Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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[ lubbard and Lnnor Charged with Swindling
tbo State Generally ,
| Mnnli Money AllpRfxl to llnvn Hern Ob-
tulnrd lijI'orifliiR Trnn fpr of Property -
erty How llin Work U Salil
tu llnvo Ilunii Dune.
Neb..May 11 [ Special to Tnu
indictments recently found bv
| the grand 'urj wi-ro today llled for public
Inspection Tlwj nro not us numerous ns
t'l eh irgf-a found hy the tlrsl grand Jury ,
bit 'is IK ) ly lias not com ludod Its In-
T iiliritlim ( lieto will prob.iblv bo more of
t > same kind brought in.
'J lirttli irges of foigery and uttering nnil
i -bushing forged tr.insfefs of property are
Jt'Ight ' In number with tiiitnos , dates nnd
Jji'tiounts as follows on May 7 , 1SU ! ,
fnrirod i ml rollernldrd and abetted ,
Btho n inn1 of John P lligglns to a voucher
j/cii ft.i.l 11 l.iii'i.irv T , li'Jl , the ii.itno of I !
| l ) sl.aff < fur 17 J 4 imo dnl" , the n.inio of . 11 forfM ) ; .Innuirv , I ITJ , the
Iliutm.'of S n Park fnrI-l ( > . April 11 , IK'.U ,
! .f Uonpo foi ? . ! ! l.'i , Scpti-mbcr lii , I Sill , the
Jnnmi'ofl1 ( t P uk , for ! ( * ) fill ; SUMO date ,
f Hit hard 1'lino K n into. for-l'M ) , s.iini'date ,
I tin ) ii.iino of s 1' lavs , for fi.1 The last
f thti-c n.iini Laui i as tlio one \rhodldtlio
[ forging niul HubbirU as the nlder and nbot-
[ torIt
It is also charged that [ iuor nnd Hiilib.inl
I en August IH Ihlll , falsely nnd fiauduluntlv
i rcpresent < Hi toSupi rintcndt'iit S
I-ous had furnished cattle to Iho value of
t ivlirn tlio ii'.il amount \w.s only ' 0 , that
on Januan 7 Is'il.S K Southwell was slid
to liaxt1 fin ill-tiled r.iltlo to the value offM.
ivhi n uoiiu woio furnlshi-d , that on .lanuai\
7 , 1101 thercpiesrnted that H 1) Shiner
Iiad furnished bee\cs to the vnluo of J17U ,
when none WIHP fuinislied , that on Septem
ber 15. 1SOI they lepif-sentcd that V. G
3'nrk had sold cattle to the \altieof Wtl5 W ) .
when but $ is _ ! no woi th was furnished ; that
onApiilll 1V'J1 , .1 Koopo was tcpresetited
to li.-no sold beeves to the value of
$ .101 r > . when but flM ) was the real
utnouut. that on January 0 , 1M ,
tlicj lepresi-nted that S I ) Park
ii.ul fuinishi-d cattle to the valtioof ? ll ( ) ,
nnd on Mairli s , iv.ij , repiesonted he had
fninishod cuttle to \aliieof00'.HI ! , when
in fact on neither d ito had ho futnished any
supplies whatever
' iho Indli tinents against W. D Sewell
charge that on May 4 , IH'.tJ he falsely and
fraudtilcntU lepirsenteil to the Hoard of
' 3'ublic Lands ami lluildlngs that hu had fur
nished Humto the vnluo of $ . ) ' . ! 10. when In
fact none whate\er had been deliveied : and
that on January U , ho piesi-nted and
Iiad allowed a hill of * .M ( ) W for Hour and
coin meal , hut of which $ > 05 had been sup-
ilubhard was arrested today , and this
nrtciiiooii was still In the mstodyoftho
hhciilT awaiting the appoar.ini.oof his bondsman -
man V I Koss
.Sclortrd Ilrndiiuartiirn.
The grand lodge of the jurisdiction of Ne
braska of tlio Ancient Older of United
"vVoikmen ended its lahots this morning
with the installation of the ofiliers elected
5'cstorday A spirited contest atoso between
Utand Island and Lincoln as to the location
of the grand lodge headquartris , hut Lin
coln won with comparatho ease It was
ulso decided to Hold the next biennial ses
sion of the lodge In Kearney The meeting
has been n .snciessful one , nearly -ISO dele
gates being ptesent
lli-foro the .Stntn Printing Itiinrcl.
The state printing hoard mot today and
listened to the protests against giantingof
Iho contracts on the basis now befoio the
Injiird for net ion U 1) Hathaway and
Editor Sodijowlekof Yotknnd other inter
ested bidders were present defending their
Interests It wasclaiined by the Protestants
that if the lowest bid on this j tsar's work
> vas accepted It would bo m. excess of from
J17.000 to fc20,000 oxer's accepted
The State Journal company , through Mr.
Il.ithiiu.ij , claimed that on the work
received by this compan ) last } ear they did
not mnko u tent , In fact lost several thousand
dollars A written argument will ho pre
sented to the hoard on Saturday
iigalnst awarding the contract on the old
bid and an answer will bo llled hy the
Journal and otheis interested on Monday.
State Treasurer Hartley and Auditor Moore
constituted the members of tno board
K rcl\rd Ida t'oinmlmlmi.
General Victor Vlfiiualn , who was adjutant
ftcncral under the Bed administration , re
ceived his commission from Presid'int ' Cleve
land naming him for the position of consul
Bonoral at Panama The general has secured -
cured his passport nnd will sail from Now
York for his now Hold of labor about May 'M.
City III Brief.
In Iho criminal sldo of district court today
the case of the state against Joseph Middle-
worth , Albert Wagner and Peter Hanson ,
charged with stealing poach brandy , was
called and Is now In progress i-il
3'errion was found not guilty of burg
lary , but guilty of potty larceny.
The case against Henry .Miller ,
charged with crime against nature , was
called , but the prosecuting witness recanted
Ills stoo It was continued until Monday to
llml out if ho prcfcis telling the Until or
standing trial for perjury
Dining the storm last night n holt of
lightning strii"k the barn of Joseph Harr in
the northern pait of the city and entirely
i < lestri > icd it The Capital hotel also suffered
r from u slight stroke , while the telephone ,
t'leUrie light and street rallwaj companies
uerop.iill.illy disabled by the ligntnlng's
J icalc a
Mrs tii'ff of IfilOPstieot is looking nnd
longing for the re tut n of her gold ling ,
Vfwhich she allowed her domestic , Jennie Por-
$ | ltltis , to wear to the show. Jennie never returned -
- ' , { ( turned , nnd It is supposed that she has gone
H' to her home In Lisbon , la
The cit } of Lincoln Is in a heap of trouble
over the matter of patronirlng the two tins-
iiltals , ono run by Protestants and the other
by the ( . 'athollc slsteis Four years ago
when the I'aihollo hospital was opened the
clti , as an encouragement , entered Into a
tj aovcn jear contract to send all patients to
/ ' that institution Hocently the Protestants
! opened a hospital , nnd the clt/ agreed to
J nllow all Its charges to select w hlch hospital
thov desired to ho taken to Now conio the
Catholics , howo\or , with their contract , mid
- the cotincllnien will probahH hnvo n lively
7 time explaining matters to the satisfaction
\ of both
Work on the O street viaduct was begun
this moining Some dissatislled jiroticrty
owners near by hnvo threatened Injunction
proceeding ! ' , but they have failed to mater
ialize as et
Dritth of Two Vi-turam.
KOIIT Nionitviu , Neb , May 11 [ Special
to Tin : Hen ) - CJeorgo W. Gardiner , troop G ,
Sixth caialo , a mcmbor of Colonel Wood
l > est , Giand Ami } of the Kepubllc , No. 5'J ,
lied at the post hospital Sunday night ol
viilMilnr disease of the heat t Mr Gardiner
was ono of the oldest soldiers in the Sixth
l cavnlr.N , h.ning Hist enlisted on Mav 111 ,
! IM'J Helms tilled every position an enlisted
' man can III ! nnd of Into jeais has been clerk
in the resliiu-ntal and i > est adjutant's onico
whorou-r his troop was stationed His
funenil took place Wednesday afternoon nt
t t ! o'clock , and thojost tuincd out oumassu
1 to show thuir respect for n man , who serveil
nearh twenty j ears in thoblxth , nnd could
count his friends by the thousands. Ho par
ticipated In the Modoe war , In the campaigns
ugalnst N'loioria and Geronimo , nnd was in
thlrtj-ono battles nnd skirmishes during the
Into war
John Gehringer , troop A. Sixth cavalry , a
veteran of over twontyllvoears servlco
j nnd noncommissioned onicerfn the Kighth
l-'ourth nnd Sixth cavalries , dlod Tuosdai
night of pneumonia
> Dmnlio of 1'wo Wouirii.
WK T POINT , Neb , May 11 [ Special to
Tint HEK ] Mrs l-Vrdlnand Walter , ono of
West Point's earlj settlers , died at her homo
in this clt ) of dropsy , Monda ) , nt the ago o !
41 jears Mrs.nlten wns born In Oulncy ,
111 , In issa , wus rturiil and educ.itiHl In that
city nud was married to Funliii.uu Walters
in ISii'J. The fatniiA settled InNVst Point
in Iti78 , where they haio always resided
" Nul i May ll.-iSuoclil Telegram
to Tun HKB ] - Mrs. George Caloy died here
this tnornlnir after a lingering Illnnsn. The
funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon
Mrs C'aloy was about MI cars old , ft mem
ber of the Methodist Episcopal church nnd
ono of the pioneer rcsldcntH of the county.
Notes of Nvr from Krrmont.
rituMONT , Nob. , May 11. [ Special to TUB
IlK.r j Hon. GcorRO W. K Donoy U In Chicago
cage Air. nnd Mrs. William Atwood of
Plattsmouth are visiting their son A. W.
Atwood and family.
Carlisle N. Ilovvloy of Omaha nnd Miss
Kato H. Lord wcro married at the resldonco
of the brldo in this cl'.y yesterday.
ftav. Gnorpo W. Martin , chaplain of the
industrial school in Kearney , will deliver the
addn-ss here on Memorial day , May SO. Mrs.
