THE OMAHA DAILY MM SATURDAY , MAY G , 1803. I " COMMERCIAL ASD FINANCIAL Panio la Haw York Did Not Affect Chicago Speculation. GOOD SUPPORT GIVEN EVERYTHING Till * State nt Arr : lr \ I'nrtlr I "o Wrnther tor the C'n > pi ( Ilutli lit Homo mill Abroad. CniCAno , III. , Mny 6.-Nntwlihstnnillns the panicky rondlllon of ( he Nuw York stock mar- kutiivurylhlngotiVliniiRolicru had KIMM ! sup port. This Mtnto of nlTalrs was partly duo to bad wealhur fur thu crops lit homo and abroad. Wheat started from HO. toc lilRln-r nnd cloM'd about Tic hlRher for July and le for September , t'orn opened ; it from Wo to He advance , closlni ? from He to I'/iC over yester day. OalH were from ! c to ! io hlKher at tlio openlnt ; , and the close showed a net sain of from sie to ' ; . 1'ork and lard closed 6c higher and rlbs7'io higher. Wheat opened firm , though trading _ wa < fomewhat leslrlcted beraiiM'of the New York Htock cxi'liAUKu Hurry. In view of the very linceitaln feeling In New York the tone ml ht lo called strong. Thorn was pretty jsooil buy- In c , and some of the principals who were con nected with the May deal wiiu reported as buyers for fie July and September dellvurle- . While the llnanclal news from Now York was unfavoiable , operatots did not teem dlspos. d to sell much wheat on the sticiiRth of It and the ollc'rltitfs ' weio of a moderate character. Cables weio lilelicr , and the crop advices In thlsrountry cnntlnue unaforable , crealliiK a Mme hat bullish > -entlment. Tlicrn ere heavy colil ialn In the Dakolas nnd dry weather In Kansas , while the weather in I'.uiope WBH lepdi-ted as none too f.norable. The lot of 1,0110,000 hu. which the I'lldahys took from thr > crowd during the llrsl few mln utes was also atniiii ! lever tousslst prices up- ward. At llrst Hash the Wall stieet mail.ct niipeared lo be ready for a tecovery from the i'i ash of yesterday. On this the wheat market started about ' < < ' hither than last nliilit. When the wires a fen minutes later showed Ihe panic renewed with more severity than before and told of the failure of \.Whlto and other * there was a temporary setback. When tills occurred tin- good buying began otiitiirs ! anpeared to be chlng the market support , Mitchell bought heavily , I.ogan and oilier big commission houses were taking wheat nnil I'nikor and others , thought lobe artlng for fudahy , were free buyeisof July wln-at. The buying did not have the nppoaranco of being a support for sentlmi'iital ell'cct on the trade , but was based on natural and bullish In fluences. The market started for July at 75i c , touched 75 ! < c and 75 uc on the early trades nnil advanced stialght to 75S4C. Theie was a dip to 75ic ! before midday and a second rally to75\c later. September bold from 7"ae ! to 77 V. In coin another active day was witnessed with a good general trade , though prices kept within le range. Everything consideiod , the rorn maikel was the strongeston the floor. It Is safe losay that wln-ro the advance was le , tt might easily have been double that but for Iho panic in Wall street , which made every body cautious. The lecelpts were light at 133 cars. Thu withdrawals were liberal at nearly 1300.000 bu. The weather over the corn belt was favor able for plowing or seeding , fold rains pre vailed to prevent ! > cisi ! > napln growth where the seed Is In the ground. As a result of all this and bccau'-o of n remarkable shipping de mand , cash corn was strong and higher. The best prices of tlio day were made near the closo. July rose ti 44'tc and September to 40 jo , closing prices being at the point of the day's range , July 45Hc and September 4C'i c. Another active session was experienced by traders In oats , that market lullng stronger with the other cereals and closing at from'ir to le higher. At the opening , May was tillered rather freely but with few buyers , most of the ImsliiOHs then being In June and July , hater , the attention of the crowd WHS turned to May. Hog products were slightly higher early on lmpro\ ( i prices and active buying of llvohogs at the yards and some coei Ing by these who jold short yesterday. The olVerlngs were a little In excess of the wants of the crowd , how- iivwr , mill Iho market eased off some , only tu become llrmcraiialn on good buying orders und then the feeling was llrmer. Kor pork , tlio opening sales were Cc higher , the market Improving 17'ic on orders to buy nnd Mrong grain markets , and then declining to tlio opening price of the day anil closing Heady. Changes were made from May to September - tomber at 76c premium for the latter. Laid was rather dull. The market opened 5i ; bet ter and improved 7'/ic , then declined lOc , but reacted and closo.l Be above yesterdsy. Klbs were ( pilot , but strong. The opening was lOc higher , declined 5c , advanced l-ic ! , fell off 5c mid closed steady. Rstlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 235cars ; corn , 115 cars ; outs , IGOcars ; hogs , 0,000 head. The loading futures ranged us follow * : AIIT1C1.EH. OI'K.N. IIIUII. I.O\V. CLOSE. VES'V 72 ! ( 7S ! < mi. 73(3 ( H 77 43M 43 45 41 41' 41'H H 45H mi .11 307 , 3' 14 30 > i an 28 I ! ) 15 10 15 19 45 19 40 1975 ID 75 ID TO * * 10 ! > * > 10 CO 10 tS 1050 1U 75 10 S.2M 10 7o 10 70 10 0 ? 10 15 1005 10 10 10 Oil 10 10 10 1U 10 17't 10 U7i ! Cash ( juotatlons were as follows ; KMIUII 1'lrm , unchanecd. WIIRAT No. 2 sprlnji , 7'JiJc ; No. 3 spring , G9J4c ; No. a red. 7'J' c. CoilN-No. 'J , 43 ' ( S 4'-c : No. 3. cii 1i. 43cj No. il-yotlow , 45c ; No.3 yellow , 4 3c. OATn-Nti.,2 , SU'.c ' ; No.'whlto , No. W lV aio. llAil .V-No. 'J , 02c ; No. 4 , f. o. ! > . , 37a43c , I . . KKKII-NO. . 1 , ll.O'JJtl.lO. TlMonivSKi : ! ) 1'rlme , 13.95 ® 1.00. I'oim Mras. per bill. , Jl'J.37'i''iin.47i4 ! Inrd , per 100 Ibs. . HO.-tOftln.