Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    HE t
Wheat Ytstftuky Lacked the Vigor and
Buoyancy of Monday.
Murh nf tlio SoIllHC III tlmt Olo.ilVn
I'lirrlmrs Mndotn tlioV t ,
Nohr.tilm r.irtloiihirtyProvl -
ilons Were Kicltrdi
, III , Miiy -tthpivt todiy
thu vigor and buoyancy whlih distinguished
It ycstoiday It had nil linporlnnt
Bllinulin , but lit tlio Siimu time tliuiu
wcio Investments which counted against
tinprlco Tlio Illinois crop report was
Bunsitloimlly lull , shorting lininunso ilo-
mrurlltiiiiif ilio \ vliiltrlioat , the aiea being
only 1 iiKt.dno against t.7Jl,000 ) acres last
y. HI .mil the cnndUloii'inb 70 pel cent , against
0 ' | i r ci nt a > eir ago , 'lul' ' "IU si itlstlclnns
II urc cnil tli it ( do promises no foi only about
47 IH r rent of last j cat's jh'ld
lilcun dlsp.iti lies xxeio also xcry unf.ivor-
n le and this , tiKcn In connection with Kan-
BIS n ports made yi slord ly and similar prlx ate
mHlces from MNiuuilVPIO regarded us xpry
bullish Hut to oir-ii't this , ( "lino tepoits oT
KIMIOKUIS rains In Prance nnil Austria-Hun-
g-iry liniiu'ii.ii shipments from tlio lliltlc
jinrls mill HHIIH' li iltlnc mil lu-slt itln In s ill's
Tin re wis : ilsohf ixy n-all/liu , Cud iliy bi'lug
a fire seller .iiul promptly ineMlnz aliout all
ti t < li in.iiiil i : liton liber il seller
flu fiillnrii of the ( lii'inli , il Nation il li.inK ,
ri'pnrti il In tin * nun nlng p incrs , also had Mime
C'lli'i'l In clin'Uliu the hull cntliusl ism I lin
Vlinn and Australia falluti s also cut seine
fUnu r.iulildici ! M ( nidi to he i big buji'r
tliii'ivli ' liKiKnrs anil It Is thought that Ills short
Km-li is luin t'nntlv n din id dining thu List
frudiyi About noon'"Invirtr-IHtpeu got a
Kpulnf i ilili sixlng that while * r iln had
f n Hi n In I'IIIIHC. It hud come ! too late to do
nun h good inn ) that lunch eountrj iiruketH
TI M hlglii' ' anil pilri's linprmcdsotne
Tin n .is a Hiinciy licfou' the close on
M mi fr < sli n ports of rust In Hit' south mid a the tumor of 70 percent on
tin MIsMiurl ciup m.i > pio\c tun Theio xxiis
jirith ililv a Illllimmilpiiliitlon on It also
I lie gmeninicnl ciop ii'P'irt on the iimill-
tl < n of wlnlur winit Is due tommrou iifler-
tiinin ( onsirxilixu liuilcis an * Incllm d to
x\nli for It In foic lining mm h I'ho opining
XMK ( ruin V to ! ' „ ( hUlioi th in Jislcrd ix's
ilfisiins for .Inly , hut i uh d e lU and prices
( In linul in l' i li'ou ] HID crop lUtire te idled
1 it y In IliU inoiiilnir , tlii'ii n emenl , ndxanu-
in. Ii mid rliisi-d li higher than yestetd.iy
( orn XMIS unite llrm at thi-start .mil llrst
tnnlcs no riom M t.i V .idxiime , thoio
being xeiy fall bii > lng b > the selh'is of I he
last few d ijs , lint the dem mil nas soon s itls-
Iled and a lingo lone line coming out and
wheat s ( Hing off the pi In \\oilvi d down - > ic
1'ilces rallied fioin ' ( to V l.iti i on , ruh d
6li ady and closed with fiom'i ( to'je loss Hie
Illinois lopoit would Indie1 ito that a
atoa Is going to hi planted this jiar ,
xUicat Holds bulng alii idy plowi d up , and the
] n\va ii'poit also said with fa\oi ihlo
weal In i tin 10 w 111 IIP a Impacua o planted
A good deal of selling XMIS against pnichases
in ule In tlin west , Nebr-islv.i p n llcul irly
I ) its In the hi Kinnlnceru dull and nc ik In
1.3 mp.itlij w Ith loin lull i s ind du lined fiom
't' to' c" Ni it tin i Insu thu huyliiKtin | > ro\od
mid prli es , id\am id fiom J c to Sc The i lese
vissiindy lint at a loss of fiom' < to 'jc
l'io\lslons eie i \i Hid and lil liei tally on
coiitliiuid ll ht ncilptH of ll\o lmn's at the
yiidsand ad\itiiid pilcos foi them Il/ht
oft PI hills and modi late bii\ln ordi is con-
lilhtitid to thu stuiiKth The same t ictks
YMIP pur-iii d as for sumo tlmo just \\hen-
i MI tin slim Is till d to COM r , the in nKet ad-
Mini id lapldl ) , and when an > ono tiled to sell
Itilioppnl IheloiiKs not caring to t lUo tin )
olliilngs SOUK , dlsposltlo'i itinoni ; holders to
n all/o mused a slljlil ic.u tlon , and then the
tnaiUot tilled steadj foiatlmolth a donn-
waid tenduncv Theio was \eiy little doliiK
( luiInK till'b ilmici ! of the snsslon , thu market
1) ) In ) , ' In an almost st i 'iuuit Londltlon for
eM'ij thhi ( ? and fuiily steady
A moro lonlldi nt tonowas Impaited to tlio
cash inaiki ton an Imprmemeiil In the Inquliy
on both domestic and e\poit HI count Lom-
1 > ired with last nUht , the llnal prices hliow : iic !
gain Tor poiU , 25p In lard and 17' > e In libs.
KstliuuKcl leielpts for toiiioiion : Whe it ,
215 cms ; coin , 100 ; oats , IbU uarb ; li)0's ,
1H.OUO head
The loading futures ranitod as follows :
AI11IC1 H * X ST V
V.'u'.lt .No :
7(1 ( 75 7(1 ( 7 < H
July IK [ 7'4 ' ' ' . .
tepl Sl'jl fcUH
Corn .No 2
Xlny 274 II ' ! *
Juna . '
July . . ( ' .
Sept 45 > 46
Outn .So 2- 46wv
\liiy wv $ 3IU
Juno 30
Popt ' . ' 8 27)4
J'ay 10 fO 20 BO 20 10 70 < 0 SO 25
July 21 15 21 23 21 07H , 21 OJ 20 t > 5
ccpt , . . . . 21 2U 21 tO 21 Z ) 21 25 20 W
' ' 11 CO 11 05 10 'jr. 10 05 10 70
July . II 0,4 11 25 n o ; 11 I7' ' 10 85
"ept n a H II W U ik 11 15
Blinrt Itlbi
.Xlny . . . . 10 30 10 3S 10 w 10 35 10 211
July 10 16 ID r > 10 tax 1647V.
SBlt | ID 1.0 10 BJ 10 10 10 l,21t 10 471 *
Cash quot itlons were as follows :
I'l.ouu In fall deniiind , pi Ices sloIn fol
lowing the mix mice nillh isuiu niiiUIn/
XAlu Al No. 2spilnp.701 > < a70c ; No 3 spring ,
f o h. , ( IBirnO'tC , No 2 ted,75iri7iC (
Cons No 2 , , No 3 , cash , 4J4c ; No 2
yelloxx 4.P1c ; No. 3 xellon.
OATS No 'J , 31ii No 2 white , f o b , 3.1 ®
0&c No J white , f. o b. , aJ'iiasS'iC.
ItxiNo i ! , 07c.
HAiti i x No 'J , 02c ; No 3. f o. b. , 40SCOc ;
No 4 , f o b , 3H ® Idc
TiMorux fcbhli I'rliiie , J3 OIJ © t 00
I'OIIK-MOJS , pei hhl , 1.1021 25 ; lard ,
p r UK ) His , $1107' , 11 10 ; hhort rib sldos
( loosol , HO52iieiOr)5 ; drj salted hhotildeiM
( hoxedl , fO 7.15il.00i ( ) blioitelearhldeb ( boxed ) ,
WiihKDlstllleis' | finished goods , peirgi ! ,
Slid Alts tlo if ,0uj granulated ,
0.4Dc , staiidaid "A , " f > 'fc.
The following \xure the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the I'uidnco oYchiinge today the butter
inarKet was sti'.idx : creaiii'ry'J2itJl'iCdaliy ( ' ,
UlUi-Sc I'gjjs , ( pifet , sti let ly fiesh , 14 ( nil l' c.
Oiuiilni ( ir mi.
The followuuprloenuio for dullxury at Mis
sissippi ilxer points :
\\UKAT-No UspiliiA OOo bid ; No 3 surliu ,
67c hid No 2 h ml , 05o bid ; No 3 luail , Ule No 2 , OOo hi' !
OXTt. No 2 white , 31e bid ; No 3 white
80' , < hid
I DUN No 2 cash or May , 30'jc bid. No 2
white , 40c bid ; No Sorheitei , cash 01 .May
8 'iC bid , No 3 x\hlte , 39c bid ,
> uxork Xlurlcctn.
NK YOIIK , M ij U I'lIIIIK Itecelpts 20-
200 pUgs ; oxpoils , 111,200 bills. 27 , ( > 00
nackH , sales , 1&IOO : iiUgs ; muket ( inlet ,
held highei , clucking huslnc'ss
COHN Mi XL riimer , iiulet.
KM Illghei , sen 11 e , Hestun , OlOOOc
11X111 i.i Mxi.iStudy , 1\c'stein , ( )000o
I'l AS ( jnli i. t'liiadii , nonilmil , Jl 2O.
XMlhAT Iticulpth , l HGOObu ; exports , 117-
700 bu , sale's , .l..l. ) OOJ bu futures , 1.2,000
bu hpot Snot maiki t firinui , faiilj iicthe
fore \poi Is , No 2 ml In storu and ulexntor ,
bOnilsiPie , alloit , Hl < 4t4Jc ( , f o b , HI1 , ®
hl 4c , No 1 iioithi'lil , HHifilH6c. lip.
thins opemd llrm at 'ifi , T.c adxiiiu'e
on bullish u poit.s reKirdlng the Illi
nois ciop , Iliiuer iiibhs , foielKn
buying and shoits cox I'ilni ; de-dined little on
reporthof lieaxy rains In rrniie'eand llunciirx ,
xve'iikei west and lo. al realUing , iiillli'd vfiisji'
on foieUn bnxlng and local cox erlmr. closing
lirmiit ( U'.c oxer .xistdidux , tnidlng niod-
iirntu. No 2ied , Juno HO > 4iHl'c ( ( , closing at
8neuljHP4iH4 ( : ( | 1c , closing at HIV , M p-
I IIIH | > I Hti'iffiMie , closbu at H5c , October ,
HG'.jHb7e. closing at B7c ; December , Hd'/i '
G.H'Juc. eloping at ti'Jic.
COIIN Uc'ci'lpls , 3&.I.OO bu. : oxpoits , , 1,00'J
bu , ; miles , HJ.I.OOO hu hit in en , 16-1,000 bu
rallied > < < < ( V on local coxerlm- , closed ht.'adj
MM tt , ,1J , MM fttlVMI'l , V IU > II1U ill MMTll ; : .1 U A.
xvhlto , 4J'.f4'J'tC. No J hlcago , a7'c ; No 3
xUilte , ll'i'Wl'jc ; mixed wusturn , 3WiiJSc
xv ilto wesarn 4tKi lhe >
HUAN 7W tVtHc : middlings ,
IVed , 7fxii
HAI I Irm ; light receipts : fair demand
hhl iplng. 7iv.75c ; good to choice , H605c.
H lo Oulet , tlrmj state , common to choice
18(62cj Pacific coast , Ib4i22o.
llmw Dulleasy.
\\oot I'lrni , ( inlet : domestic llccco , 27 ©
Bc pulled , 2l.dt.37Ci Tozttiia , nitSle.
1'uovmo.NS-Cut uutau , tlriu ) tulcldlcu , dull
. .
CiiKi > i- -l\iir dem.ind ; new , cnslor ; fancy
ol ld , steady ; part sklma , nuw. .
I oos-yitlotIrnvulai' : receipts , ( j,270pkgs ;
western , fresh , IC.SUfiiJc' .
Tni.oWantitl ; tinner ; elty i2 per pkK. )
Oit/-Qulot , nrm.
I'Kruor.Mnt llelliied , linn and nominal ;
bnlti d closed til 6'Jc asked.
HIHIV Dull , Htcadyi strilncd , coinuioii lo
good , II 27'ittl ' SO
I'tllll'I.STI.NK-qulCt XM'tllf
Thematket was flrci tlirouc'i '
out the day , I'eniisylx-anlii oil , spot sales ,
none , Iiino otitlons , sales , 7,000 bbls. ! open
ing at 6bV , highest &OV , lowest 68UC , clos-
5H c bid. , t Buc asked Mini i oil silos ,
HOIK , 2H'ie ' hid Total sales. 7,000 bbh ,
Kith- Dull , easy , dumcvtlc , fait to oxtri ,
' , .
MOI.XSSM Now Orle ins , open kettle , good to
choice , sti ad > , quiet
si'uAU-llaw.dull , fair relinlng , 3Uc : cen
trifugals 00 tc > sl at IU telliied Him , quiet ;
off A , 4 15-llftV4c mold A 5'JT,511- ' !
lOc : stamlaid A 65-10'i' ; > 1c , confec-
tlonil'S A , 6 . ) ll > i(4 ( " > ' „ ( ! cut leif , b't < fyb
15-llJcj crushed , f > v < t6 15-lOc ; pinxdered , 611-
H > ttO , c , giatiul.itid , 6 5-iOii5iC , cubes ,
6 1 l-lliU5.c
I'KI IIKINtjuli t , steady , American , $12 763
Coi'i'iu Dually , Hko $11
1/V XlVi > aket , ( iomestlc , 13 H5
Tls-Closd steadj , btialts , J2u 31 bid ;
520 40 asked , plates quli t , iinch lilted ; spel
ter , easy , domestic tl 45
Onmlni I'rodiuo Market *
There was a good deal of biislne-s trans-
ncled In tbe pioilure m itknl , nlthoiuli the ab
sence of beiilesand tlin lUht nirlxals of new
xegetables mule It i little dull around thu
fruit houses ,
Had It not hci n for the Tact th it some of the
berries that c une In late the d ly licforo were
held oxei the m uket would bixe been biie
As It w is good stock w is xeiy seaiconnd
Inoughl good prlci s H his been haul work
foi the past wi ok 01 mine to get stink that
would stand leshlppln. and tlioiuh the fiult
men haxc sp ut d no pains -elect the best for
the tilling of ordeis It has been lmiosslblo to
glxositlsfnctloii In allc ises The lieaxy , ind
eotillnuous rains In Aiknns.ish txe so iked the
hi rrhs until they will not stand up well for
New xegetahles were In lllit ) supply for the
s line re ison III it theie wonno bi'iries , rues-
day's lecelpts means unday s shipments
Lemons me arilxlng ftiely In Now York
ind thc-ioappe us to bean easier feeling In the
n ukets all oxer the countiy.
Commission men genei illy ate inporllni ; an
ncicasu In thu receipts of butter , but still the
irrlwils arenot so xery huge , mid thencent
lee line appears to haxo been the result of an-
Iclp iltd heavy lecelpts rathoi than of actual
ri 1 1 Ipis
Tin egg market keeps about steady
< hlckens tire slow and weak the toeelpts
) elng In excess of the reqiiiri ments of the
ociltrado Tlio pickers and dies > , eis xveru
ill'i'riiig Oc , and was about the top on the
The hay matlict Is gr idu.illy ( inning un , as
xlll bu noted fiom the quot ill ills glxon
) elow
The demand ror potatoes appears to bo
nutty good and stocks move oil quitn freely
L'lie bulk of the olToilngsare Wisconsin bur-
) inks Theieare' some Mlchlg. in , Minnesota
and Nehi isk i potatoes anioii , ; the ollmlngs ,
which ghe ( iiilte .1 wide range of prices Six-
i ral cat s of Color ido pot itoes hau been sold
during the p ist two weeks
AriTfs Choice stock , i 3 7331 00 pel 1)1)1 ) )
iviHUMihitiuKs-CIioIeo shipping stoc.k.ta 23
)0t 24qt case
I.LXIONS l holcu. S125450 ; fancy , 14 75 ®
6 dl )
IlxNANAS-l'ei bunch , Including ci ites , ind
pucklng'Oi ) < fJ5O
I'lNl- M'1'M--l'ti bbl , J7.50aO 00 , per do ? ,
L ooa27r )
On XM , -Newcastle Cilfornli | seedlings ,
; 2 50 ; Newcastle iMedltenanean sweets , ? J 5O.
illfoinli mountain oranges , $ J25ft 250 ,
\\ashlngton n.iM'ls , choice , $ -1 : Washington
i.uels largo slus , { 360&37G , Klxersido
seedlings , f75 , Kedliinds , IW75 ; Kedlamls ,
12M slzo , * JOO
I'ls I'i r M-hu box , f 1.
lllA > s Choice tuny , $22011230 ; common
stock , $1 00ft200
C\M1IIIMA ( MllllAOK I'orll ) , 3C
bot'inniN CXIIIIAOI1'erci ite , JJ 0033 25.
1'rcuxiiinri-t holce , pei dol.bO'&l.TS. .
WAX lit. xvs 1'ei 4.ii | ) box , $125.
STIUMI Hi.\Ns-l'er ' 4-lm box , 81.
Sl'l > ACil 1'ei bbl . * 2.50
Asi'xnIL" ( 1'er do ? , 75a.
hhrrurr I'er do40c
KADHIII.S I'er do2571300. .
I'AlHM -1'ei do25&30e. .
' 1 OP ONIONSI'm doz , 20S23C.
1'iiniDt.s Colorado stook , $110 ; Wis
consin bin banks , Olc ; western Nebrask i.
8530. ) e ; eastern N'obr isU.i stock , 753b5c ;
curly Ohio siid , * 1 25.
I'll ! I'lAMI'er boxes r
- 50-lb , $1 > 0
Nnx III usPut dobuiiclies , 75c.
Nfc\v C Minors I'er do/ bunches , 75c.
N'KXTuiiMis I'ei do/ bunches , 75c.
byr vsii I'et | > u box , fl 50j,200.
HniMl'lM O.MONS 1'er bu bo2 50.
NMV I'orAloi-s southfin , tier bbl , $500 ;
per hu box. * 1 752 00 ; California , pei lb. ,
MUSHROOMS I'ci market b isket , tl. Callfoinla , pei do/ , $1.0031.25.
\\ATEII Clttss l'er2J-qt box , $2 50.
IltiTTHi I'alr togood country roll , 183,20e :
choice to rancycountry,20BJJc.
K ltis Oeneral m ukot , U'ac '
( Jxxin.Mixed ducks , Jl , teal , Jl 251 60 ;
Jack snipes , tl 25
I'oui/ruy Choice hens. Oc ; mixed coops ,
SftOc ; old loostois , l J7c ; geese and ducks.
lO tllc , pigeons , tl 50 poi doz llx-e.
Mlscri.I ,
HAY The m uket on good upland h ly , $7.50
® 7 75 In cm lots
VI.VL Lbole'u andsmnll fat , 7(38 ( " , a ; largo
and thin , 34iOc.
St. Louis XI irkeu.
ST I.OUIH , Mo . M ly 9 ri.oim Very
nun , patents. $3 41 < i.T OO , otheis urn hangeif ;
estia faiicj , JJ 20 < ft3 .10 ; fancy , f _ ' 7ift2 ) 00 :
choice $ J.J04 > 2 10 , f.inulv , 2 05'i.2 15
Win. \ Opened with lieaxy bujlng , nrt-
xanclngl'ic closed le nbo\e jesterdny , No 2
led , f.ish. 71'c , May , 7'c , luly 7Co.
COIIN- Closed fiom ' „ ( to 'if ' below x ester-
day , No 2 mixed , cash , 40'fi41c ! , May , 40' . c
July , 41 Uc.
OVTI Neglected , No 2 cash , 32'c , May ,
32V , Inly , 20 V
I'HOVISIDNS Miong , higher ; with good Job
hlngoidi'i dnmand , poik # J1 2"iJJl 60 , lam
JUiOJ'i diy salt meats. loo-o shoul
ders $1025 ; longs and illis. $1(150 , shorts
11075. ( HIM d , 15i- higher , I ) iron packed shoul
dois , ifll , longs and rllJll OJ'jftll 75 ,
shoits , fll H7't , hams sugar cured , 13.21 Ic
UlccKins-riour , 2.OOO bbls , who it , 8,000
lill , corn , 02,000 tin , o its , 25,0 JO bu , rxo ami
h u ley none
siiii'xiFNTs riom , 1000 bbls , wheat 10
000 bu ; cm n , 1 1O K ) bu , o its , 1 1,000 bu , rx e
2,000 bu , bailey none
HdHlnesH tliinjos.
The following were reported at Dun's Mer
cantile ageno
llrew-tei , Neb. A 11
. Itrooko , drugs , Mie-
cudedliyC n llollopetor
llentilce , Neb , I. I , 1'lirlft , queensware ,
about to sell out
"oldfirocuru's - at
" nlturu comi""iy
Logan , lii llj lin/ , furniture ,
I.o-'iin , , la , II I'.uks , furniture , gaxo a bill of
naiidreau. S I ) , .1 i : I'orat , groceries , etc ,
suce'ui ( led by l'i Soxnranco ,
KIUHHH Ultj XI irk.'U.
KXNSXS t'irx , Mo , May -\VllE\T-Actlxo
and htiong ; No 2 hiiril , CG'&GO'ic ' ; No 2 red
Cons Dull , but firm , No 2 mixed , 37'i@38c ' :
No 2 white , 3siTcJ'c )
Ous Him ; No J mixed , 30S30'Jc ; No ,
2 white. 3J > 4'Tl33c' .
Ilrmu Unchanged ; creamery , 23@2Gci
dulrj , 15Q1UC
I'uiHI'ncharued at 12c
Uvct.llTSlieiit , 23,000 bu ; corn , 7,000
hu : 0111 , 2,000 hu.
SiiiiMi.Mshuiit , 1J.OOO bu. ; corn , none
oats , none )
l.lxi'riool | Miirknt .
I.iVKiirooi. , May -xViiHAT-rirni , demand
moderutu , holders oiler sp irlngly ; No 1 I'all-
fornhi. Os 2'idaOs 3'd per cental , led ueste'in
Mlirlnir , nominal Itecelpts of wheat foi the
p.iht three ) dn > xxcio IJU.OOOctntaU , Includ
ing 71,000 American
COIIN r.isy ; dunmnd fair ; mixed western
4s a1d percental. Uecelpthof Ann rlcan con
foi the past three dajs Hero 08,300 centals.
llACiiv Kong clear , 45 Ibs , , 54s pei cv U
I.MID I'rlmo wexte'rn , 54s pui cut.
TAI IXH rino American , 20s Od pur ewt.
I'l Xb Canadian. 5-NI pe r cental.
AlllwiiuUre > l rk ts
Mti.wITKKK , Wls , M iv O.-WliEAT-rirm ,
July , 74 > e , No 2sprlng , iOc.
C'OKN-StiMCly ; No. 3 , 44i :
OXTS No. 2 white , 3bc ; No. 3 white , 34G36c.
Hi f-5bo.
Itxiuv.l 65c.
I'noxHio.N.s rirm ; pork , July , 121.10.
riilhtdrlphU lirulu Murkut.
I'llII.XIIII.l'lllA , I'll , Mliy 0.-\VllBAT
Strong iiiut nihauciHl ; Xo. 2 red , .May , 7H\tii (
COIIN Weaker ) No. 2 mUed , May and Juno ,
OATS Incurlotxoulutand steady ; future1)
lower ; No 2 white , May. 41'iC44'Jc.
Mliin HiolUVhM | > t .XInrknt.
MiNMCAroiiis , Minn. , May 9. Wheat wa
llxoly toduy. Trading good. Cash whea
strong , In sixxl deuiaud ; No. 1 northern , 70u
v'o , 2 northern , Ilecolpts. 64 rnr * .
Io o Jliiy , CB'C .itily , 7"2r : Hetiteinber , 74'tc
On track i No , 1 hard , 72HCJ No. 1 northern ,
No 2 northern , G8c.
Cotton MnrKct.
Nrw OIII.KANS , Iu. , May -Tlrm : good
nlddlltig 7' c , mlddllnir , 7 iVi low inlddllna.
6-1CV , good oidlnary , 7c- nut receipts , 3,7Gtl
) alcs gross , 3,871 bales ; exports to the contl-
lent. 4,058 biles ; nates , 3,250 balc ; Hlock ,
170.083 bales.
I'tltiires , quiet and steady ; sales , 28,700
hales , May , 7 47 hid ; .Turn' . $7.5037.61 , July ,
756U"6li ; August , $7 02 7 03 : Hoptciuber ,
7G5 7Gfi , October , * 7 70&7 71 ; Noxembor ,
774776 , January. $7.90 bid.
Colloo .Market.
NI.XX YOIIK , May -Options opened Irreg-
llar , unchiiiigcd to 10 points down , closed
lull. & 5110 pofiitM down ; siles , 7,250 bags In-
lulling. May. $14 75IU4 0 ; July , * 1 1 651 1
60 , f-eiitomber , $14 455114 65 ; October , $14 45 ;
) eccmber , $14 40if,14.45 Spot Itlo , dull ,
te.idy , No 7 , $16 02 < $
Nt'\v York Dry Uoudii Market.
NFXV YOIIK , M-iy -Agents , its a rule , nio
naklng changes In the prices of rottons , but
ow gra to goods and Hat t < d cambrics are In
xmpathy with pi Int cloths The pi Ice or law-
enco 4-4 blown sheotlu s was ledueed Ic a
yard _
ll.iltliiKiro Orntn Xlurket.
Itu.riMimr , Mil. May 9 WIIEMPlrm ;
No 2 led , spot and May , 78 Tl7H'c.
I'oilNspot llrm , futures easy , spot and May ,
OATS ririiii No 2 white western , 4l'tc.
Toledo ( iriiin Murlu't.
TOLEDO. 0 , M iv 8 WIIKAI Actlxo , firmer !
No 2. cash and Mny 75c
COIIN Dull and oislei , No. 2 , cash and May
and Iiini' , 15 > : C.
O .TS Quiet , No 2 mixed , 3-J'ic.
* Clni Iniiiill Miirkfti.
CivriNNXTf , O , May 9 WiniAr No 2 red ,
lomlnil 7 > ) ii71c.
COIINKisler ; No 2 mixed , 44Jl44'jC. (
OATS-tvHilet , No 2. mixed , 34 35c.
Wool Market.
I'llll.uii.U'illA , I'.i , May 9. Quiet and nom-
ururltlcs Were Erratic 11 Thnlr Mox'e.
incuts Tlironcliont the SrsUmi.
Nn YOIIK , May 9 The stock
rr.itlc In Its moxonijuts throughout tlio d ly.
Thcio woresh irp Intervals , hut tin )
endency of prices In th m iln was djwuw ml ,
owing to reports tli it the govur inunt crop u-
mi t to be Issiid loin irrow will bo most tin *
axor.ibh ) and the collipii on ac'ount of
umors atrectlng llnancl il Institutions. Thodo-
llnc at the st irt was cut il to 3' p'r c Mil In
National Cold igo , 2' ' percent In Sugar and 'i
> er cent to 2 p..t cent In th ) UMII ilndcrof tlu
Ist liofou the oxpliatlou or the llrst h ilf
lour American sug ir suildotily lose fiom H7'J
0 01 , and a sharp tally ensued In sympithy ,
nit the cliHlng of the Nation il Couligo
ransfer books , the rumoi that the amount
or the company's paper outst Hiding xvas
far In excess of recent estlmites ind reports
xhlrli weie subsequently denhd , th it appllca-
lon had been m ule foi a lecehei foi tin Dis
tilling and Cattle-feeding compiny plunged
the market once moro Into depiesslon As
omp nod with the final quota
tions of ycsletdiy N itlon il Coidigo
noferrcd dioppivl 22 pi r cent to
48 , common 4' ' per cent , to 121J , Distilling
mil C ittlefeedlng , . ) 'a pe-i cent , to IH'j , ( ien-
r il Electric , 5i | pei cent , to ril3tl Amerlc in
Su ir , IS percent to 8PB , Noithern Pacific
lirefei red , 2' per cent to 14 > . Hock Island ,
i's ' per cent , to 74 Om ih i , 2y pjr cent to
43J4 , Lick iwaiinn , 2' ' per cent , to 130i ( ,
ind Amiirlcan Cotton Oil C > i , to J3't ' The
losses ; Iti the teni ilndci of the list weni 't to 2
[ ii i cent The lowest quotations x\ero touched
after tliedellxeiv hum Diiilngtlieliistlifteen
minutes of business a tally of ' ( to IS per c ( ut
01 curied and the market left of sir.idy In tone
.it tlio tally The hot i owing demand was 1111-
nsu illy actlxu , showing an uxti i 1 irgc
shott Inteiost exists \\estein Union , Hock
Island , ( ioiier.ll nicetrlc , M I'ml and Louls-
x Hie iV N-islix lllc were II it The s lies -iggio-
gated 33J.02J shale" , of which GJ.781 woio
Thu Post says : The appeal.nice of the u ir
stock mnnlpuhitois in the muket ( .ills for
some xeii plain woids of warning \\liitexer
Investment purchases these p-oplo cboso to
mikulnthu certllic.ites of theli compiny Is
theli own concern It Is possible , too , that
pilxatu Investors may today Hud bu-
galns In the sto'k m irkut This U no time
for extended ventures on a margin It is no
time foi the tying up of money on speculatlxo
pools It Is thu dulv of brokuis and customers
alike to proiC'Ct themselves In all points of
possible weakness and In theli ( inancl il prov I-
slons to err , IT necess iry , IT i ither on the side
or i vesslxo caution than or Indltroience
Then ) was a tlmo last week when biokois to
whom practically all their customers were In
debted , escaped disaster only through thu
cratultous advances or outside millionaires.
The early return of such a state of things
onjlit to bo m.ido Impossible livery Intelli
gent obseiver knows that Wall street xvas
sixed last week fiom general pintc only
tluough the previous conservatism of Its prin
cipal commission houses The banks hixo
alie.idy set thu exampln of caution and theio
is reason tohnllox'c the local mercantile
trido has followed It Wall street , the center
of all Iln stoims , will do wisely If It
uuts Its own houses thoroughly In oid 'i.
I'bo follow ing aru the closing quotations or
the leading stocks on tlio New York Mock ex
change today.
Alchtaun . . . iltlOtU I . , I .
Ailtiius lxir | < * ns . 151 U 1' . Do A l ulf KIM
Allon.T 11 2S .xorluweateru . . . . . IDS
ilo preferred 150 do preferred . . 117
Amc'rlcin hxpro s IUHI N V Cuntral
HnUlmorii \ Ohio HI S \ .V ; S K
l an id i I'ncltlc . intnrlo A Wcstorn
( ml iita OMtliurn . OreKon Imp . . .
Central Pncltlc . 2i ( Ore.un Nav 05
llie'i \ Ohio 21) ) C { J S I t II N .
ChleaKO Vlton Ml 1'iiclllc ll
C II. A Q I'eorlii . ) A 1C . 104
( lilcnito ( jtiH . . . . i'ltliburir li1.
L'onnottil licit ( fits 117 Piillmnii 1'nlicc . . 175
I' O i A. st 1 , . 41 'tc'jdtng
( ottoa nil Cert . 10 Ulttiaiond r'riuln'l
Del Hudson . . . do prefprre 1 . . . 2U
I ) 1 , .t W Ulodrniido . 2U2U
I ) X U II Df d do prelc'rrcd . . . 2U6IH
I ) A. I1 T Cu . . . . Itock Island . 75H
Ka < l'l'onn M I'.iul "
I'liU do pmfcrred . . . ill"
Krlo proforii-d t I'nul munli * . .
tort \\a > ne 1SJ do prafciri ) I . . .
Ut Northern pf d U. , southern I'acltlc , SSM
l' ft. f I pf d . iiuir llo lnery . . SSMW
llocklneVnllejr . Tom ( 'oil.viroii. IS' ,
III ! loin i piitril . IOXIIB I'ncltlc
t I'nul A Oiiliith lol .Vi' i en ji [ d.
Knn , x , Tc'x pf d t'nloii I'nclllL
l.ako i rlu.t Wct. . b S 12\pre . . . . 16
Jo preferred W t I , v 1' . . 0
I.oUu "li ) ro ilo piufcrrcd .
l.c-ul I runt WulU 1 arco I * Jtp . 141
l.oul" V tush \Vmtern Union .
I.nlllB t New \l by Whcoilnir ft h I' . .
Xliinhnttuii on . . do | i eTerred . . .
Xli mp l \ I 1m s n Minn , \ . St U . . 11
Xllclil in < c'ntral IUO i > .V It ( . .
vtl 9ourll'iclllc Ooni'rn ! Htctrlc .
XlntiloOlilo ! Not I In a
Nnalnllloi liult Miel V Iron . . . . 45
Nnllonal ( "unlnuo HU do prjferr.'d . 1UI )
ilo pro'errod . 4S MOUH X let Len , 3
N J i entral 111 lol X A v. V XI. .
Norfolk .V \ \ p fil lol st J , . & K 0.
Surtli XtiuTlcia i o do preferred
Nortliorn IMcltlc
The tot il sale's or stocks today weiu ! ) )3'JOO )
shares IncliidlngAtchNou 14 Olio ( hliago ,
Iturllngton > V ( Jnincy , 10800 , t'hlc igo ( ! IIH ,
20200 , Delaware , f ickaw.inna A. Western ,
7,000 ! Distilling , l&ouo , ( loner il Klectilc
2,500. M.inhitlun 6,700 ; Ioulsv Hie .x Nash-
xllle , 5.200 , Missouri Pad Me , S.JOO. National
( "ord ige , 6,800 , Northern Pacllic , incfcin d ,
12,000 , Hiadlng , 5,300 , Ht Paul , 37,700 :
Sug.u 10.000 Union Pacific , 3,100 , Western
Union , 11,800
llontonillicit OniltlltliillH.
I10STOV , Mass , May 0 Call loan , . 0567
per cent , tlmo loins , 0 percent Olosing
quotations on stocks , bonds and mining sh iris :
Atrll , I' A S ! . -3
Amurlcan Siuur . fcii Ue'HtliiKti 1 Icctrlu
ilo iirolerrjil . . 87 Mo pruCurrcil
Hay hliiliiij 8 . ll ) < Wlicoiiiln i c'
Hell lulupnonu . is ; AtChlBUIl lU
lloston \ Alii my 2tXj ) ilo 4a . . . .
Uotton A XlBlnu 111) Now Knzlniiil flu . 1(11 (
ito preferred . 140 dencral Mfctrlo ia to
C II A ( J . . . bhH * AllOICZ ! Mlll.llfffO toM
KtlclitiiirK pfil . . . bJ Atlantic
Ce-ne-riil r.luclrlc 77 Boston \ Montana.
tllllnoti stool . 80 HuttH.V lloilon. . . .
Xloxlcnn Contra ! 8'j I uluini't .V llccl i
N V , t N K. . , 2U ' uutennlal
old ( olony . . 187 bronklln
Oretion short Line HM Ki'amariio 7
Itiibtiur . . . . 40 O ruola 72SH
hail I Mono . . . 10 Qnlncy IU
I'lilon I'aclHc . . . . 3.1 * Hantn l-o Copp ° r .
Weil i-id lIH luuiiinirk . .
bill tnske-il
Now York tlliilni ; Oniiliitloiu ,
NKXV VIIUK , M ly 0 The following are the
rlo.sIni : ( luotatlons on mining atooks on the
New York hoard.
Crown I'otnt . ' ! 7U Plymouth 60
Ton ' al A Va . 2W flerri Nevmla . 12J
llcadvroiiil . . . . IU "tan lard 115
( Iniilil .1 Curry . . . 70 Unlun Cuu . . . . . . . 110
Halo .V Nurcrots . . 80 Vellow Jacket 10
lloraoitake . .It e Iron Mlver . . . VU
Xlttilcan . liiO ifiilckllvtr . ,
Ontario NIM do pruferred
Opblr . . . 2iU Iliilner 15
Sun rr.uu'lHco XllnliiK Uuotiillnim.
S\N PIUNCISCO , Cal. , M ly 0 The ofllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks ted ly
were DM follows
Altn . . to Moxloan 170
llelclicr . . . lii Alonu 1. %
lleet A llolclier 15)
llodlo Coniulldntri ] K I'oiuil ins
rtiollar . 110 Sivaua . . , iuo
Coni'dCal A Vn . . . . < 40 Sierra Nevada . . 1,15
Crown I'olnt . . . . Hi Union Consolidated US
( louhl A I urrj 811 [ Hall y }
Hale A NorcroH. IUO Yellow Jacket Ida
New York Money Market.
N \T YOIIK , May 0. Mo.sir o CiLir-Easy
at3 < 5 per cent , iWt livui , 3 per cont. closed
offered at 3 j > or cetit .
1'itiMH.MKiir\STii.r'rAi'rii-O'iil8 ' ' per cent
.HTKHMsg iuilA ; qc rirm , with actual
business In bankers' Aillls at * 4 H5ii HSU for
sixty diys and * 4 HS'iKJ.BH'j ' for demand
( lovMi.NMKST llo.vrm - 1) ill State bonds ,
xxeal <
The closing ( imitations on bonds :
riimuii tl Notes.
K 4NSS ClTV , Mo , May 0 ClcariiiRi , 11,010-
Ni-w Ontr\jm , La. . May -Clc.irltiKs $2-
OMIIMay 9-C'loarinss , $1,013,227 ;
dnj last wucft , Jl,2'5tDOJ. '
MI.MI'III . Tonn , May 0 , Now Yorkox.'hanco
solllint at * 1 r.O ptuniluin C'luiitliiKK , J300.25U ;
balances , JhO,28S
, O , May O. Money , CfflH jier
coiit. Now York exchange , OOS70o promlum
Cluailn 's , $ UOS'J,700.
ST Loins1 , Mo , May 0. rivaling * , $ Jir)9-
303 , hilmices $ JQ4,1'J1. Money , imlut lit MlH
per cent. KxehaiiKo on Now York , OOc pro-
L'llltH < IO , 111 , M iv -C'loirniffs , $17271-
127. Now Voik evoVinijc , 0087(10 ( tiremlnm
Storllni ; exoli nice , quiet ; blxtv-day bills ,
Jl.bG , demand , Jl HO Money , Gffi7 pur cent
< > M vu.v I.IYI :
Cat tlo Tr.ulo Mill Doiiior ill/nil unit IIog
( iohiK Higher In I'rlre.
TtiMtnv , M ty 0
Ifccelpts wcro liberal as iln ted ly , the two
( lays supply helm : hoa\lor thin tot the llrst
two days of last weoU by about 2.U--3 cattle ,
l.HDO ho's and 1,000 sheep
Thee ittlo in irkct w is aory tins Ulsfactory
one , fiom whatoxcr stindpolnt It tnlRhtlio
x lowed supplies wore rather llbural and the
quillty fair , but the dopi 'ssi'd condition of
u istern inukela and the nioro than ample
supplies here in ide a combination decidedly
adxorso to the selling Interests llnslness
was slow and ptjccs unexenly lower
ft oin the stirt. f-peculators who linxo
been lieaxy lo-ets lately were p-u tlcularlv
hc-arlsh , while the buyers for dressed IKA f
houses i arly announc"d their Intention to buy
the cattle lower or let them alone As usual
the fat lli-lit cattle wore In the host demand.
while toiuh , huny and half fat toers weio
haul to nioxp at a considerable concession
fiom Monday's prices lu cnt'ial the iniiKet
was from r > c to Ifii lower and decldi illy dull at
that I'llr tocholco 1,20'tto 1,400-11) IIOPXOS
sold atfioni $4 GO to tr ) \\lillo fair to chulcu
steerwolirhlnu from 000 to 1,160 Ibs brought
froint4 2.1) up to J4 75 l\fht \ and mixed stuff
and yearlings told at from { 3 70 to $426 It
was a dull , mean and une\en muket , from
st.ut to llnlsli , and there weio sonic cattle still
In llrst hands at the close
The iiiw m irket was moderately actlxo and
about ale idy Good to choice fat cows , ind
helfoi sfold at from K ! 85 up to $4 36 with fair
to irood butcheis' stoci. at ftoin M to ? 3 76
Common mule innlii ? gr.nks sold at fiom $2 to
IJ 76 ( ominoii to very u.iod leal cil\es
chamied hands at steidy pilcos at from $2 to
? 5 Hulls , oxen and sla s were In fall supply
and iuot ] lily unjian cd at from J2 6O to
II 10
\\lille fitsh otTerlnjjs weic not xery liberal
and icnulai dealers' puichases somewhat lim
ited , then-was a tali Inquiry fiom countiy
buyi'is and a numbtir of iood s lies lepoiteil
1'rfcos mini about t > tui'ly. Ujpreentatl\o
AMI rcniiEits.
neljiliboriiuoil 01 V. OD no , ; * on wile , and tlm
( luallty UH a rule was KOOI ! Thu hUh urlcix
were , In a ucaaure , a bar to sueculutors and
shippers , hilt thp Inherent strength In the
Mtn itlon , both lieie and east only mnile loc il
houses more anxious for the hotfs ( lood to
choice medium weight and heavy IIORI sold at
from (7 00 to 17 07'i with llithl MuH and
lulled packer * at from 17 60 to 17 GO Kxory-
thing sold quickly and within aconipiratlxoly
narrow rmmo "ales were imnllat from
J7 65 to 7.oo. as annlnst from 17.40 to t7 45
i1 Hut two double decks were recehed
TAoesshe iccelpts at all oisternm irketshavo
foiced lull os down theio and the reelliu heio
Is much easier In sympilliy Trade was slow
ted ly with huyirs hlddlin ; from loc 10 15o
lower tli in last week\cUnliir ) pi Ices I'ah to
KOOII n itlMs , $4503000 , fair to Rood west
erns , $4 OOftO 00 : common mil stock slieop ,
$2 50 4 00 , irood tocholco 40 to 100-lb lambs ,
$5 00167.00 Kepu senlatlx e sales.
No A \ I'r
2 . 95 $4 00
171 . 101 6 12"
219 mixed lambs. . . . 70 5.10
72 western mixed . . 107 655
Itccrlpts anil ( > lin | < HI ( > ii of Stook.
Oilli'l il icceluls mil dlsDniltlon of sto'k ai
shown by tlio books of th" Unlo i Hjj't Y ir Is
compin > foi the twenty-four houis filling at
5 o'clock p m , M ly 9 , 180J.
HIM ms 1111(11 ( SUt PI
( malm I'uckliu ( o . . . 18 2M4
1 hoi. II Ham no nil Co ru iir >
Swift Ale TW MIS
The ( uitnliy 1'nckliiK o I.U1 1 MS
I lilcaiii 1' At' I o , | S4
Sinclair . . . . . 7.8
A llnnn . . .
Xant anl A Caroj . . . . 51
Shippers and ( ojilors . 341
'lotal . . 12U J47
tMilra o Ii\u * < to ( k Market.
fmrxoo , III , May 0 IVIesrim to
THE HER 1 Mill another lOc to 15c was put on
the price of nogs today Thu Mirprlslmjly
small propoitlons of the lecelpth li.OOO . he id
caused not a little .inxlnty .11110111 : buyeis and
the way they wont for ho/s \\as most 10-
( rcshlnff to selleis. They h id most of thestuir
bought ui > hy H o'clock mill the closing sales
were the best of the uav There weio many
s ilcs at fiom < 7 00 to S7 0"i and at Itast two at
JH. Scarcely anything In the lieaxy and me
dium xseUhts sold below $7 75 and
the bulk of the llcht bioiuht from t7 70 to
* 7.fiO The best of the latter made from $7 B5
to $7 90 t'losliu qiiotalliinsxoio fiom $750
to i7 00 for poor to choice lotaxeraglng from
150 to 105 pounds fiom * 7 70 to J7 05 foi me
dium weights and fiom $7 75 toH for ax m aces
of imu 2" > 0 pounds , riiuio were s lies of
"throwouts" and little pigs ut rrom J5 50 to
Thoio was not the ghost of a clinnco for any
ImpuMomint In the shitop tnaiket Kecelpts
Kept up to the m ixlnium and the dem nut Is
slmplj unequal to the tak of absoibln them
Poor to common grides were almost uns.tlablo
and the puns are full of them I'roin $5 70 to
$5.05 for cnolce n itlvia and westeins , and
the ( [ notations ran all the way down to fiomJJ
to fn'JS for thin Tcxaiis Choice sheep weio
not more than fiom 5c to lOc lower hut poor
and common sorts xveio oil to from 'JOc to J5c
'I hu lamb m ukiit also mled lowii It was
dull at fiom $5 2'i to $7. A bunch of fancy
( in illty fetched 17 i5 !
I'liediix w.isu xeiy quiet one * In the cnttlo
blanch of thu llxe stock Hade , ind while theie
x\as no ftiilher softenlng of piii os the tone of
the n : uket was an ) thing but buoyant Milp-
pors did not want mui li stock ami had It not
men for the lUht receipts and the existence
of a good local dimanil prices iinild
scarcely hixu been sustained Mori )
than h iir of the day's anh.ils
x\eii ) unlo ulcd In the Texas dlx tslon , 111 c ir-
lo ids coming fiom tlio l.oni ' tar Mate
ISatlxi's well ) quoad at from $1.75 to JJ JO
foi pool to i xtia cows and helfeis from f j to
$405 foi stockeis and fieikis and fiomIU5
to SO 16 for diessed beef and shlnplng steers
'I ho langu of quotations for I'cxas cattle was
fiom lfJ'J5toT510 I hero weiii xtiyfew fat
heaxi i attle hero and but little , business was
done above $5 J5
Heielpls Cattle , 1 500 held , ( "ihes 1,200
he id hogs , 11 UOO bead , slucp , 1H.OOO be.ul
'I ho Ktciilng loiunal icports
Cxiri.K Hecelpls , 4,500 head , shipments
21,000 head , maikct slow , natixcs Miad.x ,
'lex ins lowei ; no exit i stcus on s ill medium
sleirs , JjOO'BSl'i ; others $ ! 4lljM 00. fed
Ti xiins , J4 15(44 45 grass I'cxans , * a OOS,3 HO ,
cannc'is , tJUW 'H5
lions Uec-olpts , 11,000 head ; shipments ,
5000 head ; nniiket acthe , lOIH&o blgbei
mixed , { 7 ( > 'jft7 HO. prime hi a\y and bull her- , '
weights , if ? H5ijaoOj pilme light , J7 751i7 B1.
pigs. $0 OOS7 50.
SiiEri' Kecelpts , 2,500 head ; shipments ,
2 "iOO lie id ; clipped Texans , $1 5(1 ( 1 7 j.otlieis
clipped , J5 OOIso 'J5 ; lltece , i.'j CiOiiCi 70 , lambs ,
J5 007.i5 !
ICmmas Cltj I.ho Stock Market.
Kvssxs Uirv , Mo , M ly 0-CAiTi.f : lli-
celpts , ( i.100 head ; shipments , ,
m.uket stonily ; range Moors , J.i 505 ; : ) 65 ,
shippers , 11 50ii 76 , nathecows , * 1 75S.1'J5 ,
hutclieib' , SJ 7O34.55 , snickers and feeders ,
33 'JfjS.1 05 , hulls and mixed , f2 : tKjJ4 ( 15
lions ICecelpts , 0'JOO head , shipments ,
400 head , mnrUnt strong and 15T-'Oc hlghei ,
bulk of haluH , $74556765 , heixy , } 7 4O3S
70(1 ( ; light , * 71Vft7fi ( ( ) , mixed , * 7 353.7 55.
packers , $7 60 7 00 ; pigs , JO 75447 ' . ' 5 , assoitcd
lie ivies , J7.MJ
hliKFi1 Kecolpts , 2,400 head , Rhliiments ,
1,400 head , m.uket slow and lower , cllppid
muttons , t-LfjiJiiri.10 ; wool muttons , 15 00 ®
St. Louts l.lvo stock Market.
f-T I.ouis Mo , May -OATH B Receipts ,
3b)0liead ( ) ; shipment * , 6,000 bead , market
easier on imtlxcs , lowir on Tcx.ins , nuthu
hutcliers'hlceis , itOOitDOO , iiatlxu ftnlcts
hlghei.t4 ! HO
lions Itecelpts , 3,000 held , shlpmentu ,
l.'JOOhead : miikel IDTM.V highii , mixed ,
i7 'J5O7 00 , heaxy , 87 3Lk47 70 , lUit , t7 JOtf
7 50.
SIIKKP Itecelpts , 3200 hold , 8hlpmonts ,
3,700 head , market dcmuiali/ul , no quota
tions po-jslhlu ,
Niw York I.txiiSlnik MnrUct.
NEW YdliK , May 0 UccclptHof bie\es , GOO
head. .No trading DILMMI ! lof dull at Hue.
Oltc for initlxe sides l.ati si i ublis fioni l.iia-
don iiuoto American ti CM tlrm ul 17wl v ,
Every R 1onth
mcny omcn suffer from Excessive or
Scnnt Menstruation , they don't know
who to confide in to get proper advlcai
Don't confide In anybody but try
a Specific for PAINFUL , PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed fr e.
BolJ lit all llruirtlitt.
dreiscd wcluhl and American rcfrUcrntorhocf
steady at lO'fc ' Slilpnu'iitt todav. 40D boi'M-sj
tOMiiirniu I BOOnuartcrs of hccf
Iti'CcltitH of shu'ii nnd lanihs WCTO 100 head
No I null' of lnioit | inn'
l'rllitriu'l ( hy Itnnclnnry Terror * a Homier
, Iunii | from n ScroniUStoryVlnili > \v.
Chaik" of tnVccn
In charge nt a Fiimum stu-ot lodRliiR house
by a polli'Dinni l.ito Mondny nlRht He-had
ond" ivorc'd to throxxliltnt'K fiom n second
sloiy Inilow nnd xvas supposed to Uo Ins.ino
.According to his stor > , ho applied
at the house for lodging , getting
n room front Ini ; on P.irnvn street
\Miun unilresslni ; hn tounted his
mone'xxhli'h consisted of four $ , " 1 bill * TIIC !
sonic silver Just befoio goln ? to sleep ho
sild he he'nid pe-oplei Ulklm : In the hull n
in in nnd , i uoinaii nnd tlio latter in cd her
comp mi in to rob him of his h ird-
c.irned cash Ilo hoard her suggest
e'uttitig his throit , and thecould
dispose of the boih In snmo inaniiii without
. .inboil.boIngsiiH the \xlse-r for it
'I'hls se'.ued him he slid , uid hiding hi *
poclcethuolc under the tnittiess , heuxx uie 1
fuitncr dpxe'lopmentsliuh tuiiod
not In coining Thp mm outside ,
xx'lth the use of u poi Uot Unife , ti le'd to foi i e
the door and Prattle , ho h id diessod In this
time- , not uhhlnglo become a subkct fur the
coroiier. snushed , as lu > states , the xxm loxx
glass bn blo\x from his list and Hung him
self out Into the night hi his full In (
for help and grtsped a \\lie In low
the \\lmlcm hanging there ) until his sti ( ngth
gaxo xx a.\ and he dropped to the si li \ \ ilk
AiiMiontl.\ ] . injury \\.is sust ilneil t > \ him
with the cvc'cptlon of a bull.spi lined .nilde
I'ollro Iti ev it Ii H.
Hobeit Tn\\ on x\-as ai tested i estci I ix foi
the soonnil tlmo within a xxee-k foi being
( hunk and abusing his family
A i ai pot stolen bj Tom Connor Mend i\
ixasestenl.i.x . luontilicd at the polU e st i-
tlon as thepuipeitj of Mr Connell.x
While In the act of disposing of articles
supDosi'd to haxo been pilfeied Dtto Koths-
c'hlld xxas taken In eh ago and slated at the
police station \\ith 1 uceny
.MniiKliiil Und ) of it l'riiiiiinp : | l'ntlllst
I'oiind Ht Axrrxsti'idu .
A teamster xx ho hauling a load of i o il
oxer the Union Pacific ti.u ks at
A\crv c.uly xo4teulamoining dls-
coxeicd the m.itiglc'd botli of an 1111
known man King beside the
bUxk tiain No 'JS bad just passed
u few minutes before , and from ap
poaiane'cs the man either attempted
lo leaxc the train there or fell of !
and bolxxeon the cars The t > od.was . exl
dentli lolled o\er and oxer for quite a ( lib
tame , until tlio wheels soxeicl a le/ and
cii' ' . lied the back poition of the head scat-
tei inthe. biains along the track for quito a
1'tout papers found on his poison It , Is be-
liexcd that ho xxas a pn/o lighter , xxho
tramped the country Ilo had on IL'ht sum
mer suit of clothes and a heix-\ hinchilla
oxercoat and $1 til in monexxas found in his
pockets Until the conxenmg of an Inquest
b.\ the coioner of Sarpi lountj his nuno
cannot be le irneil Tlio coionei w is nutilled
c.ulj jesteidaj As snin as the in
quest is hold the bocl.x xUll bo taken to
Papillion foi buiial
iion'R for tin ) ( ' I ) IHi'rli k hln.
Clti Eleftiielin Cowgill rcicixed a
numbei of the Instiumonts oulured hi the
city for his laboratory in the uti lull All
of them arc the litest in design and m ike1 ,
and const lei ed thu most pei fuel app'i.imes '
for making tests
One of the flnest looking instruments is a
poi table testing set for determining the in
sulating icsistanco of a b Hiding , or wiicM
A poi table batten also goes with
this instrument Another Is a S.o
metis clectio-d.uiamometer , for mc.isiiilng
an akeimtlng or ellree't euiient todetermmo
the quantit.N of ctiuent flowing A tele
scope and scale ate included for xoty line
reading , in determining the insulating re-
hlst-inee of the sin illest of wires The other
tx\o Ins tinmen Is aiea inlet of irael condenser ,
for ascertaining the eharh'in cipaciti of
( tilTeient bodies such as the conduit sjstem
or other undciBTound xxoik , and a milliam-
poremetcr foi measuring ampei es Ko line is
this last instrument that it is capable of
taking the xery llnest of mcasmomonts ,
going doxxnto the (110J ( OJO of an ampere
The remaining instalments will bo receixcil
in a few dajs No tidings of the photo
meter haxo been leceixcd other than the
acknowledgement of tlu lecelpt of the older
for the same It may bo tx\o or three xx celts
.xet befoio It armes
I.nxvjors Went I'lahlnr.
Only a half dozen laxx-\ois were present
xvhen Judge Duudy opened the United
States court jesterday , and after i ailing
sex-oral cases , to xxhlch no uttnrne > s re
sponded , the Judge gax-o it up. after gixmg
judiciil notice , that if thei xveie not tnesent
at the next call the cases xxould bo dis
The judge issued an order for a grand
jun , but ho xx ill not ins'ruct the ileikto
call the Jurors until authonlj has been re-
eeix-od from the Ticasury deuirtment
authori/ing the marshal to check against
the money deposited , by o\-Mirshal
Slaughter > csterda > in one of thu Omiha
bulks Thocx-maishil deposited ? J,000 to
the et edit of the United Stilus xvithout
xxaitn-.g for instructions as to whether Mar
shal White would bo allowed to check
against it for Jurj expenses The Treasmy
dep irtmont may order the money to ho ex
pended at some other point , and in that ciso
it will bo impossible to obtain a Juo for this
.ri VKST-
romcdy Ur I'lorce'l
I'lcnsant Icllota. 1'ut ul
In lit tlo glflM xliils , ImtiiH
ntul com culi nt. Bfnltxfl
too , so Hint you
tlip > 'ro nlwiixn nnj
ivlinblo. uiillko the orila
nory pills In wooileu c |
There'll nothing In till
xx ny of pills us small or n.1
I i\isy to tnko IIH these llttli
I'ellcts llicro'8 nothlnJ
[ so easy and natural In aej
lion iiotliltiK that inn dJ
is much Kstlng good 'Ibex absolutely 111111
pciMutncnf'leuio / Constipation. IhliousiicssJ
IndiKesUoii , Hick or llillnus llrndnehet .Tnttnl
dice1 , Hour Stomach , and I'i/zltii'v4 All del
raugoinonts of liver , Ftomach , und bcnuls nr l
proxented , relloxwl , mui CUKH ! S
Thuj'roiKiiiinfm ( / togtxe witlsfiu'tion , orj
your mono ) ii rcturneil
A ease ) of Catarrh tint emit lie cured ujn
Dr Sapo's Cntnrih Iluni ( > l > li r > raio thatj
the miueisof tlin medii im are Milling to risl | j
this nlfei "If xxoennt i-nic Catnirh.jl
IH-iler-tlv ami ivrmiiniMitlv in luatlvr xxhutj ]
your ease la , xxo'll pay ) ou $ ' X ) " jj
Are thos-j jnoriiv. prjiiil' ' ?
withoutany quxhlloitio is , any ability
any oxporioucn , iviy skill , clai u til
possess the poxvor to euro all the ills 01
ho huini rV2) . B li tn.r wilt o |
worth BOOH hocomos apparent to thalj
would-bo dupes , and these conscience
lossquncks arj SDOI co-iai'ial to thsj
oblivion they soichly morit.
In stra'ijj 0.11 atrji * eo a < - \ vvfc'xl
thcso miserable bo.istora is the quiot.1
dipniliod yet courteous tlomoanor oil
hose noted loaiairi 01" tisif prof suua
Who , tlurinsr the past 27 years , hav
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , poi foot and permanent
cures in all the wornt forms of these delicate -
icato sexual maladies embraced withia
tlio general terms of
Send 4 coats for their illustrated now
book of 120 pages , "Know Thysolf. "
Consultation fras. Call upon or ad
dress , with sta'np ,
119 S , I4tii Stmt
Cor. Doiigla * 3 < . ' ,
_ tAml all th trnln of
F.VII.SKAKKSSm , DKIIUtV KTf that o. "
conpniir tliom In m > n OjKMhV and I'rtllWA-r
NKNlljV rUHhl ) tiill SlKHNdl'll and tone
tlvon loovurr pirlofllio 'jo ly 1 will not ) I
curclr pnckol ) Kll 4 ! to arijroi Tar ir tlio proscrip
tion that unrod mo of thoHu tronulJi AJIruii , U
Uiiion Stock yafus Company ,
Sovitli Opiahat
nest Cnltlo llo anil sli-a , ) in iriat H I'll wait
Wood Brotli3r3.
I.lxo Stock Commission Morolnnti
goith'luaha lulon'iono Ila7 Olilc-ijt '
JOHN I ) DAOHMAN , I , , , . nw , , r *
XXAI.ri-.IM ! W)0) , }
M irUet reports by mill and wire cheerfully ]
urntbho ! upon i.ppllu.uiun
Oniiilui Tent- Awning Well Bros & Co. ,
Mnniisictnrurftof Tente
IIOHT COVKIIS Awnmio , clc 70,1 und
lill 1 irnam strout TU5S lull hirui't
Bcniis O.iialia lla { |
( OXI1'\N\
Imporlort mid nmmtfic
luri'ri of Hour > uck3 ,
burliip twine
Torsc-.Coe Shoj Company.
Miiiufft'turen of llools uiU
\Vo nro tli' OMV
our u wfnclorjr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kiriie.Uiill , JoniS & Amcr , iiiiini
mfri auoiilH llcuton SlIOKtO boot * nliori
Hull .er Shoo ( o IIW- null rubber uoinl ' " * " *
11UI I Oii llarn i "trc'Dt UIO llnrn. y Sire t.
_ COAL , COKE. _ \ _ _ CORNICE.
Omaha Coal , Coke & I Eagle Cornice Works
| XlfrmiulT-uiliullrnncor-
I.IXIK ( O , linnl nnd nJlt nice Mhnl m iai mo
cual S h ior liUi und tMlL fLrllunu cu IJJS
and HID Dinliiii trci't
Omaha Upholsterin
UpliKliterud furniture lUlt.NlTUUK ( OMTANl
iluj nut Meholai et
\Miuleialu onljr. Hint IJtUHlriJi )
Rector & Wlllieliny LobccK & Linn , ,
Dcalo H In bnr Iwuro un4
Corner 10th nnd Jnckion in , < bunion t i IB .
htreuls I4H4 Uuuifl ii ' Inet \
W. A , L. C.ilibon & Co Om ilia Safe and Iroa
\\Jiolo < ale WIKK
] Intn ciit | H'rivr ' ( Kind i 'die vnu li jul work ,
Kliiiniii inlitona 1 III Iron-luitt TB nn I ( Ire 01-
und Hamey ttro-tn i ipu dun \nurooiil4th
1 nnd Jaikkua 4
John A. Wakc.iehl . , Uiirks It. Lcc.
I AniPrlcnn llnrdir < ( ! lumiir n ind
hind eeiniuat , Xlllnau- i iruct * and jur iu s
ko ( O unit and yiilncy HouriL
white Ilino I'lti ' uiMl Hi .tins "In
Frith & Herbert , I. Oberf-ltl r & Co.
Imp > rt r < nd jobber *
\V lioloale ll'iuor dealer * 1,1 nil In rt liollolll *
Xlitil f Mitr pruiuinlf
1001 Inrnxiu st III.'I I * . i H nth
Carpn'cr : Paper Co i Standard Oil Co. j
( arrr n full t"Ci of I
pnnll iul vrrapplnx an 1 | ltc'luu < 1 und I
wrllliu pnpert , c r I ,
papcn , etc I "H < iiilo iirpjuo olc
Ilrancli & Co. iJas A Hark & Co.
Produce frutli of all I llutlur rbcrio i'Xg .
1 | i.i.lirjr an l ifnmn
kind ) oyttori I l i- I llli Miuul
Omaha Stove Repair
\ > O IKS btorn rnpulrn Manufacturers of
and water attao iuienti doori bllnU
lor aiijr kind of itoru luouldlnm llr n
aia Ulh and UnO.