Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Omiha Commercial Olub SolcoU John E.
, Utt na Freight Commissioner.
Otllcori of the Vnrloui Ilurcan * Will Uo
Klcctoii Hnttinlay Nlglil ntl the
Club Will Then Uo Kcaily
fur mutual ! *
At the regular monthly mooting of the
Omaha Commercial cluh hold last night ,
several matters of interest wcro discussed.
The proposition t" have printed a quan
tity of circulars , embodying , together
with a history of the cluh ,
Its rules of order and lists of olllcers and
Btaiirtiinrcommlttees , was referred to the
committee on printing , and the matter of
securing a caterer for the cafe will be
attended to by the committee on commissary
nnd building. , . , . .
There was an earnest discussion on the
subject of incorporation , which was
nimlly referred to Messrs. Payne and
Oeorge. with power to set after consultation
with ( in attorney. Th so gentlemen will at
tend to securing articles of Incorporation
and to other necessary preliminaries.
Chairmen of the various bureaus will bo
asked to attend meotiii-'s of the executive
committee hereafter , lu order that moro
united and comprehensive work may bo as
John K. Utt of Lincoln will bo asked by
the club to accept the odlco of railroad com
missioner. Mr. Utt was formerly a railroad
man , but lias been eng'iged in private enter
prises for some time past. Ho is said to boone
ono of the best freight men in the west and
his selection was decided on by the executive
committee after a comparison of the re
spective merits of numerous candidates.
The contract for romo.k'ling the rooms of
the club lias been awarded to John P.
Thomas , ami the Omaha Tile works will
put the floors of the building In shape. 'I ho
executive committee has issued the follow
ing call :
All miMiihersof the Commercial club whoso
Xmsiiicsor profession Is represented by imu or
limit1 bureaus , becomes a member of Mich bu
reau upon recording his name hi thu roister
of said bureau. , .
To place the several bureaus In working
order ny thoiippolnlnicnl of an elm-lent chair
man mid si'ciotary for each bureau , a
meeting of this entire club Is
called at the Hoard of Trade , Sit-
ui-dny the inih inst. , at H o'clock p. m. 'I he
liiemlM rs of the various liurcas are requested
to canvass the subject before the meeting and
coino pivparud to place their uholru In noml-
niillon. Nominations shall bo made by mem
bers of the bureau. Their eoiillrmatlou by a
majority vote of the club present. Members
of tliti executive committee are not eligible to
tlie chairmanship of any human except the
bureaus of transportation and Information.
The following is a list of t he bureaus as eon-
utituted nl present and may bo Increased from
tlint' to time , I. e. : No. 1 , hiiiiklng and Insur
ance ; No 2 , Importers and joliliers ; No. . ) ,
manufacturers ; No. 4. packers and live stock
dealers ; No. ft , commission and nicrehaudlsu
brokers ; No. 0 , aichltcctH and builders ; No. 7 ,
retail dealers ; No. H , real estate owners ; No.
0 , commercial travelers ; No. Id. professional
men ; No. 11. thu piess ; No. 12 , transporta
tion ; No. 13 , Information.
It is earnestly icqiiestetl thnt every member
of the club lie piesunt lit this meeting.o
hope In be able to Introduce our commissioner
on this occasion with bureaus and committees
nrga iil/t'll , so' ' wit lie very loy ill citizen of Omah.i
wo may wish a hearty godspeed to thu Com-
meiclal club In Its chosen Held of labor.
W. A. IOlliliON ,
( 'hair-limn of the Kxecutlvo Committee.
It is earnestly iiesirod that not only pres
ent mombeis of the club , but those , also , who
wish to become members , attend the meet
ing Saturuay night.
"Hruoo Dp"
Is n tantiilMng admonition to these who at
this season fuel all tired out , weak , without
nppotlto and discouraged. But the way in
which Hood's Sarsaparillu builds up the
tired frame and gives n good appetite , is
renllv wonilnrful. So wo say , "Tako Hood's
nud U will brucn you up. " .
