1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEj-SATURDAY , MAY (5 ( , UNION PRINTERS PROTEST [ Nebraska Finns Alleged to Have Pooled on Btata Printing. I SCHEDULE OF BIDS OH SESSION LAWS 1 L'olliiftliin Snlit to HUTU Jlffii Hmortril To hjr IntcroMrit LUrllr * I'rlre * J . me < t Not IlcKsirUnil ill at Alt LIWM.T. Neb , May 5 [ Special to the | Urn ] -BomcthlnK of a stir has been created over the manner In which the several Job printint ; houses of the state put In their bids for the pilntlng of thu session laws and liouso and sotnto Journals of the last legis lature The bids on the session laws were as fol lows Tor licet Printing company of Omahi lc'70 Om.Uiii Printing company ot Uinulii . . . 6 71 l-eHlniT Printing company of Omaha 6 no ft iti * Joiun.il I'ompany of Lincoln . . . . 0 O' ) North A. ( ii of Unrolii 0 25 Lincoln l'i luting i oin | > my of Lincoln . . 0 05 Ilnntor Printingcomimny uf Lincoln 7 ( HI I'li'iiionl I rllinuo of I runout 7 (10 ( Jlub I'rlntliu company of Kearney ( . Oil Iiubraska Ni'wspipur I nlonof York G 35 In .iddlllon to thoalxjvo figures , North < ! t Co asked flu iddltlun.il , the Lincoln Print ing company W ) cen Is pet | nge , Iho Hub Printing eoimmn.v ( X ) rcnls per pige and Iho 1'cslncr Printing rnmp.uii f 1 " I'or page udilftlonal for printing the maximum rate law Accoidmg lo the face of the bids , the printing bo ird would be miuired to let thu contract fet printing the session laws to thi > Htnto Journal companj The bids for the house and senate Jourmls varied In a slm liar manner but thnconttnct would have tope po to tbo Nebraska Newspaper Union at York as the bid of that compiny was iniu'h below the bids of the other competitors Union rrlntrr * KMtrr a Protest. Todaj a coinmltteo icpresenllng Iho Lin coin Tipographlc.il union Hied with Auditor Moore , who Is n member of the state print ing board the following protest LIMOIN Ni'h , Mny D Po thn Honor itito St ito lloud of Pnblli Printing of the St.ito of Nebnuk.ie , tlmundurslKiicd I Itl/on-iol the ut Hi' of NHiiuska , hen by give neitleo tlmt wo will flli ; n protuit wltldn Iho days allowing tlmt there ) WHS collusion mil pooling In bidding orirnntim ts forM.iti printing and supplies on Wny3lH03 ov the various bidders , with tbo intention of defrauding ( lie state out of I HUmsof money , nnd wo irspiclfnlly nsk youi honor ihlt hody tn investigate ) said mils Hisp"ctfnlly submitted I , \V I.I tmilimiM > MSB OT1II H * John Mtlntosh , proprietor of another job ] ) i luting house in Llmolii. also tiled a written - ton protest with the niutltor , charging not only fraud unit collusion , but tluit all of the jirlccs lui.iul vvcie exorbitant The stnto printing boinl will investigate the matter , and it is not improbable that nil bids will boiojeeted The Testner pi luting companj has also telegraphed th-it it wishes to have a protest hoard. The boird w ill take the matter up tomoirow afternoon. District Court A number of the ciimlnils indicted for various offenses w ei o ni r.iigneel bofoi o Judge Btrodo this motr.ing ' 1 ho following pleaded not guilty I3d Pen in , burglary , Henry Miller , crlmo against nature , O Maitin , as sault and battcrv , county attorney cntctcd nolle ptoseiiul. Hello McGuigan , assault and battery , tiial sot for Monday ; John Gilbert robboij , Charles Slnhl , alias Smith , burg lary ; Joseph Mlddleswoith and Peter Han son , grand latceny , set for hearing May H C. W. Tracy , one of the hackmun nnestcd for roobliur a p issenger , was released on $ , .00 ball to appear for trial Maj 15. Judge Ktrodo > cslurdav afternoon finished up the hearing ot a * 10 000 damage suit In-ought by Ch.u les C ' ? ox against the Lin coin Street Uallwny company for damages caused by a liolley wire breaking and fall ing upon him This moinlng the Jury re turned a vordlct for plaintiff of J800 Charles 13 Finch asks Judgment for $2,500 against the Kock Isl-ind Ho owns piopeiti at Nineteenth and S stieetsand n\eis that the proximity of the tiack , with the at tcndant noises made by passing tiains , and the shutting up of P und Ii streets , have damaged his property to the amount named Susan L Hill , who lives at Nineteenth aud u streets , bi Ings a similar suit , fixing her , dntnago at $1,500. City In Drier. Contrary to expectation , the grand Jury made but cue picsentmcnt today. The indictment dictmont was against John Hussoy. alias O'Urien , the tramp vv ho shot nnd killed Tom Moore , a follow tramp , in a drunken fight eomowcoks since 'i he Jury adjourned at 1 o'clock until'J o'clock Monday afternoon. The ' -Joseph McGraw , stockman , " re ported In the Omaha papers to have been lobbed at the Travelers homo \VednesUai tilght , is believed to bo County Commissioner Joseph McGravv , vv ho left hero Tuesday for Omaha and has not been ho.ad of slnco' J. C McNomov , a prominent attoinoy , was uofoio Judge \Vntois this morning on the charge of using bad language to and ooforo a neighbor woman. Ho was discharged. 