Ada Hilling of Geneva and U L Olds , com
mander In-chief of the Sous of Veterans , are
also exported to speJk Charles DeLaMatyr brim elected marshal , with an assistant
rom eat h school and society In the clt }
Dan Miller , superintendent of the Pro-
nonl public si heels , and his daughter , LI la ,
ono of the contestants , will attend the Nc
iraska High school oratorical contest In the
MethoiiUt Kplscopal chun h In York lomor-
ow evening 'I his will bo the llrst contest
if the Kind over hold In the state.
Writ Point .Notes.
WKST POIST , Nob. , May 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Hun ] The following oftlcers
\ercelected for Iho ensuing jcar at the
neeting of the recently elected directors of
ho West Point Huildlng and Loan associa-
lon Thiirsdav J ( , ' Crawford , president ,
Hto llauman. vice president , \V K ICrause ,
sccietarv , and K I' Klokc , treasurer
Key Father Uueslng left for Chicago
Tuesday as a delegate from Nebraska to
attend the n itlonal convention of the Cath
olic Knights of America.
C ilnriilgu Morrlmnt Injiirnd.
Cot.r.iniioi : , Neb , May 11 [ Special Telegram -
gram to Till' HKK ] A serious accident be
fell M K HutturtlcM , a merchant of this
! tv , this morning while ho was helping to
novi- his house An lion rod to which the
lowi-r w is attichud gave awav striking Mr.
Juttci Held on the arm , breaking It below
he elbow Other injuries less painful were
cielved ,
Cla > Conti-r'i * N MV ISullillii7n.
CI.AY CUNTKII , Neb , Maj -Special [ to
I'm : Hi K | ' 1 he Commercial State bink has
iiovcd Into tcmpoiary < iuarters while its
u-vv building Is being erected
Hon 1 N f ! ruub is orei ting a very line
ind commodious du filing on his farm In
nland township , which , when completed ,
vill bo one of the llncst in the county.
Simliil | Simliin of tlip t'llj C iinotl lo dm-
niiliir Sulooii l.lci'll.fs.
The city council met in special session
igaiu last night to lUlen lo icmonstraiices
ig.unst the granting of licenses toceitaiu
saloon kei-pors The nsu of Dan Clary was
the only one taken up , but as none of the 10-
nonstr.itots responded to the calling of their
i.imi's bUitv Clerk Dit/cn no testimony
vas taken Memlx-r C'onloj't motion thai
he protesl bo dismissed prevailed The
icense committee then n-commendcd that
ho llconso bo granted and. the report was
idoptcd Saloon licenses were also granted
to'lhomas Haiid and Chailcs F Haird All
> ut three who have made application have
JLCII gi anted licenses , and their cases have
wt jet been i cached
( 'omtiiMrtlitit I Inn to DlimoUo.
The commission linn of Crlll , Donnv & Co
will soon bo dissolved They have been
loing business at the slock yards in tnis citj
'or the past three ye.irs , Mr Denny being
, ho active member of the Htm Owing to
Mr Crill's mental iifllictlon , a conservator
will have lo bo appointed , as ho has
ilrcady been deduct ! insane bv the
iroper authoiities in Chicago. After this
ils son , who picforted that his father bo not
sent to a public asj lum , had him cared for at
isanitailum in Hattlo Creek , Mich , where
10 is now Until recently it was hoped that
,10 , would recover
Mr Grill's letters to Mr Donnv are writ
ten very intelligently and do not indicate in
sanity in any degree
Alfred Crill is ono of the boat known stock
commission merchants m Chi ago , and mad"
many friends in South Omaha during his
visits here Alexander Kogcr , & Crill was
the st.vlo of the Chicago form but this was
Unsolved w hen the lirst symptoms of insanity
.Struck l > >
liabb's saloon building at the west approach
preach of the Q street viaduct was struck
by lightning about 11 o'cloclc Wednes
day night. It llrst struck the chim
ney and toio along the shingles lo
Iho water spout and from there down the
sldu of the building to the wains-
coating , when it broke forth on the In-
sldo walls and toro off considerable plaster
and some of the lloorlng. The damage will
amount to about $ . " > 0
'Iho roof of a boarding house at Twenty-
cighth and K streets was also struck and
slightly damaged This wasenlicr in the
evening Onoot the boardcis was standing
at the well when a brick from the
was knocked off and .struck him Ho
tumbled over into a mud pudulo , but was not
SUCH lor DiimiiKt-ti.
City Attorney Van Dusen jesterday re
ceived notice that on Monday morning the
case of James Powell against the city of
South Omaha would bo called In Judge
Onion's court Mr Powell sues the cltj for
( i DIM ) forpcisonal iujuilcs sustained by fall
lug through a defective sidewalk.
Aliiglr < 'lty > oli-4.
K L Tiffany of Hlair is in the city.
Hi'hop Skinner of Lincoln was in the city
lasl evening.
Maurice Strauss , of the Cudahy force , is
home fiom a trip easl
Miss Agnes Carpenter of Dunlap , la. , is
visiting Miss Alma Francis
Uobort Terrell , coloicd , was locked up for
a few hours jestordaj for incorilgibillty.
Ho icccivod a severe icprimaud and was al
lowed to go home.
Lightning struck Junes Callalnn's hnuso
in Albright Wodnesda > night The wall at
the head of Callahan'.s bed was toin out and
the building b.ullj wrecked , but none of the
Inmates weio injured.
