TI1K OMAHA HAIFA' BKtt M-H > lrUSDAY , MAY 11 , 1803 , UH.E DAILY BEE COUNCIL m.UFFH [ tTH'i ; < NO 12 IMAUL STUKKI- l < Ihcurt ly carrier to nny part of t'io ultj II W TIM ON , - MANAOr.K lHil lnr iOI1lro No. 43 n Fl'llONKH , | | Fdltor No. 23 .MJ.VJTIOA. V Plumbing Or. I Ho-iton Mom Natehaug Mlltonlierger Is the hatter. W Hroadvvny. J The C'cnirregatlonal missionary birthday Jjclnl will bo held tomorrow evening at the | cside.neo of Ur Montgomery. Antono Dagi'n s of Canada and Carmllln ic.ilol Hrownsvllle Iml , vvcio nmiritd by | ustlco l\x ji-stcrd.iy 'Iho clgnimakcis vinion will meet next ititnrdii.v for an elcellon of oflleers I ho J Ic "Mrn'vvlll conducted on the Australian i .1 HVSU m and the polls will bo open fiom 01 it until i ! ties A Hatulall of Cedar Ilaplds and n Ull.i 1'hplps of this city arc to bo mar- 1-ie.d todav at the residence of th o btido's li.ucnts Ke\ and Mrs Stephen Phelpi , on | A lllovv avenue , paper is in me ill ciliated among the clt- .is f i tin p irp-isi of having the water of BMjm'ci springs delivered to the eitl/ons , the Mm irl riMM water furnished bj the Ivutci v. rns ininpaiiy not being considered J.It to < ir i It \\Uiard pi.tPtuisarrestcd last evening Bin un inrurnmtlmi Hied by a man named -ibiil in Justin Vii n's court , ehatglng him Jv.th milting thnais to kill. Hhlll wants Ihliii i" . ' under bunds to keep the peace. All Jlho panics lunieined live on Last Uroad- It husliern ijisii.v prnl that .I II Stult/ , who " .v.isgiMti thiitv days for impersonal- IHL un < ifll. 01 is wauled fur breaklnir into an CMIICSS ullli i in Omaha and stealing a v.vlisi As sunn us his sentence is out on this si 1--of tlu nvrr ho will bo taken to Omaha fnt a tual i n the now charge. AiMiinj-.uallv hard 1.1111 stoi m visited the citj 1 ist i > vi lung aiiomp.inicd hv a billli.int displuv of ileitiuitj It lasted for about two horns un Ih ilf ( if that time thr > motor line vv s laid up nut a tt.nn lunnlm : in any dlui ttiii No damage was teportcd save a laru'o washiHit nt theeeimrof Washington nvrnuo .mil Hi ntnn stieet Ono of Wclih s hul : < suis mired In the hole inado b.v the vater but was lln.ill.v pulled outuninjund A tcIi grim w.is lecelved .vesteidaj stating that Leon Under h.is been lelo.tsrd fiom lull ntsluuxltj un the ch.iu'o of obtaining money under false pretcnsrs In rcndeiing his dei ision .ludge davnor stated that theio was not sullli lint PV idem o lo convict I/vier of that charge b it dliccteil that anuthei In fonntition bo Died < hurgimr him with con- itplrai.v He is now In the cit.v jail at Onavva awaiting his heai ing on the new chaigo. The paik commissioners made .1 fotmal de mand on Cltv Treasurer Kinnohan jester- diiy for is 'MK ) ho has In his possesbion In the park fund 'I his park fund h.ii. been the cause of conslderablo contiovcrs.v in the past the enmtnissluners daiming that they liave the light to the i-usindv ol the funds , while tlit treasurer i-hums that the monnj can onlj have his hands on the pioductionof tlie piopcr wan ant , as In anv other e-isy lie has until toda , to lonsult the city attoinoy , nnd the lomndssnuii'is threaten a mandamus litoceeding if he refuses theli teiiuest Piles of - ) , ) Live pnus. uut , 1JJ Witt's \Vltih H.i/el .salve will cuio them. , Ten DIMH ill III" VV orld's I'ulr It will cubt you li-hs than J-'iO 00 , every thin } , ' iR'i-i'SMiry iiii'ludetl. This mean homes in ] iiivato ooltatfo , clean , t-afo' olofio to grounds und on the beiieh of Luke Michigan. Wi ito to J. T. Chyno- vvc'lh , Windsor i'urk. 111. Refers iII. . W Tilton of Tin : Hii : , or Jue'ib Sims of Siniu & Imlnbrlfiso , Couneii BlulVs. Paslnrajro for horfcos and oattlo on George ] f Wiljjht's furm udjoinliifje Hy limits on nonth ; 500 aotes blue tftugs , running vvutor. Tor terms apply to James Haph , on farm , or at Carbjn Coal 10 Pearl street. Quick Muni Riisolino stoves , fil.Tiri bold in 18)2. ! ) Call and o\amlno buforo buy ing S. W. Hosloy , 101 K.ist Broadway. it\u.\.ti. City Clerk Xurmuehlcn Is confined to his homobi Illness H. K Johnston and wife of the Musln Con ceit companj aio registered at the Grand hotel Mrs Minnto Conway of Urooiclvn , la. . Is the jjuest of her mother , Mis. Cole , on Bluff street Misses Lulu and Viola Otto returned last evening fiom Chicago , wheio they have been attending llio World's fair for the past v eck Chief Scanlaii , who has been laid up for sover.il dajs. was able to bo about police lioadqu.irtcis jcnterd.iy with the aid of crutches Hov. T F 'Ihlckstun leaves today for KlverKloux to conduct the fuincial sci vices of the child of Mr and Mis. M. O. Calof , for- mcrlj of this citj Mrs iila Kjlo of Pittsburg. 