Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Combination of Failures and Crop Prospects
Forced Wheat Down.
Oorcrntiirnt Crop llrport ( Icnrrnlly ( llvcn
llriirtili Count met Ion n nd the Miir-
kct Sturtod \ \ > - ntflth \ the .Sell
ing I'rt-intiro
ClilfAdo. 111. , May 11.-Tho bank failures ,
the gou'inmont's report and lower foreign
inaikels made a combination today that shook
2Kc from the prlco of wheat. Homo Ko d buyIng -
Ing on the break caused u reaction of sic.
Tonight the pi Ice of July comp-irod w Ith yes
terday's closing qi.ot itlon shows a loss of l\a
tier bu t OKI and oats nro I'lirh u trlllo higher
and provisions , after a dull session , closed a
little lower on the whole for pork and lard , hut
rlhsshoucd a mom marked decline , amount
Ing to 1'J'ic'
A good < li al of excitement nccompinlod the
uliiinp in wheal. Ixings liquidated freely ,
short soiling w-is quite a feature and stop loss
order * becoming oporiith i , added to the weak
ness The go\ernment ciop report was gen
erally 'Uen a bearish construction and the
market startt d weak with the soiling pressure
rnorint.iis Tor a time the hulls fought the
fltellnr hut In HIP face of wink cables and
Koneial IhmneUl complications , the light was
a losing one.
Then the hist news ot the Indianapolis fail
ure became known and thocllmav nasroacbod
when It was announced that the l oliimbla
b-ink of Ibis city had cloned Its do irs Theie
Ttusa tni'tlal iniili * . but It was soon checked
Deiliicllonsmado fiom Iho go\einmont report
varhd widely , but It was evident th it the
most Inline ntlal p'litof tlio trade constiued It
lioailshlv In this they seemed p irllally sus
tained by Hie Cincinnati I'l Ice Current Many
opeiators had calculated on a report of not
on r 7 ( ) pt i cent for axoi.igo condition of
wlnterwhi at , but Instead Iho repoit was 75 3 ,
only 2 1 points loss than last month.
Dining the last hour buying was on a liberal
scale and tin ro was a good locoveiv The
pi let for July at the close was from 7 ( > 1i to
vl o which enabhil Ihosi-who bought puts to
liuvoll put to them as they wantid It Ac-
rordln" to common belli f luoor tliioo of the
In avy opoiatois whouoii short wore the chief
M'lli rs of puts Mstriday iiflornoon The
opening w is fiom ' to ' , lower th in the clos
ing llgiiies of \ esterdiruh ; d unsettled and
pilceu dti'llnid with some lluctu itlons 1'ni" '
more tin in i.illh d 'jc Mm Unit d anil closed
nboiitl'ii ' for , lulv and l'ic loner for eptoin-
bor than > i sit id ij
Tin- corn m irker did not \\llhwhe-it e\-
rent In sliowlnga little weakiit ss at the openIng -
Inghen \ wheatoiiem d di moiall/id at the
lireak Hit 10 wasa bluff at selling corn by a
few houses , led by It iillclt-l'tn/lei llelm-
liolwasa free seller The low point was
touched mi the llrst rush of sollliu- The mar
ket llrnicd at once 'I heselllngof several days
past had leilevid the big lii.usesof theli long
Hliiff and not a few bad dovelopt tl quite a
tthoit InUitst On the hie ik there a tlls-
posltlon lo take the corn for all months
rrlct s niado a irooil rally before bt Ing chocki d
by the bank falluit s fills canst d hesitation ,
but no setback of Importance
When thi lliirr > In wheat wasomlod and a
better ft t ling pioillctl , there was uicicasoi !
irenoral huj Ing In t OKI Pi Ices lesponded and
July showed Iho most strinuth and sold well
nhovethoKliiesihiicloslng. . 'I he support In
thomaiktt wns the nmio surprising hi caiisu
rallies wt 10 weak and lei elpts mete Illii ral
The maiket opoiud unsettled witli s lies from
J o In ' , i miller ' ' Ices , hut
hoon afteiwatd winked up wllh slight declines
of fiom V to ? iC on covt ring , tilled steady and
closed w Ith from 'if ' to " 10 g iln
The olloihus of oats vtore not largo and the
demand sulHrhnt lo absorb Hum and hold
prices within a nariow lange most of the day
J'ho opening was at a decline of fiom ' > < to ' 41
fit about the lowest prlct s A leacllnn of from
V lo 't' ' ' followc < l , and the maik"t closid
without Impoitant cliange fiom jostoiday A
cnod slilpplng demand existed and Idoooi )
nu were Mild hero and at Now York for ex
There was compaiatho quiet lnthopro\l-
slontiade There was no outside business of
Importance The local tradcix weie allitlo
Incllnid to ralil prlct s at the opening bocaiiso
of the hiaiUh feeling In gialn maikets and
because lootlpt.s of hogs worn posttd sevtial
thousand over the estlnntcd at 23,000 The
feat me of Iho later business was the lulling
of Seplemhei laid lij Cutlahy mid Wright ,
musing aiccoiory In that staple and Ian ) ,
but IeaIng rllis weak.
Ksllmatod lecolptH for lomoriow ; Wlioat ,
IbOcais ; corn , 240 cars ; oats , 250 cais ; ho s ,
18,000 head
The lending futures ranged as follow ? ;
73 16'
July 70
bept. 7'JJ
Corn .No 2 -
Mar tih 42X 42l
Jun 4IM _ M
July 41 ( ! ll 4IV6
Kept. ( IK , I'iHH 41 444
Onta No 2-
Mny ,10 SO 30' {
Juno . . . .10)1 ) ,
July S'JK
Bopt 27
Morn I'ork
May 20 ? . ' . 20 -.0 V ,
July. ? o ru 20 SS 21 7ft
Irpl . . . ) ! ' 5 SJ 75 20 75
I.aitl -
July . . 10 (171 ( II 1 II 07 H II ! ! ' <
bept .' II ST ! , II 27 > 4 II J7
8Uort Hlln
May ' 10ill
July JO',1 , . ID itlj 10 C ) 10 li'v '
Eept 10 474 10 V 10 17)4 ) 10 0
Cash ( imitations worn as follows ;
KI.OUH I'll in ; dull , sit adv.
WIIIAT No. 2 soring , 73' Cl.73 > 5p ; No 3
spring , f. o. b. , COill.Hc ; No. 2 rod , 7JU@73'c.
COKNNo 3 yellow , I3c.
OATS No 2 , 30 > jc : No 2 white , f.o.b , , 3(31 ( , ®
87c ; No 3 white. US''iiSSc.
KYI ; No 2 , 58 5'c. ) '
IlAItl.hV No 2. OUi-i No 3. f. o. b. , 47(3CGc ( ;
No. 4 , f o b , 10it43c
lYAXSEMNo 1. tl 09.
TlMOiin SlJPD I'l line , ! 3 00
goods , per gul. ,
-2jr f.T.- V nchangedicul loafOcgianulated ; ,
u.4uc ; standard "A. " & " , (
The following wciotho receipts and blup-
mentsfor today :
On llio I'roiiui'o oxoli inun toil.iy the butter
nmrlu't n slnulo tvtiikt'r ; ortMiiitry , 'JUic
20r. il.ilry , 'JOHi'J.lo. THUS slightly lovvtr , frisli
, Hi1.
Onmlni tir.tin.
Tlio following nrlft'saio fordollvory at MIs-
tlshlpiil rl\i'r polnls :
\Vn r- l ) i ! sirlns | , 70c blil ; Nu. 3 snrltiK ,
681- hid ; ND. 'Jliuitl , COc hlil ; No. U liiuil , ( He
KXK No ariScbltl.
OAT > - No i2 wliltf , 3tc llil ) ; No. 3 wlilto
80 ! , f hlil
COIINNo. . 12 en1or ! ! Muy , 39c bill : No 2
whltu , 41V bill ; No 3 or bettor , cash 01 .Muy ,
BB'if bhl , No. \vhlte.30olilil. .
Now tnrU Murlicls.
NEW YOHK , May 11Pixiuii UPCU ute , 'J8.-
CHO ) nltKh i incports. dl00 ! bbls . 'Jl.llHI siu-ks ,
lilcs , 8.41X1 pUcs.j lil.llKt't ilnll but sUi.uly ,
with thu latf atlv info taUtin oir.
< ; < ) IIN MKAI , Sli'iuiyj fair ili'iniinili xollon
WKKtCIII W ( . .VS'J 70.