For a genera ! family cathartic wo con
fidently recommend Hood's Pills.
Grcnt Itock iKluml Itontr.
Clicap excursion and ono way rates
now in olTeot to the World's fair , also
cheap oxourslon rates to Colpraao points.
Four limited express trains daily bo-
twccn Omaha and Chicago , including
the World's fair special , leaving Union
depot at3f)0 : p. in. , arriving in Chicago
at 7:50 : a. in. Also two vostlbulo limited
trains from Omaha to Denver , Colorado
Springs and Pueblo , leaving at 2:30 : p. m.
and 2:30 : a. m. Fuirbury express leaves
daily , except Sunday , at 0:10 : p. in. and
arrives in Omaha at 10:20 : a. in. For par-
tioiilars regarding rates and line call at
ticket oflleo , 1002 lAirnam Htreot.
G. N-W. P. A.
Drexel Hotel , ICtlut Webster , 1 blk from
Mo.Puc. & Elk. depot. Nat. Brown , prop.
Thn lliirlliiKton ChunK < ' Tin" ' .
The Burlington's eastbound trains now
leave Omaha as follows :
Chicago special , 12:15 : a. in.
Chicago express , 11:45 : a. in.
Vestibulcd ilytv , 4:20 : p. in.
Iowa and Illinois local , 7:17 : p in.
For full information eoi time table
column In this paper or enquire of the
city ticket agent at J 324 Farnam street.
City I > etectlvo < ! : itluT In n rsimlilii Voiiiic
Jlun nil Suspicion.
Jim Dale was arrested by Detective Sav
ngo and Dcmpsey and booked as a suspicious
character , yesterday. Ho is suspected o
having entered the house of A. D. Bradley
at-111 North Twenty-third street , vesterdaj
morning , and taking from a bureau drawei
several dollars In cash. Dale's coat was
decorated with eohwobs which Air. 1)rattle- )
believes to belong In his collar window , am
this fact is held in evidence against him.
Mrs. S. S. Cleveland of 22IS Chicagc
street partially identified Dale as the porsoi
she saw making forcible ingress to tin
Uradley residence about 10 o'clock. Dalo' ;
clothes assayed < t27.IV > In Undo Sam's note ;
nnd coins of the realm , most of which is believed
lioved to belong to others.
KA Cannon and a woman who c'aims t <
bo his wife , also llguro on the record , liavim
been taken in on suspicion of helm ; accom
pllccs of Dalo. The trio scorns to constltuti
a professional aggregation of a no meat
order , nml they will Hud it rather difllcnl
to square themselves when they are brough
before Judge Herka today.
Some pooulo do not love them. They shouli
use the liiiil Horden Kaglo Brand Condense *
jnilk , a perfect Infant food. A million Aimu
lean babies bavo been raised to man an
womanhood on the Eagle brand. Grocer
nnd drugglstB.
Auction , I'timllur1. Auction.
1111 Farnam every Saturday 10 a. m
Always a largo lot of household goods c
till kinds on hand.
UOHUKT WKI-LS , Auetlunoor.
"The Mmllhon. " ( family hotel ) , 21s
nnd Chicago. Transients $2.00 per day
Tim WoilU'a Fnlr.
When Adam was a boy , world's fair
were not thought of. Tlioy'ro a rnoder
product. And the moro modern the
nre. Uio Iwttor they aro.
The Columbian exposition is the Intes
nnd best a lung way tlio l > e t. Th
wliolo wide world has combined to rank
it worthy of jho nlnotoonth eontury am
in endeavor was ever more successful.
The great fair Is dazzling in brilliancy
ovorpnvvering in * b.o ; magnillcent ulik
in oont'optlon and execution.
A visit U ) it is the privllcgo of n life
time , and the euslo.-t and boat way t
avail yourself of thutprivllugo is to tak
the Burlington routa to Chicago. Tli
eltv ticket ngont at 1324 Furnam strec
will filudlv glvo you any informatio
you htand in need of. Excursion rate
every day , Uiiggage cJicckod dire *
trotu rosidouco.
All the Several S. P. Morao & Oo. Stocks Oa
ItcmimntH nf Sllk for Today , Also Sprclnl
( inert InViiol I IrrM ( looiU flic
( rontrnl Huln oT I'lirnnolfi nil
Uinbrtillitit t\or Known.
Over 0,000 on exhibition.
Parasols from Ific to Ili.'j.OO.
The largest Btock of any ono rotall
etoi'o in tlio United Statos.
S. P. Morse it CJj.'si $1.00 uinbrollas
reduced touDu.
S. 1 * . Morse A ; Co.'s $1.50 uinbrollas
reduced to "oc.
S. P. Morse & Co.'a $1.75 umbrellas
reduced to OSc.
S. P. Mot-so & Co.'s $ 'J.oO utnbrollad
feducod to $ l.oO. *
S , P. Morse it GJ.'S 83.00 umbrella ?
reduced to $1,08.
S. P. Morse & Cu.'ail.OO umbrollrw
reduced to $2.fiO.
S. P. M jfijo it Co.'a S3.00 umbi'olhu
reduced to $ It.OO.
S. P. Morse it Co.'a $0.00 umbrullus
reduced to $ : i.i"0.
Bargains for Tlturnday :
30-in. nil wool challis in ono hundred
different styles , reduced to 'lc. ! )
12-in. all wool liopsiiekin } , ' , reduced
to 8."ic.
lO-in. all wool Iwi o : * in all the pretty
sprint ; shades , reduced to 75o.
40-in. black all wool satin finish Gor
man henrietta , reduced to "fie.
40-in. all wool boi'tros in all colors , re
duced toI5c. .
50 pieces HO inches wide Paris novel tics ,
fine Hummer wash fabric , in dark
. .round , neat fitfuros and stripes. These
floods were inndo for fine retail trade
ind are worth twice the money wo ask
"or them. On sale today 5c a yard.
50 pieces 30 inches wide swansdown
lunnolette , inado to bell atluo , our price
now 5e yard.
Fine dress ginghams "o yard.
We are ottering bargains on our 5o
able yon cannot duplicalo in this coun-
ry. it will pay you to investigate and
ook them over.
Our stock of novelties in wash fabrics
s the largest in this city. The linost
.foods Miown in this market.
Manchester clwllies now 2jc a yard.
Being heavily overstocked in our
clothing department wo inaugurate lt
great special sale , commencing Wednes
day morning and to last tlio balance of
the week , at which wo olTor some extra
ordinary bargains.
Wo qnoto as follows :
Children's $3.01) ) suits , ages 4 to 14 , two
lioccs , our price today and this week ,
$1.00 a suit.
Children's suits as high upas $4.00 ,
double and single breasted , fancy pat
terns , our price today , this week , $2.00 a
Children's nobby worsted suits , worth
.ip to $5.50 , our price today and this
week , $3.50 u suit.
Boys' three picoo suits , long pants ,
.igcs 10 to 18 , prices $4.50 , $5.00 and
$0.00 , all in ono lot , today and this week ,
$3.00 a suit.
Boys' fancy pin check cnssimcro suits ,
ages 14 to 18 , single or double breasted ,
$0.00 for this sale , actually worth $10.00.
Men's suits at $7.50 , all woolcassimcro ,
single or double breasted , worth easily
$11.00 to $12.00.
Men's black wars-led , in clay or cork
screw , bound or unbound , cutaways or
sacks , anybody's price $14.00. Our price
for this sa"lo only $10.00.
Forcing down prices on all our cloth
The Nicked 1'liuo'x New Trains.
The now train service on the Nickel
Plato road will go into olTect May 21 , on
and after which date trains will run as
follows : Going west Leave Buffalo at
:40 : a. in. , including through coach and
sleeping ear from Now York via West
Shore railroad , through sleeping ear
from New York via Reading System
and through sleeping car from Boston
via Fitohbiirg and West Shore roads.
