fourteen months was as fol
lows :
Earnings from passengers $134,034
llrldge tolls 37,254
Miscellaneous 1'Jl
Grand total $172,010
The cost of constructing the plant as given
above represented only "the IJroadway or
main line. Mr. McCabe in the following fig
ures showed the cost of the rest of the lines :
Pearl and Slain street lines J 17,778
Park 7,388
Klltliiivcniin 12,442
Kust Broadway and I'luico street 8,744
Nlnthstrcet 788
SIMueiith street 221
Grand total ( Including everything
spent up to Dvctiiiibur 31 , 1880) ) . $782,868
"Of 31,000 that WAS actually put Into the
enterprise , " ho continued , ' -nearly tr/O.OUO
was spent in buying the mule car franchise.
In the actual construction of the plant the
stockholders didn't really put in overJIO.OOO ,
and with that $10.000 as a starting point
they have been paying 3 per cent dividends
on their stock , which has been watered to
an extent of $1,600,000. "
At the conclusion of Mr. McCabe's speech ,
which took over an hour and a half , Assessor
Hardln filed a written protest against rais
ing the assessment of the motor company ,
stating that he bad made the assessment in
good faith , and to raise the assessment of
the motor company without making a corresponding
spending increase in tlio assessment of
banks and wholesale houses would bean in-
justlco to the motor company and cause ex
pensive litigation , which would doubtless in
tho'cnd provo disastrous to the city's hopes.
Spencer Smith made a short speech in
which ho called the attention of the board
to the fact that according to the decisions of
the supreme court the board had iho right
to assess the stock and the property also ,
without laying themselves open to the
charge of making double assessments ,
Alilfiriniiu .Smith's lo ltlon.
Peter Smith , who has been riding upon a
pnss over since ho was ele-jted to thu city
council , got Into a prolonged argument with
McCabe as to the right of thu board to raise
the assessment.Ve'ro not supposed to
Know anything about any grievance that you
private citizens may have against the motor
company , " said ho ,
McCabe Dually was called upon to explain
that the ralsmir of tlio irotor company's
assessment would not 'make It necessary to
raise banking houses and wholesale houses
assessments in a corresponding ratio , "for , "
ho said , < lyou can't compare the motor com
pany with such Institutions. These institu
tions are all assouscd at a lower rate than
real estate , because they are supposed
to bo hnlplng to build up thu
city. Th'o motor company has been doing
ovcry tnluir It could to tear down thu city ,
throwing it Into expensive Jitlgatton at every
turn of thu road. It can , therefore , lay no
claim to any favor such us is extended to
mcrcantllu establishments , and should
therefore bu assessed on thu same basis as
real estate owners. "
The livening of talk i Id not result In any
action , for by McCalw's advice It was de
cided to postpone It until the motor company
has had any opportunity to fulfil Us promise
made at the recent Joint meeting of the city
councils of thu two cities and formulate a
How to Collect Mail Illlli ,
If you have any bud billH nguinbt men
who tlu nut live in Iowa and who worker
( or uny railroad , telegraph , oxprcbs or
sleeping cur company that runs into
lowu , write to the Nassau Investment
company , Council Bluffs , la. , ami they
will eund you tlioii' collection terms mid
tlio best of references. Collections guar
anteed , Special olTor for 30 days.
For Sale JlickoryMoot wood , $0.00 ;
stove wood , 12 or 10 inches , $2.50 per
cord , delivered. II. A , Cox , 10 Main
street. .
Special Hour bale all th.a week itt
Brown'a O. O. D.
Auiu euiri.t4.
.The Schubert Symphony Club and I-adj
quartet will give two performances at Doi
hatiy's this afternoon and evening. They
come highly rocomuunidod from towns where
they h TB ppear * < l tula loasou , and the In-
OURSPECIALTIES ARE : Reynolds Bros. ; Ladies' Flna Shoss , Misses' Tan and Bad button boots In hcol at spring heel at $1.20 ,
cloth top hand turn , patent leather trlmmid , $3.SD$4.OO$3.OO. $1.00 , $1.70 , $2.00.