Kvr. ririu. iiih | > l ; vvostrrn , C'J < iiC7f.
vVliKAT lift uinls 'Jll.OUO bu. ; fxptirts , 307-
OOO bu ; salon , t > 070 OlXi hu futures , 4H.IMH )
bu Hiitit hiiot iniiiket I'j'it'Jf loner , with
optloiiH tlilll , cliwlnir steatfy ; No. U reil. In
store anil oliixator. 78'4J7'Jo ( ; nlloat , 7'J'f ;
f.o b , , 70 > ( itstie ; No 1 mutln-in. bJ te. l ii- fairly iietlvt' anil lower , ilfollnlni :
cnrly 'JQ'J'K mi the uoxornnit'iit lopoil , line
xveiilhur wi'M , flnanolal Iroiibh ) t tlu > west ,
Innui untiles fornjuniTs httllliu anil urnnal
Iliinltlatlnn. milled hW'if ni-ar tlin olt ti on
foriilu'n buvhiK anil local coveilii ) : . floslnt c
stoatl ) at iStM'ii'tuilon yesterdny. No 'J red.
Juno , 70)if ) July. HO'.r ' '
; . ; August , H'J'ae ; ben-
teniber Hll e , Octnbei. K-l' o.
COIINUooplptH , 40i ) bii. ; exports , 31,100
bu , ; sali'.s , lu&lUH : ) lui future * , art , OOO hn
spot , r-inits stroni ; thoiiKli kc.uvo. ilnll ;
No. 'J , bl'.flbisc In eltMiilor , ri..1ili'JSi' ( !
uttoat Options inorti aotlve. opvnlni ; weak
and ilroimliikWi - nllh vthent and tlio west ,
rnllylnir "ttd e on Ma ) hhortsooverlnc. i-los-
IIIK linn at ' 4t'if ov er ve&teiilii } , Mnj , OO'.i- ;
Jtiiii' , ill'jc ' ; July , &l * iiO ; Aiit-'ust , &l'c ; bep-
toinber. f'tSe.
OATH Ki'felpU Kit.noo 1m. : oxixirts , 1,110
bu : bales , Jti.tKHibu. fill m ft. , l'J4.UKi ( bu xpot.
HpoUhteady on inlxtil anil fairly aotlvo for
export ; whiten | ( wor , ni > lectetl. Option ) , dull ,
llriu : .Muy 30) ) < c ; June , Jae , July. 351,1No
J while. 4L'Ci No. 'J Cliloucu , 37ft No. 3 ,
35' < ci Nil 3 white , lie , mixed wuxtern , 2 ( > dt
SH'it' ! whltu western. 40(0.480. (
HAY rirni , fullilenianil ; tlilpplnc , 70G.76C ,
k'lHMl to cliolot ) , b.Vw'J.V.
Hops Quli'l , xteaily ; Ktatn , eoninion to
eholtv. IHdtJ'.V ; 1'uclllicoatt , 1D4W.V.
Ul'liovisio.vs Cut ineaiK , iiulot , tlrin ; plckletl
bhnuliliT ) * , 'J'liii'J'jCi nildillf.s dull , linn. I.ard ,
quiet. I'uby ; western HI mini eloKvd at ill. 'JO
uakudt HUTU , nemo ; optluiu Kales , none ; May
clo&cU ut IU.UU ; July eloicU at I11.4U1 bop-
lumber ctitsiMl mill 05 I'ork. nulnt , Atoadjri
old nic-iii. f0.7now | nir s , t.l.Ml ,
llrrrni Modoratu demand , about stonily :
Klirliis , ati'.o. '
( . 'HBKsr raney , In fnlr demand , itcadyt
part ttklms. ( tiow 2ft8c.
Klos-liill. ) w ak ; receipts , 0,224 iiksl
wnttcrn , firth. 1&S&10C.
TU.IOH rirm , fair dctnnnd ; city (13 ( per
pkg. ) .
OIL More active , firm ; crude ,
4Hc hid ,
PKTiioi.F.t'M Market has been dull and neg
lected throughout ; not aslnzlosalo was n > -
porledt Pennsylvania oilspolsiilrnone ; Juno
options , sites , none : the only quotation was
5HSe bid. oiTeied at 57'.c ; lima oil , sales ,
none ; 21H.C bid.
KIWISDnlL steady ; strained , common to
good , 1l..7'iiil.30.
Tiiiii'iisnsK yulet , firm at 3131'Jc.
KICK Dull , easy ; domestic , fair to extra ,
.liJtG'jcj Japan , 4' { < ? i4'ic.
Moi.\ssis New Orleans , open kettle , good to
choice , steady , qulut.
MxiAll-Kaw. easier , quint ; fair refining , 3' < fa
3V ; centrifugals , 00 test , at 4' r > i sales , 3.UOO
bagscenlrlfngnlK , o'JO test , at 4'.c c. I. f. ; ro-
llm dquiet , ea y.
I'm Iiin.s-u.inut , steady ; American , J1-.75 ®
COI-ITII Weak ; lake , $11.
IiAli-\\eak ! ; Uomcstlt3.RO ,
1'IN I.asy ; straits , 2o bid , 12010 asked ;
plates , quiet , steady ; spelter , weak , domes
tic T4.30 : on 'change , sales , 500 tons ttln , June
Omaha I'rinliiro MitrUcl.
Theto was a fair trade In most all lines and
no gieat rush In any. The market did not
develop any very Important features and
m Ices did not show any very violent lluctua-
1 no receipts of slrawbeiiles by express
amounted toonlv a llltle over 100 cases and
the ollerlngs were picked up very readllv
Choice stock was not at all plenty. About
midday a fullcar came In fiom Van Huron ,
The potato m-uUet Is giadirilly firming up
I lie local demand Is good and sttH-lis are not
huge. Mi I piicrs aio holding potatoes lilgliet
at points of supply nnd at'tho ptesent late of
ptoKiess It will soon ho Impossible lo llml any
thing In the shape of a potato that can he sold
on this niniKet mult i tl per bushel.
The butter ni.-ukct continues about steady
at the decline , butdciilois generally look fora
still fiiithei lediicllon In the price nefoie long
as the iet elpts ail-constantly Incieaslng Last
} earln May butter sold on this nun kot as low
as Me to Oc
Dealers generally are quoting the egg
market us steady but It Is very weak , and
some sales aio being made at 13e to the letull
I'oultiy Is slow at the prices pievhmsly
quoted Tin reaieonly a few ducks coming In
at this season and they -ue mostly poor , In
fact no good dm-Ks have been seen on the
nun got In some lime.
The hay market Is gradually working Its
wii } upwind and Is now soiling at the highest
point touchud In a Ion- time In this maiKct
Al'i-I.n Choice stuck , * 3.7Gfi4 00 per bhl.
' THAVvnntims-UioIco shipping stock , } : ) 50
per _ J-it | CHSO
I.MIO.NSChoice , i . > sai5U , fancy , $4.75 ®
01) )
HvsAXAs-I'or bunch , Including crates and
pin-kin , ; , t-OUji250 ! (
ii- IVi bbl , 7.5039 00 , per dor ,
< - Now castle California seedlings ,
! 2 50 , Newcastle Mcdlterianean sweets , f'J 00 ,
Ciillfomla moiinlaln oi.uuos , t2 251J2 50 ;
Washington navels , choice. * 4 : Washington
navels , Jingo sl/os , $ J50if,175 ; Klverslile
seedlings , 1275 ; Kedlands , $275 , KedlanUs ,
128s/i | ; , $2 50
IIUITIII , runs , OWE. t'OUM-itv.
HiiTTKlt 1'alr togood count iv roll , ICffilSc :
cholcoto ' fancyconntry , 18320i : .
( ( His maiket , 13'sc '
I'oi 1.1 liv-Choice hens. 'Jc ; mixed coops ,
HCfi'je ; old roosters , 57t , ; get-so and ducts.
Mii'Jo ; pl0'onns , tl 50 per do/ , live ,
v i in i
I'l vs-l'or S-bn box , Jl
III ANs-Choiro nivy , J.203.2.30 , common
stock , tl ' ) tiU2 00
I'AI II-OIIMA I 4 IlllIP-Per U ) , 3C
Sol IIIHI.X CAliliUi-IYi : eiato , * 300a3,25.
Cl cirvnii hs- hoi. ( . , ( mi do/ . , frl.50U1.7G. ; ;
U ix III vss-l'ci , . box , f 1.25
Sriiisu Hi-\ss-I'ei 1-lm box , tl.
Srist'll - I'et bill , J.J Mi
ASIMIIU.US I'm do7c. .
I- I't r do ? , 4Oc.
KAIMSIMPer : do25ciOo :
1'Ait-ii i \ -I'ordo ? , JuicJOi' .
'I oi > Oxioss I'ei tloOiJ _ " > e
Poit-ioM Uolotado stock , $1,10 : Wis
consin Inn hanks Die , western Nebraska.
85 < S)5e ) , uastoin Nobriska stock , 7G385e ;
oatlj Ohlositd , Jl jn
I'll I' -1'ci 5D-lb boxes , $1 60.
NMV UMTS I'ordobunches,75c. .
Ni.w < Aiutiml'ordobnnclies , 75o.
Ni w Tl itsii-s t'ei dobunches. . 75c.
