F- THU OMAHA DAILY HliS : Tl MSOAY , MAY y , 18M , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Thtro Was an Enormous Silliness Done In Wheat Yesterday , WHEAT SHORTS VERY MUCH FRIGHTENED Crop CniiiltliiH | Atiro.nlVrrfi llrprrinntoil i liroulnViirio fruni P.iy to 1'oiir I'l'inpr-cU In Kuntn- StocUs mid Humli. Pmr.tno , 111. , May 8. Tlicro waa an onor- innus business done In wliuat today from ! ( e. to 140 advance on Saturday's closing prices , r.irdrldj. ' took alarm al the strength of the n-ws , both foreign am ! domnMlc , and tonk In Bliort wheat at whole-mle. ne estimate puts li clay's mirchasos at -.0'Jo ; ) J to O.OOU.OIX ) throiii.il his own Imuiu and oilier broleis. C'ndaliy was a big seller of September wheat nnd N I' . IJeam , Simrer and Uhatnplln fed .luly out litilshly. I.rundiig. of I'lirdrldgo ii l.eoin- Ins. was surrounded by : i crowd of luoKers Just after the exchange win closed and raked In ilii-lrnirerlngi In 25O'Jl ' > bu. and 50,000 hu. MM at iln > prlco given at the closing qunla- ti HI 7w = , c- which U ? ic hbjhur than the latest jirli-e nn Saturday , t'urn was heavy and rlnu-d atadncllne of ! . < fo-.luly. I'm vision * were very strung on n hirlit business. The wheat t-lioiln seetn thoinllghly fright ened : ind Inveslii'i'nl buying was Millie pi-o il ) 'imped. ' I'ables all mine higher and domestic it iii-kels iveie all slrdiia ; crop piindlllons iii'iiiml were n piesenled ns giowlnx wor < u fioin day todav. and the Kansas .stale report , tei iiieil to i-onnrin all the gloiimy reports liete- tofure i-ei'clvi-d fintn that legion and Indicated n' riiiii'f h - Ibaii30,00l't)00 ' ) liU. , ngulnst 71- OHi\oi in Im. last year. , , , The dullish sentiment has boon growing fur FMiieihMmiiiil I be temper of the trade was In the proper condition ' < > ' ' ) easily Inlhienred by these report" , and iiotwIlliManilliig the bet- tirllnniiPlat f-ellns In nil leporls of warmer lit d liMicr ' \-nlicr ! In the northwest , prices made a big jump. , , i.nter iniiw were reported In 1'rance and In Himcary nnd theie WIH : p-neroiis roall/lntf wbli-h sent iirlei-i oil'nenrly lo , but the fc'-lln kept neiMjtis. Tlie bljjdccieas'j In tlie Istlilo supply and stroiiK continental c.-i'il ' s acted as a check to Hie ( le-line. The tone at the POM ! ! was i-nsy. The np'Milnit was about from 'sc to l\p bltrher than Saluriltiy'm'lo-dni : , iiihiini-ei ? hc- Dime , then declined ! ' . < , Iliietualed and ( lo-ed alxmt KP hU'her than Saturday for .luly nnd ' P liltfliei for September. The de.-llne . In piinnviis largely due to con tinued free reall/.lni. The tone at the start was llrm and Initial Hades were at about Sat urday's llnal iiuiitiillntis , bJt the lartfe sellers of Satiliday av'iilo disposed of law amounts and the market brol.e fr nn , ) to 3ic. I.nter on thu prlco worked np ' ( ' . ruled weal ; and pjosed wllh ii decline of from lc to 1'ji' . Ke- celveis were also In the si > IHnif mile , olierlnxs lnlhointerlor.il l.s reported , IneieaslnB con- Klderably of late. The weather , while wet In many portions of ( no eorn belt. Is warmer , and ciop conditions are said lo lie more favorable. There was a fair trade and a weaker market almost from the start In oats , the early prices helnc Ihe blithest and the closliri about the lowest , with a net loss of from V to 1'ii1. May declined V. .Mine 1'P.July ( IV : nml Septem ber IP from Ihe top llu'iires. The du-llnewin due to Increased selling by paities who were the bet , I buyers In corn and to In rue iceeipts. Provisions were primarily excited and lumber on the steady advance of live linirs at the yards nnd the active huyln and from the fact that mess perU for September | ) delivery Is1 to all Inleiils mid purposes held by a few It is sail ! thai there are only a few KllUril ) shorts ) , ptlnclpally ) ) [ unions the IIK-II ! crowd , andevcry lime thi-re Is an allemnt to liny , the inarKet Is fon-ed up. The o.xliomu advance hroiiKhl out sumo ieill/liu : and the mailvct saj'U"d moderalely. It then ruled Mundy mid ipilet for a time. On wimo s'Illnir by a piomlnent oiieralor. the nrirKol ilecllni'd mid nearly all the early naln was lost. As KiMtti , however , as the olTiTlnys became scarce , the market rallied to the early outside prlco and nUcdslioin : and hU'her , th-n dromi'id , closlnK weak wllh a lltlle more than half the early aihanlaso lost. Tliu llnal prlt-es com pared with the close Saturday show a sain of Lv.c for September pork , IlOc for September lard and 17'8e for September illis. KstlmatL'd receipts for tomorrow : \\hoat , BUI cars ; corn , 1B5 ears ; oats , 3iu ! cars ; ho s , 10,000 head. The leadliiK futures ransod a * follows : CUTICLES. OPF..V. i men. | 1'I.OIB. SAT V. V'livnt No I. Mny . 71'v ' Julr . 7IIV , 61)1 Ccrn No.2- Mny . Jum . CIH July . Hppt . 4 % OntB No. 2- .Mny . 37 , iunu . July . Sl' 391(0 5osH ! 1'urk. . ilny . ro ru 50 m 20 M 20 25 July . M 51) vi no 2J N ) 20 fa III fi- > > ept . 2U t'S ' 21 25 23 a W W Lnrn M T . 10 to 10 K ) 10 70 10 70 10 3o July 10 75 11 r. ! ' 10 TJ 10 U5 ior.5 KM't . II , 10 TO 11 IS 10 65 Bluirt Illbs. . Mny . 1055 10 35 10 M 10 211 lee ] July . 10Jtt 1U i 10 M 10 :17 : 10 20 10 M 10 HO 10 0 10 I7U 10 27 fash quotations wcro as follows : Vrxii'itIn better local demand , several round lots taken at an advance of HMitlfx' . \S'HKAt No. U sprlnp , 7-l34 ( ; ; No. II spring , norlbern. 7Oc : No. U red. 74 c. COIIN--NO. ' _ ' , 43Hpj No. ! l , cash , 43e ; No. 'J yellow , 4-l c : No. 3 yellow , 434c. OATSNo. . 2 , at c ; No. 'J white , f. o. h. , 3G'/e ; No , 3 whltp , f. o. h. . iMUftaOiiC. Itvi-No. : 'J , f > 7c. llAlll.KV No. ' 2 , fi2c ; No. 3 , f . o. b. , 43SGOe ; No.I , f. o. h. . .I04M.V. FI.AX SKRII No. 1. Jl.OO. TlMOTlivSE ? ! ) I'rlniP , I3.03S4.00 , I'oitK .Moss , ppr bbl. , fao.nnft'JO.fifJ ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , $10.7U"t'Vil0.7 ' i ! short lib Hides llooso ) , J10.5Q10.371i : dry halted shoulders i.b'i.vedt. * 9.7510.00j short clear sides ( uo.icit1 , WIIISKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal. . Hun A lis Unchanged , cut loaf , Go ; urn "am ted , 6.4fo ; htandard "A , " D8c. The fo'.lowlnn were thu reuefiits and ship ments for today : On Iho I'roduco exchange todav the butler market was quiet : creamery , 'Jlui-J1 ; dairy , ZlWJOc. Keen , steady ! strictly fresh , UU'it t4'C. _ Onmlm The following prices iiro for delivery at MIs- tl hlppl river points : \ViiKAT--No. lisprlng , 09c bid : No. 3 snrlnir. 6lc ! bid : No. Uhard , 05c bldi No. 3 Imrd , Die bidUvi Uvi : No. 2 , f > 5c bid. OATS -No. a wlilte , 31c bldj No. 3 white , BOc bid. ( . 'HUNNo. . 2 cash or May , 30'Jc bid : No. 2 while , anui- hid ; No. 3 or better , cash or .May , BOc bid : No. 3 white. H'Jc bid. Among the sales were CO cars No. 3 or butter corn for Chicago p. t. Xow Vnrlt .Murlicti. New VOIIK. May H. I'uutn Itccelpts , 34- 0(10 ( pKgs.i i-\ports , 'J77 bbls. , 1,700 Micks ; sales , 30.500 pkgs.i matket fairly active , held higher. In Instances 1 Out i fie. t'oiiN MKAI/ Dull , steaily ; yellow western , l'J.r.6- . HAIII.DV MAF.T-Steady. quiet ; western , OOit Ode. NVllKAT Uecolpts , 2H' ,100 hu.j sales. 18 , MMi.OOO bu. fului-es , HHH , ( ) hu. spot , Spot , inarUot dull , closing sti-mly ; No , 'J red , in Mnro nnd eleMilor. 7u > iasiuo ( ; nlloal , Blue ; f. o. h. . BO tH21c ; No. 1 north- < in. H4ii < 4ic , Uiiiiinis were active , Irregu lar. excited nnd lil < V' ndvnncc , g.ilncd W J.C declined f.01' c. rallied JutSc. closing firm : No. 2 red. Mny. 7'JS"1 " : .Ilinc cl.iscd at tiO'jci July , H'J'.SrHS'.c , closing at b'J-e ; Au- pust , 83',4fH4 c , closing at hS'jc ; September , B.i80c , closing ni H6i4c ; ( Vliibor. HV.i87 ' , c , closing at Stinc : Divember , Hb tasu e , clos ing at HH'fC. ' ? , "H-1 > s ° .f'rnln ' ; ' " slori > " ' " ' alloat. MnvO : lieat,2ii67 ; ! ! ; corn , r.Ofi.41Sj o.-its , 10ll)7 ! : ! ) ; tiarli-y , 14.-1H7 ; malt. .MrJ.llS ; peas , l.oit hu. Cou.N-lteceliits , u.noo bu. : exports , hft.2,7 1)U , ; sales , 400,000 Im. futiirci. 47.00O bn. spotpots ( , dull and weaker ; No. ' Gl'.c In elovntor. 52c alloat ; steamer , ml.\cd. Oluo Oic. ! Uptlons wern moderately active , opened at an ' .fc'ic udvance with wheat anil on llrmer cables : declined , . . , , bu. : kales , 120,000 bu. futures , Da.ooubu. spot. Hnot.- , dull , low r , weak. Options , dull , easier ; May. aU , ' f3 < VV. eloshiK nt flOMi.lime. ; . 30l4 t i > 4eclosliiKat 30' . c ; July , 3'Kit3U ( > ic. closing t 3t > { No. 2 wlilic , 43c : No. 2 t'hlcago , u asuui No. 3. 3ll. . | No. 3. while. 42c mixed western , y7iiilJci : whllo we tv r < i , 40 . HAV Steady , fair demand ; Milppln ; ; , 70 ® 7f > c ; good to choice. H5fi 05c. Hoi's -Modorato demand , firm ; state , com- jnon tocholiv , Ibft-J'Jej I'acltle coast , 18'i22c. ' IllPia Knsy , quiet. C I'liovisiUNti i -Cut meats lunetlve , tlrm ; pickled khoulUeri ) , OJic ; uildUlcb , Uruicr , quiet ; hurl clear , 11 ' ( C. I.nrd. hlalier Kiiatlnslv ilTerodt wi < ti-rn slcalu closed ut fill nalex , 475 tlercos ut f lO.TOfll li option niih'H , none ; Mny closed at (11 : July closed at til. 20 iskrdi Soptutnhpr closed lit 110.35. I'ork. Moderate ilonmnd , llrm ; old muss , f'Jlj new , 21.76. HLTTKIII'lrin ; coed deiim nil i western cream- ty , J.i30'ici ' Kigin , aoftao'tc. CiiKKir New , quiet and easy ; old , fairly actlvu and steady ; part sklnin , o'.iW.M'jc ' ; full skims , . KimsCtendy moderate dcniind : receipts : 7,220 pku's ; weslern. fresh , IGUttHi'-ic ; duck. 'PAM-ow 'Julet. Urni ; city ( ! 2 per pkg. ) 5'ie lid. I'nTTOKKCKti OnWanted crude-17 - , ( Inner ; , - ' ' ; yellow , r.le. . . . . ' 11(11Kt\t ( Thn market as extremely lull nnd steady In tone throughout. Penn sylvania oil , spot sales , none ; Juno options , tiles , 15,000 bliK ; all at C > 7'ie ' | at the elosn i7 > , c was bid. l.lma oil , sales , iionui 2aJc ! bid. I'olal sales , Iti.lKiU bbls. ( 'AictrrA I.i.NfKKU-SSs 3dcxslilpi U'd for ipot. ipot.LtNSKHiiOif , -10sOKSl'Js led | iercwl. Tnii'c.sTiNK Si'imrs 22 < ( id par cwt. IfmiN-Oulel.siea.lyi strained , common to oed , il.2i'i ' l.iO. : Tflil'KNTlNUDull , weak. lticK--iulet ( , ea y : il'iincstlc , fair to extra , ilfi'ip ' ; Japan , 4 > fl/ . | e. , Moi.As.sis--New : Orleans open Itettlo , good to choice , steady , ( | tilet. , tlrm , fair dennnd : ales H.OOO ia/ / : < and 4110 bhls. ; centrifugals 00 lost at 4 ! ( ' . I. f. . ami n cargo mnlass-s snirar , 80 test at 3.tc ! ; rcllned , llrmer , qulel : oil' A , 4 15-1CTJ5C ! ! mold i\b > t'-l.f > Illl5cslandard.6510f : ( 5'c ' ; onfcclloncis A , .1 a-lOK-S,1 ; cut loaf , 51iWo Ifj-lilp ; crushed , 5V5 15-llie ; powdered , f > 11- TiiiO'jpj granulated , G S-10j5ie ! cubes , I'm Imix Dull , steady ! American , $12.75 ® 1Q.BH. Cil'l'inSteady : , quiet ; lake Ml. LHAli-Ottlct ; donie.stli ; , { 3 117'i. ' Tl.x-t'Io Ml quiet ; Straits , J2D.60 bid ) $20.50 asked ; plates , steady , iiulut , . Spelter , nominal. Oiiiiilin rrixlnei' llnrlcrt. Owing to tlio very unf-ivorablo weather tlio week opened wllh a very qulut market. The deinand for green vegetables cannot be ex- liected lo In1 largo so long id the weather con- Untiepnld and ( rainy , nor can there be a \ ery ticlhe demand for frult.s. Tlio arrlvnli of sirawberrios were not very large In the morning and the offerings were taUeii quite readily. The quality of the berries was not veiy coed nnd many of them showed the results of continued rains In the berry country. Later in the day a full car of berries cnnip In from TVnnosci * . Tin- butter market was steady al the decline idled on Saturday and Ibeiu was no quotable I'liango In the egg situation , Poultry continues slow at about the closing prices or lasl week. FIIUITd. A IM'I.KS-Choice slock , $3.75' ! ? , 1.00 per bill. STiuwnr.ituiKs-C'liolec shipping t > tocl , $3.25 per 24-qt. ense. LBMO.NSI'bolco , Sl.002,1.25 ; fancy , f 1.505 5.OO. HASANsI'er bunch , Including crates and parkin : : , f J.niiC'j.70. ) I'l.NKvi'l'MN-l'or bbl. , f7.DOS9.00 ; per doz. , $2.IMir 'l.tlt > . OIIAMJIXI'lorlda , per box , $3.50 ; Now- asi | ) ' , Cnllfornlii seeillln . J2 50 ; N'ewcastlH , Mediterranean sweets. J2.5O ; California moun tain or.-in.res , $ J.251M 5O ; Washington navels , chotcn , f-J ; Washington ivnels , largo sl/.os , $3 fiOT..H.7r. ; Itlvursldu seedlings , * 2.75 ; Ked- lands , J2.75 ; KedlanUs , 128 size , $2.25. I'r.AS Per M lm.bo$1.00. . HKANSCliolio navy , } J.30.12.15 ; common stock , tl.nOft'J.00. I'u.iroiiNu cnii.iii : - I'er Ib. , 3c. AI.AIIAMA CAIIIIKIK I'er crate , $3.75784.00. I'l.OltlliA ( 'AniiAili--I'er : crate , f3.OOU3.50. I'l'cr.MliKlt.s choice. | K'i-lo/ . , J1.25U2.00. W.v HKAMS I'm'ibu. . box , fit.50 , STIII.MI HIANS--'III- | . . : - - i-liu. box , $2.50. SPIN U'll-l'er bbl. , J2..10. Asi'AllACil'S lloniu U'rnuti , per doz. , J1.25. l.imfi'K-l'er doz. , ! ! 5ft > 0c. KAIIISIIKS--I'erdo/ . 1'AllM.r.vI'erdo / . . 35'iJIO. ! . Tor OMIIXS I'or do ? . , 2ort'- . I'oriTiiiN lyoliirado slock , 81.10 ; Wis consin hitrbniikx , U.'ie ; western Nehrasku , H. ftyjc ; eastern Nebraska stock , 7riS8jc ; early Ohio seed. $1.25. I'll : l'i.M'I'ir5ilb. ) . boxes , n.noai.75. Nl.w HIKTSI'er : doz. biinelies , 75c. Niw : ( 'MinorsI'er dobnncbe.s , 75o. Niw : Tt'iisii'.sI'or doIninclies , 75o. Sgi'Asn I'er bu. box , } 2 25. lluiiMt IM OMONS - I'er bu. box. J2.50. Xiw ; I'IITATOCSSouthern , per bbl. , J..CO ; per bu. box , I'allfornla ; , per Ib. , 3'Jft ' : ) ic. MrsiniiM.s--'er ! market basket , f 1.50. ( 'Ki.Kur-i.'iillfoinla. per doz. , il.00iil.25. WATCH t'ur.ss-1'er 24-t. ( box , 12.50. iuTrriu : , 1:11113 : , CIA.MKVOUI.TIIV. litTTTi'.u 1'alr logood country roll , 18i&20e : choice to fancy countrySOl22c. Kims lleneral market , l'J'4e. ( JA.MK-MKed ducks , $1. ; teal , $1.2531.50 ; jnek snipes$1 25. I'otJi.Tiir Choice hens , 910c ; mixed POOJIS , OPS old roosturs , 752Hc ; geese and ducks. 10llc ; plKConsS1.50 perdoz. live. I'r idiicii I'dliitt-rs. W. II. Ila//.ard , who hns been spending the past two weeks or more In the frnll-growlng sections of Arkansas In tlio Inter.'stof ( ( ranch & I'D. , has roiurni'd. llo reports that there will I'O ' only about half of acropof slrawl.er- rlus. ltliasbi" > n r.ilnlng about three daysoitt of each week , and the berries have been dam aged to a great extent , becoming water-soaked and sandy. The prospects aiv good for < i full- crop of peaches. In southern Illinois both the berry and peach cup will be ll ht. St. l.ouls .UIU-U.TU. ST. Lnuiq , Mo , M-iy 0. Ki.oun Illgbor , but slow : patents , $3.4l > fji3.5V extra fancy , $3.209,3.30 ; fancy , * 2.7O-SJ.UO ; choice , $2.30i6 2.--.0- , family , * 2.05Tf,2.15. WIIIAT : lan ! wildly up l n at the opening fluctuated violently , closing l c above Satur day's clones No. 2 red , cash , 71'ic ; May , 71 ! < c ; July. 7Hc. ( 'DUNLucked snap and declined on selling closing " .j" 1.- oil' ; No. S ! mixed , cash , 401j 40'ic ; May , 4loi ) July. 41'H i,41'c. Ovrs-Ilull ; No. 2 cash , : i2U,34c ; May , 33c July , 21l'c. lluiTKiiSteady , unchanged ; eholco separa tor , 2Mi-jrip ; pbnlcedairy , 2l5fc25c. Pun VISIONS- Strong , higher ; In Increased de mand ; pnrk. standard mess , $21.25 ; lard , llJ7'4 ( : ' , lll.50 : dry salt meals , looo .shoul ders. $10.00 ; longs and rib- , , JK'.r.O ; shorfc- i10.75 { : boxed , 15c more : bacon , pnclo"1 . .t.mil- ders , S10.75 all ; longs and rlb.-i * 1I.oil ; shorts , M1.87't ' : haiiis , sugar i--r. , i , I3' < ll4e. UKCKll'TS-riour. ; , ! ! bbls. ; wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , JI'M'tfu bu. : oats , 32,000 bu , Slii'-wiSMTS riour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 14- ( W5 bu.scorn , 141,000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. ; barley , l.onoim. Itnns'iH ( Ity .Markets. K \NS\S CITY , Mo. , May 8. WHEAT Actlvn and strong ; No. 2. hard , GGiJG7e ; No. 2 red , tibc. OOIIN-Active nnd strong ; No. 2 mixed , 37'Jc ; No. 2 white , 3M'i'it3IJe. O\TS l-'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , 30230ci ; ! jO- 2 white. 32To32'iC. ( KvK Strong iu57p. l-'i.\\ SKiui-Steady at $1.C1@1.02. HAY -Sleady. lltri-rr.ii linchanged ; creamery , 232Gc ; dnliy , 15',19i , : . Kim * -I'lichaiigcd at 12 < : . HrfEliTS-Wliuiit , 21,000 bu. ; corn , 600 hu. ; oats , 2.OOO bu. Siiii'Mii.vrs-Wlioat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , 12,000 bu. ; oats 2.OOO bu , ItrltUli drain I'mile Krvlew. LONDON , May 8. The Mail ; I.ane. Express , In Its weekly review of tlio llrlllsh grain trade , says : An early wheat crupuf line mllllngiiual- llyls predicted for ( Ireat llrltaln. but the fur other cereals Is not bright. Kng- Isb wheat has advain'ed an average of 5d tlnougboiit the Mngdoiii. In London the ad vance has been 7d. Tlio deliveries for Uio past fortnight form a good total for the entire country , but failure Is leported atnine eun- ters. ' 'allfornla has advanced 2d per cental at Llverp'ol , and red American wheat has ad vanced Id. l.lrerpnnl .tliirknM. LiVKiti'Ooi , , May H. WIIIJAT rirm. deinnnd moderate ; holders offonsparingly ; No. 1 Ciill- fornla , ( is 'JdV-iis 3d p"r cental ; red western , , (5s ( 5'Sd''i.OsO'l ' No. spring | ( ; 2 red , winter , Gs 44U 'id per cental. roiiN-I'lrm ; demand fair ; mixed westoin , 4s4'4il percental. I'DIIK 1'rline mess , weslern line , 07s Gd per tierce. HACON Long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 51s Oil per ciM. ; liuii eli ar , 45 Ibs , , O'js Gd per cv t , L.UtU I'lbno western , 52.s Oil per CWl. Mllw.inkeo Iruin .Mnrliel. MII.WAUKKK , WIs. , May 8. WIIIAT : 73'e ; No. 2 spring , 7Oi- . 1'on.N I'lrin : No 3 , 44c. JUATrt-Sti-mly ; No. 2 white , 3Ga3G'Jo ; No. 3 , HAIII.KY G5c. KVK GOO. I'UDVimii.NS-l'Iriiii pork. July , $21.70 , MliinnH | > nliVhiut ) ! .Miirknt , MiNNKAi'iii.is. Minn. , May H. Trading was In July. May was entirely neglected , rush wheat , higher ; No. 1 iiiirtbern , li'Jify70i" ! No. 2 noitbuin , lUc. Kecelpis. 255 cats. Chise ; May , O7'ic ; July , 7l' c : S 'ptemher , 73'tC. On track : No. I bard , 70cj No. 1 northern , GH'4c ! No2 northernGli c. I'lllllilelibli | : Cr.lln .Markrt. I'lili-AiiKLi'iiiA , I'a. . May H.-WIUAT Marketweaer ! ; No. 2 red , .May , 7H ! c , CHUN Weak , lower ; No. 2 'mixed May , 50 OATS-In car lols , steady , under moderate otlerlngs. I'mimis higher , but ( julot ; No. 2 whltu. May. 4 ! Toledo lrui i TOI.KIIO O. S.--WIIKAT , , May - - Active and louitr ; No. 2. cash and May , 75jc. ! t'llll.N Dull , easier ; No. ' . ' , cn > b , 40Hc , O.u'8-Nt'Blectedi No. 2 mixed , 32e. ! Cottiui .Murui't. NKW Oiu.UANd , La. , .May 8-Slcady ; eooil middling , 7\c ; middling , 7e : low inlddllnc , 7 O-lCc ; eoud ordinary , 7c ; uut rt-cvliitv , 2,2U1 holes : cross , 0,371 bnlpn , p.xporln to thn conti nent. 300 balest sales , 3,760 hales ; stock , 171- 470 hales. I'utures , steadyi sales , 37,700 hales , May , (7.4'J hlilf JUIIP. ( r.r > 11 7.0'J | , fuly , 7.fiO 7.tjfl ! Aumisl , 17.02/7,7.113 ; Sepleinber , . fc7.U7j Octolmr , i7.rort7,70i Novuinbor , 7.73 17.74 ; December. 7.7H 7.8t ) . Nn\v York Dry ( ItinN .Mnrknt. NKW YOIIK , May 8. There was mithlnj ? to he notpd In the market for dry gnoiU , llomand was Hat for any dc crlpllon of Kinids. All are waiting for devidopmeiit.s as to the demand , which Is simply delayed , but It cannot bo de layed tndellnltely. Cincinnati Market * . CINCINNATI , O. , May 8.-WHEAT Firm mid hlcher ; No. 2red,70i- . COIINI'lrm ; No. 2 inlxpil , 44c. OATs-Hlronstind higher ; No 2. mixed , 35c. WIIISKV atuiuly uttl.ia. llnllliiuiro drain Market. llu.TiMiiiiR , Mil. , May 8. WIIIAT Unset tled ; No. 2 red , spot and May , 7H15C. CoitN Kiisy ; tulxed , spot and May , 49\c. OATJ ftioujsurt No. 3 whlto westcin , 4le. STOCKS AN'1 > IIONDS. Srcnrlllc * In tbo IHrly Hours of U'cro t'iKol tloil. NKW YOIIK , Mny 8. The stock market was feverish and unsettled In the early hours of business today. Without any particular ex citement prices ran off ! ito4 points , chlully because of apprehensions concerning the abllt.y of certain brokers to pull through after recent eminiiom .shrinkages In vatucsand the dllllctilty of rencwlnc loans. The stocks most conspicuous In tbo downward movement , were the Industrials ; General Kloclrlc scoring an exceptional decline of 7' per cent to 74 on the 11'ht which the company has on Its hands with the Wcstlngliouse Interest. Among the railways , Illg Kour , Missouri I'aclllc and Lake Shore scored the heaviest losses. Thu strength of sterling exvhango bad some effect as It reviewed the talk of Impending gold exports. As far as known tliero will be no gold shipments this week , unless conditions me such as to put the rate of exchange con siderably above the figures now purient. The absence of fnlluics finally turned the current of the stock prices upward and during the afternoon a better foollni : prevailed than at any previous time for a week o. more. The bulls bought freely and the shorts took alarm , especially when they found It dllllcult to scenic Important amounts without causing nritcrlal rise In quotations. This was exemplified In Sugar , which hap pened to have belter support than the rest , the i inionsulllngfronif)0'i ' lo7Oand the pre- feried from HO to'JIM. Tim Jump In the for mer was credited to buying for thu llavo- meyers. National Cordage preferred ad vanced 11 per cent , to 70 ; Manhattan , UT per cent , to ii : , > ; Central Klivtrlc , 7 > ij er cent , to Hlit : Chicago lias , 0'8 per cent , to 70S ; Amer ican Tubuivu , 4't ' per cent , to 75' § ; National Lead preferred , ! ' { per cent , to 77 ; Jersey Central , 3 percent , to 114 ; Ilurllnglon , 2'a per cent , to HM'i ; Hlg I'our , 2 percent , to 42j ? and Lackawanna , 2'.i per cent , to 141'4. The remainder of the list advanced ' , to 2 per cent and llnal quotations were about Iho best of the day. The sales footed 302,158 shares , of which GO.S12 wore unlisted stocks. The Post says : Today's curious nnd lop sided market Is easily explained by the pecu liar circumstances o'f last week's break. In some of the industilal stocks the Inside specu lators wont down precipitately with the wreck. In others they wore the partlalcaiKo and posl- ll\o bcnellclarles of tbo collanse. In Sugar slocks , particularly the Insldeis with unanimity sold tlio round stock well above par , turned on their unhappy followers , and witnessed the general ruin with thu equanim ity of a man who had made a sluowd and credlt.iblu bargain. In Chicago ( las , though not In an equally oiTenslve manner , the Inside managers played a corresponding role. That the stock should recover sharply In thu face of shaken prices elsewhere , was , therefore , not at all surprising. The Initial collapse of 7 points InUoneial F.I eel do , duo quite as iniieh to last week's Impolitic show oftener tenor by the company's ollli-ors as lo the In- slgnlli'anl law suit trumped forth In yester day's papers , was oll'sot by an almost equally sudden rally. The rest of the market fol lowed doubtfully , a natural uneasiness of holders being Intensified by astonishingly bad crop reports from Kansas. The following are the closlni ; quotations of the loading stocks on the Now York Stock ex change today : AtchlBun Nortliuin I'll. pfd. . Adams Kxpress . . . IN ) U. 1' . . Do. A ( iulf. . 1291 Altun , T. II : u .Northwestern 111) ) do preferred . . . ISO do preferred 1:11 : American Express , 114 N. Y. Centra ! lOii llnlllmoro , t Ohio. . N. V. , v N. K 2-.I l anjda I'ucltlc SOH Ontario A Western * Canada * outturn. . Oregon Imp il1 Central I'aultlc . . . . Oregon Nav 05 l ties A dlilo SI'i ii. S. L. A U. N 05u Clilc.itfo Allen I'ncUlcMall 18 < < j I'porla , I ) . A K . . . . 1IV ) ( ClllC.IKO liUK : W I'lttsburir 113 Consolidated ( ias. UI ! I'ulliniin I'alnco. . . . 175 I' . C. iA M. L .tciidlnj ; Cotton ( HI Curt aii'-i ' Illchniond T'rmln'l llel. Hudson 12l'li ' ) lo preferred II. 1 , . .V W iim Itlolirnndu W D.Alt. ( J.pfd sm , do prolurred I ) . AC. K. Co 2IH Itock lulntid Ku-tTunn 2 sit. I'.iul Krlo 2,1 do pretorrod Krhi preferred. . . . t. Paul A innulia . Wi l-ort Wayne do proforrod. . . . ns ( it. Northern pl'il. . Sonilicrn I'ncllic. . c. A. K. I. iif'il iiunr lleMnery. . . , HocklngV'Hlloy. . . . 21 1'enn. CoaUVIron. Illinois Central. . . . 21Rl' ( Texas 1'nclflo -t. 1-iiul.x Onlntli. . S7 rol AO. ( 'en. pf'd. 7SI , Knn. A TOM pf'd. . . S718'n Union I'aclllc l.nku . ( .rli ) A Went. . 18'n ' U. S. Kxpri'Ma Jo pioferred 71' ' * U' . SI. It. A 1' Lake > liiiru isii do proferred. . Lead 1'riiKl a I' * Wells Ktirt'o Kxp. . 140 l.ouls. ftasli 7' " ( Western Union. . . . Sli.U Louis. , t New Al'liy IS Wlu-ollmi A ! K. . . .Mnnlirttan ' on . . . do prolurred . . . . Mcnip'lti \ ( Im'Vn. 40 Minn. A hi. It. .Michigan Central. It'U ' ' . , V It. ( J " 0' ' < ( Icneriil Klectrlc . . XI Mobile A Ohio . . . vat. l.ln XIWT * Nnshvlllo : 'liatl. . . . 67 ' . Kuel .V Iron 4SI.I Nntlonnl Cordage. 67MiM di preferred lui ; rte proferreil . . . lloiu. A Tux. Con. , 3 N. .I.Contrnl t'ol. A. A. AN. 11. . * Norfolk A W. p'fil. . r l. M. K .X K. C. . . North American Co II do preferred. . . , . Northern I'aclltc. ivr The total sales of > : . , today woio 'J.V.I.OUO shares , Inclu ! . . " : Alchlson , ia.300 ; Chlcatro lias , 'ly.jud : fottonUII. 3.400 ; Delaware , Iaek- .iwaiinu > t Wi'storn , 7.400J Distilling , 7,000 , : lieneral Klectrlc , lo.'JOO ; Louisville .t Nash ville. 3.7(10 ( ; Manhattan , 10.700 : Missouri I'a- cltic. U,70t ) : National t'orda e , 10,000 ; Itpmllin ; , 3.HOO : Hock l.sland. O.&OJ ; St. Puul , G3.000 ; Western Union , 10.400. Now York .Monoy NRW YOIIK , May 8. MONCV o.v ( ) AM < Kasy at fioin 3 to U per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ; clo-ed olTercd at 3 per cent. PKiMK.MriUiusTiM- : Gfia per cent. STKIII.INI ) EXCIIAMIB l-'lnn , with actual business In banians' bills at * 4. 85514. 83i ! for sixty days and $4.HT't'H I.NH for demand. lillVKIINMKNT llO.NDS 1'irill. StlltO bonds , dullTho The elosliiR quotations on bonds : llostoa Stock OiiotHtliiiM. IlosTON. Mass. , May H.-r.-iH loans. Gft,7 per cent : time loans , Oti7 per com. Closing ijiiotatlonson stocks , liondsand mlnlM t-Irm : $ i Sim York .Ulnlni ; IJilot.kllonx. NEW Voice , May 8. Tlio following are the closlin ; niiotatlons an mining slocks on the New York board : Crown I'olnt . h6 Con. a I. ft Va . W ) liindil A i nr.y . 7J IJulun run 115 Hale & Norcrois. . . . 103 Vi How Jacket | UQ Iron silver 25 Muxlcnli . ( , 'uk'Hllvur ' 3)tf IIV ) do preferred Isuo Oiililr J'U I ulHur 75 I'lrninntli 2V ) SI. I.OIIK . I n I ni ; OiiMlutiotiH. ST. I < oui , Mn. . M'iy H. Tlioro was no dual- IIIK In Meek and few chin i's In quotations. I'ollowliiK are the closlm , ' n.lnini ; iuotatloni | : bidT a iTiI.I jifil. liTkeiil Aroerlcnn M .U .IV\I Klltstacth. I MTU . . . linmllo .M. . . i.lX ) SHI | | j- . . . v , .071 , riii.'incinl Nolt-s. KANSAS CITY , .Mo. , May t ) . Clpurlngi , } 2,110- 37i ) , I'AIIIP , May 8. Three per cent rentes OOf 75n for thu account. NKWOIII.KANH , I.a. , Mny -C'loaJlnps ! , - 10a,201 , Now Vork uxchunjc , coiumerclul 75u per $1,000 proinluni'i ' nkf 1.60 inliiin. . , i Nr.w YOIIK , Mav -Clcrirlnts , t80,400,443 | balance , | 5,11UG-(0 ( OMAHA , May H - ( Miinrlnirs , $1,380.810 ! sumo day last week , M.aniaoT. lUl.TIMOIlB , Md. , May H.-C'h'arlnj ? ' " . 12,307- 051 ; lialancct , | 4511.yjH. Money 0 per rout. MKMi'ius , Tonn. , May 8. Now YorkcxvhniiRo sclllnu-at J1.50. I'liuirliik's ' , J330.050 ; bnlanci-i , J'J'J.fioO. . - . i I'lltl.ADRI.flltA , lM.Mnv 8.-Clcnrlim , 1'J. ; 013-107 ; balances < 2i'J7,377. ! Moitvy 4iUS ! ptTCOIIt. LONDON , May H.-A\nount \ of liulllon irene Into tin-Hauls of Kni-ttiwl on balances today , 85,000. CINCINNATI , O. , Mny fl. Monny , OJl" per cent. Now York i'\ohanio , 50it70i3 lironiliini , UluiirliiiM , ? 2,702,250. HosTO.v , Mass. . May R. Clcarlncs , $16,005- 14' ' ; balances , $1,074,570. Money 0 piTCunt. i\chaiiKC : oil .Vow York ISti'JOJ discount. ST. I.tiui.i , Mo. , May H. Hank clearings , $ ! , - 080,815 ; balances I432.0IH. Money inili't , 0518 percont. KxchatiKoon Now York , OOo pro- inliini. UlltUAdn , III. , May 8.-Cloann , $28 882- 711. New York uxi'liiniKU , ODc prcinlnni. Hlerllni ; e.xchanu'e , sleadv ; sixty-day blll , $ -1.85 ; doinand , $4.88. Money , steady ut 04J7 per cent. OMAHA i.tvi : srooii .n.viticcrs. Cattle Trade Opens tlioVeek UimiitUlac- torlly UOKX on n Itnoin. MONDAY , May 8. Itorolptsof all kinds today were fully up to the average for n Monday , rather heavier In fact than a week no. There uoro oloio to 3.000 cattle on sale , of which fully three- fourths were beef steers , or would pass for such. The market was a very iwatlsfaetoiy one. Depressed trade oiiit prevented specula tive activity , whllo the ample oIlerliiRS pnvo buyers for local hou-.es a chance to do siiinn .selecting. About tin-only active Imiiilry was for the tidy fat llht ; cattle anil thoio sold In some cases al least at fully steady prices. On about i\erylhliiK else , liicludlns seine pretty goo : ! heavy cattle , sellers were quoting the market weak to a dime lower than the clove of last week , ( iood to choice 1,200 ( o l.fJiMI-lli. Mcers sold nt from iJ4.i' > 5 to J4.05 , while fnlr to coed 000 to 1'JuO-lh. steers sold at from .J4.)0 : ) to M.7O. Coininon slulT , odds and ends and mixed lots went at from } t.25 down to if.T.'J. ) . It was a dull , mean drnxxluK mar ket from start to llnl.sh , but the cattle kept selling and In the end there was little left In flr.st hands. Cows \\ero not In very liberal supply , and with a peed general demand for all classes of slock , prices ciuioriilly weru fully ste'idy ' nml oiic'islonally stiiiuj ; . 1'alr to choice fat cows and heifers void a , from J.I 60 to J4. wllh canners at from M.75 to J,75. The blK bulk of the snles were at from ttl up. Hulls and stags wore In mo loralo dcnrind and about steady at from f'J.n5 to $ : ) .75. Thoio was no chaiiK'e In calves. Sales were at from $2.50 to $6.'J5 for common to choice veals. licKitlar dealers reported a very Unlit In- iUlry | from the country for feeders , but as their holdings were vomcwhat reduced they were free buyers of the fresh ouVrlnitM at good , llrm prices. I'alr to choice stVk bruuu'lit from 53.00 to 14.40 , over 800 hay fed westerns , well bred and In good llesh , soimiK at from H.IIO to $4.41) ) . Common stock was In nodctmind from any source and very .slow sale. Kepresontatlvo safes : DIlKSSUl ) IIKEP. No. AI'r. . No. Av. I'r. 2 11.15 $400 4 10'JO $400 1 1000 400 55 1101 400 1 750 4 00 fl'2 1104 4 00 32 014 4 15 f , 110H 4 00 li ! 045 425 8 1'JOS 4 Oil 1 H50 4 i5 ! 11 llt)5 ( ) 4 00 5 775 US' 14 1101 400 17 8U5 4 i > 5 ' ! i ( ) 1OH'2 4 00 110 1180 4I1O ' 73 1144 405 Jl 0)0 ! ) 435 35 li HO 405 IM 001 440 ' 17 1139 405 14 H88 4 40 ' 10 1104 4 05 0 1000 4 45 i2 ! 1012 4 70 37 1052 4 45 22 1182 4 70 48 1059 445 , 18 1214 470 0 070 445 78 1207 475 11 1110 4 50 B 14011 4 75 0 1003 460 15 1200 475 17 108H 455 10 1325 485 10 117C 455 22 1301 405 5 1220 4 CO. Sllll'I'INU AND liXcOltT. 5 1100 4 65 20 1370 4 55 15 1051 455 f. 20..1400 : 480 4 375 3 15.-/ 29 GOO 3 90 VR.Mil.ING8. 40 487 3 10. . , YU.VIII.I.NOS ANI > MIXED. 30 G04 370 121. . . . " . 720 425 COW'S , 1 OflO $175 'l 080 13 25 1 9GO 175 0 883 320 10 87H 200 1 000 320 1 800 220 3 1070 820 2 bOO 225 0 1092 320 1 970 225 1 1030 380 1 1240 220 3 10.10 830 H 795 225 0 1090 840 5 800 280 1 040 350 3 713 200 1 1120 350 4 1(120 ( 250 8 000 850 1 1090 250 1 11HO 855 2 1080 250 12 1000 355 2 1140 200 2 1125 300 1 11180 2 7O 1 1090 300 1 030 275 1 1220 800 2 875 280 1 900 370 1 580 285 0 115 ! 370 2 1000 280 5 800 370 1 050 8 00 1 1180 3 75 1 970 300 1 1200 870 1 790 8 00 15 1071 8 .SO 4 070 300 10 1210 380 1 1170 3 20 1 1131 4 00 IIKIFKItS. 4 432 2 50 7. . . . 752 4 00 24 072 8 50 "AI.vr.3. 1. . . ! > , . , . > 250 ' 1 140 500 1 850 850 1 100 500 2 880 4 OO 1 170 020 7 102 470 1 200 020 IIUI.I.S. 7 1303 205 1 1430 340 1 1430 2 20 1 1400 3 40 1 1240 200 1 1520 840 1 1000 275 1 bOO 840 2 1315 270 1 1770 300 1 1700 280 2 930 350 2 1000 200 1 2001) ) 300 1 1030 3 00 3 1413 3 00 1 070 3 10 . 8 1418 8 00 1 1500 3 25 1 1000 3 75 1 1090 3 30 STAG ? . 1. . . . 1,220 320 1. . . . 1.7CO 300 STUCKKiis AMD riiiiins. : : : 4 380 330 2 700 370 1 000 345 7 700 380 21 080 800 5 10bO 385 17 088 3 00 03 . . . .1(170 4 10 WI-.STHUN PATH , ! : . No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 17 steers. . 013 J3 70 WYOMINO CATTLE. 1 sleor. . ,1010 3 00 1 steer. . 870 3 90 20 steers. . 1020 380 7 steers. 1250 440 29 steers. : 1208 440 08 Mrs. . . 1103 430 1 t > tni.1000 200 220 furs..1101 430 IDAHO CAT1I.U. 43 fdrs. .1029 3 70 COI.OI1AIIO CATTMt. 70 fdrs. . . 085 3 75 lines-Tin ) hois.sold today HUe hoi cakes nt prices all of a dlinn hlfthur than Hatniday. OliYrlnds were fair for tint first day of the ueelc , about tlio haino as on last Monday , and the lie .s ran pretty evenly , largely medium and heavy wcluhts. Kasiern markets uere higher and piovlslons weie on a bomi , so that nol- wllhslnndlni : a very ll bt outside demand , trade was netIve nnd'soon over. The ( jond lo choleo medium wnlzht and heavy lie s sold veiy largely at * 7,45 to $7.50 , while light grades and mixed pirl ers .sold mostly at } 7.4n. The range was Ihe narrowest In many a d luy. only lle. ) Nearly L iij Jf 1II11) , however , sold 111 7.40iiud J7.45. as .yoiiijiaied with J7.30 nnd 11 day and * 7 < L'0 and { 7.30 a woel. UKO. iti'liresuntatlve sales j ' No. Av. Hh. I'r. , , , No. Av. Kb. I'l. ti8.'JDl .inn f7 40 &C ) . . .170 40 J7 42'S ill..253 ISO 74O- * 07..220 ftO 74.1 70..239 ill ) 7-1(1 ( 78..1MB 200 7-15 OH. . . 240 281) ) 7 4J ( ( J7..2I3 1GO 7 45 01..2-M HO 740,1 , G _ ' . . 253 120 745 7O..240 120 7 40 72..201 100 7 45 01..213 740" ' 08..2VJ 40 745 07..227 7 40M | 72..233 100 7 40 VO..241 100 740 03..253 3'JO 745 71..214 'JOO 740" 03..273 HO 745 8..2LO 740 ? 02..248 40 745 03..till ! 40 7 4U , OB.0-l bO 745 8.210 | 280 7 4II'.1' 05..258 210 745 58..201 120 740' ' 77..212 100 745 05..202 120 740 70..2'JO 120 743 08..277 ICO 7 4CU , ( M..2O4 bO 745 bl..23l 210 740 , 7.1. . . 245 200 740 23. 304 HO 740 O5..2h4 Ml 745 27..207 100 740 17..200 40 745 72 . . .212 120 740 07..244 100 745 27..207 120 740 07..24H < Ji ) 750 72..211 100 7411 02..207 750 20..301 HO 740 01 . . .311(1 ( 240 750 17 . . .198 210 740 82..257 750 81 . . .230 2HO 740 7'.l..2 0 200 700 50 . . .203 ICO 7 42i ! MiKiii1 Kiculpts , nine loads were rather larger than usual of late and as eastern mar kets were lower buyers all wanted to shade pili-cs here , lllds were all 10 < C15c lower than Saturday and train was slow. Soniu pretty food lambs brought i0.t < ) mid wethers told for f0.70 .O.OU. ( Ju ifitlons aie : 1'ulr to unoit unlives , t4.OOifCO.oO ; fair to good tvotltiins , J4.t > oao.M ( > : coininon mil stock sheop. $2.0O ( M.IMl ; good to choleo 40 to lOIJ-lb , luinhs , 10.00t7.oo. Itopii-M-ntatlvusuhs : No. Av. I'r. 113 native mixed HI } 5 70 Gul mixed lainbo til ) 5 41) 30O western wet hers HI 501) 228 Colorado lilinbH GO 0 10 riilic : < > l.itv Mock .Market. rinrAiio , III. , .May -iSuoehil Telegram lo TUB IlKK I Most grade * of cattle Bold lower today. The decline averaged about lOj uud wru pretty evenly itutrihuted. Tliero wa * ft very Koodilonmnu and at the decllno n inn- Jorlty of liolders lUccecded tn elOMnB out. Of thn IH.OOO bead received Ic-i tmn 2,000 were Toxani. Quotations for nil- Jives were from $1.05 to (4.30 for cows nnd heifers , from $3 to $1.05 fornlockers nnd feed ers nnd from $4.26 to tO.16 fordre. sod beef and 'hipping steers , Texas cattle.v ro In demand nt fi-oni $ 'J.20 to 16.16. nccordlni ; to quality. I he arrivals for the remaining itnyn of the week are not likely to prove excessive , and no further shrinkage In values Is looked for. Ihe ling marknt was very much to sellers' liking. It was brisk from the outset anil was slrun In nil Us parts. Medium and hr-n\y- weluhts advanced from $75(1 ( to J7.nO. and from 7.33 to $7.70 nns paid for poor to prime. Ikht. These prices are rather moio tliuii 16c above those current on Saturday , when $7.70 was the highest price pild. Although the quality was not very coed , them was com paratively llttlo trading below . 7.00 , lldils sellliu lariroly at from t7.5i > to$7.00 at fufin $7.00 to $7.75 lieliiK the prevailing prices for medium nnd heavy. The receipts , which ucio some ll.ooo head less than for last Monday , were all taken IOIIK before noon and there were no sljjns of weakness at the close. ( Iood lo choice native and western sheep were steady , but there was a further depreci ation In \nlucofTe\iiii4. . The latter com prised a lar e p.irt of the arrivals and they ere not easily disposed of at 10.oT ! from Saturday's prices. Quotations raiiKod from 1 1 to $0 for poor to choice natives and west erns and from $3.10 to 0. 10 for poor to choice Texans. Them was no Important chanKo In the lamb market , prices rniiKltiK from $5.60 to J5.70. There was a sale of over 700 head In ono lot at $7.10 per lee UN. lli'celpls : Caltl" , 18,00(1 ( head ; cahes , 200 lieail ; lions , 17,00,1 hiud ; sin-op , 14.0JJ h.'ad. The Kvcnlni : Journal reports : CATTi.u-lleeolnts , 17,500 head ; shipments. 4GOO head ; market opened slow , lOijlOc loner : no extra steers on mile ; coed to choice , $5.3535.60 ; others. $4.25'if0.15 ; fed Texans , $4.10/44.0(1 ( ; prnss TeMins , if3.405t3.70 ; fat cows and helf , rs , $3.26ir.4.1o. HodS-Koeolpts , 17,000 head ; shlrnm'tits , 3,000 head ; market opened brisk , 10'MDi ! higher : elospd slron i mixed and packers , $7.46'i47.70 ' ; heavy and butchers' weights , $7.70 547.85 ; prime llKlit , $7.65ffl7.70 ; pigs , 10.5045 SIIBKP Hecelpls , 15,000 head ; .shipments , 2,600 head ; market steady , loQIOc lower ; clipped Te.xans , $4.507i4.7O ; ollieis , cllpned , J5.onao.40 ; In lloece , $5.00(13.76 ( ; lambs , sb.20 ( Ui7.25. ICunsis : City I.lvo Mock Alnrliot. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May H. - I'ATPI.Kllo - celpts , 2,800 head : shipments , 2,600 head ; market dull and irenerally lOc lower ; riiutu : steers , $ B.10'i.l.riO ; shipping steorsM.OOi 5.7O ; native cons , $2.25ft4.3u ; buicbeis't3.00til.80 : stockers and feeders. $2.25i 4.8b ; hulls nnd nil\ed$1.85il.lO. llOis-I ( ecelils | , 3,700 head ; shipments , 2,300 head ; market active , 6aiOi : hhthor ; bulk of sales , $7.25757.35 ; heavy , $7.25iO 7.40 ; mixed , $7.2ia7.85 ( ; llvjiit , * 7.Ofifl > 7.lO. : Siliif : : HecelptK , 7,0(10 ( liead ; shlnments , 1,000 head ; market lOitlOe lower ; noel mut tons , $0.30it5.50 ; clipped , W.30 down. NIMV York l.lvn Moelc M.irkist. NKW YOIIK , Mny 8. Hecelpts of beeves for t o dnys , 4,801) ) head. Trade dull at a decline of Itic , and the yards were not cleared , I'ooresl to host native steers sold ut $1.8514 $0K1 ( ; dressed beef dull , HiiO'ie ' for natives. Latest cable from London quotes btcers Him , ll ( < V,12'c dressed weight. DAmcrlcan icfritroralor beef steady at lO'fc. Shipments tomorrow , 350 beeves. Itecelpts of .slieep and lambs for two d ys 10,000 head. Market active , both sheep r.nd lambs selling at an advance of iau pur th. Dressed muttons steady al St. l.oms I.lvo Mock Murkft. PT. Lotus , Mo. , May -CATTLE Itecelpts , 1,800 bead ; shipment" , 700 lioad ; market barely steady ; fair lo jjood nati\e steers , $3.1)0 ) { t4.0O ; fair to prolty coed fed Texas steers , $3.2i4.25. ( ) ( lions Hecelpls , 4,800 head ; shipments , 2,600 head ; market lOc hlKher ; lieavv , $7.20 © 7.00 ; mixed , $7.0037.40 ; Unlit , $7.10 < o7.40. SllKKl1 - liocelpls , 3,500 head ; shipments , 3,000 head ; market dull , nnchniiKcd ; clipped natives , $0.10 ; clipped Texans , $1.70. , Piles of people have juies. but DoU'ltt'a witchhazcl salvo will euro them. 1.7 THE UNITED 8JTATE3 COUET3. Cases AnVotlntr Itank WriTltor Mo lior Jurors I > PS Miiiipy .May Term Opened. The May term of the United States district courts opened yesterday morning at the court room in thcpostofilco buildintr. diido ( Uuml.v was on the bench as usual , and there were more than flfty of the leading attorneys of Nebraska present. The entire forenoon was taken up with the hearing of motions. Noth Ing of a criminal nature was taken up , the time being devoted to the law and equity cases. Several motions were made by attor neys having charge of cases that have-grown out of the Capital National hank failure. In the case of the Colilwater National bank of Vermont against C. W. Moshcr a demurrer was liled. In discussing the intro duction of the demurrer the attorney for the plaintiff said that the case would ho prose cuted on the ground of fraud on tlu part of Mr. Mosher. The notes and mortgages bud been signed , ho said , by K. Hurlbut , man ager of the Western Manufacturing com pany , when as u nutter of fact ho h.ul no right to sign documents in such a capacity. The demurrer war Hied. The case is evi dently going to stir up a good deal of the rot tenness that surrounded the manipulations of the Capital National bank funds. Jtulgo Dundy started in this morning with a law docket , of 1"0 cas.'s , an equity docket of'OS cases ami the prospects of something llko fifty criminal cases if the grand Jury gets in a vigorous term's work. It is siill uncertain as to whether or not there will bo any Jury called. It w.ll depend upjii the action of ex-Marshal Slaughter in responding to the order of the department to pay in certain funds to bo used for jury expenses. That will bo decided in a few- days , as Air. Slaughter is cxpyete.t from Fullertou tomorrow. .ludgo Dundy siU : this moriiinir to several of the attorneys that if they wished to chip in and pay the expenses of a J'u-y they could have their cases tried. In some cases tills will probably bo done , as parties are hero .ill the way from Washing ton to have cases decide. ! and it will be cheaper for them to pay the expanse of a jury than to postpone the cases and come back again. This , of course , if money is not secured from the Treasury department. C.in .Mr. .Sl.nuliti-r I'r. < > 7.u to tbu i'Ycs ? The question as to whether ex-Marshal Slaughter has a legal right to retain funds that belong to the Unite , ! States after his term of ofllce hascx-phed , and pending a final settlement with the T.ioasury department , has been raised by several attorneys and is being quietly discussed , both in Omaha au I Lincoln. Several prominent attorneys wore asked yesterday to give an opinion 11)1011 ) the sub ject. In many instances the lawyers were not inclined to express an opinion , as they said it was a question they had never had occasion to investigate. "I would not give you an opiouion for pub lication upon that question , " s.ud Mr Charles Greene , when the conundrum was shoved at him. "I have never looked Into the matter , and , of course , am not in a position to state whether a retiring ofllccr has the right to hold funds as an o.Tsut against , that which the government , owes him or not. It is usually a pretty safe thing for a man to hold funds that belong to other parties proviiilng thu other parties owe him , but the United States laws may ho very strict on the subject. " Mr. John D. lloivo was asku.l for an opin ion upon the subject and said : "I don't know what the law upon the subject is. 1 have never Investigated the subject and do not profess to Know things tb.it I have not looked into , but I should s.iy that it is a very common tiling for men when they iret hold of money that belongs to parties who ewe them to treezo toil , as o s ly. If the j parties sue for tlio | x > sicssion : of the funds then the claim Is brought in as an offset and if the claim Is goud it will stand. This is the rule in over.vday affairs , but I am not giving iou an opinion about the conditions tliat surround u retiring t'nUc.il .States olllicr , because T am not familiar with the law on thn Ftihject. " United States Attorney Raker said : "When AOU ask mo if a retiring ollicer has a right to withhold funds belonging to Iho govovnmcut , I say certainly not ; that would constitute embezzlement. Hut when jouask mo if ex-Marshal Slaughter has a right to withhold funds that are said to belong to tlio government , then 1 say that if the gov ernment owes Air. Slaughter moro than is represented by the funds ho holds he is not holding government funds , they belong to him. The olllco of marshal is afeooftlco. When a fee is oaineil the government owes it to the marshal and If ho retains government funds to cover these fees IIB is simply holding that whlcli belongs to him. If he retains more money than is in'oporly coming to him then ho Is an em- boT/lur , but if the government Owen him moro than he la holding he is fommittiiiK no crime. The wording of the law would indi cate that it in the Imperative du y of the marshal to turn over to the government all the monevs in his posst.siion at the expiration of his term , out vro tuim uuo tlio application ami construction put upon the .itntiilps by the courts and not thn exact wording , for the meaning that the courts put Into n statute Is the real law of the laud , nut the moro wording or letter of tlio law U has been held time nnd again that ox-marshals ami other rellrlm ? ofllcers have a right to hold funds as an offset against that which the government owes them. Kx-Marshal Ulerbowcr held funds for several months until the government got ready to settle his account , and then the government paid him tlu difference between that which was duo him nnd that which he held of government funds. It is a common thing for retiring marshals to hold funds until the government makes a llnal .settlement , for the reason that if they pay over all the moue.x In their hands they may wait long yo.trs boron * the govern incut dually pays them all that is duo them. " Another attorney said : "While It U nn illegal not , technically , it is not considered a criminal offense for an ofllcer to whom the government owes money to hold It bac'.t for a final settlement In the ordinary business affairs between men it Is a very common thing fo- ono mat ) to hold mone.v that l > o- lonij.s to another as an olTset against that which Is rightfully coming to him from the ' oilier , and the retention' government funds as an offset against that which Is dim a retiring ofllcer . .B a part of the fees of his ofllcu Is looked upon in a similar light. " Plies nf people nave pi.os , but Do Will's Witch Hanoi Salve willcuro th ? u MUST PAY 1IVJ3 PJ3R CENT. Sewer nnd Tiivlng ll.tinu Evidently Can't lie Diluted nt I'onr and u llnlf. City Treasurer Holln has been In corre spondence with a number of wistorn bon.l purchasers and the renlies are not at all satisfactory. It now lo.iks as if the city will he compelled to Iloat tlie S100.0.K ) e.ic.i of twenty years sewer and paving binds at 5 per cent Instead of 4' . , per con I inlcivst , as some of the couucllmeii had hope ; ! for With but ono exception , ami that H.is in ISN'.I , when money was plenty , all of the lun - time bonds of the city have' ; > rno .1 per cent interest. It was thought that perhaps this year's issue could be made at I1. , ' percent , and with that Idea In view a number of brokers were communicale.l with. So far none of them has ventured an opinion as to whether the b.mds could bo disposed of. In each ease il is asited that an answer to the inquiry he deferred until tlu exact state of the money market is detenniti"d. The Wall street Hurries and unccrt unties have made .speculators a lilt cautious , and with the feelings of uncertainty nuthinir but the ver.v host of gilt e igo paper can liml a taker with ! ' , per cent coupons. This fact will bo comm'iuicatod ' to the council. Moses I'rlen ( 'nrril of Itliciinintlsin. The many cases of rheumatism cured by Chamuerlaln's I'alu Halm during the past few months have given the people great con fidence in Its curative properties , and have shown that there is one preparation that can be dopemlo.1 upon for that painful and ag- graving disease. Honaker liros. , Ixirain , O. , say : "Mr. Moses Price of this place was troubled with rheumatism frr a long time. Chamberlain's Pain Halm has cured him. He says that the Halm has no equal. " , Indian Irvlnn Dr.i\velh n DUtlnetlon. .liidge Irvine , one of the defend nits in tlio suit brought by ox-Lan lloivl of the Paxton Ka.stman against a number of prominent democrats in connection with the Hoy.l ban quet , filed an answer yesterday in which ho states that he does not denv that the plaintiff was eng igivl in the hot-'l business , nor that ho was the manager of the I'axtou hotel as alleged In the petition , but he dons deny that the plaluttiT is or over was a hotel keeper. Farther than this , deponent say- cth not. . . 1'ijes of people have plies , out Da Witt's , WitcliIIazel Salvo will euro them Case of the Knzinonra. TOLEDO , O. , Alay 8. Hon. Frank Hurd returned from Washington last evening , whither ho submitted the application in appeal for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of I'jiiciueer Lennon. who was anvsto.l and lined f.)0 by .ludgo Hicks for rofusiiig to take out a' Lake Shore train , containing Ann Arbor cars. The case was advanced on the docket and will bo heard Muring the 'next term , which will convene in October. Other wise it would not have been reached for two or three years. H7/E.V 77' LOOKS DARK to nny vrenk or ailing woman , Dr. I'ic'rco'a Kuvorito Prescription conies to her nolp. For " female com plaints " of every Kind , iwriodienl pains , internal inflammation or ulcemtiou , l > ear- lug-doivn sensations , nnd all clironle weak nesses and dernngo- ineuts , this is tlio remedy. It's the only ono Misuro that it can lx ) Qitaranti'i'd. If it doesn't lHJH"flt or euro , in the ensi of every tired or ulllictcd woman , she'll have her money back. The "Proscription" builds up and invigo rates the entire female system. It regulates nnd promote- ? nil the proper functions , im proves digestion , enriches tlio blood , dispels aches nnd pains , brings refreshing sleep , and restores health nnd strength. Nothing else , though it may bo better for a. tricky dailer to sell , can bo " just as good " for you to buy. Use. tbo great specific for "cold in bend" and catarrh Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. RATARRH * * . If IN CHILDREN For over two years my lUtlc girl's llfo * was made miserable by a case of ( . 'atari h. The discharge from tlie nose was large , I1 constant ana very offensive. Her cyc3 became inflamed , the lids swollen anil , very painful. After trying various i erne- dics , I Rave her jKjapsa The first l > oti i 11 e seemed to KlisSSiW agRravatc tlio disease , but the symptoms soon abated , nnd in a short time she was cured , , Dit. L. D. KITCIIIY , Macfccy , Intl. Our book on Illnnd nnd Skin ll e.ics mailed free. HwuTSl'KciFicl'o. , Vtlaut.ila. , ' Kit. I.I. SKAIlir.- > -i iiiun- " -.ir ' con , ( ir. In tin of Ruth Me il I" o ' ON- Ml.ix.ilix riti I. i I , r I lie IK-it" out of \Vo euro Ciitiirrh , All DlHOiiscH o ! the ' Nose , Throiit , Client Stain to'i. liowols j uml Liver. Blood , Shin null Kidney Diseases. , Female \VeuUiiosses. Lost Miinhooil. CU.l D. I'll.rs. nsi'IJI.A , l'l-S' III : | ie-mviiMilly cured w II lion t llio uo lit n LnKc , IU"ittite or < an tir All milaill : > ' of n private r ilelli-itc nut ire , nt I'liher ni-x. pinillvelj eiirc'il Call un or .nlilrcii , nltli slninp ( ori'lrenlnrs , l-rci ' lluok anil Iti'dpoi , Dr o'lrln'c. , v nirini I1H " ir " ' st" ' " III. Ollllir b OldlllO < ft. , O3IAHA , SUIJ. Nl'it doorto I'ostoltlco , TBrr MAHII nroiiTrnrp i t& MADE A WELL MAN Otf ME " 1HDAPO TIIUGKKIT HINDOO REMEDY moltl I'lta TliK AltOVK Itl'.Sfl.TH III 80 IllVN. I'Hli" , Nor > , , us I'ln nvts , Falling - * , hlro - , lr . nml iiulrk hut mircly i.-ii.i > j l.i l Muilllr t jl-l or } "linkFimllr < -nil.i lu \rt portent I'rloi H.IK > il pnoliBfi' . Kli r , ir f. . ( Ill \ < IUi n urllli nuniii ktilr ) ' toruro or money Tvftt ! fl. ! l't ) let nny u l y ii ( iy Vimi \ > f nnitutinn In- Ilitol , iiinlnsr IMIAI'll ninif . , ll ) . r U lin hn > not tot It. H lll Ffiul It l > y mail , i | > < > n , , ) . | of | iilci % I'nDM'hlrt ' III fnali'ilcinrl" ! " ' fix1 Aililn - llrlfnla ] MrclUnl Co , , Ml 1'lyinou'h I'liii'c , < 'lili-iiico. III. SOLI ) by Ktilm & Co. , Cur ith and Uotiiilas Sis. , nml I. A. Fuller ft Co , C or. 141 ! ] and I > ouRlai Sti. , OMAHA , NEH. , by I'.ii.l li Schneider , 531 Broidway anil 6 Peatl St . fot'N. IL U LUFFS , IOWA , am ! ether l.eidine A.l | ] . .t.il VI , Dlsrl.NlA lI'DMsiiliiitlnii ITIT. ) Is niinnrpa .Rod in thu truut- mint of all Chronic , Prtv.ito anij DlioasoH , Wilto I i ur110,1111 | i mnally , , . V , VIU I KIJVTIILNT ,11 1 K * Ut'Ir " s win nlimp for par- > \\v\i iiiiiiiiriii'tii > yr t ticiil tfH Whlt'iiTill bi 8Oit la plain tnvelupo. P. A Uuz tlil oiirc : 1U S. ISth-st. , OmahaNeb , O AAJA. . South Ojnaha , ncetCat'.lo llo nail ; luo , ) marmot tn 113 trait. HQ15I5 Wood Brothers. Llvo Stock Oominlssion Marc i EO'ithCmalia Telephone ll.il. Chlcn/o JOIIX I ) . DAIIHMAN , I , , - . . . . , , . . . . WAl.Tl'lll li. W > 0. ) . f - " „ " ' Market ropnrts by mall and wlro cliiiorfnlly urnlahuJ upon r.pidlo.aion. ers § ttters Directofyl \ AWNINGS AND TENTS. OinaliiTcnl-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. , COMPANY Mftnns'icliirorH of Tunts , I1HHHI1 COVHUS. Awning' , etc . 7.1.1 nnd 111.I K.unuintriM' . 7.1. ' s. ir.tli Slre"t. BAGS & TWINESj Icihfs Omaha Bag fOMI'ANV Imported * urul manufac turers f lti > ir M-Jki , burlnp * , twin" . BOOTS AND SHOES. MOM-COS Shoi Company. alOMCiom amtoillco-ll.T I MiIII ! llo.rarlt. . Factorjr-lll9-MJI-IUI lluwnr.l St. Wo arj tin OVI.Y > lin it -uror. . of llontiiuil fliox In I'l < titi ot Sdb'i'Ui. , , . , tn nil i t" lni i > 't A roniril livlt-itlon U uviu 11 ) ! | our -fftic'.ory. . _ Kir.ici.Liil , Jones ( \ : Aiiid. iiiiini . COill'ANV. Wliolosalo nifri , uxonts lluitun : co. i > .itv i Hub ) ( lr nltuj ( \ ) . lll ! - nnd rubber riiiii | . . IIUI n00 llnrn.-r Street. IJIU llnriD-rbiiu I COAL , COKE. | COKNICE. Omaha Coal , Coke & i kaglc Corni-e Wor.'ts .Mr .kt.lv.iin o i Ironco I.IMK CO , Imnl anil "Jft | nk-o , ln > I < w faux , mo coal. H K.cur. IBlli and , la In krllK'Ui eie.I.Ija lluiu'las Blrcet. I nn.l U > U HuilK" Iroet DRY GOODS. 31. K. Sinilli & Co. Kilpiitricli-lidtliory Dry to Jd . null ma. fur- HARDWARE Rector & Willu'ldiy ' Lobwk & I inn , COMI'ANV. l > i > au ! ul i hnrdwiiru nnd Corner loth nnd Jnckvin in i liinvn I" ii t > lrcut . 14 J4 lion l 9 . ( rent HATS , ETC. | IRON WORKS. W. A. L. Gibbon & Co ' Omiha Safe and Iron Wholotulo lints caps , n'r w eooil , . I -nfo \ . , < l n work , Kloovoi. nil ion. I til Ir" " "luitUTB n .illlren . uiid llarno ) ' M e.-ln. ripi" . tniliceo A. Uar- Kelt Hill Mini Jiicknun. LUMBER. Jolin A. Wiilicfijld , ChirlciH , Ue , -il.Ami'rlcin I'urt land euniuni. tlluuu- e i. pot ) io I i > ri | nut lo co.iii'nt uml 1).ilicy HiM.r.nx white Ilin < . UIli an I II" u nn t' LIQUORS. MILLINKRY. PAPER. OILS. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Branch & Co. Jas A. Clark & Co. I'roduco. frulti of all ! lluilur cln-cic ejf * . | > .j'lir HIM u.inie klndu , oyMori. I " i.itn ; > ire t. STOVE KEPAIIIS | SASH , DOORS. Omaha Stove Repair M. A. Dlshrow&Co VYUaKH HUTU reputr * Manufacturer ! of lath , uml wnt r RltuoUuieUK door Ullnili nnd lor au/ Mud of itoro luoutdliiKi. . llrancli gf- mail * . lWUouia > § t , tic * nib and liarO.