Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMAHA DAILY 1SKH ; . .TITlrllSlAY , MAY 11. lsfl .
fusing and tot containing any reliable In
f jrm itlmi
1 Don't \our objection go to the veracity of
the book InKioad of the evidence shown by
the copyt" asked Justice Post
' 1 tint ma r bo true , " answered Mrob -
ntcr , "that may bo true , but they do not
l > nno the whole of theclnrgc "
1 Thit position cannot Do ten iblo , " slid
.lustioo Post , who suggested that If they
piovod nnhorlngeof a put of the coal , the
testimony ought to bo ndmlsjlblo >
The court hold th n the way hills wore nd-
inlsslble , us in the absem P of the bonks of
freight forwaided they were the best e\l-
tlcnoo This let In all of the bills with thn
exception of these for March IH'JJ. and somn
posters which had not born Idontilipd This
( omplcted the i coord which would have
been shown bj the Butllmrton fielirht books
(1 tnn llitlmnto from Oninln.
John Uitonser , nn architect of Omaha ,
was railed for the purpoio of futnishlng ox-
testimony with rofoionce tn the cell house.
Have jott moisiirod the walls of the cell
house and made ciliinatcs on the cosll"
nsked Judge Uoano
' Yes , sir'
Uhitareourestimates' "
South wall , tT.'Jll in , north wall , J3.100 ;
past wall. * J,1sroof , > MltH ; lion guards
for windows , etc hOO cubic feet stone ,
f 1 TfOO , cut stone , 17.1,7. > 0cubicards rubble
stone $ . " 0. now on hand , making n toial of
$ .M 41. including n ? 100 cslimato for any
mistake in llgut Ing This was on the basis
of frco labor The stone on the north Is
ordinary stone , not n llist-ulaas building
atone "
Youmaj take the witness , " said Judge
T.ikltnr the fact that the number of men
employed as thltty to fortv and two of them
skilled , " asked Mr Wi Inter , "tho others
green men , in jour opinion could the build
ing bo crei ted as cheaply hi frco as by con-
\ictlabor" , .
" 1 f they w onld w ork , a f ter some weeks they
would dopiett\ well , but as It is 1 don't know
what the emu lots could do My oypoiionco
Is that in the end the clieip" t man Is the
most oxpensho in mj opini in , after six
weeks pri < ti'o , I think two con\lets could
do about as much as one fi eo mechanic "
Did \ou exnminetho south v.allf"
"Yes , sir , the grade of stone on the south
side of the wall is landom ashler and can beget
got out of a good ( luillti of i ubblc "
"Does il not cost more money than rub
ble' "
Usually not , for it can bo selected from
the rubble "
\Ylnit Might HUTU Itcen.
"If it should transpire thit thn cost of ex
cavation was 40 cents instead of " . cents pet
jard , asjou have figured , il would add to
the cost of the building ! "
' Yes. sli. about 51WI "
If it should U.inspire that the nibble
work cost moio than jolt have llgiucd , then
H would add to the cost ot the building ? "
"Of couse It would "
If it should tianspiro that you had in
cluded the pi Ice of tlio stone , but not the
labor In cutting , then that would add to the
cost ? "
"That would bo tiuo. but jou aio stating
n fact that does not exist "
' Did jou Include the now stone that went
into the noith wall" '
1 I did. I allowed the old ashler and tlguicd
on the cost of Iho new stone I computed tlio
wall as now lubble , and also , at the same
time did not ch.ugo for the iccuttiug of the
old ashler '
"Old jou tMco into account anything else
than what jou have lofetrcd to' "
"No. sir , that includes the material and
labor "
"If It should turn o'lt that the ashler
stone was w01 th but 11 cents insteid of " .1
rents , that the nibble stone was worth but
.land I Instead of 7 or Scents would not
j'our estimate then bo too blghf ' asked
Judcu Doano on redirect examination
"I should say so , " answered the witness
"Isthoieaiij cut stone iu the south wall ! "
"No sir "
"Now , did it not cost the state to tear
down thai old wall nnd iceut the stone ? "
" 1 think not , the wall had to be torn down
and I llguto thai it cost the same to clean up
the old Btono as It would have to h.uo
bought and cut now ashler "
Every possible attempt was made to tattle
the witness , but It was n failure and ho was
nllowed logo without any turthcrcross ex
nummtion. '
.More IllllH Idni Illuil.
Miss Dalloy , astcnogiaphcr in from the B
< fc M ofilco , was called to identify a number
of way bills for coal sent to the asylum.
A. B Mooborg , another clerk fiom the
railroad olllce , identified way bills and copies
of the freight received book-
Mr Gllmoro was iccallcd and identified
ono of the slips attached to ono of the waj
bills as being in his handwriting. This sli ]
showed the numbers of some of the cars 01
coal sent out to the asylum , nnd at the morn
ing session was tilled out for the icnson Hint
it had not been Identtllod
Charley Ludwig did the s line thing with
reference to one of the way bills which hac
boon tilled out for want of Mentillenlion
This accounted for till of the copies about
which there was any question and the com
lilotn iccord contained in the missing freight
icceivod book was befoio the court for its
Passing to another branch of the case S
M Mills , manager for S V Johnson & Co , a
( lour firm of Lincoln , was called as a wit
"In 1801 did jou know the linnet W K
Sowoll & Co , engogod in tlio commUsioi
business ? "
"Yes , sir "
"In Januarj , 1801 , did Johnson sell Hour to
Sowell ? "
"Yes , sir ; for a peiiod continuing unti
March , 18W "
"What was the nature of tno contract ? "
Tilt of the Attorneys.
Mr Webster objected , sij'ing that that
had nothing to do with Iho case on trial.
Judge Pound slid that ho proposed to
show ihut theiu was a contract and lhal Iho
Hour wont to the iisjlum
"You want lo convict men on presump
tion. " added ivir Webster
"Don't wouv about piesumptlon , " le-
toitod Judge Pound , 'we will prove the
facts "
Justice Maxwell the quintlU
of Hour furnished might be shown.
JitilgoNonuldid not think it proper to
show thocontiact
1 Wo propose to show that Sowoll bought
the lloui fni the asUum of Johnson ; that it
was doliNoied to the asjlnm , and that
voucheis woio presented to thn state , showIng -
Ing a dlsiiepincj. Wo will prove that U
was crooked "
"Thoy don t pietond to show that Johnson
did that , " replied Mr Webster.
"What , we will show Is that Sow ell hid no
Hour onlj th it ho bought of Johnson , " re
plied Judge Uoano
"What the ' - "
was ai'-angoment ? Judge
Pound asked the witness
"That Johnson would fmnish Sowell flour
dellveied at the asjlum duiing the nuaiter
beginning Jnmiiuy , 1MI1 "
Ilun the 1'IoiirViu rnrninlied ,
' What was the amount delivered during
the month of Januaiy , Ib'.il " .
Mr Webster objected , statluc ; that the
lx > ok was not In evidence The court ruled
that the witness would loftcsh his memory
by looking at the boolc
"There wcio 12KK ) i > ounds "
"How much duiing Pobruarj' ? "
"Nino thousiud pounds "
"At what prho per 100 jiouiidst"
Mr Webster objected on the ground that
the prlco was Immaterial.
The court sustained the objection
"How much was delivered after thuU"
"In March , 4.730 , Apt II , 0,500 : May , 10.500-
June. 12,500 pounds "
"What Hour was this ! "
"ThoShogobinnd "
"Was thcio nnj furnished during the second
end quarter of 1801 f"
"No , wo did not have the contract. "
"How about the third qunitcrl"
"Wo furnished iho Hour. "
"In what quantities I"
"October , 17,000 , November , 0,000 , and
December , 14,000 pounds "
' 'Did jou deliver any Hour to Sowoll dur
ing the llrst quarter of 1SW , and if so how
much ! "
"Wo did ; In January , C.1,000 ; Pebruarj- ,
7,000 , , and March , 11,000 pounds. "
"Do jou know how much of this flour
Sowell took to the asylum , " asked Mr. Web-
"No , sir ; from the terms of my contract I
could not toll , "
"Could Suwell have bought flour from any
one else without jou knowing 111"
"Ha could , for I could not hnvn prevented
him from doing so. "
"What other dealer was doing a wholesale )
flour business during that period. " asked
Judge Pound on ml I reel examination.