Mr Snlvoly , tlio dog catcher , Impounded
the canine of a .voting mm named Moore yes
terday A few hours later Moore was
caught in the act of stalling the do/ from
the pound Ho was taken lo the police sta
tion , but was not locked up
Julius Fodlch , a hotel keeper , was locked
up last evening for disturbing the peace in
the viclnlly of his hotel W W Livingston ,
also a hotel man , at Twontjsixth and C
streets , was arrested on the same charge
Ho is accused of assaulting his wife am :
raising a general row In the houso. OA int : LAII\ .
Four Cine * DUcovtMiul on tlio Stcannlilp
on Itrnoliliii ; hmri > rk.
NEW YOIIK , May 11. The steamship Iahn
arrived this morning with a load of Hun
garlau Immigrants , four of whom were down
with smallpox. Thej' were removed to a
post house and the others tpiarantlncd anil
Nitinn Vour I'uvorltos.
Hvory member of the Omaha Woman's
club is requested to send before next week
to Mrs / T. Lindsoy , BIO South Fortieth
street , a postal card on which is oxprossoil
her preference for ofllcers for the ensuing
jear The ofllcers to bo nominated are
president , ilrst vlco president , second vice
president , recording soorotary , correspond
Ing secretary and treasurer
From the names thus suggested the nom
inating committee will prepare a ticket
authorized by the nominees , choosing ii
each case the two having the largest am
r.oxt largest number \otesand will pro
scut it ut the annual meeting on May ih ) . A
majority vole of these present shall coustl
tuto an election.
Appolnlril by rnmmUtluiior ( ,
Tlio continued illr.oss of Mr Seth Moblo.v
in Chicago has made it necessary to api > oin
some ono to assist in looking after the inter
cats of the Nebraska extiibtl at the White.
City. Commlstdonor General Garnoau has
asked Mr D L. Cartan to assume the post
tlou of secretary during Mr Mobloy's illness
and Mr Cartan loft jestcrday afternoon fo
Dalegato Bawlins of Utah Hai Warm Words
with the President ,
Argument * UiiU Woulil Not Ita Il trn il to
by tlio Chlnf Kieciitlve lluwllnt lie.
IRHI Illf 8o t In Counresn
Changes tlmt Are Needed.
WASHINOTOV , U C. , May 11 An ovcnlng
) -\or hns this nccoutit of the trouble bq-
ccn the president , aiU Dulogato Uiwllns :
As ti result of till ( llsitrrcuniciit between
ilmsclf nnd President Cleveland , Delegate
toliu Li Haxvlins of Utah lus totogr.iplicd to
iovertior West his t cognation of his siut la
The trouble was over the distribution of
' ii.itroii.iRO In Utah , and it in said that
lot words passed between the two anJ that
.hero was an cxi'IUug sccno Certain it that
-hat - when Mr Kiwlins left the president'1 *
room his f.u-o win Ilushod with .itigerunl he
wag lalrarhiK under excitement
The Incident occurred on last SUurdav
" ) olcgnto Uiwlitu had had two or throe pre
vious Interviews with the president and had
made certain recommendations for appoint-
nents in his territory. Ho came to sou what
notion Mr Cleveland was golns , ' to t.iUo In
, heso cases and ho was fortunate enough to
lave a private conference with the president
Ho soon ( Uncovered tint President Clovo-
and had his oun views on the subject of up-
lointiiionts to ofllco In Utah
Cut Slinrt lilt AiiiiiiciitH. |
Mr Uawllns started In to ar uo his case
nml sliow why ho was right The president
lit him short and Intimated that there were
other persons ana other Interests besldi-s
.hose loprescnted by Mr Uiwllns , whlih
would have to bo consulted 15y this limn
.he . delegate's temper had been aroused and
ilthough the picslclcnt had lmply told him ,
is ho has told to all membois of congicss ,
Mr Hawltns gave It as his opinion that his
ecommendatlons should i-irrj moio uclght.
3no wo id led to another , until llnally Mr
t.iwlms , worked up into a passion , told the
iresidont that if Ills word not to bo
akcnlthngard to Utah matters anil poll-
Ics ho could llml seine ono olio to consult
lowentatonco to the telegrafn olllce and
Ured hlsiesignatlon to the governor
Although tlie president's leccnt order has
ut down the number of callers , since a con
gressman cannot earn his constituents in
\ltli him to the ptesldent's piesonco , it has
lone hut llttlo else. The convciossmen and
ouatots contlnuo to come as uuinciouslj as
\or , and thcv occupy just as much tune as
liev did whim they brought a crowd with
hem 'llieio being compaiatlvely few of
hem , each member of congress feels cn-
itleu to prolong UU conver.sation , so that as
ar as time is concerned , they consume as
nucli as over.
Will Cut On riirtltnu Profr-romo.
Theie are those among the aaily callers at
ho whtto house who would not bo surprised
o witness a radical change In the next jear
ir two in the method of dlstiibuting the
eiletal intronage Jiicll\ ! stated , thochange
\ould mean the curtailment , if not the com
ileto abolition ot active and persistent
efforts by congressmen in the distribution of
) itronage The ncccssiti for a chance in
ho present s\stem is said to llo in the fact
that of Into years the work of congress as
an executive boJy is seriously interfered
with bv the absence of members from the
lally session , necessitated by the attention
which thev must gi\o to the tas.t of pressing
, hclr constituents demands for patronage in
the various departments
Another reason put forward for the change
s the allegation that in many states eligi-
) llltyfor election to congress has conio to be
gauged by a man's abllltv to get appoint-
nents for his constituents and to sway
lower with the administration. It is al-
egcd that the larger part of the average
congressman's daily "IcgislatHe" duties con-
jlsts In making the founds of the depirt-
nonts In behalf of his constituents , his scat
in the legislative bodv , to winch ho was
elected , ii'inalningcrnptj the meanwhile
it is said that Mr. Cleveland has been
keenly impressed with the situation , which
has been brought vividly to his attention
during the past two months , and that in such
leiMire moments as ho has been permitted to
enjoy ho has. taken It under serious consid
eration Many of the congressmen them
selves , it is said , would welcome a change in
the system.
itr.voi.UTioMsrs WIN.
They Otertlirow the NIMni uiii ; Oov rn-
inunt War alilpi Ordered There.
WASIII.NOTOV , D. C. , May -Secretary
Orcsham received a aispatch from Mr.
Newell , consul u the capital of Nicaragua ,
which stated that the revolution iu Nicar
agua was a success and that the revolution
ists uru now 111 control of the government.
Dr Guzman , the Nicaragua ! ! minister has
received similar advices it is understood.
Ho h nl a long conference with Secretary
Gie.4li.uu at the State depirtmcnt today and
they exchanged information
Mr Now ell's dispatch In substance Is as
follows"Tho reiolution commenced April
'JS , headed by ex-President Xivalla The
revolutionists hold ( Jianada , Managua.iilvas ,
Contales , Matagalpa and h in Juan del Norto
Thoj aio well armed , having a good supply
of Galling guns. 'Jlio uo\eminent forces
number 2,01)0 ) tnun. poorly niganlrcd and led ,
while the revolutionists number from ! t.O > K )
to 5,000 , , commanded by prominent generals
The io\einmont fotves mule three unsuc
cessful attacks on Man i ua Martial law
has b M-n declared and a decree has been
issued lor a foiced loan of * WO,000 "
it is lo irned from another source that the
ievolutionists aicin pissussion of the Nicar
agua c.uial. It was upon this information ,
and that received from Minister Newell ,
tli it Secretary Giosham applied to Secre
tary Heroert for another vessel to bo bent to
The Atlanta , now at Now York , his al-
icad\ been ordered to proceed to Groytown ,
on the east coast , but as the revolutionary
movement is no irer the west coist , it was
deemed host to dispatch a vessel to that
part of the country Accordingly , orders
were sent by telogranh to Jay lo the com
mander of the Alliance at San Francisco , di
recting him to piocccd at once witn his ves
sel to a pjint on the well coast The Alli
ance will probably make her headquarters
ut San Juan del Sur
No apprehension Is felt In ofllcial circles
that the now rulers of Nicaragua will fail to
protect American interests They will
naturally sock to obtain early recognition
from the United St.Hes , and ihis considera
tion , asidn from international obligations , It
is believed , will prompt them to adroitly
protect lues and property of citizens of this
country , nnd also to ofAWvo with good fullh
nil contract * and conccjiloni of the former
WAIIIIXOTOX , D. O , , > lay 11 Collector
Ix > tan at Portland , Cpgr ) today telegraphed
Secretary Carlisle that the Danuho hail
cleared for China wIlMOt ) Chlncso aboard ,
who bad been rofuso\Y admission to the
United States 'V >
Reports from thirty of the slxty-throo in-
lei nal revenue districts giving the number
of Chinese WMO li ivo 'rOKisteroil ' have boon
received at the Treashtty. departmunt. The
roK ) > rts nhow that 3 1 Chincso have thus
far complied with the law
Comptroller Hckcls lias designated D. A ,
Cook , bank oxamlnerTor Illinois , outside of
the cltof Chicago , to take charge of the
Columbia Nallonal Hank of Chlcaeo which
failed this moinlng Ho has also telegraphed
Hugh Young , bank examiner for western
Pennsylvania , lesidlng at Pitlsburg , to pro
ceed nt once to Indianapolis , liul. , and take
charge of tlio Capital National bank of that
clti. which also failed this morning.
UK i nthn im
Mnynr llnrrlnnii'ii I'uoullnr Wny of Uilvlnjr
Aniijr mi Olllin Sncldiiir Alilorm til.
CHICAGO , III. , Mav II. Mayor Harri
son has Invented n now method of rid-
dinjj hiiiiiolf of ollico seokui'8. It will
not work with all mon , lint It aoltlos
thincfs when tlio \ Imtor is iidnrnud with
whiskers Mr. Harrison's i > liuiin prui'-
llced yostot'day , was very hiinplo Ho
toui'hi'd a liglitod match ti ) tin * whiskers
wild the olllce seokoi1 departed at onco.
When Mayor Harrison c.umi to his
olllco in the afternoon it was fairly
choked witli olllco bcokors. Ho had dlf-
Ileully in foruing' IIH ! way to the door of
his private room , and as ho did so was
followed closely by Aldurman "Little
Miko" R > an , who wanted an olllco for
ono of his o'liHtituonts.
