THE OMAHA .DAILY BEE : JftlUDAY , MAY 12 , 1893. CHE DAILY BEE COUNCIL , W. ll-TlCGt NO. 12 1MSAKL STUKKT [ < IImrrt y rnrrlfr to any part of th city II \ \ T1I/TON , - MANAUEK lNh < | lt Kdllor No-23 JIlMHt MUST HI ft , N V J'lumblnpO. ItoaUm Ktore. NatchaUB silks. Miltonberircr is thn hatte.r. Ml Broadway. , Services were held yesterday at St. Paul's ILplsropal church In celebration of Ascension flayThe The cuirstlmi of appointing a local Inspec tor of elevator ! , will come up before the city j-ouncll at Its special meeting next Monday livening I Mayor I.iwrcnre has purchased an Iron Since from H L. Williams and will havn it [ out up in from of the laun between the qity The GanymedeVhrcl club will make n l-un to Manawa this evening. This run was proposed for Wednesday bight , but the Jii'vcro storm prevented the members from I'arrjuigout M o plan Ham Kessler. who Is employed In the ax handle fac i < iimet with an accident while it work nearl.\ losing the llrst linger of his right hiind It hangs by a shred of llesh , [ hut his physl' Ian hopes to save It. .1 W Cameron , a teacher In the Crescent schools , ill.sappe.-ired last Himihiy and has not I been heard from since. Ho left an unpaid aboard bill hut mme of the neighbors have In Ml Idea as to the reason for his str.inge be- [ li.ivior Tlir board of directors of thn Council Ululfs JUowlnp iissoriiitmn have presented each of f the I'ouni il Bluffs and Omaha papers with f ineinber hi | ) ttckols giving the representa- tiven-of thi' papers all the prh lieges of ai-tlvo [ members A neighborhood quarrel resulted in the arrest jestcrdaj of Mrs. Charles Mnyites [ and her daughter Marie on the charge of l disturbing the peace , 'they live at I Mil [ South Kighth Mi-eel. The information was Mrs ,1 W. White , wife of ono of the mall carriers. 'I he daiimede Wheel c-lub Is preparing to move Into its new headquarters in the I Grand hotel .uinex. K. II. Udell , the agent vho bos the building In charge , notified the present occupants to vacate at once. They [ did so i.isl evening and the wheel club will i eve in tuilii.v. .lames O Dnnncll and Frances Jansa. both nf Wahno ami William Hufhanan and Maria ' 'I'aticn of Omaha were married by Justice Fox yesterday The last couple was coloted. Cupid had evidently had some hard work in fullllling his contract in their case , the license having been Used March 127. J H Atkins expects to have the Council muffs window for the Iowa building at the World's fair < omnleted by thu last part of this week It will probabH be shipped to ( . 'hieago Saturd-iy. Half of the window Is now completed and on exhibition at the store , corner of Broadway and Ilryant street. The funeral of Conrad Lan/.endorfer took place yesterday afternoon from the resi dence of Ills family on South .Seventh street. Hev K .1 Uabcock olllei.itinTho Odd Fellows and a large number of friends escorted the remains to Fairvicw.cemetery , where they were interred according to the Odd Fellows' ritual. The American Biscuit and Manufacturing company has leased the large three-stor.v building on Main street near the corner of Alllow avenue and will commence opera tions about June 1. W. H. Wakcflold. who has been In charge of MrClurg's establish ment on this side of the river for some time past , will have the management of the now factory. A new local passenger train has been put on by Iho Chicago , Burlington fi Quincy Hailwaj company within tlie past week , for the benefit of pcoplo living between Council litulTn and Creslon. It leaves Council HlulTs at ! < 10 in the morning and arrives utCreston nt noon , returning so as to reach Council muffs about , 7 In the evening. On the llrst train there were more than elfflity-llvo ticUets sold , and the fuel that local trams pay was again demonstrated. Willard Foster was to have had a hearing before Justice Vlcn yesterday afternoon on the charge of threatening to kill , but Mrs. Shafcr , one of the witnesses , was conllned to her bed by an attack of heart disease claused by the storm Wednesday night , and a eont'nuanec ' was granted until this after noon at" o'clock. Another Information has been Illcd by the prosecuting witness , A. J. SIilll , charging Foster with assault with in tent to commit murder. Siull claims Foster pulled n gun on him. \V Al\v.iy < Watch Saturday morning's papers for the announcement of tlio greatest bar gains over beard of In the dry goods lino. BOSTON STORK. Fothoringham , Whltclaw & Co. , lend ers und promoters of low prices. Council Bluffs. Tu. Mimln Cunrrrt llrimilivity Church. Secure seats for tonight at Hurt's jew elry htoro , 50 und 75 cents. Pasturage for horses und cattle on George Wright's farm adjolnlngc ity limits on south ; aOO acres blue grass , running water. For terms apply to lames Haph , on farm , or at Cat-bin Coal 10 1'carl street. Quick Meal gasoline stoves , 54,715 sold In IR'.ti ' Call and oxuinino before buy- ' lug. S. W. Bo.sloy , 101 tout Broadway. Abk your grocer for Domestic soup. Protect your homes against destruc tive storms. W. C. .lumcs has the btrongest companies in the world , Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , gj largest und best bicycle stock In city. Domestic soup best for hard water. 7'Kf.SO.VIr.tlt.HIlt.lI'UX. . \V W T-oomis is in Chicnco. Mrs. John T. Tidd Is at Hot Springs , Ark ,1 C. Mitchell has returned from a trip to Chicago. l-'rank Shlnn of Carson was In the city > i-stenlny. Mrs .1 H. Snmploy , who tins been serl- tusly 111 for several days past , Is reeoverlm ; . Mrs. Henry Stevenson , who has been seri ously ill for some time , is slowly recovering. C. O. Kaunders of this city has accepted nu invitation to deliver a memorial address nt Missouri Valley on the iUJth. Mrs. Theodore Hray left yesterday for Lexington. Nob. , to attend the funeral of her brother. O. S Allen , who died Wednesday from a stroke of paralysis. Mrs lloso U D.ivls. the youmrcst daugh ter of t'YslP.v. . leau's today for l.os Ange les , Cal . where she will make her homo Her departure is rendered necessary by the Horloiis illness of her husband , who was for some time In the employ of thu Union Pa- cllle Hallway company , but was compelled by 111 health to leave for the west. Mi's. Davis Is it native of I'ottawattamlo county , and she has a host of friends who will regret grot her departure. I'or Knit' A Coml ll. r-iln. ( : For Sale A three-story brick block on Main strcot , and throe lots In Curtis ti Hamsoy'H addition , uro ntTorud for im mediate i-ulo at n very low prico. Terms easy. J. AV. ScjUlitK , J01 I'oarl Strcot. With every W.K ( ) purchase Lund Hron. i the Main strcot china nnd crockery dt-al ers. will glvo u hundhoinosterling plated bouvenlr spiHin. C'all and hco them. Cook your meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at Mie Gas company. Vanatta it Sweet , uttys. , Kvorott blk. UbO Domestic MIII ] ) . It is the best Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p. in. at the Council Ulntfti Medical and burglon ! Institute , IMIth and Uroadway. Uargalns in line tooth brushes und eologno. wholcMvlo price , only lOo. Is , the dnn.'k'ibt , 200 iiroudway. U/OH vfl li l NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS _ I I One Fatality Reported from the Storm of Wednesday Night. D. W. PATTERSON STRUCK BY LIGHTNING InnUntl ) Killed Wlilln.Sitting by n Window lu 111 * lloiiinViicrhlnir thu htcirm .Simile * I'rt'Hk * "I the iicc- : tilu fluid. A tragic event , which was not reported un til an early hour yesterday taorninif , was the result of the terrible storm on Wednesday night. I ) . W. Patterson was sitting by a window nt his homo. IT'.M Sixth avenue , reading a paper about U o'clock In the even ing. There had been an Incessant play of lightning Hashes and reverberating thunder bolts that fairly shook the heavens and earth. Suddenly there was a dazzling Hash , followed by a deafening peal of thunder , and every one felt Instinctively that the light ning had struck hot faraway. Mr. Patterson , as It afterwards developed , was the victim. His daughter was In the room with him nml sustained a shock that almost rendered her senseless. When she recovered she was shocked to see her lather lying on the lloor motionless , the clothing torn away from his left sldo , and his body burned and mutilated. Physicians were Immediately called , but there was nothing for them lo do , for the work of the electric cm-rent had been done Instantaneously , and the victim lost his life without a second's warning. Investigation showed that the lightning lull torn a great hole above the window near which Mr. Patterson was sitting. Almost the whole side of the house was torn away , but strangely enouirh tlio building was not sot on lire. The bolt had struck the dead man on the head near the loft temple , running back over the head , roasting portions of the body to a crisp and tearing the cloihln ? into shreds. Mr. Patterson's arm had appar ently been rcstlmr upon the footbo.ird of the bed when the bolt struck him , for the cur rent Jumped to the bod. cracking the foot board and tearing the legs of the bedstead to pieces. The dec-eased was a member of the Ma sonic fraternity , and his friends and fellow workmen are unanimous in their praises of him both as a workman and as an associate. Complete arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made , hut it will probanly be hoid .Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Patterson is almost prostrated over the tragedy. Oilier I'r.inUi of the l.lghtnlMir. The residence of F.S * . Iloughton on I'ierce street between ( ilen an 1 Park ave nues was struck. A large hole was made in the roof , the Joists Doing torn and splin tered , but the damage was not communi cated to the lloors occupied by the family. A. C. llarding's house on Twcnty-tirst street was struck , but tlio damage was slight. Several bricks were knocked off the chimney of the Snnp block , but most of tin- charge passed down the Hue into the grouml without doing any damage. The lightning played havoc with the telephone - phone line and the cit.\'s lire al mil boxes , lour of the latter being burne 1 out Ono of the men living in Streetsvillo stood off ami looked at box -111 , at the corner of Broadway mil Twenty-third street , while , as he ex- iressed It , the lire How out of the keyhole as hough someone had shot a tnusket oil' lirough it from the inside. There were a number of brilliant exhlbi- lens from the various light towers. \\V Aliraytt ( .INK ) . Watch Saturday morning's papers for .ho announcement of the greatest bar- 'iiins over heard of in the dry goods "inc. BOSTON STORE. FothcringhamVhitelaw & Co. , lead ers and promoters of low prices. Council Ulu-ITs , la. Pure water from the Milwaukee ar- usian well delivered dally. Moderate irico. Leave orders at THE HlUJ olllco. 1'rof. riiiitrl.ilu'H l'r ' I'nhltc I. 'cturi' . Two lectures on how to study Fronuh and German by the "Natural Method" will bo delivered on Friday , May 12 , at 10 a. in. and 4 p. m. , by Prof. Chatelain , director of the DCS Moines school of language , on first lloor of Merriam block , 'JOSt Pearl street , room occupied by the English Lutheran church. Tlio professor will give a free experimental lesson according to his now system. All persons interested attend any of the lec tures. Regular class begins Monday , May 15 , at 10 a. m. at the same place. Tried to InipeiicU C'arro > l. The arguments of the attorneys In the case of C. C. Jones against the Mutual Acci dent Insurance company of New York occu pied nearly all day yesterday in the district court the evidence nil l ut i ' ' , having > eptt > > i' the hour of adjournment Wednesday even- Ing. In the midst of the arguments Mr. Breckinrldge ot Omaha , who appeared for the plaintiff , asked that the court reporter ho sent for. When his request hail been complied with and the reporter had taken his seat , pen In hand , BrcckinrMgo stated that Oillcer Covalt of the police force' had told a gentleman of his acquaintance a few minutes heforo that Frank Carroll , while working on the chain gang at about the time of the Jones murder , had made some remarks to him ( Covalt ) about the murder. Among other things ho said : "Jones was a goo > t friend of mine , and if his brother has to sue the Insurance company to get his money his case shan't suffer if I can help it. " He wanted Covalt summoned immediately for tlio purpose - pose of impeaching Carroll's testimony. Jacob Sims , who represented the plaintiff , objected on the ground that the matter had been brought up for the solo purpose of pre judicing the minds of the Jurymen. His ob ject ion was overruled , however , and Covalt was summoned. Upon the stand Covalt btiitcd that Carroll had told him that Jones was a friend of his and ought to have the money , and ho would like toseo him get it. TIMI l iiyn ill thu Will-Ill's fair. It will cost you less than $50.00 , every , , thing necessary included. This mean' homes in private cottage , clean , safe. to grounds and on the beach of Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno- woth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II. W. Tiltonof TUB BIK. : or .lacib Sinn of Sims & Bninbridgo , Council BlulTs. You ought to HCO Ned Shepard's now bicvi'le. He sells them , and tolls thorn right. See him t Van llrunt's. Plies mired by a slnglo painless treat ment. Dr. A. .1. Couk , Grand Hotel Anno.x , Cjuncil BlulTs. See the peerioss Dauntless bioyeles and got terms. Harry Murphy. 10 Pearl. Stop at tlio Ogden. Council BlulTs , the l-cst W.OO hoiibu in Iowa. Mini n Ciinrrrt. Reserved seats for Musin concert at Hart's jewelry store , 7i"e. Tliu ( iruuil lloltil. Council BlulTs. Most elegant hotel In Iowa. Dining room on tcventh lloor. Rates , $3 to S5 jier day. E. lClark. . Prop. Amu IMIIO.I'II. ' The major portion of this world's popula tion Is engrossed in the pursuit of either money or happiness. Those who have money are usually making every effort to procure happiness , while those most happily situated are watching every opjiortunlty to add to their liimi.i'f s. The posscbstcn of money in variably brings with It added cares , re sponsibilities and anxieties , to forget which the man of mentis embraces every opixir- tunlty for travel and amusement. It Is not every day that we can offer our readers it sure euro for the blues : or two hours of total forgot fulness of all cares ; but there arc now ou tale at the Operu House drug store numerous slips of eanllwnrd that wn can warrant to do the work most effectively ' The cure Is dated to take place tomorrow , i and the sooner you get n couple of these cards In your vest jwcket the sooner will the joy { of anticipation begin to kindle In your bosom. A word to the wise : Don't mls seeing the Schubert Symphony club and ladv quartet nt Dohnny'B , matinee and evening. _ INSUKANUi : DKCISIOS. Attorney ( Irnrriil Stuns IliiniU Down n Very Important Opl'il-m. The decision of Attorney General Stone with reference to the project of excluding a number of Illinois Insurance companies from doing business In this state was briefly re ferred to In the columns of TUB Ur.n yester day morning , hut It Is of such vital ! m | > or- to all the socalledassessment" In surance companies as to render a more com plete statement of its contents Interesting. There Is a provision in the statutes of Iowa eivlng the auditor of state power to re fuse certificates to insurance organizations of other states where similar organizations of Iowa are refused admission to those states. The Southwestern Mutual I.lfo as sociation of Marshalltown. the Des Moines Life association , the fiennan American Mut ual Life association of Burlington , and the Iowa Mutual Benefit association of Toledo , all corporations organl/ed under the laws of Iowa , have been refused admission to Illi nois on account of the statute of that state which prohibits the payment of divi dends to parties carrying insurance and by stipulating that all profits must be used by the company in p.i.v'ng death benefits. This aims a blow at the "profit , " "endow ment , " "tontine'1 and "cash payment" schemes. The matter was called to the at trillion of Auditor C. ( i. McCarthy of this state , and he referred it to Attorney Cieneral Slono , with the inquiry whether he should use ' his retaliatory power by refusing admit tance to six assessment associations of Illi nois which nro now doing business in this state. He further called attention to the fact that the Mutual Reserve Fund Life as sociation of New York and the Fidelity Mutual , Life association of Philadelphia , both of which are organized on the assess ment plan , are allowed to do business in 1111- nn ) In spite of the law which is brought to , near on the Iowa corpjrations , thus discrim inating against Iowa and in favor of the other states. In his decision the attorney general holds that the auditor of public accounts of Illinois has only been doing his duty in refusing the Iowa corporations certificates If their sis- tems are adverse to tlio statutes of that state. Further , if the insurance company of another state complies with our laws , it is the dut.of . the auditor to make out the proper certificate , provided the same right is extended by that state in which such cor poration is organized to similar corporations lu Iowa. The Illinois statutes refuse author- itv to its own corporations and reject the Iowa companies on the same ground. The fact that companies having the objection able feature are allowed to operate In Illi nois is , however , In his opinion , no reason for applying tlio law of retaliation. He thinks that the wholesale exclusion of Illinois companies from our state would in the end work a great hardship to the people of Iowa. Many people in this state are in sured in these Illinois companies , and if the lompanies should bo prevented from doing any further business here they woold discon tinue their agencies in the state. In that event beneficiaries whoso claims were dis puted would have to go to other states for purposes of litigation , and would thus bo pat to a great de ii of unnecess-iry expense and inconvenience in securing their rights. \\'ti AlwiljH l.rud. Watch Saturday morning's papers for the announcement of the greatest bar gains ever heard of in the dry goods tine. BOSTON STORE. Fothoringham , Wbitelaw & Co. , lead ers and promoters of low prices. Council BlulTs , la. For first-class rooms in Chicago for World's fair call on Ohio Ivnox. Another improvement- the popular Schubert piano. Swanson Music. Co Ceo. S. Duvis , prescription druggist. Kliini'liuii Stick * l'"a ' t. The park commissioners called OK City Treasurer ICIunolrvn yesterday to find out what had been the result of his consultation with thu city attorney upon the subject of turning over the S3.SOO which is now in the city park fund to the commissioners , instead of keeping it himself and paying it out to thu commissioners on warrants allowed by the council. He replied that he had been ad vised by the city attorney to Keep the money , and he thereupon proceeded to do so. The matter will undoubtedly come into the courts for Dual decision , and tint before very long. There is no statutory provision covering it , and there is consequently a chance for a dispute wh'ch ' will be taken ad vantage of forever unless it is settled once for all. The commissioners say they have given bonds for the proper expending of the money , and the implication U that they arc to bo allowed to use more discretion than if they are to bo simply figureheads for the couiK'il. The council , on the other hand , has precedent on its side , and has ordered the city treasurer to keep on doing as ho has done. Ili'st'i-viMl SIMIIW , Miirtii Cmic'frl. Secure seats at Hart's jewelry htoro for the Musin concert , Friday evening , May 12 , Brown's C. O. I ) , grocery cloi-es at 7 p. in. , except Mondays and Saturdays. DoniCbtic fcoaj ) outlasts cheap soup. Tlio Mimlii Concert. The Minneapolis Tribune says : The cold est nU'lit of the winter did not prevent a crowded house last evening on the occasion of the concert given by Ovido Musin and his talented troupe. From the instant ho makes his initial bow and draws his bow with linn hand across the strings , from that moment his audience sits in r.ipt attention. Musin is supported by an excellent quartet of artists. Kdtiard Seharf , the pi-mist , appeared in the double role of soloist and accompanist. Annie Louise Taiiner-Musin contributed largely to the success of the con cert , and was well supported by Miss Inez T'armater. who bus a mezzo soprano voice of good range. Pier Dclascn. the basso , capti vated his hearers , and Ills deep rolling notes were especially adapted to his selections. A .tliihlml livuat. The Mitalii concert tonight. Broadway church. For Sale Hickory -4-foot wood , $ G.OO ; btovo wood , I- or 10 Inches , $ J.f 0 per cord , delivered. II. A. Cj.x , 10 Main street. Special Hour t-alc all this week nt Brown's C. O. P. llttrchtr xi'd II. * . M.irriui. The residence of Dr. Macrae on Fifth avenue was entered by burglars WeJnus.lay night. Mrs. Macrae , Jr. , heard a rap at her door and asked who was there , but as she received no answer she did not got up to open the door. Yesterday morning it was found that the house had been ransacked The thief unlocked the back kitchen door from the outside and made his way to the room occupied by Dr. Macrae , sr. A pair of tha doctor's trousers were hanging In a closet off from this room , the pocket of which contained JM In cash. Thocash was missing. When thu thief left he took -vith him a hat belonging to Mrs. Macrae , Jr.'s. father. The burglary was ovidentlv committed by some one who was familiar with the lav of the land , and the polluo have a suspicion of the Identity uf the party. Murrlngn Lire-Ulan. The following marriage licenses wore issued .yesterday : Nil HID and uddro.-is. Aco. I fort-n Christian Nelson , Council UlulTs. . . . I'd l ( jurth M. Thompson , i'oum-11 ( Hull's 1C t James O'Doimuil. Wuhoo UO t KranccH JIHIMI , WaliiH ) i'j Mm > Union Merrill , Imlrdrossing and manicuring. Ri > oin J1IU , Merriam block. The Chinese , Japanese. Malays. Siamese , New Xxialandcrs anil North American Indi ans are beardless , MORE FIVE-CENl PARE TALK i / Bridge Officials Make Themselves Heard nt Yesterday's keeling. WERE DISPOSED TO EVADE THE ISSUE Tlipjr Arci Itonily to < ) lUce the People , but N -vrr Knrir Hint .Five-Cant Pure \V Dnlreil Kutlenvor to llelny Action , A formal request for a 5-cent faro across the bridge to Council UlulTs Is to bo made upon the Omaha and Council Bluffs Bridge and Motor company , backed up by the com mittees of the city councils of both cities , tno committee of 100 citizens named by the pcoplo of iho city across the Missouri and the committee of tlvo from the Commercial club of this city. Such a step was agreed upon by the meeting held In Mayor Dcmls' ortlco yesterday afternoon , which was an ad journed meeting of the ono held last Friday. Those present at the meeting yesterday were : Mayor Lawrence and Councilman Smith , Johnson. Spencer Smith , Mr. Me- Cabe , City Attorney llazlcton and ex-Coun cilman Casper of Council Bluffs , and Mayor Uemis and Omncilincn llowcll and Wheeler of this city. The motor company was rep resented by Uuy C. Harton , vice president. Judge Writrht , secretary , and .1. II. Millard , treasurer. Mayor Uomis calle.l the mooting to order , and stated tint an adjournment had been taken for the purpose of giving Iho olllcers of the company an opportunity to bo present and bo head. . as it was understood that such was their desire. He inquired of Treasurer Millard . whether he had anything to say to the conference. Wcr There us Spectators. Mr. MillirJ s.ild he did not understand that any of the bridge company officials fere present at the mooting for the purpose f saying anything , hut rather to listen to nythlng that might bo said to them , and ear what the meeting proposed to do. Councilman Howell said that when ho uggested that the bridge company oIllcUils 10 invited to be present , ho did , o because ie believed a .Vcent fare would be a very adlcal reduction , and as llgure.s had been ubmlttcd and statements made regarding he Income of the company and the expenses f maintenance , he desired that the officials ave an opportunity to refute them If thev vore untrue. Spencer Smith of Council Bluffs said he jiderstood that the postponement of the ii'etlng was made at the request of Mr. lillard , so that the ofHcials of the road light be heard in the matter. Mr. Millard said he had never inndo any 'cquest ' of that kind and that Mr. Smith , vas mistaken , and ho never had asked to leot any committee. Mr. Smith replied that 1 understood Jouncilman Howell of Omaha had stated , hat it was Mr. Millard's desire to be prcs- nt at a conference and that an adjourn- nent was taken to make , it convenient for Mr. Millard to be prcseul , Mr. McCabe said that the question to he Iscussed was of a public nature. 'I he people f Council HlutTs had in their possession iljrures and data showing the cost of coti- itruction and the expense of maintaining the iliint , and which were submittc-1 to the con ference of hist week. Vith such figures at land the question to dijtermine was whether i n-ccnt fare was too'low. and it it was bought not , the cities possessed the legal right to compel the company to make such a fare , and also the legal anil moral ri ht to enforce an ordinance lining the faro at cents. It was suggested that the figures submitted last Friday night might have been incorrect and it was tlio intention to furnish the company with un opportunity to refute them if such was the case. Mr. Smit.h said .that.i'in , the statements made at the last meeting were made In so iiiblic a manner , and so fully reported in the .ircss , that he thought the gentlemen pres ent were as well informed us to their char acter as they would ho if they were re > eatetl. At the suggestion of Councilman Smi.h of Council HlutTs , and the members of the Com mercial club committee , it was deemed best to have the statements made at the former moating repeated. Mr. McCabe of Council Bluffs reiterated the statements madb at the last meeting re gurding the amount of capital actually in vested in the construction of the bridge nnd plant , the expense of operating the same , : md the profits ioaliod. He was followed by Mr. Smith , who also repeated the st-ito ments made by himself at the initial meet ing. Both gentlemen upheld their former lositions that tlie motor and bridge com- jnny could operate its line with a fi-eent fare : ind obtain a fair dividend upon the actual investment. Particular stress was laid upon the importance of closer relations between the two cities , and the fact that rapid Iran sit was desired. Ilrlitico ( IdlrlilK Wl ely l iiiii-iint. Judge Wright said he had received an in vital ion to be present and had conveyed It to the directors and they responded as far as Ihey could ho reached. Tins was the first time the had ever had an on portunity of knowing what was desired of it Hut like good business men , they do not do their business through noivsnapers , and while they rean they believed that it was not n proper source from which to secure information In case the committee desired tin company to do anything in the matter , the figures made should he submitted and the company given an opportunity to refute them by presenting lignres of their own. The three gentlemen present did not own the property anil were not possessed of the power to determine what fare should be eliM'ged. The way to bring about this mat ter was to fully advise the company of what was desired. "But if you Intend or expect to accompllsl this purpose by law suits and little annoy ances"said Mr. Wright , "such as It is intl mated by the gentlemen on the other side will be done , we can but say to you to pro cced. " Mr. Wright said that if it was ex peeled to bring about what the eommitte nail said was desired , then time must be given us it would bo necessary to have a meeting of Iho directors. And ho snggestei' that the committee then place in th hands of the directory Iho statement am data for consideration. The company hail never been requested to make any conces sion , and had never been waited upon by any committee representing the people of Coun ell muffs. Ho stated that the only thliif they had ever receivedwas law suits , which ho understood were instituted to bring th company to Its milk. Mr. McCabe replied that the gentlemen 01 the other side tverojjdstuken as to th exact status of affairs , , . Ho said tlio genlle men had gone to Council , Jiu'fsiml ; had bcci given a right to conduct- business , but it was certainly not their wn private business. He Maintained thattl.o gentlemen were simply perTo-iilug ( ; a public function , and thelrj affairs ivero open for public criticism "ami discussion. Ho denied the statement tfiat the company had over been requested to nuiko concessions. Mr. McCabe then gitW a history of the events leading up to 'Vlia suits brought against the company , referred to by Mr. Wright. The peoplor bf Council Bluffs desired to be fair , but-j.t , | | > y felt us if some thing must bo done. , . , , Mr. Wneeler suggested that Mr. McCahc and Mr. Smith formuVato the statementj made and data at hand and present them to the board of directors 6f the company. Mr. Wright and Mr. Millard thought that a meeting could not bo held In less than threw weeks , us several members of the di rectory are out of thu city and would not re turn until that time Objeeteil to lleliy. : Mr. Smith said that the meeting was tak ing a very peculiar course , and Mr. Wright was disposed lo handle the mailer as an affair of law. He could not sco the object in delay , ns the ofllcers were present and if any of the figures submitted were Incorrect they could bo refilled by I hem without do- lay. The treasurer was present and ho knexv what It cost to operate his road us well as what Its receipts wero. The com pany could submit Its figures the next day and it was unnecessary to watt untl thu directory met to secure such Information. Mr. MeCabe saH that the objection to submitting the ligures to Iho company was that thu people of Council Bluffs did not do alre to be placed in the uttiludo of suppli cants , asking iho company to reduce its fare , when they were In duty bound to do so , nnd should hnvo dotio so without n request. Mr. Whcolor said that It hnd brrn nip- gestcd to him by several citizens that It wns not known whether a Ci-ecnt faro was de sired by the people ot Omat.a , or whether it -ould bo of nny benefit to the city , nnd for hat reason ho desired to have placed before ie city council both the data of Iho Council luffs commlltco nnd Hie bridge company , lr. llowcll felt the same wav , Air. McCnbo said ho was willing to submit he figures to the Omaha council and that he company should do the samo. Of course f the pcoplo of Omaha did not desire the cent faro that placed n different aspect XMI the sltuailon. Both Mr. Wheeler and Mr , Howell said hey did not mean to say the people wato lot In favor of n fi-ccut fare , but such a feei ng might develop. Kx'Councllinnn Casper of Council Bluffs , : i reply to the question , told of two requests chip made upon the motor company for n cent faro In years gone by. Mr. Wright replied that a committee had ailed nt one time , but hud not made any larllcular mention of the dcslro for accnt ! are. are.Mr. . Chris H-irtman made n motion that request ho forwarded to the company ask- ng that the fare across the bridge bo re- need to fi cents. The motion prevailed. \Vnnt to shift Judge Wright then said that ho believed ho proper steps to pursue would ho for the ounty of Douglas on one stdo anil the county f Pottawattumle on the other to aquirc the jridgc property , and then the company would nako a fi-eont faro , providing suitable ar- angements were made with the company to lermlt it to bring Its ears over the brluge. lo believed that both counties could well ifTord to take this step , and then a 5-cent are could easily be secured. lluy C. Barton arose and said hat lu a spirit of fairness and andor. and as this feeling of pub ic good seemed so generally manifest , vhy should not the cities of Omaha and 'ouncil Bluffs purchase the bridge property mil make a free bridge for the people bo- ween tlio two cities. The company was ireiared to dispose of the bridge In that vay , and certainly a free bridge was ilways the best. But ho was not impowcrcd to say whether the dlrcc- ory would make a 5-cent rate or vhether it would not. Ho did not know of i bridge between two cities upon this contl- icnt , over which trains for the conveyance f passengers prssed , where a 5-cenl fare nis given , or even a 10-cent fare. The com- lany had never been accused of giving poor iervlce. and it bait always been satisfactory 10 far as ho knew. "They say you receive r > 5 per cent , " said tlayor Bemis. "Now , wouldn't you bo vlllingtocut that in two , give us a 5-cent "are and be satisfied with 2.1 per centt" "Well. Mr. Mayor , " replied Mr. Barton , 'if we are guaranteed 2.1 per cent upon tlio nvcstmcnt we will be satisfied with U. " > per 'cut. ' " "Do you mean upon the capital stock { " in- liilrcd Mr. McCabo. "In speaking of investment , I speak ad- isedly , " replied Mr. Barton. Mr. Barton said that as soon as a quorum the directory was in the city a meeting vould bo called and the resolution of tlio neoting asking for a reduced f.ire would bo onsiclcrcd. Ho did not desire delay and vas anxious to meet the question at the loor. The conference adjourned stijcct to a call rom Mayor Bemis. Another meeting will ie held as soon as the answer of the com- lany is received. WAYS OF THE WiCKED. Mutter * Took Up the Tlmo of Ilio Io k Spi-KiMint I/m : Nlslit. Officers are looking forI. Harry Driscoll , , vho , on pretense of having W1 on deposit in the Citizens bank of Council BlulTs , had a heck cashed for that amount on the Citl- sons bank of Omaha. Ho was expecto.1 in 'rom Lincoln yesterday , hut did not arrive. .1. D. McKiilby , superintendent of the lomo for fallen women at Mllford , was in thecity yesterday looking forOrace Kanotiso , vho was sent to the home some two weeks igo from Bortio Matin's house. The girl , : iowover. is lying ill at the Presbyterian : iospital , and Mr. McICalby returned homo .vithout . her. Joseph Alexander is held by the police on i charge of otis'.riictlng the bojilovard at Fifth street , where he lives. Councilman 1. S. Hascall is the complaining witness , loseph is trying to appropriate to his own private uses that pirtion of the boule vard contiguous to his own property and to this Judge Hascall objects on behalf of the city. ( ! eoririo Wilson , a South Omaha young person , is familiarizing herself with the In terior of the police station because another young person of doubtful rectitude thinks CJeorgie stole her watch Jack Ready an 1 Fels Peterson indulged In a friendly scrap at the corner of Kleventh and Farnam streets last night and were gathered in by Sergeant Sigwart for dis orderly conduct. Lar.'y Casey is In custo ly on a charge of assault against a Mrs. Hincs. The case of Orel D. Orvis , who sold a pat ent rijrht to me Packard , and was arrested on complaint of the latter on a charge of ob taining money under false pretenses , was continued until Monday next. H. A. Thomas , who has been rooming with K. W. Raymonds it the Union Depot hotel , says the latter stole his trunk and some other personal property , and Raymond , who was found wearing some of Thomas' clothing , is therefore held on a charge of grand larceny. Nels Turlkoson , a ioun ? man who ligures as a desperate character , and would rather be a "bad'1 man than anything else , brolco a window at ( > M South Tenth strcot late last night un.l was rounded up by Ofllccr Carey. John Cirecn , Jim Bunds and a man named How Invo beei' arrested on complaint of Mrs. Taylor of HIS Jacksou strcot for ab ducting and criminally assaulting her 15- year-old daughter. jimi'Kiti' UP Tin : T o r.odlPH I-'loatlii ) ; lit KiuibUH City \VI Ii Their HeaiU Chopped Oft' . KANSAS CITY , Mo , May 11. The headless and limbless bo-lies of two men were found floating in a barrel in thu Blue river last ni ht. Appearances indicate Ihal the heads and limbs were chopped otT with a blunt ax. No clothing or other means of identification were found It is not believed they eamo from a medical college. The coroner is in vestigating. At the llolivmttii I'nlr. About 700 persons attended the fair of the Bohemian Gymnastic society at 1:115 : nnd iai" South Thirteenth street last night , and each and every ono pronounced It a thor oughly enjoyable affair. The llrst part of the program was a Iau7h- able one-act comedy entitled "On the Bridge. " produced by thu Bohemian Catho lic Dramatic club. Thy Musical Union Mili tary hand furnished Iho music. After the comedy were the following numbers : National Hymn-March KllcnberK Overture , ! . < Mwttii ( Ie 1'ortlcl \tiljer t'liaracter I'lure-Tlio l.lttlo l-'hiKertir. . . lliycr Select Inn ( irand Opnra ( iaertnor lirand riniile , tlilni act Uli'iicl It. Wugnor Uoiuun/o Spiliri'swuLlnt ; I' , llach ( I'lunch lioi-n solo .loii'ph ItorKholl'.i WulUVliiu. . WUIIH-II and Sunn Strauss ( Julep The ll'iinillful Klder Prunku The fair is meeting with the encourage ment it deserves and promises to be u finan cial success. Tonight there will bo turning contests between the Bohemian gymnastic society and the ( jcrman Turnvercin , at which' largo crowd is expected to ba pros- eni , as much iulercst Is taken in the compe tition. PROPHET OF DESTRUCTION Dire Prediction that Emauatoa from an Eu- thusiasric ftabbatamn , WORLD'S FAIR TOBESUDDENLY WIPED OUT So SitItiiv. . Hubert I ) . IMnnkrlt , Who lo- cUi-e flint on duly 10 un Awful Storm Will H\Ycpi | the \Vhlto City llccmn * of Sum ! * ? Oponlnc. CiiiCAfio , 111. , May 11Rov. . Hubert D. Plunkctt from Cimrlottsvlllo , in the Lone Star state , who is stopping at the Brings , says the World's fair buildings arc to bo utterly destroyed , and as ho nlono possesses the key to the short-hand remarks on the horizon , no one cnn suy him nay. He said the destruction would not como unless the gates were opened on Sunday , but he felt in his bones that it would bo done. The time set for the utorm is the afternoon of Sunday , .Inly 1(1. ( The prophet said : "The coming sum mer will bo unusually hot and it will be a season of violent thunderstorms and great winds. As if to cnMco a greater number to the fair grounds the lorcnoon of Sunday , .Inly 10. will be beautiful. The cars'on the various lines of tralllc will bo crowded ; the tally-hos and the coaches will be howling along the boule vard : the limits on the lake crowded , too , will bo bounding joyously along. "Tlie storm will como upon us from the east and black clouds will begin rushing along the southeastern horizon io a cen tral point. As the clouds rapidly approach preach the lightning Hashes will bo almost Inconsant and tlio reverberations of thunder , constantly increasing in sound , will bo c mtinmil. Tlio darkness of a t ital eclipse will immediately pre cede the fateful burst. Then it will como straight on , a mighty hurricane , no cyclone , no switchings , no curves , no deviations , but in a direct blow from the shoulder of Omnipotence. Many will be killed , more injured , but the beautiful AVhitc City will be no more. "Milt a great lcssm : will bo taught thereby. As the World's fair is a micro cosm of all the world , so will this bo typical of the Html destruction of our planet because , of the sins of its people. The White City is beautiful , and is an evidence of man's genius , but it also shows his limitations. It is beautiful , but not grand ; there is nothing awe-in spiring there like real mountain scenery or the Kails of Niagara. It will bo , as it were , a second Babylon , and man will be punished for his presumption. " H K.I TiiKitt..isr.s. . It Will Ho ( Iriiiirnlly Fair nnd Slightly Wuriurr In NehraMU i Toduy. 'WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 11. Forecasts forl'riday : For Nebraska Generally fair ; slightly warmer ; variable winds. For Iowa Generally fairjslightly warmer ; westerly gales. For the Dakotas Fair ; slightly warmer in extreme eastern portions ; winds becoming south. llccord. OrnrnopTiiE VA'r.A-ritr.n BUIICAU. OMAHA. May 11. Omaha record of temperature and rainfall , compared with corresponding day of past four years : 1893. 18U2. 1801 1HOO. Maximum temperature. 0'J3 01 ° 70 = " 7-IO Minimum tiuiiperiitlliu. 5&3 44 = 40Oifis AviMiigo temperature. . Clio 40C frO f)3 ) Plcclplt.Hlon 1.00 .00 .00 .00 Statement showing the condition of tem perature nnd precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1S'J3 : Normal tii MIDI'rat lire OOO I-\cess : forthodav i2O Di'llclency since .March 1 201 Normal precipitation 14 Inch Dtillcleney for thu chiy 1.52 inch K.\ccss MIICC March 1 77 Inch ICcportK from Other PolnM nt 8 p. m. i" Indicates trace. GKOIIOK i : . llr.\T , I.ocnl Korccuet omclal. Tux Co Inrtlon * fur April. The statement of the collection of taxes by the city for the month of April has been pre pared by Treasurer Bolln. It shows that the regular taxes collected aj-'pros-itod ? J- ( ) 'JIO.IIT. Tho.spsc.lal taxes collo-ited wore'as follows : . I'avlng } r.,94'J HO Caving alleys i27'J 77 Curblnguiid giitlerlng 1,710 20 Sewers 7.0HD 71 Sidewalk . 9,012 US Urartliu , ' 18,307 7'J 8,200 13 Soucrconnections ! 'J57 51 Viaducts 4 82 IlcmovlnKhiiow 83 03 Killing and sloping of lots 1 > 0 01 Total special taxes collected. . .i&2rj)3 ( ) 05 OIIH Cat Tint. Wilt , IM rul. The ilomojtie cut hasoftun bcun qiioteil an ono of the readiest umirce.s whence frictinnal olectriclty may bo dorivcd , Init in its coniiuctionvJtli oleetrlc- ity it ilays un entirely new purl , HUJ-H the Electrical Hoviow. A building in u MuRsuMiUbottu otown Jiud boon wired tor electric lights and it was found neces sary , i puss an olcctrio wire from ono nido of a room to the other tinder the lloor. This was likuly to entail u serious loss of time and labor in excavating , but an ingenious rnsugot rid of tlio difllculty. Ono of the mon hit upon the plan of making a hole at each end of the room. Then tnkiiijj a loiitf jiieco of line twine ho tied it around the body of a live kit ten , which was placed through ono of the holes into the space nndor the llo-ir. Hy a little uoaxing the cut BOOH found her way to tlio hole at the other end ol the room , who.-o the light wus shining in. Thus the line twine was pusbcii through and was attached tn a stronger piece , which was in turn drawn through and made the means of drawing the wire right through the opening. Short on Chiu iry. Detroit l''rio Press : "Could I ask u great favor ? " asked tlio guoht of the Higncbtc.f . all in Leavening Power. Latest \ . S. Gov't Report. hotel olurk , nn ho beckoned rvt the keyboard - board for the kev to room fo.14 , "You could , ulr. " "Will you soil or loud mo about n pound of chicory until tomorrow ? I'vo boon out , but nil the groceries uro cloneA up. " "Couldn't possibly do it , my dear sir , " was Iho bland reply. "Thoutoward just told mo that wo hmln't ever ten pounda of chicory for breakfast , with ISO guests in the , nnd wo may bo obliged tense nso us much as two or threu ] ) ounda of colTco to got out of the pinch. " Yen , Verily , The World Moves 101 * votr $1,000 $ , IN THIS II'OOO ' VOLT JN'uf Ji//iy HO u-ooil it I'MIIIIOl ( ) O ll - jiroi-cn/ . No Den'lii No Fires It cloos not clopo it ) on A Cnlnmlty. Wrltotolhn PERPETUAL MATURITY BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , Incor- corporatcd undnr the liws of Iowa , for m- foriiiiitlon , room * 'ill an I ' 'l > M' > rrltim block , Conned lllufTs. Iowa. Council Bluff ) . JOHN UOIIANY , MA\AUIII : , Gf0.1I ( F01Y HOI ! 183 012 P. TIIK AND A LADY QUARTET. In a , dull : litful iiroir.'itn ent ru y free from diillnes" . und conslstlu ; cf I.ADY QUAllTRTH. V 101,1 N anil COICNBT SOLOS. MANDOLIN , IIAN.Ii ) un IGIMTAU CMJll , < ; tl.MK' anil SKUlOlTS UKMll.NOS SPUING QJIN ( CM' . Mi'sir AND MIIITII ! A minlonl cmtnitnlnmont that Is unjoyuhlo .cllko to iiiiHlohin and the IIKUSUS. Don't f.ill lo tlio won derful -yuir-old : iirtlst , MAMTKII To MM it , who piavs violin solos , situs son s uncl ro- citcs In the moit tlnlshu.l stylo. si'Ai. I'mrcs. DON'T Mis-i Tins TIIBAT. See our Program. Itsucak" for Itself. N. 11. The Uulohr.itod -hu'iort ' I'liiiu UsoJ In all Concerts. The b sl p.iylng Inrosttn * nt for a tiOiiuoirtfo It The Excelsior Itojn-BrtM aui Roaster. llrikoi brnnil taitj Icivei It mil ' ; maut will b juicy nnd rich , nivoi on < third n.ltrltlo isolommiU. No Ivly can do without It : ittur liarhiii trloj It. wrltolor rlrntilnm. AGENTS WANTED. CHARLES SCHULTHEISS , Council Dluffa , Iowa. RARE , RIPE OLD WHISKY. ///n/o < / Sfoe/r oF f/io I'lnont In tli Wo / < / . P. II. Ford Ii is openurt n wliolMilu liquor store i _ .o. 17 l'o-\rl Mtroot. I'nuni'll lll.itt * . anJ ha > put In n Inrvo antl ol ) HOlcctcil ntocf uf WIneJ , brandlus , wlilikloo , oto. Itlnufnct wurtliy nf uioutlon that Mr. Forl Is the furtunnto p.mi'0r of noarlj fortf burrcis of the llnujt wUUkj In the UnltPd Suuei. In IBJUlliu bouxlit HOroiily-tlra barren of Kentucky l' . I' ' ' . IX Tiiylor whlikr , " "J U " ' " nut until ntiuui Ihrooyoars eco Hint ho | > lnoi ] tb3 vooili on th * ninrkot. Of thli i tock lie has loft about forty bar- roll , nTiO oxpcru nil prunounco It Ktuolutoly the llni > 8tnhHky Int'in ' cmmtrj1 : lilt soils It nmlnlr In famllloafor iiioilli-luiil use , us It ti too coitly for tlior uiilnrtinilK. Itl worth over (10 per vallon. 'I here Is not niuitlior lir.iinl of inch whlnky In the U. S. Illii stock of t > r inillai ntitl irlncs cotiios from thu famous Lolnnil Stniiftinl Tlncyni-di IQ C'nllfornlA unit Imvc u lil li ruiiutatlon for ozcollunuo and purity. rropoiuU for \Viiti < r lUscnoKT , Ni-b. , May 5 , I Una. Notice Ii lu-iubv Blvcn thutsealed bids for the construc tion nfii system of water works will hti re- ( < ( > JM > I | liy tin * Ihmrd of Trustees of tlm vlllu of llanrroft , Cumin : ; county. Nob. , on or ho- forci 8-30 p. m. , May 'J7 , ln)3. ! ) Said water works to lie constructed In "aid village of LKn- ciiift cliirlni ; thu ri'inalnilorcif the yi'iir Iti03. iicciirdlni ; to plans and spi > i > llli-itloiis : now on Illii xvlth the village clerk , or may he accorcl- liiKtoilans | and spoclllcatluns furnished by Thn board reserves the rlirjit to reject any or all bids. The party or parties awarded Iho contract will lid -iUhed | lo ilv : < ! ooil und sulllcli'Mt hond for thn faithful pel foi niaui-o of said con tract ; said bond lo hn tipproriMl by tha Vlllucci Hoard uf Tiustees. M. I. KM.IS. L ) . I ) . II.\SSINi-it. ; VIllaKe Clerk. I'hiilniian. Notice. The annual meetlirj ; of stockholders nf the Fiomnnt , Klkhurn A : MlsMurl Valley Itiillroad company will hi ) held at the oil Ii'O I ( the com pany In Omaha , Neb. , on I'l-ldlty , May 10,1803 , ut U o'clock p. in. , for thu idccllon of director * and for thn transacllmi of uiicli otluir buslnuja as may come buforc the ini'ctlm ; . .1. II. KKIIKIKI.II , Sueroliirv. Dated May 1 , 1HU3. .M3U7t ( QimoSiRaillilPi IT > Attoriioyii-'it-lrw. I'rac- Oilllb&DdllllJllUi tluu In the HUto mid fodcnil courts. Koonii 1M.17SHhugart block , Counull illuIR I j. Special Notices. COUtUll BLUFH , UTV. cur. cull you a liouio nn1 lot uu a payment uf fiomJIOOJ lo J .iD ) down nnd II'I.OJ ' to til ( X ) pur niuntli. t-onio rpclal bnritalns In lota. John ston A Van I'attun. AhHIIMOTMitndio.ini. Kami nnd oily property I m iii IH and suld. I'uijy i Tboiu i , LOtinjll Illuits MAI.TKSK I'll is.S llod.- I'oiiplo ny It l l IU ream ; coodTuluu nnd ulw yi In muck at Mix- br's , Merriam hluck \\ril.l , K.\i"TT.\MjK nil r 'l wir "iTnir ro.iui it homes niitl aturu rnuni nnd outlrilldlnys , clsnr onncimihrancu. A. .1. M indol , 70Ui.ruliniu Avu. ; . | { . No. HII r'lttiuru u Inqalro of J. I * . I'hrlslluu. C. Jt It. I , ( houso. rrlclil _ _ _ _ _ TTo rSAI.iinr ! p7lu in lilioi drlvu < m ro * "learn mule ; oil wition. harms' and teum. Kiu tiiiKliy ; rosd wa.'on. l arli'in dial i'o. . 10 I'nnrl nlreut. \ ( 7II.I. sell below coit now J room hoiin , moclura ' eonvonhiuuui , wjllluoilul llooolluj. I/IJU aALK-TlireeJiTHoy bulli : a oi oa'J one year nnd two yuars ; solid cJlor , rugl elock. 721 S. Ul t. I . 'nil HAI.KNlco bay o.irrlaKO tdira ami carrl K . K W. Tullf yJ. IOJ 1'o.irl St . Co i-K-ll illults / ' MtllAiiK rrmorril , eeiiio3li. | rnnlu. rhlmnoysi V clcanoil. Kd liurku , at Tujrlur < grocery , WJ llroadway. _ xxil ) Klrl for irenvral houiowork. Mrs. (1 ( K ( 'Hpoonor. No. 114 ( linn aveniio. I/fJll HKNT-7 room huu . w.itar , ai and btttbi Itoodslnblo. 7I'J Uli M , Council muffs L'fHH WALK OH KX llAMllJ-FIre acroi nee i r- den land ndjolnlnit tlio nty. coud huuso atirt burn. 2K acres In irlnnyard. will utcliunvo for house and lut cuntrally locitud. II(1. . McUuv , 10 Main ilrt'et. _ ' IlKST Ilousoof Uvernomi , 3 acres uir.lta L'oll psslurc , on 1'i ar llroadway U SV.Tul Ic/i , 1U3 1'carl str * k