"None , " answered the witness.
"Did your firu not control the wholesale
limiting of flour during tint period' "
"That was the understanding. "
Ideiitllli'd thu Voucher * .
Stnto Auditor Moore was sworn
"Hnvo j-ou the vouchers of Sowell ft Co
or flour sold to the state during the year
"Some of them , and Iho others nre with
he county nttornoj before the grand Juiy , "
insweiod the witness
1 Are they attested bj the members nf the
ioard of Public L inds nnd Buildings ? "
" ' 1 heir names are upon them "
The vouchers were 1 tcnlllled nnd handed
i ick to the nil 11 tor , th it ho might make n
abulatcd statement showing the amount of
lour with which the stile had been chin ged
llmv It Wt * Dellvoicd ,
C W ICond'ill , n dr.ivmin who had hauled
'or Sowoll ft Co , tostlilod to having hauled
lour from Johnson's stoio to the asjlum.
DM jou Inul all of the Hour ? "
"lint was mj contract , commencing- the
last of October , 1MU "
"Doou know how much jou hauled dur-
ng the month of November' "
I do not knort. though I tistnlly took
ibont ono to'i ai a laid 1 nlwajH got the
lour from Johimn 3 store "
"Who received It at thu asjlum ? "
' Nolnd.v duiing is'H : It was not weighed
just ( hinipnd into the flour oox "
"Did jou always deliver all that jou 10-
"Notalwiys 1 vv fi allowed ono sack of
flfly pounds for c.u h load "
"Duiing November and December. 1M)1 ) ,
did \ou leave Hour ut any other phco thin
it the iisvluin' '
'Yi's , sir , acting tinder instructions of
: ! owell , duiing November nnd December of
Ih'Jl ' 1 would lo id up for the asylum and on
the waj out I would unloul a pat t at a stole
on South Tenth street , sometimes I would
lo iv e IOU and sometimes 1 000 pounds "
"How ibout.linuarv I'-OJ'1'
"On Jinuatv fi I stalled out with 2MO
pounds , and loft two sacks at my house
The loid was weighed out , but the wagon
was not weighed bick On Jnnuaij 11 I
took another loan out to the asjlum and do-
llveted all th it I started with Bcglnnlm.
on \ 5 , 180.3 , thu people at the asvliim
commenced to count the sicks , but pi lor to
th it time there was no account kept of the
"After January 1 , l OJ , do you remember
of leaving any pot tlon of the loads at other
places' "
hoinu Mhoral Honu os.
"Ihoro weio several times ; I should sav
that four or live times while I was hauling
Ho p at the Tenth stieot stoie Sometimes
1 would leave eight sacks and sometimes
twenty or even moie I nlwajs did this
under Insliuellons fiomSewoll "
"Was thcio any other time when jou did
not deliver Ihe amount of Hour with which
jou stu led' "
"On December 23 , IbOl , I look out a load and
Sowell told me lo pul thirty sacks in my
bun "
"Did jou do this ! "
"Yes , sir. I put the ( lour in my birn and
a few elavs later I Inulcd ten sicks to the
store on Tenth sticct , ten s icks to Bieckcn-
i idgo , a s iloon man at Tenth and N sticcls.
nnd thu balance to Hill , a man living on N
stieet "
"How did jou get jour rnvt"
"In Hour , thit w is the agreement "
"i hat's all , ' slid JuJgo Pound
' \\hochcckcdovcrtlieHour nt the nsv-
Inm' " asked Mi. Wcuster on cioss-CKaml-
nation ,
"Aftoi Januit\ \ , IS'J ' ) , Mr Liuet's bo\ ,
bul befoto that theio was no peison who
piid anv attention "
' Did that Hour that jou left along the
lotil cvoi go Into the tickets as having been
dclivcieil at the asjlum ? "
"As to that 1 cannot siy. "
Skotrh of an llonurei ! Clti/cn Who I'.lxsod
Away Vontordiiy.
Punoral set vices over the lemalns of N B
HusbOj , late president of the Builders and
Tradcis exchange of this citj , will bo held
at the family lesideuoc at Twontj-second
and Half Howard sti * ets at U o'clock tomoi-
tow aflernoon A delegation of the directors
of the exchange will attend , and at . " > o'clock
the body vv ill bo t ikon to the depot and
thence convejed to Minneapolis , Minn . for
buiial , all of Iho membeis of the fanillj ac-
companjing it.
Mr Hussey , whoso death is so deeply de
plored "by the communltj , was bom at Prce-
dom , Me. , In November , 18JO , at which place
ho resided until 12 jears of nge Ho
then removed with his parents to Spring-
Hold. Mass , whore ho icmalncd eight years
and laid the foundation of hii education
Then going to Boston nnd completing his
education , ho returued to Springfield and en
gaged in the insuianco business , which ho
followed duiing the next two veirs Ho
then took charco of the iutciests of the
Connoticut Klver tallioid at Nottbamptoii ,
wheie ho lemained twelve joais
At the end of this time ho engaged In the
steam netting and hardwaio business In
Noithatnpton and eight jcais. after in the
woik of building water works systems for
cities , pulling in plants at Holjoke , North
ampton and Ploiunce His health falling ,
hoiemovedln ISbJ to Minneapolis , Minn ,
and In Ib ll to Omaha , foiming bete the Hus-
sej i\ , Diy comptiu , of which ho was presi
dent until the clnj of his death
For thopist Ihe jeais ho has been presi
dent of the Master Plumbois association
and for the past thieo vcars president
of Iho Builders and Traders exchange of
Ibis city. He was also a member of the ex
ecutive coinmlltce of thoNallonal Bulldcis
nud Traders association and was quite
piominent in politics as a member of the re
publican party. Ho had also been , whan In
Massachusetts , a member of the national re
publican committee Ho was man led in
18-)7 to Marg.uct Bliss of Noithampton ,
Mass , who survives him and by whom ho
had live children , three of whom one sou
and two dnughlcts , nil giovvn , icmaln lo
mouin his loss
. Nolhlni ; but Intel > < nllun hyAttnrnoy < icn-
rrnl < ) lno > ( ill "iil\o lllin.
Distuct Attorney Biker was not In the
best of humor when TUB BUB icpoiter on-
tctcd his onico
"I would like jou to toll mo , " ho said ,
"whcio'lim BBE gets Its nuthorltj for post
poning luduilnltelv Iho hearing of iho
Moshorcaso 1 protest against any such
action and demand that the federal couit
and Iho dlslnct ntlorney bo ho ml in Ihe
matter befoio Tur line proceeds to postpone
as itnpoi tanl a case as thai '
Mr Baker proceeded to say that If At
torney General Olnoy ditcctcd him to prose
cute Mosher or if the nttornej-general sajs
nothing at all Mosher will bo sent lo the
penitentiary if ho ( Mr Baker ) can conduct
Ihe case in such a manner ub to send htm
'ihoonlj hope for Mr Mosher lies in the
probabllitj' that Attornej- General Olnej'
may direct Mr Baker to accept some sort of
a compromise by which the bank wicelccr
mnj got otT with the p ij mpht of a 1 ugo sum
of money. Such proceeding is believed lo bo
verj- Improbable
in the Intilim Mr Mosher enjo\s the
society of a considerate companion , whoso
name is on the pay loll of Uncle Sam The
pertinacity of the pursuit has not yet miteri-
ullv intorfciied vvith Mr Mosher's personal
movements , and hi * long expressed aeslio to
bo Imptlsot'ed has not been gratified
I'ujtIHined thn "Comcriarlduo , "
Owing to the storm the "Scientific Con-
> cisarlonu , " advertised to take place at
Cielghton college last evening , was posi-
poned until tins evening Munv of thu pto-
ifosed experiments depended upon electric
ity , and naturally deferred to the storm
Those poisons who had had gatheiod theio
uiior to the storm wore cutci tallied by sing
ing nnd stereopticon views until Iho storm
Next Tuesday evening the classes of ' 04
and ' 05 will Illustrate by diagrams and
actual experiments the process of smelting
and rellnlna ores as cmplojcd at thu Omahti
ft Grant Smelting woiks of this city , and
and also the manner of making white us
practiced bj iho Carter White Ixjad works
In Hast Omaha
Movement ! of Ocelli Mounter * Mt > y 10.