'Keep away. Llttlo Mike , keep away ,
my boy , I say , " remarked the mayor as
ho ranpod on the door of his olllco for
The alderman smiled as mituh ns to
say : "It's only hid way ; I m solid with
him. "
Hut the mayor did not regard the matter -
tor in just that way , for ho repeated-
" ( Jo away ; I won't ' eo yon. "
Some ono inside opened the door , and
the mayor stopped over the Ihrexliold.
Alderman Uyan followed , and when
Mr. Harrison attempted to close the
door Kyan put ono foot inside and de
feated the mayor's attempt to bar him
Mr. Harris-oil looked down at the
alderman and adisod him a third time
togoawaj. His rijjar had tfono out
during the conversation. He took a
match from his vest pocket
struck it and relighted his per-
feoto. Alderman K.uin's head was
thrust half way in the door.
His long gray beard stiu-k out in a tan-
tali/.ing way , and quick as a Hash the
mayor jabbed the match into the center
of it. There was a puff of snioku , a
burst of llamo , and U strong smell of
burning hah' and singed cuticle filled
the air as the alderman wildly heal ivt
the tlames that losti | ipno of their heat
through the language employed by the
alderman as ho pranced about the lloor
until ho had put out tile lire.
Mayor Harrison paid no attention to
the matter. Ho slammed the door and
went on with his work , just as If setting
llro to aldermanic whiskers wore ordi
nary municipal businc ' ) . Tlio alderman
loft tlio eity hall in 'search ' of a drug
store and vowing \oligt.aiice with every
molion of Ills seorchod under jaw.
TO ii it1niTii
Latent Non-It j ContPnO ' V Midi
\\lll Show Tnr 8pi-n < l.
CHICAGO , 111. , May 11 Alibas Sahra
ono of the Hedouin chiefs of the Society
Hamidie , that is to give exhibitions of
life on the deserl at the World's fair
Ibis aniiuner , stood jesterday ab-tractly
ga/ing with admiring eyi-s at liis pet
camel. Abbas was disturbed in bi-i icv-
erie by a reporter , who bought to
question him on the speed ho could iet
out of ono of his dromedaries. A
proposition was advanced that one of the
dromedaries bo matched against
Chicago's best bicyclist. The noble
shiek was assured that there
were several bieyclo rider * in
Chicago who could give his Damascus
dromedary a hard tussle for a milo or
two. The indieroiiMiess of a man on a
bicycle being able to Iwat his pot drome
dary was too much for Abbas and grow
upon him until ho had to call up his fol
low chiefs , Solim , Chaweeeh , Enurham/i
and Mahmoud Oukawi , and hold a laugh
ing concert.
Ho said that his lleotest animal would
go a mile in a triilc under three minutes ,
and received a severe pride wound by
being told that his pot would have to bo
given a handicap of fifty jwd * . The
prospect of winning , however , got the
bolter of him and ho digued articles of
agreement for a mile race by electric
lightsome evening in .Inly.
Cli-voliintl Iar louod StokHi.
Ninv YOIJK , May 11. Argument was
heard before Judge Cowing in the court
of general s-os-ions in the libel suit of
Edward S. Stokes of the Hoffman house
against W. K. O. Stokes and Lawyer
William R. Martin. i\-Mayor : Oakoy
Hall , representing Mr. Martin.moved to
quash the indictment. The allidasitof
Mr. Martin vas read , and it was claimed
that Kdvvard S. Stokes , having been con-
\ ictod and sentenced for the crime of
homicide in shooting .lim Kisk , was
civilly dead and the charges brought by
him against Mr. W. K. D. Stokes and
himself ( Martin ) could not bo enter
Counsel for Mr. Edward Stokes there
upon created a sensation in the court
room by handing up to the court a par
don of the state to Edward S. Stokes ,
dated December 1 , 1881 , and signed by
Grover Cleveland , then governor , re
leasing Stoko- , from all consequences of
his crime. This introduction of tlio par
don is the llrst information that has
over boon given as to the restoration of
Mr Stokes to citUcmhip.
.ludgo Cowing toolt the papers in the
suit and reserved hfs decision. The al
leged libel grew out of the chil suit
brought by Cassius 1 | . Heed against Ed
ward S. Stoke . , ,
Don't Scold
about washingpowders. . If you
feel like it , it's because you haven't
got the right kind. Get Pearline ,
and see the difference. Pearline
has been imitated but
never been equalled. < * " "Tl .
There are all kinds of imi
tations ; powders that save
work , but ruin clothes ;
powders that don't hurt ,
and don't help you ; pow
ders that are cheap to begin
with , but dear enough in the end.-
Trythem ( all for yourself , if you
won't take our word for it. ) * - don't get them mixed up in
your mind with Pearline ,
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell vou " tins is a L'ood as" or
me same as I'ctirlme. " ! I"S 1 Al.Si : I'carlme is ne > er peddled , nnd
> our grocer sends ) ou something in place of I'enrline he lumen
313 JAMES 1'VLK , Sew York.
That AYEH'S Sarsaparilla cuitKS
oritKits ot Scrofulous Diseases ,
Eruptions , Dolls , Kczcnia , Liver and
Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Ilium ,
nmtlsm , nnd Catarrh should bo con
vincing that tlio s'amo course of
treatment wtr.r. CUIIK YOU. All
that has been said of tlio wonderful
cures effected by the use of
during tlio past 50 years , truthfully
applies to-day. It is , in every sense ,
Tlio Superior Medicine. Its cura
tive properties , strength , effect , and
flavor arc ivhvajs the same ; and for
whatever blood diseases AYHK'S
Sarsaparilla is taken , they jield to
this treatment. When > ou ask for
don't bo induced to purchase any of
the worthless substitutes , which nro
mostly mixtures of the cheapest in-
giciliunts , contain no Sarsaparilla ,
have no uniform standard of ap
pearance , flavor , or effect , are blood-
purifiers in name only , and are of
fered to you because there is moro
profit in selling them. Take
Prepared b ) Dr J C AyerSct'o , Lowell , MUM ,
Hold by all DniKifiitn , Trice ft , * n botlln , ( ) .
Cures others Mil cure you
? fl < ? T VITA I ITYmm m'ir nuIfMT ro
UoI ullMLM I ! ' MTVOUS iift ,
* . ' " " > iitj
-UW I Vlini-1.1 I , , , f
( | | ,
( ( urey clrM
l.NDAI'O. tlif Hindoo ItFliiedy Kcilil wlllmrlt.
Irn punrunUc- ( lire , t tiuiplo wclil lrv . . Ailclti-m
I'rll-nllll Mlillilll o , tl riimnnlli l'l ff , 11 lt 3o , III.
MAY 15 ,
SOU if
Conductor :
' 0 Munibora.
MJIH. rtMvall MAPI , ,
. . ' ' p ° Ir-1110'
MISS MlNNIt : linilNNi : . Ooiitralt
Mil A I. Ol'U.U : 1'oiior.
Ml ! IM\ I Miitn\NS. : Itirllono
SHI VI \M. 1 . am )
Ml ? . , . -UNUitA VOX MOisl'll ,
\ lo in Virtuoso
( "i Members
MMH. f-OPIA bOAl.Clll. C'ontrfllto
MK. ADOIillll I1H01) KV. V olinUt ,
Mil ANTON IIHKKINd. Vloloiieolllat.
MISfa MLMAN HI.Al' boprano
Itnsorvod se its now on s ilo at 1'ord .
ton's , I ) ( is Doilcostrcct
at -npn-.ralti ! orshlne-Wi3-
First Ontdoorfivontof thoSousou.
TlioVorld's Fnir Novelty.
In a mnrvolous ovbl'ill ' on I'D ten and wir
dniu-us n itito i-orroboroes , sivaijo ntus ami
i-nrmnoiilus nnd their DoxttoiH IloomuraiiK
liOo Gonornl Adiniim'ou 2o
I'lilldrcn undur It years old IV-
O/tciriif la
THEATRE .Sc-iison.
OncWcnk llojlniitnu TVFo xr X tbll
bl MAV KVr.MNd. < y
Comic Opera Company
W'illi il very Mronu cntt of prim l | > nli
A well tralni-il chcirus of II Mill I unit Al'O- '
MIMI : > HIU iiisiuA c AKI. u viti i Niun > -
duU > r
Ul PMIlOlltK
' umliX Manila ) r i ilir rve'inuiniut ' We Inci-
iliir Mallnnu All ) I'\8IIA
Uuilrii'iilay anil Jluirnilajr Kvi-nln < 9 ' 1IOC-
CAC10 '
Krlilar I' " ' ftalunlny Kvnnlnei ' K\STIMT/A "
Miturilay Mntlnec , SAID l'\Hl\- |
SnlooMiii | M > liiriUr I ItU , U o'tloui 1'rlce * 3jc ,
3V , We mill ric
FflRHflfil ST. THEaTEP pffl , B
KJC , i > oc , : ) .ro. 5Uo , 75o
Ono week commencing inatlnuo dumUr tlia oral
in-lit nrtur
MH , l'Hli.J.VMKV
In lil > groal oii torplfot )
Krlilir nlclit br npoclul ro'iuenl , \MO.N AM )
r mutlnoe nnj seal Hi tlio liouio 2V )
Prof. IIIr.sclibei-K Will AKaln Visit
Oinaliii , Neb. , .May ' 22 to 27tli ,
At tlio stoio of tils agent
Oall nnd roimilt tlio urofossor and bo nited
with u pilr of liU eulobrntuU no
Itomcmtjur , only ililay * , Mtty ' tu . ' '
Mix Meyer A : lira Co , Solo AgotiU ( or
Oniulia , Neb ,
New Woolens.
Workmanship. RUSH.
Satisfaction. .
Trousers to order , $5 to $12.
Suits to order , $20 to $50.
Overcoats to order , $20 to$50.
207 207
So. 5th. So. I5th.
181G Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob.
Ilioomlnimt peel lltl in narrocn ohronto print ) bluai iMn ni I urinary clluim
rrglntorril Krmlnnto In iu3ll'-ina ' tuillplo 1111 nil ojrUrtiitoi trill < | UIT. H itlil trjitltit with III ) .irjit il
Biici-i'm ntnrrli lost UIAII ion I iimlnil woikii in ill < it ICIIDI nil Till fur ill of prlrui ilhiiui Vein
in Tcurj 1110 I New IranlnvJit for Inn of vlt il p ) jr IMrtlJi utiiblj 1 1 vljlt mini if bj trJilul nt lu ill
b > mrrospcincloni'e MnJInmodrlKtr iiunti nit by mill uroci ill m irJIy pie u I nu mini tJ Inll
rntiu-Oiiluntiora nJitr o 10 nuMonil IntorTlni * prjfnml ( . 'oninliiiton fruJ Ujrrjipo Uj i. ) ) itrlatlr
prlvali ) Itouk ( MjmtorliMOC Ufa ) * nt froj OffljJ u tan , J a tu to J p in du-Uiri U t ,11 t > U to.
anil eiampfor circular.
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best-
OPTIGflLGQ. , 222 S.16tliSt. Vj ,
Omaha's Newest Hotel
r Itnomn at f-0 par itT
III oo ma at MOO per ilar
ICUoomi milt Hath nt 111) ) tmlir.
( Ollooma with llatlat n ) to IIS ) pjr tir
AVoilern tu ICvniy Iton
C. S. ER3. Pror > .
The HHi
C'or. Mil/i mill C'lili't > K < > ! Sf s.
Opposite Jefferson Square
1'irst cl.i'-s In every rnspoct lluiluln anil
fill nltiiro mil Iroly new
A in die in pi mi , t' D ) p or cl.iv.
I'liropn in pi in , tl Ol lid li.iy.
b)0ilal | ) r itoj l ) > tliu wcttK
M. .1. IMSANCIC , Prop
II Inn I r < < - , )
Is uniiirp-issod In tha trout-
incut of nil
Chronta , Prtvato nnd
Norvoim Dlionsoi.
\ \ rltp to or ( * on lllt u > aciiinllf ,
TKUAiMiiNr : iiv niAii
\ < 1cJn with slninp for p > r-
llculnri which will ha aunt In
plain enrelopo I-U lloi Oil OUIcollJd I0liit. .
Treats nil kinds of illi-
r IKI-S , Intnrniil niul o\-
torniil GiiiiriiiiU'iH In
every o.iso Money ro-
finulc'.l In nil t- ism wliuia
pitlont is cli-.9 itullocl.
No rcu' fee ilinr oil
I at mis li.iy wlmtuvur
ninouiit t'loy ' o in iilTonl
fcir tro.ilniciit.
Nurse ,
IGth and Capitol Avoiuio ,
Crounao IJlock , IJooms 0,7anil 8 , Oinithti.
Made by C'urtU A. Bon , I'ortlancl , Mo.
whllocoUIn ? the omployar an 1 omp oyoo
nutliin : . lua onixljioil n > to u vanua tliu Inter *
ostnot iMitli. Micl uNo our own , uyuuourmt
better rasutti with tin
Wyckovf , Seaman & Benedict
Boot Cnlf Shoe In the world for the prloo.
W. L. DouclasBhooBaroaoiaovorywhoro.
Everybody uhould wear tliom. It la a duty
yon owe yournolt to get the host valao JOT
your money. Economize In your footwear by
purchasing W. L. DouglnsShOOS.whloh
roproaeut the boat value nt the prloaa od-
vort'iocl above , OB tboutendn can taattly.
y Tuho No Subslltuto. er
Hown-ooffriuiil. NoiinnciHilno'nltlioulW 1-
Dou lii" namu niul price f on l ttom. Jxx > k
for U v bcu von Inn
" 'ml I 1)T
MiiKimsV 'lil > pro , Kcllcy miuor A. t'o C. .T.
WlNon I'll isSv.mson , lKii.itNuwnmii W I'll
South Uiiinh i
Chronic NBmr
, > ,
Print ) ul
Special Dis3m ] > ,
of both
Hen and Y/oman. /
Hllrorllo VnrlforrlcHnnturo unit
till othur trouble * trimtnd at ruisoiuiuii
ilmrKi-1 I'ONbl'M'A'l ION Htl.K Oul onor
udilroj *
DR. Sffildi PUTNAM
OunoMto II ydun llros.
\ W. H. \HKJ-It , M.I ) . ,
| U * H ttutf rtmititr ny phyttrian
i'iAM : ) i > vaii.i > i < AI. ivvrrriiTJK.tow 'i
Ivan n < va cii 1 the "I u MI > AI. by tin KATI' MAC
< III-IATI iNfc cho I'lU'/r KKHAVon
VtlllltyM\\ \ Jmra , * ami IIVuAiiriil til .1/4 A ,
niini'O " " yunj , lli titliltllr agril nnd miA
lilmr\ ( "nriilta'ioti .n IKTSCII or by irtier ,
( IUIIL.U i'r , ,' with tcilliocinialu , l'UiK.
I.nrifo book. SOI KNCK < K I.II'K , OH fKl.V-
I'lCKSKKVATJON. 200 | ip I ! ) irnaluaWo | ire >
irriniionii. fut' tf.lbnul. 21 uu Ij n.iu HA | < M |
l t ll W UUAnil nil tlin trnln at
KVII.S wKAUNit-tsm nKiiii.irv KTC tiiatno
oupaiiT thim In m n yUll IUV an I 1'tCIIMA
NI'.N'IIA < 1 lll'.l ) I'ull Hl'llKNuril ail I tou
k'lien lo avorr purl iifl 10 bu < lr I will nun I
curulr puck l MttX t niir'uilirnr tie pn cru >
lion llioi ouroj IMO of tliu > o Irouhlm AUIr M ,
unit. *