-IUii ; short rll sides iloosel , tlO.lOfolO.l'J'i ; dry saltei fchouldors ( boxed ) , i'J.97milO.OOj short cleai sides ( boxed' , 1 10.'J5 10.50. WliifiKV Distillers' llnlshed poods , per gn.1. f 1. 13. SuiiAiis PnchanKcdieutloaf.CciKranulatod 5.45c ; standard "A. " 5.3'Jc. The followliiK were the receipts and ship ments for Uday : On tlio Produce exchange today the buttei m.truut was llrmer ; creamery , ! 21i'JGi ( | > : dairy , 18 < ii5c. ! EpgSi higher ; strictly fresh , 14'i < iil5c Omiilm . The following prices tire for doll very at Mis sissippi river points : WIIKAT No. 2sprlng , C8c bid : No. 3 surlng fi7cbld ! No. 2 hard , ( He. bldj No. a hard , 08i Lid. Lid.It It re-No. 2. 54cbld. OATS No. 2 white , 32o bid ; No. 3 white 81c bid. COIIN--No. 2 cash or May , 30'Je bid ; No. C white. 40o bid ; No. 3 or better , cash or .May OOc bid ; No. 3 white , 3'J'ie ' bid. Nuw Vork Mnrkt-ti. NEAT YORK , May 5. l'unju--ltecelpts , 25- 651 pkgs.ports ; , 1,151) Will. . 1MI57 ! sack.s lilies , 24.HOO pkgs. ; market moro active Himer ; In Instances , fVSlOc higher. . fUi'y ' , 5LIVI' Qwlot , t-teady ; yullow western , 12.(15512 ( 76. tt'lir.AT Kecclpts , 125,500 bu. ; exports , 28 000 bu. ; sales. i.bUO.OOO bu. futures , 12SOOt bu , spot. Hpots llrmer , moder/telv aet'lvir No. 2 red , fn store and elevator , ll'tniac' nlloat Hli Hlic ; f. o. b. , 7H&7U-ic : No. l ! northern. H2le. Options were fairly active htrong and dClc ! higher at the clo.e , Inllu- diced by foreign buying , higher cables , unfav- ornblo crop reports , bolter Chicago und local coverings. CoilN-ltecelpts- tin , ) exports , IJO 2OC bu. : sales , 2,245,001) bu. futures , 2O.OOO bu spot , Spots stronger , but very dull ; No. 2 , 5U. U52o In elevator , fi2t ! < i.53c afloat. OplloiiM wo m H He higher on llalit recelpto , foreign Imylng iiiul shorts covering , closing strong. with speculation moro itclhn ; May , M'ic- Juno. &lic ; July , 52o ; August , 52 > 4c ; M'pH'iu. . OATS llecolpls , 54,000 bu. ; exports. 20 300 1m. : snlod. 205.000bii. futures , a5OOO bu.MHit. HiHitu dull ; whites higher. Options modoratYly nctlvo. llrmer : Slay , aUV" JUIK > , 30 > , ; .luly. np'tCtXo. avvhlto. 44c ; No. 2 Chicago. 3HHc No. 3 , 3.V.J No , 3. whltu , 42''fr43ii ' : mixed won- em. 37'i < if3yo ; white uesteru , 414t4Bc. HiDfcS Knsy , imlet WooirOulet , tlinij domestic fleece , 27O32o : pulled. 2VIC37o ( ; Texans , 17 21c. l.AunHotter demand , higher ; eiislern Bteam closed at (10.05 hltf ; kales 550 tierce * ft < 10.OfijelO.GO. Options , stiles. 200 tlerci-si May , J10.53 : July , 10.bO ; September. (1O.II5. I'oitK-Qulet , firmer ; tales , 600 bbls. : old nirhs , 20j now nii-fei , J20.60. I'ETHOLKUU-Tho market wns weak through- } Ut un a woUoraty buttuuu. 1'uauijlvimla oil , njnot xalai , nnno ; Juno opllnni , trvlcs , HO.OOO libU. ) opening 5'Jo. hlghrit & 0'o ' , lowrst fjJJ'ii' , nnd clo lng o acred nt Ci6c. Minn oil , iilct , tiotn-i 2040 bid , offered at 30c. Total tnlm. Hb.OOO bbU , JlltnTf.uLighter iwr'plM wi < ilerii dairy. 20 < B25ci western eronmi'rir , 2&5i3iic ; Klglti , 3l'c. I.'MGMKIjitlf t , heavy. l-.tuw - I Irnu-ri moro modvrnte rcRolpU ) wuitprn , fresh , lOfaltv. CoTTOMr.r.noiir-.I-'Irni , pooddenmnd ; cruilc , 45cbldi ynllow , 50c. fmiAH Haw , active , nrtnun fair refining. 3H ® 3 > 4CicentrlfugalB , DO lest , 4Uc ; nnlei early of 11,000 bi : s rpiitilfugalM , Oil lest , lit 4'jc. mid 00 bags molav s nugar , H ! ) test , at 3Hi : , and Liter n large line of centrifugals , Uil lest , at - I'iiwithout , particulars ; refined fairly active , firm. 1'lci lHON-3t8 dr. quiet ; American , Coi'l-Kit-Htciuly ; lake , 111. I.KAU-l-i : y ; ( lometllc , 13.07' $ . Tl.v-Cloii'd llrnii Straits , ! : 20.5oa20.60 aikcd ; plnti > , ijulot , stuauy. Spelter , easy : domestici.42'i ! Oiniihn 1'roiliii-ii .Murkct. Tim continued cold and wet weather was very unfii voluble for the fruit null green vege table business and trade In these lines could not be expected to bo active. There weio 444 ca-es of strawberries re ceived , which was less than was anticipated , but a great plenty consldeilng the quality. The must of thesloi'k was water soaked and sandy and had to ln > void at a very low price. Choice stool ; that would bear leshlpplng was veryscarco. Prices on btil tor continue about ttonily , but , thfie Is a weaker undercurrent lo the market and dealers are moro anxious toau.ll than they were a short time ago. While eggs are generally selling lo the retail trade at steady prices , tin- market Is not so strong as It might be. While every dealer de nies having sold go id sloiMt for less Ihan 13'C , ( hero are rtimor.suf the price being shaded a half cent. The ma i ket Is very slow on poult i y , and the best chlrlicnsar. ' not picked up very leadlly at HiiTho same kind of stock sold nol long ago at 12c. Uame Is also Inclined to dr.ig a little and Iho demand It limited. It Is getting tale for game , and the only reason that il has held on so lung Is that thu wealhor has hei-ii reel and favor able. Owing lo Ihe llrmliig up of the potato market at thu shipping points dealeis tire feeling llrmer and ale mil MI anxluiH to sell as they were unless they gi > l their price. Tin- hay unit Kill Is Hrmlng up as will bo noted from the niMlallonslven below , liny Iris riilrd low all the spring , much to tliu dis appointment of a gooil many doalcis who held fur belter prices. nitnw. A PPMM- Choice shipping stock , J3.7oS4.00 pur bbl. STKAwnnmiir.HArkansas , choice , J3.25 per 2l-t. | case. J.r.uo.NsChoice , J4.002I.25 ; fancy , J4.503 5. HO. HAXAXAS--1VI1 bunch , Including crates and packing. * 2.00if2.7o. I'l.NiiAi'l'l.Ks 1'er bbl. , 47.5039.00 ; per do * . , ? 2.oOjt,3.oo. On.\.Mis-l-'lorlda ! : , per box , J3.50 ; New castle , California seedlings , * 2.50 ; Newcastle , Mediterranean sweets , $2.50 : California moun tain oranges , $ -J.2.Yipj.r ; > i ) ; Washington navels , choice , J4 ; Washington navels , largo sl/.es , } 3 50&3.75 ; Klverslde seedlings , $2.75 ; Uotl- IniitU , J2.76 ; Ueillniuls 12B sUe , J2.25. I'KAS-I'er . , bu.-bo\J1.75. HlUSS Cholco navy , $ J.3Jil2. 15 ; common stock , M.U05&2.00. CAI.U-OIINIA CAIIIIAIIB I'orlb. , 3c. AI.AIIAM \ CAIIIIAIIII'er : i-rnto , J3.75H4.00. I-'I.OIIIDA CAHIiAdi : I'urciate , J3.00'ii3.50 CICI.MIIIIIS : ; : Chiilce , pordo/ . , * 1.2542.00. WAX HKA.VS- i , -liu. box , $3.50. STIIINU HUANS I'orbu. . box , f2.50. SPINACH I'er bid. , 12.511. Asi'Aii.Mius Homo grown , per doz. , SI. 25. I.irrrrt'K I'er do/ . , 35iJ,40c. * HAIIISIIKS I'erdoz. , 35d4Ov ; . I'AIISI.P.YPer do * . , 35Jt40c. TOP OxioxsI'er do20ii2" > c. I'orATonsOolorailo stock , $1.10 ; Wis consin bin-banks , b5i&95c ; western Nebraska. Hfia'J&c ; eastern Nebraska stock , 75Q,85c ; early Ohm seed , * 1.25. I'll : 1'iavrI'er 5U-lb. boxes , J1.50IJ1.75. Nuw HIITSIVrdiw. : : . httnclies , 75c. Niw : CAIlltOT.iI'er do/ , bunches , 75c. Niw : Truxii'I'er do/ , bunches , 75o. ToMATOKS-I-'lorlda , 0-basket crates , Syi'.vsn I'er bu. box , J2.25. ItKii.MfDA OMO.NS I'er bu. box. J2.50. Niw I'OTATOKS iSoullii'rii. per bbl. , $5.50 ; ler bu. box. ? 2 ; CiiUforiiln , per II ) . , 3H1J3 'ic. ' MUSIIUOIIMS I'er markul naskot , 11.50. CKi.Knv-Callfornla , per do . , ? 1.0OiJ1.25. WATIIH Cuuss IVr 24-qt. box , * 2.50. IIUTTIIII , KHII3 , (1A.MK , I'OUI/niY. HUTTBH 1'acklng stock , 153il7c ; fair togood country roll , l'JK2'Jc : choloo to fancy country , 23 25e. lines General markut , 13'ic. ' U.VMI ! Mixed ducks , SI. ; teal , $1.25ffil.50 ; jack snipes , Jl 25. I'ouijTiiy Cholco hens , lOc ; mixed coops , Oc : old roosters , 7Sc ; gceso anil ducks. lOttllc ; turkeys , 10iil2c ; pigeons , 11.50 per dolive. . HAV The markut'on goud upland hay , $7.00 < Q > 7.25 In car lots. VEAL Choice and small fat , 7 < & $ c ; largo and thin , St. l.onU MurUi-ls. ST. I"oui , Mo. , May r > . I'l.outt Stlffer ; patents , ji.3oTii.4G : : ; extra fancy , J3.05ii3.15 ; others unchanged. WIIKAT \ \ as very strong on crop and finan cial news : No. 'J red , cash , U7ic ! ; May , OHc ; July , K\Gt l\vcloslni ; , 71 & ( : ; August , 72 , , c ; t-eutomber , 7-1 ' ( c. COHN with wheat , gaining \f. \ ; No. 2 mixed , cash and May , 40c ; July , 4142c ; , closing at 41 4i41Kc. OATS Stiong and higher ; No. 2 cash , 32 ? c ; May , 33'je ; July , 20'ic ; August , 2ac. KYIS No trading. HAIII.UY No trading. l'i.A.\siii : > Lower at Jl.OO. Ci.ovini Unchanged. TIMOTHY Unchanged. KHAN Higher and linn at 52SJ for bulk , country points. llAV 1'lrm ; prime to choice , $12.003.00. Hirrrnu Choice scpuiatur , 25&20o ; choice dairy , 2l5t23c. Knus Steady at 12Jc. IJKAU-Weaker3.77'J ; asked ; speltersteady at if 1.30. COIIN MIAI. Steady at J1.95. WHISKY13. . PIIOVISIONS .Strong and higher ; pork , stund- nnl mess. J10.75 : lard , 1Hi.l2-t ; dry salt munis , loose slioufd < ! rs$9.b7ii ; lungs and ribs , { 10.15 ; shorts. 710.40 ; bacon , packed bhuul- ilers , tlo.37U : longs and ribs , $11.12'j ; shoit9 , jn.U7'ii7tll.OO ; hams , sugar cured , 13'dU-li ' * . Ul'.CEil'TS-l'lour , 5,000 bbls. ; whom , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 7 , OUO bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 mi. sjim'.MENTS-I'lour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , OO.OOU bu. ; oats , D.OOO bu. ; rye , 3,000 bu. K-inuas ( Ity .Marketn. KANSAS Ctrv , Mo. , May 5. WIIIIAT Active and strong ; No. 2 hard , U2i'li03c ; No. 2 red , 04li < iJU5c. UoKN-'JiJft'ie higher ; No. . 2 mixed , 3aitt 3f.iC ; No. 2 wlille , 3 c. OATS Strong and * ie higher ; No. 2 ml\ed , 2Uj 30c ; No. 2 white. 32to32'c. Kvu Klim ; No. 2 , 55o. I-'l.A.\ iii-Steady : : tit Jl.Ol'ill.02. HAY I'uclianged. Kims-Weak at 12c. Hi.'TTKii Ktisy ; creamery , 23&2Gc ; dairy , 1 bit 1 Uc. KKCKIITS Win-tit , 0,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , none. SIUPMUNTS Wheat , 2,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; oats none. dllng , 7 13-10c ; middling. 7 9-lGc ; low ndd- dllng.7Ucgoodorllnaryii ; 15-10c ; net receipts , ll'.W bales ; gross , Hiu b.iles ; exports to l''rance , 171 hllle.s ; sales , 2.JOO bales ; stock , 180,005 bales. Weekly : Heceipts , H.457 bales ; gross , l.ivi-rpjol Alarkvtj. I.iVKiiPOOi , May O.-WiiKAT-Klrin. demand moderate ; holders otfur sparingly ; No. 1 Cali fornia , ( is ' , diiti > s t'iil perci'iilul ; red western spring , Os 4'td < 0 > ( .1ii > ii per cental ; No. 1 rod western , spring. 0s 4'tiriil-i ' " > 'iil ; No. 2 led winter , 5s Hdu5s ) Hl't ( | . Itei-olpls of wheat for the pnst three day-t were 337.OOO centals ' Including IHO.OOO Amerlciiu. Coux-Sleady ; ilemand fair : mixed western , 4s 3'd per ci-inal. Kccelpts of American corn for the past three days , frj.hOO centals. I.AIIII I'rlmo we.stern , 5Uod percwt. Kniirinmtri 1'rolltH . NKW YiiiiK , MuyO.- The London special to the ' -.veiling I'ost says : Prevailing tlnanclnl Impression here Is lauiral.lo , because New York oxchair.'K Is lower. Thus S. V. Whllo and National lordago ! failures are disregarded Arbitrage house.i made Immi-ns'i piolll.s todav Six hunitreiland lifiy thousand puumNof gold went out to Auslialla and JJ1OO.OUU cumu In from MH.WAUKKE WIs. . , , May 5.-WiiEAT-rirm ; Jiuj , lu ' ( o : , M ) . 2 spring , H8c. COII.N Higher ; No. 3 , 43ic. ; OATS lllKlieri No. 2 whlto , 3Gitt37e ! : No. 3 white , 344td5c. llAlu.r.y Steady ; No 2 , 5o ; sample 40C3c. KYB Higher ; No 1 , 5bc. I'liovisioxs-Qiilet ; pork. July 110.50. Aini-rlriin - ' . Ui-frlgi'r.imr Heel. LONUCN. May 5. AMIMHUAN KKFIIHIUII. AUIU Hi EV-Koivqmirlors , 2s Cdft2s 10J ; hind. iiunrlcrti. 3-i Id < it4s 2d per 8 Ibs , bythecnr- - May 5 , AMEIIICAN lUriiidKii- ATOII HKBI Korcquartors , 4'd hlndiiuar- tern. Ovd per Ib. Live cuttle Milking the ollal , Od pur Ib. New Yurk Or ; ( Inoda .Market. NEW YOIIK , May B. The dry goods market wtuvery llav M rt'gurda UoiuunJ , there WAS onii'thlng doing along tl.c line and Job lots were nounnt for. In spite of Iho trouble * In financial circles thorn coiitltiuvH n good tone to dry goods nnd though some re * ducMlmiH nip expected In cotton It will not Indicate either nn overabundance or want of confidence , floods nkln to print cloths have. been practically reduced , but agents are not illppo'cd to tnnke nny numerous changes and buyers arc ready to lake thu good * . London Chandler' Storm. LOXDOM , May G.-Snmi Cuba centrifugal , 00 degrees las percwt , Cuba muscovado , fair refining , 10s. LiXMKini Oil19s per owl. SPKII.M Oiir-i50 per ton. - per ton. I'lSTiioiiBUu G' il per gallon. UIMI.X American , stralni-d. 37'id per cwt. Colteo .MurKcl. NEW YOIIK , May G. Options opened steady nnd iinchangun to 5 points up : closed quiet ami steady , unchangeii to 5 points down , sales , 10,500 bags , Including : May. * 14.3ivat4.45 ; June , f 14. 151114.25 ; July , $14,103,14.20 ; s.p. tember. J 14. 0571 14. 20 ; October , { 14.05 ; Do- comber. H4.OiKftl4.05. Spot , Hlo , dull , steiulyj No. 7 , J15.37'i ' ! ( l5.50. .Mliinniiolli : | U' Mnrknt. MiNNi.U'otiH , Minn. , Mny G. Trading was In July today ; close was highest point reached : cash wheat steady ; No. 1 northern G5m& OO c ; No. 2 northern G3'ic. Hecolits | , 2IM ! cars. Close : May. M'ic ; July , GS > ic. On track : No. 1 hard , Os'ic ; No. 1 northern , OO'ic ; No. 2 northern , 03tf04'4c. I'hlbulolphlit ( Ir.iln Market. I'liii.AUEi.i'iiiA , I'a. , May 5. WIIKAT Strong and higher ; No. 2 red , May , 7G 7G'c. Coiix-Optlons linn and higher ; May , 5ui ! . . OATH 1'lrm and prices advanced ; No. 2 white , > lay,41'va41'ic. ' _ C'liiL'Iniiittl .Murketn. CINCINNATI , O. , May G. WHEAT In fair ile mand ; No. 2re.d,07c. CHUN Sluing ; No. 2 mixed , 44c. OAIS Stron.'er ; No 2. mixed , 34Jo. ! WHISKY Quiet at II. 13. Tolo.lo ( iriini .Muruol. TOI.KPO , O. , May 5. WlinAT I'lrm nnd higher ; No. 2. cash and May , 72' ' c. Coux Dull , hlgheiNo. : . 2 , cash , 45c bid. O.iTS-Steady and dull ; No. 2 mixed , 32Jc. ! Hnltlin ) ! < ( Ir.iln Market. KAI.TIMOIIK , . .Mil. , May 5. WilKAT-Sttong ; No. 2 led , spot and May , 70c. Coiix-Sliong ; mlxeil , spot and May , 50c ; No , 2 , while western , 41c. \Vool .Market. I'ltit.AiiKl.lMllA , I'ii. , Mny 5. Quiet and nom inal , STOCKS AMI I1ONIIS. lUreptio ml Activity unit Inteiixe ICxclto inent Clnirnrtorlr.oil DrnlliiK * Vi-ntrrduy. NKW YOHK , May G. The day was one of ex ceptional activity and Intense excitement at the Slock exchange. Tlio great slump In prices during the last half hour of business yesterday and the further hre.ik tills morning , was ex plained by the failures of S. V. White , Ten-Is A. Klmbalt and W. L. 1'atton & Co. Large amounts of stocks were sold out for the ac count of these hoiisc-i and the avah.nchu of of ferings created a moro panicky condition of affairs than has been experienced since the time of the Ilarlng panic. According to those who passed through the lllnck 1'rldav troubles and all the llnanclal npneavals since then , there never lias been n time when the Slock exchange hoiisei weiu so completely demoralized , as was the case to day. Theslluitlon resolved Itself Into a mat ter of selling for practically any price obtain able. The enormous shrinkage shows plainly how acute the panic- had become. The droll In quotations over last night was equal lo from 1 to 24 points , and had tin- pressure to sell con tinued a short time longer , there Is Httledoubt that others would have been forced to the wall. As It was London turned up as a heavy buyer and according tocompetent authority took upwards of 100,01)0 ) share.s , and at the same llm" home Investors who have not put In appearance In Wall street for years back took round amounts of both the railroad and In dustrial stocks. The Inlying thus exhibited turned the tide , mt not until American Sugar had dropped 21 points , the preferred 17 , ( Jen- eral Klectrlc 22 , Cotton Oil M , Chicago Uas 434' , Kdlson Illiimlnallng G'i , Manhattan F.levatt-d Iti's , National Cordaire preferied 25 , National Lead 7 , preferred 7 , Omaha preferied G , Htib- 1)0r 0J4. Wheeling & Lake Krlo preferred ll'i and Illg 1'our b'i. The drop in other stocks was fiom 1 to 4 points. The activity lu the money market acceler ated the selling movement , but later funds became decidedly easier , the foreign e.x- cliauu'cs declined sharply thus removing the possibility of gold exports and llrms which had been reported In close quarters pulled through safely. AH this combined to create a much better feeling and tlio recovery was even moro rapid than Ihe previous decline. Ueneral Klectrlc sold up from 58 to 84 ; American Sugar from 02 to Ol' { , preferred from OH to 78' | , ; Consolidated tins from 112 to 119 > i ; Kdlson Illuminating from 110 tollG ; Lake Shore from 123 to 128 : Manhat tan fiom 115 to UIOi' ; National Cordage from 154 lo 22 , preferred from 45 to 57 ; National lead from 20 to 30 , preferred from 07 to 75 ; New Jersey Central from 104 4 to 109 ; United States Hubbcr from 3D to 4ti ! { . and Western Union from SOU to HGif. During tlio last half hour a few Industrials ran oil' sharply , but the general list held well and the market , closed steady In tone , with a more confident feeling than lias prevailed for several days past. In a number of Instances final quotations were above those of yesterday , more particularly In the railway list. The sales ( ooted up 771,777 shares. The I'ost savs of the Wall street situation : It was only natural that the climax of this ex citement and dcsplto the London buying even the standard railway shares should have broken violently. Thu bidding up of money rules to 40 per cent-though the rate within an hour fell again to 0 per cent-aggravated the situation. Not only did Manhattan Klevatod , whose fallen trader has long been the recog nised manipulator , collapse at the decline of the Industrials , but stocks such as the anthra- cileand granger specialties lost from 2 points upward. Hut the turn came very suddenly. Started by the persistent London buying and checked for a space by the announcement of another failure , the huge short Interest tinally began to cover on the most extensive scale. As confidence returned , such of Iho traders us were left unhurt joined in the buying for the rise. Investment purchases In heavy single blocks again supplied their part. In the last hour the belief In a icacllon spread , the movement en-w Into one of these stam pedes always familiar after n temporary panic , nnd In a few of Iho best known stocks prices rose far above yesterday's clo-dng prices. "Hull rumors" of the moit curious description took the place of the equally wild "I.ear stories" ol yesterday and the day before - fore , another Illiisiratlon , happier than that which preceded It , of Wall street's mercurial disposition. The following are the closing quotations of the loading stocks on the Now Vork Stock ex change today : The total sales of stocks today were 771.700 shim's , including : Atchlson , 31.HOO ; Hurling' ton & ( julncy , 33,400 ; Chesapeake . < c Ohio 10.10O ; Chicago lias , 3H.400 ; Cotton U | | . U.OOO ; Cleveland , Cincinnati. Chicago" , t Kt UiuU , 5.HOO : Delaware , I/ickawanim .t West ern , 17.C.OO ; Distilling. l.Olll ) ; Krlo. H.400 ; Ceneral Klectrlc , 24.IUIO ; I.iiulsvillo .V Navh- vllle , 5,700 ; Munhattan , 20.700 ; Missouri I'acltlc , H.400 ; National U > nd , 12,500 ; National Cordage , 31,700 ; Nuw Diglund. 0,300 ; North ern I'aclllc preferred , 7hOO ; Ueadlng , 40'JlKJ ; Hock Uland , 0.300 ; Kt. I'aul , 50.2OO ; St. I'aul & Omaha. 0,300 ; Sugar , 137,300 ; Union I'aclllc , 0,000 ; Wt'bturii Union , 3,400. St. I.ouU .Milling Oiliihltliiiin. ST. I.ouia , Mo. , May 5. The following are the closing n.liungiiuotutloiis Adanil It .HU < * .W ( Jrnnlto M..I 4.74 S2 American N Hopt ) J.fc ) fei.jg lllruotalllc. IA-U. . Ulliabulh. HOpOK. .H ) taikutl. Now York Monov .Uarket. NEW YOIIK. May 5. MONEY o.x ( Ui.iLoaned nt from 4 to 40 per cent ; lutt loan , U per cent ; cloned at 4 per cent , I'llIUGMKnOANTILE I'AVEIl G@J per C Ilt. BiJtULij < u Ea.cilA.MUB UnkOttkd , with actual bnslnrn In Imtikurk' blll nt t4,83it-l " 4 'or slxtr-dny blll < < ntu-HiHr-k'il4.HCU | for demnnd ( IDVKIINMK.NT llo.Nii * . stuiuly. Stiito bund * , xtcady. .iri The closing ( inotatlon-i oti bonil : Fumm'tal Notes. KANSAS ' CITV , Mo. , May 6. Clearings , } 2,000,717. . I'AHH , May 5. Three pur cunt rentes , 9Cf 7'jc. for the account. OMAHA , May 5-dearlnss , { 1,200,028 ; same day last week , 1089,340. Niw : YIIHK , May 5.-Clearlngs , tl55,805- 340 ; balances , ifG,7 < J2,003. llAl/NMoiin , Md. . May 5. - ClearliiKs , 12,272- 500 ; balances , } 304 , 177. Money , 0 pr : ) cunt. I'HII.ADCMMUA , 1'a. , May O.-Clearlnas , fll.000.7H8 ; balances , 11,831,414. Money , 4iQ5 percent. LONDON , May 5. Amount of bullion with drawn from the Hank of Knirlaiiil on balanco.s today 550,000. MuMi'itts , Tenn. , May O.-Now York ex change selling at $1.50 premium. ( Jlearlngs , J300.400 ! balances , $131,720. ST. Louis , Mo. , May 5.-',123ri44 ; balances , (341,448. Money otilet , OU8 per cent. Kxchange on Now York , 50c jireinlum. llosxON , Mass. , May 5. Clearings , $18- H5i,734 ; balances , n,700,000. Money , 0 per coin. K.-.chanso on Now York , 17 to 20o discount. Nuw Out.R\NS , Ia. , May n.-UlmrlnK , Jl , 050,000. Now York ovhangp , commercial , S1.50 per $1,0(10 ( premium ; bank , $1.50 pur $1,000 premium. Nuw YOIIK , May -5. [ Special Telegram to rilK IlKK.lrcliautfu : was quulcil as follows today : llhlcauo , HOC inemlum ; llostnn , 17 to 20c discount ; St. Lnnjs , 50c premium. I'llic.uio. 111. , Mny 5. Demand for money Isea.sler ; discount raw , G Tf/Tii nercunt. New York exchange , 800 iiremliim. Sterling i-\- change , dull and weak at $4.84's for sixty-day bills and4.89 for demand posted. C'luurinps , $10,700,120. _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA l.l\'U .sfOo'li .lIAKIvKTS. Cuttlo Trailo I'nstcndy nnil lr : Ksl"K "ORB Uriels nnil HlKlu-r. l-'uiiUY , May 5. So far this \veuk , cotnared ] ) with last , receipts show n falling otr of about 3,600 cattle , 2,000 liUH and 1,300 sheepj The light supply | f , cattle was rather a dis appointment to the. trade , but owing to the bearish tone to eastern a < lvlc"s-and the consequent quent lack of activity on the part of specula tive shippers- lightness of the receipts failed to have a stimulating effect on the trade. In fact , thu market was .slow , and on nil but the most desirable beef grades a shade easier. The panicky condition of thu money market has taken a good deal of tlio acprosslvo spirit out of dealers , both east and west , although this Is probably on y temporary. At any rate killers have been \crv conservative buyers for two or thrco days. Tim market loday was slow , thu very ordinary quality of the olforlncs undoubtedly being In a measure accountable for this. Itoth dressed beef men and bhlnpors were after the good heavy cattle , and 1,260 to 1,450-lb. beeves brought from $4.80 to $5.10. Kalr to good 1,050 to 1,250-lb. steers sold at from $4.40 to $4.75 , whllo Ilio ordinary run of half fat and underweight Mull' sold at from $4. 35 down to $3 60. The market was rather on the dull and dragging order throughout , but with no encouragement from the east hellers generally finally took their medicine and at the clmo practically every thing was out of llrst lianils. With cows It was somewhat dllTeront. There were not ever 15 loads on sale all told. In addition to tlio usual 4:0011 local demand buy ers wore on I ho ground with good orders from eastern butchers , and the olloriiig.s changed hands lu short order at prices strong to a dime higher than Thursday. Sales Included old cows at from $ 'J to $2.75 , with fair togood butchers' slock at from $3 to $3.75 , whllo as high as (4.35 was paid for some prime fat heifers , ( . 'alves were about steady , common Inriro to choicn veal stock selling at from $3 to $5.50. There was a good demand for all kinds of rough stock and prlco3 ruled llrni at from { 2.50 to$4.'J5 for common to choice bulls , oxen and stags. Nothing much was doing In the stocker and feeder line , but this on account of light supplies and tin indlll'erent country demand. Prices wow not quotably lower , In fact leally choice stock will sell about as high as over. Kepresontatlve sales : liiiiissKD 54 . 834 4 3& ' . j 1 . 000 2 m7 . 021 260 1 . 020 2 W ) . 4 . 1005 275 2 . 760 2 < Xa ) 2 . 1140 275 0 . 831 20(1- ( ; 1 . 730 275 1 . 1000 2 ilj * ' 2 . 1165 376 3 . 810 2 1Q _ 7 . 008 2 bO 4 . 082 2 16 ; 1 . 770 3 00 1 . 000 2 20 n 1 . 1090 300 1 . 1030 225 4 . 10S7 3 15 1 . 870 2 2311 . . . .1018 3 15 1 . 1040 225 0 . 700 320 1 . 800 225 1 . loao 330 1 . 710 225 7 . 1007 335 1 . 1020 225 1 . line 340 2 . 1075 225 4 . HoO 340 1 . 750 225 1 . uoo 360' ' 1 . 850 2 25 1 . l'jio ; 3 61) ) 1 . . . .1020 2 25 1 . uio 3 50 13 . 739 2 35 7. . . 001 3 6O 2 . 1035 250 6 . 1150 366 1 . 040 2 60 6 . HMO 3 OO 7 . 801 250 13 . . . .1088 3 05 § 8 ! : : : : : : 328 unireiis. 2 . 3'JO 200 2 . fiOO 3 BO 0 . 768 300 4 . JO27 385 3 . . . . 420 325 6 r * 632 300 7 . 450 3 30 0 . 870 4 00 3 . 5113 3 30 1 . H30 4 00 1 . 10CO 3 60 21 . 020 4 05 12 . 1025 360 20 . 651 405 1 . 1040 360 2 . . C45 415 HII.KKIIS AND SIMUMIEUS. Icovr and cult . 135 00 WlSTlH.N : CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. 77 .steers 1226 1440 lloiis-Tho line timrket wiisMitnowhat mixed , nnil rather In the nature of n stirpilso lo both buyers niul solleis. Kocelpts were not heavy mid tho'general ' < | imllty of the oirerlngs was about lli ' same as usuiil of late. There was a limited demand from either shippers or specu lators , and huyois all started In bidding prices steady'to ' a nickel lower than Thursday's weak close or $7.'JO anil i7.20 fur fair to gooil lion's of all weights. A fuw hogs sold that way , some light Muir selling as low us $7.121 * l'arablo reports from Chicago stiffened sollcr's back bones somewhat , and for tlm same reason buyers were anxious for the. hogs at stiongcr prices , and good to choice medium weight and lieavv hogs sold at f7.'J5 and t7.3O. The trade bccumo very brisk iiiul thecloie was strong lit tlio highest point of the day. ( everything wan out of Hist hands before 1Oo'clock , the bulk of Urn sales at from J7.20 to 17.30 as against * 7.20 lo7.2C > Thursday and * 7.40 lo J7.45 one week ago. Hcpre ontatlve sales 1'IGS AND IIOL'IIII. 1..400 460 1..300 GOO 1..500 4 50 Sunup Receipts were live double decks , nil westerns. The demand from all souiees was good , mid although eastern markets wereie- ported considerably limeron liberal supplies , there was \cry little appearance of weakness here and prices ruled as Him as e\er , some good westein wethers selling for ifTi.'JO. l-'nlr to goon natives , JI.50ilO.00 ; fail- to good westerns. W.OOUO.OO : common ind stocksla-ep. V2.GOit4.00 ; good tocholce4O to loo-Hi , lambs , { 5.001J.7.0U. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 137 western wethers 08 } 5 00 Krcclpts and Disposition of Stock. Oniclal rooulnts and disp.isl tlon of stoilt 111 shown by the book * of the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 o'clock p. in. , May 5 , 1893. IIEOKII'M. DISPOSITION. iign Livu Mork Miirkrt. , III. , May 0. iHp clul TrlcKram to THK IlKn.l Thoio was a weaker feollmj In the cattle market All Roods were In fair demand , but all showed a lock of Ilrmnrsu. Shippers nnd dressed beef llrms weie. buyers on n , bnsls of from $ -1.35 to JO. .25 for common llKht to heavy steers of extra nuallty and the canners and bntchors picked np cows and heifers at from tJto$4.50. It was a mis erably poor lot of cows that roiilil not be sold tit better than J2.50 , and sales of steers at less than J-4.HO were few. There was a con tinued fair Inquiry for Mockers and feeders at from $3 to1.75 , andJTexas cattle were bteady at from i'J.'J5 to $5.1. * . There was an abrnnt turn In the box market. At the close of business yesterday buyers would not bid more than $7.45 for anything In the shape of aoa \ , while today they did not hesitate to pay fiom $7. GO to $7.05 for the liet of the offerings and there was at least one sale at J7.70. The advance In common Ki-ades was not less marked , very few of the twenty odd thousHiid on sale sellln ; ; below $7.40. Shippers wanted some stock today , and It was the Increased demand from that quarter that started prices sl.yward. The close was llrm at from $7.15 1oJ7.4j for poor to prlmo Unlit and at from $7.'J5 to $7. Co for medium and heavy. This Is an advance on yo-itciday's prices of fiom 10c to l.V. The Hood of sheep and lambs Is unchecked. This week's supply Is only a little less than for the previous weelt and the total for the last two weeks Is several thousand head laiKer than for any previous two consecutlvo weelis. The pressure was im-ater than the market could withstand , prices falling back fiom 'JOc to 50c per 100 Ibs. I'oiisUIerlii ! ? the muKtulmle of the supply It must be admitted this Is a much less severe shrinkage than sellers had reason to expect. Of the last week's supply Te\as con tributed a lairo part of the better average quality than In any past year. They sold principally at from J4.05 to J.VJ5 , wltli fiom J3.50 to Jf'i.55 the extreme raiiKe. Na- thes and westerns sold mostly at from S5.35 to f5.75. Ihoiich then ) were a few trades found ill. J.r > . Lambs are olT to from ? 5.5o to J7/JO ac cording ; to iiuallty. The trade today was llfo- les- , and prices very weak. Hecelpts : Cuttlo , 8,000 head ; ciilves , i50 ! head : IIOK1 l.OOO head ! sheep , 0,000 head. The K\cnlnj { Journal ri'porti : C'ATTi.K-Hecelpts , 8,000 head ; shipments. i,000 head ; market opened slow , steady to lOc lower ; top prices , natives , J5. 50440.00 ; medium , M.00 6.30 ; others , $4.3Ojf.4.75 ; fed Tejtans. St.OO'a-1.40 ; native COT.-S , { 3. 10 ® 4.50. Ilois-Hocol ( | > t.s. 10,000 head ; shipments , 0,000 head : market lOc hlKher ; mixed anil packers , * 7.207.4O ; prlim- heavy and butcher noluhts i7.45it7.00iKht ; \ , J7.35a7.40 ; plKs , . i' Iteoelpts , 10,000 head ; shipments , 12,500 head ; marketdull , weak and Irregular ; I ) I ) . Kit AKZ , II. I ) . Hori3 Fr , . ( AS Ilo in a. I'rea. Vlcol'rjs Soar i I'roas HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital iruXW ; Omaha an 1 Sioux C/'lty. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. PlllVATK WlUEA Room 212 RnM Life Building OMAHA , HKI'EHKNOF.S : Iowa. tat Ilnnk , Kioiix C'lty ; Commercial National Uinuua. Special attention clven to.oulildo orders * Tojnn . clipped. f4.arKil&0 | others , clipped. t5.MXit6.76i wr-str-rn wethers In Hew , J5.00O 0.05 | Inmlm , I5.00t.7.25. ( Knntiift 1'lljl.ho Ntitrk Mnrkct. KA.ISAS riTMo. . , May ft. CATTI-H Ho- culpt , 6,300 hendi ftlilpmcnt * . l.lMKIheadi the market winililll ; steers weak to 1V ( lowers cows6 < 58lV ( lower ; rlinge steers , I3.25t l 25i shippers. t4.4tUl6.65 : native cows. f 1.7614 30s butchers' . t3.60 l4.40 : .mockers nnd feeders. t2.50t/.4.05 ; bulls and mlved , t'J.UOU4.05. MoonRecolpK 10.000 head ; thu market opened KV lower , gained lo n and closed itrniuti hulk of sales. f7.OOft7.1Ui packers , f7.Uftft7.UO ; heavy. tO.05tt7.irn mixed , 10.05 © 7.16 ; light , JO.OiKlt7.irii pigs , $0.60467.10. SIIEKI- - Receipts , 1.10O head : shipments , 1.800 head ; the market was dull and easy Muttons sold at (4.054(6.80. St. Inun IInMurk Murkrt. ST. Louis. Mo. . May -I'ATTI.K-Receipts 3.000 Head : shipment" . 2,000 bend ; market generally steadyfed : Te\an , J4.30 ; fair to good imtho steers , tl.OOjt5.10. lloos-Reeclpts , 4,200 head : shipments , 2,000 head : market 6i"MOc higher- heavy , 7.lOit7.IO ; mixed , t7.OOH7.30 : light. c7.00'C7.26. ( SilKKt'-Receipts , 11,000 head : shipments , 3,800 head , mostly through Texniis ; market shade lower : clipped natives , $5.15 ; clipped Ti'MHis , $4.85. New Ynrlt l.ltr Stnrk .Market. Nr.w YOIIK , May 6. HIKVIS : : Receipts ol beeves were 1,300. The trading was dull , rices steady. Poorest to best native steers sold at tJ.60-n6.OOj diessed beef steady at Hifc 0c for natl\e sides. Shipments today. 600 bcexes : tomoirow , 300 beeves and 0,100 quar ters of beef. Sinii' : : AND IMIIS I - Receipts of sheep and lambs , 3,300 head ; market quiet , dull , MOUTH 1'rleo Clirod nf ltlii < iiinitliiu. : 't'ho inunj cases of rheiiinatism cured by Clmmoerlaln's I'aln Halm ( luring the past few mouths have trlveu the people great cou- lldenco in Its curative iiroperties. and have shown that there Is one preparation that can bodcpendel upon for that painful nnil ag- Ki'urliiK disease. Honakcr Hros. , l.oniin , t ) . , say : "Mr. Moses Prlco of this place was troubled with rheumatism fcr a IOIIL time. Ch.imberlaiu's I'aln Halm has cured him. Ilo says that the Halm has no equal. ' ' 'rim ItnlldltiK Iteeitrd. HuildiiiK Inspector Thly has Just prepared his report showing thu operations of the de partment of building for the mouth of A pill. During tlicmtnth S31 permits were issued , rciirospntln ? nn outlay inbtiildlngorSlUT.-UK ) . Tlio record is a very good one , and com pares very favorably with the same month of former years. This brings tlio total build- ine operations since the 1st of January to $ 'W.,2.'C ) . In .lanuary forty-two permits were issued representing .f'.i-iiO ; , Feliruarv , forty- oijfht. representing Sli,4'JO ! ' , and March 140 , represent ing f I.IS.SM. TIII : IIAI.TY ; .MA INSTIll'MKNTS placed on lecord May D , 18U3 : WAiutAxrv iinr.iis. II II Jeffries and wife to Charles HetK w " , so 32 1U-11 J 3,000 Clll/ens Hunk of Council Hlull's to T ( i Turner , lot 13 , block 2 , Summit Place 0,000 John HHey and wife to Annie tlieen , lot 2 , block 5 , DenNe's add 1 Lena and Martin Quick to Patrick Heade. lot 7 , block 47O , ( Jrandvlew. . 100 Patrick Heade to l-'annle ( irmly , same 1,000 T W Harvey Lumber company to Omaha & Southwestern Hallway company , an Irregular tract In so corner government lot 2 , In 35-15- 13 , and part Milxllv lot 15 , In 35- 15-13 10,000 Missouri Valley Land company lo S 'Mcl'loneglmii.Iot 4 , In 27ami MV nw 35-10-0 030 John Little and wife to W O llarlholo- mi'W w 15 aeresof n-.v 110 35 15-12. . 1 W II Wright and wife lo K O Hello Isle , lots 5 and 12 , block 1 , llurllng- ton Place 1,200 A .1 Smith to John l-'ttiikhotiscr , lot 10 , block 10 , Hose Hill D5u Illni-lch Ileger and wife to Juane Dinner , 2 acios in nw corner of so U- 15-12 200 1' M Smith anil wife to CM Iliistead , n 25 feel lot 5 , block 3 , Klikwoodadil. 740 N II Anderson and wife to Jens P.-nil- M-II , s ! S lot 13 , block 4 , William llagedorn'sadd 1,000 W 1) ) Youlen and wife to I ) W .Morrow , lots 5 and 0 , block 4 , Lobeck's sub- dlv 200 QUIT CLAIM Diiin. ; W O llartholomew to Klk'ii l.lltlc , w 15acresof liw no 35-15-12 1 i > rKf. \ . K S Pundy , jr , ( master In chancery ) to Passumiisfe Savings bank , lot 3 , block 14 , Orchard Hill 2,045 1) II Mercer ( same ) fo National Life Insurance company , lot 0 , block 204'i. Omaha 27,033 G A Dennett ( sheriff ) to Peoples 1'lro Insurance company , lots U and 10 , block 0. lots 2 , 3 and 4 , block 7 , Me- Cormlck's'Jd add 2,300 Same to Peterborough Savings bank , lots 3 to H , blojk 8 , same 2,850 IM Sfurdovant ( special master ) to H W Morrow , lots 17 , 18 an.I 25 , block 4 , Junction View terrace 270 Totaliiniount of transfers 4 59,318 la n Fcientiflcally prepared Liniment and harmless ; every ingredient is of rccoRnizcd vahto nnd in constant use by the medical profession. It short ens Labor , Lessons Pain , Diminishes Danger to lifo of Mother and Child. Book To Mothers" mailed f rco , con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by eipresn , charges prepaid , on receipt of price , $1.60 per bottle. BHADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga. Bold l-y THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL ORIOHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS tlCTTEn. My iloctor says It acts coiuljon the itomarh. llTf r and kldlipvi. and Is a ] > lr.viant lasatlvr. This drink It mailc from hrrl . and la prepared for ux * us _ caslljas ten. It U .p cannot gri It , send jroiir aililr s s for a free stmpln. I.nnr'K Fnmllr SIrillclnr ninrpi Hie lumr cnrn ditr * Inonlrr tnbe lipnllhr this Is nccpsaa Addrcm OllATUH f. WOOUW Altl ) I K Ilov , N. TIE PICKET LINE : Of health should bo doublv guarded nt Ihltfl setisin. The nlr reeks with eb'iiy imi'stiit the weather M changeable and uiu'ert.iln , Theseeondit 0111 tire Terrible DANGER POINTS ] fur the Inn.s and pIpuH Ili-wiro of the col ill the conili , the. cheat p.ilu , the nOnmnr.iUon , I THE DEADLY PNEUMONIA , ] the rocked Inn , thu < lro.ide < I C'maumpMon , I'm on duty only the strongest gu rd , Iho oldest and most faltnf ill st.iudy , DR , SGHENGX'S PULMONIC SYRUP. llroak up your co'd at Stop your COII.Il. Drlvo oul that Inlliiiiiin ituiii in time. Defy that I'nuuiiionla. I'uro th it lonsiunp tlon. THE PUllMIG SYRUP acts quickest ami surosl uf alt remedies on the Innz8. The oldest and best approved etandaid for every lun troiiblo. Dr. Kctifnrk's //tirfic , ! ' 'firn'tn ii o i . /.MNU' , 4 > 'fi > iiwf/i / iiiul.five , miilril fi ) ilriiiis. ( ( Dr. J. H. .Sc/i-iici / it.Son , EXTRACT OF BEEF As a muUICHl coMiforl anil Mlmiiliint 'I'ho ' I Mi illcall'rorujBlon rccoiinnu.ub lilglilr tlie "so | Liebig COMPANY'S Extract In nlleinuiiof nvnkiivim nnililU'CKtlvoill orilor. I Try n rui wtien oiliuiisii > J nuil tea li w le I llL-slihiK H It. , ! ' , ! " It.UrS&J J * nIhoJur BE SURE AND GIT THE GENUINE. MADE A WELL MAN OV SfiDAPO TIIKGUKIT HINDOO REMEDY IHOri'CKS HIE ABOVE lir.Kt'I.TH III UO DAVH. fill-ill nil Nprvmis Plsi'i"c . FAlllKB Mrinnry Pareslii , Hlcrplemiifsf , U rakitrr-irii lie .mill luloklr but mroly ruion-s i.t t Mmlltr It. > M oryountr. r.fttillr rarrleil In Yfit pocktit 1'rlet tl.OO a t > AcKapc. Sii for Qifi.oovllh n wrtlli-n iciinr * hntfo toruro or money rffnffO. . llon't let nny au | > rliicluli-il ilruril't ( fll i i > u nn kt" > l ' / fmlltlttttn. In * ! i > t ur. ImvliiK IMI.M'O nonu cithiT H hu liivi nol Ifot it. we will ( "end It liy ninl ) upon rtcefpt of prick I'Aiiiplilrt In ppftlctl puvfldiio fit-c AtMriM llrli-iiliu Mrdlrul Co. , Ml I'lyinoutli 1'lnre. Ohlrnvn , III. SOLD by Kulm & Co. , Cor. 151)1 ) and Douglas Sl.v , ami 1. A. Tidier A : Co. , Cor. nth ami Douulai Sis. , OMAHA , rCUU. ; by I'aul fi. Schneider. t Droadway nnd 6 I'cntl St. , COI'NC ' IL 11LU1FS , IOWA , and other Loading Druggists , SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , Soutli Ojnabai not Cnltlo Ho and Sli ap mttrltet In the woiL Wood Brotliers , I.Ivo Stock Commlsilnn Marahnnti t'o'lth Cnmha Tclopliono 1157. JOHN l > . OADHMAV , I , , . . „ . , „ „ * WAi/riat u. WOOD , fManaor Market reports by mall nnd wlro cheerfully urnibhotl upon r.pplluutlon. AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. , COMI'A.NV. MMiiifictiirermif Tcnti , HOHSK CllVKHS. AwiiniK" , etc , TU.t and 111.1 Karn.iiii Siruui. 70ictli Mrui't. BAGS & TWINES | Tcniis Omaha Bag COMI'ANV. Importerii nnil innnufno- lur > 'r of Hour Backs , burlnpa. twlni > . BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Cos Slw2 Company. Hnlunoom and Olllcu 1IU7 IIO.MIII Ilo rl1't. 1-ndory llia-IIJI-llsi : llowiird Bt. Wo nro Iho OM.V MnmifuJlururi of lloutu un > t lioesln tlio * tal < ! f N'uurujkl. ' A Ki-ni-ritl lnvltutlon lifxtund.'d to nil to Inspect our new fuciory. Mlr .x l anl o J Iron cor- I.IMK Cliaril nnd noft nice , window emit. MID- conl. 8 Vur. ! . liiili u d I tn'li ' * nkTllithln. fir .lauti Mreol ' nnil itit : ) Ooitirn drum. DRY GOODS. M. ISmith I- : & Co. Kilpatrick-liocliDry liU ilia 111. Drr k-ou'le. nniluni. fur- Nutlnn * , KC'iitu' liiriilili nlxhln , ; gooJs tornur ing ijM'tHli * , cur lllh mill lllh und iloxnrd H * lliunoy sir. ot . FUHNITUHE. HARDWARE. Hector & Wilhclmy Lobcch & Linn , COMPANY. Dcnio H in hnnlwuro and Corner lOlli and Jucknon tut > hntiicn' l < . IN Htil I'oiiKltl ' * Htrt'dt HATS , ETC. IIION WORKS. W. A. L. Cibuon & Co Onulia Safe and Irou , \VlltllUHHlO \ViniK < lflU , CMK | , ntr.lW "nfO" miit < . lull work , I gliuivut. mlil n 1-th lion hiitu-r n id nro nt-i und Ilurnej Mrcctn. i-apo . Anilrern A Our * sett Mtli nnd Juckhon. LUMBER. John A , Wakcifcld , Clnrles H , Lcc , Iriiinit3il.American [ I'ort- ( ( d luiniJtr wood ] lurid cL'inunu Mllwun- IM'lH HI 111 PJT'J Utfll > 0" conu-nt n whtto lliiiu. LIQUORS. MILLINERY. PAPER. l OILS Carpen'.cr Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Cnrrr n full 'tuck of pr'.ntliirfl wrnpplnv nil ItufliiH-l mid iui > r < i-ttlPi | wntlru pupom , cjr I pnpori , vlo. I ollt axiuttrente etc. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Ilrancli & Co. Jas A. Hark & Co. ! I'roiliicn. frulli of nil llnll-T cliruii- i | r > lltry ) nnd gitlllP kliuli. oynlors. I . ! < i lili nrret STOVE REPAIRS | SASH , BOOKS. Omaha Slove Repair M , A. Dlsbrow & Co \VO1IKH hluTO ruialr | > MunufftCturcra of aaib.l anil wnter altaohnibnli duor > bllnil oufll for any kind of itovu niuulrtlngi Ilrancli Uc lilli auainuO.