At Southampton Arrived Alter , from
Now York.
At Lliard Passed Pennsylvania nnd
Illinois , from Philadelphia
At Phlladoluhia Arrived British Prin
cess , from Liverpool ,
At Now York - ArrivedNederland , from
Antwerp , Wuealand , from Autwcip ; Ma
jestic , from Liverpool.
Swift Field Easily Bsciten by the Gushing &
Orth Entry ,
of .11 nil Dhpi'llcd by llrliilit
lluny ' 1 liniHiniU Out to Uutili the
( Iroit Kt'iitucky Turl i : eiit
.Spin U of till ) l > n } .
IofisviME , ICy , May 10 Thltty thousand
people sv the Kcntuehy derby of ISU'lon
by Lookout , the licet son of Tioubadour , nt
Chtirehlll Downs this nftoinoon. A liner
day no\or smiled upon Derby clav , which , to
Kentucky , Is tlio greatest festival on tlio
calendar. 1 ho nttendaticcM\as ono of the
larecst In the history of the .loekej elub ,
uml nlinoat ilvallod the eiowil In uttcnd-
nnco nt the famous Tenbiocek-Molllo Mc
Carthy race of jeat s ago
Tjong hoforo noon the biij coutso was black
with people The men \\lio went broke It
the poolrooms had a ehanco to sco the
Derby , for the Louisville elub opens Its
gates to the publie on Deibi day. Ihoio
w ere 10,000 people in the frco Hold today
They woio on foot , In buggies , calls ,
wagons , carilages and street cars , uml
chased rabbits mil plajcil bill between the
i.iecs The grand sfuul and elub house
worn bouquets of 01 inclines and big hats
woin hi the bjlles of Kentucky The ro-
publiein brothien were out in force and if
thoiilacd all the f..voutos the dumociats
will ha\e to help them out of town.
StnrtoiM anil llio Start.
Six line looking 'lj ear-olds faoc < l Starter
Pottlnglll Tlioj wcto Lookout and
Boundless of dishing & Oith's stable ,
Scioggan Hros ' Hoot Uncis MeOann , C
Ijlnici liatloj's Lin Pi , Plutus of the Uash-
foi d M inor stable and James K. Popper's
Mirage Iho bpttlns i lug was jammed and
thhtvlho bookmakers laid the odds The
Gushing & Oith ontiy. Lookout ( Kun/c ) and
Houndlcss ( II Williams ) , was the fi orito
atTtolO limit MiC inn (1'hoipvas ( ) sef-
end at ! 1 to 1 Plutus ( A Ulujton ) was third
choKoat 4 to 1 Mirage * , with the gieat
Isiio Murph > , was fouith nt 12 to 1 , and
Linger ( Tljnnj was deemeJ u lank outsider
at10 to I.
After a bionlawi \ and some dolaat the
post , Pottingill chopped the Hag , with Look
out HI the lead , Linger uas second. IJutk
MiCauti thiid , Plutus fourth , Uoumlless
llfth and Miiago last. Lookout at once
went into the leid by three lengths and
maintained his .uhantigo clear to the cud ,
unuei pull winning as lie pleased , with lots
to Plutus Bui k McC.inn and Miratro
1 in In a hunch nculy ail the way. but
Plutus loft them in the stielch and got second
end in a whipping finish , ono length in front
of Bound lest. , who was nenlj two lengths
in ftont of Bin k McCann Lingei was
bcaton at tlie end of the Hist tulle , coming
in live lengths behind Mi.-age
bkntrh of thn Ulnnoi.
The sport outside the Derby was good The
Deihj winner , Lookout is a bright chestnut
colt bTrotib idour-Christme , and 1 030111 bles
his famous sire in man\ points As a Mear -
old he was a consistent colt and while he
was not i ailed upon often to meet the best
ones of the \eir , his ictord speaks for itself
Ho stilted twenty times , won nlno
and was unplaced only onl.v four tunes His
best pet forinanco o\er a distam o of ground
was tluoofouiths of a milo with nlnotj-
eight pounds up m 1 15 Ho made his .i-j ear-
old dubut at Memphis , whole , with twenty
pounds the best of the weights , he beat Buck
MeCann a mile in 1 1'J'4 ' , with US up
1'irst nee , slfuihin s dlcf > Hey (0 ( to 1) )
won , 1 ! uner n to U sn end , London (5 ( to 1) )
third Time 1 17'j
second i ice ll\o fuilomjs Cedar Hronlt (5 ( to
liwnn , 1'it ti in oisocoiid , DooLst idor ( t to J )
tlilid I'lme i 04.
Ihlid rue , thn ICi-ntm Uy Dorliy , for 3-yotr-
old colts uml Illlk-s .foils . of la'iui iflOO en-
tr moo. h ilf forfeit , tie If dcoliirod on or l > e-
fore \lny 1. IH'JJ , JJU If deol ired on 01 bjfore
.May I.IM'JI , mniipy toareomji iny dcchiritlons
with T 1000 aildnil , of which t4Ul > to soeond ,
$15(1 ( to thlid , fourth to Uoio staUo ; closoil
with sixty nominations , mlle and ti half
I.ool.out , 12J ( Kun/ol , 7 to 1 , coupled with
lloundlois , won easily by thrto loiuths ;
I'lutiH , 1'22 ( A Clayton ) , 4 to 1 oucond by a
leriKth , lloundlo s , 1'JJ ( K Illlnmsi , third by
tno lengths , lluok MoUunii , 11 J d'horpoi. 4 to
1 , fouith by tun lengths. Mlru o , 12J il Mur
phy ) , U to 1 , tifth by tliteu iLnsths ; I.ln ci ,
I'JJ ( riynu ) , 40 to 1 , llnUhod last Pluio.
2 39 1 (
I ninth race , three-fourths mlle heats , best
twolnthroL I'irst heat. Fmpiess Trcdo'lck
( t to & ) uonMillo Nosn ( loiol ) second. In-
torlor (1 ( to li thlid Tlmo 1 17 Second
heat I'mproM 1'rodiilck ( no bottlm ? ) und
\\hllo Nose (3 ( to fi ) won a doud heat. Sit
Charles (4 ( to 1) ) and Inleifoi (7 ( to Dl also r in
Time 1 Hi' * lldld he it Wlilto Nose (7 ( to
1) ) won by half u lomith , rmpross I redcrlch o\on money Time 1 18 I'ourtli
\\hlto Nose (1 ( to 10) ) won ! ' ! to 1 waslild
npiliist I'mprpssTroilPiIcK Tlino- not Khun
I'lfth tacii , four and a Imlf furloiiKs : I'oy-
Ionia ( lotolwon ) , Kosamond ( J to 1) ) .second ,
tjrusi4 to 1) ) thlid. 'llnio &H.
Tiilriit llttUun a ICIlllutr.
ST Lei rs , Mo , May 10 The wcithcr was
clear and warm Although only ono favorite
won the talent had nothing to complain of ,
as the other IHo e\onts wore won bj well
played second and third chances Tiank
Jordan had the mount on four of the suc
cessful horses
I'lrstrace , hlx fnilongs : Kmperor lllllot (4 (
to fii Him , Cant iln Miles ( 'JO to 1) ) second
Vashtl (7 ( toll third Time : l-ms.
Second rare , four fuiloiiKS Millie H ' 3 to l ;
won , I.ady d ly (4 ( to 1) ) second , Alopiithy (7 ( to
1) ) third Tlmo : f. ) ' ,
Third i ace , six furlongs : Mldwiy | 2 to 1
won , Volunteoi II ( H to f > ) hocoml , Mos Terry
(0 ( toO ) third Tlmo 1 17S
Tomtit race , smim and a hilf fiulon i
I'tlinl lii.iy (1 ( to 'Jl won IVMn ( CM n ) oc'cond ,
1,1111 in ( U to J ) thlid , I'll. iu- 1 iH' ' ,
riftli raio , sand | a half fin long's C < o\-
ernoi I'lfc i (3 ( to 2) ) won I\poi ml i tJ to 5 sic-
end , Mollle ll.uwi ( H to 1) ) third Tlmo 121
bjxth i leo ono mlle Kemumd ( H to Gi won ,
E\ciltlor(4 ) ( to 0) ) second , Viiden third Tlniu.