French Kid and DjngDla Hand Turns , $ B.OD , $3.6O , $ i.OO , $4.BO Children's Rad and Tan button taoats , sizes 8 to 1OJ , 903. , $1.OD
and $5.OO. $1.2B , $1.BO.
Misses' Bed and Tan Oxford * , $ t.OO , $1.2O , $1.6O.
Hand \Velt3 In all nowstylo lasts. $3.OD , $3.SO , $4.OD and $ ' .00.
Children's Red and Tan Oxfords , BOc. , 7Bc. , $1.OO , $1.2O.
Cloth Top Bluohers , hand turn , p.Uont leather trlmmoi , $3.BO and
. . Men's Tan Bluchers and Bals at$2.OO , $ a.7B , $3.OO , $3.BO , $4.OO and
$ B.OO. We have a fins line of thoss goods.
French Kid and Dongola Bluohors , patant leather trimmed , $3.BO ,
$4.OO and $4.0D. Men's Dross Shoes In buttons , bals and congress. $1.2B , $1.BO
We carry these shoas In hand and machine sowed , all style lasts , $2 OO , $2.BO and $3.OO.
slzas 2i to 8 A to E width. Williams , Kneoland & CD , best hand-sowed calf shoos in congress
Ladles' Tan Bluchers , $2.00 , $3.OO , $3.5O. Ladles' Tan Button and bals at $4.OO. The best shoo on earth at the prlco.
$2.50 and $3.00. Men's Kangaroo congress and bat * , $3.OO , $3.BO , $4.OO , $4.BO and
Ladies' Tan Oxfords.VOc. , $1.OO , $1.2B , $ l.BO , $1.73 , $2.OO , $2.2B$2.BO $6.OO. In all the nawest styloa.
Ladles' Kid Dongola and Goat Oxfords , 78c , , $1.OO , $1.23 , $1.BO Men's Working Shoes , 70c. , $1.0O , $1.23 , $1.BO. $2.OO , 82.BO. Oan
and up. please you In these goods.
We ' Youths' Shoss in buttong , bala
. are headquarters for Boys' and
Largest line of these goods In the city.
Our Ladles' Kid or Cloth Top Button or Bluchers , hand or machlns and congrass , heel and spring hsel , $1.OO , $1.23 , $1.BO , $1.70
sewed and hand turns , patent leather trimmad and pla'n , In all $2OO.
the new lasts at $1.75 , $2.00 , $2QO and $3.OO ars .tha gool.i yoU If you want anything In footwear for mm , woman or child , you
want. are cordlnll y Invited to call at
- S. A. PIERCE & CO. -
SHOE STORE . . . Corner First Ave
dtcations nro that n musical treat is in
store for those who attend. The program Is
of a popular nature and Includes , besides
vocal selections by the quartet , violin and
cornut solos , comic and serious readings and
selections by the string quintet and the
mandolin , banjo and guitar club.
T. J. Evan Arcucs In Favor of the Ulrec-
BE3 * * tor ' rroponltlun.
T. J. Evans , who has taken an active part
In the movement to compel the motor com
pany to adopt a 5-ccnt rate batween the
two cities , was asked yesterday what he
thought of the proposition made by the
motor ofllcials at the mectlmr in Omaha last
Thursday with reference to the purchase of
the motor company's bridge by the cities of
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
"Thu proposion has some merit,1' was his
reply , -'and how much merit depends upon
the value of the bridge and the terms upon '
which the company will part with it. The
total cost of the bridge , approaches , slough '
bridges and roadways connecting was $401-
COO. The same could bo constructed today
for less money , owing to lower prices on
steel. The life of the present bridge floor is
nearly gone , that of the trestles perhaps ha'.f
gono. If the company would renew these
the property would be as good as now. I i
There is a llfteen.year mortgage upon the
bridge , the Omaha & Council Bluffs lailway ,
line , which runs from the river to the corner
of Broad way and First street , and the car
and power house plants. The rest of
the lines belong to the Council Bluffs Street
Uailway company and are bonded separ
"Let Omaha and Council Bluffs assume
and guarantee such proportion of the fifteen-
year bonds as will cover the cost of tlie
bridge , and impose a faro on wheelago sufll-
cicnt to keep the floors in good condition.
Sulliciont rental can be obtained from street
car lines to meet the interest on the bonds.