'Iho recent rains havrf caused Salt creek to change Its course toward the ditch slatted Bomo lime since for lhat put pose , thus Having the state sovcial thousiud dollars L'rriiiiint iNeus .Mild ? . FIIEVIONT , Neb , May 5 [ Special lo I'IIB HKK. ] D A Lumbard , assistant cashier of the Fhst National bank , has been dueled president of thol'pworth league. 11 L. Miirtling of Lincoln has leased Love's opara house for the ensuing year. J W Love and familv oxp"ct to go to lEuropo this summer , wheio his fnnillv will Kienuiln a few vears , while ho mil make a J.our of the foieigii lands f Low is Hi ncke whoicsiiles near Snyeler , { lost ihreochlldron hi diphtheria hist week Supoilnteiulent of thn Citv Sehools Dan Miller and tutu hot s , Miss Kolmo Claik and ChiIstlau Lonqulst , loft todaj for Columbus to attend a stnto meeting of the supciln- tendenls and piincliuls of schools to bo held there. Klllud by I.l.-litnliic. Sicn r. CITV , Neb , M i > n [ Special Tele- pram to liu BFK ] Captain A C McGonigle , n well-to-do ; fai mer Hv Ing south of this place , was terribly Injmed jesterday oveningelur- Ing n heavy thunder stoim Ho was stand Ing In his barn door when the lightning struck the stuu-tuio knoclving him senseless lie was e-.uiled to the housu In an un conscious condition and Is not expected to live His hired hand , Calvin I'letchor , was severely shocked , but has app irentli re. covered. The same stroke ) of llghlnlnu Jdlled n valuable team In the bain 'Hit heavj lain prevented iuo fiom following Cou Mm , Noli , Miv -Sprc-lal [ Tele- grain to the Urn | The Huto Association ol School Supoi IntendQiits and Ptlncipils met hero this ovonlncr About fiftj wore piesent , riinong then being Miller of Lincoln , Pitz jutricU of Omaha. Miller of rienumt , Noi ton of 1'orn and miny other distinguished teachers of the stato. Interesting subject' w ere discussed The exercises w ill continue Diulli lit lleutrico. HEATHIIT , Nub , May r > [ Special Toliv gram to TUB lice ] Charles Stoll , sr , o llrookljn , N Y picsldeut of the Heatilct Starch company and a brother of II. U Btoll , the well know n fancy stock breeder died verj suddrnl > today at the bonu of hi : eon , Chailea Stoll , Jr , of this city , from i etroke of pural sis The ivnulna will hi tuken to llrooklj n for lutct incut Hlilit't l.tltx thn I'oruiiMn. ' GH M > ISIAM > , Neb , May 5 [ Speed Telegram voTiiB HUB ) SK of the eiehi painters at thu Union Pacific shops walUei outttxlai , iiresented time checks ami iiui work. Tht-j didn't llko the foromin , bu the couiun | > dul. anil it informed them ti that effect , after wliloh they struck Tnoi places n ill bo tilleil by now men. VV mrj ut l.ifo. UTILU , Neb , May C 'Sped ' il Telegram t TUB HKB JlVe.l NVIinpKio , a faraier llvinj south west of Utlca , hung himself this morn log. No i.iuso was assi nul for the act. Now ( Irnnil lnlm.il Hntcr ] > rla IsiJiND , Neb , May 5. [ SpcciJ Telegram to I'IIB UXB.J Artlcloa of incoi noration of thu Oranil Inlnnil llnpM Transit , Light nnd Power company were filed today. Ths Iticornoraturs nro Charles G Ityan. A. 8. Vest , L. t Stnllov and \V II. 'Ihomp- son of tlhstlty And Moses L. Stem , G It. Furr ati'l Klmer Summers of Denver. The property of the old company will all bo trans ferred and the nowcompany expects to begin survej Inn for ten miles of track tomorrow It will begin the work of putting in the plectrk * motor svstem nt once nnd expects to have thn natno completed In ninety dajs Capital of tnc company Is tttO.OUO. Dlhe ptcsont boanl of directors 1 A. S Vest , R G. Htalley , Mo os L. Stern , Charles G. Kjaii and O. Furr. Ont Mnnlclpxt Mntt r . Out ) , Neb. , May 5. [ Scclal | to Tun BBB ] The city council met and organl/ed last evening. Miyor J II. Carson m. do the fol lowing appointments which were approved b > thn council. City attorney , 'Ihonms L TJ Hall ; clti mirshal. street ami wntPi * ommissioner , C Keller , water works engi neer , William Orei , rltv plumber , F Colley ; committees on Juiilciarv , finance , water works and streets nnd allovs were iilso appointed and a number of petitions for sidewalks , water seivice etc. , i-ecolvedand rofeneil. VVIIl tiiilurn Corn riiinllnt ; , Onn , Neb , May -.Special [ to Tun BEE ] The we ither for the past fortnight has > ccn very chilly and while farm work has iroirressiid r.ipldli the growth of the crons has been somewhat checked Uho warm mil copious rain of the past few da\swlll 'mlucii coin planting , for which the gtound s now ready , and m itenally advance crous. Sl'ECHT DIDN'T PAY. ill Anility to Olitiln it Contract Involves liliu In n f.iwrtittt. Judge Oilgcn listened to the evidence jes- ; erd.ty in acase in which Ud Williams sues Councilman Chris Specht to recover paj- ment for two suits of clothes that thu de- 'endant had ordered for William Canada and : ierb Loavltt It occurred at the time iv hen the letting of the contract for the ornice work on the new union leiKJt wis under consideration. t seems that Specht coveted that contract , find believing that Canada and Leavitt vvoro possessed of sufficient "pull" around Union I'aclfic headquarters to get it fet him if tliov really set their hearts on doing him u good turn , told them that if they would get it ho would m iku caih a , present of a suit of clothes Matters progrcsseil for a time , but the iivvaid of the inntr.ict was not forth- omlng Specht then appirentlj made up its mind th it the deslted work was not being doiio , because the pat tics were afi..id that the pro niso m ido by him would not bo fulfilled after the work was done , so he went to Williams and left an older for a ST > 0 suit for each of the Individtnls n.unuu Ho saw them soon afterward and told them to stop at Williams nn t leave their me isures This thoi did , and in duo time the < lollies weto dolivcred All this happened in September , IS'JO. and up to Mio present time the clothes have not boon paid for Iho interesting pirt of it is tint the con tract was never awarded to Spccht , nnd ho utterly refuses to p ty for the two suits that wcreordoied by him to grace the backs of these two Union Pacific attaches Ho seeks to avoid piymetit on the ground that ho cannot be held for the obligation unless 10 received something in loturn , and ho assorts that as ho leceived neither clothes , contract nor material assistance in the way of getting it ho cannot be held for the Jug- handled debt Trailed Time Cliutlca for llpur. The Jury in the case of Humfert against the Nebraska Savings and exchange bank returned a sealed vordictThursday night and it w as opened in court jesterday 'Jho ver- ilct was not a finding for cither of the parties , but was in the nature of specHl findings , on which thp court will render the .tccrco. This is the case where the bank . ollected the monci coming to n contractor from the city of South Omaha to satisfy a i claim hold bv the bink , leaving the work men who had taken the cDiitractot's time checks to hold the big. 'Iho plaintiff is a s iloon keeper , to w bom some of the men had sold their time checks , but the Issue w as ptaotloally botwecn the bank and the work men. men.When the case was submitted the Judge prep lied a number of questions to bo an- sweicd by the jury , and in answ er to those questions the Jurv submitted the following lindings Mr Gibbon , the president of the bank , talked with the nipn , but talked for himself and not as the president of the bank , ho induced the men to work to finish the gra'dlng of the street , although the bank did not icqucst it , and ho gave it as his opin ion that the men would bo piid , but the bank did not ptomiso to see that they were piid These points cover the controversies in the case , and in accordance with these special findings the coarl will prop.uo the decree. District Court No to * . The Jury in the case of the state against Bclma Arnold , charge t with receiving stolen ptopcrtj , returned a verdict of not guilty. Kfllo Saundeis , who was also niado a defend ant In the case , Is now having her trial in the criminal i-ourt. The Jury in thoieplovln case of Curtis & Sackntt against Gi illius ictui ned n verdict for the plaintiff , and fixed thd value of the horse at $ .10 , the other property at ? lf > l ) , and the damages sustained by the plaintiff by reason of the icpiuvin at 5 cents The Jury in the cabO of IJoscho against Wc'iinuller , which went out 'Ihursday re potted their inability to agree when brought in jcstcid.o moining , but thought It poa- sihlo that an agi foment might bo i cached , and after iccMving additional instructions n etc again taken to thojuii room for f miner deliberation ouieli'-i MUslon iry Convention. Moio than ordinary intetcst is felt in the meeting of the women's general missionary convention in this city next week It Is ten j ears since this branch of church w oik was taken up by the United Presbyterians Moteover , being Columbiin } eir a special olfort is being made for an liiteiestlng ses sion At the convention in Philadelphia , 1'a , n jcar ago it was suggested that a spe cial thank otTeiing bo m.ido this .vear and , if possible , raise at least $75,000 for missions It was estimated that if each member of the various local societies gave 1 cent each day this amount could readily bo raised Sin ill mite boxes weie prcptrod and all through the church the pennies have been accumu lating In fact , the binks of Pittsbuig , which Is the Mecca of United Prcsby- tetianism , hive been complaining of the scarcitj of pennies From reports now cou- ing in it would apt car that the icquiicd amount lias heoa raised A icpott of the actual amount will bo given at the meeting no\t Wcdnesdav ovenlngat the First chuich , Twcntj first aiul Ummet The United Presbtori ins hi.vo In the United Suites Oil ) congregations , with a membership of about 110,000 The contribu tions last jear weto SIihJ..M , an avciago of vl.I ! IS per member There aie bJO women's , missionary societies. The ' No 0 ' Wheeler i\s Wilson is the onh look stiuh mil bine made tli.it will maintain an oven ami p'lloct stitch at ditToi cut speeds Sold by ice ; W Lancaster A. li ) , OH S 10th street l.oj.il l.rjtim OMIrrrn. 'Iho Nebraska dlvlsionof the Loyal Legion held a mectin ; ; last Tuesday evening and elected the following officers for the voar Co mm uultT lleuten int , John B Furay , senloi vice commander , Major Charles W Pierce , junior vito comm ituler. Captain II C Palmar , irccorder , Major Horace Luddlng ton , registrar. Lieutenant Frank It Iir > ant treasurer , Captain Jamus S Frinco chancellor , Lieutenant J. F Kinslcr ; council Colonel T II Stanton , Lieutenant John II McClav , Lieutenant Joseph II Stlckel am Captain John Grant. Piles of people have piles , but OoWitt's wltchhazcl salve will euro them Mtirrlago . . The follow lug niarrl go licenses were Usuot by Counti Judgu Eller j estordaj . NIIIIIO and addroi-i ASP > l-'niH NoUon , Omaha . 2i I Kninu Johnson , Onuli t - ' ( tlliomns vv'lldlnj , Oiirnlm 4' I Mary X Mullor. Croiccnt Olty , la. . . . 2 : jbc'uardl ) Kuu-o , Omah i . 3 ! I Slury t'alhoilno Murv , Uniiih i . .1 Piles of pcoilo | nave jiites , but Do Witt' : Witch Hazel Sulru will cuiu tuem. 51 SATURDAY the BEST DAY of ALL 'GO00S Vx I At 8JO : ! n m. nnd until fifty At 8l0 : ! u. in. nnd until nil pieces nro sold , lille THIS STORE IS VITAL WITH INTENSITY are sold , p ) [ ] Classic Ginghams , Ladies' Jersey Vests The Response is Earnest. The Distribution of the Goods iFor 4c a yard Immense. 2 for 5c , Dross tmttorti only to n cus with the Current . Six only to n on-nonier. Try could tomer. It not be otherwise Offerings. aud match thotn ( or Ifio. A Vote with every 25 cent purchase for your favorite loader Saturday Our cnp03 nre nbout the sumo numbers ns in the Llghl IJrig.ido. SOAPS. 'Tlicln not to replr Tliolrs not tu ronson why " Tholr'a only to Cutlcura , \ obey the imperial Pours' comiunnd of our Scented , buyer mid coma In Apple bnivo batguln ur- Blossom , ISc rny to our counters Sweet for the attack that Violet , the prices will inv - Cam el in v i t o & a ' < u r d u y Itoquot. luornlncr. Sample line ot Blue Label CAPI'S on snlo Hattirdiiv tit about Vaseline , onc'lialf t h u i r actual value. Two Hottles for CAITS with but- terlly ton capo of ISc velvet , nctiiiillly worth 310.00 , Hxtra Ammonia 6c Bottle A lot of velveteen - veteon eipos lined with sillc , worth ut any sale iHL'.oO. Another Special Sal. * ,1 . ) , sale of that el- gant perfume , JACKI'.rslnaU 21c an oz. wool iniitcrinl , lat est styles. Try mill mulch them for To close our $7.60. Chilfon Lace , only , CHILI ) RKN'S lOc yard. KlilU'KK JACK- IJTS in .ill colors ; Winlsor Ties , our price lias been 40.00 they ; go all new styles , 21c. $3,50 $ , AtStfOa. in. and until ono/ % . . At 8:30 : a. ra. and until closed is sold , ed out , lot of case v * Dress Trimmings BUY EARLY Childrens Stockings double solo , flint black , a AND OFTEN 2 pair lor 5c have boon selling up Try and match them for 1C ! to 50 cents. cents < 0' Corner Sixteenth and Farnam Streets , DISCUSSED FIVE-CENT FARES Oommittees from Omaha and Oouiicil Bluffs Consider the Situation , NO DEFINITE PLAN WAS EVOLVED Council Hinds I'onplo Want Om.ilm toTaUe the InltliiUvo nnil Close Thitlr Street * to the llrldjo Conipaujr. Yesterday afternoon a mooting in the in terests of the 5-cont faro across the bridge between this city and Council Bluffs was held In Mavor Hemis' olllcc. There were piesent Miyor Lawrence , City Attorney Ha/leton , Aldermen Jcnnlmrs , Smith and White , and 'ihomas Hvans , Leonard Uvoi- ctt. Spencer Smith nnd Messis Siunders andM cCaboof Council Hluffs , with la or Bemis , City Altainoi Council and Councilmen - men Howi'll , Wheeler , Saunders , Jjcobson and McLeario of this city Uciond a pietty thorough discussion of the matter nothing was accomplished The Council Hluffs tepieseiitatlves Ind in Iho discussion and did mo.it of tbo talking in the interest of the reduced faio Mayor Ucmis presided at the meeting 'the discus sion was started by Mr Wheeler , who in iUircd | whether the question of a 5-ccnt faio had not cntcied into the late municipal election In Council Bluffs Major Lawrence lepllcd that it had , and ihat a vlctoii was won on that ground , as the people believed Ib it it was onl\ just to have a 6 cent faio , Mr McCabe of the citi/ens' coni'Htteo of 100 , said that the compiny had infused any concessions , and sot up the claim that It could not afford to make any reduc tion 'Iho people of Council Bluffs had of fered to furnish the company with a bond , indemnifying it from any damages or diminution of icceipts , providing a 0-cent fare was mido forworklngnien McCabe Ho.istH the Company. Mr McCabe said tint it was the right of the people to have tbo reduced fare , and that the company would suf fer no sst-s. 'Iho * 1,500,000 of stock of the company represents nothing more than fso.OOO , as it was watrred and had been Issued to the stockholders Upon thai amount of stock an annual divi dend of a per cent is declared Ho believed that u cheaper faio would incte.iso the te- cci > ts of the company and It would suitor no losses He said that the company had violated lated ovcr.v ngiccmeiit nnd understanding with the city , and was receiving an exoi bit int tariff Mr McCabe cited tbo fact that the courts bad decided th it a corporation should iccolvo compcnsi- Uon for ils services , and lliat such compon- s ition should bo dclermlncd by municipal authority in this instance Ho believed Omaha had mete potvor In this mattur , as no such compiny was known In Nebraska nnd had never been chartered or given a fran chise The company has no rights as a common carrier in Omaha and In his opinion the concerted action of both cities would result In securing what was right. Mr Howell said that the Council Bluffs company had no rights In Onniha and was using the tracks of the Oin.iha Strom Hail- way company under a lease , paying for the privilege f. > 00 per month Mr McCabe explained that one of his remedies was for the city of Omaha to stop the company from running Its cars into Omaha , thus compelling them to como no further than Iho center of the bridge. An other remedy is for the Council Bluffs authorities to icgulalo the fates , making it not to exceed 3 cents on Broadway , which would bring the passenger to the center of the bride Spencer Smith of Council Bluffs suggested that perhaps n It cent faro could bo madu on Douglas street from Fourteenth east to thu bridge , and thus avoid the semblance of special legislation , which Mr. Connell sug gested might bo BO held by the courts. Mr. McCabe thought that a street railway company was performing a function ot BOV- Fast Try nnd match the in for loc. Saturday at A crnuiil lot ot Gl-inuli dninaaka that nro ttctunlly worth 65u , Saturday at 7p | World's F iv i r dntuusk towel , 20t 10 , nnd worth I20c , Saturday at 10L Heavy blenched muslin , tegular Uc quality , Siturdiy at Host lOo crash,18 inches wide , for Saturday at gp | Just the mater ial , rjjjul ir 0)0 serges ana ca < li- mores , spring col ors , Saturday at WORLD'S I'AIIt .lust wh it you wint for thu 1'ilr , IN HI.ACIt ONI.Y. Wir- ranted witerproof Dust und rain oitnnot hurt them Ask tn sou this at o ir silk conntoi | _ batiiraiy ill of our dress icooai rutnnaiiti of thM saisoii lit u ro u 11y reduced prices Ituy the miss a. school druss. eminent nnd was liable to any rcsti lotions tfco municipal authoiitics might Impose when given the light to opeiato its lines In reply to Mr Council's query as to whether the icgulations by the utj would not be in terference witn intotstnte commetce , Mr McC'atx ) SIR ! ho thought not , as the streets were the property of the municipality , and the mimteipility was vested with the absolute light to siy to what use the sticets should bo put _ Mr Council said he entertained the same views of the matter and believed the munic ipality had complete contiol of its stioots. Want Oninlm tu Lend. Mr , McCabe said that regulating the fares of the com pan > by the Omaha authorities would simply bo uiestriction for a conces sion. The right could bo given the company to opci ate its tars in Omaha , under penalty of not charging any faies In the city , and then the Council Bluffs authoiitics , when he companv possesses a framhiso aud is not occupying the streets by suffciaiiLO as in Omaha , could Ux. the fine at s.o many cents Mr Ifowell submitted llgures showing ' .lies over budges in other puts of the country Spencer Smith replied that on the olo- vatcd load in New Yoik City , which was nacticallv a budiro eight miles In length , a 'aro of only r > cents is chaigcd He refjircd to Judge Hiewei's decision tint there shall ilwajs bo compensation alxivo the fixed chaigcs , which aio the operating expenses ot the loid , and the intcicst on the uonds Mr bmltb said that it was to the interest of joth titles to have closer connection , and when that had been dotcimincd it must then be ascent lini'd if a fi cent fare will not vvoik nnj haidshlp on the budge comp my lie called attention to the action of the lutlioilties ot Providence , U I , in grant- ng a franchise to an elettnc sticot i.iilwai companj , in ictutn for which the company l > ajs the city for the llrsttlvo jcais ,1 per cent of Its gross 10- coipts and for ovei\ car after live jearsfi l > er cent Mr Smith submitted llgures showing the expense's of conducting the Hiidgo Line i.iilwaj The daily expenses of tunning ten trains U > n hours ho estimated at $100 , and to meet this Mould onlj take sev enteen passungeis euh tiin at the fi cent faro Tlio receipts f i om the budge Draper in tolls from toot ptsiongers and vehicles is sufllclc'iit to paj the interest on thu bonds , taxes ard all other expenses Ho believed the 5 cent faro was equitable and just and would not rediuo the net income of the com pany Mr Smith cited iigmes showing that the avci ige cost of running a passpn- ucr train per mlle in thd district of which Nebraska and Iowa is n part is i'-i cents , and a height train IK ) cc-nts. Major lU-mis thought a largo number ot Omaha people would viait Coutu.il HlulTs it the fate was reduced and the company ' 3 re ceipts woul 1 not bo diminished. Major Lawicnco of CuuncilHluffs thought It would bo vastly bcnctkwl to bring the two citti's closer together i Mr Howell said the offtcors of the bridge company had expressed a desire to mcot with the committee ami discuss thn piopo- sltlon of a i educed \ ( MO Ho had en deavored to secure tli | ) attendance of Treasurer J H Millardipf the Hrulgo com panj , but It was impossible for him to ap pear The committees adjourned to moot I'hurs- daj afternoon at " : iVclock in Mayor Hcmis' ottlcu , and an iiiyJUtlon was oniercd extended to the onicorj. , xf the bridge com pany , to the subcommittee of flvu of the eitUens cominlttc'e ot 101) of Council lUutls , and to the committee of ftvo mimed by the Commeiclal club of this city to bo present. HI OLD , CHRONIC FA2MS SUCCUMB TO IT HITS THE SPOT AND CURES. iET A regular $12 > corset cover , trimmed with fine lace and embroidery. Saturday , 63c. Trimmed with fancy coloicd ombroldo- ly uaiubric io\vn , iti new shaped joke , V sha uo yoke ; front und back , they are wo-th * 1.50. Saturday $1.07. WE HAVE TAKEN ALL OUR $9.00 and $10.00 two piece Boy's ' Suits , wherei we have but 3 or 4i of a kind & puttliein on one table and for Satii i lurday m will give you your CQ01C3 Of any on this table for $5.00. Coma early and get first pick for .00 Another 500 CORSET SALE of fine corsets , in the lot are some ven tilating cornets. A lot of P. D. A lot of , T.B . A lot of II. S. fine corsets for Saturday $1.25. Charged with Having Performed a Crim inal Operation. HER HUSBAND IS THE COMPLAINANT. Victim or the Crime U'.is a llastlngn Young Woman , Wlu > I * AUii Uiulur Arrest Mri. Ulcbe'a runt L'lisiivory ltocr.nl. Mrs Pauline Riebo , vvboso homo Is 1134 North Twenty-fourth street , ana who ad vertises herself .is .v "practical nudvvifo and deutsche hob.immo , " is in the tolls of the law. An information has been dravui up charging her with attempting to commit an abortion upon the poison of Lena Chester of Hastings , Nub , who is now at the police stition Detectives Dempscy anil Hayes arrested Mil Hieboat4 15 o'clock vosteulay after- noou.it Eighteenth anilVinton stioots while she was on the reid to South Omaha Her tinnks vvcio Intel copied eitly jcsti-ulay inorniiif ; which vveroloulcit for a ti.iln to the Webster street depot anil t ikon at the sta tion last night A Hri ! teportorisited the house of many rooms on North T\\entj-fouith street at noon and was told that Iho midwife had left town on an carlv morning train Ho was further in Conned that the man who had caused all the trouble , ttc husband of Mrs. Klebe , "ought to bo shot " Iho prisoner , vvho Is a woman about 40 j eats of age , vvnen interviewed shortli after hei arrest , stated that she had practiced her prolVbslon In this city for the pist tlueo je.irs She s lid th > t she was married to I'1 Klobo , her husband nnd accuser , some tlvo jeirs ago at St Paul , Minn. Ho had never contributed much tow.ud maintaining the household and she was forced to support herself anil him She had been arrested in Milwaukee , WU A child had been found de id , and a charge of murdeiing it had been lodged against her bho was acquitted 1 his last i hargo , she claimed rad been in stigated by her husbind , beritiso she had thn atencd to Icavo him that morning. The girl had como to hur and lepresenti-d that she had taken cold No instruments nor medicines had buen used , and only such slmplo processes as are known to bo of- lectu.il in restoring the regular fum tional actions of the s\stem bad been resoitedto Mtb Hiobc says she gained her knowledge of midwifery in an institution atMllwauKee Miss Uhester had como to bur housu a vv eolc ago jesterday and lopresented herself as a uoinestlc She gav cno ov Idence of her LOII- dltion Not many iiuestious were asked , as the 440 fee for treatment was forthcoming and the pitlent seemed to bo well piovided with mono\ Mis Ktobo cbaiges her husband with moitgaging the household goods , after squandering the uionoy Klven him to pay thu rent for more than a > ear bho says they quarreled o\ei this , and that when she an nounced bur determination to quit htm , ho denounced her to the police Of Miss Chester little is known She belongs - longs in Hastings , where she was n nurse in the hospital She Is nbout ! ii5 years old , and chaigcs that a clerk is res | > onslblo for her condition Iist night thn i blof of police de nied a request to Interview her Tba police say she admits that Instruments were used on her with criminal intent Of the Rlcbes the police have Httlo Infer mation. Once It was thought a crime h id been committed at the house where they lived on Vinton street near Seventeenth , but no positive proof w as over obtained I' C Hieue , the husband , makes prott-ntion to in- lluonce among dermaii democrats , but the latter den > any knowledge of him Ituom for Many More. Mr A. S Campbell , steward of the Asylum for the Incurable Insane at Hast ings , Neb , Is In the city Mr Campbell Mon'i f.ut black Daisy hose , 2c ) , 5 pi > forl. Men's teel < so irfa Men's four- lii-tind : Mon's J hoiu , In leather colors to match jour shooa , worth .toe , uy , 25c. Men's u n- d o r w u n r , silky thrond bnlbrlfr gun , London 1m- porinl camels hnir nnd nat ural mixture. . . Vordletofulltho in o ii : Clionpost , neatest nnd pretti est half liiundorod coloiod ihirts.witli co'ilnrs nnd culta tittnchcd , wo over saw. At Morse's Saturday , lSc. ) Lndios' fine Halo hose , fust black , with bigh spliced heel and too , worth 60c , Saturday , 40c. s' imperial lisle combination auit8 , full rcL'tilar made thnt are woith$3.50 , Saturday. $2.50. Ladies' pure silk thread union suits , they cannot be tnntehed for less than $7.50 , y , $5. Saturday Chamois skin gloves that are worth much more , Saturday at ro gauntlet - lot gloves , all col ors. Try to match them for $1.00. Saturday at On the Hun Nos T nnd T. Saturday , 5o Nos , 0 mid U , Saturday , IOC Noi. 1(1 ( mill H. Saturday , I5o One lot of fancy and plaid French ribbons Unit are worth COo and 7oc , your choice Saturday at Special lot of luces in black , cream and ecru , in now nnd desirable widths and pat- torus. that nro worth much more , Saturday at 17p Special lot of white and colored embroideries ; they are worth as high as 20c ; Saturday at 7p sud to a I3KK reporter tb.it it was surpiisinfj to bim tb.it tbo comnilssionois of Douglas county did not send more of tboir incur.iblo insane to the state insti tution "I undeistand , " be s.iid , "that thine aio several itii-uiablcs in jour county hosplt.il , and it scorns to mo th it it would nen sensible tiling to send them to the institution vvbioh thost.ito lias piovided for th.it class of unfortunates Wo have room for nbout forty more patients , although the appropriation for tbo support of the asylum vv ill doubtless run short bpforo the end of tbo onsuinsr two years The Douglas county patients would have the s.iuio show for biipport as any of the rest , however , and I should think jour countv commissioners would send them to the asj lum " Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch H.uol Salvo will euro thorn. CASH II ? SIGHT. May Term of the federal Court Slay He Hi Id Alter All. There is now a prospect that .Tudgo Dundy will hold a May term of the federal - oral court after nil Ex-United States Marshal Slaughter lias como to the ics- cue of the fedei.il couit ofllclals In the matter of getting money for tbo term , and if the attorney general sect lit to .icccpt the pioposition wired to him \cstcrday by Distuct Allot noy H.iUcr Iho money for jmors fees will bo supplied As bofoio stated in Tim Hi K , oxMaishil hlaufcliter has in his possession sever il thousind dollirs of United St-itcs funds awaiting .i llnil sut- tlement with the 'lie isurj deputmcnt Mo bajs tKit when ho scoutcs a final settlement It will bo foii'idthat the money ho now holds will hardly squire the uciouin and ho is therefore unwilling to pay the money into the treasury and wait n v car or t\v > for the government to pay what It owes him Hut , seeing that the dunces of holding a Mav term aio doubtful on account of the Ku-lc of funds ex-Marsh il SI lughtor his agreed to turn over to Marshal White enough money to p iv the Jury expenses if tbo attornoi gen eral w ill so order. Shaking of the mattur Mr Slaugh ter slid "I am not willing to turn this monej olrer to the ticasury unless I am as * sureu that it will como b ick to tbo Nebraska district lo pay the oxpensesof thoM.iv term I am not goneious enough to doimto the mo of this money to the n-overnment , but to help the Nebraska bojs out of a nolo I will pay over enough money to dofiay the ex pense of the JUIN if the attoinoy genor.il will give bis consent r.nd so order it " Why Are they Wanted ? Because they never spoil nice desserts. Because the cakes , puddings , creams , etc. , are made to please the most refined taste. Because they are extracted by a new method , from the true fruit , so that each has its own natural and distinctive char acter. That is why , Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts , Lemon , Orange , Vanilla , etc. , are wanted. To the connoisseur the difference between them and the com mon Flavoring Extracts is so great that it cannot be ex pressed in words. A trial will prove their superioi excellence- Largo whltocrnn- Ito slot ) jar , with cover nnd ball , jou try nnd match them for 81.50. Saturday , 99c Four-pioco glass not , consisting of butter dish , spoon holder , cream and sugar bowl ; they are 35o goods , Saturday , 13c Largo nickel plated three-piece pudding sots , real value. Sl.GO , Situ relay , 99c Japanese Ilro set eons , Saturday , 19c Saturday special A five-piece eil- ver tea not , quad ruple plate , nicely engraved ; the reg ular { trice is $15 , Saturday , $0,80. .32 and Land 1 cent postage tamp ft r n 100 page COOK BOOK FSSEE. Prices a\y , Faro sumptuous Salcn every day. See vour dealer. Auk for prices Ttiko no olhor. _ MIITOH ROCfRS & SONS , AKta. , Omahn , or Pflajesticft fg. Co..St. Louis. or Sojt Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment- go right ahead and use hard water with and you'll never know the difference. The clothes will be just as white , clean and sweet-smelling , because the "White Russian" is specially adapted foi use ir. hard wter. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago Dusky Diamond TaTsoao. ' " * liKdSxi < OR KNEES Can be supported and rendered loss painful by using a SILK ELASTIC ANKLIU' orKNUECAr. Wrlto us for measurannent blank. Dealers In Physicians and Hos pital Supplier. 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb.