THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; S.A.TIT11DAY. MAY 0. iPEGIRL NOTICES- BV DV'BllTKIt.MI'NTH mil TIIK.SB C'Ol.t'MVS Vwll th > tnkcti until n 3D for thsnTcnlnniinil ili : , ' ) p.rii. for the tniiriilniiiir.ilSuiiiliiTolltlon . Ailtertlreri , tir reriui'iillnir n iiumlx'reil cliecx. can olliHr wor aiMn-ifCil to a numbornl lotlpr BirHfoof'I'll-llKK. Aniwprs * o nililr oi > nlllbo lellrefcil upon tire antalloa of tli cltcck. SITUATIONS WANTED. J Hales , Hjrn word Hrsllnnorllon. lea word there- Jftrr .NoUil.j ; taken for less Ilia" < Jc. . BAHOA1N C.'I'l'AUM A.SI ) COUNKH MT ON B Lblock from High school , fl-.eit location In nalia , fS.UM. Hicks , : | ) J .N. V. I.lfo HI.IK. Sr.1 0 t -wANTKi ) . POSITION IIY A nor of is TO IVlonrn Im'xor'n triuto Itobort Jaco'ji , Mnnon IlrciU , bpurt'jn 11th a nl llth. _ HUll _ strtnTioN AsroAriMiAN ASIXIKNUHAI , wiirki II ye-xrs' experience In Omaha ; references V da , IIOO. tUt > ' \-A ( ioni ) u'-i.iviii.K ' JDII I'uiN ru liVaiilliiiitloii In R'liiiiiROod Job or Job nml ne "i- liiil/er / ontco. Soiilhorn lonn pri-fi'rrwl ' , Init will [ onulilcr other otters. Stnto wuitcs. Aihlrrsi II , linro of l0t ! , Slonx'ltrl < MUJ 7 * _ _ _ ; _ WANTKI ) . l'O ITUN IN TotJNTIiy BTOllB. A brnn nil urounil clerk , At rofoicnces. A.1clron ) oolllce , Lincoln. Nob. Mm 7 * WANTED MALE HELP. Uatu' , me a word llrst Insertion , to a word thoro- Bitter NollJlnf liken for l i than T.a i'l > , " TIUV-7lNr | , HALK MKN TO neil bnkiut ; tionilerVn put our nooils In Kln i 1 ohlna iilns fO niontli salary nnd iixioi | i > n. or 'i.i rout compulsion , rttmil st.uiil' for reply. Ink ! u I'owdor Co , Til ? Van Huron , pt , P irrO' WANT Alinoi ) IMY1NC ! JOU WUITK 1 > the Iluwka Nursery I o , Milwaukee , Wt MAS WASTI'.I ) TO S EM. AND COLLHCT 3 In country Apply at SliiKtr ollico , 15IK Pouglns. ) WAVI'I l > I NmuiK/IIC MAN ' 1O LIIAHN . _ Josr C'Uy Mildness ! xperlrnce unncci'SBiiry imu I i lnry lo rlgbt party. Apply 151" lou ) la . IT8KI1 I'H IK Yi ; AUK KHEKINU A limit I.I-Vrndo pni > tlon. Wo have placed hundreds In I irood positions Mid can n. ht TOIL Western Ilnsl- lessngenry Jl" N. V Lira bullilliu. M.H2J _ IWANTKI ) . TKAVlCMNd SALKH.MAN FOU IJstato 'obraskn. llnu lulirlrntliiK olli. AildrcM with riference.i , I'loino , lock box 89 , Cleveland , [ Ohio. " > ' . _ III ) . ItNF. ( iOOl ) TAII.OH Kll PANTS U I I. llclllmc , Mailnon , Neb. 43a , ' J WANTBI ) A ( iOon'TrrTsKIti ( IICIIMAN I'KK- iferrcd mint IIP tompiirnto : steady Job to r iKlit loan. Addrois Fried A , Holmijulst , Oaklnnil. Mjb. I I ) .SAI-HMIANONIMMMIHSION TO SUM. LINK I J > uoods In central find western Nebraska and II lack Illllls lloxlll llfi'tlnni. Neb. M 5 * > " WASTI'.II , MTN HITHAVKI.wriofioo I'KU Inionth Mono A Wellington , Madison , \Vls 7-wA.NTii : ) , ONK OK TWO KIIWT HATH I > bench ImiHls. men who Imvo workm ! In Bhops wlwru ninehlncry win uii-d preferred , tnlrbury | 1'ianlnit vlnls. l-alriiury. ; VAM'II ) , SA.l-HMNONrltK IIOAI ) TO < ell nilvcrtliilnin'nriln , fnni , etc .on commission , dlvect from Hi" numifartun-r. Can make J.VJ.O' ) per 1 week. Advrtlilnx Specialty Co , Uultnlo.N. . 1J WNTKI ) . HIltUllT CATHOLIC SIKN IMMK- J'dlnti'lr to r preiontn iiiiiuifnetory ; salary taO.UO per montu Write .1. II. Loniiully , 7'J ' Dearborn St t . _ _ _ _ _ TT-WANTl-.D.SAI.IWMKN TO SUI.I , DIIY ( iOOIH , .l to country trudp. Addrosn "Salesman , " 2I1 _ and * 213 Charles st . Philadelphia. _ M4'o ' i 1) WAVI'KI ' ) . Ml N STBNOUIlAl'llKlta TO I.I-T -Inbolr niimon for poiltlom. Uuiunnd oed : no r - iilat > atlon fee lloylea & llabb , til.l N. Y. I.lfo. i l IlO 1 * Tl. WASTUD , A IIIIKIIIT , AI.TIVK , YOlINd .lldriiuclKt. who can draw noda. Kuliti A Co. , Neb. il4S b Omaha , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "f ) .2SLA1IOUKIIS KOII Till' ! C , M. .t 8T I'.I'V. JJCo iiiiottraKnriK. Krco pass , ship Sunday , 10:30 : K. m Krnmtr & O'llearn , Labor AKJiiey. 01 Soutli 1 1 th ntroet. M480I , ' _ "WANTED FEMALE HELP. Itnlr. ' . l on wonttlrat iiidortlon , lea word thoro- nfter. Nothlni ! taken for le limn 35 , _ . LAWfH Oil YOOXO MKS TO , 'tnlt" ' Unlit 'jlennunt work nt their own liomesi II < M to W.UO per ilay cull bo qnli'tly iiindoi work pentby innll. 110 riinvnssliij : . , . For particulars nil- tnblljhed 1833. -r.OOl ) < OOIC WANTH1) , HEHIMII. ' WAQKH , AT C 2403 Knrnnm ilra. J. M. Tliuraton. ISO , VA. > ir. , , . KKMAltTiT HTTllK.NT ) NUKHK AT . . . „ C. A hospital , corner Vth street nnd Mh ave- M.1IS Mgl nue. Council IIUHTs , -.IAIIKS AND ( IKNTI.KMKN' , WU WU.h I'AY you J.VOJ to f 12.00 per week lo i'o strictly home TtoVkfflruiiutyoiir homes. Nociinvnolnv. f end self- I ; addressed i-nvolop , (1.1' . Viuiuonn \ Co. , liattery- runrcli uud Water streets , lloston , Mats. M35U II * -J.AIir WANTIII ) . TO AIT AS HTAT18 AOKNT for the fnuious Hniellno. poblllvo euro for nil feninlo dUOii'es. Ten days trentinent free. Address l > r. Douslm & Co. , coutli lend , Ind. , U. H. A. M3U 1U * i-WASTiaTH"i. KOII OKNKUAL UOUSK- J rork In umall fnmlly , 1711 Douglas Wi I 1-WANTUI ) . A ( iOOl ) tlllll , IM A KAMILY OK a ; wmurt bo gnod cook nnd Inundrcasi best wages paid. 409So 25th nvo. ( y' ' _ n-TlHI. WAN'l IM ) IIY A FAMILY IN OllCAIiOi \'n i00ii. roilablo ulrl for uenorai housework : n rood , trusty girl from the country preferred. Will nay fare from Oiiinhn nnd JtOJ per week. Wlllnllovr ono day and ticket to World's lulr ench week , f.lrl luuslcomn well recommended nnd ncreo to ntny If found competent. Answer nt once. F6T , Ileo. - . , A ( , OOI ) ( illlL KOII OKSKUAli C-WA.NTKD . Iiiiiiltu21l5.loncs St. illlS 0 WANTKI > 7 ljAITrJ8 TO WIUTK AT I1OMK. Kncloso timped onvolopo. Klla Werot. Hoc. , Pou111 Hend , ind. Mill / 1-WANTIOi > . (7lHI , KOII HKNEKAL HOI'SK- Vvwork. Apply 17U7 N. llith st. 4W& * t WANTKI ) ( JIHI , KOn OK.VKUAI. IIOIJSK- V-'work. Apply "lilt Cans street. 11437 ' * . ( Hill. WASTKI ) Mll ( ! KNiilAI. 0.H1 . nalary , I'll Vorlh 40tU. 4HU- ! I n-MUS CAMILLA AVKllV.-OUTU liBNI ) , INI ) . , 1 V'nox M , p.iysjtii.d ) n wuoi to lodlos wltlni ; . otn. , ftnt liiHilc , Iteply with utaiup d onvolopo. Ml')7 ) 0' -w\NTM ! ) , lKAOWAlTllKSS ; K.XI'KUI. i'uncixl , liolul illnuiK room ; references reiiulrcd. * . MI74 b * AddiOJS llrt'iil llirkor. POR RENT HOUSES Hales , IQe n line cnch Insertion. II ft ) a llnu par | mnnth Nulling taken lor less than 800. " " \-KOll 7rKNTr"TloUhKs" ALL I'AUTS Cll 'clly Tim O. 1' Duvls compiny , IMi Fnrnnm si zui \-KOU ItKNT. TWD 5-HOO.M ro'ri'AHKS O /motor mllatioutUwoJtcor. 'Jtu und Douglas - . . COTt'AliKS. HTANFOUI ) CIUCI.I ! now modern C. s. Kluutter , 3)4 ) lleo bldi ; . ai'l -3 AND 4 K0l\l Al'MITMllNTS. VON IK1KJ block , with otc'iun ; roforuucej ru < | ulred. BIG S2.M 'iS-roii HINT : , nitooM COTTAOK , noon UK .1 Jpnlr SIO per inn liiclitdlni ; city water. HINSTlh taku Fiirnnm car Moetiul , 7U S > llith. -U5 - FLATSlYKLLINnS < .CO'rrKSALI. ! PA UT ! clly. KtlVeuuy & Co. . H. 1 , Continental block. ' TKOII HKNT 10-HOUM IIOUSK. Slftt DOHOLA ! .1 'street Lnqulro ot MorlU Meyer , cor. llith am Karnatu , ! ! ' ) & lY-s liociM iidusu , iKitooii COTTAOI : , A LI .l modern , beautiful luwns. shadu , etc. N. K. cor ! 7rul mid Ml.iumsu. I'll . IrtlOM Kl. VTS IN NBW MODKKN D IIIK centrnl'r ' located , fU.IMand * ! > U > ) per month Kelkeiiuy * > 'o room I. Continent d blk. Sfl MI -FOll UKNT , NINK-IIOOJI HOt'SK ' , MODUlt : 1) tmuroveiueuti > Inquire 4.M North I'lth St. 1)D. MM . 8 IIOOM llul'SR MOIillN ) ! , COXYHN1K.N' D. for business or wholesale men. Apply Ill''Sout lUth street , _ MJ " D-TICN" IIOOM MOIJKIIN iioc u. HOOD LOCA tlon ; runt moderate. U s. sUiunor , lull I'anrau stront. M'JIT _ TvTWO l-l'I'Kll FLOOItS AND ll.VSKMKNT FO1 1 ' runt , sultKble for Urne storaxe. at HIS IHIIIKH ! 81. Innulto.ll31a N liilhst. , A. llroiUoy.Oiunha - D-KOU ItKNT 1XU ) SIT.MMUIl MONTHS , KOI nlshetl reildencn for nmnll family In best an most convenient neighborhood In thu city. AC dress li 7 lice. 45311 * -r'OL'U-UCOM I'HTTAHK , ( SI SOUTH KTI D BTOIUO t-etwanu J ok iu audl. avunwort'i. Ml 8 > UK.XT AITKU MAV IS. IIOOM HOUSE DWlll b.Mh and city outer i lllil Uoicns street. Ii quire Ituticrt Hunter , llea onico. SIMa T-v rXil ItKNT , MODHIIN g AM ) 9 HOO IJhousei near Uljli school. Inquire Mia Caplli menue. Ic.Vi * TV KOIltK.ST NICKTBxllOH Xfliquse. vast fionl. on S.iuth lltb. street , nei Javkxin- rant , Iw. Inqulro nil Soulli lltU str et. IU _ 7IIOO M 1 1 0 1'U a. HAST KUO.VIV AU , MOI Mdellly Trust Co. . ITW Faruam. Faruam.I'M I'M MIUOM 1IOUB , | localod. and imw turulturx , for salu at a bi rain , w nm : i > tion i ijujiii- " * - - - DVLu.sisiiKii iuou-5 KOII i.ioirr nous leaping and Hit ol T logon , modern Impror lu m .ilU South llth si. 3H FOR RENT HOUSES , Coiidmint. D.fOll 11BNT , COTI'AKK WITH iiroundnon ouUklrMnf city. I7i nlsn ten acres wltn mnMlcollavo southwest of city. Illck * . 301 N. V. I.lfo bldK. M I _ _ -ToiruicN r IITI.IU ST. MAIIV.I AVK.NUB 12 room modern dwollln ? with b.irn. Corner lol south fionl. pn o slonaftor iliy ISth. I or rant. IIU.IM , ID-room brick dwolllnj , nil eon- Tenlences. ( nn atraet. For rent.llw. . two larae brick dwelling. U rooms ench with all eonwilences , wrll udnptcd for llrst clnns family boardlnu house , convenient to C3r line. 1'or rent , JI..U ) , ruoni lints with bntli , brick bulldlnK. For rent , F.t > 00. IP room flit with tinth. _ liiqulre Nelliortuti ilnll. ,10i South lillli st. 303-S D--FOH TlKKT , MNK IIOOM IIOUSK. AM , convenience * ; InrRo Krotind.i and need htahte ; III Kuail locntlon nnd en y of nccem. Kent to tirnl clnrs ti'nnnt will bu reasonable. Apply Omalm Loan A Trust Co. . tilth and Doiml'is t 8i > S -Vou ui'.s'T.rnv7r Nit'K HOUSKS N KA u llansrom iinrk. all inoilorn convenlunci's. lllcki. 3UJ N. Y. l.iro Uliln. : i'tl 0 D-TKN UIWM. iiutric. UAH. WATK.I. nace , Ifiundry. not basempnt plan , o st front. Keys adJolnlnicMJl Cnpllol nn-nui' . M.HIU9' ) -aii : 11. i : . coi.n co , MCCAOUK HI.DO 0-roil IIKNT , HOOD 8-llOOM IIOI'HK NKAH ICountro I'lncoatdJUU per month. lm | lr of J. H. Holland , ISO , ; lluiluo M. Mf7l FOB. RENT FUBNISHED KOOM3. Untcn. lOe a line each Inwtlon. $ l.5 > a line per month Nolhlr.kit.ikm for latt than l' > e. If- KUllNI-illHl ) UOOMS WITil HI' I' AM 1C BAT Jror umtluiuvn only. IJI'J lloirunl st. , ' 'nil lloor. VU7 IT'-hUll.NISIlKn&t'.NKlJHNlSllKI ' ) . 1U17 I'Al' . AVI1. Jj ] _ Mmaiay 'I ? MCKI.V PUIIMSI1KI ) KHONT UOO.M WITH IJ USD of piano. Centrnlty luoatcd. AiMn-n K M ) . Ho si MDIT 8 FCIIM ) < IIHII ItfWMOKNTLKMKN Ij onlr. SOU ) IMvunportBtroel - ! fUltNISllKl ) HOO.M , HIM DODliK. Jr-OM \ | 1 _ _ E-1'I.KAMAMT , Wl'.I.h KUItMSllKI ) IUJOM ; oonvenluncen. * KurtNiaiinn HIONT IIOOM , with or without boarU. Cnll ! I07 DoM M : I u E-.NirKI.vKUUXl-'ltKI ) AND UNKUllNISHKI ) rooms , liil : North ISth. MllMtl * aihvtTiwiancioijAi r.ns CAI-ITOI , avenue. MI371I * ri-7 roMI-'OUTAIIIiK AN I ) CONVUNIKNT I-Toom * f urnltihiMl In Chlrnao nt fair criiunili dur- ln the last IU cliys : of May , price very low. Ail- ilrosi ( } 4 , Onmhii lieu < I7 1-KCllMHIIKI ; ) AI.COVK FIIONT IIOOM. WITH 1 Jhuiinl. 7lo North 2Jth Mri'ut. MISI 8' _ ' ' FURNISHED'BOO'MS AND ItRten , lucn llni each ln < urtlon , { I &l a Una per month. Nothing taken for letn than 25c. l'-TllK DULAV. SOU A NI ) 21 1 tf. 1' 808 I -VOIINO WOMK.N' HDMi : . IINDHII C A UK Ob' J Womairn ( lirlstlan asjoclntlon. Ill So. 17th it 3U ! > l/ ' llOO.MS WITH UOAIll ) , 2IIU UOL'OI.AS ST. l1' M2UJ Mil * 1'TT TT T.AlllJK KAST I'HONT IIOOM WITH ALCOV K. I 2IQ a. a'ltl1 " 'rei't. > I317 l -KOI ! HK.NT. A 1'tjKASANT UOOll WI'IH I board. Imiulro ( ! . ' ! N. a th st. lji-NI''KI.Y ITIIMSIIKI ) FllONT UOO.M WITH Jbonrtl , ruan iml wlfu or two rooinuiatan. on Khermnn avo. ; nrlvato fiimlly ; references required. AililrofB vi Z , Hue. 419 7" FOR RENT-UWJFUKMI HaD BOOM3 Hntos , 14c n iTOnl ttrit lii'ortion. lo n wonl tliuro- nftor XothlhK tikon for less tahn l'5g _ 3 NICK UOOVSCHlSAl * 00.1 NOItTU ISTH ST. G M.1UIM7 * FOR RENT STORE S Unto10o line each lnortlon , fl.M n line per month. Notlilnn t > ikun torea \ thnn 2Jc. 1 block , BUltublo for niout market , liardwarn or clryKiniM 8ton ? liuiulroiVJii S. l.tth t _ * , * 1U r Poll 11HNT , TUB 4-STHIlY HIIIC1C HUlLDINd. ilia Kurnam nt. The bulldlnx tans u llruprooC ce ment bUM'inmit , romptuto utoam hoatlnff IlxturoH , wilier on all tliu Hours , KII , etc. Apply ut the ollico of The Uoe. tO T-l'Oll HUNT , ONK IIUICK STOltK AND 1 nicnl , I'ilS. llth t. : 1 store , 1103 Capitol nvenuo. one atory nml batioment brlolc Ktoro bullilltu , 415 South llth ntrei't ; Hat , 4lj riouth llth ntroet ; ouo btoro , 141(1 ( Cnpltol uvonuo. All In HrHt-class con * tlltlon , for rent on rtfuitonabio terms. Imiulroot A. J. 1'oiipleton , room 314 First Natlonnl llnnk bVlK. 311 MID _ r UPFlUKS.WlTHNKhlt 11LIVKIXHANS ACT. L 3'M ' M3 B'OIl HUNT , CHOICEST 8KCO.N1) Ff.OOll n.tlnets corner In Om.ilm , ( ilobo bulldlnrf , lllth nml llotlKQ. ( ilobs 1,111111 A Trust Co. .MI'MJ 1 ONTMIATKOTONKllK TUB HEST OllOUNI ) -l-lloorolUce on L'nruam Btreot. 9.JO pur month In cluding Hunt. Lent ami junltor. It. Mcllollnml & Co. , 17IW Kixrnam street. 124 7 AGEN TS WANTED. llntea , IHo a wonl llrst Insertion , lo a word tuero- nfter. Nothlnu taken for less than ioc. 1 AoitN-is , iiTiiiit : HIXDOovsA "Booil uonltlon eelllnu' our "Bread ( nko , V I'nrlni ; Knlvoa , ' ulao "CarvorV" No capltul needed , ( ioodi IlKht and attraetlvu. I'rolU I.V ) ) mr cjnt. ( . l.ulol b hear Co. . Kan a ' Ity , Mo. _ .M47I ) MIU' 1 WANTKII , AN AIJK.NT IN NKHKASKA TO * " H'tll n now and me < llum priced HoKtster. Address O. 1C. Anders , Denver. Colo. M2iH lj" ' 1 AUKNTH. SKI.I , OUH All VrillTlHINIl SCltHStll i' to mcrclmnta ; $ . ' 5.00 dally ; vlali stores only ; Stamp , samples. Arc company , ttnclnc. Wls.MitKXi' MitKXi' Vf ANTED TO RENT. llatcs. ! > ( n nerd tlr t Insortlon. lo n word tliora after. Nothlnu taken for le'i than -'xi. K 8 OH ll-UDOM IIOUsl : . MOURUN , ( iOOl ) LODA- tlon. I'Hinllyof 3 , grown. Address U o. II. , 305NewYorkUIo. 3S9- ! > _ _ _ K -3 UNFUUNIS1IKD UOOMS KOH Uail'I liousu keep Ing ; no children. AddresaQC lloe. STORAGE. Itatm , I Do a line unch Insertion , 11.50 a line per month. Nothlnt ; tnkon for loss than 25c. 1-sTOHAai M M -6 > TOUAJF. FOU HOL'SI'.llOLD ( ; OOIS | clean anj cheap rates. H. Wells , 1111 Farnam , \r-HKATINU ST.lVl'.H STOHKI ) DUH1XG SUM- -I'imer ; special storage for household goods. Tel. MR 1207 loujli . Omaha lovu Uop.ilr worits. M10I -STOVKSbToilKI ) AT H1SASONAIILH ll.VTEi at lliiuhca Stovu Hepatr Works , 0)7 S. Kith nt. 7''lm3l WANTED TO BUY. llntes , ISc a word first Insertion , to n word there after. Nothing taken for lc s thttii ' 5c. Koods , etc. . or will boll for owner In our tiuctloi nlui. U. Wflla. llll Karnnui. SI3 W A NT1I > 1 TO lll'Y. i Oil IU ACIIHS Ol trround adjolnlnKtliu 1'aplo crock , south of Cun lor street Addre ( ! > . llew. 451 FOU SALE FUKNITUBE. llntes , m a word tlrst Insertion , lo a word there- after. Nothing taken for levi order , part ; leavliu city ; ajj'.i ' spruce street , QUO block south of Luke Must bu nuld a unco. ,71 0-FOIt SALK. HOUSBHOLl ) Fl'llMTt'tlB. CAIl pets , bedding , stoves , eic. . top buKity and blntili InuufiB , treed as new. Very cheap. 1SIU K. lutl street. FOB SALE HOUSES WAGONS ETC Kates , I'te a word flrnt Innertlon. lo a word there after. Nothing taken fur IU > B than 'J0 . "p-FOIl SAI.B , MCB HAV CAllilIAIlU TKA5 i Hndcarrlaxu. 1 W. Tuler ! , IOJ 1'oarl H- , Com : ell Illutln. VU 1FOK WALK. HOOD FAMILY IIOUSK. 1'IIA eton currlaico and harness. HI ) cash , GoortB'l I'belps , poslolllce. Cuuucll lllutT.4. M3IT ( S | ) -FOIlhALK , HAY ( iHLIM.MJ , (1 ( THIS Sl'lllNU L neil bred , perfect driver , sound ; urleo , I.1XI.UI Amvs , 1MT Fitruiiiu. JI4V.I 7 1FOll SALK , FIUST-C1.AS3 IIOUSK AN surrey. Innulre HIJ Ilurnoy 11 39a.m. SII147- 1)FOU SAL15.UOOU I1U1ISU , ItUlid Y AND HAI - ness , ll-Si horse alouu ( Ti liVl North ISth s " 1)--fc\U SALK , ONK KXTlliN TOI' , FUL platforui sprlnit family carrlatiti for four peopli new lantNQvembui\ tot double harnuss , soil brns > oionuttiu : * , very handsonin. On outlnti ill natural wood tlulshcdi will uirry six or uUhl pec plo. All a eood ai now , Wlllbo sold at a burgali They may bu seen at Joe Wllhrow's stables , ilarne trdet , between uth and 14tb. tXir parttuulars , ac ply to ( leo , A Joslyn , 311 S. 12th st. 451 U FOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hate * IV o a woM ttrst Insartloa , lit a word tber after. Nothing laktn ( or Us * than ! ! Sc. -THK STA , \ UAUU CA 1'1'LK COM I'.UN Y OV'F'K bslod tiai at 13.0) per tou , on board Ccars i Ame > , Nub TbUprtcti uay t > withdrawn at ai lima JI4 -mtii'K FOII HALM citKApAT SITHAN Donas. 'M FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. - I.ADY WH-SIC HfdlMNDtdTItAVICLlNt } Q-A In Nebraska will Join him for thn dtitnnier and would Hie lo nail to ladle * * omolliln useful lo tliom nnd nruntablo to brrnolf. Addreit MM. Km- maBUnor , llroken Uow , .Neb- ICib * jIS.OO C\Slt UUYS A FIFTV-THUKK-INCH hltlh wheel rolumbla bicycle 111 uooil order. C. 1 > II. . IIOMIOiillnrneyal. 411 li' - KOlii FIln.M TIIK 1IK31 Q-roil brown leiihoriu KO lo IUU3 tfoulli TM ntreet : ( I.UU per settlni ; . .MC3S' - 1JALK. IMWKUFITI , FltK.VOIl FICI.I ) Q-FOIt iln 5 ; cost f.10.00 , for JIO.UU. Address pout box 3' . ' : , Cincinnati , O. MC'l U' f \-KOU SAI.K. IIOLLHlt To ! ' DKdIC. tlU.OII ; Vxcnsh rculster , ilS.W ; olllca chairs and carpi t. Address U V. Ileo. MIT ) < MISCELLANEOUS. llntcs , U < c a word Hrat Insertion , Ic n word there- nfter. Nothlnx taken for IU.M than Tic. - ' ' TllC.vr ! Wtt CAN FtMT nlsh you either a No 2 or AO. ft Uemlnvtcn type writer. In tlrnt rlaM condition on runtal. ( ilvom ncall. Wyrkotf. Seamans.V llenedlet , 1712 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb. 710 CLAIRVOYANTS. Hates , | it < * a nerd tlrst insertion , ie u word there after Nothtim taken for loin tlmn ' .Tie. MIIS. NANMK v. WAituriN. S reliable buslneis modlunii tlfth year at I I'.l N.H'ith C-MU.1. 1)11. M. LKIillA VR. PIKH'HKTKMS. DKA1I k' trance cliilrvutnnt and Ufo reader : telH your life from cradle to ( irave : can bu coiuulle I on all airalM of life : has thn celebrated LVvptlan hrna t plato to unlto the separated and eauno marrlattu with one you li > vo Come ono. come all. and bo convinced of her remarkable pur en. OKIce nnd resldeni'e IK s. llth t . hour * Ha. m. to U p in. Mrit ! : life chiirt utid photo of your future wlto or hU'hand ent tbrnuxh mall forSaDU : cliart alone. t..UU. All letter * containing 4 cents 111 flumps promptly aniwered 411 I'J' MAB3AGE , BATHS , ETC. Unto1" . lUc u line carh Insertion , f I. . ' U 11 line per month. Nothing taken for lens than : 'jc. 'I' VADAMK MI1TH. , 'i 8 S. 13TII. ' 'Ml ) KLOOli , 1 Iloomi ; Marline , vaporaluotoi , & , < iliihiir- lie nnd sea batlii. M3711) ' 'p-MMU. CAitsox , 1121 DOIILAS ; STIIKRT. it > 1 lloor , room 7. massage , alcohol , sulphur nnd sou tnths. MI7TI ! * PERSONAL. Uatcs , m.c n word tlrst Insertion. In r word there * nfter. Nothing taken for Ian tban ' - ' ' . U MA8.SAUKTIIKAT.MKNT. KI.KCTIUC-TllKU- mul hath * , wcalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs. rost,3ll > ' 4S.lJtliWllunell blk Wi U-HAVI1 YOU ANY MONKYI 1KSO , AND YOU want to put It out on the boat , tint mortun e se curity In Nebraska , In .vmn of $ .WJ to $ II > W. and 1/otHlx per cent Interest , come to im. There Is absolutely no risk. Never had anything bettor. Menus , V Hill. IIW farnam st. IUU.MI4 U-l ? CAU1NKT 1'IIOTOi. Alll'TO KINISH IN any stylo. tl.M , worth $4.00 , for a short tlmo , at Cowan's photo studio , ' . ' 121 Cumlnu street. 211 ! m-S3 -1'II.KS rPlt.MANKNTI.Y CtrilK.I ) . IIY A SIN- tle. palnlesi treatment. Dlnoawi of the rectum a specialty Dr. A. J. Cook , Urand llotol Annoi Council ItlulTs. Ml'.il 13 iwn.i , MHS MAiTih rowui.i. , wno FOU V. uierly lived on South ntroot , call or Bond her address to 117 South Klcronth street , lloom ' . ' . iomcthliiK to her ailvnntiiKe. M4011) ) ' ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. Ilatci lUc a line oauh Insortlon , ll.ft ) n line per notith. Nothing taken for less than -5C. ' and 'I'niBt company , abstractors , conveyancers. Itlea perfected an 1 KUtir.intced. Own thuouly umpleto absttact hooka In I > oulai ! county. He- loved to room .ilO New York l.lfo bulldln . M2TO MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Itntos , I0ca llnu each Insertion. II. M n line per month. Nothing taken for lass thfvn ' ilo. \\r-.ow 'iw1 ATi Ktn'r v _ pany , 17UlKariiiinistrrct. _ _ \\r-CI5NTKAL LOANi TllUhT CO. , 11KK HLDO > sai r-C. F. HAHHISON , 913 N. Y. LIKK. 2J1 \\r MOIITIJAK ! L' ANS LKSd THAN 7 I'KIl * T cent , tncludlnu all chanroi. ; liarloai W' . Italney. Oiu'iha Nat , bank bldit. 222 \\r-W.\NTKI ) AT O.NCK LOANS UN IMl'hOVHD i > Omaha property : low rates. Fidelity Trust company , I70i harnam nl. alii \\r-I.OANSON lltl'UOVKO AM ) UNM.Ml'llOVKD city pro pertyiU.l : land up wards , ' to r,1 per cent , rio delays. W. 1 arnam dmtti | & Co. , lithundllarney. OMAHA SAVIN'JS BANK MAKICS I.OANH W on rcnl o tate at lowest market rates. Loans made lu anmll or larKosumi for ahort or loiitf time. No commission la ebiirRed and the loans nro not Mild Intliooint , hut ean iilwuyt b-j found atlha : iank on the corner of lath and Douxla1 * ata. 'J''l -I AND 3 VKAU LOANS ON CITY AND KAU1I W ; aKCs. Heed A. dclby , 341 Hoard of Tra.lo. WV \V MONI5Y'10 LOAN O ( OMAHA A.NICl < US- ' ell lllulls oitatoand Nebraska nnd Iowa _ 'arma at from 54 to HHi p < ir cent Interent\v1th no ad- lltlonal charges for commissions or attorneys fees. iV. 11. Alelklp. lat Xnt'l bank bldg. Omali.i. 2.'i _ _ W MONKY TQ LOAN AT LOWKST UATKS. M The O. I" . Dnvls Co. , 15u" > rnrnniii strert. T.'i . . , : iI3 N. Y. Life , lends lit low rates for I'holPo necurlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city prj perty. -MONKY TO LOAN ON IMl'tWVF.l ) CITY W property , low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. 22U \r-MONKYTOLOANAT LOWIWT UATKS OX * r Improved aud unimproved real state , I to 5 , years. Fidelity TrmtCu. . 170Farnam. . iil'J ir-LOANy , G. Ci. WAL1.ACK , 3\1 \ 1IUOWX BMC. au ) \\r OMAlIAToAN Jt TIH'ST COMIM.NY , KITH ' ' and Douglas , loaim money on city nd farm property at lowest rates of Interest. 11 ' ANIl SKCO.N. . . ' M JHTiAOK LOANS ; low rates. Alex. Moore. Ol. llca bldg. MHO W WA.NTKOTO HUYbOMKA rilllCHNTNOTKS scoured by mortKaues on Omaha city or DOIIK- laa county property. Itecd , V Bclby , JiJ Chamber of Commerce. MHO Lf-J. W. SyUIIlK , MOVBDTO313 HUB 111.1)0. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Kates , 10o ft llm , each Insertion , $ ! . . " > : ) a line per month. Nothlnx tnkun for less than ' - > c. - - - - - - - - : OMAHA MOUTUACK LOAN CO. : F YOU WANT MO.NKY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FUltMl'UIlK AND PIANOS , HOUSES , WAdL'N1 * AND CAltHlnfJlCS , WAllBHOiSB ; IlKCRIl'lS , M IOIILI1 ANDI31 ! , Oil ANY OTHBK SKCUIUTY Wo will lend yon any amount from $10.01) to JI.OJO ON THK DAY YOU Aslv FOll IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amount you wish , nnd nt nny time , and each paymeut so umdo will reduce the coat of the loan. llemeuibar that vou have the use of both the property nnd the money , and pay for tt only u * lonxas you keep It , There will bo no expense or cltarKo kept out of the amount wanted , but you will recolvo the fall amount of tuo loan. Iloloro borrowing elsewhere call nnd sea ui , and you will Hud It Kruatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOKTOA41K LOAN CO. , 30ii SOUTH IliTH 8TIH5KT , tlrst lloor above the street. TIIK OLDKST , LAItllKST AND ONLY INCOIU'OH- ATKll LOAN COlll'ANY IN OMAHA. 235 1XJ YOU WANT MONKY1 X TIIK > IDKMTY LOAN GUAllANTKK CO. , IIOOM 4 , WITIINKLL BLOCK. 3iQVi yQUTH liTH , COIt.NKll I1AUNBY ST. , T O \ AWT \ ] OB BUALL DOLLAB8 VT. WK MAICK LOANS ON FUllNITUIin. , CAHHIAIJKS. WAIIKHOUSK KKCKH'TB Oil I'KU- HONAL ruoreiiTY OF ANY KIND / WILL /DO WKLL/ TO / / CALL / CMns ratar/ ro / OUIl ThillM.S WIU. MD.UT YOL'll Al'l'HOYAI. Yuu enu pay tliu money tiack nt any time a d Ir any amount you wish , and thus reduce the cost ol curry ln the loan In proportion to amount you pay H' YOU owou balance un your furniture or othui persoual property of any kind , wo will pay Itotf toi ion and carry It us lonji as you desire. YOU CAN I1AVK YOl/ll MONKY IN ONE HOfI FiiOU TIIK TIM K YOU MAIifS Al'I'LlCATION. No publicity or removal of propurtr , so that yoi get tbe use ot both uio.iey and property. nil V WILL" LOAN MONKY ON ANY KINll Ol' SB vciirlty : strictly confidential , A. K. lUrrls.roon I.Contlneulnl block. utc V-MONKY. 10. 00. UO DAYS. CUKAl * IIATK ! andvasjr payments , on furniture , pianos , llvi slock * etc. . Mlttout delay or publicity ; cash 01 hand. Hun Greun , room 8 , Uarktii block. V& \ -I'lUTCUAUU , 511NIUULAS UI.K.,18 i UODdi : A JM BUSINESS CHANCES. Hates , Ida a Una each Iniartlon. ILVl a Uuo pa nvqntlk Kululu taknn ( or las * lhaa HSo. \r-"A N Y"rii ; vsIICUN vtisiiVmV TO CHAN o i L his location stuiuld eorctuponcl with room III McCojuo bldg , OmaUa , U'.Wi BUSINESS .CHANCES. C'mitlllllVil 8A1.K , 110X811 , aiUCNANDOAII , IA. MIA * \ ' SfALOOV KOII SAI.Ku.CllEAl' . M. II. Dunn. Long rineB b. MW1 Mr , ' V-FOII SAM : . A sTtM-icrut' UKNKIIAI. MKII L chnndlvj of uboulfrt.OXllo I7.UJ ) , in n itood town In Nebrankn. Apply to KlliMtrlck-lvoch l > tj Good ! Co. . Umnhn Not ) . ' KM V KOII SALB. COOI ) NCWHl'Al'lill IIU INK'S L ami oiitllt. Viola Davlii'l.lncoln , Nob. 157 Jt' 1 < TII ) SAI.K Oil UXUIIANilK. TUB Vim.NI- nllur * nml leasouf thtr-llolel fclm.i. Aahlnml Noli. - . MJ'-'I M * Y-KOK SATS. IN A doifT ) To"\VN iT"NouTii I. Ncbrniku , n stock of k'oiurnl morclmmllsa. ron- slullnu of dry KOUI | . bouts nml shoes , olotlilin nmt urororliM. 1 will si'll the stock for caah , Imlt c.isli nml Innil or on tlniotn suit this purchaser If nwnr- llv Is ijuuil. ITlci' , fO.WJ. AilJri'j.i i : II , Uiuulm Dec. COtJ \ \ SNAP. HK.U/t'lI NKCKSillTATINO A J clmiiKC I olTur inurouory loio nml tlxturvs for Mill * , oldml ei-lnlillsheil storu on to. li.tli t. , Hrst clHBii triKlo. C. ! ' Sliatr , Alii Su. Ilitli nt , . dunlin.3W9 , /OOI ) HAIINKSa IIOINKiiS IN nllrotown. l.ou bet .No. ,1 , Harvard. Nob. 4 ,11 a * ' - - ( IHOCKIlV Wll SAI.K. UOO'l ' IlKASON > OU \ clllnit. Aildretillil. llco. 44111 * V-ClllAlt. I'll HIT AND Cl ) N V ' KCTR ) N K I IV. I ilolnif line business , $ M ) 0) cash. Ail.ln . ji ( i 10 , Ileooince. .M47 7 * V-KOIl HAI.K , O.NI.V HKPUni.ll'AV NKWS- -L paper In coutity neat town In eastern N'cbraska. A niip for llro newspaper man nlth it llttliM'iipltal ; cut ] bu secured nt a baruaiu If taken tieforu .luno 15. Address Ic3. . Ileo. 1I4T07- 1'OR EXCHANGE. ItateslUca linn eatli Insertion , SI .V ) n line per month. Nollilni ; token for Ie than 'l. < c. y 4so Acitns OK CI.UAII LAND IN ONK OK TUB /Client winter wheat dl trlcti In Kansa * to i > rhnniio for HI or ' 'u nrre tract near ( iinalm clly llmlls. Will pny cash illtfereni'jlf property Ijunod Addrct1 ! , iilvliiR prlcu utid lucntlun , n W L'oo. .Ui ' / A Cl.KAN STOl'K nv ( JUMCUAI. MDilJ. ; /J lll taku real ostntoand money , llox ' "JJ , 1'rank- fort. Ind. Z.'U y-ioo.uoo IIANDJIADK CIOAIIS KOII LAND AND "cash , Blvo particulars , llutil Kearney. Neb. 273 MV _ r/ I OWN 100 KAU.MS IN NKllllAbKA , KANSAS 'Jand Dakota. Will soil ohoap , or OTChanito for md e.horsi's and cattle. Add. lloi * Vl' ° rnukfort , Ind. -S1215 It. 1C. COLll CO. , McOAUUK HLDO. -l 353 Jl * Z Poll SAM ! Oil TIIADK KOIt IMl'ltOVKII I IB acres of land In Nebraska , a sploudtd buntness. Address F , llee , 3H Jl y KINK DOWN TOWN roHNKll , CAN TAKK ' partcash and part trade In clear retldenco lot or farm land. 1'rlcu flj.000.00. t. K. DarlliiK , Darker block , ; ! ' . " . ! 10 V WANTKI ) , TO K.\CI1AN(1K ( IMI'llOVKI ) I'ltOl'- i l orty In best residence portion of lleatrlce. Neb. , for Omalm property , unimproved. Addre. s O 6 , Hoc. 4(12 ( ( ! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE rPIIINK OK IT ! CKOIldIA AVK. I'UOrKlUT 1 and only fSIMI ) per foot , between Mnson an I I'a- cllle atri-ots. Vlrjjlnlii avo. only S70.0J per foot , and will tnke 11,000 ( M to f..0K.iXI ! ) property In Omaha as part payment This I * an opportunity seldom of letrod to got a line loc.Uton to * * u hou : H. Call peen and lot us ( .how this property. Kldellty Trust Co. . 1702 Karnuui ptreet MI7U Katos , loc n line each Insertion , St.59a. line per month. Nothing taken for leni than * . * > c. ro'l'.i , IIUJl'K It ! , MYKIIH. Ulill.\TlD : rT addition. 1'utman Criimor , ICtO1 ! Dodxo St. St.4Mina 4Mina * ltUtMSVK : HAVK Tlfri IIIUMKS1' LIST IN -I the I'nltod States. Wo Kuvo ouoiiKh to till every p.iKOof the ll o or Worlct. If yuti iraut an lown , or Nchnnka farm , como to hoadquarters. I'OKKS A 1II1I , I40J Karnam st. CJU.M1I I/OH SAI.K AT \ LOW KitViniH , ONK OfTllK liamlsomest houses near llanacoin park , ( 'alt for price. Hlck.i , 'AK , N. V l\la \ Itldv. " U l > 1'OU SAI.K , HOUSKAND UT I owner Is about to leave tliu city. Imiulro nt 430 North atitli St. , .M8J1 MM AUSTACTS Till ] Mini.VN fill A It ANTKK and Trust company , ahttrncters , conveynncera , Tltloi uarfccted iind uuar.mteed. dwii the only complete abstract honk * IU Douglas county. Ko- moved to room .111) ) New York i.lfo bulldlnir. M'-Tl AMM > 'MIi IlKSIDICNCU-i ON SIGHTLY lots : baruutns antl eonifortnblH homos ; also an other tint ) farm only 10 uilldet ) north , 14 ? acres , nil Improved , { O.OJOUO , K. K. Darluij ; , BOO niont , lliirkor block. MiUPI _ _ TTOll SALK LOT W ljf l''EI5r ( TO AI.I.KY ) I- only two block : from para I struat and car line. rrlcofit'JO.UO , U cash , balance In one , two and three years. Apply 101'J Kurnam etreot. S175J I AST FIIONT IOT ON SST1C NKAU DODdl' ! , MX -ISO feet , JI,7J'.OU. Address Ownor. O li. Unu. lltbl .10 * ATICIS IlKSIDHNCK I/T roll aAl.K NUAIl 3laT -l > nnd Mason , three blocks north of Ilanscom park , only $ .1,200. lllcks , 303 N. V. Life llldn. au ; 1000 ACHKHLANI ) IN NUIWAHKA , KAdT KUONT -1 billlfllurt lot. 2 blocks p.nt of Ilanscom I'nrk , ut Kreat aacrlUee. G. 11. 1'etorson , 1413 South Kith. M2 Jl 1'OU SAI.H , TKN ARUKd WITH COTTACJ K. i clota to city , splendid garden tract , only 14.500 , Illeka , 305 N. V. I.lfo Hldx. 3li3 li l. Olt SALK Oil UXCHANdH , ll'fl ACIIUS OF NICH JL level land , Just it miles from county seat town , In utliwepl'-'rn Nebraska , T3 ucras broke ; teruici , > .W when i < a > o Is miule , anil Jl.lll.K ) U years from , ifcV.i , with U per cent Interest ; must sell at once. Address I'd , Omaha lloe. Mll : 8 * AllAiUJAIN. NICK COHNKIt LOT , WITH FIVB- room cottaKe , 'ilnl nml Capitol avenue , only ono block west of Hlk'li school. If aold quick only f5,5X ( ) . T/ils Is the cheapest choice plcco of Inslilo resilience property lu Omahu. lllcks , 3Jj N. Y. Life bids. 3'.Ki-7 -IIOOM DWKI.LINd , KLLI. I.OI' , BAIl.Ni 431) jind lUrney streets , only (1.000.00. One-third cmb , balance time ! ' . K. DarlliiK , llnrkor block. MIS.l 10 * ITUW SAI.K , THOIlOlililll.r KQUtl'I'RD b'lOOK A farm of ll.iiPO acrei sltuatPd on Wojd river val ley , bent farming district In Nebraska. Can handle l.fiOll cattle. Itallroad throiiKh property. Land In creasing In value. 1'rleJ very roisonablo. Address Windsor , Kemp A Co. , 203 N. Y. I.lfo. Ins bid * ; . , Omaha. 4U-11 * pAMl'HLET ( SIVINO LOCATION. DKSCIlll'TION I and prices of land * In eastern and central Kan- sai now ready. A rare opportunity to secure an Improved fnrm with onlr small payment down. In many ea cs the rents will make the deferred pay- meuts. oud your nddress and that of friends to the Amoilcnn Land anil Immiuratlon Co. , No. 41f > New Yorlc I.lfn Hid ; ; . , Kansas City , Mo. Sprclal terms to nRonts. 4MB' 171NK , SKJIITLY COIINKIIIN V1CIN1T\ IOTH L and Howard. A blK barguln for II.OIM.OJ. F. K. Darllns , llarker bloi'X . Mls3 10 * LOST. Hates. lOc a line each Insertion. $1.5' ) u llco per m''utn. Nothlni ; taken for lesi than 35a. T OST-ON l.-TH. DllL'lJl.A.SnlJNDAY HVRNINO. IJfi'inulH water spaniel : return to I'JJ N. 15th nnd receive reward. 1.13 5 * TOST ITALIAN ( illKYHOUND. FAWN COLOK , property of May Colemau , on collar. Tag number 1547. Liberal reward If refirned to 117 N. t'tli street MI.IS " SHORTHAND AND TYPEWllITING Hates , 10i > a line each Insertion , (1.51 a Hue per month. Nothing taken for less than 3ic. KM UN CAN SOON acqulrca working knowlolgu of sliorttvin 1 anJ lypewrltlnient A. i' . Vuu SMit's scbjol of n'lorl- band. 51:1 : N. Y. Life Typewriters lo rent. M55 ] , PASTURES FOR HORSES. \\riIIAVK ICO ACUI5S 0V IILUK ( JIIAS3 I1 A3 ' lure forhorsos. Dimrd fence. Hprlim water , llarton .v 1'nelps. ( illtnore , Nob. , or A. W. I'holps A Son.-OTN. V Life Hid. . 2MM2S * PAWNBBOKEHS. Itates , Illc tt lluo oaoh liitnrtlon. II.0 s. line per lonth. Nothlui ; taken fo lais than 3-if , 7 SONNKNIIBIUi , IllAMdNI ) UliOKKU , l.'IOS > ' .Uouulus at. Loans mnnor on , etc. < Id nold and silver buiiiibt. Till. I&5S. ail DRESSMAKING. Kates , 14o a word llrst Inintton , le a word there- after. NothUig taken for lcfe.than Me. IS3 A. M. SHKKTd. llllUS.-l.MAKK1I , CONTInental - ] \r \ nental block , rooiu U. batlafaction guaranteed. - SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. BOYI.IW A 11 Mill , ll\UHlia : IN TVPKWlllTEns. All wakei bouu'lit. sold , eichanuod , rented. HIJ M. Y. Uta bld | { . Tel. U3. UNDERTAKERS AND EMB A.LMERS Hates , ICe a line each Insertion. ll.W ft Una pel month r > otblnn taken for less tban.Via. p W. UAKBIIfOl'.MEllLY \ WITH J.NO. < 7J A : V ' .cobs , deceased , latar with II. O. Maud , under taker and embatiner. 313 S. 16th st . tel. tiki ) . 311 SCALES ATKW A SECOND-HAND WCAl.KS. ALL KINDS 1 > Advlrosi Burden 4 Bollock Co..Lake St. , Chlcano m MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES , Hates , 10o a line each. Intartlon , ILiO a line pel month. Motulnir taken forivss than i > Tliia young Inily examines the young scholar. "Johnnie , where k Carlsbad F" " I'nrt of it in every drug store in the United States. " " How do yon make that out ? " "The Curlsluul Sprmlel Salts mid the Waters are. " " What have they done for you , that you know HO much about them ? ' "Why , they have cured papa of hid dyspepsia , mid in the place of it cros father they have given mo ti kind and loving parent , " Dvspcpsia will spoil the most angelic teiimeranifiit. TIM ) much bile inactivity of the liver will start it. Try the Carls bad Sprudel Baits or nso the imported Carlsbad Walprn. 'A standard , a uever- remedy. The penuinc Irivo the ' HiKimturu of " Eisner Sc M-MiilclsoirCo. , Solo Agents , Now York , " on every bottkv ' ' 'Many ' diseases .arise from one cause ! -blood impurity. Beecham's ( Tasteless ) Purify the blood and , ' thus , go to the root1 of many maladies. " ' 23 cents n box. Now nnd socntul It ind Drv.nmorov Kim hutting. ( . 'illKr.tiilii. Smiths , VIUM lire imnuls , MunstiiH. Write for nrlci" * in 1 < iv money. MI'.liKATIl STATIONICUV Oi 1-JOt I'lirniim stri'ot , Lai-'cst Tvncwittf Hrui in t'n ' Sih. ! "Iniproveraent tiia Ordar of ilia Age , " HAVEXYOU YOU YOUE.EXN © E.EXN THE NEW SMITH FRBMIBK TtPEWBITEBCHAlB ? If j'ou have not , call at tlio Smith Premier - mior Typewriter Co.'a ollico , or soua for circulars. ' As usual , wo have THE BEST. TheSmitii Premier Typewriter Co Cor. 17lh and Farnam Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. E , H. HAYHEW , Manager. BUREAU. SUES & CO.Solicitor : : . Bco Building. Omnlia. ( years Examiners IT. S. tMt onico. Ailvlcn fri f TRAVELERS CHEQUES OV TIIK AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. VISrrOKSTO \VOUUrBCOL-UMIHAN EXPOSITION will Iind Iliesa C'lieqnos espec ially convenient iind uvolil trio risk of unrry- me inonoy. I'liylnir. olHues on Fair Grounds nnd at 2iKothor ) places In Chicago. No Indon- tlllcutlou roiulrod. | DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Influonoa of the Recent Wall Street Tnllurca oil the Markets , BUSINESS NOT SERIOUSLY AFFECTED At Nrnrlf All I'lilnl tliu HiirUivnrit SIMKKII nnil HuilVi > iitlirr < Uri . ' : inio lor Coiiipliilnt rnlluro * lor llm I'aU WorU. YOHK , May f > . 1 { . O. Dun At Co.'s weekly review of trade siiya : Had business InVnll street been unsotud or unhealthy ho collapse of prices during the past week liKht have caused a panic. Nearly till stocks ell , but the industrial : * were tuiMl sorluutly epressed , and while the average decline In 11 stocks was about gu'O I per share for the reek , Cordage fell I'.l points , sugar 40 points nd Manhattan ( > points. Several failures ccurred without general disturbance and ho appointment of receivers for Cordage vas in some sense a relief. Other specula- Ive mantels are , on a whole , rather stronger ban a week ago. At nearly all points the backward season uul bad \\eathcr with slow collections give cause of complaint. At Plttshurg the Iron traho is still moro [ ( 'pressed , but business in glass Is fairly good. Trade at Cincinnati is quiet , but collec tions aie very slow and inonoy in active do imml. At Cleveland business is fair to < iulet. At Detroit the backward season causes a shrinkage of 1(1 ( to 15 per cent in orders. At Fort Wayne slow collections are ro- lorted and at Indianapolis money is eloso. Chicago reports shrinking tvaile , slow col- ections , money comparatively ll'lht , a de crease of 1 per cent , In eastward shipments , but increases in real estate and building. Trade improves at Milwaukee. At Minneapolis and St. L'aul trade is dull ind collections arc slow. At St. J-ouis business is active and collec- .lons nro heavy , lirain receipts are largo uul the export trade unusually heavy. Money is in healthy demand and country id vices are good. Kansas Ciiy reports bolter trade. Omiliu'rt ( iooil ; > lio\Yln . At Omaha groceries are very active and try goods are in fair demand. tit. Joseph reports a butter trade , but at "Almost as Palatable as Milk" This is a fact with regard to Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. The difference between the oil , in its plain state , is very apparent. In you detect no fish-oil taste. As it is a help to diges tion there is no after ejfc't except good effect. Keep in mind that Scott's Emulsion is the best promoter of ilesh and strength known to science. . rr"ri > il hy Heott f TinwrnTT. . Y. Alt dn-.cit'I' . Are those ignorant pratan-'lirs who without any qualiflsations , any ability , any oxperioncn , any skill , claim to possess the power to cura all the ills of ho hutnaa raca. Bat thslr want o worth soon becomes apparent to their would-bo dupes , and these conacienco- lossciiiacks are soon consignol to th9 oblivion they so richly merit. In stranja nai otrj-aj coatri3tvvit'a these miserable boasters is tha quiet , dignified yet courteous domoauor of hose noted loader. } of their profession Who , durhifj the past 27 years , hav abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the wornt forma of those delicate - icato sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHRONiG AND DISEASES , Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pngog , "Know Thysolf. " Consultation froo. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , Drs. Beiis & Soils , 119 s , 14th street , Cor. Donjjlns St' , OMAHA , WEB , ALL THE COMFORTS ncludes * the great temperance drink lti'iveaNewlifctothe01d yolks , Pleasure to the Parents , Health to the Children. Oooafor All-OooilAH the Time Suit Lake collections nre slow niul money close. At most southern points trade U Improv ing , thoimh nt Uotilsvlilc monpy Is rloso , unit at Nnshvlllo tlic llimndiit altmulon. Is qulot. At Llltlo Uoek colltvtlous nro slow jut Macon tr.vlo Is fjood niul at luum-lllo untl Columlm * sumowlmt Improved. At AiiKiiata business Is dull , but i-olloe- lions fair , ntul nt .S.ivminiih tr.iuu improve. * . t'siH'flnlt.v in naval stores. lluslnosa U Kiiliilm * at Now Oi-loatu , thoujjliiMi | pivsjircis arc luss favorable on lUToimt of tlio storms. The Iron tr.ulo shows no ImprovtMiirnt. Thrro Is prcssiiro to soil from the \VtMt , Southern No. 'J U sold at & < fo , at Itlrminir * ham ; anil Hoawmrr- has f.ilton tojl' ' . 1-Jat Pittsbtiif , ' . Hurls cut nitaln anil str-jfUirnl Iron Is slow. Sales of 15hUXX ( > | < oinuls of lauo copper to American consumers at 11 omits is reported. I'ln and le.ul are \vcalt and coal dull. In the boot and shoo tr.ulo there lias rarely been stifliilullmw. Keceit.ts of cattle ut the went are slightly larger than a year niro. Wool sales ut ios * ton , I'hllii'lt'lpliU and New York f-n-ibo year are t ! . . " > ( WuU ( pound i less than last j carte to date. The trade In woolens Is narrow and disappointing and hi cottons waltlnj , ' and uncertain. Spot-HintIvo Mur1 < rtn , Speculative markets h'ivo ' been nithcr strung : wheat bus ailvumvil 1 tent , corn 11 cents and pork 7Ii touts per barrel , \vitn scarcely any dUcoverabto reason , ih.uuii western re | > orts the eoiu'm f 11 , < 4M are unsntlsfaetory. Oil liasdmppel nearly 1) ) cents per barrel , but cotton Is unchaiiKcd , tliouijli the , vle hciii have been heavy. 1'rtces of rum- mndltlcsnvcrairrd 1-10 cents or 1 per eent lower than a week airo. and the -nilene.v H downward as iiKim'tary linieultiM iu.-iviso. Kxports from New Vork were vor.v snvill last week , and for the last lour wee Us h u-o been nbiint iM.WHUMO below thus , ' of ! tsl year , so that imports for the pas ; WCITJ probably tfll'.UOJ or moro cn\Uei ilum exports. Aiiiijiiu ; the failures of the week only one is reported of a r.utni ; above J''iU.lKU , enl > ono between ? ' . ' . " , ( ) ) ami < -.1iKi ) ( ) ) , ) ) two between JMO.OIK ) and tfT.MKM ) anil elcht between $ aulA ) and 10,000. and in all only llftoen of a rat Inn oxceeillnj ; $10,000 , out of1J m the L'uiled States and Canada. CLKAK1NC1 IIOUSi : .ST.VTKM LNT.S. Omnlm'4 CIeailiiK4 .Ymmiuttiil to ( ) v r ! 4lnuo.00 ( > n liny IJMViek. . Ni\v YOIIK , May 5. The following tnblo , compiled by Uradstreofc's , gives the clear ing house roturus for the week ending May 4 , IS1. ) ; ) , and thoporeontagcs of inore.iso or de vase , as with the or- respondlng week last year : ComeiUaii Goodwin and Ins oxoellont com pany Rive a matinee porrnrinnnco of "A ( JildPil Kool" ntali : ! ) this uftuninon at tlio lioyil. This Jovcnlns's pprrorniiinro will 1m thu last of this clover comedy scuu hero this season. "Tho I'luiiKcr" Is drawlns ; good houses to the Bijou daily and nightly. H uouti'uicd till and Including .Sunday. "Tho Fire Patrol , " which comes to the Farnam tomorrow and stay * four nights , is evidently n Kunuiiicly sensational drama of L'onsldiirablo merit. The comiiany present ing It is said to bo highly uanabli ; , inulu lni W.V. . lllttnor , an old-timo Omali.invho will reoolvo n warm wolcoiiio from his many friends horo. On Monday next seats for the great mu sical festival of May li > , 17 and la may 1)3 reserved - served by holders of subscription tli-kuts. This promises to ho the Kt'eatest musical OTt-nt in Omaha's history. o Stnrv il to Do.itli In midst of plenty. Unfortunate , unneces sary , yet wo hear of it often , infants ihrlvo physically arid mentally when properly led. The Ciail Uortlcn Eagle Urand Cundenfod Milk is undoubtedly the safest and best in fant food obtainable. Grocers and druggists. .May tir.t a Scluilurnlnp , Some ono among the nnmcrou.s graduntcs of the Omaha High school is going to meet with peed fortune next month. For some time Miss Kllzaboth K. 1'oppleton wlio is a member of the Vassal'collogo nlunina- asso ciation , lias had in mind the ilna of si-curing a scholarship in Vaa.sar college for Omaha to bo given to the pursons who Mould pass the most satisfactory examina tion It Is the intcrtlon to pass this scholarship around among the different educational in stitutions of the mldclo and west ern state , bestowing It upon each ono in turn for four years nt u time permitting the successful competitor to complete the course ut Vnssnr while on- eying the advantages ot the scholarship. The Omaha Migh school gets the tlrst four years of thu scholarship , and the examination will bo hold In Juno to determine - mine the successful candidate. Tno scholar ship provides for defraying the enttro ox- pnnso of boarding , tuition and books at Vas- sar. 'Ilio young lady who stands highest will capture just exactly thu equivalent ot fl.UOO in giUtlng this suhoUrsnlp. Mlsi 1'opploton has been the mainspring in thli cnterpriso , both in contributing money to- wnrd the fund iind in working up an lnterc l in the commendable tep auiuin ; others.