Sgtvsu I'ei bu box , M 5OfW 01) ) .
Ill llMIMivOsioss- bu box J _ 50.
Nhvvl't > TroisSmtliein , per bhl. , $500 ;
ppi bu. box. $1 75'J.OO ; Callfoinia , per Ib ,
.Mnsiinoivs ( I'oi maiket InsKel. tl.
Cl I.HII-Callfoinia. pel do11.0iil.23. ( ) .
\\ATLIl fill s | 'n -4-t. | box , ? 250.
\v-Tlie mmket uii food upland hay , $7.7o
QH III ) In ear lots
Vi\ir-Choleo : and small , 7 < 3,8'c ; larito
and thin ,
ht. l.ouU Mnrliets.
ST Louis. Mo. May ll.-notjn-Iull.
lint unchanged In price ; patents , $3 4046
3 CO ; otheis unchanged ; extra fancy , t3 204J
3 30 ; fancy , $ _ .70 < a-.00 ; choice , $ -.30ffi2 10 ;
family , t05ffi'J 15
Wilt-\T Opened l'Bc off and dropped ' 5c
further , llnctuated , closing I3 { < ftiv below
yesleiday ; No 'i led , cash , O'J'nc ; May , 70o ;
Julv , 7.J'ti473V" ( Soptember. 7.c. (
oils Hold up well , closing with again of
Ml'1. ' No. 2 mixed , cash , 3'J'Jc ' , May , JUVc ;
OAI Dull ; No 2 cash , 31 > Jc ; May , 32c ;
I'IIOVISIONS Veiy dull , easier ; pork , Ntnnd-
nrd mess , new , ofjl , | arn , JlO.Mi.dry sail
me its , loose shonl lers , $10 ; longs and
ribs. $1045 ; shorts , HO 70 ; boxed , 15c more
llaion , pacUid shoulders , Jlo 50 , longs and
ribs. $11.37' ' , ; shints , til O'iirtll 75. Hams ,
uiii'liaii.'ril ; sugar ctiied , Kl'iiHc. '
Illinut t.iinei ; choice separator creamery ,
23c : choice dairy , 21is.J ( _ > c
llitnilTriiiir : , 31.OIJO bills ; wheat , 8,000
bu ; corn , K'J.OUO hu , oats , 2bOUO Im
SIIH-MESTB riour , 5,000 bbls ; wheat , 5-
000 bu ; corn , 45,000 Im. ; oats , 3,000 bu .
_ _ _ _ -t-
lliiHlii KH ( nances , _ ,
The follow Ing were reprt J' , n" . , ,
ciintlle.ignni'v ; . - * ' " at , nan a nor-
' ' ' Nt > 1' ' 1'r'
lo'V-ml'v' . ' - r' * ' ( ? . ullllards. moved
" "
' '
, , . ; . „ in ( Jiove.
' Allliince , Neb. , Porlor Ilros. & Co. , hankers ,
sold out.
Ashton , N'eb. , Sac Ilros. , blacksmiths , ills-
Wood Ith or. Neb , Henry Ch unborlaln , live
slot k , gave bill of sale foi $ J1,500.
Aldeii , la , M i : 1'eot A , Co. , diy goods , gave
bill ofs ilo for SHOO
St Marl's , Kan. , Mueller & Tiuo , drugs ,
about to dissolve.
Watln-na , Ivan , John A 0. Uordon , lumber ,
reporti-d buintd out.
HiooKlngs , . D , C A Skinner & Co. , general
stoio , succeeded by skinner & . Hanson.
Clink , h D , V. ' . 1 ; . Tinkcom iCe , fimiltuie ,
sold out.
l'ieiiont | S. I ) . , Nelson Illngham , hardware ,
sold out.
KillisnH ( It ) Vlarkots ,
Kvsss PITV , Mo. M iy 11 WHEAT Weak
and lowei , No 2 haul , ( < 4iiU5c ; No 2 rod ,
Cons Active , hut easy ; No 2 mixed , 37c ;
No 2 white , 3SrtH'c. )
O\T" Unchiiiigud ; No. 2 mixed , 2 J1J30'4c ' ;
No J white , 32'a33c. '
UtiTTfii I'.isy ; creamery , 23a2Ge ; dairy ,
- , 5,000 bu , ; corn , 3,000
bu ; o-its , none.
SIIII'MISTS : Wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000
bu ; oats , none.
CIIU.MI MivrKet.
NFVV Out UAMI , Ka , May U Putures quint ;
sales , H7riOO halts , M iy. 1742 hid ; June ,
J7.4441745 ; JtllV , J7.4'J < ii7 ( 50 ; August , $7.50ii (
757 ; Miitember | , 17 59tC7 TK ) ; October , $7 ( > tft
7.05 ; NovemLor , $7.00-11,7 70 ; December , $7.74
(17 75
( iood middling , 77 > c : mlddlln ? , 7'jc ; low
middling , 75-l ( > c , gootl ordin iry , 7c ; net re-
eellils , 1,107 bales , gross , lfi5 ! bales ; sales
3.5UO bales ; stock , 101,131) ) bales
( 'otlco U.irket *
NKV > YOIIK , May 11 Options opened qulot
and _ steady 55115 points , advance , closed
July. " * 14 ilV , ' Si'iitunTiier * ' ' " , " ( ) > r'
M4 75 ; Decembt-r , * 14 7l > ai4 hO Spot Ulo
lirmoi , qinot ; No 7 , lli'.Hlfic. hales , l.nuo
I'lill ulflplil.t drain VtirUct.
I'nii.AiiKi.i'iin , | 'a. , May 11. WIIKAT
Weak and foveiMi ; No. 2 red , May , 7H'i
7l > c
Cons liuled weak , closed firm ; No. 2 mixed ,
Ma > t014 < ii5ti < | c.
Otrs ijutct , vviak ; No 2 white , May , 41
tliiltliiinru l.ntlii Marlu-t.
Ilu.TiMoiir , Mil , Miiy It. WHEAT Weak ;
No ' . ' , hKt | and Ma } , 70 c.
CoilN KHS } ; mixed , spot , 40e
OATS CJulut , Kteady ; No.J white western ,
41c ,
llontoii Wool -MnrU t.
HOSTO.V , Mass. . May 11. The demand for
woolen nunufiictuies U very light and urn
nalca of " the week nro only 1,739,000 Ibs. ,
aud forclgo. i'rlcc. coutluuu m
favor of the buyers. Territory wo tl Ima been
dull and einy for line ; MHtt > 3i ? for
line medium anil 4Htt&Oc for medium
Conil ilerabln new sprlni ? Texas wool
Mild at IMiOlBcon the Hpot nnd lo arrive.
California and Oregon wool dull. In milled
wool , the iilos consist ot .100,00(1 ( lb . of
NlaiiKhterers wool at uneliatiKed prices , but
general trade li oiilot , Australian wools
steady and quiet and forelin oarpul wool well
sold up ,
.Mllu.tiikfti Uarkctt
MlMVAt'KH' . WIs. , May 11. WIIKAT I'lrm ;
July , 73'c ; No 2 spring. 72e.
CoilN-yulot ! No. 3 , 42" " Jc.
OiTS-Iisler ; No. 2 white , -45'iCl ' No. 3
white , 34e34'c.
I'ltovisiONS ririni pork , July , $20.70.
I.ivpiti'ooi , , May 11. WIIKAT Steady ! de
mand moderate ; holders offer moderately ; No
1 California , Os 2'da ' 31 , d percent-it.
JOHN Hii'adyi tlomand fair ; mlxetl wesletn ,
4s3'd percental.
I'OIIKPrime mess , weslcrn. OBsOd per tlcii-e.
T ALLOW I'lne Amerli-an , 27s per cvvt.
Nt'tv Vurk lr > Uoiiiu Mnrknt.
Nuw YDIIK. May 11 lluslness eontlmii'd
dull tni-ommli > sloiiclri'les , but there wasa little
Improvement In the Jobbing I rado as the lesult
of activity vttth retailers. The market ( Us-
clo'ed no new features.
Toledo ( Irani Market ,
Tot.EiioO , May 11.-WHEAT Activesteady ;
No 2. rash and May , 73'tc.
COII.N Dull , llrni ; No 2 , cash nnd May , 45c.
OTS-Qulet ; cash , .Tc.
London Oil Mtirlirl.
30s pertifiitcr. |
.l.NSKi.liOlL 20s ll'id percwt.
rurltloa Opened I.nvtor 01 Iteepipt of De
clining I.Million Quotations.
Ni.w VOIIK , May 11.Tho stock nnrket
opened greatly depressed on the lecelpt of
lovvei quutatlons for secuiltles from L union ,
constqtient upon the adv.iijo | In the II ink of
Kiulaml rate of discount from 3 to3'tper '
cent. The latter stllfened the rates of steillng
exchange huie and led ton great deal ot talk
about gold shipments As ne.uly as can be
asceitallied ( hero will bo no shipments this
week unless the exchange niuket moves up
still more tomoriow , but icporl Iris It that
gold will go out next week. Siould $1,000,000
ot so bo foi warded on Saturday It will occ islon
little surprise. The failure of the Columbian
National h ink of C lid-ago and of a small bank
In Indlan-ipolls as well as of n b inking and
biokeiago cone-in In Wilmington , Del. , as
sisted the bears In theli operations.
Pi Ices goner illy nuencd lower and the
piessiire to sell continued for falf an hour
or M > After thit time , however , a shaip
rally ensued and the sm illei shoits weio
b-idlv filchtonod dining Iho afteriio-m , the
market moved up and down frequently , but
It was noticeable that tlie decline * bruu-'ht
In lniliu orders which left quotations
hlL'lier after i ach attack , final pi Ices weie
within a fiactlonof the highest attained.
Tin- net -Mlns weie hit gust In thelniliistilals ,
Ijickawanna anil Manhattan , the Impiovc-
ment In which was fiom ' < to _ ' points. ( It n-
eral Klectrlc led with an advance of 4' ' ,
points. Tlie olllclal statement that
the romp my Is In excellenl llnaiu-l il
condition , coiiplt d with tin- announcement by
Treasurer Oaks of the Noi them Pacific that
the June Inteiest will he pail piomntly when
due , had a leassiirliu ollect on the mlndsof
the stockholders. It was reported tint Cam-
mack had closed up his contract s piep iratory
toanextend d lairopran toui for u-creatlon
Kxlcnslve tiadeis who have been folio vlng
tlie leading bear oneiators llnd thimsolves
lieav lly short and wt-io not a little tllsin tyed
h } tlie bu } Ingindors foi l.ugc amounts placed
bv ( iromlnent banking and brokeia e films
'I'ho e isler feeling In time money stimulated
Iho lite linpiovement The maiket closed
Him In tone
Tlie Post , In Its article , avs It ha"
been notable foi ten days u ist tli.itValIstttct
"Illinois ' of trouble among the h.inksh.ive , on
every occasion , been thickest Immediately ho-
fore a movement of professional be us to
cover Inotlui words , the stories weie de
liberately Invi-nled to Intensify the liinak In
prices at moments when the spec-illtoil
wished lolmy. Of the mallgnlti of such falsl-
llcatlon nothing need be said Take all male-
factoisofa p it tlciilaily me in and cowaidly
stilpe , the authors of thcio minors
have hlililen so successful 1 } theli own
Identity that the clmtn il law and the Stock
exchange rules of discipline are unfoi tunately
alike powerless. Lot 11 sulllce hcio tos iy that
the New \ ork C'lty banks aio today In a condi
tion of exceptional theli In
vestment * In brokois' loins and merchants'
piper have for months been conservative In
the extreme , that their losses In last week's
fallings were relatively Insignificant , and that
In the conceivable , hut wholly Impiobablc oc-
cui lenco amom : their numliL-r of an Indlv Idnal
catastrophe , tlio hanks of tlio dealing house
would , beyond an } question , li'iid theli united
lesotuces to sivo an assoolato from tiouble.
That they will bo called on foi Mich action
there Is not the slightest likelihood.
The following are the closing quotations of
thuluiidliu stocks on the Now Vork block ex
change today :
AtClllBOIl Mjrliiorn I'.i pin .
Ailnmi Express . U 1' . Do A l.ulf. . 10
Alton , 1' II . 28 North western 10
tlo pri I > rreil U'J tlo profcrrcd . . . . 10Ui
American Kxpre s 114 N Y CentralS 10I ) (
Unltlmoro A. Ohio 78 SV A. V h 21 ! (
( HII ulii I'nUllc Ont ft vVuitern . 15M
( nnoiluO'jthurn Imp 10
( .ontrttl 1'ncltla tire on > nv . bl
I hun .t Uulo 204 < . > S I. & II N . . blU
ChtcuKU Alton . 138 I'nclllc Vtull 111
C II , .1 - ) t'H ' I'ourln l > .t a 10
( lilcnco tiu § . I'ltlstMirir . , IS.
( oiisollilfiteil ( Ins . I'lillmua 1'nl.ico . , ITU
O. O < A st I. . .
( otton ull i ort . . . itlchiiionil I riulu 1
llcl Huditun . tli ) iirefurrctl
I ) I * & W . UK llhiilrnnilo VV . . . su
I ) A K Iuf il . . . ( .I ilo proforruil . . . . 6'IU.
I ) A t F Co . . . . ltoc < Islnml . .
I'H.t I'CMlll . St Paul
Tflo . IB ! , ilo pruforrotl - . "
Prlu pref rrort . . IS III.
hurt \\nyna tlo preferred . . ill"
( it Northurn if'il. .
. . . . u > I , , M | . * soulliorn I'aclllc IN
- -v r , i u . . . ISr,1 llolliicry . . INKi > ,
'lonn Conl.Vhon
IlllnoU t riitrnl . . r,1 * fni u 1'nclttc . . . 3 *
t I nul V Duliith , 'lol i O. lun p [ il
Kan. A Tex | if .1 I'nlon ' 1'nclllc H
l.uko l.rlu.lVJit. . . L S Kxprus * ( U
Jo profcircil W st I. A I1
I.Bko fliore UM tlo preferred
If nil Irutt . . . . \Villit uo Lxp
I ouU X Nnsli SM < , Western Union "
l.ouln & New A I bjr IM | WlipclliiK A ! < . 11 SI"
Mnahnttnii t on . . ilo prororrod 4'J
Mump IB \ I hn it n Minn .VM U . . . .
Mlclilxnn ( iMilrnl n .V U. ( J
MlHsourl I'ncltlc . ( iGncrul Klcctrlc .
Mnbllo.VOIilo . . Nnt Ian
Nnslivllloi halt . . c Kucl A Iron
.Nnllonnl ronlUKO ilo ( iroforreil 1UU
do prtiTerreil . . Mom lc 1'ex Can. .
N J I tntrM . . . . 110 1 ol A A A .S. M . liThe
Norfolk * W p'fit lol st I , A. K Cite lin
North AiucrlciinCo ito prufurru I
.Norlliern I'nclllc
The total sales of stocks today neio 4 > 1,1)0 )
ihares , Incluillnz Alclilsoii. 7.00O : Chicago.
Hurllngton .X. Uiilncy. 1 ( > , .HO ) , Cotton Oil.
3fiOO. ( hlcago ( Ins , I'l _ ( ) O ; Oleveland' ( Incln-
iiall , Cldcago .S. St Louis 3000 ; Dulawaie
l.ackawanna 151.0(1 ( , Distilling. ti.OOO , Kt ,
0.200 , di neral Khrlrlr. 24,6O ( ) ; I , ike shore ,
4,40) ) , Louisville .X. Nashville , 1.1 OHO ; Man
hatlan , 0,000. Mlssouii Paellic , 21,900 , Na
tional ( ordu'e. 1,10,1 ; Now Kngland , 4,001) ;
Notthern I'm Ilic , pieferretl , 15.HOO ; Keadhu' ,
2H.400 , liiu k Island , 2J.3IIO ; M Paul , H2..0O ;
St. Paul , sOinalia , C.OOO , > > ujiii. 31,000 ; Union
Paclllc , b,10U ; Western Union , 10,200.
Nt'\v York Monut larkot.
T.asy at'Tc.4 tier cent : last loan , 2 per cunt ;
closed olleied at 2 per cunt.
Srr.iiUNti I\LIIAMIK : firm , with actual
business In bankers' bills at t-t.H5ii-4.854 for
sixty days and $4 KSVtt-t.HO for demand.
( .iDM-.lisMi.M IIOMia Hotter btato bonds ,
I'lio closing tiuotatlons on bonds :
t ) B u rm . ll.- -I I..X I M lion 01 B.I
U M 4 coup | M I. AS ! I , n 11 10J
I ) x < h > roc W 81 I'aul t ont . . . l.v.
l-uollloii. of ' .b ! -t I * ( ' A I' l t
I oulbl inn n pinl 4a I' I' U II 'lr lieu
Missouri lit i 1' U ( < Ir lien
'lunii now ol ita I nlon I'aclHo l t .
Tuna now seto 10J VScit-lioro 1003 *
'Imin n w set 3t K O W lets 74 >
( ftnnd * s1)UiiitTn2 * Atcli IB . . . 74t3
Central I'uclflu Uti 100 Aid ! ' > . Chun A . 47
l > A U ( ! I > 1 . * If U A > A . ' .t IU-J
I ) A It ( I 4i . . . 87 ( HAS \ 2d JB . I Oil
Krlo MB . . II 1 .t I 5s 106
M K A I Hen ll < M tto ' on IB 101
M 1C A I Hun Si. to < loroilinti . . . 101ti \
Mutual Union in . 10. , V ( arnllna 4B . . . tiHI
N J l Inl I ert ( . llromid con . . .