Thus the two cities would have practically a
free bridge and a 5-cent faro and the bridge
would cost the city nothing so long as tncy
keep It bonded.
"The refusal of the Omaha and Council
Bluffs Kail way and Bridge company to
make a fi-ccnt fare will result in uniting the
two cities In the project of building a free
bridge at the foot of Farnam street. But in
all future negotiations between the two
cities and the motor company it must bo
understood that a frco bridge will not and
cannot bo free for street cars which carry
passengers over it for money. "
At the Boston Sturo , tlio I.eiulinc Cnih mill
1'upulur Onu-I'rlct ) Dry Gouila lluuso
of Council niulTn , In ,
75 pieced 30 inch half wool cashmcro ,
former prlco 25c , for today and Monday
100 pieces extra quality dark ging-
humsworth 10 afid llijc , for 5c today ami
t00 ! pieces extra quality outing flannel
suiting- ! , former price 15c , for 7io today
and Monday. 250 iloxon extra quality
white cord border handkerchiefs , < > o
each , worth iOc , Glove day at the Boson -
; on store. CO dozen more of $ l.23 kid
glovns for 1)C ) toduy and Monday.
2f > pieces curtain Berlin , Ho a yard.
" hales heavy unbleached muslin , 4c a
100 dozen Windsor ties , 8c each , worth
200 do/on ladies' extra quality , fast
black hose , lOo a pair , worth lc. ! )
STOKE. Our entire bto k of sun um
brellas at cost PIUCE for today and
Monday ,
of all kinds , all at cost price from
miss this ohancu , the Illicit selection and
the lowest cash prices.Vu always lead ,
we always do as wo advertise , wo don't
simply say n thing like pur would bo
competitors , but everything as adver
tised has always boon found at the
the leading dry goods house , the wreck
ers of high prices.
Fothoringham , Whitelnw ft Co. ,
Council Bluirs , la.
Airillier C'nrlniid of DiiuiitlniH IlU-yclei ,
Another full carload of the Peerless
Dauntless bicycles was received by the
Union Transfer people Friday. All
orders will -now - bo filled promptly.
Boys , the Dauntless is the wheel , and
you can buy it right.
Frco treatments daily from 2 to 4 p.
in. at the Council Blurts Medical and
Surgical institute , -Oth and Broadway.
Bargains In line tooth brushes and
cologne , wholesale price , only lOo.
Davis , the druggist , 200 Broadway.
You ought to buo Ned Shepard's now
bicycle. He sells them , and cells them
right. See him at Van Brunt's.
I.oit IIU lllothr * ,
Carl Straub , a young man who works for
Dccro , Wells < fc Co. , has less clothes today
than he had forty-eight hours ugo , but ho
has the satisfaction of knowing that some
one else has more , who possibly headed thorn
quite as badly u * ho did. A strange man
took a room utthoSt. Joe house Thursday
evening without putting his name on the
register , but left the iilaco before morning.
Before leaving ho found by investigating
that the key to bis room would unlock the
door of room 8 , which was occupied by
Straub. Entering , ho changed his clothes ,
taking n full suit of Straub's , Including
shoes , collar , necktie and overcoat , and left
the hotel. The clerk at the hotel is unable
to give any description of the fellow , and
the fact that the thief was allowed to take
a room without registering , is considered by
the police a rather suspicious circumstance.
C. C. .IODCS Wins IIU Suit Against tlio
Mutuiil Arrhlrnt AHOC ! ttlun.
The jury in Iho case of C. C. Jones against
the Mutual Accident Association of New
York went out Thursday afternoon and ]
came in shortly before 'midnight with a ver- '
diet. It was sealed , however , in accordance
with the instructions of the court , and tlio
contents were not kuown until yesterday |
morning , when Judge Deenier opened it
when district court was-convened. It was
then found to bo for the plaintiff , giving him
just what ho asked for. His judgment ,
with the interest thnt'lias ' accrued since last
spring , amounts to & > ( lGi. ! The company
will appeal the case , to the supreme court.
