Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1893, Image 1

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Handsome Residences at Mnscatine ,
la. i Oompletsly Demolished.
jloon Men Declared to Bo Responsible for
the Outrage.
jjmates Escapj with Their Lives as if by
a Miracle.
m It n re of the HiillillngH Turn t < i 1'lrcrs
and Tumbled Into thn Cellars
ThcurlcH IIH In tin' C'nuia
of the AfT.ilr.
AIl'iCATlXB. la . May 11. [ Special Tele-
ram to Tun Ilr.RThreu ] terrible oxplo-
.ons of dynamite occurring at'M : tills
lorning axx-akened thousands of people here
nd completely wrecked the handsome
oincs of John Alaliin , editor of the Alusca-
ine Journal , 10 Al. Kessenger , a retired cap-
allst an 1 D Ros nhergcr. an attorney.
The fifteen sleeping occupants of the three'
wi'iitn/s eii-iiped deatli ill a manner that Is
lost m irar.limit In ex-cry case tlio oceu-
ants of tin' houses slept on the second
oor and as the exploslx-es xvero throxvn into
, 'io basements r the llrst floors , the force of
nu I'xplnsi'iii xvas beloxv the occupants. The
jxx-er Moors of all the houses xvere com-
lotoly deni'ilUlu'd and tlieir contents
ropped into the cellars.
At Air Rnsenberger's house , which xx-as
eft a complete xvredc from collar to roof ,
iomo of the occupants fell from the upper
floor Into the cedar , but escaped injury. At
Air. Mahin's a heavy xx-.irdro&e xvas throxvn
iipi n a lied oivuple I hv txvo young women ,
l" > ' In ditch a that they escaped in-
) iuCostly furniture xx-as throxvn In a con-
si i mass uf chaos into the collars , and
. ' 'ills xvere bloxvn into the yards. A more
e xvreck than the Interior of tlio
houses presented would bo difficult to im
isp : Iniiitei ot the DM mil 5:1' : .
Air Mahln estimates bis loss at $ SOJO
id that of Air Kessenger cannot fall beloxv
this figure. Rjsenberger's residence is stm-
plx iK-iond repair , all xx-alls being torn from
their founlation and shattered to pieces. Its
value , howex-er , xvill not exceed $2.000.
Alt the owners of Iho wrecked homes have
been leading the prosecution against the sa
loons of this flty , six ot which xvero yester
day closed by injuivtion. Suits against the
nlhcr thirty-two s-iloons xvill bo pushed In
Ihe term of thodUtriot court noxv in session ,
but oxving to the height of public indignation
over last night's outrages and the temporary
disability of Attorney Ixosenherger , who was
slightly Injured in the blowing up of his resi
dence , Judge Wolfe adjourned court until
Itnxviirds lor tint IVrpotr itor .
A mass meeting of citizens was called at
oneo for the purpose of taking action to
bring the conspirators 10 justice. Tlio
Board of County Supervisors xx-as called to
gether in special session ind offoro.l a re
ward of $ ' .2OJO to bo paid by the county for
the arrest of the guilty parties. It Is also
expected that detectives xvill arri\-o from
Chicago and go to xvoric on the case at once.
In this evening's Issue of Ins Aluscatlne
Journal Kdltor Alahin has an editorial in
which ho says :
Declares It to Ho n Conspiracy.
"I am almost da/.ed to think that there
could bo in a civilized community any person
or persons so dastardly as to seek to take
the lix-cs of my innocent wife , daughters and
son because of any resentment toxvard mo.
That the wrecking of my house xvith dyna
mite. Imperiling not only my own life , but
that of four oilier members of my family ,
I'ncludlng also a voting lady employe
'of ' the household , from xvhich xvo made
cannot otherwise bo regarded but as
miraculous escape , xx-as the result of eon-
plniey , cannot bo doubted. The horror of
hat uxvful struggle for breath and life is
iinething xvhich cannot bo expressed in
ords No other rcas in existed for such
onsplracy except that tlio persons thus as-
Kpaded in their homes at the pe-icoful hour
! tif night have boon Identified with
. /an ofTort to enforce the laxx-s against the sa-
yioons. These are the brief , plain fuels.
? , > They speak more eloquently than any words
VI can command at this time. Fulloxv citl-
* 7ons. there Is sumethimr for you to do for
/youroxvn protection I Irax-o confidence that
M-iiur good judgment , xxlth the lushest sense
of honor and goo I citizenship , xvill guido yau
In whatever you do. "
The I'Huens held a mass meeting tonight.
Over 5 i.OOti in tvxx.irJs are noxv offered.
K UN \ II.
j Niilnlitu NnptiilN An pU'lnnsly Ct'lulirntoil
( at I'ort DnduueMBrihiy. .
Four Donur. . la. , Al-xy 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : lHr. : . | The wedding of Allss
Mary Judith Duncomb and Air. William
Squire. Kenvon occurred at high noon today
nt the residence of the bride's parents , Air.
and Airs. John F. Duncomb. The ceremony
xvas performed at exactly 1'J o'clock by Rt.
Kov. William Stox-cns Perry , Kplscopal
bishop of Ioxxa and xvas more than usually
The library of tno Dunconib homo xx-as
very liAiidsymely decorated to represent the
chancel of thu Kolscopal church , being
draped in dark red. and an altar built ,
which was upproprlatuly draped xvith
heavily embroidered altar cloths. To the
left uf the bride on this altar stood a Jar
tilled xxtth white lilies. All of this lent an
elegance and solemnity to the service. The
brllo xx-as attired in a handsome goxvn ot
white satin en frame and duchesse lace , xvlth
n lloxvtng veil of tulle. As she approached
the ultaron the arm of her dtstmgusshed
father she carried in her hands an elegant
prayer book bound in white vellum and sil
ver mu'inlcd , beautifully engraved , a gift of
her mother She xx-as attended by her sis-
ti r. AIlss iiHrirudc xvho made ncharming
maid of honor , attired In an leu green silk
handsomel.x trimmed xvlth laco. The bridegroom -
groom xvas attlnM in the conventional suit
for a noon xveddlng. He xvas attended b.x
Mr Charles K.uxsun. an old college chuiii
n siting In DCS Moines.
Imnieulalel.x folloxving the ceremony am !
o Tiring of congratulations , an clogaut din
ncr xx-as served to the family and circle ol
immediate friends. Air and Airs. Kenyoii
took the afternoon train for an extended
visit in the east and with Air. Kcnyon's par
entx fiHKixved by a storm of rice , old i"
and good ' '
linporxinittml tin Olllcir ,
DKS MOISES , la. , May -Special [ Telo
Bt-am to TUB HEK.J Miice llarney was con
vlctod in the federal court of Impersonatlnt
HU officer , and JuUgo Woolsou semenecd bin
to one year In the penitentiary at Anamosa
and lined him < -VXJ. Harnoy arrested several
men , claiming to be a deputy United States
marshal , and then gave them their freedom
In return for money. One felloxv refused to
bo blackmailed and so Mle'.iacl ordered him
to appear before Marshal IStheridgo the next
morning. Thn arrested man did and that Is
what led to Mike's arrest and conviction.
\VInii tlio Coiniiilttrc' lln Dlircivrrt'il ut tlio
Port Miullniiii limlltiition.
Knur MAI > I ON. la. . May 11. Thirteen
years agoSeth II. Craig , the warden of the
state prison at this place , xvas removed from
office by Gox-ernor ( Searnnd 1C. O. McMillan ,
the present Incumbent , xx-as appointed to 1111
the vacancy and he completed Craig's unex-
plred term , but when the legislature con-
vunwl xvas regularly elected and held the
position continuously for six years. Colonel
Crosdcy then succeeded him and xx-as the
warden for four years , xvhen McMillan ran
for oftlco again and xx-as eleelcd. He is noxv
In the third year of his second term , but ,
like his first predecessor , stands a good shoxv
of being requested to step doxvn and out.
Craig xvas a defaulter. Ho conducted the
prison for personal gain , and on the recom
mendation of an InveslU'atingcommitlee xras
ousted. If only half the charges preferred
against tlio present warden are proved they
will shoxv Unit he has been folloxving in
Craig's footsteps. The committee Investi
gating his administration has put in eight
days uf hard xvork , thus indicatinir that the
situation Is both serious and full of features
demanding explanation. I'hc commit
tee is thorough in its inquiries
and has gone over a xvide scope of
territory. Tliore are so many little tilings
Haiti one member , that it UKcs a great do.i
of time to gather the details togethuanil
get them in shape. In addition to the irregu
larities already enumerated it is charged
that the warden allows his nephew , a cleru
in the prison , and Assistant Deputy ( iillctte
to board their Horses at the expense of tlio
state : that he charges the guards " . " > cents a
pair for cloth shoes xvhich the state is sup
posed to furnish free of cost , sells soap
urcasc and fails to make any record of the
transaction , and manipulates the distribu
tion of prison clothing In such a manner as
to make money out of it.
Iol > : > lnj ; In Too I silppllo * .
The committed completed its inquiry this
morning Into the potato deal and dox-otcd
tlio balance of the day to examining ac
counts. Food supplies for the prison are
bought generally in carload lots , and during
the xvlnter there happened to bo a largo
supply of potatoes on hand and xvhat the
guards wanted for homo use xvas sold to
That would have been all right enough
had the state received the proceeds , but so
far as the committee lias been able as yet to
ascertain from looking over the books and
bills it did not. The transactions in
soap grease and clothing are not made
clear. It is impossible to ascertain any
thing specllic.ill.y. The charges are made
generally , do not go into details , and the
committed positively refuses to divulge
any of the thlnirs sxvorn to by xvitncsscn.
Nearly all the xvitnesses examined are
guards , clerks , and other attaches of the
pris.Mi , and Irivo had tin ) seal of seeivcy put
on their lips. The warden ex-en doesn't
knoxv hoxv far the investigation Iris gone ;
hoxvox'cr , ho xvill bo given an opportunity to
put in a denial , and if possible vindicate
Slnco It became knoxvn that things xvero
not right at the prison and that an official
Investigation xvas going on the peopleof Kort
Madison have groxvn somewhat agitated
over the matter and they ao di
vided in opinion , and as a
result heated discussion can bo heard in
the stores and on thostreetcorncrs. Warden
McMillan is personally popular in the toxvn
xxrlth a lart'o portion of the population and
they refuse to believe him guilty of crooked
ness. Tlio committed , hoxx-ovcr , admits to
having found matters In bad condition , but
Is determined that the facts in detail shall
not bo given out until they are turned over
to the governor. The appearance of the
prison throughout shows that it is well kept
and the prisoners look healthy.
. Met Dentil In a Minn.
Orrrxtxx'A , la. , May 11. [ Special Telegram
toTiu : Bii.l : Kvan Jones , an employe in
the WhltcDroast mines tit Keb. met with n
fatal accident today. While ascending In
the cage from the pit boloxv ho xvas caught
between the cage and the shaft. The bloxv
gouged out the right eye and the right
cheek bono , tearing a great hole in the
right side of his face. Jones is a bach
elor fl years of ago. His father is a
retail merchant at Swansea , Wales , worth
$100,000. A strange coincidence xvas the fact
that his cousin , also named Jones , before
Kvan xvent Into the mines , begged of film not
to go doxvn and never go into a mine again.
Ho accompanied his request with tears and
\x-ent doxvn on ills knees supplicating him
not to go Into the mines. A fexv hours later
ho xvas a corpse.
Itixr.i Supreme ( 'onrt Dpo'slons.
Dr.s MOINKS. la. , May 11. [ Special Tele-
gr.iin to THU BEK.J The folloxving supreme
court decisions were rendered today :
Ahuey et al appellants , vs Clark et al , Calhoun -
houn district , reversed ; Holt , appellant , vs
McLogan ot nl , Carroll district , reversed ;
Tariss x\s Guaranty Life association et nl ,
appellant , Polk district , reversed ; State vs
Smith , appellant , Boone district , afllrmod ;
Lemoyno , appellant , vs Brailen , Monona
district , alllrmed ; Kemp vs Smith ct al ,
1'lymouth district , allirmcd.
SeruriMl liy tliu < Northern ,
StorxCiTV , la. , May 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIB BKU.I The three directors of
the Sioux City ft Northern elected yestcr-
dny are M. I ) . Graves of St. Paul , solicitor of
the Great Northern ; Clarkson Timlley of
Minneapolis , a Great Northern , and W.
10. Do.lgo. nn associate of J. J. Hill. It Is
uoxv certain that Hill has control of the
road and , after May 15. will operate It ! n
connection xvlth the Great Northern. The
roads connect at Garrison , S. I ) .
li > ortid lllH ViMt'itt XVI fn
Di.-st.Ai1 , la. May 11. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HBB.J Cl.V. . Dojcan. a farmer llvn.g
south of this place , has decamped , leaving
his young bride. Ho loft a note telling her
be xx-ould not return. Ho convertej all his
realty into cash before going.
llnn < | ii trd tinl l
DAVUM-OUT , la. , May 11. Clinical work
occupied the attention of the assembled
dentists of loxx-a and Illinois today. This
evening a reception and u.inqucl xx-as
tendered the visitors.
lilill | i' * Ion Day On tor ,
IVxi.Ai1 , la. , M-iy 11. [ Speual Telegram
toTnnBr.i : . ) R H. Dexvoy of Des Molnes
has been secured by Shields post , Grand
Army of the Republic of Djnlap to dellx-er
the address on Decoration day.
.I.V.Ylim. ITKl ) HI'.IVK.
i : traorillliiiry Time .Xlsdr hy u Train on
I lie Nnxr York Central.
BI-FFAI.O , N. Y. , May 11. On Tuesday the
Noxv York Central Umpire State express ,
draxvn by engine No. W.I , made IftJ miles an
hour , a great record in Itself , but Knglncor
Hogan said she xvas not feeling xvoll
day and could do better. She xvas gix-en a
night's rest hero and bent doxvn to Syracuse.
The lest of speed aunts betxvcen Kochcstct
and ' .his city. Soon after leaving Hoehester ,
Hogiin sluxvod her doxvn a little , for he intended -
tended to iiia'tc up the timoat the western
end of ih. % sro : ! < -h. Passing llatavia , tl'c
train xras iushlnalong at a gait of a mile a
minute. Then Hogan let her out The speed
Increased as the engine llexv along , and just
before- reaching Crlttemlen the record ol
Tuesday of a mile In thirty-live seconds was
equaled. But this was exceeded just this
side of that station , when thn noxv xvorld'f
record of a uilln lu thirty-two seconds xvas
mado. Thin is equivalent to US' , miles an
hour. A speed nearly as great xvas kept uj :
until Perks Station xvas reached and ttien
ho slowed her doxvn and allowed her to entci
Buffalo at her customary speed , arriving on
Work of tbo National League of Olubs nt
Louisville , Ky ,
KIllL'ln : Ilv.ioliitlomi UH Niitlon-tl < jiimtlilis
Adopted Thn Clrrlltlli of Olllpi-rd
Dfiivrr , Cotu. , XVIII lln tlio Nuxt
I'luru ti
I.ofl9vii.iB , Ky. , May 11. Hy tomorroxv
morning the army of republicans xvliich has
been enjoying true Kentucky hospitality In
this city for the last tlireo or four days , will
have disappeared. The convention of the
National Republican league adjourned today
to meet again on the second Wednesday of
next May In Oenrcr.
At Its session today W. W. Tracy of Springfield -
field , III. , xvas elected president for the ensu
ing year on tlio llrst ballot. Ills only oppon
ents in the contest xvero Hon. Al. II. Do-
Young , editor of the San Francisco Chron
icle , and General Daniel Hastings of Penn
sylvania. W. I. Squire ot Toledo , O. , xvho
has been here since hint Sunday making a
tight for the presidency , xvithdroxv from the
contest this morning , much to the surprise of
thu delegates outside ills own state. In
withdrawing , lie said he xvished to throw
his strength to Mr. Do Young.
( 'HIIKO fcir Complaint.
There has been a great deal of adverse
criticism made upon the republican leaders
of national reputation for ignoring the con
vention. It xx-as announced before the con
vention that General II. A , Alger , J. Sloat
"assett , Thomas H. Reed , John C. Spooner ,
( iovernor William McKlnley , John M. Thurs-
on and a dozen others of equal prominence
xx-ould attend and address the convention ,
ml not ono of tho'ii cams. Another thing
vhich caused the members of the league to
complain xvas the fact that the members of
ho national republican committee , xvith pcr-
iaps txvo or tlireo exceptions , left the city as
soon as it had adjourned.
It xx-as after 10 o'clock when President
21arksnn iMppod for the convention to come
to order. The exercises were opened by
miyer by Kov. J. Al. Hoyxvood.
It xx-as mox-ed that the rules of the Flfty-
irst congress be adopted.
"It is moved and seconded that the rules
of the Fifty-first congress the congress of
1'oin Reed -be adopted as the governing
tiles of the conx-entlon , " said President
Applause and cheers greeted the manner
of putting the motion , and a unanimous
vote resulted.
Upon calling for the report of the cominit-
ee on credentials , tlio chairman stepped to
lie platform and reported that the eommlt-
ee recommend as many votes for each slate
ind college league as are permitted by the
constitution of the league.
Dunvrr the Xcit Mcptinp Place.
The committee on the place of meeting re
torted Denver as the place for the conven-
, lon In IS'JI. and the report was adopted
tinid cheers for the western city.
Tlio committee on league xx-ork xvas not
ready to report , and the committee on reso-
uilons xx-as called upon. Here Chairman
Uoodnoxv of that committee stcupcd for-
xvard and reported the folloxving resolution :
We , the representatives of the Itepnbllciin
I.oitKUu clubs of tins United Ktiiles , In national
convention assembled , rcafllrm our bulluf In
and devotion to the principles ot the rojiiilill-
can party as enunciated by the national
letiuhllcan convention In 180'J.
xVe point xvlth pridn to tiu ! p.isi : c of a gen
eral law for tlio safety of lito mid limb of rull-
wuy employes , upon recommendation of
President Harrison , by a republican rongtvss
and In conformity with the expressed pli'dce
of tlio national lupubllcan convention
Wo di-claro that xvo are In hearty sympathy
xvlth every lesUlutlvo enactment xvhlrh xvill
promote the interests ut tliu xvaco earners and
tend to equalize conditions and harm on 1 7.13 tin'
relations between labor mid capital , always
regarding the and niiiturliil welfare of
tlie great body of tliu people as the primary
object to be obtained , and recommend as onu
of ( lie most olfcctix-o means to attain this end
the establishment of u system ot arbitration
for the adjustment ot dllterences arising be-
txveen labor and capital.
\\'v declare our fultli in genuine secret ballot
laws , fortified by olllclent nets fur the suppres
sion of corrupt principles- elections.
I'lukurtonlfiiil Diminmreil.
\Vo demand the enforcement ot existing
laws by the duly const fluted oltlcers of tlio
law and demand the abolition of the system of
private armed foices represented by the I'ink-
ertnn and like detective ngi'iicles.
\Vo demand the suppression of all public
gambling , whether In food products or by
mt'nnsof lottery tickets.
We heartily urge mi amendment to the con
stitution making tlm president Ineligible ton
hccond siiccesslx-e term.
Wo recommend to the favorable considera
tion of tliu republican clubs of the I'nlted
Status , us a mutter of education , the question
of granting to the xvomen ot the state and na
tion the rinht to vote at elections on thu Mima
terms and conditions us male cltl/ens.
Tli foreign tiollcy of Benjamin Harrison
and . .fumeJ. ( J. Illiilnu deserves and receives the
commendations of all Americans who believe
In preserving the rights and dignity of Iliu
I'lilti'd States , and In BNtonillng the scop.Mif
Its Influence. In accordance xxlih that pulley
xvo realllrm our determination toenconra 'i ,
the enforcement of the Monroe doctrine ; nut
only us It npplles to North and South America ,
hut also to tboie Island-i in the Atlantic and
Pacific xvhlcli are , or may be , necessary to tliu
protection of our coast , line and our trade.
When Die American Iliig covers American In-
lerests mid Amel ic.ui honor It must never be
Whereas , The democratic party , for the first
tlmu In thlrly-txvo yours , has Micceudi'il to
power In both thu executive and legislative
departments of the cox eminent , xve now direct
attention to the fact that It should either glx'i
the people u fair trial of thu policies advocated
111 Its national nlatform , in- admit that II
gained supremacy by grosi misrepresentation
and hypocrisy.
A Voice fr.nn l.ouUlaiiH.
At the conclusion of the report , a colorej
brother , Mr. Hlount ofLoulsiana , claimed tht
floor. Ho suited that "to his astonishment
the committee on resolutions had not llfteii
its voice against the outrages perpetrates
on negroes In the southern states. " Air
Bloimt was cheered and in order to jollj
him along and drive another nail Into tin
negro vote , the convention invited him t <
the platform. Air. lilount denounced em
phalli-ally certain midnight assassinations
xvliich ho ktiexv of.
Chairman Goodnoxv explained that UK
resolution adopting the republican platforn
Included , of course , tlio clause denouncing
outrages in the south.
About the only resolution which eausci
serious objections xx-as that referring t (
woman suffrage. It xx-as reported adversely
by the committee on resolutions to the xvhoh
committee . Itcamoupin the subcommittee
early last evening , and It xvas near 4 oVlocl
this morning before a decision was reached
Airs. Foster , president of the Woman'i
Republican association , occupied a scat 01
the platform , and xvhen this Issue came j
she showed the most intense interest In tin
result The rc.sulutkm xvas put to a vote
but the ayes and noes xvero so equally dl
vtdcd that u rising vote xvas culled for. and
In fact , was necessary. The result of tin
vjto was iITU yeas nnil ItiTi nays. While UK
vonvcntion xvent xvild and cheered so loudlj
that a steamboat xvhlsllc could hardly h.tvi
been heard above the din. Airs. Foster txisi
to her feet , excitedly , shook hands xvith hoi
secretary , .Miss l.eyenberger , and looked ul
sorts of radiance at the men xvho had risei
in support of the resolution.
Wtille the noes xvero standing , Airs. Fos
kCr counted noses with the secretary am
spotted ovury mother's son against femali
The other resolutions xvero passed as read
AjM > , liltnl : Ollhum.
The roll call of states xvas ordered b :
President Clarkson at this juncture. Eacl
state xx-as to give In the name of vice presl
dent and a member of tbo executive commit
tee.Tho names given In for tlm western am
northwestern states and for these holdio ,
Important positions In the ? inimical field fol-
loxv :
California Vice prestdentOeorgo C. Me-
Mullen : executive eommlttccnian , L. Al.
Colorado Vice president. Thomas Nich
ols ; executive commltteeinan , N. K. Busch-
Illinois Vice president. O. W. Raymond ;
executive eommittccnian , K. J. Juhn.
loxvn Vice president. F. A. Hcnnctt ;
executlvo commltteeimui , F. . C. Doll.
Kansas Vice proflldeht , F. C. Txvlff ; execu
tive eommittecinan-.J. II. Allller.
AllssourlVioo president , W. W. Alorgan ;
executive commltteoman , John F. Flannlg.ui.
Montana Vlco president and executive
committccnian , J. H. Collins.
Nebraska Vice president , David H. Alor-
cer : exeeutlx-o commlttceman , K J. Halner.
Now York Vlco president , C. C. Shane ;
cxeeutlx-o comnilttccjnan , James A. Blanch-
ard.Ohio Vlco president , John Id. Ilopley ;
executive eomiiiltteeman. H. W. Gardner.
Utah Vice president , Arthur Brown ; exe
cutive commitleoman , Hoyt Shernnn.
Idaho Vice president , .Martin B. Gxvinn ;
exccutl\-o commlltecmati. C. L. Haltoman.
Klnntloti of < > Ulcer * .
The convention then proceeded to the elec
tion of ollteers.
Air. Stellln of California nominated , in an
uiloiristic speech , Air. Al. H. DeYoung of
sail Francisco. ,
Illinois , through Mr. AlcConnell , nominated
W. W. Tracy of Spriti''lleld.
W. Al. Lynn of Peuhsylvanla xx-as also
[ ilaced in nomination.
Air. Campbell of Nexv York seconded the
nomination of Air. De Young.
When Nebraska xvas called Air. Grax-er
seconded the nomination of Air. Tracy.
Colorado did the same.
At over.v sacon.l received by the man from
Illinois there xx-as creal cheering.
Senator Dubois of Idaho , xvhen that state
xx-as called , seconded tbo nomination of
Something of a Cyclone xx-ns caused xvlien
Air. Squire of Ohio arose anJ seconded tlio
nomination of OeYoumr.
Jeremiah Foster of Pennsylvania , a col
ored delegate , came to the platform for that
state and nominated General Daniel Hast
ings of Pennsylvania.
Tlio result of the llrst ballot xx-as as fol
loxvs : W. W. Tracy , DM votes ; Al. II.
Do Young , 404 ; General Daniel Hastings.
411) ) . The total x-ote xvas 1,71'J. Of these 858
xvero necessary to a choice. The election of
Air. Tracy XXMS immediately inudo unani
Wliilo the vote was being counted Captain
Allen read telegrams from General Alger ,
r. V. Poxx-dcrly , Fred Douglass , Baltimore
lodge No. I ) , Knights of Reciprocity and
Tlio official announcement from the clialr
of Air. Tracy's election caused a storm ot ap
plause that fairly shook the building. It
xx-as nearly five minutes before the cheering
died down.
ProHlilont Tr-lcy'H Speech.
The noxv president was escorted to the
[ hair and spoke as folloxx-s :
you for the honor yon IIIIXD conferred upon
the representatives of IlllnoLs in electing me
lire.ldent ot the National league. Illinois has
tailed lint once In her lepnbllcinlsm since the
formation of tlio party , nnd. Inspired as they
ire by HID compliment you have paid them to-
lay , I can slmplv sav that , thij yoiiir , ' rotmbll-
an of the slate of l.lncoln , C.r.uit and i.oKan
Vi III fceu In it that she soon lesumcs her former
place In tlie republican column.
It Is a xvomlerfnl demonstration nf that
vitality of the republican | > arty thai eighteen
mouth * before another election Is to be held ,
republicans from California and fioin
I'lorlda to Alasua should ussernhlu in conven
If tlio republican would bo successful
In thi' future , it mu > t obtain and f-etaln
through Mlt'sti clubs tno lallegianoo of tlio
thousands of young nlen , xvho yearly enter
upon the threshold of inHnhood. Ol-ur 8,000-
( iiO ) of tlipso young men , Si ! years of ane , and
under , xvill participate In. thu next natioiiiil
election and over t,000,000 xrIII cnst their first
vole at that time. In the hands ot these young
men rests the future pillltlciil destiny of the
nation. We must study how to Interest , them
In our organisation and to 1)3 successful , must
at all times take advanced position In the
dally Increanhif ; problems of party mid na
tional Interest.
Afternoon Kenilon.
A recess was taken until ! 20 : ! ! p. m. At
that hour President-elect Tracy called the
convention to order.
A resolution xvas adopted expressing the
esteem ant ! extending the good will of the
convention to ex-President Clarkson and
Secretary Humphrey.
Tlie election of a secretary and treasurer
xvas referred to the executive committee.
Tlio folloxving supplementary resolutions
xvere roiwrtcd favorably from tlio committee
on resolutions and adopted :
Hlnro tlie national assemblage of republi
cans , the patriotic clti/.e'is throughout the
land have met an Irreparable lo-ir , in the death
of K. I ) . Iluyei nml . .lameO. . I'.lalne.
Itesolvcd , That u committee of nine be np-
polnted by the president tu Invest Igatk nnd le-
purl uiii.ualty the condition of the republican
party In the .southern Htates.
Thut theiepiihlli-aii party Is the party of the
people and tlie purposes of Its creation tvere
iluxl-slructloii ut slavery and th-j greatest
possible expansion of human liberty xxith the
land. It knoWMius'ot or creed 'I herefoie ,
the exclusion of any pr on from any republi
can club or organi/atlon < m account ( if his
i ellglous belief merits the sax-crest condemna
tion of tills league.
The league then adjourned slno die.
After the adjournment eacli of the
delegates xvas agniu reminded of Kentucky
hospitality by the receipt of a bottle of tlio
linest xvhlsky. labeled : "The Whisliy that
.Made Kentucky Famous ; Compliments of
Albert Scott , Collector of Internal Revenue ,
Fifth Distriit , Kentucky. " iiy
TheAlmoxt sti-jiiglu n Man nnd Criirlly
I'.eut it XViiiirin in Kentucky *
Rrssr.i.t.viu.i ; , Ky. , Alay 11. Kxeitoment Is
running high at and near iho little village
of South Union , ten miles from this city.
William Phillips , who lives a short distance
from South Union xx-as robbed of sox-eral
hundred pounds nf meat by tnlevcs xvho
broke Into his smoke house the other
niglit. Ho received an anonymous note a
day or so later , xvarning him that if
ho did not stop talking ho xx-ould Im-o every
thing taken axx-ay from him and his homo
xx-ould bo burned. Airs. Alitcholl , xvho tix-es
near Air. Phillips , and xvhotu he has been
trilng to rid the neighborhood of , xx-as sus
pected , as xx-as also Ab CurJxvell , a xx-orth-
less felloxv , xvho xx-as frequently seen around
the house xvhere the Mitchell woman lives.
Phillips began to grow uue ; sy nnd fearo I
the 'oss ' of his property and "safety of himself
and family. About midnl.iht Tuesday night
a mob of about txventy'-llvo masked men ,
presumably tlie friends pf Phillips , xvent to
thu homo of Cardxvell , took him into a clump
of forest trees near by and him to tell xvha
ho kncxv about the stolen meat nnd the
anonymous note. He said ho knexv nothing.
A rope xvas put urouna hfs'.neck and ho xvas
draxvn up scx-crnl fo < stfroni | the ground
ttirce times. The last tltufc ho was let , doxvn
ho xvas some minutes ri'sulnlng conscious
ness and xx-as left , more dead than ulivo , In
the woods.
The victim of the mob'is ' in a critical con
dition and may dio. After leaxing Cardxvell
the mob proceeded to tlio homo of the
Alltehell xvoman , who xx-as taken sjino
distance from the house a ul suverly Ix-nten
xvlMi hickory switches. Her streams could
bo hoard for a mlle around as the rapidly
descending lashes rent the flesh. She xvas
told to leave tlie community within txvcnty-
four hours or she xvoulu be kille.l. The
members of the mob worp unknown and no
arrests have been made.
DfMtll Hull.
AIAII II.XI.I.TO\VX , la. , Alay 11. The death
Just occurred nt Albion.of David Woreouter ,
brother of dlsiln-juUheJ lexicographer
of that name. Ho vrtis W years old , the
younsustof llfteen children , flvo of xvhom
.survive him. Ho tjr.idu.itud at Harvard col
lege in 1WJ unii xvas the schoolmate of
Charles Sunnier. For n ijuartcr of a century
ho lived the life of a rcclnso in this country.
WASIIINOTO.N , o , o f jay \ \ . .General Kd-
ward D , Toxvnacnd , for a number of years
adjutant general of the urmy , died at his
residence in this city this mornmif.
Chicago Startled Yesterday by a Great
Financial Crash.
Its Aim Said to lln In n 1'retty Client Con-
illtlnn Cuuio of the I'.illiiro Iliul-
IICM Troiihfpa ut Other
Cincuno , 111. , May 11. The Columbia Na
tional bank of this city failed this morning.
It had a capital of $ IOJOOJO. and depjjits of
$1.41X1.000. A rumor that it In tro.iblo
had been current for na.irly a xveeU. It did
business xvlth small country banks mostly ,
and xvas not esteemed among the otUor city
It Is said the cause of the latluro was pjor
collections on loans. This collapse and that
at Indianapolis caused a break of 'J1 ; cents
in the price of wheat hero.
Notices announcing the suspension xvero
posted on the doors and soon after Hani :
Kx.imincr Sturgess took charge of it by
authority of the comptroller of the currency.
Tliu bank xvaa reorganise. ! two ye.irs nco out
of the old United States National. A con
stant run since the htinmmcement of the
Chemical bank's suspension caused the
directors to close tliu douYs. A call for help
xvas made this morning , but there xx-as not
time for an Inx-eMtig.itl in before respon.ling
to It and the suspension e.ime. Tlio Colum
bia Is not a member of the clearing house.
Its last statement , May 4 , as folloxvs :
Loans and discounts . $ l,02 ,9iu :
. , "
1'imillnto and tluurc.4 . 1U.710
i\ohuiige : . ( iirju7r >
Total . S'J,5UIHMI
l'iiltalhtocl : | { . } l,000ino (
Surplus . GO.OOO
rmllvlded profits . 41,011
( . ' ( rendition . . | 5.lno )
Deposits . 1,457,050
Total . _ . $ 'JCil)4HSl )
President Uxviggons assigns the immediate
cause of tlio failure to the suit against the
Sioux City Loan and Trust company , xvliiuh
failed a fexv days ago. The Columbia had
$15,000 on deposit xvith that concern. Nexvs
of this fact load to the run xvhich ended in
the bank's collapse.
A meeting of the ofHccrs and directors xx-as
held tills afternoon and at Us conclusion it
xvas announced that the bank xvould prob
ably resume "business in a short time.
Cashier Preston of the Metropolitan Na
tional bank , through which the Columbia
National cleared , said tonight that the fail
ure xvas not a bad one , and that be saxv no
reason why the suspension should be any
thing hut temporary.
\ \VxHiiixiiTON- . C. . May 11. Tlio comp
troller has been notified that tlio stock
holders of the Chemical National Hank of
Chicago xvill make good the impaired capital
and resume business , paying all depositors ,
both in the main bank and the World's fair
branch , in full.
Sioux City inslno Work i Voreoil Into it
llncultor's Hiiiulf.
Stoo.x CITY , In. , May --Spooial [ Tele
gram to TUB BEB ] Tno announcement of
the failure of the Columbia National bank of
Chicago received hero this morning sent the
Sioux City Enlno wirks to tlio xx-.ill and
this afternoon William M. Tlumjuon xvas
appointed receix-or for the xx-orks and ( iuali-
fied under a $50OJO bond. The company ro-
ccix-ed a draft April -I against the Columbia
National for $3,000. ! ! which It put in the
hands of the Sioux National bank of this
city to collect. A s.iit for its collection is
pending , and the failure of the Columbia so
alarmed local creditors of the engine xx-orks
that a receiver xx-as necessary to protect all
interests. The stockholders made the ap
The company schedules assets as folloxvs :
Huilding , site and machinery , $125,000 ; . tools
and material , f3T > , OOi ) ; accounts , $ : t. > ,000 ;
stock completed and in moulds , $15,000 ; duo
on draft against Columbia National. ? I.I,000. (
Liabilities , not itemized , about $200,000. These
arc to local concerns for money borrowed
and to St. Louis iron dealers principally.
Assignee Hubbard of the Union Loan and
Trust , company , IloJges Trust com panx and
D. T. Hedges , xvliose assignments xvero made
in April , today filed his estimates of tne
value of assets scheduled in the three as
signments which are generally considered
accurate. lie glx-es the assets of the Union
Loan and Trust at $ lC : > li7l.r ! > 3 actual value ,
us against $ l,4HO.M ( reported. As stated in
tliu assignment , the eoinpun. , 's liabilities
are about $7,000.000. GO. T. Hedges' assets as
I estimated by the assignee are worth fi07- !
' : , as against values of &J.4i ! : , > : ) given
by Hedges in his assignment. His actual lia-
Thu Hedges Trust company's assignee es
timates the assets as xvortti ilSll.OIS nil. as
against $475,000 as given by the company In
its schedule. Tlio liabilities are tilO.OOO.
The discrepancy is duo to the fact that when
the assignments xvere made the assignees
out in all their property at face value ,
xvhcrcas much of llio assets consisted of
slocks worth much less than par , and of
real estate mortgages that the assignee lias
shaved from 15 to10 per cent. No schedule
of liabilities xvere filed mid the names of
creditors other than hn\-o already been given
are absolutely unobtnlnablo.
ci.osii > ITS DOOUS.
r.illnru of u I'rixlihin it Itntilclni ; lloimi ul
InillaiinimllH , 1ml.
IsniASAroi.iH , Itui. , May 11. Tlio Capital
National bank of this city has suspended
ami a bank examiner is in charge. The fail
ure xx-as caused by that of the Chemical
National Bank of Chi 1:1:1 : , xvhich oivud the
Capital National flOO.OOO. The Capital nlsn
carried a largo amount of Premier Steel
\Vorus paper. The latter xvent Into receiv
ers hands Friday. Tlio Indianapolis bank
xvas the depository for a number of building
The officials of the hunk made a statement
in xvhich they say the capital stojk is . * : iOJ-
000 , Tlio bank had done u profitable
business , xx-as run on n < ' > nsi-rx-attvo
basis , and there xx-as nothing in the banks
cnndi'.ion ' to cause uneasiness till Tuesday ,
xvhen tlio failure of the Chemical Nati-jnal
of Chicago occurred. Tlio Capital National
bail S71MHX ) on deposit In that bank. The fact of
the Capital's relations xvith tint banlt xx-as
known and caused distrust and licax-ydr.ifts.
This made the balance so heax-y against the
Capital bank that , in the pr < scut financial
Htriiio'en. yit xx-as not thought best to t-y toget
outside aid to tide tlio bank over , so it was
decided to suspend. ' 1 ho bank hns available
assets of o\-cr $ : . ' 00.0o ; ) In addition to the
money tied up In the Chemical bank. The
assets and liabilities of tliu Capital
at the rloso ot' business yesterday
xx-cro each ? l,5li ) , ! : ! 7. The ulllcers add that
the business is In such shape as to
ho readily settled up. Funds are on
hand to pay 45 per cent to dcposltois and
paper can' bo easily realized on , so thnro
need bo little delay In getting the balance.
The presidents of tlio Ass jciated Han'.ts of
the clly had a conference this forenoon and
the conclusion xx-as reached that lor ttio pro
tection of the depintuiM and stojkh'Jluers
suspension xvas luvcssiry.
The Capital National xx-as not a member of
the i-leai'ing hojsa. having left the same
several years ago , for the reason , as staled ,
that a more liberal pullcj should bo paisiio.l.
None of the other eliy bank ofllclals feel
that there 1s any cause xvhatevcr for alarm
regarding financial matters.
Th.'llAh < fU XVi rn Sill ill.
WiiAiiNiiroN. Uol. , May 11.-K II. Kobln-
Inson &Co. , bankers and brokers , have failed.
Liabilities , fUW.OOO : assets , { 100,000. The
sheriff has seized their property.
Another Knll h Failure.
LONDON , May 11. Hallet It Co. , navy
agent. and bankers , have stmtcnded. The
suspension caused a sensation In the military
and naval clrclua , as many otllcers are de
positors xvith the company.
Itlllnrtl Ilir lliHcnil it ll.ltr.
IXIXDOX , May 11. The Hank of England
today advanced the rate of discount from
! lper cent to H"j. The stock uxchango
opened Intensely excited. Dlftlculty xx-as
found In arranging the accounts. Union
Pacific , Atchlsm and other American shares
declined up to 1 p.-r cent.
r. M. v. .1. ro.M'/j.vr
Iti Si'i'-uiil liny Olio ill Interest to tinIli'lc -
Cl\t < ' ' AlllMllhtlMl.
INDIAN Ind. , May 11. The second
day's session of the International convention
of the Young Men's Christian association
opened this morning at'J o'clock xvith the
usual dovotlnnal exercises. The president
then appointed the regalar committees of
the convention.
Following this Mr. L. II. Packard of Mon
treal , read a most exhaustive paper on the
necessity of thorough training for secretary
ships of the associations and lioxv this may
be secured.
Mr. Thomas McPhoters of St. Ixuls presided -
sided at an Informal conference of one hour
on "Hoxv Can the State and Provincial Work
He Made Most KtToetlve ; Us Warnings and
Encouragement. "
Some do/.en or more of the leading state
and local socrotarloi spoKe brielly on this
topic. Or. L. \ \ . Munhall ot Philadelphia
spoke for half an hour on prayer and confes
sion and the proper and acceptable manner
of approach to ( iod.
In the afternoon Mr. Sheldon. P. Spencer
of St. I uls rca t a most admirablu paper on
the co-operation of members in extending
the xx-ork outside of their own local fields
hoxv can it nc Increased i He outlined sev
eral plans by xx-hich associations and indi
viduals can be brought into inoro hearty
svmpaty xvlth the xvork of the international
and state con mi tees.
At night a l.irgo attendance listened to a
most interesting address of an hour by Mr.
L. 1) . Wishardon , "Our Work for Young Men
of Noxv Christian Countries. "
r'rom il to 10 o'clock a reception given
the delegates In the rooms of the local
n nv Tin : A.IJ/I : itu/
I'ceiiilar mill Sail I'lUti "fa Ritlnir anil IIU
W.xiiiir.N. Mass. , May 11.--Warren G. Hut-
terxvorth , aged 70 , committed suicide hero
tills afternoon by shooting himself through
the head with a rifle. His daughter Kinma ,
xvho xras trying to prevent her father from
doing the ra.sli act , received the bullet in
her brain after it had passed through her
father's head , and she died also. Mr. Hut-
tjrworth xx-as fond ot hunting and had
numerous firearms about tlio house , but , all
of these had been removed xvith the excep
tion of a ; i--calilier pocket rifle , xvhich had
not been taken lor fear of exciting him.
Mr. Duttcrxvui'th took the rille and started
for the barn. As ho left the room his
daughter Kmma. aged 2.1 , entered and seeing
xvhat lie was doing , started after Him. Tlio
daughter readied her father Just as lie
entered the barn and caught him by the
right arm. Ho ordered her to let go , but
she replied : "No , father , I won't let go ;
xvhat are you going to dof'
For an answer ho placed the inuz/le of the
rifle in his mouth and pulled tlio trigger.
There was a loud report and both father and
daughter fell to the iloor. The bullet had
gone into lluttorxvorllfs mouth and right
temple and entered the Iqft eye of the
daughter , penetrating her brain. She lived
about an hour , while Mr. Hutterxx-orth xx-as
dead before ho struck the floor. The
Hntterworth family is one of the oldest in
toxvn. That the man was insane , there can
tie no doubt , and ho h-is previously , xvlien in
pain , threatened to take his own life.
Domnornti rani tlm XVVIr Hill Dcxpltu Ito-
palillciin OlijoctlniiH.
SrntNoriEM ) , 111. , May 11. The prospects
of the congressional and senatorial reappor-
tioiuncnl of Illinois x\-as seriously impaired
this morning by tlio death of Keprcsentutivo
Ernest Meyers of Calhoun county. This
left the democrats xvith but sox-enty-sox-en
votes , a bare quorum in the house , and the
party for a time xx-as at the mercy of a .single
Notwithstanding 'Meyer's death , and in
vioxv of tlio fact they had a bare tiuorum
present , the democrats decided to put
through the congressional apportionment bill
instead of adjourning , as usual , under such
circumstances. On assembling , thu bill , as
reported from the senate , xvas'taken up , and
republicans given an hour to discuss it ,
xvliuh they did in a very earnest manner ,
protesting against the-f ! ago law which pre
vailed-as they said , in the early stage of its
consideration. This time having expired ,
the house receded from the amendments
xvhlcb the senate had declined to agree to ,
by a vote of 77 yeas to no nays , thu repub
licans refraining from voting , and the bill
stood passed by both houses.
, /o//.v ir. 31.ivK.I r'.s si.vvi//i.V7' .
UYnli'y O. Klppry oil for Stiontlii tliu
Mlllhinalri- .
SAN Fu.xNX-i > co. Cal. , May 11. The trial of
Wesley C. Itippey for tlio assiult on John W.
Mackay continued today. The llrat xvitness
called xx-as , lolin W. Mackay. Ho testified
that shortly after noon on the I'Hh of last
February he turned out of Sutler street and
had pone ten or fifteen feet , xvlien he heard .1
report of a pistol and something struck him
in the hick. He ran across the street toget
out uf the rantre of the bullets. Ho looked
back and heard another shot and saxv a man
falling against the wall of a building The
\\-itiiesb hurried on toward Post htrect and
got into a buggy , and xvas driven to tlio ofliee
of Or. Keeney. Mackay testified that ho had
nuvur seen Uippoy before. Uippey's defense
is insanity. Thu trial xvill lie hastened as
Mackay is anxious to Join his family in the
irirMir.v.s i
ClCX'I't Ml l < t | [ > ri > < l till ! lilMlOMlMII'Mll.lllOIIH
ill d't.ili'H Con1- ! ' * liinil : Dolf-ciitr.
SALT LAKU , U. T. , May 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tan Him. ] Joseph L Kawlins , the
Utah delegate to congress , xvbo resigned last
Sunday and hurriedly loft Washington fur
homo , arrived hero today. Kaxvhns Is a
democrat and is said to have rosiciu'd because -
cause t'rcsiiicnl Cleveland persisted in
'turiiing doxvn" his recommendations for
appointments. U.ixvlins is very guarded in
Ids statements us to his actual so
precipitately resigning , and intimates that if
proper pressure xvero brought to boar ho
might reconsider his action. It Is staled on
good authority that thu Monnon church xvas
the cause of Uaxvlins' resignation , hut this
cannot be verilioJ.
Niagara ttixoiII .r.irH ml.
NEW YoitK , May H.--A syndicate wae
formed hero today xvlth a capital of 5-1,000,000
for the uoiiFtrui'tton and equipment of a line
bstxvcen Niagara Falls una Albany for the
transmission of electric poxx-er generated by
the Niagara Falls Power company xvlth thu
xx-aters of Niagara river passing through
xvtieel pits Into a tunnel Cx)0 ) feet In length ,
xvhich has just been completed. Stations
uro to bo erected to regulate the voltage
i MiixiimnnUuf O.'run tiiMiiirr * Miiy It ,
At Ilremen-Arrived Weimar , from Hal-
At Kinsalo Passed Cnmbroman , from
At Noxv York Arrived O.inla. from
Hamburg ; II. 11. Meir. fruin Hreinorhavcn.
MCI. if ( 'liliifao llan'c.
Ponri.ANi ) , OnMa. . . l--fho steamer
Danube , xvhirl ) arrived from Victoria , U. C. ,
a week ago xvlth 012 Chinese , left on her re
turn trip last night xvlth 410 who xvere refused <
fused uiitnUsioii.
vJllilju j ju > ll/ljlMj'Ju / ' lit
Prosecution in the Impeachment Trhl Heady
to Rest Its Case Today.
Will Make n Dasporato Effort to Break Down
Fred Race's Testimony.
With Race Out of the Way the Statj Would
Be at Respondents' ' Mercy.
i\lilcncein : I'orerasied by The llpo Itrnuglik
Out 111 Court Itemill ot Iliu Tiiliulii-
tliin of the AH.VIIIIII Co.ll
J'rolulit Hills.
LISCOI.X , Neb. . Alay U.-fSpactal Telegram -
gram to Tin : lii ) : . ] Tonight o\-erytliing
IKiints to the fact that tomorroxv the at
torneys for tlio managers of tlio Impeach
ment xvill close the prosecution and give the
accused officials a chance to slioxv their ham !
by way of outlining the ivmrso to be pur
sued in making a defense to the charge of
misconduct in ofllcs ? . preferred by the legis
lature while sitting in joint s.-ssion. What
that defense xvill be is not icnuxvn to
tlio public , and an opinion would
ho a mere guess at this time. The attorneys
for the respondents , together xvitli the mom
hers of thu Dorgan crowd , have formed a
close corporation by locking themselves la
ono of the rooms at the Lincoln hotel and
[ losting a sentinel at tlio outer door to see
that only these xx lie are knoxx-n to be on the
right side are admitted to the secret con-
There are , hoxvever , some straxvs xvhich
indicate that the railroads xvill come In on
the homestretch for the purpose of lending
a helping hand provided it is needed. These
indications grow out of fact that prior to
tills time the II. & Al. oflleials
liavo stood aloaf , refusing to lend aid
to cither state or respondents , except ns
called by tlio court by u sulmuMia.
\ V111Viir on Preil liner.
This ox-cning , hoxvever. Agent Scott has
been in tlio consultation room helping , it is
believed , to map out thu plan of battle which
xvill bo precipitated on the morrow. There
noxv seems to be a general tiiidei-slanillnu
iliat the testimony of Frederick Race must
bo broken doxvn , though llio heavens fall.
H Is admitted on all sides that his testimony
xvlth reference to the hospital coal deal ,
showing that only auout one-half of the coal
that was charged to thu state was ever
delivered , Is most damaclng. It la
also admitted that this testimony not only
shows the grossest negligence on the part of
members of the Board of Public Lands
and Buildings , but It slioxvs a steal nf sev
eral thousand dollars which mur.l bo no-
counted for by somebody nnd in some man
ner. If his testimony can bo shattered the
friends and strikers for the respondents
claim that half of the battle has been xvon ,
for xvithout it the state xvould bo poxx-crles *
to prove the discrepancy in xxcights , as all
of the important evidence in this brunch of
the case xvould be In the possession of the
railroads and the respondents.
Tlio state 1ms virtually closed and noxv
about all that remains Is to gather up a fexv
loose ends and put In some connecting links
on the cell house and the asylum coal and
flour Jobs , This xvill bo done immediately
after John U Webster I'.nls ! : " < i thi , cross-ex
amination of Race.
Orny WmiU t I'.evisr , ! ! : s ; 'inrrs. (
Ono of the loose ends to be picked tip will
undoubtedly be the recalling of Architect
Gray of this city , who xvas on the xvitness
stand during the early days of the trial. At
that time Cray testified that ho
had taken the measurements of the cell
house , made careful estimates , and that to
have completed the xx-ork performed to date
xvould have cost the sum of $ : i'Jwi.47 ; , figur
ing upon the basis of free labor at the high
est price paid and material at the market
Since then Gray has experienced a chungo
of heart. Ho noxv admits that ho xvas
xvrong , having failed to make the correct
measurements. He is noxv willing to go
upon the xvitness stand , take back xvhat ho
said , and swear the building should have
rest " 0'J'.M.'J , figuring upon the same basis
as before.
I'rognmi ol tlin Drfenfit * .
Should It happen that the state did not
flose the case until tlio middle of the after
noon , in that event iho attorneys for the re
spondents xvill dex-oto thu balance of the day
to killing time , as it Is knoxvn that at1
o'clock the court xvill adjourn until Monday.
Hut if the state should close nt noon , John
R. Webster of this city and one of the at
torneys for tlio respondents , xvill make the
opening speech , consuming txvo hours in out
lining the defense. That part has been ar
ranged , that John R. Webster shall do most
of Iho talking and John L. Webster of
Omaha shall conduct the examination of the
wit nesses , xvho are said to number some
thing like forty.
Today there XVIIH a report that the attor
neys for tlie respondents xvould submit the
case on the state's evidence , hut If the
rumor ever had any foundation , lonighl it Is
iipnarent that tlie plan has been abandoned
and that all of thu testimony ut hand xvill bo
The important question of whether the
court , holds Jurisdiction to trv ox-Treasurer
Hill , ex-Auditor Ilenton and ex-Attorney
General I.eeso ist-till undecided , though it Is
intimated that an opinion xvill bu handed doxvn
tomorrow. During the tiiut ua.vs of the trial
t tie attorneys fur tlie respondents raised Iho
question , arguing that , owing to the fnet
that the three men had retired from their
respcetix-o offices , they xvere beyond Iho
jurisdiction of the court , so far as Inquiring
into their ulUVial acts xvas concerned.
ItfiMird of tlifi ( 'oliiinlttee Invnitle'JtXill.
The morning session of the supreme court
opened xvith the usual number of spectators
in attendance , but oxvlng to'ho absence of
some material xvitntsses. the asylum coal
and flour deal xvas not taken up from thu
point xvhere it xx-as dropped last evening
Leaving this matter for the time being ,
tlio entire session xvas devoted to showing
tlie negligence of thu Hoard of Public Landu
and Buildings In not looking after the con-
slru'-tlon of the cell house , and for lht pur
pose l { . H. Pollock of Beatrice , the stenog
rapher xvho took testimony for tlie legishi-
tlv" InvcstlsjatiiiK committee , xvas called and
Witness xvas shown thu transcript of the
testimony and identified it as being correct
Judge JJuann oTurod the testimony of
Hastings , Allen and Humphrey in evidence.
Of Conr. " IVrbiinr ( llijrrtril.
Air Webster objected to the Introduction
for tbo reason tli it there xvas nothing to
shuxv that Mr. I'oMi'i-Ii. xvas an oftli-cr ol the
court or nti ollli I it t < irrapher There
XVIIE annlhur olijecti m , n' the introduction of
the evidence was to proxo admissions of the
respondents the witness would imve to shoxr
that h' < heard the testimony and could only
use the copy for tno purif.o | of refreshing
his memory.
Jndgo Doam1 argued thut If some person
heard tlio xx-ordj nf the respondents as they
fell frum their llr and reduced such words
to writing tlio testimony xrould be udwls-
iiulo It had been stated publicly that the
sittings xvero star-chamber nutellog * ,