1.4j ( ,
Glum t > * U'r' rrocr in.
Oi.oucrsTnn , N J , May 10 Uesults
Tlrst race , n\o furlonzs l'il/oGto5) ( ) won ,
Hold Haidy (10 ( to li spoond , Vanmotor (10 ( to
1) ) third I'lnip 1 OH
N'oond i ice Ih o furlong" I'll ( J to 1) ) won
Mary I ) t'J toO ) second llaytlcnni ! , guldlng(12 (
to 1) ) thlid I'lniP 1 ( ID
Thlid laio , SOMII and ah ilf fuilon ' . Tran
sit ( S to &i won , \ \ alhioo ( ifi to 1) ) second. Cap
tain Hammer (10 ( to 1) ) third I'lmo1 44' ,
1 our Hi i. UP , hl\ and a half fiiiloiiKs rorn-
wood ( c'U'ii ) won , Obeilln | H to5)i ) > ccond , Knipp
( J to ll third Time 1 28' ,
I'lfth race , four and a half furloncsVoutu
I.ottuy ( J to litton , Aitllloty ( J to 1) ) bccoml ,
Arauahoo ( J to 1) ) thlid Tlmo CSi4
hi\Ih iaec , six fiiilon s llohemliiii (10 ( to 1) )
won. I'uoKor (12 ( to 1) ) second , Idea ( J to 1) )
thlid llmu 1 231 ,
ItrmtltR ut Ilitwlliornc.
, 111 , May 10 Uosuits
rir-t race six fiiriongt Uolo won. laielnda
spcoinl. C\ ) | | or Twl-,1 third Tlmo 121
' oiond rnto , slfiirloniis' Mohli an won ,
Dimgari on second , JacU Itlchllluu third Tlmo
1 JD' ,
'Ihlid rice , ono mlltr I'lrat I.nn won , Con-
tout second , i-uiiii > brook third 'Ilmo. 1 4U.
I'onrth race , ll\n furlongs Ituliy 1'ayno
won Artciiins Kocond blcet third. 1'lnio 1 ( M.
I'lfth raiu , four furlongs Sir Iaumolot
won , llovo d Ur second , Amboy third Tline
( iolue ut ( iiittonlmrff ,
NEW VoitK , May 10. Todaj's results at
1'lrst race , six and a half furlongs. 1'Jay or
1'iiy (7 ( to 0) ) won , \ \ hoolrr (0 ( to 1) ) second , ifary
Snl to 1) ) Ihlid Tlmo 1 2J.
Sncond not' Iho-cljhtlDi mile- Harlem (7 (
to & ) won. D.iNvrlnu (4 ( In 1 > sooond , Chnrllu
\\ll on into H thlid Tlmo 1-OIV
Third r u u , one-half mlle Kn.'tnlii. nily (5 (
to li UDII , I onto n > to 1 1 second , Jennie T ill to
1) ) Ihlid Tlmo 50' ' ,
Tout th rice , ! > 1\ and a half furlongs : My
I ullou (0 ( to 5 1 won , Air 1'lunt (6 ( to HI second ,
Jcwln Wells ( H to 1 1 third Time. 1 'JJij
I'lfth race , the-elghts mllu Ilalbrlggan (7 (
to 1) ) won , I'lrotly , < 4 to li necond , Jack Hose ,
(4 ( to 61 thlid Time 1 30
Hl\th race , mllu and a quarter , o > ertl\o
hurdles M Lukott ! to 1) ) won , tit. John ( rt toO )
second , I.umbc'rt ( B to 1) ) third Tlinu. J 2J.
I'ltttburi ; Knuly Tukot tha Third nt the
burlon from Clntliinatl.
CINCINNATI , O , May 10 Plttaburg made
It throe straight victories , winning today's
game on errors by Latham and Caruthers
Wo ithor clear , attendance , U.nou Score
Cincinnati 100110000-8
1'itUburg . 20102000 -0
lilts Cincinnati , 4 ; I'lttsburg , & . Errors !
Uluclunatl , 4 ; 1'ltuburg , 'J. Eurued runs : Ulo-
nlmmtl , li I'lM-bur- Untie rlcvit Dwyer
and \ nuxhiii linstrJjLI and Ma. l < h' .
lliroo [ : | for tlio ( limit * .
BnooKi.vv. N Y , May 10 The Bronklj us
got the third gamamwav trom Now York to
day by a small miigiu , to the deep disgust
of the metrooll9 | Score
Now York . . a d' ' 0 0 a 1 0 1 00
llronMjii U ,0 , tl 1 6 0 0 1 7
Hits Now Yorki t ) ( llrooklyn , fi Ktrorv
Now York , IV llryjklyn , Karmdiuns Ni >
Ynik , I ; Iliooklyn , il. IHttorloi : Kinio and
Doyle : I.nvettand Ivtnalmv.
Chhiitd AUll Tiikrn
ST I onis , Mo , MII.V 10 The foituics of
today's gatno were the bitting of the
lUowns , especially rtf Croolss and I'olt1. nnd
Dowel's Inso running 1) ihlon was hit In the
cio In n batted ball jltn ing the preliminary
luacticlng of the cjhlcag. ) team and sounoly
Injuiod Ho will bo unable to plaj forsov-
oral days. Score
St. loills 10203020 1-14
Chicago 02000000 0 2
lilts , st IoilK 14 ; Chicago , 2 I > iors : SI
I.ouls. , ii ChliMU'o , 0 Km nod inns. St. l.ouls ,
t. , ilitcapt 1 Ilittoilos 1'letz , Il.uvluy nnd
llucklo } . MoClll and ydirhor.
I'lilllli-H Pull Dnt One.
lUiTiMoiii : , Md , May 10 The Philadel
phia team broke their suing of hard luck to-
aaj hi defeating the Baitimoics Score.
Hlltlmoro I 0 0 0 U 0 1 2 1 7
Philadelphia . 1 3 0 0 J 0 0 2 0
liltsItiltlmoro. . 7 : I'hlladoiphln , 0. Krrots :
Itiltlmoio , 2 ; I'ldl idolphl i , 2 Kirnod iinif
11 illhnore , r > , Plilhidolphl I , 2 Itittoiles
Itubhisonadswot th and It ikeii Cioss and
lnr > r.i AUn \\lnnur. .
WisiusoTov , D C. , May 10 Washington
defeated Boston today bj superior nil TO .aid
playing Scoie
WishliiBton 10500220 0-10
Huston 2 0 0 0 2 2 J 0 0 0
lilts \\ashlimtnti , 12 : lUnton , ) I'.irors
\\ashlnston , 1 , Hmlon , .T rarnoditinsasli -
ingtnii , 7. Hoslon 0 Ilittc'ilos' Duryca and
I'linoll , Stlxolts and Cansol.
Lot , Kj , May 10 No game between
Cleiclaud and Ixuis\lllc todaj , wetgiounds
st indlm : of thu I'D HIM ,
VV U I' . ' I VV U 1' { .
Clovclnml & 2 Tl I linlllnioro & d 45 S
M I.ouli . 7 " TO U l-lilliiiloliilila 4 A ( I 4
llrooklyn I , I u , Ttlloitun . .4 6 41'U
" - ' 7 4 ScnVurk 4 II 400
1'lllBliurji & I ( , ' . > ChlciKO . . . 37 U U
Llnclnniitl . U 5 W U l.utilivllln . . , 14 j
OiimliiU'ilnt Lincoln.
Saturday nf let noon the Omaha Lacrosse
club will meet the Lincoln team nt the old
base b ill ptilr , and the game promises to be
an exciting ono Both teams have been get
ting into ooidltion duiing the past month ,
and considerable ihalry exists , as the chun-
plonship nf Nobiaska is at stake The
game will be staiti'd by Mijor Bemls
piomptli at I o'clock
rhilntlllri Kost llii-lr Casei In tlio Union
lcp t liilnni tlon suit.
The til il of the Union depot injunction
case was before .ludgos rergtt-
son and Walton in dtatiict coiut
jestcul.iy The plaintltrs called Mr
Kimbill to Ino st ind again to pm\e the
amount that has thus fir been expended on
the depot A w ranglo ensued botwceu c'oun-
sel as to what was coxcred bi the ( iiicstion ,
and whether nil inoiroy that h id been expended
ponded m connectin with the property since
the beginning ot v > oik on the depot could
not propel 1ho iiidluded in the amount ex
pended on the depot Tha witness testillcd
that about f-fiojO hid thus far been ex
pended on the deipat building pioper but
s ud lurthor that amount expended
would reich well up to SJOO.OOO The court
tuled out the 1 Utei pi.-t of it 'iho defense
m tnigcd to got it Uil.liowevcr , on eioss-cx-
nminalinn ,
When the plaintiff itsted it was with the
lesenation of tho'i ight to later intioducc
jiapcis nud nllUhnits and to place on the
stand an ex-ooumilmin who is now out ot
the oiU , and whosa aflldavit was i tiled out
on the objeeiion of the defendant that it was
not the best oudojice
The defpiuiant 'then toolt a whirl at the
Intiodiietiou of cvidoneo and submitted the
piocccdmgs of the city louucil fiom IbbS
doisn tor thn juesont date The objoot waste
to show the attitude of the city with lofcr-
eiic-o to the piovisions of the Saundois
deed Papcus and i coords of the Union
Depot i otnpany weio aho olTcicd.
As soon as the docui.iontaiy evidence was
intiuduecd , Atohltcct Howe was called to
the stand , and at the simo time a w.igon
load of plans and sketches nude their ap-
peiramo and weio deposited on the table in
the center of the coiut loom. Mr Howe
was called upon to explain this , that and
the other thing , nnd was kept busy making
comparisons , estimates and deductions until
the noon locess His examination w is along
the line of attempting to show that the new
plans were tn ovet v way supeiior to the or
iginal ones on which the people of the city
\otedtho bonds , and that if the stttutuio
had been etoe ted in nceotd nice with the llrst
plans it would have boon an o\cilasting dis
appointment to the citi/ens of Omaha
\Viintod to liny n Miirriix d IIncus. ) with n
iDUnn n ' 1 In-own In.
County Judge Kllcr had a now cxperiouce
iu the matiimoulal line jcsterday afteinoon ,
when a stianger from outside , with a r Uher
limited expeiionco in the woikmgs of prao-
lical conjug il felieitdiopped in and in-
qulied whether or not it would bo possible
to get a license on which ho could get mar-
lied for six months or n jear
The judge was stunned for n moment hi
the oirnestness of the fellow ami asked if
ho did mean to inquire if a license would hold
good foi1 a while without using 'Ihe
seircher after knowledge and a shoit-
term wife icphed ttmt ho mcint just
what he slid , and then as ho was
quito do if the icst of the convcts itiou was
can-led on in willing Howioto that ho had
been told that such an agreement could bo
m tdo with the county Judge , and tnat ho
would like to m no en these toims , us he
would bo ublu to se\cu the ties at the end of
six mouths or a jear if the probation irj
tcun should not piovo satisfaclori
'Iho Judge was com [ .oiled to saj that he
was not tj Imr Knots iu that slipshod wa\ ,
and that when ho mauled a man the victim
would bo a bird if hu got loose in this wet Id ,
and ho might not in the next The \lsltor
winked hard a couple of times . .s ho swal
lowed bis disippointmcnt , and then shoul-
doied his deafness and newly aequiiod
knowledge depaitod without le.uing his
name or addiess behind him
IMiynlcl inn \riui Will Ho Ciiniinctcd ultli
the I'risli ) tori in llotiiilnl.
At a rojent meeting of the board of tius-
tees of the nowl J esbyteiIan hospital Iho
following medical jind suigieal statT was
' ' '
Attending Surgaolis A P Jonas , K W.
Lee , A B homers and Kwlng Brown
Attending I'lnsiclans W O Budges ,
Eleanor DallW 11 Clnlstio. K Holoil-
scliiner. W P AUlroy , S 1C Kpauldlng , W
O Henry J § *
Oyna cologlsts-rUwM MrClanahan , bher-
man Van Ness , M A IJobert
Oculists and AuiiiHs J U Denise and D
C Briant .
Lariiigologists H'S ' ICnode , P. S Owen ,
George Wilkinson ,
Obsteterics-U W Chase and J. H Peabody -
body , j
Brain and Nertous Diseases George W
TildennndJ M AflWn
Dermatologist I' M G Blart.
Pntliologlst W. JCLamder. .
Homcop.ilhUt Staff. Attending Suigcons
C H hiiraguo antWJ. P. Holmes
Attending I'hjsltiaiw-W. H. Ilanchctt ,
Amelia Burroughs , ( } H Parsell
Gui.iieologist Proda Ltnkton.
Oculist i : T Allen
Illtri to Jndl iiiupiilU.
The commlttoo on transiportation of the
Grand Army of the Uepubhe organization of
this state was iln session hero jestorelny to
arrange lor rates to the sUtn leunlonand to
the national uncampmeut at Indianapolis
Thej had n confercnco with Mr Bu
chanan , chairman of the TraaNmlssUsippl
Passenger association and asked a rate of
ono fare for the rbutid trip , which Mr
Buchanan agreed to laj before the associa
tion nnd secure an answer as BOOH as pos
siblo. All of the memberof } the commitloo
were present , amonc the number being
Church Howe , John Evans of North Platte ,
Captain Mahan of Columbus , Harry Harrison
of Grand Island , Andy Tremor of Omaha
and Department Commander Alonzo Church
of North Platt .
Tli'c"r > r'liivi'ni mvifTiM *
Constitutionality of the Geary Act Being
Tested iu tlie Supreme Court ,
tft of the ChllUKii to I.ho In the Untied
I id's An lut < tostlnt ; Argument
Solicitor ( li nt nil Alilrhh'H Do-
of thu l.iu\ .
WvsmvoTov.D C , Maj 10 At the special
session of the suptemo com t of the United
States todiy the arguments upon thn con
stitutionality of thotloirj Chinese exclusion
act , upon appeil ftom the United States
circuit couit for the soiithein distilcl of
Now Yoik , nltiacted a crow I which moio
than Hlled llio room Many of Ihcmworo
nolcd men
Mr Choato piofaccd his argument with a
si iloment of facts Iu iho thieo cases , which ,
ho sild , dilTerod chlelly In bnlug Initiated at
various stages of the opoi-illon of the law.
It appnaiod ftom this that Lee Jo's case
ptcsentcd , in addition to the questions In
volved in the olhois , tbo constitutionality
of the provision of the exclusion act re
quiring the Chinese to piosont white witnesses -
nesses In suppoit of their light to receive
a certificate After a resume of iho provis
ions of the irc.Ujand the legislative hlstoiy
of the lolations between the United States
and China , Mr. Cnoato spoke in pn t ns fol
"The not in question is entitled "An Act
to Prohibit tbo Coming nf Chinese Potsim
Into the United States "
Theio Is no doubt of the object of the uc.t.
so far as its tillo ictds It sajs nothing
about expelling these who are alieady losl-
I'ro\l4loim ( if tlio 1 real ) ol IHHO.
" 'I ho act of May 5 , 1V.U , w is pissed in ae-
tordanco with the dcsho to letup mil more
( hlneso ftoui Iho country The sixth sec
tion is whollv distinct fiom , and unllku the
other sections The llrst Iho sections fol
low the object oxpiossed in the title I
lofer to the provisions of the treatj' of
1SS < ) By the pioilslons of the Builingamo
ttoatv , it wasdeiided that when , in the
opinion of the Unilod States government , it
became evident th it the Impoit ition of Chinese
nose thro.iteiied Iho wolf no of Iho counti v ,
the Chinese goveinmoni agieod thit this
country might regul lie the coming of such
Chinese biitmiy not absolutely ptohtblt it
"Maj' it ploiso jour IIOIIOM , theio have al
teidj been enacted laws providing for the
expulsion of poisons lawfullj entitled to 10-
miln in the United States
'It is hard to iccom lie the lillo wllh the
coustiuitron put upon the section which
tikes aw.ij the light all only confoircd to
loinain in this cotiutrj The low or couit
recognires Iho light of those peiplo. whom 1
lepiostnt , to lemain in the United States ,
and then it tikes it a waj from them
* Is it the intention of the United St ites to
iPYoku HID tieitlcs nltoidj made with a
fiiemllv u ition and thus deprive thous mils
of people of icsidonoe , whom il his already
dot ided as having the lUht to lotnain hero'
"When th it time comes It will be time for
congress tr consider the logalitv of the m it-
tor Until then this couit has no tight to
impute such apuiposoto congress , the par-
pnso of rotractlng Ihoilghls alieadj con
"Tho solicitor general w rll asser t that this
Is just thn purpose and intention of con-
gtcss , but ho will bainorior The Chinese
have a right toiemiin hero , and , aocoiding
to the act'thej sh ill hnvon light to to-
main here as long as thoj' comply with Ihe
provisions of this act'
Sldrilod Oil to .lull.
"If a judicial It ibunnl had been formed to
piss upon the question of sop irating these
who aio lawfully entitled'to lemain hero
from those who aio not my clients would
hue boon fete ise-d But thi'j was not clone
Nottial was given thorn , and thej'woro
spirited off to j ill
"Another ic ison why the Intention to re
turn Chinese to China should not be Imputed
to the fiamer of the act is because comriess
has no powei In time of peace lo expel all or
utij ftiendlv aliens who have como hereupon
upon Invitation and have taken up theh iosi-
dcnto Now , do not mistake the claim I
make the propriety of this construction of
the intention of congress to pass upon this
nel "
Mr Choato submltled lhat the e > elusion
net clcpuvcd his clients of tnelr liboitj
without duo pro 'ess of law. In dhoct viola
tion of the fifth amendment to the constitu
tion , to Iho piotoctlon of which thej aio un-
niestlonably entitled , and. fiitthoi , that bj
the sixth section of the ael , appellants were
deprived of their piopci tv without duo pie
cess of law , and It was theioforo unconsti
Other points made bv Mr Choato in oppo
sition to the vnliditj of the law were The
thlid nitlclo of the constitution is clenlj
violated in thtco lespects bj' the sixlh sc'c-
tion nf the acl Hist , in that it attempts tn
vest executive powei in a United Stales
judge , whoicis Judicial power ! > lo be ousted
only in the courts of the United States , second
end , so f.u as it rotifers judicial power It at
tempts to confer it upon an individual judge
of no pirticul ir lomt and not in any couit ,
and also in a lollci tor , executive officer , and ,
thlid , bcciuso the third attlelo piovldes
that the judicial powei shall extend oulj' to
"cISPS , " and whit is to bo brought by thu
act bufoio a United Slates judge Is not a
"case "
Tlio section of the net under discussion , is ,
in effect , a bill of attainder and is UIH oust !
lutional as a violation nt subdivision .1 , sec
tion1. ) , attlclo i , of the constitution , ami ,
flu illy , that the power sometimes called a
pulii o icgulitlon , docs not lesido hi eon-
xillrltor ( tout nil Aldrli II'H Argument.
Solicitor General Aldrich aigued in favor
of the ( onstitulionnlllj of Ihe tioarj law ,
which , he said , h id nol for its purpose thu
depot tation of Chinese liboi ois , as counsel
lor the petitioners erronooiislj assumed butte
to piovido n system of idintilic itijn ami
rcttistrnion foi such as weio heie 'Ihis is
a lawful purpose , whether applied toe likens
or aliens , in fad , tlie in-lit of the
goveinmont to loquito an idontilloation ami
legistiation of Its citizens , ol their posses
sions and their ivsoutcos , and the location of
all these has novorbeon seriously disputed
The means bj whiih thu Idcntillcalioii Is
obtained , the solicitor general contended ,
weio lawful , and the act icnsoimblo and hu
mine in its provisions Mr. Aldilch main
I'lrst ThoilKbtof concross tn iiviulroalloiis.
01 rlll/ons to toglstur , or obtain i eitlllcatos of
Second The power of con ross tn aiitlnirl/o
u J ud no without the Intervention of a jury , to
sontonoii to dcMinrtiitlou i poison ulin has not
procured , niul Is not In possosiluti oftliupiu-
hcrlhrd cortlllo ites
Thlid-I a it a nation h is a iluht ncrordlnic
In IntDrnatlomil law , to piosorlbo the terms
upon whli h the eltl/uns or subjects of ether
nations sh ill bo admitted tolls toirltory , to
foibld such admission nr , hatlm ; ndmftttd
such oltlzuns and subjects , tn it'itulito and
limit their residence thcruln , nnd whnnovor It
( hoosi s to do sn. suspend sin h roslih m u allo-
jothcr and nviulti ) that they shall dupart from
Its territory
roilith Thai the I'nltod Si itos Is n nation
posstisslnij Illdi powers with other nations to
oxen 1st ) thu ordinary and necessaiy means of
bclf-ptesorv utlon ,
It U uu Uminc-stliinrd Itlfrht.
Prnm this it follows thai Ihero is a police
power in Iho Unilod Stales wliion extends
to and embraces all subjects conlided lo thu
general government nud against the exci-
( Uo of which a Chinese alien residual
laboier is not entitled to invoke the gunr-
uiilys of Iho constitution of the United
Suites , designed for Iho protection of its
citizens and cituens of Ihe sovcial states "
In conclusion , Iho solicitor general said
' Assuming thai Iho safetj of the people is
the supiemo law , then Iho polno powei in
Its relations to evoi y subject of danger must ,
under our svslein , rest cither In the stales
or the United States or Iho people If II In
assumed Iho Chinese alien laborer is a pub
lic ! danget , threatening tlio safety of the
people , then thu power to tops with It rr.it3
boniuu hero If not in the Unilod States , then
it is In the Hlnles or thn people If In
Iho latter , itoiuuts to ire that Chinese resi l
dents in this country have need to repeal the
old prajer that thej maj bo sivod from tnoir
frlendti ( or counsel ) , for if thej can induce
the court lo hold tlmt the ( toner does not be
long to the federal government , but rests In
the | ! 0plo of Iho several states no p-isou
who has witnessed .hoovlU of Chineselinoa-
gnttion and compotl > - \ with our labnrets cm
doubt tint the p > < opc ! of tno stales mulcted
therewith will promptly thl themselves of
thn baneful prcMonoo by npproprltto legisla
tion to that end 'I ho last ntnto of the
C'hinoso In the loiinliv would then be wolso
than Iho 111 st , for whlln the not now under
toiHldciatlon seeks otilv to prevent the
IH'ipetratlon of i-tlds upon iho
govcinmetit thtough the inioinlng
of nther Chluoso labmors , dilinlm ; to bo mi-
tilled to admission bevauso of fouiier lesld-
once , any action bv thepooptoof the slates
most dlrcotl.v n floe ted , v\ould probably bo
drastlr in Us character , wllh the purpose ,
not of protoitimr the govrinmnt tuid llio
duly accredited Chinese , but of expelling en-
titcly from their domain , an obnoxious race "
CliiHixl fit thn C'lilno'e.
Mr J II Asliton \Vashlugton concluded
the nrgim out l'i iv erring someivhnt dlf-
feienl giolind fiom th it covcretl bj his nssu-
clato , .Sir Ashton argued tb it the question
piesented to the couit eoncotnod the funda
mental pilnciplos of American consilttillonal
liboi tv , thought in ftoodom , proputy and
the pm suit of happiness of in uu thousands
of poisons living and labeling long nnd
peace iblj under tbo protection of Ihe con
stitution and laws of this hind , as w ell as
tha filomllv iuteuutloiml iol.itions between
the United States and ( . 'him and tlio wel-
faieof Amoilian cltiz us and Amoilenii In
terests In thai gicat umplic
Kit KM' AI'lMUMMir.Nrs ,
Ki'w AsilHtnnt I'ontnni-iliii ( Ipnor il 1\-
( 'iiiiKri' aiii 11 Illoitnl's > , ou < ) < ib.
WVSIIISOTOV , D C , May K ) The presi
dent has appointed Frank II Jones llrst as
sistant postmaster general , vlco II. Clay
Lvans , ivsigned
Prank H Jones is n native of Spring-
Hold. Ill , and is ! i'i ' voais of ago Ho
wis graduated from Ynlo in the class of
IT'S and immodlitoly took up the study of
1 iw. Situ obis admission to the bar ho h is
be-on ctuaged in the iu tivo practice of his
I'ho ptosldent his appointed James II
Blnunt of Genrcii envoy extra irdhury nnd
ininistor pleitipnonUiin to the Hiwallan
islands , stii'ooeiing John L Stevens Mr
Blonnt's coinniHsioii bents d itoof vosterdiy.
nnd it will bo sent him bv the no\t mill for
The fact Hi it Mr Blount would bo trius-
foued fiom the post of spoi I il commissioner
to imko repot t on the advlsabilltj of annex
ing thu Hawaii in islimls lo tlio United
States lo iho position of minister
was announced In these dispitihos
last night , and since the announcement
v\as made it his como to be
undcistood th it the oh ingo was deci led on
at the cabinet mooting jostetd ty A icport
fiom Mr Blount , mailed In Honolulu
duiing the 1 ist woo'c in Apiil , o me toSeore
taij Gresham vosteulny mottling , and was
taken bj him to the cihlnet mooting Owing
to the confident ! il oh it u tor of the ropoi t ,
its contents ate kept socict , but it is pic
sumcd th it it coiit uned sm h infotmillion
that the president determined to lose no
time in commissioning a now minister to suc
ceed Mr Stevens
: : : > ni : . t , v IKVMKN : r.
Arrest of i I'l'iulon A oit Who Ilud ( iot
thii II nt oT I'nrln sum
WASIIIMITON. D I'.Miv 10 The Pension
department his line u thod vh it appous to
bo a soi ies of gross p Mislou frati Is by W li
Drewuj\ pension Utornoy of Norfolk , Va ,
who is now under arrest A j o tr a jo ho was
disioveied In fiauds and dob-mod frjin
luaetico in pension cases Investigation
bj the piosont adminlstrition shoivs Ih tt ho
h id lliij pensionb granted , mostly lo tllllci lie
negroes , and th il Ih percent of them wetc
fraudulent , the not irj's n 11110 and soil hav
ing been forged 'I ho extent of these frauds
can bo better appreeiited when it is stated
that all tlie > socuicd can led an cats
The m liter w ill come up in the United States
ouit at Norfolk Mend ij1 Tire fiauds will
probablv leach ? ( ) ) , ) ( )
Vi'llousln n I'.nk M urn-miipnt.
WASIIIMITON , D C. , May 10 Seerotniy
Hoko Smith lias appointed a com
mittee , consisting of Ctptam An
dci son , U S A , the at ling su
peiinteudent of Yellowstone National patk ,
Assistant Conirnisiionei Boweisof the gou-
eial laud olllco , nn I W L Cimpboll of the
nfllco of the assist ml attorney general , to
question the needs of the Yellowstone patk
us to hotels and transportation and to formu
late regulations lo govein the simo
t ounty CoiuinlflsUiiiiiri Are Anstirod tlmt
Thr ) M i > Iln rioatiid.
The countj' commissioners met in speciil
session jcsteidaj' aftotnoon to icceivotho
icpoilof Iho special counsel employed to
submit nn oninlon lorardiiig the piving
bonds about to bo issued bj the county for
improving the country 10 ids le tiling Into the
city That opinion was , as outline. ! a city
or two ago by THC Un , to Ihe olTci t that
notv.ithstinding the bonds weio voted in
IS' ) . ' , ind thai them is now a dilTeienl
dun man of Iho boird Hun during Iho
jear the bjuds woio voled , the Blgiiaiino
of the present chnlrm iu of the In ) ud is all
thit will bo neces'iirj" to the bonds
valid The opinion was iccoived bj the
b.i.ud and aetio'i will bo taken iu utoulaiico
w ith it
'Hie clcik was instiuetcd to notifj Ilavos
Son of Clovol ind. the highest bidders fet
Iho bjiids , that the bo ml was iotdy to
enter Into a contract with them to thU end ,
but bofoio the final action v.astiken a cerli-
Hod check for jri.OUO must bo deposited ivith
Iho bo ml iu accordance wllh Iho lei ins of
Iho bid
The coinmlsslonets then settled down to
the tiansictioti of tontine business , and dls
l ) sod of an unusuillv largo amount of It bt > -
fore a sloun was raised hj the report of a
committee on the petilion of Sunuol Avoiv ,
who showed that ho hid bt'cn assessed tvviiu
on lire simo juopoitv anov\antol putof his
taxes i of undid ' 1 hu commiltoo r. 'ported fi-
vorablj , and recommomlc'd the allowance of
thoamouul out ot tbo i/encml fund
It li uispiiod that the lopou should have
recommended the pijment out of tbo special
cash lund , ami ns the commltlee dcsiiod to
make Iho ( oiiocllim the chaiiinan diiccte-d
thu topoit to bo luluuied [ or that puipnso
Major Paddock was on his foot in an In
stant to objocl to anv sin H proooduio , and
for a long time ho and Iho i h ih man mingled
in a woidy war which ended in Ihe defeat of
the major
Ho wasn't hoaitl from nglin until Sten-
boig's -solution calling attention to the
fact thai iho estate ol o\ Shot lit Iloyd owe 1
the county $ ! > ( * f ( > vvnlch hid boon piid out
bj mistake in some m inner The major
w anled nothimr bald al/out 11 , and dnlmml
tliat lie lud wanted lo fix il up piivnlcly
with the admlnlsti ilor and thu county
it was slaled that theio had bcennolerlcal
en or thai hid resulted in the dt uvhu ot
two waiiants when there should have been
but unu and the cause of it had hcnn lei ntod
The mr.ttt.r was nfcnod to Iho 'judii iat.v
committee , dosiiito llio protests of tno m ijor
. The lommlttoo on cojit house and Jill was
ordcied tocntei Into a now lease with 'I ho
Bee Building comp inj for the rental or two
equity couil moms In Tur BBI : building
The bouid adjourned until S ituid ly after
noon al t ! o cloi k when It ia opitod that
thu ctrllllcd chock of the bond blddu-i will
bo on hand nnn it Mill bo possible to award
thu conliacl , olTecling tlio bale , ami thus
completing another stop toward the p iv ing
\\iiiiilrrlnnd. .
' 1 ho wai dances and savage iltos of thn |
Australian bushmen at Wonderland thin i
week nio Intensely Intcrcstln-r nnd Instiuc '
live , and rthilo nut h in Icoaio people to gn/ < >
upon , thoj aio uttim tivo and they lopu si ut
Hie nboilglncs of thn once s tvage populatiim
of Australia The Ilijou Stock company are
picscntlng a botuliful play this ucok , entitled
titled 'Mav Blosjom " a story of love and
icmoisu , interspersed vvitha vein of laugh
ablocomcdj Kilpti K Cumrntng and Lisle
Leign aio both oxi optional ) ! * clover In their
respective lolt-s , and the cntiro coinpanj is
uood While not full of boisterous comoih
it Is provimr a trrrat pleascr ami the attend-
unco is quito large
VVr tniln ti'r I hiirrli sorlil ,
The momburs of the Young People s So-
clety of ( hrl-ilian Knde ivnr of the WoNlmin-
ster ( hurth give a voiy onjoyiblo soi I l
1'tiosdaj evening In the ihnnh parlois
' 1 here was a 1 irgo utlendam o ol mini bi i - . < > f |
the ronirroiMtioii and Ihoir fiionds
urus of the enlcrlalnmenl won soiiirs nn I
rtf ttatlinsand a paper on 'Smiles ' I by
A Powers.
William Oanfleltl Bdiovjs tlmt Tr.ubljJ
Oomo iu Flatoous , n |
. al
Ciinirs to Oiniba to rintl lll < VVltn VV hrtj
Illopmltitli mi Admirer . .tintltc < r p |
Tlinlr llonin II id | ( . | . 1)1-4. )
liojed bj l ire ,
Among the passotigets whUh an < iftornooir'l
train brought Into the cltj yosteidaj wasJ |
ono man who had a big loid of trouble
folded away under hit slmgirv < > it Ho was
WilliamCanileld aotrpoutu win lives atI
Hastings , Neb , nud his vmt to Oiiinha | [
was for the puiposo , .f
news of a wlfo who had lift him to
lifo over again with a JOUMKCI and in her
opinion , n handsomer m in
This was not the extent . > ' I'ltiilcld s
troubles Ills homo , whuh br > hid tolled
for years to pav for , was bun d to ashes
only a few days befoio his w i io l ri hu Hro-
side , nirdoiieof hlsohlldiin w i- in at the
point of death when ho Lit \ < s.-ok the ,
recreant and sinning woman
Illsnliltetlons had their b it i nvor
joirngo , when ho llvod with ins wif. and )
children In n sin ill to\vn in s nm i. s i.unity
Ills wife booanio smitti n \ , i i i ittrio- of n nolrhbor nam ' I Mi > \n u i m the
emrso of tlmo Canllold di nM xmdf-
niiblo oviiemo. ol In i | it. Ibo.j
ttoublo w is smoothed ovi I nn I i 'i ' u that'
his wife would again be ti nipt d b' moved *
nw.ty to 11 iitln's . ,
Pora time everything won1 < vi Miioothly |
enough and I'aiillold was hi irniiiiin. I think
thai his trouble w.isovii wl n Hi > v < snd
il"iilv appe trod on the si i n i 1 in s itc of ' ]
his lomonstianco , his wife ip-un i mowed *
her lolations with hoi old pitun.'Ui Mrs
( . ' .infield had boon sick foi s nno HI.K nnd ho
continued to live with hoi thinking thai her
mind was weakm. I anlthat in
time she would boiomo tcpcnt ml
One 11,01 ning about six weeks niro both she
and Hi own woio missing ml th. husbiud
loatned thai they hid como to Omaha to
gether and taker with them sovoi il h untied
dnllais of hit mom y Sunn aft. i Mis C'an
Held was gi.inlod a smill pi ii-.ii.ti .11 ii count
of her ft'hor , who was kiil"d in the war ,
and tno money , amount m ' ti IMI was
sent to her husbuul Ho to
her at Omaha informing In r of"
the fact nnd took the sum ti iln
i uil'l the loiter Ho uiivi I m dmtlm
one day towaiu Iho last ol Annl m.1 wont
to the postulate white ho w it. In i tn. .
oral delivery window to si. if tils vvilo
would call for her miil \fi.r w utimr
soveril horns he was lew u l ( I i > \ soi hy
the worn iu como In , accompinii 1 by Blown
and 101 oivo the h ttor
Tills was the lint lime In u i * . , n nn tl ) it
she was living with HHUMI an l iflor
Ihiuicing it OM concludi d to i\ n. i to
her own wins and go bio ! , an I i m f n his
family as best ho could Hiv nt to the
depot , lo take Iho train thai in lit in l f. .
the woman who hid i UMI I bun s mneh
trouble was also a pis engoi sbr hid ion-
eluded to come bu U long i mi nrh to c'ot hold
of $ .tSO. nud HUice'ued In ind u ing him to
give her one moio tinil Ho t > 't ' h > i homo
and liiinod tin money ovii to In r She
lived with him just a we He and tlnm ciuno
back to Om ih i to meet In i loy. i t iking the
oldest ihlld wilh her
Caiillelcl then .viole toJu l ? > B ika ask
ing him to tr\ and lind the w .man and her
lovei and htvo Ilium an. .ti I II. bean
that this h ul hoi n clone an 1 cairn to the i Itv
josteiday to loiin what h id bi < nd nc with
thoin Ho said that ho did n .t hi imo his
v , lie so mm h as she was avcik minded
woman , who had been led asttav Hj Blown
foi v. bom she so"ined to h ut antnf ituatlon
Ho wanted the police to Ilnd it tiny weio
living together and auest tin in so he could
have evidence to proemo a dlvouo
The follow ing mariiau'o IU i usoswi le issued
bj Countj Jndgo Lllcr ycsteidity
rsninu nnd nddriNs Age
jl'iHiil W rrolliane , Onmhn
I Mtnj Annlo Pi itlo , ( im ihi IU
I Homy ( h nits ( 'otnnlon.Onrili t 1(1 (
I clni i Augusta I' ' ihlslioni , Um ih i 22
j.lolin I < Hi slur , Onnilm 'J.r >
I Millie Host'ooilu ud , Om ill i J.I
j Homy Vllolnc , Omnb i 'Jl
I Muuiio V. Con j , Uin ilni J.I
) tiust 1. irson , Oniuli l 22
I Annlo tsulson , Unmlni
/Ot II. lltil
Minor bullcllm ; | ci mils to tlio am. uut of
§ 1IK ( ) uoio issued \esten1nj
Mis J r Chuda of I'l.'l' ' South I'hir-
tecnth stieet , is looking fm \\nUli and
HtiK , valued at > , vhi 'i she sa s ha\o
hetn stolen f loin her
Mr Tnoodoio Cianicr foimoili of this
iit.\ hut mu , a toslilont of Cirant I'ass Cole
and Miss Keatloi of Oniih.i woio mitiied
last night at the .Second 1'ioshjtoiiaii
eh'iieh , Ilov b Mare pot Conning the
cm oniony
Kit Mtl luio anested for lighting uas
iiiontiUed h.a . llltlo hnas the pitlulio
onteiod the lesldenco of Mis I iwson iii'JS
.South I Vim nth stieot on Mnud aftunoon
and abstiacled u iold wateh J ind two uiij4 (
valued at ; ! ( )
In the o iso of O O Hell , leeolvor , against
It btoNcnson ot nl , Judgellundy Issued a
dec no in fa\orof the plalntllT forfd.LW ) A
dciuo was aKo issued in fawn1 of thu :
plaintiff in thu ease of tlio I'luludulp
Mortgage nud Tiust eompiio a ranibt Mar
gaiet bpollman
' 1 ho ladies iiitniostod infuin the od i
citloiial d ( | ) .u tniont of tin \\oii ins cluli
either in line of t-'cmial ( dn all iml Ulna
or as a nothct's clats in tin hit hn.ii tin
thojry and praetiio. mo niii. d t > mcutj
nt Vouiu ? Mou's t'biibti in i - . uu i p
lois hatnid ly , May 11 , at J 111 > m
Tucsd.n pienintT Mr ( .loijri \ \ trilg
and Miss MugaiitH Mi Kin w < i inii'i
at the homo of Iho biidi H pi nt < < i Ci
Noith T piitfouith stint II
wasavoi happi affair , uniti ' s it ii
t\\n of the oldest linrlh < ml I n i i - . Mr
and Mis Craig loft jcstcidi n n . - f r
Chicago , uhoio thoi will sp. T I nl
wo ks in sight suing aftu uli h tr vv 1
Do at home at 'JtOO 1'owlei inm
On tin , imitation of Mini' i- . i i ,
ham and I'rosl uf tin ) Auitiilun u > ( :
tnrowors now appealing at tin JiijMili i
tor , a numlKi of goiitlnimii nt t t. tl ,
fair giouudsostcrda \ 11101111114 t \\i r t
an exhibition of boomei in tin wu K I iio
wind inlcrfoiiidsumiiwh it willi t li i x < r s
hut several BUI ( irking w i- n t ! i >
the dusky biiblimun , eiiomli to i.i'j tlio
expcctatiuus of a gtoat show n \ \ s in lay
aflurnoun .it the H.IIIIU plat i
J'/JHAHA ii. iut 11 , it i rut
G A Church of Ilo.ilriio Is in th.
li ( ' C Kusn\\utin and Iml ! . , . . ic
tinned from their woilding tup
At the MnrtorV ' ! HUMUS c in.g
,1 t ) AUiliiinan , Nmnit \ MisM N
lalllbridgo hmeoln.M MI In ID M n
Louis ] ' Caninnnn. St l < oui > I. s limn , i
Chicago , J C Mills , Nn. ' mli i K \ \
llairison , Chliago , ( J h HuiKi tr M st jrt ,
U I' JtlnkK , I'coill , III \ntnrsil' . si I
Toledo , O : .1 H Y.IIIH Ivi 111 ' .tj
\valltur , Soittlo
Ira One Mini * te
Sciatit , slurp an I ) " %
pains , Mr ns ai i w " >
lieges aie r < hrv i * v . | > -
Ct rieu.vMI1 MS I *
Tl It. ( vtn ) I , ni-n. ! and
unf.iihiii/.it instai 'U c vtt
weak jminlul kulnos , i a k
ache , uterine pan s a 1
and Unit pains It unit i
the iicrxous f.r . s. in 1
hence is pnvcrl .1 in i'.c '
treatment < ( ncrvi.m j ami
weakness , numbui'M and ii.-"ail3 ! ,
Puce , xc , five , $1.10. At nil Piu 'liti rr by
Kill , rciVTIK INVU O.uCntM C.OH , U.UOfi.