N ! ' ! lulu I'enn old i'
N. I'oc Silt . . . Ill ) Vn It . . . 4)
N U t onBOlB I It \a Ki Mat coup . 4)Si
N W livtionlB r "i Vn cons 11 Biirliti SiU
llllhlllll Slllfk ( jlllllUtloiK.
lloSTOv. Mass , May H.-Call loans ,
per cent ; tlmo lo UH , l < fl7 per cent. Cloiin ;
quotations on stocks , bonds an I mining '
7f A I
Anivrtcnn Siuar ilo prufcrreil
ilu pivierre t VVItco iiln t mitral
Ilitr BlBtuda * . . vtchUonitlt ,
llcll 'lolppuouo ito ( . . .
lloilon A Albanr VII \ow unzlanit fit
llunlon A Unlno Uii tieuvral i leotrlo e WI
do preferred lit ) VVIe iDDtritl U HI
I' II A l ) . . . 81,14 ! Vlluufi Xllmni , ' o. HIM
HUlibuiv plil til i tlnntlc . . . 7)4 )
( ivnerai nlcctrlc 74 Illoitoii.V Vlontsnn It
HllnolB "teol IK llutto A lluiti . .
Mexican Cantrul > . BUI ut't , V IK'tU. zw
.N \ A.V 7
" " '
I'lil I olon j IHj ll-ranklin . . . . . . . 1IV
Orui'on siifi | | i.inu
Itutiuvr . . .
"an HlcKO . . .
Union I'.clRc . . W 'i ' ntn ! Copper &
Hl ) lumnrack . . . Ui
do prefurreil
York Allnlnc ijiiniiilliiiu.
Ncvr yoilK.May ll.-Tho followla. uro tUo
'losing ' ( i mining ute Uf on till )
New > or )
'rown I'olnt "M"
'on i iv I ft V
> cait-tioil I
InuM ft Citrrjr . fnlonCon Ill
lalo.V .Nurcron. . . . w Iron : ll er V )
loilll'itttko . . 134
"toxlmn " | tu Uo preferred 3VJ
intnrlo tire tulwcr
Ophlr ? ii
St. l.onlt M fill nc Uiiotntlii i"
PT. honis , Mo , Mnyill The folluwlns tire
ho closing mining iinotatlons :
I Ininciitl
IVAVSAS CITV , Mo , May 11. Clearlnga ,
Nrw"Out.KAss , 1,1. , May 11. Cloarhus ,
NuV VOI'IK. May -Cloarlncs$124,722,2U ;
Kilances , t . ,010,1)51 )
OMVllA.May -ClearuiK , tl,083 012 ; same
day last w i ok , 1,247,00 J
lUl.TIMOUP , Mil , May -CloarlliKs , 2f.25-
807 , balances , : ) J1.'JV2 ( Mono > 0 pi i cent
I'lill.Alit l.l'lllA , Til. , May 1 l.-Clearhms , } ! 1 -
725,82(1 ( ; balances , $ lUJj,2r > 5. Money 4't per
CINCINNATI , O. , May 11. Money , can per
cent. Now Vork oAchanitu , 40 < i75cpromltim ;
leaillUs , ! ;
MKMPIIIO Tonn . May 11. Now Vorlc ex
change solllni ; at Jl.r.O premium. Clearings ,
1234lil balances , IH3,4.11.
NMVOIIK , May 11 [ Spt-cl'il Toloiiriiiii to
Tin : HPK KxchaiiKo was quoted as follows
oday : ( 'hlc uo , 75c premium ; Itoston , p ire
o Hie premium ; St. I/miK OOi- premium
HosTOS , Mass. , M-iy 11. Cleullik's , JU.OUI-
! 'J4 ! balances , ? Jd24 uio. Monoi f. per cent
iNchaiiKo on New Voik ii.u to lOc premium
Sr. Louis , Mo , May -I'loailliKs , tl,7'H- )
JJ5 : balances } t.iU7U. Money. l > fH
> er cent. Kxchan o on New York , IHV pre-
CillCAilo. Ill , Maj ll.-rioirinirs. 117 139-
133 New York oxclian o , 75c piomlum Mui-
i stroiiK : sixty-day bills , J Hr's '
Iemandf4 ! 89 Money closed at the full logiit
rate 7 per cent.
I.OMIOS , May 11.The bullion In the II ink
< f Kncl'ind ( lecieased i'O , Ol)0 ) ( Inline the
ust week The pioporllon of tint 11 ink of
; imland'siesiM\o t ( i llabl Illy , which last wtok
ms It 37 per cent , Is now 30.40 pel cent.
Viiiount of bullion jrono Inlo the Hank of Kni-
l on balances today Jt50,000.
OHAlll Il\ i ; MOflv M V It 1C in * .
'iittli ! Kxtroincl ) Sc.ircn untl Higher IIoH
Aotlitiitl I.utter.
TiuwsiiAY , M iy 11.
The receipts of cattle weio unusually light ,
U'n for Tliuisdiv although the dem ind was
ilso moderate. Ovvliu to the snrill supply the
lone of the trade \tas Ih met , and pi Ices , as a
rule , WCMI stum > oi on anyt'iliu ' w.uited at all
riieiiuality of the oireilnus was rithei In-
foiliu , but few decent lit o\es here.
llutclieis' stock of all kinds s ill ! u little
-tioimoi , nulneolilollv to the fact thut the
supplj was llmltid I'he bulk of the supply
( insisted of mixed Mull , not many dosiritnie
OHS or helft is hue I'oor tocholi e cowsand
lolfois sold at an extreme r.uijre of fU lO ! to } 4
lulls , oxen , statis , etc , f J ( > 0 to t4 andcahes ,
M 50 to { 5 , according to weights and qil illty.
The in irkot on stock cattle was ( lull and un
hanged , but few fresh airluils and outside
lomand limited. HeptusuutatlM'sales :
lIll sU > M'hf.
No. IV No. Av I'r.
0 . H70 $3 dO 1210 ft 35
4 . 9HJ 00 1172 4 35
1o 101,0 OO 10 11II ) 4 40
o . 97O 00 5 .117G 4 40
6 . HU4 00 15 . U04 4 40
3 H27 00 10 1110 10
J5H 921 35 1070 ( id
H .1003 20 108H 70
:7 : 1138 3 .1100 75
. .8n 1038 4 1143 4 75
.8o .8i .1012 35 25 1U.)0 4 75
i . 880 35 14 .1231 4 75
o .1078 4 35 54 .10SC 4 bO
i . 570 3 S5 . ' 23 790 4 35
7 . bUO 4 00
1 OOW ,
9 . 958 2 20 J 7 . . . . 881 3 00
1 . b50 2 25 , , 2 . 1005 3 00
1 . 030 2 25 „ 2 . . 0)5 3 25
1 . H10 2 25 l 1 . 1230 3 25
8 . . 912 2 501 2 1105 H 30
, . h55 2 50 ' . . . 010 3 35
II OJO 2 50 . . . H70 3 50
I . 010 2 55 28 . . 958 3 75
.3 . lull ! 2 1,0 28U . . 055 3 75
1 . .1000 2 Oftj 1 . . . . 930 3 75
1 .1030 2 75 . . . .1110 3 75
. 081 2 75 ' . . . .1110 4 00
1212 2 75 . . . .1100 4 00
. 755
4 U 3 15 3. 100 4 60
3 40 120 0 00
. 211) ) ' 3 50 ' 1 ino 5 00
155 4 50 1. 130 5 00
. Ill ) 4 50
1340 2 00 1 1410 3 10
12-0 2 75 1 15GO 3 25
.11111 2 80 1 .1510 3 25
.1250 2 h5 1 . 580 3 50
.1300 3 00 2 15J5 3 50
1000 3 00 1 11)40 4 00
.1530 3 50 1 2008 4 75
.1870 4 00
brOCKCHS iNI ) FliliOliltS.
71)0 ) 3 23 8 . . . .1110 3 75
777 3 40
Moos There were over 8,000 hogs on s ilo
today , the heaviest locelpts In some time.
The shipping demund was limited , but local
linyeis were willing to purchase friely ut tlm
decline , and after the nuiikut got fairly
started tradlmr was faiily brisk , anil all olfer-
Ings weio out of first hands by no in. The
general market avenged about 15c lower
th inyestoid iy , the bulk of the ho s selling
mound il 35 , against * 7 50 yesi.rti ( ty \ . \ .
trinii' lange of pijces - , ? . i7 2.V to $7 43 ,
against t7i40 otl.o0 jestorday. Kepiesenta-
No Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. "h. I'l
78M 219 ! iOO * 7 25 48 243 120 $7 .15
M 221 80 7 30 52 2)5 ( 2.10 7 35
( .5 201 200 7 .10 01 . J07 240 7 35
( .0 221 100 7 30 07 2u2 100 7 35
40 . 219 100 30 05 233 7 35
< > 2 275 100 30 52 250 80 35
72HI 2J3 100 30 ( ill. 258 300 35
HI 251 30 50 270 100 35
82 2J5 210 30 54 .271 210 35
52 UJ1 120 30 07 227 80 35
74 210 100 30 71 245 100 35
12 2.10 40 30 b3 . 215 11,0 7 35
UJ 240 7 30 Ot ' 100 7 37' ,
250 7 3'J'J 55 2'j't 80 7 37' ,
80 212 7 35 C'J 250 120 7 37 'f '
41 244 40 7 35 GO -55 100 37' ,
UJ 194 120 7 35 79 257 100 37' ' ,
( > 8 211 80 7 35 ( il 270 40 37' ' ,
70 2.10 100 7 35 125 2J5 120 37' ' ,
57 .2J3 100 7 35 08 21)3 UO 10
55 270 lee 7 35 00 244 40 40
09 2.11 80 35 54 211 7 40
01 2J5 120 . ! 5 40 255 4O
i ; i 273 100 35 7J 241 80 10
02 2J8 120 35 d2 274 bO 40
05 .221 210 35 04 .281 60 10
79 235 120 35 OJ 208 120 40
54 205 80 35 77 2tr > 80 40
75 237 120 7 35 49 204"h. 7 40
59 2J3 80 7 35 05 210 7 40
72 250 200 7 35 53 .110 100 7 40
59 2JO 200 7 35 70 2.17 80 7 40
71 240 100 7 35 1)7 270 8J 7 4O
01 248 280 7 35 51 21.1 100 10
lit ) 257 200 7 35 41 282 100 40
05 2.10 40 7 31 50 281 200 IO
73 230 120 7 35 43 270 80 7 40
01 272 3JO 7 35 05 23.1 120 4O
02 242 200 35 05 2)0 ( 40
70 222 80 35 GO . J50 40
74 215 120 35 47 310 100 4O
75 2,14 120 7 35 < j5 220 40
78 251 100 7 35 1)7 250 4O
58 .201 200 ( id 2 ( > 1 80 7 40
48 . 277 40 7 357 74 257 80 7 40
43 22J 120 3 ft A ( .7 257 lee 7 40
74 23J 80 7 35 , 52 252 120 7 40
70 2.18 280 7 3fl , 7U 201 120 7 10
77 2J.1 240 7 35 05 200 7 10
04 247 2110 7 ! lu. 09 271 40 7 40
02 2.10 10 3D 75 275 120 7 40
J3 31H 35 70 21)1 7 40
75 230 120 Ui 77 250 7 40
04 244 80 bl 330 40 7 45
70 JJ8 120 ( .2 295 7 45
07 219 200 35. ' ' ( ,1 294 7 45
05 258 80 7 357' , 03 204 7 tO
iAMI : notion
510 5 7T" 1 230 0 50
biiKM'-Two douMO-dtck lo ids of Mexican
inlxid sto-k were iccolvoil and sold. Prices
aio from . ' 5 to .15c ITVWer than last wtek on all
graiks of shtop. lOoou natives , $4.503575 ;
fall to good westerns. } 4 00(45.75 ; common
mil stock bht'cp , JTfiojtt oo ; good to choice
10 to loo-lb. lambs. " ? J UiKtC0.75. Keprcsenta-
tlve sales :
No. Av. I'r.
380 Mexican inl\oili. b7 15 35
KrtrlpU anil DUponltiun of stock.
Olllclal leeclnlsunil dUiKHltljn of sto'k as
shown by 111 i boiksof thu Union Hto'k Yarls
coJiipiny for the twenty.four IIOUH ending at
5 o'clock p. m. . May lo , 18-jJ.
i uuhx I'nckliK to. . i.uu
ThiiU II ilamtiiond Cu JU
SwItlAio . SfcC ,
I'ncHlnjCo J-J.'J
I Illlllt.- ! ! I1 A I' . ( O
l.tiUorur i in
Clilcit ii Mi Mock .M n r lift.
ClIirAno , III. , Ma/11 ( .Special Tolo ram to
Tin UKE.J Cattle Yfura tuoro Uriuly lielit to
( Iny The' demand did not appear to ho morn
in'live than hi fore , hut the upp1y wat a Kood
deal short of the niimbor looked for and that
fact alone wat Milllcicnt to Impirt n better
fit line The upply of ml he cattle was llm-
lied to about lo.DO ) head , the remainder of
the la 000 on talecomlm ; lioni Texai. The
yards were emptletl and the close was stromf
at from It " > f < to * l MTi for poor to extra CO M
and liolfoiN , fiom M toM.n * > for stocker < < and
fetders , from J4 25 to t 10 for dressed beef
and shipping steers , and from ( . 2.'i to t' for
I oxatis. Co use , hi-av v c ittle vvere neKlet tetl ,
as vvere also common , Hehlvvolcht steer * fat ,
"month. 400 to 1.260 Ib steers cltl to the
best advantage. No fancy cattle were ro-
Prlce on hojfs were pi red down another IIV
today , maklm : u lediictloii of'Joe since I'nes-
dily A lilKh asJ7 HO was liald for a load of
veryi'holce 2.111-lb. IIO M. but a fair oiitsltlo
quotation was $7 76 , and It would have both-
ert il a salusiiinn to ( 'i't thai pilce any tlmo
after H o'clock It took good stink to hrini an
much a $7 05 and we nolii tlmt mosloftlie
bUslnesM vvaiilonoat prices ranKlncdownwartl
from There was a oed pickln ile-
miuid , while the wants of the shlppeis vvere
somewhat limited , consumption lin\liik' been
meauiirabl > checked by the recent lilith price i
CloslnK'luolatlons weio from f7 ! 1 ( ) to J" tifi for
common lo choice lUht , and $7 50 to * 7 76 foi
medium and heavy I'oor mixed Muirsoldat
fiom * 7 JO i to 7.45 and ( Ihele iveiesalesof culls
at from J5 tofl 75 Tlie close was steady
A further dtriease In the arrivals had a
Mend } Ing elTict on the sheep nnrket , but It
did not enable sellers to uet back anj pint of
the rect nt decllno of fiom DlV to 75c that
prices hail been subjected to The fresh ar-
i Iv als and the creator part of the ai i umula-
tlons weio closet ) out on a b islsnf vestcrdaj's
( ( notations , in at from if.l toffi for Vexansand
at from J3 75 to J.r.75 for natives and westeins
There was a llrni lamb mat ket at from (5 40
lambs were In lljjlit supply and In fair
Iteceliits- Cattle , 13 000 head : calves fiOO
head. ' lnu's , 23,000 he id ; sheei | , 8,000 head.
The I'venliiK. loin mil repot ts-
CITTI.EItecclpts , ii,000 : he id : shipments ,
I.HOO head , market hteady ; one lot fancy
steers , | ( > OO ; best medium , M ! ) : > ttr5 ;
otheis , Ji'i 2'iJH , HJ , fed 'I'oxans , J.I 75Ji4 50 ,
Kiassers , t-l 2"i < in 4O ; fat c > iws , } .l fili/i 1 H5
Hois Kocelpts , 2.-i,000 lie id ; shlpm-nts
BOO head niuket , UK- lower ; toiuh and
mixed * 7 2.r.ifr7 GO ; heavy , * 7 0587 80 , light ,
$7 fjOfr7 55
'siub.iIteceipts. . 10,000 he-id : shliiments ,
2,500 he.ul : niuket steatly ; cllpiied Texans.
f.l ll ) iJ4 50 ; n itlv e and \ve-terns cllpp Ml , # 5 oo
Wi.2ri ; lleeco westeins , $5 50B5.UO : lambs ,
Kansas ( 'llv I.Uo Mock Murlu't.
KvssAf ( ITV , Mo , May 11.-CATTLR Ko-
relpts , 2,400 head shipments I.MOO head ,
market slow but stcidv ; ranee steers , $ . ! 3OW
4 4l > , shipping steers , i I 15tt5i5 , initlvecowH ,
J1.9Oii4 25 ; butclieis' stock , JJ5jlt5O ( ,
stookors and feeders , } 3 1034 * do , bulls and
mlxtd } J 75444 00.
lions Iteceipts , 10V)0 ) head- shipments ,
3,200 held ; nruket lOc lower bulk of
s lies , J7 .lore ? 35 , heavy , * 7 2OJ,7 40 , Iliiht ,
* 7 00117.35 , mlveil t7 Iijt7 ( 35 ; packers , 47.25
< < 67 40 ; pigs , tl ) ! IOt 7 05
Jsimci1 Uecelpts , 1,750 head , slilmnents ,
none , m irkel fit.UKhUhcr ; wool muttons ,
J5 25 5 55 ; clllped | , } l2.i3.25 !
St. I.inns I.lvo stork Mitrki't.
PT I ) UIS , .Mo , May ll.-CATTl.K Kecelpts ,
2'JOO lioad ; shlpmentv , 1)00 ) head ; market
steady to easlei ; fair native steers , * , ) 0021 00 ;
good Texas steers , ? , ) lofit 10
Ilims-ltccolpts , 7,400 head ; shipments ,
2 700 head : market lOc lovvei : heavy , * 7 30 ®
7l > 0 : mixed. $7 1OS7 50 ; light , J7 15 7.10
1-Uecelpts , 1,700 head ; shipments ,
1,800 head ; market ' steady clipped Texans ,
J4.40&4.75 ; lambs , i j fin be ! St
Ntu York Livestock MnrUct *
NKVV VOIIK , May 11 Receipts of beeves ,
200. No trading. Diessed betf steady at 8jl'sc )
foi native sides , liiilest I nndnn cable tlloles |
native steels lilt 12'iC ' , dressed weU'lit ,
and Ameilcan rufrlger.ited beef steatlv at
10i < o. Shipments ted iy , 400 bu vcs ami KH )
slit ep
Kicelpts of sheep and lambs , 2,700 head
Trade active , Him , steady.
Mr. Mono SnbeclH | .Mr. Klinhill to n
I'm It I ill CroH4-iiiiiiiliiiitloii. :
The hearitig of the union depot injunction
case was continued jesteulay and most ol
the testimony is now befoio the court The
attorney b will piobably begin their uigu-
incuts today and .submit thu inso tomorrow
The defense hid Mr. Kimbill on the
stand during the forenoon , but ho was
in the hands of the opposition fin-
cross examination during the greater
part Of the time. Ho said that ho know
Mr. CKuk to be personally opposed to the
giving of the t'nion Paclllc guaranty bond
to the city , binding that toad to
allow all other ro ids to cross on leason.iblc
teuns to this side of ttio river , but the I nion
Pacific \ncsidcnt \ had nevertheless instructed
the witness to carry out all the ictiuu-emeuts
of the contract with the city in rofeicnco to
the union depot. These instructions weio
Ttio witness was asked If , in accord
mice with these instructions , lie
would surrender the guaranty bond
to the city in case the present
injunction case dismissed and the eu\
bonds turned over to the union depot com
pany. if Mr Clark should now instruct him
not to do so , and inform him that the foi mot
instructions were revoked The witness
thought awhile , and then concluded lhat he
Mould lake legal advU-o before acting
in the matter. Ho finally made
iii | his mind thit. he would
surrender the bond if the board of diiectors
of the depot compam so ordered him to do
Ho said ho was persanallj willing to tutu
them o\cr , but ho did not think it would bo
proper for hua to act in the matter without
Distinctions fiom the boatd
Mr Howe then again took up the phase of
the matter which is based on the idea that
one of the reasons whj the Union Pacific was
unwilling to go ahead with the depot under
the old plans was thit they called for u
building that would bo panh located on the
ground of the H.M , as a matter
of fact they wanted the whole thing on the
ground that Ins been supposed for \eais to
belong to them , and in fact does so belong
except for the ciu's equity in it
Mr Kiinh ill showed wheio the buildings
called for b.both . plans would come with
lefciencoto the dividing line and t ho plat
was introduced in evidence Then the ques
tion of stieets was gone into and it was
shown tint the compmy has never
had oxclusUo lontiol of tneso streets
and that thoi h.uo appeared on all maps
over printed of that part of the nt.\
The witness said he had been Inclined to b--
lic\o that the Union Pacific had alwn\s had
full legal possession , o\en though il had not
occupied o\er 50 per cent of the streets in
Examination as to the amount of mono\
thete expended up to this time occupied the
remainder of the morning session In his cs
timato of these expenditures the witness
had included In his uflldaUt $10,001) due the
contractor as percentage on his contiact ;
iJI.UK ) for legal expenses ; MtUO , : for
taxes and other expenses , Howe wanted to
know how these things could bo put in as
inonoN already expended on the now depot ,
as going to make ug the $1.10,000 required to
bo expended before the bonds of thij city
weio to bo turned over to the tiusu-e The
witness admitted th it ho h id some
doubts as to the propriety of
putting in all these things , hut
made a line distinction as to mono }
expended on the new tlepot and money ex
pended in tlio "development of Iho union
depot plant " Howe could not understand
why legal scrviics should bo included , as he
did not bclio\o that they caused thu walls to
rise as rapi'lly as woulo a similar
expend for biit-k and mom
Thurbtfm suggested that the lesral sen UPS
w ere n p.iit of the foundation Then HOMO
aslied how it was that the statement of ex
penditures xvas several thousand dollars
larger than a statement mane In .lunuai.v ,
lfcU. ! although little or no w ork had been
done slm i ) that time. Mr. Klmball lhaught
that it must Imo been becnuie some of the
items -v01 o overlooked.
And then Howe punched sovcral holes In
the deKt | COLOunit , and a pan of lich milk
xvas set before the judges In anserto In-
quliics , the witness testified that In the
amount was included the lost of all thu
mateiiul pun. based , whether it hail gone
Into the building or not , and that some of it
had been taken away and put into other
work after the starting of the in
junction proceedings , so that that
was used elsovvhoro was ch irged up as hav
ing pone Into the dex ( > t The witness also
said that the cost of all tepalrs made uii the
shell now serving as a depot and the cost of
all innterldl used in keeping the temporal1 }
building ! , and liulined roadw.u in repair was
thus taxed up Ho admitted that In this
way the cost of the now depot would no con
stantly imreaslng , whether the walls rose
another Inch or not
The cost of an ice house sold by the Union
Pacillo and moved across Seventh street
was taxed up at (1MO ! and included In the
amount of money expended on the now depot
as MBS also that of puttliif in another bridge
on Seventh street In accordan % o with a plan
of thu t'uloiiP.uille foriiiulatoil b'font the
now deiot | project was .sprung.
llallrliijith l.iiiln nntl l.innlp * VUII CoMgro-
gnlo In Onmliit Nrxtxfk. .
The Silvatlon ami } will hold an Interstate
war congress In this clt.on . Tuesilav and
Wednesday of next week It is expected
that full } _ T > U ofllccrs and soldiers will ho
brought together and participate In the ex
ercises. Major and Mrs Oeorgo Trench of
this city will bo In command of the entlro
company and will bo assisted b } a competent
The congress will open on Mondii } even
ing with a reception to the visiting ofllcors.
which will bo held in the barracks on Dav
enport sttvot. At Olio p m 'luesday there
will be a wedding par.ule In which the fu'l '
command w ill march and In the evenln r the
"halloliijah" wediling will bo silomni/el at
the Exposition hall The contracting pat tics
are Captain L Ulack of Hastings , Neb and
Captain Ktella Meersof Washington la
On Wediii'sda.v the exi-tvlsc ; will i ( insist
of a holiness convention at U o'clock at Yo ing
Men s Cliiistian association hall , and in tlio
evening the compaii } will meet In the bar
racks for the llnal promotion and commis
sioiilngof olllcers and farewells The con
dioss will be attended l > \ a numbei of le.ul
Ing Salvationists fiom abroad who will assist
in the meetings A general invitation is
extended to the public to bo piesonl ut the
lU'siililtliins ol sj inpith ) .
At il special meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Oin iha Itiilldurs and Traders
exchange , held yesterday , the following ics-
olutloiis weie adopted-
\\hereas , The ( Jm ilia llnildeis amlTiadeis
exch inge has met with lln > lo-w of Its most
honiupil pioildent by the death of Mi Nathan
11 Mils e } , who repicsonted this cxt'liiuue In
all Itscounclls and the Inteiestsof the fll } of
\\liereis.Our late president h is since the
Institution of thu Omaha Iliiildeisaiiil IV uli-is
exchange , been closely Idem ilietlv Ith all UH In-
teiests and operationhav In j been elected foi
the third time to pieslde as Its piesldent , and
from Ills practical oxpciience iilTerlni ! inunt-
less wise and useful siu esilons to Ills
brothels ; tlieiefnro lie It
Uesolvtd , 1'liiil tlie ollleeis , diiectors and
meniheis of the Om ilia Itullileis and Tiadiis
exchange do In ich } uTi i i loving tllhiile to
the Integilt } and stfillngMitih ( if uur de u
brother and It stlfy It ) thr ( hep sense uf loss
which his de illi lias broiuhl to this e\-lian e
at n tlmi > wlien his ilpe judgment , adv li e and
counsel vver > ? most net'tled by Ids -isso I m- ,
Itesolved Th it Iho Dinah i Iliiilders and
Tiadersexch.uue extends to the family of its
late president hen it felt s } mint by and con lol-
once In this their liopr of amictlon
Hesolvetl , I'll , it tliese resolutions lie entered
upon the record and a i-opj of the s uiie lie
sent to his family and published In the d illy
pipers A .1 Vll III.IMI , Ylco Piusldont
D-ug Clert < H IH nil n itliin.
The bo ird of examiners of the Xebrasic.i
State association , consisting
of II. D. IJotlcn of Grand Island , picsi lent.
William Haller , llrst vice president C M
Clarke of 1'rlend second vice president , M K
Shultof Hoitilco sc'ietirv ami .lames
Heed of Nehrask i fit } ticasuiei. met
in this city Wednesday at the Oellone
hotel and examined font teen applicants for
tctristrntion , all but two or three of whom
succei'ih'd in passing the ex imtnation 'I Ins
is the the best lecoul } ot made at an Omaha
The bou-.l adlounicd to meet again at N'o
braslta Citdm ing the session of the state
assoi i.ition on June f ! , 7 and S.
This meeting of the state association
piomiscs to bo an interesting ailalr , some
thing like fcSOO being offctcd as pnzes to the
successful ( .ompotitois In various exeiciscs
Mtdulro ( .ot'H I ree.
A second trial was a liakj thing for Doug
McOuire , for it resulted in his acquittal on a
thai-go of burglarv , although ho was con
victed on the lirst tiial.
\v ho can't lno \ confidence in Dr.
1'ierce's Fax onto Prescription ,
is a tonic for tiled out v\o-
manhood , n remedy for all its
peculiar ills and millionth nnd
( If it doesn't help jou , there's
'nothing to pay.
What moie cnn you nsk for ,
in a mulk-ino 1
The " ricstiiption "will build
Up , strengthen , nnd invlgornto
tua cntiro femnlo system. It
legulalcs and promotes nil the
- functions ill-
projK-r , iiupiovcs -
L gestion , the lilood , dis-
jxsla nchos nnd pains , brings
rcfusliing sleep , nnd restores
health nnd vigor. In "female
complaints" of every kind nnd
in nil chronic weaknesses nnd
derangements , it's the only
( tiiarantefd remedy. If It
doesn't bpncflt or cure , in the
of tired-out suffering
cnso every - or
fering vvoniun , gho'll have her
money back
Nothing urged in its place by
a dealer , though it may bo bet
ter for him to wM , oin bo "just
us good" for jou to buy
Or Debilitated Women , ihould uii , , , , .
Every Ingredient posscsscs'supcrb Tonic
properties nntl cxntsvoiulerfiil Influv
cncc in tomrg tip aivl strengthening heM"
system , by dm ing through the proper
chaniu-U all impurities. Health ami , 'IC
strcngtli guaranteed to result from its dse.
"Mjr Mint , who trnilittlrlildrii fnralch.1
( con ' tnoiithi , nrtcr tiling llrntiftf/ii't
I'fttKilo Jtfi/tiliitur . for ivvo iiiuntlii U
r rttlltl ( * II.M
. , , . J M JnnNMN Mnlvrrn.Ark.
Ilntnriiin Hrnt-HTon ( o Atlanti , da.
bu. . i y l > , " '
ni"n'istj at $1 w pir Utittle.
Are tho33 I" ?
withoutnny qmiliilcxtio'u , any nuihtyislA (
nny oxporionci , nuy skill , clut 11 te"11,1 , ,
possess the power to curj all the ills o't > | i
ho huuii ruj. Bit tu. ' wilt o tli | ( _
worth soon becomes nppxrout to th3U"cr dupes , and thosj
lessquacks arj saoi coim nol to
oblivion they oo richly morit.
In str.x'ifJ ail stt-Jij coitru1 v.l\
these miserable bonstors is tbo quiet , l >
dipnillod yet courteous domonnor of
llOSO IlOtod 10'll3fJ O" t.llf prjfJU 33. , y
Drs. liotts
Who , during the past 27 years , hav ,
abundantly domonslratoil their ability ' '
to ofl'oct speedy , porfcct and pormanontnf
cures in all the wonit forms of these dol-oi ,
icnto sexual maladies embraced within , , , ,
the general terms of
1 \
M i
Send 4 cents for their illustrated now
book of 120 pages , "Know Thysolf. " u >
. i-r
Consultation fro3. Call upon or address - , „ ,
dross , with stamp , l.i
u v
; . is
, WtiiSlreal
Cor. Douglas St' ,
' 0
Me will peml ) ou the nntrrclona one
> rnca rro | rHlluii CAUTHUQ
ftfv. Knil H Itnal cuaranlvr Ihitl
t U.lllus will Itemoro .vmir
Health , Mtranel' ' " " 'I ' * Ipoi' .
t * ritanttfnvi/Htiijtfd o
AddreBB VON MOHL CO. . ! e
FUU intriiu lltou , Clmuiiill. Oklo. hh
, /
Union Stosi Yards Conipajy ,
South Ornahrii
Beat Cnltlc II nntl siuop m iriot In I'IB wait.
Wood Brothers ,
Ilvo Stoik Coniml'Klun Mjrc'ianti '
So Ith Omaha Tclophono IIJJ tlilosjj
VVAll'l'.lt I ! VVJOl ) , fMan-l0" !
MarUot ropirtsby mill and wlro choorfutlr
uriilshu.l upon i.ppllo itiou
Hlfjhly Dlipstili.mnri | v , ( r t'mic Afnilo liistnutly withbolllnsxvntoror inlllc. ,
Omaha Tent Awnins ; Wolf Bios & Co. ,
XlnniiKicluroritnf T nt > ,
HOU'-K COVKUS. AwiunK , fie 7UJ uiiU
HI I tarimm Mruet Hlruct
Morse-foe "Sliaj Company.
nleiKUU tnlOIII" HIT HU' ' II" llnwiirl .
l-mlury Ml i-ll''l-lUi Mo * iril St
\Vu nra llu OM v M iniifvturon of lloolsaiil
' ' '
- ' - iV Is ottonjjil lo nil lo Insjiocl
our no * fuctory.
RirtodJiif Jonis & Atncr. llaiiil-Sewed
iiifrj , nuonli lluitun HMD ' CO boi.U nlKi'9
HllllllIT bhOB I'll HI/- nnd ruhlji.r t-imrt I W
1IUI 11 % HBrnHjrtnet HID llnrnt-r Sir" l
Oinalia Coal , Coke & i le Cornice Works
Mfr ifilT inl/ollrnncor
1.1 MK CO .hard unil ult nit it vtlndjw riipi ino
coal. H h tor lnh unu ta I. > krllx ' ' " IJJS
Iliuului Mruut anil I1IU DodKe-trtfct
M. L. Smith & Co. Kilpalricli-KocliDry
( .0 IDS Ml
Dry KO I ? noltins fur NolliilK , KtlPtu ( urnlill
nltliln tfuodB corner | ni ( yuodi cor lllli ainl
lllli and llnwaril sm Harnuy Huron
Omba Upholstering Beles & Hunyai
t't > lii | tt > icit furnlliiiu HJKNITUHH COMl'AM'
Hi/.ll'Jt ' MUiolui ct
VNIiuteialeoalf. mid I
Hector & Williclmy Loljcck linn , [ '
u D l i liJtnlwiiro nnd
Corner lOlli and Jackson ' l llHIM' B t 0
W. A. L. ( ; ! ! ) lei ) : iV Co Oin ilia Safe and Iron
VV holi-crvlo
lIMn mpn r , tr in -life , vxiilu In" work ,
Uloovos nil ton * l.tli linn hutlT viltlroiM.
and Harnoy DJI i ipo < liii Aii difiii ) > 4tU
ninl JacK n
John A. WdkcIIild , Clnrle. 11. Lcc.
iiiportoil Amcrlcun I'nrl Hanln ml luniiirr
In nil cciuoni , Vllivtnu- c .ri > t'l > Anil i , u
ktn. loiniDl uml yulMcy Iln irnu
nlillu linn * t'Hi ' ini,1 Do it n > U
Fritli & Hcrlisrl , I ] ) Dcri3ia vV CoT
Imp irl ru unit jobtert
Wholesale ) liquor tlt-alar of tnll In 'fr ( ) tlOns
M ill nltr promptl/
1001 Knrmrn M H Ijil . " " < ' 5 s i Hi
Carpenter Tapir Co Standard Oil Co.
tarrjr full ( luck of
lirlnlluul wrapping nil I lleilnml and lubrtcatioi '
wrllliu pai'tKJ. curl
piiperi , olu oil ) , Bile iirraiu lc
Branch & Co. Jas A. tlarh tV Co.
I'ruiluco , fruit * of nil lluluir cn
p iiiltiy Kin )
kind * oritor *
Omaha Stove Repair M. A. Disbrow & Co j
WOHliS MIIVH repnlrs Manufacturer * of aaib.
BUU water-ttacjiueati tloora bllnm nod
/or aDf kind of Blorti uoultlluvi tlraucliul-
tatdi , Uct 121U ted liud.
_ - 1