Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY HUE : sM'URDAY , MAY 0 , 181)3 ) ,
( Ulimcrty cnrrlcr to nny part of the cltj
llUnlnrMOnicc N < > -
-nfT riMinvrn .
TKI.E1'110J.F.H JNRlit | Editor
anxon , n/.vx/o.v.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston Store. Natchaug silks.
Mlltonbcrgcr Is the batter , M Broadway.
A case of scarlet fever was reported yes-
Itefday nt the residence of a man named
[ Kink , at IS'J Ninth avenue.
I riiero will bo a "chalk talk" at tlio Olrls'
llndustrlal school this afternoon at 'J o'clock
[ by A , A Hart Visitors are cordially In-
Major and Mrs. French of UIP Salvation
I army will speak at the Union Christian
| mission OP Bryant street tomorrow after-
I norm at 3 o clock , an I tomorrow evening nt8.
Regular meeting of tno Commercial I'll-
[ prims of Ainirtca to light. There will bo
I several candidates tor Initiation anil business
| of importance. A large attendance Is
I desired
John Stanley of Plttsburg , Pa. , and Miss
Agnes Ktoneof Kaston , 111. , were granted a
I license to wed yesterday , their ages being Hfi
I nnd 25 respectively. 'J'hey were married by
| Justice Vlen.
Judge iJeemcr lias sustained the motion
Jlled by Alderman Hathaway in the Third
ward nldcriniinic contest to require F. O.
I Gloason to lllo a bond for the payment of the
i costs In cise ho is defeated.
The $ . " > , iKK ) damage suit commenced by
.Jeorgo Hilsworth against his brother Wll-
llain. for luting off bis nose , Is tn be dis
missed , a stipulation to that effect having
been tiled in the district court yesterday.
Special communication of Bluff City lodge
No 71. Ancient l-'reo and Accepted Masons
this evening for work in the second degree.
All visiting inr-mhers in good standing are
Invited Hi order of the worshipful master.
Regular meeting of Ktchetah council No.
n , Degree of Poeahontas , this evening at
their teepee , corner of Broadway and Main
streets , at 1 o'clock A full attendance Is
desired , as business of importance is to be
Ma i ] ; T B. Mlllard died at 3:10 : yester
day morning at the family residence , 1UU
I'nlini street , aged 0 years , of cat.irrbal
fever Th < > funeral will take place this
aftcniiidii ati 'M o'clock and the remains
will uo interred In Walnut Hill cemetery.
Tlio members of the Ganymedebcel
clul ) who expect to attend the smoker and
nuisicalo to be given In their honor by the
Omaha Wheel club will meet at tlio corner
of Pearl street and Broadway this evening
nt 7iri o'clock to take t' ' > o motor for Omalm.
Leon Lo/ier , who Is In jail In Monona
count. ) waiting the action of the grand jury
on the charge of obtaining money under false
pretenses , will not have a trial until Septem
ber. In the meantime he Is sweating in jail ,
having been unable to Ibid any one to fur
nish a bond for his appearance.
The general committee on arrangements
for Decoration day has sent Invitations to
all the societies of the city to name a mem
ber to assist tn the selection of the speakers
and in malting tin- other arrangements for
the celebration. The committee will meet
next Monday evenlnir at the Grand Army
lull to talk over matters.
The jury in the case of L. Everett against
George Gates has been out ever since ! i
o'clock Thursday afternoon , and as yet lias
bhowii no sl ns of reaching a verdict. The
amount ol tlio original claim was only $54 ,
nail over ) day of the trial and every day
taken up by the Jury in deliberating adds
about tlio same amount to the cost bill.
The Ovldo Musin Concert company , which
comes hero next week , appeared before a
crowded house at Boyd's opera house ,
Omaha , Thursday evening , In connection
with the Apollo club concert , In a line pro
gram. All who enjoyed the music of the
famous violinist ami bis associates will be
glad of another opportunity to hear him.
A line bed of flowers is being laid out on
the park in front of the city building. Mar
shal Temploton is footing tlio bill and Park
Commissioner Casper Is overseeing the Job.
H will bo about ten feet across and will con
sist of various colored foliage plants. Tlio
corner stone was laid yesterday afternoon
with speeches by Deputy Marshal Anderson
and City Knglnecr Cook.
The entertainment given at the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church Thursday night
proved very ploasimr , and consisted mainly
of music and recitations. The receipts were
$ . ' ( , ' ] , so that after paying expenses a net sum
of 2SI will bo turned over to the Home of the
Friendless. Those who took part In the
entertainment were : Mrs. F. W. Lyon. Miss
Kva Barnard , Mrs. I. . . Lester , the Clover
Mandolin club nnd Mr. Arthur Smith ,
Plies of people nave but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Silvo : willcuro them.
A. II. 1'orico At Co. , 103 Pearl St. ,
Columbia uiul other high ( jrudo bicycles.
Mine. Ilolon Moi'i'ill , hairdroshing nnd
manicuring. Uoom 111Morriain block.
1'ji/ , . JM
Mr. and Mrs. Wood Allen , who were mar
ried in Lincoln last Wednesday , will reside
In Omaha.
' Dr. P. J. Montgomery returned yesterday
from the meeting of thu State Medical
society nt Dos Monies.
Mrs. Sam Whiting and son of Lincoln ,
Neb. , are In tlio city , visiting Mrs. Clint
Byers , Hill Fifth avenue.
Miss Ncttlo Wallace returned yesterday
from DCS Molnes after a visit of tvro months
with her sister , Mrs. Wynmn.
J. II Gray of Topeka. Kan. , is In the city ,
the guest of his relative , L. B. Cousins ,
wbomho has not seen before for twenty-llvo
T P. Vanatta , who lately moved hero
from Plnttsinouth , has formed a partnership
with Mr Sweut , the llrm name to bo Vanatta
& Sweet.
Principal Hugh A. Woodard and several of
his teachers , of Manilla la. , have been In the
city for the past week , on a tour of inspec
tion. Their own schools are closed on ac
count of an epidemic of diphtheria.
It is stated that Carl Snyder. formerly a
newspaper man of this city , is now in the
same line of business In Taconia , Wash , bin
expects to go to New York soon to engage in
another department of literary work.
Aldermen Vie Jennings , U. H. White and
P. Smith went to Omalm yesterday after
noon to confer with the committee appointed
by the Omaha council with reference to low
ering the motor faro. They were accon pa-
nled by Mayor Lawrence and City Attorney
Judge Decmcr went to Pony creek ycster
day to Investigate a ditch which has beci :
causing .1 farmer of that vicinity a peek ol
trouble , and which resulted in an Injunctloi
proceeding in the district court. It is btatci
that he took a gun along with him and wll
perforate a few jack snlpos before returning
Court will convene again this mon ing.
Pllos of pcoplo luvo pnoj. lut DVU& '
Witch irazoiS'ilvo will euro tho-n
Williamson ft Co. . lot ! Main street ,
largest and best bio.vclo st'ick ' in city.
For fii-st-chiss roomin Chicago fin
World's fair call on Ohio Knox.
Domestic soap best for hard water.
The County Wliti.
Judge McGco rendered a decision ycster
day In the case of C. H. White against Potta
wattamlo county. White , while serving a
deputy marshal , did n largo amount of worl
which came properly under the bead of thi
duties of constables , and sent In his bill fo
iho amount to tlio county supervisors , thi
claim amounting to ? io. The supervisor
refused to allow it on the ground that hi
was under pay by the city uml was not en
title * ! to any more pay from the county
Whlto sued for the amount. Judge McGe <
finds for the county.
Piles of pwnlo 'tve PUDS , out Do Witt'i
Witch Harel Salvo will euro them.
Coi-k - your meaU this Kumniuion a ga
range. At cost at the Gas company.
Stop at the Ogden , Council HlutTs , th <
lobt $2.00 house in Iowa.
Domestic Ecap. outlasts cheap soap.
H. Peterson Arrested on a Obargo of Crim
inal Libel i
J. M. Lnmckn li the Cnmplnlnittit A I'ecu-
llnr CRUIO fur Action The t'rtcts In
th * Can I'ctvntin All cd
to Ho
H. Peterson was arrested yesterday on
the charge of criminal libel on account of
an article that appeared In a local sheet that
usually comes out about daybreak. J. M.
Lnmcko was the complainant , and the sub
stance of the article was as follows :
Oil Pcti'i-soii claims ho was driiKRoil the other
dny while In tins i-inploy of J. M. Lamckc , tin
nwiiliijttinikur n ( tlil city , llr xiilcl he drunk-
siitw whisky which nitidu him cru/.y , and lie
wunt liimiu : ind heat his wlfuand children
slmmnfiitly. Dr. SnyuVr wascnlli'd In ID look
utter hltn. I.atiicUu claims thit : IVteiMm KOI
hold of thu uroni : Ju and drunk u pint of
turpentine. I'uu-raiin tluc.itcns to biiu for
I'etorson Is commonly supposed to bo some
what wanting in the upper story , and If ho
made the statements that were credited to
hltn his friends claim that ho would not beheld
hold rcsponsiolo. Tlior s 13 a story afloat to
the effect that Iho suit is the result of a de
sire on the part of Uunclto to get Peterson
out of the way for domestic reasons. The
case Is to be aired before Justice V'rn ' today ,
when everything will probably be explained.
IT ii.Miill : : NOT.
Monthly .Mrctlnu of .Motor Dlrrrtora I'atU
to start the 5.Cent I'urc.
The motor company held its rcpular
monthly meeting yesterday afternoon at the
ofllco on avenue A , but no action was taken
with reference to the fi-cent fare project
which is Just now beini ; agitated in both
Council HlulTs and Omaha to a larger extent
than any other ono subject. When George
V. Wright , ono of the directors of the com
pany , was asked about the meeting , he
stated that the reason why nothing was
done was that no ono was there to bring the
matter before the bo.ird.
"Wo can't act un the iiuestlon , " said he ,
"until we know just what the citizens want.
1 doubt whether the members of that com
mittee of UKJ citizens all think alike about
the question. Some of them want a straight
fi-cent faro , wliilo there are others who
would be content with u commutation rate
for the benefit of these who cross the river
evcrj day and a Ul-cent rate for j.ll others.
So , if we were to take any action wo
shouldn't have any certainty that It would
suit all the parties concerned. Lot the com
mittee ol citizens boil itself down to three or
live , draft some plan and make us a dctlnitu
proposition. Wo will meet them any time
they may agree upon and discuss things , and
If we can show them that their plan is
wrong , why of course that'll bo the end
of it. "
'oruit-rly of Onriliu , Noutltr l.urgaln
lloii'.u of Count- Illulfr lll Siilu Sat-
unlny In llrp-irtmi-iit.
Read every item carefully , there's
noney in it for you. Wo want your
latronago and will make priced to
ret it.
Bio G'r.o.uc SALIO SATUKOAY. .lust to
ntrodueu our cloak dopartmcnt , for one
lay only wo will oll'er our entire stock
if ladies' World's Fair Columbian capos
n tans , bluu. green , black and grays ,
riioy are beauties. Our regular price
s $1.1.50 , $15.00 , $1S.OO. $2U.OJ ( and * 2Tj.OO ;
ako your choice Saturday , $10.00 each ,
lemembor onlv Saturday at this price ,
! 10.00.
Saturday wo will oll'or .10 pieces of 40-
ncli dress goods in all si/.o black and
vhtto ohe-eks ; also fancy mixed 'cheviots ' ,
ill -Hi inches wide , worth Jl.OO a yard ,
Saturday only .1e ! ) a yard. This is the
; reatest bargain over offered in fine dress
roods. Don't inis.i it. Roinembur 3to )
vard Saturday.
50 pieces 40-inch all wool silk finish
lourictta in all the now spring shades
[ luring this sale 50c yard , worth 7c ; ; 5
pieces -Id-inch black silk finish Henrietta ,
worth $1.00 , Saturday CUe yard. Note
Lho width , 4(5 ( inches wide.
Wo arc showing all the now weaves
in wool dress , such as whip cords ,
bengalincs , gorges , Irish poplins , etc. , at
75c. 8. " > c and $1.00 yard in all tlio now
spring shades.
You save money by buying of us.
All our $1.00 quality of printed china
silk , 24 inches wide , beautiful designs ,
now ( iUc yard.
All our ioc ! silk Windsor tics now 20o
Ladies' fine quality black sattcon
skirts only H8c each.
Ladies' shirt waists at f 0c , Mo and 75c
each , worth 75c to Jl.OO.
Special bargains in Indies' , misses' and
children's fast black hose at IOc , Ific. 20c ,
25o and I5e ! pair , the largest st.'ck of
hosiery in tlio city.
50 dozen gents' fast black hose , full ,
regular made , Saturday lee pair. Gents ,
change your seeks ; this is a bargain.
p. in.
in.We will otTcr 100 dress patterns , con
sisting of 7 yards of 'Ili-inch Henrietta ,
in all the now spring shades , ntSl.&t pur
dress pattern.
Only Saturday evening at this price ,
$1.311 per pattern.RKNNISOX
552 Broadway. Council BlutTs.
Concert < il Dili SHUCK.
All audience of nearly 1 , < KK ) people gath
ered In the Masonic temple last evening to
hear a musical program that had been pre
pared by that energetic worker , Mr. K. M.
Blrdsall. who has done so much effective
work in building up the Christian church in
this city. The entertainment was an
nounced to bo "An Kvcningof Old Songs , "
and the name was Justilled by what fol
lowed. Hver.v piece on the program wab
ono that had stood the test of time , and the
enthusiasm with which the > were received
showed that the audience enjoyed the sen
sation of getting back to first principles onct
In a while. Many of the numbers were en
cored and every ono rrcuhcd with de
cided favor. Among iho musicians who took
part \\ere Jules Lombard of Omaha. Mrs.
Ollvo Smith. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Trojuor ,
Mrs. W. W. Sherman. Mrs. H. H. Frary. H.
M. Birdsall and B. P.itulsor. . W. L.
Tblckstun t.cted as acompanist and Miss
FIMUCCS K. Tomlinson give two mltaliuns
which pleased the audience.
D\lilu Mukln.
Rarely has n moro fa-hioiuible audi
ence been seen within the walls of the
Academy. The musical program , which
was furnished by M. Ovido Musin ami
His excellent company , wiih thoroughly
enjoyed by the largo and brilliant audi
ence. M. Musin gave bus bo t. includ
ing his own Caprice No. 1 , I'aganini't
Prayer and variations de bravura fron :
"Moses , " tin the G string. M. Mush
played with his usual brilliancy and the
splendid warmth of tone ehai'iictcrlsth
of His work. Now York World.
Broadway church May 12.
For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00
stove wood , 12 or 10 Inches , $2.50 pei
cord , delivered. II. A. Cox , 10 Mail
street. -
Bargains in tine tooth brushes ant
cologne , wholesale prico. onlv " iOc
Davis , the druggist , 200 Broadway" .
Ciuinrlt llliillit ( ilvi-u Honors.
The Hahncmaim Medical society of lown
which has just closed its annual meeting a
DCS Molncs , conferred an honor ujvon Conn
ell Bluffs by electing ono of Its beat knowi
citizens and physicians , Dr , A. P. Hanchett
to the position of president , For several
years I ) r , Hnnchatt 1ms served as secretary
of the society , and the honor now conferred
ui > on him Is not only In recognition of his
faithfulness ami activity in trio perform
ance of his duties In connection with the
society , but also In recognition of his high
standing and success as a physician. Dr
llnnclmtt Is one of four brothers who are all
physicians , one bclne ' located at Omaha ,
another at Sioux City 'and another In Salt
Lake. At the meeting In DCS Molncs Dr.
Hanchott read a paper on "Tho Single Kern-
edy , " of which the press of that city speaks
very highly , and the larger part of which
was given space in the dally papers. Ho
summed up the homeopathic faith as belief
In the similar remedy , the single remedy ,
and thn minimum dose.
Among the other Council Uluffs physicians
In attendance wa Dr. M. II. Chamberlain ,
who gave a paper on "The Diagnosis of Bye
Diseases by the General Practitioner ' ' Dr.
P. J. Montgomery , also of this city , gave a
pnneron "Laceration of the Vulva and
Perineum. "
The next annual meeting Is to be held In
Cedar Haplds ,
All liny Tuiliiy Council muT ( , la
Our entire stock of ladies' CAI'KS ,
wraps and jackets at COST I'inci : TODA \ * .
Jackets from $1.50 up. Capes from $2.2. >
up. See our line the iarirest , most
complete and host selected line in the
city. Almost any kind of a spring gar
ment you want.
Over (1,500) ( ) fifteen hundred parasols
and sun umbrellas to select from. All iu
for today only. See show windows.
niinss GOODS.
UO-iiioh half-wool henrlcttas , 8-yard
ill-ens pattern , for iM.lli. Immense vari
ety of shades. 50 pieces 40-inch all wool
Mutolas.-o cloths , plaids , chocks , etc. ,
that sold for $1.00 per yard , today only
8 YDS. l-'OH $ : i. ! ) . " ) .
SPKCIAL ( Ji.ovi : SAM : .
_ 100 do/.en ladies' 7-hook Foster patent
kid gloves , in tans , slates , navys. modes ,
browns , etc. , all in for today's sale at
O.c , worth $1.50. A genuine b'argain.
75 dozen all bilk and satin stripe
\Vindcor ties 15c cr 2 for 2oc , worth 2)0
and . ' )5o ) each.
'lit gents' fast black half hose ,
also in tans and m ; dcs , all in at 12ic a
pair , worth 2oo.
GINGHAMS , 2 cases of IOc dress ging
hams for 5c a yard.
CIIAF.UKS , . ' 1 cases of challics , elegant
styles , 4c a yard.
In ladies' , misses' and children's wo
carry the stock , wo have the styles and
at by far the LOWKST I'Hic'KS. You all
know very well when you want hosiery
that the right place in town is the Bos
ton Store. See our ladies' fast black at
IOc a pair for today. See our children's
at Sc a pair for today.
2 bales of Lawrence LL muslin , 4e a
2 ca es ladies' guaze vesta , IOc each or
for 2oi- .
Children's ribbed vests , 5c onch.
Clark's O. N. T. crochet cotton , both
n white and colors , ONK CKNT A HALL.
-caders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
Council Blulls , la.
There is a little disagreement between the
ity council and the poll tux collector which
may result in a vacancy in the oflice , a largo-
iied scrap , or the illegal voting of some
noney by the city council. The cause of the
rouble is the 10 per cent fee allowed the col-
cctor for his services. For some reason or
: > thcr the collector bus always been allowed
, o retain 120 per cent of all money collected ,
n spite of the ordinance that provides for a
'cc of just half that amount. Last year the
ouncil announced its. intention to cut Col-
cetor McLaren down to the leiral figure ,
out ho raised a fuss about it and the
'ouncil finally allowed him to retain
twice what the law allowed -him. This
year P. G. Mikcsell holds the ofllce , and the
. ouncil has airaln brought , up the question of
compensation and showed a disposition to
keep him within the bounds of the law. Hut
Mikcsell declares in a tragical tone of voice
that ho will have that other 10 per cent or
know the reason why. He applied for the
oflice with the understanding that ho was to
got the same for his services as McLaren ,
and ho feelingly Insinuates that for the
council to cut his pay in two would be the
same as giving an olllco under false pre
tenses , and ho is busy looking for a criminal
statute to cover the case. There is some
tallc of doing a way with the olllco altogether ,
us so far its principal use has been to fur
nish some ono with an ofllco at the expense
of the people. _
Ten Dnyu lit IhuVorUtG Fair.
It will cost you less than $50.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes in private cottage , clean , fcafe ,
olofc to grounds and on the beach of
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno-
woth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II.
W. Tilton of TJIK BKK , or .Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbrit.go , Council Blulls.
Thu ( ininil Itotrl ,
Council Bluffs. Most elegant hotel in
Iowa. Dining room on beveith : floor.
Rates , $3 to J5 per day. K. F. Clark ,
Cutting Milllni-ry 1'rlces.
Black and white leghorn hats 5Po for
the next ton days. Great reduction in
all llowurs. Mrs. Pfciller.
Kvery staple article and novelty in the
china line at Lund Bros. New pattern
wire frames for tissue lamp shades.
Ask your grocer for njimcstio soap.
Conviclcl of .Miintliiii liti-r.
Adolph Uauermeistcr. who has been under
going a trial in the Avoca court for several
days was found guilti of the crime of
manslaughter by the Jury Thursday nijrht.
In making his defense ho admitted killing
.lotin Detlel'sen , but In extenuation said that
the disch.irgo of the gun was accidental.
John Uauermeister and a man named Hoogo-
woning were quarreling and a number of by
standers became involved in the difficulty.
Ho tiled to put a stop to the light , and
finally drew his revolver in order to frighten
them. Some ono nulled his arm at that In
stant , he claimed , and Iho gun was dis
charged , killing Dellefsen almost instantly.
His story was not credited by the jury.
Free treatments uaily from 2 to 4 p.
in. at the Council Blulls Medical and
Surgical institute , 2ith ( and Broadway.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. C , .lames has the
strongest companies in the world.
See the peerless Dauntless bicycles
and get terms. Henry Murphy. 10 I'carl ,
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co
A now invoice ol English turbans ,
latest and stylish , at the Louis.
Yanatta & Sweet , attys. , Kverott blk ,
Gco. S. Davis , prei-oription druggist.
UbC Domestic soap , it is the boat
ait in Leavening PC
Another Bargain Huntor''Swindled ' on the
"Burlington Addition' ' " Fnke.
The rolltlrnl AT t'nlU In ? l\o \ Mrnt Inspec
tion Department unit 'Severn ' ! "Tug-
kor " Are lteiuo eii Scalded n
Collector .Minor Mention ,
Deputy Sheriff W. L. Stern of Logan , la. ,
was in the city yesterday looking for a
swindler who gave the name of 11. Parks ,
but ho didn't liiul his man.
According to the story told by the
Iowa sheriff , Parks has revived the
old chestnut and is again sellIng -
Ing lots In what Is known as
the II. & M. Park Terrace. The story goes
that Parks showed up In Lotran decently
dressed and said ho desired to go Into busi
ness there. Ho found in John Weber , a ! iir-
nitiire dealer , a man who would talk trxde ,
and after some conversation a deal was
made. Weber gave Parks a bill of sale for a
12,000 stock of furniture and took in payment
a warrantee deed for certain lots in H. it M.
Park Terrace addition to South Omaha.
A day or two later Mr. Weber came to
South Omaha to view his purchase , and by
the assistance of a guide located the land ,
all of which lies under from two to forty
feet of water. He saw at a glance that he
had been swindled , and hastened home with
the determination 01 having Parks anested.
Hut ho found Parks gone and a .nan named
Davis In possession of the store. Parks had
given Davis a bill of sale , and LHvIs
had given a mortgage to a third man ,
claiming that it was to satisfy
a loan ho had made to got money to pay
Parks. Mr. Webeivbelicving that , both
Davis and the morteageo were In on tlicswin-
dle. had D.ivls locked up , and has com
menced an action of replevin on his stock of
Meanwhile Parks Is missing. If lie was in
South Omaha at all , ho kept in the shade , as
the police have not seen any person who
would answer his description.
Tried to M-ulil II tin.
Mrs. John Walworth is a woman with a
very violent temper , according to the tab
kept by the police. Yesterday N. S. Glb oii
went to her liouso to collect a bill , when he
says the woman Hew into a rage and threat
ened to take his life. As he was leaving the
house she attempted to scald him with hot
water but lie escaped uninjured. Ho
hastened to the police court , however , and
swore out a warrant for the woman's arrest ,
charging her with disturbing the peace. She
will be tried this morning.
llroko Open n Itox Car.
Pat Dineon and John Smith were gathered
In by Watchman Anderson last night in the
yards. They had just broke the seal on a
car of meat and were in the act of getting
Into the car when they were placed under
arrest and locked up. The police are of the
opinion that they are both desperate char
City .ViiN' * .
W. H. Vaughn left yesterday for Kansas
City on business. t
H. D. Twilegar of Clilbertson Is visiting
friends in the city.
C. W. Miller and wife have gene to Blair
and Lincoln on a visit. '
A concert will bo given at the Methodist
church in Albright on May 12.
The festival choral class' was entertained
by Mrs. F. A. Cressy last night.
Senator John Mattes of Nebraska City
was a caller at the E.xcfiango yesterday.
Thomas Nicklcn of Ottumxva , la. , who has
been visiting his son , returned homo yester
day. ' "
The German class inot with Miss Anna
Glasgow , Twenty-fourth and N streets , last
The ladies of the Presbyterian church are
arranging for a chicken pie festival for next
Tom ' Plynn was out hunting fora few
hours yesterday , and brought home seven
teen snipo.
Miss Hattie Sheldon and Frank King of
Pcrcival , la. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O.
K. Paddock.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. IMackstono of Craig ,
after a pleasant visit in the city , returned
homo yesterday.
J. TJcinkc has taken out a permit to build
a cottage at Mbsouri avenue and Twentieth
street , to cost S'JOO.
George L. Dore will at once build a cottage -
tago on Missouri avenue , between Fifteenth
and Sixteenth streets.
Piles of people have piles , out Da Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve will euro them.
lie Ilrtuiotl to IHUlIe.
Harry Spencer , a colored boy about 10
years of ago , was arrested last evening
on the charge of larceny. Ho claims that
some gentleman paid one of his crowd GO
cents , as ho supposed , for some slight ser
vice. On taking iu to the light ho found the
coin was a $10 gold piece , and -on tils refusal
to give certain of the boys their full share ,
was "squealed" upon and carried to the
HOUR 'kcrprrH.
When In need of kitchen floor covering ask
vour carpet dealer for "Wild's Linoleum ; "
It is the best. The name is printed on the
lor Uliltan Hill.
The street car company set a gang
of men at work yesterday morning relaying
the track from the bridge over the Belt line
to the junction of the two car lines at Grant
street and it will bo a double track all the
way when completed excepting a short oit
at the bridge. With good weather the cars
will probably bo running throus-'li to Clifton
Hill again within a couple of weeks.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Ha : l Salvo will euro them.
Wlicflmmi Will entertain.
The Omaha Wheel club will give one of
their enjoyable "smokers" this evening in
honor of the Council Blurt's Wheel club , the
members of which will bo their guests.
These entertainments have become justly
famous union ; , ' the wheelmen and their
friends , and that the Iowa cyclers will bo
well entertained goes without saying.
Piles of people huvoimo3 , out Do Witt's ,
Witchllazel Salvo will euro the'ii '
Simppctoil Hnil ArreMeil.
M. J. Miner and J jjHi Smith were picked
up last evening by Ollldors Hyan anl Uus-
sell as suspicious characters. They had in
their possession a sulf'bf clothesalmost now ,
which was supposed jp .have been stolen by
them. . | . .
Piles of people ImvtS pncs , Hut Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo wi enro them ,
liiHiiiui Wanderer.
H. Norbs is an insane po.'son who was
found wandering aboCt the streets last
evening by Ollicor Bliium. It is thought ho
is one of the missing initiates of the Lincoln
asylum. "
1 _
lx > rd Coleridge wriWs ? "Send mo fifteen
dozen Cook's Kxtra "Dry Imperial Wine. I
tried it while here and lind it superior.
wcr. Latest U S. Gov't Report.
Account Was Overdrawn
at Nature's ' Bank ,
Its Glorious Reputation Grows
Merchants or Ministers , It
Makes Them Well ,
Take Advice of Your Neighbor
Spring Signs.
When you want to know the financial
standing of a man you inquire nt the
bank. It is unfortunately not so oiisv to
Hnd out just how much health capital a
man has to draw on.
The result is. ono is always in danger
ol overdrawing his account , and Nature
never yet took an PXCUSO.
If a languid feeling comes over you , if
your appetite fails , and you are getting
thin and irritable , take the plain indi
cation of a tired out , run down body.
Your neighbors' advice inlluenc.cs you
in buying a house or signirg a note.
Ask the opinion of those who have taken
Paitie's co o-y compound ; the good
words its friends have evor.vwho'o boon
snyiug have built up its present glorious
D. B. Albright ,
csq. , is a well
known citizen of
St. Paul. lie prais
es Paino'd celery
compound because
it made Him well ,
lie writes : "About
a year ago 1 bad a
hovc-re attack of
biliousness , com
bined with muscu
lar rheumatism.
My wife prevailed
upon mo to use
1) . it. AL1MUOHT. Paino's celery
compound , saying it was not mi ordinary
medicine. Before 1 hud used one bottle
I found much relief. Soon I was entirely
relieved ; the biliousness had pnssed
away , the pains in mv nui-elos had loft
me , and it scorned ns though I Had grown
at least Ion years younger. "
Ono of the most
p opul a r Hair
dressers in Boston
is A. O. Harring
ton. Scores of
prominent busi
ness and profes
sional mon in Bosj , ,
ton know how he " ' '
sulTored. The fol
lowing letter tells , '
ho who was cured :
'For tlio past ten
years I have been
a great enlTorcr
from rheumatism ,
being laid ut > in A. o. HAKKINGTOX.
bed as often as once in six weeks. I have
boon treated by many doctors and have
tried every remedy , but without relief
until I used Paino's celery compound. I
began to lake it in November last , year ,
and today I am a well man. "
No minister in
Rhode Island is
better known for
true devotion and
sincerity than
Rev. Dr. Budlong.
Writing from Ash-
away , ho says :
"For years I was a
great sufferer from
nervous exhaus
tion and insomnia ,
brought on by too
close attention to
KKV. J. c. uunLOXO. books and study.
An elderly friend induced me to try
Pnino's celery compound. I did so , and
the first night after taking the compound
was able to enjoy i-ound , refreshing
sleep. I continued to use it for three
months , at tlio expiration of which time
I was entirely cured , and Have remained
since that time in perfect health. May
all suffering Humanity bo led to know of
the value of this compound. "
Railroad mon
are never back
ward in praising
a good thing.
Peter A. Friess ,
foroirnn on the
C. &N. W. R.R. ,
never tires of roe -
o o in mending
Paino's celery
compound , for it' '
saved bis life. Ho !
says : "I have
sull'orcd so with a
pain in my back
that I have been
hardly nblo to
work , and have been tired and
could not sleep nights. This spring I
used Paino's celery compound , and two
bottles oared me. I can now work all
day without sulTering and sleep good all
night. "
The bright-eyed
boy whoso picture
is given hero filto
owes His rosy
health to Paino'a
cole y compound ,
the remedy that
makes people ol
all ages well. His
fnther , M. G.
pgS jUlilchcoek of As. .
.v . . WHcutnoyvlllo , . Vt. ,
\V. TO writes : "La el
Riuninor my soi
Losllo was torrl
iisiK iiiTC'iK'ocic. bly noiponcd bj
poison ivy.Vo tried various retnedie :
without Diviner him any relief , until wt
thou bt of i'aiiio'H celery compound ,
Ltoforo lie had used half a bottle tin
swelling and burning had all gone , am
when the bottle was finished ho was w
well as over. "
ljrine'b eolory compound is a pure
vegetable mcdiuino that will brine thi
ropes to the cheeks of the most delimit *
child. It la asfai'buncrlor toga''saarilliii ] )
nnd ordinary spring modlciuo.s as the
diamond is to cheap glass. Try it am
IB nsnrim ROil in the
treatment < if all
and nllWeakneitiirii
and Dliordcu of WLfl
Write for circ : lii
and qnoetion list frrp.
14th mid Ka-ntm Bta ,
Omahn. Sah.
federal courts. Koonu -UJ-7-S-'J ,
liloclc , Council Uluffi , la.
ThiR week we will soil men's
gray diagonal cn imcro
coats , hiuuKoino plaid lin
ings , < ri2 inches'lung nnd
20-incli capo , for
Plaid casslinoro all wool sur ,
face , plaid linings , full cbo
length body and cane , q } o
. .0 to 40. Price
Blue trlr.ot , till wool and
guaranteed , nobbv , plaid
lining , with 28-inch mill-
itnry capo , usually sold for $9.OO
$12.00 , at
Our celebrated black para-
mctla , the best garment r 7
on the market , will bo sold , J.
this week at
Continental Clothinjr House
, this Streets.
in the West ? We can fit you out
promptly. Send in your orders.
fn Sfree-
II )
. , Gouncil Bluff , lo\ah. \
All kinds of Dyolui ;
ami c' o in n ; done In
tli hlcliuxt styltt of
tlio urt. KII l d uiU
btatned fabrics mudo
to loul : us ooJ ; is
now. Worn promptly
doiio nml delivered
In nil parts of tlio
country. Send for
lirluo Mat.
Proprietor ,
llrcadwuv. near North *
wiHtorti Depol ,
Telephone 112. ! .
Highest Grade for $100.00
The Eclipse , Wnvorly , King ,
Clipper , Scorcher , all 100.00
Sold every whore for $150.00.
If you want a wheal , don't fall to
ECO us.
Our $80.00 wheel is a dandy.
COI/E & ; COLE ,
41 Muln Street , Coiinull UliilTj
Council Bluff * , In.
John Dohany , . Manas or
Ono Week Coinn. cueing
And b 3 morr company imnporlod by tlio
ulcntoil ; tu-truss
'Collcon 13n-\vn.
NowMinzsnwl il-iin-os , bettor , uid hrl litar
him over. I'UIC KSIOc , 20c mid .Wo.
Ma ry t n rs n oic duriib'o than xtoim cn-
Ines. nioro rnlluliln for pow tr purpisot , mul
iniii-li cliniipor. Uuntio put In corner of nny
room from unrrnl t" Imminent. t-.Unu but lit
tle sp oe , n uklinr no m > lso M-ikt'i no nnouo
or illrt. requires no funliireiisinoi-r to run It
Cheaper , neuter nnd morn rc.lahli ) for eleva
tors mid othur purposes than wiitu or mis.
Ilolrolt Mo or and ( iiiner.-iiiir lu-iloi all , as
ul litle mvobtlsiitlon wi'l ' show.
M.ic-hlnea from ono-ektit to olvhty horse
puniir always mi hand and wiirrnntt-il tn clvo
oomplL-to mituf.ielloii. I'omnninlo itu with
in. Wo wul sivo : you time , inunuy mill nvun-
Hole nKents for Council UlulTJ , Uiuuh i tiiul
The iinnunl meetlnsr f storkhnldi-rH of thii
I'n-nionl , F.lkliorn * MUMiiilalliy Railroad
cornpmiy will 1 - lu-ld ut HiiitH.iMif the i-om-
pany InUmiiliu. Ni'li. . on rrlduy. May 10.1 03.
ut i ! o'clock p. in. , for the iilt-cllon of film-torn
nnd for the trun > , ai-tlnn of Mich oilier linlne s
ns inuy como befom the mi'f-tln ( ? .
J. II. HinriKi.i : > . Sci-ri'lary.
Dated May 1 , Ib'JU. M3dl7t
Incliurjoo tno Slaters of Moroy.
This renowned Institution U situated on tha
high blall's baak of nnd ovcrlooUliiK the city of
( 'ouncil HlufTa. Tlio hp icloiH round-i , Us
lii h locution and splendid \low , nmUo It a
most iilo'iHln , ' retreut for tha allllc-tuct. A Rt.ilT
of eminent pli ) slulans an I a I ir u roriis of ax-
porlvnccd nurses mlnlstor to the romfortH of
thn patients , bpoehil euro 1 veil to lady pa
Terms Moderate.
For purtlcn'.urs apply to
Frank Street - - Council Bluffs , Iowa
1'OU JiAl.K \ numli.-r of nlo c , ch ii )
1 anil on very .iar irncmuati.
MchuUun A. I o. . r.Jl llruuilwtiy.
1H ) . : WO AND IIIO-ACKK tnict of Ininl In nortlinrr )
: uwa lit Hi.00 to t.UUU p r ucro. Juliimloa 4 VHU
AllSl It VC'I'Snnil IOMIH Kami nil 1 clljr propartr
liouuUt auJ oU. I'aujr i Tliu.mi , uoimjtl
MAhThSKl'll tS.S IIO.ift-l'iipli > > Hr It lu ti 10
yciirn ; ifoml v.ilnu aaU uhrnys la > t'jo > c at UU-
bv' , Murrlani bluck.
A\'ll.l , ICXI'IIAMII ; nil J-KI.I. Two four room
' > luiuti-it iiii.l atom room ami outtmtldlnyi , clour
of liicuuiurnncu. A. J. Mamlul. TOU liralmm A vo.
I OH SAI.K Full not of tlinurt tuuU. uo'jil c
tlon ; a bartfuln Inquire uf
llurilwnra ro. . Council Ilium
n fiUSKnnd lot for H IO. .No. Mil r'lftiarji ua
lucjulru of J. 1 * . ClirUtUn , C. A U. I. .
iKlil liouiu.
I/O I SAIilt rlicap ; tnitn litio'i ilrlfrij in utai
loam mull-Hi oil HAion harnto ami Irani : top
buu'vy ; rouU wunon. Carbon i.'oal Co. . 1J ( I'durl street.
\ \ 11,1 , toll boloo con now .s room houv ) , juudoru
< > convi-nluncuK , wollloc-ilel. llcooniu , .
1.'uH HAIK Thrioji-r ) r bull * : n ci. oun wj k
iimi jrcur uml two years , nullil color , rcxlitcruil
ttock. 72i . Ut Ht.
I . ' ( ill HAI.R Mco bajr riirrlsxn luaiu ami farrtaeu.
J I. V/.Tullc-ri. lui : I'oarlSl , Cuuiicll Illuffi
/ ' 'IIIIAiilC iDiiiovccl. cenipooli , vault ! , clilmnti/a
V 'ili'itioil. l.d liurku , at lnylor i-roccry. iW
Jult IIKNT T-room Ii0u > . wnti-r , v and bath )
Kooil liable. "I'J llh M , Council tllutli Z
\ \ rANTKIi1'nrtl'i Kith n little time and capital
II to inaiiiifnclurxanil Inlroituu'i inktmuod novel-
Hun II. J. Atatu , VI4 I'jfin Avu. , I ouiicll illutli ,
'III I , vrntilol for cuncral lioiuunork , 413 Uleo
( * Aie.
_ _ _ _
WANTKD-A bottler. Applj it llarrli' bottling.
worki , I'm llroajw/ .