Yesterday morning another insurance
case was taken up , that , of Daniel Malloy
nellt nssoci-
priest at
this city
until about two years ago , when ho moved
to thu town of Molloy , Ringgold county. He
carried an insurance policy of $ .2,000 In the
Catholic Mutual. Ho took cold ono night
while answering a night call and soon after
died from the effects of the exposure. After
his ue.-tth it was found that ho had allowed
the premiums to lapse , although his friends
claimed ho had remitted the amount of the
premium to one of his acquaintances hero ,
who had neglected to turn it over to the
company's representatives at the proper
Tlio Insurance company refused to furnish
the necessary blank for proof of the death
of the deceased , and refused to pay the
policy. Daniel Molloy , the beneficiary , ac
cordingly conimcnced suit to recover and in
liis petition alleged that the company had
not given sufllcicnt notice that tlio premium
was due. After several witnesses had been
introduced in court yesterday morning Judge
Decmer took thu case away from the jury ,
Instructing thorn to bring in a verdict for
the plaintiff for the full amount of the
policy , with interest.
m\NiM > N
Sntiirdiy Kveulnc.
The greatest dress goods sale on
record. Sale to commence at 6:30 : , last
until 10 o'clock. Tlio goods arc dis
played in our front window. Each pat
tern contains C yard ? , -12 inches wide and
are worth in every lirst-clnss retail dry
[ foods house in the United States 7 o a
yard. Saturday from 0:30 : to 10 p. m.
$2.19 pattern. Our G. C. summer cor
set at 50c , Is extra value. Our line of
hosiery cannot bo beaten. Si'KCiAti
from 2iO : ! until 5 p. m. 10 yards line
outing flannel for dress. Every lady can
liave a dress pattern for 3c. ! ) Owing to
limited quantity only ono dross to each
lady customer. All our regular line of
joods advertised in the Daily Globe will
ilso bo u great attraction.
A'lotlinr Nisplpor : Kmliirti-iiiont.
The American , after a careful and
thorough Inquiry into the plans and
principled of the organization , has the
following hearty endorsement :
Probably luthing in the line of mod
ern business enterprise has attracted
more general or widespread interest
and inquiry than the Perpetual .Matur
ity Binding company of Council Blurt's.
It is of general intgro'st as being a de
parture from , or advance upon , the old
and well known plunsiof Insurance , and
especially alluring < tf those who ur
able to lay by small imns annually and
nro keeking means of iiivestmont there
for , whore safety an/yprolltablo / returns
are reasonably assured , for to such
there Is "a thoutandf ollars in it. " The
company Is not In atiyrospect an insur
ance company , but ttiakos use of those
principles and statistic in its business ,
which is strictly a. 'fjicdluin of Invest
ment. It Is ostlnmlMytlmt a return of
300 per cent Is noti jve the average
profit on matured death claims of life
companies , and thii lidnslgn In the or
ganization of the 1'Mrpetural Maturity
Bonding company IB-that these benefits
shall ho returned to ills worthy mem
bers , and yet not made to depend upon
the death of such member.
Its sources of income and profit are the
Biune , the profits to matured policies and
bonds being derived from those remain
ing in force and those which are surren
dered and lapsed , and in the Perpetual
Maturity Binding company , these bone-
Ills are received by the persistent bond
The company issues Us bands at
$1,1)00.00 ) each UJKIII a' first payment or
purchase price of $10.00 and monthly In
stallments thereafter of & 1.2.5 , malting
annual payments of $15.00 , of which
* 12.00 ana all other incomes are need In
maturing its bunds. As this amount is
greater thiui that used by the principal
old line companies' In payment
of death claims , It Is evident that
at least na much , and moro
must bo done in the , maturing of its
bonds , than is done by tuo&o companies
In maturing tholr policies. The esti
mated average life of insurance policies
is abojt seven years , and taking this
average as the life of its bands , the cost
of u band to the bondholder would bo
$115 ; but oven if carried for ten years ,
the total cost would not exceed $10. ( !
The insurance statistics of seven of the
principal old line companies , however ,
show that for a period of thirty-one
years prior to IS'.ll ' the average cost of
matured death claims therein per 1,000
on all issued insurance was but $54. At
a cost of double this amount , or moro ,
the investment is an attractive one.
These are facts which it is well worth
the while of every person who would bo
tempted by such a proposition to inves
The method of maturing its bonds is
equitable and fair to all. As issued they
are numbered consecutively 1 , 2 , .1 , etc.
For a time they wore matured in this
order , but a multiple has now been in
troduced and in used twice between each
consecutive number , of which the fol
lowing is an illustration : No. 1 , then 4 ,
then 8 ; No. 2 , then 12 , then 10 ; No. 3 ,
then 20 , then 24 ; No. 4 being the second
number or bond paid , the next is 28 , then
32 , etc. In this manner bonds possess
ing a higher number tire advanced to an
equal standing and nro paid alternately
with those of a lower number. The
order thus derived is fixed , and can be
varied by no contingency. The company
is on the safest and most substantial
basis for the performance of all its
agreements. The fully paid cap
ital atock is treble the greatest amount
of the bondholders money in its hands
at any timo. As soon as $1,000
is accumulated from all its sources of
profit in the trust fund , it is immediately
paid out on tlio maturing bonds. This
obivates the most dangerous of all
obstacles to the permanence and success
of co-operative or mutual financial or
ganizations , viz. , the piling up of im-
menco reserve funds to tempt the weak
ness or cupidity of irresponsible olliccrs
and trustees. In addition to this it is
claimed by the company that while these
accumulated funds in tontine , or in
vestment insurance , bring returns only
of from 3 to 5 pel * cent , by paying the
eaino out , as It does , in amounts of
$1.000.00 to its bondholders , ' they are
immediately invested at an income of
loss than ten , and in most cases a much
larger rate of return.
Tlio company in organized and man
aged by men known in their own city
and elbowhoro , and highly indorsed as
responsible and capable , which is fully
substantiated in the unprecedented suc
cess which it has already attained.
Wo Al.iuyn I.ii.xl.
Watch Saturday morning's papers for
the announcement of the greatest bar
gains over heard of . in the dry goods
Fotheringhain , Whitclaw & Co. , lead
ers and promoters of low prices.
Council BluiTs , la.
For Sale A ijuud IturKiiin.
For Sale A three-story brick block
on Main street , and three lots in Curtis
it Ram.-.ey's addition , are offered for im
mediate sale at a very low prico. Terms
easy. . .1V. . SquiltE ,
101 Pearl Street.
Pure water from the Milwaukee artesian -
tosian well delivered daily. Moderate
price. Leave orders at THE BUM ollice.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. G. James has the
strongest companies In the world.
For first-class rooms in Chicago for
World's fair call on Ohio ICnox.
CiH'pitx rriM'u.Mllnju.
A petition for a writ of habeas corpus was
filed In the district court yesterday morning
by George Coodenough , who Is now confined
in the county jail of Harrison county on a
charge of assaulting Millie Goodenoujfh with
Intent to commit murder. In his petition ho
alleges that ho was given a preliminary ex
amination bcforo a justice of the peace ut
Ix > gan and bound eve , to thn grand lury ,
although the evidence ns brought forth in
the hearing uid not tend to establish his
guilt of the offense charged or of any other
criminal offense. Ho will bu brought before
Judge Deenier this afternoon for an exami
\\'u Alwny * l.oiiil ,
Watch Saturday morning's papers for
the announcement of the greatest bar-
pains over heard of in the dry goods
line ,
Fothorlngham , Whltelaw it Co. , lead-
era and promoters of low prices.
Council BlulTd , la ,
Cook your mcnls this summer on a gas
ange , At cost at the Gas company.
Merrill , halrdres.slng and
manicuring. Itooin 312 , Marrlum block.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. BwaiiBon Muslo Co
Brown's G. O. D. grocery closes at 7
p. m. , except Mondays and Saturdays.
Gco. B. Davla , prescription
Worth a Guinea a Box.
Stubborn tendencies j
to digestive troubles )
i mcrildrciivalways \ \ \ !
yield to a mild dose -
| of g
( Tasteless )
s centia box.
* Mk
WK car. sell jruu a houao nnJ lut on a payment nf
froniU.U.r ! to KO.ttJ down and f II.OJ to JI.VOJ
per month. ume Bpsclnl bnrgatna In lota. Jolm *
Btoo A Van 1'nUon.