1'a . and Mrs. Annlo llajcs , wlfo of Prof Ilajcs of Oreuli Cole are vlsitlnglhen aunt. Mis J W Ciossland of Washington avcntio , and ntiondliig the meeting of t-ho Woman's Gen eral Missionary soi-itty in Omaha. Charles A Atltlus ai.d Miss IClla Luster were mariied last evening at the resideneo of the groom , 70S Mv nster stieet , Uov John Askm , 1) D . ofti ! iatiiig A number of Iho lutimato filemls of the paitics vvcio r jv present and thu eeremoni v\as followed by * > un ovcnmg of soi ml enjoi ment Charles A Pox rcichcd a lot of iiicturcs jcsteulay from C Geiald O'Neill , who loimerly attended St Joseph's academy In this cil.v hut left for Hamilton , Henmul.i , AVcst Indks twelve yeais ago , vvhoro ho has been connei ted with the supply depaitmcnt of the t'nitcd States aunj ever sineo Among the pictures area number show ing bccncH of iiilciest about the island , but the oni ) vvlneh is viewed with the must interest b.v Mr O Nelll s many fiiends heio is that of his live ihddienhcn ho left here ho vuis H beardkss and wifeless jouth , and the ehango will be ( | iilto a shocK to a number of Council Bluffs j ouug people of both soxcs Piles of people have pucs , , but HeWltt'3 vvltchhazel salvo will euro them Abk your prucor for D.miesllo soap. T'rotoot jour boinea atfanibt destruc tive btorins.V. . O. Jame.s has tbo btrongosti-oinpaniob in tbo world. Tlio follow In ; inniiligu licenses were Is sued j estordaj Name ami uddiess. ABO. I Antiinc PaRi'iiN. I'atiadi I daiuiilla llt'al Iliounsvlllc , Iml I ( \ \i 1,1ns. ( iMim-ll lllnirs 30 I I'llll 1 U-ll-l I lllllll'll lllllllH . . 115 lAuwiiat I. HinthiT , South Umah.v 21 IJossii'l V\ air < n , stiiith Dniaha 10 I Amos \ Uiiiulall , iVilu Itaplds 20 ) Kiln I'lulp- i uiiiu-ll Illulfs 'J5 A Hint , } I oiincll lllulls 32 1 Wilson .Ituksun , Mich 10 Plies of people n.ivo pi.es , inn Do Witt's Witch II.izoi Siho willotirj tluai I'or Sulu A ( iouil For halo A tlireo-stoi-y hriok block on Main htrcot , and tlireo lots in Curtis iV H.xtn OJ'H nddition , arc offered for im- incdmlo tale at a very low jirioo. Terms casij. J.V. . Scjuiui : , 101 1'earl Street. With every M.OOinireba'O Lund Him. tbo Main ptrt-ct obina and crockery deal ors. will give a liaiulhoiiichturlliit , ' platcc bouvcnh hpiK'n. ' Call and s-oo tboin. Itiillillui ; I'nrililti. The following building permits liavo boot Issued A Win * ! , loin , blivk 1 , JohnJohn- nin n nddUlon U'paliN $ J. M ( lahln Notih avenue , lot 1 , block a , I'ruxpicl I'laec , ono-ntury l-oltu > ( iior t Tmld loii. l and t , lilix-k 6 , ( lliiulau > addltlun , two-story duel ling Thrro p < units , Dumcbtiu boup. it is tbu boat NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS' ' Pistol Practice That Did Not Rasult in a WILLIAM LIQBEKKE'S POOR SHOOTING Ic Fahft it Shot lit HII ltiiii | dltlvc ItU.il nnd No DnnitCft In Dune Anotlirr .MilII Who VVa Alrnld ti > Sliuol. A couple of pistol shots aroused tlm In habitants of North Main street jesteida.v morning about 'J o'clock and the report was soon circulated that William I.lbbekke. who works at the Manhattan restaurant , had ] shot at what ho supposed was a thief w ho | had been peering through the windows The supposed thief got away In safot.v , although a shot was stibsc < iucntlj found In a fence In clos piovlmity ID the place where he had been standing Ycsterd.ij it was developed that iho thief was not a thief at all. but iwrdi i-ophus .lepson , the prupnolor of a llval establishment , who felt a cmlosity to know how l.ibbokko was getting alnin ; as to customers and undertook to B.ilisfj himself , with almost disastrous results Anothci exuting episode took place at the same establishment jcstorday afternoon , but dilTcrctit parties wcie implicated the Eecond time Pied Stone. , who drives a garbairo wagon , umloitook to take away Mime refuse from the alley and was ordered off Iho premises b.v Peter Hartlng , the pro- pi letor , who , u is claimed , coupled his order with an epithet whiih was not to bu borne b.v a self-iespectlngdatkv Ktono imnirdi- atel.v got down from his W.IROII and chased the piopiletui Into the ii'staur.int Tneie Harling seized u gun and thientcncd to pfiforate Ston" if he c-ime nnnthi i step ncaicr Stimo came srveril steps nearer , however , and at last disiimed Halting with out nnj gore bel.ig shid Ho then went to the iltj riot k'snlllco and tiled an informa tion , iiiaifing Hartlng with disturbing the peace. Pjles of people h iv o pin-s , out DJ Witt's WitehHa/el Salvo will euro thoiu ro in : i OUM > ( KM.v At tin , I.Inn ! Store , Cumuli lllulTs , la. The lending CASH und only reliublo ONM : I'uici : nitv GOODS nousn , whore a child etui tratlo us well us its mother. Uvorj tiling us represented or money refunded. LADIKS' WAISTS ; wo show almost every tiling in that line , from the cheap calico waist to the finest silk or satin. See our line of waists at tile , 50o , 75c , * 1 dO. $1.25 a ml $1.50. Ask to see our line of silk waists , Inth in black and colors , utSIl.IO. $1.00 , $5.00 and $0.75. bu.v UMimnr < r < AS. We show by far the largest and best selected line tit our usual low prices. Compare what wo sliovv in 20-inch umbrellas at SI.00. SI.HH , 81.W ( , $1.50 , SI 75 , W.ODiintl 3 < 2.25 with the prices our wonld-bo competitors ask. Dm.ss GOODS. When you want u stylish , neut , nobby tlrc'-s pattern utu25 per cent Diving consult your own inter ests and examine the Boston store stock. Wo loud. Some of our neighbors vainly ti.v to follow. ( JoMroHT Pownr.it. A gicut thing tor the u\iuis ; u pet feet infant powder und certain euro for Itching or HOIOIICSS of the skin ; our price 12c a box. C'oMrow SOAP , the ft eat HKAMXO , SOOTHING , ritAGKANT , cmolicnt toilet onp of the ago. Our price We a cake. 75 pieces of heiivy white llunncl 4 jo a yard , worth fie. 100 pieces of outing flannel suitings in stripes , polkn dots , plaids , etc. , all infer for the next few days for 7Jc , former price 15(3. ( BOSTOX STOUI : , Fothoringham , Whitoluw ft Co. , Lenders and promoters of low prices. 101 to 105 Broadwaj , Council Blutls , la. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. ItuHorvc'd SniitH , Ilimm Ciiiuor ; . Secure souls at Hurt's jewelry store for the Miihin concert , Friday ovcning , May 12 , Mine. Ilclon Mori ill , huh dressing and manicuring. Room 1)12 ) , Merriam block. VV'lllliilil Itnhliiton I > U ipiKMrx , William Kobinson , wlio has been working at Clay Platncr's farm , east of the city , for some time pist , 1ms disappeared , and thcro la no clew as to his present whereabouts Iln left the farm last Friday , taking with him ono of Mr Platner's horses and about * \ " In cash , which his employer had given him. His absence occasioned no alarm until a day or two ago , when an investigation was made , whiih led to the discovery that the hmso had been left at .tannings' livery stable in the eastern part of the citj , but Uobiuson had not been seen simo his ariival. Mi. I'latnor states that Kobinson is ono of the steadiest and most icli.iblo men lie bus ever hitd in Ills employ , and ho Is at a loss to ac count for the disappeaiancc. Ho is of tlio opinion , however , that the missing man has been foully dealt with. The voung man is a son of the Kobin on who kept a bakerv in C'ouncll muffs several joars ago. Piles of people hive PUPS , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel balvc will cure them I'rof. Chilli Inln'M I'ruo 1'nhlln Loot iron. Two lectures on how to study French and Gorman by the "Natural Method" will bo dcllv 01 od on Friday , May 12 , at 10 u. m. and I p. in. , by Prof. Chatclain , director of the Dos Mimics school of langungo. on llr t floor of Merriam block , 2(1 ( ! ) Peat 1 sti cot , room ( eeupied by the English Lutheran church. The iirofcss'ir vvill give a free experimental loss.m nee irding to his now system. All persons Intoicsted attend any of the Ice- turcH. Regular class begins Monday , May 15 , ut 10 u. in. at the same place. For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ; steve wood , 12 or 1(1 ( inches , $2.50 pet- cord , ilclivoicil. II. A. Cj.x , 10 Main street. I'unrriil ol I'm lip \rmmir. 'Iho funeral of Phillip Aimour took place jcsturday afternoon at Vho residence of M. F. Kohrcr , the brother-ill law of the de ceased , on Vinestieot , Hev. Stephen Phelps olllilatcd in the plaeo of Uov T J Mackay of Omaha , the pastor of the church to which thofamiljof the deid man belonged , Mr Mnikny being unavolaoblv detained at home. Music waj fuinished by Mrs Sher man and Mrs Mullis At the i lose of tlio exorcises Iho remains were taken to Fair- vlow comoterj for burial The follow Ing gentlemen acted as pall-bearers I M Trojnor. Samuel Haas. Flnlev fluke , .1 N Casady , J. L Stowait and Thorn is Bowman Piles of people h ivo piles tut Do U'ltt's Witch Hnzcl Salvo will euro Hum. You ought to 8eo Ned Shopard'w new blcvclo. Ho tells thorn , and tells thorn right. See him at Van Brunt's. Piles cured by a slnglo painless tteat- ment. Dr. A. .1. Cook , Grand Hotel Annex , Council Blutla. See the peerioss Dauntless bicycles und get terms. Harry Murphj 10 Pearl. D.tnli'U' Trouble , Assistant City Attoinoy Crounso of Os- vvcgo , Kan , was hero yesterday nrvkltie In quiries with reference to the morals and con duct of J H Daniels , who is In jail at his homo on the ctui-go of being mixed up in some crooked scheme with reference to a medical institute He states that Daniels pretended to repicsont Or A J Cook of this cltv , and In working up his victims pre sented u picture of what bu claimed was the largest medical institute in the world and the headquarters of Dr Cook The picture 1 * easily recognized by luoio who have nen Ithciens merclv the Cirntid ho.il if this citv Sev11,1 ! witnesses will go to Oswcgo when the tlmo for the trial lotnes to tell what the. * know iibout Daniels previous cs- capadis _ Miii'iuiti : : > s AT ouf. T o Will Known Cirrimm Itulnleo In u Scrlom rnllini ; Out. A j oar or so ago there was n change In pastors of ono of the most urotnincnt churches of Count 11 DlutTs , the former pastor t iking a charge In a ncixhliodng city and his sue cossnr being a olerjninan from another state While hero the old p istor was very iKinular , nnd after ho left theio wore a great many membets of hU tloclt who felt so friendly toward him as to send for him whenever any of the members of their families wanted to bo Buried or married This was very em barrassing for tlm now tnstor. and not long ago he took an opportunltv of icmonstratlng with his prodeeossoi in vigorous terms , .lust what convcisitlnn took place between the two icveicnd gentlemen Is not known tea a lertalnti , but tlio substance of It was that the former pistor should stick to his knit ting and when theio was any nvirrving or burying to bo done the tnnn whose fortunes are now linked with Coimill HlulTs would see that It was done according to Hoyle without am asslitance from his neighbor Sim e that time the former pastor of the ( hureh has not visited ills old homo except ing in a sotlul w iv At least two Invitations have been sent him to ofllclito at funerals In this cltv within the last few weeks , but he has i of used to accept on both occasions , stating tliat ho does not wish to cause any fuithet tioublc between himself nnd his successor The matter has become ono of 'ninmoii gossip and the members of the hureh as well as main outsiders , llnd eon- sldeiahle nlcasmo In tilklng U over. Special Hour s-nle all this week at Brown's C. O. D. For first-class rooms in Chicago for World's fair call on Ohio Knox. Another Improvement to tlio popular Fchiibprt piano. Swiuison Musio Co Gco. S. Davit. , prescription druggist. Ainnsi ini'iiU. "Tho Scbubcit Symphony club and ladies' quartet gave a lUst-elass musical entertain ment at the Temple theater last ovenlng , " said the Alton (111) ( ) Dilly Telegraph last lanu.uy "Piof n II Puuell is an artist , and called forth applause for the solos ho tendered on the ioinot Miss Lovle XonJt , the con'ralto soloist , deserves special men tion. Master Tommy is a wonderful llttlo aitist He sang , recited and plavcd the violin with a grace and skill seldom cijnalod by one -so young The eompiny is cvcnlv balanced throughout , and a retuin date will till the house " This company will give a performance at Dohanj's next Satuiday afteinoon , and v\ill also appear in tlio evening A crowded house shoulJ gleet them on each occasion The First Baptist churcli social will bo given at Mrs. Thoxlorc Guiltar's , lll ! North Highth sticot , this evening. All cordially invited. Stop at the Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , tbo Lest $2.00 house in Iowa. Mils ii Concert. Ko-orved beats for Musin concert at Hart's jewelry store , 75c. Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , bit gest and best bievolo stock in city. Domestic soup host for hard water. Cook your meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at the Gas company. Vanntta & Svveel , attys. , Everett blk. Frro treatments daily iiom2 to 4 p. m. at tbo Council Bluilb Medical and Surgical institute , 2Cth and Broadway. Workmen Will Orcunlro. A Rcneial mass meeting of workmen will be held at Danebo hall , corner of Main street and Broadway , at 8 o'clock this even ing , under the auspices of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and .loincis of Anieiica. S J. Kent , secretary of the exe cutive board of the orJer and general or- gani/er for the American Fedciation of Labor , will address the meeting on the sub ject , "Necessity of OrganlAition. " Working men and women and all interested in better ing the condition of wage workers are cor dially invited to attend Carpenters are especially Invited , as the meeting is to beheld held with a view to oiganlzing a branch of the order In this city. Brown's C. O D. grocery closes at 7 p. m. , except Mondays and S.Uutdays. Tlio firnml Hotel , Council Bluffs. Most elegant hotel in Iowa. Dining room on seventh iloor. Ratoa , $3 to $5 per day. E. F. Clark , Pi op. Bargains in fine tooth brushes and cologne , wholesale price , only lOc. Davis , tbo druggist , 200 Broadway. TUKEY SUCCEEDS LININGEB. ol tlio Turk CuiiiinUxlo orb Tor Com- lii T Iiniiroi.iinciiM At a meeting of the Judges of the dlsti let court held yesterday afternoon Mr. A. P. Tukey vvas elected as a member of the Bo.ud of P.uk Commissioners. Ho succeeds Hon O. W. Liningcr , whoso term expired j csicrday. Tluusd.iy , MavS'i , the ooard will receive bids and award the contract for the recon structing of the H insjom paik pavilion , which was neatly destroiod by fire two months ago Supeiintcndcnt Adams has his force of men at work at H inscom park lajing out new parkwajs , and getting ever j thing in reidiness for setting out the llower plants as soon as the weather becomes bulllcloiitly settled to wauant Tom Mmra > has made dire threats against the surv ovine corps of the boat d and gives it out that engineer House and his men are not to bo permitted upon the Murra.v tract In the. southeastern p irt of the city. The bo.ud wants a line for a boulevard run tin ough Mm raj's land , and as soon as this is done , and if it Is thought best , thu pio- cecnings to ncquliu the land ui-doi the light of eminent dom linMll ha Instituted The opinion is that the boulevaid , commencing at Eighths and Bamioft streets , should bo through the Muuay land , as It would then for the entile distaneo be uponandge , ami be moro desir ible and sightly than any other pioposcd The englneet is novvatvvoik in locating thu boundaricsof the pro ] > osed paik , ami will in n few davs be ready to commence \vork upon the strip Murray owns , and upon which he sijs not a survevor's foot shall bo planted for any purpose In case ho persists inhhiofiual the board u ill lavoko the aid of the courts in quelling the obstreperous owner l > iirx } 'it It inch Attui'hiul. Deputy Sheriff I owis went to Valley jcsterday to levy on the 1,100 acics com- prlbing llio old C K. Ma } no ranch and ilno stock farm , now owned by ex-Congressman O. W. H. Dorsej. to sitisfy the claims of attaching creditors It was but four .vcurs ago that the place was in iho hums of the shoiiff. when Ma > no's spectacular caiecrin Omaha was drawing to a close , and now , in the short-since ot a piesidentnl term , Is hlstorj again repentim : llself o CitiiKht n Siirrrimi'Mnn , A bright looking .voung man calling him self ChatlesO Tailor n > bii liiff at iho citi Jail hccMUK- the aulhoiilles dei i.lo.l ttui * he was a suspicious chatacter. The fact thai Charles can led a surn-thim. dice layout and anumucrof skeleton kc.vs inctel.v tended to confirm iho suspicions of iho police , who will intciiogato him \ i'iclosjly In court today. nm-l > udy Will I ! . . DU.ippo ntoil. Saluriiay aflcrnoon iho Uj.ird of Fire and Police Commissioners will mcot tor the pur pose of examining the applicants for appoint ment to positions on iho tire dep iriment There are on llio vvilh Iho board aboul ! iVi applicallons It is Ihe intention M select aboul ten men. who -will bo assigned to duty as soon as there are places for them. INVADED BYJIEPUDLICANS ( ooNTisrr.n FHOMTIUST PA on | of the upccx-wrles of Jlf > The tmtrlutli' thoneht and iitnbltloil and hope of the nation It nut found In tlio iialne < ) of the rich , but In the collates of Ihe ixior , IK the farmhouses and the IIOIIKH of the mecliitnle Tinlepiibllean pirty should undertake with rartiettnoss anil devotion thu rc-a < lju tmcnt of the rolatlxi ! values ofcapital and labor Money slmulil not boiiindolutrliisle.illy cheap ; but KM present o-c illed earnlni : po ur N lee ureat asi-ompared with tiU'oarnlim | IMVAIT of human muscle C'ipltal UK ! iv has altogether tun much power by combn | itlon and confed- or'itliin. If the rcpuhllrnn party U to iuverd In the future It must di'i'l'iio Ulii'iiuiviieally against all trusts designed to artllirallv Inerense the prli-oof tlilmrs for I ho benelltof Iho fo\v \ at the expense of the many. It shuuld proclaim eternal uarfaiv nealnnt all speculation In tlio staples of the count i y. The vthciit pit of I'lil- 011,50 should not liuvo the power to Increase the prleo of every family's in if of bread In order to fill the pocUel of the successful speculator later 1 vinture another prediction1 1 Know It Is not In line with thu doclaied pnlli' ) of the re publican party as c\i > rc scd dm Ing the last election The republican puiy was txirn of the seiitlnu'iit of the nation deinandlmt freedom - dom and equality of nnlllliiil rluht and oppor tunity fin ill II nilplniitid In the liniiiaciimtu i oin'cptUin of llInu ) justice and hum in hope It ought IIIMI r tosueei ed attain In the I'nlud i-latcs unless It stands alw-iys mill ou-inally fur tlio pruti'ctInn of o ery American illl/un In th > until and ptaceftil enjoyment i'f his iluhtsuf i Itlrcnshlp 1'ln cniiiinon'lil lnloii" t of the ninth h.ivo ellinlmited justice to thu Anietli-an i lll/i-n fiom the platfiiim uf the tvimlillc.in inrtj , but the Iniiato ( nstlronf tin AinTlcan pi nii'e ' did not latlfy the surrender , ami In inv juilK * mi nt , the ab iiiduium lit of tinenlnied cltl/i n- shlpnf the ruuntiy w is sucli un act of pnlllii' il cowardice us d'MTM'd Ihe loliuk" of na- tlimal defeat If the tlade and cnmmorco of Ni''idik City cannot be maintained , 01 the I'liluinbliin \pusltlnn at I lili'a u be made asuccoHM , without sulimlssioii to and acnuli"- cence in the open , nntoi Inns and gonoi it > 'o- ' latliin of the eoiistltiillon of the United Mali s and the lawsnf oiii cniintrv , then lot UM turn the pictured f.u o of Lincoln to thu wull and east the swoul of tiianl into the sea. Pro-ldontltil 'Inn ) . Another tiling tbo republican paitj must do Is to decline Horn Its nc\t natlnnal eoiuentlmi In f.i\or of a oniteim picsldi ncy \\o nil lil as wtl loul. the Hltmitlnn In the face i\ury : olllieholiler nf the I'nlted btulcs sh mid be piol < i ti d In his i UN I tnoxorelso all the pihl- loges of Ameilcan iMtl/onshlp , but bo should not be p.'iinltted to use bis oillrl.il position for tbo pnipisc uf suppressing , or iiNeithiowbi ) : tbo will of the peonle. Nothing , In my judg ment , wlllo\ei Hike the ibiiiKeious element of olllehil pnwei out of out : piesldentlal conti st-4 , OM.I pt an uninmlllled di claiallon of a single cmisi ( utUepiesldentl.il term Tlio tipuhllcan pint ) cm succeed through llioynnin ; men nf the nation , those who arc nntvc't sub-ervlent to the doiiilii-itlon of the alinltlily ( lull.ii. whoaio not polltlcully timid bee i use of their ftiir that political coinage ma > Injuriously allei't their own Interests , who bold thu tights of men pal amount to all nlli'M eoiisldeiatlon , who bellevu that pitiiotism Is the truest iusllce to nil and that political success should inner be purchased at the evpiMise of political bonoi You , thu ynuim men nf tbu icpubllcan nirty , must ae- i ept the responsibilities of Its fntnio. Itemem- ber what It me mt In IMiH" Kemember what Itvns to Abraham IIncoln Ollvi r 1' . Morton and / ick Chandlci' ' Kenu mlici how II was biptl/ed In the blood nf these who foil by ilvei and by sea. that right and justli e should piexall Let this grand party bet once moio what It was In the heroic jears thu Instiu- mentalltyof doil's justice , seeming ami con- llrniln/ the liberties and lights of men Thu future Is not dark. A party m ly succeed once bj app'allng to the | < ontint the enviousness - ness and the picjiidli'esof dlsallected bum m- Ity , but ultimately the admlnlstiatlon of a government of the penpln , by the people , for the people , must lemaln with ( he loyally , tlio P'ltrlotlsin , the Intelllgeni u and the justlco of llbeity-lovlng , Oed fc.ujng mi n JOHN M TnrnsTo.s. i uitiu s'l'vorc Thunder Storinn U III TruMtll In Th I s > n < tinn of Nidiru kti loil y. WASIIIMITOV , D. C. , Ma.v 10. Forecasts for'Ihuisdaj For Nebraska Pair in the west ; in the castcin portion seveio thunder storms ; slightly cooler'and ' fair at night ; noithwcst winds For Iowa Severe local thunder stoims dui ing the daj ; cooler In west in the after noon or night ; booth winds. For South Dakota bliovvcrs ; cooler in eastern jiortionb ; northo.ist winds , l.ociit Uncord * OrricE OP TIIC WrArnun HuucAn. OMAHA , May 10. Omaha record of temperature and rainfall , compaied with con'espondlng day of past fouricais : 1803. 18U2. 1S91 1890 M ixlmum tomperaturc. bO = 10 = 60 = ( > 2O Minimum tomperatuie fiHO 38 = y = 4b Average tenipciaturo 70 = 11 = 8 = & 4C Precipitation T .08 .00 .03 Statement showing the condition of tern- pciaturo mil precipitation at Omaha for the da\ and since Maich 1 , Ib'JJ : Noimal tumnerature COO Kvcess fortboilav 10 = Dullclency sineu Mntuh 1 -'MO Normal proelpltatlon 14 Inch Delieleney for the day 14 Inch Hullclency blncc. Maich 1 75 Inch ItoportH from Oilier 1'olnts at H p. m. " Inilkutes troro i. 1 ! IK-NT , I.ocnl 1-orcciBt OllkUI. Piles of people liuvo piles , nut Do Witt's Witch Hazel b.ilvo will cuio them. t'liurcli Iliiuu'n ll.irn llnrnoil. \Vlnlo in the city iestcid.iv afternoon , lion ( . 'liurch Hovvo iccotwl a tjlciji.im an- ir , of cod-liver oil its use was limited to easing those far advanced in consumption. Science soon discovered in it the prevention and cure of consumption. uson of cod-liver oil with Hypo- phosphites of lime and soda has rendered , the oil more effective , easy of digestion and pleasant ( b the taste. Prt | . raJ by Bcntt flown * MY Ail ft isi t . a ii.r ii. r. i , D. i uri , tune von HIIU i sy um i un. i vi-iy ni'rvout truiib e with Nurv Banno , n m > tve et ibitxlUiovory of iiiiirvt.ciu powir 'I bev renew youth , rentoro v l.'ur , l\t ; i : ou of In ; i fi double i ap.icity for work or p'u.iMnre.Vunitrful ' for overworW and worry So d by arm NIK fl .1 box. two weeU' hupp \ . or by mull , NL l\'U ULAN CO. , the distrji tlon nt noon by flro of b.irn No 4 rttvvi story utructtirc 40x00 fcot In SK | > , on his fnrm near Howe , In Nomnhn county Tvvontj lie.utcf trotthiK-bred colU Hint vveif In the building were Rot out Iti nifoty. The bulldlnu , together with n u-lml- mill nnd n'JOO turret tank , wotn rumpleti'ly destroyed The nriffln of the the Is tin- know n The loss w 111 nmount to JJ.OOO , und there was little If tiny Insurnnce. A , J , ClllSS , What Ono of the Most Prominent of tbo Knights of Pythlns says of Paino's Celery Compound It Mndo Him Well. Ono of the boat known mombsrs ot the Knights Pythias / In Ohio , A. J. Cries , commander of the Sth regiment of uni formed Knights ; says of tbo remedy that makes people well : " 1 commenced using Paino'e celery compound some tlmo last spring. My co\iM-vM > r.u rum trouble was catarrh of the head and stomach. I Used two bottles and experienced - rioncod almost immediate rolicf. I used many other so called remedies before using Puiuo's celery Compoundbut none of thorn did mo any goon. I hnvo recommended - commended tbo compound to a number of persons who are Using It , und it will always bo a pleasure to ino to recom mend it to the afflicted- I am confi dent from my own experience tint thai o is no medicine in cx'.stonc tint will build up the broken down system so quckly as Faino's celery compound. Ills is the experience of thousands ev ery vvboio , What wonder that more Paino's celery cotndound is used in the United States than any other remedy. It makes people well. THEATER Conner Bluffs. JOHN Donvsv , MAvAdr.it. Grotf FQ3IQV MQlliee 012 P. I rnin i AND A LADY QUARTET. In u doll litful prorim cnt ro y free from dullncsi and coiislstliu cf I.ADY QDAKTirry. VI01-IN niul lxOUNETSOI.O . MANDOUN , ItANJi > in UlITl PAR CLU1I , COVIIC nnd SE1UOUS UKADINUS sruiNo QUiNrur. Music AND MIIITII ! A illusion ! oiitnitnliiinant that Is onjoyiiblo ulUo to inustol.in anil tbo massos. Don't f ill to bo ir the won derful 5-yoar-oid nrtlst , MASTUH TOMVIII. v ho plays vlilln solo4. slnissons and ro- ciics In thu moat llnlsbu I style TSUAI. I'HICES. DON'T Miss Tins TIIKAT. See our Program. H suoaUs for Itself. N. H. llio Oolobritod buhuDoit I'l ino U od in ull Concerts. DETROIT Ma iv t IMS i oir ilurnb'o than stoim on- Inus. more ri'llublo fur pow t r puipi "us. mil nun h rhi'ipcr I in bu put In cutmr of nny room from .nrri't to bHs mi > nt. t < Uhu but little - tlo sp uc1. n uklnir no nolso M ikis no SIIIOKU or tilrt. requires no funl oroncliini'r to run It Chfipcr , nuatcr mill moro roil iblo for eleva tors , md inlii'r piirnosps tluin water or eas. Detroit Mo or and Generator I ust of all , as ul lit D invustlgatlon will show M ii'hlnes from ono-el.'ht to olihtv horse power nlways mi b mil and warr intoil to civ > complete satuf lutlon. I'oniniunlu ito with us.o will save you time , money .mil Incun- \nnlenca \V. I' llAlCr.H , .iOO nnd .IIO luiK-irt Illnolf , Counoll llltirfs. Telcpioiio22l ) C. I ) . IIAKF.lt , Kulrlclnn. 711 Sonlh 14th St. . Omab i. Tnlephono 1111 , Solo agents for L'nnnull lllulTs. Umali i and I.lneolii Spccla ) COUN3U IKI iJJ VMM.11 VCUKirictur lanil In nortliurn i low nut tlJ W tu ! UOJ | i r iicro Ju'mston , v Van I'atliMi Al.St H VCT" iiml lonn * Kr.nn An I clly iirioir. houjlit uuJ laU 1'UHdr A IlioiUki v uunjll llluRi . ' ' . i s no-i.-i'joplo ny It last * U MAI.I'lol'.CK yunrn , ROinl vahlo.iiul alw.iys In auci ul Ulx lil K. Mi'rrlum kluik \\ril.l. iXi \Mil ! nil i-M.I. l o lour ru'im II linint'9 mil stum muni nnil outunllitln/n , clear o > Incuratiriincu .V.J Mttnilol , , iU dralnun Are Tl otliK und lut for ale .So HI3 flfti un ui ll lnqulro of J 1 * . ChrlstUti , C A It. 1 i.lil huusc I/O svl.K liu p. tomi Illicit rtrlvliu m nrui ti ciu luiilGf.oil wn/nn Imrnuiii jtul tuani lop IMIW ? rouil wii < on I'nrUoa Coal Co lul'iiurt struut \ \ ' IIf , soil below coil nuni room tioma , mod > r i convinlaui < 0i , wolllouiteil I . ' 'I'll SA .K IlireoJurnoy tnilli. UKHJ ono w ml < mo ri'ar uml two jrcara , idllil culor , ri' i UTe I muck 7.'i a lut St / s % ) V. Mco b 17 currlaKU toum nail ca I/iili 1.V luinyi lei I'o.irlSl. Council illjSi / 1(11i ( > h ruuiovoil uonipuuls vaults clilinnoyi V , , , , | | -.d Hurt.- , lit 'Iuylur fr.Ji.ory , 5IJ l for Kencml liousoirurk Mr ยง G. V .No 141 lilon mcnuo 17' H itBNT 7 room houu , water , tint anil batli , eojili'nblc 7I1HIU M , Cuuntll Illulti /Mill , imuo.1 for uenvrul homework , ll.l Ulun A YD I dlt HAI.K ( Ml KX II VMlf Utoacrc * tlno tiar .ten . Uml niljolnlnx the cUr. k'ooil liuu o UDI burn1 Ji | ncret In vlnuyunl will ii.li mica to hnuiunnu lot cjntrully locatuil II ( i Moltuv , 1U JUIri itrcot 1'OU IlK.S'lHoutoi.f Uveruomi 3 ocrei k'ordcn IHArri'i piituro on Ujiuer llroailwaj UV Tul Icjri , 1UJ I'uari itrcuu tiO.N T KNOW WHAT MKANfl UNTIL /T ) PERFECTION IN COCOA \OL ( HAVE TRIM ) QMWIC i AND C.OEE KARTMEBT- ) Highly Dlijesiibl mnlNii'iM Made Inotniitly with boiling vtutcror milk. , E NEW patterns of Ingrains arc so attractive our buyer didn't know when to stop buying. So the vari ety is enormous. If you want a carpet in the modern colors and latest de signs , and don't want to in vest much , this is the line to look to for it. If you have had a three-ply that has given satisfaction , and want another like it , you can find it here , only in newer colors. ORCHARD AND WILHELM CARPET CO. Douglas , bet. 14th and 15th Oi BICYCLE SPECIALTIES in the West ? We can fit you out promptly. Send in your orders. STATE AGFNT FOR THE AND BICYCLES. Tnncfpr Pn l394-8-8-10 Haln Sfreef' MallolCI IUV council Bluffs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUF FS STEAM DYE WORK All klinU of Dyeing i3ffs anil ( 'in in n , ' donu In tlio huhest . Htylo of the : .rt1 1 nlod un 1 HSTfAM fitalncd , fabrics rnudo tu tool as KOOI | ilu m v WorK promiitl/ DYE ilunu . ami ilollverol In .11 partv of the - iimntry SonJ for ; V/ORK2 / pn > o list A. T.IAOHAN , Projirlotor. llriiidwnv. nnar North- . vvuHturn Duput , = - = -fft- . . TcUijihono .lii. THE LOOKED FOR BREAK IN PRICES HAS COME. Highest Grndo for $100.00 The Kcllptio , \\'uvery ! , King , Clipper , beorchor. ull 10000 Sold ovoryvvhoro for 'JIGO.OO. ' If jou vviuit u wliujl , don't full to . eio an. OuribO.OO wheel U tidivndy. COLE & COLE , . , i I. II11CI