Tliis train will arrive sit Chicago at 0:40 :
p. m. The next train will leave Buffalo
at 12 o'clock noon , and will include
through sleepers from Now York via
West Shore and from Bjston via Fiteh-
burg and West Shore roads , arriving at
Chicago at 8:10 : a. in. The third train
from the east will leave Buffalo at 11:25 :
p. in. and arrive at Chicago at 8:10 : p. m.
It will include through coach and sleeper
from Now York via Reading System.
Going east trains will leave Chicago
at 2:30 : p. in. and ! ) :30 : p. m. , arriving at
Buffalo at 0 a. in. and 5 p. m. , re
spectively , each train including through
sleeping ears to Now York via bjth tlio
West Shore and Reading systems and to
Boston via tlio Fitehburg and West
Shore roads. In addition to those there
will bo a train between Chicago and
Cleveland , leaving Chicago nbmt S a.
in. , and ono between Cleveland and
Buffalo , leaving Cleveland at 7 a. in.
nnd arriving at Buffalo at 2 p. in. All
trains will run daily , and superb dining
cars will form part of thei. " equipment.
See the celebrated Sahmor piano at
Ford it Charlt mMinie C > . , 150S Dodgo.
I'll ! Ch'c.iKO 111 Vni.r I'noU'I.
Yon can do so by purchasing a copy ol
"Mornn's Dictionary of Chicago. " This
World's Fair "Guide" has received the
endorsement of the World's Columbian
exposition. It contains a complete
"map" of Chicago and is the only rccog
nlzctl and standard "gndo" ! 'of the
World's Fair eitv. For t-alo by George
E. Moran , publisher , 213 Herald bldg.
Chicago , 111. , and by the Millard Hole
NOWH stand , Omaha , Neb. Price 50 cts
per copy.
fircrn's | . 'iiriiii'r ' ICvcurslon
May 18th at 2:15 : p. m. on the Uniot
Pnelllc for Gothenburg , Sidney ani
.lulcbbnrg , Colo. Onu faro for the rouni
trip. The sale of thirty-two quartet
sections of land on the lust excursion ii
proof that great credit is duo to Mr
Green nnd his agents for careful selee
tion of good laud at low price. Tickets
can bo secured only of W. II. Green , 21'
Kurbach block , Omaha.
Finest generator creamery butter 25 <
a pound at Ilayden Bros ,
Today Wo Will Offer the Following Ex
traordinary Bargains 1 Oaso of
20 I'locon of Trench H.itnon , HOe nml nSo
Juiilllj15c a/lo flint llbicK Hosiery
10 S-ao per I'nlr liny1 7Bo
WalUn , 4Hc.
14 do/en ladies' percale waists , regular
value 85c , today fiOe.
A largo lot of ladies' Hpring waists ,
$1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50 waists , today 75e.
3 piei'os of 40-inch black silk warp
honriotta , $1.50 quality , 1 pattern to a
customo : * , ttxlay at OSo per yard , this is
a splendid bargain.
Wo have nb > ut 50 pieces of all wool
Bedford cord dress goods that wo have
always sold at doe per yard. It Is 33
Inches wide and is in all the newest
colorings. Today wo offer this beautiful
cloth at 3o ! ) per vard.
For tomorrow only wo will sell our 2io !
quality of children's fast black soamlo3s
heavy cotton stockings at lie ) per pair ,
remember for today "only. These are
our regular goods and camut bo bought
at that price whole alo.
Hero are TWO otl'ors in colored wool
drew giKids that will attract the atten
tion of every economical buyer in
This is an all wool tYonch serge , 40
inches wide , regular goods in a full line
of shades , and sells every day at 75o per
yard , at 4Do per yad , or $3.43 f.or a full
dress pattern of 7 yards. Wo will not
have a pieeo loft by torn MTOW noon.
This is a line all wool poplin , worth in
any market $1.25 per yard , comes 40
inehoj wide at 7 wc per yard , or $5.-10 lor
a full di'ojs of 7 ya.'ds , it is a most tempt
ing olloi' .
All of our spring capos nnd jackets
that sold at $5.00 , $0.00 and $7.50 , wo
offer tomjrrow at $3.75 each. This is a
splendid offer on as nicely made gar
ments as were over brought into the
west. Every ono a perfect gem of its
style and every style ' of the neatest
creation. N. B. FALCONER.
Finest separator creamery butter 25e
a pound at Ilnydeu Bros.
Iliird Kul'rlKunior4.
No. 43 the best family size. Following
are the dimensions : 32 inchcs wide , 18
inches deep , 45 inches high , price $0.55.
If this is not the genuine Hurd refriger
ator direct from the Hurd Refrigerator
Co. of Duluth , Minn. , we will make you
a present of it. Anywhere else you pay
$15.00 for the same refrigerator.
Finoot soporator creamery butter 25e
a pound at Hayden Bros.
Olllcor 11 ( ill's Prisoner TuriiH Out to Ito a
Wvll Known Tiller.
Among the prisoners at tlio city jail is
Charles , or "Billy" Kclluer , who wns ar
rested on LeavenwortU street by Ofliccr
IIoiT Tuesday afternoon. Ho was arrested
as n suspicious character and appears to bo
a very handy man to have In jail.
About a year ago Julius Treitsehko's safe
was forced open and several watches and
other articles taken. Shortly after this oe-
eurrenee a similar crime was committed at
Carroll , la. , but there the safeblowcrs were
cauqht in the act. Peter Hawkins , whoso
father resides in this elty , and "Billy" Kell-
ner , whore parents live Here , were the par-
tics who committed the deed.
While awaiting trial before the district
eourt both broke jail at Carroll and escaped
to Omaha , where they were arrested a few
days later by Detectives Demnsoy and Sav
age at the Elks boarding house. The
watches stolen from Treitsclike's safe were
found in their possession at the time. As
It was supposed that Uio Iowa authorities
had a sure ease against them both criminals
were turned over to them and Kcllnor , ac
cording to his admission , was sentenced to
six months hi the penitentiary for the
Carroll crime , while Pete Hawkins
succeeded a second time in making his es
cape from behind prison bars , and has not
. been rearrested since.
I Kcllnor claims his time was out last
September and that ho has been working
through low.i for a man by the name of
1 Whitman , whoso acquaintance ho made hero
I while the latter was employed in a itory
stable. This man , ho says , was purchasing
I horses for a Air. Abel in Chicago. About a
I week ago ho claims to bavo reached his
homo hero and has not loft hero .with tlio
exception of golui ; twice to South Omaha
| to perfect arrangements whereby he could
- secure passage to Chicago to tlnd employ
ment as a waiter.
Cut Ills Tinut with a Pin.
Frank Dietrich , a printer and a prisoner
In the city Jail , tried to k'll himself Tuesday
night with u phi by drawing the sharp point
bark and forth across his throat n number of
times until ho was bleeding profusely.
His condition was lirst discovered by a fel
low inmate who notified the Jailer. The
police state that Dietrich Is addicted
to morphine , which he takes in such quanti
ties that his mind has been unbalanced. The
excessive use of intoxicants lias also added
to make him a physical wreck. Dr. Homers
examined his condition yesterday , pro
nounced him insane and ordered him sent to
tlio county jail.
MIISCH I'rli'it C'un-d of Klimiiiiitl : < iiM.
The many cases of rheumatism cured by
Chamocrlaiu's Pain Balm during the pas't
few mouths have given the people great ron-
lidenco in Its curative properties , and have
shown that there is ono preparation that can
he ilepemlo.1 upon for that painful and ag-
graving disease. Honaker Bros. , i-oniin , O. ,
say : "Mr. Moses Price of this place was
troubled with rheumatism frr a long time.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm has cured him. Ho
says that the Balm has no equal. "
Sim Want * the tvuir ,
A colored woman with a white baby in her
arms applied to the police Judge yesterday
for advice as to how she might keep undis
puted possession of the child which hail
been left r.t the doorof her house on Pierce
street about seven weeks ago. She was
I referred to the county judge as she seemed
' very anxious to retain the child.
Make your Investment at North Galveston
now and Insure the profit that will surely
tollow tlio raise of prices ; it is coming very
soon. Uo not delay this ; I ) . D. Smeaton ,
room 17 , ilarker block , will tell you why. , i
io e Ill Ba kin
itn e Powder :
ISt : The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Yeara tlie Standard ,
Flying Cloudfe Masterly'
Thrilling Speech.
Worthy of IiiRernoll , lllnlnc , Glnilitono or
Illimnrrk-Tlio Illoodr 1'nttnnilthn 1'onrr-
ftil rrmciit-Prrmntcil In n Vcrbnl 1'ano-
rnnw Hero U it Loisnn to Hrcd.
The Imllnn Is tbeimost poetic race In the
World , In their relations with their own ;
In their habit * wlrcn not on the wnrpnlli ;
In their customs , longs , dnncosj In their bu
llet In the happy hunting ground , nnd in their
conceptions of the Grcnt Mnnltoii.
Tlio following Is nn extract from the ppcccu
of Flying Cloud , a famous Klckapoo uiodlclno
mnn :
"Children of the Grcnt Spirit , whose form
Is In the nlr , though Invisible , I am hero to
tell you of our wrongs ami of our rlrflit * I
"Four hiinclroil > enn P' > ( JnntVliltt
Man ealled from Spain t Hud uNew Uoilil-
_ _ Tbut Worlil wa tlic
Hi'il Mini's. Thru nil
wmt well with our
Fuiefathurt from
the uiiper wutera of
thu lltinnn to tlie
( irrat Wiirm Uult
tluit Klsseil the Iniul
of Fiutl nml Flow
er * , where tlin Sim-
Inoc9 ! hunted and
"The Indian wel
comed the White
Man , nnd for that
welcome our people
ple were driven
utepby atcptownul
the grout S ill I.nke ,
lie ne a tb whtrh
rtro'p * * the Grout
Cal/fn niys ; " Tht vvrJ Splrlt'rt Mje every
rfan Indian can atways ilny when twilight
be reli'tiijifon. " comes down upon
" Wo arc scattered like leaves whrn an-
tiimn winds shnke the tftcH'of the foiui-t.
" Wo , tlio Klekiipons , whoso home wns
tni'p In llllnot' , Inter in Kiinsa" , ami is now
In Uio land of the Snri and Foxes , are at
pence with the White Mnn. What we have ,
that we will give to our White llrothrr.
"Our KlcUnpoo Imllnn Sngwn makes men
llvo to be one Imndiod j curt old.
" There arc Hrd Men living who hnvp
used It ever sinoo thov wt-ro young incii ,
odd who are now o nM that they can only
Bit , lie nnd i-leep In the sun.
"Our Klcknpoo Indian Oil is the fee of
pul n.
"Our ICIcknpoo Cough Cure stops tlio hand
o : .lentil.
"Our Kicknpoo Indian Snlvo heals nnd
cure * nil wounds , ami our Kleknpoo Worm
Killer rip-serves the llvo of pnpooMie.
"Our 'Sntfwn * ' < /oo < l mctlictne \ fiom th"
Krent mother ofu nil Nature. All thnt is
best thnt. grows In tlio woods , thnt blos
soms on tlio plain , thnt hides In the earth ,
our Sngwa , contains. It has preset veil the
Ilvus of our warriors and our women.
"It nets upon tli < > body HKo sunshine on
fie trees nnd llower.x , nnd gives life nnd
btrciiRth to nil who use it , Men nnd wo
men who partake of it freely cnn onlj' die
of old nge.
"This secret which the Kicknpoos alone
possess , they give freely to their whlto
brother. It is our richest offuHnt ? .
" I Idivo spoken. Let the voices of tlio
World tiPnr answer to what 1 have bald I"
Without doubt the Indian has n profound
Vnowledgo of the mysterious herbs with
which tjicy OHIO rudicnlly innny formld.
able diseases which bulllo tlio Greatest
physicians of the win ' t.
These remedies i now bo obtained of
nny drugpist or ' olesnle dealer. The
Klckupoo Indian Suywii is ono dollar per
bottle , alx for five dollur * . Tlio Cough
Cure Is llfty nn.l nil the oilier remedies
tw6nty-llvo cents per bottle. In u-lnt ? tlieao
remedies you may be absolutely cennln
tlmt they are purely vegetable , Hint they
conlnln no ixelds or minernl iioluons , be-
cnuso the Indlnns know nbsolutt'ly nothing
of thucc linrmful ilrupa.
The Kiekapoo Indinn Medicines nro gen.
ulno Indian tnnilo. How they cnmo to bo
given to tlio world Is fully explained In
our largo hook , which we Kindly MMH ! free
to nil applying who cnro for it Bufllclcutly
to wrlto 111 enclosing thrco 2c. tttnmp.s teEny
postngc. Adilross lleuly &
Eny ! Gran' ' Are. . New Haven , Ct.
Are thosa ignornil ; pra3iiiri ! ; who
withoutany qualiucation ? , any ability ,
any oxporionca , any skill , claim to
possess the powar to euro all the ills of
ho huaiia ra33. Bit thair waat o
worth soon becomes apparent to thsic
would-be dupes , and those conscience-
lessquacks arj soon consigaol to th3
oblivion they so richly merit.
In str.xnj3 aii stroaj co.iiraib vit I
these miserable boasters is the quiet ,
dignified yet courteous demeanor of
hose uotad loadarj of thair prof33't3 l
Who , during the past 27 years , hav
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , perfect nnd permanent
cures in all the worst forms of these delicate -
icato sexual maladies embraced within
the general terms of
1 i
Send 4 cents for their illustrated now
book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. "
Consultation fros. Call upon or ad.
dross , with stamp ,
Drs. Beifc & Ball3 ,
119 S , 14th StmL
Cor. Douglas St' ,
Air Pillows.
ID valid CusliioDs.
Kuliber Gloves.
Water Hollies.
114 South 15th. St.
Next to Poktollloo ,
To think of in btiylngs for boys color style ami wcnr-niul
the greatest of these Is weajr Yon can sometimes fliul a
good dual of style in a shoddy garment and many handsome
shades and colors are found where wear ts lacking ; hut to
got style "stay so" colors and "wear as they should * '
cloths in
is sometimes a hard thing to do. Two hundred Unco pant
suits are placed in tlio boys room today , that fill the bill to a -5t >
O- They are In solid hard twisted cassimercs-every thread
wool--goods th it will wear and wear , and then wear a litlio
while longer. The style is correct for the season the color s
is a shade between a tan and a brown. They are in ages 5
to 1-1 and every suit has live dollars worth of wear con
cealed somewhere about it. Fora week or loss , as the suits
hold out they're $3.50 A SUIT. Wo will also tiller 200 big
boy's and
in all wool unfinished cheviots black or blue as your fancy w
inclines with double breasted coat , vest and long pants in
si/.o to lit boys from 11 to 10 years of ago. Those
are the regular six and seven dollar kinds of suits but while
"dressing down" is what a good many boys need-
there are moro that neod"drossing up , " the today"w
and a day is $1.50 forages 11 , 12 and 13 and $5.00 for
ages 11to 10.
20c 3c ( ) 1c ( ) 5c ( fiOc 7c ( ) SOc OOc is the way the
prices are on a hundred do/.en now "opened today"
We have just gotten in some specially
neiu tilings in silver enameled buttons and
studs to match for ladies neglige waists.
131G Douglas Str Omaha ,
Tlioomlnnnt ipsclallst In novon i. chruilo. prlriiti , MODI. < Uln .in I urlnirr : cIHoiDi. Arjt ilir in I
rcKlstoretl KraJu.ite In in hllMiu. at itlpto n u ill t ojrtmiitoi will 3ti > .v. H tilll trattln ; wlti ! tin vrjUllt
aucc"9 catarrh , lust iou 1 , so nlu il w jikiiit , nil it IOMJI nil nn 1 form of prtratj UHiiidi. .Vo
lut'rcurjr uso.l No * for Ion of vllU | > jvr. I'.irtlii inililj U visit Hum if tijtriitjl at IID 113
bycorrospomlttncu.Io.tlPlnjortiitrintiUfOit br mill o-uc.J'ii4iijjiral/ ! picijl , no mircitJlnll-
rntv contents or a tn'lur. Una parionsl IntarvlB * prjfurrj.l. Couiltt : itlon froj. ( 'orrjJiion.UnJ J strictly
prlviitu. Hook ( Uyslorliu of Ufo > neat frjj. Ollljj to J p. m. dun JIM U .1 , .u tj II .n.
and tin nip for circular.
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best.
OPTICAL CO , , 222 S.WiSt. ' / : , .
JMiiilo nl' tu ! > Iliichl iiunllty i > r I'uMinn Tubarco Hint -Mil liu liouflil. Kqual In rvury rcsiii-rt to the
kv.t liusiurled cl nre , JluuurncHroU jj IT. It. JHCIS MLUC/iNTlLli C1GAK I'.U.'TOKY. ht. Luulu
* jr THE LAND ,
< j
' aia-aia-an Soutuistu strosi.
J/S-\JS. b\.N V b-VNM
IB I'trurp.iffoil ID tbo
treatment [ nil
uud nil WeaknMiiiril
and Oisordert u ( MCit
\Vrito for clrriliU
and question lUt free.
14Ul nnd Pftrnam BU.
110-11H S. Kith St.
"Winner $11 $
One lot of India percales only M
Material for dresses , Hhirta or
waists , regular JiOo quality.
Special good value in linoi ; |
all this week.
All linen luicU lowola , go > l sls-.o , .j
at only
Warranted to bo the regular lOo < |
An all xf Thcyai.
linen J worl
C-8 napkins , extra quality , only
$1.00 "
. a dozen.
Thov are all linen and well worth
Light Summer Goods
For Drossos.
With the advent of the warm sun
shine every lady turns her thoughts ti
summer atliro. Wo can help you horo.
Wo are showing a choice assortment o ;
novelties In all the loading sumtnor fab
ric ? , both in plain white , fancy wcav *
nnd printed goods.
India Dimity , Printed Orgamlios , '
Many beautiful Printed Novelties/
Cl-lncli line all linen cream aam-
a < ik at only
They are good value at 60c ,
15-8 Turkey Rutl They art
Table cov wet th
ers. 81. ,
Gl-lncli all linen Irish cream dam
ask only
You cannot mutch this for less than
Anasportmontof A ( \ - The
Iluclc and DamJ. . c/O ! 1)UJI1 8t)11
aslt Towels , ing at 2 -
0-1 sheo'.B with " -inch hem and
extra quality of cotton only
This is cheaper than you can gi t the , jj
cotton for. '
5-8 Dam CTI3Try rindl
ask nap . Li CL. ) match thoirl
kins ( or for J1.50.
8-1 Turkey Rod nrr
Table wortl :
COVOIB , il.iio. |
,1. ,
10-1 Turkov arc-
Hod Table r o jf u
Covers ,
All Departments are RADIAN7Dij
May Blossom :
. . i
After jou luuko your purchased ro j ,
inombor and \ote. It costs you nothing- -
Sixteenth and Farnam