AIlSIU XOTennil loans. Farm nnn oltr propirlr
bought uU BOU. I'uioj & TUo.mj , Counill
_ _
MAliTKSKCHJSS UOdh I'eoplo i T It laals U
ycnr ; tfooj value aud : ilrrayj In alook nt Hlr-
by'a. Merrlam block. _
\\ril.l. liXCHAXan ! UK riEI.L-Twu lour rontn
* v houos mill store room anil outbuilding , clear
of Incillilhr.'ilici' . A. J. Mimlnl. T'H'.ri'inn ' v
HOUSri and lot for sale. Nn. l > u , < lii. i 1/11 uj
Inquire ot J. 1 * . Christian , C. & It. U
freight hon o.
IfO.l SAI.K t'hoftp ; toim bl ic * ( Irlrinj lu ares
tOHm mulm ; oil wn/on , liarnoss and team ; top
buggy ; roail wajon. Carbin Coal Co. . 10 l'furl atrfttt.
AWHA soil below cost new . " > room bousa , moil.'ra
' * convenlancos.volllQC ito 1. Unoo'llo * .
T OH SAI.13 Three Jersey bulls ; a gn , onu witofc
JL ono ycnr nml two yours ; solid color , rcjflstcrod
Block. 72iS. l t St.
Foil SA1.K Nice Imy carriage toura and carriage.
W.Tulley , 103 foiirlSt. . Co in ell Uliillj _
GUUIAliK removed , cjaspoala , vaults , chlnmays
dunned. liJ llurku , at Taylor' * grocery , 61J
GOOD Kir I ( or general housework. Mr * , li. F.
tipooncr , No. US Ulon avenue.
17011 HUNT 7-room houie , water , BUS und bath ;
JKooilHlnlilo. . TlUUli fct. Council Illnila. _
IT" " lit SAI.K Oil KXCH VNGH Kite acres line s r-
-L den land adjoining the cltyi good lioueo and
barn ; 2W ncres In vlnuyard ; will ciclrin-'e for
liiiuso ana lot centrally luc.Ued. II. ( J. McUec , ID
Main slruet.
17011 "AI.K An uprlnlit live liorno power boiler.
r l all at I3''li llroadwaT.
LOST- Till street , bi'tnprn llloomcr eoliool
and Mh avenue , triple Hiring ut nil ver beails.
I. ( . 'turn to .Mr . I ! . J. I'ubcock , 227 oath Pill ilrci't.
iXH HUNT llousa of live rooms , 2 acres garden
18 acrcn pasture , uu Uppar llroudway , li. W.Tul
leys. 1'J. ) l\arl street.
in charge o tuo Slstora of Mlorcy.
This renowned Institution Is situated on tha
high bl u IT 3 buck of and overlooking the city of
Council ItlulTs. The sjnclous grounds , Ha
high location and splomltd view. maUo It a
most ploislng retreat for the alltlctoil. A staff
of eminent physicians nn I a largo corps of ox *
pcrlcnced nurses minister to the comforts of
the patients. Special earn Klvon to lady pa
TorniH Moderate.
For particulars apply to
Frank Strest - Council Bluffs , Iow §
Council Bluffs.
Saturday- 13.
Grand Foamy Mines 01 1 P.
In a doll Iitful proram ont.'ro.y free from
dullness , and uonilillii ; cf
' ' .
Music AND Mnmi ! A musical ontniUliimont
that la enjoyable ulUo to musician and
tlio iiuissoi. Don't full to hnar tlio won
derful 5-yenr-old unlst , MASTER TOMUIK ,
who plnvs violin solos , nlius son.'s and ro-
oue.s In iho most llnlsho 1 stylo.
Scoour I'rozrani. It.suoiiUH forltsulf.
N , II. I'ho OuluDrtlo.l trchilliort I' Used
111 nil Concert * ,
pje | Works-
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Pronrlotor.
Dyeing , ClGnning find '
Council Dlulfs onico nnd WOIMH. cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Telephone 310. Bond
for cirulars and jirlco list , Omaha olllco 1.121 Parnam btrcot.
in the West ? We can fit you out
promptly. Send in your orders.
Dauntless AND Yost
I3Q4-S-8-10 Main St/aef.
Transfer Co.
. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , „